
And it only begins.

I kept falling. Down, down, down I went. I was screaming my head off and pawing at air hopelessly catching nothing to stop be from falling to my death. I fell for what seemed like ages, yet it all went by in one sudden blur. With no use of ever catching myself I let myself fall limply. Finally when I had no energy to even scream I fell silently, my hair wiping about and tears stinging my eyes.
For what seemed an eternity I let the blackness speed by me. The darkness was overpowering, torturing my mind and making this whole experience even worse. But, in a sudden shock light flooded my eyes and surrounded me, blinding me momentarily. Snapping my eyes shut I immediately connected with a hard surface that didn't hold me. I let out faint moans of pain as I fell from each surface until I hit the ground, crumpled and exhausted. I then blacked out
I was surround my darkness, sitting in a pool of light by myself. I didn't know if I was alive or dead. My dress draped around me and my hair fell into my face. My head shot from side to side frantically, calling out hey's and hello's into the blackness with only my echo in return. I felt glued to the floor where I sat. I couldn't move and the collar to my dress was itchy, which reminded me of when I was eleven and visiting my grandmother. 

I remember that day all too well actually


I was sitting in a chair in my Sunday best, next to my grandmother who laid like a shriveled lump in the middle of her bed. It was quite depressing, she lay insane and dying in a room devoid of all color. Classy, if I do say so myself. I stared at my hands, feeling the awkwardness welling up in me. I was beginning to think I was insane myself. Suddenly, my grandmother stirred in her bed, looking over at me with those crazy, drug glazed eyes. 

"Come here child," my grandmother rasped. My chin quivered. I was scared shitless.

"Y-yes Nana?" She reached out to me, and I hesitated before taking her hand.

Big. Mistake. She then was clutching my hand like a madwoman, her once drugged out state frantic and crazed just like her bloodshot eyes. I screamed.

"You my dear, will fall all the way down the rabbit hole right on your pretty little butt. Just like I did!" She was screaming and cackling when she said this. A short time after the doctors came in and made her let go of me, and I never saw her again... 

The Forest That Seemed To Lead To No End.

As I woke, I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten here. I was laying on my face and breathed hard, trying to remember. But yet the memories came flooding back, and so did the pain, The terrible terrible pain! I took a hard ragged breath and opened my eyes and gave the slightest yelp. Everything hurt, my body, my brain, everything. I sucked in all my breath and closed my eyes, bracing myself. With a painful grunt I rolled to my back going wide eyed and shooting my breath out painfully. I was sweating and my chest heaved up and down, my heart going a mile a minute. My brain was scattered, I was still trying to figure out what to do.
After what seemed like hours I slowly but surely sat up. I was finally up, but it took so much energy, draining like every ounce I had. I laid back down. I wiped my face of the unnoticeable tears streaming my face. I looked about me, where was I? Please god, don't tell me Nana was right, I thought. Seriously! I fell down a freaking hole!? This cannot be happening, I thought. This is crazy! How the fuck do I fall down a hole and end up in a whole different world? And oh god, how was I getting home?
I decided to try and stand up after a while of thinking about it. Pushing the pain to the back of my mind, I stood up shakily and after about ten second I crashed to the ground. Nope, my body was just not having it. I sighed, hard and loud and continued to try and stand several times before my body could take it. Ok, the hard parts over right? But no, it was far from over. I tried to take one step and after doing so my leg gave out and I fell right on my face! Ouch! It went this way for about fifteen minutes before I gave up and just laid on my back.
My eyes watered and closed tightly because of the pain and I rolled onto my stomach and pushed up with my arms, trying to stand up again. This time, my legs seemed to hold me, not very well, but it would have to suffice. I stood there trembling before taking a step and actually not falling. I let out a sigh of relief before I heard noises close by. I whipped my head this way and that trying to see who it was but could see nothing, only hearing bushes move. I staggered back scared out of my mind before tripping backwards and falling, into the arms of someone...


Immediately I clenched my fist and started to weakly punch whoever grabbed my until they dropped me. I searched about on the ground for a weapon before finding a stick and flinging it behind be, hitting my attacker square in the jaw.
"Jesus Christ lady!" they shouted,"I was only trying to help you!" He was holding his jaw while I was trying to crawl away holding my stick out at him.
"Get away from me. Or I'll...I'll hit you again!" He smirked and gave a faint chuckle at my attempt to save myself. "I'm not kidding! I'll hurt you!" I screamed. I swung again. This time connecting with his leg, making him grunt in pain before ripping the stick out of my hands.
"I'm not going to hurt you, damn!" He still held his leg for a moment before throwing my only chance of getting away into the bushes. I was furious and scared. I didn't know how to get away. I glanced over at him. He looked at me and we somewhat stared at each other. I then noticed how handsome he was. We looked about the same age. He had long sandy blonde hair and piercing green eyes. He was tan and from through the shirt he was wearing, pretty muscular too. I stared at him for a little while longer before snapping out of it. Pull yourself together Rae, I thought. You should be more angry with this boy! he just tried hurting you! Or worse! I really was angry at him actually. The nerve he had! Being so disrespectful!
"Who are you? And what do you want?!" I asked.
"My name is Xander. I saw you fall from the sky and came to check if you were dead or not." He smirked. "Seems to me though," he added, "that you are doing quite fine on your own. So I'll just be leaving now." He turned to walk away. I wasn't doing fine on my own at all really. I actually did need his help.
"No wait!" I exclaimed, "I do need your help, please!" I held out my hand. He walked over and took it, helping me up. He was strong, like I had imagined. He helped me up until I put weight on my left ankle and cried out. It seemed to be either broken or sprained. It hurt so badly.
"I-I don't think I can walk. How far away is your camp?" I asked.
"Not far. Here, let me carry you." I had no time to protest before he picked me up bridal style and carried me. He could easily hold me but yet I still felt fat. I snaked my hands around his neck and rested my head in his shoulder. He walked through the woods into a clearing not far from where we were. It was a camp of about five or six men, most likely hunting. The tents weren't regular tents, they look slightly like the tents Indians used to use but had more of a hexagonal shape.
ander glanced at the other men and nodded at them. They nodded back while I rested my head on his shoulder again. He then took me into the biggest tent and laid me down on this huge feather bed and bent to examine my ankle.


"OUCH!" I wailed. As Xander touched my ankle pain kept tugging at the places he touched. It sucked! Tears started brimming in my eyes as I tried my best to blink them away. It was useless because one after another escaped. What am I doing? I thought, I never cry! I turned my face away from Xander so that he didn't see me like this. But again, it was no use because he ended up noticing. He looked at me and his look was telling me he was sorry for the pain. We didn't say anything, but I knew what his look meant. I look away again, suddenly embarrassed. I guess he sort of knew I was because he cleared his throat and said "No need to be embarrassed, I get that you are in pain and I'm sorry. I'll be done wrapping it in a moment." He quickly finished wrapping my ankle and he made me some tea and told me to rest.
I sipped my tea as he sat down on a creaky chair at his desk. We didn't say anything and the silence started to bother me. I started to look about me and I could tell this situation was getting awkward. I didn't know what to say, so thank god he said something first. "So, what's you're name any way?" he asked while putting his feet up on the desk. "Rae," I answered. "Do you remember anything before you got here?" He smiled slightly. "Um....I just remember falling, and then a lot of darkness. Then you coming and me hitting you with that stick. I'm sorry by the way." We laughed at the same time. I did feel bad that I had hit him. But yet again, I did also think he was a rapist or something of that nature. "Yea well, it's no big deal. I've been through worse." He chuckled. Worse? Is that supposed to be funny? I took a deep breath and didn't say anything.
This was so insanely awkward! I didn't know what the heck I was doing! I felt like such a little girl. Guess it didn't exactly matter now. He turned his face so that it showed a huge welt on the side if his face. I gasped nearly dropping my tea. I set it down, Xander was looking at me confused. I slowly got up from the bed and limped over to him. He set his feet on the ground and watched me approach. My heart raced as I lifted my hand to touch his face.

* Xander *
She got up from the bed and came over to me. All I could do was stare at her as she did. She took a deep breath in and lifted her hand to my face, gently touching the welt that formed on my face after she hit me. "You're face," was all she said. I closed my eyes and put my hand over hers where she had it on my face. She exhaled a short ragged breath. I gazed up at her, her expression pained and guilty about what happened. But I didn't care, it wasn't her fault. She was scared and alone. I understood where she was coming from. "I'm sorry," she whispered. I almost didn't hear her it was such a soft whisper. "It-it's ok, I'll be alright," I managed to whisper. She was so beautiful, and up close her feature were far more breathtaking. She was a small framed girl, with long flowing dark brown hair reaching her mid back. She was a little pale skinned, with gorgeous almost grey looking eyes. They were big though, and her lashes were so long. She had plump rosey lips, oh those lips!
I swear everything about her was beautiful. The way she held herself, the way she cared. Her fingers felt like they were burning my skin, even though they were barely touching me. She let out a small sigh of frustration, like she was angry at herself for doing what she did. "No need to be mad at yourself," I said, "I would do the same if a stranger randomly tried helping me without notice." She laughed at that. It was light and sweet. I looked up into her eyes and smiled. I just wanted to stand up and pull her to me, closing the space between us, but I didn't. She let out another sigh and let her hand fall to her side, just then one of the guards came in.
"Your highness, the hunters are leaving soon," He bowed. "Yes Gilberto I know, thank you."He bowed once more and exited my tent. Rae looked at me with one eyebrow raised, "Your highness?"
"Um...yea...I'm sort of the Prince of this land..." Rae then went wide eyed and took a few steps back. "Oh no..." She started to put her shoes on, cursing under her breath and limping. "I really need to go now, my ankle feels much better thank you," she lied. "No please! Why must you leave?" I pleaded. She was about to leave as I grabbed her hand.

I Cannot Leave

* Rae *

"Are you crazy?" I yelled, "What is your problem?! Let me go you ass!" I was furious! A PRINCE!? SERIOUSLY!? Can this get any worse? "Wait, just hear me out," he said. I glared at him and sat down. "You have five minutes. He let out a sigh of relief. I crossed my arms and continued to glare at him. "Yes, I'm the prince here. But so what? I'm still a normal human being. I take care of myself and don't need protection or help! I don't use those guards out there! They only tag along because my mother's crazy! Why does it matter to you anyway?" he question. "When were you going to tell me? Hmm?" I asked changing the subject. "You never asked so I didn't say anything. What's so bad about that?" I scoffed at him. And to think i thought he was cute! Right now he disgusted me. "I really need to go now. I need to figure out how to get home." I said. I really needed to get away from him, from all this madness.
"You can't leave, your ankle isn't healed and you'll either get hurt out in the forest or freeze to death. But hey, that's your choice." He smirked. I honestly wanted to go up to him and slap him hard across the face. It took me all I had not too. He told me I had to stay with him unless I'd rather sleep with one of the guards or huntsman. I tried to protest but eventually gave in.There was only one bed, but it was big so I could sleep as far away as possible from him. He gave me one of his nightshirts and I made him go outside so I could change. He came back into the tent and changed without even telling me. I just sat there, stupified, starring at him. His body, oh my god! He was tan and muscular and had a great six pack. He then noticed me staring and chuckled saying "Quite drooling, it's unladylike." I quickly shot my hand up to my mouth to see if it was true, it wasn't. The bastard tricked me! I cursed at him under my breath as I got into bed.
I rolled over with my back facing him. I was going to ignore him the whole time until I could walk on my foot right again. Xander moved close to me and and quickly whispered sexily in my ear "Goodnight Rae." His warm breath hit my neck and gave me chills. I bit my lip and and rolled over, my face an inch or two away from his and whispered, "Oh, goodnight to you too." With a devilish smile and a wink before rolling over again. Two can play at this game.

This is kind of how it went for a couple of days. Us not talking, and if we did we faught. I stayed in the tent most of the time since my ankle hurt and i still had to share a bed with Xander. Ick. I had gotten to know more about him though, so our angry tensions loosened a little bit. It actually was starting to be more better than bad.



I woke with a arm firm around my waist and my head on something that definitely not a pillow. I lifted me head and looked at Xander, he was still asleep. I grummbled and got out of bed. I ended up waking him , but didn't notice (or care) until I took off his nightshirt and was in nothing but my underwear. I half turned around before I noticed Xander and screamed, dashing for my shirt. He was propped up on one elbow, resting his hand on hid head when he said "In for a show are we? And the day hasn't even started yet, goody!" He grinned and then yawned, getting up and changing as well. "For your information you jackass, I was NOT giving you a show! And thank god i'll be able to leave today." I spit back at him. I then put weight on my left ankle and cried out in pain as I fell to the ground. Xander was half naked but can rushing to my aid anyway. "Are you alright?" he asked. He looked worried.
I looked at him confused. "Y-yes I'm alright. Now get off me! And get dressed!" I huffed. His facial expression turned from concerned to annoyed in about a split second and he just got up and left me there on the floor and left the tent. I crawled over to the bed and laid back down on it, I had gotten back into Xander's night shirt. He came back into the tent in pants, his hair gleaming and wet. "I see you haven't changed yet," he said. "I see you have," I said back. He rolled his eyes at me and walked over to his side table putting a necklace on. It was a metal chain with a wooden bear paw on it. Must be sentimental or something, I thought to myself. He still had failed to put a shirt on and I couldn't help but stare. After a few moments I snapped out of it and decided to make a little joke. I entwined my fingers together and rested them behind my head. I then said to him in my most alluring sexy voice, "In for a show are we?" He looked over and I winked at him, grinning wryly. This was going to be so fun.

* Xander *
After she had said "In for a show are we?" in a really sexy voice, I knew she was joking. But still, it was sexy. So I decided to have a bit of fun myself. "Yes actually, and my pants were about to come off. Care to see?" I said back the same way she did. She pursed her lips for a moment before biting them and saying "Mmmmm why sure. But I still don't know, I don't want to be disappointed." She smirked. This made me even more angry at her. Without realising what I was doing I whipped my pants off, leaving me only in my underwear. "Hmmm. Now see? You can't take the heat is all," I winked at her. She got a devilish look on her face before standing up and limping over to me. Rae only came to about my chin. She was just inches from my face before say, "Try me." I then closed the space between us and grabbed her by the waist, making her gasp. I looked into her eyes and said wryly "You can't take it at all, you're too scared." My lips twisted into a playful grin as her face looked annoyed.
She knew I was calling her bluff and didn't know how to counter attack. She then snaked her arms around my neck before pulling my face to hers. We were touching noses. Her hands twisted in my hair, playing with the it at the nape of my neck. This playful act slowly but surely turning us both on. "Oh, I wouldn't be to sure about that," she whispered. She closed her eyes and brushed her lips ever so slightly before pulling back giggling. I couldn't take it any more. The look on her face, so sexy and turned on, made me fling my lips to hers. I kissed her hungrily as she let out a soft moan into my mouth. I smiled as we kissed each other, obviously not going slow at all. I kissed her hard, my hands moving from her waist to her hips. Rae moaned once more and arched her back, kissing me just as rough as I was her. She'd been waiting for this too?
Rae gently pulled my hair, making me moan softly and hold her tighter, pulling her even closer. I picked her up by her legs, not breaking the kiss as she wrapped her legs around me. We were chest to chest, kissing intensely. I broke the kiss for air, kissing her jaw line down to her neck, to her collarbone, gently sucking. She started breathing harder and moan softly. I walked to the edge of the bed before plopping her down onto it. She looked up at me, breathing hard and biting her bottom lip, waiting for me. I crawled onto the bed, hovering over her before she couldn't take it any more and leaned up to kiss me. My hands travelled up her thighs, past her underwear, up her shirt to her stomach. She bit my bottom lip and opened my mouth more, letting her tongue slip into my mouth. Out tongues danced together, exploring each others mouths until we needed to breath.
I finally built up the courage to take the night shirt off, leaving her breasts exposed. I kissed from her lips to her neck, down her breasts to her stomach and then back up again, stopping at her breasts. I kissed them lightly, nibbling and sucking. She arched her back again, pulling my hair as our lips met again. Her nails were lightly digging into my back sending chills up my spine. It fealt so good. I reached one hand up to her breast, playing with her taut nipple. She moaned again as she flipped me over, she straddled me. She kissed my neck, gently sucking and biting. I let out a small moan that seemed like a growl. She smiled as her hands went exploring. Rae explored everywhere and so did I until one hand was behind my neck and the other rubbed past my boxers. I moaned and flipped her over. She had made me hard....damnit! I kissed down to her stomach again until I started slightly pulling down her underwear. She gasped and stopped me.

The Queen of The Reds

* Rae *

I gasped as Xander started pulling down my underwear. I pushed him away and reached for the nightshirt self conscious. I turned away from him and [ut it on, I quickly looked at him. I could tell he was mentally slapping himself for what happened. Maybe I wanted that to happen, I did, just not now. I wanted to know him better. I closed my eyes tightly, a tear streamed my face as I sucked in a breath. Xander must have seen this because he came rushing over cupping my face. "I'm so sorry Rae," he said, "I didn't know what came over me. This was a mistake, I'm sorry." He sounded as if he was fighting back tears. I sniffled and looked up at him. He wasn't crying or about to, he just looked so very ashamed and sad. I suddenly felt as bad as he did. I attempted to smile, obviously it didn't work hence the word attempted. I put my hand over one of his and kissed him softly. "It's ok," I said softly. He smiled weakly at me and I smiled back.
We both got up from the bed and went on getting dressed. I flung the nightshirt over my head, not caring that Xander was in the room. I looked over at him and noticed him staring at me. I blushed and looked away. He laughed and came over, pulling my close to him, his arm around my waist. He put the other hand on my face. I smile and wrapped my hands around his neck. "You so beautiful Rae, I never got a chance to tell you," He said. My face turned a deeper shade of red as I bit my lip and giggled softly. He laughed too and kissed me tenderly. "Get dressed silly," I said. We continued getting dressed as the guard Gilberto came into the tent.
"Your mother is on her way Your Highness," he said. "Thank you Gilberto," Xander nodded. Gilberto bowed at both of use and left the tent. Xander let out a somewhat frustrated sigh and rubbed his face. He looked stressed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "My mothers coming, that's what's wrong. And I don't know how I'm going to explain this," He said flicking his finger from me to him. I guess his mother must have issues with Zander and girls. I felt sympathetic for him. I felt his pain. My mother hated the equation of me and boys. "Hmmmmm, I think we can make it work though. She won't be that bad will she?" I asked. He laughed sarcastically. "You'd be surprised, My mother is insane I swear." Just then we heard trumpets sound. We both knew she was here. Xanders face turned smug and he sighed again saying, "Oh goody, mothers here."

Frowned Upon

I was not ready to experience Xanders mother. Not one bit, and so soon either. We walked out of the tent to see five horses being brought down to the creek. I exhaled, I was so nervous. I looked over at Zander, taking his hand and squeezing. He looked over and gave me a sympathetic smile. I was freaking out! Zanders mother was a freaking QUEEN for crying out loud! I was dying on the inside. I looked around me, I couldn't see her yet. All of a sudden we both hear, loud and clear, "Xander! Child come here this instant." Xanders face turned grimm and dark. "Coming mother," he grumbled. He started walking, holding my hand and taking me with him. I pulled back,"N-No, I don't think it's a good idea if I go over and see her. I'll just wait in the tent." Xander looked at me confused. "Don't be silly, she'll like you I promise." He said with a reassuring smile. I just nodded and went along with it.
His mother ended up coming to find Xander instead. We bumped right into her actually. "Xander wha-," but she didn't finish her sentence. She just stared at me with a very disgusted face. I mean, I guess I could understand. I was in clothes from the day before and they were dirty and what not. I walked up and bowed to her saying, "I-it's very nice to meet you, Your Highness." I bowed my head low. Xander came over and lifted me up from the ground. "There's no need to bow Rae. It's ok," he whispered in my ear. "Well Zander I beg to differ. She will bow to me, just look at her, she's so vile!" The queen snapped. "Now come here and give your mother a kiss," she said leaning her cheek in his direction. This made Xander angry. "Mother! Shut your insolent mouth! How dare you talk to the woman I love that way!" He yelled. Woman he loved?! Jeez, his mother looked just as shocked as I was! But yet, I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"Woman you love?!" his mother shouted."This girl is nothing more than a scullery made if anything! I forbid this Xander. You're never to see her again! GUARDS!! SEISE HER!!!" At this time, Zander took me and we ran into the forest. The guards weren't far behind but we still kept as much distance as possible. I was terrified, would she kill me? Lock me up so Xander could never see me? I was so very scared. We made it to a clearing when Zander took out his sword and handed it to me. MY eyes grew wide as I said, "I can't take this! What am I supposed to use it for?" "Rae, I love you. But you must run. Run with all your heart away from this place. I will find you I promise." I started to cry. "I can't leave you Xander! I just can't," I sniffled. He grabbed me and hugged me hard. He then took off the bear paw necklace and tied it around my neck. I pulled back a little bit and kissed him with everything I had. I couldn't lose him, not now! I just found him! "I love you Rae, now go!" he shouted. "I love you too, and I WILL see you again,I promise." I reassured him. He touched my face and smiled weakly. I kissed his hand and ran off into the forest, leaving him there, heartbroken. I cried as I swiftly ran as fast as I could to safety.

The Red City

I ran with all my life. I didn't know where I was going, let alone did I even care. My lungs felt like they were about to burst and I was still crying. What is wrong with me? Did Zander really say he loved me? I was so confused and alone now. Things are so jumbled up and a mess! I ran through the woods, bushes and tree branches scratching and ripping at my skin. I didn't care, Zander told me to run, so here i am, running. I finally stopped, somewhat leaning up against a tree for support so I didn't fall down. The forest was just as scary, maybe even scarier, than it was the first time I was in it. I was panting like a dog and sweating like crazy. I was a mess, I was still crying and thinking like a lunatic.
I then heard a loud screech that made me jump and start running for my life again. I ran quickly looking back over my shoulder ever so often before i tripped over a tree stump and fell onto my face, ouch. I really must've been losing my mind because I started having a hissy fit. I was thrashing my arms and legs about crying and screaming. After a while I just laid there on my side, curled up in a ball sniffling and wiping the dirt and tears off my face. I guess i ended up falling asleep at some point because I woke up with a green and purple stripped cat licking my face. I screamed and practically threw the cat off of me, crawling to a tree for hopeless protection. Breathing hard I quickly looked behind the tree. I couldn't see the cat so I decided to look around and make sure the cat was gone. I left the protection of the tree and went looking for the cat. I heard noises coming from the bushes in front of me. Damn it, I thought, Please don't let this noise be a man eating monster! I tip toed towards the bushes and quickly moved them, revealing the cat. We both screamed at the same time and I fell back.
I ran back behind the safety of my tree and closed my eyes in fear. I was terrified! I mean, the cat was freaking green and purple for gods sake! "Ok Rae, you can do this," I whispered to myself, "Just find a weapon." I looked around and found another big stick. Seemed to be my weapon of choice i guess. I then jumped out from behind the tree and screamed, "Come out cat! I-I'm not afraid of you!" I didn't hear anything for a while until I heard someone say, "Yea well, I'm afraid of you!" I exhaled. I dropped the stick to my side and looked around again confused. "Who said that?" I asked. Just then the cat slowly walked out from behind a tree. "I-I did," it said. I screamed again and picked up my stick. The cat screamed too and ran behind the tree again. I actually started to feel bad for this strange talking cat. I lowered my stick and said, "I'm sorry. I won't hurt you, I promise." He poked his head out from the tree and I bent down and gestured him forwards. He got out from behind the tree and step by step walked to me.
I stuck my hand out and weakly smiled. "My name is Rae," I said. He stuck out his paw and replied, "Ch-Cheshire Cat." Wow, nice name for a cat, I thought. I nodded at his reply and we just stood there awkwardly for a few minutes before he let out a sigh and scratched his head asking, "Do you need help getting to the Red City?" I looked at him confused. "There's a city here?" He chuckled "Yes we do. Now follow me." The Cheshire Cat then lead me through a series of winding paths until we were at these huge beautiful red gates. "Welcome to the Red City Rae," Cheshire Cat said.


I stood there, starring in complete amazement. It was so beautiful! It reminded me so much of home too back in NYC. With the exception that everything was various colors of red. I spun around once my eyes going wide taking in the breathtaking scene. Everything literally looked like New York City, but there was just uniformed men everywhere, their uniforms the only color out of place besides my clothes. I stood there for what seemed like hours starring everywhere when Cheshire Cat floated up to my face, arms crossed. I jumped back a little as he said "Ok Rae, first things first. I need to tell you about the rules here, you know, the big DO'S and DON'TS!" I nodded at him. "Ok, so you see all the black uniformed men yes? Yes, ok well that's the queens mafia. STAY CLEAR OF THEM, or they'll kill you on spot! Oh, and you NEED to change your clothes, because they are already looking at you funny see?" I looked, he was right. I started getting scared. He frowned, "So either way, stay clear of them and act normal because I'm just going to guess here that the Red Queen already has the QQQ after you hun." I furrowed my brow confused," QQQ?" I asked. "UGH! The Queens MAFIA!!!!!" I nodded again, understanding.
I still stood there, all the memories flooding back of home. Home. Would I ever get there again? My eyes started watering. Don't cry, not here! I thought to myself. The Cheshire Cat got my attention again and I blinked the tears away. Cheshire huffed, "Lets not stay here in this spot much longer Rae, or the QQQ will find interest." He led me through the streets of the Red City, through allyways and over actual fences until we reached this small, run down little brick building. He looked around cautiously before hustling me in and closing the door, locking it. He whipped around smiling wildly. "Ok Rae, now it's time for a little dress up! Just stay here, I'll be right back." He clapped his hands and ran into the back room.
I looked around the room. It looked pretty cozy. Better looking than the outside of the house obviously. There was a small fire blazing in the fireplace and two cute little armchairs near it. Pictures of oddly colored cats hung about, there smiles wicked or beeming. Family maybe? I guess so. There was a small kitchen and a table, fresh bread on it. Oh god, it was calling to me! EAT ME RAE, it said. I couldn't help myself, I scrambled over and ripped a piece of the warm, soft bread and shoved it into my mouth hungrily. A few moments after, Cheshire Cat came out again with someone. My back was turned as he started talking. "Rae this is-" He stopped his words dead in their tracks. "What are you doing Rae?" He asked, confused. I turned around, a mouthful of bread still in my mouth, bits of it protruding from it. I chewed frantically a little and then smiled, blushing.




I walked down the crooked street, walking to meet my dealer. His name was Vaun, the only guy who could get you what you needed fast, and at top notch too. Of course, I was Vaun's best customer, so I got the "discount". I shoved my hands deep into my pockets and leaned against the brick wall, waiting behind the dumpster of the Ink Heart Saloon, our usual meet up spot. Vaun was late, he never was. Obviously I was annoyed, but my annoyance had just a hint of worry. Maybe he was caught, I thought to myself. Damn it, I'm going to fucking wring his neck. I huffed out a cold breath and stood, slowly walking from behind the dumspter, out of the ally, and onto the street again. Fuck this kid, I can wait I guess. I wanted to shoot him. I needed my fix, and had no where to get it now. I walked quickly down the street, feeling paranoid that I was either being followed or watched.
I looked behind me, walking faster. Sure enough, I was being followed by none other than the black uniformed men from all around the city, the Triple Q. "Fuck," I muttered. I needed an escape plan. I looked to each side of me, turning down another ally, this one a winding one leading somewhere else, a block or two away. This was my chance. I broke into a sprint, hearing shouts of the men behind me telling me to stop. But I wasn't stopping, it was my only chance of survival now. They either wanted me dead or they wanted to arrest me. Fat chance of that, I thought. I wasn't getting caught. I stopped at the end of the ally and looked around me, looking straight at a scruffy looking house. Lights were on, maybe they could help me.
Without thinking it completely through I dashed for the door, wretching it open and closing it quietly behind me. I looked around in an empty living room and running into the closest room and closing it behind me. My back was to the door, my eyes closed and breathing hard. The room was dimly lit and I looked around me, it looked empty. I raked my fingers through my hair and exhaled a deep breath. Safe? I thought. For now maybe. I didn't realise I wasn't alone until I turned around, bumping right into someone, a girl actually, and a pretty beautiful one at that.

* Rae *

I went into the room that Cheshire Cat let me stay in. I sat on the bed for a few minutes before taking the lantern with me into the bathroom. I started the fauset, letting the water run and get warm. When the bathtub was full, I stripped of my clothes (god they were filthy) and climbed into the tub. When I was settled in I closed my eyes, letting the steam and warm water sooth me. I was finally beginning to relax after what had all happened today. Being with Xander. Almost having sex with him. Meeting his mother. His mother shunning me. Trying to get me killed. Xander saying he loved me. Me loving him back. This whole day was so overwhelming. Staring at the dark, a tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it away and let out a sigh. I sat in silence until I thought I heard a noise. Did the door just open? My brow furrowed.
I decided to go investigate. I got out and dried off quickly, throwing on the robe that Cheshires wife left for me. Wrapping it around myself I tiptoed into the dark room. I was walking over to the door, thinking to open it to see if someone knocked or anything. To my luck though, I ran right into the person who had opened my door. My head hit his hard chest. I grunted and looked up, into ice blue eyes, I gasped.


* Blake * 

She ran right into my chest, grunting. She then looked up at me gasping. I looked at her confusingly. What was she gasping about? I laughed at the thought. Her facial expression went from surprised to angry as she stepped back and kicked me hard in the shin. OUCH! "What the fuck! Why'd you do that?!" I asked her. "Who are you?! And what are you doing in my room!?" Her hands were on her hips. Her hair was wet and she was in a bathrobe. "I-I needed a place to hide! So don't give me away and I won't hurt you ok?" I told her. She looked shocked for a minute before screaming, "Don't you dare talk to me like that! Do you hear me?! Are you dumb? Because if you're going to talk to me like that I definitely won't be the one getting hurt!" Wow. She was a firey one. I had to admit though, it was sexy on her. I smirked, "You're sexy when you're mad, did anyone ever tell you that?" She huffed and glared at me. she rolled her eyes, "Just get out! You're annoying and not welcome here." Just then there was a knock at the door. I went white. Shit! I thought. This is it! I'm going to get caught! "Please," I begged, "I need some serious help here. Please!?" She glared at me once before shoving me into the bathroom. "Just a minute!" She yelled. She went and answered the door. I was huddled in the corner in the dark bathroom, praying I wouldn't get caught. 

* Rae * 

I didn't know what to do when he begged me for help. Those pleading eyes screamed desperation. He needed help, so I shoved him into the bathroom. "Just a minute!" I screamed. I fixed myself and then dashed to the door. I let out a breath and answered the door cooly. It was Cheshires wife.

"Are you alright in here? I thought I herd some noises." She looked worried. "Oh no, everything is fine! I just...uh...stubbed my toe on the bed frame. Hurt something awfull! But I'm ok, promise," I replied smiling. She laughed at my reply,

"Ok hun, we're just down the hall if you need us. Goodnight Rae."  I smiled again, actually not faking it this time,

"Goodnight, and thank you, for everything." I hugged her quickly and closed the door. I leaned on it and slide to the floor. "Phew," I thought out loud. I got up and walked to the bathroom, slowly peering in to see if that dude was still in the there. I was about to whisper something to him when I was swept off my feet and thrown to the floor, a body hard against mine. "What the fu-," my words were stopped with a hand clamped around my mouth. I tried to get free from this person, thrashing about and protesting under the hand on my mouth. I looked up to see the same guy I shoved in the bathroom ten minutes earlier on top of me. I bit his hand and he yelped in pain, removing his hand. I looked at me angrily. I smirked but then got serious again.

"Get off me! This is no way to treat a woman and you weigh about as much as a brick building. Get. Off!" I yelled.  He smirked and got really close to my face, his eyes a blazing with amusement. Our faces were about an inch apart. I felt the heat of his breath on my face, sending a shiver down my spine. Up close he looked even better than before. His eyes were a beautiful ice blue, very sharp facial features, very handsome in fact. His brown hair swooping about his face, tickling my nose slightly. I was still on the cold floor, his warm body pressed against my own. He leaned in more, his nose officially touching mine.

He smiled, "You're cute when you're pissed." I glared at him, squirming. I finally got a hand free ready to let one rip on his face when he caught it and pinned it over my head. I was breathing hard, I bit my lip to keep from swearing my head off. 

"Now now, that's not very nice," he said huskily. I was fuming. 

"Okay, who are you? And why are you suddenly in my bedroom?" I demanded.

"That's for me to know sweetheart, and not for you to know." He winked, I glared even harder, if that was even possible. 

"I'm not your sweetheart." I went to the door, to tell about our recent "visitor." He grabbed my arm. 

"No please, I need a place to hide. The QQQ is after me and they'll kill me if they find me." His expression softened to something just shy of desperation. I softened too, damn it. 

I sighed, "Ugh, fine. But they can't know you're here either, or they'll definitely kick you out." He nodded and walked over to the bed, flopped on it and shortly after began to snore. Oh great. 

For about two weeks he stayed with me, being all sassy and assholesish. But he still had his nice side. He was just so damn moody. It had been weeks since I'd last seen Xander, and I missed him so much. But yet, I was weirdly attracted to Blake, and i knew how red flag that was. Fuck.





About three weeks into Blakes stay, I caught him with the drugs. I walked out of the bathroom in my robe, and flipped out. 

"Blake! What the fuck do you think you're doing? When i said you could stay, it didnt mean you could do drugs!" My eyes blazed and he looked equally pissed off too for some reason.

"Last time I checked Rae, you weren't my fucking mother." My jaw fell open, i was stunned. With my hands on my hips i screamed, "GET OUT!" His eyes widened and then he just looked angry again. He got up and got really close to my face. 

"Is that really what you want Rae? Truelly?" His voice took on a sexy new tone. It made me shiver. 

My eyes widened at the realisation of my wanting to kiss him right now. I was still angry with him, but my raging teenage hormones were seriously getting the best of me right now. I guess he could sense it too, since he would look from my lips to my eyes repeatedly. He was waiting for my move. Gentleman? Pft, no! But yet he was I guess, in the sense of him waiting. I decided to tease him, getting nose to nose again and tilting my head back a little, lightly licking his bottom lip. It tasted sweet, and a bit nutty. I guess he couldn't take it anymore because he let out a grumble seeming to come from the back of his throat and went in for the full kiss.
It was great actually. Hungry and deep. I closed my eyes as he nipped at my bottom lip, asking for entrance. At first I refused but I wanted his tongue in my mouth so I let him in. This guys kisses were hot and sexual, not like Zanders at all. His were loving and passionate. Not that they weren't fantastic, but this guys was just firey and crazy, which somewhat drove me wild! I accidentally let a small moan escape and he smiled and let go of my hands. They immediately went around his neck and into his hair, pulling. He seemed to growl, lifting me from the floor. My legs going around his waist as set my on the windowsil. His hips were digging into my thighs, his erection getting bigger and resting into my soft spot. I moaned again, and his hands went roaming.
I had forgotten that I was only in a bathrobe and panties. His hands quickly found the knot of the bathrobe strings and he undid the and ripped it open, exposing my breasts. His hands then went to my nipples, rubbing and squeezing. I gasped and he smiled into the kiss. We broke apart as his lips found my jaw line and trailed down my neck. I bit my lip and tilted my head back, giving him more space. He found the soft spot on my neck and nibbled, making me moan and push him back slightly looking at his face. We were both breathing hard, eyes blazing, wanting more. More. I wanted more skin on skin. I tore off his jacket and lifted his shirt up, I clenched my legs around him more as he let go of me to help with his shirt. He smirked at me, and I lightly giggled and we went at it again.


He lifted me again, not breaking the kiss. He into the bedroom, setting me down on the bed, taking off the bathrobe that hung loose on my body. I sat up and unbuckled his pants as he pushed me back against the pillows kissing my fiercely. My hands went around his neck and his went to my waist. I dug my nails into his back and he moaned, pulling me closer to his. I smiled and flipped him over. I smiled devilishly and started kissing his neck, nibbling and sucking down and up, making him moan and go crazy. He got back on top of my and trailed kissed down my neck to my breast, his mouth connecting with my left one while his hand kneaded the other.
I arched my back. I felt so good. Almost better than Xander. Xander. No. I couldn't think about him now. I pulled him back to my face and looked at him."Blake," I rasped and started kissing me again. Before I knew what was happening my panties were off and on the floor and he was in his boxers. Blakes' hands went downward, a finger going inside me. I arched my back more, nearly yelling out in pleasure. One finger led to two more, and I couldn't take it anymore, I moaned somewhat loudly, moaning his name. He looked at me and smiled, kissing down my breasts to my stumach to my special area.
His tongue did things I wouldn't have ever imagined. It made me wet. I moaned and swivelled my hips slowly. I was driven over the edge. "B-Blake, Blake..t-take me, please." I gasped, my breath coming out in harsh puffs. He moved back up to my face, our lips molding together again. I rolled over on top of him, his little buddy hard and bulging against my belly. I slide down his boxers until he took them off, leaving him exposed. It was my turn to make him moan my name. I smirked and kissed down his six pack to little Blakey, taking him in one hand. I licked from the base to the tip, my tongues going in circles, making his breathe heavy and. I then started going up and down, Blake somewhat guiding me, going deeper. I guess he was at his breaking point too because he moaned  loud. "Rae, oh god Rae. I need to be inside you." He yanked me from his dick and rolled on top.

And go inside me is exactly what he did...

Going The Mile

* Xander *

I stormed into the mothers room. I was furious with her! How could she do this to me? I finally found her, Alice's granddaughter, the one that the oracle talked about. She was my soulmate, and my mother ripped that away from me. It was my fault really, I made it so that she would fall. I made it so that I would find her, save her. Thank god for that I guess, or else I would've never found her.
I stomped right up to my mother, getting in her face and screaming "What is wrong with you?! Trying to kill the love of my life! You don't own me anymore mother, I'm a grown ass man!" She looked taken aback. Stunned, she blinked a few times before spitting back "She doesn't deserve you Zander! She's a slave, a disgusting, foul being. She's nothing, you need someone better! Someone of better class!" It took me all I had not to hit her. I clenched my fist, "How racist are you mother? I love her! And I WILL be with her. No matter what you do, I'll even go up if I have too. I know the ritual, and who to have help me." Her eyes widened, "You'll NEVER go above! You belong here, as heir to the throne!" I chuckled and shook my head. "I guess you don't understand then mother, I don't want the heir, and most of all I don't want to be your son."
I left her then, her staring at me in pure awe like I was crazy. I needed Rae, loved her. And would stop at nothing to be with her, nothing. It had been weeks, and I needed her so bad...

* Blake *

I was staring at her, smiling to myself and stroking her hair. She was beautiful, and right now all mine. I was making swirling patterns on her shoulder when she let out a deep breath and snuggled closer to my chest. I chuckled a little and kissed the top of her head. This was a whole new experience for me. Not like any other local girls. They were like dine and dash, quickies I guess. But here, and tonight with Rae was different. It felt special, like it was meant to happen. It felt good for her to be in my arms. She was no one time thing. I wanted her, she was like my fix. 'That's it!,' I thought to myself. 'It's her! She made me forget about all the drugs!' Maybe thins was my second chance. I could get over the drugs and be with her. I guess I just had to get to know her better and stuff...

* Rae *

I woke up in Blake's arms. We were both naked, and staring at his bare chest brought back the memories of the night before. I sighed, last night was so unexpected. I barely knew this guy, and yet we had sex. I didn't even have sex with Xander. Oh My God....Xander! He told me he loved me, and I loved him. But what had I just done with Blake? Was I in love with him too? I don't know him! How could I? This was all so overwhelming that I roughly put my head back on Blake's chest, causing him to stir.
I looked up at him, and he groggily looked back at me smiling lazily. I laughed a bit and kissed his chin as his hold around my waist tightened a bit. He turned slightly and his "morning wood" touched my leg. I blushed and looked away from him. He laughed and turned again, my face turning a deeper red. He laughed again, kissing my forehead and saying "Good morning beautiful." I smiled and snuggled my face into his neck, kissing it. "Good morning," I said tiredly.
With one quick motion he rolled me over so I was on top of him, chest to chest. He leaned up and kissed me lightly, quickly deepening the kiss. His hands went up and down my body, giving me shivers. I nipped his bottom lip, causing him to make a noise in his throat and his tongue invaded my mouth. Then all of a sudden, Xander came to mind. It was like cold water being splashed all over me. My eyes shot open and rolled off of Blake, falling onto the floor. "Ooof," I said as I hit the floor. I scurried up and raced for my bathrobe, wrapping it tightly around myself. Through all of this, Blake just looked at me like I was insane. 'Good,' I thought to myself.
I slowly backed into the corner of the room and slide down the floor to my butt. I was suddenly scared and lonely, wanting Zander to be here today and yesterday forgotten. Blake pulled on his pants, slowly walking over to me, sitting down next to me. "Rae, what's wrong?" He asked. His facial expression was hard, but his eyes gave all the worry and sadness away. I sighed, looking over at him, tears threatening to spill over my face. My lips quivered as I shook my head and tried to say something. I couldn't, what could I say to him? Whatever I did have to say obviously would hurt him and leave me with terrible guilt.
"This shouldn't have happened Blake," I said finally. His look sharpened, turning almost cold.
"What? Why not? It was perfect Rae, and you know it!" He yelled. I winced at his reaction, "I-I love someone else..." I said quietly. I brought my knees to my chest and looked up at him. His eyes were like ice, he looked astonished and hurt hiding it behind his icy tone as he said "Oh, well then I guess I should go, I know when I'm being used." He stood up curtly, heading towards the window. I got up and ran to him. "Blake! No wait!" I grabbed his wrist and he turned around, clearly annoyed. I didn't know what to do, I was officially crying and I felt so broken.
So I acted on impulse, and kissed him...


Texte: All Rights Reserved! No one can steal this!
Bildmaterialien: Gotta love google images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.06.2012

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To all the people who love sadistic, sexy tales about love, death and just about everything else in between, enjoy.

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