
Chapter 1

I want go home.

Here I am waiting in line with my friend,Kate Woods,to enter a stupid club.I don't know why I let Kate talk me into going.I could be at home right now watching The Nanny and sitting on the couch eating pizza.I could be in my comfortable sweat suit, instead of this tight ass mini dress and these uncomfortable high heels.

"Kate,I'm going home"I said,I really couldn't wait any longer.
"Come on,its only been like five minutes"Kate said rolling her eyes.The truth was it has been only 3 minutes,trust me I was counting.
"I'm leaving,you can stay here if you like."I turned to leave but Kate grabbed my hand.
"Zada you can't leave."Kate said.
"Why not,you'll do fine by yourself"
"Because your me wingman,well wingwoman."
"Yea thats really not enough of a reason."

I snatched my hand away and began walking away from Kate.But I stopped when I saw male coming toward me.Don't get me wrong I never really cared much for males,but this one was like any other.He long wavy red wavy hair that went down to his shoulder. Light green eyes and pale skin that seemed to sparkle in the moon light.

He looked about 21 or at least in his early 20s.He most had felt me staring at him because he grin and looked at me.He gave me one of those 'I'm flatter' looks.Then he look me in the eyes,when I looked in the eyes,I felt like we were totally alone.It was like he was walking right to me.

When he got closer,I open my mouth to say something but he walked right pass me.I turned and to where he was going he walked to a girl with black hair and kissed her.They then walked into the club together.

I blinked,I wonder what just happen.I thought that grin and look was for me.

I couldn't help to envy that girl he kissed.My jealousy went hate for the girl with the black hair.

For some reason I wanted to beat hell out that girl.I felt like she stole something very precious of mine.Like he was my exspinsive gold necklace.I feel I have some commntoin with him.But how?I never met him before,I would remember if I met someone like him.

I turned back around and got in line next to Kate once again.
"I thought you were going home."Kate said with a smile.
"I'm to lazy to drive home."I lied.The only reason I came back is because I wanted him back.

I wonder how I wanted him back if he was never mine in the first place.

Chapter 2

Once we enter the club,I scanned the room looking for him.It wasn't hard to spot him,seeing he was the only rd head in the room.He was in the corner in a booth.He had his arms around the black head girls shoulder.He most had said something funny becaue the black head started laughing.

I grabbed Kate by the risk and dragged her to bar.We sat in the high chairs, the only reason why I wanted to sit here was because I had a clear view of him.I really couldnt take my eyes off of him.

"What can I get you lovely ladies" asked the bar tinder.
"Um a coke and what do you want Zada?"Kate asked me.
"Same coke."I said still looking at the red head.
"All righty"Said the bar tinder.

The bar tinder gave us our cokes in a glass cup.I took a sip not taking my eyes off him.
"Who are you looking at?"Kate asked me.
"No one"I said,forcing myself to look at Kate.
"Want to dance"Kate asked me.
"Naw you go ahead,I'l stay here for a while."I took a sip of coke again.

Kate got up out her seat and grabbed some guy.The guy followed her to the dance floor without a fight.I mean who would try to get away from Kate,no homo, but Kate was a total hottie.With her dark brown hair and blues eyes.She had a very fit body and was very stylish.

Me on the other hand, was just a slob.I never really cared for my looks or what I wear.At school I wear baggy jeans and and t-shirts.Sometimes I don't even match when I go to school.I just put my pale blond hair up in a messy bun or I leave it down uncomb.Many people hardly believe Kate would be friends with me.

I felt like someone was staring at me,I turned around to see him staring at me.When he saw me look at him he smiled and kissed the black head for a long time.The whole time his eyes were open and he was looking at me.As if he was trying to make me jealous.Well guess what it worked.

My had on my cup tighten around and was holding the cup so hard that I broke it.I gasped when I heard the glass brake,I then looked at my hand,it was bleeding.Shit.That really hurts.

I had pieces of glass sticking in my hand.
"You okay,what happen to the glass?"Ask the bar tinner.
"Sorry I broke it with my hand.Guess I was hoding it to tightly"I shrugged and said "I'll pay for the glass too."
"We'll worry about the money later,come on to the bathroom with me,we need to get you clean your wound."
I nodded my head, the bar tinner then got from behind the bar and guid me to the man bathroom.

I looked back at the red head and he was suprise and looked worried about me.He looked kinda mad too.I wonder why

Chapter 3

We walked into the man's bathroom.I hestaited at first but the bartinder asured me that he would look the bathroom so no one would come in.
He walked me over to the sink and took my hand.He begun taking out the pieces of glass.He let the the glass he plunked and toss them into the sink.
"Ow~"I wined and snatched my hand away.
"Don't be such a baby"Said the bratender,he then took my hand again and pludded out more peices of glass.

After he was done, turned on the sink and I stuck my hand under the nosil.I watched my blood go down the drain.Either of us said a word.
I felt like I needed to break the ice.
I looked around,"So this is what boy's bathroom looked like."
The bartender chuckled."Yea,how does the girl's bathroom look like?"
"The same as the boys,minus the urinals."

"So is it your first time here?"Ask the bartender.
"No I been here a few times."
"Oh,never seen before"
"yea thats probly because this is my first time working here."
"Really?How old are you?"
"17 years old."
"I thought you had to be older to work as a bartender."
"Yea you do but my uncle ownes the club."
"Really thats cool.What school you go to?"
"North post High School,you?"
"same,you a senior or something?"
"No a junoir."
"I never seen you around,whats your name?"
"Eric you?"
"Cool name."

I looked down at my hand, and frowned,I was still bleeding.Maybe I need to go to the hostpital.

"I'll go get the first aid kit."Eric said and lefted.
I signed,how was I going to explainthis to my parents?I told I was at the bowling ring,because they think a 16 year shouldn't be clubbing.

I heard the door to the boy's bathroom open,thinking it was Eric,I said."That was fast,do you think I need go to the hostpital?"

"Nope not after I done with it."said a deep sexy vioce,that had an irsh acent.
I turned around to see him,the sexy red head,looking at me.
My heart beat sped up.He walked over to me and took my bleeding hand.I sniffed the air,he smelled like the woods and moonlight,if that had a smell.

He then took my bleeding hand to his curved lips.His hands felt strong but gentle.He then stuck out his tongue and began licking my hand.I felt like my heart was about bust out my chest.

His tongue was cool.I blushed,I found it somehow right for him to be licking me.Once was done licking my hand,he put gently back to my side.I looked at my hand and the blood was gone and not only that,but my cuts were gone as well.

I looked him with shock,he smiled,he had some blood next to his mouth.Without nowing it I was taking my hand and wiped the blood from his mouth.
He smiled and said "Thanks lassie."
He then walked toward the door and turned his head.
"I'll be seeing soon."He then walked out the door.

A few minutes later I was looking at my hand tring to figure out how was that possible.Eric came in with first aid kit.I didn't at him or said anyhting.

Eric went over to me and look at my healed hand.
"Woah,how did your hand heal?"
I looked at Eric and shook my head.
"I wish I knew that too."

Chapter 4

After what happen in the bathroom I drove straight home.We after I looked around the club for the red head.But he wasnt there and neirther was the girl he was with.Not knowing what else do I told Kate I was leaving.Eric offer me a ride home but I refused.

Once I got home I snuck up stairs to my room.If my parents saw what I was wearing,they would know for a fact that I was out at a party or club.When I went out I was wearing basketball shorts and and t-shirt.I changed at Kate's place.

When I got into my room safe and sound,I sat on my bed and took of the high heels and threw them under my bed.Then there was a knock at my door.I quickly got under my sheets because I still had on my mini dress.

I made sure my mini dress was covered and then said "Come in"
My mother came in,she had on a blue cotton robe and her dirty blonde hair was in one long braid.
"Hey how was bowling"She said sitting on my bed.
"It was fun,I totally beat Kate."I lied.
"Kate was always bad at bowling"My mother said shaking her head.
"So whats up?"I asked my mother.
"Do you want go gocery shoping with me tomorrow?"
"Sure why not"
"Okay then we leave at 1"My mother then got up from my bed and went out the room.She lefted my door wide open so I had wait till I heard the door to my parent's bedroom close.Once I heard it close I jumped up out of bed and closed the door.

I took off my mini dress and put on an xxl t-shirt.I didnt bother on putting shorts because the shirt almost went to my kneeds.

I went to sleep after that.

I woke up feeling kinda cold I looke at my clock it was 1:30 in the morning.I looked at my window and it was open.Did I open that when I got home?Or was it open when I got home?

Still half asleep,I got up out my bed and went over to close the window before I closed it.I saw him,my red head.He was under a street lamp looking up at me.Now I'm wide awake.He caught my eye and smiled.He then blew me an air kiss,I blinked and he was gone.

Maybe I was still half asleep.

Chapter 5

At one the next day I went with my mom to gocery store.I asked my mom if she could buy some more fruit loops and she said yes.I walked myself to the cereal.Guess who I saw.If your thinking my red head your wrong.

It was the girl he with last night.I may havnt seen her face last night but something told it was her.She was wearing a slutty outfit.She was wearing white tight tube top and booty shorts,she had on cowgirl hat and boots.Let me phrase what I said she looked like a SLUTTY COWGIRL.

I understand why my red head would go out with her.Shes so not his type.Wait I don't even know what his is type is but I am dying to know.

Anyways maybe if I become friends with her she'll tell me about my red head.Maybe I can find out how did that with my hand.

I walked over and did the friendly smile I could.
"Wow,I like your shorts where you get them?"I lied.
"Macy"The black head said.
The bitch cant say thank you.

"So I seen you somewhere?"I ask.
"No"The black head took some cocopuffs cereal off the shelf and walked away.I follow after her.
"Yea I think I have at the club."
"Yea,I wanted to talk to you."
"Well who was that red head"
"My boyfriend so back the fuck off him"The black head snapped.
Trying to play innocent I said "girl you think I want him?"
The black head rolled her eyes at me,she could see right through me.
"No I dont want him,my friend wanted to about him."I lied.The black narrowed her eyes at me."well I better tell her he isnt free."
"Look you country trash,he's MINE and he wouldnt go with a pumkin like you anyways."

When she said the words 'He's mine' I think something snapped in my head because before I knew it securty was dragging off the black head.I looked down at my hand and I had an hand full of her hair.I then looked at her and she had a black eye and a bleeding nose.

"YOU BITCH!!!!Remember CAEL IS MINE!!!!!!"I screamed,okay how did I know the red head name?And I am not the one screaming that,but it coming out my mouth.

The securty threw me outside and people were looking at me.I gave them the 'what the fuck you looking at' look.I brushed myself off and someone tapped me on the shoulder.I turned to see mom.

"Could you tell me what happen."She ask.
I only thing I could do was shake my head.
I wish I knew that too.

Chapter 6: Cael

I took a sip of my beer,and closed my eyes.My mind went back at the club last night,when I first saw her.She was standing in the moonlight,her blond hair blowing in the wind.Her golden eyes were sparkling.I have say she looked better than what she did,the last time I saw her.

I couldnt help but chuckle when I walked right past.Her eyes looked some lonly and it was cute.I can't help but to make her more jeasous then she already was.So I kissed Trisa, and walked into the club knowing she would come looking for me.

I chose the most easy spot,which was close to the door,so she could find me.Which she did and she took a seat at the bar,knowing it was the perfect place to watch me.I wanted to make her more jealsouse so I kissed trisa and looked at her.Fire was burnning in here eyes,like a golden fire.

Then I saw her hand she had broken the cup and was bleeding.The bartender took here to the man bathroom,I was upset to see an other man touching what was mine.

When I was with the bathroom with here right then and there I wanted to kiss her and lick her all over.Its been so long since the last time I tasted her flesh.

My eyes flew open when the door to my apartment bang open.And in came Trisa,I couldnt help but to smile when I notice her black eye.
"What happen to you?"

Chapter 7

I screamed into my pillow,which what I always did when I agrue with my mom.All the way home she yelled at me,I couldnt blame here I mean I punched the shit out of some chick I didnt even know.

Well now I grounded for a month,oh well its not like I dont enoy being at home anyways.Being grounded was like heaven to me.Now I have an exuce to tell Kate when she wanted to go out and party.

My phone in my pocket buzzed,I open it without looking at the Caller ID,I just thought it was Kate nut boy was I wrong.
"Hey Katie...."I said.
"Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not Katie.."Said a deep familir vioce.
I sat up on my bed then.
"I'm glad you remember my name."
Dont you mean how do you know my name?

"Um yeah was all I could say."
"You free tonight."
"YES!"I shouted,I then cleared my throat,"I mean yes."I said calmly trying to be smooth.
"Good do you know this bar called 'PUB'?"
"Yeah"I know it because my brother's girlfriend works there and I sometimes give her a ride to work.
"Meet me there at 8pm dont be a minute late or I'll leave."
"okay-I mean wait dont you have a girl-"The click cut me off.

I jumped up out of bed and went to my closet,only thing i had was shorts and jeans.And some baggy t-shirts,nothing sexy at all.I could put on the mini dress Kate let me borrwed,but he saw what I was wearing at the club,he'll think i had nothing else to wear.

I could call kate to ask if I could borrow some clothes but she'll ask why and I really dont want to tell her because she has a big mouth and tell everyone.I mean everyone even my parents.

Thinking about clothes, how the hell am I'm going to sneek out?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.07.2011

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