
Chapter 1- Finding Damon.

 It was a dark and eerie night. Bridget walked silently through the fog in search of her brother, Damon. “CREAK!!!” she heard as she pushed open the door, then suddenly, out sprang a vampire ready to bite her throat.


“Damon!” she screamed, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” she glared at her brother angrily.


“I was busy as you can see,” he gestured towards the ground. Lying on the floor was a girl, lifeless and deathly pale, her eyes wide open staring into the darkness above. Bridget gasped then turned into her true form a vampire.


She was pale with black eyes as dark as the blackest night. She was ready for blood. Then aware that her true self was taking control, she quickly snapped out of it.


“You know that you’re not supposed to be doing this, you could get caught! Mom and dad have warned you about this already!” she exclaimed.


“Oh but Bridget can’t you feel it. Your true form ready at any moment to take over, even now you’re feeling it. Aren’t you tired of drinking animal blood? Don’t you want to taste human blood?” he coaxed.


“No I don’t we need to get back home. Mom and dad are waiting for us,” she replied.


Once again, she looked down at the girl. Her exposed neck had two large piercings with blood slowly flowing out. She could feel her fangs extracting. She quickly regained control of herself.


“Come on,” she said to her brother and started walking towards the road.


She looked back and saw her brother reluctantly following. Her brother was deadly handsome. Whenever he looked at you, your muscles would go numb with pleasure. He had that effect on girls and. While she on the other hand looked the same way as her brother, but she had the same power as her brother but it only worked on boys. So as you can imagine there were plenty of boys in her school that were totally in love with her. As they walked into the street, Bridget realized how close she was to being coaxed by her brother. She sighed in relief because she was glad that she didn’t just go running around town sucking people’s blood. 


Using their super speed they reached their home in no time. Their father was standing at the front door waiting for them.


“Where have you been Damon?” said his father angrily.


“Out,” he replied innocently.


“He was drinking blood, human blood!” Bridget exclaimed.


“Damon! How many times have I told you not to do that! You could make us get caught! The police already know that vampires exist! For the last time you must STOP!” he shouted angrily.


“How do you expect me to stop dad! You can’t just stop being a vampire!” he exclaimed.   


“That is why we drink animal blood! Do you know what would happen if the police caught you? They would drive a wooden stake straight through your heart! I will not be there to help you, neither will your mother or your sister unless you listen to us and work together, not wander off on your own!” he yelled.


“I never asked for your help dad! You’re always sending Bridget to look for me! I am not some kind of lost puppy! I will always come back when I’m done!” he cried.


“This conversation is over! Get out of my sight and I will see you tomorrow at breakfast!” he roared.  


   Damon ran up to his room and slammed the door. Bridget looked at her father who was looking at her but with kind eyes.


“Thank you for bringing him home again. You are the best daughter I could wish for. I love you so much,” he said as he opened his arms for a hug. She rushed into his arms.


“I love you too dad,” she said.


“Now go. Get some sleep you have school tomorrow,” he replied.


“Yes father,” she said. She rushed up to her bedroom. As soon as she was passing her brother’s room, she heard the door open and she was pulled inside. As soon as she was inside she sprang up and bared her fangs then retracted them.


“Oh, what do you want now? If I didn’t notice you were my brother you would be dead now!” she shouted.


“Trust me, you would have noticed,” he scoffed.


“Just shut up! What do you want!?” she screamed.


“Chill sister, no need to get all grumpy. Wait you know what never mind. You can go back to what you were doing,” he said with an evil grin.


“Damon!” she yelled but calmed herself down quickly. 


   She stepped out of her brother’s room and heard him sigh. She slammed the door shut and ran up to her room. As soon as she reached her room, she jumped on her bed. Hmm I wonder what Damon was going to tell me, she wondered. Oh well, I’ll figure it out tomorrow, she thought. She then closed her eyes and drifted off into slumber. 

Chapter 2- New Day, School Again

The next day she woke up at six o’clock in the morning just in time for breakfast.


“Breakfast, breakfast everybody up!” her mother shouted. While walking down the stairs she saw her brother walking slowly down the stairs.



“Good morning,” she said.


He looked back and replied, “Good morning.” 


 She pulled him back up the stairs and whispered “What did you want to tell me last night.”


His face then darkened, “Nothing,” he said.


“Damon don’t be so foolish. Come on spit it out!” she shouted.


“I said nothing!” he screamed angrily. He continued to walk down the stairs. Bridget stared after him bewildered.

She thought: I don’t know what Damon was trying to tell me, but I will figure it out. She continued to make her way down the steps.


“Good morning my dear daughter,” her father said.


“Good morning father,” she replied and kissed him on the cheek.


“Good morning mother,” she said and kissed her mother on the cheek.


“Good Morning Damon,” his father said.


“Morning,” Damon replied.


“Good morning mother,” he said to his mother and hugged her. As they sat down to breakfast, Bridget turned on the kitchen television. 


“And in BREAKING NEWS, Dead Girl found with two piercings at her throat! Animal OR Supernatural Being! Find out next on CND news!” said the news lady, Sarah Deon.


Their father quickly switched off the television.


“No Charles turn it back on we need to see if they have found out anything,” said his wife.


He reluctantly switched back on the television.


“Good Morning New York, I’m Sarah Deon. Just this morning a girl was found dead by an abandoned house with two piercings at her throat could this be an animal or a supernatural being! With me now, I have Mr. Deandre, head of the animal control. Sir what do you have to say about this?” she asked him.


 “Well, we can’t really tell if this is an animal but I will tell you this no animal can make those types of marks without letting all their teeth pierce into the person. So, I don’t think it’s an animal but we’ll still continue our investigations,” he replied.


“Thank you sir for the information, well there you have it New York from the head of animal control himself! I guess we’ll just have to keep waiting for answers. Have a good morning and be sure to tune in for the midday news at twelve o’clock today. I’m Sarah Deon and you’ve been watching CND News, have a good day,” she said.


Mr. James then switched off the television. “Well Damon, see what you have caused," his father sighed, "I can't even begin to say..." he cut himself off.


"Ugh, whatever I'm going, see ya!" Damon exclaimed while picking up his bag.


"I should get going with him too," Bridget said shyly.


Bridget and Damon walked out the door headiing to school.


"Seriously, blowing dad off, you're lucky he didn't do you anything," Bridget said. With her dad and mom she acts all formal but, outside the house without being with her parents, she's actually really cool and normal.


"Well, he was getting really boring, so i just had to get out of there," he said casually.


"You know sometimes you really act like a girl," Bridget said humorously.


He punched her on her arm playfully, "Was that supposed to hurt?" she asked.


"No," he replied, "But i'll get you back."


An evil smile started to spread across his face.


They reached the bus stop and waited for some minutes before the bus finally pulled up. They got into the bus and went to the second to last seat. they both pulled out their phones and started listening to music. In ten minutes they reached to school. 


-Bridget’s P.O.V-

Damon and I said our goodbyes and walked our separate ways. We didn’t have any classes together today, we only had English together. I walked to my locker and took out my books for my first class, Math. As I walked away, I was joined by my best friend, Natasha.


“Hey, Bridget,” she said.


“Hey, Tasha, what’s up?” I asked.


“Nothing much, I broke up with Jason though,” she replied.


My eyes opened wide, “WHAT!” I yelled.


“Shhhhh,” she whispered, “You want the whole school to know, geez,”


“Well sorry, why?” I said.


“Well, I wasn’t feeling… it… anymore, he… ugh you know what I mean,” she said.


“Yeah I know, so what class do you have first,” I said while pushing my black hair behind my ear.


“Um, ugh history as if I need to know about the people that lived before me geez!” she yelled while rolling her eyes.


I laughed, then we got to the Math, “See you later,” I said while walking into the room, I was the first one in there as usual, I don’t like being late to class.


Natasha is a vampire, so is her ex, Jason. To be honest Jason is a nice guy sometimes he gets to needy but other than that he’s cool but I understood why Natasha broke up with him.

The bell then rang as students started to pile into the room, then the teacher came in and class started.




 -Still Bridget’s P.O.V-

Damon and I walked home taking in the cool afternoon breeze.

“Hey, let’s go for some ice cream,” I said beaming.


“Kay,” he said.


We walked into the ice cream shop and ordered four bowls of ice cream. One for me, Damon, my mom and my dad. I picked my favourite, chocolate ice cream, Damon picked pistachio, Damon picked our mom's favourite, strawberry and i picked my dad's favourite coconut ice cream. Damon and i waked out of the shop and ate some of our ice cream on the way home. It was peaceful, except for the hitting of my keychains on my pink and white Jansport bag that had stars on it. Damon and I walked through the door of our house.


"Mom, dad we're home!" I yelled as i walked in to the house.


"We're in the kitchen!" they shouted back in unision.


"Here you go," I said as i walked ino the kitchen and handed our parents the ice cream. They both said thanks and we all started eating our ice cream.


Between bites my dad said, "We have some... important news to share with you guys,"


Damon and I glanced at each other, while I raised an eyebrow, "O-kay..." I said very slowly.





Chapter 3- Moving?!?!

 :)Damon’s P.O.V:)


“Can you please just tell us, if it’s important say it,” I said not caring to what the news was.


My mom and dad looked at each other for a while, as if thinking if this was a good idea or not.


“Ok…” my dad said, “we’re moving…”


“WHAT!!!” Bridget and I screamed in unison. “Why?!”


My dad sighed then looked at me, “Because of Damon,”


I stood up, “Wait, what I know I’ve uh done some things but I don’t recall doing anything bad recently, I think,” I said while rubbing the back of my neck.


“Really?” my dad asked.


“Really,” I smirked.

“So you don’t recall last night when you bit that girl’s throat and drained her of her blood!” he shouted.

I laughed, “Oh that’s what this is about?” then I turned serious, “Seriously?”

“Damon,” my mother said, “This is not a laughing matter, what you did last night is serious, you caused the police to get closer to what is in this town, US! That’s why we have to leave, because of what YOU did, we told you to STOP, but did you listen, NOOO!” my mother screamed.

“Whoa, calm down woman, when do we leave?” I asked.

“In the morning so you guys have to go pack NOW,” my dad said.

“Kay, as long as I get to be away from you two for a while,” I said while walking out of the room, with Bridget on my heels.

“Why were you so quiet?” I asked her.

“I was too speechless to say anything, but right now I have to go call Tasha to tell her!” she yelled while running up the stairs to her room.

“Typical girls,” I chuckled while walking into my room.

Then I realized out of all the drama, I forgot to ask my parents where we were going. I peeped into the kitchen to see that they were still eating their ice cream.

“Um, by the way what country or city are we moving to?” I asked them.

“Transylvania,” my mom said.

“Kay” I said while walking up to Bridget’s room.

“Hey, B mom said that we’re moving to Transylvania,” I told her.

“Okay thanks,” she replied.

“No probs,” I said.

Then I went to pack.


:P Bridget's P.O.V :P


"Hey Tasha," i said into the phone.

"Hey B, what's up?" asked Tasha.

"Um, I'm moving..."

"WHATTTT?!?! Where are you moving to?" she yelled.

"Yeah, that was me and Damon's reaction, we're moving to Transylvania, plus we didn't even get to tell each other goodbye in person, oh wait! Can you come over and help me pack?"

"Sure, I'll be over in a sec," she said.

Then the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and threw open the door. Tasha stood there on the doorstep.

I threw my arms around her and squeezed tightly.

"Can't ... breathe," she gasped.

"Sorry," I said while chuckling a bit, "Now come on!"

I pulled her up the stairs.

"Afternoon Mr. and Mrs. James!" she yelled.

My parents replied and went back to watching tv. We walked into my room.

"Ok, since I'm not gonna have your fashion advice, why don't you help me pick out outfits for the first week of school?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Ok, you do the clothes and I'll do the shoes, kay?" i asked.

"Yeah," she said then walked into my walk in closet, while i headed over to my shoes.

"Kay, so Monday...hmm, how about this. She came out holding up a white sleeveless top, with a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans.

"I know the perfect shoes for that," I said while tossing her my black and white converse.

Tasha caught the shoes and put the outfit in the suitcase.

"Tuesday, ooooo" she said. She came back out holding out a sparkly purple top, with a black jeans. I gave her my sparkly purple converse.


She had up a red top with white polkadots on it with a white jacket and black jeans. I held up my red, white and black jordans.

"Thursday," she went into the closet and dug around.

"Try something that matches this," I said while holding up my sparkly dark blue converse.

She came back out with a sparkly dark blue top and dark blue jeans. I know what you must be thinking: for a vampire I sure do like sparkly stuff. But it's true I love sparkly things!

"Ok, on to the best day of school, FRIDAY!" she yelled, "you should wear something flashy!" 

"Not to flashy that I might blind people," I said.

"But if it is something that would cover it up," she said and walked out with a neon green top, a black jacket and a white skinny jeans. I threw my neon green, black and white Jordans to her.

"You're gonna make me blind people you know," I said.

"At least they'll go blind from style," she replied.

We then started laughing.

"Ok, now that we're done with your clothes for a week, let's pack the rest of your clothes," Tasha said.

"You do the shoes which go in that suitcase and I'll do the jackets, tops and pants," I said while pointing to the suitcase.

In about an hour we were done, Tasha collapsed on my bed. 

"Why do you have so much clothes girl?" she asked.

"Well it's better to have than not to right," I replied.

"True," she said while locking her fingers behind her head, "So, do you promise to text me once in a while and video chat at the end of every week?"

"Yeah, unless something comes up," I said.

"Well, if something does come up you'll tell me when you text me the next time," she said while propping herself up on her elbows.

I nodded.

"Well, I should get going before my parents come over here and ask for me," she said while getting up.

I nodded, "I'll walk you to the door."

We walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs. When we reached the bathroom across from Damon's room, Damon walked out of the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his lower area and was passing his hand through his wet hair.

"Hey D," Tasha said

"Hey T," he replied.

"Well since you're moving and I guess I'm gonna miss you," she said and wrapped her arms around him. Surprisingly he hugged back, "I'll miss you too Tasha," he said.

"Well bye, have fun in Transylvania," she said.

"Yeah, bye" he said and walked into his bedroom.

Natasha and I walked to the door and she stepped outside.

"Bye, Bridget, I'm gonna miss you," she said and hgged me tightly.

"Me too Tasha," I said and applied the same pressure to the hug. She then let go, tears both in our eyes.

She walked away and I looked up at the sky, I didn't realise it was that late, the sky was pitch black with clusters of stars all over. I rushed back inside and looked at the clock into the kitchen. It was 8:30. I took a bath and then put on my pj's. I turned the A.C down to 17 and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 4-Transylvania.

:D Damon's P.O.V :D


"GET UP!!!"

I shot up in my bed, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack!!" I screamed at my father.

"Just get up and go get dressed we leave in half an hour, so get a move on," he replied.


I got up, showered and dressed. By the time I was done I had 10 more minutes until we left. I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I walked into the kitchen to see that Bridget was already there eating a bowl of cookie crisp. I grabbed a bowl and poured some for me with milk. I sat ned to Bridget and we ate in silence. Five minutes later, our parents came down with their suitcases. 

"Ok, time to go, grab your things and let's go," mom said.

Bridget and I washed our stuff and got our suitcases. Before we were fully out the door, Bridget grabbed me.

"But first let me take a selfie," she said while holding up her phone and smiling.

I smiled and she took the picture. We looked at it afterwards, it was a really good picture.

"Yup, this is going on facebook," she said.

I chuckled a bit and we left for the airport.



"AHH, just breathe in that fresh Transylvania air," Bridget said sarcastically. 

We stepped off the plane and hopped in a car.


-10 minutes later-


"Wowwww... this is quite the house," I said.

 "Yeah..." Bridget said.

It was a 2 story house, blue and white on the outside. I wslked inside and it was even better than the outside. When you stepped in the house you entered the living room. To the left is a grand staircase that leads to the bedrooms. To the right of the living room is the kitchen. I walked upstairs. To the very end of the hallway is the laundry room. I picked my room and started to unpack. Bridget walked into the her bedroom. I finished unpacking and went into Bridget's room. 

"Cool house huh?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied and leaned on the wall to watch her unpack. Suddenly the wall opened up behind me and I fell in. 

"AHHH!" I yelled.

"What the..." Bridget said. 

I looked around me and saw that we were in a room. I stood up slowly and looked at Bridget. She was just staring in shock. 

"I'm thinking making it into a relaxing and game room," I said.

"Yup," she said.

"Well let's get to it," I said.

We spent an hour moving in tables and chairs that we didn't need into our relaxation gaming room. We had a nintendo wii, xbox 360 and a playstation 4. 

"Our work here is done," we said and bumped fists. 

"Guys!" our mother yelled.

We walked out of the game room.

"Ok, how do we close this thing?" Bridget asked.

"Um," I said, while touching random spaces at the side of the secret door. Finally it closed.

"Ok, just so nobody gets any ideas," she said and put a poster of Zayn from One Direction on the secret door and the part that you have to touch to open it.

"Ok,, now let's go see what mom wants," Bridget said.

I nodded. We walked downstairs to find our parents in the kitchen.

"Yessss," I said dragging the word out.

"So you need to decide the school you want to go to," my mom said.

"What schools are there?" Bridget asked.

"There's Lake High and Vamp High," mom said.

"Vamp High," Bridget and I said in unison.

"Ok, you start tomorrow. By the way everyone and I mean everyone in that school are vampires," mom said.

Bridget and I looked at each other and nodded. We walked back up to her room and spent the rest of the day playing games in our relaxation gaming room. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.07.2014

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