

  Enjoy Your Life Geoff Pridham




Dream big so your life will be big.

Small things lead to small, but big things lead to big.

You want what is good and what is great, big dreams will get you there. Big is what is good and what is best. Sell yourself what you are really worth, and you are worth a lot.

You have always had your big dreams, bring them out into the open and see where they lead.


Get free from illusion by knowing what illusion is.

Illusion is what you believe to be true but don’t really believe, not deep down.

Seek instead the things that you will really believe in. These will lift you up and carry you away from illusion. The wings of truth will carry you up into the clear blue sky.

Explore deep inside so you know what you really think. Find the unexamined thoughts and examine them thoroughly. Be passionate about your quest for truth and illusion will drop away from you like a silk cover falling off a statue.


Good music is joy.

Good music is a door to a happy life.

Surround yourself with good music, sing your way through life. Music opens your mind and transports you to another world.

With good music your emotions will be transformed and then your day will be transformed. Why live the undesirable life when good music can transform it? Good music is everything you do to transport your feelings to a higher plane. Take command of your inner world and change the station so you can hear the good music all the time.


Love well and you will have a happy life.

There are many forms of happiness and loving well is one of the best.

Love yourself so you can love others. If you do not love yourself how can you love others effectively?

What goes around comes around—if you love others well then you will be loved well. When you are loved well you are supported and your life is happy. Those who love well are respected and admired, they are sought out by others. Your life will be better, happier and more effective when you take the trouble to love well.


Have fun whenever you can.

Life is short and if you are not having fun then what are you doing?

You have obligations, you have duties, there are things that have to be done, but who said they had to be done without fun? Walt Disney said “A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down”—is there some way you can add the right sugar to your life?

Choose good fun, the type that you will never regret, and go for it. As with your dreams, good fun can help you to achieve great things. Mix your dreams, your plans and good fun and you have a potent mixture.


Be yourself by knowing who you really are.

When you know who you really are you can truly love yourself.

If you love yourself but do not know who you are then who are you loving? Better to have found yourself so you can love yourself truly.

Inside all of us is someone worth loving, we only need to find that person. Take a trip on the journey inside and go and meet yourself, you won’t regret it. When you find yourself you will see what a treasure you are and you will be happy to introduce your real self to the world.


Live your life because it’s yours, it doesn’t belong to anyone else.

Live your life today because you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. If you don’t live now then when are you going to do it?

Have fun, pursue your dreams, remember who you are and who you want to be. This is your time, use it the way you want, for what you believe in.

Every day has enough troubles of its own, see through that and focus on what you want to achieve, what you want to feel today. Overcome your worries and fears by turning your attention to what is good and great, you will soon be feeling better and will take back your life and really live it today.


Love is what is given, not what is taken.

Love is for the other, not the self.

True love is not just sacrifice, it is seeing the whole picture of what benefits the other. If you truly love then you will seek to do what is good for the other, even when it gently presses them to grow. You will do your best to help.

One who loves is blessed because there is much joy in love. With love, hardship and difficulty are overcome, all that matters is the well-being of the beloved. There is a future in love, a promise of better times to come. In love there is hope for the future of our world.


Take a break from time to time.

Take a break because you deserve it, you’ve earned it.

There is a lot going on in life, a lot you have to do, but you won’t be able to do it all unless you take a break and regenerate. You are human, you need to eat, you need to sleep and you need to rest—don’t skimp on these things. Taking a break will let you re-gather your forces so you can be more effective when you return to the action.

In the modern world it is almost seen as a sin to take a break, we are supposed to be “always on”, but we are not machines. We are living beings who were born to lead worthwhile and happy lives with ourselves as the main boss. Take charge of your life and ensure that it runs the way you want, with the appropriate breaks that you need to function and feel at your best. Remember, you’ve earned it.


Shine a light so the world is a better place.

Shine a light to make your day brighter.

It’s easier to shine a light than to make things darker, and it feels better too. Positive people will join with you and others will turn to you in times of trouble. Gloomy people may avoid talking with you but there was no future in their conversations.

There are many ways to shine a light, from the candle through to the dazzling spotlight—choose the one that works best for you at the time. Sometimes the light should be bright, but other times it is pleasing for it to be gentler—romance is better done by candlelight. Whatever the situation, shine a light and enjoy the way it brightens your day.


Switch off the autopilot so you can come to life.

Switch off the autopilot so you remember what it was like to fly your plane. What direction will you go in?

Often we run our lives on autopilot, flying our preset course to our preset destination, going from point A to point B, and then back to point A, and then back to point B again, over and over. What would it be like to change direction and go to point C for a change?

The good thing about the autopilot is it is comforting, you always know what is going to happen, there is nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if you want adventure, if you want to grow, if you want improvements in your life then the autopilot is not going to get you there. Switch it off, if only for a little while, and see what change may come. Maybe it will feel like coming back to life.

89. LUCK

Luck is a real force, it is not a mystery.

Luck comes to those who look for it.

To have good luck look for the opportunities in life and take them. If you open your eyes to what is going on around you you may be surprised at what is on offer. You only have to reach out and take it.

“If the door of opportunity is closed, build a new door.” Work to achieve your goals, be open to other people, get involved and make yourself the kind of person that people like to be around and opportunities will “magically” emerge. You will find yourself blessed with ample quantities of good luck.














About the author:


Geoff Pridham was born in Sydney, Australia, where he currently works as an IT professional. Although working in IT, his real interest has been in seeking the answers to leading the best possible life, ever since he first asked the question in 1976: "Why do we believe the things that we do?" Since then he has made it his mission to find out what really matters and how we can live good and great lives. He has left no stone unturned in his quest for this knowledge - studying philosophy, psychology, biology, religion, art, history, science, lateral thinking and any other field that could help us find the truth about life.


Read more about Geoff Pridham by visiting



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.07.2013

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