
Chapter 1

New town, new school, new friends, new everything. We moved to another town. Again. My Christian parents expect me to make new friends, something I've never really been good at. But, that's me no one else in my family has that problem. I don't belong anywhere, I had to make my own pack because I'm the oldest werewolf in my family, except my older brother. He's really good at making friends so even though we're not normal weres, that pack in Richmond excepted him into it. My parents aren't werewolves and they can't have normal kids only weres. They don't know it though, they think that all six of their kids are normal human beings. How wrong could they get. It's unheard of so we get picked on by the others. My pack consists of five, my four younger brothers and me. My eldest brother still lives in Richmond. He got pissed and left. I'm the only girl.

I've always tried to protect the littler ones from the other packs' prejudices. My youngest brother is four, he just started to change. That's the age it happens, when your life changes. For normal weres, it's for the better, for us, it's the worse. I try to quell my fears as I walk two of my brothers to the grade school. They ran and started talking like little kids do, grade school, when you can meet someone and be best friends instantly. Now for Sammy, he always says I look like I'm dancing when I walk, so I pick him up and spin us toward the preschool.

 I take a deep breath and attempt to make my heart beat slower. There are werewolves in there, you're going to get bullied, especcially if they can hear your heart beating that fast, I think to myself as I slowly look around, there, my mind tells me. I walk toward the ragtag group, probably nerds.

"Hi, I'm new here. Can you tell me where the office is?" They looked stunned as they took in my 6' 3" slim form , glossy hair so blond that it's almost white, slightly freckled face, and black eyes so deep that you could get lost in them.

When their eyes reach my modest long sleeve turtle neck and baggy cargo pants they widened. One girl finally snapped out of if when she saw my hands. "You'd fit in better with the gothees over there," She practically snarled at my heavily tattooed hands and face, jerking her head toward a black clad group of people. I may fit, I have the tattoos and looks. But I know deep down they won't except me either. I quickly try to tug the sleeve of my shirt down farther on my hand than it was meant to go.

"Please just tell me where the office is, I don't want to speak to new people," I plead, another rejection. Will no one want to be my friend?

"Lay off, she's new. Give her the same chance we gave you," A brunette boy told the black haired girl who was mean to me. Maybe I'll get a friend after all. "It's over there. I'm Conner, by the way. This prick is Charlie, that's Haven and Jenna." He introduced them, pointing at them in turn.

"Pluto," I said as I walked toward the building he had motioned toward.

When I entered, the lady looked at me and told me, "Your parents warned me about you, no monkey business." She handed me my schedule and a paper to get signed by all my teachers. Then turned around ruffling the papers on her desk. Obviously the conversation was over. I looked at my schedule, first class, maths. I navigated the halls with my head down, trying to learn the halls faster. Maybe I'll actually learn the halls before we leave again. Bingo, this is it. I stopped in front of the door knowing the tardy bell already rang so I would get stared at.

I knocked the door opened to Conner catching me nervously tugging my sleeves down. He let me in and I quickly walked to the teacher in the front of the room, being careful not to bring notice to my hands by tugging on the sleeves. People snickered at my head held high, covered in tattoos. The tattoos, to most, would seem just odd, but to a were they said what your rank in the pack was and which pack you were in. Mine showed me as the alpha for the Freedom Runners Pack. An odd position for a girl, I was the only female alpha in any pack. One of the reasons other werewolves picked on me. I got my paper signed and was told to pick any open seat. I took one by Conner, he was the only one who's been nice to me so far.

My first four classes I had either Conner, Haven, Jenna, or Charlie. I was glad to know someone, in fourth hour Jenna asked if I wanted to sit with them at lunch. So at lunch I went to sit with them in the cafeteria. About three minutes in I couldn't stay inside any longer, an occupational hazard of werewolves-they want to be outside 24/7.

"You guys wanna finish eating outside? I'm not a big fan on being inside." I asked them.

"Wow, you get tats like a goth, I watched you and you're shy like an abused kid, you're smart enough to be a nerd, and you wanna sit outside like a fucking popular kid? You either got guts or you don't fit in anywhere." Charlie replied.

"The populars like to sit outside?" I asked, only mildly surprised.


"Pretty much."


"Uh-uh, and do the populars usually wear sleeves? And what do they eat?" Wolves have a specific diet and the only time you get tattoos on your face is if you're an alpha.

"Odd questions, most people ask 'Who's the hottie?' or ' Really? They got a girlfriend?'" Conner said instead of answering.

"Odd questions for an odd girl. I do hope you decide that I don't need to know the answers to those questions," I told them politely, awaiting an answer.

"Yes, most of them always wear sleeves like you and eat like you, miss picky." Charlie said as she gestured towards my lunchbox.



The rest of the day was uneventful, the only class I didn't have with any of my new friends was seventh hour. That class was almost all populars, I strove not to swear under my breath when I walked in and caught the overwhelming scent of many werewolves in a small room. I got my slip signed and went to the only desk available, one in the front by a boy that was obviously a were, damnit

After school I rendezvous with my friends and was talking with them as I waited for Liam. He waltzed up, looking every inch the god he obviously thought he was. "Hey, Billy Boy, Billy Boy. These I'm hoping are my friends, Haven, Charlie, Conner, and Jenna. How'd your first day go?" I asked him when he finally reached me, unlike me he had his sleeves up, tattoos showing in all their glory. He was a goth kid with hair black as my eyes, and a passionate love for black clothes.

"Same ol', Same ol'. Hey you made friends that's a start. Why are you hiding your tattoos? You're the one who said the five of us shouldn't be ashamed of who we were. If I had as many tattoos as you I'd show them off, my colorful sister." He replied, asking questions of his own.

"Whatever. Come on we gotta pick up the littles," I turned back and waved at my friends, who were busy staring at my brother like they did me, "Bye, guys."

They mumbled bye, still staring at my brother as I slung my arm around his shoulder and walked away, he seemed in shock. I must know why. "Okay, spill. You look like you've seen the ghost of a long lost best friend. Horrified yet in bliss. What up?" I asked slightly shaking his shoulders.

"I-I found her." He whispered and I stopped dead. My brother's mate was one of my new friends?

"What?" I asked him stupidly.

"The black haired one," He whispered. Holy crap! Not just on one of my friends but on Charlie. Suddenly I couldn't hold it in and I was laughing, we were probably still in sight of my friends. "What?" He demanded angrily not whispering any more. I couldn't stop laughing so he turned toward me and shook me. "You're my alpha so tell me. Alpha tell me what you're laughing at." He said, forcing all the power of an alpha's second into his voice, trying to make me.

I stopped laughing and looked at him. "You did not just try to make me do something Beta, maybe I won't answer at all now. I thought it was funny that's all, but I'm not sure I want to let you know what that funny thing was." I was pissed, you do not tell an alpha what to do and I made sure he knew it, letting the alpha leak into my voice. We were out of sight from anyone now so I wasn't afraid of making him cower, mean yes, but sometimes it's what you have to do to make sure you don't get killed.

And cower he did, he through up his hands in a defensive position and said, "I'm sorry! I don't know what happened. I'm irritable because I'm not by her!"

"I was laughing because you have Charlie as a mate, she's a rude bitch, but she's cool." I hated making my brothers afraid by pulling the alpha card, "Come on, we're going to go get the littles, then we're going to run home." He smiled, I'd hit his soft spot and we both knew it-we all loved running.



We raced home, I won, like always. I'm fastest probably because I'm a girl. When we got there, mom told us to take showers, get dressed in nice clothes and cover our tattoos. We went up to our seperate rooms, I had the entire attic, my room's best and they know it. When I went down mom saw my modest outfit she nodded and made approving noises. Liam came down with his top half naked and was rubbing his slightly shaggy hair with a towel.

"Liam Bud Johanson go get a shirt on, they will be here any minute!" Mom screeched as the doorbell rang.

When she walked to get the door he followed her saying, "Yo, woman if you had heard me out instead of screeching at me like a banshee, I woulda asked if you had seen my button-up?"

She turned and narrowed her eyes at him as she opened the door and whispered, "In the right side of your closet, hung up."


She turned back to the guests, who were staring at my brother's retreating form quietly thumping up the stairs, most likely at his tattoos. She welcomed them into our home saying, "Sorry about my son he apparently doesn't know that people hang clothes up."

"Hey don't be ranging my bro, mo. His room's cleaner than mine, and I hang up my clothes. Yo, Charlie wanna see my room?" I asked as I recognized Charlie's family.

"Okay! Go help your three little brothers get dressed, I'm hearing thumping. And last time that wasn't good," I could tell she just wanted all teens out of her hair right now.

I gestured to Charlie, "Come," I spoke softly.

She followed me as I went up the stairs to the room my three youngest brothers shared, "That doesn't sound good." She added helpfully.

"Hey, can I come in littles?" I asked as I knocked.

"No! We shan't wear pants you frivolous renegade!" They screeched in unison. I tried opening the door but something was in the way. Something heavy.

"Shit," I muttered, "Hey, Charlie back up a bit please."

"Nice vocab, what grade are they in?" She asked while she backed up.

I smiled at her, "We all have way above average IQs but we all get bad grades because we want to." I told her. I backed up using the small space between the door and whatever was up against it to keep the door open, I ran and shoulder rammed the door. It budged a little but not enough. "Liam!! Get you stinkin' tail down here!" I yelled up to the third floor.

He came down still without a shirt muttering, "It is so not in my closet." He came into veiw and stopped when he saw Charlie. A smile lit up his face and he practically skipped over to us, "I'm Liam. I'm pretty sure you pretty thang is in the grade above me," He said smoothly. Both me and Charlie rolled our eyes at him, for different reasons.

"They've locked themselves in with a heavy thing, help?" It was as much a question as an order, his face lit up again, I was giving him a chance to show off his strength to his mate. He knew what I was doing, too.

Thanks, he said through the pack's thought chatroom AKA the chat.

Any time, any where, bro. I thought back. He put his feet shoulder width apart, his hands on the door and shoved, moving it a considerable amount more than me, but still not enough.

"Guess I'm going through the window," I sighed, I was the only one who worked on my climbing skills as well as my strength and stamina.

I turned to go downstairs, when Liam went to talk Charlie said, "Nu-uh, go get a shirt on."

"You know you like it," He teased. Charlie looked like she would have slapped him, but the fact that he was shirtless stopped her.

"Come on," I grabbed a very angry Charlie by the hand and dragged her a couple feet away from my smirking brother. I got downstairs and the adults all looked at me, "Hey, please don't look at me like that, Liam's the one that gave them the idea of putting stuff in front of the door."

"What!" My mom screeched, the banshee back, "Get them out!"

"They're on strike. They don't want to have to wear pants," mom opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off with, " I know, I'm going through their window." I walked out the front door with a line of five adults following me, my parents, Charlie's parents, and Charlie's older sister. I counted the windows until I got to the right one, cracked my fingers and grabbed onto the window seal directly below theirs.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You're going to climb up there?" My dad asked.

"Yup." I said shrugging as I hoisted myself onto the rim, grabbing the top part. Quickly, I intricately climbed my way to their window. They got smart and locked it, but no lock can keep a skillful theif out. I deftly and quietly unlocked the window and slid it up with silent hands. I dropped into the room and was greeted with the sqeals of surprised children. "Really?" I asked them as I took in their three dressers stacked infront of the door. "Gotta say, I'm impressed."

"No fair, Pluto!" The twins angrily said together. I walked over and shifted the dressers enough for Liam and Charlie to squeeze in.

"I'm impressed, no wonder it was so heavy. Look at us, the whole pack together, perfect time for explaining." Liam hinted, telling us he wanted to tell Charlie. I shook my head, no. Charlie looked between the five of us, knowing something was up but not sure what.

Chapter 2

I met up with Charlie the next day infront of the school and as Conner and I went to split off to go to maths she asked, "What's up with all you kids? You're all really tall, look completely different, will act different and get in fights, but if one of you is dissed, then everyone else is on the scene, you guys probably don't notice it but if one of you moves the rest respond. What's up with your brother?"

"I'll tell you at lunch, right now I gotta get to class." I told her.

I got glares from every werewolf on campas besides my brother. It was starting to annoy me. Conner noticed, "Why are they all looking at you like that?" He wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to me halfway through first hour.

"Maybe them is jealous of the fact that my dick's bigger?" I wrote back. He let out a laugh quickly turning it to a cough, receiving a glare from the teacher and the kids actually trying to learn.

"You have a dirty mind and I dare you to ask them if that's why they're glaring." He wrote jokingly.

"I do have a dirty mind, the truth hurts, and what do I get if I do?" I responded quickly.

He had to turn another laugh into a cough, to this the teacher glared at him and told him, "Maybe you would like to go to the nurse?"

"No thankyou, Mrs.Timothy."He answered.

When she turned back to the board he wrote, "If you do I'll be your slave for a week, if you don't you have to cut your hair."

I read it and glared at him but wrote "K." I flipped the paper over and wrote," If Pluto Johanson should ask if the reason the populars were glaring at her was because her dick's bigger than Conner Swindle shall be her slave for a week, doing whatever she wanted him to. If Pluto Johanson does not ask the populars if the reason they're glaring at her was because her dick's bigger than Pluto Johanson shall cut her hair to an inch in length. Signatures X____________________              X_________________________"

I signed it on a line and handed it back to Conner who read it and signed it on the other line. He stuck in his back pocket. I shook my head told him that I was going to give it to Charlie. He gave it back.

In reading I sat by Charlie and handed her the folded piece of paper. "What is it?" She asked.

"It's a contract saying if I do something than Conner will do something and if I don't I have to do something else." I answered.

"What do you have to do?" She whispered as the class started.

"See how the populars are glaring at me?" She nodded, "Well they were doing that in last class, too. I told Conner why they were glaring, I'm not going to tell you what, so now I have to say it to them." I whispered back.



At lunch, Charlie cornered me and sat by me at the lunch table.  "What's up with all you kids? You're all really tall, look completely different, will act different and get in fights, but if one of you is dissed, then everyone else is on the scene, you guys probably don't notice it but if one of you moves the rest respond. What's up with your brother?" She asked as soon as we sat down.

"We have weird assed genes so we get really tall. We grew up really close it was us five and our older brother William alone against the world. That was until Dad pissed him off and he took off. My brother has a major crush on you. It's natural for siblings to get into fights." I told her as a boy, our grade, walked up. By the way he moved we could tell he was a popular. Conner looked at me pointedly.

"My father wants to see you after school," He told me. Werewolve.

I went with my usual response, "Whatever."

He narrowed his eyes, "The two of you have things to discuss about your moving here."


Now I had him full on glaring, "You will be there." He was pissed, this was fun.

"Whatever." Charlie, Conner, Jenna, and Haven were looking between us as I calmly ate my food.

"Bring your brothers." He said, trying to get me to fight.

"Says who?" I said it in an airy voice to annoy him.

"My dad." he snarled, apparently annoy him it did.

"Ooooh, Daddy's Little Girl are we?"

"Be there," He went to walk away but I had a bet to fulfill.

"So quick question," He turned, I could see Conner trying to hold in a smile, I waited.

"What?" Perfection on a plate.

I put my chin on my hand, adopting a puppydog look, "Were you guys glaring at me because my dick's bigger than yours?" I asked him innocently. He stiffened, turned and strode out, I could tell he was trying hard not to hit someone.

Conner was howling with laughter, as were Charlie, Haven, and Jenna, "That was perfect! How come you don't insult  people more?" He asked when he got his laughing to a chuckling.

"Simply because if I insult people more, they will see it coming and it won't hurt as much. I just embarrassed him, insulted him, practically made him ask me to insult him, and all while he was trying to control the conversation. Wouldn't that hurt anyone's ego? Badly?" I replied.

They thought about it, figured it made sense and they all nodded.

What was that about? Liam assked through the chat.

It was a dare, Conner has to be my slave for a week. I answered, Hey, you ever find that shirt?

No, he answered glumly.

"Hey you guys wanna come over to my house tonight?" Jenna was saying. She got enthused 'yeses' from everyone but me.

"Sorry, I gotta go see that prick's father. I wish I could but I can't." I said sourly.

"Why do you have to? He's not your boss as you so plainly showed."

"It's for safety reasons. My family's safety. And I plan on showing up hours late, by myself. And just to show that I'm my own person, I'm not even gonna wear what I do in public." I said planning on showing these asses that they don't own me.

"And what would that be? The clothes I mean." Conner asked.

"Simple, I wear this stuff because people stare at my tattoos," I looked at the group for emphasis, "In my family, all the kids have tattoos. Much to our parents' distaste. So I waltz around wearing the clothes I do in the forest. They're almost like gypsie clothes." I toold them trying to explain.



When we got home I immediately changed into one of my flimsy tops that only covered what was neccessary, it looked like a swimsuit top, only it was deep violet and sparkled. It looked almost see-through. I changed from modest high-riding pants to colorful, flowy, low-rising satin pants. Preferring to go barefoot, I left my tattooed feet alone. My outfit showed all of my stomache, back, and arms, showing a dragon hugging me with her wings covering my stomache and back, tattoos peeking out from my top, these covering my breasts,and swirls covering it all as my pack tattoos. Those ones covered me head-to-toe and they appaered and disappeared as you change rank in your pack.

The doorbell rang, "I got it!" I screamed to my brother who had already opened the door as I grabbed a skateboard from the hall and slid down the stair banister. I came into sight and saw my friends standing there, open-mouthed at my brother, who had only a pair of baggy shorts on. "You're an ass! I said I got it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was it meant to be an order Alpha?" He said silkily.

"Shoo fly. You're scaring my friends go get a shirt on!"

"Why? I'm coming with." This was news.

"Says who?"


"Uh-uh, and if I say you're not?"

"Then I still will."

"And if I order you not?" His cocky smile slipped, I had him and he knew it.

"You can't face the world by yourself you know? The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack. Packs were made to help one another, siblings were made to help one another." He told me, still frowning.

"Fine! Whatever!" I turned to my friends who raised an eyebrow at me as my brother went and sat on the couch with a smirk. "Hi, sorry my brother's an ass. Come on in." It was then that my father made an appearance.

"GET OUT OF THOSE SKANKY CLOTHES!!!!" He screamed at my brother and I.

"MAKE US!! WE'LL BE SKANKS IF WE WANT TO!!" We immediately screamed back in unison. My father stomped out of the livingroom, looking every part the four-year-old instead of Sammy. I twirled around, watching my pants billow as I sang, "Welcome to our humble abode!"

I flopped down on the floor infront of Liam as Charlie sat on the chair, glaring at my brother. "Sorry about our dad, he doesn't like what we wear and he doesn't understand why we wear it. It was a fight over what we wore that made William leave." He said, rubbing my shoulder.

"Who's William?" Jenna asked.

"He's our big brother, I'm second oldest. William protected us against people who didn't like us untill he finished teaching us to take of ourselves. I've followed that since he left two years ago, I've trained the littles since then." I told her, "I still protect the littles because they haven't mastered everything yet. They can take out someone their own age or an untrained adult. But not the trained ones. those are the people that don't like us."

"Uh-uh, and is that what you were telling us about," She asked, gesturing to my clothes.

"Yup. And you've seen what Liam here dresses like, that's what the littles dress like. Speaking of which I guess since more than just me's coming, we might as well show up on time." I said the last line gloomily. "See you. LITTLES GET DOWN HERE IF YOU WANNA SAY GOOD-BYE!!"

"COMING! Don't leave!" They screamed back. They entered the livingroom with fast-beating hearts and all out of breath. "Bye!!" They giggled.

"Bye!!" Liam and I said. As we walked out the door we could hear the littles harrassing my friends so I called back, "Quit harrassing my friends!" We climbed onto our motorcycles and thundered out of the driveway.

Chapter 3

We were silent all the way to the pack house and stayed silent until we reached the porch, I turned and told him, "The Alpha's kid is a prick but don't say anything because we won't be able to stay. I'm young for an alpha and I'm hoping that they'll cut us some slack." I took a breath and rang the doorbell.

The door was opened almost immediately by a butler. Werewolf, my wolf told me.

"This way please. You are late." He said gruffly.

Grumpy, I noted to Liam who chuckled slightly, earning a glare from the butler we were following. I made a face and mouthed, "Oooooh, you in trouble," behind the butler's back. Liam stuck his tongue out and I had to stifle a laugh with a cough like my good friend Conner taught me. The butler was glaring at me now, I shrugged and said, "Gotta problem with it? Kiss my ass." I wiggled my ass for emphasis.

Liam wasn't even trying to hide his laughing as the butler stopped and said, "We are here," with an extremely relieved expression. We were both laughing hard as he opened the door revealing a man looking at us with confused expression. The man who would choose if we had to leave.

Since we had a lot of practice doing stuff like this, we walked in and crossed our arms, completely in sync, a laugh still on our lips. When we laugh it sounds right, his laugh is low and throaty where mine is sweet and high. The people in the room still looked confused, especially when they saw the relief on the butler's face.

"You can leave now, Jared." The man said.

Ahah, have we an Alpha, my Liam? I asked through the chat.

It would seem so, he responded.

"Welcome to my home, I have received news from my son that there werewolves in our territory. Those wolves are you and your pack, correct?"

At the question, Liam and I turned each other, eyebrows raised, both wondering if this dude's nose was that bad. We turned back to the others and, still in sync, said, "Yup."

When we offered no further explaination the man sighed and said, "My name's Kristopher Chelfer, I belive you've met my son, Brandon. May I ask two things?"

"That's one." We said.

"Okay, not counting this, may I ask two things?" He said a bit annoyed. What did he expect? Two teenagers without lip? We shrugged. "I'm taking that as a yes so, what are your names and what did you do to my butler?"

 Do we tell him? Liam asked me.

I don't know, I guess we have to. I answered.

We looked at each other again, shrugged and answered as one, "Pluto and Liam, we did nothing but be ourselves."

This confused them further and, seeking more information, a woman asked, "What do you mean? Who are you? How many are in your pack? why do you answer as one? How old are all your pack members?"

We stared at her until the Alpha, Kristopher, said, "Please answer her questions," at which point, we turned to stare at him till he fidgeted.

"Pluto Leah Johanson and Liam Bud Johanson, quit being asses or I'll kick yours'" We both knew that voice and we whirled around to come face-to-face with William. The Alpha's eyes widened when he saw our stare down and heard our names.

"You're his siblings?" He asked astounded.

"You don't own us William. You haven't ever owned us." We said on our roll and talking as one again.

"To hell with that! I protected you!" He yelled.

"You left us!" We yelled back. We turned back to the Alpha and said, "Please tell us now if we can stay or if you're forcing us to leave."

"You can stay," He was still in shock.

"Good" We said as we brushed past an amazed Brandon and a stupified William. We showed ourselves out, the butler nowhere to be seen. We jumped on our bikes and rode home, both silently fuming at William.



We parked and three little paint covered kids jumped on us, istantly calming us enough to not run back to that house and kill William. We were getting up from the leaf-covered ground when Jenna came out and said, "Sorry, I have to go."

"Why? What's happened? Jenna?" I asked, jogging to keep up with her sprinting figure.

"My mom's in the hospital, she's having the baby! I need to be there!" She yelled back as she continued running. She suddenly stopped and swore.

She didn't drive here, My wolf told me. "Hey Jenna, need a ride?" I asked her. She looked at my bike doubtfully, I laughed. I turned and raced back into the house. "Mom! We're having a baby I need the car!" I yelled. She freaked.

"What do you mean we're having a baby!?!" I grabbed the keys from her hands and ran back outside. I motioned for Jenna to follow me and I got into my mom's explorer, with the pack as well as my four friends we were going to need the room.

"Get in, Jenna up front, Twins and Liam very back, Twins share a seat. Charlie, Conner, and Haven sit in the back seat. Sammy sit on Charlie's lap." I ordered and they obeyed.

"Why do I have to get sat on?" Charlie asked.

"Would you rather sit on Liam's lap?" I asked in return.

"I'm all for that idea," Liam said unhelpfully from the very back.

"Come here, Sammy," Charlie ordered as Liam sat in the back pouting.

We drove towards the hospital like maniacs, I heard My brothers' laughs at the terrified expressions on my friends' faces. "We're here!" I sang as we bumped into the curb by the hospital. Now even Liam looked a little green and his stomache was really strong.

We rushed through the hospital, following the directions that the nurse gave us untill we arrived at the doors that lead to the maternity ward. We told the nurse at the desk that we were there for Jenna's mother and she opened the doors, allowing us to enter. We clustered by the door while Jenna helped feed her mom ice chips

"Who are your friends?" Jenna's mom had a scratchy voice, like she had a sore throat. Contractions I suppose.

"They helped me get here, that's Conner, Charlie, Haven, Pluto, Liam, the Twins; Damien and Daniel, and Sammy." She pointed us out to her mom as she said our names and we waved in return. "You never would have guessed but Pluto drives like a maniac, really scary." She said

"Did it get us here?" I asked in return. We, in turn, were shooed from the room and into the waiting room. We waited for three hours munching on candies from a machine.

"You guys can come see my new sister!" Jenna whispered as she came in with joy written all over her face. We followed her through the halls until we got to her mom's hospital room.

All hell broke loose in my brother as he saw the baby girl.

Chapter 4

I could tell as soon as we entered the room that sammy was battling with his wolf as he looked at the pink bundle in Jenna's mom's arms. Apparently his wolf won as he was now transfixed on the girl. Mate, my wolf told me.

Thanks, you know you only imput when it's unhelpful, I could tell she was his mate. Why don't you talk to me more, my friend? I asked him.

Your welcome and because I love you and I know that I annoy you, I tell you about what boys do don't I? That's helpful, my princessa. He retorted.

Again thanks.

I looked at Liam and caught his eye. I motioned toward Sammy, he nodded his understanding, we couldn't use the chat because Sammy would be able to hear our conversation. He slowly inched toward the spellbound boy. When he was directly behind him, Liam snaked his arms around the boy's waiste and lifted him up, kicking and screaming. "Be quiet! We need to get you out of here, for our safety," He hissed into Sammy's ear. I could tell he put the Beta into his voice because Sammy immediately quit moving and went completely quiet.

He carried the now limp boy out the door, a very angery-looking Charlie tailing behind, most likely to chew Liam's ass. "Sorry, I gotta go make sure she doesn't kill him, or worse," I sighed as I walked out the door. I followed the very pissed scent of Charlie back to the explorer where she was currently indulged at screaming at Liam, his arms still full of the silent Sammy.

"What did you do to him!?! Why was it so important that he wasn't in that room!?! It looks like you murdered him and are dragging him off to bury him in the woods where he'll never be seen again!" She was screaming. I had parked by the curb on the side of the hospital that had the woods by it, that plus the completely spiritless-looking Sammy in Liam's arms made that an accurate discription of the scene before me.

"Yo! Charlie, lay off I told him to take Sammy out of there or he would've done something that would affect us all. Something we'd regret letting him do." I said as I strode up, confident she'd listen.

Nope. She whirled on me, "What was so important that he didn't do!?! You guys keep a lot of secrets and I'd be willing to bet this is one of them!" She really sounded pissed.

"Can't tell you, sorry." I held out my hands toward Liam, "Gimme." He handed over Sammy, "You can quit playing dead now." I told him.

"But Liam said I had to be quiet!" He sobbed, now crying.

"I overrule Liam, you listen to me before you listen to him, 'kay?" I asked him. He nodded into my shoulder while Charlie glared at Liam.

"What makes him so afraid of you? What have you done to him?" She snarled at him.

He held his hands in a defensive position, " I didn't do anything! That's just how we roll, you listen to who's older." I walked over and sat down on the side of the road that had the woods on it. I sat down with the woods covering my back so that Sammy could be soothed by their sight. We liked being in the woods, it helped calm our nerves. Charlie came to sit by my side, still glaring at Liam.

"So why did he need to be taken out of there?" She asked as glared at Liam's easy-going expression, probably wishing that looks could kill.

"That was the first time he'd seen a baby, he's emotional right now," I told her.

"That was the first time he'd seen a baby?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's the youngest, no one else was there to be born for him to see. Kind of like the lowest on the knowledge when it comes to babies," Liam said as he sat down on my other side, for his part, he took his mate's abusive goodheartedly. "All forgiven?" He asked her as he rubbed Charlie's back, calming him more.

"No," She answered.

The Twins chose that moment to tromp across the hospital's lawn screaming, "Her name has been decided upon. It is Elizabeth!" When they reached us, they sat crossed legged and declared, "But she shall be called Lizzy." They turned to Charlie and said in unison, "Why do you insist upon maiming our brother with your heartless rays of monstrous moonlight?"

Charlie turned to me and murmered, "Good Vocab," though the Twins could hear her, she turned back to them and quoted, "'heartless rays of monstrous moonlight'?"

"Yes would you like a synonym for heartless, or is it those of monstrous that you seek?" They retorted.

"Monstrous," She said to see what they came up with.

"Astrocious, cruel, dreadful, egregious, freakish, frightful, grotesque, gruesome, heinious, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrifying, infamous, inhuman, intolerable, obscene, odious, outragious, proposterous, terrible, vicious, aberrant, abnormal, desperate, devilish, dibolical, disgraceful, evil, fiendish, flagitious, foul, hellish, loathsome, macabre, miscreated, morbid, ominous, rank, satanic, scandalous, teratoid, uncanny, unusual, villainous," They recited like a thesaurus.

She looked confused as she said, "Heartless?"

"Brutal, callous, cold-blooded, cruel, harsh, inhuman, insensitive, merciless, ruthless, uncaring, unkind, cold fish, cold-hearted, hard, hard as nails, hard-boiled, hard-hearted, obdurate, pitiless, savage, thick-skinned, uncompassionate,unemotional, unfeeling, unsympathetic," They said together.

"Wow, I don't know what half of those words means, but I get the meaning. I'm a cruel, selfish bitch. Thanks guys," She told them, seeming to mean it.

"We can give you definitions of the words you-"

"-don't know, if you like." They said splitting the sentence.

"NO!" Charlie, Liam, Sammy, and I said together. We laughed at the Twins' furrowed brows, unable to understand our reaction.

"We know our brother's a player-"

"-but, we know he doesn't like you for that reason he's-"

"- been slaving after you since-"

"-he first saw you." We can never tell who's who because they talk like that and there's not a difference between the two.

"You've been slaving after me? Really?" She asked as she turned to my brother.

"Yup, I had a good laugh about that one because I figured out of everyone in the school, you'd be the one to turn him down." I said as I let out a little laugh.

"Yeah, she laughed at me when I told her, actually, you might of seen her laughing, we were walking away when I told her," Liam put in, trying to stop the blush that was creeping up his face.

Charlie turned to me as she asked, "That's what you were laughing about?"

"Yup," I said as I smiled.

Jenna, Conner, and Haven came striding acrossed the lawn, to us Jenna said, "I'm gonna stay here a while, you guys don't have to wait for me."

"'Kay," I answered her, to everyone else I said, "Okay, same seat sharing as last time only now the Twins sit in seperate seats in the far back, Charlie's shotgun, and Liam drives while I hold Sammy."

"Wouldn't it make more sense if, Sammy and one of the Twins share a seat?" Conner asked doubtfully.

"Nope, Sammy's going through a difficult time right now and he needs me because growing up I've been his confidante on things like this because the five of us go through things our parents don't and I 'm oldest so the problems get brought to me, 'kay?" I replied, and sighed when they all stared at Sammy with his little arms around my neck and head against my chest, Liam, and me. "Get in." They got in.

Chapter 5

 When I got to the school and met with my friends the next morning, Brandon was waiting for us, well for me.

"Can I speak to you alone for a moment?" He asked smoothly, making Jenna's, Haven's, and Charlie's eyes widen.

"Why, asshole? Why can't it be said infront of them?" I asked back, not wanting to be alone with him. I narrowed my eyes to show just how pissed I was at him.

"It has to do with what happened with William yesterday," he sighed.

"William? Like your brother?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, like my brother," I turned back to Brandon, "No, I will not speak to you about my brother. I thought he was good, but I've realized that he's never been as great as I thought he was."

I turned to walk away but Brandon's hand stopped me, he had grabbed onto my arm, "Hey I'm sorry, if I had known he was your brother I would have respected you more. He's our best fighter." I narrowed my eyes at his hand and he brought it back, most likely realizing that that was the smart thing to do if he wanted to keep it.

"He made his choice, he could have told us that he moved here. Instead he decided that we didn't need to know, we grew up thinking he was the best. How am I going to tell the littles that the boy who used to protect us is here and didn't tell us?" I asked.

"He came a couple of weeks ago, he said that he had been protecting you for two years, you just didn't know it. He warned us that you were coming and he asked if you could stay," he told me, trying to make amends.

I swore, then to Brandon said, "He's been following us for two years? He never thought to tell us? Brandon, if I were you and I wanted to keep William alive, then I would tell him not to come near any of us or I will kill him. He's hurt us too much." I walked away, toward math, then thought better of it and decided that the safest course of action would be to go running, that way I didn't kill anyone that annoyed me.

Liam saw me walking towards the forest and ran over to me, "Hey, what's up?" He asked as he stopped me.

I glared at him, cooled a little and told him, "Go ask Brandon, he knows more than me." And walked into the trees, not even waiting to undress before I shifted, completely shredding my clothes.




She was pissed, that much I could tell when she shifted without taking off her clothes. I walked over to where Brandon, my mate, and everyone else was standing, staring at where my sister disappeared into the forest. I put on a smile warm enough to win over any girl, except the one girl I really want to win over.

"Hey, Brandon. Just out of curiosity, what'd you say to my sister? She's too mad to be at school, it takes alot of effort and guts to get under her skin, so what's up?" I asked. I couldn't help but peek at Charlie from the corner of my eye. She was ignoring me. Well at least you have an effect on her, My wolf told me.

Yeah, I told him.

"I brought up what happened yesterday, with your brother. Apparently I said something wrong, you know she hasn't met my eyes since I met her. She looks at me like I'm nothing." He said, slightly distressed, I wonder what that's about.

"Yup, that'd piss her off alright. And I completely get your feelin'. Though I'll bet mine's more strong," I replied, hinting that my mate ignored me all the time, unless she was yelling at me.

"Sucks to be you, I haven't met her yet. Who?" He asked and I looked at Charlie, distraught clear on my face.

Brandon whistled, "Yep, sucks to be you alright. I think she's the hardest person to crack in the world, let alone settle down. She'll use boys like a tissue, use 'em and throw 'em away."

"Um, who are you guys talking about?" My sister's friend, Conner I think his name was, asked.

"Charlie girl, Charlie girl, who're we talking about?" I sang, probably making her hate me more.

"I hate you, and I do go through a lot of boys, so?" She retorted.

"S'kay, hate's a passionate emotion, it's the first step to love," I told her, deftly dodging a smack by grabbing her hand. "See? Passionate."

She glared at me, she would make a marvolous werewolf! Her friends were looking between her murderous expression and my normal, easy-going smile.

"Okay. Before she ends up castrating you, I think it best if everyone back up," One of the girls said, Jenna I think, I never really paid attention because my mind was always wondering to Charlie.

"'Kay, I'ma go find my sister and cool her off before she decides to go murder our brother, or worse," I said turning to walk off.

"What would fall into the 'Or Worse' catagory? Both you and Pluto say it," The other girl asked, Haven I think.

"There are some things worse than death," Brandon and I answered together.

I turned to him, "You wanna help, or you too scared of her and her amazing castrating abilities?"

"I'll come, I'm the one that made her storm off," He answered as I shot a wink at Charlie and stalked into the forest. When we were out of sight within the trees we shifted, he was a beautiful black wolf while I was more of a redish brown.

So Charlie's actually your mate? He asked through the chat we were opperating on.

Yeah, and she's the only one I haven't been able to swoon. She'd be a kick-ass werewolf though, huh?

Hell yeah! She's got the temper already, she just needs to be able to shift.

Yeah, I love her so much but she hates me just as much!

 She'll get over it, Brandon told me confidently.

I don't know if she will, I've been an ass to her, I told him less confidently as we followed Pluto's scent west.

What's up with your sister's name? Yours is normalish and so is William's, I'd bet your younger brothers' names are normal, too, He asked me.

Our parents weren't supposed to have a girl, they wanted an extravagant name for their probably only daughter. Just like girls aren't supposed to be werewolves, let alone Alphas, she's they only one of her kind. I replied, just as a big white furball exploded from the forest, tackling Brandon to the ground.

Chapter 6


Those asses were following me! I could hear them on the chat, I stayed silently listening as I circled around to follow them.

So Charlie's actually your mate? Brandon asked through the chat.

Yeah, and she's the only one I haven't been able to swoon. She'd be a kick-ass werewolf though, huh? Liam asked him.

Hell yeah! She's got the temper already, she just needs to be able to shift.

Yeah, I love her so much but she hates me just as much!

 She'll get over it, Brandon told him confidence evident in his voice, apparently he wasn't turned down often.

I don't know if she will, I've been an ass to her, Liam told him less confidently than I know for my brother, he was really torn up over this.

What's up with your sister's name? Yours is normalish and so is William's, I'd bet your younger brothers' names are normal, too, Brandon asked my brother, I gotta hear this.

Our parents weren't supposed to have a girl, they wanted an extravagant name for their probably only daughter. Just like girls aren't supposed to be werewolves, let alone Alphas, she's the only one of her kind. Liam replied, made sense. I chose this moment to jump out and tackle Brandon. I bit his scruff to make him submit.

Why are you following me? I snarled to them, making them cower at the power of an Alpha in my voice but I was too angry to care.

W-we came to find you, to cool you off, that way your friends don't feel stood up, okay, hearing my brother stutter in fear sobered me and made me ashamed. Whereas, I could see that prick Brandon staring at me from the corner of my eye. He wasn't even hiding it.

I'm sorry, Bubba. I was angry, but not at you. It's hard to be mad at you, I thought to him trying to calm his fears of the big bad wolf, you not a piggy, I won't eat you 'kay?

Okay, He said undoubtfully, I rubbed up against him and stuck my nose in his flank to show him I meant no harm.

 Whatcha starin' at asshole? I asked Brandon who was still staring at me, I didn't spare him a glance. He didn't answer. I turned back to Liam, I'ma go get another pair of clothes, then go back to school. Do you need another pair or no?

No, my clothes are with Brandon's by a tree at the school, this is why we only wear the neccessities, less to deal with. See ya. He thought to me and turned around and nuzzled Brandon's flank, breaking his unrelenting stare. I ran back to our house, wondering about his stares the whole way.

He was probably wondering about your junk, my wolf told me.

'Kay, Thanks for telling me. You don't annoy me that much, I wish I could talk to you more, I replied.

Nu-uh, girlie talks are not for me, and with that he left. All the wolves for werewolves are male, though I'm the only female werewolf. I sprinted up the stairs, thanking the goddess the entire way that my parents had to work during the day so when I came home naked there were no questions asked.

I got dressed in new clothes and ran to school, coming in with a tardy note at the end of first hour. I sat down in my seat next to Conner, who slipped me a note, "Where'd you go?"

"I ran in the woods for a while, ruined my clothes so I went home and changed." I wrote back.

"Ruined your clothes how?" He asked.

"Trees can snag on and rip them, perv. It's always you asking about my clothes." I answered.

"Nope, I ask about clothes because I'm gay." He wrote simply.

"WHAT!?!" I wrote, "You're gay? Do Haven, Charlie, and Jenna know?" I wrote hurridly.


"Are you gonna tell them?"

"As it happens since I told you, I'm gonna tell them at lunch. Don't spill, k?"



I was bouncing off the walls for the next three classes, always being asked about what happened. Finally lunch came, we went sit under our normal tree, just inside the tree line. Only today, Brandon was sitting there, waiting for us. I ignored him and sat down, not even all the way to the ground when I practically yelled, "Okay, spill!"

"Okay, miss hurry, what're you talking about?" Jenna asked as she sat down.

I was practically shaking Conner as I chanted, "Spill! Spill! Spill!"

He laughed as he said, "Aren't you going to introduce your stalker? I'm pretty sure you know him better than us."

"Nope, spill."

"Hi, I'm Conner and you are?" Conner asked Brandon, laughing as I groaned and started climbing the tree.

"I'm Brandon," my personal werewolf stalker replied.

"This is Charlie, Haven, and Jenna," He said pointing to them as he said their names.



What's up?"

"Hi, hey and what's up, back," Brandon said, completely at ease.

I popped my head out of the heavy foliage, startling them all, "Okay introductions made, spill."

Conner rolled his eyes at my upside down head visible, shrugged, and said, "I'm gay."


"No way!"

"You didn't tell us!?!" His friends were all shocked at his exclamation.

"Cool," Maybe not all, stupid, cute Brandon. Wait what!?! did I just think of him as cute? There's something wrong with me.

"Why'd he tell you?" Charlie asked me as I swung down and dropped the extra four feet, nimbly landing on my feet.

"I called him a perv in math because he's always asking about clothes, but now that I think of it he hasn't had a girlfriend all year," I said shrugging as I started eating my lunch.

"He hasn't had a girlfriend since seventh grade," Jenna said at the same time that Charlie asked, "You haven't had a boyfriend all year, are you a lesbian?" I saw Brandon's ears perk up, he was listening? I didn't know why so I settled for throwing a grape at Charlie.

"No, I'm just not excepted easily, as you showed the first day I came here. And now, you're my best buddy and the girl that my brother's got a major crush on."

"I'm not going to be your brother's toy until he gets bored when he figures out I won't have sex with him, I'm a player, yes, but a slut? No." She said it with such finality that my heart was breaking for my brother.

"He's not like that, he's a player too, but not a slut, like you. You're the one girl in the world that he won't play, so please give him a chance, Charlie." I said, surprised at her outburst.

"How do you know he's not a slut?" She challenged.

"Um, hello? Have you seen how close the five of us kids are? And how good our hearing is? I would know if my brother was sleeping around. Please? Humor him for one night, that's all I'm asking. Just one night." She didn't answer me. I persisted, "Please?"

"Fine! One night!"

Chapter 7

My heart soared with joy for my brother, he was getting a night with his mate! He had a chance of winning her over now! Before, Charlie wouldn't even look at him. Now he's got an entire night to show her how much he actually loves her! I almost jumped up and down wih joy, hugging Charlie. My excitement couldn't be doused for my next two hours.

In seventh hour I sat, barely able to keep still as I planned how to tell Liam that he was getting a date with his mate. The chair next to me slid out, signalling that the werewolf that sat next me was here. I had learned that his name is Jason. Instead of his usual, "Mutt," an all-too familiar voice said, "Hey." Uuuugghh. I didn't even know that Brandon was in this class! I hate French right now.

"Je te déteste maintenant, en aille," I mumbled; I hate you right now, go away. I have no idea why I added 'right now' to it. I knew he would understand it, it was French class after all.

"Eh bien, je ne pars pas," Well I'm not leaving. Damn. It was going to be a long class. When the final bell rang, I was ready to strangle Brandon, but that feeling dissapated when I saw Liam's figure.

 I bounded over, all thoughts of strangulation forgotten as I slung my arm over my brother's shoulders. "Hey, bro. You ain't gonna guess what!"

"Can I walk with you guys for a while?" AH, and I thought that my stalker would leave. Brandon followed us as I merily chatted away, biding my time.

"Just shut it, Pluto! I'm not in the mood! My mate absolutely hates me. I've given up on that. Right now the littles will want me to be happy and I can't do that. I need time alone," Liam screamed taking off towards the woods. I took him down in a flying tackle before he'd even gotten twenty feet.

"You never let me get to the point! You're gonna pick up Charlie tomorrow night at seven, you're gonna take her on a date and be your charming self instead of the tough kid you pretend to be. Got it?" I asked.

"You're lying!" He yelled, struggling to get up but I had him in a good hold. He was an inch shorter because he wasn't the Alpha. Ha.

"Nope you can ask Conner, Jenna, Haven, or even Brandon, now if I let you up are you gonna run?" I said, frustrated. He looked pleadingly at Brandon, trying not to hope, but hoping anyway. My brother was a proud being, for someone to be able to humble him this much was like ripping a part of him out. I used to think that he needed a little humbling, not anymore.

"She's not lying, she got Charlie to agree to a single date. I know how it feels to have your mate reject you, I don't wish that upon anyone," and with that he turned and walked away. I got off Liam, knowing that he wouldn't run now. He was back to his cocky, but happy, puppy dog state that so many girls fell for. I wondered who had rejected Brandon, he was too sweet to reject.




"Ha! I found it!" I screamed as I found my soft green button up shirt. My favorite and nicest by far. It had a black wolf curling up the side and howling at an imaginary moon. Saying everything I felt with the simple image; the wolf on the shirt lives for the moon, I live for Charlie.

"Be your nice sweet self, not the cocky one you've used before. Don't be rude. Show her who you are, who you are around us." Pluto told me as I nearly rocketed out the door, "And button up your shirt!"

I knocked on her door as the clock struck seven, thankful for my family's maniac driving. For once it had come in useful. An older man opened the door as I was about half wat done buttoning my shirt, heeding my sister's warning.

Her father, my wolf told me as I smiled, somewhat embarrassed at having been caught coming over half dreesed.

"Spledid! Right on time, if a little under ready. At least you care to get here on time." The man said.

"Thank you, sir. I'm sorry for being messy, I couldn't find my shirt and had to convince my mom to let me use the jeep. I didn't want Charlie to have to ride on the back of my bike. I take it you are Mr. Laronaldi?" I said, hoping I wasn't babbling.

"That's quite alright, however my daghter tells me that you're quite the player. If you play my daughter and hurt her anymore than she's already been hurt than I will kill you." I had to hold back a growl at the thought of someone hurting her and lowered my head in the wolves' submission. "My daughter likes wolves and that's a wolf's submission."

"Charlie likes wolves?" I asked as a stupid grin crossed my face, maybe she won't push me away after all.

"Yup, she loves the filthy things. Do you study them? Is that how you knew their submission?" He asked, my grin fell and I flinched when he called wolves filthy.

"They're my favorite, my sister's nursing three back to health now because their mother died. That's why I like this shirt best," I said, hoping he didn't mean that we were filthy.

He took a good look at my shirt and the wolves intertwined with the swirls on my arms and snorted, "Just don't hurt her."

I flipped out my phone and sent a quick text, Charlie chose that moment to appear down the stairs, looking as beautiful as ever. My jaw must have fell to the floor because she let out a chuckle as I reattached it. She was dressed in a forest-green poofy plad skirt that went about mid-thigh, a yellow striped short-sleeved shirt, and converse. She had curled her black hair like a professional.

I led you to the jeep and helped her in, not taking advantage of her clothes as she expected. I was on my best behavior and wasn't going to be an ass. I closed her door and hopped in the drivers seat, taking a moment to reach over and place a red tulip in her hair, completing her stunning outfit. Her eyes widened when she saw the tulip placed delicately in her hair.

"How'd you do that? Most men would butcher it and make me look like a fucking troll." She asked.

"You could never look like a troll," She blushed, looking adorable.

"But, how'd you do it?" She pressed.

It was my turn to blush as I replied, "Pluto taught me when she taught me to do her hair with flowers." She raised her eyebrows seeking an explanation, I sighed, "Our parents wouldn't use real flowers and Pluto refused to have fake flowers in her hair because they were just an imitation, and a bad one at that. She went to William who said that it would ruin his manhood."

Chapter 8

"We're here," I said softly, interupting her thoughts. I was worried, ever since I told her about the flowers she shut down. I got out and raced over to her door to open it before she could. I gently helped her out, being careful to keep my eyes on her face as her skirt flew up in the wind. It was hard to not look down, to just catch a glimpse. "It'll be better in the tree line."

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"It's a surprise," I said as I reached for her hand, to lead her. She pulled away, making me flinch, "It's just to lead, you may need it."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know what your motives were," she mumbled, grabbing my hand. I beamed at her, She's gonna think we're bipolar if you don't stop with the mood swings, my wolf grumbled at me.

I am bipolar, genius, I muttered back to him. I led us into the forest for about a minute, I turned back to her.

"I'm gonna cover your eyes now, so that it can be a surprise," I told her. She raised her eyebrows, but allowed me behind her to cover her eyes. I did it gently and whispered, "You're gonna love it," into her ear, smiling when she shivered.

I led her forward, into a clearing, taking pleasure in her gasp as she took in the beautiful meadow, filled with red tulips. The ground was littered with green emeralds, creating  the most beautiful contrast, red on green.

"How did no one else find this?" She asked, breathless.

"I don't know, I'm more connected with the forest than most and I've figured out that by missing a clearing by two inches may guarantee that you never find it. Maybe that happened." I said as I led her to a blanket covered in steaming food.

She picked up an emerald, more polished than the rest, "This one is the same color as your eyes!"

"Yeah, can I ask a favor of you?" I asked her hesitantly.

"Anything," She said, still marveling at the beauty of natures two components contrasting and looking so good together.

"I'm sure the animals and myself would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this place, I mean it's too much to ask for no one to ever find it, but I don't want anyone ruining it's beauty anytime soon. It would be horrible, these jewels would go for a bit of money and I don't want this place ransacked of it's two most prominent features. If people come tramping in here to collect the rocks, they ruin the tulips. It would overthrow the prettiness with the mark of man." I told her, generally upset just thinking about it.

"I like that," She said it so simply that I wasn't sure if we were on the same page anymore.

"What?" I questioned her warily.

"The fact that you like nature so much, and that you talk about the emeralds as if they're just another rock, instead of a precious jewel," she answered.

"Oh. To me that's what they are, another part of Mother Nature's plan, not something greedy men were meant to grab and sell for a million dollars. Just something to be pretty. Like this, here. A trinket or good luck charm," I said as I handed over the necklace I'd had Pluto help me with. It was one of the emerald crystals wrapped in wire and put on a chain. "I'd rather it wasn't sold, but you can do whatever you want with it."

"Thanks. Who cooked the food?" She asked as I put the necklace around her neck.

"Another thing Pluto taught me to do," I shrugged as we dug into the food.

When we finished I held out my hand to help her up, she accepted it and I held on as we went in the opposite direction that we came.

"There's more?" She asked with her eyebrows up.

"You'll see," I told her as I flashed her a smile. She smiled in return and I nearly stopped. My steps faltered, she noticed, damn.

"You okay?" she asked, concern clear in her tone.

"Your smile is really nice. I hope you smile more," I said, blushing.

"Oh." I went around to cover her eyes. "Again?" She groaned. I laughed and led her forward.

"You're gonna haveta duck here, the entrance is kinda small," I whispered in her ear, again loving the shiver it created. "I heard you liked wolves?" I asked, uncovering her eyes.

"Yeah, s-" her answer turned into another gasp as her eyes fell upon the wolves. A dozen wolves were in the den, she steppd back, right into me. I laughed as I steadied her.

"It's okay, they're friendly to me," I whispered indicating the wolves. There were twelve, the largest was shoulder to shoulder with me, a white one, the next three were the size of regular full sized wolves, one was silver, the other two were tan, the next was a tiny bright red wolf, bigger than the pups but smaller than the tan ones, and the rest were pups of verying colors.

"Look! There's your family! The big white one's Pluto, the tan ones are the Twins and the red on is Sammy!" Charlie said jokingly, grabbing my hand.

Can I tell her now? I asked Pluto through the chat. The white wolf lowered her head and brought it back up. A nod.

I let go of Charlie's hand, feeling the loss of her warmth to my bones, and turned her to face me, "Charlie, you hit spot on. The white is Pluto, our Alpha, I'm a speckled black and redish brown, I'm the Beta, the Twins are the tans, they're Alpha's third and fourth, not sure which one's which though, and the red one's Sammy. The three grey pups aren't ours biologically, but we take care of them." I said softly, not expecting her to believe it.

"Yeah? Prove it," She said.

I looked toward the white wolf, "Alpha help," I put the Beta into my voice, not good. Pluto got pissed, snorted as well as a wolf could and left. "Shit," I mumbled. I started taking off my shirt, not wanting to rip it. I was beet red, Pluto walked in. That ass! She knew I would embarrass myself!

"Woah, little brother, teach you to try to tell me what to do. A'member what happened last time?" She asked.

"Whatever, Alpha." I turned to Charlie, "Belive me?"

"No." She is stubborn! I heard Pluto snort.

Told ya so, she said smuggly through the chat.

Ass, I replied as I finished taking off my shirt, sighing.

"Hey, you know Sammy doesn't mind being nechid. Wanna ask a brother for help, little brother?" PLuto asked with amusement in her voice. I knew the amusement would fade if Charlie rejected me.

Hey, Sammy, wanna help a brother out? I asked through the chat.

Sure, watcha want? Thank the goddess for four-year-olds.

Can ya shift please?

Sure thang. In here?

Yes please, I thought.

Suddenly the bright red wolf was a bright red haired child with muddy brown eyes, "Charlie!" Sammy squealed as he jumped into a very shocked Charlie's arms. She turned beet red as she held the naked child in her arms.

"I wasn't lying, we're werewolves, and you're my mate. A wolf only mates once, sorry," I told her as I took Charlie and gave him to Pluto.

"Take me home, please," She said weakly, I went to steady her but pulled my arm back when she flinched away. My heart broke a little.




My heart broke with my brother's when Charlie flinched from Liam. He led her away without trying to touch her again.

"Are we going home now?" Sammy said from my arms.

"Lets clean up the blanket first then we'll go home," I told him.

"Can we go see Lizzy?" He asked before I'd even finished the answer to his last question.

"Tomorrow, 'kay?" Jenna's mom had gotten used to us showing up with Sammy, he loved her like a sister right now, later he'll be a body guard, then someone to tell her secrets to, and finally a lover. That's how it happens when a young wolf finds his mate. If they're older when they find each other like Liam, they'll go straight to lovers.

Three of us trudged home in low spirits, while a four-year-old nearly skipped the entire way home.

Chapter 9

The weekend was horrible and tense. Nobody but Liam and I talked about Charlie, only once though. He was short tempered and mopey all weekend. The whole family steered clear of him. It was finally Monday morning, we got ready quickly, even the kids feeling the mood and hurrying.

"Mom! You don't work Mondays, can you take these three to school?" I called as I headed out the door with Liam.

"Yeah," she called back, but we were already on our bikes starting them.

We sped like blind people, narrowly avoiding collisions and getting many honks, all the way to school. At school every head turned our way and I realised that I hadn't put on a hoodie over my usual t-shirt. Neither had Liam, who went to mope with his friends. I looked at Charlie and started over. She shook her head so instead of stopping I went past them to my first class, hating the stares I earned with my tattoed arms showing.

Conner burst in as soon as the bell rang, he got out a peice of paper and hurridly wrote, "What happened Friday? What about 'Sisters before Misters'? What did your brother do to her? Why aren't you guys speaking? What's up with the new fashion sense? Do you know how many stares you're getting? Why are you riding your bike?" He handed it over to me.

"My brother took her out Friday. Less about Liam, more about me and Charlie. He only told her a secret. I need to speak to Charlie, she's avoiding me, I'll corner her after school. I forgot my jacket in my hurry this morning, can I use yours? I know how many stares I'm getting and it's bothering me. I rode my bike because we didn't have to walk the littles to school and I'm pretty sure if you put the five of us together right now we'll blow," I wrote back.

"Tough weekend?" He asked.

"You've no idea! I've never seen a family so tense! Though it was only the kids," I answered.

"What happened?"

"Charlie! I don't blame her that she freaked, but if she spills our secret than depending on who she tells, we're dead!"

"What secret?"

"Not up to me to tell, it's up to everyone."

"And everyone agreed to tell Charlie?" He wrote.

"Yup, she's a part." I wrote back.

"Would you two like to share your note?" Mrs. Timothy asked, making us both jump.

"Uuuhhh, not really," I said, smiling weakly as I crumpled the paper.

"I have had more trouble with you two than anyone else. Ms. Johanson! Would you like to stop trying to shove that paper in your bag and come up here and do this problem?" Mrs. Timothy asked as the kids, mostly werewolves, snickered.

"Not really, but, for you? Anything." I said gaining more snickers, these directed to Mrs. Timothy. I got up, moving towards the front white board where the problem was written; 5x+7y-8z/sin(40986)+(e-k+[-b+4ac/2a]-789-[f(k)+4(g)+{5^7-20%+A}-Bh]+1337-69)+5e-4x+5y+12z-4^29+6.02X10^23+cos(5.63)=. I knew the answer, but I didn't feel like being the teacher's pet this year. I walked up to the board, confidence radiating off me as I started to write. I wrote one of the simplest answers on earth; I'm Batman, in big letters. The whole class could see the answer when I sat down. People started laughing because the teacher hadn't turned around to check my answer, knowing it was wrong by the smug smile on my face.

In reading, Charlie sat as far from me as she could, sitting in an already surrounded desk. She doesn't want us speaking to her, my wolf said.

I know, I can't tell if she's afraid or angry, I told him.

I think it's a little bit of both.

Probably, angry for dragging her into this, fearful of the monsters that we are, I said, on the verge of tears.

Don't cry, my princessa!

I'm not crying yet! But she's right to fear us. Me personally, I'm glad that the chance of my finding a mate is slim.

Not slim enough, I fear.

What's that mean?

That there's still a chance you will find him, he told me glumly, hoping as much as I was that the day wouldn't come.

I was pelted with questions about everything for my next two classes, at lunch I went to see how my brother was faring, he was still grumpy and short tempered. I flopped down, "You wanna ditch?" I asked softly.

"Ditch where? Mom'd kill us if we went anywhere. Who said I wanted to ditch anyway? Huh?" He asked angrily, stabbing his lunch box with his pocketknife, probably wishing it was my head.

"I dunno! That was the point of asking genius," I snapped, my patience for him was used up. His friends looked at us questioningly.

"What's up with you two? Aren't you like best friends as well as siblings?" One girl asked.

"Yeah, but problems are running around in our family right now, it's got us all tempermental," I answered, trying to be nice. "Well, nice seeing ya, bro. But I have the feeling that if we don't walk away from each other now, we'll end up tearing each others' head off. See ya."

"See ya," He mumbled. I went to the tree that we usually sat under, knowing that they probably wouldn't be there. I was right. I started climbing the tree, trying to get some of my extra energy and anger out. Anger at who though? Charlie for rejecting Liam? Liam for telling Charlie too soon? Myself for not being able to patch anything up? Myself for talking Charlie into this? Liam's wolf for imprinting on Charlie, of all people? I don't know.

"Hey! Pluto! You up there?" An achingly familiar voice called from below, startling me enough that I slipped, tumbling off of my perch on the tree's top branches. Strong, firm arms caught me and slowed my plumet to Earth, I caught myself staring into the breathtaking grey eyes of Brandon, and I fell, fell hard for him. Is this what it feels like to find your mate? Well, I don't like it. At all. "Well, that answers two questions."

Chapter 10

"Uumm, what questions?" I ask as I realise I'm still in his arms. My mate's arms. Brandon's arms. Shit. My wolf wants out, now.

"Are you up there and are you my mate, yes and yes." His amused attitude snapped me out of my inner war with my wolf.

"Let me go!" I yelled and rolled when he abruptly let me go, "Jesus, is that why you were staring at me when we were wolves?" I asked when it clicked.

"Yup, now we need your brother's help," He said.

"'Kay, watcha need?" I asked, slightly wary.

"There's rouge vamps going haywire downtown, we're outnumbered," He answered, "They're pulling all of us out we figured that your brother's strength and tactics may help."

"I'm coming, we're stronger as a team of two, not alone," I said as I jumped up.

"No! You're gonna stay here and be safe!" He yelled.

"Oh no, you did not just tell me to do something. You can find out from my brother that that doesn't go over well with me," I said as I bounded towards where I had just met Liam, Brandon spouting excuses as to why I shouldn't come as he followed. "Liam! Come'n we gotta go, Superman."

"Why?" He groaned as I dragged him off the ground.

"A'cuz, so come'n. Come on! You big lump of dead weight, if you don't come now and if Brandon doesn't stop spouting excuses like a fountain does water than I will go alone!" His friends looked at me like I was crazy. "Come'n! You wanna cookie to go with that wine? Jeez, you two would be better off than who you actually got." I said, goading them by saying they'd make great mates.

"Shut up, we're comin' I just wanted to know where," Liam said, pride wounded.

"You'll see, actually I don't know where it is, lead the way," I directed the last bit at Brandon.

"You're not getting out of this are you?" He asked as we walked away with a sulking Liam in tow.




"You'll see, actually I don't know where it is, lead the way," My sister said in false cheer.

"You're not getting out of this are you?" Brandon asked, so he's let the beans spill that she's his mate. Thinking about mates made my heart hurt as I looked around for mine.

There, my wolf said, directing me to Charlie, walking out of the lunchroom. She looked our way, I looked away quickly, trying not to show how much I was hurt as I looked forward when passing her.

I'm so sorry, Bubba, Pluto whispered through the chat.

S'okay lil sis, it ain't your fault.

It is though, I gave the okay to tell her, we should've waited. She slowed and squeezed my hand to tell me she was sorry. We trudged on, stopping when Charlie ran up.

"You guys are going to go become wolves aren't you?" She asked, her musical voice playing havoc on my heart.

"We have business in the woods to take care of, everyone's needed," Pluto said softly.

"Are the other three going?" My perfect mate asked.

I shook my head, "Not till they become old enough that they're as big as us." My voice sounded horrible, not my usual smooth and my head was hung low.

"I'm sorry Charlie, I really am for dragging you into this, but we have to go. Helpless people are dying and we need to get there. Bye," My sister said quietly as she dragged me away from my mate. "At least she's talking to us again," She whispered into my ear.

We got into the forest and started stripping, my protectiveness of my sister came back as I saw Brandon's eyes roaming over her body hungrily. "Dude, eyes off," I hissed, Pluto looked up and turned beet red as she realised what had happened. She turned into her pretty white wolf, I turned at the same time as Brandon. We were about to run off when a slight sniffling alerted us to someone else being there with us. I whirled around to find my mate, held at the throat by a filthy blood sucker. I let out a growl.

"Have I hit a weak spot, little puppy?" The man asked, his voice had a silky quality, "Maybe your mate, maybe just a human, well, which one doggy?" Pluto took lead in our triangle and a growl rippled through her.

Damn leech, what the hell do we do? I asked, paniced.

We move, he breaks her, Brandon said, a growl rose from me as I thought of that.

Hey, Liam! ever heard of a poker face? We can bluff it, Pluto thought as she turned back into a human.

"Whatcha want little doggie? Her?" That damn leech!

"Sure, however not as much as you evidently little leprechaun," She replied.

"Leprechaun? That one's knew I'll have to admit," He let out a deep laugh, seemingly calmed by her lack of interest, to most, Pluto would look calm and at ease, to someone who had grown up with her, she looked deep in calculation.

"Red-head? Shorty? Everything points to leprechaun, so you Irish?" Actually he was about 6', but that didn't matter next to Pluto's stunning 6'3".

"I am not short!" He practically shouted, loosening his hands unconsiously so that they would be ready if Pluto attacked. His focus was solely on my sister.

"You're height says differently. But don't worry, I won't tell your friends that you got called a shorty by a me, a lil' ol' puppy dawg." His hands loosened more, they were now only hovering around Charlie's neck, a little looser. That's all I need.

"I'm not even Irish! And I will not be called shorty by anyone, let alone a mutt!" He screeched, his voice loosing it's musical quality.

"Mutt, how origional. You know, I get called worse by the squirrels," Pluto said as she checked her nails. The vamp lunged out of anger right onto a waiting white wolf. I shifted, quickly steering Charlie out of the clearing we had found.

"You okay?" I asked her as soon as we were out of ear shot of the fighting. She nodded.

"Will they be okay? Alone with that, that thing?" She shuddered.

"They'll be fine, Pluto could've taken him alone. Actually, that one got so mad that Sammy could've taken him alone. Pluto did well." I murmured, trying to calm her fears, "In fact here they come."

"Damn, he was pissed! Who would've thought? Height is such a touchy thing with you males, whether you're wolves or leeches. Here Liam," Pluto said as she came into sight tossing me my clothes.

"Thanks, but aren't we going to help the others?" I asked as I dressed.

"Yeah, but we need to get Miss Almost-Dinner outta here," She answered as we walked toward the school parking lot. Brandon, Pluto, and I flinched as the bell rang.

"Why'd you flinch?" She catches the things not needed to be caught, that's my mate alright.

"It hurts our ears, too loud," Brandon answered from behind, effectively annoying my sister by telling her that she can't come with.

"You won't get anywhere with telling her to do something, lucky us right? I get the mate that's nosy and completely pushes people away and you get one that can kick your ass and is the one born female werewolf in our histories," I throw over my shoulder at Brandon.

" Not to mention the fact that they're both opposed to being bossed around and thus does the exact opposite of what you tell them," He replied.

"Exactly," Pluto said smuggly from beside Brandon.

Chapter 11


We walked Charlie to her little buggie and followed her out of the parking lot with our bikes. We went to the littles schools and pulled them out, saying that it was an emergency. They got in the buggie with Charlie and we continued in our formation; me infront, Liam in back, the buggie and Brandon's jaguar in the middle. Upon making it home Liam and I stripped into our usual run around clothes.

"Stay in here with Charlie, okay? Twins, Sammy you know what happens if leeches come, be strong my little warriors," I said as I left them alone in my attic room.

We made it to the battle grounds, just as the last leech was being killed. The Alpha walked over, his mood steely. I knew his knews was bad. He looked up with apolegetic eyes as he said, "Your brother, William, is not among the dead." I sighed with relief, I may hate him but I didn't want him dead. "But nor is he not among the living."

"What do you mean? Everyone's dead aren't they? How can he just dissapear?" I asked, utterly confused.

"There were a few hunters among the vamps, leaving us to the conclusion that they're working together to take out the wolves," He answered.

"But why take my brother hostage? He's useless unless they want a fighter, he won't fight for them though. Will he?" Everything I knew and thought was being thrown out the window.

"One of the hunters had this note on them," Alpha Kristopher said as he handed a crinkled note over.




Frater virginis habemus in notitia, ut vos es currently opperating in oppidum. Inveniant, uti sibi sycophantae ad nos postea occident. Nos postulo ut nos ei astronomicis dote habet. Si autem, quod ad chiffer, abominationibus eorum stirpe potuissent homines, flammis iterum in mundo vivit, accipiendo id quod est de iure gentium communia. Cum eum in custodiam mitteret titulum. Solvite, si inveneris, et scient conantur invenire puella.


It had no signature. "Well, do you know what it is?" Kristopher asked.

"Looks like Latin, I'm not the best at Latin but I know someone who are," I replied, still studying the note, "Bury these people and vamps."

"Why and you say are like there's more than one person who can help," He said, giving the order anyway.

"A'cuz and there is," I said to his confused face, "Come'n I'll show you who." He followed me back to my bike, "You gotta car to drive?" I asked as he walked over to a porche, I whistled at it's beauty.

You sure it's Latin? Liam asked through the chat.

Yup, I recognized 'virginis' as 'the girl's', 'flammis' as 'flicker', and 'Solvite' as 'Destroy this', interesting note don't ya think? I asked, thinking that 'the girl' referred to me.

Well, that's more than I recognized, where'd you even learn Latin?

The Twins.

Where'd they learn it?

No idea.

Nice. And with that we pulled into our drive.

"Thank the Goddess that the 'rents ain't home," Liam said as Kristopher's porche parked.

"Nice house, cozy," He commented, but got right to the business as we walked through the door, "But, where's the Latin experts?"

"Twins!" I screamed, running to the attic door.

"Nay! We know not who entrenches upon our purlieu!" They shouted back. Kristopher looked at me in confusion.

"Entrench means trespass and purlieu means land, you'll get used to their speaking eventually. But, right now, I'll go through the attic window." I told him.

 I walked outside preparing to climb up the side of the housse, yet again. I looked up until I spotted the big window that led into the attic. I climbed up as I had a week ago, Why is our life turning upside down? My wolf grumbled to me as I pulled myself into the balcony-like area outside the window. I pulled out my switchblade and opened the clasp.

"Trespassing? Me? Nnaaahhh, not my style," I said jokingly as I hopped onto the floor in my room.

"Pluto! You are back so early we thought it wasn't you!" The Twins explained as they hugged my and Sammy jumped into my arms. I unlocked the door and let in Kristopher and the few of his pack that had come with.

"Where's the decipherers?" Kristopher asked, confused.

"You are-"

"Confused." The Twins said, then together, "Why?"

"I'm always confused about one thing or another around this fucking family," He muttered under his breath.

"Yeah? Get used to it," I said, letting out a chuckle. "Twins we need your big brains to tell us what this note says, it's in Latin. Can you do that for me, Little Bubbas?"

"Sure," They said together, grinning, "Where da note?"

"Here," Kristopher said doubtfully as he handed over the note.

I was destracted from the Twins frantic writing by Sammy pulling on my arm, "Lizzy. She needs me."

"What happened?" I asked, I knew something was wrong with the little newborn; Sammy was practically freaking out.

"I don't know, but she needs me."

"Hey guys, LS is havin' prblematics with Lizzy so I gotta go," I said, walking out with the boy trembling in my arms.

"I'll come with," Brandon said, looking every bit the beaten puppy who always comes back.

"'Kay, can we use your car? I don't wanna take my chances with both you and Sammy on my bike," I asked as we exited the house.

"Wait! Wait! WAIT!" The Twins screamed, rushing out to give us a translation of the note.

"Thanks, guys," I told them, kissing their heads.

"You won't say that when you read it," They grumbled, stalking back into the house.

We got in and headed off for Jenna's, my brow furrowing with every word I read. "Something in that note's bothering you, wanna read it out loud?" Brandon asked.

I read the note;



We have received notice that the girl's brother is in the little town you are currently opperating in. Find him, use the sycophants to get him, we'll kill them later. We need him to lead us to her, she has astronomical endowment. If she were to chiffer that, their race of abominations could flicker back into the living world of humans, taking what is rightfully the normal peoples. When you have him in custody send me a notice. Destroy this, if they were to find it, they will know and attempt to find the girl.


"Well, what's that mean?" Brandon asked, speeding up.

"Well, I'm assuming that 'the girl's brother' is William and that I'm 'the girl'. Sycophants means leeches, so that's the vamps, astronomical endowments is enormous power, chiffer means to figure out. So all in all, I'm guessing that I've got a bunch of hunters after me that think I have 'astronomical endowments', and they've wolfnapped William to find me, if he spills they'll come and most likely kill me. They don't know I'm here and this Daniel guy sucks at following orders because he couldn't destroy this. Oh, and the fact that whoever sent this won't have to kill the leeches because we already have. Ta-da, great explanation," I said, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that there's a bunch of assholes after me.

"What if they want to find you to use your power?" Brandon asked as we pulled over infront of Jenna's house.

"Well then, sucks to be them, I haven't got any powers," I said pissed at the hunters.

"That's not true!" Sammy screeched from the backseat, both me and Brandon swiveled around to face him.

Chapter 12


I felt like crap, my head hurt, my back hurt, my wrists hurt, my body hurt period. The ache in my arms told me that my arms had been wrenched behind me for a while, the burn in my wrists told me that the cuffs were silver.

Wolf? my friend? Are you there? I tried contacting my wolf but he simply wasn't there. I tried letting the wolf be dominant, letting him take over. I let out a strangled cry and squeezed my eyes shut as an unspeakable pain ripped through me, body, heart, and soul.

"Oh look, the little puppy dog's awake," I hadn't noticed the brunett lady, maybe thirty-five, until she'd spoken. I kept my mouth closed, trying to remember what happened. I scoped out my surroundings, a small room, I was in a cage, at that I was pissed-you do not put anyone in a cage. There was another girl, about eighteen, standing behind the lady. She was tall, almost as tall as my 6'6" form, and had a head of curly blonde hair, not as blonde as Pluto's but blonde nonetheless. She was skinny, like they starved the poor girl. Good thing I was only a year older than Pluto, I may be able to swoon that one. I felt very protective of her as I struggled, only succeeding in burning my wrists against the silver. I swore.

Everything came back as I peered at this girl. The Alpha had called us, while I was running through the forest to meet them and help that girl had stepped infront of my big, silver wolf. She wasn't human, nor a wolf, hunter, or vampire, confusing me. Then I'd caught sight of her eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes, fitting her face perfectly as she realised I was her mate at the same time I had.

"I'm sorry," She had whispered as I was hit with something from her hand, knocking me out.

I shook my head, bringing myself back to the present. "What the hell did you do to my wolf?" I growled at them, making the girl cower.

"We put the doggie in a mental cage in your mind," The same lady as before replied.

"You put us in a cage!?!" I snarled at her, I was livid that she would even think of putting me in a cage. "That's just cruel."

"Not for a bad dog, it's not," She told me, completely calm.

"Who said I was a dog, huh? I could just be me," I said through clenched teeth.

"Nope, you're lean, tall, and have the temper of a wolf. Plus, we've been following your progress, why do you choose the towns that you do?"

"There are plenty tall, lean men like me with temper problems," I said, knowing it was futile.

"Wrong! But why do you choose to go to the towns you do, there's no pattern," She said excitedly.

"Go to hell," I said hissed through my teeth. Her merry expression disappeared instantly.

"Listen up, pup. We need to know where that no-good sister of yours is. You know, the Alpha. If she harnesses the power that flows through her, the humans will cease to be the rulers of Earth. She is a bigger abomination than you regularly are. We want to study her, she's the only born female werewolf, she's also an Alpha and her parents are human. She's an oddity and we want to know how she was made, so that we can prevent it from happening again." She leaned in really close as she said this, almost close enough to bite, but not quite.

"Asshole," I muttered as she leaned away, she slapped me, burning my face with her silver rings.

"Tell me!" I spit the blood in her face.




"What do you mean I have powers, Sammy? Sammy?" I asked.

"W-when y-you s-s-sleep and have n-nightmares, you end u-up two feet above y-your bed, f-floating," He said nervously at my expression. Brandon put his hand on my arm, calming me down instantly.

"Anything else?" I asked, closing my eyes.

"That thing you did with the lake, we can't do that, and I'll bet Brandon can't either." He answered.

"What thing with the lake?" Brandon asked from beside me.

"Ever since I was little, I've made lakes ice so we could go skating. No one told me that they couldn't do it so I figured it was a normal thing," I said, shrugging.

"And she makes pictures in flames, and the wind wips up when she's angriest. And she can make waves in the lake, or pictures in the ice." Sammy said, blabbering.

"And you don't think that's extraordinary?" Brandon asked, turning towards me.

"No one told me it was. We gotta go inside now," I said as I opened the doors with the wind, "That's what Sammy was talking about." I grabbed Sammy and headed towards the door.

"Hey kids, todays not the best, I'm worried about Lizzy," Jenna's mom said after we knocked.

"We know, what's up?" I asked as we sat on the couch in the livingroom.

"She's taken ill, the doctor said that she won't last through the night, they're letting her stay here though and I'm grateful for that at least," She said as tears formed in her eyes. Sammy's tears were already spilling as he raced up the stairs to where his little mate lay sick and pale. We rushed after him, I looked down.

Princessa, we can heal her, my wolf told me.

How? How do I save this girl? I asked him, tears spilling out of everyone's eyes now, Sammy's because it's his mate, Jenna's and her mother's because they feared loosing the baby, mine because there may be something that I could do but I may not be able to do it, and Brandon's because I was crying.

We're a wolf, but we're some much more, too. You have to harness the ability deep within you. Become one with the healer, the wolf, the human, the hero, the selfishness, the flyer, become everything that you are. Let yourself bask in the feeling of a healer. He said, he helped me chase the run-away parts of the healer. He helped me stitch my healer's identity together and keep her together.

Now what? I asked.

Become her, let her consume you and take control, He answered.

Like on the hunt?

Like on the hunt.

I let myself be taken over by the newly made identity like with the wolf, but where with the wolf, I feel the need to hunt, with the healer I feel the need to heal.

"Look at her eyes!" Jenna's gasp didn't stop my advance to the baby, though it registered in the back of my mind.

I placed my hand on the baby's forhead, following my instincts, I murmured, "Obsecro, sana eam de puero hoc infirmitates." Please heal this child of her sicknesses, in Latin. I don't even know that phrase. My surrounding blurred and came back into focus, telling me the healer had decided that there was no one else to heal. Jenna's mother rushed to the crib, quickly checking her now laughing baby.

She turned back to us, Lizzy in her arms, "She's healed, what did you do?"

"Yes, what did you do? Charlie told Conner, Haven and I that you guys were, uuhh, different," Jenna said from beside her mother.

"We'd have to tell her eventually with what just happened, we're werewolves. That's our life and apparently now I have some assholes after me because I'm a born female werewolf. I wouldn't be surprised if that little girl was put here simply so that I could figure out how to do that," I said, now tired and cranky. I plopped down on the floor resting my head on my hands as I continued, "Not to mention that my brother is currently somewhere with hunters, most likely being tortured so that they can capture me and kill out our entire race. Oh, and we can't forget that Sammy has been mated to that little girl and Liam to Charlie. William may or may not have mated to anyone but I don't know because he left at sixteen, leaving me to fair for four younger werewolves at fifteen years old. It's annoying and hard to have to act like a mother at fifteen because your own is so clueless to the fact that her kids are werewolves. And we can't tell them because they're highly Christianic and would freak if they found out that all six of their children are kids that are litterally made with the beliefs of another God and Goddess!" By the time I was finished, I was yelling at no one in particular and everyone was staring at me. I hadn't noticed that I was standing up until I collapsed from sleep deprivation, stress, and fear. By the time arms wrapped around me, the floor had already blurred and I was gone.

Chapter 13


I was getting scared, the note had said that they were after the born female. That had to be Pluto, she was the only one that fit and it was William that was taken. They had left half an hour ago, Did they get her? I asked my wolf.

No, Brandon would protect her with his life and Kristopher would feel it if his son died. He is the Alpha. Plus, Pluto wouldn't go willingly and you'd be Alpha. You would fell that. He replied.

Thanks, I'll try to get to her through the chat.


The conversation was over so I tried to contact Pluto through the chat like I said I would, Plutp? You okay? Pluto? Pluto, you there? PLUTO!?!

"Is Pluto alright?" One of the Twins asked, for once alone. That meant they were afraid.

"I don't kn-" I was inturrupted by the door banging open. "What's wrong!?!" I asked as Brandon rushed in with a lifeless Pluto in his arms.

"She collapsed, I don't know what happened!" Brandon said, on the verge of tears. He couldn't protect his mate.

"What did you let her do to collapse?" I asked shakily.

"She saved Lizzie!" Sammy yelled, it was then that I noticed one of Pluto's weird friends, Jenna, and her family huddled in the doorway to Pluto's room.

"Why the hell do they know?" The Twins yelled to Sammy, "Why did you tell them?"

"Twins, I don't think that you should be cussing, and we had to tell them. They would have found out eventually," Brandon said calmly.

"Yo! Shut cher faces, I is tired," Pluto slurred, stirring from her slumber.




"She saved Lizzie!" I heard Sammy yell, Why was it so dark? Oh right, I must have gone to sleep. My eyes are closed.

"Why the hell do they know?" The Twins yelled, presumably to Sammy, "Why did you tell them?"

"Twins, I don't think that you should be cussing, and we had to tell them. They would have found out eventually," I heard my mate say calmly.

"Yo! Shut cher faces, I is tired," I mumbled, trying to go back to sleep.

"Well, at least she's not dead," The Twins said as I opened my eyes, giving up on sleep.

"Duh, I'm breathin' ain't I? Whatcha doin' here Jenna? Alpha Kris?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Don't you remember?" Alpha Kris asked me.

I tried to remember, "I remember saving Charlie from that leech, then going to the battle. There was bad news, other than that, nothing. It's blank from then to now."

"You don't remember the news?" He asked.

I got up. "No! It's a blank slate. Nothing's there!" I said as I swung around and slammed my fist into the wall, angered. The wall dented, "Shit," I muttered.

"Your wolf must think you can't handle it yet, so she's protecting you. She may just need a nudging," Kris said, deathly serious.

"Hey! Anybody home? I got a call saying all my kids skipped or were pulled out of school, mind explaing?" I heard my mother holler while thumping up the stairs. I winced. "Yup, you guys are gonna have some explaining to do, who is everyone? Hell, Jenna dear."

"I don't have time to explain right now, my mind is befuddled, it's all gone. Give me a few minutes talking to them peeps for a second. In fact I have no idea how anyone but the Littles, Charlie, and Liam got here," I said to my lounging mother.

"My name apparently is now Kris. However it was originally Kristpher Chelfer, and you are?" Alpha Kris asked behind a chuckle, wow, good acting.

"I'm Charline Johanson," My mother answered, flattered.

"Hello? Wu-mon, you has a husband," I said, putting an accent on woman.

"Duh." Nice mom.

"You know me, this is my mother and little sister, Lizzie," Jenna said quietly.

"Hello," My mother said, "Would you two like to get out of these tennagers' hair?"

"No, I must stay, and it would be wondrous for Jenna's mother to stay as well," Alpha Kris said smoothly.

"'Kay, bye."

"Okay, so we need to start at the beginning, we'll give you a bit of information at a time. Right now I will tell you that part of the news was that William is gone, taken," Alpha Kris said slowly.

I gasped at the same time that the door flew open, "What happened to my eldest son!?!" My mother screeched, barging in. I barely heard her my head was spinning, I needed the forest, I needed to shift.

"Grab her!" I faintly heard Liam yell as I took off towards the door. I made it half way to the forest line when I shifted. Everyone was there and they all saw my wolf take over. We howled in pain as we were bombarded with memories. I writhed on the ground, howling in agony.

The wolves surrounding me suddenly came into focus as the memories ended.

You okay?

Alpha are you alright?

Baby are you okay? Answer me please.

Where was Liam? He was my Beta, he should be here, I looked over the wolves surrounding me, nope no speckled one.

Right here, sis, A big redish brown wolf with black splotches thought to me as he plopped down by my side, licking my ear.

Child be wary, the memories may not be done, A big tawny wolf told me as he walked towards me.

Alpha Kris.

Yes, it takes most a moment to recognize me. Not a color that screams 'importance' is it?

Not really, I answered honestly.

I'm getting too old for comforting the young ones, He grumbled as he collapsed on the ground by my other side.

Yeah? Well then, scoot over and let my mate lay by me, I snapped at him, grumpy from the memories. The rumbling in his wolf's chest could be understood as laughter as he moved over, allowing Brandon to lay where he was and put his head on mine.

You okay? Brandon asked.

I guess, though I'm not sure what to do about William.

Don't worry we'll figure it out as a pack, we'll bring everyone together to protect your family and get William back. As it happens he doesn't have a mate yet. Alpha Kris thought, standing up and running behind a tree. He came out half a second later tying his tie.

How does he get dressed in that get up so quickly? I wondered.

Dunno, he's been able to since I was a kid, Brandon answered.

I'll bring back clothes, BRB, I thought to my pack and my mate as I got up and ran around the house. I shifted and silently thanked the goddess that we got mom to get a house in the woods; no neighbors. I walked through the front door and ran through the house, grabbing clothes for everyone.

"Hey dad," I said in passing my father in the kitchen, hoping he wouldn't follow me outside.

"Hey kid," He mumbled, looking for meat in the fridge.

I walked out to my mother's scream, one of the Twins and Smmy were tumbling in the back yard. Sammy was obviously loosing, he was so much smaller. Mom's scream was joined by a higher pitched one as my dad walked out and saw it all. Manly.

"Yo! Quit that!" I ordered as I marched over and grabbed the two fighting wolves scruffs. They didn't hear me over their growling and snarling. "I said, Stop!" I laced extra Alpha in my voice as I spoke, "William is gone, people are after me, and you guys are fighting like a bunch of feral dogs. We are a pack, you should act like the brothers you are, not fueding Alphas. Got it?"

The wolves whimpered, I sighed, "Go get dressed." I placed the clothes in front of the wolves that they'd fit. The small kid pants in front of the bright red wolf, the matching pairs of pants in front of the sandy wolves, two pairs of sweats on the ground in front of the black and speckled wolf.

I turned back and jogged to my father who was busy freaking out, "What was that? Why did they listen to you? What are they? What are you?"

I was getting angry, that was me stopping a fight, they listened to me because I'm an Alpha, they're werewolves, I'm your daughter, was what I wanted to say but what came out of my mouth was, "Wow, you hate werewolves! We're you're kids! There's a reason we didn't tell you!"

He stood shocked at what I said. Then he said, "Don't yell at me young lady! My you're just not a good daughter." I was just grumpy, now I was grumpy and pissed, not a good combination for a werewolf.

Chapter 14

 "Well, I'm sorry if I'm not your perfect little daughter! I'm sorry that William was taken because of me! I'm sorry that you're not the only ones who think I'm an abomination! I'm sorry that I can never live up to your expectations! I'm sorry that I can't do anything right in your eyes! I'm sorry if I tried to protect the other four because they're werewolves! I'm sorry for trying to take a burden of your shoulders! I'm sorry I didn't tell you because you're Catholics! I'm sorry that I was made to serve the Goddess! I AM SORRY!" My dad, as well as everyone else there for that matter, looked shocked as I finished and arms snaked around my waiste. I turned my head to put my face in Brandon's bare shoulder, it was then that I realised that I was crying.

"You think you don't do anything right in my eyes?" My father asked me, shock evident in his voice. I shook my head, still buried in Brandon's shoulder. "You're wrong," He said it was so softly that I could barely pick it up with my werewolf hearing.

"Pluto? Why are you crying?" Sammy asked as he tugged on my sleeve.

"I'm crying because I'm in pain. Like how you cry when you fall and skin your knee," I told him, kneeling down to his level as he wiped away my tears like I'd done for him so many times.

"I don't see any booboos, but I can still kiss yours if you show me where it hurts," He said with a sweet smile. he put his hand on my cheek, covering it.

"Sometimes the booboo isn't one you can see," I told him as I grabbed his hand between mine, his hands were almost as big as mine and he was four!

"So you hurt your heart? Was it Daddy yelling at you?" He spun around to glare at Father, "Stop hurting her heart! Better?" He asked as he turned back to me with a smile.

"Yeah, kiddo," I laughed, standing back up as I grabbed him and put him on my hip. " Hey, what were you and whichever Twin you were fighting with fighting about? I left for a couple minutes at the most," I asked with a frown.

"They dissed Lizzie!" He said, getting pissed. Werewolves, gotta love their temper problems, especially with the young ones. He was glaring at the Twins now.

"Twins?" I asked, determined to hear both sides.

"Yeah, so?" Damn.

"Apologize. Please."

"Nope," They said quirkily.

"Why?" I asked warily.



"Yup," The said with a smug expression.

"I could make you," I warned, watching their smugness disappear.

"Why does it-"

"Matter so much?" They asked switching off.

"Okay, when you find your mates, will you want me being an asshole to them? Sammy will have every right," I knew I was hitting their sore spot because they were the only ones without mates in my pack.

"Whatever, Sorry Sammy," They grumbled.

"'Kay," Sammy shrugged off their apologies like he did everything else. Could he be autistic? An autistic werewolf wouldn't be the best.

"Whatever." I swear they would fit in perfectly in the highschool drama club, just the way they say it. I turned back to my father.

"See what I've strove to get? We didn't want to burden you with the whole 'Your kids turn into giant wolves and they're lead by a kid who's not even out of highschool yet,' thing," I said cheekily, trying to provoke him. It worked, he narrowed his eyes.

"Pluto, now is not the time to be cheeky with your parents, they just found out that their first born son has been taken and that all their children are werewolves. Not the best time, especially if there are torches nearby. I have experiences with mobs chasing me with torches and pitchforks. It is not fun," Alpha Kris was glum by the time he finished. I narrowed my eyes at him and sighed.

"Fine. The only reason I'll listen to you is that you're right; William has been taken and you do have way more experience with those assholes that hunt us. I am the Alpha of the Freedom Runners Pack, I deserve at least some respect. I've practically raised a house of wolves since I was fifteen. THAT is not fun, try doing that and you'll willingly take the mob," I replied.

"I'll take your word for it, as well as William's, however I think it was worse for you because, although he was the first, you had to deal with the bullying because you're a born female Alpha and controlling a bunch of young mourning werewolves," He said as he shuddered. I laughed at his expression.

"Is it uncommon for girls to be Alphas?" My mother asked.

"It is unheard of for female werewolves to be born, not bitten. And their has never been a case of any female alpha. Ever. Your daughter is one-of-a-kind. She must be protected," Kris said, again deathly serious. While my parents are trying not to laugh because for his whole speech about female werewolves I was making faces behind his back, making it nearly impossible not to laugh or pay attention to me. Kris spun around facing me because everyone was laughing at me. I put on a straight face as he spun. "Pluto..." He said warningly.

"Yes Alpha Kristopher?" I asked the perfection mask of innocence on my face. The name Kristopher and my serious expression alerted him that something was off. I never had a straight face, always laughing, smiling, crying, never serious. I also never called him Kristopher, it was always Kris.

"This is serious," he said in that same warning tone, I nearly rolled my eyes, but that would have given me up. Instead I raised one eyebrow.

"Can't you see my face? I am completely serious," I said my face still striaght exept for my eyebrow.

"I know you're an astounding actress, you would have to be, so cut the crap," He growled.

"Thank you, however, I am hurt that you would think that I'd take my demise as a joke," I said seriously.

"You take everything as a joke," He muttered, turning back to my parents as I resumed my face making and wild hand motions. "As I was saying before your daughter decided to make you laugh, it's impossible. None of your children should be werewolves, yet they all are. And one of them has become a powerful Alpha. I can feel her power when she uses her wolf's Alpha voice. It makes me want to obey her."

Alpha Kris swirled around, a complete blur as he grabbed my wrist. Taking me completely by surprise I had a knee-jerk reaction and flipped him onto his back. "Sorry," I said sheepishly, "Knee-jerk reaction, I don't like being taken by surprise."

"Yes, you are definitely William's sister," He said as he brushed himself off, my parents glaring at me.

I walked off, dragging Brandon by the hand as I had a little conversation with my wolf, Yo, my friend, what's a swingin'?

Nothing, Princessa, He replied quickly.

Did you know that your Alpha voice is so strong?

Duh, I am the goddess's own creation. Not like those born pups. I am passed on through genes so somewhere along your family tree, there was a male werewolf that was in the goddess's favor. She granted him a strong wolf, the Alpha's Alpha they call me, as well as certain powers, to protect his pack and their mates. But him and his sons kept mating women before they were changed, eventually the werewolf gene got so over taken by the human gene that it got so small that the only thing these humans have in common with werewolves is their love at first sight and the ability to only have sons. That was the most my wolf had ever said. I had sat done, dragging Bandon done with me, unconsciously.

Chapter 15

 "Hey, what's wrong? You've been staring at nothing for a few minutes," Brandon asked me, getting worried. I squeezed his hand and smiled at him. How did I get such a perfect mate?

"I'm just thinking, I was talking to my wolf. He told me some interesting things that I didn't think were possible. We should get back to the others so I can tell everyone what my wolf just told me," I said as I pulled him up, bouncing at the new information.

We walked in peaceful silence back to my house. When we arrived everyone looked at us. I sighed. Brandon simply said, "Hey! Pluto's wolf told her some news, listen to her for a moment, will ya?"

I stepped forward, "Okay, my wolf says that he was passed down from an ancestor of mine. He told me that one of our ancestors was in the goddess's favor so she gifted him with certain powers. As well as a strong Alpha wolf called 'The Alpha's Alpha'. He said that the werewolf gene got so small that the only thing our dad had in common with the werewolves was the ability to only have sons and their mates. Meaning that mom and dad are actually mates and that they were only supposed to have human sons until the gene got weak enough for their decendants to have baby girls. So my wolf was passed down and I have the Alpha's Alpha in my head."

Everyone stared at me until I fidgeted. My father piped up with, "Does the gene get so small in every werewolf family?"

"No our, or rather your, family had a problem with having children with their mates before they went through the changing process. So, if they had waited then the gene wouldn't have died at all. However it did. Until now. That means something happened to this generation to make the gene come out again," I said it as calmly as I could, while inside I was freaking out.

"Well how do you know it's my side of the family that the gene's on?"  Dad asked, now on the defensive.

"Weren't you listening? There. Are. No. Female. Werewolves. Meaning the gene would have to be on your side, you used to tell us about how as far as the record books went, there was only males in your family. Until me. So I was your miracle girl," I said slowly.

"Wait, if your father has the werewolf gene, then we should be able to make him a werewolf if he wants," Alpha Kris suddenly said. "But I have only heard of one Alpha's Alpha and if there were only men in your family than the Alpha's name would have traveled to you guys. His name was not Alpha Johanson, either."

My father fiddled with his shirt hem, "Yeah, that's not my original name. My parents thought it would be funny to name their kid Salvador because our last name was Shadowwood."

"Yes, your parents chose well on your name, the original Alpha's Alpha was named Salvador Shadowwood from the Shadowwood pack. I do not think it a coincident that your parents named you after the original Alpha that you get your genes from," Alpha Kris said, nodding his head slightly.

"So can we change our pack name back to the original name?" I asked, hoping for a yes.

"Of course, your tattoos will change when you decide what the name is changed to. Converting to that pack. If you choose the Shadowwood Pack you will have the tattoos of the original members because, although the pack died out, you carry the pack's genes in you," Alpha Kris told me, still absorbed in the fact that I truly was the Alpha's Alpha.

"M'kay, so if you rents still aren't believing it, then here you go for more proof. As Alpha of the Freedom Runners Pack, I change the name back to the original name of our ancestors. The Shadowwood Pack will arise again, under a new Alpha's Alpha." I said in the formal way of changing a pack name, raising my arms to point at the now raising moon. I learned it when I was little, I changed a few words though, make it fit with what's happening now.

I watched my raised arms as the colorful tattoos that covered my body moved. I could hear the Littles squealing as they felt their tattoos move. What humans don't understand is that the tattoos are a part of us, even the ones we got by humans. And when I use my Alpha voice to change them, we feel them obeying. My parents gasped as they saw yet another impossible thing happen to their children.

When the process was over, I looked down at the final result having closed my eyes when I saw my tattoos wriggling. I gasped at the scenes taking place over my body, they were mainly of wolves fighting and killing. Pillaging and taking over other packs. In a different color there were werewolves running in wolf shape, human shape, and a shape midway between. I groaned as I realized that the tattoos were so different from my last ones, thank the goddess no one got a good look at mine.

"Ugh, my wolf's howling with joy at the tattoos. Does that mean that he likes the scenes or the feeling of something familiar?" I asked to no one in particular as I stroked the tattoos. They felt right. Like they belonged there.

"I think it reminds him or is your wolf a her? Well, I think it reminds them of home and there first half," Alpha Kris said as he studied me like a specimen.

"Quit looking at me like that," I snapped. I don't like being studied like a lab would, especially by someone that's a werewolf like me.

"Sorry, I was looking and those definitely are the tattoos from the book that I learned about the Alpha's Alpha, you truly are the Alpha's Alpha of today," He said, backing off.

"Huh, I've never really appreciated your knowledge Alpha Kris, I guess I'm the one who should be apologizing, Sorry," I smiled meekly at him.

"Okay, wolfie parts aside, I'm still your mother and I say bed time," My mom spoke up.

"Good point, we have school tomorrow. Liam grab him!" I had started off calm, but Sammy darted off towards the woods. Liam grabbed Sammy at the same time that I wrapped my arms around the Twins waistes. "Bed time."

"So this is the reason that they never listen to me anymore?" My mother asked as I struggled to hold two half-wolf, half-boy kids.

"Yup, damn beast form," I muttered as I grabbed the waisteband of the their pants. Bad thing about beast form, no scruff so I couldn't grabb their scruffs. "Okay I do not want to order you around, so you either go willingly or I will end up ordering you to bed." They went limp and changed back to their human forms. Liam and I jogged up the stairs a whole procession following us as we tucked in the kids.

"Okay, one rule for knowing about us; tell no one," Alpha Kris said, Alpha lacing his voice as I rolled my eyes. He turned to me, "And there will be wolves about your house all night. You need at least one other wolf with you that's from my pack with you at all times."

I groaned, "I can take care of myself, you yourself landed on your backside earlier because you surprised me. Why do I need bodyguards?" I whined.

"We've already gone through the fact that the hunters want you, either to kill or to use. It's obvious that you're stronger than the original but you still need protection," He said it so finally that I sighed.

"Fine, bye Jenna. Bye Brandon, Alpha Kris. Goodnight Mom, Dad," I grumbled as I quickly kissed Brandon and shoved all the visiters out.

Chapter 16

 "Pluto? You up?" I heard Liam ask from outside my door.

"Yeah, I'm coming. I'm coming," I grumbled slipping on a short sleeved shirt for once.

"Woah sis, what's up with the fashion?" Liam asked behind a chuckle as the Littles stared at me.

I shrugged, "Forgot to do laundry yesterday, can you blame me?" They laughed and shook their heads, happy to be themselves around our parents. I was happy for them, they hadn't been able to express themselves since they were four, that being the age they changed.

"Yo mum, we is gone!" I yelled as we walked through the door, only to be bombarded by Brandon and his car, "Whatcha doin' here?"

"Picking you guys up, remember escort at all times? I drive you to school," Brandon said kissing me, the Littles giigled and Liam coughed. I pulled back, blushing while Brandon laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him and swatted at his arm.

"Okay, there's no way we're all going to fit in there. Sooo, I'm gonna take my bike," I said as I walked towards my bike.

"Are you going to give up?" Brandon whispered in my ear while he snaked his arm around my waiste, I shivered. He smiled at my reaction, I tried to wiggle out of his embrace, but his arms were locked. All I managed was to face his, which in our close proximity, was not a good thing.

"Fine," I sighed, knowing how it would end if I didn't give in. I did not want the littles seeing that.

He smiled, "Good." He leaned in and kissed me, a sweet enticing kiss. I broke away before Liam could embarrass me again. I laughed and mouthed 'Later' at Brandon when he started to pout, who immediately perked up.

"Okaayyy, before I puke, goodbye," Liam said in a sing-song voice. I stuck my tongue out at him.

I walked to the passenger side door of the jaguar. Before I could open it, Brandon was there, opening it for me. I glared as I got in, helping the Littles settle on my lap, "Why couldn't we just walk to school?"

"Because, I didn't want you exerting yourself," Brandon replied merrily.

"Exerting myself my ass," I mumbled, knowing full well that he could hear it. If he did he didn't show it. He was rambling on and on about all the safety measures being taken to ensure my safety. To hell if they thought I was actually going to follow most if any of those! They were ridiculous! Seriously? New locks? We're facing skilled hunters, not the doe boy!

Them is bat shit crazy if they think we're actually going to follow these, My wolf snarled.

Right? Them is crazy, I am not a rules kinda gal, and I take it that you being an Alpha wolf means you don't like rules, either, I replied.

Nope, we'll show them, we'll save William! Yes! that's the idea we'll take! He was getting excited as he spoke.

Good idea! Okay so here's what we'll do... I told him the plan. We finally got to school after dropping the littles off, ending Brandon's rules and my conversation with my wolf. I noticed that there were about three times as many werewolves at school. I raised my eyebrows at Brandon.

"You didn't listen to a thing I said in the car, did you?" He sighed.

"No, but by all means, don't waste your breath trying to explain something to me when I'm likely to fall asleep," I told him, "Sorry."

"It's okay, I was mainly spouting random things to see if you were listening, I didn't pay attention to the list when my father went over it either," He said, smiling as he took my hand and dragged me towards Jenna, Charlie, Haven, and Conner.

"Wassup?" I asked when I reached them. Conner shook his head, smiling slightly. "What?" I asked warily.

"Girls are so mixed up, one day you and Charlie are besties, the next you're not talking, and then you're besties again!" He said, mystified.

"Hey, our lives are so screwed up, but they're screwed up in the same way. Kind of. If that makes any sense," I said, confusing myself.

"It doesn't," Liam said simply as he wrapped his arms around Charlie's waiste from behind, making her jump.

"See? One day Charlie's hating Liam, the next he's wrapping his ams around her. And she's allowing it! I'm starting to see a pattern," Conner said, still shaking his head. He stopped shaking his head and peered at me, concentrating, "You changed your tattoos and you're not wearing a jacket or long sleeve.You both did."

"Uh, yeah, um, they, uh changed over the, um, day while we skipped," I said, they knew it was a half truth by the unsure gate in my voice. I sighed, "Jenna said that Charlie told you we were different?"

"Yeah, she said you guys were werewolves," Haven said.

"Yeah, well she spoke the truth, we turn into giant wolves. I changed the name of our pack so our tattoos changed," I said, looking down.

"What'd you change it to?" Conner asked, playing along but not believing.

"Shadowwood, like our ancestors," I replied.

"It's obvious that you that you two don't believe them, well, I didn't either. Yesterday I saw things that are beyond reason. Beyond impossible, I was pulled out because my sister was dying remember? Yeah well she saved Lizzie from dying," Jenna said, getting angry.

"I can fix this. Yo! Diego! Come here, Bro," Brandon called over his shoulder to a kid up on a picnic table, trying to sing.

"Yeah?" The kid asked as he jogged over, up close I could tell he wasn't actually a kid, but a guy about my age.

"You have no morals, so can you strip and shift for these two, they were told yesterday before the rules were explained, figured that since they were Pluto's little clique, might as well get them to understand and believe fully," Brandon explained to the guy named Diego.

"Before that though, Diego how old are you?" I asked.

"Nineteen, they're sending anyone who can pass off as a teen back to school and pulling the kids from all the other schools to protect the kid they're saying's the Alpha's Alpha. But that's just a myth, ya know? I think they're just pulling everyone back to join a war with the hunters. They won't even tell us who the Alpha's Alpha is, wait, who are you? I 've never seen you around before," He said energetically. His arms were in full view.

"This is Pluto, the Alpha's Alpha. It's not because of some war with the hunters and I only tell you this because I trust you to not tell, so-" Brandon said, stopping from an elbow to the ribs.

"'Kay, I like you, you don't put up with his shit," Diego said with a smile, "So who am I showing?" He turned around the beginning of a smile on his face, it freezes when his eyes hit Haven, who quickly looks away.

"Oh shit, never mind, see ya later guys," I said as I dragged Diego into the woods. So what do they do? Follow. We got a good distance into the woods before his wolf finally won. The small Diego turned into a silver wolf that wasn't as big as many werewolves get.

Haven and Conner gasped when Diego shifted, his clothes in shreds around him. I cursed under my breath, "Liam, go get Diego so clothes, Brandon I think it would be best for you to stay here and talk to him, while I escort these ones back to the treeline," I said, already ushering them away.

"But-" He started.

"No, no buts. It's a short walk. Not like anything can happen," I cut him off. I walked away, leaving him to stop Diego from marking Haven.

"You were telling the truth, but he was going to turn into a big wolf for us anyway, why did you guys freak?" Haven asked.

"There were some... complications," I said slowly.

"When he saw me," She stated bluntly.

"Yeah, but he doesn't hate you or anything. He's just having some difficulty controlling his wolf. I don't think he was trained that well in controlling his wolf. Brandon had difficulty controlling his when he saw me, Liam didn't have any difficulties because we were taught to restrain our wolves in the worst of times because we were born from people that didn't know about werewolves, forcing us to hide it," I explained.

Chapter 17

 "So, what happened?" Haven finally asked.

"That is not my place to speak, ask Diego when he gets ahold of that wolf of his. I need to talk to Alpha Kris, tell him that he needs to train his pack better," I said.

"Who's Alpha Kris?" Haven asked.

"He's Brandon's dad, the guy I went to see on my second day here. This is his territory, so naturally I had to ask to stay," I said, remembering that day.

"Did you make up with your brother, William?" Haven was full of questions today.

"No, I never got the chance, now I may never," I mumbled.

"What happened?" I looked at her, wondering whether or not I should say.

"Yesterday when we skipped we were going to go fight a bunch of rogue vampires," I said slowly, wondering how I should continue.

"He died!?!" She squeaked.

"I wish, no he's been kidnapped by hunters who're looking for me," I said quietly.

"Why do you wish him dead then? Isn't there a chance you'll get him back?" Haven asked, sensing my discomfort.

"Doubt it, they'll kill him if he doesn't tell them where I am and they'll kill him when he does tell," I mumbled quietly, knowing I may never see him again.




I've been here for a couple hours at least, their bloodlust is enough to outshine even the most vicious leeches. I looked up as the door opened, the slight girl came in. A bowl of water and a container of medical alchohol in her hands. I swore.

"This is going to hurt isn't it?" I asked, hoping for a reply, just to hear her voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry," she said, my day made instantly better as her musical voice washed over me.

"If you don't mind my asking, what are you?" I asked softly, trying not to offend her.

She looked up, surprised at the question, she thought for a moment befor equietly saying, "I'm a Fae, they took me as a child away from my mother. This is going to hurt." I hissed as the alchohol hit my whipped and bruised skin. I hadn't even been here long and they were already trying to whip my anger and disobedience from me. But I am a werewolf, we cherish those things and hold them close. I sighed and she looked up, "Why did you sigh?"

"I can see many whippings and beatings infront of me, I've always been a disobedient pup," I tagged a lopsided puppy dog grin on the end, trying to get her to laugh.

She slammed the bowl down, "This is real! You're stuck with hunters and you're taking everything as a joke! How can you even joke when you're probably going through a lot of pain?" She asked, I was shocked at her anger, she's hot when she's angry. This was the most I'd gotten her to talk.

I chuckled. "It appears that my whole family has that problem, aside from my parents. I know it's not a wolf thing, my last Alpha was as serious as could be. That's another thing they probably won't be able to beat out of me."

"You're an idiot," She muttered, even when she was insulting me her voice was sweet, like honey.

"Yup, my dad had that problem with me, too. So, how old are you?" I asked, the grin still on my face.

She sighed as she looked at my face, "Eighteen."

"So why don't you go to school, Little Flower?" I asked honestly curious for the answer but mainly to her reaction to her new nickname.

"They won't let me, afraid I'll run away," She muttered, glaring at me, I smiled wider and she shook her head, "You're stupider than a rock."

"Thank you, Little Flower. But as it happens I have an extremely high IQ, again, runs in the family. But not with the parents," I said.

"Prove it." Her glare would wilt the flower I'd named her after.

"The Panthera Tigris, or tiger, is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 meters over curves and weighing up to 388.7 kg in the wild, or you could ask me a question." I said, watching her decide on a question.

She smiled, "What has no beginning, end, or middle?"

"A doughnut."

"What has four legs, a head, and leaves?"

"A dining room table."

"What invention lets you look right through a wall? "

"A window. Can you only do riddles?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"I'm Fae, the few of us left do riddles like our ancestors," She snorted.

"You know what? I like you, you'll probably be my only buddy in this hellhole," I said, smiling again.

"You're still an idiot, a smart idiot, but an idiot noneth-"

"You stupid girl! Are you done in there?" The angry lady yelled from the upstairs.

"Coming Miss!" My Little Flower yelled back, looking back at me she almost laughed at the expression on my face.

The angry lady came down the stairs as my Little Flower ducked her head and ran up the stairs. I was pissed now, no one should be able to do that to my mate! "So, have you gained a liking of my child?" The lady asked me as she stood infront of me, the cage closed.

"Nope, girl's annoying but she's the only one close to my age in this stinky human camp. But you, Angry Woman, I have taken an intense dislike to you. Plus, you think that perfume smells good?" I shuddered at the end to add effect, she screeched like my mother use to. It was times like these when I missed my mother.

She slapped me and left, presumably to get the whip, for a human, she sure could smack hard.

Chapter 18


I needed to go now, it was the middle of the night, I would be able to slip past the night guards when they changed shift in two minutes. They were trying to keep hunters out, not werewolves in. I jumped out my window leaving a note saying where I was going and what I was doing on my bed. I landed on the balls of my feet silently and stalked towards the forest. I silently moved passed the wolves that were switching with the exhausted wolves.

When I made it to where the fight was I shifted, Hey friend, wanna help?

Will yourself to see the auras left behind, then follow the one that feels like the brother you had and is now in jeopardy, He replied, always helping me with my powers.


Let the auras surround you and engulf you.


I did as my wolf said and willed myself to see the auras. There was nothing, then suddenly everything. Color was everywhere, I shook my head and closed my eyes, feeling my way to where my brother felt strongest. His aura was red, I knew that that meant he was energetic and enthusiastic.

I began following it when I heard the course cry of, Hey! Wait up, in my head.

Liam, what do you want?

I know what you're doing, I'm coming with. Don't tell me no because I will come, he's my brother too and I won't sit by while you run off alone.

Fine, come.

He followed me as I followed the red trail, noticing that Liam's aura was pink; nature loving and giving. How do you know where we're going?

I see William's aura, I'm following it towards where it gets stronger, telling me that this was the way he was taken.

Wow. When'd you learn to do that?

Just now.


I followed the glowing color, Liam trailing behind. We traveled like that all night and some of the morning. The aura went into a warehouse. There was obviously people in there. I shifted back, putting on my clothes as I motioned for Liam to do the same.

Okay friend, how do I make the auras go away now?

You will them away.

Oh, duh. Okay, thanks. I willed the auras away, thankfully they went, making me sigh in relief.

"Okay, he's in there, there's about ten other people in there as well, so you save William while I fight because I'm the better fighter," I said, looking at the house.

"I don't like it but okay." I stood up from my crouch, "Hey where you going?"

"In here," I replied as I walked through the door, expecting the people on the other side but acting dumb, "Oh, I didn't know there were people in here, sorry," I smiled for good measure.

"They're werewolves!" A guy screamed, charging at me with a silver knife.

"Ow," I pouted when the knife grazed my arm, lifting him with the other, "That's not nice." I broke his neck and threw him against the opposite wall.

"Should we attempt this? Those are the Shadowwood Pack tattoos, that means she's the Alpha of the ruthless pack," A man asked shakily.

"Oh, you noticed did you? Yeah, I heard you were looking for me so I came to you, to get something that is mine," I said, smiling menacingly as I approached, hearing Liam slip past me unnoticed to search the house for William. I killed three others and two more had bolted when Liam came back.

"I can't find him! William's not here!" He said as he killed a man that approached him.

"He has to be!" I yelled back, killing another guy. I left the last one to Liam as I left to search the house again. I heard a scuffling to my right and I barged into the room, finding a tall girl, too skiny to be healthy. I made a quick decision as I stared down at her, "Okay, here's the deal, two guys ran off, they will most likely be back with reenforcements so I can snap your neck now or you could lead me to my brother so I don't worsen my headache by bombardment of colors to find him. Got it?"


"Good, make your choice," I said.

"Follow me," She said without thinking.

"Great job searching the house Liam," I whispered into his ear.

"Don't blame me, I was in a hurry," He whispered back.

"And you didn't think to check the creepy basement?" I asked as the girl stopped and opened a door with stairs leading down. Liam smiled sheepishly at me. The girl walked in first immediately. "Wow, you didn't even try the whole 'he's down there' then lock us in."

"I want to be free as much as William does," She barely whispered.

"More on that later, cause William! Did ya miss me baby bro?" I asked jokingly.

"Hell yeah, now if you wouldn't mind, unlock me please."

"Uh, William, we don't have a key," Liam said worridly.

"Don't worry your none-existant balls, I got it covered," I said to William as I pulled out a pocket knife and bobbypins.

William went bright red and tried to cover it up with, "Hey Flower, you know, you could tell me your name."

I finished picking the lock and opened the door. The girl my brother called Flower and I went into the cell, leaving Liam outside incase anyone comes.

"Look at you, all grown up, and with different tattoos too! What happened to the girl who mom had to force pants on while you were running around chanting 'I shan't wear pants! I shan't wear pants!', huh?" William asked as I burned myself getting his cuffs off.

"Hey I remember that!" Liam said from the doorway.

"Me too, and I miss her," I said. I slapped William on the back of the head, "You left me to deal with a bunch of mourning baby wolves at fifteen!"

"Sorry 'bout that, but did you, uh did you just bitch slap me?" William asked as I supported his weight on the stairs, Liam guarding our front, the girl, Flower, at our backs.

When we got to the top step I noticed more scents, I shifted my vision and willed the auras to appear, Flower's was orange;  good-hearted, kind and honest. Now I trusted her. But there were varying shades of black; hatred, negativity, major illness or depression, cheap, miserly.

"Shit," I muttered, "Stay," I laced my voice with extra Alpha to make sure that even flower obeyed. She did. I walked to the first room we were in.

"That's her, she has to be the one we want," One of the runners said.

"Aw, did you miss me? That's so sweet," I said in a sickly sweet voice, "Let's take this outside so that we don't ruin your lovely wall decorations. Actually, they're quite ugly aren't they?" Some of the hunters nodded before realizing what they were doing, I chuckled. There was a good fifty people, mainly women. Yes, women have more guts.

"Stand down, you can't defeat us," A lady said. She looked like she was angry all the time.

"Why can't I, angry Lady?" I asked. The lady threw up her hands. My brow furrowed, was it a sign?

"Did your brother tell you to say that?" Oh.

"Nope, we think alike. Wait I have a brother?" I asked.

"Yeah, you have five brothers," The one that answered sounded unsure, this was going to be fun.

"Really? I've always wanted a brother! Yay! Dreams can come true!" I sang, twirling around with my arms raised, I stopped and jumped up and down, clapping my hands and laughing a girly laugh.

"Quit playing!" The angry lady yelled. I immediately stopped, filled my eyes with tears, and sniffled. I put my face in my hands, shaking my shoulders as I actually sobbed into my hands. I could be a world winning actress.

"You made her cry! You're an ass!" A voice said from the crowd, I looked up to see a young woman coming to calm me down. I wiped my tear-stained face. Still sniffling, I leaned into the woman's embrace, she was the only one with out a hint of black in her aura.

"I'll be a big girl," I said, still sniffling as I stopped crying, still clinging to the lady, "Why can't I just leave?" I whispered. William, Liam, crawl out a window, do not make a sound. Wait for me in the forest. Disregard my last order to stay. I think I can play them. I said through the chat.



Chapter 19

"What are you doing here child?" The woman asked.

"My mommy grounded me, saying something like 'even though you're slightly autistic that doesn't mean you can watch TV whenever.' I got mad and ran into the forest. It's dark and scary in there, but I didn't want to run back to mommy saying 'I told you so' so I kept running. Then I had to pee and I was lost. I wondered around until I found this place," I twirled around with my arms wide.

"You're autistic?" She asked.

I bit my lip and nodded, cowering a little and whispering, "You aren't going to yell at me, are you?"

"No honey. Leave her be, Margeret," She said, hugging me, protecting me. Goddess, I didn't want to hurt this nice lady.

"An autistic werewolf, fantastic," The angry lady, Margeret, muttered.

"Werewolves are real?" I asked, faking happiness once more.

"Autsistic, stupid, and to top it all off, bipolar as well," Margeret said, taking menacing strides towards me.

"I am NOT stupid!" I yelled, power radiating through the house at my voice as I stomped my foot.

"Yup, that's the girl we need," Margeret motioned to the people behind her to advance on me, most of the auras in the room were brown; confusion or discouragement. Margeret sighed and moved towards me herself, flicking out a switchblade as she came.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," I warned lowly, taking the woman by my side by the arm and spinning her infront of me.

"She's just a pawn, and a bad one at that," Margeret snarled, more people were advancing now.

"That's not very nice," I said, twirling and throwing the lady out the window, following closely. I spun back around, a smile on my face as I shifted into my white wolf. I howled, letting my wolf show his power. I noticed the hunters flinch at the control evident in my howl, I was the Alpha.

"Come here Fido and I think we can work something out, something where you live," Margeret said lowly advancing slowly. I growled, keeping the woman behind me, I made my way back towards the forest. It looked as if the forest burst with fur as dozens of wolves launched out, answering my howl.

I followed my brothers' still strong auras, untill I found them resting with the girl. I still had the woman with me, I lay down, offering my back to her.

Liam, William, I am glad you guys made it out safe and all but this lady looks exhausted, please tell her that she can get on my back, I thought to my brothers, noticing the lady's dinner plate-sized eyes.

"Pluto says you can lay on her back because you're tired. My name's Liam, by the way," Liam said, his eyes sparkling. The woman looked astounded as she touched a place around my eye.

Li, bro, can I use your shirt? I want to talk to you guys, I shredded my clothes, I whined through the chat.

William chuckled lightly, I narrowed my eyes at his amusement and turned back to Liam. He sighed and stripped his shirt, throwing it to me. I ran behind a tree and came out a second later, shirt covering everything that needed to be covered, but not much else.

"So what's your name and why did you touch my eye? Haven't you ever learned that wolves aren't the nicest animals?" I asked as I put my hands on my hips.

"You had a mark around your eye, it changes color. It amazed me. My name's Camille." She said shyly, "So in the house, all that was a lie?"

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, but I refuse to harm my pack," I said sheepishly, "Hey what does the mark look like?"

"From what I hear, I'll bet it's a paw around one of your eyes," Alpha Kris said as he walked into the clearing we had situated in, "There's a picture in one of the books, but it's never changed color. The five before you were all named Salvador and have had red, blue, yellow, green, or purple. Also, they were all pure black wolves."

"A color for each element; red for fire, blue for water, yellow for air, green for earth, and purple for spirit," I said, hoping I was right.

"Correct, they each had complete control over the element of their tattoo and they got their tattoo at the first time they took their wolf's full power in. That was when you howled, by the way. We were coming over to tell you that this morning, but your parents met us at the door, crying over your note," Alpha Kris said with a unapproving look.

"I wasn't going to sit by while my older brother was being tortured. I just debased myself saving him because of a fight we had, I will not stand by while the people around me suffer Alpha Kris," I said.

"Not much of an Alpha anymore, am I?" He mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not understanding.

"This mark means I'm in your pack, I read that all the Alphas get them when you get yours. We'll feel a pull to bring our packs to you, and you'll have to okay the pack. If the Alpha resists, then he'll get sick and will get the engraving 'An Alpha who does not obey the pull, does not obey life's rule' entwined with their mark. If their pack cares at all, they'll bring their Alpha to you," Alpha Kris said as he showed me a small paw mark with an eternity sign entwined with it on the skin between his thumb and pointer finger.

"Oh, well then you should bring me to your whole pack," I said, worrying about Alpha Kris's safety.

Chapter 20



"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, but I refuse to harm my pack," Pluto said to the lady, "Hey what does the mark look like?"

"From what I hear, I'll bet it's a paw around one of your eyes," I heard Alpha Kris say, I was still glaring at the girl that had led us to William, "There's a picture in one of the books, but it's never changed color. The five before you were all named Salvador and have had red, blue, yellow, green, or purple. Also, they were all pure black wolves."

"A color for each element; red for fire, blue for water, yellow for air, green for earth, and purple for spirit," Pluto said.

"Correct, they each had complete control over the element of their tattoo and they got their tattoo at the first time they took their wolf's full power in. That was when you howled, by the way. We were coming over to tell you that this morning, but your parents met us at the door, crying over your note," Alpha Kris recounted.

"I wasn't going to sit by while my older brother was being tortured. I just debased myself saving him because of a fight we had, I will not stand by while the people around me suffer Alpha Kris," I heard Pluto reply, I glanced over, surprised, but my attention went back to the girl.

"Not much of an Alpha anymore, am I?" Alpha Kris asked under his breath.

"What do you mean?" Pluto asked, even I was listening for the answer.

"This mark means I'm in your pack, I read that all the Alphas get them when you get yours. We'll feel a pull to bring our packs to you, and you'll have to okay the pack. If the Alpha resists, then he'll get sick and will get the engraving 'An Alpha who does not obey the pull, does not obey life's rule' entwined with their mark. If their pack cares at all, they'll bring their Alpha to you," Alpha Kris said as he showed PLuto a small mark on his hand.

"Oh, well then you should bring me to your whole pack," Pluto said, obviously worrying about something.

"Yeah, I guess," Alpha Kris said, looking anywhere but at Pluto. His eyes landed on the girl, Flower, "Who's she?"

"Yeah, who exactly is she, William?" I asked, anger and mistrust in my voice.

William sighed, "Not exactly sure, but she was just as much a prisoner as me."

"What does that mean?" Pluto asked, moving closer. She apparently trusted the girl.

"I was taken into their care as a child, they murdered my mother. I am the only fae left in this hemisphere. They starve me and beat me. I have new scars on my back from talking to William," She flinched at William's expression of anguish.

Mates, My wolf told me. Everything clicked, the nickname, the care, the closeness. It all made since now.

"Poor girl, what's your name?" Pluto asked, though the 'girl' was older than both of us.

"My mother used to call me Calla Lily James when she was angry. I guess that's my full name," She replied, probably thinking about her mother. I softened a bit and so did William.

"So my name of Little Flower wasn't that far off, was it?" He asked in a joking manner. Stupid family joking tendency.

"No I suppose it wasn't. Can I ask who you guys are?" She spoke hesitantly, like we would hit her. I was softening to her because of her obvious abuse, plus both William and Pluto trusted her.

"My name's Pluto, that's Alpha Kris, this ass is my brother, Liam, and I believe you've already met Will?" Pluto said, ruffling my hair when she got to my name.

"And you're the Alpha?" She asked, looking at Pluto and practically hiding behind William.

"Yeah, speaking of which, to your pack Alpha Kris!" Pluto said as she marched off in the direction we came from, into the clearing with the house. Walking into the clearing half naked made everyone stare at Pluto and I, "Never mind, to our house we go!" A few men chuckled as we changed direction completely.

"Pluto!" A boy yelled as he weaved his way through the men and wolves.

"Shit, Brandon," Pluto muttered as she was engulfed by Brandon's bare torso.

"You know, she is not decent at all," William said, gesturing torwards my shirt, playing the big brother.





"You know, she is not decent at all," I heard William's muffled words from within Brandon's embrace. I blushed and slipped out of Brandon's arms, trying to hide my beet red face. Judging by the snickers around me, I wasn't very successful.

"I'm going home for clothes, Calla, Liam, William, Camille, you guys should come with," I said to the ground, my still red face down.

"'Kay, where're My Flower and Camille going to go when we run?" Will asked, holding Calla's hand. I'd known they were mates when I heard Will call her 'His Flower' the first time.

"Camille can sit on me and Calla on you," I said, shrugging. I shifted without waiting for an answer, completely ruining Liam's shirt.

"Aaww man, you had to ruin my shirt didn't you?" Liam whined. I stuck my wolfy tongue out at him. Camille laughed. I laid down infront of her and waited for her to get onto my back. She didn't.

"I don't think I should get the privilage of riding on a werewolf's back, much less the Alpha's Alpha," She muttered, looking down.

Ask her why, please, I said through the chat.

"Why?" William asked for me.

"Because I'm a hunter too."

Please tell her that I was offering because where every other hunter had black in their aura. She doesn't. I said, getting annoyed.

"Pluto says that you don't have black in your aura, whatever that means," Liam piped up.

It means that her heart was never in the hunt, I growled.

"Oh. She says it means that you're not mean," William said.

"I never did like hurting you guys," Camille said warily.

"Yeah, and she would always give me way more food than anyone else, only eating a little so that I could eat," Calla said from behind Will.

"So in other words, get on the wolf, Camille," Brandon said, moving to pick her up if she didn't. Camille, apparently realised that it was futile to argue and that all it would do was get her put onto my back forcefully, shut up and got onto my furry back.

"Your fur is soft!" She exclaimed. The others shifted and Calla got onto Will's back.

Chapter 21

We were almost home, I groaned, as well as a wolf could groan anyway. You know, once we walk through that door, it's open season on us right? Our parents are going to be PISSED, I said through the chat.

Yup, better hope that they don't notice you're naked, especially with your mate following you around, Will said with a growl at Brandon, who had, indeed, followed us. Huh, big brother doesn't like my mate, sucks to be him.

You're an ass William, she just saved your skin, and this is how you treat her? Liam growled low in his throat.

"Is everything alright?" Calla asked from Will's back, noticing the growls. I lowered my head, then brought it back up. A wolf's version of a nod.

Please stop making my mate worry, Will thought to us.

Then stop being dickhead to mine, I retorted.

You get one chance, He growled at Brandon. Back to growling.

You don't control my life! I shouted in my thoughts as I took off, running as fast as I could the rest of the way home, Camille screamed the first second or two at the unexpected lurch. I shifted back inside the treeline after letting Camille crawl shakily off my back.

"Sorry, I got mad at William," I apologized, helping her stand straight.

"It's okay, just unexpected, that's all," She said. I looked out at our yard, caught my breath, and took off across the lawn.

"Pluto! You're back!" I heard my mother's shout dimly as I rushed up the stairs to my room. I closed my door and grabbed a pair of colorful gypsie clothes. I got dressed slowly to my mother's banging on my door, the banging stopped, presumably the others were here.

"Pluto? Can I come in?" Charlie asked from outside my room. I sighed, opening the door to Charlie, Brandon, and Liam waiting, "Why did you rush up here?"

"No way was I going to be interrogated naked," I replied, grabbing Brandon's hand and pulling him in.

"Liam let me and William borrow some of his clothes after we pretty much ran up the stairs ourselves," Brandon said, sitting down on my bed and pulling me onto his lap. Charlie and Liam were in pretty much the same position on the floor.

"Yup, and I've gotta say, not many secrets left between us after seeing all three of your guys's trunks, as well as William's," Charlie said, turning around in Liam's lap to kiss him. A whistle from the doorway made them start guiltily and look up. Will was leaning on the door frame holding Calla around the waiste.

"Looks like my little Liam's gotten himself a girlfriend. I'm so proud," He said, walking into my room and looking around, "Wow, You really didn't grow up, did you?" He gestured to my Hello Kitty and Scooby Doo posters that were hung around my room. Brandon looked around the room for the first time, chuckling and holding me tighter to him.

"Yes, I did. I just have preferences as to what I like. I like things to stay the same," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Right, and I take that as you still have the life-sized Scooby Doo stuffed animal and that it's probably shoved under the bed so that people don't laugh at it. But you'll still take it out at night and sleep with it," Will said, casually looking under the bed and pulling out a huge Scooby Doo stuffy. He wasn't expecting the three fuzz balls that launched him, though.

"Thatta, pups," I said smugly as they bumbled over to me, leaving a very shocked Will on the floor.

"Eewww," He said, sounding like a teenage girl as he tried to wipe wolf cub slobber off his borrowed pants. Calla laughed and moved forward, towards the cubs. Charlie followed closely.

"Do they have names?" Charlie asked, eyes only for the cubs, now tumbling around on the floor with Will, or rather, on Will.

"It doesn't bother you that they house wolves?" Calla asked incrediously.

"My boyfriend turns into a giant wolf and says that I'm his mate, wolves are my favorite animal. Do you think it's going to bother me? I've always wanted a wolf cub," She said, rubbing the cubs' bellies.

"Amazing," Calla said.

"That one's Bastien, then there's Bax, and last is the only surviving girl, Misha," I pointed them out in turn.

"You took cubs from their parents?" Will asked, enraged at the thought.

"No, I found their mother dead and alone, I followed her scent to her den after seeing her teets swollen with milk. I found these three alive and the other two dead," I said defensively.

"Does mom know?"

"No, you think she'd let me keep them?"

"Probably not."

"Didn't think so."

"Uh, guys? I think we should go down there and see how Camille and Alpha Kris are holding up," Liam said hesitantly, not wanting to go down there just as much as us. We all groaned, but got up. We walked down in pairs, holding our mate's hand.

"Hey mom, dad, Sammy, Twins," I said when we got into the livingroom. I folded myself onto Brandon when he sat on the floor by the full couch.

"Young lady go change out of those skanky clothes and get off that boy's lap," My father said warningly.

"I would have thought that you'd figure out that we wear these clothes so that we don't have to deal with getting out of a full set of clothes when we shift. And as it happens I'm very comfortable where I am," I told him, rolling my eyes.

"Go. Change." He said slowly, enunciating both words carefully.

"You obviously haven't figured out that when it comes to clothes, I'm just not going to listen have you?" I asked.

"Now. And get off him."


"Father, if I may, I would like to say that it's easier for her to wear those clothes so that she's not having to get out of a regular person's getup when she gets angry. She has one of the worse tempers and she wouldn't be able to get out of her other clothes fast enough. So, coincidentally, you will end up having to buy her so many clothes because she will blow up and shift more often now that you guys know we turn into wolves. As for Brandon, I'm keeping an eye on him. He seems like a player," Will said. My dad looked shocked, like he hadn't known that Will was there.

"William?" He asked.

"Yeah?" William said cautiously.

"What are you doing here?" Dad asked, his anger now focused on Will. At least it wasn't on me anymore. I settled back, leaning into Brandon.


Chapter 22

 "Well you see, I got kidnapped by hunters, got a couple whippings, found my mate, ruined my clothes, and got rescued by my little sister and brother, the first of which happens to be the most powerful werewolf in our history. So I ended up having to come here for more clothes, nice to see you, too," William said lightly.

"And you're still going to stand up for the little slut?" My father asked him, Will's eyes widened, as did everyone else in the room's. He looked at me sitting in Brandon's lap pointedly.

"You son of a bitch! I'm an Alpha not a slut! Brandon is my MATE!" I yelled, feeling the vibrations run down my back. I shifted in our livingroom, growling and stalking towards my father. He backed away, realising that now was not the time to challenge me; I was seeing red. I vaguely saw Will shift, I wasn't paying attention to him until he moved infront of me.

Liam, Brandon, get him outta here if you want him to be alive tomorrow. Get everyone outta here, then come back, William thought to the already moving boys. I growled at him, my muscles coiled and I sprung. I landed on top of him, he faught back viciously, keeping me from launching myself out the back door at my father.

What are you doing? I snarled.

Keeping you from doing something you'll regret, He thought back calmly.

No one calls us a slut! Certainly not our father! We will not stand for it! I saw Will wince from the power in my voice.

Take back control, He thought quietly. I looked at him, realising what I was doing and ran out the door, into the forest where I continued to run and run.





No one calls us a slut! Certainly not our father! We will not stand for it! Pluto threatened, her wolf was taking over. She was talking as two.

Take back control, William told her quietly. Pluto stopped suddenly and just bolted into the woods. By now I had stripped and shifted. William ran out, but before he could follow I blocked his path, two sandy wolves, a bright red one and a black one by my sides. Move!

No, she needs alone time, in ten minutes Brandon will go after her and help, I told him firmly, using the voice of a Beta. William grumbled but shifted back, running upstairs to grab yet another pair of my pants. I was going to be out of clothes by next week if this continues. Our ragtag wall split up and shifted, getting back into our pants.

"See? This is why she has those clothes and we dress like this, incase of something like that," I said as I walked over to my shaking father.

"What was wrong with her?" He asked in a whisper.

"You made her mad, mad enough for her to need time to herself. She knows what she would have done if it wasn't for William," I said gruffly, putting a hand on Brandon's shoulder to stop his pacing.

"What would she have done?" He asked, still whispering.

"What do you think her wolf wanted to do? He wanted to kill you, even if Pluto herself didn't. Her wolf took control, when she got it back she was just as mad at herself as at you," Brandon said from beside me.

"Why? What did I do?" He asked, back to his snarky self.

"You called her a slut! She hates the sluts more than you do! And you just compared her to them!" William yelled as he walked out of the house in trousers, nursing a long gash on his chest that was pouring blood. As he approached he uttered a curse loud enough for dad to hear.

"Well what do you think would come into my mind seeing her dressed like that on this teenage boy's lap, boys only have one thing on their mind," He said as William reached us.

"I don't agree with you there, mates have more than one thing on their mind, and I don't see you calling me or Liam a slut," He said, not even looking up from his chest. Calla rushed over, seeing the blood on her mate's chest, and started fussing over him.

"Mates?" He asked stupidly.

"Yeah, you know wolves have mates, they mate for life, a werewolf is always a man so they turn their mates. Brandon got the one female wolf as his mate, well the one we've heard of anyway. Charlie is mine, Lizzie is Sammy's, Calla is Will's, and Brandon is Pluto's," I said so they didn't end up killing each other, but now I was worked up and on a roll, "Pluto hasn't had a boyfriend since forever, literally. Brandon is her first boyfriend, her first kiss, and to be honest, the first time she met him, she asked if he was glaring at her because her balls were bigger than his. They were both ready to kill each other and now he's worried sick about her. Me personally, yes I am a player, but I'm also a virgin, as far as Pluto everyone of your children are virgins, except maybe Will. So don't be rude and dissing my sister or you'll get another angry wolf or like six angry wolves that want your blood spilled. My wolf doesn't like you yet I keep him from killing you, Pluto's wolf doesn't like you either, and he almost succeeded in killing you, lucky you, Will stopped him from doing so. He won't be able to stop that many wolves if his included wants you dead. Got it? Don't dis Pluto," I said.

"Has it been ten minutes? Can I go no?" Brandon asked, wiggling.

"Yeah, go find my sister and calm her down," I turned away and embraced Charlie, holding her close to calm my wolf.

"You okay?" She asked softly.

"I am now, I've been wanting to get that off my chest for a while, he's always so mean to her," I murmured into her hair.

"See? One of you is dissed the others come to the rescue," She said, I laughed, my chest shaking as I held her to me.

"I figured Pluto needed a rescue, her wolf did try to kill him," I said.

"You always say 'her wolf' or 'my wolf', do your wolves have names?" She asked me quietly.

"Yeah, but they're more animal so they like being called 'my wolf' or 'my friend'," I told her, my face burried in her hair.

"What's your wolf's name?" She asked looking up into my eyes.

"Heath," I said quietly, feeling the power of the name roll of my tongue, "They don't like it when we call them by their names because the name they're given at our birth has so much power over them, William doesn't know any of our pack's wolves' names because he left before Pluto made the pack."

"What's Pluto's?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Not my place to tell you, sorry. I would but I would get my ass kicked because he's not my wolf to tell. Actually he's no one's wolf. Just like Pluto's no one's ward or responsibility. Must come with the Alpha title," I said to her hair.


Chapter 23


He shouldn't have stopped me, my wolf grumbled sulkingly.

He's our father, of course we shouldn't have killed him! I told him.

Yeah, cuz he acts so much like a father should, he mumbled darkly in my thoughts.

I would bet that Liam and William want to kill him just as much, but he is our blood and if his wolf awakens, he will be a brother. It is wrong to kill a brother of the pack, I growled.

You're really getting into the Alpha rule, I is so proud, he said.

'I is' and 'cuz'? Wow, teenage girl much, I told him teasingly.

Pluto! Pluto! I see you! I heard Brandon's voice in my head, right before I felt him pounce on me and begin licking my face. I had gotten caught up enough in the conversation with my wolf that I hadn't heard Brandon. He let me up, I licked his face. We goin' back? Or do you need more time?

Lets go back, we'll have to sometime, I answered. We walked in silence, still as wolves. We emerged at my house, everyone was outside. I munstered as much dignity that I could and strode toward the front of the house as a majestic white Alpha wolf with a paw mark changing colors around my eye.

I could feel my father's eyes on Brandon and me as we rounded the corner of the house, out of their sight. We must have been a sight; the deepest black and the lightest white on two wolves. I squeezed through the doorway, an uncomfortable thing for an animal my size, and climbed the stairs slowly.

I shifted back as soon as I got in my room and closed the door, changing into my trademark clothes. I ran down the stairs, landing on the back lawn lightly on the balls of my feet. I walked to Will, placing my hand on his chest, I handed the driver's wheel to the Healer.

Almost everyone around me gasped in surprise as they watched Will's skin knit before their eyes. I hugged him ferociously, "I am so sorry, that looked like it had to hurt," I smile ruefully, "Never thought I could cut that deep in a scuffle and come out without a scratch."

"I guess I should stop being surprised by you, but I just can't," Will said, hugging me back, "I missed my baby sister." Someone cleared their throat behind us. I turned around to see Alpha Kris shuffling uncomfortably.

"I hate to interupt, but it really sucks not being able to take you to my pack. Sorry, but can you please come with?" He sounded so unsure that I grabbed his hand.

"Sure," I smiled, then turned to my pack, who were gathered around us. "Liam, you're with me, Twins, Sammy, you guys should go check up on Lizzy. Will, I suggest you come with us because Alpha Kris's pack is your pack."

"Nope, I'm part of your pack now," Will said right as his tattoos began to change. They morphed into the fleeing werewolves of the Shadowwood Pack.

I glared, grabbing Alpha Kris's wrist and started to walk away when Brandon wrapped his arms around my waiste. "Shouldn't I be the one that gets to hold your hand?" He asked, making me shiver.

I elbowed him in the ribs, "Not if you keep acting like that." I let go of Alpha Kris's wrist when we hit the treeline, starting off into the trees alone so I could shift.

"Where you going?" Brandon asked, stopping my progress.

"To shift?" I said, but it came out more as a question.

"Not without supervision," He smiled, sure he had me there. I smiled sweetly at him, getting up on my tippy-toes to give him a kiss. Right before my lips hit his I stopped, ramming his solar plexis with my elbow and flipping him over. He landed on his back, I smiled down at him, then turned back towards the house.

"Charlie! Can you come supervise me while I shift?" I called.

"Sure thing!" She called back. She came running, stopping infront of me. "Lets go!" We walked into the trees, leaving a winded Brandon on his back behind us. "What'd you do to Brandon and why do you need supervision?"

"Some stupid thing about protecting the Alpha's Alpha, Brandon brought it up and tried to tell me that I needed supervision. He landed on his ass, I got supervision, and we're all happy right?" I replied merrily.

"You put a werewolf on his ass?" She asked.

"Can't say he didn't deserve it, pushy! And I don't appreciate pushy," I told her, beginning to strip out of my clothes.

"Well, you're right, he did deserve it. Why do you fight your wolf's power all the time?" She asked, turning away so I could have a little privacy.

"What doya mean?" I replied wearily.

"I can see it with you, and Brandon, and Liam. You guys are fighting your wolves on something, but what's so bad that you have to fight it if it'd your wolves' instinct?" She asked.

"When you find your mate as a kid, you don't have any urges except to be their friend, when you find them as an older teen or adult, you have the urge to mate fully. We can hold it off for a while by being close, but sooner or later your wolf is going to come out and make you mate fully. The only time you don't have the urge is when you reject your mate or they reject you," I explained, now fully naked.

"I'm guessing it's harder for you and Brandon because there are two of you that want to mate?" She said.

I sighed, "Yeah." I shifted then, leaning down to pick up my clothes.

"You know, you really are a pretty wolf," Charlie said thoughtfully. We walked the rest of the way back in silence.

You guys ready to go to where ever it is you were going? I asked through the chat.




Oh yeah! Even though Sammy and the Twins were still in human form, they joined in on the conversation. I nodded.

Well then lets get going, shall we? I asked. Brandon, Liam, and Will surrounded me, with Alpha Kris infront. I rolled my wolf eyes, shoving past them to run freely. Alpha Kris, where is your pack?

They are this way, He replied, going to the front to lead. We ran to the mansion-like pack house. Shifting back we came out of the woods dressed. I took Brandon's hand while Liam started to talk.

"Maybe we should start doing what the werewolves in Twilight did and start wrapping a cord three times around our ankle," He said.

"Theoretically, that would work. Actually, it doesn't. The cord just breaks when your ankles grow," I said.

"What if it's loose on your human ankles?" He asked.

"Then it would slip off when your in human form, the idea just wouldn't work. Not to mention the fact that then you'd have to deal with tieing your clothes to your ankle before you shift," Alpha Kris said, joining in.

"You guys are ganging up on me," Liam said, glaring. I shook my head.

"No, we're ganging up on an idea that doesn't work," I said.

Chapter 24

"Well, since I'm the one proposing it, you're also ganging up on me," Liam said

"Okay, the idea may work in your mind. You can try it all you want, when you get done with that you tell us how it went and what the results were," I said, shaking my head when I saw how big his smile was.

"You have a weird family," Alpha Kris said. I tensed, waiting for him to say something mean. "And sometimes it's a good thing," He finished. I relaxed.

"Don't get mad at him, he can't help it," Brandon whispered in my ear, squeezing my hand. I smiled at him as we entered the pack house thru the back door. Alpha kris ushered us into a large kitchen.

"I'll go get the rest of the pack, you guys can just settle in here," Alpha Kris said as he walked out again.

"'You guys'? Uh-oh, Alpha Kris is becoming modern!" I said loudly, sure that where ever he went, Alpha Kris could hear me.

"What's wrong with saying 'you guys'?" Brandon asked as he pulled me down onto his lap.

"Nothing, if you're you or me, but if you're Kris, he's always so..... formal," I said, shuddering at the idea of formalness. Brandon laughed beneath me, "That's it, no more kissed for you."

"Aawww, don't be like that. I was laughing with you, not at you," Brandon said, pouting from underneath me. I turned and pecked him on the lips. He smiled.

"Nice, that declaration lasted sooo long," Diego said as he ducked into the kitchen.

"Hey Diego, how's Haven?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. Diego blushed.

"Wouldn't know, I haven't seen her since I shifted," He said, trying to shrug off his blush. We stared at him. "What?" He aasked defensively.

"Ah hell no! We are gonna visit her after this," I said as I got off Brandon's lap. I searched through the cabinets, looking for something appetizing.

"I dunno, what if she doesn't like my wolf? Or I loose control again?" Diego asked, joining in on my search for food. Only difference was he knew where all the good food was.

"You won't, you only want to shift the first time you see her, then the urge is repressed because your wolf simply wants to mate. As for her not liking your wolf, she knows something's up with you, but not what. She'll hate you more for leaving her in the dark," I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked cautiously.

"I'm a girl; I know these things," I said, settling back onto Brandon's lap, a family sized bag of Cheetos capturing my attention. Brandon chuckled when I swatted his hand away from my Cheetos.

"I don't know," Diego said, looking unsure.

"Believe me bro, you'll regret it if you don't," I said through a mouthful of Cheeto, the rest of the pack walked in, snickering when they saw me. I flipped them off and went back to eating Cheetos.

"FIne, I'll go," Diego said with a sigh.

"Ha! You sound like I wouldn't have dragged you there anyway!" I said, laughing. Alpha Kris entered the kitchen last. Thank God it was a huge kitchen! There were like a hundred and fifty people here.

"Okay, everyone here knows that you're here to get approved by someone special, well meet Pluto Shadowwood, the Alpha's Alpha!" Alpha Kris said.

"Why do we need to get approved?" Someone asked, my eyes went to a girl of about five.

"Your Alpha will get real sick if he doesn't bring you to me, I don't even want to think about what happens if he's not approved," I said softly, first looking at the girl, then my eyes shifted to the rest of the room that was staring between me and Alpha Kris.

"She's joking, right? You don't believe this shit?" One of the teenage wolves asked.

"I do because I've seen evidence that it's true, when you were all pulled to the clearing with the warehouse in the woods, that wasn't me. I didn't go somewhere to get the tattoo on my hand done, it just appeared. If Pluto orders you to do something, you'll do it; you'll have to," Alpha Kris said. People snorted and began talking. I got mad, how dare they push me off when all I'm doing is try to help? People began to disperse, a few stayed. Alpha Kris looked at me pleadingly.

"SILENCE!!" I yelled, letting all the angry Alpha leak into my voice, the room silenced immediately as everyone stared at me fearfully. "What Alpha Kristopher said is true, as I just showed you. Alpha Kris, what do I do to accept your pack?" He satyed silent, I looked at him before realizing what had happened, "Shit, I don't care if you talk, disregard that order."

"It says that you have to say, 'I accept this pack into my world, Alpha blank rules well in this territory,' you supply the Alpha's name where it says 'blank'," Alpha Kris said, as the room stayed silent, but now it wasn't from an order.

"Uh, I accept this pack into my world, Alpha Kris rules well in this territory?" I tried to say it solidly, but it came out as a question. A relieved look came over Alpha Kris's face anyway.

"Thanks, the itch to bring you here is gone now," He said, smiling.

"'Kay, come on Diego! We're going to Haven's!" I yelled as I grabbed Diego's wrist, dragging him towards the door. "Hey, Alpha? Can I borrow one of your cars? If any will fit us?" I asked as an after thought.

"Yeah, here's the keys to the Hennessey Venom GT, it can fit two people, two more can go in Brandon's Jaguar, unless some one wants to sit on someone else's lap," Alpha Kris said, ossing me a pair of keys. Brandon's arms wrapped around my waiste.

"Wanna ride on my lap?" He whispered, I elbowed him and wiggled out of his hold.

"Hell no! I got keys!" I yelled as I raced into the garage, clicking the button to see which car I got. A blissful smile came onto my face as I saw the car, it was perfect. "Hey Alpha! You may not get your car back, I think I'm in love!" I yelled as my wolves as well as Diego, Alpha Kris, Brandon, and a few others of Alpha Kris's pack filed into the garage. A few laughed at my reaction.

"Aaww man, I'm competing with a car," Brandon grumbled as he and Liam got into his car.

"Diego rides with me! Will you can ride on Diego's lap or run, or run home, you can do any," I said as I sllid into the car, followed closely by Diego.

"I will never get in a car you're driving again, I learned my lesson. And I'm not going to sit on Diego's lap," Will said as he walked out the open garage to the woods.

"Yeah, I'd say I'm completely straight, but when you're in love with a body as good lookin' as mine, it's kinda hard," Diego said from the passenger seat, "Hey, what'd he mean by the whole 'I learned my lesson' thing?"

"You're gonna love it!" I yelled as I pulled out of the garage at fifty miles an hour. I love this car!

"Slow down!" Diego screamed, holding onto the 'Oh Shit' handle for dear life as I raced down the winding driveway at a hundred.

"Whatchoo talkin' 'bout? This is slow!" I yelled back, the biggest smile on my face as we zoomed past Brandon and Liam, still gaining speed. We made it to Haven's house in a few minutes after taking the long way, going 290 miles an hour. When I drifted around the corner onto her street, Diego screamed a high girly scream.

"Slow the fuck down!" He yelled, his eyes scrunched shut. I laughed, parking after coming to a screeching stop. Diego tumbled out, laying pale on the ground as Haven rushed out of her house.

"I'm in love! I need one of these babies!" I gushed as Diego groaned on the ground.

"No! No, no, no, no! I am never riding with you again!" Diego screamed as he stood, hands most likely in pain from gripping the bar too hard.

"Why not?" I asked as Haven looked at the car.

"No, no, no, NO! Just no!" He said, "You just went around the corner at 290 miles an hour!"

"I know! Isn't it awesome!?! I think I broke this car's record!" I sighed happily as Brandon pulled up.

"Where did you even get this car?" Haven asked, peeking at the pale Diego who had decided to sit back down on the lawn. She smiled.

"Alpha Kris! This has to be his fastest car!" I was still on the car's high.

"I doubt he'd have given you the keys if he was in the car when we went to the hospital," Haven said as Brandon wrapped his arms around me.

"What happened at a hospital?" He asked.

"She drove us, even I was a bit pale. She's a devil behind the wheel!" Liam said as Will ran out of the woods, joining us. He looked at Diego and grinned.

"When'd you start regretting going with her?" He asked.

"When she was driving down the driveway," Diego answered as he stood up again.

"You guys are no fun," I whined.

"I don't call going 290 around a corner fun!" Diego said.

"290? Really? Around a corner? Were you drifting again?" Will asked disapprovingly. I smiled sheepipshly. "I told you that you needed to stop drifting."

"Diego screams like a girl!" I yelled, everyone started laughing. About my driving. About the hunters. About mates. About everything. "Okay Diego, your go. Explain," I said once we had settled down on the grass in front of Haven's house.

"Explain what?" Haven asked. My mom's explorer pulled up, Charlie, Jenna, Calla, Camille, my parents, and the kids spilled out. Joining our ragtag circle on the lawn. Charlie sat with Liam, Calla with Will, Camille settled a llittle ways away while my father and Will glared at Brandon with everything they had.

"Camille! Like it or not, you're with us at this precise moment in time, and I suggest you stay with us if you want to keep the hunters from killing you. So, come sit with us," I called to the uneasy looking Camille. She smiled greatfully at me as she settled between me and Brandon, and Jenna.

"Hunters?" Haven asked. Diego turned to her.

"Camille was a hunter, she didn't like hurting us, so she came with us. The hunters hunt us werewolves, and yes, Mr. Johanson, that would include you if not your wife. Betrayal for hunters is punishable by death, if the betraying hunter is caught," He explained. Camille paled, as did my father.

"Yup Father, that means that it would be in your best intersts to awaken your slumbering wolf, as well as turn Mom," I said.

"Wait, who're they?" Haven asked, motioning towards Calla and Will.

"My older brother, Will, and his mate, Calla," I said, "Liam, Charlie, you guys coming up for air soon? It would be helpful for you guys to, I don't know, maybe join the conversation?" Liam flipped me off before going back to kissing Charlie. "Or not," I muttered quietly.

"Hey! I heard that!" My father screeched, panicked. My mother looked at him oddly.

"Heard what?" She asked, even Liam stopped kissing Charlie to stare.

Chapter 25

"I don't think we have a choice as whether or not to awaken his wolf, he's already waking up," I said slowly.

"What do you mean?" My father asked.

"She means that your wolf has decided that he doesn't want to be dorment any more," Liam said.

"So I'm going to turn into a giant wolf?" My father asked, panicking again. I shook my head.

"Not right away, your wolf will let you have heightened senses, like hearing, then he will make himself known. He will tell you his name in confedence. You'll tell no one what it is until you're one hundred percent sure that you can trust them. Then he will guide you on how and when to shift," I said, recalling it from experience, "He may want the proccess sped up because you're far to old. Other wolves shift on their fourth birthday."

"So I am going to turn into a giant wolf, right after I start hearing voices? Perfect," He said sarcastically.

"It's better than the females, they go into heat during their first full moon knowing their mate. Then they're in heat for a few days unless it's sated. Their heat comes every full moon afterwards," Will said from beside Calla. I paled as realization hit me.

"Shit," I said, everyone looked at me, thinking. Diego got it first and started laughing. I glared at him, "Sooo not funny."

"Karma's a bitch!" He gasped in between laughing.

"Anyone wanna fill us in?" Liam asked, everyone but Diego and I were confused.

"What's tonight?" I asked angrily, getting up. Liam thought it over before he began laughing with Diego. Everyone else besides Brandon and Will were still confused.

"Karma truely is a bitch," Liam said.

"Yeah, and your karma for laughing is you have to watch over her," Will said, glaring straight at Brandon with renewed energy. Liam quit laughing.

"What did I do?" Brandon asked defensively.

"It's your fault that tonight is her first heat," Will said.

"Will you two just quit it? I'm spending the night at the pack house," I said.

"NO!" Brandon said quickly, "Too many unmated male wolves."

"Hey! I'm an unmated male wolf, thank you very much," Diego said, sprawled out on the ground beside Haven.

"Not for long," Brandon countered, looking at Haven, who was watching Diego and didn't catch the stare.

"I will be if she rejects me," Diego said back.

"Then tell her," I said.

"And how do I do that?" Diego asked.

"Dump glitter on you, stand in the sunlight, sparkle and they'll come running," Liam said.

"Dude, no!" Diego said.

"Then grow a pair and talk to her, before she does decide to reject you," I said. Diego looked between us.

"I swear, the two of you reherse this shit," Diego said.

"Karma's a bitch," I reminded him. He glared at me before turning to Haven.

"Wanna take a walk?" He asked.

"Why?" She said, confused.

"I'm growing a pair and talking, so you wanna walk?" He said, glancing over at us.

"Sure," Haven shrugged. Diego bounced up and held out his hand to help her up. She took it greatfully. They walked away, their hands still entwined.

"So Diego and Haven?" Jenna asked.

"Yup," I said.

"And you're going into heat tonight?" She asked.


"And you're staying at the pack house, which is where Brandon lives," She asked.


"No! She will not be staying in the same house as her boyfriend! That's like finding out that your kid just got pregnant and then sending her to live with the father of the kid. Bad things will end up happening," My father said.

"I actually agree with him on this one, though for different reasons. I don't want you staying in a house of mainly male, mainly unmated, werewolves," Brandon said, "Now if you were staying with me it would be different, but I won't be allowed anywhere near you."

"Fine! Father can I use the cellar then? We explored our options of prisons just in case and it's pretty sound proof. Not as good as anything that would be at the pack house, but it'll do," I said, I had read in one of the true history books that heat could be extremely painful, thus the sound-proofed cellar. "Then we can get a few of the mated males as guards, happy?" The men around me all smiled.




"So I'm your mate?" Haven asked me.

"Yeah, uh, sorry 'bout the, uh, delay of telling you," I said, nervous.

Smooth, brother, My wolf said.

Sorry! I replied quickly.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" Haven asked, smiling softly. I looked at her shyly.

"Sí," I said, dipping my head in a nod. It hadn't escaped me she was still holding my hand.

"Are you Mexican?" She asked, I nodded again. "Can you speak fluent Spanish?"

"Te quiero, Haven. Más de lo que nunca se puede saber," I said quickly.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"It means, I love you, Haven. More than you can ever know," I said, afraid of her reaction. Haven stopped and turned towards me, it was impossible to know what she was thinking. She leaned up and stopped a few milimeters from my mouth, a question on her face. I erased any doubt when my lips crashed onto hers.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2015

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