
Point By Murder

It has been only four days since we moved to Paradise, Ohio. So far, there hasn't been anymore cryptic or almost life taking letters from Stalker Boy. Right now, I was waiting for Mrs. Milliem, my geometry teacher, to call my name for attendance
"Alex Cowans." she said in her bland voice.
"Here." a boy said in the front.
"Bernard Dello."
"Here." a boy said somewhere behind me. I zoned out until I heard my name.
"Corriander Sterling." she sighed.
"Here." my voice was languid. Mrs. M blinked. I stopped paying attention. Raven figured out a way to be in all my classes(go figure). We had a test today and of course, as usual, I aced it. Once class was of over, Raven ran up to me.
"Goddess, I think I failed that test." Raven said. I gave her the 'I told you so' look.
"That's what you get when you play with peoples' minds instead of studying." I pointed out.
"Yeah, but you have to admit, it's very entertaining."Raven purred.
"Okay, but when I graduate and you don't, you can't blame me." I said, putting my books in my locker like Raven was.
"Point." she sighed. I smiled.
"Four to zip." I said. We were keeping score.
"Well, you are smarter than me." she muttered.
"Hurtful!" I said. I can't stand being called smart. It's like saying I'm ...geeky.
"Yeah, but true." she said in singsong voice. I sighed, frustrated at her.
" truth." I said.
"4 to 1." she reminded me.
"Yeah,yeah."I said walking into the cafeteria. Neither Raven or I felt comfortable yet. We got our lunch and made our way to the table we called ours. We sat down. Nathan and Elijah sat down a couple minutes later. Nathan had a goofy smile on his face, Elijah didn't look as pleased.
"What are you cheesing about?" Raven said.
"A girl asked me out." he said.
"A girl? Are you sure it wasn't a gay dyke?" Raven snorted.
"Point by joke." Elijah and I said in unison. Nathan mumbled something unintelligible.
"But look at who asked him out." Elijah pointed his finger. I looked and growled lightly. The girl I was looking at was an Adder. Now Adders,they're all female(in some states the ratio is unbalanced between women and men). They seduce men to breed. They were called Adders because they could only do one spell: The glamour spell. They used it to add desire or add immortal features to their almost human bodies. And, they were a witches' worst enemy. Nobody knows why...they just are. I narrowed my eyes at her. She winced slightly in pain and looked around. I turned away quickly. She continued what she was doing a minute later. I snickered. Elijah laughed lightly. That was another thing about Adders: They don't know a witch when they see one.
"What about the girl?" Raven asked.
"She's an Adder." I said. Nathan and Raven looked confused.
"You're a Hunter and you haven't even heard of an Adder?" I was shocked. Nathan looked away, embarrassed.
"What the goddess is an Adder?!" Raven asked, shaking her hands in the air.
"An Adder is a female human monster, a.k.a the worst enemy of a witch. And humans."Elijah explained. They still didn't get it.
"What? Female human monster?" Nathan said.
"A female monster in human form. They seduce human men so they can have more babies. Monster babies." I said.
"Oh. That's so not cool." Raven said.
"They use the only spell they can do: glamour spell. They use it to hide their looks when they're pregnant." Elijah said.
"But look at her! She's harmless!" Nathan objected.
"She only looks harmless because she's only about a year old." I took a bite of my salad. They all looked at me.
"In human years!" I added quickly.
"It doesn't look like it." Raven muttered.
"But in Adder years, she's probably old enough to be your great-great-great-great-great-grandmother." I pointed my fork at Nathan.
"Dude, that is sick! You might be dating a baby and an old hag at the same time." Raven snorted.
"Hey I wonder if her double p( Just so you know this means Private Part) is all old and wrinkly-" Raven was ranting. Elijah held one hand up.
"Stop. You're making me lose my appetite." he stared, unhappily, into his spaghetti.
"Sorry." Raven said lightly.
"Will two cut it out. I'm trying to focus." I snapped.
"On what?" Nathan actually looked interested in what I had to say.
"The Adder?" he suggested.
"No, the boy next to her. Yes the Adder!" I looked at Nathan. I looked back at her. Almost as if she was forced, but wanted to, she walked slowly towards our table. Raven looked at me in surprise. I nodded.
"Hi, I'm Rose." the girl said shyly.
"I'm Elijah."
"I'm Raven."
"And that's Corrie." Nathan said. The girl's eyes flashed silver, but only for a second. But that time was enough. Elijah saw it, too. He cleared his throat.
"Nathan tells me you guys are his closest friends. I had an idea, but only if you want to, you all could sit at my table with my friends and I?" Rose said. Man, this girl could act!
"Actually, I'm done eating. Plus I don't feel so good. You guys can go ahead if you want to, though." I said. Rose's smile faltered a bit. Raven eyed me, suspiciously.
"Are you well enough to drive?" Elijah asked.
"Yes." I said. I waved to them.
Once I got home, I walked upstairs to our library. I ran my fingers across the covers until I came upon a book I needed, then kept going. Soon both my arms were full. It felt like I had been reading for minutes, but could tell it had been hours. Through my closed bedroom door, I heard Raven's combat boots stomping around downstairs. I carefully put the books under a loose wood board which was underneath a black rug.
"Corriander Sterling,get your goddess given culo down here!" Raven shouted. Jeesh, she didn't have to curse in Italian. I walked out of my room and waited at the top of the old oak stairs.
"What?" I said.
"Explain to us why you ran out on us in a time of need?" she said as she slowly walked up the stairs. Elijah and Nathan just walked through the door. They both turned away, not wanting to get involved. Wimps.
"Come on." I hissed to Raven. I pulled her into my room.
"So, are you going to answer my question?" Raven crossed her arms over her chest and raised one blond brow.
"I have to kill her." I said. Short and clean.
"Kill who?"
"Her. Rose. She has to die." it wasn't like I kill on a daily basis,but would you feel sorry for killing someone who was trying to sleep with your ex-boyfriend?
"You can't be serious!" Raven yelled. I hissed at her to be quiet.
"I am serious and you're going to help me."I said. Raven's eyes bulged.
"What?! You can't go around asking people to help you kill someone!" Raven said more quietly.
"Well, you aren't just some person, are you? No, you're my cousin, you know me and I know you." I said. Raven didn't look so convinced.
"Please? Pretty please with warm AB positive on top?" I saw the look of hunger cross Raven's eyes.
"Fine!" she said.
"Point by blood!" I said. Raven rolled her eyes.
"Oh, whatever! Just give me the blood!" Raven sighed. I gave her the bag. When I gave it to her, she poked a hole in it and she started to slurp it down. I saw that a little drop of blood on my finger. I looked at it. Curiosity took over and soon my finger was in my mouth. Raven didn't notice. Suddenly I felt a pain in my finger. I pulled it out of my mouth.
"Ow!" I said. I cursed.
"What's wrong-Oh. My. Goddess!" Raven said.
"What?" did I have blood on my face?
"Go look in the mirror." was all she said. I went into my bathroom. I let out a yelp of surprise. I poked my tongue at the canines in my mouth. I had fangs.
"Holy crap!" I said. I hissed, only this time it was like a cat hissing. Like a real hiss.
"Cool." I muttered. I looked at my finger. It had two small wounds. They were fading quickly, though.
"At last, my little cousin has grown up." Raven said in the doorway. I snorted.
"You're only a few minutes older, so don't get cocky." I said. I gently pushed my finger on them and they retracted back to a normal size. I smiled slightly. I, Corriander Sterling, witch/vampire, had fangs.
"Anyway, so you'll help me?" I said, turning my attention to where the conversation had left off.
"Jeesh, I never knew you were enthusiastic about killing people." I muttered.
"No, not about that. I'm happy because now I can tell you the vampire secrets that only vampires can here." Raven said.
"Oh. Shall we go and try it out?" I said. Raven looked at me, mischievously.
"La duh! Of course!" We went downstairs to the living room, where the boys were. We sat down across from each other.
"Meeting! Corrie and I have something to say. It's fangtastic!" Raven said. Both boys looked at us. Raven started speaking in Old Vampiric. I tried to understand it,but I couldn't.
"Relax and let your mind take over." Hellewise said in my head. I sighed and relaxed.
"Can you understand me now?" Raven said. I opened my eyes and nodded. We looked at the two boys, who were looking as confused as I was. We smiled.
"So, it works. Now what?" I asked. Raven shrugged.
"Do you think Nathan is cute?" Raven asked suddenly. I widened my eyes, but answered.
"Yes, he's cute. I don't date ugly boys. Why, Raven, do you have a little crush on our meklynal devyl?" I said in a Russian accent. Raven giggled. I always did accents the best.
"No. Maybe.I don't know! I think I do, but I don't want to make things weird and akward between us." Raven said. I smiled, knowingly. I glanced at the boys. They were looking at us like we were crazy. I giggled.
"We must continue this later, when there aren't eager ears waiting." I said to Raven. She nodded.
"Did you hear or understand anything we just said?" Raven said, switching back to English.
"We tried, but hopelessly failed." Elijah said. Raven smiled, triumphantly.
That night, Raven and I continued our earlier conversation. I showed the books to her. I finally went to sleep, but didn't dream a regular dream.

The Dream:

The dream started out silently. I was in an open field, the wind blowing across my bare shoulders. I looked around and found no one else there but the darkness in between the trees. I kept wondering if Ian Somerhalder or Justin Timberlake was going to pop out from behind the trees. But, as I kept walking, I realized I was all alone. Well, I thought that until something moved in my peripheral vision. I noticed a human-like shadow move in the darkness. I started to hum some Russian lullaby. I danced the waltz with my eyes closed. When I stopped and opened my eyes, I had to cover my mouth from letting out a huge scream.
"Michael." I whispered. His blue eyes looked directly into mine. He smiled.
"Hello, my love." he said, wiping a piece of my hair to go behind my ear. His finger brushed my ear. I shivered. I took this time to look him over. He had on regular blue jeans, but they hung off low on his waist. He had massive, like I mean HUGE, black wings, and guess what? He didn't have a shirt on!
"I'm not your love. I don't know you,and you don't know me. So go find someone else to stalk." I sneered. He chuckled, eerily. I shuddered at the sound.
"Whatever I want,I get." he said simply. I smiled, but to him, it probably looked like a snarl.
"I'm just as stubborn as you are, maybe even more. But guess what? I get what I want. Just like you. But I don't stalk the person in their dreams!" I shouted at him. Michael frowned, but it went away quickly.
"You're right. Maybe I should walk into your room and seduce you into to agreeing that you are mine." he said. I was shocked. I snorted.
"Let's get this straight. I'm am not a piece of property. I do not belong to you. My love goes to my family, friends, and Hellewise." I said, confidently. At the mention of Hellewise he winced but tried to cover it up.
"Now remember this. If you go after my family or friends, it'll be me you have to worry about, not the Archangels." I warned. I was glad my voice sounded brave because I was shaking with fear inside.

Threats of A Half Vamp

I opened my eyes to see Elijah's face over mine.
"What the hell?" I hissed. He sighed, relieved.
"Why are you in my room?"I asked.
"Goddess, I thought you were in danger!" Elijah sank down to the side of my bed. I sat up and noticed that I was in my bra and boy shorts.
"Where are my clothes?" I said, clutching the blanket to me. Elijah looked up at me in surprise.
"You didn't have any on when I came in." Elijah looked down in embarrassment. His cheeks were a reddish color as he blushed.
"But I had clothes on when I went to bed." I stated. I looked around my room. I saw a shirt on my window sill and recognized it as my pj's. I got up. Elijah closed his eyes.
"Jeesh, men are such babies." I put on the over sized shirt. I noticed something else that was by the window. I saw a black feather. From Michael. He was in my room. That sneaky little-
"Hey! Hey, just calm down, Corrie." Elijah said, hugging me. My arms were bright red.
"You never answered my question. Why did you come in my room?" I grabbed two fist fulls of his shirt and pushed him against the wall. He had put his arms up in surrender.
"I don't know! I just felt some of your emotions, you know. At first, you were scared, then you were feeling threatened, and then I felt your anger." Elijah shrugged his shoulders miserably.
"Jeesh, I feel like my privacy is invaded." I muttered.
"Well, it's not my fault I can sense you all the way to down the tips of your hair." he ruffled his bedhead hair. I raised one of my black brows, delicately.
"You can sense everyone like that?" I asked.
"No, just you." he sighed.
"So you're a Senser and I'm a Siren." I ran my hand through my hair. I let Elijah go and sat on my bed.
"You're a Siren?" Elijah sat next to me.
"Yes." I said.
"Aren't Sirens like Charmers?" he asked. I gasped.
"No. There is a big difference between a Siren and a Charmer."
"What's the difference between a Siren and a Charmer?" Elijah snorted. I punched him in the stomach and ran quietly, but fast, down the stairs(one of the benifits of having vampire blood in me, I guess). When I reached the bottom, I fell. I couldn't move. Elijah was making his way down the stairs slowly, a smile on his face. He used the paralyze spell on me, as I knew he would.
"Now, you can't move until I let you." Elijah chuckled, leaning over me. I smiled sweetly.
"Eli, I can't move! Please let me move." I whined. I started getting back the feelings in my legs. As soon as I did, I clipped him.
"That's the Charmer." He fell hard, and screamed out in pain. It caused a lot of noise. Raven and Nathan ran downstairs. They saw us on the floor.
"What did you do to her, Elijah?!" Nathan screamed.
"Eli, you better hope I don't kill you!" Raven said.
"And that's the Siren." I said. Elijah coughed and nodded.
"Calm down. I was teaching him what the difference between a Charmer and a Siren is." I said getting up and helping Elijah up, too.
"Thanks." Elijah said.
"You charmed me. That's why you were able to knock off the spell. But I still don't get the difference." Elijah sighed.
"Why?" Nathan asked. Elijah shot me a look that said to keep quiet.
"Because he asked." I sighed. Raven eyed me. Nathan was shooting blades at Elijah.
"Okay, everyone back up stairs." I started herding everyone upstairs. I was about to open my door when a tan arm snaked around my waist and pulled me backwards. I was pushed against a wall.
"Corrie, what was the real reason he asked that question?" Nathan said in my ear. His breath tickled my neck.
"I already told you." I said through clenched teeth.
"That was a lie. Tell me the truth." his arm was still around my waist. He began to squeeze.
"Go to hell." I said, out of breath.
"You go first." he hissed. I felt my pupils dilate and my gums tingled.
"Get off of me or I swear on every cell in my body, I will kill you." I said in a sickly sweet voice. I gave him a toothy smile. He gasped. Yes, he saw my fangs. He let go and ran to his room. I sighed and went back to bed. Ah, hell, more problems for me in the morning. I fell back into a dreamless slumber.

Try To Kill Me?

I woke up. Why did I feel trapped? Why did I feel paranoid? As I looked up I gasped. A large wooden stake hung over me. The hand that was holding it belonged to Nathan. I could hear boots walking around upstairs. Upstairs? I looked around and realized where I was. In the basement. I was about to scream, but he covered my mouth.
"Corriander? Corrie?!" I heard Raven's muffled voice upstairs, looking for me. Once he was sure I wasn't going to scream, he removed his hand. I closed my eyes and summoned all my energy.
Elijah!I'm in the basement!Help,this idiot is trying to stake me!

I sent from my mind, hoping that Elijah or Raven would hear it. I heard two sets of feet make their way into the basement. Before either of them had a chance to do anything, Nathan staked me. I screamed out in pain. I'm going to die, this is it. I thought I was going to die. It turns out, he staked me in my shoulder. He actually dislocated my arm.
"Corrie!" it was Violet. I hadn't seen her all day. She rushed over to me, carefully but fast, and took the stake out. I gasped in pain. She and Raven were over me, going over which spells would heal my wound. I already knew it would take some time for it to be okay. Then, there was a sickening crack. We hadn't noticed Elijah heading for Nathan.
"Elijah! Stop!" Raven and Violet were shouting at him.
"Elijah Arlin." I whispered it, but immediately, Elijah stopped and walked towards me. He knelt on one knee and bowed his head in shame.
"I command you to stop. And go upstairs and calm down." I said each word with authority.
"Yes, Corrie." he got up and left. I sighed and layed back down. My head was pounding and I could hear the blooding running through my ears. The edges of my vision turned fuzzy.
"Corrie, how do feel?" Raven asked worriedly, was standing right next to me, but she sounded far away.
"Light and sleepy." I sighed.
"No you don't! You don't feel sleepy, Corrie!" Violet threw herself on me.Her body shook and heaved with sobs. Raven put a hand on her back and tried to keep her calm.
"We have to let sleep so we can do the spell on her or she'll die from blood-loss." she said to my sister. Now I saw gray dots everywhere. As my eyes started to get heavy I realized that if I went to sleep I might see Michael again.
"I don't want to go to sleep! Don't let me go to sleep, please!" I thought I yelled it, but it came out as a whisper. I noticed I was crying. When Violet saw my tears, she looked to Raven.
"I'm sorry. We have to let you to sleep." Violet said. She kissed my forehead. I shook my head, slowly. My eyes betrayed me by closing.
"No." was the last thing I said before I lost myself in a deep slumber.

Kiss Me, Warrior

At least I wasn't in a field with Michael. When I looked around, I wasn't so sure that where I was was much better. I was in an arena that was filled with people. I was wearing a sleeveless leather shirt that stopped an inch above my navel, a leather skirt(if I bent over I'm pretty sure my backside would have been exposed.)that stopped five inches above my knees, my feet were in leather sandals. I felt my thick hair in a ponytail on my head, I had a Greek diadem on my head. One of my hands held a metal shield, the other held a silver sword with markings engraved in it. I had a blood red sash tied around my waist. The gate on the other side of the arena opened and the crowd went wild. Out of the shadows, my opponent walked out. It was Michael, of course. He was decked out in the same thing I had on, except his shirt had sleeves and his pants were more like shorts.
"Let the fight begin!" someone yelled. I stepped closer to the middle of the arena, the sun settled on my pale skin. At first, Michael was shocked at seeing me here, but then he let out a seductive smile. We circled each other,while Michael held his smile, I held a blank expression on my face.
"Well, what do we have here? It seems you can not stay away from me, love." he said as he dealt the first blow. I dodged easily.
"Actually, I think you're the one stalking me, and don't call me love. Okay, love?" I smiled at him. He became dazed and I made my move. As soon as I stopped smiling he blocked my attack at the last minute.
"Ah, you have discovered some of your powers, I see." he said as he swung his sword low, trying to clip me. I jumped and aimed for his arm. His shield blocked it and he swung at my face. I ducked and returned to a standing position. We returned to walking around each other. I searched for his weak spot. There, his arm. He held his shield the wrong way. His arm was his sore spot. I pretended that my wrist that was holding the sword was hurt, wanting him to go for the kill so I could make my move.
"You see, it's my wrist. I won't be able to defend myself if you attack me." I said in my head. I knew he couldn't hear me . I saw him register the weakness in my wrist. He pulled his sword straight up and went for it. I stepped back at the last moment and his sword whistled past my nose, missing it by an inch. I raised the hilt of my sword and hit his shoulder. He hissed in pain. I noticed he was trying to get my sash. So, I cut his off, but to my disappointment, we had did it at the same time.
"Tie!" the man said. A short man came and told us to clear the arena. We did, and Michael and I went our separate ways, or so I thought. I was on the inside of the arena,looking for a way out. I saw a gate that led outside. I was looking for a handle when a hand pulled a sword to my neck. I was trapped against someone's body.
"Well, if this doesn't change things around, love." Michael chuckled.
"What the hell do you want, Michael?" I said through clenched teeth.
"You." he murmured in my ear, his cold breath made my skin tingle.
"No, I mean why are you where." I tried to pull away, but his other arm was coiling around my waist, entrapping my hands and my body to him.
"We're here because I want to make a deal with you."
"And what would that be?"I snorted, imagining what he could possibly say.
"If you kiss me, I'll keep my distance." I felt his lips close to my neck.
"And if I don't?" I raised one eye brow.
"Then, I will hurt the ones you love." he said simply, his lips still on my neck. He made me want to punch him in the face, to hurt him. I started to feel a pain in my shoulder, which meant I was about to awaken. I had a plan. I turned around to face him, rubbing parts of my body on him purposely. He looked at me with lust filled eyes. I put my mouth next to his ear.
"You promise you'll keep your distance?" my voice was fading, just a couple more seconds.
"Yes!" he growled. Wow, he really wanted that kiss. I put my lips a couple centimeters from his, our breath mingled. Once he tried to put his lips on mine, I woke up.

Black Feather

I opened my eyes slowly. I blinked a couple times and my vision was back. I looked around. I was in my room. Elijah was next to me, his arm draped over my waist(seriously, what is up with people and my waist?). I poked his chest and he stirred.
"Elijah." I whispered in a singsong voice. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Thank god, you're awake!" he hugged me close to him.
"Why are you in my room? And why are you in my bed?" I asked, but I didn't mind it that much. "You were having a bad dream again. No one was in here with you so I came. I held your hand and you calmed down. But you started to get restless again so I laid next to you." he said.
"Wow." I muttered.“And now you will tell me why you're having bad dreams and what is making you uncomfortable in them." he stated. I rubbed my forehead.
"I'm not having bad dreams, they're more like visits. The reason they're uncomfortable is because of Michael." Why did I always have to explain something? "Why is he in your visits?"
"Elijah asked, tightening his grip on my waist protectively.
"Don't worry he didn't try anything...sort of. But, I think I might have made him very angry." I was playing with the hem of Elijah's shirt, I couldn't face his eyes.
"Why would he be angry?" Elijah raised one brow at me.
“Because I promised him a kiss and he almost got it, but I woke up." I said in an embarrassed rush.His body tensed and an enraged growl was working its way up.
"Why would you promise him a kiss?"he seethed."He promised to stay away if I kissed him!If I didn't,he would of went after the people who are closest to me."I put my face in his chest so I wouldn't have to him.He was angry,but it wasn't directed at me.He was angry at Michael.


Texte: Don't copy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.11.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is for my friend, Adriana Allen, aka Sorry Sorry.

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