

I awoke in a cold sweat, my long ash blond hair sticking to my face. I look around my familiar room, and clutch at the locket that hangs around my neck. I can feel the energy that constantly flows through it like a pulse under my fingers. A feeling of emptiness lingered. I moaned knowing I wasn’t a morning person. My house was unusually quiet, even for this early in the morning. I extend my hearing; tapping into the energy around me, and still not a sound. I take a deep breath and wait for my moms perfume or bath soap to fill my nose. Nothing, I sigh, it had been a week and she still hadn’t returned I slip hesitantly out of bed to investigate, for the sixth time this week. Energy hummed all around me.
I had always known I was different, ok maybe not always, but for quite some time now. My hearing, sight, sense of smell, reflexes, strength, was all too different. I could feel the energy of everything around me. I always could. I thought everyone could. Until in seventh grade I insisted that my friend Samantha touch a tree because I could read its stories. I lost my best friend that day. I went in to full fledged withdrawal from everyone. My mom, teachers, everyone. I didn’t talk, and I listened to my music, lost in thought. I wasn’t sure how to control it at first. I tried to be normal for my mom, and then she adopted my little sister, and I was being normal for her. I thought I had kept it a good enough secret, even from her, my own mother.
I rush down the hall, and jump the stairs, I shut the floor with an inaudible thud, my feet were bare and the wood floors chilled my feet. I could hear my mom’s voice echoing in my ears, for a second I thought it was real. Radella darling, put on some socks, you’ll freeze. But as I glance along the room, there wasn’t a trace of her or my sister. My eyes zeroed in, once again, on a piece of paper on the kitchen table. It was a letter that had sat on that table for six days. I hadn’t touched it. Now I knew I had to. I walk over to it as if in a daze. I take the paper with a delicate hand, and I recognize the handwriting as my moms.
Dearest child,
I have always looked at you as a child, a daughter of my own. But in truth I am not. I pains me to say even though, I raised you have no blood connections to you. I was a lonely woman, and beautiful baby appeared in a basket like a fairytale. With a letter filled with your life story. I took you in, and you were mine, but it is tome you go back now honey, to the world you rightfully belong in. your sister and I have to leave, as hard as it is to leave you alone. I can’t stay any longer. But I can tell you this; you have to get away from the house. The letter told of three others, you must meet them in the old Train car garage off the highway They will be your family, your future. Go to them, they will be waiting for you. You will run together. I have left you with money that was given to me to raise you, along with some I saved. I also bought you a car, your corvette baby. Like you always wanted with the speakers that you liked so much. Just like you said. Don’t worry about me, or your sister. We will be fine. I took some food from the fridge and put in the cooler. Pack everything you want to take with you. And leave as fast as you can. Find these people. They won’t let you in unless you show them your power. I know this is all confusing, but it will make sense soon. You will always be momma’s little girl. Even though you never were, you were always grown up, and I am so proud of you. I will love you forever.
-signed with love and hope, Momma
The energy on the paper was as clear as the words, pure sadness. I could see my mother writing this. Her tears spilling over in the dead of night while I slept. I glance at a long manila envelope unopened only inches away from my hand. I reach over and open it, wondering what pain lay inside the sorrow touched envelope. I dump the contents onto the table, and sift through them lightly with shaking fingers. . Where did she get the money for a corvette? I thought mindlessly as I looked at the many objects. A set of car keys, a platinum credit card, and what looked like well over 500,000$ in hundred and five hundred, dollar bills. I see one small piece of paper, one more note from Momma. It had the code to my credit card on it, I shove that into my pocket tears leaking from my eyes. I pick the car keys up, normally getting a corvette could have made my day, well my life, but now I would give it all for my family back. I pocket the keys and the card, the last things was a small feather light silver ring. I recognized it immediately, it was my moms, and she never took it off. She told me it was her mothers’ Grandmothers’ ring. On the inside were the words, Love Freely. I slip the small ring onto my middle finger on my left hand.

I ran up to my room, with uncanny speed, and ripped my duffel bag out of my closet. I hardly paid any attention on what clothes I was throwing into the bag. I like all my clothes; I just packed whatever touched my fingertips. I reached in my nightstand door to grab my candles, and my MP3. I shoved them in the bag, and rushed to get dressed. I snatch my pillow and shove it into the bag as well. Even though ive put almost everything I own in the bag, it is only half full. My fingers skim across my favorite blanket; the one mom made for me and shoved that into the bag too. I run into the bathroom, and throw everything, into the bag, no matter what it was. I jump down the stairs and drop my bag by the table. The garage door creaks open and I step inside, breathing in the familiar musty smell of our garage. It was dark and I reached for the light switch. The small single light bulb in the center of our garage ceiling flickered on. It took only a second for my eyes to adjust, and all the breath I could have had in my body was gone. Just as momma had promised, there was my Corvette, the new black paint glinting from the light. The sight took my breath away, momma shouldn’t have, really. My momma wasn’t rich; she had money, but she wasn’t rich. I could have found another way. I click the unlock button twice, and I hear the locks move. I grab a case of bottled water and put it in the car, after I put the cooler in. I wanted to sit in the car and marvel, but something inside me warned me to hurry. I run back into the house and grab my wallet, as well as momma’s old purse off the counter. I put most of the cash in momma’s purse, but the credit card and about 2,000 dollars went into my wallet, and into my back pocket. I know I only have a few minutes left, but I have to. I book it up the stairs and into my room. I lift the floor boards and grab three blank diaries, that only held pictures from all my seventeen years of life, but no words. My mom had given them to me; I thought it was stupid so I never used them. Now I would, in memory of momma. I go back into the hallway, I almost leave, but as I start to pass my sisters room, Im drawn in there. I have to go in. I push the pale pink door open and enter my little sister’s room. She was only five, her room, was pink and covered in fairies. I walk over to her small bed and sit on it. All of her stuff seemed to still be there. All except her pillow some clothes, her favorite blanket, and her doll, molly. More tears drench my face, as I see a picture on her nightstand. It was one taken only a few months ago.
Momma had taken us to the park, and she had wanted to swing. I agreed, and we started toward the swing, but before we left, momma called out to us. Radella, Ava, be careful. She had said. I smiled at her, and promised that we would. I lifted her small body onto the swing, and told her to hang on. I remember her tiny knuckles going white as her grip tightened. I pulled her back and started pushing her. I can touch the sun! See Radella! She called and looked back at me. I smiled at her. Yes you can, my baby, you can. I had yelled back. I loved her so much, she was my life. She came back down and I held her in my arms. Momma grabbed the camera and she took the photo. Ava sitting in the swing and me leaning over her and smiling at my mom.
I grab the photo and put it in the front of one of my diaries. The only other thing on the nightstand was her ring, and a folded piece of paper. I pick it up. It was from her, my little sister. My mom had written it though.

Dear, Radella, my big sister.
Momma says we have to leave; I don’t want to leave you. But we have to. Im leaving our picture, the one from the park, and my ring for you, so you won’t forget me. I won’t ever forget you. Not ever. I made momma promise that she wouldn’t let me forget. I don’t know why you can’t come, but I wish you could. Im taking the Angel you gave me, with us. Momma gave me a picture of you. I won’t ever let it out of my sight. I promise. I hope I can see you again, someday. Momma says you can’t come back, but if you can, come find us. I love you.

-Your little sister always Ava.
For crying out loud she was only five years old. She shouldn’t have to go through this. I could see her tears, or maybe they were mommas stained on the paper, and they weren’t the only ones. My own tears were there too. I wouldn’t ever forget her. I look at the shelf above her bed, and sure enough, the statue of an angel I gave her was gone. I grab the tiny ring on her nightstand, the single silver band, and put it on my locket chain, so she would be close to my heart. I knew I had to get out of there, but I couldn’t leave without seeing mommas room. I cross the hall and open momma’s door. Her room was a nice size and elegant. Her room was neat, as always and I could still smell her perfume from the years she had been using it. The scent was in everything she owned. I glance around the room. Her closet was nearly bare and her bed was made. The only thing on her nightstand was a book, it was leather bound and looked really old. I recognized it was momma’s heir loom from Grams. I opened it. It was full of recipes, but not for food, for charms, like the one momma had put on her ring. I recognized them. Momma had taught me from this book. But not some. Not until you’re older. The memory of her voice echoed through my head. I nodded to myself, as though in agreement. Not until I was older. I had to leave now, but as I was leaving, I saw something, lain across momma’s bed. It was her silk dress. I had never seen her wear it, I had asked her about it once. Oh that old thing, I would never fit in it. She had said with a laugh, she wasn’t fat, but she was tall, and I knew that was what she meant. I never asked about it again. But now, I looked at it in amazement. It was a deep fiery red, and I had an urge to put it on. I did, the shoes too. It wasn’t bulky, but it was thin and slim, I loved it. It was sleeveless, and made my chest look much larger that it was. That’s it. I decided. I have to get out of here. And with that I gathered my books, and my other clothes. On my way out to the garage, I put my books and my other clothes in the bag. I grabbed momma’s purse, and slung the bag over my shoulder. The only thing left was momma’s note, I grab that too. I put all the stuff in the car and enter the house one more time. I grabbed the garage opener and the house keys, in case I ever came back. The last things I grab are my sunglasses, and my black jacket, and I say good bye to my old home, my old family, my old life


After driving aimlessly for around three hours, I finally stumbled onto the old Train car garage. It was an old rusty building that had been there for ages, and looked like it was about to collapse. I pull up and step out of the car, I feel so stupid in my momma’s dress, but I really didn’t care. It had been a shitty week, and I didn’t care what I was wearing. I look around and go up to the only door not out of seeing range from my car. I knock, and wait, nothing. I knock again, and a voice calls to me.
‘Name?’ a female voice asks.
‘Radella.’ I reply. The door swings open, and her waves of energy hit me so hard I could have passed out. Even before I saw her I knew what she looked like. She was taller than me, by a little, and her black hair flowed down to her waist. Her silver eyes matched mine, as well as her pale skin. Wow. I smile at her. And she smiles at me.
‘Riley.” She says and holds out her hand to me. ‘Radella’
I say and take her hand. A spark blows between us, and all sorts of memories, flow into me. Her memories. It was just her and her dad, but he wasn’t around much. He loved, her, but he had a job that kept him away. Her school life was the same as mine, after she got her powers, wow we were a lot alike. Her father left, just like my mom. Leaving a note, and some knives. She was very sad, I could sense it. But she was hiding it well. The spark went out as fast as it started.
‘I’m sorry.’ She said, she had seen my memories too. I nod and tell her the same.
‘Must have been that spark thing.’ I say, she smiles, and nods in agreement. She turns behind her and digs in her bag. She pulls out a silver black throwing knife, she hands it to me.
‘He said this one was for you. In the note.’ Riley tells me.
‘He was a thoughtful man.’ I reply not knowing what I meant by it.
‘So are they boys here?’ I ask curiously.
‘Nope, not yet.’ She says shaking her head so her silky hair trembles.
‘Pizza?’ Riley offers me.
‘You ordered pizza?’ I ask appalled.
‘Yea, why not?’ My eyes go wide.
‘Aren’t we supposed to be like under cover and such?’ I ask, amused.
‘Yea.’ Riley replies. I was going to really like her, in truth I almost ordered pizza, but resisted, thank god, for her lack of self control. I smile, at her.
‘I have a cooler full of food in the car, and money up the butt, but I didn’t think it was safe ordering pizza.’ I say, and took a slice, it was fresh, it must have gotten here just before I did.
‘Really? Where did you get the money?’ She asks.
‘My mom left it for me, I have no idea where she got it from, and she bought me a car.’ I say resisting the urge to call my mom momma, even though I knew she wouldn’t care.
‘My dad left me the knives and bought me a car.’ She says with a grin, she was proud of her dad, she should be.
‘What kind of car?’ I ask, trying to start conversation.
‘Mustang GT, midnight blue. Like I always wanted.’ she says, wow, mustangs were nice.
‘Nice, I got a black corvette, just like I always wanted its outside.’ I say, and that reminded me. My car. ‘That reminds me. Is there somewhere safe I can park it?’ I ask.
‘Sure, in here, it’s where mine is.’ Riley says, motioning with a hand toward a part of the warehouse I hadn’t looked at, and sure as night, there was a midnight blue mustang, looking beautiful.
‘Ok, ill be right back. Open the garage door for me?’ I ask. She nods and head up a set of metal stairs to push a button. A huge rusting metal garage door creaks open, to reveal, my Corvette. Riley looked stunned, amazed, I guessed she had the same expression on her face as I did when I sat her car. I go out to my car, and click the unlock button two times. It unlocks, and I slip into the car. I start the engine and listen to it purr for a moment, and then pull into the garage, next to the mustang. I turn off the car and step out. Riley closed the garage. ‘Now we wait, for the boys.’ I say, and take a seat next to Riley and the pizza. As if summoned there are two knocks, one from the door closest to me, and one from the door closest to Riley. I look at her and she holds up three fingers, counting down. At one we both call out.
‘Name?’ our voices echo off the metal walls.
‘David.’ Says the door by Riley.
‘Ian.’ Says the door by me. Riley looks at me and nods, these were the guys. I walk to the door, reaching it just before it falls to the ground. The sight in front of me was not what I expected. The boy in front of me was maybe a head taller than me, with silver eyes, and a pale complexion, wow. His hair was dark blonde almost auburn. It was cut short in a punkemo hair cut. I was nearly stunned to silence. His eyes were wide as he looked at me. Oh, he doesn’t know who I am I thought, silly me. I extend my hand like Riley had.
‘Radella.’ I say, but the shocked look was still plain on his face.
‘What?’ I ask. ‘Never seen a girl before?’ I ask. Teasing of course. He nods.
‘I have seen many girls, but none I can say, like you.” He says with a sexy playboy smile that matched his voice so perfectly. Wow he had a way with words. I laugh, and shake my head.
‘The girl you are looking for is over there.’ I say motioning with my extended hand. He shakes head in reply. I turn my head to its side and peer up at him.
‘You going to shake my hand?’ I ask playfully. He smiles at me again and takes my hand. As soon as our fingers touch, electricity a million times stronger that Riley’s spark rushes through me. The force blows us both backwards. I slam into a metal sliding panel, and all Ians memories rush through me. He didn’t have a mom, or a dad. Just his older sister. They had been alone for almost as long as he could remember. I felt a rush of sympathy for him. I’m sure it shows on my face. One word rushes through my mind more than any of his memories. Soul mate it whispered to me over and over again, you found your soul mate it tells me, and I knew it was true. I groan and life my body up off the concrete floor. Ian is already up, and running over to me. ‘Are you okay?’ he asks, his voice genuinely concerned. His arms are around me, I nod, still unable of speech. I knew him. From somewhere. Ian, Ian. I run the name through my memory, nothing came up. But there was something. I could feel it. I took me a moment to realize, I was saying his name out loud. I could feel the eat rushing up to my face but he wasn’t looking at my face, he was looking into my eyes. We were connected now, I could feel it. The connection was stronger, that mine and Riley’s. I don’t know how long we looked at each other like that, it could have been hours, I wouldn’t have noticed. I didn’t come back to reality until I felt his lips warm over mine. Soft and sweet. We could have kissed forever, but I had to breathe unfortunately. I gasped for air, and looked back into his eyes. We belonged together. I knew it, and by the look in his eyes, he knew it too. ‘What the…?’ I heard Riley say, I hadn’t noticed, but the same thing had happened to her too, with the guy I presumed was David. I shrug, and stand weakly; my bones were tingling from the electricity.
‘So we are soul mates?’ I asked Ian, feeling so stupid that I had to ask, but he just looked adoringly at me. He didn’t make me feel stupid, not in the least.
‘Looks like that babe.’ He replied. Making me smile. This was such a weird day, I had cried today more that I ever had, and I had smiled today more that I have in a long time. This was the worst and best day of my life. We can’t stay here for long. I know that.
‘Ian, Riley, David, we have to leave soon.’ I tell them they nod in agreement. David extends a hand to me and I take it, now used to the rush of memories, he was the only one with both parents. Lucky him I think to myself. It took me a moment to realize that now we could all communicate without speech. How odd.
‘Well now that we know that we have to get the hell out of here, we had better figure out car arrangements.’ Riley says. She’s right.
‘Do you have cars?’ David asks. I point at the cars in the corner.
‘Whose do you think those are?’ I ask, Ians eyes bulge and threaten to pop out of his head.
‘Those are yours?’ he asks, shocked.
‘The Corvette is mine. The mustang is hers.’ I say with a smile.
‘Leave it to the girls to have cars.’ David says. ‘You got a car?’ He asks Ian, whom shakes his head.
‘Took the bus.’ He says looking mildly embarrassed. ‘You?’
‘Hell no. Taxi, it was pretty weird giving a taxi these directions.’ David replies. That was so sad. I loved my car, momma shouldn’t have, but I love it just the same.
‘Ill ride with Radella.’ Ian says, I thought that was kind of given. ‘You can ride with Riley.” I get into my car and turn around on the seat to dig in the backseat to get my MP3 out of my bag. I needed more than the radio this time. I mean I didn’t even know where we were going. I connect my MP3 to the speakers and pick a good song. I look at my speakers while they blare music. They move to the beat, and I stare in amazement. only seconds later Ian gets in, he puts his stuff in the back, and marvels at my car for a minute.
We were on a highway now, and the road was almost empty. It after all was two in the morning. I thought I should be tired, but I wasn’t, none of us were. It must have been the adrenaline rush I guess. We drove four hours, continuously with out food, of sleep, even stops. We were on our way to a place, we didn’t know where this place was plus we only had vague directions on how to get there. By seven in the morning, we started to get tired.
‘Why don’t we just sleep for a few hours in the car in some parking lot? Then we can get up, eat something and be on our way’. I suggest. Riley seemed to like the idea, but the boys insisted, we stop now, get a hotel, walk down to a café get a snack, and go to bed. We gave in, I think we both liked their ideas better anyway.
‘So let’s, when we get a room, get situated, and put them on all at the same time’ I suggest, to Ian who agrees and calls the others.
About twenty minutes later, we reached the next exit. We got off, it was a small town. The sign over the highway bridge said ‘Welcome to…’ we didn’t know the name of the town, someone had spray painted all across the name of the town. How sad I thought to myself and the others. I wasn’t going to cry about a sign but that was so disrespectful. I couldn’t believe my eyes. And it was everywhere. My eyes started to become drowsy with lack of sleep. I pulled in to the closest hotel, with Riley behind me. I got out of the car, luckily it was warm here, too like home…oh, home… you should stop thinking of home. I warn myself. It only brings you grief. I was dressed my mommas dress, it reminded me somewhat of a sundress, except it was made of silk which made it look elegant, though it wasn’t. With the dull look of the town, I expected it to be cold, it wasn’t. That was good, I didn’t like the cold. I reach in the back; grab momma’s purse, and my bag. I grab my MP3, wasn’t sure if I packed my doc, probably, because I had packed almost everything I owned. I suspect the things I was carrying would have been heavy to a normal person, but they were quite light to me. I lock my car, and follow Riley into the reception area of the hotel.
‘How many rooms should we get?’ I ask Riley as we go up to the desk. She eyes my sneakily with a thoughtful yet dirty look on her face.
‘Two, one for me, and David, one for you, and…him.’ She smiles widely at me and points at Ian.
‘No reason not to, I mean, it’s not like we don’t know each other.’ In truth we had just met, but we knew each other more that my momma probably did. I silently curse myself for remembering momma. Riley knew what I meant though. We did know each other.
‘Done.’ I agree, turning to eye Ian, he sees me, even though he wasn’t supposed to, and smiles. I smile back, reflexively. I turn to look at the receptionist as he comes around the corner to help us. I notice his name tag says Jeremiah, a nice name. He looked around fifteen, maybe sixteen, his sandy blonde hair was spiked with blue tips, and his blue eyes were mischievous. I had a feeling I would like this kid.
‘Hello, how may I help you?’ he asks with a bright smile, what a kind soul. But a little bubbly, he worked in a hotel, of course we were here for a room.
‘We need a few rooms, two to be exact.’ Riley says politely. I turn to see Aaron, but they had gone outside I guessed. They weren’t in here. The thought of Aaron makes me smile randomly. I turn back to Jeremiah; his kind smile had turned sly.
‘You really should share a room; it’s cheaper, and safer, especially here in the ghetto.’ He was trying to scare us, into bed with him; I could see it in his eyes. It wasn’t working; neither Riley nor I was scared in the least.
‘Some one could stay in there, protect you.’ He slips into the sentence, trying to be slick. I resist the urge to grab him by the neck and check him into the wall. Instead, I speak to him, in a tone designed for a deadly threats. My eyes penetrate his, digging deep into his soul, his existence.
‘We will be fine. Trust me Jeremiah.’ His eyes seem to bulge so much they might pop out of his head. I smile at the thought, I wasn’t a cruel person, but I can stand my own, and I don’t like it when someone questions that ability.
‘We can be friends or we can be enemies, your pick. Choose wisely.’ I say my voice the consistency of razors mixed with honey.
‘Our boyfriends wouldn’t like that idea at all. Please, can we have two rooms?’ Riley says, jumping in on the fun. I smile sweetly. She had changed her tone so dramatically for the second sentence that Jeremiah jumped. He hands us a pair of card keys, I lean over and hand him a hundred dollar bill, he needed it, to get out of this dump. I lean close to his ear, and he freezes.
‘Don’t get into trouble Jeremiah.’ I whisper in his ear, barely loud enough for him to hear, but I'm sure Riley heard loud and clear. I smile and blow him a kiss before I we leave. He was so scared. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a brain aneurysm. But I'm sure he didn’t. Riley and I approach the boys, dangling the keys in our hands. I hold it up to Ian and he reaches out to take it. I pull it back. ‘You’ll have to catch me.’ I say so sweetly its like I sang to him. Riley nods in agreement, and we take off. All four of us were running now, as fast as we could, being tired and all. We were going about half as fast as usual, but it still made people stare as we ran by. I pass an elderly woman, maybe in her sixties.
‘Kids these days, and their steroids.’ She mutters, I turn to her for a moment, much too fast for her to notice, and whispered in her ear.
‘We don’t take steroids, we are natural.’ I say it sweetly, careful not to give the woman a heart attack, and turn away. By the time she turns to question my voice, I am already up the stairs. Im only a little in front of Ian, so I gain speed. Pushing my legs through sleepiness. I become, many seconds in front of him, and reach the door. I use my time to unlock the door and step inside. I drop the key on the table and wait for him. He smiles at me when he reaches the room. He breathes normally, the same as the rest of us. Not any less tired than before. ‘Time for a shower.’ I announce, I drop my bag by the bed and go into the bathroom. It was a fair looking bathroom, with a vanity and shower. I turn the old style shower valve and warm water runs from it. I undress tiredly and step in to the shower, barely remembering to set out a towel. I don’t know how long I was in there, might have been hours. Maybe only minutes. I washed myself pink with the traditional soap of a hotel. It at least had a nice smell. Once I was clean I stepped out of the shower. I grab my towel and look at the mirror. I rub my hand over it to get the steam off. I look into my eyes, like I always do when out of the shower, and see something new. Happiness, no, joy. I had always been happy with momma and Ava but now I was joyful, and in love, madly in love. It sounded crazy; I had only met him yesterday. Was it really only yesterday? It could have been a week, a month, I wouldn’t have noticed. But in truth it was only yesterday. Wow. I look in a door, and find a brush, I run it through my hair, and try to dry my body. I turn around confused for a moment. I hadn’t brought clothes in here with me. My eyes darted around the room, it was true, I had for gotten clothes. Well, shit. I wrap the towel tightly around my, gather my dignity, and open the door. I almost drop my towel. Ian was standing right there. His eyes wide as if he were a deer caught in the head lights of a truck in hunting season. He was staring at me, I glance down, thinking maybe I had dropped the towel. No, everything was covered, to an amount of decency. His breath slips from in between his lips. Next thing I know his lips are on mine; I hold the towel tighter around me and pull away. I didn’t exactly want to, but I had to. Gathering my dignity I dig into my red duffel bag in search of some bed clothes. Finding nothing but a pair of shorts. I grab those, and my bra, and return to the bathroom. Normally this was what I wore to bed, but I felt strangely naked when I walked back into the bedroom to find Ian in the bed, shirtless. I pull The comforter away from the sheets and slide in next to him. I read the energy that pulsed between us. Mine was nervous sad, but happy. His was total contentment mixed with peace. I had never read an aura quite like his. I pull the sheets tighter to me, and relax. “Ian?” I ask. He turns to me, his silver/grey eyes misty. “Hmmm?” His voice was rough and it sent shivers up my s[pine like I had never heard his speak. “What’s your super power?” I ask. It sounded pretty pathetic, ill admit, but it was a good question. “I manifest things that don’t exist.” He says with a smile. “Example?” I prompt hopefully. He holds his hand out to me, I want to touch it but I resist. He closes his eyes, and He is holding a mix between a tulip and a rose. It was beautiful. He hands it to me. I bring it up to my nose and smell the soft elegant scent. It was amazing. “So, you could manifest me a shirt?” I suggest. He smiles cloyingly. “No, I don’t believe I can.” I new he could but, I smiled anyway. He was charming, in a sexy dangerous way. He lies back down, and I look at him for a moment before doing the same.


The morning light comes much too soon. I moan and turn over, to look at the clock, it says 9:33. Why hadn’t my momma woken me up? Then the memories of the last week rushed back, to me, well most of them. I open my eyes to see Ian, peacefully asleep. My head was laid next to his, much too close. How did that happen I wonder? His chest was bare and beautiful. I avert my eyes with a sudden feeling that said clearly. (What did we do last night?) Then that memory came back to me too. I sighed it was ok. We didn’t do anything I wouldn’t do fully awake. I smile to myself and move to kiss his cheek; he stirs and opens his eyes. He smiles at me before murmuring.
‘I thought you were a dream, im glad your not.’ He says, clearly full of joy.
‘Im not creative enough to dream you up, you continue to surprise me, like with that kiss last night.’ I say, my smile showing even more. He smiles at me wildly, with the play boy smile I love so much. I could have been glowing; my mind was in the clouds.
The door bursts open, and I grab the blankets for a shred of left over dignity, but when I look dow ni realize I am wearing a cotton tank top. I smile at Ian, but he isn’t looking. His eyes are glued to the door where ,Riley is standing, bright eyed and beaming.. I relax, not much, but a little.. David turns the corner, and jumps just like Riley had, and covers his eyes.
‘Whoa, no one told me this room was X-rated.’ He says playfully, a teasing tone in his voice.
‘Look whos talking.’ I say, everyone looks at me, Ian with a look of surprise, Riley with a look of smothered guilt, and David with a look of pride.
‘What?’ Riley tries her chances. I laugh.
‘You have love-hair. Babe, and plus Ian and I didn’t DO anything.’ I say to her, and she gives in with a semi guilty smile. I head to the bathroom to get dressed, throwing on a pair of baggy cutoffs and a red shirt that came down to my belly-button. I exit the bathroom, and everyone is staring.
‘Who knew, you have a body?!’ Riley squeals teasingly.
‘Do not!’ I yell back, accusingly. ‘Get your eyes checked.’ I smile at her and laugh.
‘Do so.’ Ian disagrees, completely serious. ‘I would know, from personal experience.’ Yes he would. I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his warm lips and take his hand in mine.
“Come on, take a seat and lets review. What exactly are we doing anyway?” I ask.
“We are obviously on a mission, but to where?” Riley continues, I appreciate her enthusiasm.
“Ok, the only thing my mother told me was to find you and you would be my family.” I say laying the note of the table we had all gathered around. Riley reads it and passes it to David. Riley reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a yellow wrinkled paper. She unfolds it and smooths it out over the wooden table. It was a very detailed drawing of a house. It was elegantly built with new age stone and surrounded by tall ancient trees. In the distance were large wheat fields and a large pond. It was beautiful. I was almost lost in a trance.
“Plus, look at this.” Riley says, flipping the page over. On the other side of the page was a necklace. My necklace. I open my mouth to speak.
“What are we supposed to do with a picture of a house, and a drawing of some necklace?” David asks.
“My necklace.” I correct, six eyes turn to me, and I point to my neck, where the exact duplicate of the sketch hung.
The energy in the air heats up, and thickens to portray deep sense of evil. No one else seemed to notice. I pull apart the satin drapes that seem out of place in this hotel. Then we saw it, all of us. A dark man was peering out of an oldies looking car that I couldn’t place. I instantly knew that was what we were running from. We had to leave now.
I throw whatever clothes I touch, grab my mommas dress, packed it, neatly, and had to resist my urge to flee the area or punch something. I had a little bit too much fight, and flight, in my system Bags in hand. We book it one at a time down the back stairs, even though Ian insisted, the man was gone. I wasn’t taking any chances. Not even close. It took us only seconds to reach the car, at our slowest possible speed. Well when we were in a hurry that was. We jumped in the car, and I cranked my MP3 to the perfect song, although Ian stared at me as though I was insane for wasting time to pick a song. Come on, theme music, it gets me in the mood, for running.

It was hours later when I realized. The guy in the car knew what we looked like. We needed a make over, and no I wasn’t just saying that for a reason to go to the salon, I hate salons. They were all pink and frilly, I couldn’t stand them. Not in the least. But this was a serious situation. I threw that idea at the others and they werent very enthusiastic about it, but they agreed. In the next town, we stopped at the closest mall and ran in. we approached the salon and I dreaded it. We went in, and I talked to the girl at the desk.
‘Hi, we are kinda in a hurry, and we need a completely new look, that will last.’ The girl looked at me blankly, as if she didn’t understand what I said.
‘Get your best stylists on it.’ Riley suggested. ‘We will pay twice as much as normal, just please hurry.’ Now the girl came to. She seemed to know what we were saying. She mumbled something about only having two really good stylists, so Riley went for makeup, and David went for whatever he could find. I told him to get a pair of sunglasses for me. I lost mine.
‘If you are getting hats, get good ones.’ I add as he leaves.. Aaron and I sat I the stylist chairs, that smelt strongly of mousse and hairspray, but I bet only
Ian and I could smell it. My stylist was a cute, petite blond; she had a wide smile across her face, when she turned to me.
‘How would you like your hair?’ she asked, and I knew instantly she put a lot of pride into her job. I smiled at her.
‘Do whatever you want, just not very many curls, and I want it to last, maybe some color, like a reds, silvers, oranges, whatever you can think of.’ I say with another small smile. Her eyes light up as she accepts my challenge. She tells me to relax and close my eyes. She tells me a long story, about her mom, but I only heard about a minute of it, before I was talking to Ian. She didn’t notice, no one did. A few hours later. She announced to me she was done. I was a little worried about looking at my hair, but I blew it off and opened my eyes. The sight knocked the breath right out of me. I almost didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. She gave me bangs that went across my forehead, and my hair was in layers, I could feel it. My hair had many different colors in it. The layers were died, coordinately. There was a color and then my natural color, and then another color, and then all the colors of my hair shoved in my bangs, blood red, silver, deep green, blue, and my natural color, and the black. I was stunned. It was amazing. Some would say I looked like a rain-bow or a Christmas-tree but, I thought it was the most colorful emo look I had ever seen in my life. After a few minutes of my thanking her for the most beautiful hair do I had ever seen, and giving her an outrageous tip, I turned to look at Aaron. I hardly recognized him; his hair was spiked, and full of multi-colors. The same colors of mine I recognized. I gave his stylist a hug tip too. Soon David and Riley came back; they were also stunned to silence. Riley got my stylist, and I told both her stylist and Davids’ to color coordinate their hair too. I watched as she hacked off Riley’s long black hair, and made it into a short cropped look. She put Deep green, and blood red like mine, and then the most amazing orange color. I loved it. David had the same hair do as Aaron, but with the same colors as Riley. When they saw they too were shocked. I laugh and hug Riley, she is unrepentant. I back away and watch for her delayed reaction. I stare at her steadily, waiting. Nothing, this was going to take a while. Final after moments of hoping, she cracks a small smile, i sigh, and start breathing again. She liked it i could see it in her eyes. I was so glad, our hair stylist was starting to look worried. I glance at the clock that was placed in a strange position on the wall. Crap, come on you guys we have to go. Now. I add after a minute. They all nod in agreement, and Ian wraps his arm around my waist. David does the same to Riley, and I take David’s hand. We walk out, of the salon looking great, we looked freaking amazing. I glance at Riley, and David's bags, and I know we are nowhere close to being finished yet. I smile, and throw three hundreds at the receptionist, and flash a smile at our stylists. They were truly amazing. They deserved the money. We attracted a lot of attention, on the way out. Which was counter productive in two ways. One we were trying to keep a low profile, but on the other hand, we looked nothing like the kids they were looking for. Two, I didn’t like the idea of guys, or girls drooling over us, and following us. Especially the ones that had girlfriends. I was particularly bothered by this, but it didn’t faze Riley. Hmm. We walked out of the mall- attracting more attention in the process, that necessary, or wanted. - And got in the cars.

We ended up at the park, of all places. It was public, and with plenty of room to run. So it was perfect. We sat on a park bench, one that was oddly shaped, with a circular base. Riley sat her bag on her lap and started digging through it, for various unknown things, naming them before setting them in front of me. David however chose a faster route, he threw random in our direction, counting on our reflexes to catch them . Most of the stuff was for Aaron and himself, but he did throw me a hat, and Riley a beanie. I smile and try it out. Nice. I look back at Riley’s bag to find it empty, all of its contents on the floor. Most of it was make-up and face paints, but there were also head bands and bandannas. As well as an assortment of wild hair pieces. I was glad we had sent her, I wouldn’t know what to get, let alone where to find them. Now comes the boring part. Putting the make-up on. Ugh. I sit sideways to Riley, and she starts on me. It took only a little while, not as long as I thought it would. I could feel the soft brushes and cream touching my face. I almost laughed. When she was done, she tried to hand me a small mirror, but I got to her first. I used light blues and purples. I smeared them across her eyelids. Making elegant swirls. They were interesting colors yes, but they worked, and I liked them. I dug in the pile for some eyeliner and a good shade of lipstick. I slowly step back looking at my work on Riley. She looked even more amazing than usual. No kidding, her eyes seemed to waver with contrast. Wow, but I couldn’t sit and stare for long before Riley was shoving a mirror up to my face again. I took it in a delicately strong hand, and looked at my reflection in the glass. I see my eyelids open and close in amazement. My eyes were sparkling, literally. The base was green, and coated with silver to accent my eyes. Black eyeliner not only stayed under my eyes but curved out to curl beside my eyes. My lips were a deep red that seemed to flow gracefully in the light. I smile lightly at myself in the mirror and put it down. Riley grabs a bandanna and ties it tightly around my head. I lean lazily on Ian a smile on my face. Yes. I had lost everything. But I had earned a lot too, much more than I deserved.
I take Ian’s hand and walk to my car. We eave the park, and on that bench I leave all of who I used to be behind.


We drove for hours. I wasn’t sure how long. Time was beginning to meld together. It was starting to confuse me. Probably from lack of sleep. Yep, that was it. I lean into the back seat to get another rock star. David was continually trying to convince me to let him drive. Uh, hell no. no one was driving my car. Except me. Well, maybe Riley, considering her car is as nice as mine. I wasn’t even sure if id let Ian drove my car. Maybe…I was on the fence with that one. David? I ask. Hmm?
What’s your superpower? I could feel his smile through his thoughts.
I’m a healer. I can transfer energy into someone to heal them. Cool. I was about to say something, but I felt his tired thoughts drift into a quiet slumber.
Where are we? I ask Riley. From all I could tell, we were in the middle of nowhere. All I could see for miles was trees, and with having the inhuman senses and all, that was a very far way.
The middle of nowhere. She tells me. I sigh very dramatically in her direction. I was being very serious a minute ago…oh well. I’m staring a head at the road, and a tall dark figure appears in front of us in a shimmer of darkness. I grab the wheel tightly and violently turn the tires. We slide sideways on the road until we are directly in-between both lanes. Everything seemed to move in slow-motion for a long time. My head whips around to see Ian. But he is unconscious. I see blood seeping from somewhere from under his shirt. That’s Impossible. He should be fine. I call for David, and I can hear him running toward us. He drops to the pavement beside Aaron. He holds his hands over Ian’s body. A gold and white glowing light erupts from his hands and dissolves into Ian. The wound disappears, but Ian’s breath is shallow. David looks up at me a look of sheer torment on his face, and I know, even David, the healer, Couldn’t save him. I make a split second decision, out of the blue, not thinking of the consequences, and step out of the car. I had to get Ian to a hospital, fast. Even of it meant risking exposure. I walk over to Ian’s side and gather him up into my arms. I glance at David, silently, letting my eyes tell him what I was about to do, and warning him not to try to stop me. I pull Aaron tight to my cheesy, and instinct takes over. I burst into a full speed run. As fast as I could go. I had never run so fast in my life, pulling energy from the trees, the dirt, the air, I ran.. The trees were starting to blend together, and I knew I was going somewhere between 190-200 miles, I was even shocking myself, but this was Ian’s life on the line, and it was a line I was about to cross. No mater what. My mind went blank, I was focused on one thing, as I passed tree after tree.

Finally I reached a small town, and as fast as I could I made it to the hospital, and rushed inside. I ran to the E.R, at a speed that cold be accepted as a gunman adrenalin rush. I approach the nearest doctor, Ian limp in my arms. He calls for a gurney, but everyone seems to be moving much too slow. Hurry! I think toward them, and it took me a moment to realize that I had shouted at them. My eyes were on Aaron as the nurses checked his vitals. I Hear David, and Riley’s tires squealing as they peeled into the parking lot, ant their footsteps as they ran into the hospital. I could hear the receptionist calling after them as they ran past her. Realization and shock hit me as the adrenalin wore off. Ian was dying, right here in front of me. I was as good as normal, if I couldn’t save the one I loved. What was I anyway? I had never, seen myself as human. What was I then? Blood pounded in my ears and I fell to the ground as if I had been hit by a full speed bus.

I open my eyes o find myself in a hospital bed. Luckily I had no IV’s or I would be livid. I sit and a doctor enters the room.
‘How are you feeling?’ he asks. I shrug. Oh I don’t know, my love is dying and I can’t do anything how are you? But I didn’t say that out loud. That would be rude.
‘Where were you when this accident occurred?’ he asks, my jaw nearly falls to the floor. I was worried about Ian, not where we had happened to be driving when it occurred, but I tell him anyway.
‘How did you get here?’ prying with the questions geeze, how was Ian I wanted to scream at him. I kept it in check though.
‘I ran.’ I tell him blankly and without emotion. Not showing anything on my face that showed that I was kidding.
‘You ran all the way here. That’s over two hundred miles.’ He tells me. Oh well, I think I made it didn’t I?
‘Yes.’ I say slowly so his normal human mind could comprehend. I was starting to get irritated.
‘How did he get here?’ I sigh deeply, trying to keep calm.
‘I carried him. Now enough with the stupid questions. Why does it matter how I got here? I got here and that’s all that matters.’ I tell him, my voice showing that I was not the type of girl he could mess with for long periods of time.
‘You carried that boy here over two hundred miles, to get here. How?’ My anger bubbled over the top.
‘I does not matter!’ I yell. The doctor jumps and nearly falls over at my sudden break. I take a deep breath to calm myself, and I settle back in the bed.
‘Now, how is Ian?’ I ask as calmly as I can manage.
‘How are you related to the boy? Sister, cousin?’ he asks. The cold meaningless words pry at my heart. I lock my eyes with his and speak two deadly words.
“He’s mine.’ I barely uttered the words but by the look on his face, the words were ringing in his ears. He shakes his head and composes himself before speaking in and unsteady voice.
‘Then, I am so sorry for your…’ but he didn’t get to finish that sentence. My soul screamed and my heart broke. Things seemed to move in slow motion. I could feel tears falling down my face, but when I raised my hand to wipe then away. They were much thicker than tears. When I pulled my hand away blood was smeared across my hand. I didn’t have time to be shocked though. I was screaming aloud, even though I couldn’t hear it, I knew it was echoing in the halls of the small building. My body pushed through the slow motion. , I had to get into Aarons room. That was all that I could think about. Some ones arms were rapped around me, trying to hold me back, I hissed and kicked but the hands held tight. Then with a sudden jerk I was released. I didn’t have time to turn and see who pulled the person off of me, but if I had to guess, I would guess David of Riley. I burst into Ian’s room, and my eyes caught sight of him. He was lying still as stone. I dropped to his bedside, and took his hand in mine. I rested my head on the edge of the bed. I could see blood, my tears, seeping into the thick rough fabric. Staining it. I didn’t care. They could always wash it. But I couldn’t get Aaron back. I sat there for a long time, a few days. Unmoving. A few people tried to come in and get me to leave, I turned my head and set my white hot gaze on them and they swiftly left. I was awake, crying the whole time. If I could, I wanted to die of severe blood loss, and I knew if I kept crying I would. I didn’t care. Nothing mattered anymore. I rested my head on Ian’s shoulder, and closed my eyes. Within moments I was asleep. I knew somewhere in my mind that it was a dream. I seemed to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. All I could see was a bright beautiful light. I couldn’t see around it or through it. It was just there. There was a sound that drifted though my ears. A beautiful sound of a woman singing, words I did not recognize. The tune was soft and sweet.
‘Hello?’ I call out softly, determined to meet her.
‘Yes?’ the same voice I had heard replies.
‘Who are you?’ I ask replying with a question.
‘I have many names, Nyx, Anu, and Epona. Just call me goddess. Everyone does. ‘She tells me, I was shocked.
‘Why are you talking to me?’ I ask.
“Because, Radella, you are one of the gifted. As are your friends. You are chosen by me.’ Her voice flowed through me like honey with a melody.
‘Goddess, how do I help Ian?’ I ask, hoping there was a way. Hoping that was why I am here.
‘Your friend David has power to heal, and he has the power to give life that has been taken by demons such as the one you saw before the car today. He does not know how to harness it yet. Use it to save Ian.’ My hope lifts. I could save Ian!
‘Will I ever see you again?’ I ask, I would miss her, I had just met her but I felt as if she was always there.
‘Soon, you will come home to me; I will call you back to me just as I have now. Go my child, save your love.’ It was as if I fell back into my body, back to Ian. I instantly press my hands to his chest pushing life into him He gasps, coming back to life; I scream and throw my arms around him. Thank you goddess. I silently tell her. “Ow, careful babe.’ He tells me while he skims his hands over my face.
‘Hun, are you ok?’ he asks. I begin to cry again. Here Ian was, back from the dead and he was worried about me. He touches my face, and I look up at him for the first time since I had become unconscious. His eyes go wide with concern.
‘Are you crying blood? That can’t be good.’ He tells me.
‘Apparently, I am, but I feel fine, so I’m not going to worry about it.’ I tell him and wipe the strange tears away. Aaron looks around the room, and then back to me. He is confused, I could tell.
‘Where am I?’ he asks, confusion surfacing in his voice. I take a deep breath, and tell myself silently that I am not going to start crying again, and tell him everything.
By the time I’m done, Ian is stunned to silence. I feel so bad, I couldn’t utter another word. Instead of saying anything, Ian takes me in his arms and holds me for an un-measureable moment. We have to find some way to get you out of here. I tell him. What do you mean? He asks well it’s not every day that you die and come back to life. I mean, everyone thinks you are dead, even Riley and David. Plus the doctors. I tell him, and comprehension runs across his face. Then in a split moment I get an idea. I lean into Ian and whisper it in his ear. He smiles and looks at me out of the corner of his eye, time to put the plan in action. I get up and run into the hall, screaming for David and Riley, I find them in the waiting room, and I know they have been there for a long time.
‘Riley!’ I scream. A huge smile on my face. She nearly falls out of her seat, and throws me a very disturbed look when she sees the smile on my face.
‘Come quick.’ I tell her, and motion for David to come too, before running back to Ian’s room. Ian was standing by the door, and when I ran in I almost fell on top of him. He caught me though. David and Riley come to a halt right in front of the door, and I though Riley was going to pass out, but she composes herself, and before she can ask, I start explaining. By the time I am done I sounded insane, and I knew it. I didn’t care anymore than Riley did. She leaned over to hug Ian, and David and him, were too manly to hug. So I gave him a hug for him. He smiled, and so did I. for the first time in a while I was truly happy to be in a hospital.
When the doctors found out that Aaron was miraculously alive, they wanted to do tests. Lots and lots of tests, fortunately we talked them out of It., the nice, way.
We stepped out of the hospital and into the crisp morning air. My car, lucky enough for David, was intact and even parked neatly in a space. I walk up to it, dragging my fingers along the body, before stepping in. I pull out my Mp3 and find a good song that fit the day just fine, cranked it up, and rolled the windows down so the music crowded the air in the streets.
We drove for a long time, before stumbling upon, a small, rundown, gas station in the middle of nowhere. I pulled up to it to see a group of men by the door. I could tell they were in a gang; by the way they stood, and dressed, even the way they looked at my car. Like they wanted to steal it. They wouldn’t get the chance. I motion for Aaron to stay in the car, although he looks uneasy, and I step out. Surprise flashed across the boy’s faces, at the sight of a girl coming out of that car. They were maybe, twenty or so, not much older than me, but they didn’t intimidate me. I walk up to the door of the shop, and they step in front of it. I can see it in his eyes that he is considering touching me. Better not. I think toward him. I can’t stop him if you do. I know he can’t hear me, they way my family does, but I hope for his sake, all their sakes, that it sets off an alarm system in his brain. Instantly I can tell it doesn’t, or he just wasn’t listening to it. He reaches for my waist. Why always the waist? Come on. I think to myself, and step just out of reach of his long muscular arms. I glance at the car and realize they don’t know Ian is here, at all. He tries again, and his fingertips brush my hip. Idiot! I mentally scream. I couldn’t help him now. His body was yanked back, and he was no longer standing by me, but when I turn to face them, it wasnt Ian who pulled him back, it was Riley. I almost start laughing and then I look at Ian, who was being viciously held back by David. I turn back to Riley, who was mumbling things in the boy’s ear, probably of pain, if he ever tried that ever again. He smirked. He still couldn’t see the boys standing over by the cars. I make a split second decision, for Ian’s sake. I pull my fist back, and snap it in his face. He gasps in shock and pain, and staggers back. I look straight into his eyes, and shifted my gaze to the others. They don’t understand his pain, understandably. I was only a short seventeen year old girl at one glance. To the untrained eye, and I had just trained him. The boy runs off his ‘posse’ speeding after him mocking him, because he got beat up by girls. Although we were no ordinary every day girls, but they didn’t know that, and I wasn’t about to tell them. Not even close. I just smiled sweetly, and turned to go into the store.
The shelves were bare and sullen; only one man was in the store, an elderly gentleman, who had a glum look on his face. I walk up to him, and hand him the money for both mine and Riley’s cars, and a very, very generous tip. That brought a smile to his face. That was all I could do to help the sad store. If I ever visited again, I would see. I didn’t plan on visiting again, once was enough. When I exit the small convenient store there is a man, with thick cowboy boots and a hat to match examining my car. He kicks my tires and I flinch. I approach him, determined to know why he was abusing my mechanical baby.
‘What the hell do you think you are doing?’ I ask, causing the man to jump.
‘Examining this car, it is a very nice…’ He starts.
‘Corvette.’ I finish and push him aside. He couldn’t impress me with car know how. He looks at me shocked, as I fill both Riley’s car and my own. I call Riley and David over who were running in the distance, and Ian who was admiring the most of the scenery, sagebrush, very not so colorful sage brush. He was quiet as he ran over to me, speeding up his pace to slightly when he saw the man, who was still standing in awe next to me. He comes to a stop beside me, is colorful hair wind blown and tousled. I could sit and stare at him for hours, but I thought better of it. Much better. We had to go; for all we knew this man could be one of the people after us. And we wouldn’t want that. But we had to make an inconspicuous exit.
‘Hi.’ I say and very dramatically kiss Ian, letting him in on the silent plan as Riley and David walk over.
Once back in the car I could relax. I was comfortable in the dark and almost silent purring of my car, it was calming. I put on an acceptable song, and follow Riley up a dirt mountain trial for a few miles, and then there was no trail to follow. I wasn’t sure f I wanted to drive my corvette literally ‘where no man has gone before’, but Riley went right for it so I figured why not, and followed her. After a while a clear road emerged, and I wondered if there was some other way to get there or something. Perhaps others like us would be here, maybe not. I wasn’t sure until a small field came into view. It was large and tall grass grew around it wildly. There were many trees and there was a house in the middle. It was made entirely of stone, and not yard stone, cut stone like you would find in a store. It was beautiful and deep in the trees I could see a large pond that shimmered like glass. I step out of the car, and stretch, my back muscles ached for movement. As I walked up to the house I begin to recognize it was the one in Riley’s drawing. I push open the heavy wood door. It opened into a large kitchen where you could see the living room. It was fairly ordinary except for the flat screen, and touch screen stove. Amazing. In the living room there was a large couch that was facing away from me and a large bean bag like chair. I had an urge to go sit in it, but I wanted to explore the house first, and apparently so did the others. I walked into a room that was very distinctly labeled: RADELLA & IAN: I almost laughed, with the capital letters and all. I opened the door to reveal a, a small room, with a window, that the sun didn’t quite shine through. There was a large bed in the far left corner of the room with a bed stand beside it on the right side. It had a radio, just like the one I had at my mom’s house. I cringed at the thought of her. I wondered if I would ever see her again, her or Ava. That was uncertain. No one knew. Right now all we knew was someone was following us, fortunately we had thrown them off for a while at least. I touched the large comforter that was spread across the bed, and the sheets. Egyptian cotton. I could tell immediately, they were so soft, I felt as though I could lie here, and sleep forever, and with my lack of sleep lately, I was almost sure I could, now that I was safe that was. I almost laughed at our situation. Not quite, Ian follows me into the room; we weren’t sure what we were supposed to do now. I decided on a nap, and quickly undressed, and slid into the warm bed.


When the early morning sun came up, usually I would still be in bed, but this morning seemed different. It was week three away from home and it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. I turn to see my lover, and soul mate, Ian asleep next to me. He looked so much younger in sleep. I slide out of bed, and glance at the clock much like any other morning, although it was rare for me to get up before eleven ever, and it was proven that I am useless until noon. I sigh and drag myself sleepily to the bathroom. My hair was a mess and my face looked young with tiredness.
I was quite pale, all four of us-my house mates, my family, the only people like me-were. It was a beautiful pale, I thought. It seemed to work out perfectly, Ian was my soul mate, and David was Riley’s. Riley was like a sister to me, and David was like a brother. So we were in ways like a family. We did look a lot alike, and act a lot alike. But we knew we weren’t related, in ways of blood of course.
I splash my face with water and glance up at the mirror; my deep silver eyes stare back at me. I have always admired my eyes. Yet another thing I had in common with my ‘family’. I grab my brush and run it through my color filled hair, making it neatly messy, if there is such a thing. I exit the bathroom and head down the hall, trying to be quiet enough not to wake the household. I enter the kitchen and open the fridge, what to eat, what to eat. I grab the milk, and cereal out of the cupboard. I have the sudden urge to turn on the radio, but I always seem to have it to loud for anyone but Riley’s taste, and definitely not at this hour. I look at the clock on the microwave; it has been seven minutes since I got up. The clock now read 6:38; I definitely was never out of bed much less cooking at this time. Not that a bowl of cereal counted as cooking. Riley was the early bird, she would be up soon, she always was. I downed my breakfast quickly. Leaving nothing in the bowl. I place it into the sink and glance around for something to do. I could run down to the store, but we didn’t need anything. I purse my full lips, and walk sluggishly into the living room. My eyes turn to the couch and to the Play Station. I shake my head. I had too much on my mind. One there was some creepy guy following us with the darkest energy I have ever tasted. Riley had a photo of my locket. Ian, Ian, Ian. Things with Ian had been heating up over the past few weeks. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of me, and well, the same goes for me. He was irresistible, Dark blonde hair, tightly toned chest that looked amazing despite his pale complexion. His deep eyes that looked almost black. I had known him only weeks, but I was ready to be with him forever. I could feel that the voice in my head the day we met was right. He was my soul mate, and I was his. People always ask what true love is. It is indescribable, its emotion, feeling, chemistry, it’s amazing. Normally humans throw the word ‘love around’ like it means nothing. I only used the word when referring to my mom or my sister, now love isn’t a big enough a word to describe my feelings, my attraction, to Ian. It is something that is irreversible and unchangeable.
“Hey.” Riley’s voice awakens me from my trance. I smile up at her staring at the tangled mess of black hair clouded around her head. She sits on the couch. Motioning beside her for me to sit. I fall into the seat. “You’re up early.” She says, surprise coating her voice. I shrug.
“I don’t know why.” I say, and it was the truth. It was probably more confusing to me than to the rest of the world.
“I do.” A smile spread across her face.
“Excuse me?” I demand. She knew, and I didn’t.
“Happy birthday Radella!” She bellows. I press my index finger to my lips, a grimace spreading across my face.
“Quiet, everyone’s asleep, and it can’t be my birthday.” It couldn’t be my birthday. I start counting back days, slowly in my head.
“No ones asleep Radella. We have been up for hours.” Ian’s voice surprises me, and I turn to see him standing beside David who was holding a pale pink box.
“No, no presents. I refuse.” My voice sounded un-budgeable to me, but apparently not to the rest of them. Ian and David join us on the couch and David thrusts the box into my hands. It was tied with ribbon and it took me a minute or two to untie it. Ian murmured something to David, but he just shook his head. Apparently Ian didn’t know what it was either. I lift the surprisingly heavy lid and look into the box. Inside were piles and piles of red lace. That was all, how odd. I didn’t get it until I lifted a pile up. Lingerie. I stare at the lace, and then turn my eyes to Riley who was laughing so hard I thoughts she was going to die. I shake my head at her and David, deliberately avoiding Ian’s eyes. I couldn’t forever though, so I look up at his dark eyes. They were serene and without humor. I knew I was blushing feverishly, but he didn’t seem to notice. David reaches into the box, distracting me from Ian’s gaze.
“These are for me.” He says and shows me a large box of earplugs. I smack him, still not laughing. I put the box down. “I would say thank you, but I’m not going to.” I say, heading into the kitchen. There were balloons taped all over and a cake in the center of the table. A large eighteen printed on top of it with icing. I never wanted to be eighteen, and now against all wishes I was Another birthday…Ever since I was little my birthdays have been terrible. Like a strangers shadow following me everywhere I go. Something terrible always happened on March 9th. When I was five, my cat died, six, mass homicide in my neighborhood, seven, a nuclear heat wave drives three civilians insane causing a catastrophic hostage situation. The first few years went unnoticed, then the pattern started showing up. The word spread and I started hiding my birthday, but in a small town, your business is everyone’s business. People started whispering behind my back, and pointing fingers, it got worse until most of the town avoided my gaze, muttering things like hell spawn and devil child when they thought I was out of ear shot. The birthday horrors gradually got worse until I turned fifteen, and my best and only friend shot himself. That day I received a letter that said he knew about my powers, and that he was in love with me, but he just found out that day, that he had cancer. I found Jonathan lain across our favorite bench in the park ten minutes after I read the letter. That was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. It still is. I was never in love with him, but he seemed to have feelings for me. “So do you like it?” She asks, referring to my cake. I smile and nod, pushing all my faults and problems into my subconscious. “Of course I loved it.” I spend the next hour talking and opening more embarrassing packages while Ian watches me with a look in his eye of pure admiration. I can’t tell where it comes from though. I sneak into my bedroom, and gather things to get into the shower where I wont be bothered to have more cake. I place my small pile of clothes and a towel on the bed before laying there my face sinking into the cushions. If only I can get through the next seventeen hours….wait. I look at the clock, It says nine thirty.
“Ian. I know you are standing there, and I know you let me sleep until six o clock in the afternoon.” I tell him, although I could barely believe it. “I knew you were tired.” He says simply. “Indeed.” I reply, leaving the rest of my thoughts in my head. “I’m getting in the shower.” I say simply, getting straight to the point before exiting the room. I close the door and turn my I-pod as loud as it would go on the doc, throwing myself into the world of Chopin, which I only do on my birthday, when I get out I will be my old self again, perhaps a little strung up, but myself entirely.
I run a warm bath, throwing in some lavender and tea leaf oil to calm my senses. I slide into the hot water, letting the steam fill my nostrils. Letting the stress leave my body as I exhale. A half hour later, I was out of the bath and wrapping a towel around me letting the water slide of my skin. I tighten the towel around me and exit, letting the steam follow my body into the kitchen. No ne was around, so I figured the Chopin drove them into the yard. I reach into the fridge and grab a rock star. I head into the yard in my towel, in search of everyone else. It was unusually dark for the hour, well the hour I thought it was. I stop a small light near the pond; it was a lamp I recognized as David’s. I call out his name. “Not quite.” A voice I immediately know as Ian’s replies. I smile and turn in the opposite direction and look into his eyes. It took me a moment to notice anything else about him, but when I did. I say that he was dressed only in his board shorts, and his hair was wet. “Went for a swim?” I ask, although the answer was obvious. His smile lit up the night sky. He point over to a large blanket that occupied David’s lantern, and I sit, looking at the reflection of the moon in the ponds water. The water seemed to move in motion with my pulse. Slowly, arithmetically. Ian sits beside me and pulls me close. The water seemed to pulse faster, but only a little bit. I could feel Ian’s breath on my neck, causing my hair to stand on end. I relax into the warmth of his arms. The cool air made the damp towel wrapped around me feel like ice. “Swim with me?” Ian asks after what seemed like a lifetime. “If you grab me my bathing suit.” I reply, my cheeks heating. I can feel his hair swishing above my head when he shakes his head. “Nope, just like you are fine.” My eyes grew wide, and I turned my head up to look at him, a shocked expression on my face. “Do you realize how old I am?” I ask. He nods. “Eighteen in two minutes.” “Oh.” I mumble. I forgot. “That’s beside the point that water must be freezing.” I protest, and Ian stands. “Nope, its not, really.” I eye him suspiciously, and he stands tall above me looking down with a playful glitter in his smile. I was just a second late when I realized what he was thinking. He scoops me up in his arms, and Runs, jumping into the dark water. I scream and clutch the towel around my body. Wile trying to keep afloat. The towel soaked up more water and became heavier. I squint my eyes in Ian’s direction. “You’re in trouble.” I tell him in a flat emotionless monotone. I hear echoing laughter, from behind me. I turn rapidly top see Ian not inches from me. Even in the water he was a head taller than me. “I think its been two minutes now.” He breathes unevenly. “Probably.” The caution in my voice surprised me. This was Ian what was I afraid of? My mind told me everything, but me heart told me to be afraid of nothing. I lowered my eyes and watched my towel float to he top of the pond.

The morning light shone in my face, and I silently cursed it. I hadn’t been up in time to see it in a long while. My head was laid across Ian’s soft chest, and his arm was wrapped tightly around me. The blanket where David’s lamp used to be was strewn across us. I lift my head groggily and glance around. Wait. I slept outside?! “Morning.” Ian says, his voice not showing a bit of sleepiness. “Eh, too early.” I could feel his smile, almost as bright as the sun on my back. Ian’s hand strokes my hair. “Come on, lets get up.” I sat, my back slightly aching. That is the last time I sleep on the lawn. I looked at the sun as I stood, wrapping the blanket around me. The sun was too low in the sky to shine through Riley’s window, so she shouldn't be up I think to myself. I sneak through the door, and into the kitchen, making my way to my room. Everything was suspiciously quiet. I glace around the room, and then start running toward the safety of my room. My fingers touch the doorknob, and I start to yank my door open. “Morning.” Riley’s says and I turn to see her standing right behind me. I scream jumping and clutching the blanket to me. She smiles, and turns to walk right into David’s arms. I scowl and mumble something that resembled. “Thanks for the lantern.” And walked into my room. Ian was already there, standing by the window. “At least you made it in undetected.” I mumble, while digging roughly through my room looking for some clothes. He turns to smile at me. “Don’t be embarrassed, besides I climbed through the window.” Shock strikes my features and my mouth falls open. My stare was blank and undivided from his eyes. “You have got to be kidding me.” I breathe, with what little air I was getting. His smile widens, and he ruffles his hair. “What can I say, I’m a genius.” “And your ego is huge.” My voice started to sound more normal as I started to wake up more. “Well, now I guess the whole house knows now.” He smiles. “Hun, the whole house knew, yesterday.” My mind, went back into the past, and I start to blush. “Oh.” He laughs, loud and long at my embarrassment. I cover my face, and turn to open the door. Riley and David practically fall into the room. “You vile, eaves dropping fiends. " I almost shout, but no one was listening. I was furious beyond belief. Riley just smiled.


The months following my birthday were uneventful. Life went on as usual, creating no complications. I would mow the lawn once a week, do laundry every three days. Riley and switched off making dinner, and the boys cleaned up. I read in the afternoons next to Ian while he watched the Saints get their asses kicked. By night I wrote, everything was getting just a little bit routine. Ian and I were getting very close, as well as Riley and David. I turn over a small smooth stone in my hand as I dangle my feet in the cool pond. Riley skips out, sitting beside me. "Are you ready?" Riley asks. "Ready?" I ask feeling a little guilty. If we had plans and I forgot I was totally loosing it. "Grocery shopping?" She inquires. "Oh!" I remember now. I smile and pull myself to my feet, I go in to get my shoes while Riley pulls the car around. I lean over the couch to kiss Ian on the couch and tell him where I was going. He stands to kiss me properly, and I catch a whiff of his after shave. I wince, pulling away as my stomach churns. I smile a little bit and kiss him lightly before peeling away quickly. Riley is waiting in the car and without a second to loose I get into the car and Riley drives away, like we had plans or something. We arrive at the grocery store as quickly as humanly possible. The store was cheery and unusually crowded, I follow Riley closely and mark things off the list as they get put in the cart. Riley motions down an aisle and asks me to get her some feminine products, but as I turn to walk down the aisle I stop dead in my tracks. I begin to count backwards in my head and everything rushes together in my brain. I topple over onto the ground, taking half a shelf of vitamins with me. People rush around me and my vision becomes blurry. I hear Riley voice over all the others and that is the last thing I hear before everything goes black. when I open my eyes again I am in the passenger seat of the car. I groan, and Riley almost stops the car immediately. Luckily a seat belt hugged my waist, but I still lurched forward quickly. "Radella! Are you okay?!" She nearly yells, beginning to drive again quite fast which makes my stomach flatten to the back of the seat. "I don't know what happened. I passed out?" I ask her like she was supposed to know. "Since when do you faint at the mere sign of tampons. Actually, since when do you faint at all?" I shrug, and relax against the window. My brain thunders against my skull and I complain to Riley who laughs, pulling into the driveway. Riley pulls me out of the car, carrying me into the house. The door creaks as it opens and Riley sits me on one of the chairs at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. She gathers me a glass of cool water and two Ibuprofen and well as a couple drops of Echinecia and Golden seal. Ian andDavid rush into the room worried as I have ever seen either of them before. Riley explains what happened while I eye the tall glass of water suspiciosuly like a hated nemisis. The smell of the herbs makes me nauseous, but I choke the glass of water and the pills down. Riley takes over and touches me on the arm and then her entire body tenses up and her eyes go misty. She takes my hand and pulls me from my chair and down the narrow hall way to the bathroom. She pushes me down on the toilet seat and begins to dig under the counter top. She pulls something out from under it and hands me a pink box. I look closer at it. It was a pregnancy test. "No way."

"These things can be wrong right?" I ask staring down at the double pink line on the strip. Riley laughs and nods. "Yes they can be wrong but the chances of me and the test being wrong are like, well impossible. i'm never wrong, besides you have symptoms. Nausea, sensitive breasts," I begin to protest and she taps me on the boob making me wince. "your sense of smell is totally out of whack, not to mention the food you've been eating lately." I groan placing my head in my hands. "I can not believe I did not notice the signs before. I always thought I'd be one of those people who just knew, and I have to be told by a psychic, and how will I tell I an, he'll go nuts for sure." I shake my head and Riley grabs me by the arm, pulling me to my feet. "He won't go nuts. He is completely in love with you and you know it. Do not underestimate that." Riley reaches for my arm again before I can safely stow it behind my back. She half drags half carries me into the living room and sits me down on the couch next to Ian. I begin to protest but not before Riley swipes the remote turns off the TV and tells David they need to go shopping. Ian looks concerned but I smile trying to comfort him, it doesn't seem to work. Riley begins to skip smiling widely out of the door David following in suit. Ian turns to me a suspicious look in his eyes. "Why do I have the feeling everyone knoes something I don't?" I smile taking his hand. "Honey, that's because we do." The confused look that takes over his facial features makes me laugh. "Don't worry." I reassure him. "Tell me?" He coaxes and leans forward to kiss me. I kiss him back and then lean back, still holding his hand. " I'll tell you." He smiles, and I take his hand placing it over my abdomen. "Ian I'm pregnant."Ian stands up turns around quickly and a huge smile appears on his face. He pulls me to my feet, and into his arms. He twirls me around, then sets me back onto my feet, he bends to my knees and presses his hands to my stomach and kisses it. "Hey, baby." He whispers, and looks up at me smiling, then went back to his feet. He kisses me, and sighs falling back onto the couch. His eyes go wide. "We're having a baby." I smile ans sit down. He wraps his arms around me and I lean against his chest. "Yes, yes we are."

Riley opens the door and rushes in both her hands and Davids filled with bags and all sorts of things. She discards most of the bags onto the kitchen floor, and shuffles some of the rest of the things that she had in her hands into the living room with Ian and I. She passes a bag of things to me, and they rattle. I peer inside to find some prenatal vitamins and a couple other things. From inside the other bags she produces a two tiny little onzie. One that is pink, one that is blue, with tiny little booties to match. I almost die! They're completely adorable, and a reach for them quickly. The smooth fresh cotton is heavenly, and I pass one to Ian. "Do you want to know which one we will be using?" Riley asks, and my reply is almost immediately a positive yes. "Wait, no. Just let it be a suprise." My three family members look at me in surprise. "Hmm, I thought for sure you would want to know." Riley explains but shrugs, and continues to fish small things out of the bag she held. Toys, small blankets, a bib that says I love my Aunt, and even a pacifier. "Jesus, Riley, how far along do you think she is?" Ian asks and laughs, shaking a rattle coyingly. I smack him lightly on the arm, and smile. Someone turns the television on and before i know it I am asleep.
I wake up in my own bed next to my own boyfriend, and another glass of herb polluted water on the night stand that had shocked me awake. I choke, moving my nose as far away from the poison as I could. Ian groans and wraps his arms around my waist. "You know," I moan. " I thought I was gaining weight. You didn't say anything though." I complain. "Didn't notice." He retorts groggily. I flick him in the arm. "You did so. Everyone did." I roll over to face him and he opens his dark eyes. " Don't tell me your hormones are already out of whack." He says, slightly more awake. "Hormones? You know about pregnancy?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Only what Riley told me and what I read in the first chapter of the book last night." He replies holding me closer and kissing me lightly on the nose. " You have a book?" I coo, really impressed and slightly creeped out. "Riley bought one for us and I got a head start last night a reading it after you fell asleep on the couch." I smile, and lean back onto his chest. "I love you" He whispers and I smile, repeating the line I would say again and again for the rest of my life.


"Don't even tell me." I beg as Riley jumps into the pond full of water. When she resurfaces she smiles and blinks her eyeballs rapidly. "But please, its just a little tiny premonition that I could tell you about?" I shake my head and lean against my favorite most comfortable tree only feet away from the pond in our yard. I groan shaking my head, "No Riley, I won't have you telling me anything about the baby. All I care is that my baby is safe and healthy. Unless you have something to tell me that contradicts that, then keep your mouth closed." She makes a zipping motion over her lips and smiles, going back under the water. Ian and David appear out of the woods, something black dangling from each of their hands. Blood dripping from them, I cringe and swallow trying to keep the stomach acid down where it belongs. I crunch over hiding my eyes, trying not to see the little creatures they were holding. I motion to Riley and she realizes and begins to scold them. "Why did you bring those nasty things here? Especially with a very nauseous pregnant woman in the vicinity?" I know the boys are about to explain but I jump in anyways. "Why did you kill them anyways?!" I glance up at them through my fingers, and they had stowed the creatures away. "We didn't kill them! We found them, on the roof." David protests, and Ian nods in agreement. I roll my eyes skeptically. "Our roof?" I ask, and they both nod vigorously. I groan, I was going to have to clean that up. Fantastic. I rub my hands together and stand, pausing when I get a little light headed. Ian catches my arm and steadies me. I shake him off a little roughly. "I'm fine!" I shrink a little bit in apology. He smiles lighlty and lets me go and I head through the trees to the house. When I catch light of the roof I see blood splattered all over it, mixed in were scores of black feathers, and other things. Where these birds just flying straight into the roof? I look about the surrounding ground for birds, but they were nowhere else except scattered around the roof. My family follows closely behind me and Riley mimics my shock to an exact replica. "How are we going to clean that up?" Riley asks out loud, and her and I begin to laugh. The sideways glances from the boys make us shut up quickly. Lucky it was so hot outside that it all the windows were closed and the AC was cranked up. I sit on the couch lounging and attempting to settle my stomach. David and Riley hovered over me While Ian got a cool glass of water. "Dude what's with the water? Can I have some caffeine in my diet?" Riley begins to protest and then at seeing the look in my eye settles for a can of soda. Though I know I am about to get a lecture on caffeine intake while being pregnant. Like I was that far along anyways. A month and a half at the most. Not that I could go to a doctor to ask anyway. I give David the 'I'm holding a grudge' look. He smiles shyly, and a little apologetically. He knew exactly why I was glarring at him. Riley was all on my going to the Doctor bandwagon and then all the sudden he suggests that it may not be a good idea to come out of hiding and that my baby might possess some magical ability that might shock the doctors. Riley had jumped off my wagon and onto his. There were a ton of things that COULD go wrong but there was nothing that necessarily WOULD go wrong. At least I had almost a full pregnancy to work my way into being able to see a doctor. There was no way I was giving birth to this baby without an Epidural. I had seen my mom dilate to a six with Ava and then have an exorcist moment when she yelled for some drugs. My mom was no wimp either, so I was not to have any babies without some painkillers.
Ian was with me, but I knew it was only because I had subtly informed him that he would be in the doghouse if he chose against me, and it would be a supernatural doghouse as well as an ordinary one. He had ardently chosen my side and I am hoping I can convert Riley to my side. Perhaps I'll show her a highly disturbing home birthing video. Yes, I nod to myself, that would do the trick. Ian wraps an arm around me and pulls me out of my own one sided conversation and Riley handed me an open soda with the tab turned to the right. I moan sweetly while sipping the smooth soda. I lean against Ian and David leaves the room with Riley quickly in following. I turn on football and Ian smiles. "You're perfect." He tells me and takes the remote away turning it off again. "But, I can think of another thing I love more that football." He raises me into his arms, and I squeak, giggling a little. He carries me to our room and places me softly on the bed. He pulls his shirt off and follows me.
* * *
I wake up, tangled in blankets, and completely nude. Ian is lying beside me, sweetly nuzzled in the crook of my neck. I begin to trace my fingers along the muscles in his back. Tracing lines on his skin, lightly enough not to wake him, but enough to make goosebumps arise on his flesh. I admire my sweet baby faced lover as he slept peacefully. His shaggy dark blond hair was tousled and I smoothed it over, combing my hands through it. I didn't care what time it was or how long I was going to be in bed, but I felt so comfortable in here. Ian being right next to me was perfect. I could not be more comfortable in here, it was so peaceful and sweet. I am just glad that the romance and the love didn't die with the creation of the baby. I close my eyes again and listen to Ians breathing, everything is quiet and serene. Then Riley bursts into the room, her eyes are half covered and she apologizes insesently. I groan and cover myself and as much of Ian as I can reach, glaring at Riley all the time. She turns around so she doesn't see any more than she has already seen. "Sorry! But, we have bird like issues." I groan and roll Ian over on the bed and her groans asking what th hell my problem is. "Well the bird is the word." I say and start to slide out of bed when I see that Riley is still standing there. "Go!" I holler at her and she slides out of the room. I stand, peering into the dresser drawers for something to wear. I toss a pair of pants to Ian who groans, but puts them on anyways, slowly but surely. I pull on a shirt and some jeans, leaving out the rest and I pad out to the living room, feeling the cool hardwood cooling my bare feet. Riley is pacing the kitchen and David is standing helpless trying to calm her down. I snap my fingers. "Hey!" She stops pacing and exhales loudly. " Go take a look outside." I walk to the front door and look out. I'm about to go outside when I see the black and red coated ground. I open the door and a foul odor of still warm blood masks the air. I choke and grimace, covering my mouth and nose. Ian appears behind me, and pulls me away from the door, closing it quickly. "What is going on with all the birds?!"David demands, and I shrug, we were all thinking the same thing, no denying it. It was really driving
Riley up the wall though. I walk to the back door, through the living room, holding my breath long enough to get the hose and I pull it through the house to the front door. I stand on the porch, and Ian turns on the hose. I point the hose to the base of the mess. the water starts the cleanse the grass. The pressure sprays the blood off the grass, but the birds stay. Ian and Riley begin to pluck the birds off the ground while David adds soap to my watery mixture and spraying air freshener into the sky. The water coasts down the slight incline through the woods, and flows into the pond water. The birds get packed into plastic bags over and over again. Once the multiple garbage bags were full we place them on the side of the road where the garbage truck comes once every week. Luckily tomorrow was the day, we could get the foul black birds out of here. I groan, banding over once again, holding the contents of my stomach down once again. "Oh come on! David! This better not go on my entire pregnancy!" David wraps an arm around my shoulder. "It's simply morning sickness, It'll pass, I think." He assures me poorly. "MORNING sickness my ass, more like Dawn through Dusk continuously. I cant do this for eight more months." He smiles and hugs me tightly. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure it will go away." Riley grins at me, but I don't find it funny at all. "All I know is that every time I smell anything but clean nothingness air, I get sick. Plus the fainting, I mean really, what's up with the fainting thing?" Everyone begins to laugh at my insane ranting. There's nothing that I can't make funny is there?

* * *

I was having a really strange dream, and I knew it was a dream. The worst part being that I was walking through the blood splattered yard. I plug my nose and cover my mouth with one hand, blocking the stench. I was wearing only a T-shirt and the cool sticky blood was seeping through my toes. I walk toward the pond, the now, pink blood coated one. It is night and I can see the reflection of the stars in the reflection of the water. I hear my family members walking behind me, but I don't turn to see them, I just peer into the water. I'm leaning over it, caught in the serene thrall of the water. Something hits me in the back and I fall into the water. I'm being absorbed into the depths of the cold water. I struggle to reach the surface of the water again, to leave my icy cage. I try to resurface, reclaim the oxygen my lungs need direly. My pulse slows and I can't think straight, I am sinking to the bottom. My eyes go blurry and my mind goes blank.


"David! Heal her! Now!" Ian's voice rings through my ears, I can feel his anxiety as though it is my own, it may be actually. A girl nearby screams, loud and shrilly, I need to help her, she has to be in such pain. I try to move and she screams again. Riley whispers to me, and I feel a hand brush across my forehead. "Shhh. Quiet, don't scream anymore. It'll all be over soon." I am very confused for a moment and then I realize that the girl that is screaming is me. "Riley, hold her still, I don't want to risk internal damage while I remove the arrow. It might hurt the baby." I find my voice, but it is quite shaky. "Save my baby." The darkness comes over me again, and begins to take me over once again. I can't do anything else but to fight to stay alive. To keep my baby alive.

My eyes snap open to darkness, my breath quickens and the panic sets in. I become aware of the sharp pain in my lower back. "Ian?! Riley?! David!" I scream and I hear a rustle of leaves, and the beating of several heartbeats. I feel around the ground for something, anything I can use to see, to find my family. I dig my hands into the dirt, I can't see anything but the dank smell of the woods is as familiar to me as the smell of toohe paste. I try to move and s striking pain paralyzes me in fear. If I moved would I kill myself? Or worse, would I hurt my baby? Clutching my stomach I sit up, a light in the corner of my vision flickers on. My muscles tighten and I freeze. "Radella?" Ian's voice travels through the air, I open my mouth to reply, but the small voice in the back of my brain warns me. What if he was the enemy? He calls my name again and I reply. "Ian?" My voice is small and barely audible. "Where am I?" I ask, and this time it isn't Ian who replies. "We don't know, all we know is we are in the woods somewhere. I don't think we are even on our own plane. Radella don't move, you're hurt and David can't heal you. He tried." Riley tells me, I can hear some shuffling and the light gets closer. Ian's face appears in front of mine, and she pushes me back down to the cool ground. "My baby?" I ask. "It's okay, I think your baby is fine, the heartbeat is normal and the growth rate has not been slowed. The baby should be fine. You, on the other hand I cannot be so positive about." David's voice became very unsure and shaky. "I wouldn't worry about me. I pool the energy around me from the Earth. Drawing it into myself, I send out the pain into the soil and draw in the good healing energy. The wound does not close, but the pain subsides, and the blockage of energy recedes from around the wound. "Go ahead David, give it your best shot" I lean forward and David lightly presses his hands above the wound. I feel the heat emanating from his hands and then relief from pain and pressure on the wound. "It's working." He announces and everyone sighs in relief. Something smooth gets pressed to my lips. "Drink." Ian coaxes, and I do as he says, and realize that it is some cool clean water. "I got the shell down by the bank, the water as well. It's as clean as it gets here." i smile, reaching forward to touch Ian's face. I touch his mouth and he is not smiling, his face as far as I can tell is void of all emotion. I trace my fingers down his chest to his arms and i pull one of his hands to my face, to show that I am smiling. I kiss his fingertips and inhale his scent, the scent that I had for a moment not too long ago thought I would never get to experience again. "Is it always so damn dark here?" I demand and David laughs. "No, it's just night time," He shows me a small stick with a bulb of flame on it. "this was all the light we could manage, we were looking for something not wet to burn, that's why we were all the way over there when you woke up again." I nod, but I was still trying to figure out exactly where we were. There was a lot of things that I didn't understand in the world, but being in a completely different place, that doesn't feel familiar in any way at all. After what seemed like hours the darkness still didn't let up. I sat still, and everyone else begins to rummage around in the dark. I dig into the energy in the soul around, there were trees, a lot of trees, a ton more than there are in the world I am accostomed to. All sorts of things were different here. There was almsot no pillution, or common industry caused diseases. The place was so pure, so completely natural that it was giving me a mirgraine. "You guys, I don't think we are even on Earth. You should feel theenergy this place is equipped with. It's some of the most raw and untammed that I have ever dealt with. Oh, I wish you could feel it." Ian takes my hand, perhaps attempting to connect with the energy through me, but I know it won't work. I pat his hand and laugh a little. "Don't be sad dear. All in good time, but I think no matter where we are we need to get some rest. " I lie down and the others mumble in agreement, rummaging back to where I was located. Ian lays down, making a live pillow for me ro rest on with his arm. I kiss him on the cheek and mumble and I love you. He kisses me back and with a few words said to Riley and David, I fall asleep in the foreign wood.


I awaken to a light tapp on the shoulder. I jolt, clutching as close to Ian as I can and giving out a small cry. Riley screams and I hear a loud ruffling noise and David curses. "Ugh! I cannot stand not stand not being able to see!" Riley almost chokes on a guffaw. "You! Can't stand not being able to see! Not only can I not see, but I haven' been able to get a premonition since we got here! I am blind in both eyes and my Third Eye." "Riley." Ian cautions, probably at the motion of my muscles tensing. Someone else was here, I'm not even sure if this person is human. "Don't fret children. Sun'll be up soon as minutes." Someone who sounds female whispers in my right ear. IO open my eyes wider, looking ofr a sign of light beginning to rise. I see none. I hear the woman breathing in my ear, I shiver and clutch Ian's arm. He pulls me closer until I am sitting nearly in his lap. "Who are you?" Ian asks, his voice sounds steady, but his arms tighten around ,e a tiny bit. Just enough for me to notice. "Me? Who are you?" Her voice was quirky and I feel someone touching my hair. I sink lower into Ian's arms, making a quiet squeak I do when I'm uncomfortable. "Quit touching me!" Riley screams moments later from somewhere quite close to me. In a matter of seconds my eyes dilate violently. I squeeze them shut as quickly as my muscles will react. I hear the gasps of my family as they realize the sun has come up. When I venture to open my eyes once again I see a small light blue face with bright green eyes in front of mine. I jump back, knocking Ian over and making a huge fool of myself, the small creature begins to giggle and laugh. She was a girl by sight, only three feet tall and resembled a child. She smiles up at me like a creepy little doll. I keep my distance when Ian repeats his question. "Who are you?" She giggles and jumps up and down. "Don't you know, I am a Nymph! A forest Nymph. Alara sent me to fetch The Four, a great honor indeed. " A Nymph?" David asks curiously, like he wanted to study her. "You know David, like a pixie or a Sprite, but their grounded." He turns to me. "Right?" I look at his curiously. "Why are you asking me?" I demand with a smile on my face."You're the one that writes fantasy novels, or at least have tried to." "Okay, okay, there are a ton of mystical creatures, Nymphs are protectors of their realm, hers being the Forrest, her kind nourishes the tree and plants, even ensures the lives of the animals that live there. The small child like creature smiles and nods. "My name is Leia, that is what you may call me." I eye her lightly and she begins to dance a little. "Come with me children, and see Alara. She's been waiting for you for quite some years." Riley turns to me. "Why does she keep calling us children?" I shrug, if you asked me I would say that she was the one that was the child around here. I turn to Ian who takes my hand and helps me to my feet. Goosebumps rise on my bare skin and I start to walk, stepping lightly to avoid impaling my feet with stones and sharp twigs. David throws me a nervous glance. I smile a little to reassure him and he takes Riley by the arm to help her up, we follow the little jumping Nymph through her Wood. She leads us through a winding path on no particular marked route for a long time. My feet had begun to ache and bleed from being poked various times. My legs had been scratched up to the brim of my long t-shirt. I am more tired than I have ever been and I stop to lean against a tree. Ian stops beside me brushing the dirty hair out of my face, he kisses me lightly and pulls me into his arms. I protest weakly but I don't have the strength to really fight like I normally would. He carried me in his arms as delicately as you would a baby or small child. His steady breath and the light rythm of his feet on the ground was lulling me to sleep. I fought it, I wasn't supposed to be the strong person, and now I was being so weak. Can't even carry myself, and sleeping on the job. Where was my spine? Jeeze, I was insulting my entire family. I reprimanded myself over and over again, but nothing stopped it. I fall asleep in his arms. I wake up with the sun shining on my face, slightly irritated I groan and cover my eyes. When I know that there is no chance that I can get back to my dream world, I open my eyes. Ian is asleep next to me on a bed of grass surrounded by beautiful flowers, David and Riley only feet away from us, I sit up and lay Ian's arm down lightly beside me. A little bit away from me there is a small cottage life house, and a pond much like the one near my own home, though there was a ten foot water fall splashing into it, the flowers were tall and multi-colored here. I has never seen such beauty in my life. Even the sound of the wind and the combined smells of nature made the most amazing scent I had ever experienced. I stand trying to take the entire scenery in at once. I walk toward the small cottage like home, and I sense a slight familiarity about its energy.


Texte: photos are not mine, text is
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.05.2010

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For all those people who believe in a love like this.

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