
Euthanasia – A crime?

Euthanasia – A crime?


Overnight, Thomas became the talk of the town. His name was on everyone’s lips as they discussed his shocking actions in hushed tones. But society shunned him even his daughter started hating him. Every news channel s, news paper,social media sites and society on the whole talked about Thomas. The public contemplated and debated his actions as such an incident was unprecedented for them and they expressed their hatred for Thomas through their words, tweets, posts and messages.Scoeity also thinking about the action taken by thomas. This incident happened first time in soceity. everyone discussed and hates him.       


Thomas is in prison because he killed his wife. Thomas is not a criminal minded person or a killer. He is basically a soft, sober and educated gentleman.

A few months ago, Thomas was an epitome of a person with a caring and helping nature. Neighbors often saw Thomas tirelessly sit at his ill wife’s bedside nursing her so they were shocked at the sudden turn of events. Questions like “What happened suddenly with Thomas?” “Why did he kill Maria?” were on everyone’s lips and minds.

Thomas killed his wife and confessed his crime. It was not a cold blooded murder. Some people are


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.11.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-8331-7

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