I dedicate this Book to the Almighty God, The one who uses the basket to fetch water in order to disgrace the bucket, for this timely truths and revelations on how his children can become totally free from the oppression of the devil in these end times.
My dear wife, who stood by me and my vision, took care of my home and made it easy for me to pursue and fulfill my calling.
My parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Okoye, who believed in my calling and did their best to see that it is fulfilled, and my siblings Esther, Onyeka and Obinna for their support and belief in my vision.
I want to acknowledge these great Men Of God who were used to affect my life positively, Rev Canon B.I. Adewunmi, Reverend Patrick Odu, Apostle Darlington Ugo Gabriels, Pastor Macaulay Edemakhiota, Sunday Ikponwonba and my brother from another mother, Pastor Augustine Aria.
I will not forget my Father in the Lord and Mentor, Evangelist Nnaemeka Arinze; you are one of the reasons that I got to where I am today.
The word ‘expire’ is defined as the termination of a contract or the end of the validity period of a product but I have a particular version of the definition of expire which is to die out as a fire, which is really a beautiful definition.
Every product, pharmaceutical, electronic or processed has an expiry date; this is also the same in the realm of the spirit. Every problem has an expiry date but there is secret behind prolonged problems. This is what I refer to as REPLICATION.
Before the expiry date of certain spiritual problems, there is a replication or reproduction of new strains of the same problems or even worse to take over from the old ones that will soon expire and this is why people live in continuous bondage.
This kind of replication happens in the physical realm also as wicked men buy expired products and re-label them to sell to unsuspecting consumers. In this booklet, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you certain unknown truths about spiritual warfare and how you can permanently cause every problem in your life to EXPIRE BY FIRE.
There are sicknesses that are not normal. So many people suffer from ailments that were projected at them from the realm of the spirit. How do you explain objects moving around your body and you have done tests and scans to detect the cause of the sickness without success.
Dearly beloved, I want you to understand that whether you like it or not, as long as you are living on planet earth, you are in the middle of a long battle that has raged for ages between the kingdom of God and that of Satan. Our lord Jesus Christ was very concise when he revealed to his disciples the threefold ministry of Satan o earth
‘The thief’s purpose is to steal, and kill and destroy’’-John chapter 10:10a
Satan’s threefold ministry was exposed to us in that verse of the Bible. He comes to steal, which means to take away what belongs to you by force. The enemy has stolen the good health of so many people and that is why people live with sickness and diseases that medical science cannot diagnose talk more of curing. You need to understand that in the beginning it was not so, God’s original plan for man was to have dominion over the earth and rule over God’s creation. Man lost that position to Satan and has become his prey ever since.
Twelve years ago, my mother who was then an owner of a restaurant became very sick. Her left leg began to rot. We took her to various hospitals and specialists to find a cure but all to no avail. We were ignorant of the source of the sickness. Sickness can be categorized into two variants which can be physical or spiritual.
These are normal everyday sicknesses humans go through either due to physical or mental stress and other related causes. Physical sickness is the unhealthy condition of the body or mind. This kind of sickness can be diagnosed and cured by medical science. One of my aunts died of breast cancer and I can vividly remember how she struggled to live with the disease for years before she finally gave up. Physical sickness has curable, incurable and manageable types. Sicknesses like malaria, typhoid fever and others too numerous to mention can be cured by medical science because they already have vaccines, but HIV-AIDS, Ebola and cancer cannot be cured by any known medical science or vaccine while high blood pressure, diabetes and HI type one can be managed with proper diets and drugs.
This is a very complicated type because it starts and ends in the realm of the spirit. This kind of sickness involves the use of all forms of occultism, diabolic acts, occultism and witchcraft. I once handled the case of a young bank manager married with three children who woke up healthy on a Monday morning, took his bath, ate with his family and left for work. But on getting to the office, as soon as he sat down on his chair to resume work for the day, he let out a scream and that was it, He became totally paralyzed.
This young man had no prior history of high blood pressure and had never been diagnosed of hypertension in the past but suddenly became totally paralyzed. Dear reader, I need you to understand that these events are real experiences and not just mere stories. You must have heard this spiritual information from your pastor before now ‘THE SPIRITUAL REALM CONTROLS THE PHYSICAL’ this is really true.
I visited him in the hospital and after making some enquiries from his wife, we declared a seven day fasting to seek the face of God on behalf of the sick brother. In the course of our prayers, God revealed to us that there had been a raging battle between our brother and a fellow colleague in the office who happened to be his assistant manager. The young man felt he was supposed to be the branch manager and did not hide his disdain for the brother before other staffs of the bank.
He was desperate to become the branch manager at all costs and decided to go SPIRITUAL. We discovered the spiritual source and dealt with it though prayers and within days, the brother was up on his feet and resumed work the next week. He had already spent two months in the hospital before we visited him and today, he is alive and well. The cause of the sickness was spiritual and the doctors tried all they could to help him without success. Why! It’s because the sickness was projected to him from the realm of the spirit.
My mother’s sickness was projected to her spiritually by a fellow restaurant owner, her neighbor who claimed that she was jealous of my mother’s success and decided to go Diabolic. She was exposed spiritually and later confessed to my mother and asked for forgiveness. Today, so many Christians and non-Christians experience diverse kinds of sicknesses in their lives which medical science have not been able to diagnose or detect its source.
How do you explain the case of a sister who suddenly became deaf after waking up in the morning? According to her, she had a dream in which she was brutally slapped by someone whose face was covered with a mask and when she woke up she couldn’t hear properly again.
Now I want you to drop this book and rise up in holy anger and say this prayer loud and clear
Have you heard of the word Strongman in the Bible? There are spiritual strongmen attached to people’s problems to afflict them on a daily basis. Jesus was not mixing words when he made a glaring reference to the personality called STRONGMAN in Matthew 12vs 29
‘’For who is powerful enough to enter the house of a Strongman like Satan and plunder his goods? Only someone who could tie him up and then plunder his home.”
Whoa! Did you read that? The strongman of sickness in your life needs to be overpowered and tied up for you to take back your good health. so you can now see that spiritual sicknesses has a source-a STRONGMAN and to deal with this kind of sickness requires spiritual medications which can be gotten through fasting and prayers. In 2nd Corinthians 10vs 4, Apostle Paul gave us some useful insight as regards what we are dealing with.
For our weapons of warfare are not carnal (medical) but mighty through God (prayers and fasting) for pulling down strongholds (housed by a strongman).
See another translation of that scripture.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
Listen to me, freedom becomes easier when there is knowledge of the source of your problems. Are you afflicted with a disease that has defied medical science? Have you tried all sorts of medications including visiting false prophets and miracle workers, it is time to attack the satanic warehouse and take back your health. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
*Please take every prayer points as if you are in the battle front and you have been given a gun and you are firing at the strongman with no intentions of missing
*Every organ in my body that is not functioning well, receive the divine touch of God and come back to life in Jesus Name
*You stubborn and prayer resisting sickness receive the fire of God and be roasted by fire.
*All arrows of sickness fired against me, go back to the sender in Jesus Name
*Any pipe supplying evil current into my body, be disconnected now in Jesus name
*Every witchcraft sponsored infirmity or sickness in my life, Expire by fire in Jesus name
*Every form of sickness troubling my life, your validity period is over, Expire by fire in Jesus name
*Yokes and covenants of sickness in my life in my life, expire by fire in Jesus name
*Anything I have eaten or swallowed presently working against my health, expire by fire in Jesus name.
*Holy Ghost fire, enter into my bloodstream and flush out every evil sickness in the name of Jesus
*Every owner of evil load of sickness in
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.11.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2293-4
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EXPIRE BY FIRE is not just any religious prayer book you've read before,its a revelation on how to solve difficult problems that have defied physical solutions, Life is Spiritual and to take charge of you need to learn how to do it spiritually and that's what you will discover in the book EXPIRE BY FIRE,it contains undiluted spiritual truths on how to discover,recover and stay recovered Less