
Author's Note

This book is a work of fiction. I used my imagination.


Thank you for reading.


As a new writer, review would be much appriciated.


All rights reserved.






I sit down on a plastic chair in my University cafeteria with a tedious expression on my face. I should be studying for my practicals which are next week, yet here I am waiting for my bestie who talk me into coming to uni today. I should be cramming for viva not sitting here, twitching nervously. Ughh..Damn her.


I flick involuntary glances over the cafe with a hope to find a face which I know but it's a hapless attempt until my best friend Jasmin burst from the door of the cafe and I brighten considerably. She is my best friend since FE and also my first friend at upenn. It's been a year now. Though, it feels like we were together since toddlers.


She has a dark blue scarf covering her hair today and it looks such a contrast with her fair skin. Her light brown eyes twinkled as she swept her gaze through the café, finding me quickly. She is certainly good at that.. finding people. No one as in no one can hide from her gaze even if they want to. She is also good at making friends unlike me. Though, it’s mostly because of her way with words apart from her looks which is a big plus. Whereas, most people think of me as a weird teen with ripped jeans and loose t-shirts. Not that I give a damn.


I am sitting at the farthest left corner of the Cafeteria looking at my bestie who hurriedly comes to me and hugs me. I roll my eyes at her.


"Am I late, Sam?" Jess whispers in my ear feigning innocence and sit down next to me. I shoot her a sharp look.


"It's not my fault. Don't shoot death daggers at me. That teacher of mine just didn't let me go till I finished my practical." She pretends to be in pain with my daggers. Then I laugh and she joins me. It is too damn difficult to be mad at her for long when she is acting cute.


"What you were doing?"


"Waiting for my order to arrive. What’s with the others?"


"What about me?" She asks with puppy dog eyes.


"I ordered for both of us, Jess." I say with a 'duh' tone.


"Ohh..You are AWESOME." She says pulling one of my cheek. I just nod because I have already heard it - a thousand times - whenever I do something for her. She starts babbling about her day and every single detail in it including that most of our group is not on campus today and I noted the main reason she invited me to come. The sly. She is really very talkative. I give her some of mine because I'm a silent type of girl. To be honest, I prefer my own company, reading a novel, curled up in a cozy chair.


Later, I hear my name from the direction of the counter which means our food is ready and Jess gets up and head towards the counter because I never do that - carrying the tray - thing. She arrives two minutes later with our tray of yummy food, At least it's looking yummy. She gives me my sandwich with grilled veggies side dish and coke. I dig myself into my food.


On approximately my third bite, I hear a gasp of astonishment beside me. I look at Jess, She is gaping and then to the direction of her eyes follows to see what shocked her this much.


An involuntary gasp leaves me too.


There's standing a guy, owner of an angelic face and taut muscular body to match his persona. He's really too very handsome to fit even in SEAS with a fair skin accompanied with eagle eyes, straight nose and slighting pouty pink lips. He's tall, dressed in a pure white button down shirt with it’s hands folded up to his arm and faded blue jeans with unruly jet black hair. If you ask me I think I have never seen a guy like him, except of-course in movies or on the cover of a fashion magazine. He has to be a model and I don't have any idea why dis god-like man is doing engineering. I shake my head, disturbed at the direction of my thoughts.


Someone calls my name and It broke my trance or whatever daydream I was in.


"Sam, Are you alright?" I don't get why she is asking me this type of idiotic question when she is with me the whole time. So, I put on a confuse look.


She giggles. "You were staring at him like a hawk." pointing with her nose in the direction where he's standing.


I ignore her comment but It takes a moment for me to find my voice.


"I was not." She just looks at me like 'seriously!  you can't fool me' expression mark on her face and I give-in. We giggle like those Asian girls, when they see some hot guy.


When I pluck up the courage to look at him again, he's giving his order smiling sweetly at the cafeteria lady. I just skip a heartbeat with probably her joining me if her dumbstruck state is anything to go by. You are too old for him, lady. Not that anyone can blame her. He is just too pretty.


I shake my head at myself, not getting as to why I'm behaving like those stupid girls who fans themselves whenever they see some hot guy. I'm certainly not like them, not used to these foreign feelings.


"So you like him, don't you?" My face whirls to Jess with eyes wide. There’s even a crack sounded in my neck.


"Just asking, Ricky Bobby."


"I'm a tom boy type of a girl." I said with an exasperated look so she can not get on top of my head.


"So what?" She narrows her eyes at me. ”Until of course if you say.. you have feelings for girls..” She takes on a teasing note and I slap her upper arm.


Okay, Now I get that she's so not going to back down. I think about one of my favourite motto 'If you can't beat them, join them'.


"Yes, I think." I reply truthfully and for some inexplicable reason I find myself blushing. Jesus almighty, What is wrong with me.


"Me too." We laugh at that. Both of our choices are that common that we always like the same guy. I mean seriously, 'always'. As if she has a rank of 700 in liking and I like 7 guys then those 7 guys are also on her list of 700.


"I knew that, already." I say with obviousness, rolling my eyes.


She likes every other guy who is somewhat handsome. She winks at me with a smile which played on her lips every time we talk about guys and stuff. I keep my face impassive but can't help the given situation, wink back.


I'm seriously relieved because Jess is what you can call a Wikipedia of uni and whenever she likes someone she elicit all their information from her hidden sources which are obviously her friends at higher positions. I don't know why but I actually want to know about him. There’s something there I can’t put my finger on yet. Some sort of curiosity and eagerness to know more about this Greek god-like creature.


I glance over at him. He's eating his food yet standing. That means there's no place left in cafe to land his hot ass on, flooding with teens because of the main break. I feel sad for him but I recover quickly dragging my wayward attention back because my mom says I'm an open book. And certainly don't want Jess to get on top of my head again.


I look at her and she's also staring at him. The keyword is “also” with all the other girls taken into consideration in my peripheral.


"Jess, STOP checking him out and eat." I half-scream like talking to a child pointing my index finger to her plate.


She pokes her tongue out at me. Can’t fool her. She probably knows I was also doing the same deed as hers.


"You don't have to SCREAM at me. I'm sitting right next to you." She says screeching 'scream' near my ear.


I just nod biting the inside of my cheek to prevent the smile from forming and help myself with my food. She starts eating too. When we finished I take both plates and dump the remains.


I turn to look at him; he's leaning against the wall beside the counter with one hand on the wall not specifically looking at someone. It's distracting because he really is looking very, very attractive. I end up standing there gazing at him like a fool until the bell rang....I really need to get out of here before anyone sees me and make an ass out of me.


"C'mon Sam, let's go." Jess drags me along with her by my hand. We head out of the cafeteria and the metallic door closes behind us...






I pulled my waist length hair into a messy bun on top of my head as I hop down on my cozy wooden chair in-front of my computer cum study table and turn on my PC. It's been three days since I last started it. I plug in the internet cable and log in. I have not checked my fb account since last week. So, I'm pretty much excited to see what's going on my page.


I have a lot of requests, messages and notifications. I go with the last thing first and lastly I check the requests. Many of them I don't know so I delete them. I only accept requests of friends whom I know personally. Flicking through the requests I bump on someone named 'Zayn Malik'. I am going to delete his request too when I see we have a mutual friend which is from my college. So, I open his profile and shock fills my senses. My heart is pounding. Holy Moses.


He's the one whom I have seen three days ago in my college cafe. Me and Jess searched for him two days until today in college with no luck. Yet here he is. No guy has ever affected me the way Zayn has, and I cannot fathom why.


I just can't hold back my smile which spread across my face from ear to ear. I quickly make my way for his pictures and though they don’t do him justice they are awesome. I go through all of them but one of the pic I like the most.


In that he was in a mall with the same shirt I have seen him, holding his cap's front end which have written 'batman' on it and a slight smile on his angelic face. My stomach gets all fluttery after seeing that pic.


What in heaven's name was this all about? Get a grip, Sam!


I quickly save it before guilt can creep into my conscience and take it in my cell phone to show it to Jess and to tell her that I accepted his friend request(Girls just don't accept the truth without proof). Oh, Jess is going to be so jealous. I feel a pang of sympathy.


I am going through his page when a message pops up on my monitor. I close my eyes and take a deep, purifying breath to control my excitement.


It's from him.


I wait for a minute before opening the chat box. A girl should never look to eager. It’s like some girl code or something. I frown at myself. Since when did I become so tacky? I shake my head and went on reading his message.


March 21


Zayn: Hi


me: hi


z: v r in d same clg


m: yeah I know

you don't know me though,do u?


Of-course he doesn’t know you fool. You aren’t famous. I chided myself.


z: no i dnt knw u


m: yeah..me2


I feel a little smug typing it.


z: Is it ok?


m: yes

v r in same clg as u pointed


z: lol right

wch branch n year?


m: SE comps.. u?


z: SE mech


I feel a strange relief knowing it. It would have been a little awkward to crush on if he has been in first year.


z: so what is ur result if u don’t mind me asking?


m: All clear


z: wow smart girl...

y dnt u take classes

u can teach duffers like me


m: how can I..

I hate teachers myself


“Though I can make an exception for you”, I want to say but I don’t.


z: datz not ur fault

v r in engineering


m: yeah..ri8

n I'm also of ur type


No..i do not say it as a double meaning.


z: no.. u r super grl..


m: I didn't buy books yet and exams are just on the corner.


z: wow...interesting

den u r writing books urself...


m: ofcrs not -_-


z: den maybe u go to library when clg ends everyday.. :D


m: lol


z: haha..I saw ur pics

n der is a girl in mech who is like u

I mean thin like u..Bruce Lee ;p


He is so calling me names and it just what five minutes of talking. He certainly proves me wrong. I thought of him as a flirt and he happens to be.. fun. Don’t know if it makes me feel better or worse though. If he has seen my pics then he know I’m tomboyish. I hope it not influenced him. Though that wink has to count for something, right? I scratch the back of my neck and think about a smart mouth comment.


m: I go to martial arts so u can call me that



z: Have u swore to scare me? :O

first all clear and now dis


m: yep..ri8


z: den plz forgive me

if I hv done any mistake.. ;p


m: oh.. that’s better ;p


z: if any girl tried to flirt with me den I'll surely tell u her name :D


m: kk..done

I would like to break someone's bones


After I wrote it I knew this sentence isn’t entirely a joke but it surely is incomplete because I don't have the nerves to complete it. I would like to break that girl's bones who would try to flirt with you or get close to you. I don’t know what’s bringing these thoughts on. I have never felt possessiveness over someone.


z: yaww.. :O

no..let it be ;p


m: okk.. :D

now gotta go..ttyl


z: okzz..


ws nyc talking to u....


m: same here


*log out*


Holy Shit, I hate myself for doing this. I don't want to go anywhere just to huddle here and talk to him all day but I do not want to sound overzealous and neither want to come on him full force. I am talking with him for the first time for Christ's sake, I have to act decent. And secondly, I just could not believe this. I seriously talked with him and he talked damn nice just as his looks. I wanted to ask him that why he didn't come to college for two days but then It will be too soon to ask this type of personal question and feeding my stalker tendencies. I valiantly attempt to calm down and gather my thoughts. I shake my head. Holy crap, what was that?


I look at the clock and it says thirty past eight. I shut down my pc and turn air conditioner on and lights off. I spread on my bed X-like with a smile to brighten all state. I'm way too much confused about my heady mixture of feelings. As sleep consumes me I dream about fighting ninjas.


I wake up groggily and check my cell phone. I scowl at it. It flashes 7:15 am on it. Damn my alarm clock to hell it just doesn’t know how to behave. I have had set it up for 6:45. Now I'm going to be late as seventy five per cent of the time. I hastily make my way to the bathroom all the time cussing my alarm clock. I get ready in 10 minutes. Gathering my books and pushing them in my satchel, I head out the door pulling at my jeans.


It's a quarter to eight when I arrive. I scurry over to my seat and sit down. Jess arches her eyebrows at me and then looks at me from corner of her eye with a question in her eyes that's supposedly why I'm late. I just ignore her. It’s not like she doesn’t know the answer. The lecture went smoothly then though the professor gave me sharp looks which I ignored as well. When it ends, I stuff my things in my satchel when someone nudges my back from behind. I whirl quickly.


"God, you scared me shitless you fool." My hands go naturally towards my heart.


"Don't be chicken." Jess says with a ghost of a smile in her expression. I keep my face impassive and start walking out.


"Okay. You are no chicken. Why so late?" She drapes her arm around my waist.


I gave her look and she nod sympathetically. I’m not so sure if she finds it funny or not to ask me that question every alternate day.


"I have a newz." She says with a smile crinkling her eyes at the corners, a greedy look on her face. My eyes get bigger because I wanted to say the same thing. But I content my surprise.




"Any guesses?"


"Will u tell?" I question her question.


"I saw him -- that hottie -- from cafe." She says jumping up and down.


"When?" I say without showing much curiosity.


"Today, morning, at the entrance. He was with his friends. Why you are not surprised at all? We were searching for him madly like last three days if u remembers." She shakes me not happy with my less enthusiasm. And I feel bad for not telling her right away about that. I should have messaged her.


"Because he is my friend now and I don't have to keep an eye on him from far." I smile an apologetic smile which was not-so-apologetic.


"WHAT? how?" She grips at my upper arm and We abruptly come to an halt.


"Jeez. It's not a big of a deal. He sends me a friend request and I accepted it. Nothing else." I say each word slowly to calm down her nerves.


"And when did all this happen?" She asks accusingly crossing her arm over her chest.


"Woahh..Calm down Ricky Bobby. Yesterday."


"You talked with him?" She looks me directly in the eye. My face turns scarlet. "Didn't you." Not so much question anymore.


I just nod out of words.


"You are blushing."


"IYD" Holy Crap. I wish I could lie but my face always gives me away.


"Oh, I am so JEALOUS but happy for you. Now This is going to be a news" We hug and start walking hand in hand. All hiding forgotten for the time being. She is my dearest friend.


"So, can I take your phone for two minutes?" She smiles her sweet smile and I know instantly where she's heading with this. I want to show her his pic but It's not the right time.


"No, Jess."


"I just want to read." She begs with puppy dog eyes.


"I know that that's why 'NO'. A big no. There is nothing special."


"Then too. I'm your best friend and no hiding of information among BFFs." She held her hand up for my phone which is in my hand. But, before she try to snatch it I start to run and she chase me down the hallway. We are so not acting like the responsible students that we are. What are we by the way..five?


"You can't do this with me. You know I'll catch you." Her voice fades as I run. I'm much faster than her.


"Will see you at lunch." I yell while running and laughing in-between my panting breaths. Of-course she hear that because I can hear her curses behind me across the hallway.







Today is my internal exam so I get ready real quick. I restrain my hair in a tight ponytail wearing my ironed blue semi-sleeves shirt and dark brown trouser. I check in the mirror before heading out. Wow. I look presentable.


I go directly into the lab which is on the ground floor in my college. The teacher arches her eyebrows as I stand self-consciously before her. I smooth one of the escaped tendrils of my ponytail behind my ear as I pretend she doesn't intimidate me. To be honest, I hate external vivas. She hands me my sheet. Thanking her, I walk over to seat with my group.


The presentation starts half an hour after I entered. We all are divided in groups for giving ppt and Jess's number is not in today's list. So, she has the day off.


When my number came it's already afternoon. My ppt goes well and the teacher remarks me by writing 'good' in her general. I inwardly sigh. I shove my file in my bag and head out. I feel drained and very exhausted. I have never been comfortable with one-on-one conversations where I sit twitching nervously and twiddling my thumb, always preferring the anonymity of a group discussion where I can sit inconspicuously at the back of the room where no one can see me. I take an enormous sigh of relief. It's over now. One down five to go.


I take a cab outside of my college and head home.


I'm agitated to be out of the house. I ring bell three times. My mom opens the door and smiles brightly after seeing it's me. I smile a weak smile and enter.


"Hey hon, how's your exam went?" She asks genuinely curious.


"Went well. I secured an 'A'." I make my way to my room.


"Aren't you going to have supper? It's evening now." I'm not in the state to answer. I'm exhausted. I go straight in the bathroom and dress quickly in my PJ's and lie down on my bed.


I wake up disoriented. It's dark outside. I look at the wall clock it shows 8:30 which means I slept for more than two hour. I leap out of the bed to gargle and come back to my room and turn WiFi on.


I unlock my phone and frown. There comes raining messages from my friends. I check the notifications and there’s a message from Zayn. My heart leaped in my mouth. I open the messenger; It comes half an hour ago.


*Facebook messager*


March 23


Zayn: Der


Me: Hey


I'm going to wait for his reply but it comes instantly. Nice thing.


Z: Today I saw a girl like uh


M: Oh..really?


Z: In computers lab

I swear


M: Yeah..It was me

But I didn't see u?


Ughh..fucking hell. Life isn’t fair. I missed the chance of seeing him.


Z: I was going to pay the fees den suddenly I saw u

But I told you already I'm a bit shy..


M: Shy? U didn't tell me dat


Z: and der were lots of girls in der

ohhk..I'm telling now den


M: kk


Z: Why u didn't come outside?


Oh, Is that means he wanted to have a word with me. Yippee. My inner self is doing tango.


M: I didn't see u..Datz what I'm telling


Z: I was in black

U was wearing red?


M: No



Z: I was in hurry datz why I didn't get the colour right.

So U truly didnt see me ?


M: U think I was ignoring u?



If you think that then you r a monkey's uncle.


Z: Nope..I know u will neva do dat get that right manh.


M: How come u know dat?


Z: I read ppl by their chats :D

But dunno howz u wid others


He guessed right. I am not usually rude with others but I do have a headstrong attitude.


M: Gud..awesome skill

thumbs up


Z: yeah enough...don't start pulling my leg now


M: hehe


Z: I know u like to do dat


M: I know u like to dat too

Now gotta go

dinner time


Z: okay. Gn


*log out*


This is really something. I think I'm already head over heels and now that I know that he wants to talk to me and he saw me today its going to difficult controlling my foolish heart.







I put on my nude lip gloss and pout at myself in the mirror. I have made an effort and wear my one and only black tights and off shoulder white sweater with black and white striped top underneath.


I nod at myself. This is the best I can come up with. I looked behind me at my favourite boyfriend jeans. I miss you buddy. I really do.


I hear the bell rang.


I climb into my sis’s pump which she lends me. May I add, forcefully?


I scuttle off towards the door, twisting my ankle three times in the process. I open the door and standing there Noah wearing a smug smile on his face. I smile back at him, a slightly flustered. He is wearing the dark blue denim and a black t-shirt with leather jacket. Leather suits him.


"Hi" He says softly.




"You look gorgeous."


"Thanks and you look mighty fine."


"That's a nice compliment one could give." His eyes dance with amusement.


"Shall we go?" He murmurs.


I put my index finger up showing him to wait just a second and close my door. I kick off those pumps and open the cabinet beside the door. I quickly collected my sneakers and wear them.


As I open my door, he grabs my hand and leads me up to his car. He, like a gentleman opens car's door for me, and I climb in as lady-like as I can manage. He moves fluidly to the driver's side of the door and closes the door behind him.


I see a motion in my house and there's standing my mom. I wave a goodbye at her and we speed up.


I glance at him from the corner of my eyes. Both of us being quiet give my mind to drift off. He is a sweet guy and a college hunk too. He asks me out some days ago when we were walking down the street to home and I said yes because I saw him talking to Zayn and I could subject him to telling me about him. I just had to flirt a little which is a tiring job for me as I am not a girly girl. How stupid of me to subjecting myself to this ordeal. I know he is nice but I don't know him that much to come out with him.


"We are going to watch FF7 if that's okay with you." His voice startled me from my deep thoughts. That's nice. At least we are not watching a romantic movie. I don't want to give him wrong signals although it's a date. And secondly, I don’t want to puke. I’m totally into action and horror movies.


"Of-course, it is. I love FF series." I grin at him and he too looks pleased.


He leads the way and I follow him suit. Although it is FF7, the theatre is deserted. There are utmost 20 peoples in there. Holy hell. I feel a pang of insecurity but I shook it away shaking my head. We are in the third last row and there are three men in the last row. The movie has been already started when we sit down on our respective seats. I straighten my sweater and wear my 3D glasses. It's fun. I have not been to movie since my practical exams. He cracks jokes in-between making me laugh.


He is a nice guy.


After-awhile he holds my hand but I don’t protest even though I want to.



It's a date duh! At-least for him, it is. Behave like a sane person, Sam. It's not a big of a deal.


He put both of our hand in my lap, the whole time talking. He brushes his hand against my thigh. It doesn't go unnoticed by me as he expected. Though I don’t behave like a sane girl, I know the tricks. What I'm not comprehending is that Why is he doing that? I put his hand back on the armrest. He again do that and now it is unacceptable. I removed my glasses.


"Keep your hands to yourself." I say sharply.


"What? Is there any problem in that?" He says innocently while removing his glasses and I mentally kick myself for being rude. He doesn’t even get that? I'm the one who thought he is doing that intentionally.


"Oh, I thought you are doing that on purpose. I'm sorry but don't do that. It makes me uncomfortable."


"You haven't done anything wrong to apologize. But it's a date so Is not it allowed some?"


Holy fuck. I surely given him wrong signals or mixed signals.


"No. It's not."


"Why so?"


Crap. Now, I have his undivided attention as he arched his eyebrow at me.


"What do mean by that? It's a more of friend's out than a date and secondly we are just friends." I air quote the last two words. I'm a little overacting but I can't help it.


"So, then why you came on a date if it's not a date." He says with a smirk. His exterior is one of calm but I know he is seething with not-so-calm underneath. His dark eyes watch me intently and I squirmed under his gaze.


I'm speechless. Out of words. My mind went blank. How can I tell him about Zayn? and I'm very bad at lying.


"I..I..I came because you are my friend since first year and I trust you....completely." I stutter. At-least I came up with something though it is stupid.


I check his reaction in the dim light for some clue. But, comprehending his reactions it is obvious that He didn't buy my clarification. It's absurd anyways but I can’t come up with any better than that.


"Really?" He says with a wicked smile. I haven't seen him like this. He is always nice and helpful.


Now, I'm definitely scared. He is not buying it. My palms get sweaty. 'Calm down, Sam. Calm down'. Reciting this mantra several times I try to look intimidating. But one look at his face and anyone could guess that he knows I'm scared. I try wholeheartedly not to look scared. Guys take that as their victory and I can't let him savour the moment.


Such an Asshole. How can I be so stupid to get into his trap all by myself? All that niceness and helpfulness had a reason. This reason.


He move closer to me in his seat. I look frantically all around myself, bewildered. Why I let myself get in this messed up situation?


He gets closer, putting his arm around my waist. I try to push him away but he doesn't even budge a little. His other hand came up at my chin tipping back my head. I try to jerk away but his hold is firm.


"Noah, what are you doing? Are you out of your senses." A statement more than a question. He doesn't reply just push me against him. Holy fuck. He is going to kiss me. I don't want this. I try to scream but my voice get caught in my throat.


I shut my eyes tightly to shake off his image so close to me. There is nothing I can do to change my fate now. It is inevitable.


"No." I plead. I feel his breath on my face.


"I think Sam said no." As the voice landed on my ringing ears, simultaneously to the voice I feel him going backwards as if he is falling. His hands no more gripping me. Hallelujah!


I open my eyes which have tears in it. I blink it several times to make an eye contact with my saviour. Holy Moses.


"What the heck? Who told you to intrude?" Noah glowers but doesn't try sit up. He probably knows what’s best for him.


"You Asshole. For this show you told all of us to come. How could you dared to force yourself on her? This is what you meant when you said the movie is gonna be rocking?" He is furious to say the least. In the dim light, I see that he doesn't blink once. He is torturing him with his eagle eyes.


He pulls Noah up with his shirt's collar with only one hand. He fisted his other hand to pound on Noah’s face or stomach. Holy Shit. I have to stop this. I think he is the one overreacting now.


Before, I can possibly say something to stop him. His fist lands squarely on Noah's face with enough force to knock him out.


I stare at him in horror. His gives me one cold stare and grab my hand. We are going out in the very next second. I stun.


"We will handle here." I hear his friend's saying from behind but he doesn’t even acknowledge that.


We come out in the fresh evening air in the parking lot. We stop and he turns me to face him.


"Are you alright?"


"Y...Yes.I..I think I am." Taking in his reaction he looks more worried than I'm. He is petulant.


"Good god. Now wait here. I'll be back in a second. You will be good, right?" Will I? I stare at his face which is angry but worried too.


"I'm sorry." I mutter in a low voice staring down at my hands, twiddling my thumb.


"What’s your sorry for?”


"Because, I have done the stupidest thing coming out with someone whom I don't know quite much mainly." Hot tears roll down my cheeks.


I look at him anxiously. Will he forgive me? will I?  His face transforms from angry to gentle in a second.


"Everything is under control now. Nothing happens. Forget it." He flashes his crooked smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. I smile a small smile. At-least he is not angry anymore.


"And BTW you are going to be happy now." A look of confusion crosses my face.


"How come?"


"You are gonna get a ride with me home. See how lucky you are. It's not a chance one could get easily." He winks then. I laugh brushing my tears from my chicks with the back of my hand in unladylike way. He really knows how to make a girl smile.


He comes to a halt in-front of me in a few minutes with his brand new Ducati. I think He is super-rich. It's Intimidating. I have a fair share of knowledge about sports cars and bikes because of my dad’s passion for speed and I thought only racers could truly exploit this bike, or had the balls to.


"Enjoying the view?" My eyes snap at him. He has a smug smile on his face.


"It's breathtaking. A thing of outstanding beauty."


"I know. It's my love. Now if you have done admiring. Will you sit?" He’s cocky. I like it. I sit and he starts it.


"I think you have to grab a handful of me or you will fly away when I speed up." He says watching me from sideways.


"Please. I'll manage. No need to worry." I say with mockery. What does he think of himself? He laughs.


"As you say then." He says again glancing sideways.


"Will you please concentrate on the road or you will kill both of us." I say loudly.


He speed up and we hit the highway in less than a minute. It's like talking with air.


I love the feel of air around me. Mind-boggling. My hair whizzed in all directions. They are going to be wayward and messy. We are whooshing past vehicles. Tears are spilling from my eyes due to the speed.


"You need to slow down. There is traffic ahead."


"I can't hear u?" He says by glancing at the rear-view mirror, pointing his index finger to his ear and then swaying thumb from side to side.


I give him an eye and he give me a lop sided grin. He turna his head to the right side marginally.


"Now say."


"What to say. You are going to be the death of us. Look ahead." I touched his cheek and turn his head. I move my hand jerkily. Touching him runs an electric spark down my spine. What is wrong with me? He doesn't point it out just laugh at my self-preservation tactic.


He hit the break at last moment which causes me landing my face on his hard back. I pushed myself away by shoving my hands on his back. Ouch, my nose hurts.


"Your bad. I told you to cling to me. Now pay for your deeds." He laughs aloud which rise my temperature.


"I'm not a laughing stock here. It's your damn fault." I say with a stern look. He stops laughing altogether.


"Okay. Okay. Hot tempered woman. Don't give me that look."


"I'm not that." I cross my arms over my chest and look in the other direction. I'm mad now. He sighs and runs his hand through his silky black hair. It gets me distracted. Oh, How it will feel like to do that.


We kept silent then. He takes a flyover and halfway through it gets freaked out. I straightened my back to reach up-to his ear.


"Oh fuck."


"What happened?"


No answer. I know he heard it.


"I said what happened? You are making me worried."


"Nothing." He says sternly. Oh god men. Why they have to be that stubborn?


"Can't you answer straight once."


"You will get hysterical."


"I have already passed that stage a while ago at movie. What can be as bad as that?"


"Okay if you insist." At last. "We took the wrong bridge." This is the second bombshell in less than an hour.


"What?" My eyes widened.


"Yes. You heard me right. All thanks to you."


"Me? What I did? I'm not the one who is driving."


"But you fight with me. And that distracts me. We had to take the second bridge but we took first."


"Wow. What a reason. Full marks."


"Now don't be sarcastic and mean and accept your fault." This is too much? He is blaming me for this too.


But, I'm not in the mood to fight. I checked my watch. Holy hell. It's already past the movie time. I have to deal with mom now. This is all so fucked up. Why I can't just be at home?  Outing is not for me.


"What to do now?" He feels my distress.


"Don't worry. I know this road. We will turn when we will see a U turn."


"Yeah. Okay. Then why are you so disturbed?"


"Because I don't think this road has any. It will lead us straight to my home."


"Your home is far away from mine, right?"


"Yeah. It'll take us one hour at average speed." My eyes welled up. Mom is going to kill me now. My head starts to throb as the realization knocked me out of wind. Mom wouldn't approve of this escapade. Im not even eighteen yet.


"Sshh..Don't worry. I'm not kidnapping you. I'll take you there within 20 minutes." He says but it comes up as a promise. I feel relived momentarily. I don't know him as such but I do trust him. I press my head on his upper back briefly trying to control my speeding heart. I close my eyes.


We are on familiar lanes when I peer out. My eyes lit up as I see my home within eyesight range.


"We are home." He beamed and peer at his expensive watch. "That too in 18 minutes." My eyes widened at that statement.


"Yeah. Well done. Thanks for the help." I said with awkwardness but a genuine smile. At a disadvantage of what to say more.


"No problem, cry baby. I get to drove my bike at high speed. It was fun for me." He gets his hands up as in victory. He is looking so care free now. Boys and their toys. I laugh with him.


"I better go now." I wanted to ask him whether he wants to come in but looking at the situation and night time I think the opposite.


"Yeah, of-course. Will see you around." He waves at me. I turn and walk away. He waits till I was under the safety of my porch then drive off.


Before approaching the bell I pray a silent prayer for this night to be uneventful. I have had enough already. I can't handle any more excitement now.


Let mother be asleep. Reciting this mantra over and over again I press the bell.


Ding Dong.


No answer.


Ding Dong.


I hear footsteps approaching the door and the door slide open. My knees go weak at the site.


Holy Hell.









Ugh...My personal hell on earth is my own room. Can you believe that? But woefully it’s true.


My mother punished me for coming home late and that to without any legitimate excuse for being late. She condemned me home arrest for whole damn two weeks with no phone but study. Isn't that remorseful? Where it leads me?


 It leads me in the library surrounded by textbooks, Grieving for my misfortune or cursing that one who is the cause of it. Don't get me wrong? I love books; it’s the engineering books I hate.


Just the sight of them makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. My group of friends laughed over my sorry face wholeheartedly and I ignore them as best as I could. Only library is the very place where they wouldn't dare to come. So, here I am sitting and trying to read maths.


Yes, you heard it right. Maths. I never solve the problems, just read and understand. I don't cram too. It's not my style. So, I attempt, once more, to understand the problem on first page. I see a movement at my peripheral vision and the next second a chair hoist by my side. I close my eyes to grip a handle on my anger. Who dare to seat beside me?


"Hey Birdie." How can I forget that voice? It's like bells to my ears. A soothing melody. My anger subsides almost as quickly as it arises. I avert my eyes to look at his oh-so-handsome face. The mere sight of him is enough to make me faint or drool. Zayn. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.


"What? You don't want to say hi to me?" He says with mock anger as if I just insulted him.


"No. No...Yes...I mean hi." I say with confusion written on all over my face. Why I am always embarrassing myself in front of him? He trails his finger across his lips as if trying to suppress a smile making me flustered. I look down at my book making a clumsy action with my hand hastily, dropping it. He clasps it before it fully falling to the ground with a dull thud. I become increasingly flustered.


"Is it because I called you Birdie?" Yeah..Birdie. That's what he calls me now. First, Bruce lee then Bruce and now Birdie. Why? Can you conclude? He thinks I talk so fast that it sounds like chirping to him. I don't concur with him nevertheless he don't give a damn. So, He is going to pursue with calling me that. I thought about revenge after first three times and started calling him polar bear. He questioned why and It only took a moment's thought before I told him It suits him as he is fair and all and cute too.


As he brushes his finger over my hand, I feel an odd exhilarating shiver run through me and bring me back to the present. I move my hand rather hastily. He regards me shrewdly. Me and my wayward thoughts.


"Come back here, now."


"I'm already." I say then smile internally "Polar bear"


His expression changes subtly. Then, Deadpan.


"I'm not that. Homo sapiens calls me by different names such as teddy bear and all that girly stuff but not near anything what you call me."


"It suits you. Believe me."


"It looks like you think I'm fat and bulgy."


"If you think that, who I am to counteract your thoughts." I say sarcastically, don't want to see him proud and smug by saying It looks cute on him.


"Whatever." He says dismissing me. Oh, He just can't take others sarcasm.


"Oh, you just distract me from the topic at hand by your smart mouth. I searched you like everywhere and then your jerk friends told me you are hiding here. So can you honour me by telling about your little tale?"


"I'm not answerable to anyone." I smooth my hair behind my ear. He laughs at that.


"I knew that. That's why I asked your friends." What kind of friends does that? Telling everyone about my punishment. Now, He is going to laugh at me until He forgets. I will beat them all for sure.


"Okay. I'm not going to annoy you or laugh at you." This is something new. He always searches ways to irritate me since we became good friends. So I like the change for once.


"Really?" I search his face for any upcoming humour or rather sarcasm but come up with none. I smile and he looks pleased.


He just nods yet it makes my day. A whole day without his smart mouth comments about me. He tags along with me for the rest of the day.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.05.2018

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To the one true love of my life..

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