
First time happy

First time happy 

Since I

Was thirteen 

Was able to brake the chackles 

That is men

And will

Be finally at piece

About fucking time

I needed this

Thank you 

Plenty of Fish

No jinxing

Elena don't 

Jinx this 

This girl  has

Sames as you

So respect


And care for her


Asethetic blog


I like Tumblr 

For the 

Simple face that see beautiful 


And surreal

Art I would not

Usually see

It repairs

My broken soul

Pure and simple

Asethetic photo 

Sooth the soul

The end


The end

Of my bad luck streak

I hope so

For I aint getting any


And men usually 

Oppress me

Finding someone 

Thsy I like

Who talks to me


Well thats great


Sad poetry


I write 

Sad poems to

Quell the pain 

And erotica 

Novels to sooth the soul

Play the guitar

Heal the soul

And art

To blow off steam 

News and tarot

A question 

Do you prefer

The negative 

News papers

Or tarot and oracle cards 


Are positive

I lean more towards 

The tarot


Never again


Never again will

I deal with 

Men and their bullish

This girl is queen

Don't fucking pop

My Balloons


Dear molamin

Dear molamin

You can not contect me


Fir you 

Have hurt the shit out

Of me 

Abused me emotionally 

If you connect me


I will  contact the proper 


And peg you a terrorist 

For that is what you are

To woman a twoman



Molamin if you 

Want to date just white

Supremacist girls

Than I have the

Right to date other people

Fuck you 

You se you next Tuesday 

Yeah thats right

I just called you that

Fir pen pulling sucks for me

Because of you


Letter continues


If I hear from you


I will emasculate you

In front of your  friends 

Girl friend and your teacher 

Be aware I am the sxurge of God

As for as numb nuts like 

You  are fuxking concerned

Toxic toxic


That what you

Fuxking are

To the world



Hell has no wrath 

Like a decent woman scorned 

And I am antimatter 

The ultimate scirge 

Of God

It will 

Come back to you

20 fold karma that is

Just be careful 

You dick around with

The next relationship 

That being said 

I am dating some else 

Talk next reincarnation 


~elena scully

Trust no one


Preferred fact of  me is

That I cannot trust a single soul on this planet

I was born this way just like I was born an Asian 

I was born not to trust people because I was Miss treated

And bullied

Wouldn't you not trust anyone

If you were in my situation

Dear mohamady

Dear Mohamady

To whom this may concern

You cannot bother me or my family you have destroyed everything for me

You nearly killed my mother you Bastard for hurting my mother

And being on Islamic terrorist

May the Lord have mercy on your soul for you have done nothing but mischief maker

Why do you keep popping up in my nightmares

And my way getting thoughts is beyond me

From someone

Who hates you


Step off

Call me crazy

Call me insane

But I know who I really am

Your opinions do not matter

As far as I'm concerned I am who I am

Please step back when I walk around

As I am a very sad and angry person




I find it already is very calming

It eases my suffering

Keeps my mind active and going

There is nothing there is a limit want to come to 

Art the only limitation is your imagination


Full moon full moon full moon

How are your face drives me nuts

But not in a good way

Every time you're out

I am filled with sadness

And playing with flashbacks

From this rain coronation this body

That I am currently in




Sometimes I feel like I'm not up to snuff the people

What is societies standards

Forget the free Britney movement

Let's talk about a free Tibet or a free Turkestan

Free Chechnya

And more peaceful Mariners instead of Britney Spears is

Family drama

That is why I am not up to snuff with society


A question

A question

Do you want to be the question in the prequel

Or do you want to be the ending the answer

To it all

So would you rather be a question the beginning or the end




Would you rather be someone else

Or die trying to be someone else

To fit Society standards or

Live your life and live

And be your self

What are you grow old


The dream I had last night

The Grim Reaper shined a light on me

Signifying that I am to live

But someone that I have real world to

And also someone I love

I'm afraid for their safety as the light was not shine upon them

I am allowed to live

But enemy and and loved one will die



Texte: Karma Tempa
Bildmaterialien: Karma Tempa
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.06.2021

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For anyone who is suffering emotionally

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