



Leader: Firestar

Deputy: Brambleclaw

Medicine cat: Jayfeather

Apprentice: Rainpaw
Apprentice: Rosepaw
Apprentice: Mudpaw
Apprentice: Briarpaw
Apprentice: Toadpaw
Apprentice: Blossompaw


Mother of Spiderleg's kits:
Bluekit, Fernkit
Mother of Tanglekit



Leader: Blackstar

Deputy: Rowanclaw

Medicine cat: Littlecloud
Apprentice: Flametail

Apprentice: Sparrowpaw
Apprentice: Dewpaw
Apprentice: Mistpaw





Leader: Onestar

Deputy: Ashfoot

Medicine cat: Kestrelflight





Leader: Leopardstar

Deputy: Mistyfoot

Medicine cat: Willowshine
Apprentice: Petalfur

Apprentice: Hollowpaw
Apprentice: Troutpaw




Lake territory

Chapter One - Many new warriors

"Hey, Tanglekit! Come play with us!" Fernkit called to my kit, Tanglekit, and jolted me awake.
"Tanglekit is too young to play." I told her.
"No I'm not! I'm nearly an apprentice!" Tanglekit struggled out of the nest.
"Not for another few sunrises." I said to him.
"Oh, please let me play with them!" He begged.
"Oh, alright." I agreed, rolling my eyes.
I watched Tanglekit bound off with Fernkit's sister, Bluekit, and was about to try to get back to sleep, when Daisy said from next to me:
"It won't be long till those two are made apprentices."
I knew that by 'those two' Daisy meant Fernkit and Bluekit.
"Hi, Mosstalon. I brought you some fresh kill." Bumblestripe padded through the entrance to the nursery.
"Thanks." I thanked him before digging in to the squirrel he had brought me.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highledge for a meeting!" I heard Firestar yowl. I glanced at Tanglekit to make sure he would be okay without me before padding out into the clearing to see what Firestar wanted.
"The time has come for our apprentices, Rainpaw, Mudpaw, Blossompaw, Briarpaw, Rosepaw, and Toadpaw, to be made into warriors. Blossompaw and Briarpaw, Rainpaw and Mudpaw, Rosepaw and Toadpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your lives?"
The apprentices nodded, and then said that the did promise.
"Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your warrior names. Rainpaw, from this day on you shall be known as Rainclaw. Starclan honours your strength and determination." Firestar said the age-old words of a warrior ceremony, then did the same for Mudface, Blossomfall, Briarlight, Rosepetal, and Toadstep.
"Blossomfall, Briarlight, Mudface, Rainclaw, Rosepetal, Toadstep!" Bumblestripe started cheering, then the rest of the clan did.
"I'm so glad I'm

not in the warriors den anymore. It will be so crowded now!" Mousefur told them.
"Wait!" Firestar said "Before this meeting ends, there is something else I must say. Two of our kits have now reached their sixth moon. Bluekit, Fernkit, you will now become apprentices. Fernkit, from this day on, you shall be known as Fernpaw. Your mentor will be Spottedhead. Bluekit, you will now be Bluepaw. The mentor best for you is Mosstalon."
"What? But I'm still a queen!" I protested.
"Tanglekit is almost an apprentice, and you can still sleep in the nursery till he is made one." Firestar told me.
"Okay." I padded up to Bluepaw and touched noses with her.
"What shall we do first?" Bluepaw asked.
"How about I show you around the territory? I can show you the best places to hunt, and maybe then I could teach you how to catch prey." I suggested.
"Ooh! Okay! I'd love to see Thunderclan's territory for the first time!" Bluepaw squealed enthusiastically.
I led the way out of the thorn tunnel and into the forest.
"So where should we go?" Bluepaw asked.
"I'll show you the borders first." I decided.
"Oh! Look, Mosstalon! It's a vole! I'll go catch it!" Bluepaw told me.
"Bluepaw, wait! I haven't taught you the hunters crouch yet!" I called, but it was too late. Bluepaw bounded strait up to the vole, claws unsheathed, and scratched the vole's back. The vole darted into a small burrow.
"Oh, no! It got away!" Bluepaw said sadly.
"Well, how do you expect to catch anything if you haven't even learn't the hunters crouch? You stalk prey, not pad right up to it and scratch it!" I told her, but said it more in an amused voice than an angry voice.
"Sorry, Mosstalon. Can you teach me the whatsitcalled called crouch then?" Bluepaw asked.
"Oh, good. I have an enthusiastic apprentice." I joked and began to show her the 'whatsitcalled crouch'.

Chapter Two - Gathering

I padded along the lake shore, trying not to jump up with excitement. I could barely keep a serious face as I followed Mosstalon across the towards the gathering island.
"Hurry up, Bluepaw!" She called as she leaped up onto the dead tree bridge.
"Come on." Fernpaw gave me an encouraging nudge before following Mosstalon.
Summoning up all my strength, I leaped up onto the fallen tree and raced across. I was the last Thunderclan cat to cross, and I didn't want to be left behind. Suddenly, I felt my paws slipping. I saw the lake's water, black as the night sky, looming closer and closer...
"Look out!" I heard an unfamiliar cry and felt jaws gripping my scruff just before I plunged into the murky depths of the lake. My savior pulled me up away from the water and onto the island. I looked up and saw a muscular light brown tabby tom standing in front of me. From his scent I could tell he was from Shadowclan.
He looked to the heart of the island and flicked his tail towards where the other clans were.
"You'd better go join your clan." He said.
I entered the clearing and looked around. I noticed Fernpaw sitting beside Spotted head and Mosstalon, and went to join my sister.
"Where were you?" Mosstalon flicked my ear with her tail.
"Um, uh..."
What should I say? What will Mosstalon think of me if I tell her I fell of the tree bridge and had to be rescued by a warrior from another clan?

I glanced at the warrior who had saved me, and was surprised to meet his gaze. Is he looking at me?

I saw he was alone, and that Riverclan still needed to arrive. While I still had the time, I quickly darted over to him and said:
"Hey, um, thanks for saving me."
"No problem. I'm Ferretclaw. What's your name?" He asked.
"My name is Bluepaw. This is my first day as an apprentice. You seem like a brave warrior."
Ferretclaw shifted his paws uncomfortably. "Well, actually, this is my first day as a warrior."
"Okay Ferretclaw. Want to sit next to-" My meow was cut off by a yowl from another cat.
"Riverclan's here!"
"Oh, um, I'll go." I told him.
As the gathering was starting, me and Ferretclaw kept on exchanging awkward glances. Ferretclaw seemed special, I wasn't sure how, but he just did.

Chapter Three - Dawn patrol

The next morning, I woke up early. I stretched and yawned, and tried to get back to sleep, but in vain. I decided to get up and see if I could take Bluepaw on her first patrol. I gently got up from my nest, trying not to wake Tanglekit.
As I left the nursery, I saw Graystripe and my father, Swiftpath, murmuring seriously together.
"What are we going to do? Badgers are murderous and cruel. What about the kits?" Swiftpath asked anxiously.
"What? A badger? Here? On our territory? What will happen to Tanglekit if the badger gets him?" I asked nervously.
"Don't worry. We won't let that badger anywhere near our camp." Graystripe reassured me.
"Make sure that it doesn't."
I saw Firestar bounding down the highledge.
"Have you seen Brambleclaw? I need to plan the days patrol with him." Firestar asked for his deputy.
"He led a patrol to go find that badger and chase it off our territory." Swiftpath informed him.
"Well, I need someone to at least help me plan the patrols. Mosstalon, could you?" Firestar asked.
"Me?" I asked, astonished.
"Yes, you."
"Well, um... Okay then."
I followed Firestar over to the halfrock, and clanmates began to gather around exitedly, hoping to go on a patrol.

"Bluepaw! Come on! We're going on the dawn patrol. We're already late, and I need to lead this patrol!" I called to my apprentice.
Firestar had chosen me to lead the dawn patrol. I was very exited, because this was my first time leading a patrol, and dawn patrol were probably the most important kind of patrol.
"Oh, alright then." Bluepaw moaned, crawling out of the apprentices den and blinking sleep from her eyes.
As the dawn patrol, including me, Bluepaw, Hazeltail, and Spiderleg, headed into the forest and over towards the Shadowclan border, the strong scent of squirrel filled my nostrils.
"Ooh! That squirrel just given me an idea. Since leaf-bare is coming soon, can I go hunt? I promise that I'll stay near the Shadowclan border, and I'll set scent markers if I can." Bluepaw asked.
"I'm not sure..." I was worried about Bluepaw going off on her own near another clan's border so soon.
"Of course you can. It will be a good oppourtunity for you to explore more of our territory." Spiderleg interrupted. I was annoyed that he had answered, not me, and he spoke just like a mentor did to their apprentice.
"Excuse me, Spiderleg. I'll tell my

apprentice what or what not she can do, thankyou." I told him, trying not to have an edge to my voice.
We padded on further through the forest. I soon scented the undeniable stench of Shadowclan. We had reached the border.
"Okay, Bluepaw. You can go hunt here." I said. Bluepaw raced off the opposite way down towards the lake.
"I can smell vole!" She called as she went further and further out of my sight.
I began to patrol the border, setting scent markers her and there. However, I noticed that Spiderleg kept on trying to overtake me.
"Spiderleg! I'm leading this patrol, not you! Besides, this is my first time leading a patrol, so don't ruin it for me!" I hissed.
Spiderleg drew back his lips in a snarl. He was about to say something when a cry peirced the air.
"Come on!" I cried, and bolted towards where the scream had come from.

Chapter Four - Ferretclaw

I bounded down the stream that marked the border with Shadowclan, following the scent of vole. I then saw the vole, plump and juicy looking. I positioned myself into the hunters crouch, and leaped after the vole. The vole perked up its head, alert. It saw me before I reached it and darted away, but I gave chase. Soon I was right near vole, and was about to snap at it when I stumbled on something.
"Ow! Get off me!" The thing I had tripped on said. I realised that what I had stumbled on was a cat.
"Ferretclaw?" I asked. "What are you doing on Thunderclan territory?"
"What are you

doing on Shadowclan territory, Bluepaw?" He demanded.
"What?" I then saw that the oak tree had turned to pine trees, and there was less undergrowth in this area. The border stream was far behind me.
"I'm sorry. I must have chased that vole onto Shadowclan territory wihout noticing." I apoligized.
"It's okay. You didn't realise, but get off my clan's territory before a patrol sees you."
"You mean, you won't tell?"
"Why would I? I don't want to get you into trouble."
"But why? Why do you care if I get into trouble or not?"
"Um, well... You've only just become an apprentice. It wouldn't be fair on you."
"Okay." I darted back over the border stream, but saw that Ferretclaw had followed as far as the border.
"Bluepaw, there's something I want to say to you." He said.
"What is it?" I asked, curious.
What would he want with me?

I wondered.
He opened his mouth to reply.
"Ever since I first set my eyes on you, I just thought you seemed so, so-" He was cut off by a yowl further into Thunderclan's territory.
"That's one of my clanmates!" I cried, and darted off before he could stop me.
"Wait! I really need to tell you this!" I heard his distant call, but was too far away to turn back.
One of my clanmates was in pain, and I had to help them.

Chapter Five - Death

"What about the border patrol?" Hazeltail called after me.
"It can wait!" I called, and darted through the trees trusting only my instincts to take me to the cat in danger.
I soon reached a small clearing, and saw a huge badger running as fast as it could away from the clearing. Brambleclaw's were there, hissing at it.
"Chase it off." Lionblaze ordered Sorreltail and Berrynose.
Why isn't Brambleclaw telling them what to do?

I wondered, then spotted Brambleclaw. He was lying on his side, flanks heaving.
"What's happened to Brambleclaw?" I noticed Bluepaw running out of the undergrowth.
"The badger bit his neck." Lionblaze's voice was calm, but his eyes gave away the panic he was feeling.
"What? But what happens if he dies? He's our deputy!" Spiderleg cried.
"Bluepaw, go ahead of us and get help from camp." I waited until Bluepaw was out of my sight before looking back at the other cats. "We need to take him back to the hollow."
I lifted up part of Brambleclaw and was helped by Lionblaze and Hazeltail.
As we enetered the stone hollow, Firestar bounded up to us.
"Jayfeather! Come quickly!" He cried urgently.
Jayfeather came over, sniffed Brambleclaw, ran his paw along the deep wound, and ordered:
"Bring him into my den."
We carried Brambleclaw into the medicine den, and Jayfeather started to mix herbs together to make a poultice.
"Do you need help? I know what herbs to use." I asked him.
"Yes, please. The more cats helping, the biggger the chance of Brambleclaw surviving."
I rushed into the herbs store, and remembered how I had once been a medicine apprentice, padding into the store and muttering under my breath about how I wished I could be a warrior apprentice.
"AAAHHHH!" I heard Brambleclaw scream, and raced back out of the musty smelling store.
Brambleclaw was breathing faster and faster, and wheezed to Firestar, who sat beside his deputy:
"Firestar, if I die, please, tell me know, who will become deputy after me? I want to be sure I leave this clan in good paws."
Firestar leaned over to his deputy, and murmured something that I thought he didn't want anyone else to hear, because I couldn't catch what he told Brambleclaw.
"You have made a good choice, Firestar." Brambleclaw said, and laid his head down on the soft moss nest that had been made for him. He took one last breath, before his eyes closed, and he lay still, unmoving.

Chapter Six - Deputies

"Is, is he really gone?" Firestar looked up, wide eyed, at Jayfeather.
"Yes, Firestar. However, we will always remember him. He was a great deputy, and he died saving his clan. Kits, apprentices, even warriors may have died if he didn't lead that patrol to chase that badger off our territory." Jayfeather said.
"We will miss him." I said, and rested my muzzle on his chin.
After several heartbeats, Firestar said:
"We'd better go show the rest of the clan. They'll want to mourn for him."
As we carried out the limp body, the other members of the patrol Brambleclaw led came through the thorn tunnel.
"Oh! How could this have happened?" Sorreltail gasped, while Berrynose just stared, mouth wide open.
"I never thought that he would die this soon." He said.
"This means you must appoint a new deputy." Spiderleg padded over. I noticed that instead of his voice sounding sad, he actually sounded quite pleased.
Does he want to become deputy?

I wondered.
"You are right, Spiderleg. I will choose my new deputy now." Firestar agreed then bounded up the rocksthat led to Highledge.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highledge for a clan meeting!" He yowled.
Cats began to sit down beneath him. When most of the clan had gathered, he continued.
"Brambleclaw led a patrol to chase a badger off our territory today. He got bitten in the neck, and he died. He will always be remembered, but Thunderclan still needs a new deputy."
He looked down at his clan.
"I would like my new deputy to be..." Firestar began. "I say these words before the spirit of Brambleclaw, and the spirits of all Starclan, that they may hear and approve my choice. Mosstalon, you will be the new deputy of Thunderclan."
"Mosstalon! Mosstalon!" Tanglekit started to call, and then the rest of the clan joined in.
"Thankyou, Firestar. I never imagined that I would become deputy of my clan." I thanked my leader.
"Mosstalon, my kit, becoming deputy!" Spottedhead was muttering.
"You may be a young warrior, but I know that you are the right deputy." Firestar purred.

Chapter Seven - Fire

"Wow, Mosstalon! You're deputy!" I exclaimed. I really was proud of my mentor. I could never acheive something as brilliant as becoming deputy.
Suddenly, guilt began to prick my fur. I had left Ferretclaw on his own.
Don't think about it! I shouldn't feel guilty about it! I was worried about Brambleclaw! Besides, he's not my clanmate!

However, my paws seemed to be tugging me towards the Shadowclan border, because I found myself padding out of camp and through the forest. When I reached the border, I was amazed to find Ferretclaw still there, pacing beside the stream. He looked up when I came nearer.
"Bluepaw! You came back!" He cried.
"Yes. I did." I told him.
He whispered:
"I thought you didn't want to see me."
"No, you mousebrain!" I joked, flicking his ear with my tail. "I heard one of my clanmates scream."
"Are they okay?"
"Um, well..." I tried to think of the right words to describe it. "Well, Brambleclaw died."
"I'm sorry. He was your deputy, right?" I nodded to Ferretclaw. "But, then, who's the new deputy?"
"Mosstalon." I told him.
"You wanted to tell me something?"
"Go on. What was it?"
"I want to see you again. Meet me here at twilight."
As I bounded through the trees, my heart was doing somersaults. But then, I heard flames crackling, and saw the camp up ahead, filled with flames.
I rushed into camp, only to be pushed back out by Berrynose.
"The camps on fire!" He yowled, but the rest of the clan had obviously known, because even before he had cried out, cats were racing out of camp.
"Is everyone here?" Firestar asked.
"Everyone. Exept Spiderleg." Graystripe reported, then added: "And Mosstalon."
Oh, no! What could possible have happened to Mosstalon?

Chapter Eight - Kin?

"Fire!" I heard Berrynose call from outside camp. I raced towards the nursery entrance, and thrust my head inside. There was no sign of Tanglekit. Someone must have already taken him.
I headed towards the thorn tunnel, but found it was blocked by the fire.
How am I going to get out?

I thought desperatly. I looked around, then thought I saw another way out of camp. I raced the other exit, and bounded up the rocks that led to the top of the ledge. I pulled myself over the side, gasping for air.
I took in what was around me, and was appaled to see a huge log blocking my way. The fire was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the log moved, and then moved more, until a narrow gap was in my sight.
I bounded towards the gap, and squeezed through it. I looked up to see who had rescued me, and saw a famillar face scowling at me.
"Sp, Spiderleg?"
"Yes, it's me, Spiderleg."
"Why did you save me?"
"Because now you owe me your life."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm going to kill you, Mosstalon."
"Don't you understand? I wanted to be deputy! I was so glad when Brambleclaw died, because that meant that there was a chance of becoming deputy. But Firestar made you

his deputy. You don't deserve to be deputy!" Spiderleg hissed.
"And why don't I deserve to be deputy?"
"The mixed blood in you."
"Mixed blood? I thought I was all Thunderclan!"
"Well, you obviously don't have a clue what I'm talking about. I'm talking about your mother, Spottedhead."
"She used to be Riverclan. But she joined Thunderclan because she loved Swiftpath. And Swiftpath, well, Swiftpath, he had a mate in Windclan. Hawkfire. Swiftpath joined Windclan to be with her, but then rejoined Thunderclan when there was a war between Thunderclan and Windclan. And then, oh then, there's non clan blood."
"Swiftpath doesn't know this, Firestar doesn't know this, only I do. Swiftpath and Firestar, they're brothers."
"Brothers? How did you find out about this?" I asked, bewildered.
"In the old territory. I met Firestar's mother. I asked her about her kits, and she told me she had three kits. Firestar went to join the clans, while his sister, Princess, and Swiftpath became kittypets. When Swiftpath came to join the clans, Firestar didn't remember him because Swiftpath had gone to live with other twolegs very young."
"Is this true?"
"Yes. It is true. You're not full clan. I am. You shouln't even have been born! You shouldn't be in Thunderclan. Neither should Spottedhead, or Swiftpath, or your brothers, or Firestar. I know why Firestar made you his deputy. He felt sorry for you. He knew that both of you shouln't be in Thunderclan."
Spiderleg's eyes flashed with anger, and he took a swipe at my cheek, claws unsheathed. Blood oozed from the wound.
"How could you do this, Spiderleg? I'm your clanmate!" I gasped, and let my body lie limp.
"Ha! Not so great now, are you?"
I suddenly leaped up, and saw Spiderlegs eyes stretch wide. He must have thought I was too weak to fight. I pinned him down on the ground.
"Listen, Spiderleg. I have the right to be deputy. You

don't have the right, because you attempted to murder one of your own clanmates!" I hissed, and raced off through the forest, not looking back.
Does this mean I'm Firestar kin?

I thought. Oh well. I do deserve to be deputy, but I won't put myself before any of my clanmates. I'm still loyal to my clan.

The books

Read more of the books in these series!

The adventuresof Mosspaw

Book 1: The start of my life

Book 2: Exile

Book 3: The gathering

The adventures of Mosstalon

Book 1: Tanglekit

Book 2: Death and deputies


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.03.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to Erin Hunter, for writing the warrior cats book series, and to my cats, Pepper (Tanglekit) and Henny, for inspiring my love of cats.

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