


Chapter 1 the Symptoms

Chapter 2 Jacob Young

Chapter 3 Town Square ‘Zombies’

Chapter 4 the Journey

Chapter 5 Safe dreams is the Truth

Chapter 6 the Escape of my Life

Chapter 7 the Life of the Unloving

Chapter 8 Dangerous Liquids Project

Chapter 9 the Preliminary Forge

Chapter 10 Restricted Quarantine

Chapter 11 Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 12 the real Armageddon

Chapter 13 Presidential Prologue

The Solanum Vile

The Solanum Vile
Based on a true unfound story
The future and the past is what you dream
“Sometime in the future” As I lay in the long cold grass awaiting my life’s end I look up at the stars and wonder…if it had all been a dream.
Chapter 1 the Symptoms
It was 23rd March Friday, 4 days before the start of something that was slowly changing planet earth, as it has for decades. We humans have just been too blind to see it happening. That was until my physicist teacher; Professor Marrow had been talking to a mysterious voice on the phone during my class break. I overheard the voice yelling at him saying that he had done something bad. After class I causesly approached Mr Marrow shyly and asked what that man meant by the professor doing something bad not even to think that he would be evil. The professor just looked at me worried then ran off into the dust and dirt of these towns’ factories. I didn’t seem to wonder what was going on in Mr Marrows mind but I didn’t want to either.
24th march Saturday
My studies class had started and no sign of Mr Marrow anywhere, we had done a full day without him. I got home around 5:45 pm; I entered my study and noticed a vile of grey liquid on my shelf as I picked it up I read the viles lament sticker, it said ‘from professor marrow keep it safe .p.s NEVER DRINK THIS’ it of all my years of study and knowledge of physics and chemicals I started to examine the liquid from the outside as anyone most likely would if they had a very curious attitude and a mind that could get through the hardest glass in the world if on the other side where secrets of death itself.6:11 pm, “NO IT COULDN’T POSSIBLY BE” it appeared that the liquid in the bottle was made up of ‘solanum’ a virus only newly found it isn’t very understood yet and no purpose has been found but scientist have found out that this contagious liquid works by traveling through the bloodstream from the initial point of entry to the brain. This virus is very unique and uses the cells of the frontal lobe for replication causing a sickness we call brain reanimation and has also started ‘Hype Vision’ a type of vision to see other contaminated souls.
25th march Sunday
I studied all morning for this strange liquid and could not help myself I wanted to be the first person to find out the side effects of solanum, I wouldn’t drink it of course as it could cause me bad effects in my bodies system. 12:34 am, I just came back from the pet store and had just bought myself a puppy, my choice was because a dogs brain at a young age cannot change the effects even by forcing vitamins in itself by eating its own…removals. As I entered my study once again I layed the puppy down on a bench and opened the solanums cap the dog backed up as if the smell was revolting, I then quickly and forcefully forced the liquid down the dogs throat and backed up. Almost 5 hours had past and the entire dog ended up with was a bad fever with a little dementia, sudden chills, pains in the joints and temperatures of around 99 to 109 degrees. In order for me to get the full accurate result I put the puppy in a cage and never touched it since. 3 more hours past, the dementia rose by 30% the dog had more symptoms such as a loss of muscular coordination and numbing of extremities the dog’s temperature also heightened by 111 degrees. About 11 hours after I gave the dog solanum it appeared that the symptoms where getting worse, I went and fetched the dog a bowl of water and some dog biscuits. I came back to see that the animal had paralysis in the lower body and overall numbness plus a really slow heart rate. I put the bowls of food and water in the cage and went to eat lunch myself. I came back 5 hours later as my mum had asked me to go to the shops for something. When I had just closed my door the dog was laying down I was shocked that none of the food or water was gone I had thought the dog died, I opened the cage and slowly felt the dogs chest he was still alive but was in a small coma. The best thing to do was to wait as I did so I felt sorry for using a puppy but I didn’t realize the threats to this new disease. After a long 4 hours the dog slowly awoke with a surprising heart rate stoppage and had no brain activity what so ever. I started to worry a bit more I think to myself could this be? I thought that it couldn’t possibly be so I waited for the final results. My 3 hard to wait hours finally ended and I got my last result…reanimation. Everything went strangely dark and as I turned my head and saw the sun going down into the horizon of the fields that lay opposite to the town, I fainted into silence and mental stress.
26th march Monday
I awoke with a rattle behind my curtain almost knowing what I would find. Oh it was just a rat looking for food. It climbed up to my cage and had a peek inside as I was about to ‘shoo’ it away I heard a faint growl suddenly a screeching sound was heard from inside the cage I originally had the dog. I slowly approached the cages curtains with my shaky hands; I slowly pulled the curtain off the cage. Out of the darkness of the cage were two glowing red eyes shining right at me. In confusion I opened up the cage and that puppy jumped up and bit my arm. ”OOOW YOU STUPID MUT” the dog jumped out the window and ran into the mist of the fog and headed towards the village. I lied down knowing what effects I would come across pains and comas. As I lied in my bed trying to get to sleep before the initial effects I wondered, what have I done?

Jacob Young

I awoke a couple of hours later with no side effects. What’s going on I wondered? Could it be a late side effect, ‘not having any side effects but still carry the effects of the solanum?’ I couldn’t say to myself what was really going on but I thought to myself it would be best if I leave home and get away from my family.
11.00am, I decided to go to my friend’s house at this time but still understood the fact that I could have a low dementia any time soon, I quickly rushed to my best friends place. His name is Jacob Young; he isn’t a well-known person but has created hair products full of Adamantium and vitamins only known to be found in type R blood humans. I went there hoping for help about this…this new disease, knowing that he might have info about it as he aced his trainings in college. We once weren’t very good friends but that was 6 years ago. Well I might as well tell you because I’m only just running to Jacobs place with a reddish blue swollen hand waiting what I could possibly do to create a nuisance to this world.
Six years ago I and Jacob were foes to each other, it’s kind of stupid to say, but we were enemies because of our brains. We were the two highest students in our training college- Pegasus UNI, we would go on and on about how we thought we were smarter than each other, well it was a bit obvious that I was always smarter than him, but that’s hardly the point. One day we had a test, the test that could get one of us to meet Arjay Reeves, the most brilliant scientist of 2017. We both aced that test as if it were Childs play, as we both went to the meet with Arjay Reeves on that day we both agreed that the way we used to fight was wrong so yeah’ we just became friends on that day. And yes, Arjay Reeves is very brilliant and extraordinary with chemicals but I really don’t think it’s best to take myself to him, besides he lives about 130 kilometres from here, a very long way to walk and I have never had time to go for a drivers licence.
I have finally made it to Jacobs’s house, knocking on his mother’s door whilst trying to catch my breath. His mother opened up the door and ran out crying, she hopped in the car and quickly drove off, she had blood dripping from her right cheek, and it seemed to be ripped off. The house was quite with a fade noise of scratching coming from upstairs; I started walking up the stairs in a fast manor as I rose up the stairs I could smell some sort of stench coming from the bathroom, it smelled somewhat like rotten feet and Cystic from the lower area of the body. As I came closer and arrived at the door of the stench, the scratching stopped, I could only possibly think of the sounds to be him ‘Jacob of course’ I slowly opened up the door, the shower curtain there with a body figure behind it standing up. I whispered out to the figure “Jacob, Is that you?” the figure turned around as if he heard me, I slowly approached the figure and continued “hey buddy I need to tell you something, it’s really important” the figure flinched for a second and I stood like a statue, he slowly put out his hand and grabbed the curtain, I then leaned to the left to see him but then he grabbed the curtain and hopped out in a quick step and jumped at me with red glowing eyes and bloody teeth, someone grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out the door and shut it, it was Jacob. Telling me that the figure I saw was his dad and something had happened to him, “he bit my mum on the neck for some reason”. I sat down in his room in a defensive position and confessed about what happened.
After he finally got it, he backed up in confusion, probably thinking I was crazy and said “so this is all because of your little bottle of substance that was given to you from a missing teacher?” “Yeah pretty much” I replied to his smart mouth comment. We headed out after me convincing him of this incident to the fields behind my house, but first off he needed to pack some supplies. We just needed to get out of range of this bad doing to the town. On our walk I explained that it started off just a thought of genetic problems, only to be touched by the disease will make you sick, but then how could Jacob’s dad have been produced with this contamination without being bit by the dog? Now is it air born? Could I possibly be too greedy and selfish to start such a thing? “NO” this would have not happened if it were not for Mr Marrow, it’s his entire fault, now I endure the pain of stress through my mind. Now everyone I love or have loved is going to die or at least suffer in the symptoms I saw happen because of Mr Marrow, the methods I could now do are almost endless, I could turn back and warn everyone also causing more chance of them being hit with the airs solanum or I could turn to the fields and never turn back. Well Jacob was headed towards the field not worried about me being bit, that’s what a true friend is like I guess.
So like a coward I guess I head into the fields, the Tundra Falls field, looking back at the towns’ factories my house in the distance from the fields, with my friend in search for nothing at all. But I then stopped “why are we going into the fields? without anything to do so, the town is now doomed unless we do something, and I’m most likely going to die or reanimate through the side effects I saw” Jacob who was ahead of me turned around and said “our earth has been dying for generations and no one has been caring” “I guess this is the one thing that will get the message through!”
For all I have heard from Jacobs smart attic mouth this would have to be the most selfishly stupid thing I’ve heard, people are going to die and all you can say is ‘this is what they get for doing this’… I then turned around and walked back towards the town, Jacob turned around and yelled into dawn and darkness “you’ll just take them to their end faster” “the further away you get from me, the more closer to death you and the town are” me like usual not thinking straight still walked towards town’ factory and didn’t look back. Knowing Jacob he would probably go off and save himself, and I still thought he was a good friend. I walked towards town but then heard a crack of the bushes behind me, “Jacob I know you’re their!” turning around there he was ascending into the light towards me, ‘with glowing red eyes’ he ran towards me but I quickly turned around and bolted like hell’

Town Square 'Zombies'

Running through town square dodging the red glowing eyes that were all around me all trying to get their share of ‘food’ as they must have thought me to be. I did not know quite the fact of what I was doing or were I was going, it was already too late seeing people around me being ripped by others from unnatural strength that people must have gained after the symptom of reanimation. But the effects in humans are occurring faster than the dog, the low dementia in people were happening for less than half an hour, I then ran into the town hall were some people were calling me over and defending the hall from them reanimated humans. I safely got to the hall and with hardly a scratch, but I noticed I still had my mark on my hand, in the hall there were a couple of survivors, still without doubt that they will not be reanimated creatures. I heard someone in the back of the hall saying something about their names to be called ‘Zombies’ I had heard the word when I was a little kid, my grandmother used to tell me scary stories with the name, it matches my side effects to solanum, the descriptions of reanimation and initial point of entry, normally from a bite mark, but she never mentioned anything about air born situations.
When all went quite in the hall not without its reasons, it was night time and everyone was sleepy, obviously we had turns at shifts for watchout walking back and fourths through the hall trying to stay awake, someone had woke me up when it was my turn, I tried to keep to myself and never made eye contact with someone, in fact I never really tried to look at anyone not even knowing what they were wearing, I just know there was at least 11 people in the hall. When it was my turn to take the shift through the night it seemed everything was getting lighter and brighter all of a sudden. The low contrast of the atmosphere rising in a fast matter, night became morning before you could say, “I hate Mondays” and of course no one really got that much sleep, but what do you expect from all the screeching noises outside and a stench far more worse than anything you could imagine. No one was allowed to go outside according to the hall keepers’ rules, due to safety reasons. But I had to go, I couldn’t allow them to keep me in, I had to leave at once.
I found an open ground vent behind the second hall stage and climbed in without being noticed, it took me down into an basement were the storage of files and town reports were placed, I hopped out the first chance I got and went upstairs towards the outside opening, it wasn’t safe but I still had to take my chances. So I wacked hard on the opening to open it with one big kick from my right foot and once again ran into the open, for it was my only chance of getting out of the town. I didn’t really have a place to go and I should have took Jacobs advice but I guess I was stubborn and selfish myself thinking I’d be a hero if I could save everyone. I could see Tundra Falls fields from a sudden distance from the towns square fountain still being chased by quite fast people, or ‘Zombies’ I was a lot faster than the zombies luckily but I still had a long way to go till I get to the safe place Jacob mentioned to me. I know I didn’t mention it before but I didn’t feel like it was really necessary, well anyway, Jacob said that if I travelled far through Tundra Fall fields and went through the open mist of Triway swamp there would be a safe place, maybe a safe house. I only guess that is where Jacob had gone to. So that’s pretty much it, I’m on my so called quest towards the safe house, after running through the fields I lost the zombies running after me, it seems as if time has been flying ever since I have been bitten by that stupid dog, well I guess I deserved it after what I put it through but yet again, I’ve always hated dogs. Now walking on the Tundra Falls trail going through the trees and cold forest, at about 9:00am in the morning hearing nothing but silence.

The Journey

It hit darkness once again as if the world was speeding up like a really fast vehicle, the sun crossing the sky like it had a place to go and a reason for it to go in that one direction. On the Tundra Falls trails there’s not much to see, the usual trees because it was autumn the trees were a beautiful orange and yellow colour, the natural beauty the earth has to offer, and all that is around is other trees boulders creeks and lovely animals. The beauty for which the earth once had without humans, the destroyers of the planet right now and for what? Am I the reason for this doing or is Mr Marrow? I ask myself this question repeatedly, still not to know what of the vile that I once held would that vile of liquid destroy the last living beauty to earth. Or is it doing something good and destroying the destroyers? I still could not believe that I out of everyone have survived this disease attack on mankind just still walking alone in darkness of the forest I surprisingly made it to the main front of Triway swamps waterfalls before full sundown.
Through the water falls lovely sight I walk, making my way down through the mist and the unwanted smell of natural swamp water, I could finally not feel alone with the sounds of toads and frogs croaks all around, the crickets enlightened me and my thoughts. The darkness and light swift of air on my face made me feel something new in my life, knowing the fact that all I have left to live is gone but still feeling a slight happiness towards my life’s end. As I walk through the muddy wilderness of Triway swamp the sounds turn into music of the forgotten the crickets, toad’s crows altogether gain slower in my mind; it seems I’m in my own words crazy from what has happened throughout the past few days, ‘this is not set’ all I think about this dreary music of mystic happiness. The sounds lower on pitch and are compressed through night silence, and all is lost through the mist of the foggy brightness. Myself walking to the somewhat beat of the creatures noises clicking calm croaks and squawking, through the night I walk and walk as my legs soon get tired.
The night went slower as if time went from fast to slow, or maybe I’m just used to the fast speed of time and I am now gaining slower rate of time speed, the symptoms were not very accurate in my approach to having the actual cure, could my blood be the cure? It could be anything and I still have many questions that need to be answered by the time I… you know, whatever happens to me when my main symptoms start. Well, time rate has changed and I think I am slowly getting Hype Vision; the skies are turning darker in the canopy of the endless swamp trees and my mind is getting clearer, as I have mentioned before many times. “Well here we are” at the track towards the back line of the swamp, my only chance of finding what is happening, or at least being safe, the trip was easy as pie, well that’s what I normally what I say when I get too ahead of myself, in which I did, once again I heard noises in the bush behind me, scattering footsteps, I turned around in sudden fear but as I turn around the scattering footstep noises could be heard where I was just facing, I quickly turned around, and there it was’ in the bush right in front of me two glowing red eyes, “could the solanum villous come this far into the track?” I backed up but lost my footing and fell backwards, hoping for a chance of survival, the creature came into light, ‘it seemed to be some sort of rat’ of course it wanted to eat me, I sit there and pray as it got closer, then a light came from the left of the rat, the rat quickly scurried off into the darkness, as the light got closer I had nothing to do, only to wait and see if the light was friendly. It got close enough for me to see that the light was Jacob; he called out to me “I knew you’d come to your senses and follow into the track” “like I would have” I stood up and replied. He took me further along the track; rising up over a hill I could see a cave over another canopy of trees on some sort of mountain looking building. We arrived at the gates of the mountain shaped building, ‘it was as big as a tall forest tree’ the gates rose over the night light with lamps of oil and fire. I entered with Jacob into the darkness of the building and the lights turned on through the long halls of this mysterious building.

Safe Dreams is the Truth

He took me through the halls of low contrast light, all the way down, it took a while to get down the halls hallway but it finally paid off. He opened up a black door that seemed to be made of titanium and had large bolts holding the hinges together. He took me in and turned on the light just the right of the door as the room lit up so did some figures in the room, it…it was Mr Marrow and another figure he had never met, he got off his feet and spoke “why did you bring him here, son?” “Son!?”I yelled out in confusion! Jacob, didn’t your dad…you know? “No, my real dad, Henry, this one stud here left my mum 4 years back and she married a new man, Steven, the man that had gained the disease” Henry complained for a while about me being here, he must have been the guy on the phone to Mr Marrow but I had no real proof of It being him, at that moment I was reminded about Mr Marrows ‘wrong doing’ but I tried to hold back from my actions of what was soon to come in later responses. After an hour or two of argumenta speech I learned that they only gave me the vile because it was meant to be an assessment not a creation of…zombies. Mr Marrow had no idea what Solanum could do to people and animals. I stood up and asked Henry how he knew Mr Marrow; he replied with unclear mumbling, as I was about to ask him to repeat himself Jacob turned around “oh, didn’t you know”? “Their brothers” Brother? That makes sense I suppose but the face Henry pulled after Jacob told me was a relief look as if they weren’t telling me something they should be or yet again something I already may know.
Well we stayed there for days in a cold room beneath the ground living on an underground river, that’s where we got our water from and every morning I would wake to see another collection of gathered food in the storage area, as if they were getting the food from a shop close by but I couldn’t tell being locked up in a place like this with nothing to do but to sit on a rugged mattress and pray for the disease to go away it made me forget things after a while, I started to forget why I was there and who I was, I don’t remember if I had a dad before this disease started but I could clearly remember my mother, her blonde hair…or was it brown? Uh well maybe I am just forgetting everything. It takes about an hour before I’d have to look in a mirror to remember what I look like I am pretty tall I guess I remember measuring myself next to my door at home and my head almost touching the top vertical line of the door. I can’t really remember my skin colour either since it’s always dark in the room and my skin looks dark which puts me off trying to think about it. My hair is dark too in the room but it could really be blonde or brown like my mothers. To tell you the truth Jacob, Henry and Mr Marrow all seem to have remembered everything about them, not even forgetting anything about their selves at all.
After a bit more days or maybe it was lot of days I awoke to hear a voice in a crack of my room a man that I have never heard before in my life, I peeked my eye through the hole only to see Henry with an African man in what it seemed to be another room with only a door behind them, Henry gave the man something that looked like another vile of solanum then the African man passed some money to Henry. The African man left and opened the door behind him; a flash of bright green light flashed my eyes, as my black retinals got smaller I could see a truck with the African country flag on it driving away as the door shut and darkness seeked in so did the smoke of the truck floating through the room it came through the crack and in my face, I had the smoke sloughing down my throat I started to choke and then Cough, a burst of coughs startled Henry who was just counting his money “Oy! Who’s that” looking at the crack in the wall he approached with a fast walking speed. “I gotta get outa here” I whispered. I just knew Jacob Young, Mr Marrow and Henry were up to something, trying to create a plague of walking dead all over the world. What are they trying to get out of this besides money? If everyone is dead and wants to eat others what’s the point of money, not being able to buy something without being infected besides, having everyone killed is murder. With me panicking with stress Jacob comes in the room, “You knew didn’t you Jacob?” “Knew what?” he answered. About who really started this Apocalypse? He stopped thinking for a minute of things to lie about and said one thing in a soft but creepy and murderous voice “so you have found out” “Why…why do this to the people you love Jacob?” I asked, he replies with many things to say “You think I love them, heh don’t make me laugh the I spent my life being bossed around by everyone and people like you when I found out my dad was dumped by mum mother and replaced by a retard I had rage, my dad would come back to me and go down in the cellar letting each other know about our problems, finally coming up with the plan of disaster and destruction to the world” but what with Mr Marrow? I asked once, “You think he knows about this?” he said and laughed maniacally as Henry arrived in the door looking at his son with a big grin and placed his hand on Jacobs should Henry said to me that Mr Marrows blood was the cure to this disease and he knows it. “Nobody knows why it is the cure but Jacob thinks it has something to do with him being a rare Blood type R” explained Henry “and we know that you are too” Jacob said smiling at me.
So this whole time you were keeping us here just in case you had the virus “Bingo” Henry said after that comment. I thought to myself that if I ran they’d kill me, and I need to take Mr Marrow with me anyway so I guess I’m still stuck here.

The Escape of my Life

I thought Henry and Jacob wouldn’t let me near Mr Marrow alone because of all I know, but I guess being down here so long made them forget that. I had my chance to tell Mr Marrow everything, it took me a while to explain it all to him but I finished only hearing Mr Marrow tell me that his brother would never do that to him, “But I thought Mr Marrow and Henry weren’t really brothers” unless he’s brainwashed…nah it couldn’t be could it? But yet again forgetting is more believable being down here. Well I tried really hard to persuade Mr Marrow into what Jacob and Henry told me but it didn’t quite get his attention of his side of the story, I had no idea how to prove this to him unless I had Jacob and Henry tell him the truth which would be impossible but my thoughts are so negative at this time, I just have to try. A while after that time Henry walked in the room I called his name out but he ignored me and rushed to Mr Marrow I understood what was happening and didn’t stop him, this was the only way to prove to Mr Marrow, it’s not like he’ll die from a single needle. Henry took Mr Marrow into the door room by force; I could hear the confusion in Mr Marrow’s voice asking what he was doing to him, finally the ruff yelling stopped, Henry walked out the door with a bucket of blood “A BUCKET!” I yelled out at Henry, I thought he needed a little bit of blood because he was bitten or something but that now doesn’t quite seem right. Henry said to me that when the United States government have the cure to this plague he and his son will be heroes, telling the US government that the blood is their cow’s blood no one will ever care or know that Mr Marrow existed. “And now it’s your turn” Jacob said coming up behind me, he grabbed me but I elbowed him in the rib, henry went up and took a punch at me, I dodged it and ran to the room I have been staying in for the last couple of days, locking it behind me I went to the crack in the wall picked up a large rock and tried to break the wall, I could hear Henry and Jacob trying to open the door behind me so I had to be quick. I took a huge slam at the wall several times and finally it started to break down and crumble. I squeezed through an open gap in the wall and ran to the door the African man left out of, as I opened the door and the light once again seeked in I turned to see Henry breaking down the Door of my room with his foot I closed the door and ran, without stopping I just ran, not even thing where I’d be heading to I just ran. Once again I was on a so-called Journey but not towards my home, I can just feel whatever I am neither running to is not home nor something dangerous. In fact I can feel what I’m running to is…freedom.

The life of the Unloving

My name is Jacob Young I am the son of Hana Young and Henry Moore, my last name is of my mother’s last name because Moore isn’t Henry’s real last name he says Marrow is but he’s only said that when he first met Jonathan Marrow my enemies teacher. My enemy thinks he is smarter than me; nobody is smarter than me because I know everything. I’m better than everyone I know their all sad losers in my book, I spent my life gathering information from people, my family, teachers and my old friends who backstabbed me because they were jealous of my smartness in life. I can crack life, I cheat fame on the internet and I understand everything that has ever occurred, no one understands or appreciates my gift of knowledge and for that I will one day have my revenge on earth, the dying planet of this century within a galaxy of galaxies lies only one dying planet and this is it, with the help of me and as I like to call them lab rats I can create a way of me being known and understood by everyone, I’ll be a hero.
It was a week ago when my mother dumped my dad and through him out of my home and he still visits to talk about his worthless life, the reason I ended up in that stupid hair product chemistry school was because of him and he doesn’t care. I’ve been acting like I care for him ever since he was kicked out of the house my a girl, he’s no different to everyone else, they are all losers and I will do something about that in the future I promise you that…dad.
It took up to two weeks of me thinking of a way to make me famous and I thought all I needed was dad’s work; he worked on a project of dangerous liquids in a secret foundation in the city and only told me about it, and to think that his boring leisure’s were useless to everyone and nobody cares. But for the first time ever I cared about something, a liquid that can do major impacts of damage on a body no matter if it were human or not, that last day of my plan I called dad to come around to the house with a vile of that stuff, without questions asked he agreed that he’d be around in an hour. That hour passed quickly, having him come around for a great cause he came down in the cellar and asked me who was that guy in the living room, I told him it was Steven a man mum hast taken interest in. Dad did end up asking why I wanted solanum and I did tell him my plan of fame and fortune, he agreed to it, I guess it was rage from mum’s decision with her new boyfriend. Dad told me there’s only one man who has another solanum vile and that’s the man dad worked with on the dangerous liquids project he told me he just needed to make a phone call to that man about the vile so I left him for a moment, in the room I could hear him yelling something but I could hear quite well, it seemed that he said something about a wrong doing. He came back in the room and I asked who the man was he was talking to he replied a man’s name I’ve heard of before in a deep voice…Mr Marrow.

Dangerous Liquids Project

Are you sure he’s alright Henry? I’m pretty sure Jonathan Marrow it’s just a bit of low dementia. Let’s put him in the containment room while he’s knocked out, what liquid is that Henry? Well it’s a Solanum Vilosum sample from a plant in northern Malaysia, I gathered it from a purple plant while I was exploring up there on holidays. Should we tell someone about how dangerous this plant is? And who’s gunna listen or believe us, remember what happened with our last dangerous liquid, yeah it wasn’t dangerous you were just allergic to it. Yeah and our program was shut down because they thought we were a bunch of lying good for nothings, and that’s why you and me Jonathan have created this secret project for our families. But we don’t live in Malaysia Henry what Solanum Vilosum is going to do to us and our families if it’s nowhere near us good question Jonathan but that’s the thing, we found a dangerous liquid, what’s the point in making a group like this for our families if we can’t find a liquid to protect our families from. Well anyway Jonathan here’s a vile of it, keep it safe and remember not to drink it oh and don’t forget to come check on Luke in the containment room and take notes on what happens to him ok. Alright, I’ll see you later Henry.
And I am back in the house where the things and people I love are. Hana I’m home and I’ve got news for you and Jacob “Jacobs at his school you sent him to remember” oh yes I always wanted him to grow up to be a popular chemist through hair products and not mess up like I did, I know he may not like it but from the way he’s been going there he’ll thank me one day I’m sure of it. So anyway Hana I’ve found it, after all this time I’ve found a liquid dangerous towards humans and maybe other species in Malaysia when I was up their last month, I had it imported down here last week and it was a positive danger, one of our members Luke tried it and had a sign of low dementia. “You know what Henry I’ve had enough of your stupid and wasteful time finding dangerous liquids from places we most likely will never go to, and if you don’t stop working on it your out of this house” but Hana we can be famous from this and I’m not going to stop working on something when I’ve spent so long looking for it and finally found it. After that argument Hana gave me a choice, it seemed like she never even loved me, if I stop the work I’ve been working for the last few years I can stay with her but if not than I have to find my own place to live.
I did choose after a while, and I was not going to go and get rid of years of work for dangerous liquids, so yes I did pack my things and leave, it wasn’t that hard finding a place to stay, with Luke not worrying about a place to live while he’s in containment I’m now living in an underground warehouse out of town. I still go to the house to talk to my son, since I am his father and a son deserves not to be without his father. I go there and talk about how his mother can be a sly cow sometimes but I guess that’s anger from her kicking me out of the house but I don’t know.
After a while I got a phone call from Jacob, he told me to come to the house with a vile of Solanum, I didn’t ask him why because I’m sure it was for a smart cause, he’s a smart boy. I told him I’d be there in an hour, and so I did show up at his house in an hour like I said, I walked in the door with my spare key and headed to the cellar door when I caught my eye on another man in the house, he was talking to my wife in the kitchen and Hana laughing at what it seemed to be a joke, I just ignored it and went down into the cellar with Jacob. A little while into conversation with him I needed to take a phone call to Jonathan to check up on Luke, so I told Jacob to go away while I rung him, “Has Luke gotten any worse Jonathan?” “As far as I know he’s half dead, I’ve been thinking and I think I can give my best student a vile for a certain assessment” I told him it’d be a wrong doing if he did but He hung up on me during that conversation. Jacob asked me who was on the phone; I just told him it was his friend’s teacher and my work partner, Jacob told me why he wanted the Solanum Vilosum it was an evil plan but I don’t know why but I agreed to it, maybe it was a rage of hate for others or maybe just deep down inside I felt it was brilliant and would work. The plan that would surely get our family known and I back with my wife Hana; we decided collectively between us that we would start our solanum spread with Steven, the man that stole my wife.

the Preliminary Forge

I never did tell you my name did I? Well to tell you the truth, I was doing it on purpose, besides it’s not like this event means it’s unsafe to say my name and my name isn’t classified so well here it goes… my name is Caden Flow. I remember that for one and I could easily spend my time telling you why I never mentioned it earlier but right now I’m trying to figure out where to go, it was only minutes ago I could hear a train so I followed the sound until I found these tracks that I’m following. It seemed like the sun was setting so I went towards the sun knowing that in my state if the sun sets in the afternoon the way of the sun is always north following the tracks that were descent towards the sun. Heading north took me to a town, I got their when it was really dark and went to the nearest homeless shelter I found, luckily and strangely no one there was infected, that was a perfect time for me to warn the mayor of the town…”yawn” in the morning of course, I went to bed at the homeless home on a spare bed.
I woke up the next day remembering that I had to tell the mayor of what is currently happening only to find that this town does not even have a mayor, I asked a local if anybody was running this town and she nodded with an answer of no. I told her to evacuate but she said no without even asking why, I tried to explain why but she ignored me, another person walked by and I tried to tell him to evacuate and why but again he didn’t really care, It was like he didn’t even know I was talking to me. I started hearing voices in my head calling out to me, my mother, my students hearing zombie growls in my head, I wanted them gone but they wouldn’t go away they were calling in a zombie-ish voice “Caden…Caden Flow” then everyone around me paused and looked at me, I was stunned for a second they were all infected and were heading towards me. I didn’t know what to do they were walking up to me with these scary faces with red eyes, it’s not like I’ve never seen that before but still, such fear of zombies could not possibly been forgotten when had that for one is true through my eyes. From that moment I could hear vehicles, a large group of vehicles, and shooting, the noises in my head stopped and I could see a massive group of what seemed to be soldiers dressed in red and black armour and had a yellow gas mask on, the truck stopped in front of me running over the zombies, on the side of the truck it said “the Preliminary Forge” on it, a soldier came out of the vehicle Dressed in a silver looking armour plating with a strange helmet they call a “Hoodie” I think he’s the sergeant of the squad, He took off his Hoodie and lifted his gun at me, I was panicking at the moment but I tried not to fight and closed my eyes as he shot, I opened my eyes, he shot a zombie that was behind me. Obviously I was relieved of him not shooting me but I still had to know who these people were, he invited me to ride with him in an APC he calls “Baby Boy” it’s a funny name but being in a force squadron such as this being a sergeant, I guess he can call anything whatever he wants.
I told him my name during the rough ride and explained who started this and the cure well I told him pretty much everything up to date ending with me meeting them, he told me that everyone calls him sergeant Cornix and told me of his group of people, surprisingly the group is not a governmental group but is very top secret. Cornix started the Preliminary Forge when a watched ‘The Rising Dead’ a simple untrue zombie movie directed by a man known for many scary movies, I chuckled a bit when I found out he created such a highly forced zombie destruction team because of a movie, ha-ha I wonder if he even peed his pants, I won’t ask that but I did ask how he was able to train all those people without experience, he told me he watched that in a film too, what films can show you these days, learning from something that tends not to be real. Cornix told me that he knew my father, how he was a good man and all, I told Cornix that I didn’t really know my dad very well and while I was a prisoner Henry and Jacob I even forgot my dad’s name. Cornix told me his dad’s first name was Rupert also replying that he left me when he was young for reasons that are involved with divorce with a whining wife. Cornix told me that that he has surveillance and sound monitors all over this state, that’s how he knows about the day of reckoning with the Solanum Vilosum.
We both agree deep down inside I was the main reason for the virus to get out, but that doesn’t bother him or his crew of highly trained men of zombie assassination. Cornix knows that Blood type R is the cure but instead of sucking the blood out of me until I cannot live anymore he said the only thing we can do now is “Destroy all Zombies” “oh man I’ve always wanted to say that” he said in excitement, it was the main phrase from ‘The Rising Dead’.

Restricted Quarantine

For all me and Cornix know we are the last surviving ones of the towns that is infected by the plants airborne gas and liquid Vilosum. Jacob and Henry must be hiding away in their little safe house with the cure and If we were the only ones that knows about the whole thing, then there’s one thing we have to do first, tell the world about this incident, and that’s exactly where we were headed in the ‘Baby Boy’ on our way Cornix handed me a set of armour “your one of us now Caden Flow” a zombie assassin out to save humanity and the dying world from an apocalyptic bunch of sleepwalkers. The armour I wore was different to everyone else’s mine was pure Red and my ‘Hoodie’ was Black and shaped in a spherical triangle, since I didn’t need a gas mask I wore a set of goggles which allowed me to see zombies by their glow of nothingness with thermal vision, if a human is not glowing either yellow for heat or blue for cold then they are dead which means only one thing…they’re zombies, I still wonder how they get all of their technology from and how they got all the vehicles from but something inside of me is saying that I’m safe and I should trust these people, and that’s all that matters to me right now.
We ended up getting to the white house sometime the next day, only to find that the United States Government where quarantining there president, people in black suits making a barricade around the white house with guns and beyond this time technology, all of the guards where carrying strange looking weapons, we don’t exactly know what they do or if they were weapons but they were strange and dangerous looking. We’re only carrying modern day N50-Rifles and pistols. It was surprising to find that the government new about the zombie virus already but they are the government and they know nearly everything about their country. I and Cornix headed to the barricade opening and asked for the president of the United States, we were told to leave the property or be shot until I said allowed “I know the cure to this outrage” a man of the crowd came up and asked me and Cornix to come with him to the President’s office.
The office was amazing, clean as could be and expensive looking furniture all around, a chair next to a desk turned around as I entered the door and the person who took us there left, it was Barack Obama himself he said with his amazing voice “welcome to the Whitehouse son and Mr Cornix” he told us how the country is being infected each second as we speak right now, he showed us a digital map of the country showing a widespread of solanum based fluid with the mark and colours of bright purple. It was spreading quickly and he needed the cure, well it seemed as if he wanted the cure, he is after all a man of business. Whilst I enjoyed some refreshments from a snack bar he had Cornix explained the whole story to him, how Solanum Vilosum was given to Caden and Jacobs plan along with Henry and how the cure is the blood of a blood type human.
Barack Obama thoughtfully suggested to me that he set up restricted zone for all blood types R’s to come and give their blood to save many, and they would be named heroes to the United States of America but to a lack of time we had gathering rare blood type R humans I asked Barack Obama with the permission of him that Me and Cornix gather our troops and use the technology and vehicles from the government to go out and rid the world and spreading areas of these walking dead zombies. He agreed on one condition, that he came and “took out those sons of bitches too”.

Survival of the Fittest

These days go by being messed up, it was a zombie apocalypse let out by a liquid found in Malaysia, we first had to take out the zombies with whatever weapons we had then we needed to plan on going to Malaysia and take out all the plants, we also need to go to Africa because I’m pretty sure something has started their too considering the African man that bought the solanum off Henry a week ago. Things were strange and we still have a lot longer until the end of this madness, but with the help of the Preliminary Forge and the United States Government can anything go wrong? I mean it’s not like anything else could possibly go wrong with all we’ve got after all we are the survivors, the stronger ones of mankind that stayed alive from all this…this destruction, my Grandmother whom I only brought up now used to tell me stories of the world and how it was destroying itself each second of each day with the help of human kind, and one day something will come and rid us all from destroying mother earth and only one human will step up and save us all. This moment reminds me of that story and it feels like the world is destroying itself, I guess the zombies make it worse and there is a lot more than one person doing something about it so that story doesn’t add up well for this event but something is telling me it has more ‘connected links’ then I should believe.
Not long after Barack Obama shows us around the facility and the defence him and the government has set up he showed us a big room made of iron and copper, a room of which was filled with smells that were strong enough to knock someone out cold. We were below the ground a few feet and the room had many pipes leading through the walls into the room and going under a massive sheet of blanket that was filling the room also. The president wanted to show us something, me and Cornix that is, he lead us to the side of the room with that massive blanket and had two of his men pull it up off whatever it was hiding, “Spectacular” Cornix knew what it was the moment he saw it, I had dropped my jaw to its magnificence. I never knew it existed until now our state owns one, as the president admired its beauty he started to say what it was until I interrupted, “it’s an ONI-space schematic PMP loid” in other words a special space flight ship that is fast as a bullet and can go into space without everyone wearing spacesuits or helmets, I saw It in a movie once but I never thought it would ever exist. Obama told us he saw these ships blueprints and just needed to make it for the United States of America for safety and pleasure of him having one. I wonder if he saw the blueprints off the movie I was talking about, I think I can remember it being called ‘Space Marshals’ or something close to that, hmm, come to think of it sergeant Cornix and his men remind me of the people who played in that movie very much. Obama told me and Cornix that this machine was only a prototype and has only been flown once, on its first flight the ship crashed in Texas somewhere. That’s why the big Texas UFO craze started out, he told us that each president writes down confidential notes in a book that only the next president can read. Cornix asked why they never tried to drive the ONI again, you could clearly see Sergeant Cornix wanted to drive the ONI very much but he was let down when the president replied it’s too dangerous ever since that crash, “we don’t what was the reason for that crash but what came out of the wreckage is still a wonder, one of the two men that was driving the ONI was missing never to be seen and the other came out pale white with a load of unknown green plasma in his blood stream.
We headed off after packing up what we needed, food and water, weaponry and supplies, the Preliminary Forge were given more advanced APCs then their older ones. Obama came with me and Cornix just to talk plans, for where we start and more crazy shit. It wasn’t long on the road until we started feeling the thumps of the dead in the APCs, and the rough roads of country side. A couple days ago whilst I was running away from the safe house that didn’t really turn out safe at all I could feel freedom leaving the area, now going back their I’m starting to feel that trapped feeling full of hatred and futile nothingness. I fell asleep on the ride while Cornix was talking to the president, planning I was only half asleep when I could hear them talking saying stuff about Rupert, my father. All I could hear was Obama addressing Sergeant Cornix of his first name which seemed to be Rupert like my father, unless he was…but it couldn’t be…could it?
At that moment my eyes shot open to the sounds of gunfire outside, there was nothing weird to those sounds knowing they’re killing zombies but I couldn’t hear any zombie growls or snarls, only gunfire, a lot more than the group outside seemed. Cornix and Obama told me to stay in the vehicle while they went out to help, I wanted to ask Cornix if he was my…I didn’t like the thought of it but I wanted to ask Cornix if he was my dad that I never knew. I don’t know why I didn’t, something was holding me back maybe it was the fear of me finding out the truth, somebody would think it was good to find their dad after never knowing him but not me, I’m scared to find something like that out, and in a time like this, were I had to leave my mum in a town were zombies were taking over. I could hear yelling outside, voices of other languages not quite zombie yell, I took a look outside, it was another group of people shooting at us, I yelled out to the president who was hiding behind cover why they were shooting at us, “I guess they’re surviving, like everyone else would do”. They’re trying to survive from an apocalypse by shooting at the ones who can stop it, well that’s pretty weird but I’d do the same if I were them. Our men were being gunned down as if they had no training at all, it was easy for them to kill zombies then it is to kill other humans, but tracing back to how they were trained in a conversation with Rup…err Cornix, they were trained with moves from a movie, not that effective if you ask me. I went back and hid in the APC, at that time I was pretty scared, and who wouldn’t be?

The Real Armageddon

After the bullet shots stopped I went to see what had happened outside, I thought there’d be a massacre or our men outside but there was little amounts of body parts left, the zombies had come and eaten away what was remaining of ours and the others men, I thought I was the only one until Cornix came running out of the bush that the other men were fighting in front of, he was yelling out something, he was telling me to get in the APC. When I hopped in the APC the Cornix jumped in holding the president, he quickly closed the door, the zombies were trying to get in, they were like a team trying to knock over a 3 ton APC to get their food they wanted, and zombies are dumb they don’t know how to open a door. Obama was shot in the lower rib, only living barely, with these words “I will not die today, knowing that my country and my people are being destroyed, I will die fighting for my country and no zombie or survivor is going to wreck that”, he ordered us to turn around and head back to the white house. Cornix and I were just honered to be with him at that time, taking orders from a true man of his word Cornix turned the APC around running over all zombies and people that got in the way and headed back to the white house, while I held a rag to the wound of Obama to keep him alive.
Getting back to the White House was easy, we had Mr President Hop out of the APC with the help of his assistants and me and Cornix, and we went to the private infirmary where he was treated. While he rested me and Cornix was given full access to all areas of the white house including the outside Barricaded areas and the room with the ONI not only to plan our salvation but to train, train with weapons and our unleash of courage, I could just tell this was the real deal, and not just moves off a movie, we were trained for weeks whilst the president was healing in the infirmary, we were taught how to use weapons…properly, defensive moves and positions. Obama also ordered in a monk, we then had to relax and let out courage by relaxing, he told us that the most couragest men of the US brought out their courage by relaxing and by using the methods we learned from the monk we would have no fear. These long and faithful weeks of combat, defence and relaxation were hard but very useful right up to the point that Obama could now move most of his body in many ways again. He still needed time to heal, and since the digital maps were almost filling up the United States of America we had no more time for training and healing, the president told us that he’d be in the Tech guides room helping us from GPS routes and radio headsets, with his men whilst me and Cornix now trained for the salvation of earth and ready to go.
We were heading out the door until Mr President said something to us “Boys, I think your both ready for the ONI”, in confusion I asked what he meant, but by the face that Cornix had I think I knew what he meant. He took us to that Iron and Copper room that held the ONI-space schematic in it, once again he had the blankets taken off it, it’s colour had changed from grey and rusted to shiny black, with green paint on the side saying ‘the Preliminary Forge’ on it, “I had it done up and upgraded for this day for you and Caden” Obama told us that it hasn’t been tested yet and theirs a chance of a crash but I have to let in my fear and relax like I trained those many weeks. Cornix was put in the front seat as the pilot and me right behind him as the co-pilot, I did seem pretty young for co-piloting a spaceship but it was ordered from the president, it’s to save the United States from zombies, “So Let’s Do This Thing!”.
We were taught how to use basic controls in vehicles but the ONI was a lot more advanced and hard to control, everything in the co-pilot seat was buttons and there was no wheel to turn the ship in front of me, Cornix seemed to be exited and wanted to act ‘hero’ making it look like he knows what he’s doing. But I can just tell he has no idea how to fly this. A voice came in from the speaker above us, it was the President, “ok Cornix and Caden; there should be a glowing blue button in front of you, I first need you both to push and hold that button at the same time” once we did that our panels flipped open and a control wheel came up out of the panels mine was different looking to Cornix’s wheel though, “good, now Cornix, your wheel controls flight, speed and control of the ship, Caden, your wheel is the Firepower! Of the ship, you’re gonna burn those zombies to the ground with missiles, if you flip the back of the control wheels panel there should be a red button, only push it if everything goes wrong” I asked what it was, he then told me it’s a small but powerful nuclear bomb, its destruction will wipe out zombies but any survivors with it along with a million dollars’ worth of destruction. When we were cleared to go, smoke came in from the ceiling; all the lights in the room were flashing red, the roof opened up in a moment’s time we were hovering above the ground. “Now don’t crash this thing Cornix”, I said that in a manner of humour, “Caden, just sit back and enjoy the ride”.
Before we know it where’re off the ground and flying towards every non-glowing part of the digital map, with the president guiding us we both felt unstoppable. The ONI felt stable and good to go; I had confidence in this day, the Legend of the beginning of a day of new age over earth, after this I don’t know what I’m going to do, I have my chance to ask Cornix if he’s my father, and I now have the courage to face the answer, but before I could open my mouth he yelled at me to open fire, I had a thermal view of the ground, I locked on to the heat of the crashed cars that were around the zombies, it was pretty hard since missiles only lock onto heat and the zombies didn’t really have enough for me to lock onto them, but I destroyed the cars blowing up the zombies with them. I shouted in celebration and excitement but the president said in the speaker “don’t celebrate yet son, we still have a lot more places to go to and more zombies to rid”. So going back and forth with Sergeant Cornix opening fire to whatever had no heat down on the ground and without flight problems, we liberated our country of these meat eating beasts for hours, it was like the ship had no gas or petrol and its source was pure vengeance. The digital map was almost empty with no glowing non substances on our earth or in this country. I and Cornix felt like heroes, we no longer had to act like them, but we still had more places to go to, more zombies to kill if that is even possible. I remember in our towns square there were survivors but our digital map shows nothing living there or in any other place…except for my old safe house. In which it shows two people living off a supply of blood and water, and any food they can find from the outside world.
Only to the 6th hour did our ONI start feeling the truth of problem, we had some difficulties through some cloud storms, did it have to be then, when we only needed two more places full of ‘the dead’ did we start getting these problems. Obama through the speaker told us that the ship wasn’t in fact getting storm problems but its tech was recording the same problem the ship recorded when it crashed the first time. Nobody knows what it is and I and Cornix are sure to crash, maybe even die, at that time I did it, I asked Cornix if he was my dad. His answer brought a tear from my eye, a hard thing to do to people, I didn’t know whether it was a tear of joy or a tear of sadness…I kind of understood why he never told me at that moment, everything flashed to me in a hype full of flashbacks showing me as a child, he left because my mother was sick of his insolence, my dad was in shame that he was insolent he couldn’t possibly tell me his most shameful thing of his life and expect me to be happy. But in fact he keeping such a thing was not insolent but in fact very opposite, he respected my trust he had with me and did not change that by telling me the truth. ”Rupert Cornix Flow, my father, I understand why you did not tell me, mother missed you and I needed a father but you did not get kicked out of the house, we would not be together right now in such understanding of each other”. “I’m sorry I NEVER TOLD YOU! Caden flow” yelling out in tears but we had to put that behind us, our ship was going down like a ship on the waters. Obama told us that we needed to press the red button, a suicidal attempt to stop all zombies on the earth, the last remaining places will be cured from this destruction and our country will be saved. We will be named heroes after this whether we live or die, me and dad looked at each other through our cameras, “we had our time together and now we can spend it in heaven…I love you dad” “I love you too son”. I flipped that switch open and pushed that button like there was nothing to lose, in a quick flash of bright light, I could see my mum and dad waiting at the end of a long white room asking me to go to them, could I be dead or in a coma from a crash, I didn’t know but at that very small moment I could just feel I was home.

Presidential Epiologue

“Mr President, do you have any idea how this man crashed?” Right now we haven’t got any idea of how he crashed, in my understanding there were two men piloting the ship, one named Rupert Cornix Flow was found in the wreckage with green plasma in his blood stream, and another by the name of Caden Flow who was the son of Rupert and was also the co-pilot of the ship was not found. “Any more questions will be answered when I have more clues to this incident”. I just can’t believe those brave men did that, they saved our planet let alone our state, they are heroes in my president book but if I tell everyone about them now and about how they saved us from zombies my reputation may not be, well…presidential will it? No, I think not.
3 years after crash, 3rd April, somewhere in Africa
“Does this stuff really make you so strong that you’re numb to bullets and punches?” “Yes, you can say it zombie-fies your body”, “so what do you call it Mr Jacob Young?”, “I call it what my father called it before he was killed be a bomb when he was out getting food…I call it Solanum Vilosum, the Solanum Vile”.



Bildmaterialien: CODPIC
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2012

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