
The Sultry Vixen


In the darkly lit bar he sat in the same spot almost every night. As his nightly ritual never changed, after work he'd go to the local bar to down a few shots of liquor before heading home to his lonely apartment. After entering the bar, he let his eyes adjust to the smokey atmosphere until he was able to see clearly. He saw the usual patrons occupying their lonely seats with a shot glass or mug of beer in front of them. A deafening silence overtook the bar as he vaguely saw the back of someone in his seat.

Glancing over at the bartender, he noticed him divert his eyes as he pretended to wipe off the top of the bar. Many thoughts ran quickly through his head, 'like who was this person, and why were they in his favorite spot?' Tilting his head to get a better look, he moved his eyes up and down only to find out that he was looking at a female. The other regulars went back about their business, as he cautiously strolled over to where she was sitting in his spot.

Standing behind her, he noticed she had long blonde hair, and a scent wafting from her was some kind of exotic flowers. This female felt his presence as he stood inches away from her body. She subtly smiled then slowly raised the glass of white wine to take a sip, then she let out a deep sigh.

As he stood there, he finally got the courage to speak up saying “ Excuse me, but I do believe you are in my seat. So do you mind moving to another one young lady.”

She glanced up at him, then at the back of the chair replying “ Hmm, I don't see any name on the chair, so what makes you think it's yours?”

Being tired from work, he was not in the mood for any games. So he gruffly said, “just move!”

Sensing his testiness, she replied with a sweet smile “ I will on one account.”

Noticing she was trying his patience, he abruptly said “what's that?”

Again she took a sip from her glass, then looked him straight in the eyes, saying “Allow me to buy you a drink!”

Something about this females demeanor aroused him, throwing him for a loop. He stood there stunned by her request. Never had anyone, let alone a woman wanted to buy him a drink. He wondered what this woman was up to, more so he was curious to know more about her too. So he decided to let her buy him one.

He looked down at her and replied, “ okay Miss, just one.”

The female raised her hand to let the bartender know, then rose taking another seat. He noticed she was modestly dressed, so he assumed she wasn't a typical lady of the night. She had some kind of classiness about her, unlike the others that had frequented the bar.

As the bartender set the shot glass down in front of him, he asked “ Miss would you care for another glass of wine?”

She looked up at the bartender, and sweetly replied “ No, thank you sir, I'm fine.”

The bartender strutted like a peacock back to his station at the bar thinking ' nobody has ever called me sir before, finally some respect for the lousy job I have!'

The gentleman looked over at the woman as he took the shot glass and downed the stiff drink, then set the glass back down. While he did that she slowly picked up her glass to take another sip, gently setting it back down. The way she did this aroused him as he felt things stiffen slightly, as his eyes never diverted off of her, he yelled “ another shot Joe!”

Soon Joe brought him another shot which he downed quickly. It had been a very long time since any female gave his body this kind of feeling, much less paid any attention to him. He sat there pondering about what to say to the female sitting next to him. She noticed he was having a hard time speaking, so she glanced over at him and smiled.

Again he felt more than his temperature rising, so he adjusted himself in the chair. He started to speak, then motioned for the bartender to bring him a drink. Joe quickly brought him a beer, and he took a big swig. Then as he set the bottle down, he finally got the courage to speak “so what brings you to these parts?”

The female chuckled at his remark, again looked up at him and smiled. Her look sent goosebumps over his whole body, and chills down his spine? He thought to himself ' what is it about this female that gets me feeling this way'. Then he took another swig of the beer that was in front of him.

Breaking the silence that came over the bar, she mildly stated, “ I'm on a quest, a game of sorts.”

“Well then I guess I could help you out somehow” he stated in a matter of fact way.

She took a sip of her drink, then replied “ Is that so, sir?”

“Yes, of course, yet it depends on the kind of game you're playing. Let me introduce myself first” he began saying.

“Oh, I know who you are Ronald Jacobs” she said as a bright smile came over her face.

“Well you have me at a great disadvantage Miss. How do you know my name when I have never seen you before in my whole life. By the way, may I ask what your name is, and how do you know mine?” he inquired of her.

Again she took a sip of her wine, then gingerly set the glass down. She began to say back “ Well Ronald my name is of no consequence really, but if you must know it's Heather, Heather Vixen.

Ronald sat and wondered about things, making a mental note what her name was and how it resembled something sexual. He also wondered if it was her real name or a stage name, like some kind of porn actress. Surely she wasn't a local hooker, she looked far to classy for that.

He cleared his throat, then asked “ So Heather, you mentioned that you were on a quest, is that correct?”

“Yes, Ronald,” she quietly answered.

“May I ask what kind of quest it is?” Ronald inquired.

“Well, its ah.... sexual quest Ronald.” Heather stated.

When Ronald heard that he coughed slightly.

She continued “ Do you remember back about a month ago you saw a shooting star?”

Ronald quietly answered “yes”

“ Well, while watching it fly across the dark sky, you thought it was the most beautiful sight that you'd ever seen” she stated to him.

Ronald sat there briefly remembered that starless night, until he saw this brilliant glowing orb shooting across the black-blue sky. Something encouraged him to go outside at that exact same time as it brightly glowed, lighting up the night sky.

Ronald vaguely replied, “Yes I do.”

She continued to speak in what seemed like riddles to him, by saying “ Well you may find this hard to believe...... but I can't tell you specifically what I am really.”

He looked over at Heather, and said “ I don't get this, first you talk about shooting stars, and now you say or wont tell me what this is all about.”

Heather lowered her head, and quietly replied “ its complicated.”

“Okay Heather..... take your time in talking about whatever this sexual quest you're on then” Ronald exclaimed.

Now Heather was the one fidgeting in her seat. It wasn't supposed to happen this way, never before had a creature affected her this way. She was to be in another galaxy, a million miles away from this planet. But her curious nature got the better of her, and she saw this person standing in awe of what he was seeing in the night sky. It was her in the special pod that she traveled in throughout the various galaxies. Although she was not supposed to be in this sector, Heather decided a short cut to her next destination was in order.

Ronald glanced over at Heather as if waiting for her to say something. Then he looked at his watch to notice it was time for his dinner. He could leave and forget the beauty sitting next to him or invite her to come home with him. He opted for the second idea, because frankly how often does something like this happen to a man, any man.

Again he glanced down at his watch, then replied “Heather I need to get going, yet I don't want to leave you here alone either. So would you like to come with me, and have a bite to do eat, don't you?”

Heather looked over at Ronald while smiling, then replied “Yes I eat, and I would be very happy to accompany you to your abode. That is if you don't mind me staying with you a little while longer.”

“Well I can't rightly leave you here in this place; besides I have some questions I'd like to ask you still. Only I think they can wait until after we eat, and hopefully help you relax some more” he said to Heather.

Heather looked at Ronald coyly replying, “If you think it isn't going to put you out any. I'm sure I don't know anyone else, and I barely know you. Yet you are a kind person by wanting to help me.”

Ronald said “ Let me pay the bill, then we can be on our way. Do you have a coat or sweater, its a little chilly this time of the night. I'm usually home by this time, but I don't live to far so the walk should warm us up.”

They rose and Ronald went up to the bar to pay the bill. Joe gave him a look 'like good going man.'

Ronald just said “don't go there Joe!”

Joe shrugged his shoulders, as if it was none of his business- he was just there to serve drinks to the patrons. Ronald turned and took Heather by the crook of her arm and they walked out of the bar. By then most of the regulars had left, but the few that remained watched the two walk out into the night air.

In all the time Ronald had been coming to the bar, never once had they seen him leave with a female before, let alone one so beautiful. She had an out of this world look about her, and she was leaving with him. The other patrons had no idea just how right they were about her being out of this world, even the universe.

Leaving the bar, they walked down the street and headed for Ronald's apartment.


As Heather & Ronald arrived at his place, he pulled out the keys to unlock the door stepped back to let her in. He reached over and flipped the light switch to turn on the light. A loud gasp came from Heather as she saw the room brighten from the bulb in the lamp. As its illumination lit up the room, Ronald tossed his keys down on the table that was sitting next to the front door.

He turned her way then politely said “ Please make yourself at home, go sit down on the couch.

Heather looked around to see a long brown couch, so she went to sit down. As she sat there she glanced at every object that was in the room. Ronald turned to walk into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and as the light turned on he heard the female gasp again. Turning his head to see her eyes he noticed they were real wide, he closed the door to reopen it again and smiled as she watched in awe as the inside lit up again.

She moved to the edge of the couch and rose up, then walked over to where Ronald was standing. He took and opened the door, then explained “ See this switch here, it let's this light bulb go on. Then when you close the door it turns it off.”

Heather stood there watching this, then reached over to open the door for herself. Again she saw it come on, as she looked in to see the light bulb.

She exclaimed while turning her head to look his way “ Amazing Ronald, I have never seen such an amazing object before. Of course this is my first time on your planet, so what other wonders can you show me? Any other things that light up magically?”

Ronald brightly answered “ Why yes we have many things that light up on this planet. Go back and sit down, then I will bring the bottles of water in there. Then I will share this spectacular item of all that has people mesmerized for hours at a time.”

Heather replied, “ Okay, but I can't stay that long, so let's be quick about it.”

“ Oh this wont take long to show you, but why must you leave I mean you just arrived. Is it because you mentioned something about a quest of some sort that you were on?” Ronald spoke with a certain sadness, yet with a bit of curiousness too.

Heather smiled, happy that he remembered what she said at the bar, then went back to sit down on the couch Ronald had. He opened the refrigerator to retrieve 2 water bottles for them to drink. Then walked over and handed her one as he sat down next to her. She looked at the bottle and examined the container. He watched her for a moment before he took his own bottle and twisted the cap to open it. She watched in wonder, then looked at her own twisting the top off like he did. Heather followed him by putting the bottle to her mouth as she sensually took a drink.

As he sat next to her, he again got stimulated from her movements. He shook his head and began to wonder why this particular female affected him this way. As she set the bottle down, he picked up the TV remote and clicked the power button.

“Oh wow, how did you do this fantastic thing? How does this moving pictures appear in that box?” she excitedly asked.

Ronald laughed at the way the simplest things seemed to amaze her. He was taken aback by how she reacted, since he had always took these things for granted. From the light coming on to shine and brighten a room, to a light popping on to let you see the food in the refrigerator!
Not to mention that when you pushed a button on the remote for the television, to let you have mindless hours of entertainment.

He then turned his head to get a better look at Heather, again it was like a switch was turned on inside of him. His emotions were surging through his veins, causing him to fidget in his seat. He wanted so much to reach over and kiss her lips, yet he didn't dare for fear of what would happen. Instead he took a big swig from his water bottle. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed him drinking a lot of water all at once.

Giggling she turned to him and said “ I'm sorry if I make you nervous.”

All Ronald could do is sit as his cheeks turned bright red. Heather reached over to feel his cheek, she could feel it was hot to the touch. Removing her hand he replied “ I'm alright, just embarrassed, this is how we show it..... meaning us humans. Don't your kind show any emotions?”

Heather looked directly at Ronald, then smiled at him. This caused Ronald to sit up a little straighter on the couch. While he was doing that, she quietly spoke up “ I was designed or created for one purpose. Do you remember me telling you I was on a quest?”

As she said this, all he could do was shake his head 'yes.'

“ Well Ronald I am off to make someone's dream come true. The only catch is I can only be away for a few nights” Heather happily remarked as she tried to smile.

Ronald was enamored by this beautiful specimen sitting next to him. He was unable to move, or say another word; all he could was stare at her while trying not to show how turned on he was by her presence. Heather moved her focus back toward the magic box with the ever changing pictures! Every once in awhile she would turn her head toward Ronald to smile at him.

Finally he couldn't take it any longer, after picking up the remote he clicked the off button. He heard her gasp as the picture quickly disappeared, as if it vanished into thin air. She looked up from the television to Ronald asking “where did the pictures go from the magic box Ronald?”

“ I turned it off for several reasons Heather; not only are you driving me crazy with the way you look and smile, to the way you drink out of the water bottle. Besides aren't you on some sort of mission or quest? I don't think you stopped here to see the wonders my planet has..... maybe you could come back to my planet to see other interesting things!” Ronald said excitedly.

Heather sighed, then replied back to him “ oh that's right, I'm sorry Ronald. Your world is so wonderful, it amazes me. Sometimes I get carried away, it happens all the time and my kind say I am what you earthlings call 'scatterbrained.'”

Ronald tilted his head and said, “ well I think you are swell, and your amazement in our technology fascinating. We humans take so much for granted, that we expect things to either be there or readily available at a moments notice.”

Heather lowered her head then replied, “ I see yet I feel ashamed at my reaction. To tell you the truth I wasn't supposed to be in this sector of the Milky Way..... or universe for that fact.”

His reaction was to immediately reach over so he could raise her head to comfort her. As she slowly glanced over, Heather shyly smiled at him. He felt a warmth come over his body, so he moved in closer to her. She did not move, but kept a fixed look on the human male in front of her. Wanting to speak yet finding it very difficult, Heather just sat there looking into Ronald's eyes. As they gazed at one another he reached over to take one of her hands, then brought it up to his face to gently kiss the back of her hand.

A strange tingling sensation shot through her body, causing her face to turn an iridescent blue. Not expecting this sort of reaction, he dropped her hand and gasped in awe. She immediately grabbed his hand, then said “ Don't be frightened Ronald, this always happens to me when my sensory receptors have been enhanced or stimulated. You have not harmed me in any way, nor could you. Oh I'm not supposed to be mated with you....... yet when I saw you standing there..... well I just had to take a closer look at this earthly specimen. You intrigued me, Ronald Jacobs...... as I am sure I do the same for you now.”

He wasn't sure how to respond at first, then it sunk in that she was attracted to him this earthly specimen! The beauty that sat mere inches away was not human, but resembled one in all respects. It finally dawned in his brain, that she wanted to mate with him, or as some earthlings call it as 'having sex relations.'

Picking up her hand, he gently spoke to her asking “Just what do you mean by mating with me?” He needed a positive confirmation about what she was thinking.

“Oh dear, to put it in human terms- 'to procreate.' Remember me telling you that I was on a quest? Well I was supposed to be a million light years away in another galaxy, not here!” she answered in an outspoken way.

Ronald shook his head 'yes' as she glanced away. Sensing her sadness, he grasped both of her hands and as he did this her face began to turn an even brighter iridescent blue. Smiling at her face changing, he reached over to kiss her lips. The warmth emanating from her body soon began to coarse through his as they both became stimulated. He wondered if he should try kissing her again..... that's when she leaned over and planted her lips on his.

Moving in closer to her body, he could feel such an intense heat passing from her into him. It was almost an unbearable feeling, but Ronald couldn't pass up on this female! He would bear up under anything she had to share with him. As he sat feeling this heat almost fusing their bodies together, he tried not to move. Yet feeling the need for a drink, he grabbed his bottle of water, opened it and took a big swig.

While he did this her brain was searching for the objective on human sexuality. She stared off into space, as he took another drink to quench his thirst. Heather soon found what she was looking for, and toned down the heat processes her body was producing. She turned back to Ronald and saw that his face was flushed by her heat. She took one of her hands then placed it on his cheek, surprisingly it felt cool to the touch and soon his color was back to normal.

She looked at him while placing the other hand on his other cheek, replying “now you know why my kind are to stay away from humans. But I will do my best to control my emotions for you Ronald.”

Ronald looked at her, and said “ no it's alright Heather, just a little intense. So can I ask you how you mate with someone or being?”

Heather smiled then quickly replied “ For you the same as any humans mate. For other beings it depends on the species, it seems we have a stronger heat index than you humans do.”

“Okay,” then continued “So how would you go about mating or pro-creating with me? And please don't leave out any details, because if I am to perish at least I'll do it being happy!”

Heather laughed at what he just said, then remarked “it would be much easier to show you; except I need some sustenance or what you call nourishment before I continue with the mating process.”

Ronald exclaimed loudly “ oh where are my manners, I'm sorry Heather. Here let me go fix something that I know you might like, it will be ready in about 30 minutes. In the meantime you can watch more of the magical box. Here let me show you how to turn it on, then change the channels.

He proceeded to show her how to work the buttons, then before rising he leaned over to gently give her another kiss. Heather kissed him back sending a short burst of heat into his body. She could hear him moan with pleasure, then smiled. Thus knowing she had given him just the right amount of warmth.

He looked deep into her eyes, and said “I'll be done in a short time.”

Heather looked back at Ronald, then replied “ Okay Ronald!”

Getting up, he walked into the kitchen to begin preparing the tasty meal. While he did this, she sat pressing the buttons on the remote changing the channel. A few times she would stop to watch what was happening. Ronald heard her gasping a few times, then laugh at something she was seeing. Finally dinner was ready, and he called out to her.

“It's ready Heather, if you could bring our water bottles with you we'll sit at my dining room table and eat!”Ronald said loudly, then thought ' I hope it would do.'

Heather found the button that read on-off, and pushed it and the picture disappeared. She stood up and picked up both bottles, then walked to where the table was set. He had placed two candlesticks that glowed from the lit candles. As Heather came in, she shot a brilliant smile as she saw what he did in such a short time. Sensing the need to impress her, she let him pull out her chair so she could sit down.

She smiled, then sweetly replied, “ thank you Ronald.”

Ronald took a quick look around to make sure he didn't for get anything, then sat down himself. While sitting down she shot him a warm smile, which he again felt things rising up in his body. He wanted to feel this temptress in his arms yet he kept his composure. Starting in he described each dish that he prepared, “first we have yellow corn, it usually comes on a cob but this kind came out of a can. Then I made some macaroni & cheese for the main part of the meal, and to top it off a garden salad. I hope that everything is to your liking Heather, as I am not the greatest cook.”

Heather took a few bites of each item while shaking her head, saying “ it's very tasty, you seem to be good at this sort of thing.”

“Thank You Heather, since its only me here most of the time I eat what's the easiest to prepare.. Have you had earth food before, or is this your first time?” Ronald inquired in between bites.

After taking a drink to clear her throat of the food she'd ingested, she quietly spoke “first time.”

“Oh that's right you said earlier you weren't supposed to be in this area. So what types of food are you accustomed to eating?” Ronald asked again.

Heather laughed, then said “ you don't want to know.... its not nearly as appetizing as this earth food.”

“Hmmm,” Ronald sat back thinking about what could possibly be worse that some of the foods that humans have prepared. Many places actually eat live bugs, or most of an animals body like rodents, goats, and Yak. When he thought about eating some of these kinds, he got a queasy feeling and his body shook in disgust.

She giggled, yet kept eating the earthly food.

They soon finished eating, as he stood up he picked up the plates and carried them to the sink. As he turned back to Heather, he noticed her body glowing brightly.

She abruptly stated “Don't be alarmed, its our way of processing the food chemicals into our system. Since I ate most of the orange cheese I tend to glow a bright gold color. Now if I'd eaten more of the leaves that are green, I would have emitted an emerald green color. It's a simple process of how we assimilate the different features that every kind of food has.”

“I see, so what if you took in something in a dark color, would you emit a dark glow?” Ronald asked.

Heather smiled, then replied sweetly “ You know I'm not quite sure, and not sure I care for any dark colored foods because they are too depressing.”

“ Wow, I never thought about that before, its an interesting point of view. Let's go back into the living room and I'll put some music on. Then we can discuss more about this color changing your body seems to make” Ronald said.

After going back to the living room, she sat down and closed her eyes. Heather began to sway her head back and forth to the sound of the music he'd turned on. He sat watching her, and she could feel his gaze upon her. Opening her eyes she smiled, then leaned over to kiss his lips. He moved to get closer to her, while still keeping their lips locked together. Ronald soon felt her hands moving up his legs, thus making things began to rise.

She stopped kissing him, then quietly whispered “Is there somewhere we could be more comfortable at?”

Unable to speak, Ronald shook his head 'yes', stood up and took her hand to lead her into his bedroom. While he went to pull the covers back she had slipped her dress off letting it fall to the floor. As he turned around, Ronald was astounded by this naked form standing before him. Walking over to her he took her hand, to lead her to the bed where he laid her down. Then he quickly removed his clothing, then got on the bed next to her.

He leaned down to kiss her on the lips once again. Then slowly and methodically moved his hands over her mounds of flesh that lay before him. She soon began to turn a brilliant pink hue as he continued to feel her sweet tender skin in front of him. Heather let him touch every inch of her body, before attempting to touch his. Ronald did things that no other being had ever done to her, and she was really enjoying being touched in such a manner.

Soon it was her turn to touch his body, and find out what a human felt like. She first ran her hands up and down his arms, chest, face..... then down his legs. Then she went to examine his appendage, it felt stiffer than the other parts of his body exciting her to where a part of her own body became wet. Ronald took this cue and began to rub this wet spot, gently at first so she would get used to the feeling. As he massaged even deeper into her special hole, he kissed her mounds and any other place he could think of. As he was kissing and touching her she was turning all sorts of colors, which amazed him immensely.

Finally he stopped, looked at her then said “ I want to further taste you, is this alright with you?”

Heather answered “ please do what you want, I am yours for the night!”

Ronald replied “ I will not hurt you, in fact hopefully you will find it a most pleasant feeling Heather.”

He first kissed her luscious lips, then moved down slowly to her neck. While kissing here and there until he reached her very wet spot. Glancing up at her she was watching what he was doing; he slowly went to spreading her legs apart to sweetly kiss a spot that he was hoping to further stimulate her senses. Then he began the process that he always wanted to do for a female..... Ronald heard her moan and groan from what he was doing. Every once in awhile he would suck on a certain part of her anatomy, causing her to move her body up and down.

As he did this her body was changing colors so fast it was like an orb in a discotheque! He began sticking his tongue in the wet hole, then back to flicking her one spot over and over again. As an added bonus he sucked on that one spot, while sliding his fingers in and out of her hole. He did this until he felt she'd had enough, then kissed her colorful body as he moved back to her mouth and kissed her lips.

Then Ronald leaned up resting on his elbow, he asked “ have you ever felt that done before?”

All Heather could do is shake her head no, soon her body was back to its normal color. All she could do was look up at him and smile.

Then she asked “ is that all you humans do, or is there more? Could I possibly taste you.... or do you not like that done to you?”

A little stunned by what she asked, he queried with a little doubt in his voice “are you sure you want to do this, you don't really have to. I mean its not a part of what most humans like to do.” Yet in the back of his mind he desired that she would do this for him.

Heather sat up on the bed then happily replied “ I want to experience everything most humans do Ronald. So let me taste you, as you have tasted me. Although you might want to guide me, until I get the hang of what I'm to do...... though I'm a real quick learner.”

So Ronald talked her way through what she was to do and could do for him. Then he laid down on his back while she climbed between his spread legs. She grasped his soft appendage and gave it a kiss, just as he'd done to her. Then she began to take her tongue and slowly moved it around the tip, as she did this Heather heard a loud moan so she did it again. Again he let out a moan and grabbed at the sheets that lay under him. As directed she began to place her mouth over the appendage that began to stiffen up and proceeded to suck. Slow at first, because she didn't want to hurt him. Continuing she sucked and sucked, then as a surprise to him she moved to the round balls that were behind his hard appendage. She took one to begin sucking on, then moved to the other.

All the while Ronald was moaning and groaning. Being her first time doing this she was pleasuring him very well. Soon she moved back to his hardened appendage that she found was harder than before and sucked some more. Sensing he was about to explode, Ronald decided to stop her so he could put his shaft inside of her. If she were to have an earthly sexual experience, he would cum inside her and give his seed to her!

So he told her “that she did indeed do a fantastic job, and you are a very fast learner. Let's do something else that is just as nice to feel, and hopefully rounds out the sexual experience for you.”

She stopped to look at him, and inquired “ oh do I have to? As you do taste ever so good.”

Ronald replied “ Well I'm glad you do, but I need to share something with you to complete the procreation process. So why don't you get down here on the bed to let me climb on top of your body, and I will give you a magical feeling. I am sure you have never felt this before, or may never again.”

So Heather went to lay back down on the bed while he climbed up and spread her legs apart. While holding his shaft he slide it into her wet hole and began moving it in and out. He did that over and over until he released his seed into her body. Again he saw her changing an array of spectral colors that were abounding throughout her body. One final push is all it took for her to release an unexpected cry of relief. Ronald had done what no other being had been able to do for her either.

As he gently laid on top of her, he heard her quietly say “ oh thank you Ronald Jacobs. That was an awesome feeling, I should like to feel that again too.”

All he could think about was how he should be thanking her for the best night of his life. What he experienced was out of this world, and from someone he had never known before. They both laid there, and dozed off to sleep while he held Heather in his arms.

Ronald felt blessed by helping this female, at least in all respects that is what he assumed she was considered. Never once had the notion of her coming from another world had entered his mind. What did matter to him was that she was sexually happy and satisfied by her being with him- a mere earthling!

As the morning light came through his bedroom window, he began to stir. He reached over to pull Heather closer to him, but felt nothing. Finding her gone he began to wonder if last night was all just a dream, given the amount of alcohol he'd consumed. Looking around his bedroom, he saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Saying to himself ' wow if it was a dream, it's the best one I have had in a long time.... if ever!'

Getting up, he headed for the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. As he walked in he saw the dishes from the night before had been cleaned up and put in the drainer to dry. Ronald walked over to the cupboard to get out the coffee filters & coffee to make a full pot. Then after it completed its cycle, he poured some into a cup then took it into the living room. That's when he saw the slip of paper laying on the coffee table, under the remote. Ronald slowly picked up the note to read.

He read:

“Dearest Ronald Jacobs,

Although I was not supposed to be in this sector of the universe I'm glad I was. It was a night to remember, and one I hope you will never forget. You literally changed my perception of earthlings and you rocked my world! It may be some time before I get this way again, but when I do I'll make sure to come visit you! I am off to my original destination and hope I please this creature as much as you have done for me. My existence will never be the same after being with you! Again thank you Ronald Jacobs, sorry I couldn't say good bye to you as I was afraid things would begin again. I almost hate to go venturing to my destination, what was done to me will remain with me for eternity.

Heather, the Sultry Vixen”

Looking down at the note, he was relieved that it all wasn't a dream.

“So it had been all real, I was with the beautiful creature called Heather” Ronald said happily out loud.

To him life would never be the same, and no earthling woman could ever compare to how she was. As he sat sipping his coffee, he wondered if he would ever get to see the alluring Heather again, at least before he became an old man. So many things ran throughout his mind, as he sat and drank the rest of his coffee. He almost wished he'd invited her to stay, but was afraid it was impossible. For she had a higher purpose than to stay with a mere lowly earthling. And as she signed her note, he thought to himself ' she was indeed a universal vixen!


Would she ever come back, could she have gotten pregnant or was that even possible?
Some things will never be known, or will she come back to this sector of the universe to please Ronald again?


Texte: J.M Burlock
Bildmaterialien: stockfootage
Lektorat: QueenJen
Übersetzung: QueenJen
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.02.2013

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