
Chapter 1

Have you ever wondered if you were related to a vampire?I know I have.I've been raised to believe that you couldn't be related to one.Oh,believe me,I learned a lot in the past week.For once,believe in the impossible.You probably think I'm crazy right?Yeah,it does sound crazy,but once your done reading this,it won't sound as crazy.Let me introduce myself.My name is Corriander Sterling.I'm 17 years old.Okay,here are some things you need to know about me.
1.) I tell the truth in a twisted way
2.) I'm a witch(I'll tell you about that in a while)
3.) And,my cousin is a vampire
At first,I didn't know that she was a vampire,she didn't know he was a Vampire Hunter,and they didn't know that I was a witch.Who is this he and she I'm talking about?My best friend Raven Sullivan is the 'she'. My ex-boyfriend ,Nathan Campbell,is the 'he'. Ok,let me start from Monday so you won't be confused.




I woke up(as usual,unfortunately)and yawned.Today was Monday.The 31st of October.All Hallows' Eve,as they used to say.It was my favorite time of the year.I jumped up and ran into the bathroom.I took a quick shower,brushed my teeth and combed my black hair that was a couple inches passed my shoulders.I got dressed in a gray silk sweater,gray skinny jeans,and gray boots.I mussed my hair a bit and left it down in a messy,but sexy,style.Then,I put on a smudge of eye liner and some gray eye shadow above my smoky gray eyes.I went down stairs and someone yelled out,"Witch!". It scared me so bad that I shrieked and turned around to see who was yelling it at me.It was my 19 year old sister,Violet,playfully pointing her finger at me.
"What are you doing up?It's 8:00 AM."I asked.
"Why,don't you know?It's Halloween,or Samhain as we witches call it."she twirled around me.I laughed.
"Well,I know that.Why are you really up?"I eyed her suspiciously.
"I wanted to give you this."Violet showed me a small gray box.
"What is it?"she saw the excitement on my face because she giggled and held the box out to me.I took it and looked at her.
"Mom got hers on her 17th Halloween,I got mine on my 17th Halloween,and now you are getting yours."Violet said.I opened the box and gasped.It was a necklace with a plain silver Celtic knot chain.But what surprised me was the stone in the middle of of the necklace.It was my stone.The asteria stone.It was the smoke-gray form of sapphire.Just like my eyes.
"Oh.My.Goddess!I love it,help me put it on."I said as we walked to the bathroom and Violet put the necklace on me.
"Wow.You look bewitching!"Violet said.I raised one delicate eye brow and shrugged my shoulders.I kissed her cheek and ran out the door.When I looked around,nobody was outside.A warm breeze stirred the different colored leaves on the ground.I smiled and walked to school.


I was ten minutes early,but so were a lot of kids.Boys looked in my direction with dazed expressions as usual.A couple minutes later,the hallways were getting more crowded.As I was walking to Raven's locker,I almost got ran over.Twice.
"Watch it!"I said.The things that almost ran me over were the Millar twins,Daren and Derek.They were tall,had dark brown hair,and green eyes.They stopped running and turned towards me.
"Sorry,Corrie."they said shyly.I nodded and they left.It was about 5 minutes before Raven came to her locker.Raven had minky blond hair,blue eyes,and wasn't patient.Today she was wearing a skull shirt,a mini skirt,and skull flats.
"Hey,were are the rest of the bones?"I asked her with a smile.
"Be careful,your bones might be the ones I was looking for."she hissed.Then we burst out laughing.
"What are you guys laughing about?"said a smiling Nathan.
"We're laughing about how stupid you are."Raven said.He winced and put a hand over his heart.
"You wound me Raven,you really do."he leaned dramatically on me.I moved and he hit the locker.
"Ow.You wound me to,Corrie.Just in a different way."he sighed.I rolled my eyes at him.Even though we had just broken up,he was still one of my best friends.The bell rung and kids started running to their classes.
"Bye,see you guys at lunch."I waved to them and headed to class.Though I like school,I hate the teachers.I sat through all of them,not really paying attention to what they were saying.They were making my day dreadful.The only thing I looked forward to was lunch and the Halloween Party tonight in the gym.Also,we had a dance coming up on Friday.So,I was trying not to turn Ms.Phillips into a spider.If you don't already know this,I'm a witch.If you asked me,"Hey,aren't you supposed to be ugly?"I will punch you in face.So please,for your sake,don't say that.Anyway,once 5th period was over,I ran out of class.Once I was in the cafeteria and got a salad,I sat down at our usual table.I was looking out the window when a body with a six pack got in front of my view.I looked up and smiled sarcastically.
"Hi,welcome to Hell High,where the teachers suck and so does the food.How may I help you?"I asked in a perky voice.It was Dominic Faren,the hottest guy in school.His hazel eyes gleamed with laughter.
"What do you want?"I asked in my normal voice.
"Are you going to the dance with anyone yet?"Dominic asked.He put his hands in his pockets and looked at the table instead of me.
"No."I said.
"I was wondering if...if you'd go with me?"he asked quietly.I chuckled.Usually,he either laughing or yelling.
"Sure."I said.
"Um...okay.I guess I'll pick you up on Friday."he waved and left.It was at that moment that Raven and Nathan came to sit down.
"Wasn't that Dominic Faren?"Raven whispered.I nodded.
"What did he want?"Nathan said shooting a mean glance at Dominic.
"He wanted to know if I was going to the dance with anyone yet."I said,taking a sip of water.

"Raven asked.
"He asked me to go with him."I said slowly.
"And?!"Raven was getting impatient.
"And,I said yes."I winked at her.Raven started clapping.Nathan just looked depressed.
"Why,what's wrong,Lover-boy?Are you mad that someone is trying to stake a claim on Corrie?"Raven twanged with an Okie accent.I giggled and Raven laughed.
"Oh,shut up."he grumbled.That just made us laugh harder.He obviously did not think it was funny.Oh well for him.


All I could think about was that I was going to the dance with Dominic Faren!And that I was a witch for the dance.I kept bothering Raven about the dance and the party.She told me to calm down and not to worry about it.Well,more like yelled it at me.But,I couldn't.What would you do if you were a witch and you were going to a party filled with hundreds of humans?You would freak out!I looked at my clock.8:59.
I quickly put on my Samhain shift and my new necklace.Then,I put on some gray flats,grey eye shadow,grabbed my jacket and my phone,and ran out the door.Raven was in her car,dressed as a modern pink punk vampire.Actually,she looked like herself except for the plastic fangs she put in her mouth as I slid into her car.She hissed at me.
"Careful,I might put a spell on you!"I said pointing my finger at her.We giggled all the way there.


When we got there,the first things I saw were the posters.You know,those ones with the ugly witches,werewolves,draculas,and frankensteins?Yeah,those posters.All of which,were extremely hideous.Other than that,there were lots of kids here already.
"When will they learn we don't look like that?"I whispered.I looked over to make sure Raven hadn't heard me,but all I saw was a flash of nervousness in her blue eyes.A couple minutes later,I was tapped on my shoulder.It was Nathan.He was dressed as a werewolf.If he only knew...
"Hey,Nathan."I said.
"Wow.You look amazing!Let me guess...You're a witch!"I nodded.I was distracting him while Raven crept up behind him.
"Hey,so I was wondering if-OW!"he was talking when Raven pounced on him and bit his neck.I burst out laughing.
"Ahhh!"he yelled.Raven jumped down and joined me in howls of diversive laughter.
"That wasnot

funny!"he exclaimed while holding his neck.
"Yes it was,and you know it!"I giggled.I started looking around at what some people were dressed as.Some were dressed as zombies,vampires,witches.There were also some werewolves here and there.Human music pumped out of speakers and I started moving my hips.Suddenly,I was yanked into a secluded corner of the gym.
"You're an amazing dancer,Corriander."it was Raven.
"Thanks.Is that all you wanted to say?"I asked.She took a deep breath.
"No.I'm a vampire."
"What?!"I shouted.
"I understand if you don't believe me,but-"
"Raven,I believe you."I said.
"Why?"did she really just ask that question?
"I'm a witch."I shrugged.
"No wonder!That explains so much now."she sighed.How could I forget?
"What time is it?"I asked.
"Samhain Circle!Bye,I have to go!"I yelled as I ran towards the gym door.I bumped into someone.
"Sorry."I said.
"Corrie,I've been looking for you.I need to tell you something."Nathan said,blocking all of my attempts to escape him.
"Can't it wait for tomorrow?"I begged.
"No."he said.
"Well,say it."I sighed.
"I'm a vampire Hunter."he said.I froze.All the blood in my body ran cold.What is this,Tell Corrie All Your Secrets day?I ducked under his arm and ran,taking out my phone.

Me:Raven don't tell Nathan.He's a Hunter.

I knew she wouldn't text me back.She was leaving for her safety.I ran out the doors and bolted to the Samhain Circle.



I woke with a smile on my face.But the smile was wiped off when I remembered what I had been told yesterday.Raven Sullivan,my best friend,was a vampire.I got up and looked in the mirror and groaned.I don't even want to think about Nathan.I jumped the shower and got dressed in the steamy bathroom.Surprisingly,I had put on a red blouse and black skinny jeans.I picked some black flats out of my closet and put them on.I grabbed a jacket,my cell phone,and ran out the door.


When I got to school,Raven pulled me aside.
"Hey,do you think your mom would care if you missed a day of school?"she asked.
"My mom is out of town."I guess Raven took that as a yes because before I could say another word,I was in her car and driving away from my original destination:School.
"Where are we going?"I asked.
"A place."she said.I just shook my head.She pulled to a stop in front of a building.She knocked on the door and a boy,no older then 14,opened the door a crack.
"It's me,Ulf.Open the door."she said impatiently.The boy opened the door and let us in and slammed it shut right after we walked in.
"Go mark a fire hydrant or something."she muttered to him.I chuckled.She walked up to the bar and the boy tending it.He was a witch.
"Unity.I'm Elijah Arlin."he said.
"Unity.I'm Corriander Sterling."I smiled.
"Hey,Elijah."Raven chirped.
"Hello,Raven"Elijah said.Raven led me over to a table and sat me down.
"Okay, so why are we where?" I asked.
"I found something interesting in my family tree." she murmured and pulled out a red book.
"What does it have to do with me?"
"Okay, I thought my mom was an only child, but I looked in here and saw that grandma had another daughter. And that that daughter had 2 daughters. Her name was Sekmet. Her daughters names were Violet and Corriander."
"No.Friggin'Way!"I yelled.Raven nodded.
"Goddess,I'm the cousin of a witch."Raven muttered.
"Eileithia,I'm the cousin of a vampire."I muttered also.I blew out the candle and my book was gone.
Raven and I smiled at each other secretly.
"Oh,this is rich.Just wait until my mother hears this."Raven chuckled.Her mother was terrified of witches.She thought they would put a spell on her.
"We can't tell anyone yet,Raven.We have a lot of research to do."I looked at her meaningfully.
"Witchily doing research,you mean?"Raven guessed.
"What other way is there?"Raven's eyes shot down to my necklace.
"What?"I asked.
"It's got a glow to it.Purple."she stuttered.
"It's supposed to do that after you do magic to let you know it went the way it was supposed to."I laughed.
"Oh."Raven sighed.
"Okay.I think we can skip the "vampire,witch" part.So now,Nathan is a hunter."I said,looking to Raven.
"What we need to find out is what kind of Hunter he is,because if he tries to kill me or you,if he finds out,I swear on Maya,I will make his short life a living Hell."it was true.Vampires were always protective of their family and property.
"Okay,so you have to act like you don't know he's a Hunter.Just act normal.And I'll get the information."I said.Raven nodded,picked up her book,and we headed for the door.This time,I winked at Elijah.
Actually,it didn't take all day like Raven expected.Just a couple of hours.By the time we finished bonding(like all cousins should),we knew school was over.We decided that I should talk to Nathan because he was most likely not to tell Raven anything.I was waiting by his car when he walked out of the school.He looked relieved and then shocked.He ran over to me.
"Hey,I thought I scared you last night and you didn't want to talk to me."he said gently.
Here goes nothing,I thought.
"No,you didn't scare me.Just shocked me really.Actually,I came to ask you some questions."I said looking down.
"Okay,what?"he said.
"Can we talk in your car?"I asked quietly.He nodded and we got in his car.
"So is it true?Vampires,witches,werewolves and stuff are really real?"I asked.Playing dumb was my strategy.I knew more than any Hunter,but still,I had to act the part.
"Yeah,they're real."he sighed.
"That's what gets me.Real vampires."I faked a shiver.I made sure that I put my hand in my hair so he could see my ring.His eyes started to get hazy.
"I know,me too."
"So why are you a Hunter?"I asked innocently.
"Oh,it's in my blood."he said,clearing his throat.I moved my hand to rub my throat,his eyes followed.
"Are there different kinds of Hunters?"it wasn't a probing question.
"Yeah,Witch Hunters,Werewolf Hunters,Vampire Hunters,Shape shifter Hunters."he said absently.My other hand had been moving slowly toward my phone in my pocket.
"So,which one are you?"I pushed on softly.
"Vampire and Witch Hunter."he whispered.Once I reached it,I pushed the volume button and my ringtone went off.
"Oh!Hold on a sec."I said grabbing my phone.I answered my fake phone call.
"Hello?Hey mom,what's wrong?Oh,no!Okay,I'm on my way!"I ended the fake call.It's a good thing humans don't have super hearing like us supernatural beings.
"What's wrong,Corrie?"Nathan finally broke the spell I put on him with my ring.I pretended to look sad and concerned.
"Violet just fainted,and my mom said that she feels like she has a fever!"I said.
"Listen,I have to go,but can we finish this tomorrow?"I asked.He nodded.I jumped out of his car and ran home.Once I was in the safety of my room,I called Raven.
"Hey,cousin.Did you find out anything?"Raven asked.
"Listen,I asked him which Hunter he was and he hunts vampires and witches."I said rapidly.
"Slow down!He hunts both?Did you ask him why?"Rave said.
"Yeah,and he said it was in his blood!Goddess,how can I act normal when he's out there hunting my flesh and blood,my family!"I growled.And I mean an actual animal growl.
"About that,you have vamp blood in you since we're related and I have witch blood in me."Raven explained.So that's why I just growled.
"So,what now?We can't ignore him."I sighed.
"That's true,I mean,we have two classes with him,and we have lunch with him."Raven whispered.I thought for a moment.
"We can sit far away from him in classes,avoid him in the hallway,and sit outside for lunch?"I suggested.
"Yes!You're brilliant!"Raven shouted.
"Okay,we have a plan.For now."I said bye and hung up.I took my jewelry off and went into my secret workshop.There,I planned to make a necklace that nobody could resist.I carved shapes out of my old blue carving wax.Next,I made a gold chain.I could literally drench this necklace in sorcery.I cast the hearts and butterflies in silver,and the swirls and spirals in gold.I put them on the chain.You want to know what I did?As I said before,I could literally drench it in magic,so that's what I did.I put a love spell on it.I put garnets,rose quartz,and tourmaline on the chain in between the shapes.Right in the middle of the necklace I put an asteria stone in the shape of the letter C.I let it sit in the moonlight all night.



This morning,I put on all black.I rushed out of the house to get to school.Once again,Raven was waiting for me.
"Why are you wearing a hoodie?"she asked.
"I have to test it out before I can tell you."I said.
"Test what out!"Raven shouted as I moved toward Toby,some boy from algebra.
"Hey,Toby."I said honeying my voice.
"Oh,hi,Corrie."Toby stuttered.I unzipped my jacket to display what was around my neck.Toby's eyes suddenly went glassy,as if in a trance.I smirked.
"Toby,go to the office and say on the announcements that you love the math teacher."I commanded,my voice no longer honeyed,but ringing with authority.
"Yes,Master."he said in an unemotional voice.He walked away.
"Wow.What is that thing for?"Raven said coming up behind me.
"Nathan.When we kidnap him after school."I said.
"We are?Yes!That's freaking awesome!"Raven said.I laughed.Coming down the hallway,was Nathan.
"Red alert.Hide!"I hissed to her.We hid right before he walked over to my locker.He punched my locker.I could see muscles flex.
"Jeesh.Do you think even you could handle that?"I whispered as we crept away,silent as shadows.
"No.We may need back up.Manly back up.How about Elijah?He would do anything for you,plus he's looking forward to seeing you again."Raven wiggled her eye brows.
"Sure."I said back to her.Truth be told,I wanted to see him again,too.
"Bye."I whispered to her as I walked into class.She waved.
Raven and I managed to avoid Nathan all day.During lunch,we skipped the food and went straight outside.We sat down on a patch of grass,basking in the autumn sun.
"So,are we going to do it today?"Raven asked quietly.
"If not today,when?Honestly,I would be scared to do it tomorrow because he would wonder why we were avoiding him."I sighed.
"Do you want me to call Elijah,now?"Raven asked.
"Yeah.We need to have everything ready."I said shortly.
"Here,you do it.He won't do it unless you ask him."Raven hinted.She handed me her phone.It was ringing when I put it next to my ear.
I swore in french.
"He didn't answer?"Raven said.I shook my head.I bit my lip.
"There is another way we could try to reach him."I said,half wanting to be ignored.
"What?"Raven said with interest.
"We could Call him."I answered.
"Didn't we just do that?"Raven said,puzzled.
"No,I mean the witch way.You know,like the way I summoned my book,we can summon Elijah."I said.
"Oh.Okay."she answered.
"Come on."I dragged her inside(without Nathan seeing us) and towards the art room.It was always empty at lunch time.The room was very dim,which was good for concentration.We pulled up two chairs about 1 foot across from each other.Next,I started humming about fire.When I opened my eyes,there was a small fire in the center of my hands,just like I knew there would be.Elijah was standing in front of me.
"Unity."I said.He looked at me stunned.
"Unity."he answered.
"Um...hey?"Raven waved behind him.He turned around and said hi.
"Why did you Call me?"Elijah asked.
"Because you wouldn't answer your phone."Raven muttered.
"Because we need to ask you for a favor."I cast a look at Raven.She shrugged.
"What do you need?"he said,staring intently at me.
"What are you doing at 2:30,today?"I said.
"I need you to kidnap someone for me."I said quickly.
"What!?You can't just go around asking people to kidnap someone for you!"Elijah yelled.
"Well,it's not like we're kidnapping him for no reason.He's a Witch/Vampire Hunter.Plus he's my ex-boyfriend and Raven and I need to ask him some questions.Please!"I looked at him with big,sad gray eyes.I saw how inside,he was trying to fight the temptation to say yes.It was no use.I get what I want.Always.I saw him give in.
"Fine.Where is this going to happen?"he sighed.
"Next to my car.When Corriander is hypnotizing him,you come up behind him and knock him out,put him in my car,and we'll handle the rest."Raven said.I nodded.He looked stuck on something.
"Wait...hypnotizing?How do you plan to do that,Corrie?"Elijah asked challengingly.I pulled down my zipper slowly.Of course his eyes looked down.I could see in his eyes that he was trying hard not to drop down on one knee and kiss my feet and he was trying to fight my magic.Just as his knees gave out,I pulled my zipper up quickly.
"If it does that to you,imagine what it could to him."I said.Elijah stood up and wiped his eyes.He looked at me in something between wonder and awe.
"What did you do?Steal that from the Goddess Aphrodite or something?"Elijah said.
"Why,thank you.It is a little goddess like.But,no,I didn't steal it.I made it."I blushed lightly at his complement.Raven was laughing.
"You should have seen yourself,Eli.Your knees were shaking,you were twitching.It was hilarious!"Raven said.I giggled.
"So will you?"I said,making my voice liquid.Boys couldn't resist it when I did that.
"Yes."he said.I waved to him goodbye.With the fire in my other hand,I blew it out and Elijah dissipated.The bell rang.I wrote a note and put it in Nathan's locker.
The rest of the day went by quickly as if Mother Nature herself knew what I was doing.Finally,the last bell rang.I waited at Raven's car.Nathan showed up a couple minutes later.
"Hey,have you been avoiding me all day?"he asked.I shook my head.I looked around as if I was shy.When I looked over Nathan's shoulder,I saw Elijah.
"Listen,I'm sorry.I was just trying to take everything in,you know."I said,playing with my zipper.Then,as if it was the most natural thing in the world,I pulled it down.He stared at it and his eye balls went all glassy.
"Don't turn around."I commanded,no longer playing the clueless girl.
"Yes,Master."he answered.Elijah knocked him out.I pulled up my zipper.After Elijah put him in the car,he stared at me.
"What?"I asked.
"Nothing.You said he was your ex-boyfriend,right?"he asked.I nodded.
"Okay.I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time?"he asked.I thought for a moment.
"How about you go to the school dance with me on Friday?"I said.He nodded,eagerly,but tried to hide it.At that moment,Raven came over.
"Are we all set?"Raven asked.Elijah and I nodded at the same time.
"Okay.let's roll.Hey,did you get the rope?"Raven asked.
"Goddess,I forgot!"I said.
"I can come,if you think he'll be a problem."Elijah suggested.
"Okay,sure."I said.We all got in Raven's truck.
"Where are we going,Corrie?"Elijah asked.
"Yeah,where are we going?"Raven added.
"You'll see."I muttered as I turned the corner.I pulled over.We were at the place where my Samhain Circle was.Everyone got out.Elijah had Nathan over his shoulder.I knocked twice on the door.This time it was Alaric who answered the door.
"Hey,are you the only one here?"I asked.
"Hey,Corrie.Yeah,I'm the only one here.There is something for you downstairs."Alaric said.
"Okay,listen.I need to borrow this place for a couple hours.Can you stand outside and keep watch?"I asked sweetly.He blinked twice then let us in.Once he had closed the door and was outside,I put a lock spell on the door.Raven looked at me quizzically.I winked and she nodded.I led them downstairs and put a chair in the middle of the room.Elijah set Nathan down in it.
We all paced waiting for Nathan to wake up.Once he did,he looked around him and then his gaze came upon us.
"Why you little-!"he jumped up and tried to attack me,but Elijah stepped in.I heard him mumble something and as soon as Nathan was about to hit me,it was like he hit a force field.Nathan ended up landing on his butt.I heard Raven snicker.
"Why didn't you tell me you were a vampire?!"he yelled at me.I turned my head as I smiled.I heard Elijah chuckle.
"Who are you?"Nathan sneered.
"An acquaintance."Raven said.
"Answer my question,Corrie.Why didn't you tell me?"Nathan said sitting back in the chair.
"Tell you what?"I asked innocently.
"That you're a vampire!"at that,Raven and Elijah burst out laughing.I giggled.
"Because I'm not.I'm a witch with vampire blood running through my veins.The real vampire is Raven.And she has witch blood running through her veins."Elijah and Nathan looked confused.
"We're family,you idiots."Raven muttered as she hooked her arm in mine.Elijah nodded.Nathan just spat in disgust.I looked into the dark corner of the room and saw a lavender light that was becoming brighter and brighter.
"Do you guys see that?"I nodded my head in the direction of the wall.
"See what?"Raven said.I heard Elijah gasp.]
"What is it?"Raven said.The lavender light got darker.When it came closer I saw what it was.
"My daughter,erase his memories from this time.You will need his help in the oncoming future.There is a great danger up ahead.You will need as much help as possible.Beware my daughter,this evil is very strong.It will do everything in its power to get to you.You have my blessing."it was Hellewise.After what she said sank in,she started to disappear.I looked over at Elijah.He nodded.He had heard what she said.
"Raven,erase his memories for now."I told her.She sputtered and gasped.Then she gave a huge sigh.She walked up to Nathan and erased his memories of this time.I ran my hand through my hair.It flowed like water.I noticed a lavender envelope on a near by table.I walked over to it.It had my name on it,written in unfamiliar handwriting.I opened it up.It was a letter.It read:

Dear Corriander,
You don't know me,but I know you.
Here,I'll describe myself to you!
My eyes are just a bit darker than sky blue,very dangerous these two.
Hair dark as midnight just like pois,with a muscled body like your toys.Though you can't see me now,I promise you,you'll see me around. Love,
"What's that,Corrie?'Raven asked.
"Nothing."I said,putting it in my back pocket.Her eyes searched mine,looking for a hole in my armor,but I gave nothing away.I couldn't tell her anything.Well,not with Elijah here,anyways.
I'll tell you later,I said to her in her head.Raven gave the barest of nods. "Alright,lets go.Raven,go start up the car.His eyes are starting to clear."I said as if I was giving orders to an army.Raven and Elijah nodded.As Raven went up the stairs,I unlocked the door by taking the spell off.She ran to her car and started it.I looked at Alaric,who was smiling as if he did something good.
"Hey,who told you to give me that letter,Alaric?"I hissed,trying to be quiet because Elijah was coming up the stairs.
"I dunno,some random guy just walked up to me and said to give it to you when you came by."Alaric said.Who is this guy?A prophet or something?I nodded and said bye to him.
"So what do we do now?"Elijah asked.
"Well,we take him back to school.Eli,you have to leave,and Raven you have to hide until he's gone."I said.Raven agreed,knowing we had something to talk about afterwards. Elijah sighed,but nodded.Finally,we all looked at each other.Nathan groaned but didn't wake up.
"Hurry!"I said.Raven rushed us to school.Elijah and I said our goodbyes and Raven hid.I put Nathan next to the car.He started waking up.
"Hey,Nathan?Are you okay?"I put fake concern into my voice.He looked up at me.I knew what he was seeing.Scared gray eyes that had a too gentle face which was holding a too concerned expression.He nodded.
"What happened?"he asked,groggily.
"We were just talking and then you just...fainted.I got so scared!I thought you were dead!"I put my hand on my chest and started crying.Man,I'm good!I was the best liar I knew.And Nathan actually fell for it.He hugged me and kept telling me it was okay and that he was fine.I looked over his shoulder.Raven was hiding in a bush.She poked her head out and tapped her wrist.I needed to wrap this act up.I sniffed and wiped my eyes.I gave him a pained smile.
"Hey,I can imagine you don't want to walk home.Do you want a ride?"he asked.I shook my head.
"I'll just hitch a ride with Raven."I said quietly.
"Where is she anyway?"Nathan said,looking around.
"I don't know,some club meeting.I'll call her."I pulled out my phone.
"Hey,Raven.Are you done yet?"I asked,biting my finger.
"Yes.I'm heading your way now."Raven said in the phone.I looked around.Raven hung up the phone and ran over to us.She took one look at me and put a worried look on.
"What's wrong?"she asked.
"I fainted.She got scared."Nathan said,as if it was his fault.
"Oh my gosh!Are you okay?You don't need to go the hospital or anything,do you?"Raven asked nervously.I had to admit,Raven was a fantastic actress.Nathan shook his head.Raven got in her car.
"Raven,can you take me home?"I asked sounding like a vulnerable child.Raven nodded.I got in her car.
"You sure you're okay?"I asked Nathan one more time.He nodded.I waved and we drove off.
Raven stopped in front of my house.
"Okay,what's in your back pocket?"Raven turned to me.I sighed.
"Here,read it."I gave her the letter.I think she read it ten times before swallowing hard.
"Okay,is it just me,or is this stalkerish?I mean who writes stuff like this?Wait,didn't Alaric have to see the person that gave it to him?"Raven asked.
"I asked him.He said it was just some random guy."I shrugged.
"You can take that son of a witch,Corrie!"Raven said.At that I had to giggle.Then,I sobered.
"You see,that's the thing!When a witch signs something,even if it's just their initial,they leave their magical signature behind so all witches can know she or he is a witch,but the man isn't a witch.Yeah it was signed with magic,but not witch magic.It was like one step lower than magic used by the gods.Something more powerful then just a regular witch and certainly more dangerous than any Hunter."I whispered.
"That's why we need as much help as possible,that's why we need Nathan!"Raven realized.I realized this sick truth,too.Me?A witch?Work with a Hunter?Ha!I'd rather suck blood.I was given a mental smack.It was Hellewise.
"Do you think the guy who gave you this is the evil Hellewise was talking about?"Raven asked,doubtfully.
"If not him,who else?Raven,if you're having second thoughts then get it together!You're either in this with me or not!"I said to her.Raven bit her lip.
"Is there going to be danger and possibly death involved and be a once in a lifetime chance?"Raven said.
"Yes."I said,not really knowing where this was going.
"Then of course I'm in!I wouldn't have let you face this by yourself with a pedophile out there hunting you."Raven said matter of factually.I hugged her hard.Raven was stone still.I looked at her worried.She looked like she was in a trance
"Raven?Raven!What's wrong?"I was shaking her shoulders.
"Nothing is wrong,Master."she said.I sighed in relief.I looked down,and there it was.My zipper was down.I pulled it up and Raven blinked a couple times to focus her eyes.
"Bye,Raven!"I yelled as I ran out of her car before she had a chance to yell at me for putting her in a trance.I ran up into my room.Violet was on my bed,lying on her back,and crying.She was crying the lavender tears of grief(yes,I admit it,witches are very weird). I ran over to her.
"Violet,what's wrong?Why are you crying?"I said to her.She looked up at me and hugged me so hard that I thought I would suffocate.She finally let go of me and tried to talk,but all that came out was whimpering.
"Violet,breathe!Big breaths.In,out,in,out,there.Now talk."I instructed her.She nodded feebly.
"'s dead!Those monsters!They killed her!"Violet yelled.
"I don't know they're names.They were shape shifters.Two of them.A tiger and a mountain lion.They attacked her on the road near Cedar Woods.A few witches found her.They didn't want the police involved so they hid her car.Once they found out who she was,they called the house.They said they did everything they could,but it was to late."Violet's voice broke on the last few words.I held her for a couple minutes.I cried tears of grief also,but unlike my sister,I did it silently.When she fell asleep,I went downstairs and called Raven.
"Hey,what's up?"Raven asked cheerily.That's when I thought,how can the world still be spinning?How can the cars just keep stopping and going in the streets?How can life just go on without my mom?
"Hello?Corrie?"Raven's voice dragged me out of my inner babble.
"Hey,um,I might not be in school tomorrow.Can you make an excuse for me?"I said.Even I could hear how my voice was soft and weak and filled with grief.
"Yeah,sure.What's wrong?"I hung up before she could ask anymore questions.I went to my room.I shook Violet gently.She looked at me with hopeless eyes.
"When was the last time you ate?"I asked.
"Not since they called."she answered.
"And when was that?"
"8:30 in the morning."I looked at my clock.It was 7:56 P.M!
I went downstairs again and made her eat some soup.Later,she went to her own room.As I went to bed,my door opened slowly.Violet poked her head in.
"Can I sleep in here tonight?"she whispered.I sat up and nodded.She walked in and sniffled.She climbed into my king sized bed.
"I love you,Corriander.And thank you."she looked at me from her pillow.
"I love you too,Violet.Thanks for what?"I whispered.
"For being here for me.For being born.For being my sister."Violet said letting her lavender tears fall onto my black satin pillows.
"Go to sleep."I said.Once she was sleeping,I turned my body towards the window.I looked out the window into the dark night.There was a full moon.My mom always loved it outside at night.
"I love you,mom.Violet loves you,too."I whispered while letting hot tears run down my cheeks.



I was awake.Raven was banging on the door.
"Corrie!Corrie!"she yelled.Finally she left.After that,the only thing that made noise was Violet's and my sniffles.I guess all witches were notified that my mother was dead because letters came from all over the states.Also witches kept showing up on our door steps.We couldn't ignore them.I opened the door to all of them.That day Eeah was the last one to come over.Her face was covered in lavender tears(I bet mine was,too).As soon as I opened the door,she gave me a huge hug.
"Goddess,Corrie!I'm so sorry!I would of came by earlier but I just found out."Dani said rapidly.
"I'm fine,Dani.It's Violet who's getting hit the hardest.I have to make her eat,use the bathroom,take a shower,I even have to remind her to breathe sometimes."I said,running my hand through my hair.My eyes started to water.
"She just needs time.And you,Corrie.You know, when my sister hung out with her, she said all Violet would talk about was you.How good of a sister you are,how you can do magic like that,and how you always helped her through the bad times."Dani said rubbing my back.After that she left,time went by slowly.Raven stopped by again.
"Corrie!Open the damn door or I swear to goddess I will have Elijah bust it open."Raven said.I didn't want to cause any damage to the door so I opened it and pulled her inside.
"Hey!Why wouldn't you open up the stupid door this morning?I tried to call you but-"she stopped short when she saw my face.
"What's wrong?Why are you crying purple tears?"Raven asked.
"My mom is dead."I said simply.My eyes were wet with unshod tears.
That was part of the problem.I was frightened for my sister and I.And I was angry at being frightened.I was never scared or if I was,I didn't show it.
"Calm down,Corrie.Just calm down."she had put her hand up slowly.I looked at my arms.My fingers and hands were bright as fire,my arms were red as blood.
"No wonder fire is your element."Raven muttered as the colors faded.
"I'm sorry.Listen,do you want to come over my house and talk?"Raven asked quietly.I shook my head,smiling a little bit.
"Violet needs me."I said.
"Okay,call me if you need anything."Raven said with sympathy in her voice.I waved to her as she left.The rest of the day went by quickly.
Violet went to sleep in my bed again.Once I heard her breath deepen,I jumped out of bed,quickly and silently,making sure I didn't wake her.I went over to my nightstand and grabbed the letter,a book,a notebook and pen,and my destination map and scarab.I went into the living room,closed the curtains,and turned on a few lamps.I sat on the floor and spread everything around me.First,I read that letter over and over.Then,I opened the book.
It was the book of battles,you know,the dark arts against white magic.
I looked in all the descriptions and only found one match.He was my family's worst enemy.Michael Black.He was a fallen angel.He held a grudge against my family because we wouldn't let him be King in the early 1600's.Can you believe that?Goddess,and now he was after my family again.I wrote down his name and his description.I put a map of the town in front of me.I put the scarab in the middle,right on top of my house.
"I summon the power of Three
Violet,Raven,and Me
Show me where the danger be."I said.The scarab lit up with a purple light,which meant that the house was safe.A red light showed up.It was close.I looked at the address.It was that apartment building around the corner.I wrote that down.
"I summon the power of Three
Violet,Raven,and Me
Show me where safety be."I said.The scarab moved.I put a map of the United States next to the town map.The scarab slid over to it.
It stopped at Paradise,Ohio.I smiled,knowing that there would be a place of safety.I wrote down the name of the city and state.I happily put all the stuff away and went to sleep.



The next morning,I let Violet sleep.It was only 4:45 A.M.
I was packing up the stuff in the basement.You know,the spell stuff.I called Raven,not caring if I woke her up.
"Hello?"humph.She was already up.
"Listen,Raven.I need you to help me with some things."I was biting my finger nail.
"Does it have to do with magic?"Raven hoped.
"Sort of."
"Okay.I'm on my way."Raven hung up.Just when I had finished packing the stones and gems(each in they're own little velvet pouch),I heard a knock on the door.I opened it and let Raven in.Beside her was Elijah.
"What is he doing here?"I asked her.
"I thought since it was magic,he could come."Raven shrugged.
"So,how's Violet doing?"she added.
"Better.She hasn't spoken since she told me...what happened."I smiled sadly.
"I'm sorry for your loss,Corrie."Elijah said.I nodded.
"What do you need help with?"Raven said.
"I know where stalker boy is and who he is.But that's not the point.I called you because I need help packing."I said,folding my arms.
"Packing so you can go beat up stalker boy?"Raven said with excitement in her voice.I sighed.
"No.I'm packing to get away from stalker boy."I looked at her.
"Wait...who is stalker boy?"Elijah looked confused.I gave him the letter.I saw him read it and his fists almost crushed the paper.
I put my hand on his shoulder.He started to calm down.
"When did you get this?"he asked tightly.
"When we kidnapped Nathan."I answered.
"Where is he?"
"You can't just go call him out!"I yelled.I was in front of him now.I had one hand on his chest.I was against the door.
"And why not?"he sneered,angry as hell.
"Because his name is Michael.Michael Black."I said.
I saw recognition rise in his eyes.
"Oh."He backed away and leaned against a wall.
"So you're leaving.Just like that."Raven said.
"Nope.Not just like that.Other people are coming with me."I said.
"Nathan,Violet,and you."I said.Raven's eyes lit up.
"Really?I can come?"she was shaking with excitement.
There was an ear busting scream upstairs.I was the first one to run.
I ran into my room.Violet was in the corner crying.
"Violet!What happened?"I ran to her and shook her shoulders.She pointed to my window.I turned and gasped.In my window was a dagger stuck in the cracked glass.I went over to it.Raven and Elijah were trying to calm Violet down.I looked out my window.No one was there.I opened my window so I could grab the dagger from the handle.When I pulled it out,I noticed a little piece of paper on it.

Let's play a game of Cat and Mouse.Ready or not,the game has begun.
That's what it said.The paper burned in my hand.I took the dagger.
"Come on.We need to pack and fast.Now!Only pack the important stuff.The suitcases are downstairs."I said,opening my secret workshop.I swept my arms over the counters and pushed everything into a bag.I put my jewelry on,I might need it.After that room was cleared,I started packing my clothes.I saw Violet across the hall in her room,packing her clothes.
Once I was done,I went downstairs.Raven was packing the books on the shelf.Elijah was packing the pictures.
"When you're done put the stuff in your car,Raven.Make sure Violet is safe.Don't pack anything else.I'll be back."I said grabbing my car keys.
"Where are you going?"Raven asked.
"Going to get Nathan."I walked out the door.It wasn't hard to find him.He was shooting hoops at the basketball court.The reason he did it so early was because he wanted to be alone.I parked and went to the fence.I still had my pj's on.
"Nathan!"I stopped him in mid-jump.He looked at me.I told him to come here.
"Hey,Corrie.What are you doing here?"
"Come on.We need to come to my house.Now."I said.My patience was running thin.
"Um...okay."he got in my car.I drove to my house.When I got there,I got out.Nathan did,too.I told him to wait.I went inside.Raven and Elijah were waiting for me.
"Come on.There is one more room we need to go to."they followed me.I went to the weapon room.I heard them gasp.I went to the dagger section and grabbed the twin blades and handed them to Raven.Next,I packed everything up and carried them to my car.
"We're taking your car,Raven."she nodded.
"Bye,Eli."I said.He looked mad.
"I'm going."he said.
"No.You're not."I said.But I didn't know he was as stubborn as I was.
"Ugh!Fine."I said.
"Jeesh,you two act so,so...married."Raven said.
"Nathan,get in the car."I said.
"No."he snorted.I turned to him.No one said no to me.
"You don't have a choice.Get.In.The.Damn.Car."I said eerily calm enough to kill a bird.He swallowed.He got in as instructed.I let Elijah drive.
"Wait!"Violet said.I looked at her in shock.
"What?"Raven said.
"I'm hungry."she said.I giggled.
"Okay,we'll stop for something on the way."Elijah looked at me in the mirror.After we all ate,Violet fell asleep on my lap.I ran my fingers through her baby blond hair.Nathan cleared his throat.
"Where are we going?"he asked quietly.
"Paradise."I smiled.
"Well,isn't that ironic?"Raven snickered.
"Ohio."I added.Elijah nodded.
I felt Hellewise agree with my choice.High praise from Hellewise!




Now that you're caught up,yes we live in Paradise,Ohio.Nathan agreed to NOT kill us and we enrolled ourselves in a school near by.We moved into a huge old house(more like palace). Violet was now fully functional.She got a job at a local store to keep herself busy.Elijah and I are training Raven.Elijah is training her in magic and I taught her in weapons and combat.Since today is a Sunday,we wanted to blend in.
We bought ordinary clothes(but I kept my old ones,too) and I had to get contacts.Do you want to know what color? Blue.Like Raven's.But if we were going to act the part,we had to look the part.We had to pretend that we were all brothers and sisters.Ew.Well,at least we were safe.Right?


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.08.2011

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I dedicate this to my niece,Corriander,for being my muse and also L.J. Smith for giving me this idea.

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