

My Geese
My mother and I were riding in the car. It was just a regular, boring ride to my stupid school. I was looking out the window counting geese. One, two, three, four… then it struck me. I could no longer hold it in, “Hey Mom,” I blurted out, “what are those geese called?” She thought about it for a while and then she answered, “Canadian Geese.” I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Another question blurted out of my mouth, “Aren’t they called American Geese in canada?" My mom just nodded this time. I was shocked, I couldn't believe nobody liked theese beautiful geese. they had beautiful colored wings that just struck me with awe. that's when I swore to myself that they would now forever be called Sarah Geese, my geese. they now had a name no matter where they were. they couldn't ever be teased for a bad name. I told my mom this and she just chuckled.


Texte: M.E.M.S.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.02.2012

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i dedicate this to my school because this is all about it.

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