
50 Selected Best Famous Love Poems & Heartfelt Quotations About Love



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Love Conquers All

50 Selected Best Famous Love Poems


Heartfelt Quotations About Love


Copyright 2018 © by Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann



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50 Selected Best Famous Love Poems & Heartfelt Quotations About Love - Clock for Clock - Rhythm of Love beats the Clock. When love came into the world there was a magic in the air, this touching moment made our hearts beating - and amazement, she, kept our eyes open. What would be; if there was no love in the world? The world would be covered with darkness. Therefore let us keep the love alive.




Sir KRISTIAN GOLMUND AUMANN is an poet, screenwriter, filmmaker, director and actor – he lives and works in St. Andrä-Wördern nearby Vienna / Austria. He has been trained at the Lee Strasberg School followed by longer-term commitment, at the Vienna Burgtheater (Claus Peymann era) and at the Italian State Theatre. Kristian has had Theatre directing and major supporting roles in TV series and films. He has authored and published seven POETRY BOOKS in the United States, as well as numerous publications in importend international poetry anthologies and magazines. He currently works on the volumne of prose named “FROM RIGHT HERE TO OVER THERE” which will be published in fall 2014. The theatrical monologue “THE NIGHTMARE of the ARTIST” will be released in the German


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.02.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-5499-4

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

50 Selected Best Famous Love Poems & Heartfelt Quotations About Love - Clock for Clock - Rhythm of Love beats the Clock. When love came into the world there was a magic in the air, this touching moment made our hearts beating - and amazement, she, kept our eyes open. What would be; if there was no love in the world? The world would be covered with darkness. Therefore let us keep the love alive.

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