
By: R.S. Vargas

Vargas Books

ISBN 978-0-557-25148-3

All For You

Copyright © 2009 by R.S Vargas

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author, R. S. Vargas, 1150 capitol, Ogden, UT 84401 U.S.A.

Some characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

On the other hand some were. The following character's description, views, and appearance were inspired by the actual person: Stephanie(Stephanie Bernal), Ivy(Ivy Vargas), Kayla(Kayla Gillies), Daniel(Daniel Gomez), and Renee(Renee Vargas).

All For You published by arrangement with Vargas Books.

Written and Printed in U.S.A

Dear Reader,

Renee, a teenage vampiress, was tossed aside. Forbidden, by her blood mother, to stray from the ancient laws. She feared death even though for her life was already over. For a year, Renee, was at her trainers leash until one day she discovered the peace they had been "keeping" was actually a lie. The peace was sending others to kill humans, rogue vampires, witches, and werewolves.

But with the help of a few others, Renee began the Rebellion. With the species Renee had been trained to kill and destroy the rebellion flourished. It was home to any rejects from the other high powers. Renee was discovered, by her blood mother, as the leader. Renee was captured and taken away.

After a year in captivity, Renee was pumped with drugs. The drugs forced her to forget all memories after she had became a rebel and all thoughts before were locked away in her mind. Even when she could recover them, they were foggy and had to relive.

Kayla had succeeded in changing Renee's thoughts ut Kayla didn't foresee one final aspect, the thoughts of Renee's Rebellion. It was only a matter of time before they would recover her. Without worry, Kayla sent Renee back to her home in Ogden, Utah.

Can Renee regain her memory? Will Ivy, and the Rebellion make her see her past and future? When given the opportunity to become human, by Dr. Vensle, will she leave her vampiric life? Will Renee choose her newly found freedom or give it all way for a human?

All questions will be answered in this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it and hearing the praise from my family.


R.S. Vargas

The beginning is like the end. It's a mystery. Not knowing what life may bring. Not seeing the past or what lays ahead. It seems so dark. So, lifeless and cold, but to others it brings life and light. I think it's weird how so many people can take one thing, and make it seem 100% different.
No matter how we see it the end will always come. It just a matter of when. We're just counting down the clock. Whether we like it or not its gonna come. We can't fight death. We can push it away, but truly it only comes faster.
I remember hearing one day that with every breathe we move closer to death. If that's true, are we slowly killing ourselves?
I guess to you, death isn't something you look forward to. It's scary and unknown. It seems dark, and lonesome to wish for death, but some don't want to live anymore. Can you understand? But then some fear death. So, it really only matters how you see it. I personally never wanted death.
It seems sick to wish for death. Then again my town is sick. We all were. More than half of the population of my home town was vampires. I'd explain it, but it's a different story.
I know that life brings death, but what about death? What does it bring? I've seen loved ones cry over someone's death. Death brings pain, sorrow, hate, regret, longing, and knowledge. It seems odd to wish for death if you knew what your friends, and family would go through. I knew, and I still wished to die.
But that's the price to pay when your immortal. Not able to die, and all is a high price to pay when everyone you knew was dieing of old age. Once you choose, you can never go back. At least, that's what I've been told by my leader and over all trainer Kayla Gillies.
The head of the council. She's ruthless, dangerous, and deadly. Not the person you want to run into alone in a forest, but that's exactly what happened the night I became what I am today.
She told me that if I joined her, one day I'd rule beside her. Be on the council. Live like a true vampire but she was wrong. She saw my future as it could be, not how it would be. I'd rebel, bringing everyone who knew me along. But what she did to me changed my life. I couldn't remember I didn't even know why I was fighting. I didn't even know I was fighting.
In a war that couldn't be stopped by mortals. We'd kill each other. Thousands of us will die by the end of fall. It is only spring, and the war hasn't quite begun. Not yet, but it's coming with each day.

Prolog (Renee)
Remember when you were a little, your parents tucked you in at night, and told you nothing can harm you. Well, they were wrong. My kind live in the dark. We lurk in the shadows waiting for you to pass by and our moment to kill. We destroy lives, take those who can not defend themselves, we drink your blood, and lastly we are vampires.
I never really wanted to become a vampire, it just happened. I was an everyday student with a normal life till I met Nick. He offered me the life I'd always wanted. Or the life I wished for. But it was masked by lies and hidden.
I was young when my parents started fighting and not getting along. I was barely a Jr. High student when my mother and I had moved. Leaving my father in the little city of Selma in California. We had moved to Ogden, Utah. It was hard adjusting, but it was a good place. There my mother raised me, and I still live there to this day.
I met Nick on my first day of school. I had been a clumsy human girl then and knocked into him. He helped me gather my things. He had offered to help me to my next class. We became friends, and soon I made other friends.
I often left Ogden to visit my father. I missed Selma and enjoyed going back to see old friends and catch up over the summers. I missed my life over there, and the summers I spent with dad made me feel at home again.
There I had met my first vampire, but I didn’t know what he was at the time. I thought he was a normal boy. His name was Tye. Later, I learned that Tye was an evil creature that had stalked his prey and killed them slowly. After the day I met him, I had never seen him again.
Soon after meeting Tye, I returned home. That was the month Nick died. When we were around fifteen we had met a girl not much older than us. Her name was Kayla. Kayla had told us she was a vampire and would turn us when we reached the age of sixteen.
Nick and I had joked about her. Calling her crazy and laughing. We found it funny. Little did I know she was going to save us. Nick had died at the age of fifteen and a half in a house fire. I knew it was too late for him or so I thought.
Everyone else that I was friends with turned into vampires but by different leaders. After awhile, we started meeting each other. Sometimes even training together. I actually trained a few people myself and others were trained by members of the council. I never could please my leader, Kayla, to her I was a failure.
Through the two years I’ve been a vampire, I’ve learned many skills. Mostly my powers. Every vampire has a power, but I was blessed with a few. A lot of people I know were blessed with more than one. Or they took drugs to give it to them. I was special because I was chosen by Kayla to be her, and got a drug before she changed me.
Most vampires do things risky, and it earns them credits to be higher ranking in there bloodline, but if there caught people or the council they’d be burned. One of Tye’s tricks was stealing a girl from her home, and she became his meal. I’ve never done something so awful! Like others, I fear being burned so I stay clear of the councils path.
Life goes on, and I am still a vampire, a dreadful creature of the night. I never could get over the fact that I was a blood sucker. I favor the darkness, like most. I usually stay in my home; never going to far unless to hunt and even then only at night. To humans, I am only sixteen. I was transformed on my sixteenth birthday but I’m actually eighteen.
My past life haunts the present. Some people still remember that I was human. It's hard living in the same city which I was from when I was human. Somehow, I manage to stay undetected by the towns folk.
The story of my death was a sad tale. My mother had been gone, and I had wondered off into the woods never to be seen again. Of course, I could never leave her be. I’d check now, and then on here after my transformation. I still do but less frequently. No mother should be put into the things my mother has gone through.
My father was hit just as hard. We had been closer than mother and I had ever been. I always visited him. I never could keep away from my father. He had always been there for me, and now look at what I’ve become. Banished to the shadows never to be allowed to see my loved ones, never to love again, never to have a family. If I ever step out of line, the council would surely kill me.
The council is a group of vampires that protect our secrets. They protect the vampire community from other communities and prevent wars. If a war was to break out, no one would survive because even our most powerful vampires couldn't stop it. Only special vampires are on the council. Kayla is the leader of the whole council. I haven’t seen her since my training.
Enough about my past. My names Renee. When I was human my friends would call me Reney. I never really liked the fact that they called me that, but I soon learned to love it. In fact now I miss it. It's the little things that we miss.
I’m an animal feeder, meaning I only eat animals. I don’t think people should be eaten or feed on. I think its kind of wrong since we were all once humans. Those are my thoughts though. I know people who will kill a human at the very scent of them.
I have dark brown hair, blonde highlights, dark brown eyes and pale skin. I usually wear black(most vampires do). When I was turned, I gained five inch fangs, unnatural reflexes, pale skin, sharp claws(they look like finger nails), and a killer diet. To humans, I'm a nightmare. I can blend in with a crowd so easily.
My life never was easy. Getting through life, parents divorce, moving away, Nicks death, and the change into what I am today was hard. Everything that had happened shaped my future.
Life’s full of struggles and when you decide to make your move you can only do your best. If you give up then there’s no point in living. So never give up, always fight for what you believe in and never let the dark rule the day. Even though we live in the dark it doesn’t mean we don’t show ourselves in the day. Beware of those closes to you. You never know who’s really out there and waiting for you. Even if your loved by someone special we might decide to snatch you up and take you away. You’ll never see them again.
Love always comes at a time you don’t expect it. I've learned that. You can’t learn to love someone, it just happens naturally. You’ll never truly be happy till you find the one you love and want to spend your life with. As a vampire, I can’t love a human it’s against the laws. I can’t have kids, or start a family. I’m basically alone. I don’t like any of the guys I’ve met so I just keep moving on. That’s all going to change. At least I hope.


Chapter 1. Goodbye Huntsville (Josh)
“Josh!” Yelled Ashley from downstairs. I groaned. I hadn’t gotten any sleep last night and now my annoying little sister wanted me up and moving.
“What!?” I yelled from my upstairs room on the second floor. I was still in bed and not ready to go downstairs to deal with what ever Ashley had cooked up.
“Are you up yet!?” She yelled up the stairs. I groaned loudly. What kind of question was that? Of course I was up!
“I am now!” I growled as I sat up in my bed. I was still dressed in the clothes I had wore yesterday. I had been so tired from scouting yesterday that I had passed out in my bed without even changing. Why was Ashley even up any ways? Wasn’t today Saturday?
“Great!” Ashley Exclaimed as she walked up the stairs. I heard every step. Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump! Finally she stopped at the top of the stairs and turned into my room. She was wearing a dark shirt with a pair of jeans. She slumped in the frame of the door. She looked at me as if I was a piece of meat, gone bad.
“ Yuck….look at what the cat dragged in.” she said jokingly.
“Shut up!” I growled at her. “Get out of here! I have to get dressed!” I yelled as I stood up and pushed her out of my room I slammed the door in here face.
“ Fine but you better hurry.” She said as she began to descend the stairs.
As I got undressed and changed into clean clothes I started thinking about Ashley, and why we were still here. My family was gone all I had left was Ashley. Even though Ashley is part vampire she could live a normal life among humans, I told myself. I walked into the master bathroom. Since the week after mom and dad had died I chose to live in their room. I looked in the mirror. My pale skin was even whiter today. How could it get whiter? I asked myself. My dark blue eyes looked lost in a dream where I’d never wake up and my hair…. It didn’t bother with it to much. I wet my hands and pushed them through my hair so it looked spiked.
“Hurry up!” Ashley yelled impatiently at the bottom of the steps. I quickly brushed my teeth, and ran out of the bathroom and my room. I slammed the door behind me. I didn’t care what happened to this house now, Ashley and I would never return. I looked down at her from the top of the steps.
“I’m ready to go.” She said as she slug her back pack over her shoulder. I looked at her and chuckled to myself.
“Where’s your shoes?” I asked. She looked down. She ran off into the kitchen. “Stupid Ashley.” I muttered to myself.
“I heard that!” She yelled from the kitchen. I chuckled to myself. Ashley was always such a good listener even from a distance.
“Okay lets go!” Ashley said excitedly from the kitchen. She came prancing out of the kitchen. I walked down the stairs. “So where are we going?” She asked as she opened the front door.
“Out there.” I said looking out the door. Ashley looked at me puzzled and shrugged. She walked out of the house. I followed her out and locked the door behind me. The town suspected we were creatures unnatural to this world and threatened us to leave by the end of the month. We were leaving today because I didn’t want to be forced out of the house in the middle of the night.
“Lets go.” I said as I walked boldly out of our yard. The streets had no cars, the houses next to ours had no kids playing in there yards. I walked into the middle of the road. I motioned Ashley to follow. I saw curtains in windows moved slightly so a person could peek out. I shook my head. Ashley and I weren’t wanted here anymore. I walked down the road with my head held high and Ashley at my side. I knew one day we’d return and bring pain back to those who had hurt us.
Ashley told me here idea of finding other vampires and finding a clan we could live with but I didn’t like that idea too much. My mother had been killed by another vampire when my father was out hunting. When he returned Ashley and I were locked in a closet. He opened the door and then once the door was open he was slain by a vampire named Raven. Raven wanted my father dead for breeding with a human. Ashley and I were close to death but she decided to spare us.
I was scouting last night for a vampire hunter group. I hoped one day I’d get my revenge on Raven for killing my parents. Ashley didn’t know I had gone scouting. The group was a good twenty thirty miles or so away from Dalla, the city we were leaving. We’d only stayed because this was my family’s home for over twenty years. Paid off and everything. Our house was in the very center of Dalla. Ashley and I would miss our house very much but we had to go. If we didn’t we’d die. I didn’t want to upset her so I didn’t tell her.
We finally reached the city limits. It was dark now.
“We’ll sleep in a tree tonight.” I told her as I walked over to a tree and pulled myself into it. Ashley followed but needed my help up. I sat crossed legged on a thick branch. I pulled her into my lap. Even for a eleven year old she still fit in my lap but her legs and arms hung out. She was already fast asleep. I watched her for a few minutes before I was asleep. Usually I don’t dream but tonight was different.

I was in a forest alone. I stumbled a few steps. Soon I was in a clearing. Trees surrounded the clearing, so the only light came from above. I knew it was a dream. I stopped in the very center of the clearing. There was grass under my feet and a huge rock at the edge of the clearing. There was a girl sitting on the rock. Behind the rock was about two feet from the nearest row of trees. The girl was around my age. Her hair was dark brown, I couldn’t see her face because her hair was tossed about her head.
She wore a black dress with red lining. One of the sleeves was torn as if an animal had attacked her. She was pale and had a scar on her wrist. I wanted to see her face. Suddenly there was a gust of wind. It whipped her hair out of her face. She was smiling. I smiled back. Her smile widened till I could see two sharp fangs.
My jaw dropped. She was a vampire. She lifted her hand and waved me over. I felt as if I couldn’t disobey her. Why would I want to? I started walking across the clearing. It seemed to last forever. She filled me with warmth even though I knew she could be a potential threat to me but she seemed to friendly. My problem was I just didn’t care about my safety anymore. Finally I reached her.
“What’s your name?” I asked her. Her mouth moved but I no sound came out. “What’s your name?” I repeated a little louder. Once again she didn’t speak but just moved her lips. They were moving to rapidly for me to read them. I sighed loudly and cleared my thought. “What’s your name?” I said as I tapped her shoulder.
She looked up at me. Had she even noticed me? She looked at me hard until I had to look away. I glanced at her, that smile was there again. “ What’s your name?” I asked again. She gave me a short giggle then pointed behind her.
“Ask them.” she said as she waved forward three men. There was a black haired man in the middle and on the right was a blonde there was a blonde on the other side too. I started to wonder if I could wake up. I didn’t want to be here. Me against three guys, he odds weren’t in my favor. The middle one took a step toward her and whispered something in her ear. What had he said to her?
“Don’t be to upset, Nick.” She said to him as he walked back to the line of guys. She nodded to them and the boy she’d called Nick sighed and took a step forward.
“All you need to know is our names.” Nick said as he waved the other two men over. “I’m Nick and this is Tye and Caleb.” He said as he pointed to the two blondes. I nodded in acknowledgement. “Don’t worry we wont hurt you,” Nick said as he placed a hand on her shoulder,“ as long as you don’t threaten us.”
“What’s her name?” I asked as I looked at her.
She gave me a smile and politely said, “I’m Renee.” I thought about that. Why had I wanted to know so bad in the first place?
“Nick,” she said as she said as she stood up, “Go and take Tye and Caleb with you.” She commanded. Why I am here? Why am I having this dream? I thought as the guys left.
“Your dreams tell the future and what is happening.” Renee said. I looked at her puzzled. How did she know what I was thinking? I wondered. “It’s a dream, Josh.” She said oddly. “I know what your thinking.”
I stared blankly at her. well, why am I here then? I thought.
“Because you have to find me.” She said. After she said that three girls walked into the clearing. They were all beautiful. They were around the same height. There was a dirty blonde, and two brunets.
“This is Stephanie.” Renee said. The dirty blonde nodded. “If you ever get lost call her.” Renee said as she turned toward them.
“This is Ivy.” Renee said pointing to the tallest brunet. “You shouldn’t trust her ever.” I nodded. "Trust her and you’ll regret it." She said.
"Can u put thoughts into my head?" I asked. Duh it’s a dream, what part don’t you get of that! I’m trying to help you so listen carefully, She said in my head. I nodded.
“I am Victoria.” The other girl said.
“But you think of her as Ashley.” Renee said. I took a closer look at the girl. She looked exactly like Ashley, the hair, the skin, even her eyes.
“Ashley.” I said as she began to walk toward me. She shook her head.
“No, it’s Victoria.” She said. My jaw dropped. She began to fade.
“ I’m sorry for lying to you brother.” Victoria said as she became nothing. I grabbed at the air. She was gone. I fell onto my knees. Renee began to signal Stephanie over. She Isn’t really gone, Renee said in my head.
“Why didn’t you help her!’ I growled at the three girls who stood before me. What were they doing!? I just watched my little sister fade into nothing, and they’re just standing there like nothing happened!
“We couldn’t do anything.” Stephanie said. I looked at her. A sour look crossed my face.
“Couldn’t help her!? You didn’t even try!” I hissed at her.
“Josh you don’t understand. That was her destiny. We cant change that.” Renee said kindly. I turned to her. She was smiling. I glared at her. Her smile slow disappeared into a frown.
“It will be her time soon.” Renee said as she walked away from the rock. Stephanie followed her. Ivy stayed behind.
“It’s a shame she had to go.” Ivy said as she bent over and picked up some dirt. “I could change that.” She said as the sand gradually left her hand and onto the floor.
“How?” I asked as I stood up.
“It’s very simple. I just have to kill Victoria’s soul.” Ivy said as she turned around. I looked at her astonished. Had Renee lied to me? “Just give me a call when you make up your mind.” Ivy said as she tossed me a card. It was folded in half. I unfolded it and looked at it.

Dear, Josh
If you want your sister back to the way she once was give me a call. Just say my name three times and I will appear. I am a transporting vampire. If you ever need my help just call.
I looked around me. Ivy was gone. “Damn.” I cursed under my breath. Suddenly there a was voice.
My eyes flew open. My heart was racing. “Wake up!” Ashley yelled in my ear.
“I’m up!” I yelled. I looked up. Ashley was sitting on the other side of the branch, eating an apple. I smiled at her. She looked up at me.
“About time you woke up.” she said as she threw the apple core away. I watched it flew over the edge of the branch. “I’ve been trying to wake you up for an hour.” She laughed.
“How long was I out?” I asked.
“Most of the day.” Ashley said as she pointed up. I looked, the sun was in the middle of the sky. I sighed.
"Why’d you wake me?” I asked.
“I wanted to know what you were dreaming about. You were mumbling in your sleep.” She said as she reached into her backpack and pulled out a dead rabbit. She caught my looking at it oddly. “Come on, brother. I know what you eat. I caught it for you when you were sleeping.” She said as she tossed me the dead animal. I usually kept that to myself because I didn’t want her knowing about my disgusting habits.
I drank the blood of animals to keep fit but Ashley she was basically human except for her fangs, she didn’t have to breath, and she was cold blooded. Have fangs, cold blood and a killer appetite. I thought Ashley didn’t know what made me a creature of the night. She was always so silent about these kinds of things but I never really took interest because I took it for a blessing.
“How long have you known?” I asked as I took fumbled with the rabbit in my hands. “Since the night mom and dad died,” she said as her hand slipped back into her bag, “I watched you hunt that night.” I looked at her. She was talking as if nothing had happened. She pulled her hand out of the bag. In her hand was an apple for herself. She took a bite and chewed as I looked at the dead rabbit. It’s throat was slit. It had been dead for sometime because the blood around the cut was dry.
“How’d you hunt this?” I asked. I already knew but it was always fun to ask. Ashley had a way with animals even if she wouldn’t admit it. They were always attracted to her. She could even get them to do her bidding and sometimes even talk to them. I didn’t really have a power but if my dream had been right. I could tell the future and things that were happening by my dreams.
“It was wonderful Josh!” She exclaimed as she pointed at the rabbit with her free hand. “That rabbit actually talked to me! It was amazing. I’ve never heard anything like it. I pretty said that I killed it, but I didn’t mean to! Honest I didn’t , it just happened.” Ashley said as she got up. “I got it over there.” She said as she pointed to south of the tree we were in. “What’s wrong?” She asked as she put her hands in her lap. She must have seen the worried expression on my face. “Ashley, you killed that poor little animal. I didn’t even needed it. I’m not hungry.” I explained as she looked away from me.I tossed the rabbit away from me. I didn’t want her becoming like me. A cold careless creature of the night. I hated it. I never could figure out why my mom had bred with a creature as cold and dead as my father. Had she wished us such vile creatures on the earth? Mom had almost died at my birth, ,but then she had Ashley. She never really recovered. Then she was murdered.
"Enough about me. So what was your dream about?" Ashley asked. It brought me out of my thoughts. Should I tell her everything? No, what if she over reacted. I shook my head trying to to clear my thoughts. "Well?" Ashley said impatiently.
"It was about theses group of people." I said shakily.
"What kind of people?" Ashley asked suspiciously. Want more did she want from me? I didn't want to be doing this. I should be out there looking for a new home, instead of sitting here and explaining a stupid dream.
"You can tell me." She pleaded.
"Fine! It was about three girls,and three boys." I began making sure to leave the part out about Ashley.
" You know what I meant Josh. What kind of people were they?" Ashley asked impatiently. "Vampires." I sighed. I recognized my defeat and I knew I'd end up telling her everything, but I'd still try.
"Go on." Ashley said as she waved with her.
"What's there to tell? They talked, I listened, I learned. Story done." I said trying to get by. Maybe she'd just give up, but no.
"Details, Josh. I want detail."She said as she slipped her backpack onto her back.
"Where do you think your going?" I asked. She looked at me as if shocked I had asked. I Shook my head.
"Never mind." I said in defeat. Ashley usually told me everything but sometimes she liked to keep something's to herself. I wasn't going to push it. She reached out and asked for my backpack. I reluctantly gave it up. I watched her tie my backpack to hers.
"You better start talking Josh." She said as she slug my back pack over the edge of the tree branch.I looked horridly at my bag. Would she really drop it!? I had things in there that were very precious to me. Things like mom and dad's wedding pictures.
"Okay! Okay!" I pleaded, "Just don't drop the bag, please!" A smug look grew on her face as she swung my backpack around and pushed it to me. I grabbed it and pulled it close. Even though my father was a mean and cruel man, I still loved him and that was the only thing I had left of mom.
"It was about a girl. She wouldn't tell me her name..." I started as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. I shoved my hands in my pockets. There was piece of paper in my pocket. I slowly pulled it out of my pocket.
"What's that?" She asked as I unfolded it.
"I don't know." I mumbled as looked at it. It was Ivy's note! How'd it get in my pocket? No! Was she out there waiting for us? Ashley took it from me. I watched her face. There was a smile.
"Who's Ivy?" Ashley joked. I put my head in my hands.
"I don't know." I said as slumped against the tree. She looked at me puzzled.
"How'd it get there?" She asked.
"I don't know." I said blankly.She looked worried.
"You don't know?" Ashley asked. I nodded. "I was gone so I wouldn't know." My head started to spin what if shes watching us right now? Could i get Ashley to safety? What was i even doing in the middle of no where with a eleven year old who's killing poor little rabbits? I should be back at home. Not here in the woods. Not when Ivy could be out there and watching us. We were as good as dead out here in the open.
"Tell me all about your dream." Ashley commanded. I did. I told her about Renee, about Nick and the two blondes, about Ivy, and her note. Once I was done she looked at me as if I was crazy.
"Really?" she asked. I nodded fiercely. "Should we be out here?" Ashley asked nervously. "I didn't know," I answered.
"We shouldn't stay here for long." I said as I stood up. She didn't even bother. She just swung her legs over the edge and soon she was falling. I jumped off the branch. The air flew pasted me. It felt cold and warm at the same time. I soon landed on the ground.
"Josh?" Ashley asked after a few minutes of walking.
"What?" I asked as I came to a stop. "I think we're lost." Ashley said unhappily. I looked around. Everything looked the same. The trees were all aspen or oak. I started felling dizzy, and think how bad this was. Ivy could be hunting us and she'd know this place better. We use to stand a chance but look at us now; we might as well be on a silver platter. I start to worry. I tapped the earpiece in my ear.
"Stephanie." I said. Ashley came close to me, and nodded gratefully. It didn't make me think about our dangers. Could I really trust Stephanie? Too late to turn back now.
"Hello?" A girl said on the other line.
"Hi, I need some help." I said into the earpiece.
"What's your name? But more importantly. How'd you get this number?" She growled through the phone line.
"My names Josh, and Renee told me...." I said as I questioned myself. Why would she help me? Would she even believe me? Could I trust her. She didn't seem like the person I wanted to meet.
"I'll be there soon." Stephanie said as she hung up. How did she know where we were? "Who cares?" Ashley said from behind me. I spun around on my heels to get a better look at her.
"How'd you know what I was thinking!?" I asked astonished. She shrugged.
"I don't know I just looked at you, and it was like being inside your head." She said as if I didn't matter. I smiled at her. I was hoped she would have some kind of greater gift than she already did.
"We have to stay here." I told Ashley.
"Why?" she asked as she turned around.
"Stephanie will be coming for us soon." I said quietly.
"Fine. I'm tried anyway." Ashley said as if she'd been brought up in a country home. "Shut and get some sleep." I barked at her. She did as I told her. She lowered herself to the floor, and lay on the ground. I did as well hoping to catch some sleep. My eye lids felt heavy so i let them fall over my eyes and soon i was dreaming.

I was in a kitchen. "Have a seat, Josh" A dark voice said. I Looked hard into the shadows. Trying to see the figure that lurked there.
"Who says?" I asked. Nick took a long step out of the shadows.
"Have a seat, Josh. Renee wants to speak with you." He said coldly. I did as I was told. The two blondes I had dreamt of earlier came out of the shadows. Nick circled around the chair I was in.
"Who's Renee?" I asked intently. I had forgotten.
"She's the girl we were with in your past dream." Nick sighed.
"Don't betray your own kind." Caleb said coldly.
"I would never do something like that!" I weakly and tried to defend myself.
"But you would for Ashley." Nick said from behind me. I nodded slowly.
"Don't or you'll kill us all." Tye blurted out. I nodded again.
"We've see your future. You kill Renee, and run off with your sister. You killed our savior, and left us to die." Nick hissed.
"I wouldn't kill her!" I said angrily.
"You would." Tye said coldly.
"No." I said as I jerked my head in his direction.
"Yes, you would." Caleb snapped.
"No..." I said as I shook my head. I stood up, and felt all there eyes on me as I darted for the door. It led to the living room. There I saw the most horrific thing in my life! Ashley laid dead on the floor with Renee standing over her. A pool of blood surrounded my sister.
"I'll kill you!" I growled at her. Suddenly, I felt two strong hands grab me from behind. I felt a knife go to my throat.
"Never threaten her!" Nick growled. I felt the knife go into my skin. He applied pressure to the knife. It went deeper and deeper. I felt no pain. None at all... it was as if I couldn't feel pain. I felt the blood go down my neck. I started to cough. The blood was dripping from the inside of my neck and into my lungs. I collapsed onto the floor as I coughed trying desperately trying to get air into my lungs. I fought for a breath of air when Renee stepped over me.
Her long hair slung off her shoulder, and into my eyes as she knelt over me. I looked into her dark, brown eyes. They screamed anger, and hate. Why!? Why had she killed Ashley? Her hands had blood on them.
I looked toward Ashley. She was gone, no doubt in my mind. My poor little sister was gone from this world. Would there be a heaven for those like us? A heaven for vampires? No... death was death... we already belonged to the dark. We could never go into the light, anyway's.
Renee twisted the knife in my throat. I felt the pain. It screamed through me as I was being tared apart. Why? I mouthed.
"Change... is always better." Renee said as she stood up. She turned around as I began to spit up blood. "Like her fate," Renee said pointing to Ashley."This is your's." She flung a knife from her sleeve. It flew across the few feet between us, and into my chest.
"No." I said as I reached up to the knife.
"You could have been the one, Josh." She said as she walked back to me. She tilted her head, and looked at me oddly.
"A warning." She said as if mocking me. I took a deep breath, and pulled the knife out slowly. I felt it slice through me as it came out as if my skin had grown around it. Could I hit her with the knife?
I lifted the knife, and gave it a weak toss at her. It would have hit her. It would have but the area where her heart was faded into nothingness. Then she fade back into reality. She looked at me angrily.
"You try to kill me even though you have already lost the war. You give yourself to death because you think I killed her?" She asked me.
I looked at her blankly. Of course she killed her! Look at her, her hands are drenched in Ashley's blood! I started to get up. I couldn't and fell back to the ground, the pain to strong to move a muscle.
"You killed her." I growled.
"No, I didn't" She said as she walked away from me. She walked out of the room from the way I had come. There was a sudden movement from the corner of the room. A girl stepped out of the shadows. I heard the door shut after Renee.
"I killed her." The girl said. My body wrenched with anger as I struggled to sit up. Instead of sitting, I flew to my feet. I clutched my stab wound as I struggled to take a step toward the boy.

Chapter 2. Memories (Renee)
I stopped and looked back. I could no longer see my attacker just trees and dense forest. I sighed and bent over. My hair draped over my shoulders, and in front of my face as I took long heaving breathes. I looked at my feet as I caught my breath. The dry leaves crunched under my feet. The beautiful orange and red hues ranged from dark to light around me.
"Thought you could get away from me?" A deep husky voice said in front of me. I jolted my body up. A pale white man stood in front of me. He was a tall man, around five foot eleven. He was dressed in a black suit. I gulped as I sized him up. I could never take on someone his size. I was only a mere five foot five. His hair was a dark red. His eyes a piercing yellow.
"Get away from me!" I hissed as I spun around on my heels. I took one long stride away from the man. I felt his hands in twine in my hair and yank back. I lost my balance and fell backwards. He dangled me by my hair in front of him. He tightened his grip in my hair and lifted me into the air. I stopped struggling, I knew it would only make it worse.
"Remember you came for me." The man said angrily. "It's not fun when the hunted fights back, is it?" He spit the question in my face as he drew me closer to him. I looked at his face and moved my hand slowly to the small of my back. I felt the smooth holder of the knife. It was warm from being close to my skin. I slowly wrapped my hand around the handle of the knife.
"Well answer me!" He shouted and shook me violently. I screamed in pain. He laughed at my squeal for help. I quickly took the knife out of the holder and sliced the mans side. He hissed in anger and released my hair to clutch his side.
I fell to the floor and quickly got to my feet. The man swung his arm at me. I dodge it and fled from him. I raced away, moving swiftly in between the trees. I carefully placed my feet around the roots and broken branches taking the effort to make sure I didn't fall. I misplaced my footing and slipped on the leaves of the oaks that surrounded me. I flew into the leaves, running in sneaker in the dense forest not so good. I tried to regain my footing, hoping I would still have a chance to get away. My hope was destroyed as the man darted in front of me.
"You still think you can run away from me!?" He hissed as he grabbed me by my neck and lifted me into the air. "How dare you stab me!?" He growled as he pinned me by my neck to a tree nearby.
I gasped for air.
"You stupid child!" He spit in my face as he clenched his fist tighter. I started to struggle. If I passed out I would become his meal or worse one of him!
I wrapped my hands around his trying to pry them away from my throat dropping the knife in the process . I stopped twisting my body and kicked his gut. He laughed. I pushed on his rock hard body to push me closer to the tree. For a second his grip loosened just enough for me to get away. I twisted my neck to loosen it more. I slipped away from him and fell to the floor. I kicked the back of the mans knee. He fell to the floor.
I scrambled to find the knife. In pure panic my hands fumbled through the dead leaves as I look for the knife. My hand connected with a metal, slightly cutting open my palm. I grasped it tightly and lifted it out of the leaves cutting deeper into my flesh. I flipped it so the handle was in my hand. Blood slowly dripped down my wrist and over the handle as I held the knife up at my attacker.
"Come any closer and you'll be dead for good." I growled at the man. He laughed and moved closer. I lounged with the knife aimed for his heart. It stabbed into his rib cage. He hissed in pain. I knew it hadn't hit his heart yet so I twisted the knife and pushed it deeper. Instead of blood seeping out of his wound nothing happened. I made one last effort, I pushed it harder at an angle. He screamed pain and suddenly he was gone. The knife fell to the floor in front of me. I looked at the floor. Dust had taken the mans place and now laid everywhere. The man was dead.
I leaned against the tree and fell to the floor. Leaves flew into the air. I laid still as the pain from the knife cutting into my hand became distinct. It felt like my hand was on fire. What was wrong with this knife?
I heard claps coming from someone above me. In fear I grabbed the knife. I glanced up to see a pale female brunette clapping as if she had seen everything and had approved of the deed.
"Renee," The girl said. "Isn't it?" I somehow gathered the will to sit up and look at her in the face. If she was like the man, I'd die. But I wouldn't die alone. I grasped the knife tighter than ever. I nodded.
"Yes," She said smugly. "I'm Kayla Gillies." She offered a hand to me. I looked down at my hands. One was in intense pain and drenched in blood, the other held the knife.
"Did I ask what your name was?" I asked nastily and struggled to get to my feet.
"Ah." Kayla laughed and smiled. "In pain and still stubborn I see. I like that about you, Renee." She paused and frowned. "But, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you."
I don't know how she did it, but she snatched the knife out of my hand and sliced the wrist of my good hand. I gasped and shuddered as she dropped the knife just out of my reach. I grasped my wrist with my bloody hand. I had never known so much pain. Soon my wrist was on fire just like my hand.
"Let go!" Kayla hissed at me. I didn't listen to her. I gathered the strength to get to my feet. I raced away from her. Stumbling as I went. She was just like the man. She must have been a blood thirsty creature just like him. Suddenly, there was a loud snap!
I woke with a pain flowing through my veins. It was just a dream. A dream of my past. My human past. I glanced at my arm. My scar was throbbing. I could hear my blood pounding in my head. I had cold sweat all over me. I wiped the sweat from my forehead, and onto my nightgown.
I stared into the darkness that engulfed my room. I suddenly felt cold in my clothes. I gathered the blankets on my bed and pulled them over my legs. I took a deep breath, and laid on my bed so I was staring at the ceiling. I listened to the silence of my room. There was an owl outside. I want to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes, and began to hum to myself.
"You always had a nice voice, Renee." A voice said in my head. I stopped humming, and my eyes jolted open. I listened to the silence again. Someone was breathing on the other side of my room.
I stopped breathing. "Hello?" I called into the darkness. The darkness... I belong to the darkness. The darkness was my home... what did I need to fear. I didn't need to breath but I've come accustom to it since my transformation. I stopped breathing to listen closer to the room. I still felt uneasy. Nothing could really hurt me. I belonged to the dark! No human could even touch me without dieing, I'd make sure of that. I was invincible or so I thought. The other breathing stopped. Maybe they left? No, I didn't hear anyone leave. I cleared me throat.
"Hello?" I repeated myself. There wasn't an answer. My voice ringed through my room. "Anyone there?" I asked. Still no answer. I was starting to doubt myself. Maybe I hadn't heard anything, and my mind was just playing tricks on me. I shook my head trying to make sense of my thoughts. Why was I so afraid of what lurked on the other side of the bedroom. Suddenly, I knew I wasn't alone. There was the faint sound of footsteps coming toward my bed. I started to panic. Who was it!?
I started thinking about an escape root. I could go for the door. It's right there. Maybe out the window? If I had to. It was like fighting myself from the inside.
"You're not think about leaving, are you? I just got here." The voice said in my head. I took a startled breath, I couldn't think about anything without my intruder knowing. I sighed deeply. I'd try to get free, and if I got caught... I'd fight back. "I thought you were peaceful." The voice said in my head.
I shrugged my blankets off, and slipped off my bed without a sound. I kept my mind as blank as I could as I moved about my room. I was looking for a weapon. Even though I already one. I didn't want anyone to know I was a vampire. If my intruder told someone, I would die at the hands of the Council.
"Who are you?" I asked as I reached the window.
"You don't remember me? You always did forget the simplest things." The voice said in my head.
"No, I don't. Please, just show yourself!" I yelled into the darkness. There was a moment of silence. An erie laughter broke the silence, and shattered my soul. I sat on the floor as if giving up all hope in escaping. Suddenly, a cool draft curled around me. The window was open. I felt like I had a chance. A moment to get away, an escape root.
"You don't really want to leave, do you?" The voice said in my head.
"Yes! I just want to be left alone!" I hissed into the darkness. I put my head in my hands. I wasn't going anywhere. Not yet. I sat in the dark for a few minutes just listening to the night. The owl hooted outside my window. It was so close. I could smell the feathers, it's last meal. It's aroma filled my nostrils.
I shook my head trying to concentrate on my intruder. Whoever it was, was good at masking their odor. I couldn't smell a thing, only that stupid owl. It hooted loudly as I took a deep breath. Finally, I caught his scent. It smelled like ash, and dust. I coughed.
"Ugh! you smell like ash!" I said as I began to cough.
"You like?" He said in my head.
"No." I said disgusted by this gross scent that flared through my nose. I saw a slight movement to my left. I took a deep breath, and without thinking, looked for a sharp tool. I found a dart. What was a dart doing in my room?
"Oh, that must be mine." My intruder said in my head.
"Stupid." I muttered under my breath.
"I heard that." He said in my mind.
"Good!" I said as I threw the dart. I heard a small grunt in the darkness as the dart found it's target.
"Good throw." The voice said in my head as if it was in pain. At that moment I was very proud of myself, but little did I know he was advancing on me without my knowledge. I had no clue where he was. Suddenly, two arms grabbed me from behind. I struggled for a few seconds then I started to scream.
"It's okay." The voice said in my mind. I didn't pay attention because I kept screaming. His hand flew up to my mouth to at least muffle my screams. I stopped screaming, and started fighting. I tried to wriggle free but I couldn't. I tried screaming again, but all effort were muffled by his hand. Death by a stranger. Would it be that bad? I wondered to myself.
"I'm not a stranger!" My intruder said angrily, aloud . Suddenly a flash of recognition flashed before my eyes, kind of like a flash back. More like a memory... a human memory.

It was my first day of school at Mound Fort Jr. High. I slowly made my way into the school. I had a piece of paper in my hand. I wasn't paying attention to the world around me, just to the little sheet of paper I held in my hand. It had my scheduled classes for the trimester on it. It was my first day, and I was on time. I had five minutes till the first bell would ring. There was a bench not to far away. I passed through the open area where many students were hovering and talking to their friends about there summer. I sat on the bench, and took a closer look at my classes.
I had Mr. Mieure for my first class. History. I was studying the paper, trying to memorize the room numbers. The bell rang loudly and startled me. I quickly stood up still looking at the paper. Suddenly, a boy whipped past me. Running from another. The second one rammed into me. He sent my notebook flying out of my hands, and me stumbling back. I fell to the floor, and so had the boy who had rammed into me.
He stood up, and offered me his hand. I took his hand so he could help me up. Once on my feet I looked at my paper. He looked worried as if it mattered that he had knocked into me.
He was slightly taller than me, so he was looking down at me. There was a long pause. Suddenly, he dropped to his hands, and knees trying to pick up my notebook. I bent over, and took it out of his hands. He quickly stood up.
"I'm sorry." The boy said. I shook my head, and turned around. "I don't believe, I've seen u around school before."
"I'm new." I said not looking back as I began to walk away. I heard footsteps following me as I walked toward my first class. I was maybe ten feet from where I had been knocked over when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned around to look at who had tapped me. It was the boy. He had a huge smile on his face.
"What's your name?" The boy asked. I felt shaky. Why was he talking to me?
"Renee." I said as I turned back around so I could continue my way to class. He tapped my shoulder again. I spun around on my heels.
"What's your first class?" He asked. Oh, great! I thought to myself. I have a stalker. I looked back at the paper I still had in my hand. It was a little crumbled but I could still read the words. In bold sloppy hand writing it said, "Mr. Mieure- History- Room 103."
"Mr. Mieure's class." I said quietly. I didn't think it was possible but his smile got even bigger. "What?" I asked. I didn't know what he was thinking. How could I?
"I have his class too." The boy said. "Can I walk you to class?" Was he crazy? Was this some joke? I didn't want to but I didn't even know where room 103 was! And I would be late if I didn't get to class soon.
"Ok..." I said as I turned around. "But just get me to class fast. I don't want to be late." If he wasn't crazy I knew I thought he was. I was getting help from a complete stranger but I was desperate so I didn't feel the slightest bit conscious about my decision.
"Great." The boy said as he grabbed my hand, and began to run. I didn't want to fall or trip so I followed quickly on his heels. We raced down the hall. When we reached a flight of stairs he let go of my hand.
"Let's go." He said as he began to run up the stairs. At a slower pace I followed him. Step by step, I made my way up the stairs, finally I reached the top. There stood the boy. He shook his head, and offered his hand. I took it, as he began to pull me towards a open door. I clutched at my notebook as he pushed me forward, and into the room. I almost fell but I grabbed the door handle to regain my balance.
"Hello?" A dark figure said. I was startled by the huge hanging figure above me. I started to shake. I felt the boy push me aside.
"This is a new student." He said from behind me. The tall figure stretched out a hand to me. I hesitantly took it. He shook my hand.
"I'm Mr. Mieure." He said as he looked me up, and down. "I see you've already met Nick." So that's what his name was. Nick.

The very person who stood before me was Nick. He his voice, his attitude. I realized that this was the one and only Nick Galloway. My friend since I had moved to Ogden, the same person who had mysteriously gone missing one afternoon after school. How could he be here!? He was suppose to be dead, at least that's what I was told. Little did I know that he actually dead.
"Nick?" I whispered into the darkness. I was so frightened. Maybe it wasn't him? Just my imagination, or maybe my heart was just hoping? I hadn't thought about Nick since he had disappeared two, and a half years ago. I was secretly hoping it was a dream. Nicks voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"So, now you remember my name?" He asked from behind me. I realized that he was still holding me. I sighed, and turned around. He released me.
"Yes." I said as I crossed the room, and back to my bed. Beside my bed was a lamp. Even my advanced eye sight can't see in the dark. I heard Nicks foot steps follow me across the room. I didn't need to feel around the room. I had been trapped many long nights in this room, and had learned every inch. When my mother had passed away, I was allowed to keep the house, with one condition. I had to have a mentor. Luckily, Raven had chosen to be my mentor. She checked in on me now and then.
I found the edge of my bed, and I reached out to where the lamp was. I pulled the little string. There was a very small click. Suddenly, light illuminated my room. Behind me stood a pale boy with black hair, and almost black eyes. I smiled at him. This had to be Nick, the only problem was that he was pale. Nick had been tan, not as dark but back then he seemed to have a glow about him. Now there was nothing.
"How have you been?" Nick asked as he sat on my bed.
"Pretty good." I said. "Where have you been!? Your mom, and dad were worried sick! Have you seen them?"
"I've been training." Nick said.
I felt my face go numb. Training? He couldn't? Could he? Training was for vampires... I got trained so did everyone else. Not him! Why would he want to be like us? Creatures of death, and darkness. No... maybe he was just training. To be something?
"I wasn't training for a job." Nick said.
"but... can't be." I stuttered.
"Don't you think it was kind of sudden?" He asked. I thought about that. Right after he disappeared I had been asked to change as well.
"No. I don't." I said trying to convince myself more than him.
I had always hoped he was alive but lately I had given up just hoping had truly died. The mortal way... it better than our way. Sometimes I'd look back, and see what I had lost. It was never big things. I still had my dad. My mom, and little sister had died in a car crash. Even when I was in training I was still allowed to visit them but then my visits became less frequent till one month I didn't show up at all. I was only in training for a year and a half.
"Come on, how can you lie to yourself, and expect me to believe you?" He asked.
"I was just hoping-" I started quietly.
"You can't hope!" He growled.
"Yes, I can. It's more than you've even done!" I hissed. He stood up. His hands balled into fists.
"I tried to come back! I did, but I couldn't not till my training was over." He said almost apologetic. I turned around. Why should I believe him? I was able to go home during my training.
"No you didn't." I said as I began to walk towards the window.
"Yes, I did!" He said angrily. "I tried."
"Your a failure. You left your parents! You were reported missing. They thought you had died in the fire when you weren't found." I said as I reached the window.
I was going to make a run for it. I turned back around. He was sitting on my bed with his head in his hands. I shouldn't go. I told myself. He jerked his head up to look at me.
"You're leaving?" He asked as he stood up.
"Yep." I said as I jumped out the window, and into the crisp night air. The wind flew past me. I had to get away. I didn't know why, I just had to. I landed on to the ground hard. If I was human the fall from my second story window would have killed me. I looked up to my window. Nick's head stuck part way out the window.
"You're crazy!" He yelled from above. Me crazy? Could be... I wasn't the sanest person. I began to walk away. He'd be there when I got back, I was sure of it.
"I know I am!" I shouted back to him as I reached the edge of my back yard. I glanced around
It boarded the nearby forest. I stepped into the dark. The tree's provided the perfect environment for my kind. Almost complete darkness. I eased my way into the forest. Making sure not to trip over parts of the trunk that stuck out of the ground. I knew the forest pretty well but things changed.
I was going to go and find a snack. Like a rabbit or a deer. I walked quietly through the forest. The forest was silent, not like usual nights. It was usually silent, but you could can hear the moving of animals as they moved away in fear. I slide in between trees as I went deeper and deeper into the forest. It all looked alike. The same old oak, and aspens crowding closer together. It was like they were trying to hide me.
I wished that I could hear the animals scuttling across the floor, but there was a erie dead silence and even for me it was kind of creepy. It seemed like my hunting grounds had been over hunted. I'd have to search farther, down by the river.
The river.
I always hated that river. The dark murky water... rushing as though it had a place to go. One year it had claimed the life of a five year old girl playing by it. A flash flood had swept the little girl up, and dragged her body over five miles. I still remember watching the news. Suddenly, memories flashed before my eyes.

It was a Saturday. A younger version of me was sitting on the couch next to Nick, we were watching a stupid cartoon. You know those ones that had a animal hitting a bigger one over the head with a mallet. I sat uncomfortably in on the couch desperate to go to my room, and be alone but something keeps me there. Nick was laughing beside me uncontrollably. I look at the screen. Their's a bird with cats dancing around his head. Meaning he got hurt... I suppose. I wasn't into the whole cartoon violence thing like Nick, but I wouldn't tell him that I rather watch the news than this stupid cartoon.
He noticed he was the only one laughing. He looked at me curiously. I was still a little shy, and he knew it. I kept my head low, and wouldn't look directly in his eyes.
"What's wrong? You don't like this show?" He asked as I fumbled with my hands in my lap. I tried to smile, but my lips stayed in a frown as if afraid to lie to him.
"Well...I rather be watching the news." I said quietly. Suddenly, he burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" I asked annoyed that he was laughing at me. When lived in selma with my mom, and dad we'd all sit with each other on the couch, and watch the news.
"You're a teen! But you want to watched the news." He laughed in my face. I was furious with him now! I let out a threatening growl. "You going to hurt me?" He laughed. I balled up my fists, and punched him in the arm. I wasn't as strong as I was now but I still knew how to fight. Nick fell off the couch, and the remote went flying out of his hands. I laughed at him. The remote hit the floor in between Nick and me. Our eyes darted to the remote. "Don't event think about it." He said as he went for the remote.
"Too late." I said as I jumped for the remote. I fell to the floor with my hands curled around the remote. I quickly stood up, and changed the channel to the news. There was a lady talking with a picture of a river behind her.
"Hey!" Nick said annoyed as he sat down beside me. He tried to grab for the remote. I pushed him away.
"Shhhhh!" I growled as I turned the volume up. Nick settled down silently. He pulled me to his lap. I fought him but couldn't win so I gave up.
"Last night, Six year old Natasha Hunter and her five year old sister, Kensahsa Hunter, we're swept away by a flash flood. Natasha was found clutching to a tree, holding on for dear life. Young Kensahsa was found dead a mile or so down stream. Investigators say Kensahsa was pronounced dead at the scene." I looked at Nick. That poor little girl I thought as I slipped away from Nick. I left the remote on the couch when I got up. He snatched up the remote the second my foot hit the floor. I walked unnerving toward the door that led to the hall way.
"Where you going!?" He yelled over his shoulder. Before Nick changed the channel, and I left the room I heard the lady on T.V. say, "Strangely the body of Kensahsa Hunter was found drain of all her bodily fluid." I felt sick, and ran to the bathroom.

I shook my head trying to erase those awful memories out of my head. My human memories... were always in black and white. They only showed me what I had been remembering. I laughed at myself as I reached the river. Why was I worried about some river? I can swim... I wouldn't drown because I didn't need to breath.
The river was around thirty to forty feet across and at some places seventy feet deep. It curved and twisted dividing the two man groups of creatures. Vampires and witches. I guess the rumors and legends were true that witches couldn't move across fast moving water. A legend said Zeus had made the river for the vampires so the witches couldn't attack and harm us when we were at our most fragile state.
You see witches hunt vampires for sport as do we. Vampires hunted witches, harpies, werewolves and other creatures for a sport during the fall games. If I hadn't been changed when I had been I could have been in the fall sports as a target.
I heard a sound come from the river. I turned to see a figure coming toward me. It was Nick. He had somehow got in front of me and dove into the river? Thats what I assumed. His shirt clinging to his skin, his clothes soaking wet. I bit my lip. He looked perfect. I was staring at him! I quickly looked down. I heard a chuckle come from him as he approached me.
"It's okay." He said.
"How did you get there?" I asked strangely. I looked over to my shoulder. "You had been just behind me." I took a startled breath as he appeared in front of me.
"I'm like Ivy." Nick smiled at me. I took a step back and suddenly I knocked into something.
Nick had transported behind me. He picked me up. I was still in my nightgown. His wet clothes damped mine. He had me by my waist. I struggled for a moment then sadly realized he was stronger than me. He laughed at me, and started walking back toward the river. I quickly comprehended what he was going to do. This was one of Nicks dumb Jr. High tricks after he learned that I knew how to swim.
"Nick!" I said pleadingly. "Put me down!" I begged and squirmed in his tight grip.
"What?" He asked nonchalantly and began walking toward the river.
"Don't Throw me in the water! Please! Nick!!! This isn't funny! Put me down." I hissed as we reached the river. He lifted me over his head. He couldn't be serious!
"It'll be fun." He said as he threw me into the dark water. I had just enough time to dive into the water before my body would have flopped in. The cold dark water engulfed me as I began swim upwards. My body was full submerged beneath the surface. My hand broke the surface and I came up trying to breathe. I took a deep breath as I looked around me. The murky water hid most of my body. I looked at the shore. Nick was gone. I felt something grab my ankle. I screamed in fear. I was dragged back under.
It was Nick. I kicked him as hard as I could and he lost his grip on my foot. His fingers uncurled and released me. I hastily swam for shore.
He surfaced beside and he was laughing at me. I glared at him. He stopped laughing as he noticed I wasn't in a playful mood. I pushed his head under the water, and tried to make a break for it. I swam as fast as I could to shore. I came racing out of the water. Nick came out of the river a few minutes later.
"Jerk!" I growled. "That wasn't funny when we were kids, and it isn't funny now!" My nightgown was sticking to me. I sighed angrily as I walked past Nick. Big mistake. He was laying on the ground nonchalantly. He extended his foot. I tripped, and landed in the sand. I growled as I got up. He was laughing again.
"Shut up!" I hissed as I kicked him and began to walked away.
"Renee!" He yelled behind me. "Don't be like that! Come back! I'm Suppose to protect you!"
Ha... Protect me? I'm a deadly machine what could hurt me. Other vampires... the council! Or worse. I heard Nick's Voice said in my head. I was too mad to believe I had just heard that. In the distance I could hear Nick shouting for me to come back. A sound came to my left. I froze as I realized I was no longer alone.
My body tensed and shifted into a fighting mode. I was slightly afraid with the last thought Nick had placed in my head still floating around. Maybe someone had come for me? But what had I done? Nothing!
"Tsk. Tsk." A sweet voice said to my right. I was never alone in my territory. Once in awhile other creature of the night would find there way to me. Not just vampires but werewolfs, harpy's, and other things like that.
"They told me I could find you here, but I didn't know it'd be so easy." It was a harpy. She looked like a human except for the huge wings sticking out of her sides. Her hair and eyes were a dark brown. I'd met her before. Jasmine. That was her name. I smiled as there. She looked exactly the same as she had before. She wore dark jeans and a red shirt tied around her waist by a piece of black cloth.
"I'm that easy to find? And who's they?" I asked and laughed sadly.
"You look like a mess." Jasmine said noticing the sand all over me and ignoring my question. I looked down at my clothing.
"Yeah," I sighed. "Well, there's no getting away from Nick." I laughed coldly. A thought came back to my mind. I'd get him back later. I smiled to myself at the thought of what I could do. ''Jasmine." I said softly. "It's nice to see you." I said as she stepped in front of me. She waved me away as she took a step back.
"You're in danger." She said quietly. Danger?
"You've got to be joking! I'm already dead. What could hurt me?" I laughed quietly.
"I don't joke." She growled at me. "I'm just telling you what I heard." Heard? What could she possibly know? I wondered about this for a second and decided to ask.
"Heard from who?" I asked nonchalantly. I didn't know that this was going to change my life, make me be on the run for the rest of my life! I knew a lot of things. I knew about being a vampire, about my human life, and about the future war. I remembered the night I had become a vampire.
"From Kayla." She said. I shuttered at the thought of seeing her again. I heard rustling the bushes nearby. Suddenly, Jasmine tensed. Her graceful wings extending. Her black and red feathers showed brightly in the moon light. "Until we meet again." She said smiling at me. Neither of us knowing we'd never see each other again. Jasmine flew into the canopy just as Nick came stumbling out of the bush.
"Don't run off!" Nick pleaded as I turned away from him. I wasn't going anywhere. I began to walk away from him. Back to the house, it's safe there. A voice said in my head. It wasn't like Nicks It was different. More like a warning.
"Renee!" Nick hissed in my ear as he tackled me to the floor. I fell with a sickly thud. The branches of the bush cut into my tender skin. I took a deep breathe as my skin healed unnaturally fast.
The world around me was spinning. My head was in the clouds it seemed. I hadn't had enough time to put my hands out to catch myself. My body went limp. Nick dragged me to my feet, and put his hand over my mouth.
What did he think? I was going to scream? Suddenly, I heard footsteps. They weren't mine or Nicks. We were pressed against a tree. Hiding in the shadows of the oak tree, we watched as five people appeared. I recognized them right away.
Caleb, Kayla, Ivy, Anna, and Annaliese.
As my eyes landed on Kayla I began to panic. Jasmine had said, "From Kayla." I started quiver. If it hadn't been for Nick holding me up I would have fallen. My legs felt weak. I saw Annaliese. She looked like a normal human... except for the knifes she held between her fingers. I counted five knifes in all as she walked by. I felt my throat close up. She could kill me, if Kayla told her.
Then Caleb walked by. His blonde hair was in his eyes. He held a small flame in his hand. His gift. Kayla was a tracker. She could see the person she was tracking, and where they were and planning on going. Annaliese had such a sweet voice and face. Her gift was the art of deception. She was everything but sweet and kind.
Then I saw Ivy. She looked angry. From my past experiences I knew not to doubt her abilities. She makes dream into reality. I remember when she made my nightmares became reality when I was training with Kayla. Soon, I learned not to have nightmares, or I tried. Ivy, and Stephanie had always been dangerous. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Ivy after my training with Kayla had ended.
The day I had spent training with Kayla had been hell. I didn't know what to do! She wouldn't just tell me either. I was expected to figure it out. I was suppose to keep my mind on the task that lay ahead. I still remember the last words she told me before she sent me away to find a territory. "You should leave..." She had said in the middle or training. "You're useless to me! You're a failure!" Then she sent me on my way. Lucky for me the house my mother had owned in Ogden had been in an available territory. So I choose to stay at home.
I hated being with Kayla those weeks... all my time waisted on learning not to be seen by humans, not to feed unless alone, not to attract attention, and to fear the council. I broke all the rules.
The council.
The people before me where the top people of the council! I hadn't realized that they had added Caleb an Anilese to their side. No... I thought. "That's why I'm here." Nick whispered in my ear. I felt my throat close as Anna walked by. She had always been so peaceful was she really going to kill me or was Nick just be mellow dramatic?"
"It's real, and they're looking for you. It wouldn't be good if they went to your home and found out you had already fled. Let's go." He said quietly as he released me, and shot off into the bushes. I quietly followed.
We crept past the council member as we made our way back to the house. Once out of range of their hearing we picked up pace and began to run. I ran as fast as I could, which was saying a lot but Nick past me as if I was jogging. I Reached my backyard. Trees and bushes hid us as we made our way across the yard. Nick was waiting against a tree.
"What are you doing!?" I asked as I walked up to him. He cleared his throat and smiled at me. I saw his fang glitter in what little light I could gather out of the night sky. It was beginning to lighten. Had I been outside that long? I shook my head as I looked at him.
"Hello?" Nick asked pointing at his fangs. I laughed to myself. We weren't allowed to be in a house unless we were invited in first, well that was the legend. There were all sorts of rules that deal with our kind and that was the one that the humans had come up with We didn't have to obey that rule but some did.
The only way we could truly die was through beheading, burning, buried face down, or something sharp through the heart. Those are the only ways a human could kill us. I'm not even going to begin on how a vampire could kill a vampire!
I remembered watching Kayla dismembering bodies. I shivered at the memory. She had done it so easily, so nonchalantly. As if the people were just vegetables being cut up.
I could hear their approach. They weren't walking anymore. They were running! I darted up the tree that was beside me window. I stared down at Nick. He wasn't moving, and they were almost here!
"Come inside!" I said hastily as I jumped into the window. It wasn't a graceful entrance. I slammed into my night stand, and knocked my mom's and dad's wedding photo over. I picked it up, and placed it back on the night stand, slightly tracing my finger over the golden frame.
Nick flew in through the window. I stared and my mouth dropped wide open. How'd he do that? So perfectly. I can't even come close.
"How'd you... do that?" I asked as I gawked at him as he cross the room. He helped me up. He hadn't flied into the room, more of a jump but still it was so perfect.
"Do what?" He asked as if I was crazy. I looked at him oddly. "You should get downstairs they're in your backyard." He said as he opened my bedroom door. I nodded but paused. I starred down at what I was wearing. I ran quickly into the bathroom. I had clothes I could change into. I quickly stripped and pulled the dry clean clothes on. I rushed out of the bathroom and into the hall.
I stepped into the hall. The upstairs hall had five doors on it. My room at the very end. Three guest rooms, and an room my mom had used for a office. The bathrooms were on the bottom floor except for the one in my bedroom and in the biggest guest room.
"Nick," I said as I walked away done the hall. "What am I suppose to do?"
"Pretend like I'm not even here." He said as I began to walk down the stairs. I slowly walked down them. When I was half way down the door bell rang. I jumped to the bottom of the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs was the kitchen, and a hall that led to the living room, dinning room, and bathrooms.
I slide into hall. I passed the kitchen, and ran into the hall. Pictures of my family all ran along the wall. I passed the door that separated the bathroom, and the hall. The hall met the door. I kept a carpet in the hall for decoration, not that I needed it. I never really had any visitors that stayed long.
I slide on the carpet, and rammed into the door. I almost rammed into the table beside the door. It held a vase that held my mother ashes. There was a mirror beside the door.
I quickly looked in the mirror, and fixed my hair. I glanced at the knife that was on the coffee table, and grabbed it. I kept it beside the door. 'Just for those I-need-a-weapon moments' my mom had laughed about, but I always thought she was serious. I clutched it next to my chest as I reached for the door.
I could be seriously hurt by Kayla, or any of the others for that matter. I was on my own now. The sad thing was I knew it. If Kayla decided to attack while I was down here all alone, even if I screamed, Nick wouldn't be able to help me.
This could be the end. Not the fake end Kayla had promised me when I came to here the night of Nicks disappearance. I shuttered at the thought of my transformation. The pain, the hurting, my scars, I looked at my wrist. My scar throbbed. I felt her. She was just beyond the door. A mere foot away.
I took a deep breath and reached out for the lock with my free hand while the other clutched the knife. I turned the lock so now it was unlocked not like a lock could stop Kayla knowing her strength.I grabbed the door knob, and turned it. The door screeched as I opened it slowly.
What I saw made me want to scream. The door was fully opened and what before me made me shake with fear. Anna, and Caleb crouched as if ready to attack. Ivy, and Annaliese at their sides ready to defend, and Kayla stood in the middle with her cloak's hood flicked up.
The knife slipped out of my hand. It fell to the floor with a chime. I froze. What could I do? I had no real powers or so I thought. Kayla whispered something to Ivy. She clicked her tongue.
Caleb's hands light on fire. Anna's eyes glowed red as her hands were surrounded by poison Ivy. Annaliese normal blues turned to a dark red. The knives in her hands shifted. Ivy's hands turned into shimmers of light that glowed a hazel green.
Kayla's eyes turned to a dark red as she threw a knife at me. Kayla always came prepared. I threw my hands up in defense. The knife never hit me. I let my hands fall to my sides. Where had the knife gone? I felt as if it had touched me but I had no wounds. I looked at the people who stood before me.
"Stop." Kayla said as she walked in front of the group. "You've changed, Reney." She said as she gestured to my home. "May we come in?" I looked at her shocked. She had thrown a knife at me and she wanted to enter my house. She was my trainer I had to oblige. I nodded, and they filed into my house. Annaliese, and Ivy looked at me like they might attack any moment.
"Why are you here, Kayla?" I asked as she sat down.
"To make you see you have no choice in the war. You must come with us." Kayla said as she stood up and snapped her fingers. Ivy, Caleb, Annaliese, and Anna all tensed up.
"I'm not going." I growled.

Chapter 3. Not all vampiress are nice (Josh)
I woke up sweating and my clothes were soaking wet. I looked around me. No Ashley. I started to panic. I jumped to my feet.
"Ashley!" I yelled as I started to pace.Where was she!? At that moment, Ashley came running out of the bushes. I reached out and grabbed her as she ran past me.
"Let go!" Ashley cried as she struggled against me.
"Why!?" I asked as I let go. She looked at me oddly.
"There's someone out there, Josh!" She said as she hid behind me. Right? Like someone got lost in the woods. There was rustling in the bushes nearby. Ashley let out a small cry of fear as the blonde girl from my dreams stepped out of the bushes.
"Stephanie?" I asked.
"That's me." She said as she shook her hair. A leaf came tumbling out of her hair. I smiled to myself as she walked over to me. Her hair was more of a dirty blonde. Her skin was as pale as Ashley's. She wore a red T-shirt and a pair of jeans. She was around my height. My heart raced. I must be crazy! She looked so mean and cruel.
"Hi." I said sorrily that I had called her.
"Hello." She said as she I could see her fangs. I felt my throat close up. She could easily kill me. I swallowed loudly.
"I'm Josh." I said and offered my hand.
"I know who you are." She said as she started pacing around me. "You don't seem too bright." I looked at her oddly. What could she possibly know?
"Why?" I asked stupidly. Ashley clutched at my side helplessly.
"Bringing a human out here." She laughed. "You could be killed for association."
"Yes. The rules." She barked. I flinched at the sound of her voice. Rules? What rules?
"What rules?" I asked. She stared at me as if I was an idiot for not knowing what she was talking about.
"Vampiric rules." She said loudly. I looked at her dumbly. I still didn't understand.
"The what's?" I asked. She sighed loudly. She took a piece of paper out of her jean pockets. She tossed it to me. I looked at i dumbly in my hands. Ashley reached out, and took the paper.
"It's a list of rules. What not to do when you're a vampire." Ashley whispered in my ear. I nodded. I didn't quite understand but I listened to Ashley read them aloud.
"No feeding on strong humans, No addressing a human, No communicating with humans, No revealing yourself to the humans, No fighting with other vampires, Obey the council, Must go through training, Trainer must dismiss u. That's all that's on the paper." She said taking a deep breath when she finished.
"That's not even one-tenth of the rules." Stephanie said. I locked eyes with hers. She pointed to Ashley. "Why are you with a human?"
I looked at Ashley. She was far from human, but she is warm blooded. I could understand if that's why Stephanie had mistaken her for a human. I shook my head.
"Ashley's far from human." I said as I stepped away from Ashley. She was visible now. Her pale skin was exposed, her mouth was closed and frowning but I knew there were fangs under there. Even though they didn't give off venom they were still fangs... unnatural to humans.
"Is she?" Stephanie said as she walked over to Ashley. Stephanie gripped Ashley's mouth hand in one of her hands and made it open. I saw Ashley fight against Stephanie but she was too powerful. With Stephanie's other hand she pressed on one of Ashley's fangs. I heard Ashley's mouth snap shut. Stephanie looked at me.
"Her fangs are retractable... impressive." Stephanie said. I nodded, and looked at my shoes. Her gaze unnerved me. "Go find us a meal, girl." I heard stephanie command Ashley. I listened to her leave. When we were alone, Stephanie addressed me, "Josh, I have to speak with you... about Ashley." I nodded and looked at her. "Ashley's wasn't turned was she?" I nodded to her question. Stephanie looked worried. She was waiting for me to talk. I sighed.
"She was born as a vampire so was I." I started. "I know about the rules... I know about everything except this war. What's going on?" She shifted her weight onto her other foot, deciding whether to tell me or not.
"The war... It began a month or so ago." She said sadly. "Renee's the key to out come of the war, but you already know that don't you?" I didn't know. I shook my head. "How could you not know!" She growled. I shrugged.
"Renee started this war. She fled from her trainer... Kayla. The war began after Renee had been released from her training sessions. Kayla had request Renee for the council. She had refused. Kayla made Renee for her own purposes. She picked her powers for... all her special pets. Renee was going to be one of them... but she fought back. She escaped. With out Renee, Kayla could lose the war. She'll get Renee to come to her side or kill her." Stephanie said as if matter of fact, I had known this all along.
I sighed loudly, and crossed my arms over my chest as if I was bored. She shot me a dirty look and asked,"How come you don't know?"
"I haven't actually met her." I said quietly. She looked at me angrily.
"Should of known." She muttered to herself as she turned away. I should of kept my mouth shut, but my curiosity got the better of me.
"Should of known what?" I asked from behind her. She spun around, and hit me. I wasn't prepared, and lost my balance and hit the floor. I landed on my back. She was mad... at me.
"You don't know her. You don't know anything... any of us, any laws, the council or any thing about the Vampiric community." She growled at me.
"I do too!" I retorted at her as I lifted my wrist. I had a scar on it. The one you get from your trainer when you graduate. I gestured to it. My father taught me everything he knew before he died.
"I was wrong." She growled. I nod happily. She hissed at me. "You think you're so smart. You're wrong, boy. What do you want from me?"
The words came out as a whisper, I meant them to come out as words but they came out as single breath. "I want to find Renee."
"Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded.
"I want to see her." I said quietly.
"What makes you think you have a chance?"
"I don't know but I have to see her!" She laughs at me and strode away. I quickly followed as she walked into the bushes.
"I haven't seen her in awhile. I still wonder if she's alive." Stephanie says as if shes alone.
"She could be dead!?" I ask as if I hadn't heard her correctly.
"Weren't you listening!? Kayla's after her." She said stupidly. I looked at her dumbly.
"So?" I ask.
"So Kayla's the head of the council. She could kill anyone with the flick of her wrist! I suppose Renee could fight back but... she wouldn't stand a chance. Too many would fight her, not just Kayla. If it was a one on one maybe." She said as if she was talking to herself.
"Um... hello?" I said quietly.She ignores me and goes on.
"She could never fight back against so many. Kayla would be a difficult opponent... not to mention everyone else." Stephanie said as she paced in front of me.
"Like?" I asked. She stopped pacing, and turned to me. Her red eyes screamed rage and anger. They dulled into a soft lavender.
"You're still here?" She said with disgust. I nodded; afraid my voice would show too much rage, and she'd leave. She looked at me as if I was a piece of meat ready to be judge, and most likely thrown away. I could stop myself.
"Yes, I'm still here. Not like you'd notice you're too busy talking to yourself." I growled. My hand flew to my mouth. I watched her expression change. I saw a hint anger, then a smile flickered across her face. It disappeared as quickly as it had shown up.
"So, you do have a voice." She laughed. I nodded, then remembered that nodding wasn't saying anything.
"I always did." I hissed at her.
"Feisty." She laughed at me. My hands balled into fists. She was insulting me acting like I was a pet! A stupid cat that had tried to at claw her, but failed. I growled at her.
"Awe, you can growl too?" She hissed. I turned around. She started to laugh. I looked over my shoulder to see why. She was looking at me.
"What!?" I yelled at her. She burst into hysterics.
"You think you stand a chance against me." She said in between her bitter laughter. She sounded like evil dwarfs laughing at snow white. I waved my hand in front of me.
"You can't touch this." I said jokingly as I turned around. I didn't get to see her face. I started to walk away. Then suddenly Stephanie was in front of me. I stumbled backwards, and fell to the ground.
She laughed in my face. I started to get up when she pushed me back down. I quickly jumped to my feet. She ran at me with two knives. One in her right hand, one in her left. She lunged at me. I quickly darted to the left. She almost lost her balance then disappeared.
"How...did-" I began to stutter as she then reappeared in front of me. I felt my blood run cold as I darted out of the way of her second lung. She turned around to see me going for a attack. She swung the knife in a arch. I didn't have enough time to get out of the way. My skin felt like burning flesh but when I looked down my skin wasn't there it was just a hole in my body. I looked at Stephanie she was in awe. I grabbed her wrist, and turned it. The knife dropped out of her hand, and fell to the forest floor. Before her mind could register what just happened I bent down, and picked up the knife, and spun her around. I held the knife to her throat.
"Don't move." I said calmly. She can't answer. She responds by disappearing. I yelled in frustration. What the hell is going on here!? My flesh disappearing, Stephanie disappearing in to thin air.
She reappeared in front of me. "So now we've determined that you can defend yourself." She said as she clapped her hands. I felt like strangling her. Holding her throat until she couldn't breath... watching her gasp for air, but I knew that could never be. She didn't need to breath but still it be nice.
I lunged forward with precision. My hands curled around her neck. They tightened, and twisted. My knuckles went white. She started to laugh at me. I tightened my grip hoping she would squeal, but no...she just laughed. I hissed as I released her.
"You thought that would hurt me!?" She laughed. I nodded. I hung my head in defeat. Even though I didn't look at her I could tell she was looking at me. Her eyes burned into my soul. I looked up to see her staring at me.
"What?" I asked.
"I figured out your power." She said sourly.
"My what?" I asked stupidly.
"Your power, special abilities..." When she saw my dumb expression she added," You know... your gift."
"My gift?" I asked sourly. I had no gift. I was sure of it.
"Yes, that thing you did when I tried to stick that knife in you!" She said excitedly. I was still anger about that. I imagined a pillow slowly going over her face, and me smothering her. She fights back but then her efforts become weaker until there's no struggle at all.
She glances at my expression. I tried to hold a confused look on my face. She buys it, and sighed.
"Like how I can transport myself." She said. I look angrily at her. Now I imagine sitting beside her on a water fountain. She talking, about some kind of thing. I suddenly push her under the water. She struggles as her head goes under. Her arms fling up trying to grab me. I dodge them. Her struggle stops. Bubbles come out of the water... then come the final pop of the last bubble. I release her head.
"Are you listening!?"she said angrily bringing me out my fantasy. I nodded furiously. She went on. "Like I was saying. I can transport myself. Renee can heal, and she can use telepathy but she doesn't know-" Something click. Maybe it was her name or something else.
"Stop... how can she not know?" I asked.
"She was implanted by Kayla... she will be gaining lots of powers. Kayla implanted her with healing, telepathy, transporting, mind reading, and other things. The perfect team of powers. That's what Kayla said." Stephanie said.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"I looked at the files. Kayla has a file on all her special projects."
"Special projects?"
"Yeah... Renee an utter success. Ivy another success. Caleb another success. Annaliese, Anna, all total successes. All under Kayla's under control except for Renee. Something's different about her."
"So she's different."
"She's not suppose to be... she's just suppose to be... Kayla's pet."
"Are you jealous?" I laughed.
"You wish." She hissed at me.
"Right... I want you to be jealous." I laughed.
"Shut up!" She growled as I approached her.
"You want a hug?" I asked sarcastically. She slapped my hands down.
"No, never!" She hissed. I laughed as I stepped away from her. She had pulled out two knives out of her pockets. "Touch me, and your dead." She growled. I nodded in acknowledge.
I looked around me... where was Ashley? I sighed off getting us meals. I didn't feel thirsty. Yet she's off killing a helpless animal because Stephanie had commanded her. I had no clue where she was.
Then I heard a scream. It was a high pitch, erie sound of a girl in pain. Only one thought crossed my mind, Ashley. I started to panic. The scream sounded far away. How would I get to her? Stephanie. Would she take me? Could she take me? I looked at her desperately. She shook her head.
"Please?" I begged. She shook her head firmly. I took off running. I wasn't just going to stand there arguing with her. I need to help Ashley. I ran in the direction I heard the scream. I hope she wasn't hurt too bad. I Finally reached where I thought I had heard the scream.
Ashley lay slump against a tree, with a figure in a cloak standing above her. I balled up my hands into fists. I walked across the little space between me and Ashley's attacker. I lifted my hand into the air and punch the figure in the jaw. The figure hadn't noticed me, until it was too late. I looked at Ashley. Her head was bleeding. I growled at the dark figure.
The hood fell of the cloak fell to the persons back. Dark brown hair flowed out around her as the wind blew around us. I recognized her face straight away but my throated closed before I could say anything. She pulled her hands out of the cloak to reveal her dark purple finger nail painted to be that color but that's not what caught my attention she had Ashley's blood on her hands!
In my dream it had been Renee with the blood on her hands. This time it wasn't Renee. I looked at the girls hands. She licked the blood off, and looked at me in the shimmering light, the canopy had let come into the forest. She looked perfect except for the blood smeared on her lips. She licked it off. I almost vomited as she cross the area in between us.
"Josh, It's nice to see you again." She said as pushed a few strand of hair out of her face.
"Like wise, Ivy." The words came tumbling out of my mouth. I walked over toward Ashley she was still breathing. She would live. "What are you doing here?" I growled.
"She shouldn't be alive." A voice said from behind me. I spun around. It was Stephanie.
"I thought you were on our side!" I growled.
"I was...but then I got a close look at Ashley. She's not right. Talking to animals, Josh... She's not right in the head. She thinks animals are food! She's as bad as Renee." Stephanie spit out.
"So what!? Leave her be." I hissed as Stephanie took a step towards Ashley. I growled at Ivy who looked at Ashley as if she was a snack.
I ran to where Ashley was. I scooped her up in my arms and begin to run. I'm about ten feet from where I had picked up Ashley when Stephanie appears in front of me. I veer to the left to get away. Suddenly Ivy appears to my left, she moves her foot in front of me. I trip, and Ashley goes flying out of my arms as I stumble to the floor.
I rammed into dirt. I sat up, and see Stephanie fighting with Ivy over Ashley. I walked to where Ashley was sitting, almost in tears. "It's okay." I whisper to her. She shook her head, and started to cry. I grabbed her, and ran past the two fighting girls. I didn't know what they were arguing about, and I wasn't staying to find out. I ran with Ashley in my arms for what seemed like hours. Finally I just couldn't run anymore I was running fine the few minutes before but suddenly my legs just shut down. I stumbled as I laid Ashley on the ground.
I fell to the floor. I couldn't move a muscle even if I wanted to. I looked at Ashley. She was standing up now. She nudged me with her foot.
"Get in the tree." She whispered. I shook my head. She kicked me hard. I slowly got to my knees. Then to my feet. when I leaned against a tree. I caught a glimpse of her. She looked annoyed. I smiled to myself, and climbed into the tree
I needed to rest, to dream...I just need to sleep. I slumped on the tree branch. The Fatigue filled my thoughts. I tired to close my eyes. The world around me seemed so dark but when I closed my eyes everything was different.. I knew it.
I heard Ashley get into the tree. I could smell her. She sat a few feet away. She'd give me my space to sleep like I had. The fatigue slipped back into my mind. Sleep, It commanded,sleep. My eye lids drooped. I fell asleep. My mind whirled. I wasn't quite asleep yet. I could hear Ashley's even breathing beside me. She must have fallen asleep. I sighed, and drifted into the blackness that encased my dreams.
But this time I didn't dream. I just saw blackness. I felt my heart beat, heard my breathing as if I was watching myself from the outside world. I was asleep at last.
I woke up to a voice ringing in my ear. It wasn't like Ashley. It was too sweet to mature. I looked up to see Stephanie standing above me! I panicked. I twisted my body to cover up any weak points. I lost my balance forgetting I was in a tree.
I slipped off the branch. The leaves, and air whirled around me as I fell. I waited for the pain, the misery but I had fallen once before out of a tree, and It hadn't hurt that bad. Why would it hurt more now? I hit the ground hard. My bones would have broken if I had been full human. I could feel the earth poking me. The rocks jabbed in my lower back.
My body screamed pain. I laid there for a few moments. Suddenly Stephanie appeared in my view.
"Get away." I moaned. I tried to get up but I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me. She stood over me shaking her head. I wanted to get up, and run. I don't know where I'd go, but I had to get away. Then she reached out her hand. I couldn't take it. How could I? She grabbed my hand, and helped me to my feet. She leaned me against a tree.
"Josh, I have no reason to hurt you or your sister." She said.
"Get away!" I hissed as tried to take a step. I couldn't. I had to listen to her.
"I wasn't going to hurt her, Josh." She said.
"Shut up, I'm tired of lies." I said as I sat on the floor. I wasn't going anywhere not in this state. She began to pace in front of me. I watched her as she passed me, and circled back.
"She's not in danger because of me." Stephanie said as she turned around. "I could never hurt such a fine, young vampire. I was just trying to keep Ivy away." I nodded even though I wasn't paying attention. "Renee would want to be able to see Ashley. She has much potential." She stopped pacing.
"Where's Ashley?" I asked not looking at stephanie. She didn't answer me. "Where's Ashley?" I repeated myself. She didn't answer. I looked at her. She wasn't looking at me. She was looking at her hands. Somehow I gathered the strength to get up, and shake her by her shoulders.
"Where is Ashley!?" I asked shaking her shoulders. She pushed me away. She smiled at me, and dusted herself of.
"She's with the human branch of cut." She said as if she was proud of herself.
"The what!?" I growled.
"The cut. The human branch. Can't have her running around annoying vampires. What if they figured out what she was!?" She said as if she never everything was going to be fine. I nodded.
"What do we do now?" I asked. I realized I said we. It was too late to take it back. A huge smile appeared on her face.
"You said 'we'! That means we're in this together." She squealed. I covered my ears with my palms. The erie pitch hurt my ears.
"What do we do now?" I repeated myself. She looked at me oddly.
"First, we change this thing you have going on with your hair." she said as she reached out to grab my hair. I jerked away. She was not touching my hair!
"Why!?" I argued. She looked at me angrily.
"You think I'm going to travel with someone that looks like that?" She laughed as she pointed at me. I looked at myself. "Besides I thought you'd want to impress Renee, not drive her away." Stephanie played with a piece of her hair. She sliced off a strand with her fingernail. I gulped loudly.
"She'll find you acceptable because you know how to fight, but you should still change a few other things." She said.
"I never said I wanted to impress her." I said stubbornly. I'd never cut my hair.
"But you want to." She said as she walked away from me.
"No." I said nonchalantly.
"Fine you'll have to go out of state to find a partner." She said then shrugged. suddenly I felt aroused.
"Partner?" I said suspiciously. She nodded, and started to pace around me. "So if I pass your tests she's mine?" I asked.
"No, there's others in town, and besides she only works with the best. You're far from it." She laughed.
"Who else is there?" I asked. My curiosity was getting the better of me. I wanted to know. Not because I thought of this as a game because I wanted to make sense of my dreams.
"Rumors say Tye's in town. So's Caleb; got a special permission from Kayla. Nick isn't going down with out a fight."
Nick, Caleb, and Tye were in my dreams. So was stephanie and Renee. Would my future deal with them? I still had lots of questions, and no answers. Why had Renee told them to leave? Why didn't she notice me at first? Why do I need to know her? I'm just a city boy, not some vampire hoping for a quest.
"She'd never fall for me." I sighed. Stephanie reached out and slapped me. I was stunned.
"Don't say that!" She said jokingly.
"You really think so." I said hopefully.
"Oh heaven no, but if it makes you let me cut your hair-" She she laughed before I cut her off.
"So I don't stand a chance?" I asked her. She shrugged, and she stopped behind me. She gripped hard on my hair. I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt her grip loosen, and then opened my eyes to see my hair on the floor. Stephanie handed me her knife. So I could see my reflection, and look at my hair. I looked like some kid off the streets. My hair was jagged. So layers thick and longer than others.
"What did you do!?" I hissed. She didn't notice the annoyance in my voice.
"My best work ever!" She said happily.
"Thanks." I said still a little hostile about the earlier attack, toward Ashley. Her best work? I thought as I touched my hair. I bent over to pick up a lock of my hair that had fallen to the floor. It was as black as the night. I moved it around in my hands. It was smooth, and soft. My hair felt like fur from a dog. It let the wind blow it away. It was a cool breeze. The winter was reseeding. Soon it would be warm again. Memories of the warm summer I had spent with mother in her garden appeared in my head.

"Mother!" I had cried happily. She was busy cutting up carrots in the kitchen to put in her soup that would be dinner. She put down her knife as a eight year old version of myself jumped happily beside her. She wiped the knife on her apron. I grabbed her hand.
"Mommy! Mommy!" I squealed excitedly. She looked happy to see me even though she was ill. She had been for some time but a hyper eight year old wouldn't notice. "Come look!"
"What is it, Josh?" A tired mother asked trying to act happy, and hyper as her son was. I (the younger version of myself) ran off a head, out of my view. I am a seer of the the memory. My mother gasped for breath, and coughed up what looked like blood. I winced. "Mommy!?" The boy said eagerly from outside. The mother quickly wiped off the blood, and hurried out the door to her son; who knew nothing about her illness.

I felt my eyes begin to water at the memory of my sweet mother dieing, no... being eaten away by a infection which had eaten away at her lungs. I jumped back realizing stephanie was watching me.
"Um...what were you doing?" She asked stupidly. Why couldn't she just read my mind? I was becoming annoyed with her stupid questions. She was bringing back memories I didn't want to relive.
"You should be able to read my mind. Figure it out." I hissed. I was visibly annoyed, I made that very visible to stephanie. She laughed. It wasn't her normal laugh it was more of a cold, hostile laugh.
"What kind of vampire do you take me for?" She asked still laughing. I glared at her.
"Can't all vampire's read minds?" I asked. She burst out in laughter again.
"There are many types of vampires, Josh. I am not a telepathic vampire, I am a conveying vampire. Meaning I can transport myself. They're are some that use levitation. I have relatives that are such." She said as she turned around.
"What's Renee?" I asked. She turned around. Her face screamed anger. Had I gone too far with the questions. She tried to ease the tension between her shoulder. I could still see the pain in her eyes as her faced softened.
"She's... She's nothing like us. She's the first fledgling of Kayla! She's a mix between all of us. Kayla made her to be invincible. I don't know how much you know but I'll find out." She promised. I shuttered at the thought.
"I want to know everything I can about her. Before I decide to see her." I said shakily. Maybe I wouldn't want to meet Renee after I learned about her.
"Ok. Might as well get it all out in the open. Can't have you asking stupid questions. " She said as she sat down. "I'll start at the beginning but don't ask questions till the end, ok?" I nodded. "Renee... she's always been different. I didn't always know her. In fact I didn't know her until a few years ago. I had heard about her... being Kayla's first fledgling and all. They're are bloodlines as I hope you know.
"The bloodline's are the ties we have to our kin. You know a way to tell who belongs to what line of vampire. If your creator was powerful so would you be, if you struggled. I heard she struggled a lot... made her stronger than Kayla herself. It's just a story though, I doubt it. " I sat down beside her.
"Renee had been changed... because Kayla wanted a power full fledgling from which she could manipulate. After Renee's first weeks of training my trainer Ivy brought me to train with her. That's how we met. After all, Ivy had been called by her blood sister. As her trainee I was obliged to follow. Renee, and I trained for hours on end fighting with each other. She was a fierce competitor as was I but soon I noticed her becoming different. I alerted Ivy at once.
"Renee feared Ivy. That was obvious but still Renee continued to change. Finally Ivy spoke with Kayla. Kayla explained everything to Ivy, but left me in the dark. Ivy had given me the files which Kayla had given her. I haven't seen Renee since she, and I stopped training with each other. I hear she has fledglings of her own now." Stephanie finally said.
I looked at stephanie oddly. She had said all that with grace and little emotion. I was tempted to ask why, but I knew better.
"Any questions?" She asked. I had tons I could ask but I kept my mouth shut, and shook my head. She noddle and stood up. "Excuse me for a minute." She said as she got up, and began to walk away. She didn't wait for me to answer.
I sat there puzzling over Ashley's whereabouts. My poor little sister off alone, with strangers made my skin tingle. Could I really leave her with strangers? Would Stephanie really take me to Renee? I knew very little about Renee, but I knew she could provide something that no one else could. I didn't know what that was though. I soon found myself drifting off too sleep.

This dream was sweet. Stephanie, Ivy, and Renee all wore black cloaks. Under them were black dresses. Renee lead them as they walked toward me. Renee in front of the two girl who kept to her side. They stopped in front of me.
"You'll get one chance." Renee said blankly.
"Only one." Stephanie empathizing Renee's words.
"You hurt one of us, you hurt us all." Ivy said pointing to all three of them.
"What?" I asked. I wasn't understanding the riddle the girls had given me.
"You can only choose one of us. If you loose that one that's the end." Renee said as if she was a zombie.
"I don't understand!" I said sadly.
"If you hurt one you hurt us all." Ivy, and Stephanie said as they faded into nothing like Ashley had once in my dear.
"You can't hurt those you love." Renee said as she began to fade away.

My eyes shot open. I could hear Stephanie pacing back and forth in front of me.
"Your humanness is starting to annoy me, Josh." She said coldly noticing I had awoken. "We should change that." She smiled at me. I could see her fangs glitter in what little light the tree's couldn't filter out.
"I don't want to be your fledgling, Stephanie. I hope to one day be Renee's!" I snapped. She shrugged, and looked at me angrily.
"Belonging to that line of vampires is dangerous. Kayla being a tracker, could sense your aura from anywhere." Stephanie said childlike. I nodded.
"I know." I said hoping to sound tough.
"I bet you do." She growled as she grabbed my hand, and pulled me to my feet. She was much stronger than I thought her frail body could be.
"Where to now?" I asked ignoring her last comment.
"To Renee, where else?" She asked skeptically. We started to walk. I had so many questions for her, but I couldn't just blurt them out. I took a deep breath, gathering the nerve to speak up.
"What's she like?" I asked her. Stephanie stopped, and turned around. A look of sourness showed on her features. I hadn't noticed it before or maybe it had never been there till now.
"She's... different," She said. "Nothing like the rest of us. She has this energy around her aura. When you see her you'll feel it." Stephanie said bitterly. By the bitterness I knew she didn't want to talk. I realized the time for talking was over. I slouched as I walked behind her. I might not get another chance like this again.
I wonder if Stephanie, and Renee were still friends. I listened to the forest. Ahead was a small creek. I heard the wind russel the leaves.
"She'll be coming here soon." Stephanie said as she sat down.
"Why would she come here?" I asked.
"She'll be heading to The Cut head quarters.
"Oh, why the creek?" I asked.
"Enough questions!" Stephanie snapped. She seemed angry. I sat down beside her. My head began to spin. Her mood swings were very annoying. I put my head in my hands. I looked up. Stephanie was sleeping. I knew it. I got up, and paced a few moments. After a hour stephanie began to stir. She jolted to her feet.
"Do you feel that?" She asked. I shook my head. I could feel aura's like the other vampires. I just new if someone was close. I didn't feel anything. Suddenly, something hit me in the back of my head. I fell to the floor. The ground was hard, and cold. My eyes rolled in the back of my head. I looked up at my attacker.
She had dark brown hair, and dark eyes. Almost black. I thought It might have been Renee but soon I realized she was wearing a cloak. It was Ivy. I inhaled deeply. My head hurt. My hand flew to where my head had hit the ground it was bloody. Ivy bent over me
"Hello." Ivy growled. She smiled so I could her fangs. She was close enough for me to feel her breath on my neck. "I know you. Your that boy... Josh." Ivy said. I thought she was going to kill me. I could see her fangs reacting to the smell of my blood in the air. I gulped; I could hear the blood pounding in my head.
"Today, you will live, Josh. Don't get in my way again." She hisses in my face. I could smell her breath. She had been hunting. Her breath smelled of fresh blood, and wine. She stood up right, and grabbed my hand. She yanked me to my feet.
"Get walking!" She commanded. When I didn't start she gave me a hard push. I fell to the floor. Dirt flew into my mouth. I coughed trying to get it out of my mouth. I started to choked as I tried. She kicked me in my ribs. The air forced out of my lungs. I gasped to get the oxygen back into my system.
"Consider it my warning." Ivy growled. She walked away. As I lay there in the dirt I started to wonder why she hadn't killed me. I clutched at my ribs as I tried to get to my feet. I couldn't I felt too much pain, too much fear, and too much worry. What if Ivy came back to finish me off? What if I was left here to die?
I finally regained enough strength to get up. I leaned against a tree. I felt sleep over whelm me. Sleep was the best way to heal. I slumped down to the floor and drifted off to sleep.

The dream began weird. I was in a dark room.
"Run!"A voice hisses.
"Run? Why?" I asked.
"Just run!" The voice said angrily. I did as it said. I began to run. I hit a wall head on. I crashed, and landed on the floor. I heard a group of girls laughing. I rolled my eyes as I got off the floor.
"Priceless." Renee said. I was happy even if she had laughed at me. I was glad to have her back in my dreams.
"It's good to see you again." I said as she faded into view. She smile at me.
"Long time no see." She said as she walked up to me till she was a few inches away. I took a deep breath she smelled like black roses, and sweet blood. I'd never smell something so sweet.
"Josh?" She said startled.
"What?" I asked curiously.
"Time to get up." She said gently. I shook my head.
"Why?" I asked. I wrapped my arms around her. She pulled away.
"Get up!" She hissed as she faded away .
"No." I said still trying to cling to the dream.

My eyes shot open. I was frustrated. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. I caught the scent of black roses, and blood. It was Renee. I look around me. How did she get here? No girl in sight. I shuddered had I been wrong?
The wind shifted. Now the scent was much stronger, and coming from the east. I tried to stand up but my head and ribs ached. I clutched at my ribs as I tried to stand up. I finally pushed myself off the floor and against a tree. I slunk quietly, and slowly to the east, bent on finding Renee.
"She's down by the river." Stephanie said as she suddenly appeared in front of me.
"Why should I trust you?" I asked angrily. I didn't like her.
"Because I'm the only one you can." Stephanie hissed. Maybe she was right or perhaps she was lying to me.
"No-" I started to protest.
"You better hurry!" Stephanie said as she ran towards the river. I sighed at thought about my options. Follow or stay? I followed her. What did I have to lose?
I bolted through the forest. Trees flew past me as I raced to where Stephanie had disappeared to. I wasn't sure exactly where she was. It was had to follow. I didn't see her, but I saw where she had been. Branches and leaves where pushed aside and her scent lingered.
When I flew out of the forest to the river bank, I was surprise to see Stephanie with her arms folded. She was looking across the river. Her back toward me. With caution I approached her. Once at her side, I followed her gaze across the river.

Chapter 4. Save me (Renee)
"Renee?" Ivy asked and grabbed my arm. "Can I talk to you for a second?"
"I guess." I said not taking my eyes away from Kayla.
"Let's talk in private." Ivy said dragging me into the hall. "Your future is in stake."
"My future?" I laughed. "How would you know?" I asked curiously.
"I just do." She said sadly and grabbed my shoulder. "Just trust me."
"Why should I?" I asked and yanked my shoulder out of her grip.
"You don't remember?" She asked.
"Remember what?" I hissed at her.
"It doesn't matter!" She said in frustration. She clenched her fists. "Just listen to me! Hear me out before you run back into that room ready to kill Kayla." She said as matter of fact.
"Okay." I said not really playing attention. "Spit it out."
"Your future," She said pausing. "My future... everyone's future is in your hands." She said mysteriously.
"What are you talking about?" I asked leaning against the hall wall.
"Don't interrupt me!" She snapped. "You're in great danger." She warned me. "Your life will be the fate of ours."
I nodded my head. I wasn't quite understanding her. I wanted to tell her she was crazy, but I didn't have the nerve to.
"You're going to find yourself with a boy. I don't know his name. My visions don't allow me to see it!" She growled in frustration. "He's a brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skinned boy. He's looking for a girl. Like you, but he's not looking at the right person. You're his future! He's you future. He's gonna help you realize everything. You can't let him know! You can't pressure him. You have to find him before she gets a hold on him!" She said grabbing my shoulders. "He's your only hope! He's our only hope! We need him." She started shaking me.
"Chill out." I laughed prying her hands off me. "How hard can it be to find a tanned vampire? I'll find him in a week tops." I said surely.
"There's some bad news." Ivy said dropping her hands and looking at the floor. "Your have two weeks."
"A week more than I need." I said and straightened my shirt.
"That's not the bad part." She said looking up at me. "It's gonna be harder to find him. You have to start now."
"No, I don't." I said starting to wonder why she was telling me this. "There's something you're not telling me?" I asked a little worried.
"He's human." She said looking at the floor.
“Why on god’s green earth would a human need me?” I barked outraged. “I am not some keepers, Ivy! If he’s so important you can find him!” I hissed at her. “I am going to look for a new blood daughter soon, and I do not need to be out looking for some boy!”
                “You can train him.” She said softly. She took out a paper from her cloak pocket. “Look for him; he’s just a boy.” I snatched the paper from her. He was as she had described him. He looked like he could take care of himself. He would be fine in the human world.
                “I want nothing to do with that boy, Ivy.” I told her honestly. “He is not what I seek in a bloodline relative; and I do not wish to look after some little youngster.” I said bitterly. I crumpled up the paper and tossed it at Ivy. She caught it and smoothed it out.
                “Look in a mirror!” Ivy laughed. “What are we but sixteen in the mortals eyes?” She was talking as if she was from the eighteenth century. I hit her shoulder and turned away.
                “You might be over two-hundred years old, but I am from barely this century! I am eighteen in human years! But because of this damned curse laid upon me by Kayla I look sixteen. There’s no telling how old Kayla is! She could be over five-hundred years old!”
                Ivy hit my shoulder so hard I thought my arm would fall off. “You little runt!” She hissed. “Focus!”
                “Focus on what?” I laughed. I rubbed my arm. It still hurt, but it was dulling.
                “He could have already been taken. I don't see calendars and clocks.” Ivy said acutely sitting on the hall table. “He could be in training now, and you’ll have no hope.”
                “Who would have taken him?” I asked in jest. “Kayla? Kristen?” Ivy shook her head and starred sadly at me. “Who then?” I asked becoming humorless.
                “Raven.” She said the name nastily. I hadn’t seen Raven in years! I thought by now she’d be dead. I hadn’t heard of her since I had spoken later with Kayla.
She had told me a story of Raven (her blood mother) that she had killed David Sparing. He had wedded a human and had children with her. Raven had been outraged that one of her bloodlines had done such a thing. So Raven had killed David’s wife and waited for him to return home. She then slaughtered him and spared the Sparing offspring. I was sure it was just a story but later I found out it was real.
I was mortified by the thought of half vampire and half human creatures walking the earth. Such gross and vile creatures should have been killed. I was truly tempted to find them and kill them but Kayla advised me that it would begin a war.
“She’s still alive?” I asked curiously. Ivy nodded and began pacing.
“But there’s more than that. She gained a power over her life. The same gift I hide form Kayla. She saw your future and realized if you met him you’d rule with him! You’d overcome Kayla and Raven. But without that boy you’d never realize it.” Ivy paused.”If Raven hadn’t interfered than you’d meet him exactly two weeks from now, but since she did you have to find him in two weeks or all over our race will lay down our arms to Kayla and Raven by the end of fall!
“There’s a war?” I asked softly.
“I’m afraid there will be. No matter what there will be but if you realize your true potential you can save us all.” Ivy said sweetly.
"This is stupid." I laughed.
"I'm going to make you see through your dreams, Renee." She said as I walked away from her and went into the living room.

"We're not here to hurt you." Kayla said sweetly. I looked at her skeptically. I guess she noticed my uneasiness around her.
"On your word?" I asked. I knew vampires could never brake their word. Kayla knew that, too. I kept quiet, as Kayla thought how to rephrase her words.
"I will not harm you in your home." Kayla said weighing her words in her mind. I nodded to agree. She sighed, and I felt the energy in the air become calm. I could deal with that. She could never hurt me in my home.
"Why are you here?" I asked angrily.
"I'm here to take you back. Back to the council, they've excepted you. I want you to return home." Kayla said evilly. Return home?
"Kayla." My voice wavered with full emotions. "I... I want-"
Kayla stood up and took my hand in hers. "Come home, Renee." I took a deep breath to brace myself for the word I'd tell her. I never got to say it because Nick got to it first.
"No." Nick said as he entered the room. "You're not going with them. I can't let you." Suddenly, Nick flew across the room and into the wall. I looked at Kayla. Her hands were at her sides. I looked at Ivy. She was as motionless and surprised as Kayla. As were the others. In a burst of flames two people had entered the room, leaving chard marks on my hardwood floor.
Both, had dark brown hair, and blood on their lips. I shuttered at the sight of them. I knew them well. James, and Elizabeth. Elizabeth wore a a old fashion medieval dress with a pendant around her neck. James wore a tux with a knife strapped to his forearm. James hair was cut short. Elizabeth's was long and flowed around her head and shoulders.
"Renee, I hear you've been hang around the wrong crowd. It hurts me to find you, a young bloodline member of myself, hanging around a mutt." James hissed.
"He's not a mutt." I said glancing over my should at Nick. He lay on the floor unmoving. I knew better than to run to his side. Kayla would have a fit, and in front of James, the oldest living vampire in our line, if you can call what we do living.
Jame's, and his first fledgling, Elizabeth, was the last thing I expected to see at my house. Elizabeth had been the one to strike Nick, her arm was still raised. I couldn't stand it anymore. I rushed over to Nick. I fell to my knees at his side. I felt Elizabeth send a shock of energy at me, not to hurt me; but to tell me to get away. I could help it. I felt like this was my fault. I grabbed Nicks shoulder and shook him.
"Renee!" Kayla hissed angrily trying to call me back. I shook Nick harder. He looked up at me. There was a smile on his face.
"Hold on." He whispered weakly to me.
"Hold on?" I asked. He nodded.
"No!" Elizabeth growled. She sent her energy out to hit us. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for the impact. I felt Nick beside me, but that was it. No energy struck me. I heard Nick laughing.
"Open your eyes." He said as he pulled me to my feet. I reluctantly did. I didn't want to see Kayla's, Jame's or Elizabeth's disapproving looks. I looked around me; we weren't in my home now. We were in a meadow. I looked at Nick. He looked proud of himself. I looked around me. The meadow was full of flowers, and grass. All alive, proving spring was soon to come.
"Where... where are we?" I asked shocked while taking in my new surroundings. Forget-me-nots filled the meadow along with roses, long grass, petunias, and other wild flowers. Trees surrounded the meadow. On the other side was a bunch of rocks that looked like a table and seats.
"My home." Nick said plainly as he picked me up. I started to fight him, but I realized that he wanted to help me. I gave up and slumped in his arms. He had one arm around my waist, the other under my legs. He walked out of the meadow, and into the forest. Suddenly Nick stopped.
"I'm tired of walking." Nick snickered. "Hold on tight." I did as he advised, this time I kept my eyes open. It was like traveling twenty times faster than we could run. Suddenly we were at a house that stood in the middle of a canyon. The house was small and surrounded by tress. The house was white, and almost completely hidden by the trees. Bushes and Ivy covered the house.
"I'll teach you how to do that one of these days." Nick said as he put me down. "Stay out here." I could hear the bitterness in his words. I didn't care what he said, I was going inside. He left instantly. I walked to the door. I reached out to the door knob. It was locked! I rested my hand on the door. I was furious! Why would he lock it. I flicked my hand at the door, just a little touch. The door swung open, and broke off the hinges.
I walked into the open area. It was dusty, and unclean. I walked though the room cautiously not to be heard by Nick. I reached the entrance when I heard two people arguing. It was Nick and Ivy.
"You're an idiot to bring her here!" Ivy said. I heard what sounded like someone hitting the wall...hard, like they had been thrown.
"So what if I am? Are you planning to let the only one who can help us turn dark?" Nick asked angrily. Suddenly I felt the room go cold. I spun around.
"Look what we have here, a trespasser." Ivy said coldly. I took in my surroundings. There was a knife two feet away. I knew I hadn't been working on my powers lately, but it was worth a shot. I thought about the knife. A rusty, old, dull knife that would fly across the room, and into-
Suddenly Ivy slapped me, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Don't even think about it." Her words cut into me like knifes. If you were over a hundred years old you could read minds. Nick's ability was reading minds so he gained it earlier.
"Make me." I hissed. Instead of using my mind I ran for the knife. Ivy was suddenly in front of me.
"You think I can't see what you're doing?" Ivy hissed. I felt pain wash over my body. She was using her aura against mine.
"Get away!" I hissed as I tried to violently push her away. Even though my finger tip never had touched her she went flying across the room. She hit the wall, and pounced off the wall unharmed. I looked at my hands. I could swear I felt my hands touch her but they hadn't.
"Ah... you haven't realized your full set of powers yet." Ivy said pleased with the thought. I looked at my hands a surge of power wanted to be released. I ran toward Ivy, with my hands at my sides. Ivy's aura slashed at mine. I reached my hands out to protect myself, sending Ivy power back at her. She fell to the floor.
"What are you doing!?" Nick shouted at me. I spun around, my arms in front of me. My powers sent Nick into the air.
"Nick!" I cried as I hurried to his side. I sat at his head. "I'm so sorry!"
"No, I'm sorry." He said as he grabbed my foot. We didn't run like before, we transported to my room. The room in my house. He let go of my foot.
"Give me a chance to explain!" Nick said as I got up. Explain? Ha... I wouldn't give him a chance to lie to me. I flicked my wrist at him, he was sent flying into the wall. "Renee." He said weakly. I glared at him. "Ivy is trying to help us, we're trying to help you. Please, just listen."
I walked out of the room quickly. Suddenly Nick was in the hall. He grabbed my hand. I blinked, and we were in top of a tree. I yanked myself out of Nicks grip. Falling to the ground below. It was a hard landing. I knew I could heal myself. That was one of my special gifts. I looked around me. It was snowing!
"Nick!" I shouted. He appeared by me in an instant. "Where are we?" I asked angrily.
"I'm not telling till you hear me out." Nick said coldly.
"Just take me home, Nick." I said hopelessly. I think he felt bad for me because he agreed. Whether it was pity or compassion I honestly didn't care. I hoped I could persuade Kayla not to hurt Nick when I returned home.
"I will later." He said as he reached out to take my hand. I pulled it away.
"Nick, why did James call you Nickolas?" I asked. I wanted answer. It had been bothering me for sometime. He flinched as if I had reached out to slapped him. He fumbled with his hands.
"That's my" He said carefully. "Renee? Do you remember anything before I disappeared?" I nodded. Of course I did. "Do you remember the conversation we had right before I went missing?" Of course I did. I still had dreams about it. I always felt that it was my fault.
"You mean argument." I corrected. He nodded. "Yes, I remember."
"Good. So you weren't too damaged?" He asked as if I understood what he was talking about.
"Damaged from what?" I asked suddenly confused.
"Kayla, and all her experimental drugs." Nick said as if I belonged in the loony bin.
"I didn't take any drugs." I said certainly.
"You most certainly did." He argued.
"No, I didn't." I growled. I think I would know if something entered my body. I didn't take any pills.
"This might be hard for you to comprehend, but you're a lab rat." I was starting to get mad at his accusations toward me.
"I am no lab rat!" I hissed with anger.
"You are! I can't make it any clearer for you, but Kayla chose you to be a..." He trailed off.
"A what!?" I asked impatiently. I didn't care for mind games and his were too complicated for me. He shook his head trying to ignore me. I grabbed his shoulder, and shook him hard. He continued to ignored me, I shook him rougher.
"You're Kayla's creation." He snapped at me angrily. I shook my head trying to make sense of it.
"No." I said trying to convince myself.
"It's true. That's why I haven't seen you. That's why you have these gifts. That's-" I lifted my hand, and he went flying into a tree. I couldn't listen to him anymore. I looked at him as he tried to stand up, and failed. I walked over to him. The snow crunched under my feet. I dusted myself. Not that the snow was bothering me. I stood in front of him. Nick wouldn't meet my gaze. He looked at the ground. I offered my hand and when he wouldn't take it I grabbed his hand. I jerked him to his feet.
"I'm some monster?" I asked. He shook his head without hesitation.
"You're a experiment." He said quietly.
"Oh." I sighed. I had always thought of myself as special, but never a experiment.
"Now, we should return you home." He said dusting the snow off of him.
"We?" I asked curiously.
"Yes." He said as if talking to a spoiled child.
"Well..." I trailed off hoping he'd finish for me.
"Well what?" He asked as if we hadn't been talking. I disregarded his last statement, and would be astounded if he took me home. I doubt he would. Why would blood member of Vlad want to help a James decedent? I shuttered at the thought of meeting Nick in a battle field. He must has sensed the tension that hung around me because he began to talk.
"I'd never fight you. I rather surrender." He said nervously. I could never believe that. Even though we were both vampires from different lines, we had been taught the same things. I knew all too well that there was already a war. A war against werewolves, and they're alliances, witches. Werewolves had been fighting with vampires for ages, but never bad enough to go into a war until a few years ago. The witches always hunted us, war or not.
"Don't say that." I hissed. He began to walk around.
"You know we're in werewolf territory." He said happily. I froze hardly breathing. I never wanted to be in another vampires territory, and now this! I had only seen a werewolf once, because of my training.
Vampires trained three or more fledglings at a time, so I had been with two others at the time. A male called Marcus, and a female called Stephanie. I had befriended the the female, but stayed away from the boy. I felt uneasy around him. Kayla had taken us to a forest near Huntsville. We had encountered a werewolf who had gone astray, and was hoping to kill a vampire called Raven but settled for us. He had killed Marcus before Kayla had killed him.
Even though Stephanie, and I had been mortified by the loss and sudden attack; Kayla seemed not to notice Marcus's death. That was the first glimpse of death, and Kayla's coldness that would shape my development as a vampire. And because of that I learned that I could mentally and emotionally detach myself from any situation.
"Hello?" A voice said behind me. I quickly spun around, and grabbed the knife from the small of my back. I caught a scent. It was certainly werewolf. I expected to see a giant hairy creature.
What I saw was very different. I saw a boy. He looked friendly, but I didn't know what to think. I froze.
"I believe you're in my land." The boy said sweetly. "Put the knife down." He commanded with a voice that was very different from the first moment he had talked. I didn't move. I felt nervous and gripped the handle harder.
"Renee?" Nick asked quietly behind me. I know I could hurt the creature, but I wouldn't be able to for long. Even though vampires hand mind powers, we'd slowly drain them all in the first few decades of our being. I need all my strength for later if I met Kayla again. I know for a fact I would.
"Shh!" I hissed at him. I never took my eyes off the werewolf.
His human form was stunning. He had blonde almost white hair. It was cut short to frame his face. He wore a baggy shirt and pants.
"Don't kill him." Ivy said falling from the sky. She had transported herself here. "And you, don't kill them. They're important unlike you! Just standing there like a pile of fur. Why not sleep in your den?" Ivy said addressing the werewolf as if he was an old friend.
"Shut up, Ivy." He laughed but held his voice firm. His voice sounded friendly, but only to Ivy. I think he thought of us as intruders.
"What is your name?" I asked taking a step back. Ivy was about to say something. I stuck my free hand up to her to silence her. "I asked him." I said making sure to keep my eyes on the werewolf.
"Thane." He said sadly as he changed. His human form changed into a large wolf. He was the size of bear, but you could see the faint human features in his wolf form. The wolf coat was as gold as his hair and almost as long. I don't think he could talk, not in his wolf form. I heard clapping from where Ivy stood.
"Good job, Thane. You really scared me." She said sarcastically. He growled at her, and returned to human form.
"Drop the knife." Thane hissed. When I didn't, I felt Nick grab me from behind. One of his hands twisted my wrist, the other had a knife to my throat. The knife fell out of my hand, as Nick kicked the back of my knee.
"I thought she would remember him." Nick apologized to Ivy.
"Well, you were wrong." Ivy hissed. What were they talking about? Of course I didn't know this vile creature. I was taught that they were monsters and dangerous. I mean look at what had happened to marcus!
"What are you talking about?" I asked angrily. They all turned to me like I hadn't been there. Ivy shook her head and elbowed Nick lightly. He released me. He shook his head, and gestured for Thane to tell me. I looked at the werewolf carefully. He rose an eyebrow to look at me as if he wasn't sure he should tell me.
"Well...before you left-" Nick said quietly.
"Left? I didn't go anywhere!" I argued.
"You did! Right after our argument! You don't remember do you?" He asked. I decide to get the whole story first before I would interrupt again. I shook my head. He groaned and asked, "Do I really have to tell her?" Nick looked at Ivy. She nodded and smiled.
"You either tell her or she'll never know." Nick said stubbornly. If some didn't tell me I'd grabbed my knife and kill that creature just to get some answers.
"Gosh, you two are clueless. Just tell her!" Ivy said angrily.
"Fine." Nick hissed, but wasn't the one to tell me.
"You stormed off in the middle of the night to find whatever I said that bothered you." Thane said sadly.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"I didn't mean it the way it came out. " He said even sadder than before. "I was so shocked to find you not there when I returned to your home that night. Then I found that note on our bed. You didn't mean it, did you?" He asked as if I could remember.
"She doesn't remember." Nick said coldly. Thane shook his head.
"Please, someone else tell her." Thane said tiredly. "I've been scouting."
Something caught my attention, maybe it was the sudden light of a knife being token out of its holster, or figure I could see in my knife, that lay on the floor. I spun around, and leaped onto the mysterious figure. As I pounced the scent of the werewolf burned in my nose. I grabbed the knife that was strapped to my leg, and held it to the second werewolfs throat.
This werewolf was in it's form. It lifted it's neck so there was barely a few centimeters between it's throat, and my knife. Just far away enough for it to speak.
"Someone get her off me." The beast commanded as it turned into it's human form. Nick moved toward me. I picked up my knife, that had fallen from my grasp, and pointed it at Nick.
"Don't you dare." I growled at Nick, but keeping my eyes at the werewolf. The werewolf grabbed my wrists with one sweeping motion, and flung me to the ground. I was stunned for a moment but quickly got to my feet as did the werewolf. My hair was in my face. I brushed it aside to see the werewolf more clearly. He gasped, and his hand covered his mouth.
"You returned!" The werewolf said in amazement.
"Are you talking to me?" I asked stupidly. He nodded. "I don't know what you're talking about I've never been here before!" I was very annoyed. I glared at the creature and positioned the knife in my hand so I could throw it at him.
"You most certainly have." Nick said calmly. I turned to look at him.
"I have not, and will not be listen to lies from...," I was beginning to stutter in rage. "from some Vlad mongrel!" I knew it would sting. Nick's eyes grew wide with hurt. I wanted to apologize. To say I didn't mean it but truly I did. Kayla had taught me to never trust or befriend a vampire from another line, but I had.
"I suppose you'd feel like that after forgetting your real past." Nick said coldly. He was trying to hide his sadness, but was doing a very poor job. I could see pain in his eyes.
"Okay, lets assume I've forgot my memory, and past. How can I believe you?" I asked angrily.
"Well, isn't Sergio, Thane, Ivy, and all the others proof enough!?" Nick asked as if it would explain everything.
"Sergio?" I asked wondering who that was. I didn't recall knowing a Sergio or that beast, Thane.
"Yes! The one you tackled." Nick said hoping I was beginning to remember. I shook my head. I got up and backed away from the people I didn't know. I backed away from Nick only because he was beginning to worry me.
"Why would I befriend a werewolf?" I asked, still not willing to believe in all this.
"Because you need allies!" Thane said in front of me where he had gone unnoticed.
"Allies! I have no need for allies!" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest tapping the knife on my arm. Nick, and Sergio laughed, but Thane held still, and glared at them.
"Yes, you are. You're in a war! It all started because of you!" He said glaring over his shoulder at Sergio, and Nick. They shrugged and starred at their feet. Maybe I did lose my memory?
"Tell me about my past." I requested.
"I ain't doing it." Thane said shaking his head. "She doesn't even remember me! When I tell her she might not want to even see me." He looking at Nick, and Sergio. What could have happened that was so bad? How did I lose my memory? Why would I have gotten in a fight? Kayla had trained me to be calm, and collective unless attacked.
"I'll tell her." Ivy said angrily. "You're all so childish!" She glared at the three guys. The werewolfs adverted there gaze, but Nick held her gaze. He lowered his head in shame.
"Why are there werewolves?" I hissed the words. Ivy gave a short laugh, but the three boys look anxiously at each other.
"They're the spies for the werewolf community, milady." Ivy said respectfully.
"Milady?" I asked. If I had been human I would have blushed, but now I found it foolish I was not higher ranked than Ivy.
She nodded and continued,"Yes, you were planning on leading us in the attack then you went off to fight her on your own." She was shaking her head. "You were very upset."
"From what?" I asked. My curiosity was taking over.
"I should start at the beginning," She began her story. "You had requested the eight spies from all the groups to attend a meeting in Ogden." When she saw my confused look, she sighed loudly. I shook my head. Her hands were glowing. She waved them in the air, and a image rippled in front of me.
It showed me standing in between eight people. Stephanie was to my right. Ivy to my left. Two vampires, I noted. Then there was two girls I didn't recognize. They looked familiar, and similar to each other. Then there was Sergio, and Thane next to the girls. Then there was Nick, and a girl I didn't know. The image shimmed and disappeared.
"Who are they?" I asked. Ivy shook her head assertively.
"I cannot say." Ivy said gloomily as she sat on the forest floor. "They are spies, and their identities should only be known by those who are in high ranking positions."
"I thought you said I was planning on leading the attack?" I asked dumbly. She nodded.
"You were." Ivy said coldly. "In the note you resigned." I felt a small tingle of recognition flow through me. A sudden flash came before me. It was like I was reliving it, but I was watching it.

There was a knock on the door. I was in a room alone, bent over a desk scribbling on paper as Ivy walked in. The light flickered from the wind outside.
"The spies have arrived. Kimberly, and Kendalie have come from the witches palace as you requested. Nick, and Allison have arrived from the council cliff. Stephanie, and I have arrived from the Huntsville. The wolves have come from their den." Ivy said as she turned around and walked out of the room.
I moved swiftly, and fast to her side as she walked me to where the spies had appeared. I moved faster than any human could run. I followed Ivy to the edge of our camp.
"I am glad to see you all have arrived safely." I said happily. "We must deal with the subject at hand with grace, and speed."
"What exactly will be happening?" Kimberly asked pushing her red short hair out of her face.
"Further more, what will we be doing?" Kendalie interjected running her fingers nervously through her long red hair.
"We'll be planning the attack, and the nine of us will attack the council head on." I said with determination. They would obey me for peace in the future.
"Wont that be putting you in danger?" Nickolas asked. Nickolas that was his true name, not some bland name from the streets.
"Nickolas, I have been in danger before," I said as my hand twitched to bring him into a seat Ivy provided.
"I am not saying you cannot defend yourself. You have proven that many times to me and your alliances. It's just that if we lose you we lose the battle." Nickolas said observing my face for any hint of anger.
"I know, but I can't just sit behind a desk while you are at battle fighting for all of our rights." I said sweeping my hands over the my small group. They flinched even though they had learned that I had complete control over my powers.
"Don't go," Thane said coldly. "I... I command you to stay here." I let a short laugh pass through my lips.
"Command me?" I hissed at him. He might be my general, but he could not forbid me to do anything I wished to do.
"Your will never be one of us! You are different and special. Even if you wanted to you couldn't be like us." Thane said coldly. His words stung me hard. I had felt like I had belong the last few day after learning everything I had to that dealt with my newly founded power. I realized he was right I was different. A creature Kayla had made. I decided that moment I was going to leave and find her. I would demand a cure. She had supplied me the drugs to make me this way and I was sure she had the drugs that could take this away.
"Maybe I'm not, but at least I want to help! If it wasn't for me where would you all be!?" I was angry and taking it out on everyone. "You'd be in a war fighting each other or others of my kind!" I hissed as I stormed off to the house I had been in shortly before.
I flung the door open and grabbed a piece of paper where I wrote very carefully the note that would resign my position.
My memory was flooding back. It was like waking up from a bad dream to find yourself in your bed instead of a pot of fire.
"I'm so sorry!" I apologized to Thane. He shook his head and looked up at me.
"You remember?" He asked astonished. I nodded happily. He embraced me in a hug. "I've missed you." I sighed and tried to pry myself free of him.
"How long was I gone?" I asked quietly as he released me. He shook his head. I recalled it was a way to clear his mind.
"A year, and a half. We had given up the search and plans for the attack. All except Ivy, who had been looking for you since you left." He shook his head. "I didn't believe you were alive when she called me."
"Well, I am." I said smugly.
"Lady Vargas?" Nickolas asked. "We have a small problem. You have to go back to your home us."
"Why?" Thane, and I said in unison. He didn't answer our question. Nickolas grabbed my wrist, and transported us to my room.
I fell to the floor as I tried to jerk out of his grip. He still had my wrist, and pulled me back so I jerked me to my feet. I knew he was only trying to protect me like he had so many times before. I remembered everything. My training, my argument with Kayla, my plans, Nickolas and I finding other alliances, the fight, my run in with Kayla, and everything else.
"Why are we here?" I growled. He hesitated as if he was afraid to tell me anything. "Nickolas, I remember everything. How hard do you think it would be for me to throw you across the room?" I asked as I forced him to his knees with my mind.
"You do remember?" He asked as if he was hoping to avoid my question.
"Nickolas, answer the question." I growled. My patience was running low, and unlike him I wouldn't hesitate.
"Lady Vargas," He said sadly. "I have had the pleasure of knowing you for my whole life and I know Kayla. She will continue to hunt you. If she finds you with us, she will know you remember and kill you." He was talking to me not as a friend, but as an officer. I didn't like it.
"I know your trying to be protect m, but please don't speak that way to me." I said coldly. "I'm not your commanding officer. I left to get away."
"But you have to come back!" Nickolas said pleadingly. "We need you! Kimberly, and Kendalie haven't come since you left." I knew who he was talking about. The two twin witches from the Cole Clan.
"They've given up on the cause! Please, come back." Nickolas pleaded as he bent his head down.
"Get up, Nickolas." I said friendly but a bit of sorrow was still in my voice. I relaxed my finger tips to allow him to get up. He did as I commanded. He was still sad. I could see it in his face.
"I will go back to my position but stop acting like a solider." I offered. A smile lit his face. I couldn't help but smile.
"Yes, Renee." He said happily. I smiled. "We should get you to the Cut."
"Why?" I asked stupidly.
"The war council will be looking for you. I can't transport you. I need to regain my power or I wont have any at all." I understood, and nodded.
"We'll have to go to take the long way." I agreed.
"Yes, we should start right away." He suggested. I nodded, I quickly made my way to my window. It was still open. I sat on the edge, and swung my legs out. I hopped off the ledge, and into the air.
I sliced through the air as I fell. I land hard on the ground. I quickly walked to the edge of the yard as Nickolas followed me. The grass sprung back up from where we had stood on it. Nickolas rushed to my side.
He began to run the second he hit the forest line. I quickened my pace to match his. I ran by his side, dodging trees and stumps that leaped in front of me. I had forgotten how it felt to bolt through the forest. We ran to the river that flowed through my territory. It looked calm, but we knew the current could take us. The Cut was miles away but the river would take us to where we needed to go.
"After you." I said gesturing to the water. He shook his head.
"After you, I insist." He said as he grabbed my shoulder. I shook my head and moved his hand off me. He took it as a playful way. He grasped my waist and lifted me over his shoulders.
"No!" I hissed as he tossed me into the air. I had no choice.
I dove into the water. My body hit the water hard making a sickening sound. The cold water surrounded me as I sank into the water. I was fully emerged, when I heard the splash of Nickolas entering the river. I couldn't see through the murky. I felt the current flow around me. It swallowed me and took me with it. It was hard to fight it. It swirled me around and dragged me down the river. I went deeper into the water. I stilled tried to escape the current. I finally broke the current and escaped. I swam for the surface. It look so promising. I stretched my hand in front of me pushing me forward. I fingers broke the surface soon followed by my head and shoulders.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I remained calm and turned around to see Nickolas. His hair was even darker. He tried to shake his hair free of the water but it did no good. I pushed my hair out of my face so I was able to see fully.
"Stop that." I said as he tried to push me under. I shook him off and began to swim down the river. I was a good swimmer, but I preferred the land. I swam faster, and faster. I wasn't tired, but I stopped. Not because Nick had told me to but I felt like there was something wrong. I sensed the wrongness in the air as the cold crept up my bones.
"Renee-" Nick managed to say before I was swept under the water. I was fully submerged in the dark water, again. I tried to swim to the surface, but I couldn't move. I focused on moving my limbs. I placed all my energy toward moving them.
When I failed, I hung my head. There was a faint scream. It became stronger, and asserted itself over the gushing water that held me in place. It was weird. The water was flowing around me, keeping me in place not dragging me with it. I heard a faint female scream, again.
I hated not being able to move, but I couldn't help it. I wasn't in control. I needed to get free or at least have Nickolas drag me out of the water. I somehow opened my mouth. Water came gushing in. My eyes flared, looking for something to grab on to. Suddenly, there was a hand in view. My muscles strained as I reached out for the hand.

Chapter 5. Cut Hospital
(Josh & Renee)
There was a girl in the river. She wasn't struggling or anything. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She wasn't even getting swept away by the current. She was just swimming in the river. I only saw her, and another girl walking towards the river. She was screaming. I covered my ears as I stood there. Her hair was as black as the night. A cloak flared around her. I realized her screams were more like a Raven's call.
I glanced to the girl in the river. She looked as if she was frozen. She wasn't moving in the water. She was just there. I thought she was drowning. My mind raced as i decided to rescue the girl.
I ran down the bank and looked over my shoulder. Stephanie wasn't following. I shook it off and sprinted into the water. It was cold. I dove into the water, and swam toward the girl. She looked stunned, and frozen in place. I reached out for her. If she didn't grab my hand, I'd have to resurface for air. I was already running out of oxygen. Luckily, she grabbed my hand.
I pulled her to the surface. She choked and, gasped for air. I pulled her to shore. She was dazed, and not able to walk. I stumbled out of the water as she leaned against me as I helped her onto the bank. The girl who had been on the other side of the river had disappeared. I laid the girl, I had rescued, onto the beach.
I looked curiously at the girl from the river. Her chest wasn't rising or falling. I was afraid that she had been under for too long.
"Stephanie!" I yelled in panic. "She's not breathing!" I didn't know what to do. I looked at her. She was pale and her lips were turning blue. I looked up when I heard someone coming. It wasn't Stephanie. It wasn't even a girl. It was a boy around my age. He was soaking wet. I recognized him right away from my dreams, Nick.
"What are you doing? Who are you?" He asked me angrily. He pushed me away.
"Renee?" He asked to the girl that I had laid on the bank. He sat beside her shaking her gently. There was no reaction.
Was that really her? Could that honestly be the girl I was looking for, but I had no idea why? Renee? Had I rescued her? Or was I too late?
"Is she dead?" I asked as her lips turned into a darker shade of blue. I felt helpless. Here was the girl I was looking for, and now her life was slipping through my fingers. Nick looked at me angrily.
"Of course she's dead!" Nick said as if he was talking to a dumb child. I thought he was in denial. I didn't think he was actually telling me something important.
"Look at her lips, they're blue." I said calmly. He shook his. There was a girl who looked dead to me at least, and a boy who was in denial.
"Stupid human." Nick muttered. Human? Me? I'm not human. I wasn't fully human that is. I was still warm blooded but I had everything else like vampire, except for the speed.
"I am no more human than a werewolf." I growled. Technically it was true. Werewolves are half human, and half wolf. Nick shook his head.
"You have to be human." Nick hissed. I shook my head.
"I'm not." I said soothingly.
"Then how can you think she's still alive and has died before you?" Nick growled at me. I could tell he was irritated. I took a step back.
"Look at her! She's not breathing! Her lips are blue. It's obvious that she's gone." I said trying to help him understand.
"She's a vampire." He hissed. "Of course she's not breathing and she's cold! What are you boy?"
"I'm a vampire, Nick." I said as I knelt by Renee. He looked at me shocked. He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. I couldn't seem to put it in my head.
"How'd you know my name?" Nick asked stunned. I froze. I didn't know what to say.
"Um...well I...I just do." I stuttered. I began to think frantically. What could I say? I began to panic. He didn't seem to notice my stutter and was tending to Renee. He was leaning over her checking her for wounds. It didn't look like there were any.
"What's your name?" He asked as he lifted Renee's head. I wasn't playing attention to him. Renee's eyes flickered. "What's your name?" Nick repeated fiercely in my ear. I jerked my gaze towards him. He looked worried.
"Josh." I said as I swung my head back to Renee. Her eyes were closed. I sighed and studied her. Her hair probably fell just above her waist. I couldn't quite tell her hair color because it was wet. But it looked almost black and with strips of orange in them.
"What team are you on?" Nick asked as he looked seriously at me. Team? What was he talking about?
"Teams? I don't know what you're talking about." I said dumbfounded. I was confused. What teams? Like baseball teams?
"In the Vampiric war." He said quietly as he smoothed Renee's hair from her face. I looked over to her. She looked so peaceful. Her eyes fluttered open. She looked around focusing on Nick's face.
"Nickolas?" She asked soothingly. "What happened?"
"It doesn't matter." He said quietly. She shook her head. She tried to sit up, but Nick(or Nickolas as she had said) pushed her back gently to the floor.
"It does matter." She argued. She blinked and her eyes shot to me. I took in a deep breath. Her eyes were a dark brown and they were cold and blank.
"Who are you?" She hissed as she sat up against Nick's protest. I opened my mouth to say something, but froze as her gaze met mine. The worlds were lodge in my throat. It took me a minute to recover.
"I'm Josh." I said not taking my gaze off her. She nodded as I stood up.
"Renee Vargas." She said as she extended her hand for me to shake it. I took her's in mine, and shook it. "What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you." I said before I realized what I was saying. The words seemed to just fly out of my mouth. I saw Nick's quick sharp movements as he moved beside Renee. The only thing that crossed my mind was vampire's quickness.
"Why?" The words slipped hostilely out of Nick's mouth. Renee placed a hand on his arm and looked fiercely at him and whispered something to him.
"I don't know." I said, not even before I had finished Nick rolled his eyes.
"Renee," Nick said turning to Renee. "We can't trust him. What if Kayla sent him? What if James sent him!?" To my luck Renee discarded his worries.
"Let's say he's not," She argued. "And we're sending away an ally." I didn't understand what they were talking about. How could I be an ally?
"He could be an assassin!" Nick almost shouted. Assassin? Me? I could never kill someone. Much less murderer someone because I was told to.
"Nonsense." She said as she dusted herself off.
"Are you listening to yourself!? You're in denial. He's obviously here to hurt you." He argued with her. Renee seemed to think he was over reacting.
"Obviously, we should ask him?" Renee growled. They both turned towards me. I was speechless. How could she ask me to answer? Would they even believe me?
"I'm not an assassin." I said plainly. Renee's eyes sparkled with something that seemed like hope while Nick's screamed hate.
"I find that believable." She said happily clapping her hands to together.
"Well, I don't." Nick hissed. I hung my heads at his words. Did he hate me? I didn't even know this guy and he already hated me?
"I assure you, Nickolas. He wont hurt me." She said as she ringed out her hair. I nodded. Why would I hurt her? I had nothing to gain from me.
"Fine." Nick sighed. He was still hostile towards me, but I don't think he'd hurt me. "Hey, Stephanie." Nick said sweetly. I spun around to see her walking towards us. All I could wonder was where she had been when Renee, and Nick had been arguing what my intentions were.
"Do you know this human?" Renee asked Stephanie as she reached us. Stephanie nodded, and eyes grew wide at she realized who she was speaking with.
"Renee!" Stephanie said happily. Renee flung her arms around Stephanie. They hugged for a moment and parted. "It is good to see you."
"As with you." Renee said blandly. "How do you know this human?" She said human as though she was afraid to say it. I was about to protest. I was certainly not human. Before I could even open my mouth Stephanie spoke for me.
"He is not human. He is a hybrid, Milady. Half human and half vampire!" She explained happily. Renee looked confused. I was wondering why Stephanie had called Renee Milady. It hadn't been used for many centuries, but I suppose if she was a high military leader it could be used as for respect.
"Stephanie," Renee said coldly. "I have agreed to return, if only no one addresses me like you just have." Stephanie slightly blushed.
"I am sorry." Stephanie said quietly.
"Don't be." Renee said gleefully. She glimmered as the sunlight fell over here. As a vampire raised in the city I didn't know much about the way things worked here.
"Miss?" I asked hoping Renee would be the one to answer me. My wish was granted.
"Please, call me Renee." She said as she turned her attention to me. "I have not met you before?" It was more of question the way she spoke the words.
"No, but I would like to know what's going on." I said as I watched her face for any change. She looked happy, and joyful. Suddenly, Stephanie was glaring at me.
"I am afraid I cannot help you. I don't know." She said seriously, but her eyes still had a glimmer of laughter.
"Can someone tell me?" I asked looking to Nick. He was looking at Renee. I turned my gaze to her. She nodded.
"Well, Renee," Nick said angrily. "I don't approve of strangers knowing our business." She had her eyes closed. She opened them, and looked directly at Nick.
"I trust him, why can't you?" She asked childlike.
"Fine," Nick growled as he turned to me. "She is or once was the leader of the rebellion." He paused for me to comment or acknowledge what he was saying when I didn't he continued, "She is a creation of Kayla. One of her ten experiments. Kayla only chose the humans she saw fit her expectations."
"Sadly, one of them was Renee." He turned to her. "She was turned by Kayla, and was forced with medication." He grabbed her hand. "She had been released by Kayla, and she began the rebellion. I had found her after being turned by Vlad. I have been her second in command for two years.
"She had gotten in a fight with one of the other commanders, and went to find Kayla instead of risking everyone else." He spoke with disgust. I nodded. "Somehow, she had escaped Kayla a second time, and here she is."
"Yes, here I am." Renee said coldly. "Um, Josh is it?" I nodded. "How can you not know of me? The Cut knows about me so does The Council. Even the wolves, and the witches."
"Well...I don't belong to any of them. I was born as I am, not blood doesn't belong to any of the groups you spoke of." I said as I fumbled with my hands.
"The hybrid." Stephanie sighed as she placed a hand on Renee's shoulder.
"I suppose...he is, but I'm still skeptical of doesn't matter anymore." Renee said as she played with her hair.
"Go on say it." Nick hissed.
"Don't get snippy with me!" She growled at him. I cringed at her harsh tone even though it wasn't directed to me.
"Both of you stop it. Isn't this the same thing that made her leave in the first place?" Stephanie said trying to stop them.
"Nickolas!" Renee hissed as a knife came whirling out of the forest. He grabbed it in midair and flung it back in the direction it came. I heard a grunt of pain come from the area it had come from.
"Wow." I said as my jaw dropped. That was amazing. I didn't know we were in serious danger. Renee pulled something from her side and walked over to me.
"Take it." Renee said as she handed me a knife. "You know how to use it?" She asked as I took it. I shook my head. She sighed loudly. "Just hold the end, here." She said as she eased my hand down to the lower handle of the knife. Her skin was cold and it took all my effort not to cringe away.
"Like this?" I asked as the others were taking out their weapons. She nodded as she pulled a sharper knife from the small of her back. I was surprised it had hidden there without being noticed by me.
"Now, you just use it for self-defense. You think you can do that?" She asked. I nodded. "Lets go." She began to walk in the direction the knife had come from. Nick bolted forward, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"You can't-"
"I most certainly can, and will despite your worries." She silence him instantly.
"But-" Stephanie Stephanie started to argue.
"No, I'm going." Renee hissed at Stephanie.
"But, Renee, It could be Kayla or your fledglings!" Stephanie protested.
"What danger are my fledglings to me?" Renee asked sorrily.
"They've joined Kayla's fleet of fighters. Chrissy is the commander of the war group. Jessica and Cherokee are her top people."
"What has become of Ephie?" She said in a quiet voice.
"She is still faithful to you. She is in my regiment." Stephanie answered her. Renee took a deep breath to settle herself.
"If we encounter Chrissy, Jessica, and Cherokee... they will be dealt by me, personally." Renee said coldly. I heard Nick gasp. Stephanie's hand flew to her mouth.
"Renee," Nick said softly. "You don't have to deal with them." He walked over to her, and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Yes, I do." She growled at him as she swiped the hand away from her. She stormed off into the forest to find who or what was thrower of the knife. Nick stood calmly where she had left him. I heard a startling scream. I flinched. Nick, and Stephanie did not. I ran to where Renee had disappeared. Stephanie, and Nick didn't move. I ran into the forest, and found Renee standing over Ashley.
"Ashley!" I cried as I fell to her side. Renee was shaking her head. Ashley was on the floor with a knife in her arm. She was bloody, a complete mess. Her hair was matted, and caked with dried blood.
"She's fine." Renee said as she pulled me away from Ashley.
"You can't do this! Let me go!" I growled as I tried to get back to Ashley. She let me go. I quickly scuttled to Ashley's side. I looked over her. There seemed to be no wounds except for the knife in her arms. Then... where did all the blood come from? Ashley started to stir.
"Ashley?" I asked softly. "Are you okay?" She shook her head.
"I didn't mean to hurt anyone!" She cried loudly. "It just happened then two other girls came out of nowhere." She wasn't making sense."I didn't mean to!" She repeated her last words over, and over again.
"We should get her to a hospital." Renee suggested as she touched my shoulder. I cringed at her cold touch. She frowned, and looked at Ashley. "She's not human, is she?" I shook my head. She sighed.
"Nick!" She yelled over her shoulder. He appeared instantly beside her. "Where's the nearest Cut hospital?" She asked as she looked at Ashley. He began to speak when suddenly three dark figures came out of a tree above us, and he quieted.
"Renee." One of the figures said quietly. They all wore black cloaks. Ashley started screaming. "Shut up, mongrel!" The figured hissed.
"Don't talk to her like that!" I growled as I picked Ashley up, and wrapped my arms around her protectively. She said something, but it was muffled by sobs.
"I thought I heard your voice." The figure said. The figure stepped close to Renee while the others stayed in place.
"Why are you here, Jessica?" Renee said coldly. Jessica put the hood of the cloak down. She was a few years older than Ashley. Her hair was a light sand color of brown, and curly. Her features were sharp, and cold. Her eye's were a dark red.
"You get straight to business, don't you?" Jessica asked. Renee glared at her until another on of the hooded figures stepped forward.
"You'll answer me a few questions." The second hooded person said as it removed its hood. It was another girl. Her hair was thin, and was a brownish gold.
"Chrissy!" Renee cried happily, and rushed to hug her. Chrissy's eyes were as cold as Nick's, but were light red. I gulped uneasily as her eyes turned to me. She glared at me harshly.
"Renee, let go." Chrissy growled. Renee hesitated, but released her. "We've come to take you home."
"Home?" Renee hissed the words as if they were a curse. "That place wasn't my home. It was my prison!" I didn't know what she was talking about. I'd have to remember to ask her about it later.
"Your lucky Kayla took you back after you running off like that!" The third hooded figure hissed. It was a girl, I could tell by her voice. She took off her hood. Her hair was straight, and short. Her features were soft, unlike the others. Her eyes were brown with a faint red line her pupil.
"I wanted to leave, Cherokee" Renee said softly to the girl. I placed the names with the faces. Chrissy seemed to be the leader of the small group. She was very serious, and cold. Jessica looked as if she might strike any moment. Cherokee looked friendly, but dangerous.
"How could you just leave us?" Jessica said pleadingly. I couldn't believe I was watching this.
"Leave?" Renee scoffed. "I only left because it was a prison, and I did not leave you. You had chosen the dark side." She said this as if it was obvious. I rolled my eyes. I was confused and had given up on understanding any of this. My mind began to wonder, and there conversation faded. Their voices were faint. Like they weren't even there anymore.
Suddenly a fight broke out. I don't know it happened, but Jessica and Renee were on the floor. Nickolas- as Renee had called him- was fighting with Chrissy. Stephanie had appeared, and now was fighting Cherokee.
"Stop!" I growled over them. They didn't, they were ignoring me. I was going to help them. I laid Ashley against a tree, and looked over the people fighting. Renee seemed to be winning, and so did Nickolas. Stephanie was losing. I quickly ran to her aid. Cherokee was snarling over Stephanie.
"Stop it." I growled as I plucked Cherokee off of Stephanie. Cherokee turned to me, and lashed out with her nails. I was too slow to avoid them. They sliced into my arm. I gritted my teeth. Blood was seeping out of the wounds. Earlier she had looked friendly almost peaceful, but now she was hateful, pure evil. The pain hurt to much to bare. I threw her to the floor. She grave a ear piercing cry. Everyone stopped fighting, and looked at the girl on the floor.
All eyes turned to me. Chrissy and Jessica walked over to where Cherokee had landed. They each placed a hand on her, and suddenly there was a cloud of smoke. When it cleared they were gone. It instantly fell silent. High above there was a booming laugh.
Ivy was sitting on a branch over us laughing. I glared at her. How long had she been there? I began to climb the tree to grab her, and pull her down. When I reached the branch she was on she stopped laughing.
"What are you doing?" I snarled as I grabbed her arm. She laughed at me. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks in anger. She shrugged off my arm and jumped off the tree branch. I looked over, she landed easily on her feet. I slowly climbed down the tree. I was pretty sure that if I tried to land like her I'd fall.
"What were you doing up there?" Renee asked Ivy.
"Just thought I'd drop in." She smiled at her pun. I glared at her as I reached the floor.
"Why didn't you help us!?" I yelled at her. I was angry. While I had been helping Stephanie she had been watching above. I looked at my wounds. The blood was starting to dry, and the wound was starting to heal.
"I couldn't let them know I was on Renee's side." Ivy said shocked at the thought of her coming down to help us. Suddenly my wounds began to ache. I clutched at them with my hand, and fell to the floor. The cuts burned, and the area around them began to sting.
"What's going on?" Stephanie asked when she saw me. Renee shrugged, and looked to Nickolas for guidance. Ivy shook her head sadly.
"Look at his arm." Ivy said as she pushed my hand away from my wounds. "Cherokee left her mark. He'll be fully turned by I say... sundown?" She said tentatively, weighing the words in her mind. I glanced at her.
"Oh..." Renee trailed off.
"We can help him before the pain sets in, but we need to get him to Dr. Vensle."
"Dr. Vensle?" Renee asked uncertain she knew the name. Ivy nodded.
"He's new, but I hear he does great work. He's involved with the new branch of the cut a few miles that way." Ivy said as she pointed south of us. The pain was starting to seep lower into my body. I clutched harder at the wound.
"We should leave now." Renee said happily. Nickolas glared at me.
"Why should we?" He asked angrily. Renee shot him a dirty look then brought her eyes to me. They were sweet, and gentle.
"Because I like him." She said as her eyes twinkled. I smiled, and I could feel the blood rushing to my checks. I was flushed with emotions, but only one would win.
The pain.
I couldn't focus. My sight blurred, and I became dizzy. I could feel my life slip away.
"It's too late." I heard Ivy say, but it was fading.
"No, look he's still..." Then there was nothing. It was black. It was like sleeping. A peaceful dream.

"-looks like he's got vitals." I said as his eyes closed. A growl slipped through my teeth. "Who's this Dr. Vensle?" I asked as Ivy checked Josh's vitals. She looked up at me.
"You should know." She said as she stood up. "You know him better than any of us, but I suppose you'll just have to see." She said with a grin on her face. I sighed loudly, and walked over to Nickolas.
"What's your problem?" I asked him as he turned away.
"I've talked to Ivy. She told me all about you future." His voice was icy.
"Don't be like that." I said playfully. "It couldn't be that bad, could it?"
"It was very bad." Ivy reassured me.
"How bad?" I asked, not sure I really wanted to know.
"You, and that... that thing!" Nickolas hissed in rage. I couldn't help, but laugh. He glared at me. It froze my laughter in my throat, and forced it back down.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said helplessly. Ivy shook her head.
"You will." She said happily. I shrugged, and bent own beside Josh.
"What do we do?" I asked looking to Ivy for answers. She shrugged.
"Take him to Dr. Vensle." Ivy said plainly. Nickolas shook his head. I groaned a he gave him opinion.
"We should leave him for dead." He offered. "Think about it. Why do we need him?"
"I don't care what you say, he's a vampire, and so is this little girl." I said gesturing to the girl Josh had called Ashley.
"Fine." Nickolas caved in. I smiled to myself.
"One of you call this doctor." I said as I paced back, and forth.
"I'll do it." Nickolas volunteered. He took off into he forest mumbling to himself. I turned to Ivy.
"Call, and request that they pick us up as soon as possible." I commanded. She did, and walked away from me. I stood there thinking while they were gone. What could my future have to do with this hybrid? This thing, I corrected myself. That's what Nickolas had used. I sat beside the boy. His dark black hair was as a ravens feathers. I brushed the hair out of his face. I sighed as I looked over him. He's perfect.
His clothes were dirty, and covered in dust. His skin was much tanner than my own. I had grown pale when I was turned, and it was a curse to be this way. I sat next to the boy for a few minutes. I moved to the girl. She was awake, and beginning to stir. I grabbed her hand, and she shot up, and yanked her hand away. She held her hand in her other.
"I'm sorry." I muttered. She sighed, and slowly back away from me. Her body was tense, and stressed. "I shouldn't have." I said as I stood up, and put my hands behind me.
"No, it's okay." The girl said shakily. "Um... Are you Renee?" It was like she was afraid of asking me.
"Yes..." I said uneasily. The girl looked to me then her brother who was on the floor. Her eyes grew wide with fear.
"You... you did this!" She stammered. I shook my head. She turn around and fled from my presence. I knew it was wrong of me, but I followed her. She was fleeing me, I felt like a hunter, again. She fell, and scrapped her knee. There was blood slowly seeping out of her knee. I looked at her and felt the thirst flood through me. No, I told myself as I forced myself away from her.
"Nickolas!" I screamed in pure pain. My throat was burning, and I no longer posed the strength to drag myself away. He appeared in a few seconds.
"What's wrong?" I asked tentatively.
"I... I can't..." I stuttered. I couldn't control my thoughts, anymore. "Get me... away from... her." I said as I flung myself at Ashley. Luckily Nickolas caught me in mid air. I fought against him. He pulled me away as I struggled to get to Ashley, and feast on her. She was right there, so full of blood, and warmth. I wanted her blood. Her blood would feed my for a week or so. I just wanted her blood! I hissed at Nickolas.
"Let me go!" I growled as I broke free of his hold. He quickly tackled me to the floor.
"You can't!" He hissed at me as he pinned me down. It would have worked if I had been a normal vampire, but I wasn't like others of my kind. I flicked my wrist, sending him into the air. He hit a tree. I stood up, and ran to Ashley. Suddenly Ivy appear.
"Get away!" I snarled at her. She grabbed my shoulder, and transported us.
I fell out of the air and into a snow bank. I hissed as I realized I had lost my meal. Ivy stood beside me. I pounced on her. She didn't see it coming, and couldn't fight me off. I snapped at her. I used my sharp nails to scratch, and slice her skin.
She kicked me in the gut, and sent me flying into the air. I landed on my feet, and ran for Ivy. She was in shock. I clawed her as I rammed into her. She cried out in pain. She lashed out at me with her hands. One struck me below my chin. She sliced into my throat. Spilling my blood. It wasn't enough to harm me, but it made me angry. I flicked my wrist sending her into the air. Snow flared around me. I could barely see. I saw her land, and darted in that direction. She was standing when I reached her. I flicked my wrist, and sent her to her knees.
"You dare disobey me?" I growled. "You deny me my meal?"
"You wanted to help her!"Ivy said as she clutched her side.
"Lies." I hissed as she sent her back into the air. Suddenly I was surrounded by wolves.
"It's not your battle." I hissed at them. One shape shifted into his human form. It was Thane.
"Renee." He said sweetly.
"Get lost." I snapped. "Go back to your den." I was being rude and hostile, but he stayed anyway's.
"I don't live in a den." He laughed as if this was a friendly meeting.
"Should go find one." I snarled.
"I would, but I can't." He said plainly.
"Why?" I growled as nastily as I could.
"Ugh. God, Renee! Could you be any meaner to me than right now?" He asked angrily. I don't know what made me do it, even now I see it was a stupid choice. I took his question as a challenge.
"I could be." I snapped as I swung my arm out and swiped his chest. He shifted into his werewolf form, and pulled out of my range. I flicked my wrist, and all the wolves near me were in the air flying into tree, snow banks. Suddenly Ivy appeared in front of me. I swiped at her throat. She was too slow. Her neck was a complete bloody mess.
"Renee, No!" Nickolas's voice hissed at me. I spun around. He grabbed me by my throat and pulled me away. I struggled as he dragged me away from my fresh kill. Ivy might have been dead, but then again she might have lived.
"We're leaving to the hospital!" He said as he transported us. We were there in moments. I sighed and sat down. I took in slow breaths. This hospital contained scents of vampire, werewolves, humans, witches, and other creatures I couldn't identify. I was beginning to relax. The thirst sank away. My mind cleared.
"Where are they?" I asked. He shook his head and sat down. I looked around the waiting room we were in. It was filled with other people some had hands missing, others had what looked like the had broken bones. I felt bad for Nickolas. Why had he brought me here? It was so calm and relaxing. There was a faint music.
"Nickolas, do you hear that?" I asked sweetly.
"It's a calming music for those who are in pain. It was made by Dr. Vensle himself." Nickolas said calmly. I nodded. I could see what he meant.
"Where are they?" I asked as my head began to sway. It was hard not to. My head flowed with the music. Suddenly, the music cut off.
"Mr. Nickolas Galloway, Dr. Vensle is ready to see you in his office." A female voice said out of the small speaker where the music had been coming out. The music started flowing out again. I was soothed once more.
"Come on." Nickolas said as he grabbed my arm, and tugged me up. I stood up, and he pulled me to a door. He swung it open. There was a boy about my age sitting behind a desk his head in his hands. His hair was a light brown, and was cut short, but covered his ears. I sighed as Nickolas urged me forward, and told me to sit.
"Dr. Vensle." Nickolas said so the doctor would acknowledge us. The boy lifted his head, and his face lit up with a smile. He looked familiar. I smiled back.
"You must be Nickolas." Dr. Vensle said as he offered a hand to shake Nickolas's. Nickolas accepted. I looked at Nickolas, and smiled at him. He frowned.
"Do you recognize him?" Nickolas asked.
"Of course she does." Dr. Vensle said happily. I shook my head. The smile slipped off Dr. Vensle's face. So did mine.
"I'm sorry. You look familiar, but I don't remember." I said vaguely.
"Oh." He said sadly. "Well, I'm Cole Vensle." He said as he shook my hand.
"Cole?" I asked trying the word in my mouth. Then memories came flooding back.

I was sitting on a porch. I recognized my old house in Selma. I was talking to a boy. His hair was a light brown, and I recognized him as Cole. There was a moving van in front of the house. I was talking to him.
"You're leaving?" Cole said sadly.
"Yes." I said sadly.
"Do you have your assignment for Mr. Mieure's?" He asked trying to change the subject. I nodded. "What's it about?" He was normally a curious person. I handed him a folded piece of paper.
"It's about Werewolves." I said quietly. He nodded as he unfolded it.
"Nice. Mine's about vampires." He said as he studied my report.
"What's with you and vampires?" I asked.
"They're just awesome! I want to be a vampire!" He said jokingly. He put made fangs with his fingers. I laughed, and smacked his hand away from his mouth.
"You want to bite people's necks? And suck blood? Gross!" I laughed.
"Yeah. So awesome huh? You'd be my first victim." He joked. I gave him a light push. I was human at the time.
"No!" I yelled as he darted to me. I moved and he fell to the floor. We were laughing.

There were many flash backs like that. I Soon remembered Cole. My best friend before I moved to Ogden. No time had passed. Cole was still nodding.
"Cole!" I said as I embraced him in a hug. He laughed and hugged me back. I took a deep breath. His scent flared through my nose and scratched my throat, making me thirsty. It burned my throat.
"Nickolas." I said between clenched teeth. He looked at me carefully.
"What?" He asked. I suppose he couldn't see my pain. I was trying to control myself. I put all my efforts into not attacking Cole. I couldn't control my thirst any longer. I lounged at him.
"Renee!" Nickolas yelled at me as I landed on Cole. I tried to drown out all noises. I hissed at Cole. His face was pale. Drained of all blood. I hissed at the thought of him being a vampire, but he smelled so human. So good. His smell was a mix between blood and fear. It drove me even further over the brink. It was too far for me to turn back.
I clawed at his throat, but someone ripped me off him. I growled and tried to pull away from my holder. It wasn't Nickolas because he was standing in front of me trying to help Cole up. I turned to my captor. It was Ivy.
"Let go!" I growled.
"No! You can't eat him." Ivy said as Cole walked behind his desk. I watched my prey intently. He brought out a little box. He flipped a switch. That faint music flowed out of the small box. I couldn't help it. I began to feel light headed and calm.
"Let it take you." Cole said softly. I nodded and my legs buckled. Ivy caught me before I could fall. She put me in a chair. I let my body relax.
"Why isn't the music effecting us?" Ivy asked. Cole placed the box on his desk.
"It works by effecting the nervous system of those who are stressed or in great pain. Are you stressed?" He asked me. I nodded slowly. He continued, "Most vampire's are when they are hunting or in attack mode. Like Ms. Vargas here," he said pointing to me. "She has very high stress levels from Kayla's medication, but if I want to make all the vampires in my office relax I'd have to turn up the frequency."
"That's genius, Dr. Vensle." Ivy commented amazed.
"I know." He said smugly. "I think she's calmed now." He turned off the box, and the music stopped. I felt my sense of danger come back to me. It screamed to run. I silenced it.
"Cole be patient." A voice said out of nowhere. I froze. It was a girls voice, sweet, and soft, but filled with nail and shards of glass.
"Who's there?" Cole asked into the shadows of his office. A girl stepped out. Her hair was as black as the night. It waved around her head like silk. Half was pushed behind her, the other were evenly displayed over her shoulders, and on her chest.
"Don't be so jumpy Ivy. It is only me." The girl said softly. She moved her hair out of her face. She was pale white. Her lips where thin and caked with blood. Her face showed pain and something that seemed like humor. Her nails were painted a dark red. Her eyes were the color of an eclipse. Completely black except for a line of reddish gold around them. I felt my body go ridged.
"Raven." I said recognizing her from pictures Kayla had showed me during training. The girls face lit with a smile.
"Renee, it's nice to meet you in person." Raven said as she pushed her hair behind her ears.
"You've heard of me?" I asked as I felt my blood run cold.
"Of course I have. Kayla's fledgling gone a muck. She would always talk about you. Then you escaped. Scared her to death. She said she could get along without you, but she's wrong. You're the most known vampire in the whole community. Kayla was so proud when she created you. Then this happened. You left in the middle of the night.
"Kayla was madder then anyone could imagine. She found out you were with the rebellion and began to train your fledglings. Ephie had escaped, and the others refused to leave Kayla's training. They believe they will be able to recover you." She said sadly.
"They will." Ivy said behind me. I spun around in fear. No! I wasn't going back.
"What!? No, they can't do that!" I yelped. My voice was high pitched. I hadn't had it this high since I was human, and I'd freak out about something. I took a deep breath trying to calm down. This time when Cole's scent flared through my nose it didn't bother me as much.
"I have to go and check on Josh." Cole said as he crossed the room. "I'll be back."
I woke up with a light in my eyes. I couldn't move, but I could at least see. Slowly my sense came back to me. My touch, then my smell, and everything else came to me. I was suddenly aware of tubes, and needles in me. I could finally move my limbs, but when I tried pain shot through me. The pain was killing me. I quickly sat up which just made the pain worse! I felt the pain shot up and down my body. I hissed in pain as a boy around my age entered the room. I glared at him.
"It's okay. I'm Dr. Vensle."
"You? Ha. You no more than a boy."
"Yes, but..." He trailed off.
"But nothing, bring in a really doctor." I said as tried to get up. The pain was unbearable. I laid became down.
"Now, let's see. You're a vampire?" He asked. I nodded. "Your type AB not like it matters anymore." He was joking around.
"Just tell me what's wrong with me." I growled. He nodded.
"I haven't spoken or seen your friends, but it seems you've been a serum to excel your vampire blood count."
"English please." I snapped. The doctor sighed.
"Someone gave you something to make you a full vampire." He said softly.
"Oh..." I didn't know what to say. I felt just fine, and I don't think anyone gave me anything. What does one say when you become a full creature of the night?
"Would you like me to find you friends?" He asked. I nodded, and he left the room. His head popped in through the door. "Um what are their names?" He asked.
"Just call for Ashley Key." I said as he left the room a second time. I sighed and laid on the bed for what seemed an century. I looked around the room. It didn't look like a hospital. It was more of a cave with hospital machines, and cot. I'd have to ask Ashley when she arrived. If she arrived, I told myself.
"I'm sorry I couldn't find her." Dr. Vensle said as he entered the room. It was hard to think of him as a doctor. A kid my age wasn't even close to being able to be a doctor, most likely just getting in college.
"It's okay." I said hiding my anger. Where could she be? The doctor turned to leave.
"Dr. Vensle?" I asked. He turned back to see me.
"Call me Cole." He answered happily.
"Um... can you explain a few things to me?" I asked helplessly. He nodded, and sat beside me.
"Are you a vampire?" I asked stupidly.
"Nope, pure human blood." Cole said happily. I nodded slowly. Suddenly, Ashley came running through the door.
"Josh!" She said as she hugged me. I smiled at her.

Chapter 6. Explanations
"Please, don't do that." Cole said uneasily.
"Why not?" Ashley asked as she released me.
"Well, he's full vampire now and you're half human. You still have blood that can feed him, and you're not safe here." Cole said as he rushed her out of the room. He returned to the room shortly. "Would you like me to bring in the vampires?" I nodded. He left the room. Ivy suddenly appeared beside me. I jumped slightly.
"Don't do that!" I growled at her.
"Do what?" She said innocently. I glared at her.
"You know exactly what I'm taking about." I hissed. She nodded as the door swung open. Renee, and Nickolas came through the door. I was disappointed not to see Ashley with them. I knew she wouldn't come with them, but I hoped.
"Hi, Josh." Renee said as she sat beside my bed. "I'm sorry about Ashley." She looked worried.
"Why are you sorry? What's wrong with Ashley?" I began to panic. What could have possibly happened while I was out? I shook my head. I was dizzy, and my throat ached. "Can someone get some water for me?" I asked. Cole laughed at me.
"I'll fetch him some blood." Cole said as he left the room.
"Why?" I asked plainly. Renee, and Nickolas looked uneasily at each other. Ivy sighed loudly and gave them disapproving looks.
"You're a full vampire now!" She blurted out. I looked dumbly at Ivy. How could I be? I never got bitten.
"But... how?" I asked not expecting an answer. Renee sighed.
"Cherokee has claws with venom and when she clawed you the venom started working right away." She said sadly. "There wasn't anything we could do to help you." I sighed.
"That's okay." I said quietly. I didn't know what to think. I just wanted something to drink.
"You're dangerous." Nickolas said as he pushed Renee behind him.
"Stop it, Nickolas." Renee growled from behind him. I wanted to laugh at him, but held it back. I didn't want to anger him. "Just stop it," She said and he flew across the room. She laughed. "I don't even have to move anymore." She said happily.
"Stop doing that!" He growled.
"Stop acting like you know what's best for me!" She snapped.
"Fine." He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest and sat on the floor.
"Can I talk to her alone?" I said pointing to Renee. Nickolas looked like he was going to object but kept his mouth shut. Ivy left, and took Nickolas with her. They left the room shutting the door behind them. I tried to sit up, but felt weak. Renee helped me get comfortable.
"What can I help you with?" She asked while taking in her surroundings. Everything, I thought. I need to know. Why am I suppose to help you? Did you mean what you said earlier? I noticed she was staring at me. I cleared my throat and she looked away. I sighed.
"I just wanted to talk to you alone about something." I told her honestly. Would she think I'm crazy? Would she even know what I was talking about? Would she reject me?
"Oh, okay.What about?" She asked. I froze. What do I say? Oh.... I've seen you in my dreams, and I want you.
"I.... Well.... I..." I trailed off. She smiled at me.
"Just say what you're going to say. Don't play around." She said simply. That was thing. I didn't know what I'm trying to say to you! I thought angrily.
"I don't know what to say." I said plainly and sighed.
"Let me know when you do." She said as she sat down. The door flew open. Cole came bursting through the door. He had a bag of blood in one hand, and a box in the other. I watched Renee, her body went ridged. Cole had noticed the look on her face. It was fear. I laughed at her. She glared at me through hateful eyes. I silenced my laughter.
"It wont affect you." Cole said to Renee. Wont affect her? I thought unhappily. What's he going to do to me that she's afraid of? I became scared. Cole tossed me the blood. I caught it and turned it over in my hands. What am I suppose to do with this? I thought dreadfully.
"Bite it and drink it." Renee encouraged me. I did as she suggested and bite into the bag of blood. The blood filled my mouth. I chocked it down to keep from spitting it up. It was an awful taste. It was sour and sweet. I needed it but wanted to spit it out.
After I finished the bag, Cole let me get up and walk around. Renee walked with me through the halls of the hospital. Cole said I could leave after the next time I fed.
"So, what's up with this whole war thing?" I asked Renee as we pasted the nurse's station. She looked around us cautiously.
"I'm not too sure myself. I lost my memory, and I'm slowly regaining it." She said shakily. I was surprised how open she was with me. I had recently caught myself looking at her. "All I really know is that I'm different. I'm leading the attack on The Council or was." She sounded disappointed that there was a chance she was going to be let out of the action.
We were still walking. She was in front of me walking, and speaking with her hands. I noticed she used a lot of body langue. She seemed to vent that way. It made me focus on her even when she was explaining something I already knew. I was amazed at how easily her hands glided into through the air.
"So, what's your story? Why were you looking for me?" She asked. I stopped walking and froze in place. She looked over her shoulder to see if I was following her. She stopped and walked back to me. "Everything alright?" She asked as she grabbed my arm. I flinched at her touch. I hadn't gotten us to her cold touch. Cole said it'd be a few days before I couldn't sense another vampires cold touch against mine. She took a step away from me.
"I'm sorry." I said sorrily. She shook her head. Her dark brown hair and gold highlights swirled around her head and shoulders. I took in a breath. Her scent was addictive. It was sweet, and filled with life. Her hair settled around her shoulders. It framed her head perfect. I couldn't help myself, but admire her beauty.
Cole had warned me about this. All vampires were beautiful. It was just the matter of finding a mate you wanted despite faults and lack of strength. The vampire that were most powerful had the most admirers. The girls were always chased not the other way around, because most vampire fledglings were always male. Human females couldn't really fight back, and no one wanted weak fledglings.
"No... it's my fault." Renee said bringing me back from my thoughts.
"No, it's mine." I said recognizing it was. I wanted this girl, but couldn't get the courage to ask for her. Her touch made me cringe away. I could never find my tongue when her gaze crossed mine. She made my blood beat faster. She was like no other.
"We should get back to your room. It's almost feeding time." She said trying to change the subject. I nodded and ran down the hall. She followed me. I slipped into my room and onto the bed. She glided flawlessly into the room. She stopped in the center of the room and sat in a chair that was close to the bed in the room. Cole walked into the room.
I felt a pang of jealousy as he caught her eye and gave her a flirtatious smile. I glared at him. I looked sorrily at Renee, who was caught in Cole eyes. I cleared my throat loudly. Renee fumbled with her hands as she left Cole's gaze.
"Here you go." Cole said tossing me a blood bag. I quickly drank it all. I wiped my mouth off with my sleeve.
"All done. Now, Renee, let's get out of here." I said jumping out of the bed. Before I could react, Cole spoke.
"What's the rush?" Cole asked softly. I hit my forehead with my hand. "I thought you could stay here with me." He was preaching to the choir. She was going to leave with me. She was fond of me and I hoped she would, but I couldn't be sure. I smiled as Renee looked dumbfounded at Cole.
"I can't, I have a war to get back to. Besides I have a job to do." Renee said uneasily. I smiled at the sight of Cole's disappointment. He had been rejected, and even though he tried to hide it. It was obvious he was upset. I wanted to laugh but held it in.
"Come on." I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist. I caught her by surprise. I swept her off her feet and rushed her out of the room. She wasn't hard to carry. Once I was out of the door frame, she regain her composer. She sent a wave of energy at me. It hit me hard and knocked me off my feet. I fell to the floor hard. I looked up in a daze. Renee and Ivy were standing over me.
"I'm so sorry!" Renee said sadly. She offered a hand to help me up. I pushed it way and stood up on my own.
"Renee!" Cole said happily. "Have some respect for the dead." He laughed.
"I am the dead." Ivy and Renee growled in unison at him. I looked at him shocked as he pushed Renee aside. She would have put up a fight if it was me.
"He's fine." Cole said as he turned back to the girls.
"What's up, Cole?" Ivy asked him as he pulled a slip of paper from his pocket. He handed it to Renee. She looked it over. She looked at it horridly.
"What does this mean?" She asked nervously.
"I want to experiment something on you." Cole said gently. Renee nodded and passed the paper back to Cole. "Will you accept?" I didn't want her to be some lab rat. I was about to open my mouth when she spoke.
"I accept," she said softly. "But I have to be in the war. You can change me after if I last that long." I think we all knew what the last part meant. She didn't think she would live past the war. She thought she'd die in battle.
"Mind if I come along as a doctor?" Cole asked hopefully.
"You may come." Ivy answered for Renee. Ivy must be stronger than Renee or in control because Renee had corrected Nickolas to stay out of her way but did not do so with Ivy.
"Don't you even consider it." I growled at Cole. He glanced at me and smiled. Renee looked relieved that I had objected.
"Cole, it would be very dangerous." Renee said carefully. He nodded, and placed a hand on Renee's shoulder.
"I know, but I still want to come along. What if one of your men fall under a weapon? I could be there to help." He suggested. There was no doubt in my mind that he would help a fallen guard or warrior of Renee, but if I fell he'd strode away and find others to help and say he was busy at the time. I looked to Renee; pleading she would object, but she only closed her eyes, sighed and nodded slowly. I looked to Cole. He was grinning at me. I wanted to reach out and strangle the life from his body.
"You may come." Renee said as she turned away from us and began to walk away. She turned back. "I'll meet you at my home by sunset." She turned away and left us to prepare.

As I left them I began to wonder what the future would hold for me. Would I die? Could I really take on the leader of The Council? Would I die at her feet? Would I be able to live? Would we win the war? Could I gain control? Would I become human like Cole had promised in the paper? Why couldn't I be lucky enough to stay out of Kayla's path?
I shook my head as the thought of finding Daniel came to my mind.
"Renee." A girl said to my left. I froze. I was in the woods. I hadn't notice how far I had gotten.
"Yes?" I asked nervously. The girl was about my age. She wore a blackish green silk dress that had been cut in the middle. It was wrapped around her body and tied around her waist with a black sash. She wore no shoes, and her short cut hair waving around her. I was surprised I could tell in the kind of light there was under the moon.
"I thought you were dead!" The girl said as she embraced me. I sent a wave of energy at her. Not hard enough to send her flying, but to get her away from me. She stumbled away from me. "Renee!" She said obvious shocked by my reaction. "What's wrong?"
"Don't touch me!" I hissed as she tried to advance towards me.
"Renee, it's me... Kimberly." The girl said holding up her hands to show she had no weapons. Kimberly... it sounded familiar. I took a closer look at the girl who stood before me. She had a scar on her wrist like mine, and her lip was trembling. I knew her instantly. She was the spy for the witch covet. She and her sister, Kendalie, had always been helpful.
"Kimi?" I asked using her Nickname. She hugged me. It hurt me having her magic touch my aura. I flinched as she backed away. I sighed in relief when I was out of her arms.
"Where have you been!? Kristen has been planning an attack on The Cut." She was panicking. Everything came back to me at that moment. My whole life. The time I had spent with Kayla. Finding my spies, being rescued, my training, my fighting, even all my powers I had everything. All my memory was back to me.
"Kimi find the others and tell to come to my house at once." I said quickly. She nodded, and smiled at me.
I began to turn away when I heard her whisper, "It's great to have you back."
"Its great to be back." I said as I strode away. I looked over my shoulder and she was gone. I walked all the way home uninterrupted.
I reached my yard with ease. The forest wasn't hard to forget since I had lived in this house for most of my life. This was the house I had lived in with my mom when we moved away from Selma.
I quickly made my way up the tree outside my window. I was too lazy to find the key and unlock the back door. I jumped into my window, and stumbled through the dark looking for the light switch. I finally found the light switch. I flicked it on. My room looked normal except for a box that was on my bed. I walked to it.
It was a small box, the kind someone might put a ring in. I opened it slowly. There was a button inside. I opened it completely. There was a note tied to it. I undid the knot, and read the note silently to myself, then aloud.
"In a war caused by sin the time will come when pain will win." I said to myself as I crumbled the note and shoved it into my pocket. "Makes no sense." I mumbled as I turned around. There was a wolf there. A blonde wolf that looked like it was going to pounce on me. I gasped in shock. Why hadn't I heard it come in? It returned to it human form. It was Thane.
"Don't go." He said softly. Why would I?
"Why not?" I asked as I took a step away from him.
"Because... I-" He began to say when something tackled him. I focused my eyes on the thing that had tackled him. It was another wolf. Thane had changed into his form and was fighting with the other wolf.
"Ivy told you 'no'." The darker wolf growled from on top of thanes form. Thanes form was a lighter shade of dirty blonde.
"I don't care what she said!" Thane hissed as he pushed the darker wolf away. The other wolf got up, and snapped at Thane. "Sergio, stop it!" Sergio... the slightly darker wolf. One of my spies, and Stephanie's betrothed. A vampire-werewolf relationship. I shuttered.
"Ow!" I yelped as one of the wolfs claws scrapped against my skin. The fighting stopped instantly.
"Oh my god! What did you do?" Thane growled at Sergio.
"Me? It was you." He snapped back. They turned back to into there human forms. Sergio rushed to my side, and examined the scrap. He sighed. "She'll be fine."
"Good, now leave me and her alone." Thane growled.
"No... Ivy said 'no'." Sergio growled as he grabbed Thanes arm. He tossed Thane out of my window. I screamed in complete shock. I got up off the floor and ran to the window as Sergio dived out of the window. I leaned over the window seal looking out. My upper body was in the cold crisp air. I could go after them, but I had to wait for all my spies to appear.
"Are you alright?" I yelled out the window. I knew they were, but maybe something made me worry. "Sergio!? Thane!?" There was no reply. No one answered my calls. I gave up and closed my window.
I walked away from the window and I sat on my bed fumbling with the box. What did it mean? In a war caused by sin the time will come when pain will win. What did it mean by sin? Like the ten commandments?
I sat on my bed wondering. Wondering what it all could mean. What was the button for? Why was Kayla so bent on having me for herself in the war? I knew I was a good fighter, but Nickolas was better. I wasn't very secretive compared to Ivy. I wasn't very fast compared to Stephanie or any of the wolves. I was basically a normal vampire. Except my trainer had experiment on me. I realized I was nothing like them... I was a Special. A special creation made for destruction, killing, and fighting. My mind worked faster, my body stronger, and my senses more definite. I was an awful creation.
"Was... still am." I mumbled to myself.
"You always did doubt yourself." A voice said from the shadows. I froze. Another mysterious person in my room! There was something wrong with me. I couldn't feel others auras anymore.
"Doubt. It's a stupid thing." I said nonchalantly trying to hide my fear.
"So, are you stupid?" A cloaked figure asked stepping out of the shadows. The black cloaks were the symbol of The Council. I recognized them, because I had one just like it. From my days I had been one of them, and believed they were just trying to help the mythical world be come one. At the time I didn't know they were driving it apart. I was wrong, and when I found about Kayla's plans I began the Rebellion.
"No, I'm not." I growled at the figure. The cloaks hood fell back. "Ivy?" I asked sadly. The figure nodded. I hugged her. "Did...did you see them jump out the window!?" I asked her shocked. She pushed me away.
"Your such a girl." She spit out as if the words were burning her throat. She laughed as I
looked dumbfounded at her. She laughed even hard and collapsed to the floor. I laughed at her as she got to her feet.
"You probably haven't noticed, but I am a girl." I laughed at her. I sat back onto my bed.
"Never listen to Thane." She said now meeting my eye. Then she was gone. Most likely off to some place I wouldn't care for.
I sighed and collapsed onto my bed and curled into a ball. Vampires didn't need sleep, but we could to pass time. I didn't go to sleep. I laid wake in my bed for a few hours before I decided to change into clean clothes.
I stood up, and slipped off my clothes. I rummaged though my clothes trying to find something appropriate. As a warrior, I remembered wearing my black cloak for The Council. I had seen many war leaders wear uniforms as generals. I didn't own anything like that. I searched though everything. Nothing appropriate for the meeting.
In disappointment I sat down on the floor and noticed a picture on the floor. It was half tucked under the dresser. I grabbed it. It had me in Thane's arms, and Ivy standing in front of Shane. He had his arms around her waist. It was us in a dark room with dimly lit candles. I turned over the picture in my hands. On the back read: Let the war begin.
I placed it on the dresser. I hadn't realized there was a draw I had left untouched. I eased it open. Inside was a black dress with a red lace trimming. I pulled it out. It came a few inches above my knees. I decided to put it on. It's bottom flared around my legs. Its style revealed more than I wanted to show. It didn't help that I was self-conscious of my scar. My old battle wound.
The dress was short on me. I turned and it waved around my legs. I closed the draw to see a little scrap of paper. I grabbed it. On it had a little writing. It was too sloppy for me to read it. I placed it on the dresser. I went into the bathroom to see how the dress looked on me.
It was perfect. The waist was just the right size, and the length was just long enough for me to hide a couple knives. I slipped a couple knives in the holders on my legs. I smoothed down my dress. The door bell rang. I ran out of the bathroom and down the stairs to greet my spies.
I ran for the door. When I got into the living room, they were all there except for Ivy. Kimberly and Kendalie from the witches clan, Sergio and Thane from The Wolf Den, Stephanie with no Ivy from The Council, and Nickolas and Allison from The Cut with me.
"Entering when not asked very disrespectful." I mumbled as I sat down in a chair. Everyone burst out laughing. I kept quiet. I didn't understand what was so funny.

Chapter 7. Kayla's Palace
"Oh... she's serious." Commented Kimberly when she noticed I wasn't laughing. Her voice rang though my ears. It was like a harp. Her hair framed her face well I noticed as I played with mine.
"You always told us just to walk right in if you requested a meeting." Kendalie added. Her voice was much softer than Kimberly's. It was more of a faint echo.
"She must still be regaining her memory." Nickolas said soothingly. His voice was deep and it held respect and dignity.
"I agree." Thane said happily. "She'll remember everything." He was being hopeful. I sighed.
"I remember everything that's important." I said coldly. What seemed like a frown flickered across Thane's face. I ran my hand through my hair.
"So, why exactly are we here?" Stephanie asked hastily. I glared at her. I had just come back to The Rebellion, and she was rushing things.
Nickolas cleared his throat. "She's back." He said calmly. "She's leading us, again." He smiled at me. His fangs showed and shined in the light. "Welcome our war leader home." I smiled nervously wondering what they would say.
"Welcome home." Kimberly greeted. I smiled at her. I didn't show my fangs. I knew from past experiences they made her nervous.
"It's good to see you're well." Kendalie said added. Her voice was very high pitched. It hurt my ears.
"I'm glad your back." Sergio said sincerely. I smiled at him. Stephanie looked at me distastefully. She wasn't please with me.
"I already knew you'd be back." Stephanie said coldly.
"As did I." Thane added soothingly.
"Now, that we all know she's back and leading we shall follow her commands once again, understood?"
"Understood." They all said in unison.
"While you've been gone Nickolas has been in charge." Stephanie informed me. I nodded. He seemed like a good person to take my place.
"If I would have planned for anyone to take my place it would have been him." I said approvingly.
"What do we do now?" Thane asked as he leaned forward in his seat. I looked blankly at him.
"The war." Nickolas whispered in my ear. I sighed and looked over the spies. All so hopeful for peace.
"Leave it to me. I have been in Kayla's home, and with a few of you to help I hope to take her down and get rid of her." I said simply. They were staring at me. They were either dumbstruck or speechless.
"Go over the lines? That's suicide!" Kendalie exclaimed. Her voice rang with fear. It shattered my thoughts. What could be so dangerous over the boundaries?
"I'll go myself. I just need a few people to help to get me where I need to be." I said hoping my new found plan would work.
"You left to do the same thing earlier." Kimberley stated. I nodded and shifted my weight uncomfortable.
"And now you want to go back and take some of use with you!" Kendalie added. I sighed. It sounded crazy. I had gone and failed. I couldn't expect them to follow me without questions like they would have before. I went without them, and was ambushed by my own fledglings. I had hesitated, and for that I was captured, drugged, and experimented on.
"No. Just Nickolas, Ivy, and Stephanie." I said easily. "I'll be willing to take anyone else who is willing."
"I'll go." Thane said as he stood up. I felt a smile grow on my face. I had only picked Ivy, Nickolas, and Stephanie because they were vampires. It'd be nice to have a wolf with us.
"You're all dismissed unless you're staying to help." Nickolas spoke the words with power. I smiled at him. He had become more confident that I had thought he could. Kimberly, and Kendalie left. Sergio approached me. He smiled at me, showing his dog like canines.
"I'd go, but someone has to cover for this mutt." He said jokingly referring to Thane. I nodded, and he left quickly. Thane, Nickolas, and Stephanie were sitting on the couch.
"Where's Ivy?" I asked uneasily. They shrugged.
"I'll get her." Nickolas said unpleasantly as if it was a chore no one liked to do.
"He always does." Stephanie snickered. Nick shot her a dirty look as he disappeared.
"Have any of you been to the Palace?" I asked changing the subject. Stephanie looked down and shook her head. Thane did the same.
"Look, Kayla's palace isn't that hard to understand. Living quarters are on the first floor. Meeting halls and kitchens and the garden is on the second. On the third is her sleeping quarters." I informed them. I never mentioned I had never been allowed on the third floor. I had spent most of my free time on the second floor. She never allowed me to be on the second.
"I don't understand what's on the fourth floor?" Thane asked. I looked at him. How did he know about the fourth floor?
"The experimental wing where I was held most of my time." I said quietly. They looked shocked at what I had said.
"You were held against your will!?" Thane said tentatively. I shook my head.
"I wasn't held against my will. I thought I'd stay for the treatment." I said sadly. "Kayla erased my memory, and I thought it was helping me." In fact I really did. I feel so foolish when I look back on it now.
"I'm so sorry." Stephanie said uneasily. Why would she be sorry?
"Don't be sorry." I said nonchalantly. "You didn't do that to me." It was true. She didn't, but Kayla did. Kayla had set it all up as a trap. My arrival, my departure, and now even my revenge.
"My revenge..." I trailed off. I was thinking aloud.
"What if she sees us coming?" Nickolas suddenly appeared with Ivy.
"About time you got back." Stephanie growled at him. I shook my head.
"Be quiet." I hissed at them. "We need to be one! Not bickering with each other." They were arguing with each other when they should be preparing. I needed them to think as one, be as one or my plan would never work. Never succeed against Kayla.
"Shush!" Ivy growled at me. "Nickolas's in charge!" I stared blankly at her. Nickolas had just put me in charge and already someone was challenging my authority.
"Ivy, I'm no longer in charge. Renee is." Nickolas said as he sat down.
"But-" Ivy began to argue.
"But nothing." Nickolas growled. She silenced. I was amazed at how he had done that with ease. "Now, please, everyone listen to her." He was giving me the chance to speak.
"It's going to be simple. It's going to be an in and out job." I explained. "You'll all help me get in. I'll take her out, then we'll be gone before anyone notices she's dead."
"Are you crazy?" Thane asked. He sounded fearfully. "Do you want to die!?"
"No, I want peace." I sighed before I continued. "If I have to die for peace then I will." Thane turned white. Stephanie and Ivy fell silent. Nickolas had his eyes on the ground.
"Death wont solve anything." Thane argued.
"It will when they lose there brains behind the war." I snapped.
"No, it wont when we lose you to them." He growled.
"I can handle myself." I hissed.
"Then what happened to you the first time huh?" He said softly. His tone was mocking, but yet reassuring friendliness.
"That was different!" I snapped at him.
"Different? I don't think it was." He said happily. He knew I was losing my temper. I began to think of how I could cool down before I went off on him, but he went on, and it made me madder. "You failed, you lost. Give up on getting revenge."
"Shut up!" I hissed at him. "I'm not a failure! I was just trying to get away from you! Away from your touch, your love, your attention, and I'd do it all again!" I stormed out of the room. I didn't need there help. I didn't need anyone. I went upstairs, to my room. I ran up the stairs and into my room.
My weapons laid under my bed. I fell to the floor and retrieved them. I had a gun. It would do no damage to a vampire. I tossed it aside. There was a knife. It's blade was bloody red. It's handle was sleek except for a design of a rose and it's stem curling around it. I place it in my holder that was at the small of my back.
"I don't need them." I mumbled to myself as I went through the weapons. It was a gift from Kayla. It had a bit of black rose in it. Black roses could kill a vampire. There was a sword. I tossed it aside. It was made of silver. It could only hurt witches. I grabbed a dagger. It was made of silver, gold, and thorns of the black rose. Perfect for any creature I came across.
My outfit wasn't the kind of thing I should wear during a mission. I searched through my clothes looking for something that would seem appropriate. I found a black sleek shirt. I took off the dress and put it on. It was perfect. I put on a black skirt and red leggings. I slipped on a pair of sleek shoes that could glide with my every step.
There was a knock at my door. I looked up to see who it was. Thane stood in the door way. I hadn't closed it behind me.
"I'm sorry. Please, come back downstairs and talk it out with us." He requested. I looked shocked at him. What happened to I was a failure?
"No, I'm leaving." I said as I leaned against the dresser.
"Why? Where are you going!?" He was worried about me.
"To finish this once and for all." I said nastily to him. With or without anyone's help, I added mentally.
"I'm coming with you." He said not backing down.
"You can't." I snapped as I grabbed a jacket that was on a hook beside my window. I put it on and looked over my shoulder to see him. He was beginning to cross the room.
"Don't do this, Renee." He said uneasily. Don't do what? "Come on." He was pleading with me.
"What?" I asked stupidly. He shook his head. I turned away from him and opened my window. "Goodbye, Thane." I said as I jumped out the window. The wind whipped my hair around my head. I landed on the ground softly. I looked up to see Thane jumping out the window.
He landed a few feet away. He ran to me and stopped short of a hug. "I'm coming with you." He said as if I couldn't get rid of him. I could barely out run a werewolf. I could if I really tried, but we had the same speed levels.
"Fine, you can come." I sighed. I could use his help anyway. "Keep up." I began to run. He followed at my heel. I bolted through the forest. I jumped and dodged in between trees. We ran until we reached the river. It looked murky and dark. I didn't know what to do. Walk along side it or dive in? Suddenly ,Ivy appeared in front of us with Nickolas and Stephanie.
"Where do you think your going?" Ivy hissed. I looked at her closely. Was she here to stop me or help me? I looked between her and Nickolas. They seemed to be friendly but unsure of what they should do.
"Why would you care?" Thane growled. I looked dumbly at him. Why would he care was more like it. Why was he trying to help me? Was there something that would benefit him? Something that could help him if I was out of the way. I looked suspiciously at him.
"Why do you?" I asked him. He looked stunned at me. He stepped closer to me. He pulled me close to him.
"I know you're having issues with your memory, but can we talk about this later?" He whispered in my ear. I pushed him away.
"Issues?" I said nastily. "I don't have issues." I growled. I put my hand on his shoulder. "I remember everything, wolfy." I used his pet name I gave him when we fell for each other. He blushed uncontrollably. I laughed as I walked away from him and towards the river. I knew Kayla's palace was connected to the river. The river went directly under the palace. It would be easy to access the palace this way. I prepared my body for the cold water.
I backed up and ran full speed at the river. I dove into the water head first. It took me a few second to find the bottom of the river. It was mostly dirt and a few rocks. The water was clear. I swam for the surface. It wasn't easy. My weapons were holding me down. I struggled to get to the surface. Finally, my head broke the surface. I was up long enough to catch a breath and see Ivy dive in. She was wearing a sleek black outfit. It was made for her by The council. She would be undetectable in it. The water was clear, but it was dark. Ivy swam to me.
"Where are we going?" She asked as she floated on her back beside me. I looked at her curiously. She didn't know about the secret entrance? I didn't know if I should tell her. There was a sudden splash. It was Thane and Nickolas. They were swimming towards us.
"We're going to The Palace." I said with a fake smile. I didn't know if we could pull this off. "Ivy and Stephanie, find Josh...were going to need him." I commanded. "Bring him to us." She left without questions. Nickolas and Thane looked at me.
"Why do we need him?" Thane asked with a emotion hidden inside his words. Was it anger? Even jealousy? What did he have that he should be jealous over? I never knew he could be jealous. Jealous was a stupid emotional. I had seen people die over it. A father had killed his son over jealousy. Jealousy was a human emotion. We swam down stream for what seemed like for hours soon there was a huge building before us. Thane started to worry. He couldn't hold his breath like us. I swam next to him.
"How am I going to get in?" He asked. I sighed. My head started to hurt. I knew Kayla had witches guarding her palace.
"It's a short swim to the other side." I tried to comfort him. Suddenly, Ivy was beside us with Josh. "About time." I joked.
"I'm sorry." She apologized. "But Josh put up a fight." She said looking at him. He was uneasy. His body was tense and ridged. "Little ungrateful mongrel." She added. "Where do I go?" She had her full attention on me now.
"I need you to go and tell Kayla we have arrived." I said putting on a evil smile. I was swimming uncomfortably because of the my weapons. They were weighing me down. It was hard to stay above the water.
"But-" Nickolas objected.
"Don't question my authority." I said to Nickolas. He frowned and looked away. Ivy disappeared. She was a loyal warrior. I loved that quality. "Now, Josh." I said looking at him. "Do you know how to fight?" He smiled at me.
"Ivy's been training me." He answered happily. I nodded approvingly.
"You'll fight with us." I said gesturing to Nickolas and Thane. "Nickolas," I said knowing he'd been wondering what his job would be. "You, Thane, and Josh will be fighting my fledglings." I said knowing I could never hurt them myself. "I'll take care of Kayla." There eyes grew wide.
"You cant be serious!" Thane exclaimed.
"What if you don't come out alive!?" Nickolas growled. It surprised me on what Josh had to say.
"What will Ivy be doing while were fighting for our lives?" He asked. "I will not fight if there is no reason for us all to fight."
"She will be helping us anyway she can." I said carefully. He nodded and began to swim towards the wall. I followed his lead. "Let me go first and check it out." I said as I dove under the wall.
It was a four foot dive under the water. The wall didn't quite touch the bottom of the ten foot river. I slipped under the wall and went for the surface. The water was dark. The only light came from the outside below. It was a short swim. My head hit something hard before I could surface. It hurt me. My head banged against it. I placed my palms against the strange object that kept me from surfacing to the air above. It was a metal door. It was usually left open, but now it was locked from the inside. I struggled to push it open. It wouldn't budge. I gave up and pushed against the metal door. It gave me enough push to be able to go under the wall again. I slipped under the wall and back into the light water. I quickly surfaced and took a breath of air.
"It's locked." I informed them. "The metal door is locked. We can't get in unless we remove it." I added. Josh and Thane sighed in relief. Nickolas just starred at the wall.
"We're getting in." He said as he dove under the water. I followed him. I once again went under the wall. It made me think about a mot. What if there was an earthquake? We'd die. I didn't want to die... what was I thinking. I'm already dead! I hit the same metal thing. Nickolas hit it too. He pushed himself against it. It didn't move. He dove down I looked below to see him, but the water was too dark to see through. Nickolas came swimming up and rammed into the metal. He hit it and it opened. Not because of him. Someone had opened it. Ivy's face was gleaming at us through the bright light behind her. She stood aside as I climbed out of the water and into the small room. It was lit by two candles which Ivy had brought with her.
"Kayla said you'd be down here. I was hoping she was wrong." Ivy said as she helped Nickolas out. Thane came swimming up to the door.
"Is the coast clear?" He joked. I ringed out my hair and sat on the floor as Thane came up. I sat still as everyone began to move around. Ivy and Nickolas chatted quietly. Thane sat beside me.
"What now, boss?" He asked seriously. I looked at him. I like the way it rolled off his tongue. It felt right.
"Now, we have fun." I said as I stood up and took out my dagger. I was ready to fight. Nickolas caught the glitter of the metal against the light and withdrew his own knife. Ivy noticed too and reached into her back holders. She withdrew two swords. They were small so they could be placed on your body without being noticed. They were mine! Well they were hers, but she gave them to me as a gift. Now she had taken them back.
"Thane, do you have any weapons?" Ivy asked.
He shook his head. "I don't, but I have claws and teeth." He said grinning wildly
"That's good enough for now." I said happily. "Let's go." I slipped out of the small storage room, and into a hall with a lot of doors. The doors were all dark brown wood. The walls were plain except for a few paintings. The walls were painted black. The floor was made of wood. There was a long red carpet in the center of the hall that ran all the way to the other side. I quickly glided to the other end of the hall. There were stairs. They were wide stair with. I waited for them to catch up. This time Josh was with them.
"Just swimming around down there." I joked. He just glared at me. He was soaking wet. His clothes were dripping water. His hair was stuck to him, and it was dripping too. I smiled at him.
"Don't even say it." He growled at me. I kept my mouth shut.
"Let's do this." Nickolas said as he took the first few steps up the stairs. He looked back at me and the others.
"Let's go." I said as I began to ascend the stairs. They followed me. After we got to the second floor, we had to get to the second stair case that was in the library two doors down. I didn't think there would be anyone on this level. I step off the stairs right into a vampire.
"Oh... I'm sorry sir." I apologized making sure not to look up to meet his gaze. I stared at his shoes. They were dark. A light black actually, it was like a dark gray. The man didn't move aside. He stood still, holding his ground. "Excuse me." I mumbled as I stepped aside. He stepped into the path in front of me.
"Renee?" He asked. If my blood could run cold, it would have. I felt my body go ridged.
"Yes?" I answered shakily. Suddenly, his arms were around me. I gasped as he lifted me off the ground. I would have done something, but my arms were trapped. His body went limp and he fell to the floor. I looked up. Josh had hit him with the blunt end of a candlestick. He dropped it.
"I'm sorry. I thought he was going to hurt you." He said when he noticed how ridged my body was.
"He wasn't." Ivy informed us.
"Who is he?" Nickolas whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" I asked him. He looked at me as if I was stupid.
"Duh. Were trying to kill the leader of this organization!" He yelled. I laughed uncontrollably.
"Shh. You're going get us caught." I said between fits of hysteria.
"Let's just do this and get out of here." Stephanie said uneasily.
"Just go. I don't need you anymore." I told her. I could tell she was starring at me even though I didn't look at her. I looked straight ahead of me and walked on. I knew she wouldn't follow. She'd turn around and walk out. She always did as she was told. I glided into the library with ease. It was a small library, but it held the most valuable documents of vampires. Everything from the signatures of the council to their war plans. I would have stopped and grabbed them, but we needed to avoid guards. I was surprised to see there weren't any here. Just like the halls, it was almost empty except for a few vampires I didn't know. The library was filled with book shelves that held almost no books at all. It was weird how things worked.
"Ivy!" One of the vampires in the room I didn't recognize, yelled at us. I kept walking. I knew Josh, and Nickolas would do the same. Ivy would stop and talk to this vampire; who ever it may be. I made my way to the stairs. It was a simple stair case. Just a old metal spiral stair case that would lead its users to the third floor. It' railing was a smooth, cold, metal cylinder.
"Are you sure we should do this?" Josh asked me. Honestly I didn't know. If I went in, and I was killed it'd be over for my side of the war. We'd slowly crumble. I sighed. If I didn't go in there this war could go on for months maybe even years!
"I can't do this." I said quietly. Nickolas looked at me as I stepped off the stairs. Even though I wasn't looking at him I knew he was looking at me dumbly.
"W..wh..what?" Josh asked nervously.
"Where not going in?" Nickolas asked disappointed. I nodded and turned to them.
"If we do this now it could mean we never get to finish the war." I said lightly. They nodded. I sighed loudly. There was a sudden creak. It was the sound of the door behind me opening
"Renee, leaving so soon?" Kayla asked me. I turned toward her.
"No." I snapped sourly at her. I looked over my shoulder where Josh, and Nickolas stood. I began to walk into her office. She followed after me. The room was dark, a light shone through some blinds. I took a few steps expecting Josh, and Nickolas to follow. Suddenly, the door slammed behind me.
"No boy's allowed." Kayla laughed as she locked the door. I couldn't see well in the dark room. I could hear, and I hoped that would be enough. "Renee, it's just you and me." She said coldly. I froze. It was force of habit. A human habit, it was like breathing.
"Kayla-" I hissed as a sudden gust of wind came towards me. I ducked. I heard glass shatter. What ever she threw at me must have hit a window or glass. I went to find the shards of glass. I found a large piece of glass. It sliced open my hand;it had roses in it. I hissed at the pain, suddenly something hit me in my back. It sliced open my shirt. I picked up the shards of glass and threw them to when the object that had hit my back had come from.
"You little brat!" Kayla hissed as the glass hit her.
"I am what I am." I laughed as I heard a whooshing noise. I fell to the floor as something flew over me. I caught a glimpse of a sword as it fell beside me. I grabbed it and tossed it back at her. She hissed in rage as it struck her.
"I'll kill you if its the last thing I do!" She growled. There was a loud thump at the door. It was like someone was slamming against it. It was loud maybe two bodies were doing it. Nickolas, and Josh would try to get in and help me, wouldn't they? "Your pets are coming for you?" Kayla asked.
"Shut up." I growled as I moved towards the door. Something else flew over me. I quickly scrambled over the floor to the door. Thuds kept coming from it. Don't do it... just do it. I argued in my head.
I found the door. I slowly stood up so she couldn't hear me. I scanned the door with my fingertips looking for the door handle. My finger bumped into the doorknob. It was a cold smooth metal. I found the lock. I wrapped my fingers around it. I knew I'd have to do this fast. The second she heard the click of the door unlocking she'd throw a weapon my way. I quickly turned the lock. Click. I turned the door quickly, and tugged it open. I looked into the room as light flooded it's way into the room.
I looked over to where Kayla was. She was gone. I sighed in relief as I looked up to see Josh standing over me protectively as Nickolas searched the room. I watched him search the room carefully. He didn't find anything. He only confirmed my thoughts.
"She's not here anymore." Nickolas said as he relaxed against a wall. I nodded and got up. I looked at the place where the glass had cut my skin. It was still bleeding. It still stung. Josh noticed me admiring it.
"How'd you get that?" He asked me nonchalantly. I looked up at him, and smiled innocently.
"Just fell on some glass." I laughed. He stared at me as if I was crazy. I turned my gaze away from him and to something that sparkled before my eye.
"Glass?" He asked me. I looked unhappily at him. "Glass wont hurt you." He was puzzled. I sighed. Anything with roses add to the metal or glass could hurt us.
"There was a mix of roses in it." I said as I saw a bright light. It was like metal hitting a beam of sunlight. There was a sudden whooshing sound. It was something flying through the air. It was like a sword or a dagger. It hit my arm. I yelled in pain and crumbled to the floor. It was more than I could handle. It was like being stabbed over and over in the same spot. I clutched at my arm. I yanked the small weapon out of my forearm. I dropped the dagger to the floor and squeezed my wound.
"Nickolas!" Josh yelled. I tried to sit up, but it hurt too bad to even move. It hurt worse than any pain I had ever gone through. I gritted my teeth as the pain turned from hurtful to burning. I could hear my fangs sharping.
"Yeah?" Nickolas asked unconcerned from across the room.
"She's hurt." Josh said quietly as another figure came in the room. It was Ivy. The pain shot through me with every breath so I stopped breathing. I wanted to cry out in pain but forced myself to stay quiet. Nickolas looked up from where he was searching.
"How bad?" He asked as he continued on with his search. I had to tell him I was hurting. I tried to move my lips but couldn't.
"Bad-" Josh said keeping his voice leveled.
"How bad?" Someone asked again. My vision began to fade. A figure stepped in front of me. The figure had asked me. It was dressed in a cape. I recognized the voice; it belonged to Ivy. I couldn't tell her.
"Let's get her back to Cole." Nickolas looked up at the sound of her voice. He looked at us.
"How bad is she?" He asked uneasily. Ivy shook her head.
"I'll take Josh. You can take Renee." Ivy said as put her hand on Josh's shoulder. A few seconds later she disappeared with Josh. Nickolas quickly walked to me. He scooped me up in his arms and in second we were in Cole's office.
Its was dark. Or maybe it was my vision? I could barely make out Cole's figure. He was sitting in his seat behind his desk. He looked up to see us. I realized I couldn't feel anything anymore. My body was completely numb. It didn't hurt to move, but I had no control over my limbs anymore either.
"I'm fine." I said taking deep breaths in between the words. Nickolas put me on my feet so I could stand up. I couldn't control my legs and they buckled sending me falling. My body hit the floor hard. Nickolas starred at me concerned as Cold got up and rushed out from behind his desk.
"No... your' not!" Cole said as he knelt beside me. "Look at this wound!" He said as he squeezed it. I gasped at the pain. I had gained
"Stop that!" I said as I jerked away. I stumbled backwards into a wall. "Okay... I am. Please, just help me." I pleaded as pain shot through me. It felt like my arm was on fire. If I didn't get helped soon I'd pass out.
"Renee... I believe this is vampire venom." He said uneasily. He gulped, "And it's a lot more than your body can handle." I looked shocked at him.
"She's going to die?" Josh asked shocked beside Ivy. Where had they come from? Cole shook his head. I sighed in relief. I wouldn't die, today.
"She might." He paused. "There's an antidote I've been working on...for turning a vampire back into a human." He sighed and walked behind his desk and retrieved something small. I didn't now what he had. My vision was wavering from light to dark.
"Anything to save her." Nickolas said perfectly. Cole looked at him as if he was crazy. "Anything." Nickolas snapped at Cole. I sighed. Why did he care so much all of a sudden? I looked at Nickolas. We need her. We have to have her human or vampire will do. I gasped. Those weren't my thoughts. The venom was taking its toll on me! "What's wrong?" Nickolas asked. I shook my head and closed my eyes trying to clear my head. When it didn't work I opened my eyes.
"Nothing." I sighed "Just get Ashley here, please." I wanted her to be here. I wanted to be her trainer. I had to be. "Please." I begged. Ivy nodded and left. In a few seconds she returned with Ashley.
"Renee..." Josh began, but he just ended up trailing off into nothing.
"This might kill you." Cole said as he pulled out a pill.
"She's doing it." Nickolas answered for me.

Chapter 8 . Destiny
(A Few Day's Later Renee)
“Are you sure you want to take the drugs?” Cole asked me. I nodded. Cole was a well educated doctor for The Cut. He would take well care of me. After all I had known him when I was human. Why should it make a difference of what he thinks now of me?
I smiled at Cole. He was a human. A very handsome human. His wavy dark blondish brown hair was shining under the hospital lights that flickered. His skin was a light gold compared to my snow white skin. My mind began to wonder.
It took all my effort to elude the voices of the others in the room. I looked at Cole. Why can’t she see she doesn’t need these? For god’s sake they might kill her! Cole’s thought were nothing but worry. I skipped over them.
I looked at Nickolas. Nickolas was my second in command. A fledgling of Vlad. Vlad had a high interest of dark haired young men. Nickolas was exactly that. His black raven hair glittered in the sunlight that shown through the window. His arms were folded over his chest. His skin was as white as mine. She’ll return. She has to, but if she doesn’t- I jerked my head away from his depressing thoughts. I didn’t want to think about the future or what would happen if I did die.
I looked closely at Josh. He was a light color skinned boy. Somewhat of my age. I knew very well that he was a hybrid. Was...he's full vampire now, I reminded myself. His skin was very warm, but he had fangs and the gifts. It was strange to think a human female would mate with a vampire lord such as Josh’s dad had been. He had gone through so much. He had lost his family, and now was going to begin a new one with Ashley. I knew he would. After, I returned human he’d leave and forget whatever had brought him to find me. He was a vampire none the less. We had a right to be free and rarely settled down. His eyes were warm, but his body was tense and edgy. I didn’t like it. I scrambled into his mind. Everything will be fine. I smiled in his direction. It was nice to hear his calm rational thoughts.
“I’m sure.” I said knowing someone in the room would object. I scanned the minds around me. The only thing that surprised me was Ivy’s thoughts. She’ll survive then she’ll die. Josh will bring her- I had to force myself to jerk my mind from hers. Ivy could see the future and sometimes her thoughts scared me. She was my spy for The Council. Her dark brown hair and white skin was similar to mine.
I looked to Ashley. Josh’s little sister was flawless. She was only half a vampire, but she was visibly perfect. Her black hair was a few shades lighter than Josh’s and didn’t attract so much attention. Her skin much whiter, and she didn’t have fangs like her brother. Don’t take the drug. God tell her not to do it. I sighed as Cole lifted his hand and offered two pills.
“How do they work?” I asked as I shifting the pills in my hand. They were small, and a light of purple. I looked at his face when he hesitated to tell me.
“They have human cells pumped full of anti-vampire virus. It’ll be like giving you extra white blood cells to fight off the vampire cells. If they defeat the vampire cells in your body you will return to your human self.”
“If they don’t?” I asked weighing the small pills.
“Your organs will eat themselves. Your vampire cells will kill you.” He said looking at his feet. “Please, reconsider.” He suggested knowing I wouldn’t. I shook my head and placed the pills in my mouth. I swallowed them down avoiding my fangs. They tasted disgusting, but I forced myself not to spit them out.
“How long do we have to wait for them to work?” Josh asked uneasily. I looked at Cole as I looked through his mind to find answer.
“A few minutes to a few days.” Cole answered honestly. I looked through Josh’s mind. “She’s welcome to stay here with me. If she wants to she may even go home.” Cole offered. I smiled. I wanted nothing more than to return home. Josh and Ashley were staying there with me.
“We’ll be going home.” Josh said knowing. We’d have to have a doctor nearby. “You’re welcome to come.” Josh was very polite and knew how to use his words to twist things.
“I’ll be there later, today, to check on her.” Cole said as he turned away from all of us. “Right now I have other patients to take care of.” He gracefully left the room.
“Can you run?” Josh asked me when the door was shut. Even before I had a chance to answer Josh changed his mind about running home. “Nickolas, you may have the honors.” I sighed as Nickolas grabbed my hand and laid his hand on Josh’s shoulder. Soon we were in my kitchen. Nickolas’s gift came in handy when we needed to get somewhere far away. A second later Ivy was with Ashley.
“I will go and let her rest.” Nickolas said as he disappeared. He knew how to act around Josh. Josh thought a commander of war deserved respect and needed to be talked to as such.
“As will I.” Ivy said as she disappeared. I sighed and sat in a chair at the table. I looked around my kitchen. Not very many things in this room of the house. Only the main appliances that you'd find in every kitchen.
“Ashley, you should go practice in the backyard.” Josh said. I had told him about my plans to train her. I lifted my head to smile at her. She could not train without me. “Without Renee.” He added when he saw my hopeful look. I frowned. She left me alone with Josh, and went outside after grabbing her pouch of knives. Why was he always shooting down my ideas? I glared at him.
It’s for your best. He knew I was listening to his thoughts. I tried not to. I just want what’s best for you. I couldn’t help, but frown.
“I have a surprise for you upstairs.” He said aloud. I realized he had never sat down. He helped me get to my feet and walk up the stairs. Josh ran ahead of me. Like most vampires Josh could run fast. Josh was very fast.
I walked up the last few stairs and walked into my room. My room was different. The black walls were now red. Everything black had been replaced with something red or white.
“What did you do?” I asked looking around my bed. It was the only thing that remained untouched. He laughed and walked over to me.
“I made a few changes to your bedroom.” He said like it was no big deal.
"You wont want such dark colors around when you return back to your human stage." Josh said oddly.
"Say you." I growled running my fingers along the wall. The paint was still a little wet. That should have been my first hint.
"You'll thank me later." He said and left the room. I sighed and sat on the bed. I laid down and starred at the ceiling. I wouldn't be able to see any of my friends anymore.
I'd be human. A meal to them. If I didn't turn human, I could die. I laid there on the bed thinking about my future. I probably spent little over an hour on the bed before I thought about something.
I recalled a conversation Ivy and I had earlier. I sat up wondering if the paper was still there. I got off the bed and crouched down beside it. I was hoping Josh or anyone else hadn't gotten to it. I pulled a floor board up that was under my bed. It had been loose and I discovered it was the perfect thing to hide secrets. Like, battle plans or anything that had to be hidden. I slide my hand under feeling for a piece of paper.
My hand bumped into loose nails and wood. My hand connected with paper. I closed my hand around it and slipped it back our from under the board. I sat up and looked at the folded paper. My future was on it.
I opened it and read it silently to myself. It made little sense, but I could barely figure it out. I read it aloud fitting the pieces together.
"When all fails, look to me, and I will be your guide. Your heart, Your life, every beat will mean nothing without me. I am your future, your love, your memories. Find me. I stay a distance, always. The distance is great. But you will see I was closest to your heart even though you didn't know me. I don't know you though I'd like to. Trade everything for me. Even your friends well-being. You can do it. I know you can. Find me. Alone star traveling to the north with a bird that'll cause a great war." I said. It sounded like a poem the way I said it.
When all fails? I wondered what that could mean. Ivy had called it a map to my future. So, maybe it meant when everything had failed me? My life? Check. My dreams? Check. My friends? Check. My army? Check. My will? Check. Everything that I knew had failed. Even my memory. "Look to me, I'll be your guide." I said wondering what that part had meant. Maybe I was looking for a person? Or maybe it was the note talking about itself? "Your heart. Your life. Every beat will mean nothing without me." I said thinking to myself. Maybe my future wasn't worth living without whatever this note was telling me to look for. I broke the note down in my head until I got a easy meaning. I discovered that the note was making me look for someone who would be my future. The only thing I didn't understand was the last part. "Alone star traveling to the north with a bird that'll cause a great war." I said over and over to myself. I burned it into my brain. I sat there on the floor wondering what this could mean.
I was interrupted by Josh. "Do you need anything?" He asked me. I shook my head. He turned away and was about to walk out when I decided I wanted something.
"Can you bring me something to eat?" I asked feeling a little thirsty.
“I’ll go get you something.” He said as left the room. I sighed and got up off the floor. I pushed the note inside my pocket. I sat on the bed. I wanted to shut the door. I took two steps towards the door. I reached out for the door knob as I felt my legs go weak. I grasped the door knob for support. I simply turned it. I eased it open. That was the second warning.
I slipped out of the room and into the hall. Suddenly, a wave of fatigue swept over me. I took a deep breath and took another step. My foot couldn’t find it’s place and buckled under my ankle. I fell to the floor. I couldn’t get up. I just laid there for a few seconds then I heard glass shatter. I looked up. It was Josh. There was a red liquid and broken glass beside him. He fell to my side.
“Are you ok!?” He asked. I shook my head. I couldn’t speak. My throat was killing me. Suddenly, there was a deep pain in my back. I felt tears streaming down my eyes. How could that be? Vampires didn’t cry. Cole’s drugs! They were working or maybe they were failing.
“Call… Cole.” I managed to say at last. He nodded and ran for the phone in the hall. I screamed in pain as if something had struck me. Josh dialed the phone. Every second was torture. Then, suddenly, Josh was back at my side.
“He’s on his way.” Josh said as he knelt beside me. He picked me up. The pain didn’t stop. It only intensified.
"Put me down." I said through clenched teeth. He looked at me nervously. I can't put her down. What if she- I jerked my thoughts away from his. So depressing. He put me down reluctantly. "I'm fine." I said through clenched teeth. In honest truth... I thought I was going to die any moment. Suddenly, there was a burning through out my veins. My vision went blurry.
"Are you going to be okay?" He asked. I shook my head. He looked at me with worry and scooped me into his arms with one motion. Josh took me to my room. A wave of fatigue washed over me as he placed me on my bed. My vision cleared. The room was dark.
"Turn on some lights." I commented as I tried to see in the dimly lit room.
"Renee... if it gets any lighter you could hurt your eyes! Cole said so." Josh said. I could sense his worry.
"Fine." I sighed as Ivy and Cole came into the room.
"Symptoms?" Cole asked as he sat beside me.
"She fainted in the hall." Josh answered for me. I sighed. I wish that was all. I'm in pain. My wrist burned from the presence of Josh. After all he was a full vampire now. I could feel my life slipping away. Life? I don't have a life... I'm dead. I ached to end my somewhat kind of living style. It couldn't really be called life. I was dead... long past this world. Noting would take me back to being human. Right?
"She seems fine." Cole commented. I sat up and doubled over in pain. I mouthed the words help. I need help. That's all I wanted. To be out of the pain, to be free of this immortal body, to be free of the thirst, and free of the war would be heaven to me. I can't imagine why anyone would want to be a vampire. Immortality is a dangerous thing to hold in your hands. Everyone else dies around you, while you're untouched by time.
"Help me..." I trailed off before I could finish saying what I was hoping to finish. Every bone in my body screamed in pain. I blacked out.
I was in a room. The only light came from above. It shone bright on me. I shielded my eyes from the light.
"Renee." A voice whispered. I froze. My body went ridged. "It's okay." The voice whispered.
"Who are you?" I asked a little frightened.
"It doesn't matter." The voice said. "Do you want a future?" It asked.
"Yes." I sighed. I was still nervous.
"Listen closely then," The voice said and paused. I listened intently. "Your future is with a human. He is in Salt Lake City. You have two weeks to find him. If you fail, you'll be at fault for the war and will die in it."
"War?" I asked only to be ignored.
"He will reveal you potential." The voice said.
"How will I find him?" I asked looking into the light.
"You'll know when you see him." The voice answered me. A piece of paper fell from the light and floated down gracefully.
"What's this?" I asked leaning out of the light to grab the paper.
"It's a map. Go to Solitude Mountain Resort Accommodations. There you will meet him. It's 12 miles up Big Cottonwood Canyon." The voice said.
Suddenly, there was a pain in my chest. My eyes flew open.
"Clear!" Someone yelled. I screamed in pain as electricity went through my body. "She's alive!" The same person shouted.
I started coughing and choking. I couldn't breathe. My head was spinning.
"Take deep breaths!" A boy said. I noticed it was Cole. I did as he advised. I took a deep a breath and slowly exhaled it.
"Renee," Cole said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Do you know where you are?" He asked.
I looked up. I was in a white room with curtains around me. The kind you find in a hospital that is hiding you from other patients. I was strapped down to a cold metal table. I shook my head. I didn't know where I was.
"You are at the Cut Hospital." Cole said as he took my chin in one of his hands and tilted my head forward and side to side. He spread my eyelids wide open with his thumb and pointer finger and shined a light in it.
"Renee, I have good news and bad news." Cole said sadly. "Which would you like first?" He said turning off the light and putting it in his doctor's coat pocket.
"I'll take bad first, please." I said hoping everything was okay. I relaxed against the cold metal.
"Okay," He sighed. "You're not a vampire anymore. You can't lead the war. You have to go home." I starred at him in disbelief. I was human? What's the good news? I wondered as I began to think where I'd find a home.
"What's the good news then?" I asked trying to keep my voice leveled. Cole cleared his throat.
"You're human and Kayla wont bother you." Cole said as he unstrapped me. I sat up and rubbed my wrists.
"Where's Nickolas or Ivy? I need to go somewhere." I asked Cole. He shook his head. He hugged me as I got off the cold metal table.
"They left. They can't be around you any longer. You're human. They could kill you and they don't want that." He said as he hugged me tightly. I sighed and my mind began to race. They abandoned me all because I turned human?
"But..." I trailed off. My eyes began to water and a tear slid down my cheek.
"I've arranged a car to take you home." Cole said sweetly and let me go.
"Can it take me to Salt Lake City?" I asked and wiped the tear away.
"I don't see why not." Cole answered and grabbed my hand. "Come on. We have to get you downstairs to the car." He walked me out of the room and downstairs to the main floor. We took the elevator. The music was the calming music that had worked on me much earlier.
"Come along, Renee." Cole said as if I was a child. He let go of my hand and stepped out of the elevator. I followed him. I followed him through a group of creatures. Mostly werewolves and harpies. He stepped out of the front doors of the hospital holding them open for me. I thanked him and walked out.
In there street was a car. It was a silver honda accord. Cole grabbed my arm softly and led me to the car. I walked close to him. Our feet hitting the pavement made little sound compared to the noise of the hospital. In the hospital there had been things falling and things clanking together.
"Renee," Cole said opening the passenger side door to the car. "This is Daniel. He's going to take you to your destination." I nodded not bothering to look at the driver. I hugged Cole goodbye and slid into the passenger seat.
"Thank you for everything, Cole." I said as I closed the door. He nodded and turned away, heading back to the hospital. I reached up and pulled the seat belt over my body. I clicked it into the seat and pushed my hair out of my face.
I gasped when I caught a look of my driver. I suppose it drew attention to me. He looked at me and smiled. I froze. He looked so familiar, but I didn't know him.
"Where to, Beautiful?" He asked as he turned the key in the ignition. The words were caught in my throat. Something about him made me nervous. I didn't know what to say.
"Salt Lake City." I managed to say after I regained my thoughts. He nodded and began to drive.
I couldn't help but stare at the boy who was driving. He had a dark tan, and was wearing a green shirt with jeans. His hair was a dark brown to match his eyes. His features were soft. He looked like the kind of kid that wasn't very social. He kept his eyes on the road, not paying too much attention to me. I was the first to break the erie silence of the car.
"Cole said your names Daniel, right?" I asked looking out the window as we drove through Weber Canyon.
"Yeah," He answered focusing on the curves of the canyon road.
"I'm Renee." I told him as I followed the tree line with my eyes.
"Okay." He said not really listening to me. I was sure he was human. I leaned back in the passenger seat and looked out the front window. There wasn't any cars in front of us. I watched the pavement disappear under the car for a few minutes.
I played with my hands in my lap and fiddled with my hair for a little while. Being human was boring. Everything took time. Getting from place to another took forever. I couldn't take the silence anymore.
"Daniel?" I asked playing with my seat belt. "How much farther do you think it'll be?" I asked as I looked at him. I don't know why, but I felt like there was something there that I didn't see.
"I don't know. I don't usually drive to Salt Lake." He said glancing at me. I caught his gaze and smiled at him. He smiled back and focused back on the road. I sighed and looked at the road. I followed the double yellow lines with my eyes as we zoomed past them. The began to blend in with the black.
We exited the canyon and headed south. Salt Lake City was south. I looked at Daniel concerned as he pulled onto the exit for South Weber. I tapped his shoulder as he turned west onto South Weber Drive.
"Daniel, this isn't the way to Salt Lake. We have to stay on the highway." I said tugging on the sleeve of his shirt.
"It's going to be night soon. It's not smart to be on the roads at night." He said knowing a little more than I did. He was right though. I was a creature of the night and I didn't think of dangers because I was the danger. Now, I was a human like Daniel and we were the prey.
"Oh, okay." I sighed as he drove down South Weber Drive. He drove until he reached a house on Ceder Loop. It was a big new house. By the looks it had at least three floors. The windows were big and had curtains in them.Daniel parked in the driveway.
He opened his door and stepped out. I followed. He walked along the sidewalk and up the porch. I walked behind him like a puppy. He unlocked the door and stepped aside to let me go in first. I smiled at him and walked inside.
The living room was open. It had two couches on both of the walls and a tv on the center back wall. To my left was a walkway to the kitchen and to my right was stairs that led to the upstairs rooms.
"You can go upstairs and pick a room you like." Daniel suggested. I went up the flight of stairs. There were five doors to choose from. I opened the one to my right and it was an office. I closed the door and ignored it. The next one led to a green bedroom. The blankets on the bed was green. The curtains, pillows, walls, and carpet were all green. I closed the door. It kind of freaked me out how someone had decorated a room purely based on one color. I opened the next door. It led me to a blue and white room. I decided I'd stay in there. I closed the door behind me.
I walked across the white carpet and sat on the bed. It's blankets were mostly blue with a few patches of white clouds on it. I laid back against the soft white pillows and started at the ceiling. It was painted blue like the walls. I stayed there looking at there ceiling. I followed the painting strokes with my eyes as I began to drift to sleep. I was almost asleep when a knock came from my door. My eyes opened and looked at the door.
"Come in?" I said uneasy. It was Daniel.
"Just checking on you. Good night, Renee." Daniel said as he closed the door.
"Good night, Daniel." I sighed as the door shut completely. I closed my eyes.
I had survived my first day of being a human. I didn't know that my future was only a few doors away. I drifted off back to sleep.
"Daniel." A voice said sweetly a distance away. My heart began racing as I walked down the dirt path. Long thick grass lined the path. The sun shined harshly down on the grass giving it a dull yellow coloring to it. My bare feet were covered in the dust from the trail.
"Swear to god; if she's wrong, I'll kill her." I growled to myself as I stubbed my foot against an uprooted root. There were millions of trees around me. I found it odd that the trees that surrounded the path were far enough to let sun rays fall onto the path.
"Come," The voice said getting fainter. The voice was coming off to my left. I knew I'd never make it if I kept following the path. I'm sorry, I thought as my feet shifted from the dirt to the soft warm grass.
I raced through the sunlit grass towards the shadows of the forest. The grass licked my feet and stung my ankles as I darted in between the trees. The darkness of the forest engulfed me. I felt my way from tree to tree. I pushed past branches. I let the voice guide me.
"Hurry." The female voice said soothingly a little louder. I saw a glimmer of sunlight. I began to run to it. My feet worked in harmony as I made my way to the light. It got brighter and brighter. I finally pushed through the last branches. What I saw amazed me.
It was a deep valley. There was a stream that cut through the valley. I didn't recognize it. Where was I? The top of wheeler creek? The trees climbed up the sides of the mountains. The amazing site was the people twenty feet below me.
Daniel and Raven were standing in a small meadow. Daniel was following her. Raven was wearing a black cloak that hid her clothes. Daniel was dressed in jeans and a red t-shirt. He was following her like a puppy.
"Daniel." I sighed and sat down on the ground. I was too late. My hopes sank as Raven and he disappeared into the forest. My future was over. I watched the valley as I realized my life was over.
"Pathetic." Someone said behind me. I didn't bother looking. I already knew who it was.
"I failed, Ivy." I said still looking to where they had disappeared to. She sat beside me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I couldn't feel her coldness. My body was numb from taking the drug.
"You didn't fail." She cooed. "There's still time." She sighed and got up. I laid back on the floor looking up at her.
"There's no time." I said oddly. "There never was."
"Get up." She told me grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I reluctantly stood up. "I'm taking you." She said.
"You can't its against the laws." I said and yanked my hand out of her grip. "Besides it's a waste of time." I said as I looked at my watch. "It's almost noon. I'd never make it on foot."
"Have the laws ever stopped me before?" She asked stupidly. "If they had, I wouldn't have been your spy!" She boomed.
"I have five minutes. Even if you could get me there, I'd never be able to stop her." I looked glumly at the valley."I'm human. How could I ever beat a vampiress?"
"You can't," Ivy said as she took something out of her pocket and put it in my hand. "Not without this." I grasped it hard and felt a cool metal press in my palm. I smelt a faint rose in the breeze.
"My dagger?" I asked as I looked at what she had placed in my hand. "How did you get this!?" I traced the thorny vine design with my index finger.
"How do you think?" She laughed. "I found it under your bed."
"Let's go." I said and smiled at her.
I woke up then. Maybe it was because the cold drift of air finding its way into my room or maybe it was the fact that I was no longer alone in the room. It didn't matter. I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon.

Chapter 9. Find her (Josh)
"What do you mean she's not here!?" I asked stunned by Renee's sudden disappearance.
          "She's not here." Cole said oddly and took a step away from us. "It's against the law for me to tell you." He said fiddling with something in his lab coat pocket.
            "Just tell us where she's gone to." Ivy growled at him. I froze. She was beginning to scare me. How Cole could keep things from her, I'd never know.
            "Tell me where she went." Nickolas offered. "She'll be protected well whether she's human or vampire." I kind of wondered that. Would she really be protected with us? I mean after all we were killers. Renee could be in danger with us.
            "Her life is in stake." Ivy pleaded. "All of ours is!" She wailed. I found it hard to believe that, but whatever it took. "Cole," She said placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know you sent her away, and she requested to be taking somewhere else.”
            Cole look dumbfounded at her. “How could you know?” Cole asked her and starred at his hands.
            “I see things, Cole.” Ivy explained. “And right now I need to know where she’s going. If we don’t find her, Raven will.” She sounded so sure of herself.
            “Please, Cole.” Nickolas said sincerely. “We need help, and you’re the only one who can supply it.” He was looking at the floor. I found it odd how everyone was talking to the doctor. Was there something I didn’t know?
            “Her driver,” Cole began as he went around his desk and sat in his seat. “Is Daniel Gomez. He’s a human. He’s quite new to our program, but for a boy out of state he learns quick. He knows the streets and safe houses of the northern Utah area. He’s an excellent driver. He was on his way to take Renee to Ogden when she requested on being taken to Salt Lake City.” The doctor paused.
            “Something wrong?” Ivy asked from her spot against the wall.
            “No,” Cole replied and continued on. “I assume they must have stopped by now because night is falling. They’re probably going to stay in a safe house.”
            “How do we find these safe houses?” Nickolas asked as he stepped behind Cole’s desk.
            “There’s only two on the way to Salt Lake. One’s in South Weber, and the other is in Roy.” Cole said as he bent over his desk and opened a drawer. “You see one here.” He said showing us the map as Ivy and I stepped behind the desk to join Nickolas. “And the other here.” He said gliding his finger across the map, and pointing to a little circled area.
            “When did they leave?” Ivy asked studying the map closely.
            “A few minutes before you arrived.” Cole said rolling up the map and handing it to Ivy.
            “Okay,” Ivy said nodding slowly. “I think they’ll be at the house in South Weber. It’s closer.”
            “Thank you, Cole.” Nickolas said as he grabbed my shoulder.
            “You’ve been a lot of help.” I said as Nickolas transported me.
“Where are we?” I asked as I fell onto the floor. I was getting use to being transported everywhere.
            The surroundings where a lot different. There were big pine and aspen tree’s everywhere. There was a huge water all off to my right. I starred in awe as we walked by. The road was the main man-made object there other than houses and a reservoir a few miles up river. The long thick grasses that surrounded the road weaved in the slight breeze.
            “In the canyon.” Nickolas said as he began walking down the road. There weren’t many cars. I was surprised how quiet it was. “We’re waiting for Renee and Daniel to come by. When they do, I expect you to get out of the way and hide.” Nickolas said as he walked on the side of the road.
            “I will.” I said as I followed behind him. “But they haven’t passed yet?” I asked a little surprised.
            “No,” Nickolas said as we kept walking. “Ivy knows they haven’t.” He sounded sure. I took his word for it, but still wondered.
            “If Ivy knows these things, why did we go to Cole’s office?” I asked as I looked around. There were bushes beside the road. A great hiding place for whenever a car came by.
            “She doesn’t see location or time. She sees things and guesses when they’ll happen. She knows they haven’t gone there yet, because it’s only been a few minutes since they left the hospital.”
            “Oh,” I said putting the pictures into my mind. That made total sense. That was all the explanation I needed for the time being.
“Do you hear that?” Nickolas asked stopping in the road. I stopped and looked over his shoulder.
            “Hear what?” I asked him as I looked behind us. There was nothing. “Maybe you’re losing it.” I joked and patted his shoulder.
            “No, I’m not.” He said turning around. “That humming sound.” He said looking behind us. “It sound’s like a car.” He grabbed my shoulder.
            I jerked out of his grip and went into the vegetation. I slipped behind a big bush that had big broad leaves and would easily hide my body from sight. Nickolas followed and sat beside me. I kneeled on the floor, and pulled a few leaves away so I could watch the road.
            “What kind of car are they in?” I asked as I starred out of my bush and at the bend of the road about twenty feet from where we were.
            “I don’t know.” Nickolas said. “Just wait for the car to pass. If it’s not them, we’ll call Ivy.” As he said that a Silver Honda came out from behind the bend. It was going around thirty miles per hour. The silver coating reflected the light send light flying off it. The windows were slightly tinted, but I could still easily make out the people inside. Renee sat in the passenger seat and beside her in the driver’s seat was a guy.
            “It’s them.” Ivy said appearing beside us. I was shocked by her sudden appearance and fell into the bush. Nickolas helped me up as I picked the leaves out of my hair and off of my shirt.
            “Now,” Nickolas said letting go of my hand. “That we know where they are, where are they going?” He asked looking to where the car had disappeared to.
“We have to follow them. There’s no telling where he’ll pick to stay.” Ivy said as she began to run in the direction to where the car had disappeared to. Nickolas and I followed her.
“We have to stay at least a bend away at all times.” Nickolas shouted up to Ivy. She slowed down a little as we caught up to her. We were running at twenty-five miles per hours. We froze at the bend waiting for the car to drive past the next. It was a short wait a few seconds later we were off again.
“Why can’t they see us?” I asked as we stopped at the next bend.
“They can’t see us. They’re human.” Nickolas said.
“We might fight some laws, but we do agree with some.
“And what are the ones you agree with?” I asked as we began running again.
“Like the Human/Vampire law.” Ivy said as she darted across the road to the other side where there was more room to run and hide. Nickolas and I quickly followed her every movement.
“And there’s the Child Agreement law.” Nickolas added as we began to run faster and harder to catch up with the car.
“Huh?” I asked stumped. I knew what the Human/Vampire law was. It was to make sure humans and vampires lived separately and kept to there own kind and to make sure they didn’t know we existed. But I didn’t know what the Child Agreement law was.
“It’s making sure we don’t turn any humans into vampires unless they’re older than fifteen. The age changes over years, but it’s currently fifteen!” Ivy shouted over the wind.
            “Okay.” I shouted back to her making sure she understood that I had heard her.
            “There’s a lot more laws that we agree with, but that’s the one no one ever breaks.” Nickolas added beside me.
“What’s the biggest reason your group broke away from the council!?” I asked loudly. I was learning now, and I didn’t want it to stop.
            “We all had disagreements about the laws.” Ivy said. “We weren’t allowed to even make contact with humans. A lot of us were really sad about it.”
            “We all had friends, and people we wanted to communicate with.” Nickolas added sadly as we began to slow down as the car came closer to the mouth of the canyon.
            “Renee came along, and showed us the council was lying to us. Besides we had differences, and we were bound to split apart one day.” Ivy said as she stopped. “They were telling us lies, and they were keeping important information from us. Things we had a right to know about.” She paused when we stopped beside her. “Renee was our leader, and we began to demand answers. Kayla was mean and cruel. She refused and sent us away. We decided to make a rebellion. I regained Kayla’s trust and so did a couple others so we could be spies. Others decided to be warriors and train.” She said oddly. I guess it was painful for her to speak about these things.
“Wow.” I said a little stunned.
“Nickolas,” Ivy said as her eyes went a dark grey. “They’re going to be at the house in South Weber.”
“Great!” Nickolas said as he sat down. “When should we get her?” Nickolas asked her. I sat beside Nickolas and looked up at Ivy.
“Not until midnight.” Ivy said sourly.
“Exactly at midnight?” I asked.
“Exactly,” Ivy said as her eyes returned to the light brown they had been earlier. I learned that our eyes changed colors depending on our feeding levels.
“We should feed before we get her.” Nickolas suggested. “It’s nine o’clock. We have three hours to waste anyway's.”
“Okay,” Ivy sighed. “We’ll hunt here. There's no chance that we'll run into any humans.”
"Okay," Nickolas and I said in unison.
"I'll meet you both back here in two hours don't be late." Ivy said as she began walking away.
Ivy and Nickolas went there separate directions leaving me alone in the forest. I looked around me. I spent little over an hour looking for a meal in the area where I had been left. I found and ate a couple squirrels. I needed more though.Where could I find a meal? I looked at the mountains surrounding me. Maybe up higher?
I decided to try my luck on the top of one of the peaks. I began running through the forest. It felt wonderful. The wind rushing through my hair and my arms and legs being licked by the vegetation as I ran by. The feeling was short lived because I came to a river.
I watched the cool water as it flowed down stream. It was dark and I couldn’t see the bottom of the river. I was reluctant to jump in. If it was shallow, I’d hurt myself. If it was deep, I could be swept away by the current.
I looked down river there wasn’t a bridge or anything to make my journey across any easier. I looked upstream and saw a fallen tree. It must have fallen in a storm or been washed down stream. It lay perfectly in the center of the river. I could easily walk across it. I decided to give it a shot.
“Just what I need.” I told myself aloud as I kicked the tree with my foot making sure it was sturdy enough to be held in place as I made my way across the river. It didn’t budge. I got on top of dead aspen tree and began to walk across.
I inched my way across. The gurgle of the water below made my heart race. I quickly made my way across. I was afraid of failing into the water. I made it half way across when I heard rustling in the bushes ahead.
“Hello?” I called to the noise.
“Hello!” A voice called back as a girl came running out of the bushes. She stopped inches from the river.
"Who are you?" I asked looking at the girl. Her hair was a red as a bon fire. Her skin was covered with a light tan. Her eyes were a pale blue and shined in the light of the fading sun.
"I'm Athena." She said sweetly.
"Athena?" I said trying the name in my mouth. I somewhat recognized it. "Like the greek goddess Athena?" I asked looking at her stumped.
"Yeah," The girl said. "That's who I was named after, but thats not important. I have some news for you.
"What news?" I said starting to back away. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I should have been able to. I mean I was raised that witches, goblins weren't real, but vampires were. I found out my parents had been lying to me. If I existed, anything could. So, I guess that this stranger was testing my abilities. "What kind of creature are you?" I asked a little stumped.
"I'm a witch of course." Athena giggled. "And you're a vampire." She glared at me harshly. "I can smell it in your blood." She hissed as she got onto the fallen tree.
"What do you want?" I asked as I retreated from her. My meal would have to wait. I guess I could just feast on her, but I recalled Cole telling me that witch blood was like a drug to vampires. Addictive by the smell.
“You’re part of the rebellion?” She asked me as she progressed toward me. The thick black cape she wore hung off her shoulder and trailed behind her. The edges dipped into the water.
            “Yes.” I answered nervously as I got off the tree. I looked at the wood. I wondered if I pushed it and she fell in, would she melt?
            “Good.” Athena said as she stared at me intently. “Tell Renee that we want to keep away from our witches!” She hissed.
            “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I said as I watched her pull something out of her cape. It was a sphere and had hair? The hair like stuff was matted to the sphere. There was a red kind of glow to it. I could smell blood in the air.
            “What’s that?” I asked as I looked closely at the object.
            “Here!” She yelled at me as she tossed it to me. I grabbed it, and my hands became wet and sticky with the red substance. I turned it in my hands. I pulled the matted hair out of the object and found my self face to face with a beheaded witch!
            “Oh my god!” I yelled in fear as I dropped the head. Athena laughed as she turned away from me and found her way back across the river. I cringed away from the head.
            “Kimberly was foolish to think she could give away our secrets and get away with it!” Athena laughed as she stepped off the tree.
            “You killed your own!” I screamed angrily. She was barbaric to kill one of her own kind and toss the head across a river.
            “You do too.” Athena growled from across the river. “You fight and kill your own every day. What difference is this?” She barked harshly.
            “Nickolas!” I yelled into the air. “Help!” I cried as I crumbled beside the head. I hadn’t heard about a girl name Kimberly. If Athena was right, then Nickolas should know what to do.
            I looked around me waiting for him to appear. He didn’t show himself. I stayed there for a few minutes. I stared at the head. The eyes had been dug out of there sockets. The nose was bashed in. Her lips were the only things untouched. Her cheeks were bruised and cuts were placed everywhere.
            “You called?” Nickolas said as he appeared behind me.
            “Kimberly,” I said as I picked up the head. “Is this the girl?” I asked as I turned around baring the head to him.
            “What the hell is this!?” Nickolas asked as he cringed away.
            “Some girl,” I said trying to explain to him. “Athena? She tossed it to me from across the river. She said Kimberly was a spy. She shouldn’t have told the witches secrets, and I guess they beheaded her!”
            “Oh my god.” Nickolas said as he smacked the head out of my hands. “Don’t touch that!” I looked at him dumbfounded.
            “Why not? She was a spy, wasn’t she?” I asked concerned about the head.
            “Of course she was.” Nickolas said putting a hand on my shoulder and kicking the head away. “But it’s a witch’s head with witch’s blood on it. If you were to consume it, you’d be addicted, and we’d have to kill you.”
            “I see.” I said as I looked where it had been.
            “Wash your hands.” Nickolas commanded me. I did as I was told. I knelt beside the river and put my hands it. The water encased my hands. My hands connected with something. It wasn’t a rock. I grasped and pulled my hand out. I looked at it as it came out of the water. The tip was white and not exactly pointed.
            “What on earth is this?” I said pulling it out more. It was stuck. “Nickolas, will you help me pull it out?” I asked tugging on it with both hands.
            “Of course.” He said walking over to me and wrapping his hands under mine so he could grasp the object. “On three,” He said instructing me. “One…” I grasped it  little tighter. “Two…” I embraced myself and made sure my footing wouldn’t loosen. “Three!” He shouted. We pulled on the object as it began to loosen.
            The object released itself from the river bank and went flying into the air taking it with us. We landed a few feet from where the white mysterious object hand been lodged. I shook my head and looked at my hand. It was grasped around a bone. I soon realized it was a rib that was still connected to a body!
“Do you see this!?” I screamed as I let go of the rib and backed away from it.
            “What the hell happened here!?” Nickolas grasped. I studied the body from a distance away. The head was still connected. Not Kimberly’s body. Besides, this body had no flesh on it.
            “I don’t know.” I said looking at Nickolas. I felt like I was going to throw up. I wasn’t very fond of death.
            “Are you going to be okay?” Nickolas asked me. I shook my head and walked away from the body.
            “Whose body is this?” I asked as I looked into the forest.
            “I don’t know.” Nickolas said as he studied the body up close. “Could be anyone. It’s not a vampire though. There aren’t any remains from a vampire. I’m guessing it’s a witch. Not too many werewolves go this far out of there territory.”
            “What do we do?” I asked looking at the body and dismembered head. “Do we call the police or somebody?” I asked. Nickolas began to laugh uncontrollably.
            “Call the cops and say what? Yeah, hey dude. We’re vampire and found this body of a witch. Can you put out a missing person report on them?” He got up and was laughing. I didn’t see what was so funny. I figured this was a person like any other. Someone would miss this person. Witch or not.
            “So, what do we do with it?” I asked trying to keep my voice even. “Just leave it here for the wolves?” I asked him.
            “Yeah.” He said not really paying attention to me. “We should head back to the meeting place. We only have a few minutes till eleven.” He said looking at the moon.
            “Do you tell the time by the moon?” I asked noticing he didn’t wear a watch.
            “No,” He laughed. “Mental clock.” He said tapping his temple.
            “Oh, Okay.” I said as he grabbed my shoulder and soon we were gone.
            “I thought you two weren’t going to make it back on time.” Ivy said as we appeared in front of her.
            “We have an hour left still.” I said wondering what we were going to do until then.
            “We have a lot to do in that hour. We have to break into the safe house. Make sure Daniel is in another part of the house and stay hidden.” Ivy said as she grabbed Nickolas’s shoulder. He grabbed mine.
            “Let’s get started then.” Nickolas said as we transported away.
            We ended up behind a house. We were behind some bushes. I looked around us. The bushes were planted in the yard to give the barren yard some decoration. It didn’t really work.
            “Renee should be in that room.” Ivy said pointing at the house. “The one on the second floor with the windows covered.” I looked across the yard to where she pointed.
            “How do we get up there?” I asked. As far as I could see there weren’t any trees near the house. There were barely any trees in the yard at all.
            “We can’t transport in.” It’s been blessed by a witch.” Nickolas growled.
            “Probably one of the cut witches.” Ivy noted.
            “What about the roof?” I asked noticing the distance between the window and the roof tiles were less than a foot.
            “Perfect.” Ivy said patting my shoulder. “But how will we get her out? It’s not like she’s a highly skilled vampires anymore.” I hadn’t thought of that.
            “If the doors are locked from the inside. We could get to the first floor, and rush her out the doors to be transported to somewhere far away.” Nickolas suggested.
            “Genius.” I said still wondering about problems. “But what about Daniel?” I asked.
            “Like he could defend himself from us.” Ivy said starring intently at the house. “I think he’s in the room across the floor from Renee’s. If we’re quiet, he won’t even know we’re there.” I nodded at her assuming.
            “Okay,” Nickolas said surely. “And what’s going to happen to Daniel?” He asked Ivy.
            “He’s not what Raven wants. He’ll remain untouched by her as she realizes Renee’s not there.” Ivy said surely. We all didn’t know she was missing something.
            Ivy was gone in a second. Nickolas and I looked at each other worried about where she had gone. We looked around us. I looked at the house. I noticed a figure moving about on the roof. The moon showed her. I smiled to myself and tapped Nickolas’s shoulder.
            “She’s on the roof.” I told him. He grabbed my shoulder, and soon we were on the roof with Ivy.
“Okay.” Nickolas said letting go of my shoulder. “How do we get in now?”
Ivy was bent over the side of the roof. Her upper body was off the roof and pinned against the side of the house where Renee’s bedroom window was.
“I can’t unlock it.” Ivy said as she removed herself from her position and sat beside me on the roof.
“How did Renee do it?” I asked recalling hearing something about her ability of being able to get into houses.
“Her mind.” Ivy said harshly. “I can’t do that. No one I know can.” She sounded displeased with herself.
“I bet I can open it, but I won’t be able to keep quiet.” Nickolas said with a devilish smile.
“We need to be silent and breaking the window isn’t going to help.” Ivy hissed at him. “We are running out of time.” Ivy said sadly.
“I’ll try.” I said as I scooted to the edge of the roof. I leaned off the edge and looked at the window. I noticed one problem. There was screening on it. I quickly removed it. I lifted it onto the roof and gave it to Ivy.
The second problem was the lock. It was the kind that snapped shut. In the inside you’d have to pull on the lever and yank it open or closed. I noticed the window was opened a little reveling a crack. It was just big enough for me to slide my finger into it. I put my hand into the crack and slowly began to pull it open. At first it was hard top get it to budge. I kept trying, and trying until finally with a creek the lever broke. I slide the window open to retrieve it. One I had it in my grip, I closed it. It could no longer be locked. I shut it and got back onto the roof.
            “It’s open.” I told Ivy. She looked stunned at me.
            “How?” She asked a little curious.
            “The lever broke.” I smiled at her as I held the lever. Nickolas clapped jokingly.
            “Great job.” He said smiling at me.
“Thanks.” I said as a breeze of cold wind flew into my face.
“That canyon has strong gusts.” Ivy noted as her hair went flying out of her face.
“Yeah,” Nickolas noted as he leaned over the roof edge. “You didn’t break the window.” He said as he sat up. “That’s great, but we only have five minutes until midnight.” I hadn’t noticed the time. It really went fast.
“Let me prep you first.” Ivy said as she pulled something out of her pocket. “We have exactly one minute to put the blindfold on her.” She showed us the black blindfold. “We have to get her downstairs, and out of the house before Raven gets here. So, there will be four minutes after we get the blindfold on her. At exactly twelve o’ five, Raven will bust through the front door, and run up the stairs to kill Renee in her sleep.”
“Why does Raven want to kill Renee?” I asked a little concerned.
“If Renee finds out her potential, she’ll over rule Kayla and Raven. To Raven this is the only way of maintaining her rein.” Ivy answered my question. “She has to find some guy, and then, everything will be revealed to her.” She shrugged. “Least that was my dream.”
“We don’t have anymore time!” Nickolas growled at Ivy. “Josh, get down stairs and unlock a door. Ivy and I will get Renee.”
Nickolas disappeared over the edge of the roof. He was followed by Ivy. I leaned over the roof edge and climbed into the room.
I hope this works, I thought to myself as I disappeared into the room.



Chapter 10. Decision (Renee)
"Shh." A voice said sweetly in my ear. My eyes opened to only be covered with a clothe. "We can't let you see us. I am so sorry for this, Renee." A familiar voice said.
"Ivy," I said with emotion filling my throat. "What's going on?"
"Shh." Ivy said as she made me sit up. "We have to take you away."
"Raven's on her way." Nickolas said. He was a few feet away.
"Renee," Ivy said pulling on my shoulder. "Stand up." I did as I was told. I sat up and slung my feet across the bed. I stood up and tried to steady myself.
"She's on South Weber Drive!" Nickolas said uneasily.
"How do you know?" I asked putting on a jacket that Ivy had tossed at me.
"We just do." Nickolas said uneasily. "Hurry up!" Ivy grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the bed. She dragged me through the short room from the door to and out into the hall.
"Where are we going!?" I cried as my foot hit the banister.
"Shut up!" Ivy hissed at me and hit my shoulder. It felt like I was going to loose my arm. Like it was going to fall off.
"Ow!" I cried as she pulled me down the stairs. I stumbled and fell. Ivy grabbed my shoulder keeping me level as she dragged me down the stairs.
"Renee," Nickolas said grabbing my arm." This is only what's best for you." He said making sure I was okay.
"Take off the clothe, and I'll come willingly." I said and tried to make them let go of me. I guess it made sense to them because Ivy took the clothe off of my eyes.
I blinked my eyes. There was no light. I couldn't see anything.
"What time is it?" I asked trying to figure out where I was.
"Midnight." Ivy said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me down another flight of stairs. She made me take a right and opened a door. Moonlight poured into the room. Ivy pushed me in front of her. I stepped out into the moonlit yard and right into someone's arms.
"Renee!" Josh said excitedly as he squeezed the life out of me.
"Let go!" I cried as it became hard to breathe. I couldn’t feel my arms. The air in my body was being squeezed out of my lungs. It hurt to try and take a breath. The air left my body easily, but it was hard to get it back in.
            He released me and shied away. “I’m sorry.” He said sorely.
            “It’s okay.” I said taking a deep breath.
            “Nickolas,” Ivy said as she came out of the house. “Get her out of her.” Nickolas came out of the house and grabbed my hand.
            “Hang on tight.” He warned me. I did. I held onto his hand. I kept my eyes open. Big mistake on my part. To others it looked like we disappeared, but it felt a lot worse as a human than it had as a vampire.
            My body was moving faster than it ever had. My particles were moving so fast it began to make me sick. When we got to our destination, my body jolted to a stop. My feet fell out from under me, and my head was spinning as I smacked into the floor.
            “Renee!” Nickolas said almost laughing. “Are you okay?” He began to laugh. I guess the look I gave him told him I wasn’t okay because he shut up and tried to help me up. I sat up and looked around me. We were in a small dusty room.
            “Why am I here?” I said almost vomiting.
            “Because,” Ivy said as she appeared in front of us with Josh. “You’re in danger.”
            “Why would I be in danger?” I asked. “I’m human!” I was a little outraged I had been refused my first good night sleep of being human.
            “Raven doesn’t care if you’re human or not.” Nickolas said as he left the room.
            “I’m no threat.” I sighed as I leaned against the wall.
            “You are.” Ivy said as she sat on the other end of the room. “You can be changed back.”
            “I don’t want to be.” I told her not sure if I meant the words.
            “Renee,” Josh sighed as he sat beside me. “You’re our only hope.”
            “Hope for what? Peace among human?” I asked stupidly.
            “No.” Ivy glared at me.
“Then what can I be used for?” I asked. “If I’m only a human.”
            “We don’t want you as a human.” Ivy said as she crossed the room. I looked at her nervously.
            “You can stay human for now, but you have to come back.” Ivy told me as she sat on the opposite side that Josh was sitting on.
            “But what about find the guy?” I asked still remembering Ivy’s vision.
            “I think I know who he is. It seems you’ve already met him.” Ivy said as her eyes went grey. “Have you met any guy’s since you left the hospital?” Ivy asked as she stared into space.
            “Only Daniel.” I said as I watched her closely.
            “Daniel?” Ivy asked. I nodded knowing she was talking to herself. “He has brown hair?” She asked me.
            “Yes.” I said remembering his features.
            “And was there something odd about him?” She asked with her eyes still dazed.
            “Yes.” I said not really looking at her anymore.
“We made a mistake.” Ivy said as her eyes turned back to the cold brown I knew and somewhat loved.
            “Mistake?” I asked her. What mistake could she possibly make with her ability?
            “Nickolas!” Ivy shouted not paying attention to me anymore. Nickolas came running into the room. “I didn’t see everything.” She whispered to no one in particular.
            “Yeah?” He asked as he looked to the three of us from the door way. “Something wrong?” He asked noticing that we were all fine.
            “Yes!” Ivy said in a panic. “Daniel!” She mussed. “He’s going to die if we don’t get to him. Raven knows he’s the one Renee has to look for! She knows he’s human!” She paused and looked at me.” She wasn’t after Renee! She was after him!”
            “Daniel?” Nickolas huffed. “It’s too late. It’s already twelve o’ ten.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame.
            “She won’t kill him till tomorrow at noon.” Ivy said as her eyes turned grey and foggy again.
            “Where?” I asked concerned. She was just sitting there going through her thoughts. “Ivy, where!?” I shouted at her. She was far gone.
            I sat there leaning against the wall waiting for her to come out of her vision.
            “Renee,” Josh said touching my shoulder. I froze at his unearthly cold touch. “Sorry.” He muffled as he noticed the tension in my body.
            “It’s okay.” I said easily as he removed his hand from my shoulder.
            “I’m sorry about Daniel.” He said oddly. I hadn’t even known Daniel for that long, and now I was going to have to rescue him so I could have a future.
            “Don’t be everything will be fine.” I said not knowing for sure.
            “Renee?” Nickolas sighed as I stood up.
            “Yes?” I asked as I walked to where he leaned against the doorway.
            “You need to be changed ASAP so you can regain your abilities to regain possession of the human.” Nickolas said as took his hand out of his pocket. It held a syringe.
            “What is it?” I asked looking at the needle that held a clear thick liquid.
            “It’s Kayla’s venom.” Nickolas said as he placed it in my hand. I studied the needle and rolled it over in my hand.
            “How did you get it?” I asked as he put his hand back in his pocket.
            “We stole it a few years back.” Nickolas said as he stood up straight. “Vlad, and I took a supply of her venom when we broke into her prison when I was training with him.”
“Okay,” I sighed as I weighed it carefully in my hands. “Where do I inject it?” I asked as I tested the point of needle with my thumb.
“Straight into your vein. Here.” He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled up the sleeve of the jacket to reveal the vein in my right arm. He pointed to it and let go of my arm.
I nodded. I knew what I had to do. I took a deep breath and stabbed the syringe into my arm. I pressed down on the syringe releasing the venom into my vein. It would soon flow through my body. I sat down getting ready for the intense pain.
“Are you okay?” Nickolas asked as I slumped against the wall. I nodded. For now I was okay.
I relaxed and waited. It only took a few minutes before there was a strong pain in my arm. The pain shot up my arm and into my chest. It flowed through my chest and into my left arm. It shot up and down my body. I gritted my teeth against the pain as it increased.
            I gritted my teeth as the pain became almost too much to bare. I clenched my fists and I could feel my canines doubling in size. They grinded against my other teeth making them sharper and sharper to the point.
            My nails became tougher and stabbed into my palm making me bleed. The blood trickled out of my flesh and down my palms and wrists. I noticed the blood running down my arms. The wound healed up, and I licked the blood away. My skin grew paler by the second.
            “Wow.” Nickolas said noting how it only took a few minutes for me to become my full vampiric self.
            I stayed still for a minute knowing what came next. The thirst for blood. I was a newborn again. I needed blood and would do anything for it.
            “Blood?” I asked before I needed it.
            “Oh,” Nickolas said walking into the other room “AB positive or negative?” He asked.
            “Whatever you got is fine just hurry up!” I begged as the thirst began to make itself known.
            “Renee,” Josh said as he looked at me from where he sat. “You’re going to be okay?” He asked noticing my impatience.
            “Yeah.” I said thinking of the taste of blood and how it had been sour and warm. I preferred animals, but human’s blood was considered better for a newborn.
            Nickolas came in with a three blood bags and tossed me one. I grabbed it. The blood was warm. I could feel it through the bag. I sank my teeth into it and drank happily.
The blood filled my mouth and ran down my tongue. It swished in my mouth and touched every taste bud on my tongue. The blood was warm and salty. The salt and sour taste stung my nose as the last drops in the bag went down my throat.
“Drink up.” Nickolas encouraged handing me another bag. “You have to be full to resist a human.” I nodded and tossed the empty bag to the floor.
I sank my teeth into the next bag. It was a little sweeter than the last. The blood filled me up giving me the impression of stuffed. I knew I could drink more though. I discarded the bag and drank the next Nickolas gave me. The blood filled me and thrust aside the need for blood. I could last at least three days on what Nickolas had given me.
“What now?” I asked as I wiped the last beads of blood away from my mouth.
“We have to wait for Ivy.” Nickolas answered me. “Let’s get changed first though.” He said looking at my clothing. My jacket, shirt, and jeans were smeared with blood.
“Messy eater, huh?” Josh laughed as he got up and walked over to us.
“Yeah,” I said shyly. “I just haven’t gotten use to eating though.” I said as I took off the jacket.
“Sure.” Nickolas said. “Come on.” He said as he went though the doorway and into what seemed like a kitchen. Josh and I followed him. He left the dusty kitchen, and into a bedroom. Josh and I trailed behind him. The room was just as dusty as the rest of the house.
“This is your house.” I said recalling when I had been taken away and dropped into a meadow. Nickolas and I had come here. He said it was his house.
“Yeah.” Nickolas said as he rummaged through an old trunk. “I need to dust.” He laughed. “Ah ha!” He said as he pulled out a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt. “Perfect for me. You guys are welcome to take anything you like.”
Josh and I nodded as Nickolas left the room to get dressed. Josh poked through the trunk and pulled out a pair of jeans and a black shirt. I smiled at him as he left. I knelt beside the truck. Hopefully there was something in here that would fit me.
I looked in the big trunk and shoved some clothes around until I got close to the bottom. I found a black female shirt. I grabbed it, and found a pair of jeans that looked like they could fit me.
I shut the door so I could get dressed. I undressed and quickly put the shirt and jeans on. On the night stand in the room was a dark red ribbon. I walked over to it and grasped it in my hand. I felt the cool fabric between my fingers. My body temperature was beginning to drop.
            I pulled my hair back and tied the ribbon in my hair. I found a piece of glass on the floor and grabbed it so I could look at my reflection.
            My dark brown hair with blonde highlights was loosely pulled back and my skin was almost an eggshell white. It was dark enough so I looked like a human, but it was a lot lighter than I remembered. My facial features were the same, but they looked sharper and stood out more now.
            A knock came from the door followed by Nickolas’s voice, “Are you done changing?”
            “Yes.” I answered as I dropped the glass and opened the door.
            “Great.” Nickolas said as he grabbed my shoulder. “You should get some rest. Don’t want to be tired tomorrow.” He said as he showed me the way to another bedroom. There was a bed below a window. It was a little cleaner than the house.
            “Thanks.” I said as I sat on the bed.
            “No problem.” He said as he closed the door behind him as he left.
            I sank to the bed and laid my head on one of the pillows. I could use some sleep. I closed my eyes as fatigue took over me. Soon I was fast asleep.
I woke up to the sound of Ivy’s voice.
"Get up!" She barked. I jolted out of bed and was face to face with a knife.
"What are you doing!?" I yelled at her and pushed Ivy off me. She fell to the floor with a bang!
"You have an hour to get to the trail where you'll see them." Ivy growled looking at a watch. "Hurry up!"
"Where's the trail?" I asked yawning. I was still tried. I was a newborn. It was okay to get tired now and then.

“Look they’re coming here.” Ivy said coldly. “You can’t be here when they get here. Raven will know. After I send you on your way I can’t help you anymore.” She said tossing a back pack at me.
            “Why not?” I asked as I began to open it. Ivy smacked my hand so I couldn’t look in the backpack.
            “Don’t open it until you press that button. Don’t you have it? That one I left you in your room a while back ago.” She asked. I hit my head. I had left it in my room.
            “I don’t have it.” I said sadly.
            “Oh, well.” Ivy growled as she tossed me a folded piece of paper. “You are going to need this and a pencil.” She said as she pulled a pencil out of her pocket.
            “Why?” I asked as I took it and put it in the back pack.
            “You’ll know why.” She said as she grabbed my hand. “I’ll take you to the trail and that’s it.” She transported us.
            “Where am I?” I asked as I stumbled into some bushes.
            “You’re about fifteen miles from the house. Keep a human pace or Raven will know something is up and stay on the trail! No matter what! Good luck.” She said as she disappeared.
            I looked up. The sun was almost in the center of the sky. I was in a dead meadow. The meadow was full of dead grass and wilted flowers that had died in the sun.
            “Great.” I muttered to myself as I looked around for a trail. I couldn’t see any. I looked at the forest line. I wondered if there was a trail there. I began walking to the forest line making sure to keep a human pace.
            “Ivy,” I mumbled to myself. “I hate you.” Even if she couldn’t hear, I didn’t care. It felt good to say it.
            I was half way to the forest line when my foot hit dirt. I looked down. It was a trail! I smiled to myself as I began to walk down the trail. I slung the backpack across my shoulder and started my trek for my future.
I didn't become to worried until I reached the forest part. The trail went into the forest. I could swear I was hearing things. I think my mind was slipping. I realize it was real.
"Daniel." A voice said sweetly a distance away. My heart began racing as I walked down the dirt path. Long thick grass lined the path. The sun shined harshly down on the grass giving it a dull yellow coloring to it. My bare feet were covered in the dust from the trail.
"Swear to god; if she's wrong, I'll kill her." I growled to myself as I stubbed my foot against an uprooted root. There were millions of trees around me. I found it odd that the trees that surrounded the path were far enough to let sun rays fall onto the path.
"Come," The voice said getting fainter. The voice was coming off to my left. I knew I'd never make it if I kept following the path. I'm sorry, I thought as my feet shifted from the dirt to the soft warm grass.
I raced through the sunlit grass towards the shadows of the forest. The grass licked my feet and stung my ankles as I darted in between the trees. The darkness of the forest engulfed me. I felt my way from tree to tree. I pushed past branches. I let the voice guide me.
"Hurry." The female voice said soothingly a little louder. I saw a glimmer of sunlight. I began to run to it. My feet worked in harmony as I made my way to the light. It got brighter and brighter. I finally pushed through the last branches. What I saw amazed me.
It was a deep valley. There was a stream that cut through the valley. I didn't recognize it. Where was I? The top of wheeler creek? The trees climbed up the sides of the mountains. The amazing site was the people twenty feet below me.
Daniel and Raven were standing in a small meadow. Daniel was following her. Raven was wearing a black cloak that hid her clothes. Daniel was dressed in jeans and a red t-shirt. He was following her like a puppy.
I stopped and began to think. Why was I trying to rescue this guy? I was going to give everything up for him? A human? Why on earth would I need him?
My mind paused. I need his help. He was going to shape my future. I stared down at the Daniel and Raven. She was so bent on destroying my future. All the vampires futures that had gone against her. I wanted to free us. I could do it. I knew I could. I decided that I'd have to risk anything and everything to help him survive. Even if I could never feel the sun beating on my back or the warmth of another person's touch. I was going to help. I vowed, I'd do it all for other's future.
"Daniel." I sighed and sat down on the ground. I was too late. My hopes sank as Raven and he disappeared into the forest. My future was over. I watched the valley as I realized my life was over. I couldn't help now. .Y time was up.
"Pathetic." Someone said behind me. I didn't bother looking. I already knew who it was.
"I failed, Ivy." I said still looking to where they had disappeared to. She sat beside me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I couldn't feel her coldness. My body was numb from taking the drug.
"You didn't fail." She cooed. "There's still time." She sighed and got up. I laid back on the floor looking up at her.
"There's no time." I said oddly. "There never was."
"Get up." She told me grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I reluctantly stood up. "I'm taking you." She said.
"You can't its against the laws." I said and yanked my hand out of her grip. "Besides it's a waste of time." I said as I looked at my watch. "It's almost noon. I'd never make it on foot."
"Have the laws ever stopped me before?" She asked stupidly. "If they had, I wouldn't have been your spy!" She boomed.
"I have five minutes. Even if you could get me there, I'd never be able to stop her." I looked glumly at the valley."I'm human. How could I ever beat a vampiress?"
"You can't," Ivy said as she took something out of her pocket and put it in my hand. "Not without this." I grasped it hard and felt a cool metal press in my palm. I smelt a faint rose in the breeze.
"My dagger?" I asked as I looked at what she had placed in my hand. "How did you get this!?" I traced the thorny vine design with my index finger.
"How do you think?" She laughed. "I found it under your bed."
"Let's go." I said and smiled at her. Maybe it was wrong to want her help, but I needed it.
I held tightly onto my dagger as we transported.
We arrived in Nickolas’s house. Raven and Daniel were just outside.
            “Hide!” Ivy told me as she disappeared. I looked around the living room. There was nowhere for me to hide. I looked around. Nickolas needed to get some furniture. I stepped behind the door. Hoping that Raven could be like a normal person and open a door instead of transporting in.
            My wish was recognized and the door flew open and crashed into me. I kept quiet even though a pain was rising from my gut to my throat. The door was pinned to me.
            “Be a dear, Daniel, and close the door.” Raven said as she walked through. Her cloak flowed past me as she walked away. I realized once Daniel closed the door, I’d be left out in the open. I grabbed the dagger and pointed it in front of me.
            Daniel closed the door. I don’t see why he’d do anything that old ugly bird would say, I thought to myself. I was revealed.
            “Raven,” I laughed. “Never thought I’d see you feathery face again.” Raven as a human was named Amber, but when she was changed she had the ability to shape shift. Her favorite form was a raven. Her blood mother gave her the title Raven.
            “Renee.” Raven cooed. “What a surprised?” She laughed. “I’ve been expecting you, my dear.” She said as she took out a knife.
            “Oh,” I said showing my dagger. “I thought this would be a friendly visit.” I smiled at her. “Why are you associating with a human?” I asked point the dagger at Daniel who hadn’t moved from the door.
            “You should know. Look at him.” Raven said walking over to him and grabbing his face. “Isn’t he adorable?” She laughed. Daniel smiled. He hadn’t said a word since I had seen him last.
            “What’s wrong with him?” I asked as I looked at his eyes. There were glazed over with a blue film coloring.
            “Witch serum.” She sighed. “They gave it to me when I told them about your little spies.” I looked up at her shocked. How could she know? “Close your mouth.” Raven said as she let go of Daniel. “A little shocked?” Raven laughed.
            “Yeah." I said closing my mouth and twisting the dagger in my hand.
"Renee," Raven asked seriously. "Why are you here?" I looked at her.
"Oh." I said thinking about it. "You mean like in the neighborhood? I was just taking a walk in the meadow and heard you were in town." I scoffed.
"Cute." Raven said as she balanced the knife in her hand.
"You know why I'm here." I said coldly.
"You came to strike a deal?" Raven asked.
"Deal?" I asked curiously. She nodded. "What kind of deal?"
"The kind where you and your pathetic human get to live." Raven hissed at me and put her knife away. "Would you like to hear more?" She asked.
"Sure." I said noting the time. It was five minutes till noon. I could either agree to her deal or in five minutes Daniel and I would both be dead.
"You come with me and I'll let your little human go." Raven sighed and looked at her hand. "You wont be hurt. You'll just be at Kayla's mercy. Neither of us will both you, him, or your rebellion for at least two years."
That seemed to good to be true. From experiences I learned that it was usually true. Two years and I would be Kayla's captive for how long?
"How long do I have to be with Kayla?" I asked curiously. Four minutes left.
"As long as you're a vampire. If you escape, you escape. If you die, you die." She said like it was nothing. I thought about the pros and cons. I could be her captive forever. Daniel and I could both die now, followed by my rebellion.
"Deal." I said as I recognized a symbol on Ravens are. It was Jame's Blood Family Symbol. A J with slash through it. There fledglings were crafty.
"Okay," Raven sighed and smiled devilishly at me.
"Blood deal." I commanded as I tested the knife against my arm. A little blood trickled. Ivy must have sharpened it. I slashed my dagger into my wrist.
"Ah." Raven sighed as she took her knife and slid it across her wrist. My blood began dripping of my wound and down my arm. I held it to my side as I waited for Raven's blood.
"Our deal." She said as she reached out to grab my hand. I grabbed her hand, and we stayed that way for a minute. Thirty seconds, I noted as the blood began to entwine. I felt her blood seep into my cut. It felt like cold water hitting me hard.
"Our deal." I said as I let go of her hand.
I slung my back pack off and got the piece of paper and pencil out. I quickly wrote on the paper. I folded it up.
"Ivy!" I yelled as the clock was only five seconds. "Here." I said shoving the paper at her when she appeared. "Take him." I said as Raven grabbed my hand. "Get him medical help." I was thinking about what I had written on the paper.

This is... All For You. Take care. I'll find you later.
- R.S.V
R.S.V. Rebellion's Sanguisugent Vampiress. Sanguisugent means blood-sucking. It also stood for my name. Renee Snow Vargas.
"Time's up." She laughed and with those last words we disappeared into the night.

About The Author

R.S. Vargas, a young author, was discouraged by her own thoughts. Her mind led her to find a world outside school, and family life. Thoughts and dreams became too much. They had to be told. Her thoughts soon became pages, chapters, and became the book you now hold in your hands.
Renee was born in Fresno, California and lived her childhood in the Fresno county. Along with her twin sister, Ivy and parents, Fernando and Jaime they moved out of California and into Nevada. In the wonderful dry state was born her younger sister, Faith. They, after a while, moved to Utah.
As a student, Renee, didn't realize the potential she had until she was transferred into Mount Fort Jr. high. There she was put into Ms. Bolter's Eighth Grade Language Art's class. There the stories of her mind found their way onto the paper.
Renee began writing, and after a few praises from her sisters and friends was encouraged to continue. She enjoyed writing and did it in her spare time.
Most of the characters are actual people. They fit the description of her close and personal friends. With their permission, she involved them into her story of fiction and fantasy. A mix of her friends and thoughts of her mind lead to this wonderful beginner novel.
If you have any tips, questions, or would like the link to the next book, please feel free to contact me at:

"I hope you enjoy reading and understand the imagination of a young author." -R.S. Vargas


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.12.2009

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