
Just a Cowboy!

Just A Cowboy

He came riding
In one day
Upon a tall dark steed

He said, "I ain't nuttin' fancy"
I am what I need to be
But I'll give you what ya need

I live way up here
The boondocks it's called
Where the wolves are allowed to howl

By day I tend to onry horses
And rustle them there cows
But, there's more to my life than that

I'm really deep
And I am sensitive
I tend to really care about others too

I don't just do this cowboy thing
There's more to me than this
But, it's not such a terrible life you'll see

It's not so bad
The things I do
For heavens sake
I really like them too!


Texte: J.M. Burlock
Bildmaterialien: J.M. Burlock
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.09.2012

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