
Violet's POV

     Just my luck, I thought as I trudged through the pooring rain. I got stuck walking home from the party I was at because some jerk wouldnt keep his hands off of me and he wouldnt leave me alone. I tried to see if my best friend, Kenzie could take me but she was sucking face with some guy she wouldnt remember in the morning. We also have a rule; if one of us is with a guy, the other cant interupt unless it was extremely important. Well I just wasnt having it with that guy so I headed home.


All of a sudden, I heard something in the woods next to me. Being me....and a liitle drunk, I headed toward the rustling noise. Curiosity is what killed the cat, my foster mom always says. Soaking wet and shivering, I continued through the woods. I stepped in a puddle and got mud up to the ankle on my knee high black leather wedges.


"Shit," I muttered kicking my foot, trying to get some of the mud off. Just then a huge black wolf stepped from behind a tree. I stared to turn back the way I came, but two more were coming from behind me. They all started coming towards me, the two in the back now also in front of me. They werent growling, that scared me more. They were completely silent!


"Help! Someone please help me!" I screamed into the night. I doubted anyone would hear me out here. I felt tears begin to mix with the water on my face. All three of the huge black wolves were walking side by side towards me. I was walking backward further and further into the woods. If i somehow did manage to escape these wolves, which I doubt will happen, how will I find my way out of the woods. I slipped on some wet leaves and fell back catching myself with my hands. White hot pain shot up my arm as I heard my wrist make a horrible crunching sound.


Sobbing even more now from the pain, I managed to croak out, "Please someone help me! HELP!" Dizzy with the pain, my eyelids began to get heavy. I laid back craddling my wounded hand to my chest. I heard a wolf cry out and waited for it to pounce but then I heard a thud. I wouldnt allow myself to sleep until I was sure I was safe.


Threre was rustling and and thudding then a heard a male voice cry out in pain followed by a hiss of pain. All the while I stayed on the ground with my eyes closed and tried to stay awake. Suddenly I heard the wolves retreating and thought, Now, now I can rest. I felt strong arms wrap around me as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Aiden's POV

I was outside my cabin, chopping wood in the rain, when I heard a girls voice call out for help. I immediately stopped and looked around for for where the voice was coming from. I was at the brim of the woods when I heard, "Please someone help me! HELP!" I took off faster than humanly possible towards the girl, thanks to my wolf speed, I got there in no time. When I got to the clearing, I saw the shape of a girl curled up in a pile of leaves surrounded by wolves. The second they heard me they all turned and one lept up at me.


I knocked it out of mid air and it let out a cry in pain. While I was distracted with the first wolf i didnt notice the other come towards me until it was too late and it bit my hip making me cry out. I kicked the bastard away and it retreated with the one I knocked out of the air. The last one, seeing that it was alone, took off after the others.


I stood for a moment trying to catch my breath before I went to check on the girl. When I got to her, I couldnt see her do to all of her thick white hair covering her face. I crouched down and swept a strand away. The second I saw her I sucked in a sharp intake of air. Its her!  My wolf yelled at me.

I know, I thought back as I stared at her. Shes my mate. I reached to pick her up, then I noticed her craddling her wrist. I pulled her hand back to reveal that it was broken! A growl rumbled deep in my chest. I've waited many years to find my mate and once I do shes freezing and broken?!? I picked her up and began to carry her back to my cabin.


I felt her move a little and I looked down, she was still asleep, but her brow was furrowed. Shes waking up, my wolf thought excitedly. She obviously wasn't one of us, so I forced my wolf to quiet down before his excitement gave us away. She cant know. Not yet, I told him reluctantly.

Violet's POV

My head was resting against a warm, strong chest, when I woke up. My first instinct was to escape, but after a few seconds of struggling, I realized I wasnt getting anywhere. Forcing my eyes open, I saw shiny black hair, a chisled jaw, and deep blue eyes. Whoever he was, he was gorgeous, and carrying  me through the woods! I thought beginning to panic again. I slammed my hand against his chest and that caused me to cry out in pain. The man looked down at me with what looked like sympathy in his eyes.


"What are you gonna do with me? Please dont hurt me," I said looking up at him.


"Hey, dont worry. Im not gonna hurt you. You hurt your wrist and I think it might be broken," he said as he stopped walking and looked down at me. In the moonlight he looked absolutly beautiful. I know its wieird to call a man beautiful, but thats exaclty what he was. " If its ok, I'm just gonna take you to my place really quick and let you dry off, and I want to take a look at your wrist," he said sincerly. I completely forgot about the wolves until now. He saw the shock on my face and softly tightened his arms around me reasuringly.


I considered it for a moment, if I dont let him take me back to his place, I risk the chance of getting lost out here. But if I let him take me, he could turn out to be a really great guy.Yeah right, the man in the woods is probably a killer. Realizing that he was patiently watching me sort my thoughts, I quickly made up my mind. "Ok," I said hesitantly. He gave a small smile and continued walking. I realized he was still carrying me, I was about to say something but realized how comfortable I felt. I feel at home. What am I saying? I dont even know this man! I cant "feel at home" in his arms!


I quickly pushed the thought aside as we stepped through a clearing. In the center of the clearing there was a small but cozy looking little cabin. "Is this where you live?" I asked as he stepped up the three steps to the front door.


"Yeah," he said absently as he opened the door while he was still holding me bridal style. When we stepped inside I saw a comfy little couch in front of a small fire. There werent any pictures, but what do you expect from a guy who lives alone in the woods. He carried me over to the couch, and very carefully he set me down. Without a word he walked to the back of the cabing, I heard him open and then close a door. He came back holding a fluffy white towell. He handed it back to me and as I took it I saw rips in his shirt, and red stains.


I gasped realizing that it was blood, "Are you ok?!" He seemed confused at my question and then he looked down to what I was staring wide eyed at. "Were you bitten?!" I asked feeling bad because he got it helping me.


"Oh. No. I mean--dont worry about it, I'm fine," He sat on the couch beside me and held out his hand. I slowly put my broken wrist in his hand. Very delicalty he turned it over, examining it. "It's definitly broken, but it'll be fine soon. How bad does it hurt?" He asked me quietly.


Looking up I said,"Actually it doesnt really hurt at all."


"Ok, it's probably just the shock of whats happened," he seemed to hesitate before saying, "I'm really sorry, this is gonna hurt."

I didnt understand what he meant until white hot pain shot up my arm, making me gasp and bite my lip hard enough to draw blood. As quickly as the pain came, it was gone again. As I stared at my wrist wondering why it didnt hurt as bad as it should have, he began wrapping it in gaughs. I continued staring at it even after he finished. When I noticed how quiet it had gotten, I looked up and saw the stranger looking at me in question.


"What," I asked after a while of not saying anything.

"Oh-I--um it's just that you're a very stronge girl," he pausesd for a moment, looking like he wanted to say more. It surprised me when, instead he let out a deep chuckle."Um, sorry about that. I guess I'm a lot more tired then I thought."

He began to stand up, but didnt get very far before sucking a gulp of air then plopping back down on the couch. It was only then that I remembered he was injured too.


 "Oh my God! I completely forgot that you were bitten," I said scooting closer to him, "Please let me help you. Do you have a peroxide so I can clean it?"


He hesitated before saying,"Yeah its in the bathroom cabinet, but really you dont have to, I can clean myself later."


Ignoring the last part I went in search of the peroxide.

Aiden's POV




 The girl ignored me and went to get the peroxide anyways. I wish I could say I didnt want her help, but I really did. I want her hands on me, my wolf thought. No I cant afford to think like that, shes been through too much already. She has a broken wrist for fucks sake! Which reminds me, she is obviously human, so how does she barely feel pain? She is also healing rapidly. Maybe its because she is my fated mate, I've heard stories of--.


The girl came back, interupting my thoughts.

 "Ok, I found it," she said holding up the bottle. She came around the coffee table and sat next to me. I got a strong wiff of her intoxicating sent and accidently let out a soft moan. She stopped what she was doing and gave me an appologetic look.

 "Does it hurt that bad? I'm so sorry! Its all my fault, if I hadn't been so stubborn, none of this would have happened." I was confused until I realized she mistaked it as a moan of pain. If only she new, my wolf growled.


"No no, it just stings a bit. If it makes you uncomfortable you really dont have to help. I can do it," I told her with a small smile.


"I dont have a problem with it, I just feel bad because you got bit helping me," she said and poured some peroxide on a wash cloth. "Lift your shirt up." I did as told and lifted it. She looked up at me and winked, "This is gonna hurt."

With that wink, I felt a pull in my groin. "Have mercy girl," I quietly growled.

  "What," she asked.

"Nothing, go ahead. I can handle a little pain," I mumbled.


She leaned forward and gently pressed the cloth to my hip, just above the waist band of my black jeans. As soon as the peroxide touched my skin it began to burn. The girl looked up at me and asked, "Not too bad, right?"

I chuckled, "No, not too bad."

She looked back down at my hip and got to work. She pulled the waist of my jeans down a little bit to get the part of the bite that was covered. If she went any further down, I could not be held responsible for my wolf's actions. Still holding my shirt up, I tightly squeezed them hem of it to keep my hands from shooting out and grabbing her. I closed my eyes and tried to think of anything else than her hands on me.


My eyes shot open when she stopped touching me. At first I was upset, then I had to remind myself that it was a good thing.


"Take your shirt off all the way. I need to see if there is any other wounds to be cleaned," she said. Her bossy little tone made my wolf happy. I complied and took it off, trying to hide my smile at the way she took control of the situation. When my shirt was off I looked down at what she made of my hip. I hadn't even realized that she had bandaged it.


"You're good at this, do you often bandage wounded men," I asked jokingly.


"Haha no, this is a first. My foster mom is a nurse and I picked up a few things when I went to work with her when I was little."

"Foster mom?"

"Oh yeah, my real mom died when I was a baby. Never met my dad."

"I'm sorry," I said hating that my mate is sad.

"Thanks," she looked over me searching for more wounds. Starting with my chest, her eyes slid down my body, leaving a burning trail on my skin. She leaned forward looking at the claw marks on my rib cage on the opposite side of the bite. 

Her brow furrowed.

"Whats wrong," I asked her.

She looked at me again,"You took up a hell of a beating for a stranger.That made me let out a loud laugh.

"Im sure anybody would have helped. I was just the closest person."


Instead of answering, she leaned forward and brushed her fingertips under the marks on my ribs. I shivered and closed my eyes tight.

"Sorry," she said, but didnt pull away. She continued cleaning the claw marks, without realizing she never stopped rubbing my side with her fingertips. That little touch had my wolf bouncing off the walls.

This girl is gonna be the death of me, I thought.

Violet's POV

 When I finished cleaning up his two wounds, I looked up at him. He had his head resting against the back of the couch and his eyes closed. Asuming he was asleep, I took that time to study his face. He had dark eyelashes that brushed his high cheek bones. Moving my gaze down, I took in his straight nose, and finally his firm lips. They looked so soft and I couldnt help but think, I want to kiss those lips. But that can't happen. I moved my gaze on and looked at his strong jaw that had a five o'clock shadow forming. My eyes moved back up to his and I noticed him staring at me. My face blushed crimson and I cleared my throat.


"I--um-I thought you were asleep," I said quietly.


"No, but I do need to rest. And so do you," he said with finality. "You can stay here for the night."


"I cant, I dont even know you. You could be some serial killer for all I know."


"Do you think that if I intended to hurt you I would have fought off the wolves," he asked with a chuckle.


I considered it for a monent before deciding. He did risk his life to save a stranger, and he made sure I wasnt too badly hurt. Also he has a point, if he wanted to cause me harm, woukdnt he have done it already? I gave him a small nod, causing him to relax a little. 

"Ok, you can sleep in my bed. I got the couch. And if it makes you more comfortable, you can lock the door to the room."


"Wait, no. I cant take your bed too. You've already done so much for me. Let me sleep on the couch."


"Dont worry about, it's actually a really comfortable couch. Besides, I saved you because it was the right thing to do. Now let me do something nice for you." I could tell by the look in his eyes that I wasn't going to win this and reluctantly nodded to him. 


He gave me a satisfied smile and got up,"You can take a shower and Ill make you a sandwich and then you can go to bed."


I looked down at my cloths, they were filthy, especially my knee lenght boots. Well thats an end to those, I thought. He led me to a bathroom and handed me a towell.


"Wait here," he said and left quickly. A few moments later he came back holding a black t-shirt. "I have a feeling you wont want to be putting those back on," he said giving me a once over. I smiled sheepishly and took the shirt offered. He shut the door and I waited until I heard his retreating footsteps before I stripped out of my grimy cloths. I turned the water on and stood naked in front of the mirror while the room filled with steam. My face was dirty so it made my violet eyes pop, I know right, who has purple eyes? I'm often asked if i wear contacts, but nope, I'm just naturally a weirdo. My white hair was now a baige color with a few leaves and twigs in it. I looked like a wreck, and can only imagine what the man thought..not that I care what he thinks.


I got in the shower and stood under the water letting it pound the knots out of my sore muscles. I looked down and watched as the brown water fled down the drain. I grabbed his bottle of shampoo and sniffed it. It smelt so good, I poured it into my hand and lathered my hair with it. After rinsing I got out and towelled off and put his shirt on. I didnt put my bra or underwear back on becauase the rain soaked through to them. Maybe I could skip out on the sandwich and hurry to the bedroom so he wouldnt notice I wasn't wearing a bra.


I cracked the door and looked out, he wasn't there so I tried to cross the hall to the bedroom.


"Don't you want something to eat," I heard a deep voice ask. I slowly turned around and saw the man standing there holding two plates. He studied me for a moment, his eyes sliding from my head to bare feet,"Much better."


I found myself blushing again and took a step forward, I should eat anyway, I guess I'll just have to try to make it as less awkward as possible. "Yeah I guess I could eat." He stared at me a moment longer before motioning me to follow him to the couch.


"I hope you like turkey," he said handing me a plate.


"Turkey's fine, thank you." I took a bite of it and it was so good I let out a moan as I ate it. I looked up and the man was staring at me with unwavering blue eyes. "I guess Im hungrier than I thought," I said giving a shy smile.The stranger cleared his throat and quickly looked away. "So whats your name?"


He swallowed his bite before answering,"Aiden."


I smiled and held my hand out for him,"Nice to meet you Aiden, I'm Violet."

 He smiled back and took my hand."Violet," he wispered to himself. "I like it. Do you think they named you that because of your eyes?"

 "Well it could be. Or it could just be some coincidence," I told him before taking another bite of my sandwich. Great, he noticed my creepy purple eyes, maybe I should wear contacts. But I cant exactly cover my hair without dyeing it, which is definitely NOT an option to my foster mom.


 "Did I offend you," he asked.

 "No, why would you think that?"

 "Well the second I mentioned your eyes you seemed upse," he said carefully.

 "It's just that people always think it's weird that my eyes are purple and it embarrasses me."


"I don't think they're weird at all. In fact, I think your eyes are beautiful," he said smiling at me. I felt my cheeks flush yet again, and looked away. What is with this guy and making me blush?  I looked back at him and he seemed to be pleased that he made me blush. 


"So," he said and began picking up our plates. I followed him, and when we got to the kitchen, he put them in the sink and turned to me. "Why were you in the woods exactly?"


"Oh, um it's kind of stupid. I was at this party and everyone was drinking and this guy kept getting in my face and putting his hands on me and stuff. I was gonna ask my friend to bring me home, but we kinda have this...agreement. It's mainly for her because I dont just go around kissing random guys," I realized I was babbling and shut my mouth.


"What exactly is the agreement," he asked with a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, when or if one of us is are....with a guy, the other cant interupt. So to speak."

"Okay, so why didnt you get anyone else to drive you home?"

"Well I figured I probanly wouldnt find anyone who wasnt drunk. I know it was stupid, but I just decided to walk home alone."

"In the rain," I nodded. "Through the woods?"

"Well no, I was walking along the side of the road when I heard something in the woods. I just wanted to go check it out. I wasnt exactly planning on running into a pack of huge wovles," I said letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Well, I assume you're pretty tired. Why dont you go get some sleep. I'll be right out here if you need anything."

"Ok," I said and stood to go back to the room. As I was walking I felt his eyes follow me as long as they could before I turned into his bedroom. I reached over and flipped the light switch. The entire room was alluminated, showing me a huge four post bed. I turned the light back off and shut the door before walking over to it, when I ran my hand down the  black covers I noticed they were silk. Damn, for someone who lives out in the woods, he sure as hell has nice taste, I thought. I pulled the covers back and slipped under. 

The room was almost completely void of light, except the glow of the moon pearing through the curtains. As I lay there in the silk covers I quickly fells asleep thinking of the events of today.

Aiden's POV

It was near impossible to fall asleep knowing my mate was sleeping so close, but not being able to be near her. Why can't we just tell her and mate her? We'll make sure she is no option for any other male, My wolf told me. 

No, I thought. We cant tell her yet. We will tell her everything when it's time.


I sure hope the time to tell her will come soon. It's so hard not telling her. But it will be very hard not claiming her soon. When a wolf comes in contact with his or her mate, because of wolf senses, they just know it. A werewolf can only last a number of days before going mad with the desire to mate and claim their mate. But shes not a wolf. How am going to last long enough to get her to do it willingly before I tell her everything? She didnt even seem interested. No--that's not true--I could almost feel what she was was feeling. But that couldnt be it because wolves arent connected until the bite takes place, and it binds them. Maybe it's different for a human bond.


The entire time she was touching me, even though she was just cleaining my wounds, I felt aroused. Was that my arousle or hers? Both? Without a doubt I already know that I feel arousle around her, but does she feel the same way? 


I also feel extreme protective instincts over her. When she told me about the human male touching her, it took a lot to keep me from growling. Would a human think that its weird? Female wolves like a strong mate who shows the power to power and determination to protect her.


I groaned and sat up, rubbing my hand down my face. This is going to be hell.

Violet's POV (Dream)

 I was walking through the woods. It was dark. Too dark. Where's the moon's glow? The stars? The sky was covered in dark clouds. As I walked, I felt sharp rocks and sticks cutting the bottoms of my bare feet, and twigs were catching my hair. Why was I out there?  I felt twigs snapping under me, but they made no sound, as if the darkness swallowed all sound. 

 Despite everything, I felt no fear. I continued with a steady pace and wandered deeper and deeper into the dark. I continued until I saw something walking beside me, in my peripheral vision. I stopped and turned to the object. It stopped too and turned toward me. I only realized what it was when I took a few steps closer. 


A wolf. 


I took another step closer and another. The wolf just sat back on his haunches and gave me what could only be classified as a wolfish grin. It was actually pretty cute. I kept getting closer until he was within my reach. His head was up to my collar bone. He was HUGE. I slowly stuck my hand out and began to reach for him. The wolf bowed his head and leaned forward until my hand came into contart with him.

His fur was thick and extremely soft.


I slid my hand down to the fur on his neck and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. Why do I feel so much affection for this wolf? It was then that I realized the moons glow once again shown through the clouds. I looked around, the woods seemed brighter, happier, but there was still no sound. It was as if my head was under water. I took a few steps away from the wolf. But when I looked back, he was right beside me. I continued walking into the woods.


Suddenly, I heard a horrible screeching, like nails on a chalkboard. It's the first sound I'd heard since I'd entered the woods. I panicked and looked around for the source of the noise.

It was coming from an unreconizable creature standing at least twenty feet from me. I took a step back just as the wolf stepped in front of me. The creature chuckled, a sound that resembled pebbles in an empty glass.


"Not to worry little onesssss," it hissed. "I only want her sssssssoul. You can have her presssssoussss heart." It said with a wide grey grin of its sharp teeth. 


The wolf spoke up, "There is no heart without a soul. I'm afraid you'll get neither."


The creature smiled, but it did not reach his souless eyes.

Those eyes were cold.


And instead of reflecting, they absorb like the void I expect them to be.

The creature's gaze grows darker, deeper, more determined and cruel, discarding the threat with the words: "Then I guess I'll have to take yours."

It took me a minute before it sunk in.

A minute before it began to make since.

A moment lost.


The threat realized so quickly I'm left wide-eyed and gaping when the creature became something else.

Something not only unrecognizable, but otherworldly. 

Something demonic--born of darkness and foul things.


His mouth turned jagged, bloodied, and obscene--bearing his sharp, fanged teeth that, as he lunged, sank into the wolf.

My wolf.

Flaying his flesh, rendering his chest into a crushed, pulpy mess that stained his fur a terrible red.

 The wolf reared his head back and, emiting a pained growl. His eyes glowing the same violet as mine naturally are. 

The creature's face dripped with the same red, a hiddious snake flared from his lips, inhabiting the space where his tongue used to be. I open my mouth, nothing but a silent plea came.


I sat up in bed with a scream. I was covered in a cold sweat, and needed a moment to gather my thoughts.


On the other side of the room, the door swung open with a bang, and in rushed a man. A man? The nights previous events came back to me in a flood.

The party.

Walking home.

The woods.

The wolves.

Waking in a mans arms.



"Whats wrong? I heard you scream. Are you ok?"

"Um...yeah. It was just a really bad dream. There was a wolf, he was huge. We were walking in the woods and suddenly this creature came out. He had a snake for a tongue, he wanted my soul and---" I stopped, realizing that I'd been crying.


"Shhh. It's ok," Aiden came and sat on the edge of the bed." I promise the wolves wont get in this house. Why dont you try and get some sleep." I let out a shaky breath.


"I--I dont think I can."


"Tell you what," he said moving to sit beside me on the bed. "I'll sit right here until you fall asleep. Does that sound ok?"


I nodded and laid back again. Aiden leaned against the headboard and seemed to get comfortable. It didnt take me long before I fell asleep again.


"Sweet dreams, Violet," was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.




                                                                 *            *           *

The next morning, I woke up to something warm against my back. Half asleep, I pushed back further into the warmth. It wasnt until I heard a deep groan that I realized the warmth was coming from Aiden. I twisted my head around to get a look at him, to make sure he was asleep. I was able to turn just enough that I could see his face.

His long dark eyelashes brushed against his cheeks as he slept.


I went to get up, but he curled his arm around my hip and pulled me back against him. This time I was closer, and could feel that he was hard. I turned my head again, somehow he still wasnt awake and was doing all this in his sleep. I moved to lift his arm off my hip, but he tightened it again. I wiggled a little bit in an effort to get away, but I wasnt intending on my ass rubbing against his front. He groaned again and burried his face in my neck, I couldnt decide if I wanted him to wake up or not. 

 If he did wake up, it'd be pretty awkward, but if he didnt, this could get awkward too. I decided to just wake him up.


"Aiden," that didnt work so I got a little louder. "Aiden," he mumbled someting I couldnt understand and shifted a little. When he shifted, his arm loosend too, and I took that chance to get away....and failed again. 


Considering calling his name didnt work, I turned completely in his arms and faced him. "Aiden," I said again. He still slept. If I couldnt feel him breathing, I would've assumed he was dead. "AIDEN!!!" I shouted and poked his cheek. He slowley opened his eyes as if someone hadnt just yelled in his face to wake him. "Oh, so shouting is the trick to wakeing you up? Noted. A freakin' bulldoser wouldn't wake you up."


"Whats wrong," he asked, and brought me back to the reason for waking him up. Realizing just how close together we were, I blushed.


"Um---I couldnt get up," I said while gesturing to his arm still around my waste. Seeming to just have noticed it, he lifted it up. "Thanks."


"Yeah sorry," he said getting up. "I must have fallen asleep here last night," As Aiden moved the covers and got out of bed, I noticed for the first time that he was wearing only boxers. He walked to the door," You want some breakfast before you go?" He turned back to look at me.


"Yeah sure," I said and got out of the bed to follow him.

Aiden's POV

 I listened as her light foot steps followed me out of the room. She was so gracefull as she walked, hell, even in her sleep she was like an angel. The night before when I woke to her screams I couldn't get to her fast enough. 

I was hesitant in asking if she wanted me to stay, but when she accepted, my wolf howled in approval. It took her only seconds to drift back to sleep, and once she did I knew I should leave but couldnt bring myself to do it. Instead, I slid down into the covers next to her and only planned to stay for a moment longer. That was until she pushed back into me, her ass pushing into my groin. I muffled a groan and moved to get up, stopping short only when she wimpered in her sleep. I curled up around her once more and drifted off into sleep seconds later. She'd woken me up two other times in her sleep by pushing back into me and by the third time I fell asleep I was so hard it hurt.


The object of my arousle was now watching me intently as I shuffled through the fridge for breakfast. I could feel her eyes burning into me, making me very aware of every move I made. I cleared my throat to speak.

"What woukd you like?" I asked turning to her.

"I'm fine with whatever. I'm not really picky," she said with a smile.

"Ok, bacon and eggs it is," I said and got to work.


As I moved around the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my mate sitting only a few feet from me, watching as I cooked for her. Glancing at her every few minutes I wondered if she too felt the pull between us. One thing that did surprise me though was her boldness. Anytime I caught her staring she wouldn't look away like other females tend to do, she would just smile, and I caught myself smiling as well. I handed Violet her plate and we sat down to eat. 


"So, what do you do for a living?" she asked looking up at me.

"I, uh, fix things."

"Anything you fix in particular?" she asked with a smile.

"No not really. I like fixing things. I like seeing how they work, what makes them tick," I looked up to see her watching me very intently. "What?"


"Nothing it's just-," she was cut off bye the front door opening loudly.


"Dude you would not believe the hunt we just had! Anya attacked that deer like the crazy bitch she is and--," My best friend, Sam, stopped short just noticing Violet sitting across from me. His eyes roamed her half naked body with admeration. "Damn, who's that?" He asked with a smirk. My wolf growled and Sam immediatly took a step back and lowered his head, a sign of his submission. We'd been best friends our entire lives, but I'm still alpha and he accepts his place. 

I turn to Violet. "Violet this is my best friend Sam. He clearly has no manners, but we all love him anyway. Sam, this is Violet, I ran into her last night and let her wait out the storm." Sam continued to watch her intently. 

 Violet offered her hand to him. "Nice to meet you Sam," She turned to me once again. "I can walk home if you guys have something planned." She said giving her sweet smile.

"No, it's perfectly fine. I can give you a ride, we didn't have anything planned. In fact we hardly ever do, he just shows up whenever he's bored."

"Well, if you're sure it's ok."

"I am. Why don't you go get dressed and then we can go. I washed your cloths and set them on my dresser."

"Ok," as she was headed back to the hall that leads to my room, she was cut off by Anya, a panther shifter. She was wearing a gimpy little dress that barely made it to her thighs. She'd obviously randomly threw something on after their hunt. She eyed Violet just as Sam had, with the same hunger. But there was something else, she seemed to respect her before either of them had said a word. "Um, hi."


Anya gave her a sincere smile, "Hey I'm Anya and you are....?" She was looking at Violet with something that resembled...lust? No, it couldnt be, Anya's straight as an arrow. I realized that it was the same way Sam had looked at her. It was understandable why Sam would see her that way, but could Violet turn another woman gay? My eyes roamed over her curvy yet slim body. Yes, she could definitly turn any woman gay. Hell, she could make a gay man realize what he was missing.

Coming back to the conversation, I quickly answered for Violet.

"This is Violet, she's mine," everyone in the room turned to give me a funny look. "A friend---of mine... I was just about to drive her home."


"Ah, so Violet what brings you to Aiden's house? The only people who ever come here are me and Sam," Anya said with a sly smile.

Violet blushes as if getting an inside joke that Sam and I weren't in on. "Well I was walking home from a party when all of a sudden I was surrounded by wolves. It was kinda crazy." Anya perked up at the mention of wolves.

 "Oh God, were you hurt?"

"Yeah, I-- Oh my God," she turned to me. "Aiden, I completely forgot! My wrist." She looks down at her wrist to examain it. I'd forgotten too. I got up and walked around the table to look as well.


Sam cleared his throat, "Um, is there something we missed here?"

"Last night Violet had fallen and broke her wrist while trying to get away from the wolves. It's comepletely healed now. I--I dont understand. It's fine, just go and get ready to leave and then I'll take you home." Violet nodded and walked away.  When she turned into the room, both Sam and Anya turned to look at me suspiciously. "What?" I asked.

"What exactlu did you mean she was attacked by wolves," Sam asked. His eyes turned yellow with anger as his wolf got worked up.  "In going to kill whatever pack hurt her!"

I put my hands up, "Sam calm down. She's fine. What's gotten into you?" I asked giving him a glare.

Sam shook his head as if trying to shake the thoughts away. "I'm sorry I dont know what that was about. I feel very protective of her for some reason. I'm sorry, but I want to rip them to shreds."

"Well, starting war with other packs isnt the best idea right now. Then again I'm pretty sure they were rogues




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.09.2014

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I just wanted people to read my book and give me honest opinions and I thought, what better way to get honest opinions than from a bunch of strangers?

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