
Chapter 1: Moving To Texas

Moving To Texas



I am Angel Braxton your typical cheerleader from Los Angeles. Many people would say “Angel you’re so lucky. “Which is true… Sometimes I’m too stubborn to realize that I have an amazing WEATLTHY family that loves me very much. My dad is Jackson Braxton and my mom is Kimberly Braxton my perfect parents who spoil me a little too much buuuttt it comes with the wealth and power.


Angel! We have to hit the road or we’re going to be late!”


Okay, dad hold on one minute!”


What are you doing?!?”


I’m writing.”


Write in the car let’s go sweetheart!”


I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs to my dad. I jumped in the car and hugged my mom and waited on my dad to make his way to the car. Once he got in the car I screamed in his ear almost giving him a heart attack. My mom and I busted into laughter as my dad pulled off.



I put my headphones in my ear and started thinking about our new home in Texas… Yes I said it fucking Texas… Why? My dad got this huge promotion and here we are... This is going to be a big difference for me because well L.A. and Texas are a big difference… It even sounds wrong being said in the same sentence, well not wrong but just different.


I will be starting my new school in a couple days. Might be hard considering the first day of school was four weeks ago so yeah I’m just preparing myself for the glares and stuff like that. I’m actually looking forward to my senior year of High School… I’m going to make this the wildest year ever. I mean c’mon every senior year should be wild and fun am I right. My dad knew a shortcut to Texas so we’ll be there Saturday night.


Hey dad?”


Yes sweetheart?”


What does our house look like?”


You’ll see... You’re going to love it.”


I’m not going to love it.”


Why not?”


Every time you say I’m going to love it... I end up hating it.”


Angel let your dad drive... You’re going to love it okay this is where you were born you know.”


Ha! That’s a good one mom.”


Glad you thought it was funny… but I’m serious.”


WHAT! Texas! Since when.”


Forever. Texas is where your dad and I met and had you.”


That’s great for you… Not for me, I know nothing of this place.”


You’ll learn real soon. It’s in your blood.”



Chapter 2: Texas Were Here


Chapter 2: Texas were Here


 I grabbed my mirror and brush from my bag and started brushing my long brown hair. After I was done brushing my hair I put eyeliner on to make my bright green eyes pop… And that’s all I needed natural beauty is just something I was born with.


Hours passed and we finally made it to Texas and I was shocked to see how beautiful it was. I was happy as hell to get in the shower yes indeed I was. We drove down the streets seeing every inch of Texas…


“Mom that Bar & Grill can I go later?”


“Yeah just no alcohol.”




Bar and Grill was my favorite place mainly because of the food; before my dad had his wealth and power we would always eat there. Even though he stopped I never did and never will. We finally pulled up to this big house and I fell in love instantly. The gate opened and I ran into the front yard to the front door.


“Dad throw me the keys right now!”


My dad tossed me the keys and told me not to break anything. I opened the door and saw a palace… It wasn’t really a palace but damn it was close enough for me…


I ran upstairs and opened the first room which was my parent’s room and two doors down there stood my room. Everything was already set up. All I had to do was well use the room. I looked out of my window and saw my neighbors. I waved at the two guys and ran back down stairs and out the back and saw a pool with slides and a cave... And an in grave grill pit. My parents finally caught up with me and gasped at the sight of the pool. We all just stood there like daaaammmmnnn this is the shit ha-ha. My mom went upstairs and my dad and I stood there standing.


“So dad how long should I be gone… So you and mom can bang?”


“Come back at 11:45 okay be safe.”


“Ya’ll be safe…No baby making that’s bad bad.”


“Ha good one… When will you be leaving?”



“Around eight… So I better start getting ready.”


“Okay I owe you.”


“Yeah you do… Just leave me some money on the counter Love you.”


“Five dollars.”


“A hundred.”


“For what Angel.”


“Shopping and Food.”


“Uh Okay.”


I ran upstairs closed the door and went to my closet and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans a top and my jacket; some red bottoms laid them on my bed and jumped in the shower.




Chapter 3: Bar & Grill

Chapter 3: Bar & Grill


 I got all dolled up and walked out of my room and downstairs where my mom and dad stood.

“Don’t worry 11:45… I’ll be home before then.”


No! 11:45 on the dot.”


“Okay jeez… So remember kids use protection Trojan is the best.”




“I’m kidding.”


They both stood there all lovey dovey. I grabbed the keys and the money and went to my customized mustang out front. I sat there for a minute and pulled up my gps than pulled off. I arrived at the Bar & Grill and got out of my car and made my way to the door… I found myself being glared at… Everyone looked so country and I looked well L.A. I found a table and sat down and waited for a waiter.


“What can I get for you sugar?”


“A steak, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and a sprite.”


“Is that all?”


“Yes thank you.”


“You new around here?”


“Yeah, moved in today.”


“You’re welcomed here anytime sugar.”


“Thank you, I’m angel. You are?”


“I’m Sandra nice to meet you Angel.”


“Nice to meet you too Sandra.”


“I’ll be back with your food okay hun.”


“Thank you Sandra.”


Wow Sandra was quite nice… Everyone seems friendly in here really… Just different wardrobe that’s all. May—


“You’re in my seat.”


“Pardon me…” I turned around and saw a tall guy with dark hair and a clean cut beard blue eyes… Perfect nose nice body and a cowboy hat...


“Better close your mouth a bug might fly in… You’re in my seat beautiful.”


“Don’t see your name on it.”


“Ha… Your new around here aren’t you.”


“Don’t worry about it old man.”


“22 is far from old... What’s your name sweetheart?”


“Don’t know.”


“Ah okay… Well I’m Tyler.”


“Okay… Well bye now.”


“You’re in my seat so I can’t leave.”


“Well I already ordered so be a man and find another table.”


“You a little tough girl aren’t you?”


“And now you’re bothering me.”


“Tough I like that… You can have the table for today.”


“Okay thanks bye now.”


He sat at the table right besides me and just sat there smiling with a cocky ass smile. Sandra came out with my food in perfect time.


“Thank you Sandra.”


“No problem sugar… Tyler you’re off work already.”


“Yes ma’am just had to give a ticket to that mustang out front.”


“Wait! What! Dude that’s my car!”


“Well I’m sorry ma’am the law is the law.”


“Why did you give me a ticket?”


“You parked half way in the red.”






“Can you please give me a box to go?”


“Already Hun?”


“I’m afraid so.”


Sandra went to the back to get me a box and I just sat there in shock. Like what the hell I was not in the red what so ever…


“Beautiful I had to do my job.”


“Well you suck at it.”


“You can pay for it down at the station.”


“No shit!”


Sandra came back with the box; I grabbed the box put all my food inside and paid for my meal and left a fifty dollar tip.


“It was nice meeting you Angel.”


“Great meeting you Sandra.”


“Have a wonderful day beautiful.”



I just looked at the cop took my food and left and went to my car and grabbed the ticket. “Hey wait up!” I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw the cop their smiling.


“I think we got off on the wrong foot.”


“You think.”


“I’m Tyler Anderson.”


“And I’m leaving to go pay for my first ticket.”


“You can’t… There’s no one there at this time of night go tomorrow.”


“I got in my car and he just stood there smiling.”


“Dude stop smiling!”




“You just gave me a fucking ticket that’s why!”


“I’m sorry Angel… Beautiful name by the way.”


“Guess what your name is.”







I rolled my window up and drove off. My parents said 11:45 well it’s only 9 so I decided to go bowling at the bowling alley down the street from the Bar & Grill got out of my car and opened the door to the bowling alley than walked in… I walked up to the worker and asked for a size seven. He handed me my size seven and I went to my bowling Lane and sat down to tie my shoes and got up to bowl.


A loud speaker turned on and said a black mustang is about to get a ticket. I sat there for a moment than got up and sprinted to the door. I opened the door and saw the Prick Tyler leaning up against my car smiling.


“Dude… You’re fucking with my night.”


“Let me take you somewhere.”


“No okay goodbye.”


“You’ll have a lot of fun.”


“I don’t know you.”


“I’m a cop.”


“Don’t give a fuck what you are.” I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called my dad. It went straight to voice-mail.


“Your dad not answering beautiful.”


“If you don’t stop talking I’m going to beat your ass.”


“I can arrest you for saying that.”


“This is my scared look.”


“Angel just let me take you to dinner.”


“No thanks already have food… remember how it all went down at the grill.”


“Then maybe another time?”


“Ummm NO.”


“You are one hell of a girl.”


“One you can’t have. Good day officer.”


“We’ll see about that.”


I whipped my hair as I turned around and walked inside the bowling alley… An hour passed and the bowling Lane became empty… Well not empty but all the teens were gone and there were only adults and me.


“Angel you have to leave.”


“You again… What now!”


“Curfew for the teenagers you need to be home I’ll escort you there.”


“Nope, I’m good... I walked passed him turned in my shoes and walked out the door and got in my car and drove off… And made my way home.




Chapter 4: Unexpected Guess


Chapter 4: Unexpected Guess


I stayed in my car for twenty minutes than I got out and went inside of my house. I saw wine food and roses everywhere so chances are my parents are getting freaky. I took my heels off and tip toed up stairs and into my room and closed the door. I took of my shirt and my skinny jeans and wait--- Fuck I left my leather jacket ugh god dammit… I put some shorts on and an Eagles jersey on and some sneakers and went back down stairs and grabbed my keys. I opened up the front door and saw the prick Tyler standing there with my jacket. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.


“Your jacket was at the grill.”


“Thanks… How did you know where I live?”


“I’m a cop and you’re new in town everyone knows where you live.”


“Oh well my parents are inside trying to become young again… So goodbye.”


“Their fucking ha-ha... My parents always did that no matter how old they got.”


“Eww what about their hips and age.”


“My dad’s hip always use to pop out. He likes it rough.”


“Ha-Ha… Your parents sound horny.”


“I love your laugh.”


I started blushing instantly and I don’t know why. He’s actually pretty funny I would have known that if I gave him a chance at the Bar & Grill. Wait No! What’s wrong with me he gave me a ticket for no reason. That’s why I’m mad at him.


“You gave me a ticket Tyler for no reason.”


“I’m not a Prick anymore that’s good. I gave you a ticket because you were in the red.”


“No I wasn’t.”


“Yeah you were… I’m a cop… I know.”


“And I’m smart… I wasn’t in the red… but... I’ll pay it anyway.”


“Good I’ll see you up there.”


“Great… Goodbye now.”


“Can I come in?”


I nodded no but I said yes and he walked in and stood at the door. He gasped at the sight of everything inside of my house. I closed the front door and turned towards him.


“Want a beer?”


“Yeah, sounds great.”


I opened the fringe and grabbed him a beer and asked him to follow me. We walked upstairs and he stood by my front door and watched me walk in. I closed my door and left him standing outside my door. Five minutes later I came out with my bikini on and a cover up leaving him speechless. 



“Alright let’s go.”




“My pool or you could just stand there.”


He just smiled and followed me downstairs and out the back door.



“Damn this is a nice pool.”


“Ya, that’s what I said when I saw it.”


I took off my cover up and he watched my every move smiling drinking his beer. I saw his erection grow in his pants. I jumped in the pool and swam to the other side of the pool. He took his boots and his pants off.... And finally his shirt revealing his six pack. I bit my lip and he jumped in the water and swam to me.


What’s wrong with me exactly…? That’s a question I’m asking myself but I’m just going with the flow and I’m not going to lie I’m highly attracted to him and I know he’s attracted to me. Trouble he is. He came out of the water and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. He leaned in and I splashed him with water and swam into the cave. He caught up with me in the cave and got close to me and just starred in my eyes.


“Angel you are gorgeous.”


“You’re looking good yourself.”


“I want to kiss you.”


“Well you can’t.


He leaned in closer to me and kissed me on my lips. He looked back at me a smiled. I leaned in to kiss him back.


“Angel are you home!”


“Dad? Is that you?”


“Yeah, whose clothes are these?”


“I’ll be out in a minute.”




“That’s your horny dad.”


“Sweetheart who was that.”


“No one dad! Tyler shut up please.”


I peeked out the cave and saw my dad was gone Tyler followed me out the pool grabbed his clothes and hid.


“I’ll distract them and you leave.”




He kissed me and I ran inside to go find my mom and dad. I kept my parents distracted while Tyler left without anyone noticing.

Chapter 5: Next Day


Chapter 5: Next Day


I woke up the next day feeling stupid. Everything I did last night was stupid. Kissing Tyler that was stupid. Inviting him in that was stupid. Actually wanting him that was stupid. Am I just blowing things out of proportion or do I have a right to feel stupid? I got in the shower washed my body and hair and got out. I threw my hair in a wet bun slipped on some ripped shorts and a long crop top and went down stairs.


“Why are you dressed?”


“A cop gave me a ticket for being in the red.”


“Angel! We’re here one day!”


“I wasn’t in the red mom! It’s stupid that he gave me a ticket but I’m going to go pay it.”


“Well don’t do it again.”


“Do what! I got screwed over mom!”


“Angel Carson Braxton do not raise your voice at me!”


“Whatever! I’m going to pay this ticket.”


I slipped on my sneakers grabbed my keys and headed to my car. On my window Tyler left a note that I did not read I just threw it on the ground.


I drove for thirty minutes and made my way to the station. I got out of my car and walked inside of the building and to the front desk.


“Hi I’m Angel Braxton I’d like to pay for this ticket.”I heard a lot of drama in the back so I turned around and saw Tyler taking someone to the back. He glanced at me and smiled and I just whipped my head around to the lady.


“You owe a fine of 200$”


“Wait! What…”


“That’s how much the ticket is for parking in the red.”


Tyler came back out and stood next to where I was standing.


“You want me to pay 200$ because a douchebag screwed me over!”


“Ouch that hurt…” Tyler replied.


“Ma’am the law is the law.”


“Yeah I’ve been told.” I grabbed 200$ from my purse and paid the lady. She assured me that she updated the system so it shows that I paid. I said thank you and walked out of the door.



“Angel wait up!”


I unlocked my door to my car and opened it. “Did you read my note?”


“No I didn’t now move."


“Angel, I’m really sorry about the ticket but it is my job.”


“Okay good to know bye Tyler.”


He grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was looking into his blue eyes.

“Angel yesterday… It felt right… Everything about last night felt right. Your body and mine that felt right… Give me a chance.”




“Why not?”


“Because I’m not doing this.”


“Doing what.”


“I’m not putting myself in a position to be vulnerable not again.”


“I’m not a teenage boy Angel I’m a grown ass man. I know how you made me feel in just that one day we spent together.”


Before I could answer Tyler.... His intercom went off calling for all units. He kissed me on the lips.


“I’ll swing by you’re place later on tonight. See you soon Angel.”


“Wait Tyler noooo I don’t want you to—“


Before I could finish Tyler was in a police car driving off along with other police cars. I stood their standing in disbelief about Tyler… That man just doesn’t understand when a person is uninterested. I got in my car and made my way back home and grabbed his note that was on the ground.



I had an amazing time last night. I would love to see you again. If you ever need me here’s my address.  592 Ridge Lakes.


He gave me his address? Either he’s stupid or just confident. I went inside of my house and saw that the news was on in the living room. I walked in sat on the couch and they said two officers were shot in crossfire. I felt tears rolling down my face. I ran upstairs and sat on my bed holding his note in my hand. I don’t understand why I’m crying over him.

Chapter 6: Panic Mode

Chapter 6: Panic Mode


I paced around my room like a nervous wreck. He said he would come over and he hasn’t showed up. Its 10 p.m right now which is curfew for all teenagers to be at home. I still had on my clothes and sneakers from earlier. I clinched his note in my hand and opened my door and tip toed downstairs and grabbed my keys and left.



I opened the door to my car pulled his address up on my GPS and I started driving to his house. Weird yes I know but I just want to make sure he’s okay you know… Doesn’t mean I like the guy. I turned off my car and opened the door; ran to his doorstep and rang the doorbell. His house was beautiful by the way. A couple minutes later he opened the door and I jumped in his arms crying.


“Curfew… I can arrest you he said laughing.”


“I thought you were injured.”


“Why would you think that?”


“The news said two officers were shot and I thought it was you.”


“Why are you tearing up? Come in here.”


I walked inside of his house and looked at him… “I thought you were hurt… I was scared I guess.”


“That’s cute… You were worried about me. I’m flattered ha-ha.”


“And now you’re annoying again.”


“Am I… we’ll I’m the annoying guy who’s stealing your heart.”


“Who said you were stealing it.”


“Your tears said it let’s go in the living room.”


I followed Tyler into the living room and sat on his leather couch. His place was nice I had to admit. Tyler came and sat on the couch next to me holding a beer.



“At the station you said you don’t want to be in a position to be vulnerable what did you mean by that?”


“Long story.”


“I got time I want to know about you.”


 “I dated my ex Isaac for almost a year. Fell completely in love with him. Things were going great. I was saving myself for sex till I knew I wanted to give my body to him. He kept pressuring me and I kept rejecting him. One day I came over to surprise him and I walked in on him sleeping with my “best friend.”


“WOW! I’m sorry for that asshole… He lost a good thing.”


“Yeah he realized that after he slept with her.” 


“I should go arrest him.”


“Ha-Ha is that all you can do?”


“I can drop my cop act and whoop his ass.”


“I like option number two.



“I bet you do… You are just stunning you’re not even trying and you’re beautiful.”


“Natural beauty that’s where it’s at.”


 We just looked into each other’s eyes and before I knew it I leaned on him and kissed him gently but seductively. He wrapped one arm around my waist and the other on my head. His erection grew and my pussy started to throb… I wanted him and he wanted me but I pulled away and ran upstairs and hid.


I heard footsteps running up the steps and when he walked in his room I jumped out of the closet making him jump.



“Angel! You scared the fuck outta me.”


“Yeah that was the point.”


Tyler wrapped his arms around me and threw me on the bed and turned on his t.v. We talked for hours getting to know each other and I fell asleep in his arms.








Chapter 7: Oh Shit!


Chapter 7: Oh Shit!


I woke up the next morning in Tyler’s bed but he wasn’t there. I grabbed my shoes and went downstairs where I saw Tyler with his uniform on with his shirt unbutton.



“Good morning Beautiful.”


“I have to go.”




“My parents are probably freaking out right now!”


He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and said. “I can’t save you from mommy and daddy.


“No you can’t.”


“How about dinner tonight around 9?”


“Sounds Perfect.”


“Wow you said yes.”


“Guess I did.” I kissed him on the lips and ran to my car. My phone had missed calls from my parents. They were calling nonstop. I drove home fast and opened my front door and saw my parents standing there with their arms folded.


“I can explain.”


“You’ve got 20 seconds.”


“I’m 18 and you know lost track of time.”


“You’re grounded.”


“Ha! like that will happen... I’ve never done this before. Just let this one slide.”


“Grounded like I said.”


“UGH I hate you!”


“Like always when something doesn’t go your way.


I went upstairs and sat on my bed to think about how I would call and cancel my date with Tyler. Around 9:50 I got dressed really fast and tip toed down stairs and ran to the Bar & Grill. I couldn’t drive because my parents had my keys. I finally made it to the Grill and opened the door looking for Tyler. I saw Sandra and asked for some water she poured me some water and sat down next to me. “By any chance did Tyler walk through here?


“Yeah he sat in here for thirty minutes with roses.”


“Oh.... Do you know where he might be?”


“You were his date? Sweetheart that’s great he can sure use a girl like you.”


“I stood him up though.”


“Then go after him and make it right… He’s forgiving.”


“I will. Can you get me some water in a cup?”


“Sure thing.”


Sandra came out with a cup of water with a straw and I ran out the door and too Tyler’s house which was thirty minutes away. Fifteen minutes in I was already out of water. I was sweating and my legs were tired. I finally made my way to his front yard but I kept running. I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer.


“Tyler… I’m--- who are you?”


“I’m Taylor who are you?


“No one I have the wrong house.”


I backed up from the front door and started walking away. I saw Tyler walking down the steps when he saw me he ran down stairs. I sprinted down the street and kept running and didn’t stop. Tyler’s car caught up to me and he got out and grabbed my arm.


“It’s not what it looks like…”


“It doesn’t matter were not together…”


“Then why are you crying…Angel... She’s my older sister... She came over when you stood me up.”


“I didn’t stand you up... I got grounded. And I don’t believe that’s your sister... Now you know what I meant by vulnerable.” I snatched my arm away and ran down the street as fast as I could. I heard him yelling for me but I just kept running and didn’t stop.



I finally made my way home opened the door and closed it tip toeing back upstairs to my room. I closed my door and jumped on my bed crying. That whole night my phone kept ranging. I finally cried myself to sleep and drifted off.






Chapter 8: School is the last thing on my mind


Chapter 8: School is the last thing on my mind


   I woke up the next day with a headache because I was crying so much. I jumped in the shower washed my body and hair and jumped out of the shower and blow dried my hair till it was dry. I decided to wear some skinny jeans and a crop top sweater with my sneakers. I put some make up on and just flipped my hair and left it alone.


I walked down stairs and saw my parents standing there with my car keys. I grabbed my keys from my dad’s hand and grabbed my bag.


“Have you been crying?”


“A little.”




“I have to go okay.”


I walked outside and got in my car and sped off. I made it to school mainly because of speeding. I got out of my car and walked to my school. Everyone had smiles on their faces but because I was  well not myself… I didn’t pay attention. I went to the bathroom and stayed in there for about thirty minutes than finally came out. There was no one in the hallways or classrooms. I heard talking in the gymnasium so I walked in and instantly every single person looked at me and even the person who was speaking Tyler… I guess today was cop speaking day and he was there. He said my name on the mic and I just walked to an empty spot on the floor and pulled out my phone and started playing piano tiles. He was talking about texting while driving but I just kept my head down the whole time.


A person next to me introduced himself to me. I glared over at Tyler to see him staring.



“I’m Zayn... You are?”


I’m Angel nice to meet you.”




“Do you want to play piano tiles?”


“Hell yeah it’s better than this all day.”


“What do you mean?”


“Were going to be here all day with one lunch break and bathroom break.”


“Wow that’s interesting.”


“Ha yeah I know.... Some people didn't even show up today.”


“Why the hell did I show.”


“To meet me.”


“Ha-Ha that’s cute.”I didn’t realize that my laugh was loud but Zayn laughed with me so it was less weird.


By this time the mic was passed on to the Sherriff and Tyler was just staring. Tyler whispered in his boss’s ear and he walked over towards me and Zayn.


“Angel… Can I talk to you?”


“No this assembly is pretty important.” Tyler picked me up from the ground and pulled me out of the gymnasium into the hallway and kept walking.


“Tyler get off!”


“What is the matter with you?!?”


“Wow… Let's travel into what happened yesterday… Did you forget?”


“Angel that was my sister… I’m being honest.”


“HUH mkay well I need to get back to the gymnasium, when you want to come clean come find me.”


“Why don’t you believe me?”


“Because every boy uses that saying when they get caught.”


“I’m not a boy first off… And I’m not like every guy who has broken your heart.”


“Then who is she really?”


“My fucking sister!”


Tyler turned me around put handcuffs on me and walked me outside and put me in his police car and drove off. “I’m soooo going to sue you for this… Just so you know.” He didn’t answer he pulled into a driveway and came to my side and grabbed me and walked me to the door. After he rang the doorbell we waited for a response.


“Tyler? What are you doing here?”


“Hey sis can we come in.”


“Yeah sure.”


Tyler took off my handcuffs when she closed the door and locked it. She walked over to my side and gave me some water.


“You’re actually his sister?”


“Yeah he’s a brat… You don’t have to worry about anything. He's not the cheating type. He wasn't raised up that way.  Our daddy would roll around in his grave if he started acting like that.”


“So she actually is your sister.”


“Yeah she is… Taylor can you give me and Angel a minute.”


“Of course.”


“Tyler I’m so sorry.” He walked over to me picked me up and kissed me gently but seductively. I broke off the kiss and said “So you forgive me?”


“I do.”


"When we were talking about our horny parents.... I thought your dad was still alive?"


"He died in a car crash four years ago... I still think he's here sometimes."


"I'm so sorry."




"You shouldn't have to go through that."


"I'm strong just like you are... That's why I like you so much."


"Um is that so?"




Tyler wrapped his arms around my waist picked me up and kissed me.








Chapter 9: It's official


Chapter 9: It’s official


     A month later…


After the whole thing with me and Tyler we made it OFFICIAL! I’m just on cloud nine when I’m with him… Corny I know but it’s true. I told my parents that I have a boyfriend and they want to meet him tonight for dinner. I’m not sure how this is going to turn out considering I told them he’s in high school… I panicked and I lied.


“Mom what are you going to make?”


“I thought we were going to go out.”


“Umm no didn’t I tell you we were staying in.”


“No you did not.”


“I totally did mom stop lying.”


“Well just choose a place to eat.”


“Bar & Grill.”


“Absolutely not.”


“Tyler loves the Bar & Grill.”


“Fine Angel we’ll eat there.”


“Yeah we will I’ll get dressed.”


I ran upstairs jumped in the shower washed my body and hair and jumped out. I wrapped myself with a towel and went to my closet and threw all of my dresses on my bed. I chose a black and pink tight but flowing dress with a pair of combat boots; put my hair in a messy pony-tail and walked downstairs and waited for my parents. My dad was wearing a suit… My mom was wearing a suit?


“No! Mom? What is that?”


“A suit.”


“I’m aware of that. But why?”


“I thought it was cute.”


“Mom please change something.”


“Like what?”


“Everything go go go!”


Five minutes later my mom walked down stairs looking so much better. We walked outside and got inside of the car and drove off.





Chapter 10: Dinner


Chapter 10: Dinner


We walked inside of the Bar & Grill and I saw Sandra. I ran up to her giving her a hug. I whispered in her ear and told my parents that I would be right back.


“What’s wrong sweetie?”


“My parents think Tyler is a teenager…”


“You didn’t tell them?”


“I told them he went to my school because I panicked.”


“Oh heaven’s sake Angel. I’ll save you the best I can.”


“We need a code… Just in case if something goes wrong so you can come over and change the subject.”


“Okay, just move your hair behind your ear.”


“Okay… Thank you Sandra.”


“No problem good luck.”


I found my parents and I saw Tyler all the way in the back of the restaurant looking sexy. I walked my parents to where Tyler was and he stood up shaking my father’s hand and giving my mom some flowers and kissing me on the cheek. I sat next to Tyler while my parents sat across from us. I held his hand under the table and my parents were looking at each other with confused looks.


“It’s a pleasure to meet ya’ll.” Tyler was smiling but my parents had a look on their face like they disapproved of him.


“Nice to meet you Tyler.” My mom replied


“Tyler you don’t look like you’re in high school.”


“I’m not…”


I started brushing my hair behind my ear trying to get Sandra to get over here.


“Angel said you were.”


“I’m 22 and a cop down at the station.”


Still brushing my hair behind my ear. Sandra finally came over and interrupted before my dad started talking.


“What can I get ya’ll.”


“YOUR 22… Dating AN 18 YEAR OLD GIRL!” My dad shouted


“Sir I’m sorry I thought Angel told you.”


“This is unacceptable!”


“Angel we’re leaving!”


“No! Mom were not.”


“Let’s go!”


“I love ya’ll daughter…”


“Were leaving Angel now… Break up with this hillbilly RIGHT NOW!”


Everyone in the restaurant walked over to where we were sitting and stood there. Everyone started shouting at my parents for the hillbilly comment to Tyler. I felt like they deserved it for calling him that. My anger was over the top I was pissed. Tyler was more hurt than anything. It’s my entire fault that this dinner went down like this. While everyone was arguing I climbed over to the other table and ran out of the door without anyone noticing that I left. I called for a taxi and got in and they drove me home. I paid then I ran inside of my house and to my bedroom. I changed into some jogger’s pants and a tank top. I put on my sneakers grabbed a jacket and ran downstairs.


“Where are you going?”


“Somewhere quiet…”


“Why did you tell them I was in high school?”


“I panicked I’m sorry.”


“Meeting your parents… That was important to me... I’m taking this relationship serious… Your not.”


“Tyler I am… I just wanted my parents to accept you.”


“By lying!”


“Don’t yell at me Tyler!”


“I’m yelling because I’m hurt… You don’t get it because you don’t care! In your parents eyes I’m some sort of pedophile!”


I walked passed him and grabbed my keys and started walking towards the door. He grabbed my arm and spun me around with force.


“You’re going to run away like a child! This is your fault!”


“Let me go! I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” I started to cry


“Well start thinking shit through!”


I snatched my arm away and ran to my car and jumped in and locked the door behind me. I put my face in the stirring wheel and just cried.


“Angel! Where are you going?!?”


I turned on my car and sped off…




Chapter 11: Gone


Chapter 11: Gone


   A couple hours later I pulled over to the side of the road and got out of my car and walked down to the lake. I laid down on the grass and looked at the stars. I knew everything was my fault… I just don’t like how everything came out. I never saw Tyler so hurt and angry before. Seeing him like that it hurt me. My parents called him a hillbilly just because of the way he talks. I came to terms that my family wouldnt approve of Tyler and I. I stood up and took of my clothes so the only thing that I was wearing was my bra and underwear. I jumped in the lake and swam to the middle and started floating on my back looking at the stars again.


   I drifted off while I was floating on my back and I saw Tyler and my family at the Bar & Grill. I was reliving the awful night in my dreams. I felt someones arm wrap around my body. I woke up to find myself lying on the grass being stared at by an old man. What were you doing in there? He asked.



I was just thinking.


Well be careful that water is very deep.


Yes sir.

I grabbed my clothes and walked back to my car and turned on the heat. I sat there for an hour and a half and put my clothes back on and started driving to the Bar & Grill. I finally reached the grill I put my jacket on and put my hood on and got out of the car and walked in. Everyone starred at me with angry looks. Sandra came running from behind the desk and gave me a hug.


Angel, youre pale Do you need anything?


Tea would be nice.


Okay stay here. Ill grab some blankets.


Thank you.


Sandra went to the back and a local man walked up to me. Everyone still was staring at me. So were all hillbillies to you and youre family is that it? I just looked at him and looked back down. Right now was not the time for this, the last thing I want to do is beat this persons ass. Im talking to you! I stood up in my chair and I screamed getting everyones attention.



My parents think you guys are hillbillies! Not ME! NOW STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME!


Everyone looked shocked that I did that. They all turned around and went back to eating and the guy walked away. Sandra stood by the back door in disbelief. She walked over and gave me blankets and some tea. I got up and sat at an empty table in the back where it was dark and drunk my tea then laid down. I heard someone call my name and sit down at the booth. I sat up and saw Tyler.


Tyler can you go please.


Im not mad anymore I see why you did it. Come stay with me.


Tyler I just want to stay here by myself.


Angel, please just come home with me You need a hot shower. We dont have to talk But Im still your boyfriend and I need to make sure youre safe.


Okay Tyler.


I got up from the booth and walked to the front door and he followed. He unlocked the door and helped me in and walked to his side. He started driving and the whole time my teeth were chattering and I was shivering. He turned on the heat but that didnt really help. We made it to his house and he ran over to my side and picked me up and carried me inside of his house and upstairs to a bedroom and sat me down on the bed. He got the water running and helped me to the bathroom.


I got it from here Thank you.


Youre welcome.


Tyler walked out and walked back in with towels and closed the door when he walked back out. I got undressed and sat in the steaming hot water. I went under and stayed under while my body temperature was warming up. I can hold my breath for a really long time. I was under for five minutes letting out small breathes. I got pulled above water.


Angel! What are you doing!?!


Letting my body temperature warm up. What are you doing?


I thought you were killing yourself.


Ha-Ha you were worried about me thats sweet.


I stood up and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I looked at him and smiled.


Better close your mouth before a bug flies in.

I walked passed him and into his room and went in his drawer and grabbed a shirt and ran back to the other room where he was standing.



HEY! Thats my favorite shirt! You cant wear it.


Then take your shirt off and give it to me.


Say please.


I dropped my towel and he smiled I slipped on his favorite shirt and walked towards him kissing him on the lips and bit his bottom lip gently and pulled away and smiled. I walked downstairs and to the fringe and grabbed a beer. He spun me around and took the beer away.


Youre not old enough for that.


Give it to me.


No, you have to be 21.


Dont start with me.


Start what?


Youre going to find out if you don't give me the beer.


Im curious now.


     ***I pushed him against the counter and took off his shirt. I bit his neck gently than kissed his neck. I kissed his lips while I was pulling on his hair. He picked me up and slammed me against the fringe kissing me roughly but still gently. He pulled away kissing my neck and playing with my boob. I ran my fingers through his hair.


Are you sure about this Angel?


I whispered in his ear yes and he carried me to the living room and laid me on the couch. He laid on top of me kissing my lips while moving his hands up and down my body. I bit his bottom lip gently and I felt him smile. He broke off the kiss and stood up and took off his pants and his Calvin Klein underwear and helped me with my shirt. He laid me back down and looked in my eyes and kissed me. He pushed his dick inside me a little then he pulled it out. I let out a moan; He did it again and left it in thrusting deeper and deeper inside. I closed my eyes and moaned in pleasure. I placed my hand on his chest as he was thrusting at a medium pace. I pushed him off and got on top of him and started moving my hips back and forth. I laid my head on his shoulder as I was moaning. He wrapped his arms around my back and he started moaning.


Angel. Im about to cum.



Dont hold it in.


He picked me up and walked me towards the wall. He pinned me up against it and started thrusting fast. I grabbed his hair and let out a moan. Tylers moans became louder as he was thrusting. He kissed me and I moaned in his mouth. He laid me on the ground and slowed his thrusting down.


Angel. I cant keep it in."


I moved my hips in a circular motion and he took out his cock and came on my stomach. **** He laid down beside me and kissed my cheek...


Wow, Im happy that was my first time.


Im happy I was your first. I love you Angel.


I love you too. Ready for round two?


Im old let me catch my breath.


I thought 22 wasnt old.


Sex tires a person out. Especially when that was some good ass sex.


He wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.


Chapter 12 will be uploaded Monday.


Chapter 12: Figure this out


Chapter 12: Figure this out


 I woke up the next morning and turned towards Tyler and laid my head on his chest. I had a lot on my mind, with my parents and Tyler I know that something has to be done, sooner rather than later. I got up from the ground and grabbed Tylers house phone and held it up to my face. I dialed my house number trying to get a hold of my parents. I heard my dad say hello. I hesitated and I finally responded. Dad, its me.



Angel where the hell have you been!?!


I stayed with someone.


Who is it?


Tyler I stayed with Tyler. Tyler woke up and slid his boxers on and walked by me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Angel who are you on the phone with? My dad, Im trying to figure everything out.


Dad, why arent you answering?


You need to come back home right now!


Dad, Tyler and I are coming over to talk about last night.


Absolutely not!


Dad, you remember when I was six. You told me that I should do whatever makes me happy and to fight for what I want.


Yeah I remember.


Dad, Tyler makes me happy. If you guys would just a give him a chance you would love him.




I turned around and looked at Tyler and broke down crying. Tyler took the phone and walked into the other room and closed the door behind him, leaving me just standing there. I ran upstairs and grabbed a pair of his shorts and sled them on and went back downstairs pacing back and forth. I heard talking and laughing in the room where Tyler was. Tyler walked out of the room and sat the phone and looked at me. Your dad is willing to meet me. Ahhh, really what did you say?


I told your dad how we met and how you made me feel and he said we can come over whenever we want so we can talk.


Okay, lets go.




Yes, right now.


I walked to Tylers front door and walked outside. He followed behind sliding on his pants and his shirt around his neck. He walked to my side and opened the door and went to his side and we drove to my parents house. Before we got out we had a little talk. He opened his door and walked to my side and opened the door. We walked to my front door and he swung open and my dad was holding me in the air. I have to admit that Im a little confused. He sat me down and shoke Tylers hand and we walked inside. My mom was sitting down with a glass of wine. We all sat down at the dining table and waited for someone to start talking. My mom opened her mouth and began to talk.


I dont like how you are dating someone older than you. I understand that its legal. But, I just dont want you to get into something and it turns out to be bad.


Mrs. Braxton, I really do understand where your coming from. When I met your daughter for the first time. I just knew she was the one. I know that you have some suspicions about me. Feel free to ask me anything. I love your daughter and I dont want her to choose between me and her family. My dad cut in and told Tyler to tell my mom what he told him.


I met Angel at the Bar & Grill the first day yall moved down here. I gave her a ticket and she got all pissed. I gave her a hard time just to get close to her. I just had to be around her. Shes amazing and I love her. My mom looked at him and just smiled and then looked at my dad.


Tyler its going to take a while for me to be completely okay with you dating our daughter But she is 18 and shes technically an adult so we cant stop her. Just take care of her; because her dad and I have to go to Europe hes been relocated.


Mom what do you mean relocated?


Youre dad got a huge promotion and new position at the office so were moving to Europe.


So youre leaving me here?


Sweetheart, this is where you wanted to be. You love Tyler so stay here with him.


Is this payback or something!


You said you wanted to be treated like an adult, so were treating you like one.


Before I knew I got up and punched my mom in her face and started crying. Tyler pulled me off of her and my mom was laid out on the ground. He threw me over his shoulder and ran outside and sat me down and started yelling at me. I couldnt even focus on what he was saying. I wanted to beat my mom again. All the anger and the hurt just came over me at once and I collapsed to the floor.

Chapter 13: Four weeks Later


Chapter 13: Four weeks later



  I woke up in the hospital not knowing how I got there. I saw Tyler outside talking to a doctor. I sat up and tried to get out of bed. The doctor glanced at me and Tyler looked over and ran by my side and hugged me tightly.


Thank god, youre okay.


How did I get here?


You collapsed You dont remember?


No, how long has it been?


Four almost five weeks.




Calm down Angel. Dont stress yourself out.


Dont tell me what to do! I have to go see my parents. I grabbed a robe and walked to the door. Youre caring my child Angel.I stopped in my tracks and turned around and saw him standing there with happiness and tears in his eyes. I looked at him and I started crying.


Im going to be a mom?


Yeah, I just need you to relax and dont stress yourself out.


What about my parents do they know?


I called them but theyre not happy at all.


Why not?


You punch your mom in the face and your mom said youll pay whatever that means.


I did? Why?


Your parents were moving to Europe and you felt like it was payback and you lashed out.


Oh…”My eyes started to tear up a bit. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. Ill be right back. He whispered in my ear. He walked outside and I was left in the room by myself with a million things swimming in around in my head. I placed my hand on my stomach and just smiled. I was going to be a mom. I was having a child with Tyler! Tyler came back and said that he was taking me home. I couldnt be happier.


Tyler grabbed a wheelchair and I just stood there like nope thats not going to happen. He laughed at me.


Well cmon now old lady just come sit down.


You did not just call me old. I sat down and started to laugh as Tyler walked out of the door and through the hospital doors. Tyler walked to the car but I couldnt help but think about what he was doing for four weeks while I was in the hospital.






What have you been up to while Ive been in the hospital?


I got prompted to sheriff and Ive been at the hospital waiting for you to wake up.


Really? Sheriff thats amazing babe!


Thank you, worked hard for it.


Tyler didnt leave my side when I was in the hospital. I feel lucky because of the kind of guy that I have. Tyler pulled into his driveway and there were people standing in front of his house with signs. Im not really in the mood to be around people I just want to go inside and sleep. Tyler stopped the car and got out and walked to my side. I got out of the car and stood there while everyone approached me. One that stuck at the most was Tylers mom, she gave me a big hug and handed me flowers. Ive never met Tylers mom so this was an honor to me. Everyone walked inside of Tylers house and sat down. I just stood there like damn did we invite yall in here ha-ha. Tyler looked at me and shrugged. He walked me upstairs and laid me down and kissed my head and told me he would be back. Tyler came back upstairs and said everyone was gone.



You told them to leave?


Yeah, you need to rest.


So does this mean I cant get that beer ha-ha.Tyler started to laugh really hard.


Nah u cant ha-ha


Tyler jumped into bed next to me and wrapped his arm around me. Im so excited to be a dad. Im happy ur having my child Angel. Im happy to be carrying your child.



Chapter 14: TYLER! HOLD ON


Chapter 14: TYLER! HOLD ON


   Five months have passed



Everythings going great.. Im carrying twins! When Tyler and I found out we were having twins we both cried. We found out were having a girl and a boy so were thinking of names. Can you believe Tyler and I got into an argument because he wants to name our son Alfred! He said babe come on its cute no its not! We both decided on the name Scarlett for our baby girl I want Isaac for our baby boy. Tyler walked inside of our bedroom and saw me in the mirror trying to put a mini dress on.



Angel, what in gods name are you doing?


Im putting on this dress.


Really it looks like a shirt to me ha-ha.


Hay! You ass! Tyler walked over and wrapped his arms around me and looked in the mirror. He brushed my hair behind my ear and kissed my neck and grabbed my hand and walked me downstairs. Tyler what are doing? Just follow me. Tyler walked me to the backyard and he had breakfast waiting for us. He smiled and pulled out my seat and I sat down. We finished eating dinner and he went inside and came back out and looked at me. Tyler are you okay? Tyler got down on one knee. Angel, will you marry me?  Yes! I will! Tyler stood up and I gave him a big hug and a kiss. Before Tyler could say anything he got a call from the department and had to leave he gave me a kiss grabbed his badge and his shirt and ran out the door. I walked upstairs and crawled into bed and looked at the rock on my finger and I fell asleep.



10 p.m.


I started walking around our house with my phone in my hand. I cant help but be nervous because Tyler shouldve been back by now. I can feel my heartbeat getting faster. *BANG* I jumped and ran upstairs and closed the door behind me. What was that? God dammit I dropped my phone. I felt myself about to cry preparing myself for whoever was about to come inside or already are. I heard footsteps running up the steps so I covered my mouth looking the door quietly and walking quietly to Tylers closet and I grabbed his box that has his gun inside. My hands were shaking when I grabbed his bullets and I dropped all the bullets on the ground. I got down and started picking them up when banging at the door started happening and when I had all the bullets in the gun I hid in the closet and they made their way in. I know what youre thinking closet really. Well my big ass belly couldnt fit under the bed. I stood quietly and the closet door swung and the guy in the mask pulled my hair and threw me to the ground.




Please dont please! He picked me up by my hair and punched me across the face making me fall to the ground. He kicked me in the stomach a couple times. I was on the ground crying and my nose was bleeding next thing I knew I had a gun pointed to my head. I wrapped my arm around my stomach and closed my eyes. I felt a hand on my face and I opened my eyes and saw Tyler he picked me up and carried downstairs *POW* Tyler fell down to the ground with me still in his arms. Tyler! I crawled over to his side and covered his wound with my hands. Coming out of the shadows is my mom. Mom! What are you doing? I held Tylers wound while he was choking up blood. You spoiled little bitch! My mom walked closer to me and pulled my hair making me stand up. She tried pointing the gun to my head before she could get it all the way up I punched her in the face making her fall and I got on top of her hitting her over and over. She punched me in the stomach making me fall back and she grabbed the gun *POW* I shot my mom in the head... I grabbed my phone and called the ambulance and held Tylers hand.


A-n. I love you tell our ki--


Dont! Youre going to make it Tyler You have to see everything. Tyler let go off my hand and he closed his eyes. The ambulance finally arrived and started working on Tyler in our house and the doctor took me away and drove to the hospital to make sure my children and I were okay.




Chapter 15: News


Chapter 15: News


       I was sitting in the hospital room and a bunch of cops walked in and I instantly started crying more than I already was. I covered my stomach and dropped my head to the ground. Hes going to be okay. Really? Can I see him? Now now you need to relax and make sure those youngsters are okay. I nodded because I knew he was right. The doctor came in with the results and he told me that my children are very strong. Im happy that my children are safe but I need to know that my bae is okay. Doctor Stevens can I please see him? Tyler told us he doesnt want you seeing him like this. Let me see him right now! Okay, follow me. We passed a couple rooms and the doctor stopped and I peeked my inside and saw Tyler laying there. I walked in and he saw me and he glanced at the doctor. Ive never seen a doctor move so fast to get outta the room with us. Tyler I had to see you. I know How are the babies? There okay and so am I. Good Im really sorry. Its not your fault... Dont get worked up over it... How are you? Shot but I will survive.


This was by far the craziest night that Ive had. I murdered my mom. But it was for the better she almost killed Tyler and I. I did what I had to do to protect my family. I just wish it didnt have to come to this. My children wont know a damn thing about their grandmother not a single thing. To be honest they might not even know there grandfather because he may have something to do with this. *OUCH* Whats wrong?!?  There kicking really hard. Im calling the doctor.  Babe Im fine really. He called for the doctor and the doctor came walking in. Check and make sure if my children are okay! The doctor walked out and came back in with the ultra sound system. He brought our attention to the screen and he said he was sorry.  The screen showed our little boy moving but not our girl. Tyler and I broke down crying. Tyler my baby shes gone!! I walked to Tyler and gave him a hug and kept crying.  I need you to sit back down Angel we need to check for the second heartbeat. I sat back down crying and the doctor smiled our baby girl started moving around and at one point our son grabbed our daughters hand and held it. Tyler covered his face when he saw that and he broke down.  I couldnt help but start thanking god for keeping both of my kids alive..


Texte: Aubrey Adams
Bildmaterialien: Aubrey Adams
Lektorat: Aubrey Adams
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.02.2015

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