
Chapter 1: The Stranger.

On a late summer evening Kelly laid awake in her bed,thinking,imagineing,wishing.
She had a peachy tan, red-orange hair,and pale grey eyes. Kelly always wondered why no one ever wanted to be her friend. Then one day at school during lunch while she was sitting alone,like always,a strange woman with sun glasses and pale white skin walked over. "Hello,I'm Tori. Is this seat taken?" she asked pointing to the chair next to Kelly. "Nope." said Kelly with a friendly smile.
Tori sat down next to her and returned the smile. "What's you name?" asked Tori. "Kelly. It's nice to meet you." she responded with a smile. "Nice to meet you too." said Tori returning the smile. "Do you have plans after school? We could go shopping or something." she asked. "Um,no. That sounds cool." Kelly said with a grin. "Cool. Whats your address?" Kelly told her the address to her house and smiled. They continued chating until the bell rang. "We should probaly get going..."
Tori suggested. "Er,yeah. See you later." said Kelly. So they went their separate ways.

Chapter 2: The alley.

Kelly finished her homework and waited for Tori to come pick her up. A few minuets later she heard a honk outside her house. It was Tori.Kelly quickly gathered her wallet and jacket and sped down the stairs to go with Tori. "Hey." said Tori. "Hi." Kelly said with a smile. "So where do you want to go first?" asked Tori. Kelly thought about it then decided to go to her favorite store first. "How about Hot Topic?" asked Kelly. "Sure. I love that store!" said Tori. "Cool" Kelly said grinning from ear to ear. I finally found a friend! Kelly thought to herself. They arrived at Hot Topic and went inside. "Uoh! How about this?" Kelly said holding a black mini skirt up to her waist. "Try it on. Wait! Try it with these." said Tori. She handed Kelly some torn spiderweb leggings. "Okay." said Kelly. She tried it on and it looked amazing! Tori was a genuis she thought. She paid for the skirt and leggings and they left,but continued shopping t other stores. When it was Kellys curfue she thought,crap. " I gotta go. It's my curfue." She said with a frown. "Oh okay. Hold on come with me a second." said Tori with a strange smile. "Uhm..okay" said Kelly,confused. Tori grabed her arm and they walked down this dark alley that was really very creepy. Tori turned toward Kelly when they made it to the dead end. Tori then took off her sunglasses and faced Kelly. Kelly was horrified but dazzled by her bright crimson eyes. "Just stay very still and do not scream..." whisperd Tori in Kelly's ear. Tori then grabed her face on either sides and sunk her fangs into Kelly's neck. Before Kelly could even scream Tori let go of her,grabed her in her arms and took off. Kelly fainted. When she woke up she was buring. Not on the outside but, on the inside. Everything on fire. She screamed.

Thats all I have so far but don't worry I'll finish it! <3

Hey so, sorry I havent updated for a while but computer kept screwing up so...well hope ya like it!

Chapter 3: New

She woke up dazed and confused at first then suddenly everything was extremly clear. The only thing that was running through her mind was "wtf?". She looked around her to find Tori staring at her with her hand under her chin. "What?" she asked. "You only screamed once..thats unusal." said Tori. "What. Did. You. Do. To. Me!" Kelly shrieked. Tori jumped startled by the sudden outburst, but quickly recovered. "I turned you." Tori explained matter-of-factly. "Y-you what..?" Kelly asked stupidly. "You are a vampire now,my dear." explained Tori. "A WHAT!?!?" Kelly shrieked. Again Tori jumped but quickly recovered. "Did you not hear me? I said-"
"I know what you said!" Kelly cut her off. "But what? How? When? WHY!?" Kelly sputtered. "Simply my dear. I bit you and injected my venom." Tori said with and impish grin. "Oh," was the only thing Kelly could say. "Well mind if we have a little fun?" Kelly asked with a wicked grin. "What do you have in mind?" ask Tori grinning as well. "Oh a couple of cases of pure divine revenge." growled Kelly."Perfect." said Tori with a wicked grin.

Haha so now you get the description? Well I gotta jet so I'll upload again within the next few days...Thanks for reading! Bye. <3


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.07.2010

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