

i felt my heart stop as soon as i saw him he was strong his name was Jared he was goth and he was cute. hi my name is rocky i think i fell in love with him. he looked at me and said"hi my names jared" "hi the names rocky" he smiled he went to the office to get his class list.oh how much i wanted to be in those arms of his he was to hot i wanted to be his gf but all the cheerleaders stared at him they wanted him to. i was goth the cheerleaders said" ur never going to get him hes ours" i was mad i can't believe they said that they don't even like goth people seriously im goth and hes goth we r prefect together right there. i was so ready to punch them in the face after that.



 -jards pvo-



after i met rocky i fell for her she was so hot really hot she was goth so was i and i can't believe what i heard those cheerleaders said to her really im not urs wow i was shocked at that i went up to her and talked to her i was proud of myself for that i now she has feelings for me i can tell by the way she  was talking she looked at the ground when she talked to me. i was love struck i know a guy shouldn't say that but its the truth i was she made my heart skip a beat i wish i could of hold her and asked her to be my gf. but the cheerleaders were right there and were about to get her i would of said to them "fuck off what did she do to u" i couldn't because i had to go to the office.right when i got back from the office i saw her on the ground crying then i saw the cheerleaders laugh i walked over to them and said" fuck off what did she ever do to u" the cheerleaders stopped laughing and stared at me like i was dumb or something then they walked off i went over to her and picked her up i held her in my arms  and close to my chest and i whispered to her saying"will u be my gf" she nodded yes. i was so happy but the sluts weren't i didn't care as long as i was with her!.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2015

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