

I remember laying on my bed and praying that my foster dad wouldn't come home. Praying that he was not going to come stumbling through the front door drunk and wanting sex. I was scared that he would beat me and try to rape me once again. The sting from every punch and every whip. The pain of him entering me and doing anything he pleased. I was afraid of him all together and never wanted him to come home.

I could still hear Robert's words in my ears loud and clear. I would be cryong and begging him to get off of me and not touch me anymore. I would fight him, so he wouldn't touch me but I was weak back then. I couldn't do anything to get him off of me.

"You're mine!" he would shout in my ear. "I can do with my property, what I please!" 

I hated that man with all of my soul and heart. He wasn't my only foster dad to rape me. But he was the worst. The only one that wasn't married and lacked sexual contact with women. So he took out all his sexual frustrations out on me. He would get drunk and rape me almost every night. He was the biggest skeleton in my closet. 

The only person that I ever told this to was James. He was the only guy I trully loved and made my life in Georgia a good one. But he didn't know that I caught him sleeping with another girl. Seeing as he is the bad boy type, I didn't think it was that bad. Not until I found out that he was in love with her. But I guess you don't choose who you love and who loves you. It just happens. The people that loved me beat me for not loving them back and then they would rape me.

So the bit of love I got from James made me feel safe. But not for too long. I knew I owuld have to let him go sooner or later. I just didn't know how I would let him go and become my own person.

Chapter 1


“Let me come over today.” James whispered in my ear before I tried to get out of his car.

I laughed, “No. Not today.” I said as I kissed him on the lips gently and got out of the car. “Call me okay?”

“See you later babe.” He said as he drove off.

I watched him as he drove off and smiled half-heartedly. He was the only man who understood everything about me. I was so happy to have found him when I moved in to this town and didn’t know a single person. Even though he is the bad boy of my school. But even though I love him so much I know his secret and that he plans on leaving me when he feels the time is right.

But he hasn’t left me yet. I’d probably die without him and I guess that’s the reason why he is still with me now. But I’m trying to let him go on my own. So that it wouldn’t hurt as much when he does leave because I would be the one to end it.This is because I’ve been thrown away so much, the feeling of being thrown away now would just hurt too much. I want to feel like I’m not the one being thrown away this time.

I went inside my house and through my bag on an empty chair. Here I am, alone again. Of course I wanted James to come in but I wouldn’t have been able to resists temptation if he did. Of course, that would be because he was going to be my first. That is only if he didn’t plan on leaving me for the chick he’s been sneaking around behind my back with.

I began cooking myself something to eat and pulled out some things for a salad. I sat at the table and made the salad as some water was boiling the noodles for some pasta. It was easy to cook the salad and the sauce and when the noodles were done I made a bowl and sat down to eat. I was eating at home alone. Again.

I went in to my room to get my undergarments and bathroom supplies to shower after I finished eating my meal. It was time for a shower. I turned on the water and waited about two minutes for it to heat up. I got undressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I was beautiful but on my stomach, back, arms, and legs were scars from my abuse from some of my foster parents.

One of my old foster dads really did enjoy beating and raping me when I was younger. So I was left with these scars. I closed my eyes and got in the shower. My mind was in complete thought as I let the water trinkle all over my body. Maybe I should leave James before he walks out on me first and leaves me heart broken.

No, I couldn’t do that. I let the water fall on my body for a little while longer and then began to wash up. I grabbed some shampoo and washed my hair as well and it felt good to wash my hair after a long day. After rinsing myself I felt more relaxed than I ever did after taking a shower so I turned off the water and got out of the shower. I heard a loud crash soon after and it scared me. It sounded like glass breaking from the outside but I wasn’t sure.

I froze for a second but continued to turn off the water eventually, I put on my undergarments after drying off and wrapped the towel around me. As I crept out of the bathroom I began to hear noises coming from the kitchen. Someone had broken into my house and the glass breaking must have come from the breaking of a window or the back door. I grabbed the dagger I had hidden in the drawer of a desk in the hallway.

I slowly came closer to the kitchen. As I came to the entry way a hand shot out and slammed me against the wall. I winced in pain and looked at the intruder. My hands locked around his big wrists when I noticed that it was a man that had me pinned against the wall with one hand. He was injured and there was blood everywhere.

As he looked into my eyes I saw something. Something that wasn’t even a little bit human. He slowly eased up after staring at me for five minutes straight. He let me go and went to the needle and thread that was on the table. When he was staring at me. it was like he was trying to see if I was a threat to him or not. I guess he decided not.

He kept glancing back at me though, “I’m sorry.” his voice was rough.

I scooted against the wall for support, “For what? Breaking in to my house or trying to kill me?” Who was this guy exactly?

He growled at me, “Both.” he roared as he stabbed the needle through his skin.

Damn I must b crazy, “Let me do it.” I said in a sharp tone.

He eyed me, “Maybe you should put on some actual clothes first.”

I looked at myself and saw that I was still in a towel so I ran to my room to put on some clothes. I threw on some shorts and James’ shirt. I walked back into the kitchen to see the guy trying to stitch his own wound still.

I smacked his hand away and began boiling some water and I slowly took the thread that was already in his arm out. He looked at me curiously but didn’t say a word to me. I opened a cabinet beneath the sink and grabbed the anti-infection cream so I could put it on his wound. This guy probably knew nothing about tetanus.

I poured it on his arm and he roared in pain. I made him stay still. The word ‘pain’ seemed way too familiar. So I understood what he was feeling. The water finished boiling so I put the needle and thread in it for a few minutes. Soon after I began stitching him up.

“How is it that you know how to do this?” He said in a gruff voice.

I smiled a forced smile, “Because I had to stitch up my own wounds in some of my old foster homes. But I learned the hard way.”

“You’re a foster child?”

I laughed, “Obviously. But many of my families didn’t really want me. So i was given the ability to move around as long as I came back when the social worker appeared.”

He smiled a fake smile, “Must have been hard.”

“I guess it was at first. But after awhile I learned to fight back against the abusive ones.”

He looked into my eyes again, “Girls shouldn’t fight.”

“I agree. But even that is true, we still have little to depend on all the time. We are not ensured protection since birth.” he winced again. “Sorry. What I mean is, sometimes we are the only ones who can protect us.”

He nodded, “Understandable.”

I cut the needle from his arm and tied the thread that was left gently so I wouldn’t hurt him again. I cleaned his wound up a little more and then put everything we used away.

“You should stay here until it heals. It could get infected.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“Whatever you say.” I said closing the cabinet.

He finally noticed my shirt, “Boyfriend?”

I blushed, “Yeah, for now.”

“Why’s that?” he sure did ask a lot of questions.

“Because I found out that he is actually in love with someone else.” I smiled lightly so I wouldn’t cry. “ I’ve never had a love like that. So I don’t wish to steal it from someone. Especially not him. He saved me from killing myself awhile back.” I looked out the window, “ He deserves happiness.”

Delinquent or not James was a good guy. He never did anything to hurt me on purpose. I love him. So I need to be the one to let him go. So neither of us get hurt in the end and he can be happy.

The stranger said nothing to me so I went upstairs to get some blankets to set on the couch. It would be wrong of me to send him away with that cut on his arm. I set things up on the couch and he stared at me with utter confusion of what I was doing with the extra blankets.

“Well I can’t send you away since you’re injured.” I blurted out.

He smiled, “If you insists.” He sounded defiant still.

He sat down on the couch, “Okay, so the bathroom is down the hall and I’d love it if you fixed the window you broke. If you need anything, my bedroom is across from the bathroom.

He nodded, “Thanks.”

“Yeah, whatever. What’s your name? I can’t have someone in my house and not know their name.”

He stood and lifted my chin, “You’re better off not knowing.”

“Are you hiding from the police or something?”

“You would just be safer not knowing.”

“I can take care of myself.” I said smacking his hand away, “ You should go to sleep.” I turned away and went to my room.

“ My names Liam.” he said.

“Hannah.” I said as I closed my room door.

He was a strange person. My only question now was a hard one. Where did he come from. He had a seven inch cut on his arm and he broke my window. That window was made out of Plexi-Glass. He shouldn’t have been able to break it.

I sat on my bed and saw James car pull up into my driveway. Oh no! I swung my room door open and saw the stranger was asleep on the couch. Wait. Why was I being so frantic right now? I’d just tell James the truth.

A knock came to the door and I slowly went to pen it. James was standing there smiling like a big idiot. Then he saw the shirtless stranger on my couch and got angry in a matter of seconds. He pushed past me and I ran after him after the fear went through my body. He didn’t need to become violent.

“No James!” I shouted.

The stranger sat up and James punched him, “Why are YOU in my girlfriends house!?”

Oh my goodness! “Stop it James!” I said as I helped the man up, “He was injured so I helped him and made him stay. You don’t need to act this way.” He knows I’m always willing to help people.

He stepped back, “S-sorry Hannah.

“You have no right to act like this anyways.”

“What?” he went stiff.

“We need to break up. I think me and you would be better as friends.” Where did all of this courage come from?! “I know about her.” I was fighting tears now. “So let’s just be friends.”

He looked at me with half-hearted smile, “I’m sorry, Hannah.”

“I’m fine. If you’re happy then I’m okay. You’ve taken care of me for long enough. So you go and be in love. Your happiness is important to me.”

He hugged me, “Can we be friends?” that was a good question.

“Of course you idiot. Now get out of my house.”

“I still don’t trust him.”

“He’s fine, just go.” He hugged me again and left.

I sighed and sat down in front of the door. I was able to let him go. but where did all of that courage come from?I pulled my knees to my chest and looked at Liam. He was angry from being punched in the face. I could see him shaking.

But something was strange about him. I moved to help him sit down. That’s when I noticed the other scratches and scars on his body. When he looked into my eyes, I could see him easing up and calming down.

Why did he look at me like that? Like I was someone who was very valuable to him right now. I looked away and redressed his wound before going to bed for the night. But I couldn’t sleep at all. I kept thinking about him for some reason. I began to feel a strange sexual need for him as I thought about him.

I tossed and turned in my covers, groaning in pain because I did not have his touch. This strange man had monopolized me somehow. I climbed out of my bed and went into the living room. He sat up from watching TV and I touched his cheek gently. My body began to act on its own craving for him. I sat on his lap with one leg on either side of him. He tangled his hand in my hair and pulled me into a kiss.

My hands were on his chest and slid up into his shaggy brown and black hair slowly. He pulled me back and I was out of breath. As I looked into his eyes I could see that he was going to leave me.

“Why must you leave?” I asked out of nowhere.

He smiled as he caressed my cheek, “I never expected to meet you in the first place.”

“You can’t. I won’t let-” He silenced me with a passionate kiss.

“I’ll come back for you.”

I nodded as he picked me up in one arm and carried me to my bedroom. He laid down next to me and pulled me tightly into his chest. He would come back to me, wouldn’t he? Why did I feel the need to have him in my life forever? What was this man to me?

He made me face him and he smiled, “ I’ll explain everything to you when I come back.”

I nodded, “So you’re leaving now?”

“No. First you must go to sleep.”

I burrowed my face in his chest and closed my eyes. “You better come back.” I made it a demand and soon I was drifting off to sleep.

Of course when I woke up Saturday morning, he was gone, but he left me a note. He’s going to come back to me when he comes back to Georgia. Then he will take m with him when he leaves.

Chapter 2


  It’s been a year since he left and my high school life is now over. I’ve been waiting for him to come back. He said that he’d come back but he hasn’t come yet. I can still feel his arms around me. But I don’t know how long I can wait for someone I only know the name of.   

 I just woke up and he was gone last year. My window was fixed so it was like he was never there but I know he was. He seemed like an illusion my mind created of the perfect man that I thought I needed in my life.  

  I sat up on my bed and looked out my bedroom window at the ever so beautiful full moon. It seemed extra beautiful tonight so I got up and sat on the window ledge and continued to look at it. The moon suites him so much. Like a big mystery with light, darkness, and shadows.   

 James still comes around every once in awhile too. He thinks I’m over thinking my situation with Liam. He thinks Liam is toying with me and that I should reconsider letting him into my life. But I can’t because it feels so good letting him into my life and it feels right. I opened my window and let the cool summer night breeze hit my face. A sigh escaped my lips and I saw a dark figure outside.

   I squinted my eyes to see what it was but it didn’t help much. I gave up and closed my window and the curtains. I went to get a snack from the kitchen since I  was having trouble sleeping. Since school was over and community college didn’t take over most of my schedule I was always bored and restless. Always bored these days. James still spends most of his time with his girlfriend so I’m more alone now.

   I sat in a chair and ate some fruit snacks as I watched some TV. Could my life be any more boring? I think I sat there watching soap operas and eating fruit snacks for about 4 hours. Maybe I should go out. I got up and went in my room to put on some outdoor clothes. I sighed after putting my shoes on and slid them back off.  

  I’m so bored right now. I laid on my bed and went through my contacts. I really needed some new friends who liked to go out and party so I would never be bored.

   I tossed my phone on the nightstand and rolled over. As I went into deep thought my eyelids went down and I drifted off to sleep. I was finally able to get some sleep while I was alone. I dreamed of him. The stranger who came into my life and left like the wind. He wasn’t human in my dream but he did come for me.    But I also saw one of my old foster dads. He raped and beat me for two entire years. He came back for me as well. He wanted me all to himself and it scared me so much.   

 I woke up screaming and someone came bursting through the window. I jumped up i fear of them. Two strangers who looked around the room like they were searching for an intruder. But aren’t they the ones intruding? I backed against the headboard of my bed and they saw that I was just having a nightmare.    

“Damn it’s a false alarm. Come on Emma.” the guy said to the girl.   

 She stared at me with angry eyes, “Let’s go.”   

 I stood quickly but fell, “Wait! Who are you?!”  

They turned to stare at me and laughed. Was it really that funny to come into my house, break my window, and leave? I stood up and crossed my arms until they stopped laughing. The girl stepped forward and looked into my eyes.   

 “I seriously don’t see what Alpha sees in you. He has us protecting a weak human girl.” she said leaning closer.    

The guy grabbed her arm, “Emma!” she looked at him, “He doesn’t want her to know yet.”    

She growled, “Fine!” and she jumped out the window.   

 The guy sighed, “Sorry, she gets a little SKITTISH.”  

  “Who are you people?” I asked.   

 He faced me completely, “Sorry but I’m under orders not to tell you anything.    

Orders from who? I nodded and let him leave but I just couldn’t go back to sleep. I cleaned the glass from my window and sat at my desk. Who would send someone to watch me 24 hours a day? I combed my fingers through my hair in frustration.  

  “I believe I left you sleeping in peace.” a voice said.  

  I looked around but no one was there. I just heard his voice in my head. I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest and put my face in them. He wouldn’t want me to be acting like this. Moping around. I met him only once but it feels like I’ve known him my entire life.  

  I got up and laid on my bed. I need to cheer up and go out and have fun tomorrow. I closed my eyes again and after what seemed like hours I dozed off to sleep once again. He was still on my mind but the nightmares were gone.

Chapter 3

 I have been going out a lot lately. Now that I feel safer since I have body guards lurking around I can have fun. But I still feel like I should worry about my old foster dad. Like he's lurking around behind every corner. My body shivered at the thought of my foster dad touching me again. Yes, I wasn't scarreed to be touched by other men but it still created boundaries.

 As I rounded the corner back to my house I saw that my door was kicked in. The man and women from before appeared in front of me and the man stretched his hand out to keep me back. The girl went in to my house and I could hear her moving things around. 

My body was frozen soleid where I stood and I was afraid until Emma came out. She dusted off her clouthes and came over to us.She whispered in her friends ear and he just kept nodding. What on earth was going on right now? Why the secrecy?

They both looked at me and the girl smiled, "Now you'll come with us." She said throwing me on her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "To the Alpha we go!" she laighed.

I wasn't going, "Put me down now!" I said wiggling.

"You're in danger so we're taking you to the one who sent us here to watch you." I stopped moving. "Trust me, we didn't come here of our own free will."

I stopped fighting her and she took me to a black car. It looked foreign and very expensive. I was put inthe back seat and they both sat in the front. They were bickering at each other like a n old married couple would. I sat there smiling and look out the window as I noticed that we were now leaving Georgia.

I sat up tall and moved some hair from my face as I sighed. Everythign has been changing in my life since I met that guy last year. I could feel my heart flutter at the thought of him. Liam walked in and then walked out of my life with a promise. To come back to me even though he did not know me.

I finally had an epiphany, "The guy who sent you..."

Emma looked at me, "Yeah, what about him?"

"Is his name possibly...Liam?"

The car stopped and they both faced me, "How do you know the Alpha's name?!" Emma roared.

I smiled softly, "I met him once, a year ago." I laughed lightly, "He came braking through my window, trying to stitch a huge cut up on his arm. I bet the big idiot didn't know about tetnis. I cleaned his wound and stitched it myself." I looked out the window again, "I was used to fixing my own wounds. I let him stay even after he got beat up by my ex-boyfriend.

"He gave me the strength I need to end my relationship. That same night, he stayed on my mind." I blushed and my heart was pounding uncontrolably in my chest, "He kissed me that night and made me feel safe. He stayed with me until I fell asleep and then left."

Emma looked at Ben, "She's his mate Ben!'

Ben combed his fingers through his hair, "He didn't tell us that."

"Well step on it! He's waiting for our arrival!"

He stepped on it and spead off to our destination. We went through many states and they never slowed down. Only stopping for gas and food. But we were back on the road in a matter of minutes. Eventually, we arrived in San Francisco, CA. And this city was much different from Georgia.

So many lights and people moving around at night. Things slowly became easy as we came near a lake. I believe the sign said it was Lake Merced and it was absolutely beautiful. We came to a big house and there were guards everywhere.

"Come on. He's waiting." Ben said towing me out of the car.

i stumbled as we came through the door and people stared at me with curious eyes. I covered my face and I was dragged in to an empty study room. I was sat in a chair and someone came in talking about treaties and what not. That voice was so familiar to me. 

Is tood and pushed past Ben and Emma. It was Him. He finally stared at me but didn't move. I took a step forward and smiled at him inutter joy. He really wasn't just my imagination. He touched my cheek and looked in to my eyes.

"Hey stranger." I said. I was so happy I could cry right now.

He chuckled a heart warming chuckle, "Hey."

I hugged him and he hugged me back and I felt safe again. He made me feel safer than I ever did in my entire life. He pulled away just a little and held my face inside his large hands. Everything about him felt so right and was perfect. 

"You've been keeping secrets brother." Emma said as she crossed her arms.

He looked at her "And your point?"

"She's the freaking 'Luna' Liam! I was rude to her when I first met her!You said that this chick was really valuable and nothing else." she leaned against the desk in anger, " At least we know why you sent the two of us."

"She was safer with no one knowing."

"Not really, someone destroyed her house before we left or did you forget that? 

He faced me again and began checking for scratches and bruises, "I'm fine." I said smiling up at him. "I wasn't home when it happened."

He pulled me back in to a hug. "Thank goodness."

Everyone stared at us but I couldn't care less because he was reall and in my arms once again. He kissed the top of my head and put me in his lap as he sat down. He moved some of my long red hair from my face as he made me look at him.

"I won't leave you ever again. Not unless I half to."

"I don't know why, but for some reason, I trust you."

He smiled, "I'll explain everything to you later."

Emma stepped forward, "You mated a freaking human!!I can't even believe this!"

"Emma!" she fell silent, "Get a gathering set for the entire pack." He carressed my cheek, "It's time they met Hannah."

She growled, "Great, a human sister." she grimaced at me and left. 

I stood, "You have a lot to explain. I waited a year and wasn't sure if you would ever come. I was afraid you-"

He cut me off, "Tomorrow. I'll explain everything tomorrow."


Chapter 4

 I woke up from a nightmare of my old foster dad again and Liam sat up slowly. He rubbed his eyes and then tangled his fingers in my hair, pulling me in to his chest. I wasn't sleeping well tonight. Something felt wrong and like something was coming and itscred me

"Nightmare?" He asked.

I smiled, "I'm finally with you and I still can't sleep."

He smiled, "It's your first night in a strange place. You should be having bad dreams."

I nodded and he laid down pulling me on to his chest so I would sleep. But it was hours until I could, so he stayed awake with me. He was indeed a good man and I didn't even know what was pulling him so close to him.

He felt safe and warm sometimes but, on the other hand, I felt it was dangerous being with him. Like my life was going to be in danger as long as I was with him. But I couldn't think about that. I guess, right now should only be about the good that has come so far.

Thinking about the good helped me sleep the rest of the night away. But it didn't prepare me for what was to happen next. For the story of him and his world.


As I sat up to an alatm going off at seven in the morning and arms wrapped around me securely as I turned it it off. It was a warm and protective embrace. I smiled as Liam kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me lovingly.

"I had some things brought for you in the closet."

I didn't know this kind of kindness. I've never had it from a stranger either. So I was at a lost for words. He was actually someone that really did care for me. But how long would something like this last between us? A strangers love would surly not last forever.

I gripped his arm tightly and he chuckled like he knew what I was thinking. He pulled me even closer to him and I closed my eyes, feeling my short spand of joy. My body shook whe a light breeze came from the window. He chuckled again before getting up and kissing the top of my head. 

He went in to the bathroom and took a shower and I could only smile. Maybe I could enjoy this for a while and when he doesn't want me I will leave. Which he probably will do when he finds out that I was raped when I was younger.

I got up and went in to the closet to see and entire side filled with beautiful dresses. But that's all there were in that side, dresses. Not a single pair of jeans or shorts. I sighed as I grabbed blue sun dress from off the rack. I got dressed and put on some matching heals as Liam came out of the bathroom.

He had on some shorts and no shirt. I sat in the chair at his desk as he went in to the closet. He came out in some nice jeans and a dress shirt. He looked good in semi-proffesional clothing. He sat on the bed and began drying his hair so I got up and helped him.

"You know I can do this myself." He laughed as I took the towel and dried his hair.

"You'd do it only half as well as I could."

"Maybe you're right." he laughed again.

I sat down next to him and he grabbed my hands into his gently. Maybe I chould stop worrying about things, like hime leaving me.

That's when it happened.

Something hit me and I flew back. I saw something in my eyes. A monster, a beast with red eyes. It lunged at me and I screamed out loud for help. I could feel my skin being nawed at and my eyes could only see blood now.

"No!" I screamed.

I could hear Liam but I couldn't see him. His words were slurred and I couldn't understand anything. I would only feel pain and see blood. I finally got back to actual reality and saw that Liam was hoving over me and people were standing all around us. They were staring at me with worry, interest, curiosity, and like I was some sort of freak.

Most of them were worried and I realized that I was still hypervenalating. I sat up and Liam helped me. What did I just see? Everyones eyes were on me and my mind was still a little fuzzy from what happened.

"Hannah are you alright?"

I didn't say anything as I tried to stand up but lost my balance for a second and someone caught me but I pushed them away. Someone was here. People stepped aside as I walked out the door and went down the hall, down the stairs, and out the front door. In the river I could feel something. 

I stepped closer and the water had risen and I stuck my hand in it and it began to glow. I smiled a little at the warm feeling and the water engulfed my entire body. I don't know how but I could breathe inside the water. Liam shouted for me but I couldn't respond. Something appeared before me in a light and as my eyes adjusted I could see that it was a woman.

"Hello Hannah."

I looked at her surprised, "How do you know my name?"

She smiled, "All of my kind know of you Hannah. For you are one of us. Genetically made to be the greatest weapon we have against our enemies."

"Genetically...made?" I stepped closer. "I wasn't born? I'm not human like my friends?"

She toushed my cheek, "No. You're much greater. A rare one indeed and sadlly you fell in love with the enemy."

"Liam? He's not bad." 

"He's not human child. He is your enemy as well."

I stepped back, "No, he's your enemy. Not mine."

"You were made to kill werewolves! Not mate them!"

"Then what am I!?"

"A witch. A white witch at that. The first of your kind engineered to be able to kill."

"No! I can't be! Just leave me alone!" and I was thrown out of the water but Liam caught me.

The women stepped out and everyone became defensive, "You, Hannah, can not neglect destiny. One day, you will almost be killed by one of them, " she smiled evilly, "and then you will come to us seeking protection and shelter."

Liam pulled me close, "What a cocky witch."

"Oh- Liam can't you smell it? She's one of us!" 

"Myra," another voiced called from the river, "Lakyra said to leave them be! Let's go."

"But she's my-"

"Child or not, you will obey your queen!"

"Fine." she glared, "I'll be back for you Hannah." and she left.

I looked away and Liam pulled me back as she disppeared. I knew I was different already. People began t whisper and I grabbed on to Liam in fear. Would they not except me because I was a witch?

"Silence! She knows nothing as it is. It's time we gathered for the bonfire and later we will discuss our further actions."

They nodded and left quickly but I was still scared that he was going to throw me away. That he was goiung to kill me for what I was. That he wouldn't want me anymore.

Chapter 5

Liam sat in the throne chair and closed his eyes as he combed his fingers through his beautiful shaggy hair. He leaned back and beckoned for me to come closer to him. I slowly came forward and he grabbed my hand, pulling me on to his lap.

"How could this be?" he sighed as he laid his head on my chest, "A person of my status mating someone like you?"

I held him in my arms and he held me even tighter in his, as if I was going to run away and leave him after this sudden  occurence. But I couldn't even fathom the idea of leaving him. Not unless he didn't want me and sent me away. As that thought crossed my mind his sister Emma came bursting through the big oak doors in complete rage.

"A witch! She's a witch Liam!" it was a statement not a question.

He grunted, "Hello Emma."

"You mated a damn witch!" she was furious.

I kept my eyes averted and Liam felt me tense up as he held me in his arms. He rubbed the small of my back to sooth me but it didn't really help much. He looked back at Emma with angry eyes and she only glared back at him with the same amount of rage. I could see everything unfolding from the corner of my left eye.

Why were with's and werewolve's enemies in the first place? Shouldn't they be working together instead of fighting each other? Yes I know Liam's secret but I have a few of my own too. He doesn't know that I have always known about the power inside of my. He also doesn't know that one of my olf foster dad's scared me emotionally and physically for all of my life. And I still have dreams about him that wwake me up at night and keep me from sleeping. Like he's waiting for the right time to snatch me from all of my happiness. 

My mind ached at the thought of it and it scared me enough to send a cold, unwanted, shiver down my spine. Images of my past life continued to flood in to my mind after that. I stepped away from Liam and my fingers scranched in my hair and squeazed my head tightly. Tears trinkled down my cheek and I felt fear flow into my entire body. 

"Stay away! No more!" I cried. "No more..." I fell to my knee's in tears.

Liam jumped to my side, "Hannah! Hannah are you okay?!"

I burried my face in his chest and he wiped away my tears but they just wouldn't stop coming. I could never tell him about my past. He would through me out the moment he found out that I was soiled and not good anymore. He's not like James.

"Great she's nuts too!" Emma bickered.

"Shut up Emma!" Liam yelled, "Hannah what's wrong?"

I didn't speak or move for a couple of minutes and then I shook my head to say it was nothing.

"She's lying." Emma hissed. "She was in the system after all Liam. She could have been beaten as a child." She stepped forward but Liam stood up in a defensive position, "For goodness sake Liam! She could have been raped!"

He froze and I went completely stiff when she finished talking. How in the world could Emma know about all of that? She couldn't. I had and needed to act normal right now. If he knew the truth he would throw me out.

"Hannah, are her assumptions correct?"

I didn't say anything back to him. He growled and I finally looked at his enraged face. What in the world could possibly make him so angry right now? He knows nothing about my past yet and I didn't plan on telling him the truth.


"No. If you aren't going to tell me the truth then I don't want to hear it. No lies Hannah." He stood up all the way and I grabbed his hand.

I was scared to tell him the truth but I had to now, "When I was in Junior High, my old foster dad... he-he would..." I couldn't continue my sentence because it brought up so many bad memories of my terrible and unwanted past. "Liam, please don't throw me out!!" I cried pulling myself up to him, "I just got you back."

He was like a rock beneath me but he still spoke, "So he touched you?"

I looked up at him, "Will you throw me out because of it?"

He finally relaxed and hugged me, "Of course not. I'm just going to kill the bastard who touched my women, making it so difficult for her to be touched by me." he growled the last part.

I smiled as his hands cuffed my chin and I stood on my toes as he leaned down to kiss me on my lips. His lips felt so warm against mine and I gripped his shirt tightly because I was afraid to let go and lose this wonderful moment. Emma cleared her throat and we slowly pulled apart from each other.

"I smell guest." she said.

Liam growled, "Robert." He pulled me behind him and someone came in, "Hello Robert."

"Liam." he looked at me and I knew that face.

How could one forget the face of the man who was supposed to play father to them but ended up playing child beater and rapists?

"Hannah." Robert said.

I flinched when Robert said my nem, "Liam, I want- no I need to leave."

Robert glared at me, "Now, Hannah, don't be so mean." his face looked scary and creepy. Like when he raped me, "I am, after all, the one who tought you everything you know and are doing to Liam."

I knew my deams meant something, "I-"

"Hannah, you know him?" Liam looked pissed.

Emma spoke before I could, "Hannah. cme with me."

I was going to follow her but Liam grabbed my arm before I could even get the chance to move and I froze under his touch. He wanted to know how I knew Robert, I could tell. But before anything could happen Robert vanished.

"How do you know Robert?

"He was my foster dad."

Liam tensed, "Emma. Take her to my room now."

She looked at me apologeticly, "Yes brother." but I didn't want to leave him. Not yet. "Hannah!" I jumped when she said my name. "Let's go." she said but I didn't move. "Right now Hannah!" and she dragged me away.

"No! I don't want to go!" I cried as I looked back at Liam.

He looked away from me too quickly and a tear went rolling down my cheek. My body began to chake and then he glanced at me but slowly turned back. My eyes closed and Emma dragged me out of the room as I cried. What am I going to do if Liam hates me now? Everything was definitely going to change after todays little occurence.


I sat on Liam's bed and pulled my knee's to my chest. My eyes were burning from the tears that I've been crying. I could hear Emma arguing with Liam right outside the bedroom door and it only made things worse for me. She wasn't letting him in this room even if he used his alpha voice on her. I covered my ears and he burst through the door.

I turned away from him as he knelt down in front of me. I really didn't want to see him right now. Not yet, I can't see himm just yet. My lips persed together as he touched my shoulder and I shook him off as fast as I could. He locked me in here for three days and left me alone and din't come to see me. Not once did he come to see how I was doing.

He sighed, "Hannah, I'm sorry."

I looked at him reluctantly and there was blood all over him, "What happened to you?!" I shouted because I was no longer angry, but I was worried for him.

"I went looking for that low life bastard. He's missing."

I froze, "Why would you go looking for him Liam?"

"Din't I tell you that I would kill the bastard that touched my women?"

"So you're not going to throw me away?" I answered him with another question.

"No, I'd never do that Hannah."

"Liam-" He cut me off with a kiss.

I smiled as he leaned his forehead against mine, "Hannah, I coulld never leave you."

"Promise me, never agin."

He sighed, "I can't make promises I can't keep." he caressed my cheek and smiled, "I might have to leave you one day in order to keep you safe. So i can't make that promise to you."

I sighed, "Fine."

"And I will find that bastard, so don't you worry about him coming back."

"I know you will protect me Liam." I laughed lightly. "Just don't get killed in the process."

"I'll try my best." he said as he kissed my cheek and chuckled.

All that matterd now was that he wanted me and that was all I really cared about at this moment. If he didn't I would probably be going insane right now. No, I would probably be on top of a 25 story building getting ready to jump.

Chapter 6

I smelled blood in the room for the sixth time this week. I sat up and saw Liam walking in through the door and going straight to the bathroom. He's been coming back home late and he's been smelling a lot like blood lately.

"Liam?" I said as I sat up.

He opened the bathroom door and looked at me with empty eyes and I saw blood all over him. Still hunting Robert will be bad for him in the future. He knelt at the side of the bed and took my hand in his. His hands felt rough and it made me feel scared of him for the first time. 

"Liam, are you okay?"

He kissed my hand, "I'm fine, just go back to sleep."

"Liam, are you still hunting him?"

He froze up, "You know I have to keep you safe and I have to get rid of him in order to do that."

"I'd rather you didn't kill to get that."

"Hannah, I will do what I have to to keep you safe whether you like it or not!"

I flinched but grew angry, "Do you not see how you look?! I'm worried about you! You don't get enough sleep these days and all you do is go out and search for Robert killing others in the process." I stood on my knee's and he was shaking. "I'm just so worried Liam. What if you get killed and I never get to see you again Liam?"

He growled at me and backed away, "Hannah you should go."

I glared at his shaking body, "I'm not going anywhere!"

He turned around and I began to see him shifting into his werewolf form. I could hear his bones cracking as he shifted. His anger, that I caused, made him shift into his wolf so I could see his other form. He was an over sized black wolf that had a coat shimmering in the moonlight.

I slid back on the bed and he let out a vicious snarl but I couldn't runaway from him. No. I wouldn't runaway from him. I simply stood on the bed as he came closer to me in long elegant strides. He was beautiful in my eyes.

His canines were bared and I remained frozen as he sniffed me with curiosity. My eyes closed and he nudged my head gently. I smiled and hugged him as hard as I could. His fur was so soft and I smiled when he licked my cheek.Of course he would be so gentle with me of all people. He couldn't forget me in any form he took. He layed down and I climbed on his back with slight hesitation. The window was open and he jumped out and began running through the forest.

It was amazing and my eyes looked around me and all of my surroundings and I was so happy. I sat on his back still when he came to a pond with a willow tree in the center of it. I was completely amazed by the sight infront of me. I am always going to be amazed by the new things he shows to me.

I slid off his back and he shifted back in to his human form. Of course, he had to be naked after shifting and shredding all his clothes. He went into the bushes and I was shocked that he had clothes hidden their like he knew he would bring me here one day. But I did have to admit that he had a perfect body. The kind that any girl would want he man to have.

When he finished changing he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I leaned my head against his chest and he held me even tighter than before.

"I'm sorry for making you angry." I said softly.

He made me face him, "I just need you to trust me Hannah because I want to keep you safe.

"I just don't want you doing anything that will get you hurt."

"I'm a werewolf Hannah. We don't get hurt that easily."

He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I fell back and landed on the grass beneath my feet. Liam was on top of me and my hands were pressed firmly against his big chest. My heart was pounding and my body was going numb. His lips felt so warm against mine and I wanted, no, I needed more of his love. My hands slid up and laced in his hair. He growled against my lips and tore my hands from his hair. He pulled back and glared down at me slightly.

"Don't grab-"

I looked at him sadly, "Did I do something wrong?"

He sighed, "Just don't grab my hair." 

He sounded like an Alpha. "I- I'm sorry."

My hands pulled away and he pinned them both on either side of my head. At least I understand why he was acting the way he did. He wants control and power because he's a man and he's an Alpha whho doesn't like feeling weak.

"Hannah..." he leaned down and kissed me.

I moaned softly and nipped at his bottom lip. He groaned and pulled me even closer to his toned body that had me weak. If that were even possible. My hands wanted to lace in his hair right now. I couldn't help it. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled his face to mine. I needed him to let me have a little bit of control. He growled and I rolled on top of him. I could feel my heart ready to burst out of my chest. He pulled my hands from his hair as he pinned me beneath him. 

"Hannah don't push-" he stopped mid sentence.

I was hypervenalating, "I can't help it."

He turned away, "Don't look at me like that. I won't be able to control myself.

What was he talking about?

"Alpha! We found him!" someone shouted.

We both looked up to see someone running in our direction, "Found who?"

"Michael." Liam stood quickly and threw me in his arms quickly. I was being carried through the woods and when we got to the house everyone was standing outside around someone. I looked at him a little closer and his face looked familiar to me.

Like I'd seen him somewhere before so when Liam set me down I got a closer look. It was on of my old foster brothers. I ran to him and he looked at me in shock when he saw me here of all people.

"Hannah what are you doing here?!"

I hugged him not realizing what I was doing, "It's good to see you Mikey!"

Liam pulled me back, "Take her to our room." he said in anger.

"Stop it! He wouldn't hurt anyone!" I said as I pulled away.

Liam glared, "Hannah!" I froze at his voice.

"Don't yell at her!" Michael said, "She's an innocent!"

I smiled, "I'm okay Mikey. He doesn't mean to be mean."

He looked between me and Liam, "You mated my sister!?"

Liam looked dumb founded, "Sister?"

"We were in the system together most of our foster years and had the same foster parents quite often while being moved around. He's like a little brother to me and has always protected me from my foster dad's that tried to rape me."

"Damn it!" Liam roared, "Let him go!"

"But-" Emma began but didn't get to finish.

He looked at me, "Only this one time, will you get what you want."

I smiled, "Thank you!" I said as I hugged him.

"Michael, you cross my path again and I won't hesitate to kill you." he ment it too.

He dragged me to our room and through me on the bed and I winced from the impact. Something tells me that he's angrier than he looks right now. He locked the door and walked to the bed slowly and climbed on top of me. Why was he acting like this right now? This is not the man I met because he would never behave like this. Would he?

My eyes grew wide in fear and my body began to shake uncontrolably. He would not dare force me, would he? This could not be possible because he promised me that he would never be like those men who layed on top of me without my consent. I let a tear roll down my cheek and he ripped my shirt open a little bit. I covered myself and cried. But he didn't care. Not until he looked at me sadly. 

"Hannah, oh Hannah, I'm so sorry." He held my face and kissed my cheek gently. "I'm so sorry Hannah. I didn't mean to. I was just so angry because you hugged Michael and my wolf lost control.

I looked in to his eyes, "It's okay." I said as I turned away from him.


He was sad but I didn't care because he almost raped me, "You're just like the others."

I didn't know if I ment it or not but I know I hurt him and it pained me to do so. I got up and went to put on a new dress because he shredded the one I was waring.

"Hannah, please!" Liam begged and he saw my body. "Hannah?"

I covered the scars, "Get out!" I shouted as I pushed him out of the closet.

He saw it all! Dear goddess, he saw all of me. I slid to my knees and shuddered in fear of what was to come next. Now he really won't want me in his life anymore because he's seen all of me now. I put on a simple red dress and took a deep breathe before getting out of the closet. He was going to ask questions and I couldn't stop him from doing so. 

I saw nothing in the room when I exited the closet. He was gone and I felt so alone in this place that seemed so dark without him hear with me. I fell to my knees crying and his sister Emma appeared next to me in an instant. She only looked at me with a heart broken face and it only made me feel even worse about this whole thing. He doesn't want me anymore. Her face told it all and there was only one question now. Where amd I to go from here? If Liam doesn't want me then I can't be with anyone else. 

"Does he want me to be gone before he gets back?"

She looked at me like I was stupid, "Of course not! He has me guarding you because he thinks that you don't want him." She pulled me up from the groundand sat me on the bed. "You need to fix this. He'll go crazy looking for Robert if you don't take him back soon."

"Emma he saw my body. How could he want me?"

She looked at me confused, "What's wrong with him seeing you naked? He's yours and you are his right?"

"My body is scard."

She looked at me wide eyed, "Oh dear." she hugged me, "You will not be abandoned by him because of that. He'll only grow more protective of you."

This hug scared me. It felt so familiar to me when Emma has never hugged me before. So I pushed her away and jumped back. This obviously wasn't Emma. She hates me and would never hug me. I stpped back and she began laughing as she shifted into the man I hated and feared the most. My body was frozen and I lost the ability to speak.

Somehow, I don't know when, a scream escaped my lungs. Robert pushed me back against the wall and slammed my body against it. My breathe was knocked out of meand the door was thrown off it's hinges. Liam knew I was in danger. I began cryin for his help but Michael acted first. Still acting like my protective kid brother.

I was thrown out the window as Michael attacked and before I could hit the ground Liam caught me in his warm embrace. I could feel a sting in my head and the cold ari wasn't helping the pain that was coming as I got light headed. My  clood was oozing out of my head and Liam pulled some glass out the side of my head. It hurt like hell and I screamed in pain.

I toushed his cheek with a bloody hand, "I'm sorry..." and I fell in to the darkness.


Texte: Rajanii Summer Chung
Bildmaterialien: Rajanii Summer Chung
Lektorat: Rajanii Summer Chung
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to all the people who find it hard to find love after abuse and a hard life that doesn't allow other people to see them for who they are and want to be.

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