Ciel's POV
"It's time for you to wake up Ciel" I woke up to the voice of Alois Trancy, right next to me, "I don't remember falling asleep in your mansion Trancy" I muttered as I sat up then realized that it was my bed, "that's because you didn't, I came over for a visit today, but you weren't awake so Sebastian let me wake you up this morning" he grinned, I watched him and found myself, slightly smiling, "huh? Ciel are you smiling?" Trancy's eyes widened and he climbed on top of me to get a better look, I dropped my face to hide the blush that was now all over my face from how close he was, "no, I'm not, now get off me" I pushed him off, got out of bed and went over to my wardrobe, I got out a pair of blue jeans, a white shirt and a blue hoodie, I tried to keep my eye with the contract mark closed so Alois wouldn't see it, after I was dressed I tried to put my eyepatch on by myself but it didn't work out that well, in the end Alois ended up tying it for me, "why do you wear an eyepatch Ciel?" Alois asked me, I walked out of my room without answering his question, "Sebastian?!" I called as I sat down in the living room, "yes master?" my butler asked me as he was putting his gloves back on, though unfortunately, Alois seen his contract mark, "what is that Ciel?" Alois asked me pointing at Sebastian's contract mark, "that's a tattoo, he got recently, isn't that right Sebastian?" I glared at Sebastian then got up and dragged Sebastian away from Alois, "he doesn't know about demons nor that you are one, nor that I have a contract with you, he just thinks that my parents hired you before they died so just don't give anything away got that?" I asked and walked back to Alois and sat down next to him again, "now Sebastian, about what I called you out here for..." I started, "yes master?" Sebastian just smirked so I gathered that he knew what I was going to ask him, "... why in all of hell would you let Alois wake me up this morning, and why would you even let him stay here if I wasn't awake yet anyway?!" I shouted at Sebastian, but he didn't even seem fazed by my little outburst, Alois on the other hand had curled up and was hiding his face in his knees, "Alois, I wasn't yelling at you this time so you don't need to be scared" I said softly surprising all of us, including myself, "Ciel..." Alois started crying and threw his arms around my neck pushing us both to the ground, "Alois?!" I shouted startled as I was pushed to the ground by the older boy, I wrapped one arms around his waist and petted his head with the other to try and calm him down, when he finally stopped crying he tried to get up but I held him closer to me.
Alois's POV
I was extremely surpsrised when Ciel suddenly pulled me back down to him when I tried to get up, "Ciel.. w-what are you doing?" I stuttered, burying my face in his chest, he moved his hand from my head to my waist with his other hand and he stood up bringing me with him though now I was taller than him and his head was now buried in my chest, "Sebastian, could we have some food in Ciel's room?" I asked and picked Ciel up bridal style, "of course Alois" Sebastian bowed and went back into the kitchen, I took Ciel into his room and laid him down on his bed, I tried to get up and leave the room but Ciel wouldn't let go of my waist, "stay with me for a while?" Ciel muttered and pulled me back onto the bed, "okay Ciel" I layed down next to him and put my arms around his waist and put my head on his head and fell asleep myself.
- the next day, still Alois's POV -
I woke up and seen that Ciel was still asleep, I tried to get up but he didn't seem to have loosened his grip on me at all while he was asleep, "Ciel, Ciel you have to wake up now" I said quietly shaking the younger boy next to me, "hnn, good morning Alois" he muttered rubbing his eyes against my hand, I giggled and sat us up in his bed, "how are you feeling today?" I asked taking my hand away from his eyes and petting his head with it, "better, and warm" he smiled and hugged me again, "is something wrong Ciel?" I asked pulling him away from me a bit so I could see his face, he was still smiling though, "I think I'm falling in love with you Alois" he leant up and kissed me suddenly which made me gasp but I kissed him back none-the-less, when he finally pulled back I was shocked and happy at the same time, "I love you too Ciel" I smiled and kissed him again, he immediately kissed me back, I smiled against his lips, he ran his tongue over my bottom lip which made me gasp, he used that time to slip his tongue inside my mouth, our tongues danced together and I won in our little fight for dominance, I layed us down on the bed so I was on top of Ciel, "I want to go further than this" Ciel muttered as we both pulled back for air, "not yet" I smiled and carressed his cheek, "why not? I want you Alois" he groaned and leaned into my hand, "because you're twelve years old Ciel, I'm not taking your virginity when you're twelve" I said and pulled my hand away to which he pouted at me, "please Alois" he begged me, "no, not until you're older" I got off the bed, "I'm not going to kiss you again until you stop asking to have sex with me Ciel" I left the room and closed the door behind me, "Alois?" Sebastian asked as I walked into the kitchen, "you might want to give Ciel something sweet soon" I said as I got a bottle of water from the fridge, "why, what happened?" he asked as he poured some of the water into a cup and put the bottle back, he handed me the cup, "he wants to go further but I said that I wouldn't until he was older, so now he is really mad at me" I said sitting up on the bench and watching Sebastian put decorations on a cake, "what's the cake for?" I blinked at the cake then at Sebastian, "Ciel's birthday is tomorrow, so I'm making a cake for him because he said he wanted one this birthday" he said as he finished putting the decorations on and put the cake in the fridge, "do you think it would be a wise idea for me to come over on his birthday, considering what happened between us not that long ago" I said and got off the counter, I put the cup in the sink and was about to leave the kitchen, "I think it would be better for him, if you were there" he said as I left the room, I walked up the stairs and into Ciel's room when I heard crying, "what's wrong Ciel?" I asked rushing over to his bed and putting my arms around his waist and pulling him into a hug, we stayed like that until he stopped crying finally after half an hour, "why were you crying Ciel?" I asked him again, "because you left me all alone" he said, "oh Ciel, I would never leave you alone, I promise" I pulled him into a kiss and I felt him smile against my lips, I ran my tongue over his bottim lip and he opened his mouth, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and explored every inch of it, he moved so he had a leg on either side of me and he was sitting on my lap, "why don't you want to go further Alois?" he asked me when we pulled back for air, "it's not that I don't want to go further with you Ciel, it's just that I don't want you to be mad if you don't like it, that's all" I said trying to ignore the fact that Ciel was grinding against me trying to get me to give in, "I promise I won't get mad at you if I don't like it, just please I want you so bad Alois" he started begging me again, "alright fine we can go further tomorrow tonight okay, as a birthday present to you" I said and kissed him again, "mhmm" he agreed against the kiss.
Ciel's POV
- the next day -
I woke up with Alois's arms around my waist, I smiled and kissed him on the nose to wake him, "hnn, good morning and happy birthday Ciel" he whispered in my ear as he got up out of bed, "do you remember your promise to me yesterday Alois?" I grinned at him, "I'm not sure maybe you should remind me" he said smirking, "you said that tonight we could go further, as a birthday present to me" I said still grinning, "that's right I did say that didn't I" he said and tapped my nose, then he pulled me out of bed and after we got dressed, he took me downstairs, we sat on the couch in the living room, while waiting for breakfast to be ready, a few moments later, Sebastian came in with two plates of bacon and eggs on toast.
- later that night, still Ciel's POV -
After dinner and cake Alois and I went up to my bedroom, "are you sure you want to do this Ciel?" Alois asked me when we got inside my room and the door was closed, "yes I want you Alois" I said and kissed him, we were in the middle of my room, Alois picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he carried me over to the bed and layed me down so he was on top of me, he undid the buttons on my shirt and threw it to the ground, he started kissing my neck, I moaned from the feeling, I flipped us over so I was on top, he pulled me down into a kiss, I undid the buttons on his shirt and pulled it off and dropped it on the ground with mine, he unzipped his jeans then pulled them off so he was now just in his boxers, I unzipped my jeans and dropped them on the floor so I was also only in my boxers, we pulled our boxers off, we were both naked now, I wanted to do something but I didn't know what "um Alois I have no idea what to do" I muttered he smiled and pushed me down "here i'll show you" he said moving his lips over my penis I gasped and moaned his name he moved one hand in between my thighs more and started playing with the other part I blushed deeply and bit my lip to stop another moan he kept going for a few moments before I moaned loudly and he pulled away swallowing something before crawling up the bed to kiss me "your mouth tastes different" I said before doing to him the same as he did to me the only difference was I pulled away when white stuff came out of his penis so it ended up landing on my bed "sorry I didn't think i'd come so quickly" he said "it's fine" I said going back up to him "do you want to try something new" he asked I nodded "lay down on your stomach" he said, I did as I was told a few seconds later I felt him push into my butt I moaned loudly as he pulled out before pushing back in he did that for a bit before getting faster my moans were increasing in volume and I was a little afraid that Sebastian was going to come in he pulled out and I felt something warm on my back I sat up and look around at him "that was weird" I said he nodded "it always is on your first time" he replied "can I try" I asked he nodded again and laid down the same way I had been I put on leg either side of him I used my hands to spread his butt cheeks before I slowly pushed into him he quietly moaned into the pillow I pulled out a bit before thrusting my hips forward again burying myself in him again I kept doing it like that until I got a bit more confidence and got a little faster I groaned as I felt pressure building up in my lower abdomen and then it was gone I pulled out and he sat up "you came in me" he pointed out "I didn't mean to just one moment I felt funny and then the next I was fine" I said starting to panic "Ciel it's fine don't worry about it but I do have something to ask you" he said I nodded and sat up "will you be my boyfriend" he asked quietly I nodded and leaned forward to kiss him again.
Claude's POV
"Claude?!" my mother called out from the kitchen in the mansion, "coming mom" I called out as I closed my laptop where I had been talking to a friend at my collage, I walked into the kitchen where my mother was cooking dinner for us all, "Claude didn't Alois go over to that other boy's house?" my father asked walking in, "yeah he should've been back already though, is something wrong?" I asked sitting down on the edge of the counter, "yes he hasn't come back yet and it's been three days, would you be able to go and get him please Claude?" my mother asked trying to push me off the counter, "yeah sure, and mom don't try to push me off the counter, you already know it won't work" I grinned at her then walked out and went back to my room to tell my friend that I had to go out but I would be back soon, "bye" I called out as I left the house.
- about half an hour later at the phantomhive mansion, still Claude's POV -
"Hello, is anyone here?" I called out as I knocked on the door, a few moments later a tall guy in a butler's uniform answered the door, so it took me a few moments for me to recognize him, "Sebastian?!" I was entirely shocked, "Claude?!, what are you doing here?" he asked as he let me inside, "I came to pick up my brother, Alois remember, I told you about him at school" I said just as Alois came out with another boy that looked about thirteen, "Claude?!, what are you doing here?" he answereed as he came running over to me and hugged me, "mom and dad were worried so they sent me to come and pick you up" I answered hugging him back, "who's this?" I pointed to the other boy, "this is my boyfriend Ciel Phantomhive" he said grinning and waving him over, "hello, it's nice to meet you" Ciel said and bowed, "you don't have to bow, you're practically family now" I said and hugged him, "Ciel, this is my older brother Claude Faustus, I'm his foster brother so that's why we don't have the same last name" Alois scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and blushed when Ciel smiled at him, "so, why exactly haven't you come back home for the past three days Alois?" I asked raising an eyebrow at Alois, "I've been busy lately" he said grinning at Ciel, "oh, so that's why you keep blushing everytime Ciel smiles at you" I said realizing, "anyway Claude, how do you know Sebastian?" Alois asked pointing between me and Sebastian, "we go to the same collage" Sebastian answered putting his arm around my shoulder and grinning, "get off me asshole" I sneered, "oh, you hurt me with your words Claude" Sebastian said sarcastically, "good, then it's working" I replied, "god, those two should just kiss and make up right about now" Ciel and Alois said at the same time while walking away from us, "hell no, I think I hate this guy" I shouted to them, "well Sebastian is gay and he obviously likes you so sorry but you're stuck with him forever Claude" Ciel turned around and grinned at me then ran off with Alois, "hell no" I muttered under my breath, "actually I'm sure my father would approve" Sebastian said poking his tongue out at me, "who's your father?" I asked curious, "Satan" he gave me a peace sign with his fingers, "what the fuck dude?!" I yelled and punched him in the arm, "yeah sorry for not telling you even after we got paired up for that project at school" he looked down at the ground and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "oh go fuck each other already?!" Ciel and Alois suddenly walked into the room, "be careful master, you don't want that to sound like an order to me do you?" Sebastian asked Ciel, "yes actually I do..." Ciel started then smirked, "Sebastian, this is an order... have sex with Claude" then they ran off, "oh dear Claude, you really are in trouble now... I can't disobey a direct order from my master" he pulled off one of his gloves to show his contract mark, "fuck me" I said and pulled off my jacket and gloves, then I went upstairs, "I'm not screwing you in the living room Sebastian, your room, now" I said and stood there waiting for him to take me to his room, once we were in his room I put my things on his bed and sat down, I looked around his room and seen a lot of posters of cats, "so I gather you like cats do you Sebastian?" I asked texting my mom that I was staying over here with Alois for a bit longer, "yes I do" he said and climbed on top of me as soon as I put my phone on his bedside table, he suddenly kissed me, though I hated him I still automatically kissed him back, he traced my bottom lip with his tongue and I granted him entrance, our tongues fought for dominance and unfortunately for me, he won, he pushed me down onto his bed and pulled back just long enough to pull my t-shirt over my head and put it with my jacket and gloves, "someone's impatient" I said right before Sebastian crashed his lips to mine again, I undid his tie, and took off his shirt and coat and put them with my clothes, "what do you want Sebastian, top or bottom?" I asked as we were pulling off our pants and boxers, "top, you don't mind do you?" he asked sarcastically, "you don't really care what I think in this scenario, so why should I answer that?" I asked laying on my stomach and grabbing my phone to play tetris, "is playing that at school not enough for you Claude?" Sebastian asked me as he pushed inside me, I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning out in pleasure, "what's wrong Claude? why did you just bite your lip?" he asked as he thrust into me again, "you're fucking huge that's what, and I died in tetris" I said just as I died again in tetris, after about three more hours of him fucking me and me dying in tetris, "well why don't you stop playing it then?" Sebastian suggessted as he thrust into me again and came inside me, "well that was fun" I said and was about to put my clothes back on, "wait a minute Claude, you haven't done anything yet have you?" Sebastian asked as he stood in front of me, "no and I don't want to, your master ordered you to have sex with me and you have so I can leave now, so bye see you at school on monday" I commented and pulled all our clothes towards me as I couldn't get past Sebastian and his huge cock, "can you move? I can't get my gloves with you standing there" I said pointing past him to my fingerless gloves on the other side of his bed, "alright fine, but you have to let me give you some fun as well" he pointed to my dick with his eyes, "why? and how?" I asked curious now, "I'm not fucking you in the ass if that's what you're talking about" I quickly said as I picked up my phone because my mom was calling me, "hey mom, what's up?" I asked as I put one finger in front of my lips telling him to be quiet, instead he just knelt down in front of me and gabbed me gently, he licked my shaft then took me whole, I was shocked so I automatically gasped, "huh? what's wrong Claude?" my mom asked on the other end of the phone, "no mom, nothing's wrong, I was just shocked at something" I glared at Sebastian but he just smirked around me, "okay well we just wanted to see how you were, so are you going to be staying the night, now that we know you and Alois are safe we don't mind if you want to stay over at your friends house" my mom said and I could actually hear her smiling, "okay thanks mom" I said and hung up the phone, "are you having fun there Sebastian" I looked down at him, I hadn't even realized that I had came but he was licking me clean and smiling, "yes" he stood up and got my gloves from the other side of the bed and handed to me then kissed me again, I kissed him back and after a few moments we pulled away sith a string of saliva connecting our lips, "are you sure you hate me Claude?" Sebastian asked me smirking, "no, god I love you" I said and crashed my lips to his again, after about half an hour more of kissing we finally got dressed, when I was putting my gloves back on, "I wonder if my mom would let me and Alois move in with you guys?" I asked Sebastian and he just looked at me and grinned, "you would really ask them?" he asked me, "yeah, I will in a minute" I said picking up my phone to text my mom, "she said yes" I said putting my phone back into my pocket, "good, now I have a question for you Claude?" Sebastian sat down next to me and laid his head on my lap and looked up at me, "yeah what is it Sebastian?" I asked looking down at him past my phone which I was playing tetris on again, "will you be my boyfriend?" he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear, "hell yeah dude" I said and kissed him.
Sebastian's POV
- the next day -
"well that's the last of it" Claude said as he moved the last box inside the Phantomhive mansion, "wow that's a lot of stuff Claude" I heard Alois say as he walked over to one that had his name on it, "is this my computer and playstation or my tablet, ipad, ipod, and macbook?" he asked as he looked at it, "pc and ps, the one next to it is the other stuff" Claude moved the two boxes he was pointing to barely away from the others, "and the one over here is all of you cords for everything" he said taking another box over to them, "hasn't my xbox come yet?" Alois whined, "no I don't think it has yet, if you want I can go and get it, I mean you have all the cords and controllers for it so it won't be very heavy" Claude suggessted, "do you mind if I come with you Claude?" I asked wrapping my arms around my boyfriends waist and pulling him back towards me, "sure, I don't see why not, and will you stop that?" he asked as I was kissing his neck, "no, I will not, it's fun watching and feeling you squirm like this" I said against his neck, I gently sucked on his pulse point to leave a mark, "oh my fucking god Sebastian, did you just give me a hickey?!" Claude turned around in my arms and pushed his arms against my chest a bit so he could see my face, I just smirked at him as a reply, "fuck you Bastian" he mumbled, "only if you offer" I whispered in his ear to which he just smirked at me then walked out of my arms and towards the front door, "anyway we'll be back in a little while" I said waving to the younger boys and winking.
Ciel's POV
"did he just wink at us?" I asked as I followed Alois into the kitchen, where he started cooking something, "I don't really know I wasn't paying attention to him" he said looking through the fridge and pulling out some ingredients, "can I go play a game on your pc?" I asked kissing Alois's cheek, "sure Ciel, it's in our bedroom" he quickly pecked me on the lips and smiled at me, "thanks Alois" I called out as I went upstairs, I walked into mine and Alois's bedroom which used to be my bedroom, I walked over to the computer and turned it on but it had to install updates, so I decided to take a shower while waiting, "Alois, I'm going to take a quick shower" I called out the door, "ok just give me a sec and I'll finish washing the dishes" he called back and a few moments later I heard the water stop downstairs, "all good" he called back to me and I went to have my shower.
Sebastian's POV
Claude had shown me around the entire mansion and I had met both his parents now, "I like your mansion Claude" I said as I sat down on Alois's old bed while Claude tried to find his younger brothers xbox,
Lektorat: Sarah Daniels
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.08.2017
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