
Rain poured down onto the oily city streets outside his home. The windows to his penthouse apartment were coated with droplets of water, obscuring his view to the streets outside. The sidewalk was less crowded in usual, but no street is ever empty in New York. Because of this, not even his security team would be able to pick out an individual as a threat; they blended too well into the crowd. He one tried to enter his apartment, they could probably stop him.
I observed the monolithic building from the sidewalk where I stood against the wall of the building directly across from it. A black trench coat and hat shielded me from the rain. A silenced berretta 9mm handgun rested in a shoulder holster inside my coat. The task for tonight was simple. Kill the man who lived in the penthouse apartment of this building. All I have to do is make my way past the ground floor security, and then through his personal security. The ground floor security would be easy. I wouldn’t even need the gun for them. My fake ID would convince them.
His personal security however, may have to be sacrificed. I could sense 5 souls that would be his security agents for the night. 2 were standing outside the front door, 2 were inside the apartment itself, and 1 was by the elevator exit. If I had to kill the one by the elevator, it would be difficult to mask it from the other 2 just down the hall. That’s why the elevator guard was going to kill them for me. “Let’s begins, shall we?” I muttered to myself. There was a crackling sound as the smell of brimstone burst into the air. A large hound with flaming eyes and burnt flesh and a glow like hot ambers under his skin appeared next to me out of a cloud of smoke and ash. “Let’s” it said in a harsh voice.
I walked across the street and up to the front door of the building. The hound followed me, wary for threats. I took off my right glove revealing a burn mark in the shape of a claw. I carefully channeled some energy and burned the locking mechanism open without anyone noticing. I opened the door as if I was buzzed in, and walked to the security desk. “Could you please unlock the elevator for me?” I asked the large security guard. “I’ll need to see some ID.” He replied in a bored tone. I pulled out my wallet and showed him the ID that said I was with the FBI. They would believe it because the only reason the man was in an apartment in the city was because they were trying to root out an assassination attempt they believed in the planning phase.
“Ok, you check out. The Senator’s on the top floor.” The guard replied. “Thank you.” I said politely and entered the elevator. As the hound walked by the desk following me, the guard’s eyes dilated and he was unaware of anything. Once the elevator door closed, he had forgotten all about me. “So, what’s the plan?” the hound said. “There’s a guard on the outside of the elevator door. Take him and use him to kill the other two guards that watch the front of his apartment. I’ll take care of his last 2 guard and then, him.”I replied confidently. “You really think that’s going to work?” the hound said sarcastically. “Really now Balamazon, have I ever let you or the master down?” I said. The door opened and a clearly armed guard stood in front of me. “Sir, I’m going to need to ser…” he said as I saw his soul driven to the ground by Balamazon. His body stood perfectly upright, but had no life in it anymore. I saw Balamazon rip a gash in the soul’s throat as energy flooded out from it like, well like a floodlight. The light streamed into balamazon as the amber glow beneath his skin grew. He entered the body of the guard, and began to walk over the 2 guards outside the door. In an instant he pulled a Glock from under his jacket and shot the two door guards. A third bullet fired into the elevator guard as Balamazon left his body.
“I suppose it’s my turn now.” I said pulling the pistol from my jacket. I placed a pair of polarized sunglasses from my pocket and put them on. I remove my coat, revealing a skin tight black shirt and blue jeans. A small backpack rested on his back and a spare clip for the gun inside a pouch in his shoulder holster. I opened the door to the apartment, and that’s where it got fun.
A guard was already rushing to see what the gunshots were about outside, I met him as I opened the door and hit him in the neck sending him sprawling onto the floor. I stepped on his throat preventing him from speaking, and shot him in the forehead before he could make a sound. “Hey, what’s going in there Joe?” a voice said from the kitchen of the apartment. The 5th security guard saw the scene and drew his gun. I turned and shot him in the left and right side of the chest. As he stumbled for his gun, I shot him in the forehead and walked toward the study.
Only the 1 soul remained in this home, and it was my final prey. I opened the door and saw the man sitting at his desk. He turned and gasped when he saw the gun in my hand and the blood that stained my cloths. “Who…who are you?” he said pulling a snub-nose revolver from his desk drawer. “Now now, let’s not go that way.” I said as hellfire consumed both my right hand glove and the revolver in his hands, the heat caused all the bullets to go off at once, and he dropped the gun from surprise. “Please, ill pay you…I’ll give you anything if you spare my life!” the senator yelled in a panicked voice. “You should be grateful senator Kalistad; you are among a lucky few. You will not need to suffer the apocalypse like the rest.” I replied in a smug voice. “What do you mean the apocalypse? Are you a terrorist or something?” he replied cautiously. “A terrorist? Me? Oh no senator, I am no terrorist. I am an agent, one of fate and time. And unfortunately, your time has run out. I will however, say a prayer for you before I end your mortal existence” I told him as he began to sit again. “Then do it, just make it quick.” He said with the voice of a man in his final moments.
I drew up my gun and pointed it as his chest. “And so he said ye who follow gods will suffer wrath beyond imagination, for I am giver of life and death alike. I am War, Death, Famine, and pestilence in a single pure form. And let he who would deny my might be stricken down by the very greatness he would not believe in.” I chanted in a voice tainted with a black energy there caused the walls to rumble. “That’s… that’s not form the bible?” the senator said puzzled. “Ever think that the bible might be wrong senator?” I replied as I prepared to fire. “Let all life which doth not congregate under my black alter, come to an end. Death doth bring sweet embrace to the father” I fired a bullet into the left side of the senator’s chest. “The son” a bullet penetrated the right side of his chest. “And the Holy Ghost.” A bullet went through his skull and he died. The three holes singed at the edges and the smell of brimstone was prevalent.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2011

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