

I can tell you have read the first book of this series because you are reading this book thanks for reading enjoy! I really subjest being 13 years old before reading this book, Thanks for reading. 







My friends (My Family)

 Same thing as my last book 


David Nanney                          Alive


Marco Mayorga                     Alive        (Leguendary Badass)


Yamila Florse                          Alive         (Leguendary Badass)


Jocelyn Croft                           Alive


Kylie Hamrick                         Dead 


And my new friends


Haley Hartman                       ????     (Legundary badass)    


Hunter                                     ????


Alexis Hartman                      ????      (Legundary Badass)


Dillon Queen                           ????       (The best of the best)

Chapter: 13 The girl in the window

We left off with lots of stuff on our minds and Kylie dead and we press on. I open my eyes to see myself in the bus and Yamila is driving, I look out the window and see that it is raining, "Wow guy's it's raining." I said with a yawn. "Well yeah it's been raining for hours, don't think it's going to stop." Marco laughed. I look over and to my surprise Jocelyn was right there as if I had slept right on top of her, I lean over and I notice that she was still asleep, so I jerk away not to wake her up. I look out my window again and I see her, a red head girl with rosed cheeks, pink lips, loos about 5'1, with a wakizashi, "I yell stop the bus!!!!" Than I rush out the double doors, I pull out my K-bar and kill a zombie then I put it up to her throat, she looks me in the eyes and asks what the hell, and all I could do was stare, she grabbed my arm and twists it but I twist back around trying to keep her from falling, "I am David would you like to join me and my friends on this great adventure to get off this pice of shit part of the world, we are going to Ireland to get away from the virus." She looks at me as if I were talking in another language. "Sure, but is there room for me and you."She sad with a grin. "Well yeah we have an activity bus" I say with confidence. We walk to the bus and get on, we sit in the vary back where I had made my escape before. I sat right beside her and I knew we were going to be good friends. We stayed up late talking and by the time we had got to sleep we were suppose to be getting up I knew I should had gone to sleep but I just wasn't tired, We stop at a gas station and we park. "Hey, I will go in and get something, Marco I need you to pump the gas I will push the tab, Haley come with me and Yamila get Marcos back." I said with the vice of a leader! We walk inside the building an to our surprise there wasn't anyone or anything inside, except all the food anyone of us could ever ask for we took four loads of barrels to get all of the food and water. "Hey Marco we will be in the bus celebrating. We started in the bus and she gave me a happy look and started running at me so I ran, and ran and ran as fast as I could till I made the mistake of running in the first place and she pushed me into a seat, she got on top of me and said got you, your it. Then she got up and ran somewhere but by the time I could get up everyone was ready to go. " We have got to eat now". I said. "We have no food David", We just put a whole lot in the back. I said with confection. Lets go eat something!!! I said with a laugh. We start back on the road after eating and I notice that the food was to much in the way and we may need to put it in a storage assailant for safe keeping, I say "its getting dark we should probably set up camp here". 

As we sat in the parking lot of Hobby lobby I fell out of my seat. "I hate these fucking seats, they just aren't big enough to sleep on, I don't get why we couldn't just take four seats out of the back from each row". So we took out 4 seats from the back of each row and put them outside, then we geared up to go inside of Hobby lobby. We walk in and everything was in really bad shape except the two things we needed the titanium doors and and the king sized bed sets. we take lots of supples back to the bus and we made it our home 2 king sized mattresses' and two titanium doors before the ails to stay safe. We finished building and we said and agreed that Marco and Yamila shared a bed and Haley, Jocleyn and I would share the second bed. I get two girls in my bed not  bad idea just we might have to get another bed from somewhere I thought just I don't want her to fill alone or that we don't like her because we do.

Chapter:14 Someday

It has been almost a complete year sharing a bed with the girls and I don't want to get a new bed I want to share the bed with them. I get two people to talk to at night and all the cuddles in the world it is the life for me. I think this worked out just fine for me, and them." Get up everybody, we need to hit the road, or we can scavenge, here". I said with a yawn. "I think it would be a grate to scavenge the area because I don't think we will be the only people running through here". Said Marco. "Your right Marco". We all agreed. "Okay, I need to make a fair team, I will be the team out in the danger who is my brave friend to come with me?" I said with a taunt." I will go with you I know what it is like to feel alone I have been out here alone for some time now so I won't leave you alone like that." Haley said with a frown "Well, I would be honored for you to come along just let me grab my k-bar with my family names on it, I will be right with you." The others are to stay here and I know that it will get boring so the pencils and paper are locked up."  We leave the bus and just like any other day its dry and hot so we start heading to the backside of Hobby lobby and I see a package of military grade hand radios and a bag so I pick up the bag and stick the hand radios in and we head to the bus, we get on the bus and our friends are talking to someone. "Who is this". I ask," he is my boyfriend, Hunter , said Jocelyn. He was a white guy about 5'8 he was in about the shape I was in and he had brown hair.


He was also in the military and so happens we found the bag he was looking for. We invite him to our team because his girl friend had been living with us and his team was dead. "Hey I will need help from you all by making sure you help get all of the 4 seats o this row and I will take Hunter and we will go get another bed for you to sleep in." We head out while everyone starts working, we walk in the store and I see him is the aisle right in front of us, my little brother in his military cloths, he starts running at me so I pull out "THE K-bar" and mark off his name and reach out my hand and he runs his head right through then he falls to the ground and I start to cry and Hunter looks at me and says "Are you okay man it was only a dead dude." "NO! No I am not okay and that was not just a dead dude it was my little brother, I have been waiting for him to visit but I didn't want this to happen I need to help you get that bed and I will have a meeting about this, My whole family is gone and I was the one to kill them all, I want to know how this became other than the fact I was ready for the apocalypse to happen." We grab the bed I help get it to the bus and we instal it to the back beside mine and Haley's and I sit down, and tell everyone what just happened I then tell hunter and Haley that I didn't kill my dad, he was shot by a jackass that had a sniper riffle I killed him and took his gun his gun it is right over there." We hit the road again, and I start talking again. "I had  friend here name was Kyle she died on our first attempt to leave this pice of shit world." I put my military jacket on and and Hunter and Haley asked me if I was really in the military. "Yes I was in the military, that is how I got a whole set of K-bars, I was superior captain now I am just a guy with this military equipment and a whole bunch of friends in my bus that I took for an elementary school." I walk up the aisle and tell Marco to stop the bus and stay put I had some thing to do, I walk outside of the bus and shoot a flare in the air and here they came running, meanwhile Jocelyn starts to see if Hunter and Haley are amune to the disease and Marco shut the front door, I was standing in one place they came after me and in one slash I sliced 3 heads off with my K-bar and I throw down my knife and I pulled my dads favorite sword that he made, and slice 1 more zombie in 2, 4, 8, 16 then 32.


When they were all dead I picked up my knife and I walked back to the bus and sat on my bed. "Give it to me straight doc, are they safe to get bit." I said with a smile. "I don’t think the samples are done yet, we must not move the for a moment." We waited and when the results came around "We are Happy, Haley is amune is Hunter!!" Said Jocelyn. Hay maybe someday we could have a party but we have got to get going, before I gotta go outside............. AGAIN!!!!!!

Chapter: 15 The relationship


We are driving down the road and we see a wal*mart, we look at each other and nod then we pull into the parking lot. We all gear up except Jocelyn and Hunter, we left to scavenge. We walked into the store and everything was nocked over and trashed, the vegetables were rotted making the store smell like moldy squash and bugs, we each pull out a flash light and a knife to make the dim aisles light up for us and protect ourselves. We split up I took Haley and Marco took Yamila I walked along the registers and Marco went straight I started tord the readjusters for items we may need but all I found was a whole lot of money so we started down the the walk way Closer the hunting supplies we got there and there it was a group of zombies behind the counter with the only thing we cared about at this point, "The guns, ammo and knifes. I will get the right side by the counter door, you get the left."I said. We kicked into action I lifted a shot gun and opened the counter."Move!" I yelled. Then I shot the zombies putting them all on the floor at once and calling Marco to my side at the same time, I shot one more time because I couldn't have been to careful.(Rule#2- Double tap)(ZOMBIE LAND) "Okay I think they are dead I will help Haley loud as much weapons ass we can find into this bag, y'all go get food in the bigger bag." I said. We start to put the guns in the bag, one by one I stop, and look at the ammo case. I pick up the hand radio."Hey, we have a little problem we don't have the key to the ammunition."CUPSHH, I said with the hand radio buzzing. "Thanks ok I think it is in the pile of dead guys." Marco says with a laugh. I look down and surly enough, the keys were at my feet hooked to the pants of a zombie, I reach down and pick up the keys, then slap myself in the face I unlock the ammo and knife case. I start stuffing ammo in to the bag the when the ammo was all in the bag I start putting the knifes in the bag till the bag is full. "I think we are done over here all weapons collected, repeat, all weapons collected."CUPSHH, I said over the radio. Okay we have filled the bag of CUPSSHHHHH!!! The radio goes blank and all we hear is dead silence. I was shore that if I had dropped a pen Marco could hear it, I put the radio to my moth and screamed, "MARCO!!!!!!"


I put it down, I start to sob, when all of a sudden I hear someone whisper in my ear, "Polo!" I turn and it was Marco. "I thought you didn't like when people called you that". I said. "I didn't say I didn't liked the word". He said. We hug then we get back to real life, "Where did the hand radio go." I asked. "Well lets just get out of here, their are to many back there." Yamila says. I nod then I grab the bag of weapons then we head for the door. We leave the store and get back to the bus but I felt a weird felling like something bad was going to happen. I stoped then everyone stoped I pulled out my K-bar and put the guns with Haley, "Stay here I see wheels under the bus and I know we didn't park with anything beside us, this parking lot was only full on that side and I told them to stay put." I said as I walked to the other side of the bus, I get on the ground so nobody could see me then I moved closer then I stood up real quick but nobody was in the car. I walked back around the I waved my friends to come on. I walked onto the bus and as soon as I knew it there was a gun to my head and we were tied up. It was all because of the relationship. Between Jocylen and Hunter.

Chapter:16 What did you just say


I was setting on my ass just letting them taunt me to tell them where my guns and weapons are I know where they are but I refuse to tell them. They bring me out to the asphalt and start beating me and kicking me I reach to my back pocket and pull out a revolver I stuck there when the bag was full, "STOP IT, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!! I yell. BANG!!!!! BANG!!!! Being a great shot show off I was I shot two men in the head, I stand up and point the gun closer the man with the power to these men, and I shoot He ducks and rolls I run to the spot I thought he ran to but be he was gone. He got away but next time I will kill him for sure. I thought to myself. We bored the bus panting as if our lungs were on fire, We dive out of the parking lot and out closer the way we came in and we sat down then we started the bus and left the parking lot closer the highway and we started to talk. "What happened here I need to know everything that happened." I said with a worried tone. "I was sitting here and he --- ME!! your the one----- STOP!!" We argued. "Now Jocleyn you first. Well we were just sitting here when he jumped on me and started kissing me." She said. "Well she liked it then while we were well decollated they walked in and saw us" Hunter said. I look out side then I close the the big metal doors so I could walk around. I was looking for a good spot to sit but thought I should go to my bed I was almost there when Marco slammed on the brakes and I fly, I slam on the door and I fall to the floor. My friends gather around me trying to pull me to the beds, then Marco runs in the room and locked the door. " We are surrounded by them they are everywhere get down and don’t make any nose." He said with a whisper. Then I black out and all of a sudden I am standing in a beautiful field surrounded by trees, "Hello, is anyone there." I yell. I am says a voice, I turn around and there she was Kyle with a big smile on her face I ran to her and gave her a big hug. "I thought you were dead" I cried, "Well I am dead but even upon the grave I am here to help you." She said with a tear. "How do you want to help me?" I asked. "I want to keep you from feeling pain evry time you get close to dyeing just close your eyes and think of me I will be he for you and your friends! okay?" She said. "Okay" I agreed. I give her one last hug and we say good bye. I open my eyes and I hear a mob of zombies I move and everyone looks at me "Hi, how dod you do." I say. My friends looked scared so I picked up a sword and opened the door and left to the out side I start out the door and there they are a whole bunch of them "What is this the Brady Bunch reunion?" I said with a laugh (Because I am funny) I pulled the emergency lever and waled out the doors and started killing Hunter runs out the door with the pluming wrench "What the fuck are you doing." I said with a chuckle he turns to me and says "Helping what do you think." but as he turned around he was scratched and drops the wrench and they get on top of him bitting him I rush to him swinging my sword he gets up screaming.


I rush him to the bus but Jocelyn pulls me in and slams the doors while Hunter is outside I try to help him but everyone was holding me back. "Why are you doing this to him you should help the poor guy." I scream at them. " He is infected I didn't tell you the truth Hunter isn't immune like us he is normal with a different blood type." She starts to cry. "What did you just say." I questioned. I lied Jocelyn said. "Okay I am sorry I yelled at you all, forgive me please." I said with desperation. They nodded and I ran out the door I grabbed his arm then pulled him and told him that he was infected and that I had a proposition for him. "Make them follow you we need to get out of here I know you won't get far but you have got to try, for Jocelyn, I know I only met you like 2 months ago but I am so sorry it had to end this way." I said as the zombies got closer and closer. "I will do it only because I love Jocelyn, and tell her its okay that she lied to me about the test she was only making me feel in the club." He said with tears. "I will I promise." I said as I pulled out a flair and handed it to him. I run back to the bus trying to keep my cool.

Chapter: 17 I think I am invincible

I run into the bus and looked at them all "He is taking one for the team I gave him a flare to help him a little before he is turns." I said putting my hands I'm my pockets. Well I guess we get going I have this feeling that we will be seeing him soon. I feel invisible because of what had happened to me before, truly I thought it was scary because it had been 2 years since I had seen Kyle last and she was still wearing the same cloths she was wearing in the crash and I felt like it was my fault. We are driving down the road and my family gather in the back while I drive but I pull over to the side and Marco comes out and starts looking around "where are we whats wrong" He says confused. "The place where I take the governor off this ride. I walk out the door "Cover me would you?" I ask. "Sure" He answered. We stepped out side and Marco pulled out a knife I popped the hood and pulled out a wire then a metal box that said safety box "Are you ok with what you are doing" He asked "Well yeah I have done this lots of times. We ran back on to the bus and turned the transmission and the bus started I touched the gas and we started moving faster then ever I was proud that I had done something I hadn't done in a while so well I was surprised it worked. "I did it now we can get around faster and it won't wast as much gas." I said. Marco took the wheel and I went to the back with the girls they showed me sympathy they know that I do everything in my power to protect them an myself and Marco but sometimes I try to hard. I was so tired and I really needed a friend to talk to so I grabbed one. I walked up to Haley and I put my arm around her and started to talk, "You have got to be one of the best people to talk to I need help and I think everyone knows it I keep seeing Kyle every where in my head". I said with a tear. "No, you need to stay tall and for whatever happens you know you can't change the past just help with the future." She said with confidence. "Your right just remember when I got knocked out and hit the door it didn't hurt Kyle saved me." I said. "She was there right in front of me she said she me more I could help I tried to slap of it but she told me that I couldn't get out of there unless I really needed to and every time I get hurt I will go in there in my head or to this place on the sky I still blame myself for her leave." I said as I fell to me bed crying. "Well don't blame yourself she said kissing me on the cheek than she gave me a hug and walked away. But then Marco walked in and said "we need to go out we will be back later." "Ok, Marco" Haley and I said in unison. We sit there in the bed hugging and talking while Yamila and Marco leave to scout and gather supplies. We sit on the bed waiting for them come back and some how I don't know how it happened but we started to kiss but she pulls away, "Sorry I didn't-- she started to say.-- It's not your fault it was mine."  I said.

Chapter:18 Nap time

I wake up upon my bed with Haley beside me I slip out of the covers and start writing a paper when I finish I set it in the driver seat and leave it. I grab my gear and I leave the bus as quietly as possible.


She awoke upon the warm bed about 15 minutes after I had gone the bed still being wrapped up in the blankets.(She could be a hog sometimes) She got up to ask me something but couldn't find me so she went to the driver seat, she found a letter stating:



Dear: Family


          I have left to find supplies and will be back later I leave Haley in charge and hope to still find the bus where it is right now be back soon. Be sure to be quiet because I saw a hoard going your way and stay inside please just wait for me.


love David = )



"So all we have to do is be quiet and stay inside I will tell the others." She said in a whisper. She walked to the other end of the bus and woke up Marco first David is gone he left this. He took it and said ok just me will sleep tell Yamila when she gets up. So she went back to bed for the only reason was that it was super cold on the bus and no one was warm and it was as if it was them sleeping on the ground and they could a hole lot of zombies.


They all fell asleep on their beds keeping quiet for the reason that I gave them for the fact that my friend/family, trusting me as if I was all they had left. I walked into the door of the school bus and then back to the sleeping chambers and all the windows were cover so that it was dark so that we could sleep and I walked over to Jocelyn who had been sleeping for days and asked her "What have you been dreaming about friend, you have been out for days?" I said. "I have been with Kylie." She said with a stern voice.

Chapter:19 the quest for forgiveness

I return just as quickly as I left make sure I didn't atract any atintion, "Are you sure it was Kylie, you didn't really know her she had been my frind sence middle school. And friends with my younger broth for even longer." I said with a whisper. She just turned back over and went back to sleep knowing that I was right that she didn't really know her that well. I walked back to the front of the bus and sat in the driver seat, looking over the horizon as the sun rised. "For a truly beautiful sight I am glade to see it." A voice said. I turned around and all of my friends were standing, makeing this the most beautiful moment.


We went to the sleeping chambers and we got in our beds for eating we eat then we sleep. Jocelyn slept in her own bed because it started getting camped because Haylie is a hog and won't share. (because she knows that I won't do anything to stop her) Marco and Yamila are quiet and don't make a lot of noise they just sleep eat drive talk and use the restroom. Like everyone else they have a job to do.


I fell asleep for an hour and a half then went to the driver seat and to my surprise another surviver. She turned to see me and lowered the bandana from her face then grabbed her gun and started my direction. With a trench coat, homemade dust mask, and a hand-bow she walked over to the bus and knocked on the doors. I open them. "May I help you." I ask politely. "Well I am not living any longer." she replays. "Well if you don't mind walk to the back of the bus." I say with a smile. She starts walking but I step in-front, "I will need to take your gun ammunition but keep the gun and your hand-bow." I say. "Your weird, every other person I have met took all my stuff." She said. "Well I am pretty sure you will get it back pretty shortly." I said. Then we walked into the sleeping chambers and Haley jumps up "ALEXIS!!!!!!!" She shouts. "Oh so you know each other maybe you would like to move in." I say with a smile thinking where in the world I would sleep. "You might have to share the bed with me and Haley." I say, "I don't care as long as I'm not uncomfortable." She said. I started out the door for her ammunition, "Look at her guys she is loaded with all types of stuff." I said "Where did you get it?" Marco asked. "Well there is an armory 12 miles that way I got this gun from." she said. "I can take us there." she said, then she handed me the map. "Your the leader right?" she asked. "No, we work as a team." I said. "But every team has a captain." She said, then everyone looked at me and I smiled. I guess I am my name is David so glade to meet you Alexis.We had the last 7354 miles maped out on a pice of paper neater then even a professional drawer could do. "WOW!" You can be our maper I guess, so let me right a list of our jobs, Marco can you follow the map and drive to the armory while I do this. "Sure." He says hopping in the front seat.


                                                                   The list


Marco: Driver   and     scouter


Yamila: Gas pumper      and      cleaner


Jocelyn: Cleaner      and      cooker


Haley: Leader    and    Helper


Alexis: Mapper     and     scouter


David: Leader      and      engineer



Chapter:20 The place of protection

"Hey we there yet Marco?" I ask with an irritating tone making sure people around me would laugh. "No, we are still at most an hour away." He said with a smile. We start on a plan to get into the U.S.ARMORY without attracting attention. We could use a lock-pick, I thought. "We have to take all possible thing into concentration, there could be people there." I said. 


We arrived and it was quiet and moist, the sun had just come up, making this a muggy morning. So we walk over to the door as planed and I start to bend down, but he door flies open and a man walks up. "Who are you, scalawags." He said in an Irish voice as crisp as the sea. "I am David leader of my people we came to get a few guns from this armory, may we come in?" I asked. "Hold on I will be right back." He said going back inside. He shut the door so we waited 15 minutes for him to open the door, but he throws out a walker covered in swords and guns I kick it off its feet puling a sword off him and cutting of his head. "take as much off of him even his military armor." I say pulling a revolver off of him and walking to the door. I open the door with him standing by it. What the hell was that you ready little bottom feeder we are taking this place. I said shooting him between the eyes. Jocelyn runs through the door, "What happened did he hurt you, David?" She asked. "No, be he almost hurt y'all and I would lose hope if I lose you guys." I said. "AWW, I like that you care, but what now" She said. "We do what we came here to do take all the weapons. We could live here for a while too, but lets just go the gun shot won't help us." I said looking out the door.


We started at the door that said armory but I noticed a door labeled, MRE supply, (Meal Ready to Eat) My mouth dropped I started walking closer and I touch the handle, but then I smell it the smell of kerosine. I back away form the doors and think to myself, "WOW, we got lucky I didn't blow us up shooting the guy." I call a meeting outside, " We can only use knifes in the building because I could smell kerosine in there." I said rushing to my knife to get to the MRE's. I open the door and there it was, a huge supply of MRE, just waiting to be eaten for the fear of them being stolen I took them all, just so we would be able to eat. I run back to the bus and sit down then place 2 MRE on Marcos bed then on my bed then 1 on Jocelyn's bed, then I waited for them to return so that we could eat. 


When we all got back to the bus we started to talk making it an epic evening we even had some dinner that made it even better. We started back home just in time too the walkers had started to arrive thanks to my gun shot that morning keeping us from leaving any faster preventing us from finding a place to stay we turned off the bus and started to sleep. We slept till morning to where we found all the walkers gone as if they got bored and walked away, We started on the road to find a new home to where we could live and stay alive.

Chapter:21 Back to the new

We were back to our 3 bed apartment and we could actually use all the rooms, I got a room with Haley, Marco and Yamila got a room, and Alexis got a room with jocelyn. All the rooms were about the same size but there was one room that had a small closet while the others had big ones. "Hey David can we have the room with the small closet." Marco asked. "Sure you can have that one I was going to give Alexis the room straight down the hallway." I said pointing to my old bedroom. (Total eclipse of the heart playing) "Because we can make it to the end!" I said. "Turn around bright eyed." said Alexis. I went to the only room that belonged to my parents when I lived here in 2015, so I started in the room and went to the closet and opened it up and turned on the light. There wasn't anything anywhere except a black satellite phone I picked it up and right behind it was a charger for it the phone seemed to be fully charged. "David I found this in our closet." Yamila said. "I found one too." Alexis said. "So did I but I also found a charger, how about y'all." I asked. "Yeah!" They said. "But I also found a bag of at least 24 military issue hand radios. Jocelyn said. Then Marco and Haley walked in. "Well we have been finding supplies in the closets. Go get the hand radios for Marco's room and your room then bring me the bag." I ordered. We began setting up the house and my satellite phone goes off so I step outside and answer it. "Are you in position yet quod 4." said what sounded like my old Marshall. "MARSHALL?!" I yelled, "DAVID is that you." yes I am in the apartment you left gear for." I said. "It was for you, I thought you would be there I have sent my deputy to check on the house he should be there soon. He said. "Ok I will call when he gets here." I hung up the phone. 


I walked back into the house "We are having company my Marshall left this stuff for us we are squad 4 now and a deputy is coming over we have to be nice and don't speak unless spoken to, he is vary general about that." I said. We started cleaning and cooking. I went out the back door to see what the outside was like, and it was kinda damp, so I went back inside. Then I herd a knock on the door so I opened the door and it was a man holing a gun asking for some food so I tossed him an MRE and he ran off. I shut the door and waited for the deputy, I then call the Marshall and told him that he never showed, and he was worried that we was dead. I start to clean out the car for my room I pull the bed out of the bus and put it in my shared room and started setting it up for bed so Haley could sleep I had to do something important. I walked out side to the middle of the street, it was foggy for some reason but I waited for him to come just to settle for his life to keep him in the military. All of a sudden a flare falls from the sky almost hitting me in the head, I start to run to the house in fear that I would be caught by a walker. I get inside safely but I look out the storm door and see a guy on the building accrued the street yelling for help.

Chapter:22 To hell and back again

 I turn around and grab my gear, "Should I ask someone to come with me?" I think to myself. I drop my stuff and run into Marcos room thinking to my self that they were asleep, I walk over to Marco and tap him, "Hey borsch you need something?" He said with a yawn. "Yeah, I need you to help me save someone." I said. He got out of bed and picked up his bag and put on his pants while I wrote a letter stating where we were and what we were doing. We left taking our BOB's ( BOB stands for bug out bag ) making sure to save this man. Walking a-crossed the street was easier than it was in 2015 because there weren't any cars to wait for. When we got to the other side there was nothing there just a guy on the building, I propped up a ladder that was on the ground and he climbed down. "what happened here?" Marco asked. "I went up to get away from those things and they started climbing the ladder to so I kicked it." The man said with a chuckle.


We turned away from the man, "I didn't know they could climb, did you?" I said with a worry. "No I didn't, they just seemed to run at us." Marco said. "Maybe this could become a problem, I have a feeling that someone is behind this mutation." I said to Marco. We turned back to the man that we had saved but he run away, so we walked back home to wait for morning. Marco went back to his room and I sat on the couch and flipped on the tv, "No signal, I am going to fix this." I said getting up and heading to the door. I went out the door and walked over to the signal tower behind the main building and picked a screw driver up from the ground and picked the lock on the electric box then rewired the main secreter then fix the black wire that had been cut for some reason once O closed the box the electricity started buzzing and a door on the main building started to open and like 20 walkers fell out and started running at me so I picked up the flat head screw driver. "Let's go already, I can do this all day." I said with a smile. I then pulled out my KA-bar and through the screw driver at the first ones head. It stabbed him in the head and he fell to the ground and the other zombies around him toped over his body so I ran to the house. When I got there I ran inside and locked the door and ran to my shared room and woke up Haley, "Hey, hey look at me, look at me, stay inside we are surrounded." I told them in a whisper. Then I ran to Marcos room and knocked on the door and Marco opened it, "Stay inside we are surrounded." I said, "What happened?" He asked. I fixed the electrical tower and they came from the main building, now let me warn Alexia." I said with an answer of some sort. I walked into Alexia's room without knocking and she was undressed and I turn away real fast. "Sorry my fault should have knocked." I said with a stern voice. "Its alright I guess just knock for now on." She said walking make sure I couldn't see her. "I came to tell you that we have to stay inside because we are surrounded." "Ok you pervert." She replayed with a grin. "I said it was an accident." I said. "Well tell that to Haley." she said. "Latter once she’s up and moving I still have some work to do, oh and before I forget you can watch t.v now, I fixed the tower." I said walking away so everyone could hear. Pulled out my old military radio and asked if anyone could hear me.

Chapter:23 The ones on the other side

   It's been hours and I haven't heard anything one the radio. I put the hand pice down and switch it to I put so that if I would talk on it they wouldn't hear me. I sit there waiting even though I haven't slept in 3 days pushing to get somebody on the line to keep the food supply equipped for the cold winter approaching from the south. I knew we needed something to protect us from the cold and I knew that I was in no condition for a plan. So when Haley got up I sat down with her. "Okay I need you to go with everyone and get a plan together to find away to get food for the winter." I said with a yawn. "I will try, but you need some sleep so go to the bed." She said. "Okay, as long as you agree." I said getting up to go to bed. I started walking to the bedroom, but everything goes black and I calliopes into the floor. Haley runs over to me and calls for Marco.


I wake in the bright world with Khiley standing in front of me. "You are so stupid, you should have slept you don't need this, your going to die." She said. "I know, I haven't been the best guy since the outbreak of this plague, I shouldn't live, I should be dead." I say with a tear. "What about Haley and your new family they need you, they will die without you." She says. "Are you tell me they aren't strong. I yell. "No, they will be so sad they would die.She yells.


All of a sudden I am in my bed with my head raped with bandages and wearing nothing except a blanket. I get up and Haley walks into the room, "YOUR ALIVE!" She yells while everyone comes running down the hallway. and into my room where I stand looking at them. "I am a--live" I said weakly. "You get your butt back into bed David we can't loose you just yet, we still need you." They all say. "O---kay, I will----try---to sleep." I try to say falling to the bed. I wake in a gloomy land where I can walk, "Hello anyone out there." I yell. All of a sudden I am sprung off my feet and put in to a cage surrounded by masked people. I try to speak but I was just couldn't force myself to say anything, I just sat staring at them while they stared back as if to learn something from me but as I went to say something It got really bright light got my eyes.


Haley was getting ready for bed and accidentally turned on the light, she had shut the door to take off her shirt for her night gown or whatever she was going to wear for bed and didn't know I was up, so round 2 dodge the object, bad for me I couldn't dodge a trash can. She walked up to me, "Oh sorry David I thought you were asleep, I didn't think the light would wake you." She said "Its fine I was getting up anyway."I tried to say without a laugh. I handed her the trash can and we started to laugh, I got up and the blanket fell. Yeah You got your fun." I said snatching the blanket from the floor.

Chapter:24 I think its time

 Its been a week since my injury and I still don't know who those people in my head were. I wish I had accually gone to sleep that way I would have been alittle more understanding of what happend. I really need to do something about my staying up late. I think it is a form of stress and that could cause problems in the future, but I won't worry about it. All is to do now is see what is needed to be done and do it, so I walk over to Marco. "Hey you need me to do anything for you." I ask him. "Yeah for you to sit down and rest your not comppletely healed." He bites. I sit down, makeing myself confurtable to make sure he won't make me stay he for the rest of my life."Okay so your just going to leave me here?" I asked him as he walked away. "Yeah, if that will help you." He said with a laugh. I sit waiting for somebody else to acompany me insted of leaving me alone, Haley came down the hallway first as if she was surely the only person not busy and wanted to spend time with me as my injurys healed. "The one person that I have waited on, will you acompany me since I am under arrest from sheriff Marco, He has me on couch arrest." I said with a smile. She looked at me and smiled at my cheesey jokes while I talked we cuddled up and fell asleep. We have been dateing about a year now and I don't know what to do about marriage, I guess we will cross that brige when we get to it is a couple years. It will only happen if... well if, I dont die from an accident or if we could all keep from dieing 



Chapter: 25 The new guy

I look out the door in search of Marco


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.10.2017

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