
New Life

Now ,after a few days after my mum has gone to newyork city to work there I feel lonely with out her but I know that she is coming later or I am gonna go to see her I will see.

Today is my first day in my new school as we have moved to a new house. I am afraid because I am kinda shy person and my mum is not with me also that makes me a little bit nervous. Jessie, my cute little dog is waking me up I am getting out of bed heading to the bathroom .I took a shower and put on my my black hotshorts and my pink t-shirt and shoes, they are my favourite ones. After I have finished wearing my clothes I put on my black eyeshadow and my new lipstick which my mum brought me before she leaves California and I got down to the kitchen
"Good morning venissa'' dad said
''Good morning daddy'' I replied
''I don’t have time for breakfast I am gonna go now''
''ok honey lets go'' dad said looking happy beacuse its my first day, we are all excited.

Daddy took his car keys and he is taking me to school by car. It is a little bit far from our house but I like it. we have just arrived there, it is a high building for about 6 floors, its painted brown and white and at the top of that building it's written 'Cambridge High School'.

I got out of daddy's car and said goodbye. I am a little bit nervous but I am sure that its going to be okay later because I am gonna meet new friends, i hope so. I went to put some of my books in my locker and looked at my schedule I have drama in the first session. I am searching for my class now, i see a lot of people here, girls here look a lot like bitches.

I just got into my class. there are a lot of persons there. The girls are all standing with each other and laughing while I am standing there like an idiot and guys are staying with each other also. The teacher isn't here yet. I just got in, sat alone thinking of my young sister which is 3 years old and she's home alone. I wonder what is she doing with out me now. I don't think dad is gonna leave his work in the bank and sit with her. Maybe we are gonna see a babysitter.

The teacher just came in.
''good morning students, welcome to grade 10'' the teacher said.
''good morning mrs selina'' they said and we started our drama class. I liked this session so much because I love drama so much. i wanna be an actress someday. i love acting and a lot of people said that i am gonna be a famous, perfect actress, i hope so.

The bell rang and I am going to have lunch now, i am starving. I went to get my food then sat on a bench alone.
''hey, I am allie I am with you in the 10th grade welcome to our school'' 
''ohh hello I am venissa nice to meet you, have a sit'' I replied with a smile
''thank you'' she said. she sat beside me. I am really happy because someone just talked to me in this strange school, and she also looks good and beautiful, she have bright green eyes and a blonde short hair. she is wearing a white skinny jeans, red t-shirt and perfect makeup. I can say that i like her.
''i heard your name is venissa, right?'' allie asked
''yes it is'' i replied
''you are a new comer, aren't you?'' she asked 
'' yeah, yeah i am'' i smiled
''so where do you live'' she asked
''I still don’t know the address of our house because we have just moved to California we were living in Chicago'' I replied
''that’s cool so welcome to California and welcome to Cambridge high school''
''thank you I hope I like the place here''
''I hope too nice to meet you''
''nice to meet you too, well I have to go now see you later''
''ok bye see you'' she said. oh god she looks awesome. i think i am gonna hang out with her later.

Finally, my school day has just finished, i went home and slept for like 11 hours, i didn't have enough time to do my homeworks. i just woke up and told my daddy about my day and about allie. he felt happy for me that i had a new friend here.

School Days

A few days later i woke up early to go to school. i am finally there i have an english session now, i got in the class and sat beside allie.
''good morning queen'' allie said with a smile on her bright face.
''morning allie'' i laughed
''you look good today''
 ''me? i dont know i think you are''
''oh thank you queen''
''haha you are welcome any time allie'' i said with a smile on my face. i captured a guy in our class looking at me like every second.
''who is he? the guy over there looking at me?'' i asked allie looking at him, i was a little bit angry because i dont like someone to stare at me but his blue eyes were not leaving mine. i think he is really a cute guy. shut up you stupid, i said to myself.
''oh that one is jason, all the school girls want to hang out with him but he doesn't'' she said. what the fuck all the school girls want to hang out with him and he is looking at me. that made me feel good about myself.
''wow all the school girls! and why is he staring at me like that?'' i asked allie
'' oh yeah and i dont know maybe he likes you or something.. go on queen'' she said with a laugh
''oh me? no no way. i dont care'' i said. i just tried to seem that i dont care but i did a little bit not too much. oh maybe too much lol. i will see that later.
''yes you, remember that i told you queen'' she said
''i know i will honey'' i replied. School day had just finished, i finally arrived home, threw my self on my soft bed and felt asleep.

''Wake up queen'' i heard the voice of my daddy
''daddy?'' i said with a sleepy voice. i couldn't even open my eyes.
''yes honey that's me, wake up it's school time''
''school time? am i asleep from yesterday?''
''yes you are, so get up, wash your teeth, wear your clothes quickly until i prepare your breakfast''
''okay thanks dad''
''any time queen'' he said and gave me a kiss on my red cheeks. i just got out of bed, wore my clothes, put my makeup on, had my breakfast and went to school. i finished half of my day now, i am so tired. i am going to have my lunch now. i am sitting on a table eating my white rice with grilled chicken. 
there is a guy staying on the table beside me, he is actually staring at me.
''what's wrong with you!!'' i said angrily looking at his light brown eyes and his long brown hair.
''what?  me?'' he said with a strange face. he looked cute.
''yes you, i saw you looking at me, something wrong with you?''
''yeah i think i know you''
''you know me? from where?''
''i can't remember but i am sorry'' he said quietly. i feel miserable of what i have just said. 
''no problem. i am venissa by the way'' i smiled 
''nice to meet you, i am larry''
''nice to meet you too larry'' i said with a smile on my face. he looks cute but i dont think that he is the guy that i should like or love or something like that. 
''Oh god, i just remembered you, venissa? dont you remember me?''
''what? no, i dont know ,who?'' i said trying to focus when looking into his eyes.
''the fuck, i am larry, larry jackson''
''larry jackson oh my god, did you grow up that fast haha?'' i said. my god i just realized that's my nephew, i haven't seen him for ages. we were all living in chicago together, one lovely family but they moved five years ago to paris. i dont know how it come he is here in california!
''larry! how did you come here? didn't you leave the united states from five years ago?'' i asked
''yeah, we are back, we didn't like life there. we felt lonely so my mother said that we should go back, my father agreed and we are finally back''
''so why didn't you tell us or something?''
''we have lost your numbers, and how are you here? in california? when did you leave chicago?''
''oh that's a long story. my daddy's car had been stolen and my dad had lost his job because he fought with the manager of the bank he was working in, so the bank manager fired him and my mother got pregnant, so she left her job there then we saw that we should move from chicago to any other state. my dad choosed california and we are just here but my mother travelled to newyork to complete her work there''
''oh god, all of this happened and you didn't even call us?''
''we didn't have enough time i swear but i miss you so much''
''no problem, i miss you more. so what's you sister's name and how old is she?''
''Veronica, she is three years old''
''Cool, so we will come to see you later then''
''any time boy'' i said. i am so happy to see him again, it has been five years since i haven't seen him. the bell just rang, i have a science session now.
''ok. i am going to go to my class now'' he said
''ok see you larry'' i said
''see you beautiful, bye'' he just called me beautiful, wow.

After I have finished my day at school I went home I sat with my dad in the woods telling him about my day and about larry and that they are here. 

The Romantic Boy

After two months i got bored of school but I still have to go. I just woke up bored of school and I hate waking up early, I dressed quickly because I was late for my first session and my dad is waiting in the car.

Finally I arrived at school .i have history session now. I got in the class as Mr.Liam was shouting at Jason who was staring at me before but he is a very cute guy with blue eyes and he is blonde, I think I like him. 
''where were you venissa'' Mr.Liam shouted at me with an angry face
''I am sorry mr.liam but I woke up late'' I replied as my face was looking at the ground. i felt sorry.
''go to the principal office after this session'' he shouted at me
''mr.liam I am really sorry I didn’t mean it I promise I wont do it again, I promise'' I said with tears falling on my cheeks.
''end of discussion venissa'' he said and completed yelling at Jason. 

I really think mr.liam had a bad day. I was shocked of what mr.liam said to me and fuck him I don’t care going to the principal office after the session. Finally he stopped shouting at Jason. Jason came sat beside me
''Shh Shh don’t cry queen'' he said holding my hands and his fingers touching mine slowly, looking at my hazel eyes with his beautiful blue eyes and he wiped my tears by his soft fingers.
''I am fine thank you jason'' I said sadly wanting him to stay beside me as long as he can and never leave my hands. 

We have just completed that fucking session then I headed to the principal office mr.liam was there. They kept shouting at me for a little while but I didn’t care. After that bad day I went home, just stayed at my room alone looking at my hands which Jason holded tightly when I was crying. That was actually the best thing that happened to me today.

My phone is ringing ,omg its Jason. 
''hello'' i said quietly
''hey queen, how are you now?'' Jason said 
''i am better now, I was really shocked of what mr.liam said to me, he never treated me like that but its okay'' i replied
''don’t worry matter what it is I got your back'' he said, I think that’s really cute 
''ohh thank you so much jason'' 
''there is no thanks between us, so see you queen at school bye''
''ok bye, see you'' my heart is going to stop of what he has  just said. I went down the stairs to see my dad and drink some water.

Birthday Queen

From time to time we all want to make a fresh start in life, to close the door on the past and open ourselves up to a new beginning. Whether we want to make large, dramatic changes or smaller, daily changes, we need all the hope and  encouragement we can get. Today is my 16th birthday, i am finally sixteen. i just woke up and the sun light is all over my room. i am going to take a shower now and put on my makeup and go to school.

I arrived at school, put my books in my locker and went to stay alone because i dont have any sessions right now. i know it seems strange that i wanna stay alone on my birthday but i love to.
''Happy Birthday Queen'' A loud voice beside me said.
''OMG, allie? jason? larry? haha'' i laughed
''Yes queen, happy birthday its your day'' jason said looking directly to my eyes
''ohh thank you guys so much, i am speechless'' i said 
''you dont have to thank us, so what are you gonna do tonight?'' allie asked me
''i want you guys to come to my home to spend my birthday there, what about that? do you like the idea?'' i asked
''perfect idea queen'' larry said
''okay see you guys at 7:00 pm'' i said 
''great see you birthday queen'' jason said. i cant believe he just called my birthday queen.
''okay bye guys, i am going to meet mrs selina now to tell her something. see you there'' allie said
''well see you then'' i said. larry and allie has just left and i am staying with jason alone.
''so what are you gonna wear today birthday queen?'' he said 
''birthday queen? why do you always call me that?'' i replied 
''because you are'' he said with a smile on his fucking beautiful face.
''oh i am?'' i asked. sure i know i am beautiful and i am a queen, all my friends and family call me a queen so i am. 
''sure you are'' he said. i didn't say a word, i just stared into his bright blue eyes then the bell rang.
''what a fucking school bell'' i said with a low voice that he could not here me.
''what? what did you say?'' he asked
''me? nothing nothing''
''so let's go to our class?''
''okay let's go'' i said. what a day, i think its gonna be amazing.

I finally finished my day and i am on my way to my house to tell daddy that they are coming tonight to our house. Just arrived home.
''Daddy? Daadd? Daaadddyy? are you here?'' I shouted searching for him all over the house. Someone just appeared behind me. I knew that's him.
''Happy birthday my queen'' dad said 
''oh dad that's too old'' i said
''not old for you beautiful daughter''
''well my friends are coming tonight dad''
''okay honey just go and have some rest i will prepare everything''
''i love you dad'' i said and hugged him tightly
''i love you too venissa, i wish your mother was here with us''
''yeah me too'' i felt sad for myself, its my first birthday without her. i really miss her so much and she didn't even call since she has gone to newyork.

I went to my room, sat on my coach and watched a romantic movie. After the movie has finished i picked out a black short dress and a perfect black high heels. i wore them then i put on a black eyeshadow on my eyelids, a pink lip gloss and my long brown hair was straight on my back.

Half an hour later i heard the door bell ringing. i went down, they are all waiting for me. I see them all standing beside each other looking at me with their eyes full of happiness infront of them a birthday cake which had my picture on it. 
''Happy birthday to you, happy birthday our queen, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to youuu..'' they all said with a loud voice and a birthday tone. I can't explain how happy i am.
''Thank youu guys so much, i dont know what i would do with out you all'' i said with a tear falling on my cheek.
''honey you dont have to say that, we are here and we will always be'' dad said
''So you wanna go to my room guys?'' i asked
''sure lets go queen'' allie replied
''okay lets go'' jason said. Larry didn't say a word he just nodded his head which meant yes. so we went to my room and i turned on some slow music so we can dance. i danced with jason while allie danced with larry. they look cute together.
''will you be my girlfriend?'' larry said to allie.
''omg is that real? wow'' i said with a happy face. i was shocked but i was very happy for both of them. that was the cutest love scene i've ever seen.
''yes, yes'' allie said to larry. they were both looking at each other and they started kissing. he put his hands on her waist and hers were on his neck.
''I love you so much allie'' larry said
''love you more baby'' allie said. it was really a great night.

Suddenly jason kissed me, i tried pushing him away but i couldn't because he is holding me so hard.
''ughh, are you crazyy? how dare you do that?!'' i shouted at him with an angry face
''do what? i thought you like me?'' he said quietly
''no i don't and if so, you can't kiss me that way and i was trying to push you away and you didn't even get away, what the fuck'' i shouted out loud. allie and larry were looking at us strangely.
''wait wait, whats wrong with you guys?'' larry said
''he kissed me larry'' i shouted looking at larry
''yes i did because i thought that she like me and i do like her'' jason said looking at me
''no no i fucking dont like you, get out of here now, you are despicable'' i shouted at jason loudly
''okay as you like, bye guys'' jason said quietly
''fuck you'' i shouted loudly
''calm down venissa he is not here anymore, stop that'' allie said
''he kissed me, i tried to push him to get away, he didn't and you are telling me to calm down?'' i said. i started to calm down because he is gone so i dont have to shout any more but i was really angry, how could he do that. he didnt even ask me or something.
''i hate that stupid'' i said and sat on my bed
''okay its over venissa, the poor guy likes you, what do you expect him to do?'' larry said. i didn't answer, just looked at him strangely.

A few minutes later my dad came into the room.
''what's wrong in here? Jason just left without telling me a word'' dad said
''nothing dad. i will explain later'' i replied
''its your birthday venissa'' dad said
''i am good dad, dont worry'' i said.

After the party had finished, larry and allie had left and i sat alone in my room remembering what happened today, I dont know why i said that but when i pushed him away and he kept kissing me that made me more angry because i didn't want that to happen that fast. Any way its over, we will not talk again.

Summer Time

After a few days of my birthday, i thought that larry, allie and I should go to the beach together or something. It's summer and they are my friends so we should do that, any way, i will ask them today at school, I think they are gonna like the idea.

''Good morning venissa'' I heard allie's voice while i was walking in the school alone.
''Good morning allie'' i replied. larry was with her.
''how are you today? do you feel better?'' larry asked me
''yes, yes i am good, so do you wanna go to the beach someday?'' i asked
yes i would like to'' larry replied
''me too, so lets go tomorrow morning, its friday and we dont have school. time to relax'' allie answered
''cool so i will come to your home to pick you up allie'' i said
''well i will meet you there then'' larry said
''okay i will be waiting for you both'' allie replied
''okay bye i have a math session now'' larry said
''see you, bye'' i said 
''bye baby, see you after your session'' allie replied. larry has just left. we are going to spend  good time at the beach, i hope so.

Finally, It's friday, i have prepared my bag, i took my bikini, sunglasses, tanning oil, a black short skirt 
and a yellow tank top.
''Morning dad'' i said 
''Morning venissa, you going out?!'' daddy asked
''yup, going to the beach with allie and larry'' i replied
''good, what about jason?'' he asked
''he is not there and i dont want him to be'' i shouted
''calm down venissa, what's wrong with you? you still mad from what he have done that night?''
''dad please. dont begin''
''answer me'' he shouted
''yes dad i am mad, and i dont wanna see his fuckin face again'' i shouted out loud
''he didnt mean it, he likes you venissa, he likes you'' he tried to make me understand the fact that jason likes me, but i didn't want to understand anything, i dont care about him at all.
''i dont care, i have to go now, bye dad'' i said and got out of our house heading to allie's house. i was so angry of what my daddy has just sad. i dont know why is he defending and supporting jason as if he was his son.

I arrived at allie's house and knocked the door. Larry opened the door.
''Good morning queen, you look pretty today'' he said
''Morning larry, i am?''
''sure you are''
''thank you''
''Moning venissa, lets go?'' allie said
''yeah, yeah lets go'' i said.

We are finally there on the beach, it was sunny and hot, there are a lot of bitches here. we changed our clothes and put on our bikinis. 
''OMG is that jason?'' i asked with an angry face pointing at him and looking to larry and allie.
''oh yes he is'' allie answered
''yes thats him'' larry replied
''how did he get here? how did he know that we are here? answer me?'' i shouted at them
''calm down queen'' larry said
''dont tell me to calm down'' i shouted
''its me, i told him that we are here'' allie said
''how could you do that? didn't i tell you how much i hate him? are you crazy allie?'' i shouted at her
''calm down venissa, i just wanted you both to talk again'' she said
''i dont want to, you stupid? i dont want to'' i said and stopped shouting at her because i dont wanna lose her as jason.
''okay just please calm down and lets enjoy the beach'' larry said
''i am sorry venissa'' she said
''never mind allie'' i said quietly.

Our day was good, i swimmed with allie and larry and totally forgot about jason. we taned together and had a really great time with each other. i can say that it was a great day. 

The Halloween Party

Finally, its Thursday, it’s the halloween. I woke up went to the bath room and washed my teeth very well, put on my clothes and headed to my school. I took my books from my locker and went to my class, I met allie and larry.
''hey guys'' i said
''hey what are you gonna do tonight?'' allie said
''I am going to the halloween party in the tower of darkness its going to be an amazing party'' Larry said.
''yeah me too, what about you venissa?'' allie asked
''I don’t know. I think I am just gonna go home and sit there. You know our home is in the woods so its so comfortable, i like staying  alone there quietly, it makes me relax''
''oh wow, but aren't you afraid? I think its scary there'' Larry asked
''umm a little bit but never mind'' I replied
''so come with us to the party tonight'' allie said
''sounds good but what the fuck is the tower of darkness?!'' I asked
''it’s a tower here in California, no one has gone there for about one thousand years but it’s the best place to spend the Halloween in, don’t worry I will come to your house and take you there just give me your phone number'' allie said. i didn't know what to say I was shocked but It was better to spend the halloween there rather than spending it at home
''ok see you then'' I said
''see you guys'' allie replied
'' bye'' Larry said. i gave her my phone number and then my daddy called telling me that he is out waiting for me. I am home, wore my pijama and slept for a little while.

Just woke up and my mobile is ringing. It's allie
''hello allie'' I said with a sleepy voice
''hey venissa how are you? Did I wake you up?'' she asked
''yes but no problem I was gonna wake up any way to go to the party''
''well i will come after an hour to pick you up, is that good?''
''yeah, yeah its good, see you''
''ok bye'' I went down stairs. My dad and Jessie, my dog are watching the television.
''It's the halloween dad'' I said
''yes queen it is, what are you going to do tonight honey?'' daddy asked
''I am going with allie and Larry to somewhere called the tower of darkness'' I answered
''and what is that?'' he asked with a weird face
''I don’t know daddy at least I am not going alone, allie is gonna pick me up for about an hour from now''
''aha okay honey do what you want but take care of yourself''
''don’t worry daddy I will be okay, I love you''
''I love you too''
''ok dad time to go and dress up''
''go queen'' I kissed dad on his red cheeks and went to dress up.

I headed to my wardrobe to choose something awesome to wear tonight. I picked out a red long top dress with a long tail. I really look good in it.. guess i am going to be the queen of the party as They always call me the queen. I went to the bathroom, put on my white eye shadow, my red lipstick and some blush on my original red cheeks. I also put on a crown on my head, red high heels and my favourite perfume.

Allie is calling, I looked from the window, she is down there waiting for me. I think I am ready now. I went down stairs
''oh my god ,who's this?'' dad said looking at me with a strange lovely look
''your queen daddy'' I replied
''oh I hope you aren’t lying queen''
''I am not my daddy, was i that ugly?'' i asked
''no honey, you were always beautiful. I love you'' he put his hands on my shoulder and starts hugging me. It was actually the best hug ever
''I love you way more dad, but I have to go now, allie is waiting outside'' I said
''oh ok honey take care of yourself and enjoy the party, call me as soon as you can'' he said
''ok my love don’t worry, good bye''
''good bye venissa'' he said with a lovely voice. I am going to allie now
''oh wow'' I said. She is dressed in a cat
''oh wow you'' she said
''you are a cat'' I said
''you are a queen'' allie said
''haha nice idea my lovely cat''
''lets go queen venissa'' she replied.

We are finally there. Its very far from my house. The tower of darkness is a long old building for about hundred floors, Its too high. I am sure there is an elevator there
''wow its so high allie'' I said
''yeah don’t you see, i told you it had been thousand of years since no one got in, no one even know it exists'' she said
''that seems scary now''
''dont worry i am with you queen''
''so let's get in?''
''sure lets go'' allie said.

That building looks really scary, i feel scary a little bit but i dont want any one to know because they are going to make it a laugh or something and i hate this. the music is very loud that i feel pain in my ears. we pulled the door of this scary tower, it made a creepy voice, i tried to neglect it as well. the view of people dancing on the dance floor in there is amazing, they are all drunk, they can't even see who they are dancing with, every one is dressed up in something different like a boogy man, a banana, a vampire and somethings like that. people is all dancing on the right side, there is a bar in front of me full of wine and beer and a long corner in the left i think it leads to the elevator and the stairs. the walls are very high and there are old windows covered with long cream curtains, that is because it's an old building, everything is old.

''wow that place is amazing'' allie said looking at me.
''it is but there is something strange about this place, i dont know i dont feel good'' i looked scared
''oh stop and lets enjoy that'' she laughed and we are moving around like exploring this place.
''hello my cat'' larry just said to allie. he is dressed in a vampire, he actually looks good.
''oh my vampire is here'' she laughed and they started kissing each other.
''you both like complete each other or something like that haha'' i laughed, looking at them and how cute they both are. Suddenly i saw jason in the party, i didn't expect him to come.
''you wanna dance baby'' larry asked allie.
''sure why not'' she smiled. they are dancing and i am staying alone, i feel hungry.
''allie.. allie do you know where the buffet is?'' i asked allie with a loud voice when she was dancing with larry, hoping that she can hear me.
''what? buffet? oh yes, yes its in the second floor'' she answered with a loud voice also to make me hear her.

Stuck Together In The Elevator

I headed to the elevator going to the second floor to eat something because i am starving and its so loud here. guess who is going to the elevator just like me? its jason.
''da fuck'' i said in a low voice. he didn't say anything and didn't even look at me. well, i dont care. i am going to the elevator, it looks very old and the stairs are right beside it. jason and i are standing waiting for the elevator. i prefer to take the stairs rather than getting up with him in the same elevator but i am tired so i have to go up with him in the same elevator.

Finally, the elevator has just arrived from his long trip, we waited so much for it. The elevator door opened, Jason waited for me to go first.
''Ladies first'' he said looking at my eyes directly. I didn't say a word i just looked at him with an innocent look. When his eyes caught mine i just forget what he had done and i forgive him but sure i wont tell him that. what? forgive him are you crazy? he kissed you without even asking to? ,talking to myself but yes i guess he didnt mean it and he said that.

I got in the elevator then he got in after me, he was dressed in a black suit like a prince or king or something. The elevator is not small and not big, i can say that it is normal. It has a fan at the top of it and mirrors all over it. There are a lot of floors, the last one is 99. Jason pressed on the second floor botton.

''OMG OMG whats happening?!'' I screamed .Suddenly the elevator got up so quickly to the last floor and the door is not opening.
''What the fuckk, we are in the 99th floor'' he said with fear. the light is closing and opening, that is like a fuckin horror movie. jason pressed on the second floor button but nothing happened.
''Oh no, no this isn't happeing, this isn't happening. THIS CAN'T HAPPEN. Jason, i am so scared. do you think it will go down again'' i asked slowly. he looked at me again with his beautiful blue eyes.
''don't be, thank god i am with you and you are not alone in this situation'' he moved slowly to me and put his hands around me then looked at me.
''you don't mind, do you?'' he asked looking at me 
''no, no i dont mind jason'' i answered happily because he is with me and i shouldn't be scared. his hand was running through my hair, his other hand was wrapped around my body and he kissed the top of my head.
''I am sorry queen'' he said looking into my eyes. i dont really think that its the right time to discuss this problem but i truly forgive him, he is the guy that i always wanted and wished for.
''I truly forgive you king'' i smiled looking into his eyes slowly.
''really? you think i am a king?'' he smiled 
''yes i do, you are my king'' i said
''wow, are you sure i am yours?''
''yes i am sure''
''can i tell you something queen''
''yes'' i said wondering what is he going to say. i looked at the ground. he put his finger under my chin forcing me to look up to his eyes.
''I love you venissa from the first time i saw you, i didn't know how to tell you before and when i kissed you i thought you have the same feeling as mine but i was wrong'' he said. we stared into each others eyes for a few. i was so shy of what i have done, i never expected this to happen, i mean he loving me! i thought he liked me at first but i dont know i am surprised
''no you were not wrong, i had the same feeling as you, i thought i like you but i tried to say that this is impossible to happen. i mean you and me! never mind.
''I love you jason'' i said
''is this real? you love me?'' he smiled
''yes i do love you'' i replied with a smile. he laughed and almost cried at the same time from happiness i guess.
''you happy? we are stuck in an elevator jason'' i smiled but i was also happy, its enough that i am with him alone, its like a date in an elevator, seems strange.
''you asking if i am happy? i am with you and you are telling me that you love me, sure i am happy, i am fuckin so happy and fuck the elevator i am with my queen now, i hope we never get out of here queen'' he smiled looking at me with his eyes full of love.
''ughh dont say it, sure we will get out of here and we are gonna be together also'' i said
''i hope queen''
''dont hope, that's what gonna happen when we get out of here''
''i know because i am not gonna leave you ever''
''neither me'' i smiled.

I really was very happy but at the same time i was afraid that we might die here.
''do you think someone clicked on the button from the 99th floor and waited for the elevator to come?'' i asked
''but how did he get there? i mean to the 99th floor. ughh that's impossible'' he said
''i dont know, i dont think he took the stairs at all'' i replied
''ohh sure he didn't'' he laughed.

The Darkness

Jason holded my hands and we sat down on the floor in the elevator, put his arm on my shoulder and my head on his chest.
''baby sleep for a while, i think you are tired and dont worry when the elevator works i am gonna wake you up queen'' he said as his fingers ran in my long brown hair.
''okay honey, think i am gonna say good night then'' i said hoping that i can wake up and find that we are down in the first floor again.
''sure its a good night baby we are together in here, you are not alone'' he replied. i didn't say any thing i just looked at him and slept on his chest.

A few hours later,
''queen, queen wake up'' i heard jason's voice saying slowly.
''ughh good morning sweetheart'' i said with a sleepy voice
''it isn't the morning yet i think, you didn't sleep too much'' he said
''uhh really? so we are still here?'' i asked
''yes we are''
''what happened when i was asleep?''
''nothing i just sat here and heard some weird scary voices but i tried to neglect them''
''thank god i was asleep''
''you are lucky then''
''guess i am'' i said.

Suddenly the elevator fell down, not too long but we are in the 88th floor now.
''god damn it, what was that?'' i said looking at the door and feeling miserable. suddenly i looked at jason, his head was hit in the mirror and blood was everywhere.
''JASON, jason answer me please, JASON please dont do that to me, you promised you will never leave me, please no, HELP HELP WE FUCKING NEED HELP HERE, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP US'' i screamed out loud, crying hoping to find someone who can help us. he is dying, his eyes were only looking at me and i didn't know what to do, i tried to open the door but i failed.

''Venissa, veniissaa'' jason said with a low voice.
''Jason, jason baby i am here, please dont leave me alone jason'' i cried
''s..sorry i..i think its the.. the end queen'' he said
''no, no please jason you promised, please no'' i cried
''I... I love you queen'' he said and he didn't make a move again.
''NOOO NOO THAT CAN'T BE HAPPENING, NO PLEASE JASON DONT LEAVE PLEASE'' i screamed loudly, i couldn't believe what had just happened.

After a few minutes, i started to calm down and i thought that i can't live anymore. While i was thinking i looked at the mirror which jason's head was hit in, it was broken. I took a piece of the glass of the mirror and cut my wrists. i fell beside him, our eyes were looking at each other and the light of the elevator has just turned off.

The Second Time Is The Best

''Venissa, venissa are you okay?'' i heard jason's voice said
''Jason, jason? is that you?''i opened my eyes and i was shocked. I have just realized, i had a horrible nightmare.
''yes baby its me'' he said. I couldn't believe, I hugged him tightly and cried.
''Jason you are alive, you are alive wohoo'' i screamed in delight.
''guess i am haha, what happened?'' he laughed
''i had a nightmare of you, you were dead and then I cut off my wrists, ughh that was terrible''
''yeah what a bad dream'' he said. i explained the whole dream to him, thank god it is a dream.

''Do you think we are gonna get out of here?'' i asked
''yes i do baby, never lose hope'' he smiled
''i think i lost it after that grotesque dream'' i laughed 
''you didn't baby as long as i am with you'' he smiled. Suddenly the elevator started working again, it's going down slowly and normaly.
''wow we are getting down'' i said, i was very happy
''it is, i told you dont worry as long as i am with you'' he moved slowly to me, looked at me lips and started kissing me.
''you dont mind, do you?'' he asked, a few seconds before kissing
''I dont baby, I love you'' i smiled, his lips started touching mine and we started kissing.

After we have finished kissing, jason tried to open the elevator door by his hands but he couldn't. Finally the evelator got down to the second floor.
''venissa, venissa are you in there?'' i heard allie's voice.
''allie, allie help us ,i am here'' i shouted to let her hear me.
''didn't i tell you that its gonna be okay queen?'' jason smiled.
''my king is always right'' i smiled as he put his arm around my shoulder to let me feel safe. Suddenly the elevator door has just opened, Allie was standing there infront of the door, I can't believe that i saw her again.
''Alliee'' I said running at her and hugging her so tight.
''Venissa? why didn't you call me or something?'' she asked while we were hugging each other
''I.. I dont know, I didn't think of that'' I replied looking at jason, we both didn't want to get down because it was enough that we were together.
''I missed you queen'' allie said
''I missed you way more sweet cat haha'' I laughed.

The Moment

Finally i got out of this party headed to jason's car, he drived me home.
''here you are queen, you are home'' he smiled
''i only feel i am home when you hug me'' i smiled looking at me with his shining eyes, so he hugged me and we completed our conversation.
''I will always stand by you, always support you, and always love you no matter what distance lies between us'' he said
''Oh god, I love you so much'' i replied, he bent to the ground on one knee.
''Will you be my girlfriend Queen?'' he looked in my eyes, holded my hands and said. i was about to cry of happiness.
''Aww, sure my King'' i answered as we kissed each other and that's the moment i was talking about. To be continued..


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.08.2014

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