

Chapter 1
As I was in class, listening to the teacher drone on and on about the nucleus inside of a cell, I was doodling in my notebook. I was drawing a black widow spider. Next to it I wrote the words "Fatal Beauty". The bell rang (which scared the life out of me!). The next thing I know, I'm being dragged out of class by my best friend Alexa.
"Hey. Listen we need to talk." she said sternly.
"About what?" I said becoming nervous. Usually when she had something to say it was something I didn't want to hear.
"As you know, everyone who is going to my party has a date...except for you." she said.
"So?Why should I have a date?I mean it's not like I'd date them otherwise." I said, pushing my locker closed.
"Because everyone else does!" Alexa stepped in front of me causing me to stop.
"I'm not everyone else, Alexa." I muttered.
"You are right. You are just Amber Forest, a really pretty girl that has a twisted sense of humor and is a great friend!" Alexa said.Ugh, I hated it when she said that.
"Fine. I'll bring a date." I sighed. She clapped her hands.
"Thank you so much! Wait,what color are you going to wear?" Alexa asked biting her glossy lip. I thought for a moment.
"Green." I decided. She smiled and walked away.
"Wait! Alexa! What did you want to know what color I was wearing for?!" I was about to follow her, but the stupid bell rang. I walked into my trigonometry class and sat in my usual seat in the back. I let my long,waist length black hair fall over my face like curtain.
Mr.Brundage, my teacher, came in and announced that we were having a pop quiz. The class groaned, but I just smirked. The papers started getting passed back. Nathan Scott sat in front of me. When he turned to give me my paper, he opened his mouth.
"Hey, Amber. I heard that you don't have a date to Alexa's party yet. Do you want to go with me?" he asked. Deciding that it probably couldn't get better then him, I sighed.
"Sure." I took my paper and put my head down quickly.
"Mr.Scott? Is there something you would like to say?" Mr.Brundage raised one brow.
"No, Mr.B." Nathan muttered. After that, the class was completely quiet.
When I finished the test, I took out a notebook and started drawing ideas for my dress.
It started out with a heart-shaped bodice that showed off my curves. Then it flowered out near the bottom. It stopped just above the knee. It was a simple dress. Next,I designed some flats.
"Please pass your tests forward. You will get your grades tomorrow." Mr.Brundage said just when the bell rang. I put my notebook away and passed my test forward. I stood up and left the classroom. Guess who followed me to my locker? Michael Della, the most stuck up guy in my school.
"What do want, Michael?" I asked, opening my locker.
"You know what I want." he said.
"Well, you know, besides that." I sighed.
"Hmmm, let's see, well, I want you to be my girlfriend. Why don't you ever say yes?"He leaned against the wall.
"Because you're a major ass and because I already have a boyfriend." I said without thinking.
"Oh yeah? Where is he?" Michael asked challenging me.I scanned the crowd and saw Nathan walking by. I grabbed his hand.
"This is my boyfriend." I said.
"You her boyfriend?" Michael asked. I dug my nails into his hand.
"Yeah, why?" Nathan asked.
"Nothing. Bye, Amber." he winked at me and walked away. Nathan snorted.
"He is a horrible liar." he said. I chuckled.
"Bye. I'll see you later." I waved before he could ask questions.
"You better leave him alone. He's mine so back off." someone hissed behind me. I turned around. It was Brooklyn Parnell. Head cheerleader and the school's Queen Bee.
"What are you talking about?" I mumbled.
"Michael, who else? He's mine.We may be off right now, but he is still mine." she said.
"Listen, I don't want him. You need to tell him to leave me alone. Got it?" I stalked off towards my next class. I smirked as I heard the frustruated scream of Brooklyn and heard her heels stomp down the hall in the opposite direction.
Just before my hand could reach for the door, another shot out and opened it for me. I looked up and smiled at the stranger then entered the classroom and sat in the back. Once I entered, I heard the most annoying noise ever: Ms.Clark, my English Studies teacher (I swore to myself that one day, I would have her assinated.).
"Good morning, class. Before we begin, I would like to announce that we have a new student."Ms.Clark said, standing up her stick-like body from her chair and touched the boy's shoulder. The same exact boy who opened the door for me.
"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Ms.Clark asked, flashing her rotten toothed smile. I saw the Viking blond boy wince at her teeth and I snickered.
"My name is Brian Molltiese, I'm 17 years old and as you can tell, I'm new here."he said. I noticed he had a slight Irish accent. I heard some girls sigh with longing at his voice.
"Well then, Brian, I am your English Studies teacher, Ms.Clark.Why don't you take any seat that is empty and we will begin." Ms.Skank (all the students call her that behind her back because she flirts with half the male teachers at this school and even flirts with the male students!). Unfortunetly, the only empty seat was next to me. As usual, I get the bad luck. He sat down and stuck his hand out to me.
"Hi, I'm Brian." he said. I looked up out of my Chinese bang and held my hand out to reach his.
"Hey, I'm Amber." I said with a half smile. I looked him over. He had curly blond hair that stopped just above his eye brows on his forehead, eyes as green as hellebore flowers, and of course, he had the beautiful face of an Angel. I dropped his hand quickly and pulled it back into the curtain of black, stormy curls. I pulled my attention back to the now darkened room,where on the screen was a movie about something that had to do with econommics. I kept my eyes on the screen, but I could tell Brian was sneeking glances at me every now and then. But, me being the independent girl I am, I ignored him. Sooner then I thought, class was over, the lights were switched on and a storm of girls ran over to my table.
"Hey Brian, do you need help with finding your classes?"
"Hey Brian, can you find your locker, because if not, I could help you?"
"Hey Brian, do you want to sit with us at lunch?"and this went on and on until I walked out of the classroom, not being able to hear anymore. As I was fighting my way through the thick crowd toward my locker, I found Nathan, leaning against my blue locker. I put a fake smile on my face.
"Hey, Boyfriend."I said as I grabbed his hand. He looked surprised.
"Hey, Girlfriend." he said back.
"Oh my gosh, I owe you one. Thank you!" I said,giving Nathan a hug.
"I know you owe me. You can repay me by giving me a dramatic kiss on the lips at Alexa's party." he smiled. I was pretty sure that if I looked down,my jaw would be on the floor. I closed my mouth and gulped.
"Fine. It's a deal." I said.Nathan gasped in mock surprise.
"Wow! Amber the Rock has given in this quickly. This is a shocker!"he said, widening his eyes. I playfully punched him in his arm.
"Whatever. Well, anyway, I guess I'll see you at lunch." I sighed, pulling out my Science notebook and heading back towards the classroom.

Chapter 2

I'm sitting in class thinking, did I really just flirt with Nathan? Oh yeah, I did.What the hell is wrong with me?Okay, before you get all when-is-this-chick-gonig-to-get-to-the-vampire-part, let me tell you, I am the vampire. Well, atleast half.I'm half angel, too.Now, don't get all excited. Here is the list of things we vampires do:
1.)We drink blood
2.)We are immortal
3.)We are very beautiful
4.)It's true we don't get along with werewolves (they really do smell like dogs.)
5.)We will die if you stake us (Duh, it would kill anybody)
6.)We have heartbeats
7.)We are abnormally smart
8.)And we can eat normal food, after all, blood doesn't have everything in it.
Here are some things that aren't true about us:
1.)We don't burn up in the sun
2.)We surely do not sparkle
3.)We don't need an invitation to walk into someones house
4.)We are not dead (Come on,that's gross! Our skin would get all wrinkly!)
5.)We are not souless and evil
6.)We are sooo not gothic (I mean hello? Wearing black all the time is depressing, but hey, I wear black sometimes.)
7.)And, we don't turn all ugly, growling, and hissing like a cat when we're feeding or angry

Yeah, and that's about it. I zoned back in to the class and realized that someone had sat next to me at the two-seater table. I looked at them through my bang. It was Candice Smith.
"Hey Candi, what's up?" I said. We were good friends, after all, I helped her get through her parents divorce last year. Candi's cropped brown haired head turned towards me. She looked at me with her regular brown eyes.
"Hey, Amber. I'm good. Um...I've been meaning to tell you something." she started playing with her fingers. I narrowed my eyes. Candi only did that when she had to tell me something that I wouldn't like.
"What is it? Bad or good? If it's bad, tell me later." I said.
"Um..both, I guess." she sighed.
"Then tell me." I muttered.
"I'm dating Justin." she said rapidlly. I froze in my doodling.
"Justin. As in Justin Cox, my cousin!" I said.Candi nodded. Ah,my cousin,Justin. He was a nice boy, well mannered, treated girls and women with respect. I gave her a small smile.
"I'm glad for you. Just be careful, he likes bite sometimes." I whispered in her ear. She blushed scarlet all the way to her ears. I love my family. Surprisingly,vampires are very family oriented. We always stay in touch. The bell rung about a couple seconds after Candi's blush faded.
"Later, Candi." I smiled at her and left. I looked at my touch screen phone. 12:45. Great, lunch time. I was starving. I put my books away and shut my locker. I looked down the crowded hallways and saw Brian, swamped by 20 girls. He looked nervous and uncomfortable. I could practilly smell it. I sighed and started towards the group. Of course, I had to go save the newbie. I held in a giggle because I realized that all of these girls were cheerleaders.
"Girls, coach needs all of you to go to the locker room. She has something to tell you!" I shouted. All the girls stopped talking and rushed to the locker room. They knew never to mess Coach Walsh.
"Thanks." Brian let out a sigh of relief.
"Hey ,do you want do sit with me for lunch, or do are you going to sit with the Populars?" I asked.
"Why would I sit with them? Their table is full of those...things." he shuddered. I just laughed.
"And this isn't even the begining. By the time school is over, you're going to be scarred for life." I giggled. He gulped.
"Come on." I led him to my table and we started eating.
"Who is this hunky piece of boy at our table?" a familiar voice said behind me.
I turned to see the rest of my friends;Alyce, Alexa, Zack, Charles, Christal, and Patrick.
"Oh no! They're here, too?"Brian asked, his voice a octave higher.
"No. This ash blond cat over here is Alyce, the one with red hair is Alexa, the one with grey eyes is Charles, the tall one is Zack, the one who is blushing is Christal, and the one who is making her blush is Patrick. Everybody, this is Brian Molltiese. The newbie and newest victim of the Bitch Squad." I said. Zack sat next to Brian and patted his back.
"Dude, I feel sorry for you." he said with a look of sympathy.
"If you're ever in trouble, come to me.Okay, Boy Boy?" Alyce said to him flipping her blond hair.
"Great. She gave him a nickname." Charles muttered.
"Is that a bad thing?" Brian whispered to me from acrcoss the table.
"I don't know." I sighed. I chuckled at the look on his face.
"Hey, have you found a date to my party yet?" Alexa asked. Everyone at the table turned and looked at me.
"Yes." I said.
"Who is it?" Christal asked, her brown eyes glittering with curiosity. I was about to tell them, when I got a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and grinned.
"Hey, Boyfriend. I was about to tell them about you." I said to Nathan. Everyone gasped.
"Hey, Girlfriend. I came to ask you a question." Nathan said sitting on my lap. I heard Patrick stiffle a growl, since he was like a brother to me.
"Shoot." I sighed.
"What color?" he asked.
"Green." I said.
"Okay. See ya later, Girlfriend." he got up and walked away. I heard everyone let out a breath.
"Whoa. You're dating Nathan Scott? The Girl Rejecter? How is that possible?" Alyce said.
"Don't forget, this Amber we're talking about." Charles sighed.
"True, but still. He has rejected every girl in this school." Alyce put her thinking face on.
"Actually, I'm not dating Nathan. He's my date to Alexa's party." I explained. They didn't look convinced.
"Then what was with the 'Girlfriend', 'Boyfriend' thing?" Christal asked.
"Michael kept asking me out so I told him Nathan was my boyfriend. So, now Michael thinks he's my boyfriend." I said.
"Oh." was murmured around the table. Brian hadn't said anything.
"Brian? Is something wrong?" I asked him while everyone else was talking. He looked up and I was suprised to see anger, but all I could sense was that it wasn't directed at me.
"I'm fine. I have to go." he got up and left the lunch room.

Chapter 3

I didn't see Brian for the rest of the day, either because we didn't have any more classes together, or because he was avoiding me. At the end of the school day, Alexa wouldn't stop talking about what happened with Nathan in the lunch room.
"Oh my gosh! You two were so cute! I mean, I never noticed how good a couple you two would make." she was going on and on.
"Shut up already! Gosh, it's not like we're dating." I shrieked.She looked up at (Well,down,because I'm so short.)me before getting in my Alfa Romeo.
"Whatever. I bet you're going to be the second best good looking couple there." she put lip gloss on. I guess I better tell her now.
"Look, at the party, I'm going to kiss Nathan-" was all I got out before I was interupted.
"What! Oh my gosh, I knew it! I knew you liked him!" Alexa yelled.
"-Because I owe him." I finished. She pouted.
"Oh." she sighed. I rolled my eyes as I pulled up to her house.
"See you tomorrow. I'll call you later." I said as she got out and I pulled off. When I was about 5 minutes away from my house, a figure jumped in front of my car. Of course, it was the one and only, my brother. When I stopped, he knocked on my passenger window. I opened the door and he got in.
"Hello, little sister. Your looking a little on the short side today." he chuckled.
"Shut up. You know I don't like talking about my height." I growled. He just laughed.
"That's not funny, Chris!" I pulled into the drive way. He still didn't stop laughing.
"I'm telling everybody!" I yelled as I ran out of my car. People say I'm short enough so they get the feeling to protect me. But, I'm not short, I'm fun-sized. Now if you're wondering just who these 'Everybody' are I'll tell you; there's my oldest brother, Joseph, who is 700 years old, Lucas, who is 528 years, Mikee, he's 109, Trinity, who is 87, Mary (she's my favorite.), who is 67, and Emma, who is 40. Chris (who is 18) and I (I'm 17) are the only ones at a human age. Just so you know, we can stop the aging process whenever we want.
"Chris hurt my feelings!" I yelled, running through the house.
"What did he do?" all my siblings said at the same time in front of me.
"Amber! Im going to kill you!" Chris yelled. When he saw me with our brothers and sisters, his face paled.
"Uh oh." he sqeaked and ran.
"Get him!" Mary yelled, her dark brown hair raced away. Everyone else laughed and went, too. I was skipping down the hall to my room when I suddenly hit a brick wall. I stumbled, but big arms kept me up. I looked up and smiled.
"Hi, daddy!" I said. I jumped up to hug him. Hey, I love my daddy, he's the one who chose for me to be a girl. I love my mom too, but ya know, I have to because she is the one who gave birth to my awesome self. I jumped down. There was a crash down stairs.
"What's going on?" daddy raised one black eye brow. I get my hair, my complextion, and my dimples from him. I got my height and my eyes from my mom.
"Nothing." I said in a voice that would make sugar taste sour. He smiled and wakled away, knowing I was just kidding. I walked the rest of the way to my room. My room is awesome. It's emerald green. Everything is that color. I bet you're thinking, "Why is it emerald green?". Why?Because green is awesome. I flopped on my bed and took out my phone. I had one text message. It was from Nathan.

Nathan: Hey, Girlfriend. You want to help me find an outfit for the party?
Me:Hey, Boyfriend. Sure. Where do you want to meet?
Nathan: Meet me in the food court in front of Taco Bell at the mall.
Me: KK. Be there in 5.

I smiled to myself. I was going to give him a make over. I put on a black shirt that said in green 'I'm With My Boyfriend, So Stop Staring.' in big green letters with a green arrow pointing to the right. Then, I put on some black skinny jeans that said 'Don't Drool. It's Unattractive Like Your Face.' on my butt. I put on some green flats, put my hair in cute pig tails with a side fringe, and a necklace with an emerald the size of my thumb nail on it. Then, I grabbed my phone and my keys and left.


I got there right on time. Nathan was waving to me like a lunatic. I grabbed his arm.
"Come on." I made sure the arrow was pointing at him. First, we bought him a V neck T-shirt that was black, a black and green plaid button shirt, faded black skinny jeans, and black and green converse. Once he was done, I bought the same thing, except in the girl version, without him knowing.

Nathan's P.O.V
When we were shopping, her face was always lighting up with delight. I loved her outfit. Guys kept staring at her, but I glared at them when she wasn't looking. She was so happy, she didn't even notice that I was holding her hand. I liked her alot, but there was no point. My kind can't get involved with humans. I mean, the Vampire Council would never allow it. All of a sudden, my phone started ringing my father's ringtone.
"Hold on, this is my dad." I smiled at her before walking some distance away.
"Hello." I said.
"Nathan, you need to get home, now.Your mother and I need to tell you something important." my father's voice deep voice said. I looked over at Amber.
"But, dad.I'm-" I was cut off.
"I don't care about what you're doing. This is more important." he said harshly and then hung up. I groaned.
I walked back to Amber.
"Listen, Amber, my dad needs me at home. Let me walk you to your car." I grabbed her hand and led her out of the mall. We stopped at her car. She gave me my bags and put hers in her car. Then,she turned around and gave me a hug. I tried to hide my excitement. I hugged her back.
"I had fun today. I guess, I'll see you tomorrow." she said. She got in her car and left. I finally let out my smile. I got home quickly, not wanting to anger my dad.
When I got home, they were in the dining room.
"Nathan, your father and I have made an agreement with the second most powerful family." mom said.
"What do I have to do with anything?" I asked.
"You have to choose one of their daughters to marry." dad said.
"What?!" I exclaimed.
"They're coming over on Saturday. Be on your best behavior." my father said. And then, they got up and left. But,my mom came back.
"Here." she put a ring in my hand and went to her room.

Amber's P.O.V

Nathan looked real sad when he told me he had to go. But, when I told him I had fun, I meant it. He didn't even notice that I grabbed his hand. When I walked through the front door I was yanked on to the couch.
"Where were you?" Mikee asked. I looked at him like he was stupid. I held up my shopping bags.
"Oh. Dad said that all of the girls are going to some dinner party on Saturday." he sighed.
"Great!" I said sarcastically. Usually when daddy takes the girls to a "Dinner Party", he always tries to set us up with people.
"Hey!" Mikee shouted.
"What!" I shouted back. He turned his head to me.
"Let's go to the park." he whispered. I smiled and nodded. We ran out of the house like two little school girls. On the way out we passed mom. When she saw us, she laughed.
"Be back before ten!" she yelled as we raced out the door.
When we reached the park, we sat down on the swings.
"Soooo, who is your boyfriend?" Mikee smirked. I tilted my head a little, and gave him a questioning look.
"What do you mean?" I asked. His eyes slid down to my shirt. I looked down and gasped. I still had my Boyfriend shirt on.
"No one is my boyfriend." I said just as Nathan's ringtone came on. His ringtone was My Boyfriend's Back by the Raveonettes. Mikee raised his eye brow.
"Hello?" I asked. Mikee could hear the conversation so there was no point in walking away.
"Hey, it's Nathan." Nathan said. I rolled my eyes.
"Well, I know that. I could tell by your ringtone."
"I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow after school?" Nathan asked slowly. Before I could answer, Mikee snatched the phone from my hands.
"Hey!" I yelped.
"Hi, Nathan. This is Mikee, Amber's brother. She said yes. Okay, bye now." when he turned back around, he was smiling like a maniac. I pouted as he picked me up and carried me home.

Brian's P.O.V

I watched as her brother carried her home. I needed to get her alone before she got married to that boy. After all, once she was claimed, I would not be able to get what belongs to me. And SHE has what belongs to me. I will get her, even if it kills her.

Amber's P.O.V

I groaned.
"Why are you carrying me?" I whined.
"Because there are crazy people out here who could snatch you up." he whispered.
"Like you?" I asked. He nodded. Mikee kicked open the front door. I wiggled out of his arms and ran into my room and called Alexa.
"Hey, girlie. What's up?" she answered.
"Nathan just asked me over to his house tomorrow." I said.
"WHAT! He asked you out?!" This is Alexa over-exagerating things, as usual.
"No. Over to his house. Not on a date." I said as if I were talking to a child. She growled in frustration.
"Why won't you two just go out already?!" she half screamed.
"Hmm. Maybe because we don't like eachother? Or maybe there is this law that says I can't?" I said as if I just discovered it.
"Whatever. You know you just love

braking the laws." she yawned.
"Well, maybe I don't want to die!" I whispered.
"Jeez, you know your dad would never let any one lay a hand on you." she snorted.
"That's true-but that's not the point! The point is that he's human and I'm a vampire." I said. Point. Blank. Period.
"Whatever. Anyway, I just killed a spider in my room." Alexa cried.
"What kind of spider?" I asked, laying down on my bed.
"A wood spider." I tilted my head.
"Isn't that a little bit random?"
"Sort of. I mean,yesterday it was flys, now spiders. What's next, snakes?" she yelled.
"Why are you yelling?" I asked calmly.
"Because 5 more just came out of the ceiling!" she wailed. I laughed.
"Well, I'll leave you to your spider killing spree." I said, "Watch out for spider eggs!"
"Shut up!" she shrieked. I laughed again as I hung up. I put on some Tweety Bird (A/N: Tweety Bird is my husband, I swear! Don't hate on him!

) pajamas and went downstairs to join my family for dinner.


I woke up, refreshed from my long sleep. I was now ready to do what I came here for. To destroy.

Amber's P.O.V

The day at Nathan's house was good, I got to meet his family. I never knew he had an older brother that went to our school. A brother who hit on me, just to annoy Nathan. I laughed at their strange way to show affection for eachother; instead of hugs, there were hair nuggies, instead of hand shakes, there were arm wrestles. Those were at eachothers necks, but all in good fun.
"So? Why should I care?" I was saying to Christal. She kept telling me that she heard Brian had a girlfriend.
"Because he's interested in you!"
"Hey, check out the new girl!" I heard behind me. The hallway was suddenly quiet.
I turned and held in a gasp. The new girl was here. She had wavy brown hair,she was tall, and had chocolate brown eyes. She was wearing a black wife beater and blue skinnies. And she had a small necklace on.
"Well, fresh meat for the BS, don't you think?" I asked Christal. She nodded.
"She looks strong enough." Christal smirked.
"She doesn't look human, that's all I know." Christal agreed.

The new girl has been the buzz all day and I was sick of it. Okay, she's new and pretty. So what? It was annoying, plus tonight was the dance, so it was making me even more annoyed. I groaned as I flopped onto the couch.
"What's wrong lil' sister?" Mary asked.
"Nothing, just annoyed." I grumbled. Mary raised one brow.
"The new girl. Okay, she's new,but do you have to talk about her all day? It's annoying." I sighed. Mary hummed.
"Well, ingore her and have a good time at the dance." was all she said.
"Really? Seriously? That's all you have to say?" I whined.
"What else is there to say? Do you want me to say go beat her up or drink her blood? That wouldn't be very Big Sisterly, you know. I do have a reputation to keep." she said.
"Aww! That's why I love you!" I cooed and gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
"Ew! Just because we're related doesn't mean put your saliva all over my face!" she whined. I laughed and got ready for the dance.

Nathan's P.O.V

My brother, Leroy, sat on my bed and laughed at me. Why? Because I'm pacing in my room like a madman. I was so nervous, I almost wanted to call Amber and cancel.
"Why are you so nervous? She's just a human." Leroy said. I stopped and glared at him.
"She's not a slut like your girls are, Leroy. Even for a human, she

deserves some respect." I growled. He just smirked.
"Relax, brother. It's not like you love her." he snorted.
"Eh." I coughed dramatically.
"You don't love her, right?" Leroy half yelled. I looked down at my carpeted floor.
"Are you out of your mind?!" he hissed.
"Look, you don't know her. She's...different. It's like, well, she makes me happy and I feel like I might actually fit in this world, you know? She's no ordinary human, Leroy. She's special, I just don't know how." I sighed. I looked at my watch and cursed.
"I have to go." I said rushing to get my jacket.
"Tomorrow you're choosing your wife. You need to get this little human crush out of your head. It'll only make bad things happen on both ends." Leroy said quietly. I looked back at him, but didn't answer him as I shut the door.

Amber's P.O.V

"Amber, let me just-" Emma whined.
"No, just leave it. It's fine." I sighed.
"Fine. If you get called ugly, it's not my fault." she sniffed. I rolled my eyes at her.
"Isn't that a bit dramatic, Emma?" Trinity asked.
"What? Me? Being to dramatic? Our lives are too boring! I'm here to make it dramatic. So, deal with it or die!" Emma tackled Trinity to the ground ( my bedroom floor) and started giving her a wet willy. Have you ever been given a wet willy by a vampire? It's horrible. Makes me shiver, unless it's one of my siblings getting the wet willy. I laughed at the two of them and looked in my mirror. I had on the knee length dress I designed, my green flats, my hair was tamed into a curly ponytail with a small, but cute, hump at the top. The two stopped wrestling on the floor to coo at me.
"Aww! Look at her."
"She looks like a little fairy." I raised my eye brow at that one. Fairy?
"Your headband." Trinity said. Oh, yeah! My headband was green and black velvet with small black beads and a satin green butterfly on it. But still. A vampire fairy? I shook my head at them.
"SMH" I said to them.
"What?" they said at the same time.
"Shaking. My. Head." I said slowly. They just smiled. The door bell rang. We all squealed like little school girls. I heard my awesome dad answer the door.
"Amber!" he called. I hugged my sisters before leaving my room. When I walked downstairs, I heard three gasps. One, from my dad, one from Nathan, and one from my mom. I looked up from the steps and gave them a small smile.
"Oh, my baby!" mom cried. I sighed quietly.
"Come on so we came take some pictures." my dad smiled at me. I nodded and stood next to Nathan. I put an arm around his waist and he did the same. Soon, my eyes were watering because of all the flashing lights aimed at my face.
"Okay, are we done? My eyes are watering." I said. 5 flashes later, Nathan and I were on our way to the dance.

Ophelia's P.O.V

This would be an easy kill. My mission was to destroy the last daughter of the Forest Clan. And Amber Forest was my target. Once this was done, Master would give me my freedom. And once I was free, I'd start my own Pack and have a life of my own. Freedom was so close, I could almost smell it. I couldn't screw this up. Wouldn't.

Brian's P.O.V

My date to the dance would not shut up. She had dyed blonde hair and watery blue eyes that looked like she was always about to cry. She was talking about how all of her friends would be jealous because she got the new guy. I was tempted to snap her neck, my patience with this girl running thin.
"Hey, what's your full name?" I asked because I had forgotten her name.
"Oh, Samantha Cathy LaBarge." she said proudly.
"Nice name." I snorted. She gasped.
"I bet it's better than your full name."
"Brian Mason Moltiese." I said. She pouted,but stayed quiet the rest of the ride. When we walked into the building, the first thing I saw was Amber and Nathan. Together. Damn. Those Elders work fast. That put me on a time crunch.
"Damn him." I said under my breath. Luckily, Samantha hadn't heard me.
"Why don't you go and get us some drinks?" I suggested to the girl. She nodded and trotted off to the refreshment table.
A couple seconds later I caught Amber's eye and motioned her over.
"So, this is the party?" I joked in her ear when she reached me.
"Yeah,this is it." she beamed.
"It's nice, but a little dull." I answered, with a fake disinterested shrug. Amber smirked.
"Just wait until Mr.DeVril leaves. He the chaperon until he decides its safe and no one is going to have sex on the dance floor." she answered, jerking her head in the direction of a balding man with Steve Urkel pants. He had a clipboard in hand and was watching the teens on the dance floor.
"When is he leaving exactly?" I asked. Amber held up both hands and counted down. As soon as she had reached one, the chaperon had walked out the door.
"Nice..." I said, applauding her as she made a motion of flipping her hair and bowing.


Texte: Do not steal this.I got the image from
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2011

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I dedicate this to my friend,Mahalea,for being there and going with me on all of our crazy adventures.I love you,Haley!

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