
Author's Note

This is not so much of an author's note as an author's remainder of what was printed inside this small pages. This book is a work of fiction. I made it up.

I will truly appreciate your reviews.

Happy reading!



"Mia, Open your eyes babe! We are done." I heard three of my best friend’s voice at the same time. Jeez, were they wearing mic already?


I opened my eyes with reluctance, momentarily blinding by the lights, closing and opening them again. I blinked my eyes profusely to hide my unshed tears and focused on each of their faces giving small smile at the same time. They were all leaning on their knees In front of my chair, all looking gorgeous.


"Oh. My. God. You are looking breath-taking, Mia. Vince is going to be all swoony after dropping his gaze on you." said Ashley. Her baby blue eyes shining with joy matched with her light blue off shoulder gown.


"So beautiful." Rose dried her eyes, poking tissue in it just so not to ruin her makeup. She was wearing a satin pink dress which fitted to her curves nicely with a diamond encrusted necklace, her hair in a loose bun.


"C'mon, it’s time." said Eva as my heart stopped, freezing me. I saw happiness in her grey eyes. All were so happy but me. I looked away, grating my teeth in a hope to harden my heart. Get a grip, Mia! You can do this. I gazed over the window at the tree I'm so familiar with, standing there since ages, covered with lights. The distant memory of the closeness we shared crosses my mind. Whenever I felt lonely as a kid or just need some time alone with my teddy, I had gone to sit on those twisting roots, There was a perfect place in them just to fit me...making me smile all over again. Sometimes I fell asleep there, causing my daddy to find me and tuck me in bed.


"Don't be so coy, Mia." I jerked my eyes at them as all lifted me up with my hands. "You have to look at yourself before you are ushered to the altar." Oh.. They were just talking about mirror I guess. I took a sigh of relief and shuddered at the mention of the altar. A thought slicing through my head at the same moment, it should come sooner or later. I can't back out now, at this point, even if it kills me. Closing my eyes, I took a staggering breath. Or even if he comes.. His overpowering memories tried to dig a hole in my head as I blocked them out. My feet started to wobble as I made my way. I can’t deal with that shit now. I have to go on.. one after another as my legs started to shake. So much for self-restoration. I rolled my eyes at myself internally.


They practically dragged me to the full length mirror.


"Mia, What you thinking about? Have a look. We are not that bad at makeup that you even don't have the courage to look at yourself." Only if you had known. I made an attempt to smile at her comment but it should have properly looked like my lips are sewed as if I'm going to puke right here. Yeah, it was that tight lipped.


I looked at the mirror. It was full length with a beautiful floral pattern wooden carving frame. It probably had cost a him. Yeah.. It was given by the groom for his bride-to-be.


My swirly green eyes made eye contact with my reflection. They were red-rimmed from all that crying I have done since what..7 days or was it 6? Who cares? I can't change my fate now. No one can.


I glance at my mouth, tight lipped with harlot red lipstick pasted on it. My hair was arranged in a creative bun with few tendrils escaping it and tickling my nape. They were soft curled to give an impression of natural look as my hair always been perfectly straight, it was impossible to curl them without using the heating iron thrice.


Eva and Ashley have done my makeup and hair. Rose had fitted me into that dress.


My eye shadow contrasts my big eyes lifting their colour, straight nose polished and shining, and a little blush. To complete the look, they had pinned my reddish brown hair together on top of my head. It was truly looking elegant and luxurious.


I glimpsed at my gown. Fitted bodice features gorgeous floral lace appliques intricately beaded with pearls. Mikado side-draped mermaid skirt which was adding drama and movement to my classic silhouette.


"How is it?" Eva clutched my shoulder with hope in her eyes. She was the bubbliest personality in my whole group.


"Extremely beautiful." Which was obviously true but opposite to my feelings about this wedding. I.. I can't do this. I shouldn't.


Then and there the door burst open. We all turned adding more drama to it. It was...of-course my mother. Who else could it be? As this thought emerged, a certain pair of intense sea green eyes fills my head and made my eyes clouded by the intensity of it. I turned sharply to face the mirror again. I didn't want to see her face. I wanted to see....him. So much that it quenched my heart at mere thinking. I had been so jumpy these days that there didn't remain any difference between what I want and what I don't.


"Look, mommy have bought you a surp-" she halted for a second. I can imagine the spellbound look on her face without actually seeing it.


"Wow, holy moses, you are looking so pretty, my child." She posed as if drying her cheeks. I rolled my eyes with obviousness. Of course she was damned happy about all that. Wasn't this her whole plan since start? She was getting a multi-billionaire as her future son-in-law. And what's left. I'm pretty sure she had already planned her life ahead. She wanted money and I heart...back.


I felt a pressure around my neck. I touched it naturally and oh-so-lightly.


"Isn't it looking marvellous, girls?" she asked with such a greatness, rolling off of her in waves. I started suffocating. She would have rolled her eyes, for sure. I looked then, through mirror. They were all in awe. The necklace was surely beautiful with 3 lines of diamonds.

I turned back and hugged my mother. Whatever she was at the end she was my mother. She hugged me back. I'll miss her. My eyes got watery at the edges.


"Thanks mum." I moved back my head slightly so I could look at her oh-so-gorgeous-with-Botox face. "But there was no need." This materialistic thing doesn't mattered now. It didn't matter in the past too.


"Now now don't be so modest. Thanking and all." She taped my escaped tendrils of hair behind my ear.


"How typical of you to say that." She lifted my chin with two of her fingers getting the impression that I don't wanted to look in her eyes. I would not be able to stop myself then, from crying. I looked her purple gown for avoiding her gaze. It was of silk. So smooth that I felt as though reaching forward and touching it.


"same old, same old."


All laughed at that.


The door opened again. Now what..


"Mia, it's time." I saw my dad's face popped out by the door frame. His thinning perfectly combed black hair shining, must be the gel effect.


I looked at him for long moments with wide eyed.


Oh god.. Talk about the crisis.







3 months earlier...


   I looked at my watch frantically. Ten to two. Just ten minutes. Holy crisis. I increased my speed of writing. This should be done in five. But.. what about -- I pushed aside some pages in search of the text paper. Gotcha. Holding it, I looked for the question I am on, currently. Two more to go. I exhaled. I can do dis.


Pushing my hair away from my face, I started scrambling furiously on my answer booklet.


The bell rang. Oh shit.


"Time's up." I clearly heard the voice of the examiner ringing across the room. "Put the pen down. All of you. There's no writing now."


Do hell with you. I didn't stop writing as I overheard one of my gal pals voice which came through hallway. She was hissing at me.


I looked at the direction of the voice.


The three of them were standing in the corridor giving me a look of disapproval, shifting from one foot to another. "Mia, C'mon. Stop writing already. You're already gonna ace it."


"I came late." I mouthed at them with annoyance. My dumb car was the one to blame for. It's just doesn't know how to behave. But now I don't have time for this.


I was halfway through my last sentence as my paper vanished and instead there was the desk down my pen. Noah. I looked at my paper slipping away as my hand lifted to squeeze at the thin air.


"Please." I looked at my examiner pleadingly. Just half sentence was all I'm asking for.


"You should have stopped already." She gave me a mean look. "But it seems rather you are too busy having your little chat." She nod at the general direction of my friends as they all vanished in thin air, must be crouched down. I shake my head while she looked at me incredulously.


"Trying to get some answers here, aren't we?" She went on collecting papers of the remaining. LOL..I never copy. I would rather get a zero than that.


As she turned away, I poked my tongue at her.


"Mia, what's the fuzz?" Eva asked. Her usually pale skin was shimmering from the blusher she used.


"Same old." I deadpanned.


"Why don't you just buy an Audi or Mercedes?" Ashley mimicked driving a car with rose behind her back. I slapped her hand laughing. Ouch, she exclaimed rubbing at her hand.


"Why don't you gift me one?" I suggested her cocking one of my eyebrow.


She comes to a halt In front of me which caused me halting in my path. "I will surely when I marry a multi-billionaire." she said dreamily giving me a boon with her palm resting on my head acting like a deity. I tickled her on her stomach as we all started tickling each other.


"Surely In your hot dream where u will marry as well as enjoy." I winked at her, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.


She nudged my rib, smiling shyly and that's all we need to laugh even harder.


As I fetched out my keys from my bag, I thought about our little party and all the fun we are gonna do in vacations. I told them my usual plan of going to my grandma's house. All of there plans are going for a faraway trip, trying to persuade me to tag along but me being me, I wouldn't budge.


My face fell thinking about the actual story. The truth is I never go alone anywhere far before, not that my parents ever allowed me. I sighed in exasperation.


There love is surely overwhelming, I thought whilst rolling my eyes. At last, my hand found the hard metal and pulled on it as I pulled myself from my chain of thoughts. Before I could possibly open the door myself, somebody opened it from inside.


Oh, dad. My face lit up. His emerald eyes brightens seeing me, then his eyes went to my hand and to my lifted keys which were now pressing against his chubby belly.


"Are you trying to unlock me with that?" He asked me comically.


"Oh dad, keep your lame jokes to yourself." I rolled my eyes at him but a smile tugged on the corner of my lips, giving me away.


"Now give your daddy a hug, Quick."


He laughs wholeheartedly cradling me in his arms. Give me a break dad. I'm not a baby anymore. I wanted to cry out loud but I settled myself with saying that in my head. I will always be his baby, no matter what.


He kissed the top of my hair. "How your exam went?"


"Fine." I stretched the letter 'n' for emphasis as I persuade my lips.


Mom was sitting in her usual self, looking all superior. She was looking defined with her black attire contrasting with our white sofa and pearl necklace. I waved at her as I sensed something odd in her stance. If you don't know her as I know, You wouldn't see anything about her being on edge. Her stance was rigid and she didn't drizzle me with her question ceremony too. I noticed all this as I slowly came to a halt straight ahead of her behind the single sofa which was sit opposite her and land my bag in it.


I pulled my hand of my grey sweater up till my elbow and placed both my palm firmly on the sofa. The off-white material so smooth under my fingertips, making my palms twitchy in the need to touch it, to caress it. I love velvet.


"There's something going on here. Care to enlighten." I asked casually with a smile. As every passing second ticked by and she didn't smile back though I got a little suspicious that whatever is going on surely involves my presence in it.


My laugh staggers a little. What's up with me suddenly?


"Dad." I looked expectantly back at him and realized that he hadn't moved away from the door yet. A worried look crosses his face. The air seems to grow thick. Whatever it is, is going to sour my mood up for sure. I tapped my foot impatiently on the marble floor. Please, someone. Anyone. My head started buzzing with all this silent treatment I’m getting. Alas mom broke the silence with a pat beside her.


"Why don't you come sit? Hon, she must be tired bring her a glass of water or do you want orange juice--"


She started doing all the babbling without ever touching the subject. Just hit the freaking button already. My subconscious is confused too.


She smiled warmly at me trying to gauge my reaction. I just went straight to sit beside her.


"There's no need of water. I'm completely stuffed already. We went to KFC as after party." I rubbed my tummy in circular motion. I felt my hard stomach through my fabric. My friends won't get why I don't get at least a little fat on my tummy though I eat so much. But as I do workout out every day, none calories gets build into fat. I smirk internally at that. My friends would do anything to get a stomach like me.


She ran her hand down my back, running soothing circles.


"What is it, Mom? Just break the news. I'm a big girl now." I looked at her worriedly.


She smiled gently shaking her head from left to right. "Don't worry. It's a good news-" I tried to open my mouth to talk but she held her hand to tell me to stop. "-I just don't know how to break it to you. Don't know how you will react." She looked a little stressed.


"Is there anything to rea-" I retracted my sentence biting my tongue. "Stop overreacting. chill, you are always so bubbly." I patted her hand reassuringly. I have never seen her like this, struggling. Something is definitely up.


Her lips puckered, showing the efforts she is putting to form her thoughts in words. "We accepted a marriage proposal for you." She tried to give it all in her smile.


I glanced at her face not really understanding a bit. "We?" Dad and  I both exclaimed loudly, earning a look from her.


A giggle escaped my lips before it blown into a hysterics of laughter. I held my stomach rocking from side to side. "Oh mom you and your jokes. You will give me a mini some day." By mini, I meant mini heart attack. I laughed till my eyes starts watering. Seconds passed without them both joining in. I sat up straight lifting my hand, placing it on her shoulder. "Wasn't that a joke.?" I don't know if it sounded more like a question or not.


"This time your mom is pretty serious kiddo. Though, I already told her not to accept without your consent." Dad slowly walks towards us with a scowl.


"Hey, there's nothing to say no. There kid is a god damn CEO of a multi national company." She took a defensive tone scowling back at him. All the time me being mute. I don't even know how I'm feeling now. I couldn't even seem to process the information. This couldn't be true. As if on cue, I jolted up from where I was sitting. Mom tried to hold my hand but I shifted.


"This is the last time I'm asking-" I turned around, directly looking in her eyes but there's no need to ask. The sincerity was marked on her face, in her eyes. I took a step back, staggering. "Why?" I spoke before thinking but I have to know. I got to know. I always thought she loved me. Then why would she do something like that? It just doesn't make any sense. I'm growing frustrated by the second as my eyes started to burn.


As she looked at me, the hurt is evident on my face.


"Why mom?" I half-yelled.


"He will make you happy. Just trust me on this." Her voice sounded desperate, trying to make me understand the incomprehensible. I didn't wait for a single second more, turning and running in my bedroom. I saw dad's face, concerned and something more, pain but I didn't slow my pace. I knew in my heart that he don't have anything to do with all this.


I slammed the door behind me, Tears running freely off my cheeks, creating path in it's wake. They are playing some cruel trick on me but the timing is so weird. They always laughed after a minute or two. Couldn’t be able to hold much longer.


This time it left a feeling of sourness at the back of my throat.


I changed into my comfort clothes and pulled the sheets. Only this would make me feel better, cozy..loved. I pulled the comforter all the way up to my head.


As my senses dull, I slowly swept into the darkness, evaded by the figure in the blackness, only visible by the outline, giving off its location was my prince charming, I do know nothing about. He slowly stepped forward, closing in on me, stretching out with his hand. His face was a blur but I saw a wicked glint in his eyes, saw it in the set of his mouth as it tilts upward in a lop-sided grin.


Come to me, my dear..


There's nothing to be afraid of..


We are destined to be...together.....


His words woke the absurdity of the fate to come.







I glanced at my phone, unlocking it. It's two in the FREAKING morning. I sighed in exasperation.


I pulled my bent legs towards my chest, resting my chin in the hollow between the knees. I should have​ brought a shawl with me. It's cold here.


I moved my eyes to the surrounding and giggled to myself. I might be looking as a grave silhouette; if anyone saw me here they would definitely run for the hills.


I was perched on the huge root trunk of my favourite tree in the backyard of my house. It always comforted me in a way. I had played, cried, laughed on it. There was a peaceful aura around it.


The reason why I was here today was completely idiotic though, but I'm glad.


I was short of breath when I got up from the nightmare an hour ago, covered in sweat.


After that, I tried hard to sleep but my mom.. Being a persistent-self, she knocked on my bedroom door on five different occasions in less than half an hour.


I told her to go away, TTYL, I'm sleeping, it's late in no succession. At the end, I sneak up from my bedroom to here. Let her bang on it as much as she wants. I smirked internally. I did good locking it.


I'm just plain mad at her but it's cruel of me to prank on her like that. I started feeling bad.


I leaned my head on the tree, closing my eyes. I breathed in the fresh air which had the soothing effect to calm my nerves right away.


She tied my knot without my consent but this is no way to act with her. Internally I knew that she love me a lot. I'll apologize, tomorrow.


A tear rolled down my cheek as the events of earlier started flooding my brain. I just don't have the slightest bit of idea about how this marriage is going to work. I don't even know him.


My subconscious gave a mocking laugh at me. You had not even seen him, you dumbass. That's what.


I never wished for a wealthy life. That was my mom's dream, to be honest. I always wanted a happy life. I glanced up at the sky, feeling defeated.


I'm rushing into things or being pushed, if I may.


All of my thoughts cut down as the hair on the nape of my neck stand into attention. I felt someone's presence as I gulped audibly.


What if it's a ghost? Or what if it's some psycho murderer on a hunt for his next target. Ahhh.. I cursed my thoughts.


I shut my eyes and pushed my back into the tree. Swallow me up tree, real quick.


As my eyes were tightly shut, my hearing was heightened. I heard the crunch of the tree leaves under someone's feet and then something whipped through the air. I shielded my face with both of my arm as something heavy landed on it.


I jumped two feet and lost my balance, landing perfectly on my Butt.




"Hey, you OK?" He came running towards me. In the dim light surfacing  through the dense tree from the moon I looked at the face of my attacker.


"DAD.. I'm so gunna kill you.. How could u do this? I could have got in a heart atta--"


"Shh.. sorry sorry. Calm down and stop screaming.." He helped me getting up. His face was amused and he was trying hard not to laugh at me.


I crossed my arms and gave him a look, tapping my foot on the ground.


"You should have looked at your face,  kiddo. It was hilarious like you have seen a ghost."


I tried to control my laughter too. He was right. Me and my overactive imagination always get the better of me. But of course, being me, I will never accept my defeat. My ego was too huge.


"You scared the shit out of me and who in the sane side of their mind will roam in the backyard in the pitch black of the night?"




I thought it through.


Good point.


"Are you hurt? That fall was something." He asked checking my arms for any scratches.


"Nop" I popped the 'p'. "What you doing here by the way." He put both his hands in his pocket, looking quite disturbed.


"I thought you would be here. You know, when your mom told you.. All that. She directly went to the point without filling you in. What she did by accepting the proposal without even asking you was wrong and I personally disapproved but the guy is a real gem." He said all this looking at anywhere but me. This subject is surely making him miserable.


"You met him? When? Where? Why didn't you tell me ri--" He put a hand on my shoulder halting my twenty question game. There were so many questions clouding my mind right now but if dad had such a positive attitude towards him then he would be.. something Great. No doubt in that.


You see, it's very hard to charm my father. He is very intelligent while my mom goes for looks he is inclined to the personality and nature. I'm proud of my dad.


"Let's sit." I fidget for a second, intertwining my fingers. I want to know now.


He blinks at me urging me towards the tree. We sat in the crook as I put my head on his shoulder.


"So, let's start from the very beginning." yeah.. We have all the time in the world.


"These past few months your mom's kitty parties were on full swing, as you know."


I nodded briskly.


"One lady was very chic lookin-" I elbowed my dad.


"Heyy, I'm just saying for your reference.. " He laughed. I searched my mind for that one lady. As I remember I have met all my mom's friends at some point but there was a lady who was looking expensive than the rest. What was her name?


"Umm..I remembered her face.. Umm.. Yeah.. Got it.. Mrs. Anderson? "


"That's right."


"She once came with her husband. Mom introduced us too. But I don't remember their names." The truth was I wasn't interested. But life is a bitch.. I should have paid more attention.


Her face was elegant and her clothes looks out of a fashion magazine. Her makeup was subtle and a beautiful smile and the man was in a tailored suit with a slight chubby tummy. Oh.. I did have paid attention it seems. At least to how they looked.


"They were there to see their son's choice."


My face jerked up to search his face in disbelief.


"What? You kidding me?"


I gave a mocking laugh.


"How a CEO riding in a limousine saw me in the first place?" His choice? Lol. Is it a eighteenth century?


"Will you listen?" He face was impassive. I just nodded. I don't want to doubt him. But this is impossible.. Isn't it?


"So.. Where was I? Yes.. They saw you and liked you instantly. They said you are very humble." His tone was proud. I poked my tongue out leaning to the opposite side. My foot, humble.


"You remember your cousin's wedding three months ago? He was there." Now I was shell-shocked. That was out of the blue. He saw my expression and cared to explain. "He was from groom's side. They are college buddies. He came there for some time. "


"And you are saying, he saw me and liked me in that some time?" huh.. Am I leaving in some kind of soap opera?


"Yes. That's what his mother said. Particularly, love at first sight." that's so cliché.


"You believed it.. I mean.. seriously?" I looked at him incredulously.


"Yeah.. It was out of some movie first but when your mother and I met him, saw the way he was talking about you so fondly--"


"Dad.. Dad please. I can't here more." I'm surely living in a dream world.


"You trust us,right? Just trust me with this one.. U know I was never running behind wealth but this wealth has a heart." A golden for that matter. Note the sarcasm.


"Dad, he doesn't know me? How could someone fall in love without even--"


"I know, kiddo. He said he will meet up with you."


"Isn't that in reverse order? First propose for marriage then try to know each other?"


"He just said. Your mom is one to blame, to accept in a flash. He said you guys have all the time to know each other till Christmas eve?"


"Huh.. why till eve? Is he going to call it off after that?" I smiled pleased with my profound discovery.


He shook his head, the twelve O'clock shadow comes over him. "No Princess. That's your marriage day."


" can't be serious?" My face could have​ been looked like I have just seen a corpse. Just three months?


Three months.


I sighed, disheartened by this whole situation. I remembered the after exam blast my group had. At that time, I never thought that something like this would happen with me in less than a day.


Whom am I kidding? In mere hours? A bomb dropped on my head.


I would have given 100 bucks just for the bet. This was that pathetic.


He saw my horrified face as he rest his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently.


"I know you are sad but I want to ask you something..?" His voice came to a whisper at the end.


"Since when started asking permission?" I arched my brow at him.


He laughed wholeheartedly whilst ruffling my hair fondly then he became silent. It was uncomfortable as he was processing and forming the right words.


"Umm.. As ur mom was telling you about the proposal.. Seeing your reaction.. You looked really hurt.. So I thought.. Maybe.. You.. Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked the last part in a breath.


"Woah.. Chill dad.. No. What makes you think like that?"


There was a glint in his eyes and his body relaxed gradually.


"Your reactio--"


"Dad.. I'm sad because I don't want to go away from you guys.. " My voice broke at the end.


"Hey, no need to worry. You can always come to visit." He said enveloping me in a hug.


I cried in his chest till darkness engulfs me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.05.2018

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