
Table of Content

  • Fast food
  • Loss of fast food
  • Food and kitchen
  • Simple fast food
  • About of meat and rice
  • Source of fast food
  • Best food for people
  • Fact of fast food
  • Fast food delivery
  • How is your food



 copyright© 2020 by Ummed Singh

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Fast food

copyright© 2020 by Ummed Singh

Fast food is known to many people as a quick meal; no hassle, no cleanup. However, customers of the fast-food industry need to realize that the industry goes through many negative choices in order to comply and deliver the customers fast food. “Outbreaks of waterborne illness including E.coli, marine life dead zones, and numerous other hazards can be contributed to fast food” (Geer). Although fast food can taste pretty good, it can leave many hazardous materials on earth, which in the long run can make the earth a dangerous place to live in. When people think of climate change, it usually involves a vast variety of pollutants that harm the earth, but did you know that fast food industries are also not innocent when it comes to climate change? “Distributing trucks add to the pollution, emissions, and congestions, all of which contribute to climate change” (Geer). People need to understand that the trucks that deliver food to many restaurants also contribute to climate change. Another reason is the amount of litter found by garbage facilities. “CWA found that the biggest source (49 percent) of litter is fast food. The five most significant sources were McDonald's, Burger King, Seven-Eleven, Starbucks, and Wendy’s. The fast-food industry makes use of addictive ingredients that can cause a human brain to develop an addiction to the food, which is similar to the effects of nicotine consumption in cigarette smokers. We do know, however, that fat and sugar produce different responses in the brain’s reward system” (Fleming). If one ever decides to try fast food.
It is best to read the nutrition facts on the back of the boxes in which they provide your food and understand the level of sugar and fat it contains. “I wondered whether it is the taste of the nutrient (i.e. sugar or fat), once digested, that is making us high” (Fleming). This shows that even the people who have eaten fast food agree on the impact it has on our brains, which in this case made them feel high because of the food. An example of this can be when someone eats sweets, in most cases, they never just have one sweet, sweets contain massive amounts of sugar and with that being said sugar is addictive in the brain this can lead to someone developing an addiction. “The majority of fast food meals are accompanied by a soda, which increases the sugar content 10 fold. Imagine lying down on your front lawn, sitting on those comfortable chairs on a hot summer day, and enjoying a delicious meal from your favorite fast-food restaurant. This would be one of the most relaxing days for people who work extremely hard on a day-to-day basis, but in reality, this food can be very dangerous for one’s health and can possibly lead to many life-threatening health risks. The fast-food industry is growing rapidly, and the advertisements of the delicious food varieties make it easier for us to buy them, but do these advertisements really mention the effects these foods can have on one’s health? Fast food advertisements are often misleading and compel customers to consume fast food despite its negative effects on health.

Loss of fast food

Some foods naturally contain higher amounts of sodium, but sodium is also added to many food products. Some of these additives are monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrite, sodium saccharin, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and sodium benzoate, which are used as flavoring or preservatives. Regarding dietary sodium limits, it's suggested that adults stay under 1,500 milligrams per day, and should never consume more than 2,300 milligrams


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Ummed Singh
Bildmaterialien: Mulayam Singh
Cover: Arun Babu
Lektorat: Atul Babu
Übersetzung: Raj Kumar
Satz: Ummed Singh
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.10.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-6127-3

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