
Confessions from an Alien

Alien !

Oscar del Arenta


Intergalactic Message Log File
from Oscar Del Arenta

per the

High Command of the
Interplanetary Commission


Confessions of an Alien


Hello fellow beings!

I am above your lowly planet called Earth. It is one of the few planets in the Milky Way galaxy that inhabit these creatures, known as humans.

These peculiar beings are a strange sort who come in different colors. Why you ask, is something my people... er well, we aren't exactly people. But anyway is something totally different from what we really are.

We are- what we are, and that's that!! But these earthlings have deemed us as grays or aliens. Aliens mind you, like we are foreigners. You know that is what those dang Americans call people from another land. Oh , and don't get me started on the treatment they give them. It's just shameful, the way they push and prod these so-called aliens, like they were animals. Ha ha, up here you all look the same to me.

Oh yes, I neglected to tell you that I am in my spaceship. It's what you earthlings dubbed a pod- a space pod. It fits just two beings though. I would have brought a companion, but I sometimes like to make this trek alone. The other beings are forever asking questions about these humans, not just observing.

Like- why are they shaped differently? Or here's another good one too, What are they doing when their bodies are so close, surely they aren't fighting? Now how in the blazes should I know what these strange beings are doing. I would ask, but well you see what they did with Herman. Oh yeah, that's the one who was in Area 57, that's over in Nevada. They had him hidden away from the publics eyes. They moved him to another secret location.... I am not saying where cause duh, it's a secret.

Again you ask- 'How does he know where or what its called? Duh, we are a superior race, I am a super intelligent being and I can read the signs. So why on earth would a place need so many heavily guarded men if there wasn't something to hide? And you know what the kicker is? This army, the U.S. Army told everyone it was just a weather balloon, ha ha!

Like the people who saw Herman's spaceship were complete moron's. And the farmer or rancher that found the crash site was threatened with his life. I mean, tell me if it was just a stupid weather balloon, why did they tell him to keep his mouth shut? Interesting, huh! So idiotic for them to say that... but I guess Herman wasn't any better by getting so close to your lowly planet that he crashed.

I remember his last words were, I believe he said “ I'm going to find out what they are doing when two of those beings are together!” I told him a billion, zillion times- don't worry about it. But Herman's curiosity got the better of him, now he isn't doing anything. Just laying around being poked


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Jennifer Burlock
Bildmaterialien: Jennifer Burlock
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.07.2012
ISBN: 978-3-95500-014-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To all the ones who believe in space creatures! All illustrations are drawn and colored by the author.

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