
Chapter 1

 “Excuse me, you dropped something.” A man standing close to the women told them.


“Oh, thanks.” They said,


“Are you twins?” The man asked.


“Hey! Can’t you see she’s my mom?” the younger one replied.


“No we’re not,” Mrs. Bekka answered.


“You look so alike.” The man said.


“Thanks,” Mrs. Bekka said with a big smile.


“You had better learn to smile and be polite,” she told her daughter as they left the mall.


“But I didn’t do anything,” Gracious argued.


“The man was only trying to be friendly, of course he knew I was your mother, be nice to people.” Mrs. Bekka told her.


“Hello Mrs. Bekka.” Rosie, a single mother of two walked into the sitting room holding an invitation card.


“Hi Rosie, how are your boys?”


“They’re doing fine, I am here to invite Sam for Daniel’s birthday party. It will be held in our residence by exactly twelve pm by Tomorrow.”


“Alright he’ll be there, my regards to your mother,” Mrs. Bekka said.




“She didn’t invite me.”


“Honey you’re nineteen, Daniel is seven” her mom replied.


“But Sam is fifteen, everyone loves Sam,” Gracious said.


“That’s not true Sam is a cheerful person even if he’s fifteen, and Rose invited him because he will still have fun.”


“I smile a lot also unlike you,” Sam interrupted as he walked


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.04.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-3628-8

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Then to all of mankind.

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