

11:00 pm I close my eyes to fall asleep after looking outside to see the starry night wondering what was out there. I woke up the wind is howling shaking the room I was in, I tilted my head up to look out the giant sliding glass door which led to out pool deck, the security light was on but I could only see the rain hitting the window.11:10 I Rest my head back onto my pillow to fall back to sleep. I awaken but not being able to breathe, I could feel the air filling my lungs as if gargling and my lungs felt like they were collapsing. I go to move but could not as if I was paralyzed, I could hear the storm outside picking up as I try to look outside I see nothing but blackness I start to spiral off my bed into the walls of the room as if I’m weightless seeing a dark shadowy figure I panic trying to grab onto something to try to get myself stationary but cannot slowly the figure expands the room getting smaller until I was engulfed by the blackness still spinning I slowly got my breathing under control still not able to grab onto anything. I hit my head and awakened to seeing the starry night I stared at before falling asleep. I turned to look at the time but was falling to earth feeling my body turn into a ball of flame I hit the ground lunging straight up out of bed covered in sweat heart pounding immensely I look to the clock fast seeing 11:15 it was only a dream.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.09.2014

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