
Authors note

I have never written an book that I have published, but I love to read and write so I hope you enjoy. Also please dont mind the grammer I hated english when it came to all the rules. LOL

Chapter 1


My name is Fraya Jones and I am a werewolf and adopted. I did not find this out until my eighteenth birthday when I found myself in the woods and my parents had to explain what the hell happened. This is the beginning of the rest of my life…

I woke up cold and could feel something wet but soft below me, it was grass. As I stand up to look around I am in the woods. How did I get to the woods and where are my clothes. I am so lost and confused I have never been one to sleep walk, was I kidnapped and dumped, was I drugged and raped? What the hell happened to me? I guess I should start walking before I freeze to death since I’m naked in the woods in the middle of March.

After what felt like forever I found a dirt path in the woods that looked like it was used a lot, so I followed it to a little wood cabin with a barn next to it in the middle of the woods. It looked familiar, but I have no idea why. I could see blankets just inside the barn door so I made a run for it. I got the blanket and wrapped it around my body and walked to the cabin. I knocked a few times, but there was no answer. I checked to see if the door was unlocked. Score! I hurried in and said hello but there was still no answer. The cabin was dark but felt warm and smelled of fire. I walked in just a little farther then found the blazing fire I ran to it to warm up hoping I could get out of here before who ever owned the place came back. But of course as soon as I sat down the damn door opens.

All I could smell was cologne, peppermint, and something I did not recognize, but god it smelled amazing. My stomach got butterflies and something inside of me just was going crazy it was something I had felt before but never this strong, weird.

Charles P.O.V

I was just coming back from getting fire wood when I noticed a strange strawberry candy like smell coming from inside the cabin and my inner wolf going a wall. Get inside now we have to meet this person Jase my inner wolf yelled. I just rolled my eyes and walked in the door to find a girl  with big blue eyes and long blonde hair in nothing but a blanket staring at me wide eyed in front of my fire place. I froze where I was unsure of what to do since she looked scared as hell and it’s the full moon so I didn’t want her to wolf out on me. Mate she is your mate dumb ass talk to her my inner wolf yelled. I could not bring myself to talk.

Fraya P.OV

A tall guy with short kinda messy brown hair and the most amazing light green eyes walked in to the door. I was so worried he would yell at me and kick me out or worse till some little voice in my head started yelling at me. Oh my GOD he is our mate and cute said the weird voice in my head.

“well can you close the door I’m freezing” I said in annoyance

“oh ya sorry” he said as he kicked the door closed with his foot.

He walked over by the fire place and set the wood down then looked back at me and said

“Umm why are you in my cabin and naked?”

“I was well I am, I don’t know. I woke up in the woods naked and then found this place I knocked, but apparently you were not here so I came in and sat by the fire. I was only here a minute before you walked in and I didn’t touch anything I’m sorry I was just so cold.” I stammered.

God Fraya get it together I told myself as my nerves started to get worse. Then I looked back up and he was just smirking at me then walked away into another room.

“I know I am a lot taller than you but these will have to do” he said as he threw me a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. I stood up and walked into the room he had come from with the clothes and noticed it was a bed room with a single queen bed and a long dresser. This must be a hunting cabin or something because it’s so plan and dull.

“Umm so were exactly am I” I yelled from the room.

“We are in the mountains near route 666” he said back.

“Are we in Hickory Township or are we closer to Endeavor?” I asked as I pulled the blanket back on.

“Hickory” was all he said

As I walked out he was sitting at a table in a connected room next to I assume the living room. In front of him were two bowls of something that smelled amazing but looked awful.

I sat down across from him but not in front of the bowl and asked “ are you expecting company?” looking towards the bowl. He laughed and shook his head.

“No its for you since I assume you are hungry from your run last night and since you did show up here naked” he said laughing and shaking his head.

“what run what are you talking about?” I asked confused.

“Well last night was the first night of the full moon today it will be at its fullest.” He said looking at me confused.

“sure” I said as I took a spoon full of mush in my mouth.

As he sat back and looked at me he asked “do you even know what you are?”


Chapter 2

Chapter two

Charles P.O.V

As she walked out of my bed room in my clothes all I could think is God she is so beautiful. Thank god she is my mate she looks like an angle and has the sweetest softest voice, I wonder what she sounds like when she moans. She sat down across from me and my heart fluttered.  Then she looked at the food next to her and asked “ are you expecting company?” looking towards the bowl. I laughed and shook his head.

“No its for you since I assume you are hungry from your run last night and since you did show up here naked” I said laughing and shaking my head.

“what run what are you talking about?” She asked confused.

Hmm I wonder why she is playing dumb doesn’t she sense I am a wolf too?

“Well last night was the first night of the full moon today it will be at its fullest.” I said looking at her confused.

“sure” she said in a sarcastic vice as she took a spoon full of food in her mouth.

As I sat back and looked at her I asked “do you even know what you are?”

She looked at me in confusion then anger as she said “ well of course I know I’m not fucking stupid I’m a girl who is tired and wants to go home.”

Well I guess she has no clue. Wait I don’t even know her name and she hasn’t asked for mine either.

“Do you know my name?” I asked her

With that pissed of look she said “ no I don’t know your name if I did I would have walked in with out knocking”

With a smile on my face “well then why haven’t you asked for my name or asked about me at all then? Do you always just walk into strangers cabins naked?”

Fraya P.O.V

He did not just say that to me! What a total ass hole.

“NO I don’t and if I do its none of your business. “ I angrily said to him.

He just sat there and laughed while shoveling his face with whatever this soupy chunky crap was. He ignored me for a while to I just sat quietly and started to eat again.

Out of nowhere he said “you’re a werewolf and your my mate.” With a smile on his face.

“Well thank you for the food and clothes I’ll be going now since you are officially crazy.” I said as I stood up to walk out the door. Then before I knew what was going on he started to bend a light up like an alien and then in the blink of an eye a huge dark brown wolf was standing next to where the guy was just sitting. My eyes felt like they were popping out of my head and I heard a scream. Then I realized it was my scream. I turned on my heels dropped the blanket and made a B line for the door. I was too slow I didn’t even get close to the door before the wolf was in front of it and turning back to the guy that had just been sitting across the table from me.

“It’s ok I am a wolf too calm down” he said soothingly

I don’t know why, but the sound of his voice was so soothing that I just wanted to relax and jump into his arms and fall asleep. Then of course my crazy had to start talking. See you are fine now tell him you are his mate and to teach you everything you need to know. He will take care of us Said my creepy little voice.

“How, why, and me this is not real I was never bitten or scratched or anything so how is this possible?” I said freaking out.

“You watch too much t.v.” he said laughing as he guided me to the couch.

I looked at him with the deadliest stare I could.

“Ok down girl. You were born into it. So that means your mom and dad are werewolves too. Here let’s start over” he said as he smiled at me.

I took a deep breath and stuck my hand out “ Hello my name is Fraya Jones and you?”

He took my hand and said “ well hello Ms. Fraya Jones I am Charles Williams it is so nice to meet you”

As he kissed my hand I realized I knew him from my drama class I had last semester. “I know you from school. You go to Valley Fork High don’t you?” I asked

“why yes I do how did you know?” he asked laughing at me again

“when we did romeo and Juliet in drama I wouldn’t kiss you so you said you would just kiss my hand instead” I said as I laughed at the past.

His eyes got big as if he just remembered the same thing and laughed too.

“ your right you do look familiar now that I am really looking at you, but what I don’t get is if you are my mate then why didn’t I sense it long before now?” he said with a confused look on his face.

“your asking me? I didn’t even know about this crape till about two minutes ago so.” I said.

Chapter 3


Chapter Three

After about twenty minutes the long bumpy ride form Charles cabin to his uncle’s cabin was over. And I was more than grateful to be off of that thing and not touching him anymore. It was driving me and my so called inner wolf crazy. We walked up to the cabin and it was like déjà vu. This place looked just like the one Charles was staying in but it smelled more of old people. I followed Charles up the front steps and into the cabin. The first thing I see is a bear rug on the floor with its mouth wide open and an older man with shaggy brown hair broad shoulders and the kindest smile sitting at a table similar to Charles eating what looked like the same soupy stuff we had earlier.

“Well hey there kiddo how did last night go you have any fun?” the old man said with a huge smile on his face.

I don’t think he noticed me since I tried to stay as close behind Charles as possible without touching him.

Charles said chuckling, “last night was nothing compared to today, I walked back to the cabin to find this one sitting in front of the fire basically naked.” As he pulls me out from behind him. I quickly put my head down and blush as I curse him for throwing me under the bus like that. What an ass.

“Hahahahaha” the uncle blares with tears beginning to form in his eyes “well I guess I should have picked that cabin then”

“I don’t think you should have this is my mate uncle, but I have a concern that I want to talk to you about” Charles said calmly but I could see in his eyes he was pissed by what his uncle said.

“Alright don’t go getting all crazy on me it was a joke, what’s wrong boy?” he said as he continued to eat.

“As soon as I seen Fraya in the cabin I knew she was my mate”Charles said

“ok so whats the problem” his uncle asked kind of annoyed.

“well I have been around her for four years now and this is the first time it happened” Charles said kind of worried.

His uncle put his food down and said “well have you touched her kissed her or even been in the same room as her before today?”

“yes many times. We have almost all the same classes I have kissed her hand and bumped her in the halls at school but nothing ever happened.” Charles said looking at me confused.

“well ill call the alpha and see what he says oh and by the way I am uncle James.” He said as he winked and pulled out a phone.

Within fifteen minutes a dark grey wolf and about five others were in the front yard walking to the door. I was sitting next to Charles on the couch and instinctively scooted closer to him and grabbed his arm. He leaned down next to my ear and said “its ok its only the alpha and some of the others from the pack you will be ok I promise.”

As his breath hit my ear I could feel goose bumps on my skin and a shiver goes down my spine. Then the door swung open and six tall muscular men walked in with smiles on their face and apparently food on their minds since the first place they went was to the stove.

“so what is this huge concern you got James” said the alpha in a booming voice.

As james told him wat happened and Charles got up to tell him about me being in the woods and all the happened I noticed that the Alpha looked so much like Charles and james. Then it hit me they are all related, the alpha is Charles dad. They continued to talk for a little while longer and kept looking at me as they talked I just shook my head at what was being said, how I could hear them form here I don’t know but I could and I like it so I wasn’t going to say anything.

“so she was just in the cabin naked and you knew her before and she didn’t know she was a werewolf?” the alpha said back to them.

“yes” they said in unison.

They all looked at me again with blank faces. It was so uncomfortable I got a little fidgety. Then the Alpha walked up to me.

“hello Fraya my name is Nick I’m Charles dad and the alpha of the Hickory wolf pack” he said

“hey so is this were you kill and eat me because I know your secret or something?” I said kind of worried and very nervous. Don’t be dumb he is your mates father he wont hurt you said my inner wolf.

Everyone in the room started to laugh, but me. I just sat there unamused and kind of annoyed.

“no of course not you are my son’s mate and you are also a wolf, but you didn’t know that did you?” he asked.

I looked down at my hands and his feet and said “ no I didn’t and I don’t know how I got to the woods or what happen.”

“Fraya how old are you?” he asked

“18” I said

“who are your parents?” the alpha asked as knelt down in front of me.

“you wont hurt them will you?” I asked in a hurry

“no of course not I just want to know why they didn’t tell you about this before.” He said

“ my parents are Jeff and Mary Jones.” I said as I looked up at him.

He began to smile just as he said “well that is why you didn’t know Fraya you are adopted.”

“if that is true how would you know that?” I said beginning to get angry.

“because I am the doctor who gave you to them I didn’t know what they named you because I didn’t handle the paper work but I am the one who gave them a little girl whose mother had just died during delivery.” He said sadly

At these words my head began to spin and so did the room.Then everything was black.

Chapter 4


Chapter four

When I woke up the first thing I seen was my mother bent over me crying and my father behind he looking very upset. My eyes flew open and I sat up just a little too fast. My mother grabbed me in her arms and hugged and kissed me all over my head.

“oh my baby I was so worried when Doctor Williams called me what where you doing up here by your self are you ok?” my mother cried frantically.

“really mom don’t play that bull shit with me! I was fucking adopted and you never thought to tell me!” I yelled.

The alpha came in the room and said “fraya it is not your mother and fathers fault I told them not to tell you so that you would not look into your past. If you had you would have found out you are a wolf and then they would have had so much trouble seeing as they are just human.”

“if that was the case then why the fuck didn’t you take me or give me to a werewolf couple so I didn’t have to go through this bull shit on my fucking eighteenth birthday!” I yelled with all my might.

“there was no one else I am sorry, but that is how it happened now we must go from here. You can become part of the pack and your mate will teach you everything you need and want to know” The alpha said in a sincere and dominant voice.

“just take me fcuking home now” I said to my mom.

Charles P.O.V

Wow she is pissed I thought as I sat on the porch with the others. I wonder if I went in would she calm down or try to kill me. Ya better stay out here.

“damn that little girl in there is wired, Charley she is gonna give you a run for your money lover boy” uncle james said as he laughed.

As she came out the door we all walked up to her and then quickly took two huge steps back. The look on her face and the fact that here wolf was about to come out sent a bright red flag up for us to tuck our tails and run. She stomped right past us and got into her parent’s car with her parents following and then my dad.

“son you are to go with them and make sure she does not change again in front of them or during the car ride and then she will be moving in with us first thing tomorrow.” he said in his alpha voice.

“Alpha why didn’t I mate with her before?” I asked still curious.

“ because she had never shifted before her wolf stayed asleep because of the pills I gave her to take until her eighteenth birthday.” He said then walked away.

AS I got into the car next to Fraya I noticed her crying. I scooted across the back seat so I was next to her and pulled her into my arms.


Fraya P.O.V

I was so angry and hurt that my parents or at least the people who I thought where my parents have lied to me my whole life and now poisoned me. When Charles got into the car my inner wolf started to act up. Then I felt his warm soft hard wrap around my shoulder and pull me in to his chest and I just couldn’t hold back any more. The tears spilled over my cheeks like a water fall in the summer. Being in his arms made me feel so safe and like I could let out all my tears and anger.

“Fraya wake up we are at your house.” Charles whispered in my ear.

I flew up right and realized not only had I fallen asleep on him, but I had drooled a lake onto his shirt. My cheeks heated up and I looked away before saying “sorry”. He laughed and cupped my face before kissing my nose and getting out of the car. My parents unlocked the door and let us in with sad expressions on both of their faces.

“honey will you please come sit in the living room so we can talk?” dad said as he walked toward the living room and turned the lights on.

“Dad I am sorry for how I acted I love you guys to the moon and back and I know you were only trying to keep me safe I love you.” I said and then walked over and gave them both a hug.

“well I’m glad to hear that you for give us” mom said as she looked at my dad.

“but there is more bad news I am afraid” dad said as a tear fell down his cheek.

My mother began to cry and stood up to hug me.

“you are going to be moving out tomorrow morning first thing. You will be living with Charley here and his father Nike Williams” dad said and then walked away with his face full of tears.

I knew this was hard for them but I had to be strong even though this hurt like hell and I thought my heart was being ripped out of my chest.

“mom its ok I understand and I agree I can’t stay here what if I hurt one of you or I get hurt because I have no idea what I am doing. It’s going to be ok I love you” I said as I kissed her on the top of her head and then walked upstairs to my room.

Let the packing begin I thought with a sigh.

Chapter 5


Chapter 5

The alpha and a few of the pack members showed up at the house around 8:00am to pick me and my stuff up. After the cars were loaded up I kissed my parents good bye and got into the car with the alpha and Charles.

A half hour later we were pulling up to a huge house that was at the bottom of a mountain. The house stood tall even though the giant trees where massive. The front of the house had pillars and was all glass window with a beautiful oak door. The house looked like something out of a princess book. Then my inner wolf kicked in. well of course it does he is like the king of all wolves for hickory to us he is royalty. Oh and by the way are we gonna name me or what. She said impatiently. Well I guess I should name you since you are kind of me in a way. How about Clarie? It thought. Clarie I love it. I have the cutest name yay.

The alpha turned on his heels once everyone was in the house and looked right at me and Charles.

“you and charley here are mates so you can share a room with him” he said.

“What I have to leave my home and I don’t even get my own fucking room!” I yelled hey its ok he’s our mate it’s bound to happen sometime. Claries said.

I look to Charles to see his head is down and his cheeks are bright red. He finally looks up at me with a sad expression and tilts his head for me to follow him. I take one last look at the Alpha before I stomp up the stairs after Charles. We walk up a long winding stair case past the second floor and then to another landing with a single white door. Past the door is like Charles, or our little own apartment. He takes me on my mini tour before showing me to the bedroom.

“the top drawers are all yours and you can have half of the closet. If you need anything else just let me know.” He said as he turned to walk out of the room. “oh and it’s ok I will sleep on the couch till you are ready.” Then he leaves.

I walk over to the long dresser and start to unpack. After about an hour all of my things ar in their new places and  I have taken over the bathroom with my shampoos, lotions, and make up. Once I am done I go to walk down the stairs but, but as soon as I open the door Charles is standing there. Before I can get a word out he smashes his lips on mine and pushes me back inside. I wrap my legs around his hips and put my hands in his hair.  He softly bites my bottom lip and I moan. His tongue slowly ventures in my mouth and we explore. The next think I know he’s on top of me and we are on the couch. Just as my shirt and bra hit the floor there is a noise at the door.

“umm Alpha said dinner is ready.” Dave said with a shit eating grin on his face.

I jump up nearly head butting Charles to put my clothes back on. As I turn around I see Charles laughing as he turns to walk down stairs and my cheeks heat up. Once I got down stairs I could see the long table was set, but only for four people. I sat next to Charles on the opposite side of the alpha and uncle James sat across from us. We ate in silence for most of dinner till the alpha broke the silence, unfortunately.

“Fraya since you’re new to our ways and controlling your wolf you will not be going back to school” alpha said without looking up from his plate.

I smirked, ha can’t ruin my family and my schooling I thought, then said “well Mr. Alpha I already graduated to try and ruin my life some other way.”

After dinner everyone was told to go outside to the mountains for the full moon. As we walked up the mountain I noticed almost everyone was male aside from the females who were mated into the pack. About thirty minutes after we got up the mountain I started to feel sick and my body ached. I sat down and closed my eyes then the next thing I know I can hear Charles talk to me in my mind!

“baby its ok open your eyes, are you ok?” he said with a worried tone.

As I opened my eyes I seen a wolf in front of me and realized right away that it was my mate, Charles. I looked down and seen paws. I am a wolf too. Charley slowly walked up to me and nuzzled his head and neck against me and I instangly felt calm and content.

As he back away he said “ babe let go running come on follow me.” Then he took off.

I follow him farther into the woods with the wind blowing past me as my paws just glide across the forest floor. This felt amazing and right. I have absolutely no care in the world until reality kicks back in. I am knocked to the ground by a tremendous force from my right side that injured my paw and knocked me into a tree knocking it down.

Chapter 6


Chapter 6

I get back up to find a huge black wolf stalking towards me with bright yellow eyes. My paw is hurt, I have never fought in my life, and I am scared to death. I look to my left to find Charles cornered by two more wolves that look just like the one about to kill me just a little smaller.

“don’t worry Fraya I’m coming just hold on baby” he said telepathically.

As I turn back to the beast in front of me he jumps. Then I do what I never knew I could. I growl and lunge forward clamping my massive jaws on his neck and snapping it with one movement. Fear and anger consumed me as I went after the bastards fighting my mate. Two are dead and one is left then the rest of the pack finally shows up.

The alpha orders Charles to take me back to the cabin to tend to my paw with James till the night is over. Before we could make it to the cabin I shifted back into human form and everything went black.

Charleys P.O.V

About a mile away from the cabin Fraya was already shifting back to human form so I shifted as well. she must have lacked out because just before she hit the ground my arms wrapped around her. I carried her the rest of the way to the cabin so we could treat her hand.

“put her on the couch so I can look at that hand” uncle james said.

I ignored him and walked straight to my room to dress her first, then took her to the couch.

“ really boy I wasn’t gonna look at nothing but her damn hand” he said while chuckling.

My father the alpha walked in pulling his shirt down  and was followed by the others in the pack.

“is she ok” Alpha asked james

“I think it’s broken. She took a nasty hit. Im not even sure how she was walking on it” james said in surprise.

With his hand on my shoulder “ son are you alright? Can you tell me what happened tonight?” he asked.

I told him how I was cornered by two of them after Fraya was slammed into the tree by the other. Then how Fraya went from full of pure fear to pure anger, hate, and worry then broke the wolfs neck. Once she was done with him she pounced on one of the two cornering me and cut his throat open with her claws. She then turned on the third one but he had the upper hand with his speed cause of her paw and she stayed between me and him so I couldn’t even do anything. Then you came and finished him off.

“ she is a warrior wolf, you have a strong mate my son” alpha said with pride.

I put my head up and smiled in agreement. After an hour we assumed she was going to sleep for a long while so we got Fraya back to the house and in bed.

Fraya P.O.V

As I woke up I could feel something warm on my face and my whole body was sore, but not nearly as sore as my hand. I tried to sit up but the pain was just too much. A few minutes later my savior walked through the door.

“oh thank god can you please get me to the bathroom” I hurriedly asked

He just smiled then gently picked me up pecking my lips before taking me to the bath room. Once I was done he picked me up and carried me down to the second floor and down the hall to the spa room. We changed out clothes and settled in the hot tub.

“how are you feeling my love?” he whispered in my ear.

Chills painfully went down my spine as I said “ like I got hit by a truck over and over.”

He burst out laughing as the words left my lips.

“don’t worry itll get better after one or two more times” david yelled front across the room as he comes to join us. “then again it would also help if you wouldn’t go bat crazy fighting blood hungry rouge wolves either” he said with a chuckle.

I looked down blushing since he was sort of right. My wolf went crazy when she thought our mate’s life was in danger. After a few more minutes Charles and i decided being half naked in a hot tub was too much for us so we went upstairs. I had just undressed and turned the shower on when a pair of soft warm hand spun me around and pinned me against the wall. Within minutes we both were out of breath yet still exploring each other’s mouths till he finally broke away and slowly moved down. He lightly kissed my neck then nibbled on my collar bone till finally finding my nipple. Just as he began to suck he slowly thrust two fingers into my already dripping wet center. I moaned his name and he thrust faster. It was torture until finally I count take it anymore.

“please baby please just take me” I yelled as I grabbed a hand full of his hair.

Finally my salvation arrived when he pulled his pants down and thrust deep inside of me. My back arched off the bathroom wall as I moaned his name. As he moaned my name and growled we both climaxed. Slowly he walked over to the shower while passionately kissing my eyes, nose, then finally my lips and set me down in the shower. As the water fell on us he said “you are truly and forever mine”.

Chapter 7


Chapter 7

As I walk up the steps to the house with the other girls I can hear some strange noise from inside. Since I have transformed the first time two weeks ago all of my senses have become more heightened. I rush through the front door with the other girls on my heels and we run up to Charles and I’s apartment. As I walk through the front door I see him lying on the couch with another girl on top of him and her tongue down his throat. The tears started to spill and then one of the girls yelled               

“Charley what the hell are you doing!” Zoey yelled

His head flew up and he knocked the girl to the ground. Zoey pulled me out of the room and it felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces.

“Fraya wait it’s not what it looks like please let me explain.” Charles yelled from the door way, as the other girls held him back.

Zoey called the alpha and told him what happened and he agreed that it was ok for me to move into the cabin just past the forest line. The girls went to the apartment and grabbed a hand full of things to get me through a couple days and Zoey my best friend stayed with me.

“honey I’m so sorry I can’t believe he did that to you.” Zoey said sympathetically.

“everything was perfect we go running every night, we have been having sex all the time, laughing, joking, going on dates, who is she why did he do this to me?” I ask through a stream of tears.

Zoey pulls me close and rubes my back as she explains that that is his ex-girlfriend Veronica who is madly in love with him. They had dated for all of high school and were still dating up until the day I walked into his cabin. As my friend told me all of this my heart broke even more if at all possible and my wolf felt as if she was going to die.

“Zoey what do I do? He is my mate I can’t love anyone else and we already completed the mating rituals.” I cry out.

She stands up and walks the freezer and pulls out two tubs of ice cream and grabs two big spoons. With a devious smile on her face she hands me my rocky road and spoon then says, “We cry tonight and we plot revenge tomorrow.”

I look at her and just laugh. Thank god David mated to someone my age. Zoey is nineteen years old and mated with David almost two years ago. The past two weeks we have become almost inseparable. We eat our ice cream and watch scary movies until we finally fall asleep. Around 10:00am we are woke up by a loud knocking and giggles at the door. The other girls have come over with make-up bags and a ton of clothes.

“Well hello ladies” Zoey said with her devious smile and bed head.

“zoey what is going on why do they have all this stuff?” I asked as I pulled out another tub of ice cream from the freezer.

She takes my ice cream and says “today is the pack cook out and we are going to dress you up and take you out there so he can see what he is missing”

Before I have a chance to protest I am mauled by make-up brushes and straightening irons. By the time they were done I had black leather 6in high heels, a mini jean skirt, black leather corset top, my hair was straightened and all the way down to my butt, and my make-up was simple yet sexy. I walked over to the mirror and could not believe how different I looked. As I studied my whole body in the mirror the other girls went to work on getting themselves ready. In a way we all matched by the time we left all of our hair was straight, we all had high heels, and skimpy clothes.

“ok girls let show these boys how its done” Alyssa, the oldest, said with a smile as she walked out the door.

As we get closer to the tree line I can see that the cook out has already started. Some of the guys I knew and some I did not. The back yard was packed with shirtless guys talking, drinking, and playing football. As we walked up and out of the tree line everyone turned to stare and some even started to whistle. All the girls when to their mates to say hi, so I walked over to the alpha to say hello. As I made my way through the crowd I saw him with a beer in his hand sitting on the picnic table top talking and laughing with some guys. I put my head down and walked right past them and to the alpha.

“Well it’s nice to see that you made it to the family gathering Fraya” Alpha said with a genuine smile

“If you don’t mind I probably won’t stay long” I said as I look back to Charley

“You know I don’t know what happened but I do know he is my son and we are very possessive” he said and winked at me.

“What is that supposed to mean” I asked confused

“I am just saying maybe you should give him a taste of his own medicine or you could talk to him an ask what happened why” he said shrugging his shoulders

“Well now where is the fun in that? So how would one go about giving him a taste of his own medicine?” I asked with a smirk

“Let me introduce you to some of the other packs that are here” Alpha said and lead me to a group of boys playing football.

“Kyle, Jason, Tim, and Kevin this here is Fraya she is the newest member of my pack and the youngest here” he said with a smile as he nudged me forward.

“hey want to come and play ball” Kevin said with a killer smile.

In my head I was thinking not a good idea to be running in a short skirt with tall dark haired, caramel eyed sexy gods but my mouth said “sure I would love to but you might have to teach me”

Charles P.O.V

I was talking to my buddy from the endeavor pack when I see her walking through the crowd right to me. I missed her not being in my arms last night. I went to say how sorry I was and that she just showed up and kissed me while I was asleep on the couch, but she walked right past me like I was never there and to my dad. I can’t hear what they are saying from all the noise but at least she is smiling. God how I love her smile.

“Hey man are you listening to me?” Josh said as he bumped my leg

“I’m sorry it’s just me and the girl over there talking to my dad mated and everything was going great until fucking veronica snuck in and jumped on top of me while I was asleep and kissed me just as Fraya walked in. she took a bunch of stuff and let I don’t know where she’s staying and she won’t talk to me.” I said looking down at my almost empty beer.

“Well don’t look now but I think you just got some competition then.” Josh said with a worried look on his face.

I turn my head to see she is playing football with some guys from another pack. That’s not so back I mean maybe she will just watch. Boy was I wrong. She kicks off her heels and lines up with the other boy. She takes off running and he throws the ball to her. She catches it and starts to run. A tall guy with short black hair comes running up behind her and picks her up wedding style. She hugs the ball to her chest and her head goes back laughing. My inner wolf is pissed and before I know it I am walking over to them.

Fraya P.O.V

I catch the ball that was thrown to me and before I know it someone is picking me up.

“I thought this was tackle football” I said with a smile

“How could I tackle something as sweet as you” Kyle said

I tilt my head back and laugh. As Kevin sets me down I notice a red faced Charles stalking our way.

“What the hell are you doing touching my girlfriend” Charles yells at Kevin

“Hey man we was just playing football chill” Kyle says with a smile on his face

“Well game is over, don’t touch her again.” Charles yells as he throws me over his shoulder.

“Hey where are we going put me down now Charles Williams” I yell while hitting his back.

He just keeps walking towards the woods till we are just far enough into the forest that we can’t see the cook out and then he flips out.

“Why the hell are you letting other guys touch you like that! What is wrong with you” Charles yells as he paces back and forth

“Really at least I don’t have my tongue shoved down their god damn throats you piece of shit” I cry as I try and walk away.

His eyes get huge and he grabs my arm “ baby I am sorry I swear I didn’t do anything wrong she came in while I was asleep and kissed me I woke up just as you walked in, please I love you. You are my soul mate.” He pleads with tears in his eyes

My mind is telling me to slap him and walk away, but my inner wolf says he is telling the truth I can tell we can trust him.

I rush into his harms needing to feel his warm skin and smell his cologne and peppermint smell as the tears spill over my cheeks. My emotions are all seeping out at once and I am all of the sudden tired.

“Can we please go lay down I am so tired all of the sudden” I ask with tears in my eyes still.

“Sure of course we can” he says with concern as he kisses my forehead and takes me to the cabin to rest.

Chapter 8


Chapter 8

I am in the kitchen with Zoey cleaning up the dishes from lunch when someone grabs me from behind.

“Hey babe lets go out and get something to eat then go see a movie” Charley said as he wraps his arm around my waist.

As I smile and turn around with soapy hands “well I would love to go on a date with you” and I plant a wet kiss on his lips.

I turn around still smiling and finished up the dishes with his arms still wrapped around my waist. I dried my hands and Charles helped me and Zoey put the dishes away. As the last plate was put away, David and Joe walked through the door holding tuna sandwiches and bags of Doritos.  The door shut behind them and the smell of tuna filled the kitchen and my stomach was doing flips. With my hands over my mouth I pulled out of Charley’s arms and darted for the bathroom. As I was throwing up my lunch I heard a soft knock on the door.

Charles P.O.V

“Man I’m getting worried about her Dave” I said we walked to the bathroom.

I could hear her puking and I felt my stomach drop. Next thing I know I am knocking on the door.

“Baby are you ok, what happened?” I asked hoping she would answer.

“Dude I think she’s pregnant” David said with big eyes and a smile.

I go to knock one more time, but then the door slowly opens and she’s looking down at her feet like a small child who just did something wrong.

“y-you think I am um, pregnant?” Fraya said looking up at David then to me.

“Well that’s what it looks like, but it could be the flu or your hormones I don’t know I ain’t no doctor.” He said nervously with his hands up in surrender.

I pull her in my arms and hold her close. I can see she is scared and I am too but, I don’t know how to console her.

Fraya P.O.V

Charles takes me to the couch and sits me down on his lap. I lean my head on his chest and instantly fall asleep. Next thing I know I am floating off to another world and watching my life.

“Fraya, I am home where are you?” yelled Charles from the front door.

He walks into the kitchen to find a small woman with long blonde hair feeding a little girl in a high chair. She has the most beautiful greenish blue eyes and dirty blonde bouncing curls. She has carrots all over her face and in her mommy’s hair. Both girls turn to look and look at Charles with huge smiles and bright eyes. They look like a picture perfect family. As I am watching the love radiate from this family my family I feel the weird sensation that I am being watched. I feel a hand spread out on my stomach and I fly up with lightning speed and pin a tall broad man up against the nearest wall and begin to growl. I then realized with shame that I had pinned Nike the Alpha up against the wall and was growling at him. I quickly retreated and put my head down.

“Nike I am so sorry I don’t know what happened I was sleeping and you touched me and I just got scared I am sorry” I said with tears streaming down my face.

As I look up I can see a smile on his face as he walks up to me slowly and says “its ok I have something for you follow me.”

We walk to the bathroom and he hands me a pregnancy test. Within fifteen minutes the living room is howling, clapping, and congratulating Charley and Nike. I guess that means I am pregnant. I mean I knew a week ago when I missed my period and started to get sick but, now I really know. God I need some food I’m starving. I find some left over cheese burgers and fries and started to make some food. Just as I go to take a huge bite out of my sloppy burger they all walk in with huge smiles.

“Congrats momma” they said in unison

“Umm thanks” I said then went back to my food

My stomach started to twist and turn and I knew I needed food now. I picked my burger back up and took a huge bit and followed it by another till the plate was clean. I was still hungry though so I went back to the fridge and held it open with my hip as I taste tested all the left overs before deciding nothing in here was what I wanted. I walked to the cabinet and got out some noodles, mashed potato mix, and unopened banana peppers. After made the noodles and the potatoes I mixed it all together and ate it with some steak, and was so happy to finally be rid of this hunger.  After two huge bites I look up to see everyone staring at me in amusement.

“What are you all looking at?’ I asked concerned.

Chapter 9


Chapter 9

The past two days everyone seems to be staring me down and avoiding me. I hate that no one talks to me or will even sit in the same room as me anymore since they found out I was pregnant. Am I being shunned because of the baby, do they hate me now, is it because of my age, what is it! I think to myself. Hey relax it is because of how defensive we are. They can’t touch us, or say somethings to us without us getting mad or upset in some way. My wolf chirped

“Hey babe how are you feeling, I got you some cheese cake and steak” Charley said with a smile.

With tears running down my face “why won’t anyone come around me or talk to me anymore what did I do?”

His eyes got big and he sat on the couch next to me “babe nothing is wrong with you, it’s just that you seem to be moody and when they say or do something that you don’t like you become angry and violent.”

Sniffling “what do you mean Charley?” I cried looking up at him.

I could see he was nervous by the way he kept running his hand through his hair then he said “well remember when my dad and David were talking where to have the baby and who should all be there?”

“Yeah” I said

“Well you flipped out about how it’s none of their business and then when David approached you, well you broke his wrist Fraya. So yeah people are a little afraid of you.” He said

“I don’t know why I am like this I am so sorry I have never been violent before I don’t know what is wrong with me” I said with tears beginning all over again.

As I grabbed Charley to begin crying all over again there was a faint knock at the door. I looked up to see the alpha standing in the door way with a small grin on his face.

“Well kids I think I can help you with this somewhat. “The alpha said

We didn’t say anything just looked at him.

“Well Fraya you are a wolf and you are a hormonal teenage soon to be mother. This is natural I promise it’s not common but it is natural. You have my grandson or granddaughter in there and I am an Alpha and Charley here is next in line so this was bound to happen plus you are also the daughter of a strong alpha. This is common with blood lines that are united with two alpha off springs.” He said with a pause “look I am just saying that you will be fine and we all still love you” he said as he started to turn away.

I jumped up and ran to Nike and hugged him. “Thank you Nike”

He seemed surprised by the affection but after a few moments he relaxed and hugged me back. We held this embrace for what felt like a long time till there was another noise at the door.

“Umm I hope I am not interrupting anything but we have a slight big problem” Joe said as he rocked side to side and looked at Nike with fear in his eyes.

“What’s wrong Joe and do not fucking lie to me!” I yelled while Nike held me back.

Joe looked to the alpha and was granted permission to speak “ there is a pack of at least thirty headed this way right now and well I think it’s Jonathan’s pack.” Then he ran down stairs.

“What does that mean who is he?” I said worried

“Well Fraya he is your father.” Alpha said worried

“What? Then why didn’t you send me to him when I was a baby!” I yelled as I pushed away from him.

“Fraya you have to understand he killed all of the girls that your mother had because he wanted a boy. When she found out she was pregnant with you she ran and came to me for protection I know it seems hard to believe so there is a video she made for you and a letter once this is all over I promise to show them to you.”

“So what does he want then” I asked

“Well I am so glad you asked Fraya.” Jonathan said from the door way with a snarl.

“What the hell are you doing in my house Jonathan?” Alpha said with a low voice.

“Well Nike I am here to see my lovely daughter Fraya is it?” he asked looking past Nike to me.

“Well you are not welcome here and I don’t want to see you now leave.” I said with the deadliest glare possible.

As he walked farther into the room Nike and Charley moved in front of me. “Aww how sweet your little boyfriend and his daddy want to protect you how sweet” he took another step and then his smile started to fade “your pregnant” he said and his face fell as his eyes widened.

“Leave her alone.” Charley snarled.

 Jonathan tilted his head to the side and then smiled and said “Looks like your dogs didn’t put up much of a fight.” Just as the words left his lips three medium build women with brown curly hair appeared and four tall muscular yet sexy tattooed guys.

“Well what do we have here” said one of the girls.

“Well Lou this here is my daughter Fraya, her mate Charley, and the Alpha himself.” Jonathan said as he wrapped his disgusting hand around her waist.

“Oh and she is expecting how about that” She said with a devious smile.

“How far along is she Lou” Jonathan asked.

“Only about two maybe three months” Lou said looking at him.

“Well when can we know the sex” Jonathan asked in a hurry.

With a smirk on her face “As soon as I can touch her little baby bump I can tell you whatever you want”

With smiles on all of their face they looked at the three of us and began to advance. Nike and Charley took their stances to protect me and the fight began. As they took on the boys the girls came for me. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I could not let the bitch touch me or my stomach so I started to wrap towels around my stomach so if she got close to me she wouldn’t touch my skin.  Then the door bust down.

“Oh come now little one I won’t hurt you yet” she said as she cat walked over with her two whores on her tail.

“Don’t touch me or I swear I will kill you.” I growled.

She ignored me and continued towards me with her arm outstretched to touch my belly and I snapped. Just before she had the chance to make contact my teeth were out and I grabbed her arm and broke it. As the bone snapped I could sense the other two rushing towards me. In one swift motion I tore their heads from their shoulders. As Lou stood up I turned and lunged toward her. Before she had the chance I ripped her heart from her chest and lit it on fire in the tub. As I watched the flames I could hear the boys in the living room fighting Jonathan and his pests. As I ran through the door I was grabbed by a tall tattooed idiot. I stood still and closed my eyes. When my eyes reopened Nike was nowhere to be seen and Charley was on his knees with his hands behind his back.   

Jonathan said “Since you killed Lou and the others I guess I’ll have to take you with me and wait until you give birth.”

With a smile on my face I said “Trust me you won’t get the chance.”

In one swift motion my hands where free and ripped the idiot’s heart out. I did the same to the other two still in the room then turned to my father.

“Now what was you saying about me going with you?” I said as blood dripped down my face and hate filled my eyes.

He smiled and walked towards me and I instantly snapped his neck then walked down stairs dragging him behind me. As I came to the bottom of the stairs the chaos stopped. There seemed to be almost fifty people men and women fighting and trying to kill each other. It all stopped as soon as they seen Jonathan’s limp body behind me. Nike appeared from outside with some of the other packs and stopped dead in his tracks when he seen me and my accomplishment.

“Fraya are you ok, is the baby ok and Charley?” Nike said wide eyed and worried.

I completely ignored him and drug Jonathan to the front steps and everyone followed me out. Once everyone was outside I tore his heart out.

“The next person to come to my home and try and threaten my family or my baby I will not only rip your inside out, but I will make it as slow and painful as possible.” I yelled so everyone could hear me.

I turned on my heels and walked back into the house closing and locking the door behind me so it was only me in the house. I walked into the kitchen and cleaned myself up and looked for some food because I was starving.  

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Months have gone by and I am about to burst. This is the final doctor’s appointment and I am due any day. I am so nervous I don’t know how to take care of another person what if the baby gets sick what if I do something wrong. I have so much running through my mind since the baby will be here any day.

“Fraya can we please learn the sex of the baby this is killing me I am going insane” Charley pleaded as we walked into the doctor’s office.

“No because if you know then I will know and I want to be surprised” I said laughing at him pouting at me from the driver’s seat.

“Fine, but for the record you are really mean” he said then kissed me and jumped out of the truck to come open my door.

I slide out of the truck and waddle into the clinic. Just as I am about to sit my name is called by a short older lady with greying hair. As I walked down the hall with Charley holding my back we entered a small room with a table, computers, two chairs, and cute little animals on the walls.

“Have a seat my dear and Nike will be here soon.” She said with a huge smile.

“Thank you.” We said in unison.

A few minutes after the nurse walks out the door there is a sharp pain in my lower back. The pain was so unbelievable that the tears welled up in my eyes. Just as the pain started to disappear Nike walked in.

“Hello Fraya how are you feeling today?” Nike said eager to check me out.

“Well I am having horrible pains in my lower back and stomach” I said worried and looking at Charley.

“That is normal they are like pre-labor pains now when your water breaks then it will be the real deal ok?” Nike said and then started his examination as Charley fidgeted at my side.

“Dad what is the baby please boy or girl I have to know please I am going to die am I having a little Nicholas or is it going to be a little Rose” Charley pleaded as he squeezed my hand and his dad burst out laughing.

“haha well Fraya you will be having this baby any day so the sooner you go into labor the sooner your mate here will be out of his misery.” Nike said as he got up laughing and left the room.

“It will be ok babe just relax and help me up please” I said laughing.

He smiled and kissed the top of my head as he helped me up. Once I was up we waddled back to the truck and went out to eat. We went to a nice little dinner by the doctor’s office. We walked in to the simple little dinner and where seated by a petite women who looked like she was trying to make it through college on this job.

“What can I get you honey?” she said to Charley with a devious smile.

“Well do you know what you want babe?” Charley said looking to me

“Yeah can I have a double cheese burger with onion rings and a coke please?” I said looking up to the waitress who was still staring down Charley.

“I will have the same thing then” Charley said as he handed both menus to the lady.

“Whatever you want sugar” the waitress said as she walked away.

“Don’t you ever get tired of girls falling all over you even when you’re with your pregnant girlfriend” I said as I could feel my heart sink and I put my head down.

As he reached over the table to cradle my face he said “I honestly don’t notice any other girl looking at me other than you, because your eyes are the only eyes that matter to me.”

I could feel the tears falling down my face as I said “Charles I love you so much.”

Just as he went to lean over the table and kiss me the waitress came back with one plate of food and a coke. She sat the order down in front of Charley I looked at him with what must have been the saddest look ever.

“Thank you but where is the other order at?” Charley said pissed off.

“Oh well I guess I just assumed that she is fat enough and could skip a meal or three” she said as she stared me down.

I could feel my wolf ready to come out then I jumped up “Really well for your information I am pregnant and he is the father now get me my damn food!” I yelled

As I sat back down Charley smiled and pushed the plate to me. I took a huge bite of a burger and was finally happy till the pain in my back started up and I pissed myself.

“Oh my god I think I just peed myself Charley?” I said wide eyed and in pain

“you did what?” He said confused.

“Charley my water broke I’m in labor!” I yelled

“Oh my god what do we do are you ok come on let’s get you to dad!” Charley frantically yells as he ushers me to his truck.

We get in the truck and speed back to the clinic. I am rushed straight to the delivery department and the pain starts again. Six hours later Rose Chasity Williams was born and already had her daddy wrapped around her finger.

My life has been crazy. I went from an everyday nerd to a wolf then a mate and a mother. Over the past few months I have become a new person. I feel as if I am whole and that my life if now complete and I love my little family.

The end



Texte: ME
Bildmaterialien: Myself
Lektorat: no one
Übersetzung: its already in english so
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.04.2016

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My boyfriend is the best he is the one who got me on this site and started me with reading others amazing books and starting my own.

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