

The rain thumps on our old red mustang. I jump up in my seat as lightning strikes. I was having a plesant dream. It was about the old days. Not really "old" days, but the days that came before this.

I look out the window. The sky is a heavy shade of grey, flashes of light are seen everywhere. I sigh and wonder to myself why my life has to be like this. I have always thought of myself as a rather lucky person, however something bad always manages to come my way. All of a sudden the car comes to a complete halt. I launch forward and after recovering, I nervously look up through the drivers windshield. Great, an accident is two cars ahead of us. That means we will remain stopped for quite some time. I sigh again causing my mother to look back at me.  

"It's okay Ana," she says, "We're just lucky it wasn't us." 

"Yeah," I agree, even though I'm still fairly irratated.  

"How was your nap?" my mother is looking back at me again. She's a beautiful lady in her thirties, with an elegant face. She looks fatigued at the time. I figured she hasn't slept the whole drive. I then look over at my dad, who's been driving the whole time. I all of a sudden get a feeing of deep guilt. 

"Ana?" My mom says. Suddenly I realize that I forgot to answer her. 

"Oh good, sorry," I smile. "How much longer till we get to California?" 

"Um i would say another eight hours...It depends on how long we're stopped for"

 "ugh, hopefully it clears up soon." I stare out the window into the vast


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-3797-6

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