
Gwen's P.O.V.



I was an outsider to most of the pack I stayed away most of the time. If I was around the pack they tried to get me to explain why I always go off into the woods for days at a time. The alpha, James, has been glaring at me for the past week because I am gone a lot more now. The guy that I liked was standing by me and I couldn’t move away, and James tried to make his way to me with the look that said he wanted to talk about what was about to happen with the pack.

I found my that the feeling in my legs came back, so I turned and went to the back door to phase and run away from the conversation James wanted to have. Tantris, the guy I like, was right behind me. His sent caught my weak human nose and I froze wondering why he was following me. I thought that he had followed me out thinking I was another girl from the pack. I realized how wrong I was when he spoke to me.

“Gwen can I go on a run with you,” asked Tantris.

I couldn’t speak he had said my name and asked me a question! All that I did was nod yes, and I felt as if I was not in control of my body when I did so. When he walked past me he whispered “thanks” in my ear. He walked behind a tree to phase, so I went in a cave off to the side of the house to phase too. When I emerged from the cave I found an aggravated wolf form of James at the mouth accompanied by Tantris. I growled at the both of them and got ready to take off when Tantris took a step towards me. In a split second I darted to the right in between James and the cave towards the street. I gave a loud yelp of pain when Tantris or James bit the back of my neck. I got dragged into the forest where the whole pack sat in their wolf forms waiting for us to arrive.

I had fought so much that the back of my neck was stained with blood. James dropped me in the middle of the wolf circle. When I got to my feet the pack of wolves tightened the circle around me and James to ensure that I couldn’t escape.

“I am going to get answers from you once and for all,” growled James

“Is that what this is about? Is this why you ripped open my neck? All for answers,” I growled back.

“Your neck is almost healed. Also that is not the only reason that we are all here.” snarled James, “I need to tell you something that is bound to make you stay with the pack more often now.”

“I already know what it is, and I will not accept it. You may try to make me stay, but I AM NOT GOING TO BE YOUR MATE JAMES,” I howled making everyone jump and a few pups whine.


“I will say what I want, when I want, and wherever I want,” I snarled back.
I turned tail and darted at the gap that formed. I knew i would be followed but I didn’t care. I darted into the cave where i transformed and grabbed my clothes, and ran into the house to clean my fur before I left the pack for good. I got off of me set course when i heard the pack coming into the clearing. I ran into my old room to hide when I heard my name called from the clearing. I looked out the window in my old room to see the human form of James emerging from the cave looking frantic. I laughed to myself when he ran into the house I knew that he would find me soon enough, so I just ran to the bathroom or at least tried to. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw James at the bottom of the stairs with a look of relief all over his face.

“Are you alright? I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” he called up the stairs

I growled at him as I turned to dart into the bathroom still planning on running away from the only family I have. When I got into the bathroom I stopped dead again! Tantris was sitting at the tub putting water in it! He walk over to the door and closed it behind me and went back to the tub.

“Well I am gonna get the blood off your neck for you, so get in the tub,” he said with a voice full of politeness.

I stood there frozen. The guy I liked was wanting to help me! I took one step towards the closed door, and he got angry picked me up and set me in the water! I growled in disapproval and he growled back, but his growl sounded playful instead of angry. I wonder if he knows that I like him? There is a lot going on right now and this is the weirdest thing that has happened yet!

After he got all the dried blood out he made to walk the the sink so I shook the majority of the water out of my fur. When the water was almost gone I went to jump out of the tub, and he caught me mid air and set me back in the tub laughing. My ears went back against my head and I growled at him again, but he ignored my move to threaten him and grabbed a towel and turned to me. He went to pick me up again and I tried to bite his hand, but he was too quick he had my muzzle trapped in his hand and the rest of me pinned to the floor of the bathroom. He growled playfully again then with one knee on my ribs began to dry off my neck and shoulders. I couldn’t help but sigh as he laughed at me when I try to get the towel out of his hand.

When he got me all dry he said, “If you want you can stay in my room tonight I am planning on going out with the guys later anyways.”

He walked out and looked over his shoulder smiling at me then he disappeared down the hall. I ran to my room and phased put on new clean clothes and ran down the stairs to talk to him before he left, and he was waiting for the guys at the bottom of the stairs. To my relief he was seeming to be waiting for me too. Tantris smiled up at me, and patted the part of the stairs next to him. I sat right where he said I could, and he whispered in my ear.

“You know you are really bad at hiding the fact that you like me,” Tantris chuckled.

“What gave me away,” I groaned

“Well when you were yelling at the alpha you were trying to block you from my sight to whole time,” he said.

All i could do was laugh and try to hide my face from him because I was blushing. He laughed and pulled me into his arms. I was so scared that someone would see, but I was with with the Tantris the one I was in love with. We were there for half an hour when we heard James coming in the front door, so he picked me up and darted up the stairs to my room and we sat on my bed through the rest of the night!

Tantris P.O.V.


I woke up in Gwen’s bedroom with her sitting on the floor looking up at me. I laughed and stooped down to pick her up when she put a hand on my chest to stop me. She was in a large T-shirt and some shorts which meant she was up long before I was, but i didn’t care we were in love and there was no way that I was gonna lose her to that good for nothing alpha. She sat in my lap, where i was going to put her, and kissed me on the lips. I froze and she laughed for the first time since I met her, Gwen pulled away to look into my eyes as if seeing if I was ok with her kissing me. I guess Gwen decided that I was ok with it because she kissed me again but this time she seemed more sure she wanted to.

We both jumped when we heard the alpha grumbling outside her door, and she made one swift soundless movement to her closet and opened it for me to hide inside incase he came into her room. When the door shut me in I heard her move to the door and open it. I covered my mouth to try to muffle my breathing a little so we wouldn’t get caught together. He came in without permission, which is normal for the alpha. James sat on her bed and motioned for her to join him, but Gwen stayed still and growled at him.

“Fine Gwen be like that but there is nothing that you can do to stop me from talking to you about the other night. I also wanted to see if you are going behind my back with someone,” said James

“Who would I go behind the alpha my ‘mate’ with when that is a banishment sentence for the male in my case,” snarled Gwen

“Well you sent is in the same area that another male’s scent is at. I can’t figure out who’s scent it is tho.”

“ Maybe someone sat where I sat then I have been alone all night! Ok I was keeping to myself like always ok?”

“There is no reason to yell at me Gwen I am just being a guy and an alpha!”

I heard someone storm off to the door and slam it shut and then the door to the closet opened it to reveal a still fuming Gwen standing there. I knew she was wanting to go for a run so I walked back into the closet and phased, and then I walked out so that she could phase too. When she was phased she told me to go first and wait just inside the woods for her to come. I was at the door waiting for the signal to leave, but she asked where I was going so I turned around and said that I was going to the woods to wait for her. She laughed and said that there is a hole in the back of her closet that leads to the cave or the forest. She told me that when I got to the intersection to go down the right fork that way I would end up in the forest and she would end up in the cave where she would meet me at the entrance to the tunnel back to the house.

I was waiting for two minutes in the forest when I heard a wolf coming at me from the clearing. I saw two blue orbs in the darkness and knew that it was Gwen. she came up to me and whispered “I am being followed let's go now!” I nodded and we ran for hours on end until she stopped dead in her tracks. I accidentally ran into her.

“Go hide in the bushes I will deal with James since we couldn’t get him off of our trail,” hissed Gwen

I saw her eyes watch me from behind a tree then she moved out from behind it. She rolled around on the grass, rubbed her scent on the bush I was in to try to hide my scent from him. I froze as I heard a twig snap from the tree she was hiding behind, and James towering figure came out from behind the tree. He growled at her baring his teeth to show that he was angry with her.

“Who were you with earlier,” Snarled James

“Tantris was in the forest running to the east and I took my usual route away from the pack house okay you are the one I am trying to get away from,” Gwen snarled.

“Well I am gonna go back to the house, and you are coming with me,” he hissed.

I was starting to get upset with him. I was in love with the girl standing in front of me getting yelled at. All that I want to do is keep her safe and out of harm's way, but instead she is the one that is trying to keep me out of harm’s way. I hate having to keep our relationship hidden from the pack!

“I will not follow you anywhere James I am in control of my own life,” Gwen howled.

“You are my mate to be you will follow orders from the alpha!”

“I am not anyone’s mate to be! My life is not controlled by anyone or anything, ok? Go away or I will leave the pack forever! We are in a time of war, and I am the strongest in the pack.”

“Whatever I am stronger than anyone here and I am the ALPHA you will have to do what I say from now on. I am leaving and you better follow me.”

Gwen's P.O.V.


I was so happy to see that I had hurt him. I laughed to myself as I went behind the bush to get Tantris, but I froze when I heard my name yelled from a distance. There were three howls and I knew they were searching for me. I told Tantris to wait for me in the cave while I confused the others. With a howl i set off for the cave following my scent then turning around and going a different direction. It took me four hours to get them off my trail, and get into the cave again.

Tantris was hiding in the tunnels waiting for me. He came out when he saw it was me, but he looked angry about something so I sat a few feet from him in case he was mad at me. When I laid down by the entrance to the tunnels he came over and laid with me. He was so tense that it made me tense just to be with Tantris when he was mad.

“Babe what’s the matter,” I asked.

“Nothing. Why,” Tantris said.

“You are so tense that it scares me.”

“The thing is that you are the one that is protecting me in this relationship, but I should be the one that protects you.”

“We aren’t supposed to be together and everyone is ‘loyal’ to the alphas wishes. I have to be the one to fight with him until I can get him to resent me.”

“You know how we are not supposed to be together because of our horoscopes. Ugh!”

I laughed at his reason because I didn’t care what the elders said our horoscopes are. With a sense of relief I snuggled closer to Tantris to keep warm through the night. With a sigh he laid his head on my paws and I laid my head on his. Within a few minutes we were both sleeping.

James P.O.V.


I woke up early this morning to go search for Gwen when I heard that Tantris never came home last night either. At this I went to his bedroom to see if he was there or not. Beings that I am the alpha I can go into anywhere whenever I want, so went into his room to find it empty. I knew exactly where he was, and he would be banished for going behind my back like this. I ran down the stairs into the kitchen to find Gwen there eating a bowl of oatmeal! Her hair was damp from either the pond or a shower and her face was washed over with disgust when she saw who had walked into the kitchen.

“You know there is no reason to avoid me we are to be mates,” I growled.

“There are plenty of reasons for you to kick me out of the pack too,” said Gwen.

I felt my face flush with anger, and she smiled because she knew she had gotten to me. I growled and stormed out of the room to realise my anger when she laughed. I went back into the house to see a pup chasing its tail in the kitchen. I recognized her to be Bella my sister's pup. Tantris walked into the kitchen and with his hair sticking up with dirt covering the side of his face.

“Where have you been,” I barked making my niece whimper.

“I got lost in the woods last night trying to get to the house,” answered Tantris.

“Then don’t leave the house without telling someone next time,” I hissed

“Ok. well I am gonna go hop in the pond to try to wash this dirt off. Bye,” said Tantris.

I went to go back up to my room when I saw Gwen in wolf form at the street! I darted out side to drag her in side when I saw my niece sitting close to her. I tried to call Bella to me but I ended up saying “No”. Gwen turned around to face me, but froze when she saw Bella running to her. In one swift movement Gwen had Bella and was running into the house. I ran after her to check on my niece and yell at Gwen for leading her out there.

Gwen's P.O.V.


I dropped Bella in the kitchen and told her to stay, and I darted away to the pond where I was planning on being with Tantris. I was halfway there when I tripped over Tantris, and James was standing a few feet away with blood all over his mouth and paws. Tantris was bleeding all over his upper body. I rounded on James and I was ready to make him feel the way Tantris felt.

“Move you are not part of this ordeal,Gwen,” growled James.

“Well I have a right to know why I just tripped over a pack member who is bleeding from the cuts that you made!” I howled.

“Why do you care if I hurt or kill a pack member?”

”Maybe because I am friends with him!”

“Just friends huh?”

“Just friends, but I am still not going to be your mate, James!”

James growled at me and I lunged at him sinking my k-9s into the back of his neck. Tantris who was almost healed lept up and attacked him too. Within 2 hours we were all bleeding and James died before he could fully heal. Tantris and I rinsed off in the pond and phased back into our human forms to carry him back to the house.

I was not surprised when the pack rushed out to meet us, but I was surprised to see that they were smiling and laughing! That night the pack threw a party to finalize Tantris becoming the alpha and my mate. The pack was very nervous to say that we were mates, but they were relieved to see me and him hugging and walking around talking to Everyone in a nice relaxed manner.

Tantris P.O.V.

 Finally we can be together and the Alpha (me) won't hate it. Gwen is now mine and I am now hers, but the pack is gonna start to ask questions about why we are so relaxed and happy at our pairing. 

"Tantris, when are we going to do the status change ritual," asked Ben.

"I don't care but I want to have tonight all to my self," I replied.

Gwen went with the other females into the woods to do a little bachelorette party. I hate when she is gone and I don't get to see her. No matter what I don't thinkshe can get rid of me(her mate) ever. 

"Hey babe do you want to go for a walk," called Gwen

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute," I called


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.04.2017

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