
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

            High school can be a very scary place for someone like me. I have never been the popular girl or a girl who is even visible but at least it’s my last year. I walk down the halls of my new school for the first time and get to see what the rest of this year will be like. My parents got divorced and moved to totally different states so I had to move too. I am now living with my father in the city and unfortunately going to a private school. All of the kids have on uniforms that look almost identical to mine and snobby looks that irritate me.

            At my old school I would have been able to wear whatever I wanted. I never played physical sports, but my friends and I used to go swimming a lot and sometimes we would go horseback riding. I was never popular but I had two really good friends who I miss so much. We said we would write but who knows. . .

            Orientation was two days ago. I got to meet all of the new students and transfers from all grades as well as get my class schedule and a walk through of the campus. The campus is beautiful and huge. It was like being in college with how huge the campus was and there was even dorms for students to live here. how horrible would it be to be stuck at school all day everyday. eww. My father loaded up the truck with a bunch of bags we hopped in and went on our way for my first day of school.

“Hey dad thanks for driving me today but what is with all of the bags and clothes are we moving again?” I asked worried.

“No well yes sort of, Zoey this school is going to be great for you and you will learn a lot, but with my work schedule I won’t be home much so you will be boarding at the school.” Dad said as he glanced at me nervously while manuvering the busy streets.

“What so you’re telling me that you moved me here then you send me to some school to live? Why the hell didn’t you just leave me with mom?” I yelled

“Well your mother and I talked and we both decided this would be the best solution since we both work a lot and its just all around better education wise and socially. Honey we love you and just want what is best for you.” He said as we pulled up to the school.

“So you think that moving me out of my home and away from my friends and family to a strange school where i am alone is best? I hate you both. You have ruined my life!” I yelled as I jumped out of the truck and took my bags.

Once all my bags are out of the truck dad kisses the top of my head tells me he loves me and then leaves me standing alone. I watch him drive away and my heart sinks. Just as my thoughts are about to start spinning and my eyes start to burn a deep husky voice pulls me back to reality.

“Hey you must be new here what year are you?” the strange guy asked from behind me.

I turned around to see a tall slender sandy haired brown eyed hunk smiling down at me.

“Well do you talk?” he asked as he chuckled.

“Oh um sorry I am a transfer this is my senior year” I said as I looked down and tucked my long blond hair behind my ear.

“Well this is going to make for one interesting year then” he said with the cutest smirk on his face.

“Umm sure."I said as I started to pick my bags up

“Well what dorm are you in?” He asked

I pulled out my papers and read “Barack’s Hall”

“Well don’t this just keep getting better” he laughed and picked up the remaining two bags.

We walked for what seemed like forever and he just kept glancing at me any chance he could. He led the way to a tall stone building that looked more like a castle than a dorm.

“Well what is your room number or do you want me to guess?” he asked laughing at me again.

“You don’t have to be a dick about it and my room number is 102” I said sarcastically.

“Really now have you got the chance to meet your roommates?” he asked smiling

“I just got here so no apparently not” I said in a sarcastic tone.

Just as we reach my room door i go to unlock it with my key. As the latch clicks over i can feel the handsome but strange guy behind me pressing to my back and whisper softly.

“You know I like a girl with some kick to her” he whispered in my ear as he opened my dorm door and he chuckled.

I walked in to a large living space with a flat screen T.V and a couch connected to a small kitchen with a fridge, stove sink and toaster. There was a long hallway with three doors on one side and four doors on the other. Each door had a dry erase board with names on it. The last door on the left had my name so I walked into the room. It was a small room with a dresser, night stand and lamp, and a bed. The walls where a pastel pink in the bed rooms and the bath room was a light yellow. The other girls where not in their rooms so I dropped my bags and turned to run into Mr. Husky voice who was right on my heels.

“Well slow down there Zoey is it?” he said seductively as he looked at the dry erase board for my name.

“So you know my name now what’s yours?” I asked sheepishly.

“Jay” he whispered in my ear.

Chapter 2


Chapter 2

            As the days went on I got to meet the other girls. There are six of us living in this dorm. I have become close friends with Becca and Sam but the other girls are called the mean girls. In the first week of school I have found out that I love playing softball, Jay’s dorm is right next to mine, we have almost all of the same classes, and I room with the meanest girls in school.

“Hey we should all try out for softball together it would be fun.” Becca said as we study for our first test.

“That would be a great idea, but we should practice for try outs they are in two weeks you know.” Same said

“Guys I have never played a sport in my life until gym class this past week.” I said laughing.

“Well then the sooner we get this homework and studying done the sooner we can get you ready for try outs” Becca said as she nudged my shoulder

Within half an hour we are running up and down the softball field “conditioning” as they call it before we can actually practice. We run back and forth at a full run ten times before we take a water break and the real work begins. They get me a glove and we throw the ball back and forth harder and harder.

“Hey I think she has the catching thing down why don’t we try batting and pitching?” Becca yelled from across the field

“Sure can I bat first?” I yelled as i was getting more excited about the sport.

“Hell yeah but you better knock this out of the park.” Sam yelled.

“You ask for miracles i swear” I said with a smile.

Sam when up to the pitcher’s mound and got ready. I picked a bat and practiced my swing a few times like the girls had shown me and then went to the plate. She threw the first pitch, I swung, and missed. Then the second pitch came, I swung and I heard the crack of the ball hitting the bat and then it was gone. Before I could even drop the bat I heard yelling and cheering from behind me. Jay was standing by the fence there with some of his friends. As soon as I seen him smile at me my cheeks lit up bright red and I turned and walked to Sam.

“Hey can I try to pitch?” I asked

“Sure just watch me one more time then you try ok?” Sam said with a smile.

I watched as she took her stance and then in one swift motion pushed the ball across the plate and Becca knocked it straight into left field.

“Ok now it’s your turn” Sam said and tossed me a ball from the huge bucket of softballs.

I took a similar stance to what Sam had made and then forced the ball over the plate. Becca swung and missed. I quickly turned to Sam to see her staring at me with her mouth open.

“Are you sure that you have never played softball before?” Sam said in disbelief.

“No I have never done any of this before why did I do something wrong?” I asked worried and kind of scared.

Just as Sam was about to say something I was lifted off the ground by a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I screamed and started to kick until I was thrown on the ground and something hard landed on top of me pinning me to the ground.

“Well hello princess have you missed me?” Jay said pinning me to the ground with a huge smile.

“Princess really?” I said kind of irritated.

“I haven’t seen you in two days and we are neighbors so I think you are avoiding me.” Jay said leaning down.

“Hey lover boy we are trying to practice get off our new pitcher.” Becca yelled.

Jay laughed and then got to his feet helping me up. Everyone ran over to us and the plotting began. Since it was Friday night we didn’t have to be back to the dorms until 11:00pm so we decided to have a little mini game.

Becca and Jay were captains and began the horrible choosing process. When Becca called my name first I was so shocked I forgot to walk over to her at first. Once the teams were done we all went to our positions. Jay and his team batted first and we took the field with me as the pitcher. I got a few practice throws in before the real fun begins.

“Ok baby take it slow and just throw it right over the plate I promise to go easy on you.” Jay shouts swinging his bat.

He called me baby and my heart did flips and my stomach was filled with butterflies.

With a devilish grin I wind up and throw the ball goes right over the home plate and Jay swings.

“Strike one lover boy” Becca says laughing and throwing me the ball.

“Strike two”

This is the last throw I put all my force into it trying to strike him out but he swings and “crack” the ball is flying over my head and into the outfield. Jay hit a home run and was so proud. He ran around all the bases and as soon as he hit home plate he made a quick turn and ran up to me planting a wet one right on my lips then went to his dug out. The next three batters came and went so fast I was shocked at how I could strike them all out and then just keep on going.

“Ok Zoey you are doing great so far but now we need a batting order” Becca said

“Well we should try and fill the bases up then send in the lead hitter to bring them all home” said the guy standing next to Becca

“Sounds good so who is the first two?” Becca said to him

“Well my name is Tyler and this is Tim we are both good at hitting either way so why don’t you send Tim first, then you Becca, then we can lead up with Zoey, Sam, me and the rest don’t matter because they are all hard hitters.” He said

“Sounds like a plane let’s do this.” Sam shouted.

Jay was the first basemen and a tall muscular guy was the pitcher. Tim took his place and the game started again. First swing and Tim got to first base. Becca got him to third and her to second. Now it’s my turn. I walk up to bat and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy.

“Relax Zoey just keep your eye on the ball” Jay shouts from first base.

At his words I instantly relax a little and then focus on the ball. He winds up, the ball is coming towards me, “crack” it’s gone. The ball is rolling across the ground and into the outfield.

“Run Zoey Run” Tim screams heading towards home.

I turn dropping the bat and run for first just as I am hitting the plate Jay catches the ball. He turns to me with a smile and kisses my forehead before throwing the ball back to the pitcher. The game continues for another hour and we end up wining by one run. It was so much fun and I apparently am a natural pitcher. Who would have thought? We all pack our stuff up and get some water when Tyler asks Becca if she wants to go to a party later tonight.

“Well I’m not going if I can’t bring my girls.” She said smiling and linking our arms together.

“That’s perfect cause Tim and Jay still need dates anyway.” Tyler said waving as the guys left.

At the sound of this news my heart started to do tricks again and my butterflies went up at full force. Would Jay want to go with me or would he be jsut being nice?

We head back to the house to get ready for the night.

After about three hours of showers, hair, and make up I was down to what to wear.

“So how does this look.” I asked as I spun around waiting for the approval of my jeans, flip flops, and tank top.

“Well that does look nice but here let’s change out the jeans for a jean skirt and you are set.” Becca said through grinning teeth.

“Well alright then ladies let’s get this party started.” Sam yelled pushing us to the door.

As soon as I swung the door open a pair of arms where pulling me out of the dorm and into a kiss. Jay slowly backed his head away from my face and lovingly looked down at me with a smile.

“You know I could get used to kissing you every day before school and work and every night before bed.” Jay said smiling as if no one was around us.

My cheeks turned hot and I took a step back. “We should go to this party now before I change my mind and go to bed.” I said looking at the others.

Jay laughed and said "Well i would be more than happy to go to bed with you instead."

My cheeks flushed and i looked down and said "Lets go "

Everyone agreed and we walked out of our dorm and to the sorority houses. Everything seemed quite until you walked up to the Alpha Chee house. As soon as you walk up the front steps you can hear the music and once Jay opened the door for me it was deafening. The noise was so loud you couldn’t even hear yourself think if you tried. I walked in and looked around unsure of where to go. Jay must have been reading my mind since he took me by the hand and lead me to the kitchen to get something to drink.

“What do you want to drink Zoey?” Jay yelled over the music.

“Bottled water would be great.” I yelled back.

He smiled at me and laughed while he shook his head and got me bottled water and himself a bud light.

Just as we are about to leave the kitchen the door opens and a tall blonde runs to Jay and jumps in his arms and kisses him. She is kissing the same guy that has kissed me at least three times today. The room went silent even with all of the noise I couldn’t hear a thing other than my heart beat picking up, my cheeks heating, and my eyes start to burn. As the blond pulls back from the kiss I see that it’s the head mean girl Kelsey. I hurried around them before Jay had the chance to stop me.

“Zoey wait come back!” Jay yelled behind me.

I walked over to a table that had snakes and liquor. I looked over the table and found a bottle of jack. What the hell might as well have some fun with someone and jack is looking pretty good right now I thought to myself. I took the bottle and filled a red solo cup half way and found a Pepsi as a chaser. I went to the dance floor and found myself an Alpha Chu whatever and started to dance. By the time Jay and the others found me I was on my second or third cup of jack and Pepsi and my dancing turned into basically sex on the dance floor. But hey I was having a blast.

“What are you doing I thought you only wanted water?” Jay asked with a small smirk on his face.

I looked at my cup then back up at him and said “guess not.”

“Come on let’s get you home you’re wasted.” Jay said as he put me over his shoulder.

“Put me down you creep” I yelled as I hit his back with my fist.

“You guys stay and have fun I’m going to take her and get some food then put her to bed see you later.” Jay said walking out the door.

Just as we walked down the front steps and Jay put me down Kelsey came running after us.

“Baby wait where are you going?” Kelsey asked.

“Seriously stop calling me that I have a girlfriend and it’s not you Kelsey.” Jay said sounding pissed off.

“Oh and who is she then?” Kelsey spit back

Jay put his hands on his hips and looked up at they sky before saying “Zoey is my girlfriend now leave us alone.”

Kelsey’s jaw dropped as Jay picked me up wedding style and carried me home. By the time we got to the dorms I was knocked out with my face in chest. I heard a door open and close then another. I opened my eyes to see that I was in my room and Jay was setting me on my bed. He turned the light on and I sat up.

“If you need anything just yell I’ll be on the couch.” He said pointing out the door.

“No its ok just stay in here please?” I asked as I took my flip flops off and changed into a pair of basketball shorts.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

I woke up the next morning with the worst head ache imaginable and something warm pressed up behind me. My eyes flew open and I jumped up to find Jay laying in my bed. I walked over to the door to find all of the other girls also doing the walk of shame as they snuck out of their rooms to either eat or use the bath room. After about an hour or so all of our companions woke up and did the walk of triumph. Tyler walked out of Becca’s room, Tim out of Sam’s, Jay out of mine, and I am not sure of the three that came out of the mean girls rooms but they each somehow had a guy.

“I made pancakes and bacon if anyone is hungry.” Sam yelled.

“Oh my god do you have to be any louder?” I groaned from the couch with a pillow over my head to block the light.

I heard a familiar laugh and something lay on top of me. I moved the pillow to find Jay positioned over me with nothing on but his jeans. He smiled down at me then gently kissed my lips and whispered “If you want I can stay with you all day and take care of you I don’t mind.”

I really wanted to say no but I knew I had to talk to him about last night “fine you can stay but first we need to talk.”

Just as we were getting off of the couch Kelsey walked out of her room half naked.

“Oh hey Jay did you come to see me baby?” Kelsey said walking towards him.

“NO actually I am here with my girlfriend Zoey.” He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom.

Once the door is closed I turn on Jay like a caged animal.

“Girlfriend? I am not your girlfriend Jay.” I quietly yell.

“I know and I’m sorry but she won’t leave me alone so until she moves on please just be my girlfriend?” he begged.

“Wow and to think I thought you really liked me.” I spit at him as I went to the dresser to pull clothes out to go and shower.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, “I do like you Zoey and that is exactly why I am telling her you are my girlfriend and not someone else. This way at least we might have a chance to get to know each other and see where this goes.” He said as he kisses my neck.

I did not understand his logic at all but at this point I really don’t care I just want to shower. I sigh and roll my eyes as I pull out of his grasp to go and shower. I walk out of the bedroom and straight to the bathroom. I go to close the door behind me and fail. Jay is standing in the door way looking at me with a smile.

“Well if we want her to think that we are for real I should probably shower with you.” He said with a devilish grin.

“Cute but not going to happen we will just tell her it is too soon in our relationship for that and that I wanted to take is slow.” I said as I push him out of the door way.

The door shuts in his face and I can hear him saying “Whatever you say baby.”

I turn the shower on and get it nice and hot so that I can relax. My head is pounding and my stomach is upset from all the alcohol. I took a nice long hour shower and by the time I got out everyone was in the living room cuddled up watching scary movies. I went straight to the coffee pot to pour some coffee then find some food. Jay must have been waiting for me cause as soon I got to the coffee pot he was already on his way towards me.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t ask you about this first or anything.” He said as he leaned against the counter.

“I guess it’s ok I mean I kind of like putting a damper on Mrs. Bitch’s day.” I said laughing.

“So you are ok with being my fake girl for the year?” he asked as he moved towards me.

“Yeah why not it might be fun.” I said as I took my first sip of coffee.

“Well then I guess you should get used to kissing me then so that this at least looks real right?” he said moving in for the kiss.

I thought for a second and then agreed and let him kiss me. I even kissed him back. As he kissed me I could feel him pulling my coffee cup from my hands and setting it on the counter. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into him as he deepened the kiss. I opened my mouth to let him enter then Kelsey started to shout.

“Oh my god get a room whore.” Kelsey shouted as she stomped away.

We both laughed then went to the living room to watch the movie. I sat on Jay’s lap drinking coffee and watching movie’s most of the day. Around dinner we shut the T.V off and went to the cafeteria to find something to take back to the dorms with us so we could lay back and watch some more T.V since it was only Saturday night. We ended up getting Chinese food and then going back home. As we sat down to find something on T.V with the others Kelsey comes out and stands in front of the T.V blocking the view.

“Look Jay I know that this thing with the two of you is fake so just stop pretending it’s so childish.” Kelsey yelled.

“Kelsey I am really dating Jay I am sorry you can’t wrap your little head around that but it is the truth.” I said as I turned and lightly kissed Jay on the lips.

“You are just some whore who sleeps around so why should I believe anything that comes from that disgusting mouth.” Kelsey spat back.

“She is my girlfriend and possibly the love of my life so don’t talk to her or about her like that ever again do you hear me!” Jay yelled.

With tears in her eyes Kelsey ran out of the dorm slamming the door. We all looked at each other then started looking for a movie to watch again. We ended up watching some stand-up comedy for two hours. Well they watched it for two hours after about thirty minutes of that show I was knocked out. I had fallen asleep on Jay’s lap. When the show was over I could hear Jay talking in my ear trying to wake me up. I refused to open my eyes until I felt him standing up with me in his arms. My eyes flew open and I jumped up on my feet. He started to laugh then followed me to my bed room.

“You know you don’t have to baby sit me tonight I’m not drunk this time.” I said blushing and looking away.

“I didn’t want to baby sit you but I do want to stay the night with you if that’s ok with you?” he said closing the bed room door behind us.

“And why would you want to stay the night with me again?” I asked as I sat on the edge of my bed.

He walked over and stood between my legs and bent down for a kiss. Just before our lips met he said “So I can kiss and hold you all night long.”

He pressed his lips to mine and I scooted back on the bed. Without our lips leaving each other he followed slowly and I laid back on the bed. His hand trailed up my stomach under my shirt and the back down. I started to grind under him and could feel his erection against my hips. He started to slide my shirt up and his hand softly moved across my skin making me moan. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. I shook my head letting him know I wanted to go further. I pulled my shirt off and he crushed his lips to mine again. Within minutes we were both naked and out of breath. He leaned up and one more time he looked into my eyes as if he was making sure I was ok with this. I was so aroused I couldn’t wait any more so I grabbed his erection and guided him to my wet pussy begging him to continue. He thrust in slow and I arched my back. He started to thrust harder and I moaned while biting his shoulder. I was going insane with pleasure, but it was not enough. I flipped us over so that I was on top and took over. I began to ride him slow to see how it felt then sped up and tilted my head back in pleasure. He grabbed my hips pulling me down as we both came. Once the orgasm was over I leaned down and kissed him lightly falling off of him to lie next to him. We pulled the blanket over us and drifted off to sleep cuddled up.


Chapter 4


Chapter 4

It has been two weeks since Jay and I have had sex. It seems like everything has changed around me in a good way. Me and Jay are basically inseparable. I am trying out for softball with my two best friends and my grades are awesome, but nothing last forever.

We are on the last rounds of try outs for the senior team. There are only four spots left and six people to choose from. My, Sam, and Becca walk into the gym with the other girls for the last chance to make the team. We start with our conditioning and then the throwing to warm up. As we go through the routine the coach just watches with no expression and nodes his head once in a while. After about an hour of this he stops the drills.

“Alright girls bring it in.” coach yells.

We all hustle to the dug out to see what he has to say. I look around to see that everyone has worked hard and looks scared to death.

“It was not at all an easy decision, and I know you are all seniors and this is the last chance for a scholarship and what not but your team captain and I have taken this into deep consideration.” Coach says motioning to Kelsey.

“Yes we have and I too am sorry for those of you who didn’t make it and congrats to the four who have.” She chirps with a smile.

“Alright ladies when I call your name I need you to come up and give me your shirt, pants, and shoe size. Samantha Kevins, Becca Renalds, Zoey Bookhouse, Stephanie Lane.” He yelled out and wrote down the measurements.

“For those of you who did not make the team I am sorry, better luck next time.” He said and shook their hands.

We walked to the dug out to get our stuff together so we could get our schedules and then head to the dorms to meet the guys. Just as we all bent over to pick up our schedules off the bench we all scream. The boys must have gotten impatient because they were in the dugout picking us up by our waists scarring the hell out of us.

“Hello beautiful how did it go?” Jay said to me

“I made the team.” I said giving him a kiss on the lips.

“Well of course you’re a natural and beautiful and sweet and kind and sexy and so much more.” He said walking towards the dorms holding my hand.

As I laugh I say “well ain’t you just a bundle of cuteness today.”

We continue to laugh and talk all the way to the dorm with the others behind us. We almost make it our dorm with smiles on our face till the Bitch, Kelsey, ruins it.

“Hey congrats on making the team now I can run you into the ground and not get in trouble for it this should be fun.” Kelsey says walking past us and into the dorm slamming the door in our faces.

“What a bitch.” Tyler said from behind us.

We all laugh and walk to the boy’s dorm instead to avoid Kelsey trying to be a bitch again.

Once inside the boys go to the couch and look for a movie and us girls take turns showering and changing. I was the last to shower because I wanted Jay to join me.

“Hey want to come help me shower.” I said in Jay’s ear.

“Well of course.” He chirped kissing my neck.

We both jumped up when Becca came out of the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes throwing them to the floor. When I turned around Jay’s clothes where on the floor next to mine and he was sitting me on the sink as he kissed me. Within a matter of minutes he is inside of me and I’m blind with pleasure. It feels like it’s only been a few minutes of us pulling hair, moaning, and Jay thrusting into me deep and hard, we both climax and he moans against my lips. Just as Jay starts to pull away there is a knock at the door.

“Hey Jay umm you got someone here to see you.” Tyler said

“Who is it?” Jay asked

“Same annoying person as usual.” Tyler grumbled back.

“Hey start the shower and I will be right back ok baby?” he said as he kissed my forehead and got dressed.

“ok” I said kind of confused.

I started the shower and waited a few minutes but Jay never came back so I got in an showered alone. By the time I was out he still wasn’t back so I dressed and went to the living room.

“Hey where are all the guys at?” I asked Sam and Becca

“Tyler and Tim went to get us some food and Jay is in the hallway talking to someone.” Becca said

“I think they don’t want us to know who because we offered to go with them for the food and they flipped and yelled stay and then told us not to leave.” Sam said confused.

“I wonder who it is?” I said walking towards the door.

I tried to open the door as quietly as possible to see who it was and to my surprise it was Kelsey. I was in the shower and he was out here talking to Kelsey! As I step out into the hall way and open my mouth to say something they kiss. Her hands are in his hair and they are totally lip locked. My heart drops from my chest and I turn and run back into the dorm and slam the door.

“What was that about?” Sam asked coming towards me

With tears going down my face “He is out there with Kelsey and I just seen them kiss” I say through sobs.

I quickly walk to the bathroom to gather all of my clothes and stuff and throw it in my bag. Just as I walk out of the bathroom I come face to face with Jay.

“It was not what it looked like Zoey please let me explain.” He said looking worried and upset.

By this time the boys are back with food and everyone is standing at the end of the hall way watching us.

“Explain what Jay, I mean it’s not like this was real remember I was just supposed to be your fake girlfriend so don’t worry about now move.” I said pushing past him.

I walked out of the boy’s dorm and over to mine. I got inside and went straight to my bed and cried myself to sleep.

I was woke up by a small knock on my door and Sam popped her head in.

“Hey Jay is here to see you.” Sam said

Before I could even say no tell him to go away he was bursting through the bed room door and shutting it in Sam’s face locking it behind him.

“Please talk to me Zoey I didn’t kiss her she just grabbed me and kissed me I pushed her right off as soon as it happened I swear.” He pleaded as he sat on the edge of my bed

As I scooted closer to the wall I said “It’s fine I’m not upset I mean I was fake anyway so.”

“We both know that was not fake Zoey I really do like you maybe even love you and I would never do anything to mess that us.” He said with tears in his eyes.

“That is a load of shit the first choice you made of going out there after we just had sex was you doing something to mess us up!” I yelled.

“Yeah I guess I should have told Tyler to tell her to leave me alone I’m sorry hun.” Jay said as he scooted closer to me.

“Please just stop we can be friends ok, but that’s it now just leave me alone till Monday.” I said and laid back down pulling the blanket over my head.

I felt him get off the bed and after a few seconds the door opened and closed. I peeked out from under the covers to see that I was all alone again and then settled back into bed to sleep the day away. Just as my eyes closed my phone started to ring. I had a text from Sam.

‘Get your butt out here we have one hour to get ready and get to the softball field for practice’ [text from Sam]

I rolled my eyes and got up to hurry and get ready then grab some food. As I walked out of the dorm Becca and Sam came running up behind me.

“Hey are you gonna be okay today?” Becca asked

“It’s just another day Becca come on before we are late.” I said

As we ran to the dugout the coach was just arriving.

“Don’t make being five minutes early a habit ladies you know you have to arrive thirty minutes early to warm up.” He said digging through his bag.

“Yes coach” we said in unison.

We hurried up to grab our gear and run to the field with the other girls to warm up. After a few minutes coach called us in and put us each in stations to test our strengths and weaknesses. The first station was outfield they hit us fly balls and grounders in every direction, next was infield, catcher, pitcher, finally we all lined up to bat. Each girl did everything at least once and the coach observed us all. After our water break the coach split us up again in pitchers, catchers, infielders, and out fielders. To my surprise I was a pitcher with Sam and Kelsey. Becca was a pitcher with Stephanie and the rest got put in to outfield and infield.

“Ok Kelsey let’s see what you got.” Coach said stepping up to bat.

Kelsey wound up and pitched the ball right over the plate. The coach swung and knocked it right to center out field. She wound up again and sent it over the plate. The ball was hit towards first base. She was starting pitch number three. She released and the ball went flying towards center left field again.

“Alright go practice on the side Sam your up.” Coach yelled.

Sam got to the plate and warmed up with two perfect pitches. She shook her head signaling she was good and ready. Coach took his place and Sam threw the first pitch. It was a ball, she threw the ball too high. She wound up for the second pitch and it was perfect. Coach swung and hit it right towards right out field. The third pitch was in full throttle and Sam gave it her all, but coach hit the ball and knocked it right in left field.

“Not too bad Sam keep practicing Zoey your up lets go.” Coach yelled

I stepped up to the plate and my palms got sweaty. I threw a practice pitch and it was clearly too high. The pitcher threw the ball back. I went back to the mound closed my eyes and took a deep breath then shook my head.

“You sure you don’t want a few more throws?” coach asked

I just shook my head and waited for him to take his place. When he shook his head to go I wound up released and hoped for the best. The ball went right over the outer edge of the plate, coach swung and missed. Pitcher threw the ball back. I set myself back on the pitcher’s mound wound up and threw. The ball curved then went right over the plate. Coach swung and hit it straight at my head. Thank god for reflexes. I quickly moved and caught the ball.

“Good catch you all right?” coach yelled.

“Yeah I’m good.” I yelled back.

“Alright I want everything you got this time.” He yelled.

I shook my head and got into position wound up and threw the ball went dead center over the plate in a blink of the eye. Coach swung but it was too late the ball was already past him. Coach looked at the pitcher then back at me and smiled.

“Can you throw the ball like that two more times for me?” he yelled with a big grin on his face.

“Sure I guess.” I yelled back

He dropped his bat and ran to the dugout to get some sort of machine and set it up by the plate.

“Alright Zoey this will tell me how fast your pitch is so just give me two easy throws for you then two as fast as you can ok?” coach said.

“Sure” I said shrugging my shoulders

I got ready and threw two easy pitches focusing on accuracy and not speed. Coach seemed pleased and then I threw the next two pitches with everything I had. Coach looked at the readings and his eyes lit up.

“Do you realize how fast you are throwing that ball?” he asked me

“no does it matter?” I asked walking towards him

“Hell ya it matters, with an arm like this you will be striking people out left and right.” He cheered

I walked up to where he was and looked at my highest reading. 50mph. Let my softball career begin

Since me and Jay stopped “fake” dating I threw myself into my school work and softball practices. It has been almost two weeks since I saw Jay and Kelsey kiss. Every day I wake up at 5am for a run, shower and go to school, go home study and make dinner, then back to the softball field to run and practice my accuracy on my pitch. I have basically secluded myself from everyone even my friends.

It is officially two weeks. Today is Friday and I am about to go for a run then relax in my room for the day I think. The last bell rings and I hurry out of class and to my dorm. Just as my key turns in the lock someone pulls my ponytail. I turn to look and Jay is standing behind me with a huge smile and a baseball glove on.

“So want to go practice with me?” Jay asked.

As I turn back to the door to open it “Sorry I’m resting my arm today maybe another day.” I said.

“That’s cool so what are you doing today then since it is Friday and all?” he asked following me in through the door.

“Oh I don’t know how about going to shower then bed.” I said sarcastically.

“Well I guess we could do that or we could go to a party at the softball field.” He said happily while following me to my room.

“No thanks I am really tired so I think I am going to just shower and turn in.” I said setting my books down and looking for comfy clothes.

“Come on just for a little while, you never want to be around me anymore.” Jay said looking down at his feet.

Seeing him looking like a puppy that just got kicked made my heart break and I gave in “ Fine but I am not staying long.”

“Really, you’re going?” he asked smiling at me.

“Yes now get out so I can change my clothes.” I said flatly

He just shook his head and walked back out of my room with a biggest smile ever. I shook my head and looked for something to wear. I had to do laundry still so the only thing I had was a sun dress or sweat pants. Sundress it is. I slipped on the white dress. It was a bright white sundress that came down to the middle of my thigh. The waist was tight and then it flared out. The top of the dress was a simple strapless style with a single flower stitched in the middle. I put my hair in a high pony tail and found a pair of sandals to match the dress and walked out.

“Wow you look amazing.” Jay said looking at me stunned.

“Thanks.” I said with a small smile.

By the time we got to the field it was already getting dark and everyone was on the third or fourth beer. I scanned the crowed and found my salvation, Sam and Becca. Not paying any attention to Jay I went straight to my friends. Once they saw me they screamed and rushed towards me arms open. We hugged and jumped around till finally the guys joined us.

“Hey Zoey how you been?” Tim asked.

“I’m good just a little busy these days, how about yourself?” I asked politely.

As we all made awkward small talk we made our way to the bonfire. Once the small talk wasn’t enough we all just sat quietly looking at the fire. After what seemed like forever someone turned the music on. Thank god. My favorite song came on so I looked around to see if I could find my lucky victim to dance with. My eyes fell on Jay and he was starring right back as if he knew what I was thinking. Just as he got up to walk over to me someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to see a tall muscular jock standing over me with a devilish grin.

“Want to dance?” the guy asked.

“I don’t dance with strangers.” I said flirtingly

“Chase and your name?” he asked

“Zoey.” I said smoothly.

“See now we can dance we ain’t strangers anymore.” He said holding his hand out.

“guess not.” I laughed

I took his hand and he lead me just a few feet from where I was sitting. It was a slow song so we slow danced in silence. As he spun me I could see Jay staring at me, but I couldn’t tell what his expression was. Is he mad, in disbelief, hurt, confused, I can’t tell? His face is almost expressionless. Chase pulls me into him close and Jay flips. He jumps up and goes over to Kelsey who is talking to a group of girls. He walks up behind her putting her back against his chest and whispers in her ear. I can see her laugh and then take his hand. He leads her over to where everyone else is dancing. Seeing him and her feels like pulling a band aid off all over again. Once the dance is over I thank Chase and tell him I will see him around. I go to find Sam and Becca to tell them goodnight so I can leave.

After twenty minutes of walking around like a lost child I find the girls. They are all cuddled up with their boyfriends hugging and kissing. I cough to get their attention.

“Oh hey what’s up Zoey?” Becca asked getting off Tyler’s lap.

“Nothing I am tired so I think I am going to head home I just wanted to say good night.” I said smiling the best fake smile I could muster.

“Are you sure it’s still early it’s only ten?” Sam said checking her phone.

“Yeah I am beat guys I’m sorry.” I said hugging them both before leaving.

After our good byes I started back to the dorms. It was a peaceful walk through campus. No one was around the lights where dime and all around me I could hear nature. There was a light breeze and the crickets where having a blast playing their little tunes. I walked slow to enjoy this peace and quiet. I finally got back to the dorm and just as I shut the door and locked it behind me my phone was going off.

[Jay text] where are you? Are you ok?

[my reply] I am fine I told you I wasn’t going to stay long. Night have fun.

[Jay text] why didn’t you tell me I would have at least walked you back home.

[My reply] no worries I made it ok. Thanks though

[Jay text] can I come and see you before you go to sleep

[My reply] maybe tomorrow I am really tired it’s been a long week. Sorry

Just as I open the fridge door there is a knock at the door. I roll my eyes and go to open the door.

“You know you should at least as who it is Zoey.” Jay scolded me.

“I figured it was you.” I said and walked back to the fridge.

As I was bent over looking for something good to eat his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me up. I spun around and he pushed me into the fridge door pinning me. With his hands on either side of my head he pressed his body to mine. I started to breath heavy and get nervous. I could feel his warmth and smell his body spray. His smell and closeness made me shiver.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he lowered his head.

“Noth..” was all I could get out before his lips landed on mine.

My arms snaked around his neck and my hands where in his hair. He lifted me up and carried me to my bedroom. I sat down putting me on his lap and we continued to kiss. He leaned back and our lips never left each other. What felt like a few minutes of kissing must have been hours, I heard the front door open followed by laughing and hushes from Sam and Becca. I bolted up right jumped off of Jay’s lap. He sat up looking at me confused.

“Zoey what’s wrong?” Jay asked.

“I can’t do this with you Jay please just go.” I said looking down trying to hold back the tears.

“Please don’t push me away I love you, what do I have to do to prove that to you?” he pleaded walking over to me.

“You can’t so just drop it and move on.” I said walking to the bed to lie down.

I kicked me shoes off and wrapped myself up in my blanket hoping he would get the hint and leave. Boy was I wrong. After a few minutes I calmed down and he was crawling in the bed behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Zoey I love you and I am not going anywhere without you, and if this is about Kelsey kissing me and me dancing with her tonight then I will go and tell her in front of everyone that I love you with all my heart and that she needs to stay as far away from me as possible.” He whispered in my ear. He paused, waiting for my response and when he didn’t get one he continued on.

“Baby I am in love with you and only you please give me a real chance?” he asked.

I had no idea what to say or if I could talk with our crying so I just lifted the blanket giving him access to scoot closer to me and hold me. Once we both got comfortable he kissed the back of my head and I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up to a pounding on the door. I jumped up and looked down to Jay rolling over looking at the door. I went to get off the bed and open the door but Jay put his arm out and got up and opened the door. Kelsey was standing on the other side.

She walked in yelling “What the hell are you doing Zoey this is my boyfriend, what a whore.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Jay asked.

“Us baby I am talking about us, please stop cheating on me I love you Jay.” She pleaded wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Look if you two want to have a love fest get out of my room.” I scowled

“Zoey stop I told you last night you are the only girl for me and I truly meant every word, so Kelsey get the fuck out and leave us alone. I am in love with this girl and nothing you say or do will change that now leave us alone.” He said coming over to the bed and wrapping me in his arms.

Kelsey’s mouth dropped and she stormed out of my room. I looked at Jay and smiled then started to lie back down. Just as I got comfortable my phone started to ring. The coach had texted me.

[Coach text]I am sorry to inform you that we had to make some more cut backs to the team this year and the people cut are Zoey, Sam, and Becca.

I read the text and the water works started. Jay wrapped me in his arms to comfort me and read the text. The threw the phone on the bed and rocked me back and forth trying to soothe me. I heard footsteps and Sam and Becca came into the room. I looked up to see them coming to the bed.

“I am so sorry guys this is all my fault.” I cried.

“Shh no it’s not, this is the doings of that skank, but hey it’s ok we can still play for fun with the boys.” Sam said hugging me

“Yeah it’s not like any of us wanted to do this for a scholarship so who cares.” Becca smiled hugging us.

I smiled through the tears and hugged them back. Once we all calmed down they went back to bed. I looked at Jay and he just laughed.

As my tears started again, “Why are you laughing at me, I’m crying?”

“I’m sorry honey, I swear I’m not laughing at you I am laughing at myself.” He said kissing my head.

“What are you talking about?” I asked wiping my tears away.

“I laughed because I realized that I think you are beautiful when you cry, sleep, run, yell at me, and any thing you do is adorable. I love you Zoey.” He said compassionately then kissing my nose.

"You have issues." I said laughing through my tears.

We laid back down and slept for another two hours before getting up to start our day. When we got up everyone else was already in the living room watching T.V and eating breakfast. Sam must have known that I was feeling really down since she made all my favorites. The kitchen was filled with chocolate chip pancakes, hash browns, dippy eggs, peanut butter toast, sausage links. My eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas and Jay laughed at me.

"Why you laughing now?" I asked confused.

Wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck "you are the cutest thing in the universe that is why."

"What did I do now?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"The excitement in your eyes, the fact that you can be so happy with something as simple as pancakes." He laughed picking up a pancake.

"This is not just a pancake it is a chocolate chip pancake thank you very much." I gasped grabbing the pancake from his hand and eating it.

Shaking his head he just chuckled and handed me a plate so we could finally eat. Once our plates where as full as possible, we headed to the living room with the others and sat down. They were watching Scooby-doo the movie. The couch was crowded so Jay and I cuddled up on the floor to eat and watch movies. Around noon the mean girl’s doors opened and they came out with their suitors. The guys all came straight to the living room to say hi and in unison the girls just rolled their eyes and went to the kitchen.

"No wonder you guys got cut from the team you’re too fat to play" Kelsey said holding up a pancake.

"Jump off a bridge." Becca said with a smile.3

"Whatever loser." Kelsey said rolling her eyes and walking away.

"So what do you want to do today my love?" Jay leaned into my shoulder and asked me.

"Well we should study we do have a big test on Monday and then maybe a jog, after that I am not sure we can figure that out when we come to that bridge though." I said kissing him and getting up to get ready.

Jay stood up and following me to put our dishes in the sink then on to my bedroom. He closed the door behind him as I opened my book bag to get my biology book out. As I go to turn around I run right into his chest and my cheeks get hot.

"Hey what you up to?" I asked shyly.

"Oh nothing just thinking about maybe kissing my beautiful, smart, funny, sexy girlfriend." He said as he pulled me into his arms.

"Just thinking about it?" I asked sarcastically.

He laughed then pulled me into him and kissed me. His kisses started soft and sweet then in a matter of minutes turned to hunger and lust. One hand went into my hair and the other snaked around my lower back pulling me into him.

"Ouch!" I squealed.

Jay jumped back wide eyed letting me go completely and said "What, What did I do?"

"The corner of the damn book went into my ribs." I said laughing at him.

Relief and irritation was in his eyes as he shook his head at me. Then he said, "Why the hell would you do that I thought I really hurt you somehow."

I wrapped my arms around his waste and softly kissed his cheek as i laughed.

"I love how much you care." I said smiling up at him.


Chapter 5

 It has been two weeks since the girls and I have been kicked off of the softball team. They lost their last two games and Queen Bitch was not happy.

"Hey Zoey how did you do on you midterms?" Becca asked pulling her graded papers out.

"i dont know i am to scared to open the envelopes." i said looking at the scarriest thing in the school.

Knock, Knock.

"Door is open." Sam yelled pulling each graded test out and looking it over.

"So how did everyone do?" Jay asked as he walked in with the guys behind him.

"Well i did pretty good nothing under a B-." Becca said.

"Same here." Sam said with a grin.

"And what about you my love?" Jay asked while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"i dont have the guts to open them." i said looking at the envelopes as if they would kill me.

Jays eyebrows rise and he looks to the girls for an answer. They shrug their shoulders and take the envelopes and open them for me. Sam's eyes get wide as she opens the first one.

"Oh my God Zoey i am so sorry." Sam said looking at me sympathetically.

"What why what does it say?" i eagerly cry.

"D+" was all Sam could say.

My eyes widened and i snatched the papers from her. In big red writing all the papers said A+ or A++.

My heart slowed back down and my muscles relaxed as i laughed and said "you are pure evil Sam."

We all started to laugh as i eased back into Jays arms.

"Well that was fun who wants to go get some food?" Tim asked pointing to the door.

We all agree in unison and get up to head to the cafateria. I was starving for some reason even though I had just eaten a bowel of cerel less than an hour ago. We walked in silence enjoying the weather when suddenly i was so dizzy i had to lean on Jay to stay up.

"Zoey are you ok?" Jay asked grabbing my shoulders to balance me.

"Yeah I think so I just got so dizzy all of the sudden." I said trying to gain my balance.

"Have you eaten at all today?" Jay asked.

"She has been eating almost every thirty minutes and dowing water and apple juice for the past two days" Sam said worried.

"Guys i am fine lets just go and get some food please" I begged.

"Fine but after we eat we go straight back to the dorms and you are going to lay down" Jay said in a worried tone.

"Bed sounds amazing right now" i agreed feeling very drained.

After a few minutes the dizzy spell was gone and i was back to being just hungry and tired. We got to the cafeteria and all the smells made me slightly nauseated. I tried to ignore it as best I could and walked straight to the one place that was making my mouth water. The pizza place. Once I was surrounded by the smell of pizza my upset stomach settled and the hunger rose up agian. i ordered a whole pizza with banana pepers, olives, chicken, and onions. Jay looked at me like I was crazy and I just stared down the food till it was done. Once we all had what we wanted we went out side and found a nice little table under a tree to eat in peace. Jay sat next to me eating his pizza and the others got some sort of subs. I took a bite of the pizza and it was good but it was still missing something. Then the bell lite up, mustard, i was missing mustard.

"Eww what the hell are you doing?" Becca screeched at me as i started to dip the pizza into the mustard and eat it.

"What it tastes amazing you have to try it before you say its nasty." i said offering her a bite.

"No Not going to happen that is just not right." she said with a twisted face.

"That should be illegal to do to pizza." Sam laughed.

They girls made fun of me but Jay just stared at me with a questioning look. I wonder what is going through his mind. I hope he doesn't get mad cause of this i know it's weird but for some reason i really want it. We finish eating and head back to the dorms.

"Hey you guys want to watch some movies and relax since we all worked so hard on our tests?" Sam asked.

"Sure we can relax today and tomorrow and then raise hell the next ten days till we start classes again" Tim chuckled.

Jay and I walked side by side behind everyone else silently. I could tell he was distracted and thinking about something but for some reason i was scared to ask what. As we walked I looked up at him to see his eyes shifting from me, to the others, then to any where but in my direction. Every time he looked away from me i could feel my heart sink and my stomach turn. Something was really bothering him and i needed to know what it was before i had a mental break down. I decided to wait till after i took my nap so i was well rested and prepared for the wost. We got back to the dorms and the girls had some frieds over and they were in the kitchen burning something. I ignored them and just walked into the bedroom to change and lay down. once i was in some baggy shorts and a loose T-shirt i jumped into bed and signaled for Jay to join me. He sat on the edge on the bed and ran his hand through my hair.

"Baby are you sure you are ok?" He asked with a worried tone.

"Yes it's probably just stress or im about to start my period or something." i said drifting into sleep.

I woke up around dinner time and the dorm was quiet. I stretched and got up to see if anyone else was home. I walked to my door and found a note from the girls saying they went to get food and they would be back soon with dinner. With a smile on my face i opened the door to go to the kitchen and seen someone laying on the couch. I was hoping it was Jay so i could talk to him.

"Jay is that you?" i whispered as i walked to the couch.

i could see slight movements and heavy breathing. In my mind i knew it was someone messing around but i kept walking forward. I walked to the lamp and turned it on to find Jay and some girl i have never met before on the couch naked having sex surrounded by empty bottles of liquore. Jay looked at me in anger as if he was about to yell at me to get out till he seen my face and he froze. The girl on the other hand thought she was a cowgirl at the rodeo and kept on going and in a few minutes while still looking me in the eyes he came.

"What the hell is this?" i yelled at jay.

"This is me having sex with my new best friend who are you?" The girl asked.

"so how long have  you two been freinds?" i asked still staring at Jay who is frozen like a deer in the head lights.

"Oh i dont know about a week now." She said smiling and giving him a kiss on the neck as she dismounted.

"Jay get your clothes on and get the fuck out of my dorm and never come back." i said as i handed him his clothes and slapped him across the face.

"Zoey no wait please." he slurred as he tried to get up. Just as i got to the bathroom and slammed the door i heard the front door open and the girls came home.

"Jay what the hell are you doing?" Sam yelled.

"What I was just drunk and went to sleep on the couch and then i woke up in the dark and i didnt pay attnetion to who was on top of me i jsut started going, Fuck" Jay yelled punching something.

"Guys i think you should all leave for the night." Becca said handing the boys their  half of the food.

"Good going Dick" Tim said pushing Jay out the door.

"Im sorry man i dont know what happened where is Zoey?" Jay asked as he is being pushed to his dorm.

After a few minutes i dont hear anything any more so i open the bathroom door to find Sam and Becca waiting for me with food and open arms. I couldnt help but smile and kind of chuckle at them for already knowing me so well. I instantly started to ball my eyes out and went into their arms for comfort. We went to the living room once i calmed down and we started to eat and watch cartoons. After i finished eating and was not even three episodes into spongebob i was out cold again. I am not sure why i am feeling so off the past week but i hope it goes away soon. The next moring i am woke up by a knock at the front door. As i open my eyes i see the girls on the couch sleeping and i was in the chair. i rubbed my eyes and got up to open the door. As i reached for the door knob i  hoped it wouldn't be Jay yet i sort of hoped that it would be him.

"Zoey can we talk please?" Jay pleaded as he reached for my hand and i backed away.

"What do you want say"? I asked in a low voice as my head fell andi staired at he ground.

"im sorry, i love you, it was a mistake, dont leave me?" Jay said as he stepped closer to me.

"Jay I love you with all of my heart, but how can i be with someone who got drunk in my dorm and had sex with some random girl on my couch. And to add insult to injury i caught you in the middle of it and you didnt even try and stop when i caught you. you just kept going till you busted and then wanted something to do with me. So no we are not together any more. I will always be here as your friend and lab partner but nothing else." i said through tears and i closed the door.

A few days have gone by and i am still feeling sick and now i am puking almost every morning when i wake up. Sam and Becca went to lunch with the guys and Jay so i decided to stay back and go to the school nurse.

"Hello Mrs. Newman I am not feeling well can you take a look at me please?" i asked when i seen the nurse at the desk.

"Well of course honey lets get you into a room and you can tell me what has been going on." The little old lady says ushering me to an empty room.

"Well for the past ten days i have been getting dizzy, puking, hungry, cramping, tired, and more emotional than usual" i said recalling everything that i might have done or had an issue with.

"Hmm when was your last period dear?" she asked looking me oddly.

"I get it between the sixth and the twelveth of overy month, why?" i asked.

"did  you get it at that time last month?" She asked.

"yes" i replied wondering what my period had to do with it.

"Well today is the twentyth, so have you getten it this month?" she asked raising her eye brows.

i paused thinking back and no i hadn't "NO i dont think i did." i said.

"Are you sexually active?" said Mrs. Newman

"um yes" i said nervously.

She smile and said "It will be ok Honey we will just run some tests and you will be out of here before you finish you math homework on a good day." and she left the room.

A few minutes later she came back with a small cup and she instructed me to pee in it and then leave it on the sink and wait in my room. I also had to sign wavers and what not since i was eighteen now they didnt have to call my parents unless i instructed them too. After about two hours of sitting around Mrs. Newman came back in with the test results.

"Well Zoey we have good news and we have some not so great news depending on the person." The nurse said.

"Please dont sugar coat it i cant handle waiting any more." i said nervouse as hell.

"You are a perfectly healthy eighteen year old girl, but you are pregnant." She said.

"What?" i blurted out.

"We are going to bring the doctor in to check you out to make sure you and the baby are ok. He will also do an ultrasound to see how far along you are and to let you know your options." The nurse said patting my shoulder.

A few minutes later the nurse and doctor came in with an ultrasound machine and i layed down. they put some warm jelly on my stomach and pushed around with their little wand thing.

"Well Miss Evans you seem to be about six weeks in and everything looks great." the doctor said.

"ok so what do i do now?" i asked as i cleaned off my stomach.

"Well you have some options since you are only six weeks. You can keep the baby and raise him or her, anytime before twelve weeks you can get an abortion and terminate the pregnancey, or go through the whole pregnancy and then set the baby up for adoptioin." The doctor explained while handing me panflets.

"Doctor this is my baby and i am going to raise him or her so what do i need to do to keep my baby healthy?" i asked as tears spilled down my cheeks.

"well we will have to start you on vitamins and you need to keep your stress levels down." The doctor explained.

After what felt like forever in the clinic I left with my ultrasound pictures and my discharge papers and headed to the deans office. While on my walk i called my mom so that i could tell her the news.

ring, ring, ring "Hello honey how is school going?" mom chirped into the phone.

"Great i got straight A's like always, but mom i have some news for you." i said with butterflies in my stomach.

"Are you ok whats wrong baby?" she asked worried

"i just went to the clinic at school and mom im so sorry i messed up everything." i cried into the phone.

"NO baby you didnt what happened at the clinic im sure it isnt that bad." my mother choked into the phone.

"im pregnant." i said.

"Well that is not as bad as some other things i suppose." my mother cried.

"are you mad?" i asked.

"NO i am not mad i do wish you would have waited but im not mad." my mother said through tears.

I go on to tell her how far along i am and that i want to keep the baby and that i am going now to talk to the dean about some of the jobs off of campus that i can apply for since the college i got into is right around the corner it makes sence to get a job locally and save up now so when i have the baby i can support him or her. After an hour my mother and I hang up and i go and talk to the dean. By the time i leave the Dean's office i am working at cleveland clinic five days a week and my class schedule has been changed. I go to school two days a week and do the rest at home so i can go to work. I am feeling a lot better about the whole situation till i get back to the dorm and see Jay and everyone in the living room.

"Hey Sweet cheeks we got  you some food on the stove." Sam said

"Hey where have you been all day?" Becca asked.

"I went to the doctor since i have been so sick and thank you for the food." i said walking t the kitchen.

"Well what did the doc said what wrong with you?" Tim asked.

"Nothing she said i am perfectly healthy." i said with a fake ass smile as i started to eat.

I turned to get something to drink when i heart my purse zipper open. i turned to see the girl Jay was fucking puling all my papers out of my bag.

"Well lets see it says here that Miss Zoey Evans is.." She stops and looks at me wide eyed.

"She is what?" Jay asks furiously.

"pregnant" i said closing the fridge.

Chapter 6

Over the past five days I have been getting ready to start this job and avoid Jay at all costs. I went to the hospital I am working at and did my training on the computer and some hands on stuff and go my scrubs. I am a nurses aid and basically the receptionist so it should be an easy enough job that pays ten dollars an hour. I start work officially in one week also known as spring break at my school. My classes have already changed and i am loving it so far.  I only have to go into a classroom on tuesdays which is my day off and i am only stuck in this room for as long as it takes me to take my tests. I can get up when i want and do what i want as long as all my work is done by Friday every week. My professors worked it out so i get three weeks of work at a time and can go at my own pace which is so nice. I haven't seen Jay since the day he found out about the pregnancy. I was going to try and call him but why bother if he wanted to be apart of this baby's life then he knows where to find me. I am now seven and a half weeks and i just want to sleep.

"Hey Zoey are you awake?" Sam asked knocking on the bed room door.

"yeah i'm up." i said looking up from my lap top.

"Since you're off on tomorrow want to go to a dinner and movie with us?" Sam asked.

I know the girls have been missing me cause i miss them too its been almost a whole week and i havent really got to spend time with them.

"I would love to let me get ready." i said jumping out of bed.

"She said she is going." Sam yelled as she closed the door.

 I threw on a pair of my jean shorts and a nice shirt that accented my breast but was loose on my stomach and a pair of sneakers. i walked into the living room to find that the girls and I where not the only ones going. I seen Jay and I instantly regretted saying I would go. Becca must have senced the unease i was having with him being there so she hurridly got up and distracted me.

"Oh Sweet cheeks i have missed you in class how is everything going?" Becca asked while hugging me.

"So far great and i am really loving this job so far." i said smiling and hugging her back.

Becca took a step back and then rubbed my belly saying " And how is my lil peanut doing?"

I couldnt help but laugh and say " you do know i am only seven and a half weeks its kind of early to be trying to corrupt my baby."

"What me corruption of people never, want a cigarrett?" She said laughing.

"God i have missed you guys. So where are we going to eat we are starving." i said rubbing my little baby bump.

Everyone but Jay laughes and gets up to leave. I look at him and he is just staring me down with wide eyes like he seen a ghost. I smile at him and motion for him to come on. He slightly relaxes and jumps up to follow like that was the signal he was waiting for. We walk out of the dorm and into the cool late evening air. As we walk down the side walks through campus I tilt my head back to feel the warm breeze in my hair. It is so refreshing to be out and about with my friends again. I have missed them more than even I knew. As we are walking i feel this burning sensation on my stomach like someone is watching me. I look around to find Jay fixed on my stomach like it's some strange object he has never seen before.Then i realise he is trying to adjust to me being pregnant and i cant help but chuckle. His cheeks burn pink and he looks down at the ground and puts his hands in his pockets. I rolled my eyes and reached for his arm. When our skin touched i could feel the warmth and tingling go through my body. Jay looked up at me confused and I pulled his hand out of his pocket and placed it on my stomach. The minute his hand made contact with my bloated little belly he stoped in his tracts and smiled. After what felt like and hour we finally made it to the restraunt and i had to use the bathroom.

"Hey you guys get a table i gotta go to the bathroom." i said already going to the restroom.

"We will come with  ya." the girls chimmed and followed me.

I walked into the bathroom and all went well till i came out to wash my hands and was face to face with the mean girls and the tramp that broke me and Jay up.

"OH look the campus whore is out playing around again." said one girl

"What you trying to get pregnant again already" said the other girl.

"Guys just stop ok I dont need the stress." i said as i went to dry my hands.

"Aww what's the matter you cant handle it poor baby." the tramp said.

"Hey bitch leave her alone or deal with us." Sam yelled.

I threw the paper towel away and we walked out of the bathroom to leave the Hyienas to do their little laugh.

We found the guys at a table close to the door and sat down. Sam next to Tim, Becca next to John, and me next to Jay. They all picked up a menu but i already knew what i wanted so i watched the T. V they had on the wall in the corner. after a few minutes the waitress came back and we all ordered.

"So what do you want a boy or girl?" Tim asked.

"I have not really thought much of it, but I think it would be cool to have a boy so if i have kids later and its a girl he can protect her." i answered

"What would you name him." I have no idea i said laughing

"Better yet who is the father?" The tramp sneered as she stood next to jay rubbing his shoulder with the Bitch Crew behind her.

"That is probaby the easiest answer yet, Jay is the father." i said smiling up at her.

"Oh and Jay you are one hundred percent sure the baby is yours?" The tramp asked looking from me to jay with a devilish smile.

"Well we haven't gotten a DNA test or anything so." Jay said looking down at his hands

"So you think there is a chance this baby is not yours?" i asked Jay.

"Well i mean you never know till the DNA is done right?" Jay asked

"Wrong, I do know because unlike you i was only sleeping with you and no one else, so go fuck your self Jay." i said through tears as i got up to leave.

"Zoey wait please lets get the food and go back home just us girls come on please?" Sam pleaded.

I pause and look at my friends and realize they wanted this as much as I did so i look to Jay and say " No we wont go home we can stay and have our night out like we wanted it's fine."

"are you sure we dont mind." Becca said

"yes i am sure lets eat." i said with my best fake smile i could paint on.

The bitch squad was mad they didn't ruin my night and stomped off. The girls and i laughed and started talking about work and school while the boys talked sports and food. After we finished eating we headed to the movie theater to watch the new batman movie. We walked in silence next door to get the tickets. unfortunatly everyone wanted to see this movie so we couldn't get seats together. sam and tim sat next to each other in the front, becca and john in the middle and i was stuck next to jay in the back corner.

"Zoey i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that back at the restraunt." Jay whispered.

"It's fine I have a doctors appointment next wednesday so i will ask when we can do your DNA test." i spat back at him.

"Zoey i miss you and i am so sorry i hurt you and even if you never take me back that is still my baby too and i want to be a part of his or her life as much as possible." he said.

"SHHHH we are trying to watch a movie here." the guy infront of us said.

"Sorry." i whispered back.

Jay got up and took my hand to lead me out of the theater. Once we was into the lobby he let my hand go and my heart started to hurt. I miss his touch his body next to mine at night his voice i miss everything about him.

"Zoey please let me be a father to my child let me help you and hold you when your sick please." Jay pleaded running his hand through his hair.

"Fine what do you want to do then?" i asked looking down at the floor.

"Let me stay the night with you i promise i wont try anything i just want to be there for when you are sick or hungry or to rubb the baby when she is making you uncomfortable." he said moving closer to me.

Looking up into his eyes as my breath catches in my throat i say "ok."

He smiles and leans in for hug. I am so tempted to just pull back and press my lips to his and do so many inappropriate things to him right here in the middle of the lobby. It seems the less sickness i have the hornier i become. Not to mention it has been two weeks since i have had sex. We go back in and sit and watch the movie. After the whole hour and thirty-five minutes i am hungry and the rest of the party is ready to get their dates in bed.

"Hey you guys go head back to the dorm i am going to stop and get some food before i head home, night." i said as we parted ways at the theater doors.

"Are you sure i mean we can stay with you so you dont have to walk around alone?" Becca said concerned.

"Ill stay with her." Jay said shooting me a killer smile like on the first day we met all over again.

"Zoey are you ok with that?" Sam asked puzzled.

"umm sure i dont see why not, besides me and Jay have a lot to talk about anyway." i said with a smirk on my face.

"Well ok then i guess it is settled night Zoey it was nice to see you Sam lets go please." Tim said assuring Sam in the direction of the dorms.

Jay and I watched them hurry off and laughed.

"So Prego what do  you want to eat?" Jay asked looking back to me.

"Your a dick and I was thinking some pizza would be really great right now." as i started to walk towards the only pizza place open. Pizza hut. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.04.2016

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