
The 5 Big Covid-19 Lies



Other books by Terence A. Smart:

The 9/11 Deception & False Flag Terror

The Global Elite’s Population Cull

The Illuminati and the Deception of History

The Truth about Germany and the World Wars


If you would like a free copy of any of my books in PDF format then email me at


I have only written parts of this book or document. Most of it is online articles from researchers and health professionals. Thanks to all the researcher, truth-seekers, professors, doctors and health experts who have contributed with their articles in this book which is free to download. Our number one priority is to share the truth so that we can wake enough people up to what is going on in this world. Otherwise 99% of the population in this world will have a dark future if this Covid, Great Reset agenda is not stopped.

February - 2021



In the words of David Rockefeller:

“The world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”






Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud

And what may follow      



The 5 Big Covid-19 Lies

LIE 1: PCR Tests tell you 100% that you have Covid.

LIE 2: Asymptomatic Spread: People with No Symptoms Can Spread a Virus

LIE 3: Masks stop the spread of a virus.

LIE 4: Lockdowns stop the spread of a Virus

LIE 5: Most deaths are Covid deaths

Is Covid-19 extremely deadly?

Does COVID-19 (Sars-Cov2) even exist?

Stats Confirm No Pandemic

11 HUGE Covid Stats Deliberately Hidden by the MSM!

Lockdowns kill many more people than Covid-19

Another Lie: The Covid Vaccine is 95% Effective

Hydroxychloroquine Cures Covid-19

Bill Gates – World’s No.1 Vaccine Dealer

Covid Vaccine – Adverse Reactions

The Corruption of Big Pharma

Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the British Government

Covid-19 – Follow the Money

Media Propaganda and Who Owns it?

Covid-19 is a Crime against Humanity

The Great Barrington Declaration

Mark of the Beast?

The Great Reset

Agenda 2030

The World Lockdown Plot

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned

Architects of the Covid-19 Agenda?



For the first time in human history every country has locked down its population in response to a virus (Covid-19). People have been told they cannot see their friends, family, cannot attend a funeral, cannot have a birthday party for their children, and cannot travel as well as being told you must close your business, gym, shop, restaurant, and bar. No spectators are allowed in any sporting event or concert. In fact, any activity that bring some type of happiness to people has been stopped and we have been told that you can only go to work (unless your place of work is closed), do your weekly food shopping and then go home. As well as all these restrictions we have been told we need to wear masks almost everywhere to stop the spread of a virus.

This might be ok if we only had to put up with these restrictions and lockdowns for a month or two but as of writing it is now one year since governments put us into lockdowns in March 2020 and there is no end in sight to when these lockdowns and restrictions will end.

We are told that this is all for the benefit of humanity, to keep us safe, to save lives. But is it? Surely even the most hardened pro-lockdowner must have a small notion that there is another agenda taking place here.

There is definitely a massive deception taking place and after 11 months of research into Covid-19 I have found that the two main deceptions lie in the PCR testing and the Covid death statistics. There are now huge amounts of evidence that the PCR test does not even detect if a person as what they call Covid-19. The Covid death figures have been massively exaggerated by labelling anyone (mainly those over 70) who has died of heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, Alzheimer’s and the flu as being a covid death. Professor John Ioannadis has stated that Covid is no worse than the flu. It is only the media and government’s fearmongering that has made it seem more deadly than it really is.

This has one consequence which strikes fear into the population which then enables governments to lockdown whole countries and cities. It is fact that all of the scientific evidence suggests that lockdowns, mask wearing, and social distancing do not work. It is a psychological experiment to get the population to accept the covid vaccine passport (health passports) for any human activity and this is required by the globalists to lead us into the Great Reset and Agenda-30 and they are using the deception of a virus to take us there.

Klaus Schwab is the leader of the World Economic Forum and author of the book Covid-19 and the Great Reset and he has said ‘people will not be getting their normal life back’.

Bill Gates said way back in March 2020 that we can’t return to normal life until the world’s population has been vaccinated. Who are these guy’s, we did not vote for them but they are directing this agenda from behind the scenes and leading us to our own doom and slavery. They will rob any future normal life from our children and our children’s children if we acquiesce and let them.


The 5 Big Covid-19 Lies

Most people would have found it insane if you told them in 2019 that we’d ban children from the bedsides of their dying parents, or tell people living alone that they can’t have sex, or restrict travelling more than a few miles, or be told not to leave our homes, or turn critically ill cancer patients away from hospitals, or legislate away the key freedoms set out in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, or close down entire sectors of the economy, or end freedom of speech with new rules on broadcasters. All this for a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate and the vast majority of people who are dying are over 70 with other comorbidities. But governments have taken the unnecessary step of locking down all the people who are not at risk of dying from Covid-19 with dire consequences for these people’s lives. More people have died because of the lockdown than have died of Covid related issues. In the U.K there was 90,000 excess deaths in 2020 but 64,000 of these people where non-covid deaths and died because they were put in lockdown and hospitals where closed except for Covid only patients. Never before in the history of humanity have healthy people been put in quarantine. Surely the logical solution would be to quarantine the sick not the heathy.

Covid-19 was a planned event to bring about a certain solution that the Global Elite require for humanity and there is plenty of evidence for that as you will see in this book. Of course the vast majority of the people will not know anything about this and that is because they do not look past the mainstream media for their source of information about world events. That is their mistake because the mainstream media is on the side of the Global Elite who are trying to enslave humanity. When you try to tell someone who believes in the official narrative about Covid-19 that they are being lied to and you show them evidence with data to prove it they still refuse to change their mind. In the 1960’s the KGB did some psychological experiments. They realized if you bombard humans with messages of fear, nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false message. To the point that no amount of clear information or evidence they are shown could change their minds. The mainstream media and government have bombarded the people for over 10 months with fear and propaganda so that they can maintain the lockdown’s and restrictions. The only virus in history that has had its own PR campaign.

Western governments are purposely destroying people’s lives for the International elite bankers who want to transform society using the Covid-19 Plandemic to lead us to the Great Reset and Agenda 30. To enable governments to get away with bamboozling the people with Covid fear and locking down whole countries they have used 5 BIG lies. Let us look at these lies one by one.



“Everything about the virus, everything your government has told you to do to stay safe is a lie, that includes lockdowns, masks and asymptomatic transmission. It is all about control. The PCR test is completely fraudulent. Governments often tell white lies but when they lie to you about something technical, something you can check and they do so repeatedly and they do it over many months of the same event, please you have got to believe me they are not telling the truth and if they are not telling the truth then there is something else afoot and I am here to tell you there is something bad happening and if you don’t pay attention you will soon lose any chance of being able to something about it. What the government are telling about covid variants is nonsense. Any covid variant is only different from the original by 0.3% or to put it another way it is 99.7% identical to the original covid which will not escape your immunity. When governments tell you that variants are a threat to your health you should know they are lying. You have been subjected to propaganda and lies by people who are very well trained in how to do that. Don’t say you weren’t warned because I have been warning people as hard as I can and as best as I can. When it gets to the point of a vaccine passport you will have lost your chance to take your freedom back, it will be gone forever” Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer


LIE 1: PCR Tests tell you 100% that you have Covid.

This enables them to use the positive tests to state covid cases and deaths are rising which enables them to lock us down.


Truth: PCR tests do not test for live Covid virus in your body as countless professors, doctors, and scientists have shown again and again in articles and videos. Any PCR tests amplified more than 30 times (UK Government amplifies 40 times) only finds dead DNA from past colds and flu and even past coronaviruses. But what it finds is that small it cannot make you ill or contagious. PCR tests amplified more than 40 times will lead to a false-positive rate of 95%.

First it would be a good idea to watch this video by Dr. Vincent Carroll explaining the fraudulent PCR tests which are used to lock down whole countries:

On 17 January 2020, as part of its recommended protocols for RT-PCR tests, the World Health Organization published the Corman-Drosten paper, ‘Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR’. These protocols were adopted and repeated across the world, including in the UK. On 16 March, the National Health Service, in its ‘Guidance and standard operating procedure: COVID-19 virus testing in NHS laboratories’, recommended a cycle threshold of 45, with anything below 40 to be regarded as a ‘confirmed’ positive. On 28 September, it was estimated that, at even 35 cycles of amplification, 97 per cent of the positives in an RT-PCR test are false. Despite this, this fundamentally flawed test has been accepted without question, adopted and repeated without commentary by every medical body in the UK, and used by the Government to fabricate the vast number of so-called ‘cases’ of COVID-19 on which the lockdowns and restrictions have been built with nothing more than traces of a dead virus.

In the New York Times, experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada and their conclusion was that up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus. In Massachusetts, between 85 and 90% of people who tested positive in July 2020 with an amplification cycle of 40 would have been considered negative with an amplification cycle of 30. And yet, all these people had to isolate themselves, with all the dramatic psychological and economic consequences, while they were not sick and probably not contagious at all.

“Tests with such high thresholds (Ct) may not only detect live virus but also gene fragments, remnants of an old infection that do not represent any particular danger,” the experts said.

A virologist at the University of California admits that an RT-PCR test with a Ct greater than 35 is too sensitive. “A more reasonable threshold would be between 30 and 35,” she adds.

The test is telling healthy people that there are sick when they are not but they are classed as a case and go into the covid statistics. In reality you should only be a case if you are ill and need hospital treatment but if they did that they would not get enough cases to lock us down so they have to lie by saying healthy people are sick. A recent example is tennis player Andy Murray testing positive for Covid but he had no symptoms and was healthy, but still he was not allowed to travel to Australia to play in the Australian open. So a positive PCR test does not mean you have covid or died of it. But that is what they are using to drive lockdowns, tiers and restrictions. That is why many Doctor’s, Professors and researchers around the world are calling this pandemic a scam or Scamdemic.

The World Doctor’s Alliance is an independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 agenda. They state this about PCR tests on the front of their website:

  • PCR tests cannot be verified for accuracy as there is no ‘gold standard’ against which to check them. The virus has not been purified.
  • PCR tests cannot detect viral loads and are prone to false positives.
  • A positive PCR test does not mean that an individual is infected nor infective.
  • In fact, approximately 90% of the PCR positive ‘cases’ are false positives. We therefore have no second wave and no pandemic.
  • The government’s report estimates a false positive rate of between 0.8 to 4.0 % using data from other viral infections – not from covid
  • Viral fragments may remain in people’s bodies for several weeks following recovery from infection.
  • The crisis will never end if we are waiting for zero positive tests. Everyone has probably had a cold caused by a coronavirus and will likely have a few viral fragments matching those of the cousin SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • Testing healthy asymptomatic individuals is non-sensical, unscientific and a colossal waste of money. The governments moon shot daily testing program will cost £100 Billion roughly two thirds of the annual NHS budget.
  • Antibody testing is not the gold standard as many people have T-cell immunity, and antibodies may not circulate following recovery from infection.


People will claim they know someone who got sick, or they know someone who died from COVID-19. No, you do NOT know that! All you “know” is that they got sick, or died, or tested positive with a test that does not work.


Regarding the PCR tests, Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice-President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, who held this position for 16 years writes, in a piece called “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives”, dated September 20, 2020, and I quote

The likelihood of an apparently positive case being a false positive is between 89 to 94 per cent, or near certainty.”

Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology Kamera from Germany, Kappel from the Netherlands, and Cahill from Ireland, as well as the microbiologist Dr. Arve from Austria, all of whom testified before the German Corona Committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found.

The authors explain that what the PCR test actually measures is – and I quote:

“Simply the presence of partial RNA sequences present in the intact virus, which could be a piece of dead virus, which cannot make the subject sick, and cannot be transmitted, and cannot make anyone else sick.”

Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it!

Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.

In November, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centered on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests.

The Portuguese judges cited a study conducted by “some of the leading European and world specialists,” which was published by Oxford Academic at the end of September. It showed that if someone tested positive for Covid at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the chances of that person actually being infected is less than three percent, and that “the probability of… receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.”

Testing, especially PCR testing, is the basis for the entire house of cards of Covid restrictions that are wreaking havoc worldwide. From testing comes case numbers. From case numbers come the ‘R number,’ the rate at which a carrier infects others. From the ‘dreaded’ R number comes the lockdowns and the restrictions, such as England’s baffling tiered restrictions that came into force in October 2020.

This PCR faulty testing can also be seen in the actions of the President of Tanzania. President Magufuli of Tanzania tested fruit, goats, motor oil and more with Covid-19 tests and the results were positive. This proves how fake the Covid-19 tests are. The president of Tanzania was suspicious of the coronavirus testing kits, so he sampled various random items from fruit to goats to motor oil and sent them in for Covid-19 testing under various people's names. All but the motor oil came back positive. How can a piece of fruit or a goat have Covid-19? This was done because he noticed that all the Covid tests were coming back positive and he did not believe it. So he started rubbing the swabs on random crap, attached false identities to them and they still came back positive. He called it an act of war by white countries and others who have a lot to gain from this virus being perceived as real.


In 2020 Burundi’s President Nkurunziza refused to comply with the World Health Organisation’s Covid vaccination program. He then expelled the WHO team who were coordinating Burundi’s response to the pandemic.

Then President Nkurunziza unexpectedly died from a sudden “heart attack”. His successor promptly changed tack on the pandemic, declared coronavirus “the countries’ biggest enemy” and complied with the WHO demands.

Now Tanzania’s President Magufuli, who also opposed Covid vaccinations and exposed the PCR test fraud, has passed away due to a sudden “heart attack”.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but this looks like too much of a coincidence. Two prominent African leaders had voiced their opposition to Covid vaccinationsand PCR tests and shortly thereafter they both reportedly die of heart attacks.

Between them Presidents Nkurunziza and Magufuli could have derailed the World Health Organisations vaccination plans for Africa and that’s why, I suspect, they were silenced.


“The PCR test is best utilized as a diagnostic test to confirm the diagnosis of an infection based on clinical signs and symptoms. It certainly should not be used as a screening test when there is low prevalence of disease and should NEVER be used as the sole determinant in the diagnosis of a case. So, if any laboratory uses a PCR assay with that particular primer, they’re likely to get a lot of false positives! Politicians and Health Officials are basing their numbers of cases entirely on the results of these tests, which are not fit for this purpose. They are then using these figures to terrorise the population, and to justify decisions to impose local lockdowns, and increase nonsensical general restrictions which are having a massive impact on people’s lives and their health, and also on the economy, particularly hitting small businesses hard”By Dr. Malcolm Kendrick


IT’S A SCAM: After 48,299 COVID-19 Cases at 37 US Universities – Only 2 Hospitalizations and ZERO Deaths — More Likely to Be Killed By a Dog



“Cases mean nothing. It is the first time in history that healthy people have to prove they are not sick, by a fraudulent test that is inaccurate information and has nothing to do with science or reality. We have a casedemic, we don’t have a pandemic” Dr. Sherry Tenpenny

“if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97% (Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Michael Yeadon, Clare Craig, Kevin McKernan, et al, Critique of Drosten Study)

The PCR test is being used extensively to hike up the numbers with a view to justifying a second lockdown with devastating social and economic impacts including the engineered bankruptcy of tourism, air travel and small businesses, pubs, clubs, restaurants, gym etc.

The above quote confirms unequivocally that the tests adopted by governments to justify the destabilization of their national economy are TOTALLY INVALID. THEY ARE LYING. And those PCR tests are not accompanied by medical diagnosis of the patients who are being tested.

Since the COVID-19 crisis began, all of the WHO and Government so-called ‘mitigation’ policies – lockdowns, social distancing, masks, shutting schools etc, have all been based on data of coronavirus “cases” gathered from the increasingly dubious PCR Test. Despite its many fundamental flaws – and even an warning by its inventor, Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, who explicitly said not to use his test as a diagnostic for any virus.

“PCR, it’s just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn't tell you that you're sick and it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with (like covid) really was going to hurt you”. - Kary Mullis July 12 1997.

Noble Prize winning chemist Kary Mullis stated that his PCR test was only designed to make copies of a specific DNA sample so that it could be later studied in large enough quantities. It is not designed to detect infection or if a particular virus is the cause of an infection.

You can watch Kary Mullis on the video below by researcher spiro skouras.

Why have governments and the medical establishment, chosen to base their entire COVID ‘pandemic’ narrative on this highly inaccurate testing regime.  They are using it because it gets them the results that they want and that is endless amounts of false positive cases which are then used to justify lockdowns and restrictions.

If the PCR test does not tell us if a person has Covid or if it cannot determine that someone died of Covid then that means the covid cases and death figures have been hugely exaggerated and have been used to lockdown whole countries for nearly one year. Surely it does not take a genius to see that there is another agenda at play here, one which could have dire consequences for 99% of the world’s population in the near future.

“People are frightened. They are encouraged to do the PCR test, which is flawed. A positive PCR test does not mean that you are infected and/or that you can transmit the virus. The RT-PCR Test is known to produce a high percentage of false positives. Moreover, it does not identify the virus”. – Professor Michel Chossudovsky - award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. He has served as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has acted as a consultant for several international organizations -

The following extract is from Discovery DSalud’s article titled ‘The scam has been confirmed: PCR does not detect SARS-CoV-2’.

Discovery DSalud is a publishing company entirely constituted by independent health professionals without any affiliation or relationship with political, religious or any economic group.

The article goes on to state the following:

“The genetic sequences used in PCRs to detect suspected SARS-CoV-2 and to diagnose cases of illness and death attributed to Covid-19 are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes. And that includes the initiators or primers, the most extensive fragments taken at random from their supposed "genome" and even the so-called "target genes" allegedly specific to the "new coronavirus". The test is worthless and all "positive" results obtained so far should be scientifically invalidated and communicated to those affected; and if they are deceased, to their relatives. Stephen Bustin, one of the world's leading experts on PCR, in fact says that under certain conditions anyone can test positive!”

This means the PCR test can pick up dead viral fragments from past cold’s or flu and then claim you are positive for Covid-19 and then claim you have a deadly disease and need to self-isolate.

The article goes on to say:

‘We have been warning you since March: you cannot have specific tests for a virus without knowing the components of the virus you are trying to detect. And the components cannot be known without having previously isolated/purified that virus. Since then we continue to accumulate evidence that no one has isolated SARS-CoV-2 and, more importantly, that it can never be isolated for the reasons we explained last month (read the report "Can you prove that there are pathogenic viruses?" on our website And in the present report we are going to offer new data that show that RT-PCR does not detect the so called SARS-CoV-2 as it is known, but fragments of human RNA and those of numerous microbes. We have already explained the numerous problems that RT-PCR poses, recognised by organisations or governments such as the WHO or the CDC and by prestigious international experts such as Dr. Stephen Bustin who considers both the arbitrariness of establishing criteria for results and the choice of the number of cycles to be nonsense because they can lead to anyone testing positive.’

‘The consequence of all that we have just explained is clear and immediate: THERE IS NO VALID TEST TO DETECT SARS-COV-2, neither antibody or antigen tests nor RT-PCR. And we included those based on the supposed gene that codes for the S1 or spike protein. And that means that.ALL THE NUMBERS OF "CASES", "INFECTED", “SICK", "Asymptomatic" OR "DEAD DUE TO COVID-19" LACK A SCIENTIFIC BASE AND ALL “POSITIVES” ARE FALSE POSITIVES, something that should be communicated immediately to those affected and those responsible should be held accountable’.

The DSalud full article can be found at:

If you want to read a more in depth article about the fraudulent PCR test then there is this article here plus many more links at the end of this book.

How declaring virus pandemics based on PCR tests can end in disaster was described by Gina Kolata in her 2007 New York Times article Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.

“A group of 22 experts across the globe examined the Corman-Drosten paper, which described a protocol for applying the PCR technique to detecting Covid-19 and they found there was no science behind it. Problems with the Corman-Drosten paper include the fact that the PCR test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments, PCR is non-specific, it is enormously variable, it has no positive or negative controls, and it has no standard operating procedure”. - G Edward Griffin -


The following article is by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, and Editor of Global Research.

The WHO confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis

The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the  SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of  a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For Further details see the Drosten Study)

Exactly one year later on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. 

While the WHO does not deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they nonetheless recommend “Re-testing” (which everybody knows is an impossibility).

The number of amplification cycles [should be] less than 35; preferably 25-30 cycles. In case of virus detection, >35 cycles only detects signals which do not correlate with infectious virus as determined by isolation in cell culture…(Critique of Drosten Study)

The World Health Organization (WHO) tacitly admits one year later that ALL PCR tests conducted at a 35 cycle amplification threshold (Ct) or higher are INVALID. But that is what they recommended in January 2020, in consultation with the virology team at Charité Hospital in Berlin.

If the test is conducted at a 35 Ct threshold or above (which was recommended by the WHO), segments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be detected, which means that ALL the so-called confirmed “positive cases” tabulated in the course of the last 14 months are invalid.

From the outset, the PCR test has routinely been applied at a Ct amplification threshold of 35 or higher, following the January 2020 recommendations of the WHO. What this means is that the PCR methodology as applied Worldwide has in the course of the last 12-14 months led to the compilation of faulty and misleading Covid statistics.

And these are the statistics which are used to measure the progression of the so-called “pandemic”. Above an amplification cycle of 35 or higher, the test will not detect the virusTherefore, the official “covid numbers” are meaningless.

It follows that there is no scientific basis for confirming the existence of a pandemic.

Which in turn means that the lockdown / economic measures which have resulted in social panic, mass poverty and unemployment (allegedly to curtail the spread of the virus) have no justification whatsoever.

It follows that using the >35 cycles detection will indelibly contribute to “hiking up” the number of “fake positives”.

At the time of writing (mid-March 2021), despite the WHO retraction, the PCT test is being used extensively to hike up the numbers with a view to sustaining the fear campaign, justifying the ongoing lockdown policies as well as the implementation of the Covid vaccine.

Ironically, the flawed numbers based on “invalid positives” are in turn being manipulated to ensure an upward trend in Covid positives.

Moreover, those PCR tests are not routinely accompanied by a medical diagnosis of the patients who are being tested.

And now, national health authorities have issued (fake) warnings of a “Third Wave” as part of their propaganda campaign in support of the Covid-19 Vaccine.

The WHO confirms that the Covid PCR test procedure as applied is invalid. There is absolutely no scientific basis for implementing the Covid Vaccine.

Both the WHO and the scientific assessment of Pieter Borger, et al (quoted above) confirm unequivocally that the tests adopted by governments to justify the lockdown and the destabilization of national economies are INVALID.

Invalid Data and the Numbers’ Game

It should be understood that these “invalid estimates” are the “numbers” quoted relentlessly 24/7 by the media in the course of the “First Wave” and “Second Wave”which have been used to feed the fear campaign and “justify” ALL the policies put forth by the governments:

  • lockdown,
  • closure of economic activity,
  • poverty and mass unemployment,
  • bankruptcies
  • social distancing,
  • face mask,
  • curfew,
  • the vaccine.
  • the health passport

Invalid Data. Think Twice Before Getting Vaccinated

And now we have entered a so-called “Third Wave”. (But where’s the data??)

It’s a complex “Pack of Lies”.

It’s a crime against humanity. 

The Truth is a peaceful yet powerful weapon. Now is the time to confront those governments and demand a repeal of the lockdown policies which are triggering poverty and despair Worldwide.

The WHO’s BIG LIE is refuted by the WHO.

The alleged pandemic is a scam. That is something which cannot be denied or refuted.

By Professor Michel Chossudovsky

The Covid-19 Numbers Game: The “Second Wave” is based on Fake Statistics


The RT-PCR test does not identify/ detect the virus. What it detects are fragments of virus. According to renowned Swiss immunologist Dr B. Stadler:

So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left. Even if the infectious viri are long dead, a corona test can come back positive, because the PCR method multiplies even a tiny fraction of the viral genetic material enough [to be detected]”. - Dr B. Stadler

“To understand the broader process of data manipulation regarding so-called “confirmed cases”, we must address the nature of the RT-PCR test and the Covid so-called Positive estimates. COVID-19 is similar to SARS-1.  Moreover, immunologists have confirmed that COVID-19 has similar features to a seasonal influenza coupled with pneumonia. Bear in mind: The RT-PCR test is identical to the test used in the case of seasonal influenza. So if you test positive, Positive to What?? The standard RT-PCR used to identify Covid-19 does not “confirm” the presence of Covid-19. A positive test does not mean that you have the virus and/or that you could transmit the virus” - Professor Michel Chossudovsky

Billionaire Elon Musk Questions COVID-19 Testing After Receiving Opposite Results On the Same Day

Elon Musk revealed he had completed four rounds of COVID-19 testing, tweeting that something “bogus” is going on because two of the tests came back false, and the other two came back positive. He also mentioned he was “doing tests from several different labs.


Fraudulent Covid Data: Inflating the Numbers. “Double-Counting”, Manipulation of Test Results

The PCR Test does not Identify the Virus: Covid “False Positives” Used to Justify the Lockdown and Closure of the National Economy.

Against the Misuse of Science in the So-called “Pandemic”. The RT-PCR Test

November 24. In a video, Dr. Mike Yeadon, former chief science officer for Pfizer, debunks PCR test and other aspects of COVID “pandemic.”

Covid-19: Behind the PCR Curtain by Dr. Sam Bailey

False Positives: Evidence Based Fact, What is the Reliability of the PCR Test?

“A positive test result does not mean that the person concerned is infectious, i.e. that it can infect other people. Nonetheless, positive test results are followed by serious encroachments on fundamental rights such as quarantine, company or school closings. PCR tests were designed to determine the cause of the disease in symptomatically ill patients in order to ensure appropriate treatment. They were not intended for mass screening of healthy people. Due to the WHO guidelines, PCR mass tests are misused, a) deceased persons are counted as “corona deaths” regardless of the real cause of death, provided they had previously had a positive test result and b) all people who tested positive are classified as “infectious” . While travel and sports companies can enforce repetitions of tests with positive results, ordinary people and students are often denied this counter-evidence. Especially when viewed globally, the number of positive test results exceeds the imagination. Similar shocking numbers could also be obtained through indiscriminate mass tests for influenza or other viruses, which in individual cases are similarly dangerous or even fatal as SARS-CoV-2”. - Professor. Dr. Stefan Homburg – October 7, 2020

The PCR Test does not identify the Virus: Covid “False Positives” Used to Justify the Lockdown and Closure of the National Economy.


“For several months, experts have highlighted the true cause behind the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the incorrect use of PCR tests set at a ridiculously high cycle count (CT), which falsely labels healthy people as “COVID-19 cases.” By the time you get to 33 cycles, the accuracy rate is a mere 20%, meaning 80% are false positives. Beyond 34 cycles, your chance of a positive PCR test being a true positive shrinks to zero. In reality, the PCR test is not a proper diagnostic test, although it has been promoted as such. As it pertains to PCR testing, when excessively high CTs are used, even a minute viral load that is too low to cause symptoms can register as positive. And, since the test cannot distinguish between live virus and dead viral debris, you may not even be carrying live virus at all. An important question that demands an answer is whether the experts at our federal health agencies and the World Health Organization were really too ignorant to understand the implications of using this test at excessive CT, or whether it was done on purpose to create the illusion of a dangerous, out-of-control pandemic. Regardless, those in charge need to be held accountable, which is precisely what the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee intends to do. They’re in the process of launching an international class-action lawsuit against those responsible for using fraudulent testing to engineer the appearance of a dangerous pandemic in order to implement economically devastating lockdowns around the world. The critique against PCR testing is further strengthened by the November 20, 2020, study30 in Nature Communications, which found no viable virus in any PCR-positive cases. I referenced this study earlier, noting that not a single person who had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual ended up testing positive. But that’s not all. After evaluating PCR testing data from 9,899,828 people, and conducting additional live cultures to check for active infections in those who tested positive, using a CT of 37 or lower, they were unable to detect live virus in any of them, which is a rather astonishing finding. On the whole, it seems clear that mass testing using PCR is inappropriate, and does very little if anything to keep the population safe. Its primary result is simply the perpetuation of the false idea that healthy, non-infectious people can pose a mortal threat to others, and that we must avoid social interactions. It’s a delusional idea that is wreaking havoc on the global psyche, and it’s time to put an end to this unhealthy, unscientific way of life”. By Dr. Joseph Mercola - The Insanity of the PCR Testing Saga -


“We have already written about the inappropriate use of the PCR test as currently used, and the delightful vagueness of the statement is pregnant with consequences. Arbitrary thresholds may be so high that the UK may be heading for perpetual lockdown, as every minute fragment and debris of the coronavirus will count as positive. We deduce that a reported ‘case’ is most probably simply the result of a positive PCR test. The new guidance is meaningless unless it provides a clear threshold for the limits of detection. For many whose test turns up positive, there may be nothing recorded about any clinical symptoms”. - Prof Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson - Carl Heneghan is professor of evidence-based medicine at the University of Oxford and director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Tom Jefferson is a senior associate tutor and honorary research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford

Dr. Vernon Coleman“Throughout the apparently unending hoax which is the covid-19 fake pandemic, governments all around the world have claimed to be following the science. They have, of course, been lying. There has been no science. It is claimed that two million people have died of covid-19 in the 14 or 15 months that this scam has been running. That is a tragedy, of course. And to put it in perspective we should always remember that 650,000 people can die in a six-month flu season. And there have been very, very few cases of flu in the last year. Mysteriously, the flu appears to have disappeared and been replaced with covid-19. But it isn’t just a tragedy: it’s also a monstrous lie. Since March of 2020 it has been known that the coronavirus causes a disease no more deadly than the flu. Governments knew this but conspired with the media to keep it quiet. You can see the evidence for this on my website. For some time now, governments everywhere have been testing with rare enthusiasm. In the UK, the Government has so far performed over 63 million tests on a population of 68 million. In the US, the Government has performed 280 million tests on a population of 332 million. And it’s the same the world over. As I have repeatedly pointed out, the tests which are being performed are finding more false positives than real positives. In other words most of the people who supposedly have covid-19, and who are perfectly well, with no symptoms, don’t have anything wrong with them at all. In the UK and elsewhere, governments have deliberately arranged matters to ensure a greater number of false positives. The test can be easily manipulated to ensure that there are a greater number of false positives. I’ve explained how they do this on my website. If you or I did this we would be arrested for fraud. The Government calls it science. The second part of this piece of trickery is to ensure that the tests are done on anyone who is particularly likely to die. Anyone seriously ill has a covid-19 test. Residents in care homes have regular covid-19 tests. Why? Simple. Anyone who dies within 28 or in some cases 60 days of having had a positive test is said to have died with covid-19 and is therefore listed as a covid 19 death. The important word is `with’ but it’s usually forgotten when reports are written. Journalists and broadcasters simply replace the word `with’ with the word `of’. This is at the same time both a crude and a sophisticated fraud. It’s crude because it’s very simple. But it’s sophisticated because it is, with the aid of the almost entirely corrupt mainstream media, presented in a way which has convinced millions that they are in very real danger and that the deadly lockdowns, the absurd, pointless and harmful social distancing and the dangerous masks are all necessary. This testing trickery has also been used to convince millions that the vaccine will provide them with a way back to normal. It won’t, of course. Unless we stand up and fight these lies we will never go back to normal. Even when millions have been vaccinated they will tell us that the social distancing, the masks and the lockdowns must continue. The science doesn’t support any of these things. If there were any science then the rules would be the same everywhere in the world”. - Dr. Vernon Coleman – Author of over 100 books which have, together, sold over two million copies in the UK alone. He has contributed articles and stories to hundreds of other publications including The Sunday Times, Observer, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday. -

The PCR Test is Useless for Covid-19 (But Useful for Crooked Governments) by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Strange how the mainstream media is giving no attention to the tens and thousands of doctors, scientists and peer-reviewed publications that are and have been raising great concerns with the fraudulent PCR tests. Because it does not suit their deadly pandemic narrative and that is why they do not inform the general public about this.

“The WHO (finally, 10 months later) admits PCR tests create false positives. So why has the WHO finally decided to say this is wrong? What reason could they have for finally choosing to recognize this simple reality? The answer to that is potentially shockingly cynical: We have a vaccine now. We don’t need false positives anymore. The system has produced its miracle cure. So, after everyone has been vaccinated, all the PCR tests being done will be done “under the new WHO guidelines”, and running only 25-30 cycles instead of 35+. Lo and behold, the number of “positive cases” will plummet, and we’ll have confirmation that our miracle vaccine works”.


The following is an article by Julian Rose which was posted on the Global Research website on March 27th 2020 and it explains how this manufactured Pandemic was possibly created and sustained.

Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher.

This is the start of the article:

Manufactured pandemic: 'They're testing people for ANY strain of Coronavirus, not COVID-19 specifically' - US scientist

The following is from a medical forum. The writer, who is a widely respected professional scientist in the US, prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days. – Julian Rose

Here's the problem: we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus, not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply cannot make accurate assessments.

This is why you're hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That's because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.

The problem is the test is known not to work.

It uses 'amplification' which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.

Additionally, it's only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.

The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus - say the huge family of coronavirus. But that's all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.

And that's not even getting into the other issue - viral load.

If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that's the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can't determine if a osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.

If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren't at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.

And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covid DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.

Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic, pick a coronavirus.

They are incredibly common and there's tons of them. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covid even if you're doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common.

There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time.

All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location - say Wuhan - administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a 'new' disease.

Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die.

You can then say this 'new' virus has a CFR higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more 'cases', which expands the testing, which produces yet more 'cases' and so on and so on.

Before long you have your 'pandemic', and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn't actually exist.

Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically.

Your only problem is going to be that - due to the fact there is no actual new deadly pathogen but just regular sick people, you are mislabeling your case numbers, and especially your deaths, are going to be way too low for a real new deadly virus pandemic.

But you can stop people pointing this out in several ways.

1. You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are imminent. Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead.

2. You can tell people that 'minimizing' the dangers is irresponsible and bully them into not talking about numbers.

3. You can talk crap about made up numbers hoping to blind people with pseudoscience.

4. You can start testing well people (who, of course, will also likely have shreds of coronavirus DNA in them) and thus inflate your 'case figures' with 'asymptomatic carriers' (you will of course have to spin that to sound deadly even though any virologist knows the more symptom-less cases you have the less deadly is your pathogen.

Take these 4 simple steps and you can have your own entirely manufactured pandemic up and running in weeks.

They cannot "confirm" something for which there is no accurate test.

There you have it, that is how you fool the world into believing there is a pandemic

Essentially, it is easy to over cycle the PCR test and create a dystopian scenario where everyone tests positive for COVID-19. So does your pet, and your food, and your car. And that’s how you make a scamdemic. That’s how you destroy countries and the lives of billions of people to create mandatory vaccines, a micro-chipped or quantum tattooed population, a new normal, a great reset, and, of course, a new world order.


LIE 2: Asymptomatic Spread: People with No Symptoms Can Spread a Virus

This lie states that healthy people with no symptoms can spread a deadly virus, seriously. This lie keeps us all afraid of each other and makes people wear masks. We all have to then assume that every person you see could have the virus unknowingly, without symptoms and be spreading it.

Truth: Imagine if you go back to the normal year of 2019 and you explained you couldn’t go for a night out with a friend because you had the flu and you don’t want to give it to your friend your friend asked ‘oh I see, have you got aching muscles and temperature and you feel unwell’ and you said ‘no, I have no symptoms and I feel fine’. Your friend would laugh at you and would think you’re crazy. Hundreds of years of science have just been turned on its head.

Nearly 10 million people were tested in Wuhan, consisting of 92 percent of all residents aged six years or older. Incredibly, no new symptomatic cases were registered, and only 300 asymptomatic cases were detected. Subsequent tests of 1,174 close contacts of the asymptomatic cases found resulted in no new positives. There is “no evidence that the identified asymptomatic positive cases were infectious,” the study said.

Dr. Mike Yeadon states: “There really isn’t any evidence of true asymptomatic transmission. You can’t make people ill with a respiratory virus when you’re not ill yourself, with symptoms of a respiratory virus. I think we all know this, really”

Professor Hendrik Streeck of the University of Bonn is the leading virologist of Germany. He led a study in the most affected area in Heinsberg, Germany. The results of his study are:

'There's no risk of getting the disease if you go shopping. Serious outbreaks of the infection were always the result of people being very close over long periods of time.' - Professor Hendrick Streek, University of Bonn

A 22-year-old Chinese woman was admitted to hospital with heart problems. After three days she recovered, but then she tested positive for covid-19. This alarmed the hospital staff, because the past few days she had come into contact with hundreds of different people, including family, fellow patients and hospital staff: 455 people in total! There was great concern that several of these people had become infected. Therefore, an extensive investigation was started. What turned out to be the case?

Of the 455 people with whom she had interaction in the past five days, NOBODY had been infected. Not a single person!

This extensive research proves that someone who has Covid-19 without symptoms is not likely to transmit the virus. That was confirmed by a WHO spokeswoman: 'The data shows us that it's extremely rare for someone who has no symptoms to transmit the virus to someone else.' - Maria Van Kerkhoven - Epidemiologist World Health Organization

The Ministry of Public Health of British Columbia stated that there is absolutely no chance of being infected with Covid-19 if you are outdoors. They did a study that revealed how 80% of all infections happens inside homes. The rest take place in trains and buses.

'There is absolutely no evidence that this virus is present in the air and even if it was, our measures would not have worked. The overwhelming majority of covid-19 transmission occurs through close and prolonged personal contact.' - Dr. Reka Gustafson, Provincial Health Officer British Columbia

“We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called 'cases', 'infections' and 'positive tests' but hardly any sick people. Recall that four fifths (80%) of 'infections' are asymptomatic. So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections - not asymptomatic people”. – World Doctor’s Alliance (



Dr Clare Craig, a pathologist, and her colleague Dr Jonathan Engler have examined the research evidence behind the claim that Covid-19 can be transmitted by asymptomatic individuals. They have written an important paper on the subject and they came to the conclusion that:

“There is no evidence, outside of China, that anyone has developed even moderate COVID-19 based on true asymptomatic spread, as opposed to pre-symptomatic spread”.

No evidence' that asymptomatic Covid-19 cases were infectious, analysis of post-lockdown Wuhan concludes:

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information there is no spread of the virus through people without symptoms.

The spread of Covid-19 by someone who is not showing symptoms appears to be rare, Maria Van Kerkhove, the World Health Organization's technical lead for coronavirus response and head of the emerging diseases and zoonoses unit, said during a media briefing in Geneva in June 2020.

"From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual," Van Kerkhove said.

There is an excellent video where many doctors state that Asymptomatic Transmission is fake news. Excerpts from the video are below with a link to the video.

Dr Andrew Kaufmann, M.D Board Certified Psychiatrist states on the video:

“There is no asymptomatic spread of a disease. We have grown up our entire lives and never once have we ever worried about catching any illness from other healthy people. We have never taken any special precautions around other healthy people and whenever there has been a need for a quarantine in the context of an infectious disease the people quarantined have always been people who were ill with the disease. In other words, they had symptoms and where very sick. The current situation is completely unprecedented and further there is no scientific evidence that shows that people without symptoms who are healthy are capable of transmitting this illness. There have been several studies looking at populations of people who have had a positive PCR test and following around everyone they made contact with. In one study they looked at several thousand people that where in contact with individuals who had a positive test yet did not have any symptoms. In all of these studies there was no evidence that these people who were healthy and had a positive PCR test spread any illness to anyone. The only evidence that has ever been presented is based only on theoretical computer models but not on real world studies. Therefore, there is no scientific basis for any policies separating healthy people from other healthy people. That includes social distancing, social isolation, lockdowns and mask wearing. None of these have any base in evidence because healthy people do not spread disease to other healthy people” - Dr Andrew Kaufmann

“The idea that asymptomatic carrier spreading the disease Covid-19 is untrue and it is backed by zero data. There is not a single case in the world documented. So in fact the whole business is fake. This is the inhuman part of it, forcing people to wear masks because of no reason. Taking away their rights as humans with no reason”. – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – Microbiologist, the most sited Professor in German history.



Dr Zac Cox – Founder of the World Doctors Alliance states:

“One of the biggest lies we are being told at the moment is asymptomatic spread. Everybody is terrified of their fellow man. There scared to hug granny. Ironic really when it was governments themselves that sent infected people into the care homes from hospitals and thereby infected and spread covid to the care homes and killed tens of thousands of people. It is the government who are directly responsible for that. The reality is people who spread infections have symptoms. You have to be symptomatic to spread a respiratory infection. The covid pandemic was not even the worst year for deaths when you factor in population growth and age. In fact, 2020 was the 9th in the last 20 years”.


Dr. Johan Denis, Belgium states:

“There is no data supporting asymptomatic spread. Healthy people cannot transmit a virus to someone else only sick people can. So we don’t have to fear each other. Kids can play as they use to and embrace their grandparents. There is no danger to them. There is no need to be afraid of your healthy fellow man. Throw your masks away, social distancing is not necessary. Lockdowns are useless, there is no medical evidence for them. Quarantine is only for sick people as we have done for centuries. We have been lied to. The whole pandemic is based on the PCR test, the nose swab. Without this test we would not know the difference from a normal flu year. This PCR test is a medical fraud that make from healthy people so called infected cases while they are feeling fine. All the numbers you hear on your television are based on this fraud. It is fake. There is nothing to fear, you have been fooled”.

Dr Joseph Mercola states - “Medically speaking, a “case” refers to a sick person. It never ever referred to someone who had no symptoms of illness. Now all of a sudden, this well-established medical term, “case,” has been arbitrarily redefined to mean someone who tested positive for the presence of non-infectious viral RNA. The research is unequivocal when it comes to who’s infectious and who’s not. You cannot infect another person unless you carry live virus, and you typically will not develop symptoms unless your viral load is high enough. These significant drawbacks are why PCR testing really only should be done on symptomatic patients, and why a positive test should be weighed as just one factor of diagnosis. Symptoms must also be taken into account. If you have no symptoms, your chances of being infectious and spreading the infection to others is basically nil, as data from 9,899,828 individuals have shown. Of these, not a single person who had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual ended up testing positive. This study even confirmed that even in cases where asymptomatic individuals had had an active infection, and had been carriers of live virus, the viral load had been too low for transmission” - By Dr. Joseph Mercola - The Insanity of the PCR Testing Saga -


“And that brings me to the second element that enables this doctrine of everybody being a danger. And that is the asymptomatic driver thesis. It rests on very shaky grounds. I was absolutely aghast to find out the poor quality of the science underpinning this idea. One of the seminal papers involved one woman who reputedly infected 16 of her colleagues while asymptomatic. But a tiny little bit of investigation pulled out the reality that she was being treated for flu-like symptoms. And with that evaporates a substantial underpinning of the whole asymptomatic transmission story”. - Nick Hudson – founder of PANDA (Pandemics - Data & Analytics)

Anthony Fauci (Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) knew this in January 2020, he told the world that in the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.

Fauci and the WHO (Bill Gates) then changed their minds and said asymptomatic people can spread a disease because it supports the agenda that they want to push which is social distancing, masks, lockdowns, fear and the solution which is the vaccines and vaccine passports. But it is quite clear that history and decades of science do not change in a matter of months. They were lying.









No Scientific Evidence for the Social Distancing 2M Rule


Another of the baseless COVID assumptions is that all this social distancing or physical distancing is backed by solid scientific evidence. It’s not. Whether it’s 6 feet, 1.5 meters or 2 meters, the virus seems to be able to jump different distances depending upon what country it is in. The fact is there is no scientific evidence to support the disastrous two-metre rule.

Britain's two-metre social distancing rule is based on no evidence, leading scientists have claimed amid mounting calls to drop the measure.

Two University of Oxford experts argue there is little proof to support the restriction, after reviewing a World Health Organization paper on the topic.

Of 38 studies, only one looked specifically at coronavirus infections in relation to a specific distancing measure of two metres — and it found it had no effect.

The pair of scientists claimed the evidence in favour of the two-metre rule is of 'poor quality' and impacting Britain's chance to go about normal daily life.

Oxford professors Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson said: 'Social-distancing has become the norm.

“The two-metre rule, however, is also seriously impacting schools, pubs, restaurants and our ability to go about our daily lives. Handwashing and encouragement are what we need, not formalized rules. This means trying to keep a distance from each other where possible and avoiding spending time indoors in crowded places. Much of the evidence informing policy in this outbreak is poor quality”.

A senior statistician at the University of Dundee also found the data for two-metre guidelines — which informed experts at the WHO — is flawed.

Meanwhile UK governmental advisor Robert Dingwall said:

“We cannot sustain [social distancing measures] without causing serious damage to society, to the economy and to the physical and mental health of the population …I think it will be much harder to get compliance with some of the measures that really do not have an evidence base. I mean the two-metre rule was conjured up out of nowhere … Well, there is a certain amount of scientific evidence for a one-metre distance which comes out of indoor studies in clinical and experimental settings. There’s never been a scientific basis for two metres, it’s kind of a rule of thumb. But it’s not like there is a whole kind of rigorous scientific literature that it is founded upon.”

A rule of thumb is a means of estimation made according to a rough and ready practical rule, not based on science or exact measurement.

MIT researchers challenge indoor social distancing rules: 'No safer at 60 feet than 6 feet'

A new study out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is challenging major COVID-19 mitigation measures of the past year, claiming the widely accepted six-foot "social distancing" rule is more or less meaningless in indoor settings.

The study authored by MIT chemical engineering Prof. Martin Bazant and applied mathematics Prof. John Bush, "characterize[s] the evolution of the concentration of pathogen-laden droplets in a well-mixed room, and the associated risk of infection to its occupants."

Those regulations have led most notably to widespread closures of schools for more than a year, as well as significantly curtailed economic activity, particularly among restaurants, bars, theatre’s and live entertainment venues.

Bazant and Bush in their new study suggest that the six-foot rule is largely irrelevant and that individuals are at risk from contracting the virus even if they are ten times farther away from an infectious individual.

According to models of "closed, well-mixed" spaces, the authors claim, pathogens are "distributed uniformly throughout" the local environment. "In such well-mixed spaces, one is no safer from airborne pathogens at 60 ft. than 6 ft.," the study states.


LIE 3: Masks stop the spread of a virus.

Truth: This lie depends on people believing lie number 2. Healthy people with no symptoms should wear masks to stop the spread of a deadly virus and there are no negative effects on your body by wearing them. Literally there is dozens of articles, videos and studies by doctors, OSHA inspectors, professors and health professionals which show that masks worn by the general public do not stop the spread of a virus in fact they contribute to the virus spreading and to lowering your immune system. Cases and deaths rose in every country after mask mandates where brought in, shouldn’t it have been the opposite. Masks should have been brought in at the height of the covid cases and deaths in March\April not when there was no cases and deaths in July 2020. They were brought in at this time to keep the fear in the minds of the public that the virus is still among us when it actually was not. The wearing of masks keeps people fearful and that is why governments will not tell you to remove them for a long time, perhaps years. Make people fearful and you can make them do anything.

A new study conducted by a team of Danish researchers has found that face masks have no effect in controlling the spread of COVID-19.

A study conducted by a team of Danish researchers has found that face masks have no effect in controlling the spread of COVID-19. The new finding comes at a time when WHO is strictly advocating people to wear masks to contain the pandemic effectively.

The study which is known as the Danmask-19 trial was conducted in the Spring 2020 with more than 3,000 participants. During the time of this trial, the general public was not asked to wear masks as a precautionary measure to control coronavirus.

Out of the 3,000 participants, 1,500 people were given surgical masks. Researchers also made sure that these participants are changing these masks every eight hours. After one month, PCR tests were conducted on these 1,500 participants, and the results were compared with non-mask users.

The results were pretty surprising, as there was no significant difference between mask users and non-maskers when it comes to getting contracted with coronavirus. According to the study report, 1.8 percent of mask users were infected with coronavirus when compared to 2.3 percent of non-maskers.


A September report by the CDC found that more than 70 percent of COVID-positive patients contracted the virus in spite of faithful mask wearing while in public. Moreover, 14 percent of the patients who said they “often” wore masks were also infected. Meanwhile, just four percent of the COVID-positive patients said they “never” wore masks in the 14 days before the onset of their illness.

The authoritative New England Medical Journal investigated the circumstances necessary for contamination. The conclusion of five scientists is that face masks are of no use at all. Infection only occurs after someone has been standing very close to an infected person with symptoms for several minutes.

‘We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection’New England Journal of Medicine (21 May, 2020)

Public health authorities define a significant exposure to covid-19 as face-to-face contact within one and a half meters with a patient who has covid-19 symptoms. That contact must be maintained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes).

A large scale study was conducted to determine once and for all, whether face masks are useful for dentists. The result of this historic study was surprising:

'These and other studies show that viruses or other submicron particles are not filtered by face masks.' - Dr John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC

It should be concluded from these and similar studies that the filter material of face masks does not retain or filter out viruses

Viruses are very, very, very small. Microns across. You can only see them with an electron microscope. As such the weave of a cloth mask provides almost no resistance to their passage.

The advice above from the WHO was in March 2020 but they changed their minds later on or where pressured to.

A very extensive study carried out by nine scientists shows that the prolonged use of face masks in fact increases the risk of infection!

'This study is the first RCT of mouth masks, and the results warn against the use of face masks. Moisture retention, re-use of face masks and poor filtration can lead to an increased risk of infection.' - BMJ Medical Report

There’s also the issue of other possible complications, such as hypercapnia, an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood caused by re-breathing your own expelled air. It’s also been shown that mask use can exacerbate chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) and perhaps other respiratory issues as shown in the study below.

Face mask manufacturers warn: no protection against a virus.

Some honest manufacturers of face masks correctly inform their users that their products offer no protection against covid-19 and other viruses. If these medical ear loop masks - that have multiple layers (!) - don't help, then the self fabricated masks offer no protection either.

On the contrary: they block oxygen flow, which weakens the body and therefor lowers the immune system, which results in higher risk of infection.

Masks Harm Kids: 68% of Parents Report Alarming Psychological and Physical Problems in First-of-its-kind Study

A German study involving over 25,000 children reveals that major negative impacts on the physical, psychological, and behavioral health of children may be far more widespread than reported in the media and by government officials -- affecting approximately 68% and contributing to 24 distinct health complaints, according to parent submitted observations.

The study was designed to both explore the accumulating narratives reported by parents, educators, and doctors about increasing problems and health complaints in children and adolescents wearing masks, as well as to provide the first known online registry where parents, doctors, teachers, and others can enter their first-hand observations. The registry and the questionnaire can be found online at

By 26.10.2020 the registry had been used by 20,353 people. In this publication we report the results from the parents, who entered data on a total of 25,930 children. The average wearing time of the mask was 270 minutes per day. Impairments caused by wearing the mask were reported by 68% of the parents. These included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%) impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%)."

Children have to be kept in year group bubbles in school because they are told they could all have the virus and be spreading it (Lie 2) or they have to wear masks (Lie 3) and sit two meters apart from other children because although they have no symptoms they could be spreading a virus (Lie 2). It’s nothing but Psychological abuse of children also masks being forced on children for hours each day is causing them harm.

The following article goes into great detail that the wearing of masks by everyone can worsen contamination rather than reduce it?

“There is a lack of official recognition in the media or in government reports of all the deleterious effects of the continuous wearing of masks, as if the most important thing is to do everything possible to get people to allow themselves to be masked, regardless of the consequences. This particularly concerns children and adolescents whose brains, especially emotional and relational brains, are in full development! Children depend largely on facial expressions to understand and apprehend their environment. Hiding the lower half of the face diminishes the ability to communicate, interpret and imitate the expressions of those we come into contact with. Positive emotions become less recognizable and negative emotions are amplified. Emotional mimicry, contagion and emotionality in general are reduced as well as teacher-student bonding, group cohesion and learning – of which emotions are a major driver. The benefits and risks associated with the continued wearing of masks at school should be seriously studied, considered and made clear and obvious to all teachers, parents and students. From a medical and human perspective, it is serious that our rulers do not report these complications and do not take them into account before dictating their measures to the population”. – Dr Pascal Sacre –

“To deprive a child's or an adolescent's brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed. For children and adolescents, masks are an absolute no-no. Children and adolescents have an extremely active and adaptive immune system and they need a constant interaction with the microbiome of the Earth. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it is has so much to learn. The child's brain, or the youth's brain, is thirsting for oxygen. The more metabolically active the organ is, the more oxygen it requires. In children and adolescents every organ is metabolically active. The child needs the brain to learn, and the brain needs oxygen to function. We don't need a clinical study for that. This is simple, indisputable physiology. Consciously and purposely induced oxygen deficiency is an absolutely deliberate health hazard, and an absolute medical contraindication. - Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology.

Not forgetting the fact that children’s lives are not under threat from Covid as in the U.K only 4 children have died out of 12 million school children under 20 years old from Covid or after testing positive from Covid which does not actually mean that they had covid.

Dr. Jim Meehan has produced an article called ‘An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful’ and it outlines most of the scientific evidence which states quite clearly mask do not stop the spread of a virus. It is a political decision which is not based on scientific evidence. It is used to keep the fear of a deadly virus among the population so that they will accept the draconian lockdowns and the vaccine.

Dr. Jim Meehan is an ophthalmologist and preventive medicine specialist with over 20 years of experience and advanced training in immunology, inflammation, and infectious disease. Dr. Meehan is also trained in internal medicine, addiction medicine, endocrinology, integrative medicine, functional medicine, and nutrition. Dr. Meehan is a former editor of the medical journal, “Ocular Immunology and Inflammation.” Dr. Meehan has peer-reviewed thousands of medical research studies.

Dr. Meehan’s document can be viewed or downloaded at:

Below are some of the highlights from the article.

As you will learn from the material that follows, the evidence for and against masks should not be confusing. The evidence is clear, masks are ineffective, unnecessary, and harmful. What’s happening in the world today, including the misinformation surrounding community mask wearing, is about political agendas, symbolism, and fear, not science. To clear up the confusion, I will argue that the scientific evidence not only does not support the community wearing of face masks, but the evidence shows that healthy people wearing face masks pose serious health risks to wearers. If the scientific literature demonstrated that masks were effective, then why, early in the pandemic, did public health experts tell the public not to wear them?

The public is being repeatedly misinformed by catchy (guilt and fear based) marketing messages designed to promote the social responsibility (or guilt) to wear masks as a form of source control: “I wear my mask for you and you wear your mask for me.” Where is the evidence for these claims? On the websites where these unscientific marketing messages are found, there are never references to science that supports the claims. In fact, despite almost everything that has been drilled into the public psyche regarding masks, has little to know basis in science and absolutely no robust support from the highest-level evidence based research. Masks have never been proven to protect either the wearer or the community from the transmission of respiratory pathogens. Mask mandates during a pandemic are opposed by decades of high level science. Simply put, the public is being misled by fraudulent claims supported with weak pseudoscience.

• Decades of the highest-level scientific evidence (meta-analyses of multiple randomized controlled trials) overwhelmingly conclude that medical masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, including SAR-CoV-2.

• Those arguing for masks are relying on low-level evidence (observational retrospective trials and mechanistic theories), none of which are powered to counter the evidence, arguments, and risks of mask mandates.

• The majority of the population is at very low to almost no risk of severe or lethal disease from CoVID-19. Children are at an extraordinarily low risk of dying from CoVID-19. Based on CDC published data, 99.99815% of children that contract CoVID-19 survive.

•Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among children in schools and is very rare.

• Masks worn properly are well documented to cause harm to their wearers. Masks worn improperly, re-used, or contaminated are dangerous.

• Any reasonable risk to benefit analysis of medical masks concludes that the risks overwhelmingly outweigh the benefits.

• Children are at imminent risk of harm from mask mandates. Masks are Unnecessary. Fear and Politics are Subverting Science and Reason. Masking Children in Schools is Unnecessary – So Says the Science. In fact, the overwhelming weight of scientific literature to date establishes that face masks do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 by, to, or from, children.

•Masking School Children is Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful. Mandatory masks in school are a ‘major threat’ to children’s’ health, doctors warn. Forcing Children to Wear Masks in Schools is Unnecessary. Forcing Children to Wear Masks for Long Periods Risks Causing Them Physical Harm. Forcing Children to Wear Masks for Long Periods Risks Causing Them Mental and Psychological Harm

Forcing children to wear face masks in school is ineffective, harmful, and unnecessary. The risk of CoVID-19 in children is so low (see, “Masks are Unnecessary” above) that any imagined benefits cannot possibly outweigh the risks. Based on CDC data, the risk of children between the ages of zero and 19 years of age dying from CoVID-19 is an incredibly low risk of 0.00195%. This rate is much lower than the risk of children dying from influenza. In fact, there is a large and growing body of physicians, paediatricians, scientists, epidemiologists, and researchers around the world that are speaking out against the anti-scientific public health recommendations that have been forced upon the public and our children. Those of us that have read the science have concluded that it is senseless and dangerous to force children to wear face masks in school:

A July 2020 review by the University of Oxford, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine found that there is no evidence that cloth masks are at all effective against virus infection or transmission.
• Jefferson, Tom & Heneghan, Carl, Masking lack of evidence with
politics, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, July 23, 2020.

A July 2020 study by Japanese researchers found that cloth masks “offer zero
protection against coronavirus.”
• Naoya Kon, Cloth face masks offer zero shield against virus, a study shows, The Asahi Shimbun, study by Kazunari Onishi.

“This experiment reconfirmed that wearing cloth and gauze masks can’t prevent virus infection.”

In an August 2020 article, Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, a Researcher, Ontario
Civil Liberties Association, debunks supposed “studies” purporting to support
compelled face mask use for the general population.
• See Rancourt, Face masks, lies, damn lies, and public health officials: “A growing body of evidence” August 2020.


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks

There is increasing evidence that cloth masks not only may be ineffective against stopping coronavirus transmission, but that they may actually increase the spread of the virus, as well as worsening other health conditions. A September report by the CDC found that more than 70 percent of COVID-positive patients contracted the virus in spite of faithful mask wearing while in public. Moreover, 14 percent of the patients who said they “often” wore masks were also infected. Meanwhile, just four percent of the COVID-positive patients said they “never” wore masks in the 14 days before the onset of their illness. Likewise, the CDC’s October journal report references a 2015 study on cloth mask efficacy that found that rates of infection were “consistently higher” among those in the cloth mask group versus that of the medical mask and control groups. The authors of the study suggested it was likely that the cloth masks were problematic because they retained moisture and had poor filtration.

The CDC writes of that study, “This finding suggest that risk for infection was higher for those wearing cloth masks.”

Noted Physician Makes Definitive Moral Case Against Mask Mandates

Yes, I am sorry that you have been told over the last year that masks don’t reduce oxygen, by emphatic and dogmatic people, but the fact remains that oxygen deficit during mask-wearing is very thoroughly established in peer-reviewed clinical data.  Here[1], here[2] and here[3], for example.

And yes, surgeons also suffer from deoxygenation.[4]  Excess of carbon dioxide, as it accumulates inside a mask, also is a mild poisoning of the entire body, and this is also established in clinical data. [5] [6]  So if you demand that a child, a worker, a traveler, a consumer or anyone else wear a mask, you have been demanding that they mildly poison themselves.

I know this is vexing for some to read, but you cannot inflict harm with any moral authority, and you need to stop that now that you know it’s a problem, if you want to be able to live with yourself, or to exist peacefully with a good conscience.

But what about viruses?

What about them?  There are trillions of viruses on our skin.[7]  Must all skin be covered? Light, airborne, breeze-carried, aerosolized viruses have wafted through the mesh of masks, and shot out the side jets under people’s ears so consistently for the last year, that masked populations have had higher rates of COVID-19 than unmasked populations.[8]

Covid has a 99.74% survival rate among even those who take none of the best-known measures against it.



In every country where mask mandates where brought in, cases and deaths rose sharply after the population started wearing masks which proves masks do not stop the spread of a virus. Governments forcing people to wear masks is not based on science, it is a political decision to keep fear of a virus in the minds of the people.

In the graph below we can see the mask mandate came in July in the U.K and covid cases rose soon after.

Same again in Argentine. Masks brought in and cases rose soon after.

Same again but comparing Czech Republic who brought masks in then had a very steep rise in cases and Sweden who did not lockdown or require its citizens to wear masks.

This is repeated in every country where mask mandates where brought in. Many more mask graphs can be seen at the following links which proves the point even more.


Systemic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Multiple Randomized Controlled Trials Concludes that Face Masks Fail to Prevent Transmission of Viral Respiratory Pathogens

One of the largest and highest level of evidence studies on the effectiveness of face masks on the transmission of respiratory viruses, which was recently released by the CDC, is Jingyi Xiao, et al., Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings— Personal Protective and Environmental Measures, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 26, No. 5, (May 2020).

This CDC meta-analysis found that face masks failed to provide a significant reduction to virus transmission.

“In our systematic review, we identified 10 [Randomly Controlled Trials] that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.”

There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure.
Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.


Is a Mask that Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?

The study below was reported in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Publication date April 20, 2021) and details the harm caused by mask wearing and adds to a growing body of under-reported, censored and suppressed public health information that contradicts the biomedical narrative that masks are safe and effective and recommended by the CDC.

Many countries introduced the requirement to wear masks in public spaces for containing SARS-CoV-2 making it commonplace in 2020. Up until now, there has been no comprehensive investigation as to the adverse health effects masks can cause. The aim was to find, test, evaluate and compile scientifically proven related side effects of wearing masks. For a quantitative evaluation, 44 mostly experimental studies were referenced, and for a substantive evaluation, 65 publications were found.

The literature revealed relevant adverse effects of masks in numerous disciplines. In this paper, we refer to the psychological and physical deterioration as well as multiple symptoms described because of their consistent, recurrent and uniform presentation from different disciplines as a Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES).

MDPI is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). MDPI takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. MDPI is a member of the United Nations Global Compact to support corporate sustainability and have committed ourselves to the ten principles associated with the Compact.

Summary of the MDPI mask study above:

1. Masks in everyday use risk self-contamination by the wearer both inside and outside, including via contaminated hands [5, 16, and 88]. Masks are soaked by exhaled air, which potentially accumulates infectious agents from the nasopharynx and also from the ambient air on the outside and inside of the mask.

2. Serious infection-causing bacteria and fungi should be mentioned here [86, 88, 89], but also viruses [87].

3. Masks worn by the general public, are considered by scientists to pose a risk of infection because the standardized hygiene rules of hospitals cannot be followed by the general public [5].

4. History shows that influenza pandemics of 1918-1919, 1957-58, 1968, 2002, in SARS 2004-2005 and 2009, masks DID NOT fight against viral infections [67,144].

5. Even later, scientists and institutions rated the masks as unsuitable to protect the user safely from viral respiratory infections [137,146,147]. Even in hospital use, surgical masks lack strong evidence of protection against viruses [67].

6. The mask is nothing more than a symbol of the wearer’s fear of infection – reinforced by the collective fear mongering, which is constantly nurtured by mainstream media [137].

7. The mask represents psychological support for the general population as a false sense of security to reduce anxiety. [152]

8. The WHO’s recommendation of the mask is about giving mask wearers the feeling of a contribution made to preventing the spread of the virus, as well as the reminder to adhere to other measures.


The Truth about Masks

Masks have NEVER worked in stopping the spread of a virus. In fact, you are at greater risk of catching any virus if you wear a mask. This is the outcome of dozens of trials and studies on masks. Governments are not following the science and supermarkets and shops do not have the right to force customers to wear masks which are scientifically proven not to work. Masks are just a visual sign that a deadly virus is among us when it is not. Some people just like taking orders without questioning anything as if the government never lies. Watch the video below by TruthinMedia by Ben Swann titled ‘The Truth about Masks’.


Peer-reviewed research concludes face masks are useless and dangerous


Masks: The Science & Myths by Dr. Lee Merrick MD


OSHA experts: masks don’t stop viruses and are dangerous

OSHA stands for Occupational Safety Health Administration, and is a governmental organization responsible for safe working environments & conditions.

Speakers Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan are OSHA certified and deal with OSHA in context of their jobs.


Dr. Paul E. Alexander, a Canadian epidemiologist, wrote: “Surgical and cloth masks, used as they currently are, have absolutely no impact on controlling the transmission of Covid-19 virus, and current evidence implies that face masks can be actually harmful.” (American Institute for Economic Research, Feb. 11, 2021.)

Roger W. Koops, who has a doctorate in chemistry from the University of California, Riverside, wrote: “A ‘mask,’ and that term usually refers to either a SURGICAL mask or N95 mask, has no benefit in the general population and is only useful in controlled clinical settings. Further, it has been considered a greater transmission risk than a benefit in the general population. … In the open environment, no one should be wearing face coverings.” (American Institute for Economic Research, Oct. 16, 2020.)

More Truth About Face Masks - 42 Official Studies. 42 Studies Proving Face Masks Don’t Work. Simply click on the link below to download the study.


Do Face Masks Work? 8 Peer-Reviewed Studies


Dr. Russell Blaylock warns that not only do face masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but they also create serious health risks to the wearer. The bottom line is that if you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask.

Dr. Russell Blaylock highlights how wearing a mask is actually putting you at more risk of infection, because you are lowering your overall health, strength and immunity by under-oxygenation:

“It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20%, which can lead to a loss of consciousness, as happened to the hapless fellow driving around alone in his car wearing an N95 mask, causing him to pass out, and to crash his car and sustain injuries … A more recent study involving 159 healthcare workers aged 21 to 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a face mask. Some had pre-existing headaches that were precipitated by the masks. All felt like the headaches affected their work performance. The importance of these findings is that a drop in oxygen levels (hypoxia) is associated with an impairment in immunity. Studies have shown that hypoxia can inhibit the type of main immune cells used to fight viral infections called the CD4+ T-lymphocyte. This occurs because the hypoxia increases the level of a compound called hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), which inhibits T-lymphocytes and stimulates a powerful immune inhibitor cell called the Tregs. This sets the stage for contracting any infection, including COVID-19 and making the consequences of that infection much graver. In essence, your mask may very well put you at an increased risk of infections and if so, having a much worse outcome” - Dr. Russell Blaylock

“It is also instructive to know that until recently, the CDC did not recommend wearing a face mask or covering of any kind, unless a person was known to be infected, that is, until recently. Non-infected people need not wear a mask. When a person has TB we have them wear a mask, not the entire community of non-infected. The recommendations by the CDC and the WHO are not based on any studies of this virus and have never been used to contain any other virus pandemic or epidemic in history. A more recent study involving 159 healthcare workers aged 21 to 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a face mask. Some had pre-existing headaches that were precipitated by the masks. All felt like the headaches affected their work performance. Unfortunately, no one is telling the frail elderly and those with lung diseases, such as COPD, emphysema or pulmonary fibrosis, of these dangers when wearing a facial mask of any kind—which can cause a severe worsening of lung function. This also includes lung cancer patients and people having had lung surgery, especially with partial resection or even the removal of a whole lung. While most agree that the N95 mask can cause significant hypoxia and hypercapnia, another study of surgical masks found significant reductions in blood oxygen as well. In this study, researchers examined the blood oxygen levels in 53 surgeons using an oximeter. They measured blood oxygenation before surgery as well as at the end of surgeries. The researchers found that the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels (pa02) significantly. The longer the duration of wearing the mask, the greater the fall in blood oxygen levels. There is another danger to wearing these masks on a daily basis, especially if worn for several hours. When a person is infected with a respiratory virus, they will expel some of the virus with each breath. If they are wearing a mask, especially an N95 mask or other tightly fitting mask, they will be constantly rebreathing the viruses, raising the concentration of the virus in the lungs and the nasal passages. We know that people who have the worst reactions to the coronavirus have the highest concentrations of the virus early on. And this leads to the deadly cytokine storm in a selected number. It is evident from this review that there is insufficient evidence that wearing a mask of any kind can have a significant impact in preventing the spread of this virus. The fact that this virus is a relatively benign infection for the vast majority of the population and that most of the at-risk group also survive, from an infectious disease and epidemiological standpoint, by letting the virus spread through the healthier population we will reach a herd immunity level rather quickly that will end this pandemic quickly and prevent a return next winter. During this time, we need to protect the at-risk population by avoiding close contact, boosting their immunity with compounds that boost cellular immunity and in general, care for them. One should not attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask, as these studies suggest that is the wise choice to make”. - Dr. Russell Blaylock, author of The Blaylock Wellness Report newsletter, is a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer. He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine and completed his internship and neurological residency at the Medical University of South Carolina.

‘Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles. Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (<2.5μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle. The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.’DR. D. G. Rancourt, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, former tenured and Full Professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, Canada (11 April, 2020)

“I cannot recall any time in human history when nearly universal use of masks throughout society has successfully controlled the spread of disease,” Dr. Mikovits said. “The data support the opposite. That is, masks suppress the immune system, render the mist vulnerable to infection, and amplify more viruses in the compromised who become victims and further spread the disease among family and close contacts” - Dr. Judy Mikovits


LIE 4: Lockdowns stop the spread of a Virus

LIE 4: Lockdowns stop the spread of a Virus

Locking down a whole country or city stops the spread of a virus and is the only solution.

Truth: A peer reviewed study by a coveted and prestigious universities in California (Stanford) has shown that their collective reaction to Covid (lockdown) may have been completely worthless and done far more harm than good.

Around 30 international studies have all found that their impact on the spread of the virus is minimal. The latest and arguably most authoritative of all was published this month by a world-class team led by Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University, one of the world’s most respected epidemiologists. Its conclusions are unambiguous: harsh measures like lockdowns do not reduce the spread of infections at all, anywhere.

From the Stanford study:

“In the framework of this analysis, there is no evidence that more restrictive non-pharmaceutical interventions (“lockdowns”) contributed substantially to bending the curve of new cases in England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, or the United States in early 2020. it is possible that stay-at-home orders may facilitate transmission if they increase person-to-person contact where transmission is efficient such as closed spaces”

Governments say they are following the science, but they are not because they would stop lockdowns immediately and follow the science of world’s most respected epidemiologist Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University. But no the U.K government follows the advice of people like Patrick Valance who has £600,000 worth of shares in a Pharmaceutical company that makes Covid vaccines or Chris Whitty who has in the past been funded by Bill Gates to the tune of $40 million. Most of the U.K governments advisors on SAGE are mathematicians and modelers and at least half of them have some connection or financial interest in the big pharmaceutical industry.

As Dr Dayal Mukherjee, of Recovery’s Medicine & Science group, observes, “It is now very clear from the evidence published out of Stanford that lockdowns have not had a significant impact of case growth of the Covid-19 epidemics in countries including the UK, USA, France, Italy, and Iran.”

The peer reviewed study by Professor John P.A. Ioannidis and his associates can be found here:


Published Papers and Data on Lockdown Weak Efficacy – and Lockdown Huge Harms

The link below has another 29 papers proving lockdowns are destroying our society, our health, selling the lie of saving lives. Lockdowns cost suffering and lives – by a huge margin. Here is the evidence with 29 published papers.


The German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee insist Lockdowns were unnecessary, and any claim to the contrary is wrong. The virus was already in retreat and infection rates were starting to decline when lockdowns were imposed.

The world renowned epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski studied the lockdowns and revealed how they did nothing to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This internationally respected scientist shared his findings in a video, and was censored immediately.

Why does a political doctor, like Anthony Fauci in the USA and Valance and Whitty in the U.K for given instant coverage to share their opinion yet hundreds, if not thousands of world renowned experts who oppose what we’ve been hearing in mainstream media are completely ignored and unacknowledged. In a major global pandemic you would think that government health authorities would work together with a number of independent scientists and organizations to figure out what’s truly the right move for humanity. Anyone who opposes the covid narrative is not given any airtime or coverage. Keep the people dumbed down that’s the number one priority.

This proves that lockdowns do not work. Let's look at the 10 countries around the world with the highest death rate from Covid. That is, deaths per million.

Countries with the highest death rates from Covid-19 (Allegedly) January 2021. The country is followed by deaths per million.

Belgium – 1771

Slovenia – 1580

Czech Rep – 1397

U.K – 1389

Bosnia – 1387

Italy – 1385

North Macedonia – 1315

USA – 1254

Bulgaria – 1250

Hungary – 1214

What did they do differently, and what did they do the same? These countries all locked down, relaxed them, then brought in tighter lockdowns at various times. Below is the first lockdown dates:

Belgium first locked down on March 18, 2020.

Slovenia first locked down on March 20, 2020.

Czech Rep. first locked down on March 16, 2020.

The UK first locked down March 23, 2020.

Bosnia-Herzegovina first locked down March 16, 2020.

Italy first locked down March 9, 2020.

North Macedonia first locked down March 18, 2020.

Bulgaria first locked down on March 13, 2020.

Hungary first locked down on March 28, 2020.

USA locked down at different times in different states

In the end, you can only rely on two things - did a country lock down and what is the death rate from Covid? These are the inescapable facts.

As you can see the 10 countries in the world with the highest death rates all locked down. Countries that did not lock down such as Sweden, Japan and Belarus had much lower deaths per million which proves that lockdowns do not save lives, they create economic devastation and actually increase the death rate. Governments know this data but purposely ignore it because they just use lockdowns to keep the population in fear and psychologically abuse them so that they will give in and take the covid vaccine which will enable them to bring in Covid\Health passports.

We can clearly see on this graph that the 7 countries with the highest death rates on the right all locked down hard and the 7 countries that did not lockdown on the left had fewer deaths. Graph was produced by U.K Column News.











Again compare the graphs. This one, comparing “Covid deaths” in the UK (top) (lockdown) and Sweden (no lockdown):


Or this one, comparing “Covid deaths” in California (top) (lockdown) and Florida (no lockdown):

Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Do Not Lead to Reduced COVID Transmission Rates or Deaths, New Study Suggests from the National Bureau of Economic Research

A new National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper by Andrew Atkeson, Karen Kopecky, and Tao Zha focused on countries and U.S. states with more than 1,000 COVID deaths as of late July. This analysis is the largest and most comprehensive analysis of the largest datasets to date. In all, the study included 25 U.S. states and 23 countries.

The paper’s conclusion is that the data trends indicate that nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) – such as lockdowns, closures, travel restrictions, stay-home orders, event bans, quarantines, curfews, and mask mandates – do not seem to affect virus transmission rates overall.

The study concludes: Governments have conducted an unprecedented social, economic, and political experiment in controlling whole populations’ behavior, with high economic and human cost. The authors ask the right question: has this experiment in government-managed virus control and suppression made a difference? The startling answer they found, after examining data from around the country and the world, is that the evidence simply is not there. If we are concerned about the evidence on this global experiment, we must concede that most government authorities have likely acted in error.

“There is no evidence that lockdowns have reduced mortality from Covid-19 and research is now revealing the devastation that lockdowns are causing, particularly in the developing world. In these draconian lockdown policies, we have also seen the biggest infringement on civil liberties in democratic countries during peacetime. PANDA believes that, at this juncture, the science is quite clear on what key policy responses should be—or should have been. The cure should not be worse than the disease. It is critically important that societies are reopened, whilst protecting those who may be vulnerable to serious illness from SARS-CoV-2. Human agency must be upheld, and individuals should be empowered to make their own choices” - Nick Hudson – founder of PANDA -

Lockdowns don’t save lives and Sweden is all the proof you need.

Lockdowns do not work. The government knew that after the first lockdown but they still had two further lockdowns and min lockdowns or Tiers. They were not doing lockdowns to save lives. They were doing it to destroy lives and to keep people fearful so that they would take the vaccine and accept the covid passports. Keep people fearful and they will do anything. Sorry for the people who lost businesses and lost loved ones because of missed hospital appointments and suicides but these losses where because of lies, pure and simple.

It’s been more than apparent for most of the last fifty-two weeks that the agenda of lockdown was not public health, but laying the groundwork for the “new normal” and “the great reset”.

And we’ve all had lives ruined and a year of precious time wasted. For nothing. You’ve been locked up for three weeks (to flatten the curve) that lasted 365 days. For nothing. Lockdowns will happen again in 2021, 2022 and perhaps beyond with the fear of covid variants threw at us. The only way to stop them is not to acquiesce to their demands, don’t close your business, meet with anybody anytime, hug your family, have a birthday party, don’t wear a mask, don’t take a test, and don’t take the vaccine if you are healthy and have a functional immune system.


LIE 5: Most deaths are Covid deaths

Truth: If it really was a pandemic the governments would not have to lie or inflate the death figures to make the people believe that more people are dying of covid than they really were. You wouldn’t have to say for instance that someone who has been battling cancer for 6 years and then died didn’t die of cancer but died of Covid because they tested positive (Lie 1) for Covid within 28 days. Does that mean if you tested positive for covid and then 25 days later you fall down the stairs and die you would go into the covid death statistics?

Here in the video below it is admitted that if you attend hospital with a broken leg and you get a positive test for Covid while in hospital you go down as an official covid case. If rushed to hospital with heart attack and then come up positive test with covid while in hospital and then you die in hospital you go down in the stats as a covid death, even though you have no symptoms of covid. That is called fraud and deception and that is how they get the covid deaths and cases high and then they lock country down on these statistics. 100,000 U.K covid deaths? I don't think so.

On 20 April, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued the ‘International guidelines for certification and classification (coding) of COVID-19 as cause of death’. These instructed medical practitioners that, if COVID-19 is the ‘suspected’ or ‘probable’ or ‘assumed’ cause of death, it must always be recorded, in Part 1 of the death certificate, as the ‘underlying cause’ of death. In contrast, co-morbidities such as cancer, heart disease, dementia, diabetes or chronic respiratory infections other than COVID-19 should only be recorded in Part 2 of the death certificate as a ‘contributing’ cause. To clear up any confusion this may cause to a doctor filling out the death certificate of an 80-year-old patient who has died of cancer and tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 post mortem, the WHO instructed medical professionals: ‘Always apply these instructions, whether they can be considered medically correct or not.’

The head of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom was a member of a violent revolutionary communist party in Ethiopia and the WHO’s largest funder is the world’s number one vaccine dealer Bill Gates. For the first time in history the leader of the WHO is not even a medical doctor.

Ontario (Canada) Admits Labelling Deaths as COVID When They’re Not a Result of covid. Ontario public health clearly states that deaths will be marked as COVID deaths whether or not it's clear if COVID was the cause or contributed to the death. This means that those who did not die as a result of COVID are included in the death count.

Ontario (Canada) Public Health has a page on their website titled “How Ontario is responding to COVID-19.” On it, they clearly state that deaths are being marked as COVID deaths and are being included in the COVID death count regardless of whether or not COVID actually contributed to or caused the death. They state the following,

“Any case marked as “Fatal” is included in the deaths data. Deaths are included whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death…”

Toronto Public Health tweeted in late June that “Individuals who have died with COVID-19, but not as a result of COVID-19, are included in the case counts for COVID-19 deaths in Toronto.”

“They are writing Covid-19 on all of the death certificates” – Michael Lanza, Funeral Director, Colonial Funeral Home, Staten Island, New York

Several Funeral Directors in New York have said that if a person dies of a heart attack they are writing that they died of Covid-19 which is very suspect to say the least. The fraudsters New York City are purposely marking ALL deaths as "death by COVID-19" on purpose just to not only prop up the fraud death numbers by this fraud virus but also to obtain a lot of extra US "federal funding" for their nearly empty hospitals!

The video is below and you can hear the funeral directors themselves.


Joseph Antioco, the director of Brooklyn’s Schaeffer Funeral Home, told another undercover journalist if the deceased was not under the care of a private physician, the chances were very good their cause of death was going down as COVID-19.

“Two weeks ago, I had a 40-year-old man that died in his house, okay? They didn’t even go to the house, the guy had no underlying causes, no medical conditions, they released him from the house without even going saying he had COVID-19 because he had a fever,” he said.

“But now, how do you know that’s what he had? You don’t. But, now the death certificate showed shows that he had COVID-19,” he said.

“If you don’t have a private doctor and you weren’t under any medical care, they’re automatically putting down on the death certificate COVID-19, because they don’t wanna go–they’re so overwhelmed,” Antioco said. “They’re putting everything as COVID-19, so they’re padding the numbers.”

The Brooklyn funeral director said one reason the COVID-19 numbers are inflated is that personnel in the coroner’s office cannot keep up.

“They’re not going out to houses anymore,” he said. “They would go out to the house, they would investigate the scene, they would do some testing at the scene and then come up with a conclusion as to: ‘He had heart disease.’”

Antioco said when medical examiners are too busy and not looking to travel, COVID-19 has become the go-to cause of death.

“How many of them are actually COVID-19? Or is the M.E. (Medical Examiner) just putting that because they don’t want to go to the scene?”

The video can be seen at:

Vittorio Sgarbi, Italian politician Mayor of Sutri, gave an emotional speech at a hearing on the 24th of April where he emphasized that the number of deaths in Italy due to COVID-19 are completely false and that the people are being lied to.

Italian politician/Member of the Italian Parliament, and the current Mayor of Sutri, Vittorio Sgarbi, who has done the same. In an emotional speech at a hearing on the 24th of April, he stated the following:

“We are on the eve of April 25th and we must be united against the dictatorship and united in truth. In fact, we are not. Let us not make a parliament of lies…the science evoked here was saying that this virus is much more than the flu. That science is in fact the science that has been referred to and guided by this government. It was said and it was documented, don’t lie…don’t make this parliament a lie! At least here, let Gianbatist Vico’s principle, “Verum ipsum factum” apply! And then, you heard and gave the numbers, I want to give the numbers too….don’t talk about 25,000 dead here, not true! Don’t use the dead for rhetoric and terrorism! Data from the Italian Institute of Public Health say that 96.3 percent of people have died of other pathologies! Exact data. The numbers say it! It’s true, it’s true, go ahead and read them. Let us unite in the fight against hypocrisy, lies and the falsification of numbers, against false numbers given to terrorize Italians. The 25,000 dead…died of heart attack, cancer and other pathologies. We should not use this to humiliate and embarrass Italy. We do not use this to give citizens false news! Get the numbers, check them out. Here in Italy, were not 25,000 deaths caused by the coronavirus! Not true! It’s just a way to terrorize the Italian people and impose a dictatorship without consent! That’s ridiculous!” - Vittorio Sgarbi, Italian politician, Mayor of Sutri

You can watch that and read more about it here:

The comments above, in a way, echo what Edward Snowden has said about the virus, stating that the ‘powers that be’ are using it to impose more authoritarian measures upon the citizenry. Dr. Ron Paul was also recently censored for sharing similar ideas.

German doctor Dr. Bodo Schiffmann - A specialist in pathology comments on this as follows: “Who might think evil of it! Up to now, it has been a matter of course for pathologists to carry out autopsies with appropriate safety precautions even in the case of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, PRION diseases, etc. It is quite remarkable that in a disease that is killing thousands of patients all over the world and bringing the economy of entire countries to a virtual standstill, only very few autopsy findings are available (six patients from China). From the point of view of both the epidemic police and the scientific community, there should be a particularly high level of public interest in autopsy findings. However, the opposite is the case. Are you afraid of finding out the true causes of death of the positively tested deceased? Could it be that the numbers of corona deaths would then melt away like snow in the spring sun?

A lot of scientists and doctors have been doing their best to create awareness about this as we don’t hear a peep from the mainstream about it.

Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and chief scientific adviser of the drug company Pfizer and founder and CEO of the biotech company Ziarco, now owned by Novartis, said in an interview, “You cannot have a lethal pandemic stalking the land and not have excess deaths.” Yet, excess deaths on the level of a lethal pandemic just aren’t occurring.

About 1,700 people die each day in the U.K. in any given year, Yeadon says — but many of these deaths are now falsely attributed to COVID-19. “I’m calling out the statistics, and even the claim that there is an ongoing pandemic, as false,” he said, noting that the definition of a “coronavirus death” in the U.K. is anyone who dies, from any cause, within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test.

The World Doctor’s Alliance is an independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 agenda. They state this about death certificates on the front of their website:

  • The majority of people who died had significant comorbidities, such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • Counting death certificates with a ‘mention’ of covid as being a death caused by covid is a gross misrepresentation of the facts and has vastly over exaggerated the death toll.
  • The rules for the signing of death certificates have been changed solely for covid by the Coronavirus 2020 Act.
  • Doctors do not even need to have physically seen the patient in order to sign death certificates.
  • The Act has removed the need for a confirmatory medical certificate for cremations.
  • Autopsies have virtually been banned, no doubt leading to misdiagnosis of the true cause of deaths; and also reducing our understanding of the disease itself.
  • Worse still, care home staff who largely have no medical training are able to give a statement as to the cause of death.
  • Covid was put on death certificates merely on the ‘suspicion’ of people having covid. This may well be unlawful, since it is a crime to falsify death certificates.
  • People who die within 28 days of a positive pcr test are deemed to have died from covid, even if they die in a car crash or from a heart attack; clearly over inflating the death toll

Neither the USA or the UK have any excess deaths from Covid19. All Covid19 deaths are simply ASSUMED to be from the virus. No autopsies nor any verifiable test on a deceased patient – which would legally stand up in court – has been produced to scientifically verify ANY death from COVID19.

On 31 March 2020, the Office for National Statistics announced that, in order for a death to be included in its records of ‘COVID-19 deaths’, the disease merely has to be ‘mentioned’ anywhere on the death certificate, without it being ‘the main cause of death’ or when the deceased tested positive for SARs-CoV-2 but a post mortem hasn’t established the actual cause of death. So Covid might not be killing anyone but the fraudulent PCR test says they tested positive so they go down as a Covid death on the statistics. What nonsense.

On Facebook, a video had four million views, in which Lena Kay tells how her father had died of Alzheimer's disease. When they received the death certificate, they were surprised to see that it mentioned covid-19. She wanted to have this wrong information corrected and contacted the family doctor. His answer was shocking:

'Orders from above by the National Health Service. Anyone who dies during this period should be registered as covid-19.'

A friend of her family died during the same period from heart disease. On his death certificate covid-19 was also mentioned. His family members were furious and called their family doctor, who gave exactly the same disturbing answer:

'Orders from above, we must put covid-19 on every death certificate.' The doctor acknowledged they're under a lot of pressure to do this.

All over the world thousands of people testify how false Covid registrations are made in hospitals and medical centers. Patients tell how they went to the hospital, for example, for a heart attack, a traffic accident, a painful fall, or a stroke. Without performing a test, medical staff promptly registered them as covid-19 patients. Someone on Facebook started sharing this kind of testimony and became a hotline for countless fake Covid registrations. Nursing staff confirms this deception. Here are some examples from the hundreds of testimonies:

‘The grandmother of an acquaintance of mine died. She was referred to as a covid death, although covid had nothing to do with it’. - Brian Parker

‘I personally know two people - one died of a pulmonary embolism and the other died of old age. On the death certificates was covid19. That baffled me, because it just wasn't true!’ - Leah-Marie Stephens

‘I fill in hundreds of death certificates. He's 100% right. The guidelines sent to us are to always mention covid-19 as the cause of death, even if it's presumed’. - Jessica Littleton

‘Kidney nurse here, I can vouch for this. I've seen it done. All deaths except fatal shootings or fatal car crashes are on the list of Covid19 deaths. - Jennifer Combs Allen

A girl’s father who was a retired police officer (picture below) died of health problems he had for many years but to her astonishment she saw shortly afterwards how the media claimed that her father died of covid-19.

'My papa never died of this virus! And the media and the lying ass government is fraud! He had health issues way before this even happened. They did NOT confirm with our family that he had this shit! And the media won't clout off his name. This is going too far!' – the girl stated.

A prominent newspaper in Belgium, De Tijd, discussed how the government announced that some three thousand elderly people had died of covid-19. Partly because of these figures, the entire country was placed in an extreme lockdown, with horrifying destruction as a result. However, further research showed that only 3% of the deceased had been tested.

This means that not 3,000 but only 90 elderly had covid-19.

Dr. Scott Jensen, who is also a Senator of the state of Minnesota, states in an interview with Fox News: 'Hospitals receive as much as $13,900 for every patient they register as covid-19. For every death resulting from covid-19, that amount is tripled: 30,900 USD! Testing is not necessary'

The result is absurdly incorrect covid-19 numbers, which are spread nationwide by the media.

'Hospitals get big money for every covid-19 registration. No testing required. The result is massive fraud with covid-numbers.' - Dr Scott Jensen, Senator Minnesota

If you want to see much more of this evidence, then see the link below.

Global Covid Fraud! Evidence that all the data is 100% false:

Dr. Annie Bukacek (above) is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job. In the video linked below at Globalresearch, Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID-19 deaths on death certificates.

“If a patient is positive for COVID-19 and dies from another cause such as pneumococcal sepsis, it may be considered accurate to say that person died with COVID-19 not from COVID-19. Yet the CDC guideline lists this case as one more COVID-19 death and they go to the next questionable death, they label that as COVID-19 and it goes on and on. You could see how these statistics have been made to look scary when it is so easy to add false numbers to the official database. Those false numbers are sanctioned by the CDC as of their memo yesterday, April 4th. …”

“The real number of COVID-19 deaths are not what most people are told and what they then think. How many people actually died from COVID-19 is anyone’s guess. …”

“They are substantially lower than what we are being told”

“Based on inaccurate, incomplete data, people are being terrorized by fear-mongers into relinquishing freedoms.” - Dr. Annie Bukacek

Do you also count as a corona death if you are infected with the virus but die of something else? Yes, say Rudi Anschober and Bernhard Benka, members of the Corona Task Force (Austria) in the Ministry of Health. “There is a clear rule at present: Died with the corona virus or died from the corona virus both count for the statistics. No difference is made as to what the patient actually died of. In other words, a 90-year-old man who dies with a fracture of the femoral neck and becomes infected with corona in the hours prior to his death is also counted as corona death. To name but one example”.

Dr Shiva explains in the video below how they are fiddling the Covid-19 figures and the ventilators that they are using for the Covid patients are actually killing them. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, 56, obtained a Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT in systems biology. His thesis focused on modelling the whole cell by integrating molecular pathway models. He is running as a Republican for the Senate in Massachusetts.

“The WHO in conjunction with the CDC are the ones who decide the diagnostic codes for patients. When somebody comes into hospital for chest pain they are diagnosing them as a Covid-19 patient. You have the cooking of the books for two reason, hospital administrators receive money for a Covid-19 diagnoses plus they also get kickbacks for using the ventilators. There is a total collusion going on and it’s not about saving people lives. The critically ill patients they immediately put them on the ventilators which are actually killing patients because the ventilators can actually burst and further damage the lungs. In fact 80 or 90% of the people who go on the ventilators are dying and it is essentially a death sentence that they are putting people on. This is all about the police state and controlling people lives and vaccinating the general population. The social distancing and the lockdown is worsening the health of millions of people” Dr Shiva Ayyadurai - Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT in systems biology

Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, pointed out that all people who pass away and test positive for COVID-19, regardless of the cause of death, means that the death will be marked as a COVID-19 death.

She stated that, “If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live and then you were also found to have COVID, that would be counted as COVID death, despite if you died of a clear alternative cause it’s still listed as a COVID death. So, everyone who is listed as a COVID death that doesn’t mean that was the cause of the death, but they had COVID at the time of death”.

Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care raised multiple concerns they are seeing with COVID-19 and how we are handling it. In one part of their interview, Dr. Erickson states the following,

But ER doctors now, my friends that I talk to say, “you know it’s interesting, when I’m writing up my death report I’m being pressured to add COVID.” Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers and make it look a little bit worse than it is? I think so. – Erickson

Health institutions all over the world received protocols to count people that die with covid as a covid deaths, making it seem they died of covid. The result is a false and exaggerated death count number.

Since then, testimonies popped up everywhere of people that are angry because loved ones that passed away had covid-19 on their death certificate.

Dr. Exposes Inflated Covid Deaths

Dr. Scott Jensen is a physician & Minnesota state senator. In the video below he blows the whistle on the death count fraud.

Note the following pictures of people sharing their views on social media about family deaths which have been falsely assigned as death by Covid-19.



In the graph below we can see that deaths in New York state 2019 March to April from natural causes such as cancer, heart disease, accidents etc. was 12.5 thousand but in March to April 2020 those deaths by natural causes had declined to 4.5 thousand and that is because they have reassigned all of these natural deaths to Covid deaths as the graph illustrates. How can someone who has had a history of heart disease, die of a heart attack but then Covid-19 is put down as the major cause of their death?


COPD death counted as Covid-19

In the article below a woman’s father died of a result of long-standing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). He had 3 Covid test and none of them where positive and he had no symptoms of Covid and yet his main cause of death was put down on the death certificate as Covid-19. The care home where he lived had no covid cases in 2020.

When the lady registered her Dad's death by telephone (as you have to these days), the registrar told her there had been very many other cases like hers where 'the deceased' had not tested positive for Covid, yet it was recorded as the cause of death.

The registrar agreed, it must distort the national figures — 'and yet the strangest thing is that every winter we record countless deaths from flu, and this winter there have been none. Not one!'

The lady asked, did the registrar wonder if deaths from flu were being misdiagnosed and lumped together with Covid deaths? The answer was 'Yes'.

Normally two doctors are needed to certify a death, one of whom knows the patient.

But early last spring, this changed; for Covid-19, the certification of death could be made by one doctor — and from March 2020, 'Covid deaths' included all cases where Covid-19 was put on the death certificate, even if the person had not tested positive. This came from instruction from the WHO whose main funder is Bill Gates who says we all need to be vaccinated before returning to normal and he has vast financial interests in the vaccine industry as we will see later.

You don't have to be a scientist to see that this doesn't add up at all and that is how they get the 100,000 covid deaths in the U.K. In reality nobody could have died of Covid at all. It is a deception and a lie.

This again below is part of the article:

“Politicians parroted the frankly ridiculous aim of 'zero Covid' and shut down the economy, while most British people agreed that lockdown was essential and (astonishingly to me, as a patriotic Brit) even wanted more restrictions. For what? Lies on death certificates? Never mind the grim toll of lives ruined, suicides, schools closed, rising inequality, depression, cancelled hospital treatments, cancer patients in a torture of waiting, poverty, economic devastation, loneliness, families kept apart, and so on. How many lives have been lost as a direct result of lockdown?”

Now you know why governments say Covid deaths are high or are rising. Elderly people who are in hospital in the last stages of life with various illnesses are given a PCR test (Lie 1) every 28 days and if positive, when they die they are included as a covid death even if they died of something else. If it was a real pandemic they would not have to do this, I am sorry but they wouldn’t. We are being manipulated by evil people and the vast majority of the population don’t know it because they think they are being fed the truth by the mainstream media.

Deaths being labelled as Covid-19 are actually deaths due to dementia, heart disease, influenza and so on? But they are being labelled as Covid-19 due to the fact that they might have received an unreliable, positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 in the last 28, 45 or 60 days.

Why The ‘Grim Milestone’ Of 100,000 U.K Covid Deaths Is Nonsense

Looking at the ONS figures for ‘Age-standardized mortality rates, deaths per 100,000 of population, England and Wales, 1942-2020’, that answer becomes painfully obvious. Last year, 2020, saw about the same number of deaths per 100,000 people as 2008 and every year before then.

Why is COVID-19 being given such special treatment? Why is COVID-19 being automatically listed as the presumptive cause of death simply based upon a positive COVID-19 test at some time in the decedent’s past? Notice that the same is not done for cancer, diabetes, emphysema, heart disease, stroke, or any of a myriad of medical conditions. Only COVID-19 is being given as a presumptive cause of death, with it being necessary to exclude the person from the COVID-19 death statistics with a specific finding of some other cause. And that other cause must be found on a specific list of sudden trauma to be counted. Clearly, COVID-19 has become a political disease for which there is an all-out effort to inflate the death statistics. That explains why there is such a push to test people for COVID-19. It is no accident that the false-positive COVID-19 test rate reportedly approaches approximately 90%. The more positive COVID-19 tests they have in the test bank, the more people that they can report as COVID-19 deaths as they die.

You are being lied to folks and the governments and media have a track record for lying. Remember the weapons of mass destruction that they swore Saddam Hussein and Iraq had in 2003? The media bombarded the public with this story for months to try and convince the public of its validity. Well that turned out to be a lie which cost the lives of over 1 million people and a whole country destroyed. They did it for the globalist bankers who wanted to remove one of Israel’s enemies. Anyway let’s return to the main topic.

You really need to read this article by the Daily Expose which shows you with actual U.K data how they have lied about the covid death figures in order to lockdown the whole country and I suspect it was or is the same in every Western country.


Is it all a lie? – Stay at Home > Protect the NHS > 100K Deaths – An analysis of ONS and NHS data.

But what would you do if you found out you had given up a year of your life due to a big fat lie? What would you do if you found out you’ve been staying at home to protect an NHS that has been at an all-time low capacity compared to the last five years? What would you do if you found out there haven’t actually been 100,000 deaths due to Covid-19 in the U.K but instead a campaign of fear that has manipulated data to trick you into thinking there have been thousands of Covid deaths per day?

Well ‘The Daily Expose’ investigated, and we suggest you fasten your seat-belts because this is what we found…

What we are seeing is a much higher amount of “Covid” deaths in people aged over 85. But what’s so strange about that?

The average life expectancy in the UK is 81 years. Yet the UK has enforced dictatorial tyranny, destroyed the economy, decimated businesses and people’s livelihoods and created a flood of mental health issues because people who have lived longer than the average life expectancy of 81 are dying. These people have already statistically lived beyond their years. What on earth is the UK government playing at?

Elderly people are dying of Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Chronic lower respiratory diseases, Influenza and Pneumonia but governments around the world are claiming they died of Covid because they had a positive PCR within 28 days of their death. Again a PCR test does not tell you that you have Covid and someone who dies in a car accident but had a positive PCR test will go down as a Covid death.

For instance, here are the figures from the UK ONS data.

In December 2020 Dementia and Alzheimer deaths where 5281 but the 5-year average is 5640. Deaths due to Chronic lower respiratory diseases in December 2020 was 1790 but the 5-year average was 2677. Influenza and Pneumonia deaths where 1190 but the 5-year average was 2259.

In December 2020 Dementia and Alzheimer deaths were down on the December five-year average. Even more interesting than that though is it shows deaths due to Chronic lower respiratory diseases and due to Influenza and Pneumonia halved in December 2020 compared to the five-year average. This proves that Covid deaths are being artificially inflated.

The Daily Expose report above shows you that more people arrived by ambulance in January 2020 (14050) than arrived by ambulance in January 2021 (12375). Don’t forget the U.K is in Lockdown 3 between January and March 2021 because we are being overwhelmed by Covid, allegedly.


This is the Daily Exposes conclusion:

“The British people have given up a full year of their short lives on the foundation of one of the biggest lies in history. They have stayed at home to protect an NHS that seems to have had a holiday, and been conned into thinking 100,000 people have died from Covid, when in fact they have died due to the lockdown and due to falling for the fear propaganda released by the UK Government and its circle of scientists. All of this has resulted in the destruction of the economy, a new regime of dictatorial tyranny and created a wave of despair in millions of lives”.

The full Daily Expose article can be found here.


The U.K government states that over 125,000 people have died from covid-19 which is a pure lie because only 3500 have died with no pre-existing health conditions and after having a positive test (which does not test for covid-19). The other 121,500+ deaths where people who had pre-exisitng health conditions which actually killed them, and not covid. Look at this article from the DailyExpose website:

They’re lying to you – Official NHS data shows only 3.5K have died of COVID-19

For twelve long months the people of the United Kingdom have been repeatedly told to stay at home in order to protect an NHS which seems to have had a holiday when you look at the official NHS data, and save lives. Millions of lives have been put on hold, millions of others have been ruined. Millions of jobs have been lost, thousands of businesses are now closed forever.

But a huge majority of the British people think it has been worth it due to the fear propaganda that has played on a 24/7 loop on their television screens, and headlined every newspaper over the past year. Because they have been led to believe that over 125,000 people have died of Covid-19, and they’ve been told that number would have been much higher if they had not complied with the destruction of the economy and decimation of their lives.

But the British people have been lied to on a monumental scale, and today we can prove it courtesy of official NHS data which is available to the public if they know how to find it. This is what we found:

We examined a document titled ‘COVID-19 total deaths – weekly summaries’ which can be found on the NHS England website here. We took a look at the most recent release that shows data up to and as of 4pm on the 31st March 2021, and went straight to a section titled ‘Deaths by Condition’.

The table provides a breakdown of people who have died after receiving a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 and divides them into people who had a pre-existing condition and people who didn’t have a pre-existing condition. The table shows a total of 86,308 alleged Covid-19 deaths have occurred up to 4pm on the 31st March 2021. Now this isn’t the 125,000 plus that we’ve been told have occurred but this is because this data only covers England and only those who have died in hospital.

Now we’re hope you’re sat down whilst reading this because the numbers we’re about to reveal are shocking. Of the 86,308 deaths occurring in people who have tested positive for “Covid”, 82,766 died from pre-existing conditions. Only 3,542 died with no known pre-existing conditions.

What’s even more shocking about that is that this doesn’t mean the 3,542 who died with no known pre-existing conditions actually died of Covid-19. It just means they didn’t have any pre-existing conditions. This very small amount of people in the grand scheme of things could actually be even smaller, as it is entirely possible they still died of other causes, such as a bad car accident for instance. We cannot of course prove that but it is still entirely possible due to the fact they record Covid deaths as anyone who ha died within 28 days of receiving a positive test for SARS-CoV-2.


It is a fact that the vast majority of people who are dying from covid are over 70 years of age with other comorbidities (other illnesses). In Italy 97% of all covid deaths were over 70 years of age with other comorbidities and many of them had 2 and 3 comorbidities. So why where all the young people whose lives were not under threat told to lockdown and every activity that younger people partake in such as pubs, restaurants, shops, café’s gym’s, cinema, concerts sport etc. closed down and everyone told to stay home. Surely it would have been more sensible to shield the people who were at risk of dying and not help to destroy the economy and people’s lives and businesses of the people who are not at risk.

In Scotland with a population of 5.5 million only 47 people (all elderly) have died of Covid and in Ireland only 90 people have died from Covid out of a population of 5 million. In the U.K only 400 people (in 11 months) with no comorbidities (healthy people) have died of Covid out of a population of 67 million. Did you know about 400 people die of drowning every year and about 400 people die of cancer every day? Is it justified to lock these countries down on that evidence? There is another agenda going on here and it is not about a virus but they are using this virus to carry out other policies.

The media portrays the excess deaths in countries in 2020 where all covid deaths but that is simply not true for instance around 1,000 people died in their homes every week from non-Covid causes, but that never made the headlines. People who were simply too frightened to go to hospital even though they needed urgent emergency treatment. They were literally scared to death by the media.

People will say why, why would the government destroy their own economy? The government has been given unlimited funds from the International bankers such as the IMF. That’s why the U.K government can spend £30 billion on the track and trace system and spend billions on furlough payments and temporary hospitals which cost £200 million just for one hospital which is enough to build about 30 schools.

It has now been reported that the Flu has disappeared in the U.K between October 2020 and January 2021. Flu is 'almost wiped out' and at lowest level in 130 YEARS as seasonal virus plummets by 95%. Experts say that the bug appears to have been 'almost wiped out' after the number of sufferers plummeted by 95 per cent. The second week of January, normally the worst time for the seasonal virus, saw the number of flu-like symptoms reported to GPs at 1.1 per 100,000 people – compared with a five-year average of 27. The only conclusion there is that all respiratory illnesses and deaths are put down as Covid-19. Basically flu illnesses are moved from the flu count over to the Covid count to inflate Covid cases.

Mainstream media outlets continue to push the idea that the number of deaths due to COVID-19 are higher than what the numbers say, yet we have a growing amount of information, evidence and testimony highlighting the fact that the truth may be completely opposite, that the number of deaths is inaccurate and that the real numbers are far lower than what we are actually getting. It is obvious that governments have another agenda and they need to inflate death figures and cases with the PCR test which justifies the lockdowns and restrictions. This all then leads to vaccines and the Great Reset.

“Here, it seems that Public Health England regularly looks for people on the NHS database who have ever tested positive, and simply checks to see if they are still alive or not. PHE does not appear to consider how long ago the COVID test result was, nor whether the person has been successfully treated in hospital and discharged to the community. Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures. By this PHE definition, no one with COVID in England is allowed to ever recover from their illness. A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later”. – Carl Heneghan - Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine and Director of Studies at Oxford University -

In the U.K out of the last 30 years, 14 of those years has seen more people die per 100,000 population than died in the year 2020. For instance, the mortality rate (per 100,000 population) in 2020 was 1,016.20 but in 1993 it was 1,134.70. How can that be if there is a deadly virus killing thousands in 2020 but no Pandemic in 1993 or any of the other 13 years. It can only happen if we are being lied to about the covid death figures. Below is a table of the yearly death rates per year in the U.K since 1990 up until the end of December 2020?



Why do the poorest countries have smaller covid deaths than the wealthiest nations?

How come the poorest countries in the world with the poorest public health systems who had less covid deaths and lockdowns (or none at all) than the richest countries who locked down hard, wore masks, sanitized their hands, stayed home etc.

Africa has a population of 1.3 billion but has only had approx. 50,000 covid deaths and yet Spain with a population of 46 million has had 71,000 covid deaths.

Nigeria – Population 206 million- Covid deaths - 1954

Ethiopia – Population 114 million – Covid deaths - 2404

Egypt – Population 102 million – Covid deaths - 10,916

Congo – Population 89 million – Covid deaths - 131

Tanzania – Population 59 million – Covid deaths - 21

Kenya – Population 53 million – Covid deaths - 1873

Uganda – Population 45 million - Covid deaths - 334

Algeria – Population 43 million – Covid deaths - 3007

Morocco – Population 36 million – Covid deaths - 8673

Tunisia Population 11 million – Covid deaths - 8130

Zambia Population 18 million – Covid deaths - 113

Cameroon – Population 26 million – Covid deaths - 551

Ivory Coast – Population 26 million – Covid deaths - 199

Botswana – Population 14 million – Covid deaths - 359

Sudan – Population 11 million Covid deaths - 1895

Rwanda – Population 13 million – Covid deaths - 267

Mali – Population 20 million – Covid deaths -358

Sierra Leone – Population 8 million – Covid deaths - 79

Other non-African countries

Bangladesh - Population 160 million – Covid deaths - 8500

Malaysia - Population 32 million – Covid deaths - 1166

Haiti – Population 11 million – Covid deaths – 250

Now compare those figures to the deaths in the richest countries with the most advanced health systems in the world who also locked down very hard.

Italy – Population 60 million – Covid deaths - 99,000

France – Population 65 million – Covid deaths - 88,000

Spain – Population 46 million – Covid deaths - 71,000

Germany – Population 84 million – Covid deaths - 72,000

U.K – population 67 million – Covid deaths - 124,000

USA – Population 330 million – Covid deaths - 535,000

We have the combined population of Nigeria, Ethiopia and Egypt as 422 million and they had the combined covid deaths of about 15,000. In contrast the USA with possibly the best medical system in the world with a population of 330 million had, we are told 535,000 covid deaths. This is pure BS and I don’t believe it.

Are the globalists trying to destroy Western nations and the livelihoods of people in these nations with lockdowns using fake cases and fake covid death figures but the poorest countries have fewer deaths because they are not pressured into accepting or using the fraudulent PCR testing. Which obviously will result in less covid cases and covid deaths. This was evident with the actions of the President of Tanzania who refused PCR testing in his country when a goat, motor oil, and a piece of fruit tested positive for covid and that is why Tanzania has only had 21 covid deaths. How can the virus spread so deadly around the USA and Western Europe but doesn’t’ touch Africa in the same manner? It is clear the Western governments are inflating the death figures to justify the lockdowns and the restrictions which also keeps people fearful and makes them compliant to the governments demands. This fear will make the people more willingly accept the covid vaccine which is the end goal of the covid agenda.


Del Bigtree goes into the covid deaths in the poorer nations in the video below.


How Many Americans Has Covid-19 Really Killed?

On December 28th, the Humans Are Free website published an article that details just how many deaths in the USA can be directly attributed to the virus, and how many are from other causes.

The CDC admits that only 6% of all deaths in the US classified as Coronavirus deaths actually died from the Coronavirus alone.

Yes, this was from the CDC’s own reporting. So today it looks like less than 20,000 deaths in the US (330,000 x 6% = 19,800) over the past year have actually been due to the coronavirus only.

The article can be seen here:-

This is the link to the original CDC story about only six percent deaths:

CDC admits that only 6% of all deaths

This is the link to the article about the 97% false positives:

22 highly renowned scientists conclude that the PCR test produces 97% false positives.

Less than 20,000 have died as a direct result of catching the virus in America. All the others died ‘with it’ NOT from it.

Between the middle of March and the middle of April in 2019 there were in New York State around 13,000 deaths from heart disease, cancer, flu, accidents, stroke, flu, murder and so on. In the same period in 2020 the number of deaths from all those diseases came to less than 5,000. But there were a lot of deaths from Covid-19. How can this be? Have doctors in New York suddenly found secret cures for cancer and heart disease and everything else? Or is it possible that a lot of people who really died of something else have been officially listed as having died of the coronavirus?


Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that the CDC in the USA massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers.

One damning piece of evidence against the CDC speaks for itself. It is a comparison chart of COVID-19 deaths based on 2003 statistical reporting guidelines versus 2020 reporting guidelines.

Note that the 2003 guidelines were in effect through 2020, until the CDC changed them to accommodate COVID-19 reporting.

Officially the CDC is the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is the national public health agency of the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Its main goal is to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability in the US and internationally.

However, in reality the CDC is paid, bribed and corrupted by the Big Pharmaceutical companies to promote vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies and other private interests gave the CDC Foundation at least $28 million in 2014. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave the CDC Foundation $13.5 million in 2013 ( Further, Dr. Julie Gerberding was CDC Director from 2002 to 2009. She left the position to become President of the Merck vaccine division.

According to RFK Jr., the CDC is not an independent government agency but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma. The CDC owns at least 57 patents, including 20 vaccine patents. The CDC clearly has vested business interests and is beholden to the pharmaceutical industry.

Below a link which shows the CDC patents.

What better way than to get everyone to take the covid vaccines than to inflate the death figures to scare everyone enough that they will rush out to get the experimental covid vaccination.

CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest

There was NO second wave of covid-19 between September 2020 and April 2021. All they did was rebrand flu deaths as covid deaths to keep the fear going so that you would take the vaccine.

Influenza, aka “the flu,” infected 35 million Americans in 2018-19, according to the Centers For Disease Control. Those numbers included 491,000 hospitalizations and 34,200 deaths. The 2017-18 flu season featured 45 million infections, 810,000 hospitalizations and 61,000 deaths. The CDC estimated upwards of 56 million illnesses, 740,000 hospitalizations and 62,000 deaths for the 2019-20 flu season.

The CDC is reporting a total of 1,710 total flu infections (see link below) in the United States from September 27, 2020 to April 3, 2021.

Meanwhile the CDC is reporting over 31 million “COVID-19” cases in the United States since the disease started in March 2020. Or shall we say, since they rebranded the flu as covid-19.

It is obvious that the flu does not just disappear after thousands of years. The mainstream media want us to believe that masks and social distancing have stopped the flu but they don’t stop covid even though they have the same symptoms.

From all-cause mortality, we can estimate something approaching of the true COVID 19 mortality figure. Research by the Italian Ministry of Health found that around 12% of recorded Covid 19 deaths in Italy could be accurately described deaths by Covid. Similarly, researchers at the U.S. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) found that around 6% of COVID 19 reported deaths were unequivocally attributable to the disease.

In the UK, an estimate of 30%, for genuine COVID 19 deaths, can reasonably be applied to the reported mortality statistics. Suggesting that the true figure is at most 34,000 rather than over 100,000. This places the real public health risk of COVID 19 well below recent seasonal influenza.

In England, in 2014-2015, PHE estimates attributed more than 34,000 deaths to influenza in the first 15 weeks of the year, and in 2015-2017 more than 17,000. COVID 19 is not, and never was, at any stage, more dangerous than the flu. People only believe it is, and that belief is based upon little more than statistical drivel and MSM scaremongering.

“If we deduct the 81,653 deaths attributed to COVID-19 from the 608,002 deaths in England and Wales last year, we are left with 526,349 deaths from all other causes. That’s 12,734 fewer than the previous 5-year average of 539,083 deaths. The number of deaths this year, other than those attributed to COVID-19, are lower than they have been since 2016. So the question we have to ask ourselves is: where have all those excess deaths gone? Again, the most logical answer to that question — and the only one that makes sense of these otherwise inexplicable figures — is that they have been misdiagnosed or inaccurately recorded as ‘COVID-19 deaths’, and that the only epidemic we’re suffering, as our historically low mortality rate in 2020 indicates, is an epidemic of tests”. Simon Elmer - Architects for Social Housing - Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: Manufacturing the Crisis -


Dr. Vernon Coleman - “Some pathologists have decreed that dead patients who have the coronavirus must now be cremated without examination. I’ve seen a briefing which states: `If a death is believed to be due to confirmed COVID-19 infection there is unlikely to be any need for a post-mortem examination to be conducted and the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death should be issued’. The key word here is surely `believed’. Knowing that nowhere near enough people are dying of the coronavirus to justify the oppressive new measures they’ve introduced, the authorities are quietly making sure that most of the people who die are classified as coronavirus deaths. Indeed, there is some evidence that people are being classified as coronavirus victims without ever having been tested. It seems that Britain is doing what the Italians did – if a patient has the virus and they die then they died of the virus. But I suspect we’re going one step further. If someone who dies is thought to have had the virus, or might have had the virus, then they are coronavirus victims and their death is added to the total. The lack of testing makes this easy. Today, it is clear that the cure, not the problem, is causing the crisis. Right at the beginning of the coronavirus affair I pointed out that according to the World Health Organization, the ordinary flu kills between 250,000 and 600,000 people a year – most of them in the winter months. I said that if the coronavirus hadn’t killed between 100,000 and 150,000 people around the world by the middle of April then it would be clear that it was not as dangerous as we had been told and, indeed, not as dangerous as the flu. Well, the authorities are claiming that the death rate from the corona has now reached 100,000. So is the coronavirus as deadly as the mathematicians and the politicians said it was? No – because they have fiddled the figures. Today, anyone who has the coronavirus, or is thought to have it even though they have not been tested, will be put down as having died of the coronavirus. Time and time again, the authorities report that someone died `with’ the disease. Not `of’ the disease. And yet those patients are put down as having died as a result of the coronavirus. So, if you fall downstairs and break your neck, but you had a cough before you died, then you will be classified as a coronavirus death. If you had a heart attack but were thought to have the coronavirus then you officially died of the coronavirus rather than the heart attack. A lack of widespread testing makes this possible. And post mortems have been abandoned for many patients. In my second video I explained why the Italian figures for coronavirus deaths cannot be trusted – indeed, 88% of those who officially died of the coronavirus almost certainly died of something else. The evidence for that is on my website. And in the UK, Imperial College (which originally forecast the coronavirus would kill 500,000 people in the UK) has apparently admitted that two thirds of the people who have been listed as having died of the coronavirus would have died anyway – of something else. I have no doubt that the figures have been distorted in the same way in other countries. So, using figures from UK and Italy, the total worldwide number of deaths from the coronavirus is, at most, probably between a quarter and a third of the alleged current total – that is it may be between 25,000 and 33,000 but is probably considerably lower. And that makes the coronavirus far less deadly than a mild strain of the flu. It is certainly absurd to compare it to the plague as has frequently been done by hysterical commentators. The plague killed 40% of the population when it swept through Europe. And to compare the coronavirus to the Second World War is an insult to those soldiers and civilians who lived through those terrible years” Dr. Vernon Coleman – Author of over 100 books which have, together, sold over two million copies in the UK alone. He has contributed articles and stories to hundreds of other publications including The Sunday Times, Observer, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday.



1500 PCR tests that were sequenced in October 2020 and all of them were influenza A and B. Not one was SarsCov2.


COVID: If there is no virus, why are people dying? - by Jon Rappoport

Since the beginning of this false pandemic, I’ve been offering compelling evidence that no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists.

Then people ask, “So why are all these people dying?”

I have explained that, many times, and in this article I’ll explain it again.

First of all, the whole notion that COVID-19 is one health condition is a lie. COVID IS NOT ONE THING.

This is both the hardest and simplest point to accept and understand.

Don’t reject the existence of the virus and then say, “So what is THE cause of people dying?” There is no ONE CAUSE. There is no one illness. There is no “it.”

A COUGH, or CHILLS AND FEVER, for example. Either of these is sufficient for a diagnosis of COVID

The requirement of a positive PCR test for the virus—even that isn’t absolutely necessary.

Besides which—as I’ve been demonstrating in many articles—the PCR is riddled with irreparable flaws, leading to millions of false-positives.

On top of all this, as I’ve been writing (with details), the very existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is unproven.

So there is a perfect recipe for a false pandemic.

A person who, in 2018, would be diagnosed with the flu turns into a person who, in 2020, is diagnosed with COVID-19.

Ordinary pneumonia suddenly turns into COVID pneumonia.

All sorts of other lung infections are now COVID.

“I have a cold, Doctor.”

“No, it’s COVID.”

“It’s a sniffle.”

“A COVID sniffle.”

By far, the biggest sources of illness we are dealing with are lung conditions: various kinds of pneumonia; flu and flu-like disease; TB; other unnamed lung/respiratory problems.

THESE ARE BEING RELABELED “COVID.” It’s a repackaging scheme. People are dying for those traditional reasons, and their deaths are being called “COVID.”

Thus, the old is artificially made new. It’s still old.

In this wide-ranging group of people who have traditional lung conditions, by far the largest component is the elderly and frail.

From, “Number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) deaths in the U.S. as of January 23, 2021”:

“Between the beginning of February 2020 and January 23, 2021, of 359,352 deaths caused by COVID-19 in the United States, almost 115,700 had occurred among those aged 85 years and older.”

Statista goes on to report the COVID death numbers among other age groups. Age 75-84: 99,342 deaths. Age 65-74: 76,404 deaths. Age 55-64: 42,031 deaths.

Adding up all the COVID deaths in the 55-and-older age groups, we get 333,477—out of 359,352 total COVID deaths registered at the time of the Statista report.

93% of all COVID deaths in the US have occurred in people 55 years old and older.

I’ll build on that analysis: Most of these people who died had multiple long-term health conditions. They had been treated, for years, perhaps decades, with toxic medical drugs.

Buying into COVID propaganda, most of these elderly people were terrified they might receive a diagnosis of COVID-19. Then they DID receive that diagnosis.

THEN they were put into isolation, cut off from contact with family and loved ones—and they folded up and died.


They are dying in nursing homes, in hospitals, in their houses and apartments. In addition to their lung problems, they have been suffering from a whole host of other conditions, for a long time, and they’ve been treated with toxic drugs.

They’re terrified that they might receive a diagnosis of “COVID,” and then they are given that diagnosis. THEN they’re isolated, cut off from friends and family. They give up and die.

This is forced premature death.

Some of these elderly and frail people are heavily sedated and put on breathing ventilators—which is a killing treatment. In a large New York study, it was discovered that patients over the age of 64, who were put on ventilators, died 97.2 % of the time. Staggering.

Some of these elderly and frail patients are now dying from reactions to the COVID vaccine—and of course, their deaths are listed as “COVID.”

Why else are people dying? In many cases, it’s a simple matter of bookkeeping. They die in hospitals for a variety of reasons, and staff write “COVID death” on their files. In the US, states receive federal money based on these statistics.

Let’s say that, in certain places around the world, there are clusters of deaths (being called COVID) that can’t be explained in the ways I’ve just described.

In those situations, you would have to examine EACH situation closely. For example, just prior to an outbreak in Northern Italy, was there a vaccination campaign? What was in the vaccine? A new breed of toxic substances?

You have to consider each cluster independently.

Getting the picture?

None of the “COVID deaths” anywhere in the world requires the existence of a new virus.

For instance, in Wuhan, where the whole business began, the first “COVID” cases of pneumonia occurred in a city whose air is HEAVILY polluted. In China, every year, roughly 300,000 people die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases. None of those deaths need to be explained by invoking a new virus.

Now, add to all this the fact that the PCR test for the virus is irreparably flawed and useless (for a variety of reasons I’ve explained in other articles). The test spits out false-positives like a fire hose. Thus, the high case numbers. If the authorities have to go to such extremes to paint a picture of a spreading viral epidemic…

There is no evidence that an actual germ is traveling around the world felling people. The “evidence” is invented.

The “pandemic” is invented.

The fraud is promoted.

During these fake epidemics (there have been many), someone will say: “But my neighbor’s son, who was very healthy, died suddenly. It must be the virus.”

No. People who appear to be healthy do die. Not just today, but going back in history as far as you want to go. No one has an explanation. They might have an explanation if they looked very closely, but they don’t look closely.

Favoring the “virus explanation” is a bias, a knee-jerk reaction, a response to propaganda.

If you think there must be other major reasons to explain “why all these people are dying,” keep in mind that “lung conditions” is a category that expands all over the globe. For instance, there are about one BILLION cases of flu-like illness EVERY YEAR on planet Earth.

Repackaging/relabeling just a small percentage of those cases alone would account for all official COVID death numbers.

What’s new about COVID is the STORY. That’s what’s being sold: a STORY about a virus.

By Jon Rappoport

Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.

If there is no virus, what is the test testing for?

We are being lied to, we are being terrorized by lies is the words of researcher Paul Weston in the video below.


Below Dr. Malthouse summarizes the whole Covid agenda in one video because you are being lied to.

Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Speaking About "Cases", Face Masks, Social Distancing & The Covid-19 Vaccine



An important international statement by health professionals, medical doctors and scientists has been sent to the governments of thirty countries.

We are health professionals of the international collective: United Health Professionals, composed of more than 1,500 members (including professors of medicine, intensive care physicians and infectious disease specialists) from different countries of Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania.

Below are some of the main highlights which was sent to the governments.

The famous international slogan: ’Stay home, save lives’ was a pure lie. On the contrary, the lockdown not only killed many people but also destroyed physical and mental health, economy, education and other aspects of life. For example, the lockdown in the USA has killed thousands of Alzheimer’s patients who have also died far from their families. In the United Kingdom: the lockdown killed 21,000 people.

Remove the following illegal, non-scientific and non-sanitary measures: lockdown, mandatory face masks for healthy subjects, social distancing of one or two meters.

The lockdown not only killed many people but also destroyed physical and mental health, economy, education and other aspects of life.

The natural history of the virus [the coronavirus] is not influenced by social measures [lockdown, face masks, closure of restaurants, curfew

When the state knows best and violates human rights, we are on a dangerous course.

Exclude your experts and advisers who have links or conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies

Stop the vaccination campaigns and refuse the scam of the pseudo-health passport which is in reality a politico-commercial project

The text includes quotations from prominent scholars and health professionals:

“The world went mad with coronavirus lockdowns which fly in the face of what is known about handling virus pandemics” - (Dr Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist, June 24, 2020).

“The infection fatality rate seems to be about the same as for influenza, but we have never introduced these drastic measures before, when we had influenza pandemics. And we cannot live with them for years to come” - (Prof. Peter Gøtzsche, December 1, 2020).

“The decision of lockdown as the decision of wearing masks…are not based on scientific data” - (Prof. Didier Raoult, June 24, 2020).

“The natural history of the virus [the coronavirus] is not influenced by social measures (lockdown, face masks, closure of restaurants, curfew, etc.) The lockdown did not trigger the decrease in cases…As for the closure of restaurants which had very strict health protocols in place…of course, I have no way of defending it…it has not influenced the epidemic at all…The lockdown has not changed anything” - (Prof. Philippe Parola, December 3, 2020).

“There is no scientific evidence to support the disastrous two-metre rule. Poor quality research is being used to justify a policy with enormous consequences for us all” - (Professors Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson, June 19, 2020).

“Grotesque, absurd and very dangerous measures…a horrible impact on the world economy…self- destruction and collective suicide” - (Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, March 2020. He also sent, at the time, a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel).

“When the state knows best and violates human rights, we are on a dangerous course. The pandemic has led to the violation of basic human right. There has not been the slightest ethical analysis of whether this was justified. It is not” - (Prof. Peter Gøtzsche, December 4, 2020).

“The effects of the lockdown have been absolutely deleterious. They did not save the lives they had announced they could be able to save…It is a weapon of mass destruction and we see its health…social…economic effects…which form the real second wave” (Prof. Jean-François Toussaint, September 24, 2020).

“This country is making a dramatic mistake…What are we going to suggest? That everyone stay locked up all his life because there are viruses outside?! You’re all crazy, you’ve become all nuts! We are setting the planet on fire” - (Prof. Didier Raoult, October 27, 2020).

“It is just a global scam to make huge profits, bail out the banks and meanwhile ruin the middle classes in the name of an epidemic…made destructive by liberticidal, allegedly health measures” - (Dr Nicole Delépine, December 18, 2020).

“We have medical evidences that this is a scam” (Dr Heiko Schöning, July 2020).

“Think about these two questions: Is the coronavirus man-made? Have they tried to use this viral disease or this psychosis for their own ends & interests?” - (Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus).

“We don’t need it [the vaccine] at all…All this is about purely commercial goals” - (Prof. Christian Perronne, June 16, 2020).

“It is an old marketing principle of pharmaceutical companies: if they want to sell their product well, consumers must be afraid and see it as their salvation. So, we create a psychosis so that consumers crack up and rush on the vaccine in question” - (Prof. Peter Schönhöfer).

“As a doctor, I do not hesitate to anticipate the decisions of the government: we must not only refuse these vaccines [against COVID-19], but we must also denounce and condemn the purely mercantile approach and the abject cynicism which guided their production” - (Dr Pierre Cave, August 7, 2020)

“The COVID vaccine is so, so unnecessary” (Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, December 2, 2020).

“I have never seen in the history of medicine that we urgently develop vaccines to vaccinate millions, billions of individuals for a virus that no longer kills except people at risk that we can identify, that we can treat…I have never seen a vaccine coming out after 2 months !…it takes years!” (Prof. Christian Perronne, December 2, 2020).

“We’re going too fast. If there was an emergency,…if today COVID-19 kills 50% of people, I will say let’s take risks…but here we have a virus that kills 0.05% and we will take all the risks ! I know there are billions behind this…Be careful, this is very dangerous! “(Prof. Christian Perronne, December 2, 2020).

“If people accept the COVID-19 vaccine, it will be a mistake because we risk having absolutely unpredictable effects: for example, cancers…We are playing the total sorcerer’s apprentice…Man must not serve as a guinea pig, children must not serve as guinea pigs, it is absolutely unethical. There must not be deaths from vaccines” - (Prof. Luc Montagnier, Virologist and Nobel Prize in Medicine, December 17, 2020.

In Switzerland, a group of 700 doctors and health professionals called on January 15, 2021 for stopping the vaccination campaign

“I think it’s [the COVID vaccine] downright dangerous. And I warn you, if you go along these lines, you are going to go to your doom” - (Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, December 2, 2020).

On February 4, 2021, United Health Professionals sent a follow up report to national governments entitled: International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals.

Part of the report states:

We say: STOP to all crazy and disproportionate measures that have been taken since the beginning to fight SARS-CoV-2 (lockdown, blocking the economy and education, social distancing, wearing of masks for all, etc.) because they are totally unjustified, are not based on any scientific evidence and violate the basic principles of evidence-based medicine.

“But, SARS-CoV-2 is very contagious” and we answer: IT’S ABSOLUTELY FALSE. This claim is, moreover, rejected by internationally renowned experts. A simple comparison with the other viruses shows that the contagiousness of SARS-CoV-2 is moderate. It’s diseases like measles that can be described as very contagious. For example, a person with measles can infect up to 20 people while a person infected with this coronavirus only contaminates 2 or 3, that is: 10 times less than measles.


“But, it is a new virus” and we answer: H1N1 and the other viruses that we mentioned were also new viruses. Yet: we did not put countries into lockdown, we did not block the global economy, we did not paralyze the education system, we did not social distancing and we did not tell the healthy people to wear masks.

But, this virus is much more deadly” and we answer: IT’S ABSOLUTELY FALSE. Because, compared to the flu for example, and if we take into account the period between 01 November and 31 March, there was worldwide, when those measures have been taken: 860,000 cases and 40,000 deaths while the flu in the same period of 5 months infects, on average 420 million people and kills 270,000. In addition, the case fatality rate announced by the WHO (3,4%) was greatly overestimated and was rejected from the beginning by eminent experts in epidemiology5.

But even if we take this case fatality rate, we can see that this coronavirus is three times less lethal than that of 2003 (10%) and ten times less lethal than that of 2012 (35%).

“But, COVID-19 is a serious illness” and we answer: IT’S ABSOLUTELY FALSE. SARS-CoV-2 is a benign virus for the general population as it causes 85% of benign forms, 99% of those infected recover, it does not constitute a danger for pregnant women and children (unlike the flu), it spreads less fast than the flu and 90% of those who die are elderly people (who must, of course, be protected like other populations at risk). This is why experts have called “delirium” the claim that it is a serious illness and said, on August 19, that “it is not worse than the flu”

We REFUSE the obligation of contact tracing applications as it is the case in certain countries because SARS-CoV-2 is a benign virus which does not justify such a measure. Moreover, according to international recommendations and whatever the severity of a pandemic (moderate, high, extraordinary), contact tracing is not recommended. During flu epidemics, do we make contact tracing? Yet, the flu virus infects much more people and has more populations at risk than this coronavirus.

We say: STOP the censorship of experts and health professionals to prevent them from telling the truth10 (especially in countries that claim to be democratic).

We share the opinion of experts who denounce the fact that no distinction is made between people who died from the virus and people who died with the virus (with co-morbidities), the fact that the cause of death is attributed to SARS-CoV-2 without testing or autopsy and that doctors are pressured to add COVID-19 to death certificates even if the patient died from other reasons.

This leads to an overestimation of the number of deaths and constitutes a scandalous manipulation of the figures because during epidemics of seasonal flu for example, we don’t work in this way. Especially, since 20% of COVID patients are co-infected with other respiratory viruses.


After re-evaluation, only 12% of death certificates in a European country13 have shown a direct causality from coronavirus. In an another European country, Professors Yoon Loke and Carl Heneghan showed that a patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if he had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later.

On July 31, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s director of a country in North America recognized that it is true that there is a perverse economic incentive for hospitals to inflate coronavirus deaths.

We say to citizens: do not be afraid, this virus is benign unless you are part of the populations at risk. If the TV channels do the same thing with the flu, the figures will be much higher than for the coronavirus! The TV channels will report to you every day, on average, 3 million cases and 2,000 flu deaths. And for tuberculosis, TV channels will report to you each day, on average, 30,000 cases and 5,000 dead. In fact, the flu virus infects 1 billion people each year and kills 650,000 and tuberculosis infects 10,4 million people each year and kills 1,8 million people. In addition, on TV you are informed about “cases” but they are screenings and not cases. A scientific article, SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data, published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, has proven that the danger of the virus was overestimated and that fear could be more dangerous than the virus itself.

We REFUSE the compulsory vaccination and we REFUSE the compulsory coronavirus vaccination certificate to travel, for the following reasons:

The vaccine is not essential because 85% of the forms are benign, 99% of the infected subjects recover and the children as well as the pregnant women are not subjects at risk. In addition, a large part of the population is already protected against SARS-CoV-2 by the cross-immunity acquired with the seasonal coronaviruses

Saying that we are not sure of this is a LIE and raising doubts on the duration or the effectiveness of this protection is a manipulation aiming to protect the business plan of the vaccine.

We say to governments: EVERYTHING must return immediately to normal (including the reopening of hospital services, air transport, economy, schools and universities) and this global hostage-taking must stop because you have known, with supporting evidence, that you as citizens, have been the victims of the biggest health scam of the 21th century.

We say to the citizens: to keep you in the “flock”, it is possible that some will try to discredit us by all means, for example by accusing us of conspiracy, etc. Do not listen to them, they are LIARS because the information you have been given are: medical, scientific and documented.

Dear citizens: a lot of scientists, eminent professors in medicine and health professionals around the world denounced what is going on and it’s time for you to wake up !If you don’t talk, new dictatorial measures will be imposed. You must REFUSE this. We assure you that these measures have nothing to do with medicine or hygiene or the preservation of public health, it is dictatorship and madness.


This is the official Covid narrative.

1.A deadly novel virus is sweeping the planet (It is not novel or new because it is 80% similar to Sars-Cov1 and it is similar to other coronaviruses)

2.Nobody is immune and there is no cure (Millions are immune because it is a coronavirus and millions have had a coronavirus in the past so will have immunity. Also there is a cure because dozens of Doctors around the world have cured thousands of covid patients using Hydrochloroquine and Ivermectin)

3.Asymptomatic people are major drivers of the disease. (Never in the history of infectious diseases have healthy, symptomless people been the drivers of any pandemic or of a virus spreading)

4.So we have to lockdown and wear masks until everyone is vaccinated (Dozens and dozens of scientific peer reviewed articles have shown lockdowns and masks do not slow down the spread of a virus or reduce deaths)

“Our world is gripped by fear. And that fear is very much the product of a false narrative. When I say it’s a false narrative, I’m telling you that every single element, every single element of this narrative (4 points above) is false. The narrative says that there’s a deadly virus spreading across the planet that nobody’s immune to it, and there’s no cure. Even asymptomatic people can spread it and are major drivers of the epidemic of disease. And unless we lockdown and wear our masks until vaccines arrive and everybody gets vaccinated, we’re all going to die. And anybody who challenges this narrative is a lunatic, a menace, a danger to society. Hence the suppression that Alec was talking about. But it is and always has been absolutely clear to us that no element of this narrative is justified in the face of reality. The reality is that there is a virus. It is having a meaningful impact in some regions of the world. Very few people are susceptible to generating severe disease. There are several available treatments. Asymptomatic people, in a more sensible era known otherwise as healthy people, are not drivers of the epidemic. Lockdowns and mask mandates have been ruled out by pre-COVID science for good reasons, never recommended. They’ve been tried. They have not worked, and they have caused great harm instead of protecting the vulnerable minority. We have hurt them”. - Nick Hudson – founder of PANDA (Pandemics - Data & Analytics) –

Nick Hudson - PANDA (Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics) is a multidisciplinary group seeking to inform policy. It is a collective of leading scientists, actuaries, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers, and businesspeople working as a collective to replace bad science with good science.

PANDA’s scientific advisory board includes some of the most renowned names in infectious diseases and epidemiology, such as Scott W. Atlas, Sucharit Bhakdi, Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, Scott Jensen, Martin Kulldorff, Michael Levitt, Paul E Peterson, Ellen Townsend, Michael Yeadon, and many others.

Nick Hudson’s full video titled ‘The UGLY Truth about the COVID-19 Lockdowns (March 2021)’ can be watched here:


“It’s all bullshit … It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality … Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know.” Dr Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information, gave an interview to former-Presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak and dutifully trotted out the WHO Global Script but let slip his true feelings believing the interview over, and the camera turned off. May 26th 2020.


Is Covid-19 extremely deadly?

Scientists from Stanford University in California show that the mortality rate of covid-19 is between 0.02 and 0.4%. To put these figures in context: seasonal flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%. When this study was criticized, the principal investigator responded:

'There's a kind of mass hysteria at work here that just insists that this must be the end of the world, and it must be that the sky falls on our heads. It's based on speculation and science fiction and an outright attack on studies with data. But rejecting real data in favor of speculation is mind-boggling.' - Dr. John Ioannidis, Stanford University

Dr. Ioannidis also stated:

“If you compare the numbers that we estimate to have been infected, which vary from 48,000-81,000, versus the number of documented cases that would correspond to the same time horizon around April 1st, when we had 956 cases documented in Santa Clara County, we realize that the number of infected people is somewhere between 50 and 85 times more compared to what we thought, compared to what had been documented. Immediately, that means that the infection fatality rate, the chance of dying, the probability of dying, if you are infected, diminishes by 50-85 fold, because the denominator in the calculation becomes 50-85 fold bigger. If you take these numbers into account, they suggest that the infection fatality rate for this new coronavirus is likely to be in the same ballpark as seasonal influenza.”

Study: COVID Infection Fatality Rate at Only 0.15 Percent

A new study released by Professor John P. A. Ioannidis of Stanford University, California, has found that the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 is significantly lower than previous studies indicated. According to Ioannidis, a medicine and epidemiology professor, the virus is less deadly than once thought, registering at a mere 0.15% fatality rate.

Ioannidis’ research, published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, considered data collected from six “systematic evaluations” of global infection with the novel coronavirus, each one taking account of between 10 and 338 individual studies from 9 to 50 countries around the world.

The famous Oxford University in the United Kingdom came to a similar conclusion: 'The COVID-19 fatality rate is somewhere between 0.1% and 0.41%.'

Over 120 scientists wanted to confront the rampant misinformation going on by the media and governments. They came forward with sobering information about Covid-19. These are some of their statements:

'The overall clinical results of COVID-19 are comparable to severe seasonal flu, with a mortality rate of about 0.1%, or pandemic flu.' - Professor Dr. Giulio Tarro

'In my first video about COVID-19 I suggested that the mortality rate should be around 0.7%. The opposite was proven to me today. In fact, the death rate is one-tenth of that. Here's the plain truth: COVID-19 isn't much worse than bad flu.' - Professor Sam Vaknin, Israël

'99% of active cases in the general population are mild and do not require specific medical treatment. Deaths occur mainly in the elderly, in people with serious chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.' - Dr. David Katz, Yale University, USA, founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center

'In Germany about 2,500 people die every day, and only 12 people have died in the last 3 weeks because of covid19. I lean out of the window and say: we may not have more deaths in 2020 than in any other year.' - Prof Dr. Hendrick Streeck, Professor of Virology and Director of the Institute for Virology and HIV Research at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn

The infection fatality rate is:

0-19 years: 0.003%

20-49 years: 0.02%

50-69 years: 0.5%

70+ years: 5.4%

For instance, this means a child has a 0.003% chance of dying from Covid, which is practically zero.

Why do we all think Covid-19 is such a dangerous virus? Because that's what we were told by TV and mass media. A specialist in microbiology and infection epidemiology, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, however says that true scientific evidence that Covid-19 is extremely dangerous, is lacking.

'Draconian measures that restrict people's fundamental rights in such a comprehensive way can only be imposed if there is reliable evidence that a new virus is extremely dangerous. Has there ever been such a scientifically based indication for COVID-19? In my opinion, the simple answer is "no".' - Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Specialist in microbiology and infection epidemiology, former head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz.


More than 2,500 medical professionals in the Netherlands have signed an urgent letter to the Dutch government. Here are some excerpts:

The current global measures taken to combat SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) violate human rights to a large extent.

Damage in the psychosocial domain, economic damage and damage to non-covid health care and total health care costs, is unparalleled.

There is as yet little or no evidence of the usefulness of social distance at a distance of 1 to 2 meters. In the open air, people get hardly infected...

On the other hand, social distancing has a clear negative effect on public health.

Sincere scientists reveal how face masks don't help but increase the risk of infection. Social distancing has no scientific basis. There is no risk of infection outdoors, in shops or in restaurants. The only way to transmit covid-19 is to stand face-to-face to someone who has a cough and a fever. The mortality rate of Covid-19 is the same as that of seasonal flu. Bought scientists on the other hand, hide every cure from humanity, so they could cash in from selling billions of vaccines. They create mass hysteria, to further this agenda.

During the so called covid19 pandemic fear is used to impose totalitarian control on the public worldwide. ’Science says we’re all gonna die, if we don’t lock down our entire nation!’ ‘Science says we should all wear face masks, or we will all get this deadly virus!’ 'Science says...'

Manipulating the masses has never been easier. Simply combine 'science' with 'fear' and people turn into puppets that do everything you want.

People will even wear face masks out in the open air, where there is zero chance of contracting covid19. Many will wear face masks in their own cars, without anyone else being around from whom they could possibly contract any disease. Believe it or not, but some even wear face masks at home! Others sleep with their face masks on...

People do the most irrational things, because 'scientists' told them to be afraid.

If there is a genuine pandemic stalking the lands killing thousands would they need a PR fear campaign or to pay people who test positive or rely on coercion and fines to make people compliant or use emotional blackmail like telling children they are ‘killing granny’ if they go near them. Notice how they say we have to protect the elderly or lockdown whole countries to protect the elderly but when those elderly start dying of the covid vaccine they say well it was always a risk they would die of the vaccine because they have other comorbidities. Hmm really.

If this is a real pandemic then why are their thousands of doctor’s, scientists, and professors stating quite clearly that the governments around the world are lying to you. These experts are not brainwashed or conspiracy theorists they are some of the best minds on this planet when it comes to viruses and people’s health.

There are two types of scientists: those that are bought by Big Pharma... and those that are not. The ones who serve financial and political purposes are the ones who get the largest platforms in the media and in governments. They will say anything in order to cash in millions of dollars. These are the ones telling us there is a deadly virus killing thousands and we must hide in our homes, social distance, wear masks and take the covid vaccine.

The ones who are speaking the true scientific facts, are often silenced or simply ignored by the mainstream media and Politicians and silenced by social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube who are all owned by globalists.

YouTube at one point censored one of the ten most cited scientists on earth, Stanford epidemiology professor John Ioannidis, before having to put the video back up after a large amount of complaints. He was presumably censored because he said covid was similar to seasonal influenza, but who has YouTube hired that’s more qualified than him? YouTube also recently censored the former chief scientific advisor for Pfizer, again, presumably because he said covid wasn’t that deadly. Facebook censored Dr. Carl Hennegan, a professor of evidence based medicine at Oxford University. What did he do? Say the earth is flat? No, he attempted to post his article from the website the spectator where he cites and discusses peer reviewed studies. With all this censorship of expert opinion, and cherry picking by mainstream media, most people think covid restrictions have saved lives. The truth is, if you look at deaths per capita by country on the widely used “worldometer” website, you have to go down pretty far to reach a non-lockdown country. If these harsh restrictions worked, why is there so many deaths?

After all, the mainstream media keeps saying that we should “listen to the science”, but they ignore or censor the scientists. So, if the pandemic response is not based in science, then it must only be about control. This is demonstrated by what happened in New Zealand.

New Zealand decided to remove people from their homes and place them in quarantine facilities (detention centres controlled by the military). New Zealand locked down the whole country. With an estimated population of 5 million and just 25 alleged deaths from COVID 19 in the entire country (a population mortality risk of 0.0004%), and no deaths at all for nearly three months, clearly these measures are not a response to any genuine threat from COVID 19. So that is 25 deaths between March 2020 and January 2021. About 40,000 people die every year from all causes in New Zealand, about 600 die from flu each year and 7000 from heart problems but lock down a country for 25 covid deaths and the deaths where probably people over 70 years of age and they were only covid deaths because the fraudulent PCR test said they were covid positive. It is clearly not about a virus, it is about controlling populations, taking away their freedoms and making them fearful so that they will take the covid vaccine.

Since the mass media is owned by the same people who own Big Pharma they will never tell you these facts and will even hide them from you at all costs.

Professor Klaus Puschel, head of forensic medicine in Hamburg, explains about Covid19: “This virus influences our lives in a completely excessive way. This is disproportionate to the danger posed by the virus. And the astronomical economic damage now being caused is not commensurate with the danger posed by the virus. I am convinced that the Corona mortality rate will not even show up as a peak in annual mortality. “In Hamburg, for example, not a single person who was not previously ill, had died of the virus”, All those we have examined so far had cancer, a chronic lung disease, were heavy smokers or severely obese, suffered from diabetes or had a cardiovascular disease. The virus was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. Covid-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases it is a predominantly harmless viral infection “- Professor Klaus Puschel

“Evidence shows pandemic measures have caused tremendous harm, killing more people than the virus itself by restricting routine medical care to people with acute and chronic health conditions that have nothing to do with COVID-19. As for the danger of SARS-CoV-2, we now have plenty of data showing its lethality is on par with the common flu and that the absolute risk of death is equivalent to the risk of dying in a car accident. It may be different in terms of symptoms and complications, but the actual lethality is about the same. According to Reiner Fuellmich, even the WHO has now admitted that the mortality of COVID-19 is on par with seasonal influenza. In October 2020, the WHO also reversed its stance on lockdowns, stating they no longer recommend using lockdowns as a primary control method. Several experts have also stressed that there is no excess mortality, meaning we've had an average number of deaths during the pandemic as would normally die anyway. And, if there's no excess mortality, how can there be a lethal pandemic? It doesn't add up”. - By Dr. Joseph Mercola

German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation


Did you know that Covid-19 is not a high consequence infectious disease which means it is the same as the flu? The government knew this in March 2020 as the screenshot from the U.K government website below shows.

Days after Covid-19 was downgraded, the country went into lockdown.

A link to the governments website showing this information is below:


Does COVID-19 (Sars-Cov2) even exist?

Does COVID-19 (Sars-Cov2) even exist?

The argument that COVID doesn’t exist comes down to very basic science, the virus isn’t really a virus at all. No government, no medical institution has produced documentation of an isolated/purified virus in an infected person. Even Koch (Koch Postulate) Institute they were “not aware of a paper which purified/isolated SARS-Cov2.”

In a request for a study which shows complete isolation and purification of the particles claimed to be SARS-CoV-2, Michael Laue from one of the world’s most important representatives of the COVID-19 “panicdemic,” the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI), answered that:

“I am not aware of a paper which purified isolated SARS-CoV-2”.

Additionally, Christine Massey, a Canadian former biostatistician in the field of cancer research, and a colleague of hers in New Zealand, Michael Speth, as well as several individuals around the world (most of whom prefer to remain anonymous) have submitted Freedom of Information requests to dozens of health and science institutions and a handful of political offices around the world.

They are seeking any records that describe the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus from any unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient.

But all 46 responding institutions/offices utterly failed to provide or cite any record describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation; and Germany’s Ministry of Health ignored their FOI request altogether.

The German entrepreneur Samuel Eckert asked health authorities from various cities such as München (Munich), Dusseldorf and Zurich for a study proving complete isolation and purification of so-called SARS-CoV-2. He has not obtained it yet.

The international lockdown is based upon the idea that there is a new distinct virus SARS-CoV2 which is spreading, infecting and causing the disease known as “COVID-19.” However, the virus itself has never been isolated nor thoroughly proven to be causing the disease. 

The fact is that the coronavirus fails Koch’s postulates.

“What are Koch’s postulates?”

Robert Koch (1843-1910) was a German scientist who identified the specific causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera and anthrax. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1905. Before he died, Koch established 4 criteria to identify the causative agent of a disease. These criteria (“Koch’s postulates”) have become a “gold standard” for determining the existence of an infectious agent and for isolating and verifying what is causing a disease.

They are as follows:

  1. The microorganism must be identified in all individuals affected by the disease, but not in healthy individuals.
  2. The microorganism can be isolated from the diseased individual and grown in culture.
  3. When introduced into a healthy individual, the cultured microorganism must cause disease.
  4. The microorganism must then be re-isolated from the experimental host, and found to be identical to the original microorganism.

SARS-CoV2 (allegedly causing the disease COVID-19) has not been shown to be present only in sick people and not in healthy ones. There are countless cases of people having this virus with absolutely no symptoms. So it FAILS postulate #1. And since it fails postulate #1, it also FAILS postulate #3.

Secondly, SARS-CoV2 has never been isolated. Proper isolation must be done with equipment such as electron microscopes and cannot be achieved through CT scans (which the Chinese were using) or the PCR test (more on this in Assumption 3 below). So it FAILS postulate #2.  And since it fails postulate #2, it also FAILS postulate #4, since re-isolation cannot take place if isolation has never occurred. Heck, even a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine admitted that the coronavirus failed Koch’s postulates.

COVID 19, and the subsequent governmental responses, appear to be part of an international conspiracy to commit fraud. It seems there is no evidence that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19.

Virus isolation proves the existence of a virus, while Koch’s postulates is a scientific protocol that proves a microorganism is infectious.

Both virus isolation and Koch’s postulates have not been done.

A certain Andrew Johnson asked Public Health England if they actually had an isolation of COVID-19. The answer was no.

Leading Corona researchers admit that they have no scientific proof for the existence of a virus.


The Smoking Gun Proving SARS-CoV-2 Is an Engineered Virus


There Is No Such Thing as Covid-19!


Public Health England Admits It Cannot Scientifically Prove That Covod19 is Contagious


10 Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 Is an Imaginary and Theoretical Virus



Stats Confirm No Pandemic

Sweden had no lockdown and no masks and children still went to school.

The first graph is the total number of deaths in the country from 1851 to 2020

The year 2020 is on the far right which you can see is no greater than other years.


The next graph is the number of deaths per 1000 people over the same period.

This data was updated on January 12 by Johan Hellstrom Clinical Exercise Physiologist

( )

The little line on the right edge is the dire Covid-19 pandemic.

There was no "pandemic" in 2020 - both the general mortality and the mortality rate per 1000 people of the population remained within the usual statistics of all the previous years, in which everyone lived peacefully for themselves without any lockdowns, general quarantines, closed borders, medical masks with gloves, etc.

Once again, just in case, I want to remind you that data for Sweden, which introduced practically no binding restrictions - only recommendations. And now a very interesting table in which mortality data for the period from 2010 to 2020 for all Scandinavian countries, normalized for the period from 2010 to 2019.

Below the last ten years all cause deaths in Scandinavian countries Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.

Do you see any significant changes in 2020? Me neither.

Now to the question that Sweden had a much higher mortality rate in the first half of last year compared to neighboring Norway. It's true. As it turned out, yes, people died more often during the rapid spread of infection in Sweden, but these were elderly people who reached the age at which in these countries the inevitable end of life usually comes at 80+.

This research shows that all-cause mortality during the epidemic was largely unchanged from the previous four years in Norway and Sweden, two countries that used very different strategies to deal with the epidemic.

Below are the all cause death figures for Spain from the last 33 years. As you can see there was 17 years that had more deaths than 2020. Now how can that be if there was a true pandemic?


The Below information is from:

On the 26th January 2021, authorities announced that the UK had surpassed 100,000 deaths due to Covid-19. We’ve told you time and time again that this number is hugely misleading due to the fact when they started the count in 2020 they initially counted anybody who they suspected had symptoms of Covid. Symptoms that are common with all respiratory diseases that have been around for our entire lives.

Then once they could start testing, with the controversial PCR test they were counting anybody who died within 45 days of a positive test. Then they revised that to 28 days. Then right at the start of the third lockdown they changed those parameters to within 60 days of a positive test. Meaning even if the person was to tragically die in a car accident, if they had received a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 within the set time frame they have been and are added to the Covid death statistics.

So that number of 100,000 Covid deaths just doesn’t add up to us. But you’re not just going to take our word for it. So we decided to take a look at official Office of National Statistics data for Deaths in 2020 compared to previous years, and this is what we found…

The authorities would have you believe the number is because of “Covid-19”. But if we take a look at hospital data for the month of April 2020 and compare it with previous years we can start to join the dots as to why there was such an astronomical increase.

In 2017, April-June there were on average a total of 91,724 beds occupied which equated to 89.1% occupancy.

In 2018, April-June there were on average a total of 91,056 beds occupied which equated to 89.8% occupancy.

In 2019, April-June there were on average a total of 91,730 beds occupied which equated to 90.3% occupancy.

In 2020, April-June there were on average a total of 58,005 beds occupied which equated to 62% occupancy.

In 2018 – April – 1,984,369 attended A&E

In 2019 – April – 2,112,165 attended A&E

In 2020 – April – 916,581 attended A&E

There were 30% less hospital beds occupied in April – June 2020 compared with the previous three years. And the number attending A&E in April 2020 was 57% down on the previous year. That explains why there was such an astronomical increase in deaths occurring at home and in care homes in April 2020, it was because they were not being treated for their illnesses in hospital. Not because of Covid-19, but because of lockdown. Because the authorities message to “stay at home and protect the NHS” hit too hard and the general public did just that, they stayed at home and they protected the NHS by not using it.

Which brings us to cause of deaths. We can see that apart from April every other month has been in line, if not below the previous five-year average on number of deaths. We’ve evaluated that the April deaths are not due to Covid-19 but due to the draconian lockdown and fear of using the NHS. But we’re being told thousands upon thousands are dying from Covid-19. We’ve been told that number had now surpassed 100,000. But what about other causes of deaths?

In December 2020 the data shows us that 10,973 supposedly died from Covid-19, the leading cause of death, apparently. Compare that to the previous 5-year average and that number is of course zero. The 2nd leading cause of death in December 2020 was Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, with 5281 deaths. But the previous five-year average for December shows 28,198 deaths due to Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. That’s a big drop.

But as we go down the “league” table the same pattern occurs. Heart disease deaths in December 2020, 4,635 – December five-year average, 21,997. Chronic lower respiratory disease deaths in December 2020, 1,790 – December five-year average, 13,384. Influenza and pneumonia deaths December 2020, 1,190 – December five-year average, 11,295.


Are we really to believe that we’ve managed to cure dementia, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, bronchus and lung disease, lower respiratory disease, colon disease, influenza and pneumonia, and prostate disease? Because that’s what the data is showing us. Or could it be that the deaths being labelled as Covid-19 are actually deaths due to dementia, heart disease, influenza and so on? But they are being labelled as Covid-19 due to the fact that they might have received an unreliable, positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 in the last 28, 45 or 60 days. Whichever number of days the authorities need to use to justify their dictatorial tyranny at the time.

We’ll let you decide the answer to that, but we know what we’d put our money on.

So as you can see, 100,000 deaths due to Covid-19… pull the other one, they are lying to us and have caused thousands upon thousands of unnecessary deaths due to enforcing draconian lockdowns and spreading fear throughout an extremely gullible and trusting nation.

This won’t end until we all say it does.

(You can find the official ONS data here)


The media and government might say more people died in 2020 than previous years but you need to look at the growing population because the U.K population in 1971 was 13 million less than in 2020. When you look at deaths per million over the past 50 years in the U.K, 2020 is way below most years before 2008. So where is the deadly pandemic?



The information below is from the article: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: Manufacturing the Crisis

On 12 January, the Head of Mortality Analysis at the Office for National Statistics revealed that mortality rate in the UK in 2020, during a civilization-threatening pandemic necessitating our transition into a biosecurity state, had been the worst since . . . 2008. This is based on what the ONS calls its ‘age-standardized mortality rates’, which take account of both increases in population numbers and the ageing of the population, both of which increase the actual number of deaths. Just as we can’t compare the number of deaths in the UK to those in Germany or the USA to get an accurate comparison of their mortality rates, so we have to adjust to increases in the UK population. In 2008, when the population of England and Wales was 54.84 million, there were 509,090 deaths, compared with 608,002 deaths in 2020, nearly 100,000 more, when the population is 59.83 million, 5 million more. But the overall ageing of the UK population also means that more people can be expected to die in any given year.

Fortunately, following a freedom of information request, on 12 January the Office for National Statistics published a report on ‘Annual number of deaths, crude and age-standardised mortality rates, deaths registered in England and Wales, 1838 to 2019 (final) and 2020 (provisional)’. This shows that the age-standardised mortality rate in 2020 of 1,043.5 deaths per 100,000 of the population was surpassed not only in 2008 (with 1,091.9 deaths per 100,000), but also in 2007 (1,091.8), in 2006 (1,104.3), in 2005 (1,043.8), 2004 (1,163.0), 2003 (1,232.1), 2002 (1,231.3), 2001 (1,236.2) and 2000 (1,266.4).

So where is this deadly pandemic if more people per 100,000 died in 2008 and every year before the than 2020. That’s why we are being lied to.

Testimony from Shelly Tasker ex NHS Health Care Assistant:

“When it was decided that our country would go into a second lockdown in November, I was astonished. There was no evidence to support this measure – even less than the first time round! So, I did something ‘bad’. I took a screenshot of an email from the NHS Head Office, that showed the number of cases in Cornwall, and I shared it on social media. I was subsequently reported and then invited by my superiors to discuss it. What could I do? I couldn’t deny
it as it had my name on it. There was a “Cornwall Freedom Rally” the next day and I decided to
reveal these numbers to the people, believing this should be public information, if they were being lied to in order put them in a state of fear. But I felt compelled to tell the truth - our county,
Cornwall [population 565,000], was shutting down and being locked up for a further month due to 3 people in hospital with covid-19! Yes, 3 people. More were going to die from
not accessing their treatment/ medications, and what about the businesses that would close and never be able to re-open again? Peoples’ livelihoods that they worked so hard to build ruined. Within 24 hours a video recording of my talk went viral and it was receiving mixed reviews. LOTS of Hate, but an equal amount of support and love. Obviously from the media it was made out that I was a ‘conspiracy theorist” and telling lies. Two days later a spokesperson

for the NHS said that the numbers I had revealed were in fact correct. This was also publicized in “The Daily Mail”.


Below Information on U.K hospital bed data is from the website:

England – Does official NHS data support the Government’s Dictatorship?

We have been told time and time again by the authorities that we must give up our freedoms in order to “protect the NHS” or stop our Hospitals becoming overwhelmed. But a trend has appeared in the form of hundreds of videos of Doctors of Nurses carrying out silly dance routines. If the hospitals are overwhelmed, then how exactly do they find the time? Or are they trying to show us that we’re being lied to?

Statistics for bed occupancy in NHS hospitals in England show that as of 22nd December 2020, show that there are 76,193 ‘General and Acute’ hospital beds currently occupied

The data shows that the number of ‘General and Acute’ beds has remained around 76,000 for the whole of December. So let’s take a look at the data for December 2019.

The data shows that there were 93,342 occupied ‘General and Acute’ beds across NHS England throughout the month of December.

Now that’s a difference of almost 20,000 people on average between December 2019 and December 2020. But apparently we’re in the middle of a deadly pandemic and hospitals are overwhelmed? Some of you are probably thinking, ‘Well that’s just the data for General and Acute beds, Covid is a deadly disease so what about the data for critical care beds?’ Well, we’re glad you asked…

As of 14th December 2020, 3186 critical care beds were occupied across all NHS England Hospitals with 4288 still remaining open. The data for 14th December 2019 shows that 2966 beds were occupied with 3638 beds remaining open. So that’s an increase of 220 people compared to last year, still not really justifying the crucifixion of our economy is it?

Even more concerning is the statistics for 14th December in the following years –

2018 – 2869 critical care beds occupied (-317 on 2020)

2017 – 3187 critical care beds occupied (+1 on 2020)

2016 – 3196 critical care beds occupied (+10 on 2020)

Every year is averaging around the same, close to the 3000 mark, but apparently we’re in the middle of the deadliest pandemic in over 100 years?

The full article with data and graphs can be found at:


UK's £37 BILLION Test and Trace system provided 'NO clear impact' on coronavirus, damning new report reveals.


UK 500-bed Nightingale Hospital to close without treating a single Covid-19 patient

And all of these hospitals, many of which cost millions of pounds to set up, are either closed or in the process of closing after receiving next to no patients. Meanwhile the government is still threatening the public that the NHS could be overwhelmed at any moment.



London's 4,000-bed Nightingale hospital to be SHUT after treating just 51 Covid-19 patients


34% of NHS staff say they were pressured to place ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders on disabled Covid patients.

A damning report released by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found that thirty-four-percent of people working in health and social care were pressured into placing ‘do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ (DNACPR) orders on Covid patients who suffered from disabilities and learning difficulties, without involving the patient or their families in the decision.


Nurse Speaks about Empty Beds, and no Coronavirus Cases in Devon Hospitals UK


Which brings us to this new craze sweeping social media, especially via the TikTok app. Nurses and Doctors are creating ridiculous dance routine videos at a time when we are being told hospitals are overwhelmed and our health care system is at breaking point. Just where exactly do they find the time?


“How many people aged 15 or under have died of Covid-19? Four. The chance of dying from a lightning strike is one in 700,000. The chance of dying of Covid-19 in that age group is one in 3.5million. And we locked them all down. Even among the 15- to 44-year-olds, the death rate is very low and the vast majority of deaths have been people who had significant underlying health conditions. We locked them down as well. We locked down the population that had virtually zero risk of getting any serious problems from the disease, and then spread it wildly among the highly vulnerable age group. If you had written a plan for making a complete bollocks of things you would have come up with this one. The only purpose of lockdown was to protect the health service from being overwhelmed, which did not happen. The end result is that lockdown was a waste of time. It cannot be continued forever. The clarion call was to clear the hospitals of patients. There was a point when my local hospital was a quarter full. Staff were wandering around with nothing to do. You hear this idea that all NHS staff have been working 20 times as hard as they have ever done. This is complete nonsense. An awful lot of people have been standing around wondering what the hell to do with themselves. A&E has never been so quiet. This initial response was understandable, but it quite rapidly became clear that it was an overreaction. The problem then was that it was essentially decided that wherever beds could be found, patients would be put in them, whether tested or not tested, positive or negative. They basically just started throwing people out into the intermediate care sector. The average age of death from Covid-19 in the UK is around 82, and most of those people have comorbidities. I said to our managers that we had to test people and could not just be throwing them into nursing homes. But that is what they did. Homes were virtually ordered to take elderly patients. We had one nursing home that ended up with 12 deaths in a week. The health service treated elderly, vulnerable people as figures on a piece of paper. The lack of any brain power being applied to this was amazing. They had one objective – to clear the hospitals – and everything else was subordinate to that. Of course, they will never say this is what happened. But that is precisely what did happen.” – Dr. Malcolm Kendrick -


This Nurse is absolutely fantastic - Tells it how it is (advised strong language)



















Read the following story from a Paramedic which shows you how we have been manipulated and whole countries locked down for no reason. Here is the Paramedics story:



According to the WHO, in October 2020 an estimated 750 million people - about 10% of the world's population - had been infected by SARS-CoV-2, and one million people had died of COVID-19. Those figures lead to a case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.13%, which is the typical CFR exhibited by the seasonal flu.

94% of the people who died of COVID-19 had comorbidity factors. A majority of them had not one but several comorbidity factors - in particular hypertension, obesity, chronic lung disease, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. For example, a UK patient who had advanced cancer, kidney failure and diabetes, and had tested positive within 60 days prior to his death, will have his demise automatically attributed to COVID-19. In the UK, at the very least 30% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are actually due to a comorbidity.

Starting with the hyper-inflated WHO number of COVID deaths, which is 1.7 million as of January 2021, we can presume the following numbers:

False positive deaths, patients who didn't even have COVID, represent - at the very least - 33% of the total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19. That's 700,000 out of 1.7 million.

Deaths due to comorbidities represent 30% of the total number of deaths attributed to COVID. That's 500,000 out of 1.7 million.

About 90% of the typical flu death toll was transferred to the COVID tally. That's 300,000 deaths out of 1.7 million.

That possibly leaves a Covid death total of about 200,000.

So did Covid-19 cause the number of deaths that they say it did?

What kind of pandemic induces much less total deaths than the seasonal flu?

In France, even before they tested positive for the virus, 80% of alleged COVID-19 victims had a life expectancy lower than one year due to comorbidities and advanced age. Overall, COVID-19 victims had a life expectancy of a mere 3 years and 82% of the victims were more than 70 years old. The average age for a COVID-19 death is 82, that is a few months shorter than the overall life expectancy.

In several countries, the average age of deaths attributed to COVID-19 is even higher than life expectancy. For example, in the UK, the average age for COVID-19 death is 82,6 years old while the average life expectancy is 81.2 years. In Sweden, the average age of those who have allegedly died of COVID-19 is 84 years old, two years more than the average age of death which is 82.

In summary, the typical victim of COVID-19 is an individual in his 80's who lives in a nursing home and has several comorbidities.

So why have all the young and healthy people been locked down and their lives destroyed and everyone told to hide in their homes. It only makes sense if there is another agenda at play here.

Testimony from a Truthful ER Doctor in Canada

ER Doctor - "We're Being Deceived and Manipulated". "I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19."

"Both in my regular ER and my "COVID-19 designated" ER, there were almost no patients, and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient."

"I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19."

"My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer's money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal." – Mark Trozzi MD

My name is Mark Trozzi. I am a medical doctor; I graduated in 1990 from The University of Western Ontario. I have been practicing Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years; and I have been on call in multiple emergency units since the onset of the so-called "pandemic", including one ER designated specifically for COVID-19.

I am an Advanced Trauma Life Support professor with the College of Surgeons of America, and I hold teaching positions at Sunnybrook Health Sciences in the Advanced Life Support Department, as well as with both Queen's University and The University of Ottawa.

What follows is my observations and opinions; I am bound by my personal and religious convictions to speak openly and honestly. I do not have authority to tell you "the truth", but I will share my honest experiences, perceptions, and digests of hundreds of hours of research on the subject of covid-19.

At the onset of this "pandemic", I was cautious and hence meticulous with N95 mask use, hand washing, social isolation and distancing etc. I studied coronavirus science and was deeply involved in many emergency department drills to modify our practice in profound ways to deal with the "killer virus" we were advertised. However, various things soon made me consider that we were being deceived and manipulated.

Here are a few:

The "first wave" of the "pandemic" was absolutely the quietest time in my career. I have worked very hard and been very busy over the past twenty-five years in ER.

However, both in my regular ER and my "COVID-19 designated" ER, there were almost no patients, and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient.


Meanwhile, when I would go to the local grocery store, the propagandized public, God bless them, would usher me to the front of the antisocial distance line, thanking me for everything I was going through as a front-line emergency doctor.

They believed that the ER's and hospitals were full of patients dying from covid, and that I must be exhausted and at risk of dying myself from exposure. I began contacting doctors and friends all over Canada and the US, and found the same pattern: empty hospitals, and propaganda saying that they were full of patients dying of covid.

Early in my studies, I investigated zinc and hydroxychloroquine, which based on sound physiology, may genuinely help those rare persons who get very sick with this cold virus. I was surprised that this treatment was simply brushed aside and dismissed by most of the medical community.

Researching the World Health Organization, of the UN, I learned that the Chinese dictatorship (PRC) had propped up a ******* communist "Dr" Tedros, as the head of the WHO; and I learned how the PRC had been involved in: the virus release; the cover-up for weeks; the disappearing and suppression of honest Chinese doctors and scientist; the spreading of the virus to the world (sparing Beijing where the PRC elite live); and dramatic abuse of the Chinese people in their well-timed lockdown, which was filmed and transmitted to the world to create the panic that herded all of us into surrendering our economies and civil rights.

I learned how Canada's chief public health officer Dr Tam, is on the oversight committee of the WHO with Dr Tedros, essentially making her a ******-agent; and I listened to her often-******* dissertations to Canadians regarding covid-19.

At every level, hospital administration has had no apparent choice, other than to submit to the endless top-down roll out from governments, of questionable new rules, protocols, and procedures.

My honest conversations with coworkers about my research and observations, became a problem. Caught in this quandary, an important administrator who I greatly respect, told me that "my thoughts made others uncomfortable, and made it difficult to keep everyone motivated and compliant" with all the new protocols and restrictions.

Sympathetic to the sad situation, I maintained my clinical position by promising to "bite my tongue any time I thought I was going to speak about COVID-19" in the hospital. This was ultimately ethically impossible for me, and I have recently removed myself from the ER to avoid conflict.

I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19; I have seen some positive PCR tests in asymptomatic people, and watched people be imprisoned in their own homes and isolated from family and friends.


My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer's money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal.

My province alone has performed 50,000 PCR tests daily. Meanwhile our federal government is bringing in hundreds of thousands of doses of potentially dangerous experimental injections of modified viral genetic material, calling them "vaccines", and having the military manage them. Is this reasonable for a predominantly mild and non-fatal viral illness.

I have watched the suppression of doctors and scientists who performed serum antibody studies, whose findings showed that the virus was much more widespread, yet generally nonfatal, and asymptomatic or very mild in most cases; and that in many regions we had likely already achieved natural herd immunity by summer 2020.

Look at this study performed in Wuhan itself,

which shows that the virus was done there by June 1, 2020 just two months after their brief lockdowns ended, and no one was spreading it, not even the very few people with a positive PCR "test" (and they were not sick):

I noticed that after China's theatric lockdown, they quickly went back to business as usual, while all our economies were frozen; they gained tremendous control over the world's marketplace. It seems a great, though evil strategy!


I perceive that many things we learned in medical school about infectious disease, have been brushed aside and replaced by constantly expanding lists of often ******* mandates by public health officials. Doctors, nurses, and teachers are especially important to the success of this COVID-19 deception, as we are leaders in society and people trust our advice.

So, it is no surprise that I have found free speech and thought have been very suppressed in our ranks. Rather than endure the punishments of dissenting, we can choose to experience the short-sighted perks like extremely quiet days in the ER, replacing our traditional hands-on work with Zoom sessions from home; and accessing a variety of new COVID-19 ******* codes.

At one point, an option existed to make more money than I normally make working in a busy ER, to just stay home and be available in case the covid swabbing nurse needed to video conference with me.

There are many positive and negative motivators being used to manipulate Canadian doctors, nurses and teachers, to inadvertently participate in this grand covid deception; but this is destroying our society. To use a Titanic metaphor: "even the luxury suites on the Titanic end up at the bottom of the ocean when she sinks". Also, much of what is being done, including the experimental viral genetic injections, seem to violate the Nuremberg code regarding medical experimentation with full informed consent by the participants. Doctors and nurses face tough decisions. My career as an emergency physician always provided me an opportunity to practice my religious and ethical beliefs of honesty and kindness, while making a good living. Now maintaining the career I love, would require participating in the deception, violating my oath and spiritual beliefs, and in my opinion committing crimes against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Code.

I empathize with all my fellow doctors and nurses. We are all victims of the covid abuse.

I researched and perceived how corrupt oligarchs seem to have planned this crime against humanity. This planning included Event 201 which was a simulation of a corona pandemic conducted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University in October 2019; and the Rockefeller Foundation's 2010 Viral outbreak simulation planning called "Operation Lockstep".

Both these projects described how a viral outbreak would be used to bring in an authoritarian system with the loss of our human rights and freedoms. I also observed how their cohorts in big tech like Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube worked to censor and deceive us all; it's genuine propaganda.


The forced wearing of masks by most of the world's population is not unanimously supported by real science. These masks cause significant harm to our psychologic, social, dermatologic, dental and otolaryngotic health. Though I generally have great health, the masks have given me rashes and nasal symptoms whenever I have had to wear them for prolonged periods, which resolve whenever I do not wear them for a few days. What I find most disturbing is the elimination of facial expressions, and hence normal visual social interaction.

The history of past attempts at vaccines for coronaviruses, revealed some very dangerous side effects in animal models, and the efforts were abandoned. Why would we take a dangerous vaccine for a generally mild illness, to which we develop herd immunity anyways? The current roll-out of fast tracked expensive experimental "vaccines" is burying the taxpayers in endless debt to the rich and powerful villains of this story. Yet, we the people who have been imprisoned and abused in this scandal, are being manipulated into taking new strange injections, in hopes that we might regain some of our freedom. Additionally, the so called "vaccines" are not vaccines (unless we change the definition of vaccines). Rather they are injections of Corona virus genes. See the section This Is Not a Vaccine.

Recently, I have made some tough personal decisions; surrendering income and personal security, to choose an ethical and honest path forward, that may help contribute to an outcome that is true and just; and to the return of our free society and civil liberties. I believe that we are almost all victims in this, regardless of where we are on the path for the recovery of truth. – by Dr. Mark Trozzi


Mainstream propaganda medias and the criminal governments are constantly promoting FEAR and false spread on news and radio of this fake virus which is nothing more than the seasonal flu. What an atrocity against humanity. Coercing the naive fearful misinformed masses to be vaccinated unnecessarily.


11 HUGE Covid Stats Deliberately Hidden by the MSM!

All of this data is extracted from the CDC, WHO, Johns Hopkins, White House task force press conferences, and scientific studies. All direct source links are cited below the list of statistics. A printable pdf version is available at the bottom of this page for those who wish to print and distribute these facts.

  1. 90% of Covid-positive individuals are asymptomatic. This is the most significant and meaningful statistic of all.
  2. Asymptomatic Covid-positive have a spread rate of only 0.7% – less than 1%. They are NOT super spreaders.
  3. Survival rate of ages 0-69 is 99.82%. Survival rate of age 70+ is 94.6% with high comorbidities and other causes of death.
  4. Dr. Deborah Birx and state health officials confirmed that all Covid-positive individuals who die from other causes are being counted as a Covid death, including, but not limited to: car accidents, gunshot wounds, 1-week to live in hospice, drowning, dementia, and alcohol poisoning. Most people did not die “FROM” or were “KILLED BY” Covid, they died “WITH IT.”
  5. Only 6% of death certificates show Covid-19 as the only cause of death, which includes “assumed cause.” On average, there are 2.9 comorbidities to documented Covid deaths. That number increases significantly in nursing homes.
  6. The CDC is grouping pneumonia, influenza, and covid deaths together as “PIC”, while discontinuing reporting on influenza hospitalizations because “the number is too low” despite being in the middle of the flu season.
  7. 38% of all Covid-related deaths have taken place in nursing homes & long term care facilities, accounting for over 129,000 of deaths reported, in which 43% of those deaths were attributed to influenza and pneumonia, and 31% were age 85+.
  8. The masks being mandated to wear, are scientifically proven to not work against viruses, according to studies, the WHO, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, in addition to 10 months of people wearing them, showing no better rate of cases than states and countries that have not worn them, plus 85% of people who tested positive were mask wearers. The CDC also reported: “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks,” hence they do not work for Covid either.
  9. In the 2017-2018 Flu season, there were 810,000 hospitalizations, far surpassing Covid hospitalizations for the entire year. Over 61,000 people died. There were 195 pediatric deaths due to influenza, far greater than what has been reported for Covid-related pediatric deaths. No lockdowns, restrictions, social distancing, or masks were required.
  10. There has never been a sample specimen of SARS-CoV-2 isolated and purified, and the inventor of PCR and other scientists have always said that PCR should not be used for medical diagnostics – it will produce false/positives. Dr. Fauci confirmed that the cycle threshold on the tests is too high which creates false/positives.
  11. The vaccines have already shown terrible side effects, and they don’t know if it will cause infertility. Doctors all across the world have been warning about these vaccines that were rushed through in record time without long term clinical trials.


Source Links:

Dr. Birx, MSM, and health officials talking about counting people “with” Covid in death totals:


Lockdowns kill many more people than Covid-19

What kind of damage have covid restrictions done? Globally, there will be more extra deaths from other diseases being neglected than from covid itself. Many more malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis deaths. The increase in starvation deaths worldwide will also single handedly outnumber covid deaths. There will be many preventable deaths coming from things like missed cancer screenings. There have already been plenty of deaths from people being too scared to seek care because of Covid-19 and dying of a stroke or a heart attack at home.

More than 200,000 people could die because of delays in healthcare and other economic and social effects all caused by lockdown, a U.K government report has warned. The great majority of the deaths – 185,000 – are attributed to an extended wait for treatment.

Recent NHS performance statistics showed the number of patients admitted for routine operations has dropped 82 per cent in a year. Shocking data showed only 54,550 patients were admitted for treatment in May 2020 — a fraction of the 295,000 recorded in May 2019.

NHS figures show that 106,535 urgent cancer referrals were made by GPs in England in May 2020, 47 per cent down from 200,599 in May 2019. At the same time, 55,500 more people are now waiting to have key cancer tests in England's hospitals compared with the same point last year. Clearly there could be over 100,000 deaths from cancer over the next few years because of lockdowns and hospitals opening for Covid only patients.

Cancer screening and treatment was put on hold. Cancer Research UK estimated that 290,000 people missed cancer follow ups, indicating that around 20,000 current cancer sufferers, who could otherwise have accessed treatment, remain untreated or possibly unaware of their cancer.

At least 2.4 million people missed cancer screening appointment during the lockdown. As the NHS in the U.K warns that the backlog of planned treatments, including for life threatening and life limiting conditions, is likely to hit 10 million, the Lockdown regime has also seen cancer referrals drop by 45%. Some scientists have estimated this could mean an additional 35,000 excess cancer deaths in the UK.

Appointments for screenings for cancers of the cervix, colon, and breast were down between 86% and 94% in March, compared to average volumes in the three years before the first Covid-19 case was confirmed in the U.S. A survey of nine major hospitals in April 2020 showed the number of severe heart attacks being treated in U.S hospitals had dropped by nearly 40% since the lockdown in March 2020, leaving people to die at home.

Up to 12,000 people per day could die from hunger linked to the social and economic impacts of Covid-19 before the end of the year, perhaps more than will die each day from the disease. The UN has warned of famines of 'biblical proportions’ as a result of Covid-19 and the measures to contain it, projecting the number of people in crisis level hunger will rise to 270 million before the end of the year, an 82% increase since 2019.

More people could die of hunger which is driven by Covid-19 policies such as lockdowns than from the virus itself. Simply because businesses are forced to close and people cannot earn a living and also the food supply chain is disrupted.

Tuberculosis is the biggest infectious-disease killer worldwide, claiming 1.5 million lives each year.

According to one estimate, a three-month lockdown across different parts of the world and a gradual return to normal over 10 months could result in an additional 6.3 million cases of tuberculosis and 1.4 million deaths from it.

“TB is the biggest monster of them all. If we’re talking about deaths and pandemics, 10 million cases a year,” said Dr. Lucica Ditiu, who heads the Stop TB Partnership, an international consortium of 1,700 groups fighting the disease. Covid doesn’t compare yet to that toll.

Prioritizing the coronavirus over TB is “very stupid from a public health perspective,” Dr. Ditiu said. “You should actually be smart and do both.”

It’s not just that the coronavirus has diverted scientific attention from TB, H.I.V. and malaria. The lockdowns, particularly across parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America, have raised insurmountable barriers to patients who must travel to obtain diagnoses or drugs, according to interviews with more than two dozen public health officials, doctors and patients worldwide.

“Covid-19 risks derailing all our efforts and taking us back to where we were 20 years ago,” said Dr. Pedro L. Alonso, the director of the World Health Organization’s global malaria program.

Fear of the coronavirus and the shuttering of clinics have kept away many patients struggling with H.I.V., TB and malaria, while restrictions on air and sea travel have severely limited delivery of medications to the hardest-hit regions.

A six-month disruption of antiretroviral therapy may lead to more than 500,000 additional deaths from illnesses related to H.I.V., according to the W.H.O. Another model by the W.H.O. predicted that in the worst-case scenario, deaths from malaria could double to 770,000 per year.

India went into lockdown on March 24, and the government directed public hospitals to focus on Covid-19. Many hospitals shuttered outpatient services for other diseases.

The impact on TB diagnoses was immediate: The number of new cases recorded by the Indian government between March 25 and June 19 was 60,486, compared with 179,792 during the same period in 2019.

Depression is also on the rise all over the world, and also lowers quality of life as well as life expectancy, a recent CDC survey showed that 1/4th of young Americans aged 18 to 24 contemplated suicide recently. The closing of many schools and universities for a long period of time will have huge effects on children and young adults.

As of June 2020, 3 million American small businesses were closed, 40% of jobs lost during the Covid-19 lockdowns are gone for good according to a report by the University of Chicago and similar patterns can be seen in other countries. In the U.K it is predicted that 200,000 businesses will close forever and all to protect us and keep us safe, really?

Let’s be clear all of this economic devastation is not caused by a virus it is caused by the government’s response to the virus namely, lockdowns. Now times that 200,000 extra deaths predicted in the U.K by every country in the world that has locked down and it will run into millions of extra deaths because of the unnecessary lockdowns which now must be one of the most ridiculous decisions made by governments around the world for a disease that has a 99.7% survival rate. It is like burning your house down because you are trying to kill the spider in your house. As Stanford epidemiology professor John Ioannidis said in his peer reviewed study of lockdown’s ‘Lockdowns do not stop the spread of Covid-19 and cause more devastation than the virus itself’.

Governments around the world are not following the science, there is another agenda taking place here and only the blind cannot see it.


“If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with PCR [virus] tests, the number of total deaths due to ‘influenza-like illnesses would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average. A population-wide case fatality rate of 0.05% is lower than seasonal influenza. If that is the true rate, locking down the world with potentially tremendous social and financial consequences may be totally irrational. It’s like an elephant being attacked by a house cat. Frustrated and trying to avoid the cat, the elephant accidentally jumps off a cliff and dies”. - Professor John Ioannidis, Stanford University epidemiologist and co-director of its Meta-Research Innovation Center


Professor Mark Woolhouse epidemiologist and specialist in infectious diseases, Edinburgh University Member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviors, that advises the Government stated that:

'Lockdown was a monumental disaster on a global scale. The cure was worse than the disease. I never want to see national lockdown again. It was always a temporary measure that simply delayed the stage of the epidemic we see now. It was never going to change anything fundamentally, however low we drove down the number of cases. We absolutely should never return to a position where children cannot play or go to school. I believe the harm lockdown is doing to our education, health care access, and broader aspects of our economy and society will turn out to be at least as great as the harm done by Covid-19.' - Professor Mark Woolhouse

“Free Speech is suppressed. The lockdown narrative is supported by media disinformation, online censorship, social engineering and the fear campaign. Medical doctors who question the official narrative are threatened. They lose their jobs. Their careers are destroyed. Those who oppose the government lockdown are categorized as “anti-social psychopaths”. Peer reviewed psychological “studies” are currently being carried in several countries using sample surveys. Accept the “big Lie” and you are tagged as a “good person” with “empathy” who understands the feelings of others. Express reservations regarding, social distancing and the wearing of the face mask, and you will be tagged (according to “scientific opinion”) as a “callous and deceitful psychopath”. In colleges and universities, the teaching staff is pressured to conform and endorse the official covid narrative. Questioning the legitimacy of the lockdown in online “classrooms” could lead to dismissal. Several medical doctors who oppose the COVID consensus or the vaccine have been arrested. In December, “Jean-Bernard Fourtillan, a retired university professor known for his opposition to the COVID-19 vaccine was arrested “by law enforcement officers under military command, and forcibly placed in solitary confinement at the psychiatric hospital of Uzes. Fourtillan is known as “longtime critic of vaccines that use dangerous adjuvants”. Google and Twitter are marketing the Big Lie. The opinions of prominent scientists who question the lockdown, the face-mask or social distancing are “taken down” by Google. YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts the World Health Organization (WHO) or local health authority’s medical information about COVID-19, including on methods to prevent, treat or diagnose COVID-19, and means of transmission of COVID-19.” They call it “fact checking”, without acknowledging that both the WHO and local health authorities contradict their own data and concepts. Similarly, Twitter has confirmed that “it will remove all posts that suggest there are ‘adverse impacts or effects of receiving vaccinations” … Twitter will: “memory-hole any posts that “invoke a deliberate conspiracy” or “advance harmful, false, or misleading narratives’ about vaccines. Confirmed by prominent scientists as well as by official public health bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Covid-19 is a public health concern but it is NOT a dangerous virus. The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to trigger a worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring. The tendency is towards the imposition of a totalitarian State. Social engineering is being applied. Governments are pressured into extending the lockdown, despite its devastating economic and social consequences. There is no scientific basis for implementing the closing down of the global economy as a means to resolving a public health crisis. Both the media and the governments are involved in spreading disinformation. The fear campaign has no scientific basis. Your governments are LYING. In fact they are lying to themselves. - Professor Michel Chossudovsky - award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. He has served as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has acted as a consultant for several international organizations -

“This year the suffering of humanity is much, MUCH worse than last year because of our world’s response to one virus. COVID-19. Billions of nameless, faceless, countless, people are suffering, starving and dying due to the world’s response to this virus and these numbers far exceed those sickened or dying of COVID-19. Is it worth it? Should we keep going on this path when we can see the utter destruction of human lives that is happening all around us? How could anyone even ask such questions? There is no comparison here. None. We have to find a different path. I am deeply opposed to the world’s course of action and beg you to consider your stance on this humanitarian crisis. Would you rather simply say nothing, comply with orders and perpetuate this travesty in order to protect yourself when you are at very low risk of dying, as most people are, than stand up and say, “Enough! This is enough! Too many people have died and are suffering needlessly due to our world’s response to a virus that is killing a tiny, tiny percentage of those infected. Enough! There MUST be a better way!” And there is…” - Kerry Gorton Evans – (Pandemics - Data & Analytics) -


Two Leading Swedish Health Experts Explain That COVID Lockdowns Have Killed Millions of People

Professor Anna-Mia Ekström and Professor Stefan Swartling Peterson have gone through the data from UNICEF and UNAIDS, and came to the conclusion that least as many people have died as a result of the restrictions to fight covid as have died of covid.


Another Lie: The Covid Vaccine is 95% Effective

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is experimental and far from guaranteed safe, despite the fact that Pfizer, the EU and the notorious Dr Tony Fauci seem ready to roll it out even before year end to hundreds of millions of humans. Both US and EU authorities and presumably also Chinese, waived the standard animal tests using ferrets or mice and have gone straight to human “guinea pigs.” Human tests began in late July and early August. Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the normal. Because of the degree of global panic engendered by WHO over the coronavirus, caution is thrown to the wind. Vaccine makers all have legal indemnity, meaning they can’t be sued if people die or are maimed from the new vaccine. But the most alarming fact about the new Pfizer-BioNTech gene edited vaccine is that the gene edited mRNA for human vaccine application has never before been approved.

Dr. Michael Yeadon replied in a recent public social media comment to a colleague in the UK; “All vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus are by definition novel. No candidate vaccine has been… in development for more than a few months.” Yeadon then went on to declare,

“If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent. This is because there are precisely zero human volunteers for…whom there could possibly be more than a few months past-dose safety information.”

Yeadon is well qualified to make the critique. As he notes in the comment, “I have a degree in Biochemistry & Toxicology & a research based PhD in pharmacology. I have spent 32 years working in pharmaceutical R&D, mostly in new medicines for disorders of lung & skin. I was a VP at Pfizer & CEO…. of a biotech I founded (Ziarco – acquired by Novartis). I’m knowledgeable about new medicine R&D.” He was formerly with Pfizer at a very senior level.

The most important, meaningful phase of CV-19 vaccine trials has barely begun, let alone been completed

“The Covid-19 vaccine trials appear to have caused some confusion. Hopefully, this article might help clear things up a bit. People genuinely appear to believe that the Covid 19 vaccines have undergone clinical trials and have been proven to be both safe and effective. That belief is simply wrong” - By Iain Davis at

Part of this fearmongering and lies from the mainstream media and government and psychological abuse is so that the people will accept the covid vaccine to get their lives back, or so they think. This is psychological abuse and manipulation right out of the Communist Manifesto and that is to socially isolate your enemies so that they conform or submit to your agenda. This is the tactics of social distancing, not allowed to see your friends or family or even attend funerals or have a birthday party for your child. Who is the number one U.K governments behavioral scientist (making people conform)? It is Susan Michie, a lifelong campaigner for hardline Soviet-style communism (she is a member of the communist party in the U.K) whose specialism is not medicine, but behavioral science. Communism an ideology that has killed over 100 million people in the world over the past 100 years.

We are told the covid vaccine is 95% effective but again that is another lie. Everyone was thoroughly impressed with the 95% effective claim.

However, this was based upon relative risk reduction. That is the declared percentage difference between the vaccinated group’s 8/18310 chance (0.044%) of developing COVID 19 against a 162/18319 (0.88%) chance of COVID 19 symptoms without the vaccine. Using Pfizer’s figures, the relative risk reduction is 100(1 – (0.044/0.88)). Which is 95%. This sounds fantastic and is a much better marketing strategy than reporting the absolute risk reduction. The absolute risk of developing COVID 19 symptoms without the vaccine is 0.88% and with the vaccine 0.044%. In absolute terms, the effectiveness of the vaccine is (0.88-0.044)%. A risk reduction of 0.84%. So should we really vaccinate 67 million people in the UK because it reduces their risk of getting covid symptoms by 0.84% and the vast, vast majority of the U.K population has a 99.7% chance of recovering from Covid which is nearly a certainty. My daughter had Covid and she could not taste or smell anything for 3 days but she had no other symptoms and otherwise was totally fine. The authorities are trying to tell us that she needs a vaccine and she won’t be able to travel or do anything unless she has proof of a Covid vaccine.

Another striking bias is the trial selection, particularly the age combined with health status. We've shown above that frail and elderly people are by far the most likely to suffer from COVID-19. But only 2% of the Pfizer trial includes patients over 75 years old and with pre-existing medical conditions. In addition, subjects of any age with comorbities are grossly under-represented. In total, only one out of five of the people appear to have an underlying condition, and for the various individual underlying conditions, the percentage of people suffering from them is often less than 1%. Also the limited size of the vaccine group (about 20,000 participants) does not exhibit all the age/race/sex/disease/treatment/genetic profile combinations that the general population does. There is no safety data whatsoever about children, immune-compromised individuals or pregnant women because they were excluded from the trial. Basically Pfizer selected young and healthy subjects for testing a vaccine that is now administered as a priority to old and sick individuals. What is the point of studying healthy young individuals, who, vaccinated or not, are barely affected by COVID-19 anyway? Does this bias minimize side effects and maintain the illusion of a safe 'vaccine'? -


See the article below:

Below an excellent professional made short documentary showing how the covid vaccine trials are rigged to show that they are effective.



“Not only is the media downplaying the COVID-19 gene therapy side effects, but they seem content to simply repeat the drug makers’ overly optimistic claims of efficacy. You have probably heard that both the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” are 95% effective. This is a false claim. Yet, the medical establishment and the government bureaucrats have simply taken these pharmaceutical companies’ word for it and are encouraging everyone to line up for their “vaccines.” At the time the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna products were approved, these pharmaceutical companies had failed to release most of the raw data from their trials. In fact, they are still withholding much of it. However, now that more of it is available for review, a different picture is emerging. British Medical Journal (BMJ) Associate Editor Peter Doshi, who had the opportunity to review the available data, pointed out the inconsistencies and weaknesses of the pre-approval trials. He concluded that rather than the widely publicized 95% effective rate, these “vaccines” are, at best, 19% effective. At this low rate, they would never have been approved!” - Dr. Hotze - Founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in Houston, Texas.


In May 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Jr gave an interview (link below) about the history of coronavirus vaccine development, which began in 2002, following three consecutive SARS outbreaks.

The four best vaccines developed by scientists were then given to ferrets, which are the closest analogue to human lung infections. In the interview above, Kennedy explains what happened next. While the ferrets displayed robust antibody response, which is the metric used for vaccine licensing, once they were challenged with the wild virus, they all became severely ill and died.

The same thing happened when they tried to develop an RSV vaccine in the 1960s. RSV is an upper respiratory illness that is very similar to that caused by coronaviruses. At that time, they had decided to skip animal trials and go directly to human trials.

"They tested it on I think about 35 children, and the same thing happened," Kennedy said. "The children developed a champion antibody response — robust, durable. It looked perfect [but when] the children were exposed to the wild virus, they all became sick. Two of them died. They abandoned the vaccine. It was a big embarrassment to FDA and NIH."

If the vaccine does not result in a robust response in neutralizing antibodies, you might be at risk for more severe lung disease if you're infected with the virus.

What happens then if the power that be release a new virus, does that mean all the people who have had this new coronavirus vaccine will be severely ill or die? If millions of people are taking this vaccine, then that could be catastrophic. But they could claim it was the new virus that killed them when in reality it was the vaccine just like it was with the ferrets.

COVID-19 vaccines are NOT designed to prevent infection. As detailed in "How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged," a "successful" vaccine merely needs to reduce the severity of the symptoms. They're not even looking at reducing infection, hospitalization or death rates.


Below how the COVID-19 vaccine can destroy your immune system:

The plan to develop the Covid-19 vaccine is profit driven.

The US government had already ordered 100 million doses back in July 2020 and the EU is to purchase 300 million doses. It's Big Money for Big Pharma, generous payoffs to corrupt politicians, at the expense of tax payers.

The objective is ultimately to make money, by vaccinating the entire planet of 7.8 billion people for SARS-CoV-2.

The Covid vaccine in some cases envisages more than one shot. If this initiative were to go ahead as planned, it would be the largest vaccine project in World history and the biggest money making operation for Big Pharma.

The new Covid vaccines will make billions of dollars for the big pharmaceutical companies, but here's what they won't do:

The vaccines will not cure Covid.

The vaccines will not prevent people from contracting Covid.

The vaccines will not prevent Covid-related hospitalizations.

The vaccines will not prevent Covid-caused deaths.

If the vaccine cannot reduce infection, hospitalization or death, then it cannot end the pandemic, then what is the point in taking the vaccine especially when it could come with side effects.

There are serious risks associated with taking the Covid-19 vaccine. Most vaccine recipients will experience only minor aches and pains but some will undoubtedly get quite ill and permanently damage their health. No one really knows for sure because there have been no long-term trials.

The vaccine campaign is built on a foundation of lies and deception. When the vaccine companies said that their vaccine is "95% effective", it does NOT mean that- if you get vaccinated- you will be immune to Covid. It doesn't even mean that you won't get violently ill and die. All it means is that the vaccine reduced the symptoms of some of the people in the trials who tested positive. They have hoodwinked the masses with the help of the media into believing that the covid vaccine is 95% effective, what nonsense.

In a recent letter to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), physician Arvind Joshi warned against the disaster that could result from this misguided policy and outlined the serious risks involved to the public and other serious issues that are being taken if a Covid Vaccine is rushed out without thorough and adequate safety and efficacy testing:

"Adverse effects like Subacute Sclerosing Pan Encephalitis, Ascending Polyneuritis, Myopathies, Autoimmune Diseases, and rarer chance of triggering development of malignancies are most dreaded possibilities. The rush for the Vaccines should not lead to disaster."

Below the letter to the BMJ:


This excellent article by Kit Knightly at Off-Guardian asks 5 Questions to Ask Your Friends Who Plan to Get the Covid Vaccine

  1. Did You Know That We Have Never Successfully Vaccinated Against Any Coronavirus?

No successful vaccine against a coronavirus has ever been developed.

  1. Did You Know It Usually Takes 5-10 Years to Fully Develop A Vaccine?

Vaccine development is a slow, laborious process. Usually, from development through testing and finally being approved for public use takes many years. The various vaccines for Covid have all been developed and approved in less than a year. None of the vaccines have yet been subject to proper trials. Many of them skipped early-stage trials entirely, and the late stage human trials have either not been peer reviewed, have not released their data, will not finish until 2023 or were abandoned after “severe adverse effects”.

  1. Did You Know That the Covid “Vaccine” Is Based On New Technology, Which Has Never Been Approved for Use On Humans Before?

While traditional vaccines work by exposing the body to a weakened strain of the microorganism responsible for causing the disease, these new Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines.

  1. Did You Know That the Pharmaceutical Companies Can’t Be Sued If the Vaccine Hurts or Kills Someone?

Back in the spring of 2020 many governments around the world granted vaccine manufacturers immunity to civil liability, either by invoking existing legislation or writing new laws. If the vaccine is 100% safe why the need to protect Big Pharma from liability.

  1. Did You Know 99.8% Of People Survive Covid19?

The case-fatality ratio of Sars-Cov-2 infection has been a bone of contention for months, but it is certainly much lower than all the initial models predicted. Subsequent studies have found it to be much lower, in some cases even lower than 0.1%. A report published in October in the WHO’s own research bulletin finding a CFR of 0.23% “or possibly considerably lower”. Meaning, even according to the WHO, at least 99.77% of people infected with the virus will survive.

I would also add that all the people who have had the covid vaccine can still pass on the covid virus to someone else and it does not stop you getting covid which makes it pretty useless.

Florida: 38 “fully vaccinated” people test positive for COVID-19

102 get sick with coronavirus despite getting vaccine in Washington

102 people in Washington have tested positive for the coronavirus since February. Of that group, two people have died and eight people have been hospitalized.


18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

No Jab for Me – And Here Are 35 Reasons Why

Another great site is below.


Covid Vaccine Nonsense

US-based human rights lawyer breaks down the contradictory claims of “effectiveness”, the incomplete studies and legal minefield of forced use of experimental vaccines.

The efforts to require every American to be injected with an experimental vaccine for Covid-19 are based on the false notion that vaccination will protect recipients from becoming infected with SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, or protect them from passing along the infection to other people.

The FDA, the CDC, the NIH and the pharmaceutical companies involved have all stated very clearly that there is no evidence to support this idea.

None of the three experimental Covid-19 vaccines now being distributed in the United States have been demonstrated to protect against infection with or transmission of the virus believed to cause Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2), or even prevent symptoms of Covid-19 disease from developing.

This fact is indisputable, yet media, medical providers, and politicians continue to repeat the lie that vaccination provides “immunity to Covid” and even sources like the Mayo Clinic make irresponsible and unsubstantiated claims that vaccination “might prevent you from getting” or “spreading” Covid-19. The same lies are the basis for President Biden’s hard press for mass vaccination to “make this Independence Day truly special.”

Read the full article at:

So why the need for a vaccine, unless there is another agenda taking place here?

Later on we will go over the possible adverse reactions and even death when taking this vaccine and the possibility that the covid vaccine is not actually a vaccine.

Dr Sherri Tenpenny explains in the video below exactly what the COVID-19 vaccines are and how they work:

Do you want to know why governments and the media promote vaccines as effective and safe? Watch this video - It’s Time to Get Real About Vaccines


Hydroxychloroquine Cures Covid-19

Hydroxychloroquine cured patients infected with Covid-19 – then was banned by Big Pharma because they want you to take their vaccine because they will receive Billions in profit.

Information below is extracted from the website:

There is cure for Covid-19! Thousands upon thousands of patients recovered from this virus in a matter of days, without any side effects, without hospitalization and virtually without any deaths. This incredibly powerful cure is an age old anti-viral medicine that has been used worldwide for more than 60 years: hydroxychloroquine. A campaign was the created by Big Pharma, the WHO and their paid lackeys to ban HCQ because they want to push vaccines as the ONLY solution for Covid. This is exactly what happened with cancer, where Big Pharma banned anything that cured cancer so that they could make billions selling chemotherapy drugs as the only solution for curing cancer, which it does not do.

‘This is the end of the pandemic’ exclaimed one of the world’s most renown scientists, professor Didier Raoult from France.

Professor Raoult is the global expert on infectious diseases and personally treated more than four thousand covid patients with this safe, cheap and amazingly effective drug combo: hydroxychloroquone combined with azitromycine. Virtually all of his patients healed in a short period of time.

In his footsteps followed medical doctors like Dr. Zelenko from New York who healed over a thousand Covid-19 patients, and Dr. Stella Immanuel from Texas who saw 350 patients recover without a single death. All over the world tens of thousands of covid patients recovered rapidly, thanks to this amazing treatment.

The strong anti-viral effect of chloroquine on SARS-CoV had already been proven by an extensive scientific study by the NIH (which is directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci) in 2005. The conclusion of this study was:

'Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture.'

California MD Brian Tyson reports he has successfully treated 1,700 COVID cases with hydroxychloroquine—zero deaths. He says even without HCQ, we could reopen the country now. Says no need for vaccine. Dr. Tyson also stated that hospitals where paid up to 30,000 for every death that they attributed to covid which is why they would label any deaths as covid.

This should indeed have been the end of the pandemic, right there and then. So why is the world still suffering from this health crisis? After the tremendous success of this powerful anti-viral drug combo, several Big Pharma controlled so called 'health' organisations' or 'medical' institutions conducted studies to prove to the world that this safe drug is no good and is in fact dangerous. They did everything in their ability to hide the cure for Covid-19 from humanity.

One such fraudulent study was released by one of the world's most renown scientific institutions: 'The Lancet' from the United Kingdom. They published a paper that supposedly 'proved' how ineffective and actually harmful HCQ is. Result? The whole world started to reject this cure.

Shortly after the release of this study, several scientists exposed this report as a shameful scam. It was full of false data and had no scientific validity at all.

Another trial was done by the World Health Organization who tested HCQ on 3,500 patients in 400 hospitals worldwide. To everybody’s horror as many as one third of all the patients... died!

As a result hydroxychloroquine was banned across the world. 

One intelligent medical expert, Dr. Meryl Nass thought to herself:

'How strange... in the hands of real medical practioners HCQ heals tens of thousands of patients, with virtually no deaths, and in the hands of the WHO it kills a thousand people...'

She took a good look at this study and discovered something horrendous: the World Health Organization gave their patients absurd, lethal doses of HCQ. Dr. Nass revealed:

The WHO tests use excessive, dangerous HCQ doses. These tests are not testing the benefits of HCQ on Covid-19, but rather testing whether patients survive toxic, non-therapeutic doses.

A group of physicians called 'America's Frontline Doctors' gave a national press conference, in which they openly declared:

'The media have been lying to you about Covid-19. We are here to tell you there are effective and safe treatments. Nobody needs to die. Nobody needs to go to hospital. Most people who are treated with HCQ+zinc recover quickly. There is a cure, hydroxychloroquine works!'

The video of their press conference was viewed over 20 million times in one day... and was then removed by Facebook and YouTube. Their entire website was even taken down from the internet! 

In the Netherlands the family practitioner Dr. Rob Elens was treating his own dying patients with HCQ+zinc. They recovered in a matter of days.

The government stepped in and commanded him to stop healing his patients with HCQ, or his license would be removed. Dr. Elens had to let his patients die...

He made several videos in which he informed the people about what was going on... but they were removed right away. In one video he gave scientific information about several effective treatments for Covid-19. In less than a day YouTube got rid of it.

“The governments say there's no treatment for Covid-19. It's a lie. It's deception. They don't want to cure Covid-19 because...everyone has to get the vaccines.” - Dr. Rob Elens, Medical Center De Peel, The Netherlands

The silencing of this physician however came too late. Hundreds of thousands of people had seen his messages and a storm of awakening was raging through their minds. More than 2,500 medical experts and over 18,000 other people sent a letter to the government, expressing their deep concern about the suppression of a safe, cheap and effective treatments for Covid-19.

'The current shaming, blaming and censorship of doctors who oppose government policy - which is to reject alternatives to a vaccine route - is extremely concerning.' - Dr. Dick Bijl + 2,500 Medical Professionals

In California two medical practitioners, Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, examined over six thousand people and revealed their findings during a press briefing, that was viewed 5 million times. YouTube removed their video... and removed it again, and again, and again, and kept removing it as hundreds of people kept uploading it on different YouTube accounts.

Dr. David Brownstein from Michigan successfully treated over 120 corona patients using intravenous vitamin C, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, along with oral administration of vitamins A and D.

We've treated over a hundred patients and they're all better. No one has been hospitalized or ventilated. We had a 100% success rate with this. We treated patients who were very old and very sick and we thought they were dying. But these patients are getting better with these therapies”.

Dr. Brownstein healed 120 corona patients. He was rebuked by the FTC and his entire medical blog was removed.

Frontline Physicians in America addressed the American people about Covid-19 and the FACT that we have had a very safe, effective and inexpensive CURE for the so-called COVID-19 illness from the very beginning called hydroxychloroquine, used in conjunction with Zinc that's been deliberately suppressed and falsely reported on to scare people away from considering it in favour of pushing a forthcoming DNA altering vaccine. Big Pharma has also made sure hydroxychloroquine is hard to get and in short supply in the U.S.

Hydroxychloroquine has been studied for well over 50 years, been prescribed for millions of people, and proven to be one of the safest and most useful drugs available. It is extremely effective against preventing and curing viral infections INCLUDING THE current coronavirus they claim is sweeping the planet.

The frontline doctors at this Summit explain exactly what hydroxychloroquine is and how it works to cure what's being called COVID-19 illness. In addition, they explain exactly how we've all been deliberately misinformed about this cure to make everyone believe we cannot go back to any semblance of normal life UNTIL EVERYONE GETS A DNA ALTERING VACCINE!

The information about how hydroxychloroquine cures Covid-19 is below.


During this pandemic something very dangerous is happening: suddenly free speech has vanished from planet earth. Only the narrative that is pushed by the big media\pharma and government is allowed. It's what happens in communist China. It's what communist Russia was known for. But it's not what the free world is used to….


Why did the WHO murder a thousand patients so they could ban an effective medicine for Covid-19? Why are medical doctors around the world being censored?

The answer can be heard loud and clear throughout the media all over the world: humanity must be vaccinated against Covid-19Governments are announcing a mandate to force every single person to accept this rushed vaccine, that has been hastily developed without proper safety testing.


Covid lies and vaccine exposed by doctors

The following 30-minute video gives up-to-date testimony from over 30 doctors, some of whom have become very well known, and other professionals, over the new covid vaccine(s) and the state of play regarding the alleged pandemic. Some of the common themes are:

  • There has been no medical ‘pandemic’, a single virus has not been isolated as the cause of disease, and death rates have not shown mortality from a new disease. How can a vaccine be used to target a virus that hasn’t been formally identified?
  • The PCR test could never be used to detect viral infection, numbers have been inflated from misuse of this test, and public health policy, such as masks, lockdown and social distancing, has been made on the back of it. More suffering has been caused by the measures taken.
  • The new mRNA vaccine is capable of altering our DNA, raising the possibility of autoimmune disorders, cancer and infertility, and making treatment of any diseases caused by our modified genetic code impossible. Animal studies have shown that recipients of any coronavirus vaccine may react very badly to the wild (natural) virus. Coronavirus vaccines have been in development, unsuccessfully, for over 20 years.
  • Sufficient testing data has not been compiled before roll out, and animal trials have been skipped, making us human guinea pigs who cannot give informed consent.
  • The manufacturers are not liable for damage from this vaccine; the EU has removed the requirement for risk evaluation under GMO regulations in under 10 days with no parliamentary vote.
  • Patients are being made extremely afraid by government propaganda, while doctors are being censored and smeared. Natural cures such as vitamin D and known drugs are capable of dealing with this disease, making a vaccine completely unnecessary.
  • This is an assault on our human rights that is robbing us of our humanity. It’s time to stand up for our freedoms.


Please note that this video is also available on brand new tube here:

and here:

Covid hoax and vaccine exposed by doctors. Must watch!!

“In America, vaccinations are monopolized by four companies: Pfizer, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi. These companies are the biggest LOBBYISTS in Washington. It’s not only the billions they POUR INTO lobbying that’s disgusting – it’s the media too! Anderson Cooper is sponsored by Pfizer and NBC nightly news is backed by Merck, for example. The United States is one of only TWO COUNTRIES that allow TV ads about drugs! There are 72 mandatory vaccinations, so these companies have ZERO COSTS when it comes to advertising vaccines since it’s forced upon parents. You cannot sue them, so there are no LEGAL COSTS, and since that’s the case, they don’t do SAFETY TESTING. It’s the perfect business for them, so it’s no wonder Bill and Melinda Gates UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL! This is madness and it has led to a massive rise in autism cases, as well as asthma, food allergies, and chronic diseases. Vaccines are the most controversial topic in the world right now since these companies are attempting to BRAINWASH THE SHEEP to form a herd and get their shots, even though it has been proven TIME AND AGAIN that vaccines are BULLSHIT! The World Health Organization, the CDC, the NIH, and other institutions are FOR-PROFIT when it comes to patenting. They have a vested interest in these vaccines, including that sneaky devil Dr. Anthony Fauci. It is a mistake to believe anything that doctors tell you about vaccines; they’re the MESSENGERS of doom and have done no personal research on what they administer! After doing my own research, these are facts that I uncovered. You may draw different conclusions, but know that there are hundreds of thousands of victims from these vaccines both alive and dead. I tell you all this because the second any medical company announces that the vaccine is ready, you will be PRESSURED INTO it. The media will present it as the only solution to this virus, which only impacts specific parts of the population. Ultimately, you OWN YOUR BODY – it’s your property! Don’t let them get you twisted on this matter. RESEARCH THIS TOPIC!” - Tom Beck - Portfolio Wealth Global -


Ivermectin: The Suppressed Miracle Drug for Covid-19

As if it were a replay of the fiasco that went on with hydroxychloroquine, the establishment media, social media and governments have been collectively censoring information about a drug shown to be highly effective against Covid-19: Ivermectin.

The studies on the drug are nothing short of astounding - more effective than any drug or intervention previously studied. Yet YouTube felt justified in banning videos of congress testimony about the drug, Twitter has blocked links to a peer-reviewed medical journal that had the audacity to publish a study on the drug and the corporate media have been full of articles about the 'dangers' of this drug - despite the fact that it's been approved by the FDA (unlike Covid vaccines) and has been used safely for the last 5 decades.

See the video below: Ivermectin: The Suppressed Miracle Drug for Covid-19


Top Yale Doctor/Researcher: 'Ivermectin works,' including for long-haul COVID

A Yale University professor and renowned cancer researcher has pored over the COVID-19 literature and treated several dozen patients.

Dr. Alessandro Santin, a practicing oncologist and scientist who runs a large laboratory at Yale, believes firmly that ivermectin could vastly cut suffering from COVID-19. Santin joins a growing group of doctors committed to using the safe, generic drug both as an early home treatment to prevent hospitalization and alongside inpatient treatments like steroids and oxygen.

"The bottom line is that ivermectin works. I've seen that in my patients as well as treating my own family in Italy," Santin said in an interview, referring to his father, 88, who recently suffered a serious bout of COVID. "We must find a way to administer it on a large scale to a lot of people."

"I have not a single one that right now had to go to the hospital to receive oxygen," he said. "I have no doubt ivermectin saved my 88-year-old father's life." His father survived COVID despite high blood pressure, cardiac disease that led previously to seven stents and open heart surgery, and lung problems. "If I can save you," he said referring to his father, "I can tell you, I can save anybody."


WHO Data Shows Ivermectin Reduces COVID Mortality by 81%, But They Won’t Recommend It?

The World Health Organization's own data shows use of safe and inexpensive drug called ivermectin could have reduced COVID mortality by 81%, but they still won't endorse it and are instead recommending vaccinations. If global health officials truly cared about saving lives, would they be holding back on information about these drugs? Is it even possible to accept such an idea that they may not be acting in people's best interests? There is ample evidence to support a completely different approach to treating COVID-19, yet it’s being ignored. We would likely not need any potentially harmful lockdowns, expensive drugs or vaccines if we used these treatments. In a culture that is deeply fearing a disease, it seems hypocritical to ignore a safe a potentially highly effective drug while promoting an experimental vaccine.


Antiparasitic drug Ivermectin kills coronavirus in 48 hours

Around the world, scientists race to develop a vaccine or treatment against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Now, a team of researchers has found that a drug already available around the world can kill the coronavirus in a lab setting in just 48 hours. The drug, Ivermectin, an antiparasitic medicine, is an inhibitor of the virus SARS-CoV-2 in-vitro and can effectively cause a reduction in virus at 48 hours in cell cultures. The FDA-approved drug can be used for repurposing to treat patients affected by COVID-19


Dr. Peter McCullough, MD testifies How Successful Home Treatments for COVID Make Experimental Vaccines Unnecessary

Dr. Peter McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center. Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with over 1000 publications and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine. He is the most published scientist in the history of his field. Dr. McCullough was the lead author in a study published in the American Journal of Medicine that summarized existing drugs already approved and in the market that had success in treating COVID-19 patients. According to Dr. McCullough, there were over 50,000 papers on COVID in the peer-reviewed literature, and none of them dealt with how doctors are supposed to treat COVID. After publication, it became the most cited study dealing with COVID, and people were contacting Dr. McCullough from all over the world seeking help in treating COVID patients. He took a few slides from his presentation and decided to publish a YouTube video on it, to help spread the word that there were effective treatments for COVID. It soon went viral, as could be expected when one of the most respected doctors in the world was presenting effective treatments of COVID, and within about a week YouTube took it down, stating that it violated the terms of their community. Senator Johnson from Wisconsin then got involved, and arranged for Dr. McCullough and others to give expert testimony in Senate hearings in November of 2020, explaining that people did not have to die from COVID because effective treatments existed. This life-saving information was being censored in the corporate media, and was being removed by Big Tech in social media. Dr. McCullough explains why this happened: "I can tell you what happened. What happened at around May, it became known that the virus was going to be amenable to a vaccine. All efforts on treatment were dropped. Warp Speed went full tilt for vaccine development, and there was a silencing of any information on treatment. Any. Silencing. Scrubbed from Twitter, YouTube. You can't get papers published on this. We can't even get information out in our own medical literature on this!" Watch the full testimony of Dr. Peter McCullough just given to the Texas State Senate. What he covers in less than 20 minutes is truly amazing, and horrifying.

‘There are 46 treatable drugs for Covid and we could have saved 85% of those who died in America’

‘There is no scientific rationale for anyone under 50 to be vaccinated with a covid vaccine’

‘There is low degree if any of asymptomatic spread, sick people spread a disease, it is an important piece of mis-information’


“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming “Thousands of Doctors” are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID

It is a fact that HCQ and Ivermectin cures people who are at risk from dying from Covid-19 which means a covid vaccine is not needed. But these treatments will not result in the Big Pharmaceutical making billions of profits. Governments and the media will not even mention HCQ and Ivermectin as cures for Covid-19 (which incidentally have no side effects), instead they will push the idea that everyone needs to be vaccinated with experimental, toxic vaccines which have killed over 12,000 people in the USA, U.K and Europe so far (March 2020) and maimed thousands. Are these the actions of a government who cares for the health of its people or the actions of a government who cares more for the profits of Big Pharma and their agenda? Why are they pushing for us all to be vaccinated? Could it be as previously stated that it is not a vaccine but a DNA changing therapy and they want it in our bodies for other nefarious purposes such as the covid\health passports and a Digital I.D. But this plan can only succeed if they can convince or coerce enough people to get vaccinated.

Here’s the reason why Covid pandemic hoax perps aggressively undermined every possible treatment for COVID-19 no matter how effective it proved to be.

Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained

What is an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)?

U.S. Food & Drug Administration

“An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives”.

The key language in the preceding excerpt is this: “that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives”.

In other words, had there been effective remedies or treatments for COVID-19 (which there was), the FDA could not have invoked the “Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines”. Therefore, the extremely dangerous and deadly rollout of the untested and unsafe Covid injections / shots (they’re not vaccines) was allowed to proceed post-haste across the nation. But, to the great detriment of the American people who took them without the required informed consent prior to their Covid vaccinations.

This was the same scenario in the UK where the Covid vaccines where only allowed because of emergency use and the belief that there was NO effective treatment, which is a lie.

That is why the governments banned the use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and the media censored information about its effectiveness so that people where not informed of these covid treatments so that they would then accept the vaccine.

This ongoing state of affairs constitutes nothing less than a crime against humanity. And, when the vaccinated start dropping like flies, it will be rightly called a planned genocide.


Slovakia Becomes the First EU Nation to Formally Approve Ivermectin for Both Prophylaxis and Treatment for COVID-19 Patients


There are currently 276 studies, including 203 peer-reviewed studies (as of March 31, 2021) from 3700 scientists showing that hydroxychloroquine is highly effective for treating both early and late stage COVID patients. The drug is also very cheap to manufacture.

A link to the studies:


There are currently at least 83 studies, with 43 being peer-reviewed (as of April 3, 2021), showing that Ivermectin is highly effective in treating COVID-19 in early stages and as prophylaxis (preventative measure).

A link to the studies:


There are currently 75 showing that Vitamin D is effective in treating Covid-19. Random effects meta-analysis of the 23 vitamin D COVID-19 treatment studies to date shows an estimated reduction of 55% in the effect measured.

A link to the studies:


Second-largest factory in the world that produces hydroxychloroquine precursors has went up in flames. The factory produces hydroxychloroquine APIs, and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier. No doubt the crime organization behind the covid plandemic and the rollout of the experimental vaccines where behind this.



Bill Gates – World’s No.1 Vaccine Dealer

The main voice calling for the entire population of the world to be vaccinated with the covid vaccine is the world’s leading vaccine dealer, Bill Gates. He became a billionaire through his company Microsoft, but increased his fortune to over one hundred billion dollars by dealing vaccines.

He said:

'Investing in the vaccine industry is the best business investment I have ever made'. 

Right before the outbreak of the pandemic Gates tweeted:

'I am particularly excited about what the coming year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.'

How did he know that in 2019?

Bill Gates now wants to make sure the entire world population will buy his vaccines, by calling for a control system that will blackmail humanity.

According to this vaccine dealer only people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 should be allowed to travel, go to school, attend meetings and work.

Digital vaccine ID's are already being developed and Gates has a patent on the technology that makes it possible to trace an individual's body anywhere. This technology is called WO2020-060606. In addition, Gates wants to set up a global monitoring network, which will track everyone who came into contact with Covid-19.

Bill Gates patented technology to trace human body:


ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines:

The ID2020 Alliance has launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance Gavi (which was created by Bill Gates) and new partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief.

The program to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity was unveiled by ID2020 in partnership with the Bangladesh Government’s Access to Information Program, the Directorate General of Health Services, and Gavi.

Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has received vaccination.

The forced Covid-19 vaccine will be very dangerous for many reasons. First of all, it is developed without safety testing. Usually it takes 5-10 years to have a working vaccine, but now they are rushing it out in a matter of months! Bill Gates has said side effects only show up after two years. He says they don't want to wait so long, and therefor skip the usual safety procedures.

This means they plan to inject a very dangerous, unsafe vaccine into all of humanity!

Vaccine dealers like Bill Gates plan to earn trillions of dollars with this pandemic, making this the single greatest business endeavor in all of history. Could it be that this dazzlingly profitable project wasn’t a ‘surprise’ to them? Might they even have been involved in… creating it? Before we jump to conclusions, let’s have a look at what preceded the pandemic…

A few months before the outbreak, Bill Gates organized an event in New York City. Guess what the event was all about? It was a ‘coronavirus pandemic exercise’. Yes, you read that right:

Bill Gates organized a coronavirus pandemic exercise!

This ‘pandemic exercise’ was called Event201 and happened in October 2019, literally right before the outbreak.

The purpose of Event201 was to prepare the world for a coronavirus pandemic… which happened right after the event.

The strategy is clear: cause a global pandemic in order to enforce unprecedented levels of authoritarian control. This means people lose their most basic freedoms and rights and become slaves at the merciless hands of power hungry billionaires who will pull the strings on vaccines, digital ID’s, contact tracing etc.

The keyword here is 'vaccines'. These will be the golden key to lock the global prison doors: 'Everybody must get our vaccines or they will be excluded from normal life.'

What most of us don't know however is the heart wrenching devastation vaccines have caused to millions around the world. The US government recently paid over 4 billion USD in damages to people whose lives were destroyed by vaccines.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a relative of the late president John F. Kennedy who was murdered because he exposed the corruption of the CIA. Robert Kennedy Jr. obviously inherited the passion for truth and freedom, as he did an in depth investigation in the vaccine business of Bill Gates. In a devastating report he exposes many worldwide drama's caused by Gates' vaccines. Below are some facts from this shocking report.

While polio (poliomyelitis) was decreasing worldwide, Gates began massively treating children in India with a vaccine.

Suddenly almost half a million cases of severe poliomyelitis occurred!

Over 500,000 children were crippled and deformed for life! The World Health Organization eventually admitted that Gates' vaccine program was guilty of this. In Congo, the Philippines and Afghanistan similar epidemics were caused by Bill Gates' vaccines.

In 2014, an experimental vaccine was tested on 23,000 girls in India. One thousand suffered serious damage, including autoimmune diseases and infertility. Seven girls died.

In 2010, Gates funded an experimental malaria vaccine in Africa, causing the death of 151 children. Of the 5,049 children tested, 1,048 suffered serious side effects such as paralysis, epileptic seizures and convulsions.

In South Africa thousands of children were vaccinated against their will. Hundreds were paralyzed! South African newspapers wrote:

'We're guinea pigs for drug manufacturers.'

In 2014, Gates claimed to have a safe vaccine against tetanus. In reality, it was a poison that made women infertile. Millions of women lost any chance of having children. Similar accusations come from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

Bill Gates is a member of the Bilderberger group.

A secret meeting of vaccine specialists of the World Health Organization shows how dangerous vaccines are. They met to express their concern about the deaths caused by vaccines and its long-term harmful effects. This information was not supposed to leak out, but an honest person who had access to the footage of the secret meeting made it public. Here's what they said among themselves:

'We cannot overemphasize the fact that we really don't have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries, ... we're not able to give clear cut answers when people ask questions about the deaths that have occurred due to a particular vaccine.' - Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist, WHO

Bill Gates Control the WHO (World Health Organization)

Since the World Health Organization is all too aware of the deaths and long terms health damage caused by their vaccines, one would expect them to be very careful with vaccines, right? But that is not the case because the WHO is the main force pushing for a mandatory vaccine. Why would they do this?

The answer is that their main financial supporter is Bill Gates, who happens to also be the world’s number 1 vaccine dealer.

Bill Gates is the biggest sponsor of the WHO:

All this becomes even more disturbing if we realize that this same WHO murdered over a thousand people worldwide, by giving them lethal doses of hydroxychloroquine, in order to put this safe medicine in a bad light. As Dr. Meryl Nash said earlier: “By doing this they rob billions of people of a safe and cheap medicine. This may contribute to the prolongation of the pandemic, massive economic losses and many more deaths”.

The millions of lives severely damaged by his vaccines, coupled with his plan to reduce mankind by 15%, have prompted half a million people to take steps.

A petition has been submitted to the White House with 600,000 signatures, demanding that Bill Gates be investigated for 'crimes against humanity'

How come most of us are not aware of how dangerous vaccines are? Because information about vaccine damage is censored by the big media, who are either owned or bribed by vaccine dealers. During an official interrogation by the U.S. government, the owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, was questioned about this.

The congressman began the interrogation by referring to the billions of dollars being payed to compensate people who were severely damaged by vaccines.

He then asked Mark Zuckerberg why Facebook keeps people away from information that warns them of these dangers. Zuckerberg replied that they do, because everyone should get all vaccinations. Zuckerberg remained visibly unmoved by the far-reaching devastation that vaccinations cause to many people

“Facebook sensors information about the dangers of vaccines, because we want everyone to be vaccinated.” - Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook

In almost every nation of the world there are organizations that inform the general public about vaccine damage. Many documentaries have been produced to reveal the devastation caused by vaccines, like the renowned movie VAXXED. In this historic film people across America testify how their children are suffering severely from vaccine damage.

Many children become autistic, lose their mental abilities, voice and even ability to walk.

If the movie VAXXED is uploaded to Youtube, it will be removed almost instantly. The way information about vaccine damage is being censored is extremely concerning and should alarm every person on this planet. It reveals how the agenda to vaccinate humanity is aggressively pushed.

Meanwhile respected medical experts keep raising their voices...

'Many vaccines are infected with gamma-retroviruses, because they use viruses grown in infected animal cell lines. This leads to diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, cancer, leukemia’s and lymphomas.' - Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., Cellular and Molecular Biologist

'The vaccination process, by its very nature, entails significant risks of illness, injury and death, which are persistently denied and covered up by the manufacturers, the CDC and the doctors who speak out in favour.' - Dr. Richard Moskowitz

One of the reasons that vaccines can be fatal or cause serious disabilities is the fact that they contain material from... monkeys, pigs and calves. In addition, tissue from aborted babies is used. During an official interrogation, the godfather of vaccinations, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, was questioned.

He confirmed that material from monkeys, pigs, calves and murdered babies is used in vaccines.

In an interview with the CNBC Bill Gates made a disturbing statement concerning the covid19 vaccine. First he declared that flu vaccines do not work with elderly people. Isn't that interesting? Billions of dollars are made every year by selling flu vaccines to elderly people all around the world, and here we have the world's number one vaccine dealer openly admitting they don't work! Gates added that because of this, the covid19 vaccine will have to be boosted to make it extra potent, in the hopes that it might also have some effect on the elderly. There is however a severe risk with this. As vaccines become more aggressive, the long term destructive side effects also increase dramatically.

Gates said that at least 700,000 people will suffer from this and therefore governments will have to be involved, to pay damages.

Bill Gates even stated in an interview with CBS: 'we don't know of these vaccines will work' and that therefor 'multiple doses will be required'. But then he says something that reveals his true nature and motivation: 'None of the vaccines at this point appear like they'll work with a single dose. That was the hope at the very beginning.'

This 2-hour documentary from the Corbett Report below tells you everything about Bill Gates and his vaccine agenda.


Covid Vaccine – Adverse Reactions

Covid Vaccine – Adverse Reactions

“There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic… You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.” Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory Disease

So the only solution for the whole world to get their normal life back from 2019 is for us all to take the Covid vaccine. In fact, they are pushing for a scenario where nobody will be able to do any activity such as travel, attend sporting events or concerts and maybe visit a bar or restaurant or even get a job unless you have had the Covid vaccine. This seems to have been the plan from the beginning. Yes, there is evidence that this so called Plandemic was planned 10 years ago, more on that later. So we could be forced to take a covid vaccine that authorities have already said doesn’t stop you getting Covid or spreading Covid but only relieves the symptoms and additionally you could have serious adverse reactions if you take it. Not forgetting the fact that 99.7% of the world’s population recover from Covid and most have just mild symptoms. The average age of a covid death is 82 so why do they need to vaccinate young healthy people especially children whose life is not even under threat from covid.

Governments around the world say that the covid vaccines are totally safe and you will only suffer mild adverse reactions such as a headache but this is a monumental lie.

Most people who take the Covid vaccine do not know that they are taking part in an experiment, in a clinical trial. The covid vaccines are still in the clinical trial stages and the trials do not finish until the beginning of 2023. Therefore, if you have had one of these covid vaccines you are part of the trial or experiment and these vaccines have only been authorised for emergency use only.

Also they can only be authorised for emergency use if there is no other effective treatments available and again governments are lying because there is effective treatments available that cures Covid-19 without any side effects. But they buried the information about these treatments in the media to make sure people did not here about them.

Many doctors around the world have cured thousands of patients who have had severe covid symptoms with two treatments, Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Thousands upon thousands of patients recovered from this virus in a matter of days, without any side effects, without hospitalization and virtually without any deaths. This incredibly powerful cure is an age old anti-viral medicine that has been used worldwide for more than 60 years: hydroxychloroquine. A campaign was the created by Big Pharma, the WHO and their paid lackeys to ban HCQ because they want to push vaccines as the ONLY solution for Covid.

“The governments say there's no treatment for Covid-19. It's a lie. It's deception. They don't want to cure Covid-19 because...everyone has to get the vaccines.” - Dr. Rob Elens, Medical Center De Peel, The Netherlands

Top Yale Doctor/Researcher: 'Ivermectin works,' including for long-haul COVID - Dr. Alessandro Santin, a practicing oncologist and scientist who runs a large laboratory at Yale, believes firmly that ivermectin could vastly cut suffering from COVID-19.

"The bottom line is that ivermectin works. I've seen that in my patients as well as treating my own family in Italy," Santin said in an interview, referring to his father, 88, who recently suffered a serious bout of COVID. "We must find a way to administer it on a large scale to a lot of people."

Governments around the world say that the covid vaccines are totally safe and you will only suffer mild adverse reactions such as a headache but this is a monumental lie which is easily proved. If you take a covid vaccine you are playing Russian roulette with your health and your life and any damages to your health from the vaccine will be permanent, it cannot be reversed. Whereas your chances of actually dying from Covid are 0.02%. Not forgetting the fact that 99.7% of the world’s population recover from Covid and most have just mild symptoms. The average age of a covid death is 82 so why do they need to vaccinate young healthy people especially children whose life is not even under threat from covid.

It seems the cure is worse than the virus. Plus, we know the vaccine does not stop you getting covid and only reduces your symptoms and you can also still be contagious and they do not know if it affects sterility. Also these are only the short term affects what about the long term effects of this vaccine in say 6 months or two years. They simply don't know because it has taken them 6 months to create a vaccine. People have been scared into getting the covid vaccine by the continuous day after day fearmongering by the media and governments for a virus which is only deadly to people over the age of 70 and with other illnesses. For instance, between March-May 2020 the news media put a running total of supposed covid deaths on T.V all day, 24\7 but when those deaths went into single figures in June\July the news media stopped the running total of covid deaths because obviously that is not going to scare anyone. So then they changed tactics and started putting the running total of cases on the T.V and of course the cases rose because more people were being tested with the fraudulent PCR test which does not test for Covid.

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi is a microbiologist and the most sited Professor in German history and when asked in an interview if he would have the covid vaccine he said ‘Of course not, I am not mad’. Also bear in mind he is 77 years of age but he knows that the covid narrative is a lie and there is a 99.7% chance he would recover from Covid and he also knows the risks of the vaccine outweigh the benefits. You can listen to Dr. Bhakdi in the video below.

You simply have not been told the risks from the Covid vaccines. The governments and media have went to great lengths to keep this information from the general public. Because in order for them to bring in covid\health passports (this was the intention from the beginning, even before 2020) they need the vast majority of the population vaccinated, including children.

We know children do not transmit the Covid-19 virus and that the concept of asymptomatic spread has been questioned severely, particularly for children. Children, if infected, just do not spread Covid-19 to others readily, either to other children, other adults in their families or otherwise, nor to their teachers. It is well-noted that asymptomatic cases are not the drivers of the pandemic; something particularly important in relation to children as they're generally asymptomatic.

In other words there are no data whatsoever that could be used to support the need for vaccination of children in this Covid-19 pandemic. Yet there are currently a number of trials in process for a number of covid shots where the subjects of the studies ARE CHILDREN. Why are we vaccinating children against Covid-19 when we know the vast majority don't catch it or spread it? Has anyone bothered to assess whether the risk of adverse reaction to the shot is worth the (possible) minuscule benefit?

There is zero risk from children dying or facing severe symptoms from Covid-19 but there is a huge risk of the children suffering great harm from the covid vaccine. This is wrong, so wrong and I would go so far as to say evil. If any child is harmed by a covid vaccine then this is a crime and criminal charges need to be brought against the organisations administering and coercing the children to be vaccinated.

Did you know that the covid vaccines have killed over 1000 people in the U.K so far (April 28 2021) and permanently blinded over 160? My guess is you don’t know because this information has been carefully concealed from the public.

Most people do not even know there is a government reporting system where you can report adverse reactions to the covid vaccine or any vaccine for that matter.

The UK Government releases reports highlighting adverse reactions via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme ( to both the Pfizer and Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccines that have occurred since the vaccine rollout began on the 8th December and it does not make for pleasant reading.

But as predicted, with the rise in vaccines administered (over 30 million in the U.K) came a rise in adverse reactions with 149,082 reported adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine and 573,650 adverse reactions to the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine as of April 21st 2021. For both vaccines this equates to 1 in every 166 people suffering an adverse reaction. This rate could actually be much higher as only 1 – 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported, according to the MHRA themselves.

Governments say Covid Vaccines are safe. That is a lie!

The UK Gov.s 13th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines

Up until April 21st 2021 Covid Vaccines have caused:

Deaths - 1103

Blinded – 165

Eye Disorders – 12995

Vision Impaired – 481

Deafness - 231

Strokes – 1096

Miscarriages – 90

Cardiac Arrest – 158

Facial paralysis – 717

Paralysis 231

Cerebrovascular accident - 732

(Cerebrovascular disease includes a variety of medical conditions that affect the blood vessels of the brain)

There have also been 717 reports of facial paralysis, which is a loss of facial movement due to nerve damage. Your facial muscles droop and this can happen on one or both sides of the face. There is no known cure for facial paralysis but recovery usually begins 2 weeks to 6 months from the onset of symptoms. Can you imagine going to get an experimental “vaccine” to supposedly protect you from a virus that statistically kills less than 0.2% of those it infects and leaving with a paralyzed face that could last up to 6 months? Would you say it was worth it?

There has now been over 700,000 adverse reactions to the covid vaccines in the U.K as of April 21st 2021. It is known that under 10% of adverse reactions are reported, so the true figure could be 7 million.

Covid Vaccine reactions latest report from the official U.K governments Yellow Card reporting scheme as reported by the DailyExpose website.

However Matt Hancock and the JCVI recently announced that the vaccines are now considered “100% safe” for use in pregnant women, based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever. This is criminal considering the fact that over 90 woman have suffered a miscarriage after having a covid vaccine.

The data shows us that as of the 21st April 2021 722,732 adverse reactions have occurred in total due to both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jab. This includes 9,125 blood disorders, 16,282 ear and eye disorders, 7,345 cardiac disorders, and a shocking 145,806 nervous system disorders which include brain damage, strokes, paralysis, and seizure.

These are just the immediate side effects of the Covid vaccines, and only the ones that have been reported. We dread to think what adverse effects we might see in the long term.


The mainstream media (BBC, ITV and Sky news, CNN, ABC) and the governments say that the Covid vaccine is totally safe. THAT IS A LIE and they have been lying about everything about Covid since March 2020. If the vaccine is totally safe then why is the vaccine killing and injuring so many. Below are the vaccine deaths in Europe which does not include the U.K.


8,430 deaths and 354,177 injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance ( - which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Hundreds of cases of blindness are among the 19,916 reports of “eye disorders” to the European drug monitoring agency following injection of experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

EudraVigilance is a system designed for collecting reports of suspected side effects. These reports are used for evaluating the benefits and risks of medicines during their development and monitoring their safety following their authorisation in the European Economic Area (EEA). EudraVigilance has been in use since December 2001.

This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and anyone can use the EudraVigilance system and verify this data.


MASS MURDER: 3,848 DEATHS and 118,902 injuries in the U.S. Following COVID Injections in 4 Months: More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than the Past 15 Years COMBINED

The CDC announced this week (April 24th) that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now reached 3,486 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.

As of April 24th 2021 the USA death toll after having the covid vaccine is now over 3500 with 16554 needing urgent care and 734 suffering Bell’s Palsy and 152 Miscarriages and over 600 suffering with a anaphylaxis shock and over 800 heart attacks.

On average there is approx. 150 reported deaths per year in the USA following a vaccine shot - in the first 4 months of 2021 there's already been more than 3000 reported deaths. That is over 60 times the normal reports of death following a vaccine so far.

The latest figures for the USA Covid vaccines adverse reactions can be found here:

Below are some of the side effects to the covid vaccines as stated by the FDA in America?


Don’t forget the covid-19 scam, the restrictions, the lockdowns have been created to psychologically manipulate whole populations into accepting covid vaccines and covid passports for any human activity. These covid passports will only last 6 month forcing you to have maybe four covid vaccines per year for the rest of your life and your children’s life.

Listen to activist Chris Sky as he describes the covid passports in the video below.


Dr Coleman says this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19.

Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - and Could Wipe out the Human Race by Dr Vernon Coleman -


On average there is approx. 150 reported deaths per year in the USA following a vaccine shot - in the first 4 months of 2021 there's already 3185 reported deaths. That is over 60 times the normal reports of death following a vaccine so far.

The CDC admits that only 6% of all deaths in the US classified as Coronavirus deaths actually died from the Coronavirus alone which means a figure of about 20,000.

In 2011 the US Department of Health and Social Services commissioned the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care unit to study the efficacy of the US Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS).

The Harvard Study found that the VAERS system massively underestimates the number of vaccine deaths and vaccine injuries. The authors of the study estimated that only about 1% of the real numbers became the official numbers. On this basis it is posited that since 1986 there have actually been about 800,000 vaccine-related deaths in the USA and well over a million and a half “vaccine-related disabilities.” Whatever the actual numbers are, it is clear the public is not being presented with a clear and honest picture about the effects of the COVID jabs.

Only One Percent of Vaccine Reactions Reported to VAERS


6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020

As can be expected when new experimental “vaccines” that are not approved by the FDA are given emergency use authorization to fight a “pandemic” that is now over a year old, reported deaths following the injections of these shots have now skyrocketed in the U.S. population by over 6000% here at the end of the first quarter of 2021, as compared to recorded deaths following FDA-approved vaccines at the end of the first quarter of 2020.

These new products, which many doctors and scientists claim do not even meet the legal definition of a “vaccine,” are described by the manufacturers themselves as “operating systems” called the “software of life,” and prior to COVID they have never been approved to be used on human populations.

There are literally thousands of doctors and scientists around the world who have spoken out against these experimental injections, some even calling them “biological weapons of mass destruction.”

Their voices are censored in the pharma-controlled corporate media and by Big Tech, so the people dying and becoming injured by these injections are the pro-vaccine people who primarily only get their information from these censored sources that are funded by Wall Street corporate billionaires, such as Bill Gates.


All of these Covid vaccine deaths and injuries will keep rising so it may be a good idea to check on the following websites for updates:


This is really sad. Listen to this lady in the U.K describe how her husband has been paralyzed by the AstraZeneca vaccine. Nicola's fit, healthy, 58-year-old husband had the Oxford vaccine (first jab) and very soon after was very ill. He is now in hospital with suspected Transvers Myelitis, now diagnosed as Guillain-Barre syndrome. This lady says we trusted the government because they said the vaccine is safe. The doctors at the hospital admit it was the vaccine. UKColumns video was removed from YouTube minutes after it was uploaded because they don’t want people to know the truth and if to many of the public found out about this and the other hundreds of thousands of covid vaccine adverse reactions it might mess up their plans for their New World Order vaccine passports.

Transverse myelitis is an inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord. Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare disorder in which your body's immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your extremities are usually the first symptoms. These sensations can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing your whole body.


12-Year-Old Girl Paralyzed and Injured in Moderna COVID-19 "Vaccine Trial"

Moderna currently has a trial ongoing (April 2021) with children between the ages of 12 and 17 with about 3000 participants, and apparently one of those participants, a 12-year-old girl named “Maddie,” is now paralyzed from the waist down, and reportedly is now suffering from an inability to urinate on her own, a bowel obstruction, excruciating pain, fainting episodes and other neurological problems.

The injection of poisons into children based on a belief that such an injection will protect the child from some danger, like a “virus. Such a belief is based on fear, and the ones selling this fear are the same ones selling the “medicines” to allegedly protect oneself from the thing being feared.

The data clearly states that whatever COVID-19 is, it is NOT dangerous to children.


2-year-old Dies Just Six Days After Getting Second Pfizer COVID Shot

The baby girl, whose name was not publicized received her second and final dose of the serum on February 25. According to the record in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) — a vaccine injury recording system run jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — the infant was admitted to the hospital on February 14, meaning that she had already received her first dose before being hospitalized for 17 days.

The VAERS record indicates that the baby did not have any pre-existing conditions, birth defects, or permanent disabilities, but that she developed a serious side-effect on March 1, four days after receiving her second dose, while she was still in hospital following the first shot. Two days later, on March 3, she was dead.


18-year-old has three brain surgeries after Covid vaccine

An 18-year-old Clark County (USA) woman who became critically ill after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has undergone three brain surgeries related to dangerous blood clots. The young woman, Emma Burkey, began to feel ill about a week after being vaccinated on or about April 1, eventually experiencing seizures that sent her to the hospital.


Two teenage girls suffer Cardiac Arrest and sadly die within days of having mRNA Covid Vaccine

In details found on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the USA’s version of the UK’S MHRA Yellow Card Scheme, we discovered that one fifteen-year-old girl and one seventeen-year-old girl tragically lost their lives within days of each other in similar circumstances after being given an mRNA “vaccine”. The fifteen-year-old girl was from New Hampshire and was given a dose of the Moderna vaccine around four days prior to her death according to the ‘Paediatric Intensive Care Unit’ (PICU) nurse who made the report. The girl had no prior life threatening conditions, birth defects or disabilities but suffered cardiac arrest on the 5th April 2021. Sadly she died just a day later on the 6th April.


15 Year Old Boy Dies of Heart Attack Two Days after Taking Pfizer Vaccine, Had No History of Allergic Reactions

According to data in the national Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a 15-year-old boy in Colorado died of a heart attack only two days after being injected with the controversial Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine despite having no previous history of allergic reactions.

The case, listed in the database as VAERS ID 1242573, reveals that the 15-year-old boy was “vaccinated with Pfizer/Biontech” on April 18, 2021. He began to experience adverse reactions to the vaccine on April 19, 2021, and “died 04/20/2021, 2 days after vaccination.” The VAERS database also reveals that he had no other illnesses, no preexisting conditions, no known allergies, no birth defects, and no permanent disabilities. He merely died of “cardiac failure” exactly two days after receiving the controversial vaccine.


A 15-year-old female died of cardiac arrest after receiving the second dose of the Moderna vaccine. VAERS details below.


13 people died during Moderna’s COVID vaccine trial

The evidence presented listed 13 deaths in the trials, with 6 deaths being people who had taken the vaccine, and 7 those who had received the placebo.

WASHINGTON, D.C, December 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Official documents from the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) record that 13 people died during trials of the Moderna vaccine, while the FDA has also issued a new warning regarding Bell’s Palsy as a potential effect of the vaccine.

A sponsor briefing document prepared for the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) recorded the various outcomes on participants in the Moderna vaccine trial, listing the effects of those who had received the vaccine and those who had taken the placebo.

The evidence presented listed 13 deaths in the trials, with 6 deaths being people who had taken the vaccine, and 7 those who had received the placebo. Results were correct up until December 3.


Care Home deaths are rising since care home vaccination rollout began

In Gibraltar which has a population of 33,000 there was 10 covid related deaths in the whole of 2020. But then in the 2nd week of January elderly people started to die at a unbelievable rate. This surge in elderly deaths occurred after 5,847 doses of experimental mRNA injections were administered to the citizens of Gibraltar. In just one week, 17 percent of the country’s population had been inoculated with the first dose of Pfizer’s mRNA experiment. Before the vaccine experiment began, the covid-19 related death toll accounted for ten people. After the vaccine rollout, the total number of deaths had skyrocketed to forty-five people. In the first eight days of the vaccination program, thirty-five seniors suddenly passed away. After the first week of vaccination, Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said, “This is now the worst loss of life of Gibraltarians in over 100 years. Even in war, we have never lost so many in such a short time.”

In Auburn, New York at the Cayuga County nursing home, no one had died of covid-19, but after the vaccination drive began on December 22, 2020, the residents suddenly began to fall ill. After one week of vaccination, which covered 193 residents and 113 staff members, 137 fell ill and a shocking 24 seniors passed away by January 9, 2021.

Below from the Daily Expose website.

The miraculous Covid “vaccine” roll-out began on the 8th December 2020, prioritizing care home residents and staff. By the 27th January the UK Government announced that 95% of all care home residents had been vaccinated, with Matt Hancock announcing on Twitter that more than 80% of the over-80’s had received at least one dose of either the Pfizer or Oxford jab.

So why is it that as of the week ending 29th January we have seen a 62% increase in care home deaths due to all causes since the week ending 10th January? And a 240% increase in care home deaths “due” to Covid-19 in the same time frame?

Two days after authorities started to experiment on the general public with the Pfizer vaccine, there were a total of 2905 deaths due to all causes recorded in care homes during the 7 days previous to the 10th December 2020. The ONS reports that were also 736 deaths “involving” Covid-19 during the same week.

However just two days after authorities announced they had vaccinated over 95% of care home residents, there were a total of 4800 deaths due to all causes recorded in care homes during the 7 days previous to the 29th January 2021. The ONS also reports that there were 2505 deaths “involving Covid-19 during the same week.

Below are just a few links to deaths and injuries caused by the Covid vaccine. The mainstream media won’t tell you about these.

Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the US Food and Drug Administration has revealed just hours after Britain became the first country in the world to roll out the vaccine.

Multiple reports are coming out now about how the Covid shots are causing paralysis in the victims

Vaccine Injured by Pfizer mRNA

Western Governments Are Killing Their Own People … Again. Experimental mRNA Injections in Nursing Homes

55 People Died in US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines according to reports submitted to a federal system.

SHOCKING: Footage Shows Man Suffering a Seizure in Car after Being Jabbed At Drive-Thru Covid Vaccine Site

33-year-old woman paralyzed 12 hours after getting first covid vaccine



21-Year-Old University of Cincinnati Student DEAD 24 Hours after Johnson & Johnson COVID Injection

Australian Police Officer Suffers Blood Clots Just Days after Receiving Pfizer Covid Vaccine

A Queensland police officer was rushed to the hospital with blood clots just days after getting the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The 40-year-old man who worked patrolling the state’s quarantine hotels received the Pfizer jab on Sunday 18th April. Just three days later, the officer was admitted to hospital after he developed blood clots.

India’s Health Ambassador Dies One Day after Taking COVID-19 Vaccine

Vivek, a well-known Indian actor and the Tamil Nadu state’s health ambassador, has died after receiving a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. The popular Tamil actor and comedian died at 4:35am on Friday 16th April after being admitted for cardiac arrest.

Mississippi Man Suffers Stroke 4 Hours After Receiving J&J Covid Vaccine

A Mississippi man who received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine suffered a blood clot and stroke just four hours post injection. Brad Malagarie, 43, of St Martin, fell unwell after he received the first dose of the J&J vaccine, his family members told local station WLOX. Celeste Foster O’Keefe, Malagarie’s aunt, said: “They called me and said he had that vaccine, and something is wrong, we think it’s a stroke.” Malagarie, who was a father of seven, was rushed to the hospital where health officials said that he had suffered a stroke due to a blood clot in his brain.

Lucy Taberer: 47-year-old British woman suffers blood clots, dead 22 days after experimental AstraZeneca shot

Sharon Beaudry: 67-year-old North Carolina woman dead 24 hours after first Pfizer mRNA shot

Luke Garrett: 20-year-old Scotland man dead less than 12 hours after experimental Pfizer mRNA shot

Brad Malagarie: 43-year-old Mississippi man has stroke, paralyzed hours after experimental Johnson & Johnson shot

33-year-old woman paralyzed 12 hours after getting first covid vaccine

Health Care Worker in Orange County, California Dies Four Days After Getting Experimental COVID-19 Injection

32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine


Florida: 38 “fully vaccinated” people test positive for COVID-19

102 get sick with coronavirus despite getting vaccine in Washington

102 people in Washington have tested positive for the coronavirus since February. Of that group, two people have died and eight people have been hospitalized.


Beth Ellington: 63-year-old North Carolina professor dead 48 hours after Johnson & Johnson Covid shot. A perfectly-healthy college professor is dead two days after receiving the experimental Johnson & Johnson covid shot – and state officials are calling it a coincidence.


Forty-six nursing home residents who had received their first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s fast-tracked vaccination against COVID-19 at the beginning of January had died by the end of the month, Spanish media have reported.


An X-ray technologist from Orange, California, fell ill and was taken to an emergency room just a few hours after receiving his second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine earlier this month — and four days later he was dead,


A 35-Year-Old nurse in the U.K who was “fit and healthy” has died, alone, after receiving both Pfizer experimental COVID shots. She leaves behind her husband and two young boys.


Perfectly Healthy” 41-year-old Pediatric Assistant Dies Suddenly After Injected with Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine


The report below is by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News

I don’t know if you readers of Health Impact News are getting tired of reading about all these sudden deaths of otherwise healthy people, many of them in the prime of their life, just after receiving one of the experimental COVID “vaccines,” but I know I am sure getting sick of constantly publishing these stories!!

These are MURDERS!

Let’s call them what they truly are. All of these experimental COVID “vaccines” which have been given fast-track emergency use authorization are ILLEGAL!

COVID-19 is biggest medical scandal of our lifetime!

Nobody has to die from COVID-19 because THOUSANDS of doctors across the globe have documented how COVID patients can be 100% cured with either older drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, or prevented in the first place with proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation such as Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

The new COVID-19 vaccines are a financial windfall for the pharmaceutical industry, but they are unneeded and they are killing and maiming people, and are clearly a far more serious threat to life and death than any “virus.”

The COVID Blog has just highlighted the death of 28-year-old Haley Link Brinkmeyer, who just finished her PhD and got married in 2018 and is now DEAD two days after receiving one of the mRNA experimental COVID injections. - by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News


Pediatric Nurse Brags About Getting COVID Vaccine While Pregnant – Baby is Stillborn 8 Days Later

Kansas City Council Woman DEAD Hours After Receiving Experimental COVID Injection


Whistleblower Reveals Many Pregnancy Complications following Experimental COVID Injections – “Vaccine Leaving a Trail of Devastated Mothers”


Israeli Woman Gets Paralyzed in Face Following Corona Vaccine

13 Israelis suffer FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid jab, amid influx of reports detailing adverse effects

Israel researchers concluded that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times more people than the disease among the younger age class. We stress that this is in order to produce a green passport valid at most 6 months, and promote Pfizer sales.


Twenty-three people died in Norway within days of receiving their first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, with 13 of those deaths — all nursing home patients — apparently related to the side effects of the shots, health officials said.


181 Dead in the U.S. During 2 Week Period from Experimental COVID Injections

In Sweden, 55 people could have died as a result of the use of vaccines against the coronavirus infection COVID-19. Reported by Fria Tider. According to the latest report from the Swedish State Pharmaceutical Authority, the country has registered 55 deaths, the alleged cause of which is complications caused by the side effects of vaccines against coronavirus infection. 54 deaths are attributed to Pfizer and BioNTech's Comirnaty vaccine, and one to Moderna's vaccine.


Doctor Kershav Sharma (wexford, ireland) 39, found dead after covid vaccine

Doctor Kershav Sharma a respiratory consultant who practiced in Wexford hospital took the vaccine on Tuesday 5th of January 2021. The following Sunday the 10th of January was found dead at his home.

There was nothing in local media about his death. He was only 39 years old.


Nurse Says Covid-19 Vaccine Paralyzed her Face


For the Greater Good? – 1 premature baby death & 22 miscarriages reported as adverse reactions to the Covid Vaccines


The mainstream media does not want anyone to know that sailors in the Australian Navy have been dropping like flies ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines became available to them.


On Feb. 5, 2021, four days after being given a second dose of the experimental Moderna mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine,” Kassidi Kurill died reportedly of ‘multiple organ failure.’

She was a healthy 39-year old single Mom with no known health problems, who worked as a surgical tech for several plastic surgeons in Ogden, Utah.


Teacher Dies Hours After Getting AstraZeneca COVID Shot in Italy – Manslaughter Investigation Launched


Compilation of recent stories and videos covering covid vaccine injuries, side effects and DEATHS:


The Harsh Reality of Vaccine Adverse Effects

58-year-old man had the Oxford vaccine (first jab) and very soon after was very ill. He is in hospital and was diagnosed with suspected Transvers Myelitis. This is now re-diagnosed as Guillain-Barre syndrome.

As her husband struggles to breathe and cannot walk, he is isolated without visitors on a neurology ward, with many other vaccine adverse reaction cases. Nicola says people need to be told the harsh reality about the dangerous side effects of vaccines, and asks “Why were we not told?"


Vaccination – The Greatest Lie ever told? (Part 1)


The AstraZeneca Jab IS Killing People & It’s Being Covered Up

39-year-old nurse aide dies ‘within 48 hours’ of receiving mandated COVID-19 shot


58-year-old man had the Oxford vaccine (first jab) and very soon after was very ill. He is in hospital and was diagnosed with suspected Transvers Myelitis. This is now re-diagnosed as Guillain-Barre syndrome.

As her husband struggles to breathe and cannot walk, he is isolated without visitors on a neurology ward, with many other vaccine adverse reaction cases. Nicola says people need to be told the harsh reality about the dangerous side effects of vaccines, and asks “Why were we not told?"








Of course, the authorities deny any link between vaccinations and these deaths. They blame comorbidities. When a vaccinated individual with comorbidities dies, it's because of the comorbidities. When an alleged SARS-COV-2 positive individual with comorbidities dies, it's because of the SARS-COV-2. Does that make sense? Nothing makes sense. 99,8% of the people recover from covid, so why the vaccine. A vaccine that doesn’t stop you getting covid but only reduces the symptoms, but most people have only mild or no symptoms anyway and then there is a small chance it could blind you, paralyze you or even kill you. Is this the response of an enlightened government who cares about the people? Do you really think that the big pharmaceutical companies care about the people or care about the hundreds of billions of profit they will make from the vaccines?

Please if you do nothing else watch this video through and take notice of what these qualified medical professionals tell you.

Please watch this video and their urgent pleas, and then share it with as many people


What could possibly motivate these doctors, nurses, scientists, and other health professionals to make such an impassioned plea? What do they have to gain by taking the time to educate the public on the hidden dangers of a new class of vaccine about to be inflicted upon the citizens of countries around the world?

They have NOTHING TO GAIN, and much to lose, including their careers, and possibly even their lives.

So why are they doing this? Why are these doctors and professionals being censored so much if the new COVID vaccines are in fact “safe and effective”? What is it that the media and the government are hiding that they don’t want the public to know?

They are doing this because they are doctors and scientists who actually understand the REAL science here, and who know the devastating potential consequences of those who choose to get this very toxic and dangerous vaccine, and they are trying to save as many people as possible from the carnage this vaccine is going to cause, which will include DEATH, brain injuries, life-long autoimmune disease, infertility, and more.

When doctors from all over the planet risk their careers and reputations to speak out and warn you about the health hazards of a vaccine, you would be smart to take notice.

WHO, Fauci Warn COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Prevent Infection and Disease Transmission. What is the point of them then and why then do they want to vaccinate the whole population?


One-Third of Deaths Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred Within 48 Hours of Vaccination


Pregnant women warned not to take Moderna Covid vaccine.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised pregnant women against having Moderna's Covid-19 jab.

In an update posted to the WHO's official website, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) said they do not recommend the use of the vaccine in pregnant women.

Only those who are at risk of high exposure to the virus, such as healthcare workers, should consider having the jab.

Covid Vaccination is not recommended during pregnancy yet 59 Women have now reported losing their baby due to it:



Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Cause Infertility in Women?

Dr. Michael Yeadon, a researcher who was employed with Pfizer until 2011, and German doctor Wolfgang Wodard, sent a petition to the European Medicines Agency, asking the EMA to stop clinical trials of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The doctors said the vaccine might block a protein that is crucial in the formation of the placenta, and they said it could “result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.” Pfizer responded that there is no data to show that the vaccine will cause infertility – which probably is true because no long-term studies on this issue have been conducted. It is easy not to find something if one doesn’t look for it. Pfizer also said there is no difference in the outcomes of pregnancies with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection, which is a distraction, because it has nothing to do with the question about the effect of the vaccines on the outcome of pregnancy.

Yeadon, along with German doctor Wolfgang Wodard, recently sent a petition to the European Medicines Agency, asking the EMA to stop clinical trials of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. They said the vaccine might block a protein that is crucial in the formation of a placenta, and the doctors claimed that could “result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.”

If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. or U.K court of law. The U.S and U.K governments have granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.


Covid vaccine has never been safe, that is why 10 European countries have halted the AstraZeneca\Oxford vaccine because of blood clot safety concerns.

Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations immediately, or “uncontrollable monster” will be unleashed

New Research Points to Link between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots

Researchers in Norway and Germany say they’ve identified antibodies that provoke immune reactions leading to the type of cerebral blood clots experienced by some people who received AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine.

Researchers at the Greifswald teaching hospital in northern Germany said they’ve discovered how the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine could cause blood clots that could lead to rare thrombosis in the brain, public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk reported.

The German team, led by Professor Andreas Greinacher, said in a statement that AstraZeneca’s vaccine may, in some cases, prompt overactivation of platelets in the blood, which can lead to potentially deadly clots. As NPR reported, Greinacher said it’s similar to what happens with a condition called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.


Nothing else explains it': Norwegian scientists say AstraZeneca DID cause blood clots; British and Dutch experts dismiss theory

Norwegian scientists have linked the AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots - a condition seen in some people that led countries around the world to halt its use. But British and Dutch medics say there's no evidence for such a link.

"The cause of our patients' condition has now been found," Pal Andre Holme, the head of a research group at the Oslo University Hospital, told Norway's VG media outlet. He was referring to the cases of three health workers under the age of 50 who suffered from severe blood clotting after receiving the AstraZeneca jab. One of the medics then died on Monday.

The clotting in those patients was triggered by a very specific "strong immune response" likely caused as a result of the AstraZeneca jab, Holme explained. In collaboration with the University Hospital of North Norway, Holme's team detected specific antibodies that "activate" platelets and in some cases can lead to blood clots.

Asked by VG if the vaccine was the "most likely" cause of this specific immune response, Holme said he believes "there is no other thing" in the history of the three individual patients which would generate such a response. None of the three patients had a history of similar health issues before, he said. "I am pretty sure it is these antibodies that are the cause and I see no other reason than that it is the vaccine that triggers them."

Earlier, a group of nations in Europe and beyond, including Germany, France, Italy and Spain, among others, suspended the rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine amid reports of the potentially fatal blood clotting. Most recently, the Swedish Medical Products Agency said that a previously healthy woman died due to blood clotting a week after taking AstraZeneca's Covid-19 jab.


Multiple vaccine connected deaths in Italy leads to batch of AstraZeneca to be banned

Italy's northern region of Piedmont said on Sunday March 14th it would stop using a batch of AstraZeneca coronavirus shots after a teacher died following his vaccination on Saturday.

The region, around the northern city of Turin, had initially suspended all AstraZeneca vaccines in order to identify and isolate the batch from which the jab administered to the teacher, from the town of Biella, came.

8 EU countries SUSPEND AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine amid reports of fatal blood clots

DENMARK and Iceland are the latest countries to halt the use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccines over fears of fatal blood clots.

Seven nations have now paused jabs while officials investigate dangerous blood clotting conditions in recently vaccinated people, including one death.

Spain investigating woman's death two weeks after dose of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine

Spanish health authorities say they are investigating the death of a 43-year-old woman who died on Tuesday after receiving her first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine, as well as two other cases of blood-clotting among recipients.

The woman, who lived in Marbella, was reportedly in good health before receiving the vaccine, but fell ill hours after her first dose on March 2. She twice visited emergency clinics over the following 10 days, before a CT scan showed a brain haemorrhage, according to local reports.


The Astra-Zeneca vaccine causes blood clots in general, and in particular clots in the venous sinuses of the brain, which have killed or wounded a number of people, especially women under 55.

The European Medicines Agency, the European Union’s regulator, said it is investigating at least 44 cases of the rare brain clots and at least 14 deaths among about 9.2 million vaccinations in 30 European countries...

As of March 29, Germany’s regulator has reported 31 cases of the unusual blood clots in 2.7 million people vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, nine of whom have died.


Norwegians run a greater risk of dying from being inoculated with AstraZeneca's vaccine than from COVID-19

Norwegians run a greater risk of dying from being inoculated with AstraZeneca's vaccine than from COVID-19, the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) concluded in its analysis.


Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

A group of scientists and doctors has today issued an open letter calling on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to answer urgent safety questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines, or withdraw the vaccines’ authorisation.

The letter describes serious potential consequences of COVID-19 vaccine technology, warning of possible autoimmune reactions, blood clotting abnormalities, stroke and internal bleeding, “including in the brain, spinal cord and heart”.

Read the letter here:




Video statement by Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Former Chair, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene.


Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness.

In new research published in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, immunologist J. Bart Classen warns the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines could create “new potential mechanisms“ of adverse events that may take years to come to light.

The UK government has granted pharmaceutical giant Pfizer a legal indemnity protecting it from being sued, enabling its coronavirus vaccine to be rolled out across the country. The Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed the company has been given an indemnity protecting it from legal action as a result of any problems with the vaccine.

If you want to see more covid vaccine injuries, then fast forward to 1 hour 12 minutes on this video titled ‘coronavirus-and-vaccination-crime-one-of-the-most-important-videos-to-watch’


Dr. Barten’s analysis of RNA Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease by Peter Koenig

An equally horrendous truth, the pursuit of a parallel objective, has just been revealed by Dr. J. Bart Classen, MD, Classen Immunotherapies, Inc.

He published (18 January 2021) a peer-reviewed Research Paper entitled “COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease”, for the SCIVISION Publication “Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ISSN 2639-9458) – (see this) which is the premier global open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of infectious diseases and covers the topics dealing with the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, treatment, and control of infectious diseases.

In Dr. Bart Classen’s Research Paper, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce “prion”-based diseases in vaccine recipients. “Prion” is short for “proteinaceous infectious particle”, in reference to its ability to self-propagate and transmit its conformation to other proteins. (Prion diseases (or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) are a group of uniformly fatal neurodegenerative diseases characterised by progressive dementia and motor dysfunction. These diseases occur in spontaneous, genetic, and acquired forms. Patients commonly present with behavioural or personality changes, myoclonus, visual disturbances, movement problems, and/or incoordination. Currently, there is no cure for prion disease, and treatment consists of management of symptoms and palliative care. Survival for most sporadic prion patients is generally about 1 year or less).

The peer-reviewed research article says in Dr. Bart Classen’s et al, work,

“the RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein targeted interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations.”

In other words, do RNA-based vaccines link to DNA binding protein, causing potential medium- and long-term degenerative diseases?

According to Dr. Classen, the results indicate that the RNA-based vaccine has specific sequences that may induce pathologic prion conformations.

Furthermore, the spike protein, created by the translation of the vaccine RNA, may create intercellular interactions, causing ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.

It also may create 3 to 4 years down the road diabetes and immunity disorders.

These findings, as well as additional potential risks lead the researchers to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA-based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit. For more details, see full Research Paper here:

It should be also noted that Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca any other RNA-based “vaccines” licensed in the US are protected from legal pursuit for injury caused by the inoculation, under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986. In other words, they are exempt from any lawsuit resulting from vaccine injuries.

To counter-balance this protection in the US, Pfizer is now seeking collateral assets from governments in Latin America, maybe also in other parts of the world, in case they may be sued because of injuries or death caused by their vaccines – imagine! It’s like bullying countries in order for them to get Pfizer jabs. Read this.

Isn’t this saying that there is something wrong with the vaccine? Pfizer knows, their injection may do harm, maybe a lot of harm to a lot of people. Are they aware of these harmful features of the RNA-based vaccines?

On another but clearly related case and presumably for similar reasons of protecting the vaccine-pharmas and the government from lawsuits, Australia has banned any medical establishment, doctors, medical personnel, pharmacies, hospitals from divulging to their patients the origin or brand of the vaccine they are being given. Fines and penalties could run as high as US$ 880,000 equivalent, plus five years in jail in case of a conviction by a court of law.

What could be the reason, other than preventing vaccine injury victims from suing the vaccine companies and / or the government?

Under the pretext of health protection, vaccine injuries are being played out in plain sight, in front of our eyes. And the insanity is that many people see it, but nobody stops it.

Massive civil disobedience is needed by a coherent and solidary society that realizes what is at stake and what is being done to us.

This may include boycotting airlines, travel agencies, theatres, concerts – and so on – if they follow the narrative of “higher orders”, dictating vaccine passports for them to open the gates;

Boycott transport companies and event organizers, if they want to coerce us into getting vaccinated with toxic material from which no long-term effects are known yet, but which are suspected they may be disastrous (see Dr. Bart Classen’s peer-reviewed Research paper above).

Disobey lockdowns and shut downs, as well as imposed compulsive testing, masking and social distancing – en masse.

They are not designed to protect you from getting infected with covid – because they DO NOT protect you – but these measures are designed to harm you physically and psychologically, fracture society, break-up families, friendships, clubs, associations, school classes – it’s the old “divide to conquer”.

Foremost, beware of RNA-based so-called vaccines! They may bear long-term yet unknown incurable health consequences, including death.

By Peter Koenig a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO)


Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths

One of the world’s most prominent medical doctors with expertise in treating COVID-19 has gone on the record with a scathing rebuke of the U.S. government’s approach to fighting the virus. He says the government’s strategy, carried out in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations World Health Organization, has resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and is now being followed up with thousands more deaths caused by a mass-injection program.

Dr. Peter McCullough, in a 32-minute interview with journalist Alex Newman, said if this were any other vaccine it would have been pulled from the market by now for safety reasons.

McCullough holds the honor of being the most cited medical doctor on COVID-19 treatments at the National Library of Medicine, with more than 600 citations. He has testified before Congress and won numerous awards during his distinguished medical career.

There are 20 to 30 deaths reported every year to VAERS related to the flu shot. That’s with 195 million receiving flu shots. Compare that to the COVID shot, which resulted in 2,602 reported deaths through 77 million vaccinations. That’s a stunningly high ratio of deaths to vaccinations, the highest for any vaccine in U.S. history, and yet no major media outlet has launched an investigation.

Listen to Dr. Peter McCullough’s interview at the link below.


Medical Doctor and Director of Diagnostics Laboratory Presents Cures for COVID and Exposes Dangers of COVID “Vaccines”

Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole is a Mayo Clinic trained Board Certified Pathologist. He is Board Certified in anatomic and clinical pathology. He has expertise in immunology and virology and also has subspecialty expertise in skin pathology. He has seen over 350,000 patients in his career, and has done over 100,000 Covid tests in the past year.

He also explains that coronaviruses have historically always followed a 6-9 month life cycle. He gives previous examples such as SARS-1, MERS, etc.

One very interesting statistic that he pointed out is that in the U.S. the average annual age of death is 78.6 years old, and the average age of death during COVID has also been 78.6 years old. Dr. Cole is very adamant that proper levels of Vitamin D are essential to fight coronaviruses. He states:

There is no such thing as “flu and cold season,” only low Vitamin D season. Dr. Cole then goes on to explain that by law, the government cannot use experimental vaccines on the population if there are already effective treatments.

So all of the current experimental COVID “vaccines,” which Dr. Cole himself admits do NOT meet the legal definition of a “vaccine” to begin with, are all illegal because there are therapies, such as Vitamin D, that are effective in treating COVID patients, as well as older already FDA-approved drugs like Ivermectin.

He points out that the NIH (the National Institute of Health), which is a U.S. government agency involved with approving drugs, holds patents on the Moderna experimental COVID “vaccine,” which is like asking the fox to guard the hen house.


An explosive new study by researchers at the prestigious Salk Institute casts doubt on the current crop of gene-based vaccines that may pose a grave risk to public health

“The risk-benefit calculus is therefore clear: the experimental vaccines are needless, ineffective and dangerous. Actors authorizing, coercing or administering experimental COVID-19 vaccination are exposing populations and patients to serious, unnecessary, and unjustified medical risks.” Doctors for Covid Ethics, April 29, 2021

An explosive new study by researchers at the prestigious Salk Institute casts doubt on the current crop of gene-based vaccines that may pose a grave risk to public health. The article, which is titled “The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness”, shows that SARS-CoV-2’s “distinctive ‘spike’ protein”..”damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.” While the paper focuses strictly on Covid-related issues, it unavoidably raises questions about the new vaccines that contain billions of spike proteins that could greatly increase the chances of severe illness or death. 

Simply put, if Covid-19 is primarily a vascular disease and if the main instrument of physical damage is the spike protein, then why are we injecting people with billions of spike proteins?

Here’s how architect and author, Robin Monotti Graziadei, summed up these developments on you tube:

“So, we have been told for the last year, that the only role the spike protein was supposed to play was to enter the human cells. (But) It’s clear, that that is not what they do, (since) they give you illness, vascular illness. Vascular illness can have many manifestations. They can include sinus vein thrombosis, blood clots, bruising, and longer-term conditions. Do you think it’s a good idea to bypass the first (defenses) of your immune system, …and inject… trillions of spike proteins in your cells given the information that has just been released by the Salk Institute? Think about it….


Here’s what the Doctors for Covid Ethics have to say in their latest article that was published just this week:

“The vaccines are dangerous to both healthy individuals and those with pre-existing chronic disease, for reasons such as the following: risk of lethal and non-lethal disruptions of blood clotting including bleeding disorders, thrombosis in the brain, stroke and heart attack; autoimmune and allergic reactions; antibody-dependent enhancement of disease; and vaccine impurities due to rushed manufacturing and unregulated production standards….

...all gene-based vaccines can be expected to cause blood clotting and bleeding disorders…. The vaccines are not safe.”(“COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety”, Doctors for Covid Ethics)


Leading vaccine researcher tells you what's in the covid vaccine and why it's a lethal murder weapon.


MRNA Vaccines Could Create More Cancers

Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer.

There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – changes that genetic tests don’t even analyze, flying completely under the radar of oncologists across the globe. So now, it’s time for independent laboratories that are not vaccine manufacturers (or hired by them) to run diagnostic testing on the Covid vaccine series and find out if these are cancer-driving inoculations that, once the series is complete, will cause cancer tumors in the vaccinated masses who have all rushed out to get the jab out of fear and propaganda influence. Welcome to the world of experimental and dirty vaccines known as mRNA “technology.”

The full report is below.



There is an article on the BMJ (British Medical Journal) website which asks:

Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine?

Below is a response from a consultant at a London hospital with a link to the original article.

Dear Editor

April 2, 2021

I have had more vaccines in my life than most people and come from a place of significant personal and professional experience in relation to this pandemic, having managed a service during the first 2 waves and all the contingencies that go with that.

Nevertheless, what I am currently struggling with is the failure to report the reality of the morbidity caused by our current vaccination program within the health service and staff population. The levels of sickness after vaccination is unprecedented and staff are getting very sick and some with neurological symptoms which is having a huge impact on the health service function. Even the young and healthy are off for days, some for weeks, and some requiring medical treatment. Whole teams are being taken out as they went to get vaccinated together.

Mandatory vaccination in this instance is stupid, unethical and irresponsible when it comes to protecting our staff and public health. We are in the voluntary phase of vaccination, and encouraging staff to take an unlicensed product that is impacting on their immediate health, and I have direct experience of staff contracting Covid AFTER vaccination and probably transmitting it. In fact, it is clearly stated that these vaccine products do not offer immunity or stop transmission. In which case why are we doing it? There is no longitudinal safety data (a couple of months of trial data at best) available and these products are only under emergency licensing. What is to say that there are no longitudinal adverse effects that we may face that may put the entire health sector at risk?

Flu is a massive annual killer, it inundates the health system, it kills young people, the old the comorbid, and yet people can chose whether or not they have that vaccine (which had been around for a long time). And you can list a whole number of other examples of vaccines that are not mandatory and yet they protect against diseases of higher consequence.

Coercion and mandating medical treatments on our staff, of members of the public especially when treatments are still in the experimental phase, are firmly in the realms of a totalitarian Nazi dystopia and fall far outside of our ethical values as the guardians of health.

I and my entire family have had COVID. This as well as most of my friends, relatives and colleagues. I have recently lost a relatively young family member with comorbidities to heart failure, resulting from the pneumonia caused by Covid. Despite this, I would never debase myself and agree, that we should abandon our liberal principles and the international stance on bodily sovereignty, free informed choice and human rights and support unprecedented coercion of professionals, patients and people to have experimental treatments with limited safety data. This and the policies that go with this are more of a danger to our society than anything else we have faced over the last year.

What has happened to “my body my choice?” What has happened to scientific and open debate? If I don’t prescribe an antibiotic to a patient who doesn’t need it as they are healthy, am I anti-antibiotics? Or an antibiotic-denier? Is it not time that people truly thought about what is happening to us and where all of this is taking us?


Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease

COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern


The government own document states that the so called 3rd wave will be made up of people who have been hospitalized or killed by the covid vaccine.

From Government document:

“The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively”.

Look at point 32 on link below



The whole world is witnessing a pre-planned and highly organized criminal cover-up of the deaths and injuries and illnesses and diseases and miscarriages directly caused by the various toxic types of COVID-19 injections.

The whole world is witnessing a pre-planned and highly organized criminal cover-up of the deaths and injuries and illnesses and diseases and miscarriages directly caused by the various toxic types of COVID-19 injections.

This rapidly evolving international criminal conspiracy to foist an extremely hazardous ‘vaccine’ upon the entire planetary civilization is completely without precedent. But what makes it a truly genocidal crime wave washing over the planet is the extraordinary intention to enforce such a comprehensive and complex cover-up of the never-ending crime spree.

To date, there are countless proven cases of deaths, injuries and illness which have occurred right after people have received the different Covid jabs.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of the lethality of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines, nations everywhere proceed to kill and/or injure their citizens, and then cover up these medical events known euphemistically as iatrogenic death and illness.

What type of utterly satanic entity is running this extremely nefarious OPERATION COVID JAB that literally murders people at will, and then employs the mainstream media to systematically cover up the global genocide?! Just WOW ! ! !


What could possibly go wrong? Vaccines are 100% safe and effective right? Do you really think governments are rolling out the covid vaccines because they care for the people? Why would a young healthy individual under 50 years old be forced to take an experimental vaccine when their life is not under threat from Covid-19 which has the same symptoms as the common cold? The average age for a Covid-19 death is 82 but they want to stop young people from doing any human activity unless they have taken the covid vaccine? Why? Because this is not about a virus, this is about global control, surveillance, Digital IDs, and possible de-population of human beings.

“The world's population is now 6.7 billion, roughly double what it was when I was born. If I live to be in my mid-eighties, then it will have trebled in my lifetime. I simply cannot understand why no one discusses this impending calamity, and why no world statesman has the guts to treat the issue with the seriousness it deserves. We seem to have given up on population control” - Boris Johnson, Daily Telegraph, 25 October 2007




The article below is from the American Institute Economic Research

Why are We Vaccinating Children against Covid-19?

“We also know that masks can be potentially dangerous to children. In terms of children and Covid-19, we know children do not transmit Covid-19 virus and that the concept of asymptomatic spread has been questioned severely, particularly for children. Children, if infected, just do not spread Covid-19 to others readily, either to other children, other adults in their families or otherwise, nor to their teachers. This was demonstrated elegantly in a study performed in the French Alps. The pediatric literature is settled science on this.

Not only is there an absence of evidence supporting the notion that children spread Covid-19 virus in any meaningful way, but there is direct evidence showing that they simply do not spread this disease! This has been shown in school settings and as published in other papers. Children typically, if infected, have asymptomatic illness. It is well-noted that asymptomatic cases are not the drivers of the pandemic; something particularly important in relation to children as they’re generally asymptomatic.

In this regard it is evident that neither children (nor asymptomatic adults) are the key drivers of SARS-CoV-2. In the rare cases where a child is infected with SARS-CoV-2, it is exceptionally rare for the child to get severely ill or die. And to reiterate, teachers are not at risk of transmission from children and schools are to be reopened immediately with no restrictions. They should have never remained closed and we knew this for one year now. The pediatric literature suggests that this is now settled science. Yet it seems that the ‘television’ medical experts and prominent US agency representatives, as well as government advisors and bureaucrats either do not read the science, do not understand the science, do not ‘get’ it, are blinded to it, or are just ignorant to the data and science. Most of what we have just stated we have known for one year now. This is not ‘new’ evidence, this has been settled for one year now, and certainly since last fall 2020. 

For nearly all children under 20 years of age the risks from getting Covid-19 are exceedingly small and for children the risk is basically near zero in this population— it is the closest to zero we can get to — the cost-benefit argument against using an essentially untested vaccine is heavily in favour of risk and virtually no benefit. The potential risk of unknown and serious side effects from the brand-new and barely tested vaccines are — in truth — completely unknown. That’s because it is almost unheard of for a vaccine to be released to the public this quickly.

We already know that there is no emergency in children regarding Covid-19. And so why would Moderna Inc. seek to trial this vaccine on children with a death rate in this group of 0.003%

This really is a question of risk-management and parents must seriously consider that Covid-19 is a far less dangerous illness for children than influenza. Parents must be brave and be willing to assess this purely from a benefit versus risk position and ask themselves: ‘If my child has little if any risk, near zero risk of severe sequelae or death, and thus no benefit from the vaccine, yet there could be potential harms and as yet unknown harms from the vaccine (as already reported in adults who have received the vaccines), then why would I subject my child to such a vaccine?’ And in the presence of the potential risks, as well as the fact that a vaccine for Covid-19 is simply not indicated in children, why would a loving parent allow their child to be vaccinated with still-experimental vaccines? The children should live normally, and if exposed to SARS-CoV-2 we can rest assured that in the vast majority of cases, they will have no to only mild symptoms while at the same time developing naturally acquired immunity, and harmlessly; an immunity that is definitely superior to that which might be caused by a vaccine. This approach would also accelerate the development of the much needed herd immunity about which much has been written. Vaccinating our children with a possibly harmful (untested) vaccine to them and with no basis given their risk profile, must be pushed back upon hard by parents. Parents are the voices of their children now on vaccinating their children and on the other looming disaster, Covid-19 ‘vaccine passports,’ that are as illogical and dangerous as vaccines for children under 12! Americans must stand up now to this!” by Paul E Alexander MSc PhD, McMaster University and GUIDE Research Methods Group, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and Howard C. Tenenbaum DDS, Dip. Perio., PhD, FRCD(C) Centre for Advanced Dental Research and Care, Mount Sinai Hospital, and Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada -

Everything that the general public have not been told about vaccines. The information in the video below is kept from the general public. Parents should watch the video below about children and vaccines.


If you look at the swine flu scandal in 2009 governments around the world rushed out Big Pharma’s swine flu vaccines that actually cause narcolepsy in thousands of people and many of them where children. What terrible adverse reactions will children get from the unneeded covid vaccine?

Below is a report about this from 2013.

Swine flu vaccine can trigger narcolepsy; UK government concedes (2013)

Review of fresh evidence finds jab given to 6 million people in Britain can occasionally cause sleep disorder

The government is to reverse its stance on the safety of a swine flu vaccine given to 6 million people in Britain and accept that on rare occasions the jab can trigger the devastating sleep disorder narcolepsy.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has contacted people turned down for compensation last year to explain that, after a review of fresh evidence, it now accepts the vaccine can cause the condition.


Children must not be vaccinated for COVID-19

For nearly all children under 20 years of age, the risks from getting COVID-19 are exceedingly small, and for children the risk of death is basically near zero — it’s the closest to zero we can get to. So the cost-benefit argument against using an essentially untested vaccine is heavily in favor of risk and virtually no benefit.


Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors shared information about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines and talked about the massive disinformation campaign that has taken over America and the rest of the world.



Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will


COVID – Bioethics, Eugenics and “Death Panels”: “A Warning”

Watch Professor’s Dolores Cahill Red Alert Warning On Risky COVID Vaccines

“COVID-19 jab is not a vaccine; it’s a cellular modification technology that causes a self-creating auto-immune disease similar to AIDS” (Video)

Head Merck sales person was killed by Big Pharma company Merck because of this video:

Can You Trust Big Pharma’s Gene Therapy Vaccine?

Synthetic mRNA COVID Vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis

COVID-19 mRNA “Vaccines” Are “Gene Therapy” mRNA 'Vaccines' Fulfill None of the Criteria for a Vaccine By Dr. Joseph Mercola

How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System

10 Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID Vaccines

31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

The following list was created by Israeli Rabbi Chananya Weissman.

Coronavirus: Why Everyone Was Wrong. It is Not a “New Virus”. “The Fairy Tale of No Immunity” by Beda M Stadler who is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus.






Other Vaccine Injuries

“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good. The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway."Dr. JAnthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)

"Children younger than 14 are three times more likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after receiving hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the disease." Source: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Many people believe every vaccine the World Health Organization recommends not only works, but is 100% safe and effective all of the time. Even if some vaccines work some of the time, are they worth the health risk? That is the ultimate question. Let us look in a bit more detail about how vaccines can cause so much suffering.

In response to vaccine injuries, in 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) (USA) was passed. This program has awarded approximately $3.4 billion to individuals and families who have suffered vaccine injury and death. If vaccines are so safe why is all this money getting awarded for vaccine injuries? It is known that only 1% of the people who have had adverse reactions have reported it to the authorities.

The U.K Government paid out £3.5m to patients left disabled by vaccinations between 1997 and 2005. Any claimant who is successful in their claim has received a tax-free lump sum of £100,000. Thirty-five such payments have been made, the Department of Work and Pensions have said, but could not reveal which vaccines were involved in the claims. It was also revealed that a total of 917 payments have been made since the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme was introduced in 1979. Many thousands more claims are likely to have been made under the scheme but were unsuccessful.

The Department of Justice (USA) issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines. In the report from the period 2/16/2015 through 5/15/2015 there was 163 cases of injury and death from reactions to vaccines and this was just over a 3 month period.

Four of those settlements were for deaths linked to vaccines, with three deaths related to the flu shot, and one death for the Hepatitis B shot, typically given to new-borns. 74 of the cases were for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot. 20 of the vaccine injuries in the report were adverse reactions to the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine. These reports are never reported in the controlled mainstream media. Eighteen babies and toddlers died following childhood vaccinations (2001-2004) in just four years, a secret Government report (UK) revealed in 2006. Four deaths were linked to suspected adverse reactions to the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) triple jab. Six fatalities followed meningitis C vaccinations between 2001 and 2003. The deaths of seven other babies were linked to combined vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.

As of September 1, 2015 there had been 11,052 serious adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) (USA) in connection with Hepatitis B containing vaccines since 1990. Over 38% of those serious Hepatitis B vaccine-related adverse events occurring in children under 3 years old. Of these Hepatitis B-vaccine related adverse event reports to VAERS 1,086 were deaths, with 75% of the deaths occurring in children under three years of age.

Patients who suffered brain damage as a result of taking a swine flu vaccine received multi-million-pound pay-outs from the UK government. The government is expected to receive a bill of approximately £60 million, with each of the 60 victims expected to receive about £1 million each. The lawyer who represented many of the claimants, told the Sunday Times: "There has never been a case like this before. The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication."

Although GlaxoSmithKline created the Vaccine it did not pay any damages out, you did, the government, the taxpayer. The International bankers who mostly own these pharmaceutical companies have made laws so they are exempt from paying any damages for vaccine injuries.

A 12-year-old boy has been awarded £120,000 by a court (2015) that agreed he had been left severely disabled by narcolepsy triggered by the swine flu vaccine, following a three-year battle in which the government had claimed that his illness was not serious enough to merit payment. Narcolepsy is a rare but serious neurological disorder that affects about 31,000 people in Britain. It can cause sleep disruptions, including night terrors and hallucinations, and extreme drowsiness during the daytime.

The ruling is expected to lead to as many as 100 other families of people affected by the sleeping disorder after receiving the vaccine. The narcolepsy was triggered by the Pandemrix vaccine, made by GlaxoSmithKline, which was given to around 6 million people in Britain as part of a national vaccination scheme rolled out during the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic.

Despite a 2011 warning from the European Medicines Agency against using the vaccine on those under 20 and a study indicating a 13-fold heightened risk of narcolepsy in vaccinated children, GSK has refused to acknowledge a link. But across Europe, more than 800 children are so far known to have been made ill by the swine flu vaccine. That’s 800 children who will never have a normal life again just because of a needless vaccine. No one is accountable for these injuries. Suppose it was your child, how would you feel?

How is that not a crime against children?



Boy awarded compensation for vaccine injury

A 13-year-old boy was recently awarded compensation in the United States Court of Federal Claims Vaccine Court, for injuries (now in a wheelchair) he sustained after being administered the hepatitis A and varicella vaccinations in 2009. In November 2014, HHS (Health and Human Services) conceded that the vaccination caused the boy’s injuries. In 2009 the doctor informed the boy’s parents that he was due to receive the hepatitis A and varicella vaccinations. His parents complied with the doctor’s order and the boy received the vaccinations.

About 14 days later, the boy began to experience excruciating pain shooting through his body along with tingling, numbness and paralysis of his limbs. After extensive testing and many invasive procedures, he was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. Transverse myelitis is a rare, immune-mediated syndrome in which the spinal cord becomes inflamed. Transverse myelitis is a disease with lifelong effects which can include pain; stiffness; painful muscle spasms; partial or total paralysis of arms, legs, or both; sexual dysfunction; and very commonly, depression and anxiety, due to the stress of living with chronic pain.

Hundreds of cases of Transverse myelitis were diagnosed after the smallpox and rabies vaccines were given in the 1920s. Vaccines are a primary cause of transverse myelitis, Hepatitis B vaccines, measles-mumpsrubella (MMR) vaccines, and diphtheria-tetanus (Tdap) vaccines have been implicated in causing cases of transverse myelitis.

So as you can see vaccines are not as safe as you have been led to believe. I am sure that all the parents whose children have been injured by a vaccine wish they had never seen a vaccine in their life. Now their lives have been damaged forever.

“For many years, I’ve been puzzled by the bland and apparently baseless insistence by public health regulators and members of the press that it is safe to inject mercury—one of the world’s most neurotoxic elements—into young children and pregnant women. Thimerosal is immensely toxic to brain tissue and should not be injected into children” Robert F. Kennedy Jr

MMR stands for measles, mumps and rubella. These are three different diseases which are caused by three different viruses. The vaccines given to immunize against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) are all combined into one injection - the MMR vaccine.

For starters, children are not born with autism. It appears during infancy or childhood, and is brought on by an overload of neurotoxins either consumed, injected or ingested. In fact, the recent autism spectrum disorder (ASD) spike over the past two decades in the USA directly coincides with the vaccine schedule increase, by quantity and frequency.

Is there a case regarding thimerosal (a vaccine additive which contains as much as 50 percent mercury) and its link to cases of autism in children. Dr. Brian Hooker, a PhD scientist whose son developed autism after being injected with a thimerosal-laced vaccine, took it upon himself to force the CDC to reveal what it knew about the dangers of thimerosal.

After 10 years of submitting more than 100 FOIA requests, Dr. Hooker was able to obtain documents clearly showing that the CDC was well aware of the connection between thimerosal and the incidence of autism and other disorders.

According to Hooker, the data on over 400,000 infants born between 1991 and 1997, which was analyzed by CDC epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten, MD, 'proves unequivocally that in 2000, CDC officials were informed internally of the very high risk of autism, non-organic sleep disorder and speech disorder associated with Thimerosal exposure."

Since as far back as 2002, the CDC has been covering up a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. Dr. William W. Thompson, a Senior Scientist and Epidemiologist at the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Immunization Safety Branch), decided to share a vaccine-autism connection confession letter:

“My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Paediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed. It’s all there–this is the lowest point in my career that I went along with that paper. I have great shame now when I meet families of kids with autism, because I have been part of the problem.”

A total of 2.24% of U.S. children (1 in 45 children) aged 3 to 17 years have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to new statistics released by the 2014 National Health Interview Survey. More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder. Two studies (1987 & 1989) found 1 in 2500-3000 U.S. children had autism in the 1980s.

Why is there such a huge increase in children who get autism between the 1980s and now? Could it be because of the mass MMR vaccination program or the mass vaccination program in general?

One statistic you may not know is that children who receive mercury-containing vaccinations (listed as thimerosal usually) are 27 times more likely to develop autism than those who don’t get those jabs. That comes from a recent study based on the CDC’s (centre for control disease and prevention, USA) own data.

If statistics matched the national average in the USA, there would be about 200 cases of Autism in the Amish community, but to date, there are only two, according to a report. Due to religious beliefs, the Amish opt out of all vaccines and maybe that is the reason they do not have the cases of autism that they should have.

WHO, Fauci Warn COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Prevent Infection and Disease Transmission. What is the point of them then and why then do they want to vaccinate the whole population?

At a virtual press conference held by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Dec. 28, 2020, WHO officials warned there is no guarantee that COVID-19 vaccines will prevent people from being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and transmitting it to other people.


Geert Vanden Bossche PhD and his warning to the world against 'Immune Escape'

Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM is an internationally recognised expert in vaccine development. He has acted as global director of a number of vaccine programs around the world, including for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Teaching and working in virology his entire professional life, Geert is raising the alarm over the global vaccination rollout and lockdown methodology which he believes is causative in the immune escape fears being raised by journals such as The Lancet and Science in January/February 2021.

What Dr. Bossche is basically saying in the video above is that it is likely that vaccinated patients will be the primary spreaders of far more dangerous, rapidly mutative viral strains. Which means those millions of people who are getting the covid vaccine will be the superspreaders when the next virus surfaces. This could be what Bill Gates meant when he said in April 2020 wait until the next virus comes ‘that will get the world’s attention’.


“There is a sense of urgency. People Worldwide are being lied to by their governments. The fear campaign has served as an instrument of disinformation. Media lies sustained the image of a killer virus which initially contributed to destabilizing US-China trade and disrupting air travel. And then in February “V- the Virus” (which incidentally is similar to seasonal influenza) was held responsible for triggering the most serious financial crisis in World history. And then on March 11, a lockdown was imposed on 193 member states on the United Nations, leading to the “closure” of national economies Worldwide. Starting in October, a “second wave” was announced. “The pandemic is not over”. The fear campaign prevails. And people are now led to believe that the corona vaccine sponsored by their governments is the “solution”. And that “normality” will be restored once the entire population of the planet has been vaccinated. How is it that a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which under normal conditions would take years to develop, was promptly launched in early November 2020? The mRNA vaccine announced by Pfizer is based on an experimental gene editing mRNA technology which has a bearing on the human genome. Were the standard animal lab tests using mice or ferrets conducted? Or did Pfizer “go straight to human “guinea pigs.”? Human tests began in late July and early August. “Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the norm.” Mouse No 1: “Are You going to get Vaccinated”, Mouse No. 2: Are You Crazy, They Haven’t finished the Tests on Humans”. And why do we need a vaccine for Covid-19 when both the WHO and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed unequivocally that Covid-19 is “similar to seasonal influenza”. The plan to develop a vaccine is profit driven. It is supported by corrupt governments serving the interests of Big Pharma. The US government had already ordered 100 million doses back in July and the EU is to purchase 300 million doses. It’s Big Money for Big Pharma, generous payoffs to corrupt politicians, at the expense of tax payers”. - Professor Michel Chossudovsky - award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. He has served as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has acted as a consultant for several international organizations -



Dr. Vernon Coleman“The problem is, you see, that even the World Health Organization admits that the vaccine doesn’t actually stop people catching the virus or spreading it to others. All the vaccine does is reduce the symptoms. The WHO says it doesn’t `believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on.’ I wonder how many of the people queuing up to be vaccinated realize that? And no one knows how long the vaccination will last because the whole vaccination program is an experiment. No one knows whether the vaccine is safe for the elderly. No one knows whether the vaccine will interfere with essential drug therapy. There is no evidence that the vaccine is safe for women who are breast feeding. But it’s being given to them anyway. In the UK the Government has decided that if your doctor gives you a first vaccine dose made by one manufacturer but doesn’t have a supply of the vaccine to give you a second dose from the same manufacturer then they can give you a vaccine made by a different manufacturer as your second dose. That’s what the UK government calls following the science. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US noted that the covid-19 vaccines are not interchangeable and that `the safety and efficacy of a mixed product series have not been evaluated.’ The drug companies say that when two vaccinations are required, the second should be given 21 days after the first. But in the UK, the Government has decided that the second dose can be given 12 weeks later. There is no science. They’re just making it up as they go along. And then there is a risk of something called paradoxical immune enhancement. This is very serious. People who’ve had the covid-19 vaccine may develop very high antibody levels with the result that when they are exposed to the virus they may develop a serious immune overreaction and die. But I wonder how many people who’ve had the vaccine knew that? So much for informed consent. So much for science. How many of those happily queuing up to be vaccinated know that the list of possible adverse event outcomes – what most people call side effects includes the following: Guillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, meningitis, encephalopathy, convulsions, stroke, narcolepsy, cataplexy, anaphylaxis, heart attack, myocarditis, pericarditis, autoimmune disease, acute demyelinating diseases, allergy reactions, thrombocytopenia, venous thromboembolism, arthritis and death. You really don’t want any of those – especially the last one. And I wonder how many of those being vaccinated know that the mortality rate from covid-19 is comparable to the flu. And that the average age at which people die from it is over 80. And these side effect risks aren’t just theoretical. Before Christmas a work group at the CDC in the US published a report showing that serious side effects were already running at 2.79%. If 60 million people in the UK have the vaccine we can, therefore, expect 1.67 million people to be unable to work, perform normal daily activities and to require care from a doctor or health professional. We obviously don’t know what will happen in the months and years ahead. If the vaccines are rolled out around the world then the number of people being unable to work, unable to perform normal daily activities and require medical care could be 167 million. And that’s just based on very early side effect reports. I should mention too that dozens of people have already died after being vaccinated. Governments which happily claim that anyone who dies within 28 days of a positive PCR test counts as a covid-19 death will happily deny that post-vaccine deaths are anything to do with the vaccine. If someone dies after the vaccine then it’s just a coincidence. And they call that science? And I wonder how many people know how much money is involved in the great vaccine scam? GPs in the UK are getting over £12 per jab. This whole operation is going to cost billions, and a lot of drug company people are going to become very rich. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is, I suspect, likely to get a lot richer. So should you have the vaccine? The fanatical pro-vaxxers, who show no respect for individual views or indeed for the science, insist that you should. A good many celebrities – most of whom will know none of the stuff I’ve just told you – are also recommending the vaccines though just why they think they’re qualified to do that is beyond me. I never tell people what to do. I’m in the business of providing information because I believe in allowing patients to make an informed choice. But one final thought. Anyone who has ever had an allergy reaction or an anaphylactic shock reaction after a vaccination in the past should probably be wary of the covid-19 vaccine. Remember: details of a bad reaction are probably not in your medical notes. Nine out of ten bad reactions to vaccines (and other drugs) are never officially reported or officially recorded. It’s up to you to remember and to tell anyone wanting to vaccinate you that you had a previous serious allergy reaction. But I’ll leave you with one final, final thought. I firmly believe that by the end of 2021 more people will know of someone killed or injured by the covid vaccine than by genuine covid-19 itself. And me? Well, I certainly won’t be having the vaccine. Why? Well, it doesn’t work and it might kill me. And I once had an allergy reaction to a vaccine. But that’s me. You must make up your own mind” - Dr. Vernon Coleman – Author of over 100 books which have, together, sold over two million copies in the UK alone. He has contributed articles and stories to hundreds of other publications including The Sunday Times, Observer, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday. -


Dr. Mike Yeadon Sends Out a Major SOS to the World

Dr. Mike Yeadon, is the former vice president and chief scientist at Big Pharma company Pfizer.

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) spoke to former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon about his views on the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population. I feel great fear, but I’m not deterred from giving expert testimony to multiple groups of able lawyers like Rocco Galati in Canada and Reiner Fuellmich in Germany. I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products. In the U.K., it’s abundantly clear that the authorities are bent on a course which will result in administering ‘vaccines’ to as many of the population as they can. This is madness, because even if these agents were legitimate, protection is needed only by those at notably elevated risk of death from the virus. But all the other people, those in good health and younger than 60 years, perhaps a little older, they don’t perish from the virus. In this large group, it’s wholly unethical to administer something novel and for which the potential for unwanted effects after a few months is completely uncharacterized. In no other era would it be wise to do what is stated as the intention. Since I know this with certainty, and I know those driving it know this too, we have to enquire: What is their motive? While I don’t know, I have strong theoretical answers, only one of which relates to money and that motive doesn’t work, because the same quantum can be arrived at by doubling the unit cost and giving the agent to half as many people. Dilemma solved. So it’s something else. Appreciating that, by entire population, it is also intended that minor children and eventually babies are to be included in the net, and that’s what I interpret to be an evil act. There is no medical rationale for it. Knowing as I do that the design of these ‘vaccines’ results, in the expression in the bodies of recipients, expression of the spike protein, which has adverse biological effects of its own which, in some people, are harmful (initiating blood coagulation and activating the immune ‘complement system’), I’m determined to point out that those not at risk from this virus should not be exposed to the risk of unwanted effects from these agents. I think the Gerrt Vanden Bossche story is highly suspect. There is no evidence at all that vaccination is leading or will lead to ‘dangerous variants’. I am worried that it’s some kind of trick. As a general rule, variants form very often, routinely, and tend to become less dangerous & more infectious over time, as it comes into equilibrium with its human host. Variants generally don’t become more dangerous. No variant differs from the original sequence by more than 0.3%. In other words, all variants are at least 99.7% identical to the Wuhan sequence. It’s a fiction, and an evil one at that, that variants are likely to “escape immunity”. Not only is it intrinsically unlikely – because this degree of similarity of variants means zero chance that an immune person (whether from natural infection or from vaccination) will be made ill by a variant – but it’s empirically supported by high-quality research. The research I refer to shows that people recovering from infection or who have been vaccinated ALL have a wide range of immune cells which recognize ALL the variants. This paper ( shows WHY the extensive molecular recognition by the immune system makes the tiny changes in variants irrelevant. I cannot say strongly enough: The stories around variants and need for top up vaccines are FALSE. I am concerned there is a very malign reason behind all this. It is certainly not backed by the best ways to look at immunity. The claims always lack substance when examined, and utilize various tricks, like manipulating conditions for testing the effectiveness of antibodies. Antibodies are probably rather unimportant in host protection against this virus. There have been a few ‘natural experiments’, people who unfortunately cannot make antibodies, yet are able quite successfully to repel this virus. They definitely are better off with antibodies than without. I mention these rare patients because they show that antibodies are not essential to host immunity, so some contrived test in a lab of antibodies and engineered variant viruses do NOT justify need for top up vaccines. The only people who might remain vulnerable and need prophylaxis or treatment are those who are elderly and/or ill and do not wish to receive a vaccine (as is their right). The good news is that there are multiple choices available: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, budesonide (inhaled steroid used in asthmatics), and of course oral Vitamin D, zinc, azithromycin etc. These reduce the severity to such an extent that this virus did not need to become a public health crisis. PLEASE warn every person not to go near top up vaccines. There is absolutely no need to them. As there’s no need for them, yet they’re being made in pharma, and regulators have stood aside (no safety testing), I can only deduce they will be used for nefarious purposes. For example, if someone wished to harm or kill a significant proportion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now will enable it. It’s my considered view that it is entirely possible that this will be used for massive-scale depopulation. By Dr Mike Yeadon speaking to AFLDS

In Dr. Yeadon’s has now follow up on his assertion that the COVID interventions are outright “evil” rather than merely the product of well-intentioned incompetence. He addresses the possibility that the COVID jabs really are about global depopulation and the purposeful assault on female fertility. He heads right down the rabbit hole to observe,

‘To anyone confused by what’s going on, with: 

Untrustworthy PCR mass testing (so we don’t really know where each nations epidemics stand & we certainly cannot have confidence in numbers of deaths attributed to Covid19), through

Mask mandates (not supported by any trials evidence) and

Lockdowns (which are repeatedly proven not to work, nor would you expect them too, given it’s infectious contacts which matter, which requires symptoms and illness, such people are not out & about, so shutting down most of civil society isn’t going to reduce infectious contacts, which occur mostly in institutions) and now to

Vaccination of everyone – not only those at risk but everyone else, including, in due course, minor children & even newborns.

Globally repeated almost everywhere. What a coincidence, I’m sure it’s merely coincidence theorists who ignore all this information hiding in plain sight.

can you come up with a benign explanation for all this? No, me neither.

Ok, right down the rabbit hole. Feel free to laugh nervously. Then show why I’m wrong. If you cannot, please don’t later say “We never knew! We didn’t recognise it as fascism! We just followed orders!”

We face imminent medical tyranny.

I believe the combination of vaccine passports superfluous ‘top up vaccines’ are to be used for malign purposes.

Obviously I do not know the details, as it’s not my crime. But crimes against humanity are certainly being committed in my country & elsewhere.

My deductions are solidly based as I’m a pretty well educated immunologist. I’ve also checked in with several top class immunologists.

Of course, you already know this: do not accede to vaccination, unless for sound, medical reasons. Otherwise, if you are not at risk from the virus, do not conspire with our captors. Your vaccination doesn’t protect others. All the vulnerable in U.K. have been protected. Only non-vaccinated people could acquire the virus & get ill. Almost no one will die. So it’s madness what’s happening. Even pregnant women are being lied to & deceived in order to pressure them to get vaccinated (see letter on UKMFA) Does that sound like a measured policy? Nothing I write is faintly controversial.

Yet the EU has just voted for vaccine passports, contrary to numerous international laws arising from the last time medical fascism ruled. Unfortunately, it’s happening again, which is why there’s reckless pressure to vaccinate people not at risk. That this is being allowed tells us medical ethics has died in U.K. as vaccinating tens of millions of younger, healthy people has the inevitable consequences of injuring or killing some people who would not have died.

This is inevitable as no medical intervention comes with zero risk. I’m not even alleging specific risks (though these exist and we tried to warn the EMA about blood clots a month ago, and later put out an open letter to this effect, but I was completely censored, even having used a commercial news wire service).

I fear that, for the first time in history, every human will have a digital ID associated with his or her health status including vaccination. I think the vaccination is not even very relevant. Its just a ready means. It’s the digital ID, in one place, which will be used to grant, or not, any privileges by the controller of the database. That’s never happened before in human history. It will be abused. Don’t get vaccinated. Accept the limitations & fight the illegality. Accepting vaccination will lead to the next part.

I am sure as an immunologist that virus variants have no chance whatsoever of escaping immunity. No variant is less than 99.7% identical to the original virus. It’s laughable to suggest that a change similar in proportion to me putting sunglasses on will mean that people who know me will then not recognize me.

Yet pharma is actually manufacturing top up vaccines. Global medicines regulators have decided that because these are similar to the original vaccines, no safety studies are needed.

If I’m right, and I’m sure I am, superfluous genetic sequences will be administered to a large slice of the world’s population. For no benign reason.

Associated to vaccine passports & I can see none other than a very, very dark future ahead.

I know that what I outline is so extreme that people won’t hear, listen, take in or believe it. They’ll assume I’ve lost my mind. I have not. Instead, I’ve read more original research articles in the last year than at any time since I stood down as CEO of a biotech company I‘d co-founded. My life in the surface would be much more fun if I just shut up. Don’t think I too don’t want to run & hide from this. But I just can’t. It’s not for me but my children & grandchildren. I want you to feel protective towards yours.

In this information & psychological operations war, there are no Allies. No one is about to come & save us. Only we can save ourselves. Peacefully, firmly & in huge numbers, say & show that WE DO NOT CONSENT. I’m a law abiding citizen, but as a former senior judge said, in essence, when laws are bad, you have an obligation to dispute them. Do not assist in medical tyranny by using the thin excuse that “you were only following orders”. 

Yet my heart is sure, as is my brain. I was raised by foster parents who’s relatives died in the Nazi death camps. They were incredible people. Determined & compassionate, they took in a lost, moody teenager & helped shape the person I became. I owe them & their memory & fight. I will fight, no matter the cost. This is my obligation.

But how can I communicate this, without immediately being classified as insane? I would value the opportunity to liaise with anyone with whom I can be a force multiplier.

With best wishes. Though I wasn’t raised in a specific faith, I’ve started signing off with may God save us all.


Dr Mike Yeadon

IT IS VITAL to Listen to Dr. Mike Yeadon who states the government has lied about everything about Covid-19 and tells you why you should not take the Covid vaccine, he says you are playing Russian roulette with your health if you take it.


“…In the last year I have realized that my government and its advisers are lying in the faces of the British people about everything to do with this coronavirus. Absolutely everything. It’s a fallacy this idea of asymptomatic transmission and that you don’t have symptoms, but you are a source of a virus. That lockdowns work, that masks have a protective value obviously for you or someone else, and that variants are scary things and we even need to close international borders in case some of these nasty foreign variants get in. Everything I have told you, every single one of those things is demonstrably false. But our entire national policy is based on these all being broadly right, but they are all wrong. There is no question in my mind that very significant powerbrokers around the world have either planned to take advantage of the next pandemic or created the pandemic. One of those two things is true because the reason it must be true is that dozens and dozens of governments are all saying the same lies and doing the same inefficacious things that demonstrably cost lives. And they are talking the same sort of future script which is, ‘We don’t want you to move around because of these pesky… “variants”… they are all saying ‘don’t worry, there will be “top-up” vaccines that will cope with the potential escapees.’ They’re all saying this when it is obviously nonsense. I think the end game is going to be, ‘everyone receives a vaccine’… Everyone on the planet is going to find themselves persuaded, cajoled, not quite mandated, hemmed-in to take a jab. When they do that every single individual on the planet will have a name, or unique digital ID and a health status flag which will be ‘vaccinated,’ or not … and whoever possesses that, sort of single database, operable centrally, applicable everywhere to control, to provide as it were, a privilege, you can either cross this particular threshold or conduct this particular transaction or not depending on [what] the controllers of that one human population database decide. And I think that’s what this is all about because once you’ve got that, we become playthings and the world can be as the controllers of that database want it. “The eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power and this is a really artful way of getting you to line-up and receive some unspecified thing that will damage you. I have no idea what it will actually be, but it won’t be a vaccine because you don’t need one. And it won’t kill you on the end of the needle because you would spot that. It could be something that will produce normal pathology, it will be at various times between vaccination and the event, it will be plausibly deniable because there will be something else going on in the world at that time, in the context of which your demise, or that of your children will look normal. That’s what I would do if I wanted to get rid of 90 or 95% of the world’s population. And I think that’s what they’re doing”. Dr Mike Yeadon - microbiologist and a former Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer. He spent 32 years working for large pharmaceutical companies and is a leading expert on viral respiratory infections.


Advertising Campaigns to Promote the Taking of COVID Vaccines

The treatment of human beings as subjects in such a massive experiment on human subjects is unprecedented.

The experiment clearly violates the Nuremberg Code. The media’s 24/7 coverage of this experiment as if it is all a good news human-interest story as well as a suitable topic for massive advertising campaigns, is as obscene as it is immoral. The constant media flow of connived disinformation is quite likely illegal as well.

We need to emphasize that the intensity of the whistle blowing coming from top level experts in immunology and vaccinology to make it imperative that the COVID injections must be withdrawn immediately from public distribution. Those responsible for this worldwide round of Russian roulette cannot claim in the future they were not made aware of the immense risks currently being incurred.

From the article “The Covid Vaccine Is an Integral Part of “The Great Reset”


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Warns: DO NOT Take A COVID-19 Vaccine

Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage. mRNA COVID-19 vaccines live on in perpetuity inside the body. The damage they cause, in other words, is forever. This clearly means: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist will be able to help you, as the damage caused by this vaccination will be genetically irreversible,” As experienced physician Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg said: Actually, this ‘promising vaccine’ for the vast majority of people should be banned because it is genetic engineering! You will have to live with the consequences because you will no longer be able to be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body,” - Kennedy warns.


NHS Vaccine Specialist Speaks Out about the covid vaccines


The Corruption of Big Pharma

Pharmaceutical corporations like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Moderna – having received billions of dollars directly or indirectly from taxpayers to develop COVID-19 vaccines – have long, documented histories of corruption, including bribing regulators, doctors, and governments.

They have also been caught falsifying safety and efficacy data. They have promoted the use of their products for patients in cases not approved of by regulators, including on children.

They have even been caught knowingly selling products they knew were dangerous or even deadly – withholding critical information from both regulators and the public.

AstraZeneca to pay $5.5 million for bribing doctors in China and Russia

AstraZeneca agreed to pay $5.5 million to settle charges of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, making it the latest global drug maker to face such accusations as part of a long-running probe by US authorities into companies that paid bribes in order to boost sales of their medicines.

In 2003, AstraZeneca was fined $355 million to settle Medicare fraud charges relating to its marketing of the cancer drug Zoladex.14,15 Among the many charges they pleaded guilty to was that they had encouraged doctors to illegally request Medicare reimbursements. Four years later, in 2007, the company was ordered to pay another $12.9 million in damages for its overcharging Medicare and private insurance for Zoladex.

In 2005, the European Commission fined AstraZeneca 60 million euros for misusing the patent system to delay market entry of competing generics.

In 2010, AstraZeneca was fined $520 million for off-label drug marketing.

Also in 2010, the company agreed to pay $198 million to settle more than 25,000 lawsuits filed by patients harmed by three of its psychiatric drugs.

In 2016, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission fined the company $4.3 million for improperly influencing and rewarding prescribers to use their products, in other words, bribery.

In 2019, an Oklahoma court found Johnson & Johnson partially liable for the “human and financial costs” of the opioid epidemic in the U.S. and ordered the company to pay $572 million.


Remember when Pfizer paid out $2.3 billion to settle the largest healthcare fraud case in history?

As millions of eligible Americans rush out to get vaccinated with Pfizer’s new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, it is important to remind everyone that back in 2009, Pfizer was forced to pay a whopping $2.3 billion settlement in what quickly became the largest healthcare fraud case in history.

In order to resolve criminal and civil liability charges stemming from its illegal promotion of various pharmaceutical drugs, Pfizer Inc. subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. agreed to fork over this large sum of cash, which despite its lofty amount was still less than the untold billions the company raked in from committing the now-settled crimes.

As part of the case, Pfizer pleaded guilty to misbranding an anti-inflammatory drug known as Bextra for the intended purpose of defrauding and misleading customers. Pfizer illegally marketed Bextra for uses and at dosages that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had specifically declined to approve due to safety concerns.

Pfizer consequently paid a criminal fine of $1.195 billion, the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States for any matter. Pfizer was also forced to forfeit another $105 million, resulting in a total criminal resolution of $1.3 billion. Bextra was later pulled from the market in 2005.

In 1996, Pfizer conducted an unapproved clinical trial on 200 Nigerian children with its experimental anti-meningitis drug, Trovafloxacin, without the consent of their parents and which led to the death of 11 children from kidney failure and left dozens more disabled. In 2011, Pfizer paid just $700,000 to four families who had lost a child, and set up a $35 million fund for the disabled. This cover-up was the basis to the John Le Carré book and film, The Constant Gardener.

In 2009, Pfizer paid $750 million to settle 35,000 claims that its diabetes drug, Rezulin, was responsible for 63 deaths and dozens of liver failures. In 1999, a senior epidemiologist at the Food and Drug Administration warned that Rezulin was ‘one of the most dangerous drugs on the market’.

In 2010, Pfizer admitted that, in the last 6 months of 2009 alone, it had paid $20 million to 4,500 doctors in the US for consulting and speaking on its behalf, and $15.3 million to 250 academic medical centres for clinical trials.

In 2012, Pfizer paid $45 million to settle charges of bribing doctors and other health-care professionals employed by foreign governments in order to win business. The Chief of the Securities and Exchange Commission Enforcement Division’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Unit said: ‘Pfizer subsidiaries in several countries had bribery so entwined in their sales culture that they offered points and bonus programs to improperly reward foreign officials who proved to be their best customers’.

By 2012, Pfizer had paid $1.226 billion to settle claims by nearly 10,000 women that its hormone replacement therapy drug, Prempro, caused breast cancer.

In 2013, Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle criminal charges of failing to warn patients and doctors about the risks of kidney disease, kidney injury, kidney failure and acute interstitial nephritis caused by its proton pump inhibitor, Protonix.

In 2013, Pfizer set aside $288 million to settle claims by 2,700 people that its smoking cessation drug, Chantix, caused suicidal thoughts and severe psychological disorders. The Food and Drug Administration subsequently determined that Chantix is probably associated with a higher risk of heart attack.

In 2016, Pfizer was fined a record £84.2 million for overcharging the NHS for its rebranded and deregulated anti-epilepsy drug, Phenytoin, by 2,600 per cent (from £2.83 to £67.50 a capsule), increasing the cost to UK taxpayers from £2 million in 2012 to about £50 million in 2013.

Mainstream media barely covered the $100 million settlement Johnson & Johnson paid last year (2020) for its baby powder causing cancer. A jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $4.7 billion in 2018 for its baby powder containing asbestos and causing cancer. That verdict was reduced to $2.1 billion on appeal. Several more lawsuits are pending and will cost Johnson & Johnson billions more in settlements.


“Given this record of ongoing corruption and malpractice from which only its enormous profits have saved it from criminal prosecution, it seems extraordinary that Pfizer is still permitted to manufacture and sell any health care products. Yet this is the pharmaceutical company we’re being asked by the UK Government to trust with the mass vaccination of 68 million people with a product that has been rushed through clinical trials in 7 months, using an experimental technology that has never before been approved and whose side effects are still unknown, for a disease with the fatality rate of seasonal influenza, which statistically is a threat only to those over 70 years old with serious pre-existing medical conditions, and for which there is no evidence that it prevents infection by a virus for which only 1 per cent of the population is currently testing positive with a testing program that has an average false positive rate of 2.3 per cent, and from which anything from 50-60 per cent of us already had or have since developed immunity” - Simon Elmer, Architects for Social Housing -

“Some of the same drug companies now responsible for developing and manufacturing fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccines were also responsible for creating the opioid crisis in the U.S., which has killed as many Americans as have died from COVID-19. Most have also been convicted of other unethical and criminal activities over the years, any of which puts their ethical fitness into question. All of this tells you that the same greed that drove these drug companies into criminal acts before is still at play today, and they have repeatedly proven that profit potential wins over harm potential every time. Considering their long histories of unethical, illegal and criminal behaviours, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are hardly beacons of hope for mankind when it comes to COVID-19 — or any other pandemic, for that matter. Sadly, the rapidly escalating reports of serious side effects and deaths from these injections, and the companies’ dismissal of these events as coincidental or insignificant further prove that profit is still the primary driver. If they can make a buck by ignoring a problem, they will”Dr. Joseph Mercola

Can You Trust Big Pharma’s Gene Therapy Vaccine?


Who would want to take a vaccine from these Pharmaceutical companies who have such a checkered history of bribery, lying, deceiving and falsifying data just to sell their products. If this was any other business would you want to deal with a company like that. This is much more important because you are injecting chemicals into your body from these gangster like enterprises. Can you trust them with your health? Johnson & Johnson and Moderna have never created a vaccine before, this is their first time but millions are lining to take these experimental vaccines for a virus that has a 99.7% recovery rate. The governments and media, especially in the western world have fulfilled their part of the agenda which was to create so much fear in the populations with their over exaggerated and false covid death figure\case data that the unaware general public have bought into and believed 100%. It’s very simple the mainstream media lie and do not inform the people of the truth. They should give both side of the story, but they don’t. They give one side of the covid narrative, the one that they want the people to believe. Why don’t they inform the people of the corruption of the Big Pharma companies?


Bribery, fraud and corruption charges against Big Pharma

Nine shared traits between Big Pharma and the Mafia

Big Pharma and organized crime — they are more similar than you may think

Pfizer Rap sheet

How Pfizer tried to bully Argentina and Brazil in exchange for vaccines

Pharmaceutical Giant AstraZeneca to Pay $520 Million for Off-label Drug Marketing

AstraZeneca settles Texas drug lawsuits for $110 million


Do you want to know why governments and the media promote vaccines as effective and safe? Watch this video - It’s Time to Get Real About Vaccines



Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the British Government

The UK Government’s policy on the coronavirus (and the prediction of 500,000 deaths and the most draconian controls on our freedom in history) came from Professor Neil Ferguson and his team at Imperial College London. It is Ferguson’s theories which have led to the lockdown which is causing so much distress. if Professor Ferguson is wrong then incalculable damage being done to whichever countries are following the Imperial College thinking. The U.K and millions of people lives will be nearly destroyed. Vast numbers of people will have been forced to wait for essential medical treatment. Vast numbers of people will be left unemployed. Vast numbers of businesses will go bust. The education of millions of children will have been savagely disrupted and probably permanently damaged.

In 2002, Ferguson predicted that up to 50,000 people would die from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, better known as "mad cow disease", increasing to 150,000 if the epidemic expanded to include sheep. The reality is: "Since 1990, 178 people in the United Kingdom have died from CJD, according to the National CJD Research & Surveillance Unit at the University of Edinburgh." (2017)

In 2005, Ferguson claimed that up to 200 million people would be killed by bird-flu or H5N1. By early 2006, the WHO had only linked 78 deaths to the virus, out of 147 reported cases.

In 2009, Ferguson and his team at Imperial College advised the government that swine flu or H1N1 would probably kill 65,000 people in the UK. In the end, swine flu claimed the lives of 457 people in the UK.

The UK government spent £424 million on Swine flu drug Tamiflu because of Fergusons modeling, the US government spent $ 1.3 billion on stockpiling 65 million dosages. Global sales of Tamiflu were estimated at almost $3 billion at the height of the swine flu pandemic or scandal. These vaccines where then discarded because they were not needed. Channel 4 in the U.K actually made a documentary about this swine flu scandal.

The "expert", Professor Neil Ferguson, whose computer model gave the UK government a pretext for the ongoing 'lockdown' now in place, is funded by 'The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation'. Bill Gates goes around the world pushing for worldwide vaccination.









The link below shows you the depth of the link between Neil Ferguson and Bill Gates.

Professor Chris Whitty is the UK’s Chief Medical Officer and he stands there with Boris Johnson when they give the Coronavirus news every night (UK) and he was also funded by Bill Gates. In 2008, he was awarded $40m (£31m) by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for malaria research in Africa.

UK Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance reportedly holds a bonus of tens of thousands of shares in a pharma giant developing a Covid-19 vaccine for the government. Yet, the U.K Government says there is no conflict of interest.

Vallance, who also chairs the government’s expert advisory panel on vaccines, appears to have retained over 43,000 shares in GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) – a UK-based multinational pharmaceutical company – worth £600,000.

Sir Patrick, who has had huge influence in dictating the Government’s response to the alleged SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, has over 43,111 shares in the company. But the conflict of interest doesn’t end there. Sir Patrick Vallance used to be the president of GlaxoSmithKline.

He joined the company in May 2006 as ‘Head of Drug Discovery’, going on to become Senior Vice President of Medicines Discovery and Development, before finally becoming President in 2006.

So Patrick Vallance is advising the U.K Government to lockdown the population and wear masks in order to scare the people so that they will more easily accept a vaccine, a vaccine that he might have shares in the company that makes it.

Just recently, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England – Jonathan Van Tam said that it was “perfectly possible” a “Covid” vaccine could be licensed for children by the end of the year.

But we’ve been repeatedly told that children are at no risk to the Covid-19 disease, so why on earth do we need to vaccinate them?

Well Professor Van Tam’s career history can possibly clarify why he is so eager to see children vaccinated against a disease they supposedly don’t suffer from.

Van Tam joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1997 as an associate director at SmithKline Beecham. He then went on to become Head of Medical Affairs at Roche in April 2001, before joining Aventis Pasteur MSD in February 2002 as the UK medical director.

In 2010 he became an advisor to the World Health Organisation, during the over exaggerated H5N1 influenza pandemic. His advice was to roll out a mass vaccination programme to combat the H5N1 influenza virus, and that advice was followed. But guess who manufactured the H5N1 influenza vaccines and made billions of pounds? SmithKline Beecham and Roche, two pharmaceutical giants that Van Tam worked for.

So do you think Van Tam wants to vaccinate children for their good of their health? Against a disease we’ve been told they don’t suffer from. Or do you think he wants to vaccinate children in order to make billions for the companies he serves?

Sir John Bell also had a role in the ‘Vaccine Taskforce’ alongside Sir Patrick Vallance. Sir John Irving Bell has shares amounting to £773,000 in Roche. Roche was awarded the contract to assesses virus diagnostic tests. One of the tests assessed and approved, back in May 2020, was an antibody test.

Twelve out of 20 key influencers on SAGE work for/have received funding from organisations involved in the Covid-19 vaccine. (SAGE are the group advising the government on their Covid-19 policies which effect 67 million people)

Organisations invested in vaccines make money from vaccines. People who acquire natural immunity have less/no need for a vaccine. If people are locked in their homes (lockdowns), they have less chance of acquiring natural immunity.

Locking people in their homes and other lockdown measures will reduce the number of people who acquire natural immunity.

The VIMC is hosted by the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College. VIMC is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and by "GAVI, the vaccine alliance". Bill and Melinda Gates began funding Imperial College in 2006, four years before the Gates Foundation launched the Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration (GHLLDVC).

GAVI is funded and partnered by the same network that forms the GHLLDVC, with some noticeable additions: The World Bank and donor/implementing country governments. The Gates Foundation is a primary sponsor, but is topped by the British Government, which was instrumental in creating GAVI and is its largest donor.

Up to the end of 2018, the Gates Foundation has sponsored Imperial College with a whopping $185 million. That makes Gates the second largest sponsor, beaten to the top spot on the podium by the Wellcome Trust, a British research charity which began funding Imperial College prior to Ferguson's Foot & Mouth Disease debacle and which, by the end of 2018, had already provided Imperial with over $400 million in funding.

The Wellcome Trust and the Gates Foundation are the two largest investors in pharma research on the planet and heavily fund The Pirbright Institute. The Pirbright Institute was created by Henry (Rothschild) de Worms 1st Baron Pilbright (b. Oct. 26, 1840-d. Jan. 09, 1903), also called Lord Pirbright. Baron Pilbright's grandmother was Schönche Jeannette Rothschild (1771–1859). Her father was Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

The Pirbright Institute is a research institute in Surrey, England, dedicated to the study of infectious diseases of farm animals. It is located on 200 acres of land controlled by the British Ministry of Defense (MOD), just south of the village of Pirbright.

The WHO is the highest authority on health in the world. It should be an independent organization, but for a very large part, it is financed by one person: Bill Gates. The 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' has donated more than $2 billion to the WHO since the '90s. The only donation higher than that of the Gates Foundation came from the United States government. One day after receiving funding from Bill Gates the W.H.O declared the Coronavirus a pandemic.

According to former World Bank geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig, about half of the WHO’s budget is derived from private sources — primarily pharmaceutical companies but also other corporate sectors including the telecommunication and agro-chemical industries. It also receives large donations from large philanthropic organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It is believed, according to Koenig, that the appointment of the WHO’s current Director General, Dr. Tedro Adhanom (former member of Communist party), was due to Gates’ influence. Tedros is the former Chairman of Gates funded GAVI Vaccine Alliance. GAVI’s sole mission is to vaccinate every child in the world. The WHO and the US and British governments are the primary partners and the largest funder is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

So let’s get this straight three of the people (Ferguson, Witty, Vallance) who are advising the government to lock us down, take away our freedoms and make us wear masks have vested interests in the vaccine industry and connections to Bill Gates who is going around the world advising us all to be vaccinated and we can’t come out of lockdown and get our freedom back until we do.

Global vaccination market revenue worldwide is projected to reach $59.2 billion by 2020; this number may well increase with the arrival of Covid-19. The British Government's investment in GAVI alongside vaccine promoter Bill Gates must, again, raise the issue of conflicts of interest. To what extent is the British Government protecting its own assets in forcing the lockdown upon its population? Vaccines are set to be a major source of income for the world's largest pharmaceutical corporations, and the British Government is invested in that lucrative future.

In 2009 the world went crazy after the WHO declared the H1N1 influenza pandemic. This resulted in billions being spent on very expensive H1N1 vaccines and antiviral treatments although it turned out the pandemic was indistinguishable from seasonal flu.

The only people who benefited from pointless vaccines and unnecessary medication were the manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Novartis. Each of these pharmaceutical corporations were among the largest voluntary contributors to the WHO in 2008/2009 financial year.

With an $84 million investment, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche were the largest single contributor into the WHO’s coffers that year. Luckily, as it turned out, they could afford it because sales of their unnecessary Tamiflu H1N1 medication rocketed to more than £3 billion following the WHO’s declared H1N1 pandemic. Which was just a coincidence right.

To say these huge investments made by pharmaceutical corporations and private foundations don’t buy influence is nonsense. The WHO is essentially a policy lobby group for the powerful globalists who own it and the ones who own it are the Banksters, the same ones that own Big Pharma.

It should already become obvious that the Big Pharmaceutical are going to benefit hugely from this lockdown of whole countries and we the people are the guinea pigs and the ones who suffer but the general population will not know this information because they are brainwashed by the MSM and the governments who support the vaccine industry.

How come most health organizations are taking the creator of Microsoft (Bill Gates) medical advice? Who the hell is pushing this guy to the front and for what reason? Is he a doctor? No. Virologist? No. Medical practitioner? No. He’s a computer programmer and everyone is just taking his word. It’s like having a gym teacher perform surgery on you.

I tell you what I will have this forced vaccination with this microchip and God knows what chemicals in if Bill Gates, George Soros, the Rothschild’s and other Globalist also have this vaccination?








But somehow I don’t see that happening.

Bill Gates is a eugenicist, like his father before him. He is devoted full-time to two projects:

1) Getting everybody "chipped" (i.e. trackable, dependent, enslaved), and

2) Reducing the world's population.

On March 24 2020, Bill Gates had a digital talk with Chris Anderson, Curator of TED, the nonprofit group that runs TED Talks, during which he gave his take on the handling of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. And during their conversation, Gates admitted that the purpose of these extreme lockdown and quarantine measures is to stop people from naturally catching the virus so that people like Gates can sell them more pharmaceuticals and vaccines later on down the road.

About halfway through their talk, Gates stated that “we don’t want to have a lot of recovered people” from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Instead, the goal is “to not get to one percent of the population infected,” Gates stated, because he’d rather the general population be forced into first getting tested, then vaccinated, for this novel virus.




Listen to these chilling words from Bill Gates during this talk.

“Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person,” Gates went on to explain. “Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly.”

“You don’t want to completely block off the ability for people to go there and come back and move around,” he added. “So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”

If people want to return to “normal,” they’ll have to get vaccinated by Bill Gates.

If all goes according to plan, Gates plans to hold the world hostage until everyone – or at least everyone who wants to return back to a “normal” way of living – agrees to whatever he declares as the “remedy” for this coronavirus, which he’s already indicated will include mandatory vaccination.

The vaccines that Gates is planning to introduce will come with so-called quantum dot tattoos, a type of small microchip that will have to be inserted underneath the skin in order to function.

FACT: Bill Gates Finances, Influences Nearly Every Major Institution Driving the ‘Global Pandemic’ Narrative

“At what point is a coincidence no longer just a coincidence? Whether it’s with generation grant funding for London’s Imperial College (Neil Ferguson’s employer), the London School of Hygiene (Chris Whitty’s former employer), or America’s Center for Disease Control (CDC), or Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH)The Wellcome TrustGAVI the Vaccine AllianceCoalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization – there’s one common denominator behind the scenes financing and exerting influence and control over all of these institutions which have been driving the ‘global pandemic’ narrative from day one of the crisis. The answer: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The notorious monopolist and his wife claim they only want to save the world from various and sundry deadly viruses, but it that really their true motivation? Does their extreme level of wealth provide for a dangerous level of power and influence over ‘global public health’ (a term now synonymous with mass vaccinations, pharmaceutical distribution, and population control)? Since day one of the crisis, and while half the world were being forced into lockdown over a supposed ‘novel’ coronavirus, Bill Gates has been on mainstream media and YouTube non-stop, advocating for even more draconian lockdowns, business closures, school closures, mandatory masks, and demanding public compliance for an unprecedented mass vaccination campaign, as well as pushing for the adoption of new Digital ID-Vaccine Passports to restrict movement of the ‘unvaccinated’ and to track & trace the world’s population. At this point, to say that this man is not driving a global agenda is patently ridiculous”. -


“Covid-19 threatens an imminent "new normal" of global health tyranny and unprecedented government control and surveillance. The SAGE team was very likely derailed by Cummings' political agenda and undue influence that he brought to bear upon the committee, which should have remained impartial and science-focused. The most influential members of the UK Government advisory team have demonstrated a blatant conflict of interest through their connections to the Bill Gates Empire, but the British Government itself has invested heavily in the global immunization concept that Gates is engineering through all manner of public and private sector initiatives. The WHO is the global health governing body and is heavily influenced and financed by Bill Gates. In January 2020, the WHO published its R&D blueprint prioritizing novel Coronavirus vaccine clinical trials. Bill Gates is demanding indemnity against lawsuits before he agrees to distribute vaccines. We are all being fast-tracked into a future where our medical self-determination is in serious jeopardy and where those who decide for us will, potentially, not be held accountable for any health-endangering side effects. We have already seen the devastating consequences of mass immunization during the H1N1 epidemic, with questionable Big Pharma transparency regarding risk, as found by those who were given a vaccination that left them brain damaged for life. Experts in the field have warned against rushing through a Covid-19 vaccine, bearing in mind it can usually take up to fifteen years of rigorous testing prior to approval. Any attempt to compress this process must carry risks. The H1N1 vaccine travesty must serve as a warning against precipitous vaccine development motivated by lockdown cabin fever, when the lockdown itself is looking more and more likely to be orchestrated to achieve precisely this outcome. At the same time, as the possibility of compulsory vaccination is under discussion, the government intends to roll out a surveillance apparatus that will ensure forever-control over an already politically weakened workforce pushed ever deeper into financial insecurity, first by austerity measures and now by Covid-19. It is very important to push back against the emotional triggering that is being generated by the state-aligned media and agencies. The behavioral insight experts are working hard to nudge us towards dependency on the state — but we must not surrender our individual and collective independence. We must determine the drivers behind this "crisis", identify the causes, and deal with the symptoms without succumbing to fear or panic. It is not easy; but our futures depend upon our ability to see what is really going on and to respond accordingly” – Vanessa Beeley, Researcher – Editor

Who Controls The UK Government Response to Covid–19?


Covid-19 – Follow the Money

DID YOU KNOW? The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan, Wuhan National Biosafety Lab, is owned by GlaxoSmithKline and George Soros.

Glaxo coincidentally also merged with and owns controlling stakes (68%) in the company Pfizer, which is currently developing a C0VID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer coincidentally manages the finances of a company called Black Rock. Black Rock coincidentally also owns stakes in both Pfizer (8%) AND AstraZeneca (6.8%), another company currently key in developing a C0VID-19 vaccine.

Laurence Douglas Fink is an American Jewish billionaire businessman. He is the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, an American multinational investment management corporation. BlackRock is the largest money-management firm in the world with more than $6.5 trillion in assets under management, giving the firm enormous power over the global financial system.

The CEO of Black Rock, coincidentally, has a strong commitment to re-shaping the future of finance in light of coming climate risk and policy, and has “joined with France, Germany, and global foundations to establish the Climate Finance Partnership”.

BlackRock, coincidentally, has a partnership with Thomson Reuters, a multi-million dollar multi-national media conglomerate.

Thomson Reuters, coincidentally, has created a branch within its editorial department to “Fact Check” information on social media.

Black Rock also coincidentally manages the finances and the Open Foundation Society of George Soros.

George Soros coincidentally manages the interests of the German branch of Swiss founded company Winterthur Group.

Coincidentally, Winterthur was bought out and merged with French multi-national insurance firm Axa in 2006.

Axa, as it happens, created The Axa Research Fund in 2008 and funds hundreds of research projects in research laboratories around the globe each year.

Winterthur, prior to Axa acquisition, built the Chinese research laboratory that was accidentally bought by the German company Allianz

It just so happens Allianz has had a branch in China since 1917, and has engaged in several partnerships, including forming one with the CITIC Group owned by the People’s Republic of China, and being a founding partner of the
Canada China Business Council.

Allianz, coincidentally, is also linked to Chinese Beijing based firm, Mabworks.

Mabworks, coincidentally, was a company which played a crucial role in developing a cure for Ebola in 2014.

Coincidentally, the 2014 clinical trials for Mabworks were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Mabworks, coincidentally, is the same company that Chinese Scientist Dr Qui provided research for whilst working for the Canadian government.

In 2014, coincidentally, Dr Qui replicated research and a drug (ZMAPP) created in the National Microbiology Lab in Canada to treat Ebola (without authorization), and handed it over to Mabworks who put it in the hands of the Chinese military.

Coincidentally, Dr Qui is currently under investigation by the RCMP for potential intellectual and pathogen theft.

Dr Qui, coincidentally, is the Chinese scientist who set up and then trained staff for the level 4 Wuhan National Biosafety Lab at the epicentre of the C0VID-19 outbreak.

Allianz is coincidentally owned by corporation giant Vanguard Group.

Vanguard Group, coincidentally, is a shareholder of Black Rock, which controls and manages 1/3 of the world’s capital.

Vanguard Group, coincidentally, is owned by the Rothschilds.

Rothschild & Co is the parent company of Rothschild Group which operates in Financial advisory, Wealth and Asset Management and Merchant Banking activities. Revenues break down by activity as follows:

- financial advisory (61.7%): advisory services in mergers and acquisitions, strategy and financing (restructuring, private debt and capital markets);

- private banking and asset management (26.4%): EUR 76 billion in assets under management at the end of 2019;

- private equity and private debt fund management (10.5%): EUR 14 billion in assets under management;

Vanguard Group, Allianz and Black Rock, coincidentally, are the top Institutional Shareholders for a company called Novavax.

Novavax, as it happens, was another key developer for an Ebola vaccine in 2014, and is currently also involved in the development of a C0VID-19 vaccine.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, coincidentally, funded the clinical trials for the Novavax Ebola drug.

Novavax, coincidentally, has experienced a 71% jump in share values since they began developing a C0VID-19 vaccine.

Allianz, one of the Institutional owners of Novavax, has coincidentally partnered with Microsoft to “digitally transform the insurance industry” and work together on various health-related initiatives.

Coincidentally, Black Rock is also a major shareholder of Microsoft.

Microsoft is owned by Bill Gates.

Bill Gates also happens to be a major shareholder of Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Novavax.

Novavax, Pfizer and AstraZeneca have all received hundreds of millions in funding towards vaccine research from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Coincidentally, since the development of the C0VID-19 vaccine began, the net worths of Novavax, Pfizer and AstraZeneca have all skyrocketed – funding these companies is a sound investment.

In late 2019, coincidentally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201- a pandemic exercise that simulated a global virus outbreak.

Coincidentally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also funds a UK based organisation called Pirbright Institute.

Pirbright Institute, as it happens, is over 100 years old and has transformed from a bovine tuberculosis testing station into one of the UK’s leading virus diagnostics and surveillance centres – at the forefront of global virus research.

Pirbright Institute, coincidentally, has held the coronavirus’ patent since 2015 – on June 19, 2015 a patent application for the live coronavirus was filed by the Institute, and it was approved on Nov 20, 2018.

Bill and Melinda Gates, coincidentally, when they are not leading scientific coalitions on coronavirus vaccine research, are firm believers in population control.

Bill Gates is currently the World Health Organisation’s largest financier.

The World Health Organisation leads the world response on global pandemics.

But of course – this is all just a big coincidence right?

Lockdowns serve two purposes, one to keep people in fear so that they will accept the vaccines and the second is to destroy the middle class and small business so that the large corporations can get richer. The collective wealth of America’s 651 billionaires has jumped by over $1 trillion since the beginning of the COVID-19 Plandemic. Out of the top 10 American billionaires 5 of them are Jewish.

In 2020 the mega rich grew unimaginably richer. Meanwhile, millions of other people lost their jobs, houses, and were left homeless and starving. In just nine months, since March 2020, 651 US billionaires added $1 trillion to their wealth ($1000, 000,000, 000). According to Oxfam, eight of the richest billionaires in the world own as much as the combined wealth of 50 per cent of “the poorest half of the human race”.

The collective wealth of America’s 651 billionaires has jumped by over $1 trillion since roughly the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to a total of $4 trillion at market close on Monday, December 7, 2020.

The total net worth of the nation’s 651 billionaires rose from $2.95 trillion in March 2020—when the pandemic shutdowns began—to $4.01 trillion in the first week of December 2020, a leap of 36%. The combined wealth of the top 10 billionaires now amounts to more than $1 trillion.

The total wealth of all US billionaires today is roughly $4 trillion. This is almost double the $2.1 trillion in total wealth held by the bottom half of the population, comprising 165 million people.

As tens of millions of Americans suffer from the health and economic ravages of this pandemic, a few hundred billionaires ADD to their massive fortunes. Their pandemic profits are so immense that America’s billionaires could pay for a major Covid relief bill and still not lose a dime of their pre-virus riches. Their wealth growth is so great that they alone could provide a $3,000 stimulus payment to every man, woman and child in the country, and still be richer than they were 9 months ago.

Nearly 67 million lost work between March 21 and October 7, 2020.

— 20 million were collecting unemployment on November14, 2020.

— 98,000 businesses have permanently closed.

— 12 million workers have lost employer-sponsored health insurance during the pandemic as of August 26, 2020.

— Nearly 26 million adults have recently reported that their households are without sufficient food to feed their families.

— 2.4 million adults—1 in 6 renters—reported in November that they were behind in their rent.

When Congress passed the $2.2 trillion-dollar Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (known as ‘CARES’) in late March 2020, glib assurances were given that this was to be a relief package for the poor—for those, in fact, who needed help the most during these extraordinary times of mass unemployment and economic hardship. ‘Egalitarianism’ was the stonking polysyllabic word the uneducated masses were proud to add to their vocabularies. It told them what they needed to hear: “You are not going to starve! You will not be made homeless! Your nice, kind, caring government is going to look after you and send you generous checks so that you can pay all your bills and keep your heads above water!”

Unfortunately for the masses, the opposite turned out to be the case.

The rich corporations, the affluent executives, got most of the $2.2 trillion handout. The poor got next to nothing. They were left to starve and commit suicide.


Let us look at the links between the world banks and the Pharmaceutical companies.

Most Americans believe the Federal Reserve is owned by the government. It is not. It is a cabal of private banks created and controlled by the Rothschild’s. These are some of the major Rothschild banks that own the Federal Reserve: Bank of America; JPMorgan Chase; Wells Fargo and Wachovia; Citibank; PNC Bank; Bank of New York Mellon; US Bank; HSBC Bank; Goldman Sachs. Other families who own the Federal Reserve include Rockefeller, Kuhn Loeb, Lehman, Goldman Sachs, Warburg, Lazard and Israel Moses Seif. The Federal Reserve controls the printing of America’s currency, and then charges the US government interest on those loans. The interest is growing each year (23 trillion), making it difficult if not impossible for the American government to pay it. How do American’s pay this interest? By the US Personal Income Tax. This tax goes to the Rothschild family. American’s did not pay income tax until 1913, the year the Fed was illegally created on Jekyll Island.

These same banking families also own the major oil companies: Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco and Royal Dutch/Shell. These oil companies then reaped the rewards by taking over the oil reserves in Afghanistan and Iraq after Rothschild’s intelligent agencies (Mossad, CIA, and FBI) had instigated 9/11 to bring about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you think Bill Gates ($100 Billion) is the richest person in the world then you need to think again, that’s just loose change for the Rothschild’s. It is difficult to estimate exactly how much the Rothschild Family are worth. Higher estimates have placed it in the region of $100 trillion USD, making them by far the wealthiest family on Earth.

Novartis International AG is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland, ranking number one in sales (57.9 billion US$). Novartis owns 33.3% of Roche. Roche is one of the top sellers of Oncology (cancer) drugs. Among its products Novartis produces vaccines and Chemotherapy drugs.

Wells Fargo & Company (Federal Reserve) is an American international banking and financial services holding company. It is the third largest bank in the U.S. In February 2014, Wells Fargo was named the world's most valuable bank brand for the second year running. Wells Fargo & Company owns over 7 million shares in Novartis as does Bank of America.

Dodge & Cox has by far and away the most shares in Novartis with over 40 million shares. But who has the most shares in Dodge & Cox? It is the same companies again. Bank of America has most shares in Dodge & Cox with 5 million, Wells Fargo & Co 3.7 million, Goldman Sachs 3.5 million, Bank of New York Mellon 2.5 million shares. All of these banks are part of the Federal Reserve

AstraZeneca is a British–Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company. AstraZeneca acquired US Company, MedImmune for about $15.2 billion to gain flu vaccines and an anti-viral treatment for infants. In 2015 AstraZeneca also acquired ZS Pharma for $2.7 billion. In fact, AstraZeneca has acquired over 15 other companies since it was formed in 1999. These companies make huge profits from selling these vaccines to governments. As of 2008, David Brennan was paid $1,574,144 for his role as chief executive officer (AstraZeneca). AstraZeneca manufactures Crestor which is one of the world's leading statins, with global sales of more than $5billion (£3.4billion). AstraZeneca made pre-tax profits in 2015 of £3.07 billion.

The main shareholders in AstraZeneca are Wells Fargo & Company, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Dodge & Cox and Bank of America. As you can see this is a recurring theme now.

Another pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline reported a 4 per cent rise in annual turnover to £23.9billion. Profits jumped from £3billion in 2014 to £10.5billion in 2015. FMR LLC own over 20 million shares in GlaxoSmithKline worth nearly 1 billion. Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) is a US investment management company and has assets worth a whopping $2 trillion. Wells Fargo & Company owns just over 11 million shares worth nearly $500 million in GlaxoSmithKline

Other companies who own shares in GlaxoSmithKline include Bank of New York Mellon, Bank of America Corporation, Goldman Sachs group Inc., Royal Bank of Canada and JPMorgan Chase & co.

GlaxoSmithKline produces vaccines for HPV (Cervarix), Hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Flu, among many others.

Monsanto, the company behind genetically modified food is owned by various companies but the biggest shareholder is the Vanguard group which consists of, yes you guessed, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Goldman Sachs etc. Also George Soros (Rothschild Zionist) own 500,000 shares in Monsanto as does Bill Gates. George Soros is the man who “broke the Bank of England” on Black Wednesday in 1992 and is one of the top thirty richest people in the world, and a political activist who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry, holds dual citizenship in Hungary and the United States, and self-proclaims as a philanthropist, while contributing massive funds to eugenics programs and population control through toxic food and toxic vaccines. Soros also funds ($33 million) race hate groups (to stir up racial unrest across America) such as the Ferguson protest movement, after the death of Michael Brown and BLM and Antifa.

It is the globalist bankers who are behind the Green Agenda, Climate Change, the Great Reset, Agenda30 and Covid-19.

The Great Reset is here: Follow the Money by F.William Engdahl – a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics

“The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a cabal of technocratic corporativists, led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum– the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030– is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown for a virus. The hottest investment area since onset of the coronavirus global lockdowns is something called ESG investing. This highly subjective and very controlled game is dramatically shifting global capital flows into a select group of “approved” corporate stocks and bonds. Notably it advances the dystopian UN Agenda 2030 or the WEF Great Reset agenda. The development is one of the most dangerous and least understood shifts in at least the past century”.


Media Propaganda and Who Owns it?

Media Propaganda and Who Owns it?

Covid-19 was a pandemic of fear driven by the media, a campaign of fear to create panic and terror in the population to make them compliant to the restrictions and lockdowns. A 24/7 of nonstop fearmongering where they had the running death counts of alleged covid deaths on the T.V constantly. But what they did not tell you was the 400 or 500 deaths per day that they were reporting were actually 400 or 500 deaths over a 28-day period. It definitely was not 500 people dying of covid in one day, but they didn’t tell you that. Also when the covid death count went into single figures in June\July 2020 the media removed the death counts from the T.V as they did not want people to hear this good news instead they replaced it with the number of cases because millions more people were being tested with the fraudulent PCR testing and they used rising cases to justify the restrictions and lockdowns.

If there was no such thing as a television or radio would you have known there was a pandemic? No you would not because there was not masses of people dropping dead or dying in the street and there was not masses of funerals. If you worked in a care home, you might have noticed more elderly dying than normal but you that would have been down to a new variation of the flu rather than a deadly disease. Would you really of noticed it was a pandemic when the symptoms of covid are the same as the common cold and the flu? So it was a pandemic driven by the media and the governments use of the fraudulent PCR testing.

That is why lie upon lie is disseminated and the truth from thousands of medical professionals that is published on the Internet is removed as soon as it is discovered. Why does the media not allow any medical professional on T.V or on YouTube who has an opposing viewpoint about masks, lockdowns and vaccines? It is called brainwashing when you bombard the public with one side of the covid narrative 24/7. No wonder people drive around in cars with masks on and visors because they have believed every word the media has told them.

Sky News in the U.K Cuts Off Professor When He Exposes COVID Fear Mongering

When a prominent medical professor appears on a UK mainstream media news program and begins to expose the lies about the pandemic, he is quickly cut off for telling the truth.

Professor Tim Spector is senior professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College, London and was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2020 Birthday Honours for services to the Covid-19 response. Obviously, a big hitter in establishment science circles.

Yet despite his superb credentials to speak authoritatively on the pandemic Sky News cut him short the moment he begins to explain why he switches off when the government COVID19 briefings appears on screens.

It looks like Sky took media revenge as they switched him off for daring to reveal that government and the media have totally overblown the pandemic and fail to give any context and stoke up fear among the hard of thinking. A link to the sky news video is below.

Renowned epidemiologist Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski says YouTube removed his anti-lockdown video for violating 'community standards'

Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski said that a video he posted on YouTube questioning the effectiveness of widespread lockdowns amid the coronavirus pandemic was removed for violating “community standards.”

Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski, former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University, says there is no evidence coronavirus shutdowns had any impact.

This is how the media brainwash the people. Only one side of the Covid narrative is allowed. Any truth that steers away from the official covid story is removed, even if the information comes from the top doctors or epidemiologists in the world. This surely is very suspicious for any honest person who is seeking the truth.

I will repeat what I said in the first paragraph and that is in the 1960’s the KGB did some psychological experiments. They realized if you bombard humans with messages of fear, nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false message. To the point that no amount of clear information or evidence they are shown could change their minds. The mainstream media and government have bombarded the people for over 11 months (not just 2 months) with fear and propaganda so that they can maintain the Covid lockdown’s and restrictions which makes people more fearful so that they will line up for the Covid vaccine.

CBS News has admitted that alarming footage of an overflowing ward used during a report on the coronavirus crisis in New York hospitals was actually shot in Italy. CBS’ breakfast show, “This Morning,” used the footage of a packed ward after saying the pandemic’s epicenter was “found right here” in New York. The same footage had been aired earlier by Sky News — which correctly identified it as one of Europe’s “most hard-hit” hospitals located in Bergamo, Lombardy.

“Independent media is under attack. Censorship is now routinely applied. Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Those who say the truth are tagged as “conspiracy theorists”. In relation to the corona crisis, the media is involved in sustaining a Worldwide fear campaign. Several medical doctors who have spoken out against the official Coronavirus narrative have been fired. has been tagged by Canada’s media as a source of disinformation. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down. They are the unspoken architects of “Fake News”. The Lie becomes the Truth. One area of routine distortion is the use of fake videos and images by the mainstream media” - Professor Michel Chossudovsky, October 26, 2020

Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images


The photo below is hundreds of coffins of dead migrants who died when their boat sank of the coast of Italy in 2013 but the media used this photo and claimed the coffins where dead bodies from Covid victims in Italy in March 2020.





In the photo below the media claimed a New York hospital was swamped with Covid patients but the picture was actually from a hospital in Italy.













A photo of a boy was distributed by news agencies all over the world, but with conflicting coverage. The Daily Mail claimed: 'A Portuguese boy of 14 is Europe's youngest patient to die of Corona.' The same photo was distributed by the Daily Express with the text: 'A 12-year-old girl from Belgium dies of corona'. Another agency used the same photo and stated: 'A 13-year-old boy from England died of corona'.

The same happened to another picture of a boy who died in 2017 due to a dangerous 'suicide' game. Three years later his photo is used to claim in the mainstream media that he was the youngest victim of covid19 in England.

Here is another example of the propaganda the media pump out to keep us in fear. This time it was the New York Post who claimed that people where dying or dropping in the streets from Covid in India in April 2021. But this was a lie because the picture was from a gas leak from a chemical plant in India in May 2020 where at least nine people died and collapsed in the streets.

Below is the picture from the gas leak in India in May 2020 and you can see it is the same woman in both pictures. The mainstream media are liars and you cannot trust them. They use fake images to manipulate your mind, to keep you in fear so as to keep up the illusion of a pandemic so that you will accept the restrictions and take the covid vaccine.



The reality of large scale media deception was exposed by German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte who was an editor for one of Europe's largest newspapers, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). He wrote the book 'Bought Journalists' in which he confesses how he and his colleagues were bribed for decades by American billionaires, the CIA, the German secret service and various shadow governments to write nothing but lies. In the video below he makes the following confession:

‘I've been a journalist for 25 years. I was taught to lie, to betray and to never tell the truth to the public. ... I was bribed by American billionaires to report... not exactly the truth.’ - Journalist Udo Ulfkotte.

The mainstream media are lying about Covid-19 and this proves it. The MSM are propaganda outlets for the globalists covid agenda.

If the media has been purposely distorting and twisting the truth, even lying about Covid-19 then we need to know who owns the media and who influences them. I have mentioned this before but we know that the media and governments lied about the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq was supposed to have in 2003 to justify an invasion of Iraq and I say once a liar, always a liar. When there is a worldwide agenda that needs pushing by the globalists we know the media will be on their side.

The Daily Mail newspaper in the U.K ran the headline, ‘Terrifying new TV ads’ are being promoted by the Government (23 Jan 2021). The above fear-porn promotion is through the US media agency Omnigov, who signed a £110 million Lockdown advertising deal – on March 2nd, three weeks before the Lockdown.

The journalist Neil Clark commented on ‘the report in the Daily Telegraph newspaper that the UK government struck a deal worth £119m with an American advertising company, OMD Group, urging people to ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ a full three weeks before Boris Johnson ordered a lockdown. Think about what this means.’

Bill Gates has steered over $250 million to the BBC, NPR, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, the New York Times, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, Center for Investigative Reporting, Pulitzer Center, National Press Foundation, International Center for Journalists, and a host of other groups.

His press bribes have paid off. During the pandemic, bought and brain-dead news outlets have treated Bill Gates as a public health expert, despite his lack of medical training.

Gates also funds an army of independent fact checkers including the Poynter Institute and Gannett —which use their fact-checking platforms to “silence detractors” and to “debunk” as “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation,”

I would like to suggest we no longer call NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX news organizations. We should refer to them as what they are, Deep State Propaganda Outlets. The same for the BBC. They are really the BBC Deep State Propaganda Outlet and nothing more.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided millions of pounds in funding to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) over the years.

BBC Media action is the ‘charitable arm’ of the BBC and as it has received millions in funding from The Gates Foundation. Also the Guardian, the favored paper of the BBC and other elites, has also received millions from The Gates Foundation to support an arm of its site called ‘Global Development’.

In return, Bill Gates frequently appears on the BBC’s main channels to talk about vaccines, covid-19 and his advice about public health are never scrutinized despite him not holding any medical qualifications, money buys power.

If you do a search on google to look for an alternative opinion about covid-19 or vaccines, you will have a hard time finding it because google buries this information. For instance, try and search for covid vaccine adverse reactions in google and all that will show up in the search results is the official websites. It will not show any of the covid vaccine deaths and injuries that I have shown you in this book.

Former google employee Zac Vorhies exposed how Google's algorithms work to censor you, and how they distort search results.

To show how Google censors the truth watch the interview with Whistleblower Zach Vorhies. Zach has done what few others have dared to do, tell the truth about Google and Big Tech and their attack on our freedoms and assault on the truth. Because of Zach, we now have proof that Google has been hiding the truth about cancer and vaccines and so much more from us in their search results. Zach Vorhies was a Google employee who downloaded 950 pages of internal documents describing Google's censorship regime. He also disclosed these document to the public via Project Veritas on August 2019.

Two Jewish men Sergey Brin and Larry Page own Google and Youtube as Google purchased Youtube in 2006. Susan Wojcicki, also Jewish was the Vice President of Product Management at Google overseeing AdSense but since then she has become the CEO of Youtube in 2016 and she has made sure that any opposing voice to the official Covid narrative is deleted from Youtube. Even if that voice is an expert such as Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan or one of the top 10 cited scientists on earth, Stanford epidemiology professor Dr. John Ioannidis, who was censored by Youtube because he said covid was similar to seasonal influenza. Facebook also censors information about Covid and vaccines and again that is owned by Mark Zuckerberg who just happens to be Jewish as well. While popular apps like Instagram and WhatsApp are also owned by Facebook.

Facebook to Censor Claims About Covid Vaccines

This includes claims such as:

-COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured

-Vaccines are not effective at preventing the disease they are meant to protect against

-It’s safer to get the disease than to get the vaccine

-Vaccines are toxic, dangerous or cause autism


In the USA there are 6 media companies that exist today that own all the media. There used to be 88. The 6 are:

1. General Electric

2. Westinghouse Electric Company

3. Viacom International Inc.

4. Disney

5. Time-Warner AOL

6. News Corporation LTD.

The 6 corporations above, own the following media companies and this is not an exhaustive list just a select few:

NBC, CBS, Paramount, Nickelodeon, Showtime, ABC, Prime Time Live, Nightline, Good Morning America. ESPN, Lifetime Television (50%), History Channel and E! Disney Channel/Disney Television, Touchtone Television, Miramax, CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central, Fox Television: includes 22 stations, 50% of US households, Fox International: extensive worldwide cable and satellite networks include British Sky Broadcasting (40%); VOX, Germany (49.9%); Canal Fox, Latin America; FOXTEL, Australia (50%); STAR TV, Asia; IskyB, India; Bahasa Programming Ltd., Indonesia (50%); and News Broadcasting, Japan (80%) and The Golf Channel (33%). Its media holdings include Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Searchlight, 132 newspapers (113 in Australia alone) including the New York Post, the London Times and The Australian.

Let us look at who is (was) in charge of these media corporations. This was the state of play as of 2010 but chairman’s and CEO’s obviously change. So it could be different now.

News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish)

Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish)

Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish)

Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew)

Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish)

CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel)

MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish)

NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (Jewish).

Jeff Zucker is also the President of CNN

Gerald Levin (Jewish), CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner

Michael Eisner (Jewish), Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company

Edgar Bronfman, Sr., (Jewish) Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd

Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios

Sumner Redstone (Jewish), Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc

Dennis Dammerman (Jewish), Vice Chairman of General Electric

Rupert Murdoch (son of Elizabeth Green who was Jewish) owns News Corporation Ltd.

The following federal banks in the USA own most of the shares in the big 6 media corporations: Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York Mellon and the Vanguard group. Additionally, research has shown that all the Federal Reserve banks also own most of the big Pharmaceutical companies as well.

Carlton Communications, which now controls the U.K ITV network, was created in 1982 by the Jewish Michael Green, his brother David and his father-in-law, Lord Wolff. Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began transmission in 1982. The Chief Executive of Channel 4 is the Jewish David Abraham, who has held the position since January 2010. Abraham’s career also reaches across the Atlantic: In the United States he was vice-president of the Discovery Home network and president and general manager of the TLC channel for Discovery Networks. Channel 5 Britain’s fifth television network which was launched in 1997. Originally owned by the RTL Group (owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann), Channel 5 was purchased by the Jewish Richard Desmond in 2010. Desmond sold it to Viacom (owned by Jews) in 2014.

These where the individuals who owned or were in charge of the media on September 11th 2001. They were all unanimous in stating that it was Muslims who were the perpetrators of the 9/11 events in New York. Does anyone seriously believe that? This media then gave us the lie about WMD in Iraq which led to Iraq being destroyed which was one of Israel’s biggest enemies in the Middle East. The vast majority of the owners and CEO’s of the media companies above are Israel firsters and dual citizens of Israel.

It wasn’t Christians or Muslims who planned and carried out the 9/11 atrocity. If you want to see the real evidence, then email me and I will send you my 9/11 book.

The article below is from the StateoftheNation website:

“This particular tribe of moneychangers and merchants learned long ago that whoever controls the media controls the society, the nation and the world. Toward that end, the entire mainstream media (MSM) in the USA is completely controlled by Jewish money and investment. So are all the top positions of the MSM occupied by Jewish CEOs, CFOs and COOs as well as Presidents and Board Directors. Because their Khazarian Mafia masters and handlers are essentially in charge of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, they all realize that any serious transgressions against The Company (aka the C.I.A.) will occur on pain of death, or worse. What needs to be said about the ironclad control that Jews have always exerted over Hollywood from the very beginning? Every major studio in Tinseltown was founded by Jewish entrepreneurs who originally hailed from Eastern or Central Europe if not Russia. Even a cursory examination of all the most successful CEOs and presidents, directors and producers, screenwriters and film editors, actors and actresses, cinematographers and directors of photography, as well as talent agents and scouts, will prove that Hollyweird is a fundamentally Jewish industry from the top down and bottom up.  By the way, there’s a very good reason why the Jews established and continue to run Hollywood as follows: “Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream”. Big Pharma is almost entirely owned and operated by Jewish families, stockholders, investors, hedge funds, etc. The Pharmaceutical Industry is dominated by various Jewish Crime Families such as the Sacklers, who were just forced into bankruptcy because of their obscene profiting from the nationwide opioid epidemic. It is primarily Jewish physicians, scientists, lawyers, lobbyists and politicos who are also at the forefront of the deadly and destructive Super-Vaccination Agenda.  The deplorable state of the National Healthcare System, and particularly the Obamacare con job, are both the handiwork of the International Banking Cartel.  The ever-increasing exorbitant healthcare costs represent a staggering 10% of the nation’s GDP as well as an immense revenue stream into the IBC coffers.  Not only that, but the unconstitutional imposition of Obamacare permitted the globalists to implement a HUGELY subversive piece of their NWO agenda”.  See Obamacare: The Hidden Agenda

"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews--and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering. Because...we have seen...the greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the line." By the late American Actor Marlon Brando on Larry King Live

Concentrated ownership creates conditions in which wealthy individuals and organizations can amass vast political and economic power and distort global events to suit their interests.



Covid-19 is a Crime against Humanity

Why are thousands of doctors, professors, scientists and lawyers calling Covid-19 a scam or crime against humanity because if it was a real pandemic they would not be saying this. Surely this must raise the eyebrows of even the most pro-lock downer.

The facts laid out below are the result of the work of the Corona Investigative Committee. This Committee was founded on July 10, 2020 by four lawyers in order to determine, (through hearing expert testimony of international scientists and other experts) the truth about Covid-19.

The narrator of this momentous video below is Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a founding member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, who has been admitted to the bar in California and Germany for 26 years.

Every person is highly encouraged to watch the entire video here and listen to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich speak:

German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation

Dr. Fuellmich is a practicing trial lawyer and an attorney of record for one of the most powerful law firms on the planet that is currently suing Deutsche Bank. He is also litigating other highly consequential lawsuits against various Fortune 500 companies for their fraudulent corporate behavior.

Again, here is Dr. Fuellmich’s epic presentation outlining the open-and-shut case against the perpetrators of the ongoing 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic.

The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020.

Their conclusions are the following: 

  • The corona crisis must be renamed the “Corona Scandal”
  • It is:
  • The biggest tort case ever
  • The greatest crime against humanity ever committed
  • Those responsible must be:
  • Criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity
  • Sued for civil damages
  • Deaths
  • There is no excess mortality in any country
  • Corona virus mortality equals seasonal flu
  • 94% of deaths in Bergamo were caused by transferring sick patients to nursing homes where they infected old people with weak immune systems
  • Doctors and hospitals worldwide were paid to declare deceased victims of Covid-19
  • Autopsies showed:
  • Fatalities almost all caused by serious pre-existing conditions
  • Almost all deaths were very old people
  • Sweden (no lockdown) and Britain (strict lockdown) have comparable disease and mortality statistics
  • US states with and without lockdowns have comparable disease and mortality statistics
  • Health
  • Hospitals remain empty and some face bankruptcy
  • Populations have T-cell immunity from previous influenza waves
  • Herd immunity needs only 15-25% population infection and is already achieved
  • Only when a person has symptoms can an infection be contagious
  • Tests:
  • Many scientists call this a PCR-test pandemic, not a corona pandemic
  • Very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive
  • Likelihood of false-positives is 89-94% or near certainty
  • Prof. Drosten developed his PCR test from an old SARS virus without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China
  • The PCR test is not based on scientific facts with respect to infections
  • PCR tests are useless for the detection of infections
  • A positive PCR test does not mean an infection is present or that an intact virus has been found
  • Amplification of samples over 35 cycles is unreliable but WHO recommended 45 cycles
  • Illegality:
  • The German government locked down, imposed social-distancing/ mask-wearing on the basis of a single opinion
  • The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating
  • The lockdowns were based on non-existent infections
  • Former president of the German federal constitutional court doubted the constitutionality of the corona measures
  • Former UK supreme court judge Lord Sumption concluded there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for corona measures
  • German RKI (CDC equivalent) recommended no autopsies be performed
  • Corona measures have no sufficient factual or legal basis, are unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately
  • No serious scientist gives any validity to the infamous Neil Ferguson’s false computer models warning of millions of deaths
  • Mainstream media completely failed to report the true facts of the so-called pandemic
  • Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models
  • Drosten (of PCR test), Tedros of WHO, and others have committed crimes against humanity as defined in the International Criminal Code
  • Politicians can avoid going down with the charlatans and criminals by starting the long overdue public scientific discussion
  • Conspiracy:
  • Politicians and mainstream media deliberately drove populations to panic
  • Children were calculatedly made to feel responsible “for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow Corona rules”
  • The hopeless PCR test is used to create fear and not to diagnose
  • There can be no talk of a second wave
  • Injury and damage:
  • Evidence of gigantic health and economic damage to populations
  • Anti-corona measures have:
  • Killed innumerable people
  • Destroyed countless companies and individuals worldwide
  • Children are being taken away from their parents
  • Children are traumatized en masse
  • Bankruptcies are expected in small- and medium-sized businesses
  • Redress:
  • A class action lawsuit must be filed in the USA or Canada, with all affected parties worldwide having the opportunity to join
  • Companies and self-employed people must be compensated for damages

This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a “Corona Scandal” and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas. And for this reason I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

Crimes against humanity were first defined in connection with the Nuremberg trials after World War II, that is, when they dealt with the main war criminals of the Third Reich. Crimes against humanity are today regulated in section 7 of the International Criminal Code. The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the corona scandal are:

Is there a corona pandemic or is there only a PCR-test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR-test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid-19 infection?

Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations, serve to protect the world’s population from corona, or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe – without asking any questions – that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?

Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied, more so than any other country, by the chief protagonists of this so-called corona pandemic, Mr. Drosten, virologist at charity hospital in Berlin; Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI; and Mr. Tedros, Head of the World Health Organization or WHO; because Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence to the corona measures?

Let me first give you a summary of the facts as they present themselves today. The most important thing in a lawsuit is to establish the facts – that is, to find out what actually happened. That is because the application of the law always depends on the facts at issue. If I want to prosecute someone for fraud, I cannot do that by presenting the facts of a car accident. So what happened here regarding the alleged corona pandemic?

The facts laid out below are, to a large extent, the result of the work of the Corona Investigative Committee. This Committee was founded on July 10, 2020 by four lawyers in order to determine, through hearing expert testimony of international scientists and other experts:


How dangerous is the virus really?

What is the significance of a positive PCR test?

What collateral damage has been caused by the corona measures, both with respect to the world population’s health, and with respect to the world’s economy?

Let me start with a little bit of background information. What happened in May 2019 and then in early 2020? And what happened 12 years earlier with the swine flu, which many of you may have forgotten about? In May 2019, the stronger of the two parties which govern Germany in a grand coalition, the CDU, held a Congress on Global Health, apparently at the instigation of important players from the pharmaceutical industry and the tech industry. At this Congress, the usual suspects, you might say, gave their speeches. Angela Merkel was there, and the German Secretary of Health, Jens Spahn. But, some other people, whom one would not necessarily expect to be present at such a gathering, were also there: Professor Drosten, virologist from the Charite hospital in Berlin; Professor Wieler, veterinarian and Head of the RKI, the German equivalent of the CDC; as well as Mr. Tedros, philosopher and Head of the World Health Organization (WHO). They all gave speeches there. Also present and giving speeches were the chief lobbyists of the world’s two largest health funds, namely the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. Less than a year later, these very people called the shots in the proclamation of the worldwide corona pandemic, made sure that mass PCR tests were used to prove mass infections with Covid-19 all over the world, and are now pushing for vaccines to be invented and sold worldwide.

These infections, or rather the positive test results that the PCR tests delivered, in turn became the justification for worldwide lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory face masks. It is important to note at this point that the definition of a pandemic was changed 12 years earlier. Until then, a pandemic was considered to be a disease that spread worldwide and which led to many serious illnesses and deaths. Suddenly, and for reasons never explained, it was supposed to be a worldwide disease only. Many serious illnesses and many deaths were not required any more to announce a pandemic. Due to this change, the WHO, which is closely intertwined with the global pharmaceutical industry, was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009, with the result that vaccines were produced and sold worldwide on the basis of contracts that have been kept secret until today.

These vaccines proved to be completely unnecessary because the swine flu eventually turned out to be a mild flu, and never became the horrific plague that the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliated universities kept announcing it would turn into, with millions of deaths certain to happen if people didn’t get vaccinated. These vaccines also led to serious health problems. About 700 children in Europe fell incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now forever severely disabled. The vaccines bought with millions of taxpayers’ money had to be destroyed with even more taxpayers’ money. Already then, during the swine flu, the German virologist Drosten was one of those who stirred up panic in the population, repeating over and over again that the swine flu would claim many hundreds of thousands, even millions of deaths all over the world. In the end, it was mainly thanks to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and his efforts as a member of the German Bundestag, and also a member of the Council of Europe, that this hoax was brought to an end before it would lead to even more serious consequences.

Fast forward to March of 2020, when the German Bundestag announced an Epidemic Situation of National Importance, which is the German equivalent of a pandemic in March of 2020 and, based on this, the lockdown with the suspension of all essential constitutional rights for an unforeseeable time, there was only one single opinion on which the Federal Government in Germany based its decision. In an outrageous violation of the universally accepted principle “audiatur et altera pars”, which means that one must also hear the other side, the only person they listened to was Mr. Drosten.

That is the very person whose horrific, panic-inducing prognoses had proved to be catastrophically false 12 years earlier. We know this because a whistleblower named David Sieber, a member of the Green Party, told us about it. He did so first on August 29, 2020 in Berlin, in the context of an event at which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also took part, and at which both men gave speeches. And he did so afterwards in one of the sessions of our Corona Committee.

The reason he did this is that he had become increasingly sceptical about the official narrative propagated by politicians and the mainstream media. He had therefore undertaken an effort to find out about other scientists’ opinions and had found them on the Internet. There, he realized that there were a number of highly renowned scientists who held a completely different opinion, which contradicted the horrific prognoses of Mr. Drosten. They assumed – and still do assume – that there was no disease that went beyond the gravity of the seasonal flu, that the population had already acquired cross- or T-cell immunity against this allegedly new virus, and that there was therefore no reason for any special measures, and certainly not for vaccinations.

These scientists include Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University in California, a specialist in statistics and epidemiology, as well as public health, and at the same time the most quoted scientist in the world; Professor Michael Levitt, Nobel prize-winner for chemistry and also a biophysicist at Stanford University; the German professors Kary Mölling, Sucharit Bhakti, Klud Wittkowski, as well as Stefan Homburg; and now many, many more scientists and doctors worldwide, including Dr. Mike Yeadon. Dr. Mike Yeadon is the former Vice-President and Scientific Director of Pfizer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. I will talk some more about him a little later.

Now let’s take a look at the current actual situation regarding the virus’s danger, the complete uselessness of PCR tests for the detection of infections, and the lockdowns based on non-existent infections. In the meantime, we know that the health care systems were never in danger of becoming overwhelmed by Covid-19. On the contrary, many hospitals remain empty to this day and some are now facing bankruptcy.

And this is the most important part of our fact-finding: the PCR test is being used on the basis of false statements, NOT based on scientific facts with respect to infections. In the meantime, we have learned that these PCR tests, contrary to the assertions of Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, do NOT give any indication of an infection with any virus, let alone an infection with SARS-COV-2.

Not only are PCR tests expressly not approved for diagnostic purposes, as is correctly noted on leaflets coming with these tests, and as the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, has repeatedly emphasized. Instead, they’re simply incapable of diagnosing any disease. That is: contrary to the assertions of Drosten, Wieler and the WHO, which they have been making since the proclamation of the pandemic, a positive PCR-test result does not mean that an infection is present. If someone tests positive, it does NOT mean that they’re infected with anything, let alone with the contagious SARS-COV-2 virus.

Even the United States CDC, even this institution agrees with this, and I quote directly from page 38 of one of its publications on the coronavirus and the PCR tests, dated July 13, 2020. First bullet point says:

Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019 nCOV [novel coronavirus] is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”

Second bullet point says:

The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019 nCOV infection.” Third bullet point says: “This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”

It is still not clear whether there has ever been a scientifically correct isolation of the Wuhan virus, so that nobody knows exactly what we’re looking for when we test, especially since this virus, just like the flu viruses, mutates quickly. The PCR swabs take one or two sequences of a molecule that are invisible to the human eye and therefore need to be amplified in many cycles to make it visible. Everything over 35 cycles is – as reported by the New York Times and others – considered completely unreliable and scientifically unjustifiable. However, the Drosten test, as well as the WHO-recommended tests that followed his example, are set to 45 cycles. Can that be because of the desire to produce as many positive results as possible and thereby provide the basis for the false assumption that a large number of infections have been detected?

The test cannot distinguish inactive and reproductive matter. That means that a positive result may happen because the test detects, for example, a piece of debris, a fragment of a molecule, which may signal nothing else than that the immune system of the person tested won a battle with a common cold in the past. 

Even Drosten himself declared in an interview with a German business magazine in 2014, at that time concerning the alleged detection of an infection with the MERS virus, allegedly with the help of the PCR test, that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive.

In short, this test cannot detect any infection, contrary to all false claims stating that it can. An infection, a so-called “hot” infection, requires that the virus, or rather a fragment of a molecule which may be a virus, is not just found somewhere, for example, in the throat of a person without causing any damage – that would be a “cold” infection. Rather, a “hot” infection requires that the virus penetrates into the cells, replicates there and causes symptoms such as headaches or a sore throat. Only then is a person really infected in the sense of a “hot” infection, because only then is a person contagious, that is, able to infect others. Until then, it is completely harmless for both the host and all other people that the host comes into contact with.

Once again, this means that positive test results, contrary to all other claims by Drosten, Wieler, or the WHO, mean nothing with respect to infections

Meanwhile, a number of highly respected scientists worldwide assume that there has never been a corona pandemic, but only a PCR-test pandemic. This is the conclusion reached by many German scientists, such as professors Bhakti, Reiss, Mölling, Hockertz, Walach and many others, including the above-mentioned Professor John Ioannidis, and the Nobel laureate, Professor Michael Levitt from Stanford University.

The most recent such opinion is that of the aforementioned Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice-President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, who held this position for 16 years. He and his co-authors, all well-known scientists, published a scientific paper in September of 2020 and he wrote a corresponding magazine article on September 20, 2020. Among other things, he and they state – and I quote:

We’re basing our government policy, our economic policy, and the policy of restricting fundamental rights, presumably on completely wrong data and assumptions about the coronavirus. If it weren’t for the test results that are constantly reported in the media, the pandemic would be over because nothing really happened. Of course, there are some serious individual cases of illness, but there are also some in every flu epidemic. There was a real wave of disease in March and April, but since then, everything has gone back to normal. Only the positive results rise and sink wildly again and again, depending on how many tests are carried out. But the real cases of illnesses are over. There can be no talk of a second wave. The allegedly new strain of the coronavirus is …

only new in that it is a new type of the long-known corona virus. There are at least four coronaviruses that are endemic and cause some of the common colds we experience, especially in winter. They all have a striking sequence similarity to the coronavirus, and because the human immune system recognizes the similarity to the virus that has now allegedly been newly discovered, a T-cell immunity has long existed in this respect. 30 per cent of the population had this before the allegedly new virus even appeared. Therefore, it is sufficient for the so-called herd immunity that 15 to 25 per cent of the population are infected with the allegedly new coronavirus to stop the further spread of the virus. And this has long been the case.”

Regarding the all-important PCR tests, Yeadon writes, in a piece called “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives”, dated September 20, 2020, and I quote

The likelihood of an apparently positive case being a false positive is between 89 to 94 per cent, or near certainty.”

Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology Kamera from Germany, Kappel from the Netherlands, and Cahill from Ireland, as well as the microbiologist Dr. Arve from Austria, all of whom testified before the German Corona Committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found.

The authors explain that what the PCR test actually measures is – and I quote:

“Simply the presence of partial RNA sequences present in the intact virus, which could be a piece of dead virus, which cannot make the subject sick, and cannot be transmitted, and cannot make anyone else sick.”

Because of the complete unsuitability of the test for the detection of infectious diseases – tested positive in goats, sheep, papayas and even chicken wings – Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, writes that the Covid virus would never disappear if this test practice were to be continued, but would always be falsely detected in much of what is tested. Lockdowns, as Yeadon and his colleagues found out, do not work.

Sweden, with its laissez-faire approach, and Great Britain, with its strict lockdown, for example, have completely comparable disease and mortality statistics. The same was found by US scientists concerning the different US states. It makes no difference to the incidence of disease whether a state implements a lockdown or not.

With regard to the now infamous Imperial College of London’s Professor Neil Ferguson and his completely false computer models warning of millions of deaths, he says that – and I quote: “No serious scientist gives any validity to Ferguson’s model.” He points out with thinly veiled contempt – again I quote:

“It’s important that you know, most scientists don’t accept that it …” – that is, Ferguson’s model – “was even faintly right. But the government is still wedded to the model.” Ferguson predicted 40 thousand corona deaths in Sweden by May and 100 thousand by June, but it remained at 5,800 which, according to the Swedish authorities, is equivalent to a mild flu.

If the PCR tests had not been used as a diagnostic tool for corona infections, there would not be a pandemic and there would be no lockdowns, but everything would have been perceived as just a medium or light wave of influenza, these scientists conclude. Dr. Yeadon in his piece, “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives, writes: “This test is fatally flawed and must immediately be withdrawn and never used again in this setting, unless shown to be fixed.” And, towards the end of that article, “I have explained how a hopelessly performing diagnostic test has been, and continues to be used, not for diagnosis of disease, but it seems solely to create fear”.

More and more scientists, but also lawyers, recognize that, as a result of the deliberate panic-mongering, and the corona measures enabled by this panic, democracy is in great danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models. As I already mentioned above, in Australia, people who do not wear the masks, which more and more studies show, are hazardous to health, or who allegedly do not wear them correctly, are arrested, handcuffed and thrown into jail.

In the Philippines, they run the risk of getting shot, but even in Germany and in other previously civilized countries, children are taken away from their parents if they do not comply with quarantine regulations, distance regulations, and mask-wearing regulations.

According to psychologists and psychotherapists who testified before the Corona Committee, children are traumatized en masse, with the worst psychological consequences yet to be expected in the medium- and long-term. In Germany alone, to bankruptcies are expected in the fall to strike small- and medium-sized businesses, which form the backbone of the economy. This will result in incalculable tax losses and incalculably high and long-term social security money transfers for – among other things – unemployment benefits.

Based on the rules of criminal law, asserting false facts concerning the PCR tests or intentional misrepresentation, as it was committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and WHO, as well as the WHO, can only be assessed as fraud. Based on the rules of civil tort law, this translates into intentional infliction of damage. The German professor of civil law, Martin Schwab, supports this finding in public interviews. In a comprehensive legal opinion of around 180 pages, he has familiarized himself with the subject matter like no other legal scholar has done thus far and, in particular, has provided a detailed account of the complete failure of the mainstream media to report on the true facts of this so-called pandemic.

Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and Tedros of the WHO all knew, based on their own expertise or the expertise of their institutions, that the PCR tests cannot provide any information about infections, but asserted over and over again to the general public that they can, with their counterparts all over the world repeating this. And they all knew and accepted that, on the basis of their recommendations, the governments of the world would decide on lockdowns, the rules for social distancing, and mandatory wearing of masks, the latter representing a very serious health hazard, as more and more independent studies and expert statements show.

Under the rules of civil tort law, all those who have been harmed by these PCR-test-induced lockdowns are entitled to receive full compensation for their losses. In particular, there is a duty to compensate – that is, a duty to pay damages for the loss of profits suffered by companies and self-employed employed persons as a result of the lockdown and other measures.

In the meantime, however, the anti-corona measures have caused, and continue to cause, such devastating damage to the world population’s health and economy that the crimes committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity, as defined in section 7 of the International Criminal Code.

The full transcript by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich can be found at:

Watch Reiner Fuellmich on the Fake and Criminal "Corona Crisis" - Full Length Interview in Berlin below - Dr Reiner Fuellmich is a German American lawyer with experience going after large companies like Deutsche Bank. He is a member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. He discusses the current situation and his efforts to bring justice to the situation in the video below.

Cease and desist papers served on Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten by Dr. Reiner Füllmich:



640 Doctors Claim that “COVID-19 is a Global Scam”

It seems now that so many more people around the world are waking up to the reality of the current so-called coronavirus pandemic, seeing it as an obvious manufactured crisis aided with harsh government policies and seemingly totalitarian measures that are, ironically, totally unjustifiable and preposterously inconsistent. For example, on August 6, a website called Awakening Channel has published a video entitled “640 DOCTORS, CV19 IS A GLOBAL SCAM”. It showed an international conference of professional health workers and doctors joined also by online participants, talking about the current status of many hospitals and governments around the world in dealing with the so-called pandemic. Clearly, the official narrative of this pre-fabricated crisis is now turning out to be fake and many scams have been happening related to the responses and the policies of the many governments of the world.


Here is the part of the transcript of the video which can be accessed at

My name is Dr. Heiko Schoning, I’m a medical doctor from Hamburg, Germany and I’m one of the founders of Doctors for Enlightenment in Alemania and this is part of an organization in Germany, in Austria, in all over the world now.

To the Medicos Por La Verdad, it’s a real pleasure and it’s a real honor for me to speak today and to support you. We are backed up in Germany by 500 medical doctors and about 2,000 supporters. We have also established an international investigation on COVID 19, it’s called The COVID 19 Extra Parliamentary Inquiry Committee.

So the question is, why we did this? Because the parliamentary is not doing its job, the politicians don’t do the inquiry on COVID 19; not in Germany, not in Austria, not in Spain, not all over the world. So it’s up to us, to the citizens to do the job and to do it right. And the question is why we’re doing this? We’re doing this for the people, we’re doing this for our families, and we’re doing this for our patients as medical doctors. And I would like to emphasize on the point – it’s not about politics, it’s not about right wing or left wing. It’s not about man or woman, it’s not about up or down, thick or thin, it’s just about the humans; it’s about us as citizens.

So we as medical doctors we have serious doubts that the official story with COVID 19 is true. In fact, we have a lot of evidences that it is a fake story all over the world. And to speak with all my medical colleagues, we see the evidence and we see it obviously, and we have a message: we do not need to be or to have anxiety about COVID19 because this is not different to normal seasonal flu that we have every year.

So that’s now the question, if we have the medical evidence that this is a scam, that this is not true, simply not true, we need to ask ourselves, why, why and why? OK? And we need to ask ourselves, who’s going to profit out of this? And I want to encourage you, our movement is about 10 weeks old and we achieved a lot. We have demonstrations all over Germany, all over Europe. So just one example, with our organization we’ve established a weekly newspaper in Germany. 500,000 copies, hard copies like this, are going out every week; half a million!

And to close this, the story is quite simple here; if you look behind the curtains, you’ll see this medical story with COVID 19, we have the medical facts, it is a scam, it’s fake. So we have to ask who is going to benefit with this and who’s got the power to create this fake. And, the target of this is you, you the citizens and the economy. It’s about the stupid economy. So it’s all about us!

So I want to close with this, please see, on the one hand we have a terrible thing with this COVID 19 panic going on. It costs lives, a lot of lives already in Germany because a lot of operations, and we have here the surgeon as well, a lot of operations in Germany we’re not performed. 90 percent, these are official numbers out of their ministry of interior; 90 percent of their necessary operations haven’t done in Germany in April and March. So the people are now going to die from this.

We have an international website We have translated the content into 10 languages already. So thank you very much, we have more than 3 million clicks on Youtube. So what we will do now is solidarity. So thank you very much, we will do this!


Hundreds of Spanish Medical Doctors say the Pandemic Is Planned

In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’, made a similar statement during a press conference.

With the participation of hundreds of professionals from all over the world, “Doctors for the truth” denounced that the Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. They urged doctors, the media and political authorities to stop the operation, by spreading the truth.

In a context of great excitement and worldwide expectation, the Doctors for Truth Association was presented at a press conference on Saturday, July 25 2020 in Madrid.

The group, led by doctors Natalia Prego Cancelo and Angel Luis Valdepeñas, made a direct connection with the extra-parliamentary commission of doctors from Germany, the Epidemiologists group from Argentina, and doctors from the United States and Argentina.

“This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse,” was stressed at the end of the meeting. Doctors agreed that:

•      Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.

•      Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.

•      The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.

•      The disease known as Covid-19 does not have a single infectious pattern, but a combination of them.


Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media.

Another website was created by over 700 medical doctors in Belgium.

We, medical doctors and health professionals, would like to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore. The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good. We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.


Another group of doctor’s joined together and formed the world doctor’s alliance ( to combat the lies and fraud spewed out by the mainstream media and government. The members of the alliance include, Dr. Mohammad Adil, Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. R. Zac Cox, Bds, Dr. Heiko Schöning, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D and Dr. Scott Jensen, M.D.

On their website they state the following points:

We were told initially that the premise for lockdown was to 'flatten the curve' and therefore protect the NHS from being overwhelmed.

It is clear that at no point was the National Health Service (NHS) in any danger of being overwhelmed, and since May 2020 covid wards have been largely empty; and crucially the death toll from covid has remained extremely low.

We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called 'cases', 'infections' and 'positive tests' but hardly any sick people. Recall that four fifths (80%) of 'infections' are asymptomatic. Covid wards have been by and large empty throughout June, July, August and September 2020. Most importantly covid deaths are at an all-time low. It is clear that these 'cases' are in fact not 'cases' but rather they are normal healthy people.

So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections - not asymptomatic people.

It is also abundantly clear that the 'pandemic' is basically over and has been since June 2020.

We have very highly likely reached herd immunity and therefore have no need for a vaccine.

We have safe and very effective treatments and preventative treatments for covid, we therefore call for an immediate end to all lockdown measures, social distancing, mask wearing, testing of healthy individuals, track and trace, immunity passports, the vaccination program and so on.

There has been a catalogue of unscientific, non-sensical policies enacted which infringe our inalienable rights, such as - freedom of movement, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. These draconian totalitarian measures must never be repeated.

Here is a list of some of these experts who dispute the governments covid narrative and quite a few say they are lying to the public. There videos can be found on the following websites: worlddoctorsalliance, planetlockdown, Bitchute, newtube, and brandnewyoutube

Sucharit Bhakdi MD: Most cited microbiologist in German academic history. He states lockdowns, masks and social distancing do not work and neither do the vast majority of the population need a vaccine. He says we are being lied to.

Knut Wittkowski: World Class Epidemiologist, last worked at Rockefeller University in NY as Head, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, Center for Clinical & Translational Science.

Reiner Fuellmich: Global Fraud Attorney.

Dr Vernon Coleman - Author of over 100 books which have, together, sold over two million copies in the UK alone. He has contributed articles and stories to hundreds of other publications including The Sunday Times, Observer, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday

HEIKO SCHÖNING, M.D.: Founder of The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (

Václav Klaus: Former Prime Minister of Czech Republic, and one of Europe’s greatest advocates for economic and political freedom.

Pam Popper: Founder, Wellness Forum Health. Provides Health Education for providers and consumers.

Jay W. Richards: Assistant Research Professor in the School of Business and Economics at The Catholic University of America.

Catherine Austin Fitts: Geopolitical and Financial Analyst,

Claus Köhnlien MD: Specialist in internal medicine in the Dept. of Oncology, Univ. of Kiel. Private Physician.

DR MOHAMMAD ADIL: MB BS. FRCSEd Consultant General Surgeon. Chairman of the conference & World Doctors Alliance & GNO APMA ( All Pakistan Medical Association U.K. )

Professor Dolores Cahill: received her Honours degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology & Biotechnology from Dublin City University (1994).

DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN, M.D: Natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. He completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology.

DR. SCOTT JENSEN, M.D: Physician, American politician, and member of the Minnesota Senate.

DR. David E. Martin, PhD: Financial analyst and entrepreneur states three unspeakable facts about the alleged Coronavirus pandemic: (1) The official story is a lie, (2) the percentage of normal false-positive errors in the tests is higher than the percentage of confirmed positive tests from humans – which means most if not all of the reported human positive tests could be false), and (3) early results from covid-19 vaccine trials show 60% of those injected have adverse reactions – compared to less than 8% with adverse reactions from the infection the vaccines are supposed to protect against. In other words, the treatment is far worse than the disease.


Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”

Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube.

Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”

“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.

The doctor said that nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people and that the whole situation represented “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”

Hodkinson remarked that “social distancing is useless because COVID is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so before landing,” as he called for society to be re-opened immediately to prevent the debilitating damage being caused by lockdowns.

Hodkinson also slammed mandatory mask mandates as completely pointless.

“Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever,” he said.

“Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling. They’re not even worn effectively most of the time. It’s utterly ridiculous. Seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people – I’m not saying that in a pejorative sense – seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face.”

The doctor also slammed the unreliability of PCR tests, noting that “positive test results do not, underlined in neon, mean a clinical infection,” and that all testing should stop because the false numbers are “driving public hysteria.”

Hodkinson said that the risk of death in the province of Alberta for people under the age of 65 was “one in three hundred thousand,” and that it was simply “outrageous” to shut down society for what the doctor said “was just another bad flu.”

“I’m absolutely outraged that this has reached this level, it should all stop tomorrow,” concluded Dr. Hodkinson.

Hodkinson’s credentials are beyond question, with the MedMalDoctors website affirming his credibility.

“He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK (M.A., M.B., B. Chir.) where he was a scholar at Corpus Christi College. Following a residency at the University of British Columbia he became a Royal College certified general pathologist (FRCPC) and also a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP).”

“He is in good Standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, and has been recognized by the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta as an expert in pathology.”

In case the above video gets deleted by YouTube, a backup via Bitchute is available here.


Below part of a letter sent from a Canadian Doctor Stephen Malthouse, MD to the British Columbia Provincial Health Officer and it sums up the reality of the so called pandemic.

I am writing this letter with the hope that you will be able to clarify the basis of your decision-making that has led our provincial government, health ministry, regional health officers, hospitals, medical staff, WorkSafe BC, businesses, and everyday citizens to follow pandemic policies that do not appear based on high-quality scientific research and, in fact, appear to be doing everyone a great deal of harm.

The early intent of mitigation measures to “flatten the curve”, when we knew very little about SARS-CoV-2, its mode of transmission, and the severity of COVID-19, was reasonable. I believe that most physicians in Canada, myself included, whether active or retired, prepared themselves to take part on the front lines for the expected COVID-19 tsunami. Very soon it was apparent that the expected overwhelming of the hospital system was not going to occur, and now BC physicians have questions about the appropriateness of your public health policies.

The epidemiological evidence clearly shows that the “pandemic” is over and no second wave will follow. The evidence has been available for at least 4-5 months and is irrefutable.2-4 Yet, in spite of this substantial body of research, your office is perpetuating the narrative that a pandemic still exists and a second wave is expected. This false story is being used to justify public health policies that appear to have no health benefits, have already caused considerable harm, and threaten to create more harm in the future.

As you are aware, Sweden took an entirely different approach and, as of mid-September, their infection rate reached an all-time low and Covid-19 related deaths were at zero; 22 of 31 European countries, most of which enacted strict lockdowns, had higher infection rates. Sweden has also largely escaped the financial ruin and catastrophic mental health problems experienced in other countries, including Canada and the U.S.A.

Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, Montréal’s medical officer, has stated “this COVID virus is much like the seasonal flu”. A group of over 400 Belgian doctors have stated “COVID is not a killer virus, but a treatable condition”. Eighteen Canadian doctors wrote the Ontario Premier, Doug Ford, stating “your policies risk significantly harming our children with lifelong consequences”. The Ontario policies are very similar to those of British Columbia.

In 2011, a review of the literature by the British Columbia Centres for Disease Control that sought to evaluate the effectiveness of social distancing measures such as school closures, travel restrictions, and limitations on mass gatherings as a means to address an influenza pandemic concluded that “such drastic restrictions are not economically feasible and are predicted to delay viral spread, but not impact overall mortality”. [Italics added]

Specifically, there appears to be no scientific or medical evidence for5-6

1.      Self-isolation of asymptomatic people

2.      social distancing

3.      facemasks

4.      arbitrary closure of businesses

5.      closure of schools, daycares, park amenities, and playgrounds

6.      the discontinuance of access to education, medical, dental, chiropractic, naturopathic, hearing, dietary, therapeutic, and other support for the physically and mentally disabled, particularly special needs children with neurological disorders

7.      the closing down of or restrictions on religious places of worship.

According to the CDC Pandemic Severity Index, none of these measures have been warranted. The Great Barrington Declaration, signed by more than 30,000 health scientists and medical doctors from around the world, adds support for this statement.

Surprisingly, the recommendation for reducing COVID-19 morbidity and mortality by supplementing with vitamin D, a measure that is supported by high-quality research, has been absent from your frequent public broadcasts and professional bulletins.7 Optimizing nutrition is a convenient, inexpensive, and safe method of improving immune resistance and has been confirmed through numerous studies for both prevention and treatment of COVID-19. As far as I am aware, you have never mentioned something as simple as vitamin D supplements for our most vulnerable citizens. Yet, it was the promise to protect these same citizens that was used to justify the lockdown of a healthy population and the closure of businesses.

Why are you still using PCR testing? The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Health in Ontario has publicly stated that the PCR test yields over 50% false positives. A New York Times investigative report found that PCR testing yields up to 90% false positives due to excessive amplification beyond the recommendations of the manufacturer. The PCR test was never designed, intended or validated to be used as a diagnostic tool. Even the Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group has stated “clinical sensitivity and specificity values have not been determined for lab developed RT-PCR testing in Canada”. Despite expert consensus, you continue to use this inappropriate and inaccurate test to report so-called “cases” and justify your decisions.

The public health definition of a “case” is very broad. As all experienced doctors know, a “case” is a patient with significant symptoms who is often hospitalized. A “case” is not a person who simply has a questionably positive PCR test and presents with no symptoms or an unrelated diagnosis. Pictures of healthy young adults standing in line to get PCR tests, with a cell phone in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other, are everywhere in the media. These are not sick people and do not need testing.

Nevertheless, your public announcements repeatedly emphasize that the “case” counts are rising and we are in big trouble. Recently, “out-of-control” case counts were used to justify a second lockdown in Ontario and Quebec. Curfews have been put into place. People are being asked to risk their livelihoods to make sacrifices for the general good, based on Public Health’s misrepresentation of “cases” as sick people.

Meanwhile, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths from COVID-19 have dropped to pre-pandemic levels. Where are all the patients?

Why not simply tell the public that:

•      the PCR testing is not reliable and is meaningless for diagnosing COVID-19

•      positive PCR test results do not represent sick patients,

•      rarely are people now becoming ill from SARS-CoV-2,

•      provincial hospitals are essentially empty of COVID-19 patients,

•      decisions should not be based on “cases” in the news,

•      the morbidity/mortality of COVID-19 has not exceeded seasonal influenza,

•      the median age of death from COVID-19 in Canada was 85 years,

•      the pandemic is over, and

•      no second wave is coming?

It is your duty as the provincial health officer to provide facts, not propaganda, and make every effort to stop the public panic. The only reason for emphasizing “cases” is to induce more fear and thereby compliance in the name of promised safety.

Why are children being pursued with a new rinse-and-spit saliva test that is also based on a worthless PCR test? Children have been terrorized and are being given the message that they can never be trusted not to infect their family and friends — essentially, that they are naturally bad. The insistence on covering their faces with masks, a proven useless and even harmful measure, only worsens this sense of shame. The psychological fallout from such messaging is going to be horrific. One only needs to walk down Main Street to already see the catastrophic effects of these messages on the mental and emotional health of families.

The excess death toll from partial lockdowns, social distancing and other public health measures is staggering. The Canadian media reports that provincial measures have been shown to create 12:1 more deaths than the virus; there has been a 40% increase in heart attack deaths in Canada from fear, anxiety and cancelled hospital procedures; suicide and drug overdose deaths have increased and outnumber COVID-19 deaths by a ratio of 3:1; suicides have doubled in BC since April; and anxiety and depression, food insecurity, domestic violence, and child abuse have skyrocketed. With unnecessary school closures, the ability of teachers to identify children subject to abuse and malnourishment has been curtailed. Many of our friends, family and patients died alone, terrified, and isolated against their will in facilities and nursing homes. That cruel policy was unjustified and inhuman.

How is it possible that a doctor with your previous training and experience did not anticipate the collateral damage of your public health policies – the economic disruption, the psychological and physical health consequences, and the deaths from despair?

The mainstream media has created a religion out of public health, one based on superstition, not science, with the power to rule over an obedient public. The news channels have raised you to almost saint-like status. Tea towels, shoes and murals have been designed to celebrate your accomplishments. Yet, your public directives do not make sense, contradict the research, and are causing people a great deal of harm. As a fellow doctor, I appeal to you to re-examine your policies and change direction before Public Health causes irreparable damage to our province’s health and economic well-being. That about-face will require you to meet the obligations of your office” - Stephen Malthouse, MD, Member, College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia, Denman Island, British Columbia


Irish Government Admits: COVID-19 Does NOT Exist

No scientific evidence behind masks, Lockdowns and social distancing

After months of painstaking freedom of information law requests the government of Ireland has finally come clean and admitted that it has no scientific proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) exists. Which other nations are going to be next and admit this pandemic was a scam?

“As part of our legal action we had been demanding the evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses – They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science – It isn’t. it’s made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus – of course it doesn’t. This organization here – is making it up as they go along.” – Gemma O’Doherty - Investigative Journalist, Documentary Filmmaker -

‘The Irish have not yet woken up to the fact that they have been duped by the government, the national broadcaster (RTE), the mainstream media, and certain senior figures in the medical profession. The so-called ‘Covid pandemic’ is not and never was a pandemic. Rather it is a deliberately engineered social experiment – designed and directed by people outside this country – to introduce radical changes in the way the country is “run”. People are dying – yes. But they are dying at much the same rate and for much the same reasons that they have always died. Pathogenic respiratory viruses have been around for decades. The one called ‘Covid-19’, if it differs at all from other respiratory viruses, is no more dangerous than the rest. The only difference between this “flu” season and others is that the number of infection cases has been grossly misrepresented, the number of deaths that have been attributed to this pathogen is being greatly exaggerated, and the public have been fed a continuous stream of fearladen propaganda about the so-called dangers posed by the pathogen. This is how one dupes a gullible, unthinking public – If both the government and the media are saying something is true, then it must be true; why bother with a critical examination of the evidence?’ -


The Great Barrington Declaration

The Great Barrington Declaration

You probably haven’t heard of the Great Barrington Declaration. This is a petition started by three scientists on 4 October 2020 calling for governments to adopt a policy of ‘focused protection’ when it comes to Covid-19. They believe those most at risk should be offered protection — although it shouldn’t be mandatory — and those not at risk, which is pretty much everyone under 65 without an underlying health condition, should be encouraged to return to normal. In this way, the majority will get infected and then recover, gradually building up herd immunity, and that in turn will mean the elderly and the vulnerable no longer have to hide themselves away. According to these experts, this is the tried and tested way of managing the risk posed by a new infectious disease, dating back thousands of years.

The three scientists who created it aren’t outliers or cranks, but professors at Oxford, Harvard and Stanford. And since its launch, the declaration been signed by tens of thousands of epidemiologists and public health scientists, including a Nobel Prize winner. So why haven’t you heard of it? The short answer is there’s been a well-orchestrated attempt to suppress and discredit it.

Government around the world are saying they are following the ‘science’, they are not this is the ‘science’.

It is signed by over 50,000 medical & public health scientists and over 500,000 citizens.

The Great Barrington Declaration website states: – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.

Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.

Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.

As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19. By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent PCR testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized. Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.

On October 4, 2020, this declaration was authored and signed in Great Barrington, United States, by:

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.


PANDA (Pandemics – data and analysis) has been very outspoken with regards to Covid-19, lockdowns and government’s approach to the virus. Their viewpoints have certainly ruffled a few feathers over the past year, with many speaking out against the think tank. Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, spoke at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in March 2021. Watch this video where Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA destroys the Covid agenda with scientific data.


Mark of the Beast?

The experimental injections being rolled out by Moderna and Pfizer are nothing similar to traditional vaccines. These Covid mRNA vaccines have never been tried on humans before and they even skipped the animal trials. These mRNA platforms are an “operating system” designed to program human beings and turn their cells into efficient drug delivery systems.

The mRNA technology platform is similar to a computer operating system, the company admits. Scientists prepare a unique mRNA sequence that codes for a specific protein. Once injected into humans, this program is carried out in the individual’s body, at the cellular level. The mRNA platform is where Big Pharma merges with Big Tech, enslaving human beings to a controlling system designed to profit from their cellular and biological functions into the unforeseeable future.

In this video below, Dr. Carrie Madej explains clearly the many different aspects of this mRNA vaccine which involves altering the human genome:

Dr. Carrie Madej, an internal medicine specialist from Georgia, warns about the micro-needle DNA-altering vaccine that will deliver the luciferase enzyme with DARPA-developed nanotechnology.

According to Dr. Carrie, they are going to make the vaccine so easy to administer that we will be able to order it from Amazon and apply it like a band aid ourselves. BUT it will contain three "transhumanizing" elements: First, it will contain a digital code like a bar code which will give us a unique number..."The mark of the beast". Then, it will contain RNA which could replicate inside our bodies and render us "Genetically modified". Lastly, it will contain a certain "gel" which will contain nanobots that will be able to communicate with smart phones and other devices...send and receive messages into our bodies. Dr. Carrie says these nanobots will be able to collect such information as our menstrual cycles and what drugs we've taken. WHO will protect our privacy”? WHO will store all this information????

According to Dr. Carrie, after we get these vaccines...we will no longer be humans but we will be humans 2.0. There are patents on all this technology...owned by ModeRNA, Bill and Melinda Gates, DARPA [US Department of Defense] and others. Someone owns it. After we are vaccinated...Dr. Carrie asks...Will they own our bodies????

A link to Dr. Carries video is below:

Renowned virologist Sucharit Bhakdi warns against hastily created gene-altering coronavirus vaccine

Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi makes an incredibly powerful statement while explaining that the vaccine being developed “isn’t a normal conventional vaccine, and it’s not like the flu vaccine.” He says that the vaccine is “gene-based,” and the way it works is “still unknown scientifically and medically.” While many people have fought against genetically modified food, the Virologist explains, “we’re now talking about a vaccination that genetically manipulates the human body, and apparently these same people have no concerns about it.”

The doctor explained very simply that all people have “lymphocytes,” the body’s natural defense against viruses, including the Flu. It is a basic “principle of immunology,” he explains. “I believe it has always worked and that’s the reason why we as adults are relatively well-protected,” Bhakdi said. “If you are under 70 and not seriously ill from anything else,” the lymphocytes will do their jobs.

However, if one uses the vaccine to “inject the gene of the virus,” the lymphocytes “won’t recognize that it is only the gene that was injected and not the virus.” The result, he explains, will be that the lymphocytes “will go there anyway and kill these cells.” Bhakdi continues: “That’s what we call an autoimmune reaction.”

Watch Dr. Bhakdi discuss the vaccine (video and transcript below):


Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine:

Dr. Mohamed Iqbal Adil, NHS cancer surgeon, explains in this video (below) posted earlier last year how all hospital services have been shut down in the NHS, how the Infection Control people took over the hospital, and how the Bill Gates depopulation vaccine was introduced by Bill much earlier in 2015 at MIT, the transhumanizing GMO-making it intends, and why people should stand up and fight right now for their children, their humanity, and the future of this planet. The vaccine is intended to sterilize, cyborgize, and DNA-mutate you, as covered here earlier and as is being reported widely online by concerned doctors and researchers in alternative and social media, including the US-UK-EU group featured in the #AskTheExperts video.

This post by John Goss from July 25, 2020 details how Dr. Adil was struck off after 30 years of labor at NHS, how hospitals are empty, staff are threatened, and the stories and lies in mainstream media about hospitals overflowing and thousands infected with COVID-19 are just that, stories and lies by a bought-and-paid-for media mechanism belonging to the same elites seeking currently to depopulate (meaning genocide) the planet and enslave the remnant:

Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil – a voice crying in the wilderness

All this would mean COVID-19 is a hoax, not a real disease. The COVID-19 vaccine however will be very real in its transformation of humans into DNA-mutated Nanobot-laden GMO-Humans.

Don’t stand for it: please research further, speak out, inform your friends and family, and stop the assassins in all the most inventive (non-violent) ways at your disposal; this is really Information Warfare, just spread the word.

Make the lies of Mainstream Media obsolete. Remember, all corporate media is tied to the Pharma lobby in multiple ways, notably via drug advertising to the tune of millions. Vaccines are big business, and Pharma benefits. There’s a darker agenda though, and it is a top-down slave-farm agenda, rooted in eugenics, intent on depopulation and Human Management, and at this point firmly ensconced in Transhumanism, Full Spectrum Surveillance, Bio Surveillance, and AI. This agenda has been woven into the Vaccine Agenda and has manifested currently in the mRNA vaccine intending to alter the human genome.


Dr. David Martin, founder and chairman of M-CAM Inc., suggests that these are not vaccines, but, in actuality, gene therapy.

Dr. David Martin states: “The problem is that in the case of Moderna and Pfizer, this is not a vaccine. This is gene therapy. It’s a chemotherapy agent that is gene therapy. It is not a vaccine. What is this doing? It’s sending a strand of synthetic RNA into the human being and is invoking within the human being, the creation of the S1 spike protein, which is a pathogen. It’s a toxin inside of human beings. This is not only not keeping you from getting sick, it’s making your body produce the thing that makes you sick. This is a public manipulation of misrepresentation of clinical treatment. It’s not a vaccination. It’s not a prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin. Their clinical trial didn’t include any of that as even a possibility within the clinical trial. The clinical trial did not measure the presence or absence of a virus or a virus fragment. The clinical trial did not measure the possibility of transmission suppression; the clinical trial didn’t measure any of those things. This is a case of misrepresentation of technology and it’s done exclusively so that they can get themselves under the umbrella of public health laws that exploit vaccination. If you read the clinical trials, nothing that I’m saying is even remotely different. As a matter of fact, the companies themselves have said what I’m saying. They said, they could not test for the existence or absence of the virus and they could not test for the transmissivity because they said it would be impractical. The companies themselves have admitted to every single thing I’m saying but they are using the public manipulation of the word vaccine to co-opt the public into believing they’re getting a thing, which they are not getting. This is not going to stop you from getting Coronavirus. It’s not going to stop you from getting sick. In fact, on the contrary, it will make you sick far more often than the virus itself. mRNA is not a vaccination. It’s a gene therapy that was originally developed for cancer treatment. That’s why I’m using the chemotherapy analogy. This is not a vaccination” - David Martin, the businessman, professor, author, storyteller, inventor, and Creator of the MCAM CNBC IQ100 index

Dr. Judy Mikovits states:

“It’s a synthetic pathogen. They’ve literally injected this pathogenic part of the virus into every cell of the body … it can actually directly cause multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease … it can cause accelerated cancer … that’s what the expression of that piece of virus … has been known to do for decades.”



Dr. Hotze On the Dangers of the Covid-19 Vaccine - The So-Called COVID-19 “Vaccine” Is Really a Dangerous Experimental Gene Therapy

“The so-called COVID-19 “vaccine” is not a vaccine at all. It is an experimental gene therapy. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) gives the definition of the term vaccine on its website, A vaccine is a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease. Immunity is the protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected. This so-called COVID-19 “vaccine” does not provide the individuals who receive the vaccine with immunity to COVID-19, nor does it prevent the transmission of this disease. It does not meet the CDC’s own definition of a vaccine. That is why it is a deceptive trade practice, under 15 U.S. Code, Section 41 of the Federal Trade Commission, for pharmaceutical companies who are producing this experimental gene therapy, to claim that this is a vaccine. These pharmaceutical companies are lying to the public. The government health bureaucrats are also lying to the public, by calling this treatment a vaccine. This COVID-19 experimental gene therapy is only designed to minimize your symptoms if you were to be infected with the COVID-19 virus. Because these are the first mRNA “vaccines” ever used in humans, you would think that they would have been first tested and proven safe in published animal studies and have at least two years of human testing, which are routinely required. Instead, the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccine” was only tested on humans for a couple of months. Wouldn’t it be prudent to have long term-human studies before recommending mass vaccination? Over 60,000+ Adverse Effects and over 2300 Deaths from the so called “vaccine” in U.S. so far (April 15th 2021). Even more worrisome are delayed and long-term adverse effects. The synthetic mRNA experimental gene therapy turns on the production of COVID-19 proteins, but it has no off switch. It just keeps on replicating, and the immune system keeps on mounting an immune response. That is why some researchers are concerned that it will provoke autoimmune reactions, setting you up for a lifetime of serious inflammatory disease. Another major concern is the possibility that the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy can make infections worse. There is convincing evidence that this experimental gene therapy may trigger an antibody-dependent enhancement reaction and increase the virus’s ability to infect your cells. In other words, if you come down with a coronavirus infection after receiving your experimental gene therapy, then you may have a much worse case than if you had never had this therapy. Many experts are predicting a surge of life-threatening infections, inflammatory disorders and deaths in the coming months for those who have received this treatment. Of course, the blame will be placed on a mutant, virulent strain of the COVID-19 virus, rather than on a poorly tested experimental gene therapy. Even if it were acknowledged, the U.S. government, which has spent $12.4 billion on COVID-19 vaccines so far, would foot the bill for any damages incurred by those who received the treatment. As I previously mentioned, by law, pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for any injury caused by any vaccine. So, by lying, and calling this experimental gene therapy a “vaccine,” they are reaping enormous profits with no downside risk of product liability.

Dr. Hotze is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in Houston, Texas


Below Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation Covid Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months.

An award winning spinal surgeon and former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons believes that current coronavirus vaccines are dangerous bioweapons being deployed against the people.

Dr. Lee Merritt, who previously studied bioweapons while serving as an orthopedic surgeon in the United States Navy for 9 years, sat on the board of the Arizona Medical Association, and has published numerous peer-reviewed papers, believes that mRNA-altering coronavirus vaccines currently being distributed in the United States are rewriting their genetic code to make them vulnerable to a second virus later on.

“We have vaccines because we didn't have treatment for smallpox and it was a very deadly disease. That made sense to have a vaccine. We didn't have treatment for polio so it made sense to have a vaccine, but this? Even without doing anything, this disease has a 99.991% chance of survival... as opposed to a standard viral flu season it's 99.992%." -Dr. Lee Merritt

"Coronavirus vaccines are not giving you a pathogen ... what they are doing is programming mRNA. mRNA is like DNA but it's the messenger RNA. It's what makes proteins in the body. It's kind of like a computer chip that you put into a 3D printer and then you tell it what you want it to make and it prints it out. We have that in engineering and this is the biological equivalent. Well, in this case they've made a piece of this mRNA to create, in every cell of your body, that spike protein (or at least part of it) and you're actually creating the pathogen in your body." -Dr. Lee Merritt

According to Merritt, no long-term studies to verify the safety of this form of vaccination in humans have been completed and animal studies have resulted in what she refers to as 'antibody-dependent enhancement' where the virus enters into the body undetected because the immune system now views it as belonging to the body, ultimately causing near-immediate death.

"We have never made it through an animal study successfully for this type of virus. We have never done this in humans before," she says. "The longest that they've really followed people after the vaccine is two months. Well you see, that's not enough time to know that we won't have that antibody enhancement problem." -Dr. Lee Merritt

Merritt speculates that this type of procedure is exactly what a foreign adversary would use if they wanted to wage clandestine biowarfare without having the process traced back to them.

"This is a perfect binary weapon. There's no way I know exactly what that mRNA is programmed to and neither do you and neither do most doctors. The doctors can't get at that data. That's for the guys at the very top of this project... If I were China and I wanted to take down our military, I'd just make an mRNA that I know it doesn't exist in nature so nobody's going to die from a vaccine and then two years later I release whatever it is that I made... and it causes this immune enhancement death." -Dr. Lee Merritt

A link to the video by Dr. Lee Merritt is below:

“It’s NOT a vaccine. The mRNA COVID vaccine now being militarily deployed in many nations around the world, is NOT a vaccine. I repeat: it is not a vaccine. It is many things indeed, but a vaccine is not one of them. We have to awaken to the fact that the COVID scamdemic has rapidly accelerated the technocratic and transhumanistic aspects of the New World Order (NWO) to the point where people are blindly lining up to get injected with a “treatment” which is also a chemical device, an operating system, a synthetic pathogen and chemical pathogen production device. As covered in previous articles, this new COVID vax is a completely new kind of technology, potentially even more dangerous than your average toxic vaccine” – Makia Freedman- The Freedom Articles -


According to researcher Benjamin Fulford the vaccines they are now trying to inject into everybody on Earth are using CRISPR gene-editing technology to alter people’s DNA and brain structure in order to remove genes related to religious belief and add genes to increase dopamine production. This would make people passive and happy no matter what their government was doing to them.

Here, for example, is a link to a scientific report admitting CRISPR is used in “Covid-19” vaccines


Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors shared information about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines and talked about the massive disinformation campaign that has taken over America and the rest of the world.

COVID-19 jab is not a vaccine; it’s a cellular modification technology that causes a self-creating auto-immune disease similar to AIDS (Video)


Genocide By Vaccine aka Lethal Injection

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains about the Depopulation COVID Vaccines


Watch Professor’s Dolores Cahill Red Alert Warning On Risky COVID Vaccines

Can You Trust Big Pharma’s Gene Therapy Vaccine?

Synthetic mRNA COVID Vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis

COVID-19 mRNA “Vaccines” Are “Gene Therapy” mRNA 'Vaccines' Fulfill None of the Criteria for a Vaccine By Dr. Joseph Mercola

How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System



Take a look at the following two videos.

Pentagon briefing on removing the god gene - "funvax".

In the video below this guy is giving a lecture in the Pentagon about the brain and a gene called VMAT2 to a group of men in suits as well as various military uniforms. He talks about religion and was showing MRI brain scans. He said that the inhibition of VMAT2 could, over time, cause a persons brain to shift from a religious brain structure, they scientifically, you know they call it phenotype...but basically, you can change a religious brain to a non-religious brain structure. VMAT2 is apparently the scientific name for what people term the God Gene. At the end of the clip he says that he filed a proposal under the name FunVax to begin experimenting with the VMAT2 gene with the goal of creating a virus, like the flu virus, that will remove or replace this gene.

In this next video the speaker describes how they used CRISPR gene-editing vaccines to change the brain structure and behavior of rats. He was talking about using the vaccine to treat drug and other addiction problems. Again though, as the FSB source points out “it explains how the vaccine can edit genes to change behavior: people can be happy all the time as their dopamine production is boosted. They can be stopped from becoming violent and become obedient.”

Here, for example, is a link to a scientific report admitting CRISPR is used in “Covid-19” vaccines.


Below evidence that they created the Pfizer vaccine from a computer model instead of cells from an infected person.

EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH UK MHRA - Exposing the genomic sequence of SARSCov2

By francesleader

When I read the Wuhan study in Feb 2020 I was mortified by the monkey kidney & foetal cell-lines which were used as a "culture" before rt-PCR amplification.

Isolation was never satisfactory at any stage thereafter.

I honestly felt sick. The genome sequence was computed from this.

I set about proving that the vaccine has been created from a computer generated genomic sequence & not one isolated from an infected person, either in Wuhan or anywhere else in the world since.

The Pfizer BioNTech vaccine was approved by UK MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) & I initiated a polite exchange of emails with them as follows:

The above email exchange was from Jim stones website:

Well, there you go.... Further evidence that these criminals behind these 'vaccines' have basically concocted their 'vaccines' not from direct 'isolated' virus samples at all because it should be coming from "infected persons' and not actually from computer models!!! Should not the virus being actually derived from infected people be the pre-requisite for any legitimate vaccine???

But of course they have to use 'computer models' for the fact that their 'deadly virus' simply does NOT EXIST, due to the FACT that they still to this day have never isolated it at all in any bio-laboratory around the planet in almost a year.

The bottom line here is so simple... NEVER ever take their 'vaccines', period, for the fact that they are NOT for this non-existent 'deadly virus' at all... The criminals in charge of this scamdemic are definitely wanting to inject everyone with their so called 'vaccines' but they are NOT even vaccines but weapons of mass destruction that will modify a person's DNA..... THAT is the reality here of the entire scamdemic, for the scamdemic has never been about this fraud "COVID-19" at all, but is for the criminals to inject us all with their vaccines.

Mainstream science admits COVID-19 vaccines contain mRNA “nanoparticles” that trigger severe allergic reactions

At least eight people who were vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in the days immediately following the jab’s initial release back in December suffered severe allergic reactions that mainstream science is now claiming were caused by toxic messenger RNA (mRNA) nanoparticles.

A compound known as polyethylene glycol (PEG) that was added to the matrix structure surrounding the mRNA ingredients used in Pfizer and BioNTech’s China virus jab is believed to be triggering severe anaphylaxis, prompting authorities to issue warnings about its dangers.


Below article by Chris (

The people say. "I've had my vaccine and I feel fine."

This is the uneducated and ignorant defence from anyone that has taken the vaccine and uses it as proof that the vaccine works. If that's your defence, then you haven't listened to a single word anyone has said, including science itself

It's an mRNA vaccine. Innovative medicine. Completely untested. Unlike any other vaccine. In fact, it steps out of medicine and firmly into genetics. Let me explain.

What is RNA? RNA is Ribonucleic Acid. And if you went to school, you will have heard of DNA. This is deoxyribonucleic Acid. And if you know anything about DNA, it contains the genetic makeup of any organism.

Both are very similar, yet have their differences also. But, more importantly, let's talk about their functions.

DNA replicates and stores genetic information. It is a blueprint for all genetic information contained within an organism. RNA converts the genetic information contained within DNA to a format used to build proteins, and then moves it to ribosomal protein factories.

The mRNA vaccine is a synthetic "messenger" RNA strand, that converts genetic information within DNA.

Now, they've told you that they do this to produce proteins to in order to strengthen the immune system to fight the Covid virus, but if you really look at the bigger picture here, it might leave you quite numb to understand the potential reality of the situation.

If you have had the vaccine, rest assured that your DNA is now changing. Do you have any idea of the implications of that? Your genetic makeup is mutating.

You are under extreme pressure to take a substance that changes your genetic makeup, all because of a virus that has a 0.03% fatality rate.

A virus that is parallel with the flu (which has mysteriously vanished since the arrival of Covid.) Not to mention that the FDA have not approved this as a legitimate vaccine as yet, but have only approved for emergency use. This means that it's being tested on you! Most "vaccine" companies don't even refer to this as a vaccine, but as an "operating system." I'll assume that Mr Gates likes to call it this!

If you tell me that I am selfish to want my DNA to remain intact, at the risk of somebody's life, who already has underlying conditions and probably would have died from the flu or any other ailment, due to their own failing immune system, then you are completely insane.

I see people stating that "if it's the only way to get back to normal, then I'm having it." I'm just gobsmacked. These people are more than prepared to risk change of the very fabric of what "life" is, just so they can get their "life" back?

If you think I'm talking shit, then you are a fool. Go and have the vaccine. Hopefully, you wont have to regret your decision, should the time come.

This information is readily available for you to read. If you are ignorant enough to roll up your sleeves with your eyes completely shut, then maybe you have no idea on what the meaning of "life" actually is, and you're chasing a complete fantasy.

You think it's about saving lives. You think it's as clear cut as "life or death." It's not. It's not dying from a vaccine that I'm scared of. It's living with its potential long term effects. As opposed to the 99.97% survival rate that will see the back of the effects of Covid in about a week. I'm not a betting person, but those odds look sweet to me!

So you took the vaccine and didn't die. Wonderful news. I didn't take the vaccine and I didn't die either! Let's pick this back up in several years, when I'm still human... and God knows what you are. by Chris (


Researchers at MIT created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD), which can deliver vaccines and at the same time invisibly encode vaccination history directly in the skin. Bill Gates calls it the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System.

Below is a part from the article Quantum Dots Deliver Vaccines and Invisibly Encode Vaccination History in Skin:

“By selectively loading microparticles into microneedles, the patches deliver a pattern in the skin that is invisible to the naked eye but can be scanned with a smartphone that has the infrared filter removed. The patch can be customized to imprint different patterns that correspond to the type of vaccine delivered. Tests using human cadaver skin showed that the quantum dot patterns could be detected by smartphone cameras after five years of simulated sun exposure. The researchers also tested the vaccination strategy in rats, using microneedle patches that delivered the quantum dots along with a polio vaccine. They found that those rats generated an immune response similar to the response of rats that received a traditional injected polio vaccine. “ … the neutralizing antibodies achieved were well above the threshold considered protective by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” the investigators stated”.

The researchers designed their dye to be delivered by a microneedle patch rather than using a traditional syringe and needle. Such patches are now being developed to deliver vaccines for measles, rubella, and other diseases. The QD are composed of nanocrystals, which also emit near-infrared (NIR) light that can be detected with a specially equipped smartphone using an app. The dots are about 4 nm in diameter, and are encapsulated in biocompatible microparticles that form spheres about 20 µm in diameter. This encapsulation allows the dye to remain in place, under the skin, after being injected.

COVID19 seems to be an acronym for Coronavirus I.D. 2019. This I.D. will be delivered via quantum dot microneedles, as a digital identification mark. Part of this injectable system will include a human implantable device for buying and selling cryptocurrency. The digital ID will come in the form of something called an Immunity Passport.

The Plandemic is the vehicle for the government to move from a currency system (a dollar in your pocket) to a crypto system which is part of the Great Reset.

These Quantum Dot Tattoos will 1). inject everyone with a universal shot, 2). create a device for buying and selling currency that’s run on the human body 3). attach both those things to a digital identification from ID2020.

“Crypto is not a currency. It’s a control system. Your crypto (in a digital system) can arbitrarily be taken away if you don’t behave. That is not your asset. It is a credit at the company store. And they can take it away or change its value”. – Catherine Austin Fitts, investment advisor

Catherine Austin Fitts says:

“So you see Bill Gates coming out with ID2020, so every human being has a biometric ID. They’re talking about changing from an oil standard to a human standard. And where I come from, we call that slavery. Where the dollar syndicate wants to go is a Mark of the Beast System, a control system. The end of currencies.”

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.

“For years we’ve been watching as Microsoft founder Bill Gates, now retired from the company he founded, use his billions to give free vaccinations to people in third world countries. Now Bill has become a founding partner in another company, this one is called the ID2020 Alliance, and its goal is to give every human being on Earth a digital id. How do they plan on accomplishing this feat? By combining mandatory vaccinations with implantable microchips. Genius, isn’t it? And coming soon to a theater near you, as the saying goes. And as you will see today, this unholy hybrid of vaccinations and implantable microchips is already happening in Bangladesh, soon it will be Boston. A page on the Gates Foundation website says that Bill and Melinda have so far invested over $2.5 billion dollars to this project, with no end in sight. Can the man who put the world behind a personal computer now put a vaccination microchip digital ID into the global population? Bill Gates is absolutely positive he can, and indeed is well on his way to achieving that goal.

The quantum dot tattoo as “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,” and is coming to a vaccine clinic near you in the very near future.

Gates openly admits in interviews to the world that the agenda moving forward is to vaccinate every person on the planet with coronavirus vaccines as well as track them with Mark of the Beast-type “digital certificates.”

If you agree to get vaccinated with a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine the government will grant you permission to join back up with society and resume at least some of the “normalcy” of your former life. If you don’t, however, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

Much like the Mark of the Beast spoken about in the book of Revelation, Gates’ digital microchip vaccinations will be required for all people who want to open back up their businesses and participate in society.

“It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666”. - Book of Revelation 13:16-18

The globalists want only those that have been vaccinated against Covid-19 are the ones who are allowed to travel abroad and it is called a Covid passport. It is nothing but global surveillance under the guise of protecting our health. Do you really think that the globalist bankers, the ones who cause all the wars and the ones who own the Big Pharmaceutical companies care for our health?

UK Government Has Planned for Vaccine Passports All Along

Consistently lied about the planned rollout of ID system

Despite consistently denying it, the UK government has planned for the rollout of vaccine passports all along, prompting charges that the “Covid passes are shrouded in government cover ups, lies and shady contracts.”

Privacy Watchdog Big Brother Watch points to an article in the London Guardian today that details how the vaccine passport system was in advanced stages back in December at the same time as ministers were telling the public there were no plans for them.



Coronavirus digital health passport to be supplied to 15 countries

Manchester-based cybersecurity firm VST Enterprises has signed a deal with digital health company Circle Pass Enterprises (CPE) to create a digital health passport designed to “manage a safe return to work, life, and safe travel” after the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.

The two companies have partnered to create “the world’s most secure digital health passport”, known as Covi-pass, and according to VST Enterprises, are committed to working with governments and “major stakeholders” to deploy the technology.

CPE will ship the digital health passports to 15 countries around the world, including Italy, Portugal, France, Panama, India, the US, Canada, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Mexico, United Arab Emirates and The Netherlands, with the goal of supplying 50 million digital health passports.

Possibly you will need to be vaccinated against covid to enter a football ground to watch a premier league match. This is nothing but blackmail and no fans should attend a football while these draconian measures are in place. All for a virus that has a 99.92% recovery rate. It’s not about protecting people, it is about control and manipulating the population into accepting annual covid vaccines. That was the plan from the beginning. That is what the lockdowns and restrictions where used for to scare the population into accepting this system of slavery.

UK Government Is ‘Considering’ Vaccine Passports to Enter Pubs, Shops, Events

I am going to say Communist governments because that is what this is. Communist controlled Governments around the world will coerce people to have a tracing app on their phone so that they can arrest anyone they suspect has come into contact with someone who has Covid-19. They will be dragged from their homes to God knows where, maybe in America to the Fema camps. A House resolution Bill H.R. 6666 (Devils number) was introduced and it is one of the most massive government surveillance programs of private citizens in U.S. history, all under the guise of protecting people from the coronavirus? That’s the “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”. A petition at to stop the nonsense has generated about thousands of signatures.

“HR 6666 violates inalienable rights to one’s person, home and property, to one’s life, freedoms, privacy and security,” the petition states. “It is a violation of the Fourth Amendment, as well as the First, Fifth, Eighth and Ninth amendments … It is an illegal act of forced medical treatment upon We the People and an invasion into our local communities … [it] grants the [feds] broad authority as to empower any ‘entity’ … to hunt down people with no reasonable suspicion of threat to public health … HR 6666 is unconstitutional, unacceptable and unlawful.”

“And so it begins with the first Congressional effort to codify what may be the first of many unconstitutional legislative attempts to create a totalitarian One World Government under the guise of attacking the coronavirus COVID-19. If the 6666 number on the legislation strikes you as a bit odd, it is a good guess that there was deliberate intent to send a message – since the new Gates Patent also makes use of the same occult numbers. Some weeks ago the UN’s World Health Organization recommended house to house searches for family members infected with COVID-19 and the removal of those infected into a mandatory quarantine. The American reaction was mostly ‘it could never happen here’ but that has not stopped House Democrats from introducing HR 6666” -

By the way Covid-19 stands for (Certificate of Vaccination ID-19).

“The world today has 6.8 billion people … that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent,” Bill Gates controversially declares. Bill Gates actually says that in a presentation in front of hundreds of people. The video can be found online. So what he is saying there is he can kill people off with vaccinations.


Microsoft, Big Tech Coalition Developing Rockefeller Funded COVID Passports

A coalition of big tech companies, including Microsoft is developing a COVID passport, with the expectation that a digital document linked to vaccination status will be required to travel and get access to basic services.

The group is calling itself the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), and includes Microsoft, Salesforce and Oracle.

The US health provider Mayo Clinic is also involved in the project, which is being described as “the most significant vaccination effort in the history of the United States.”

The idea is now a familiar one. Anyone who has been vaccinated will receive a QR code that can be stored on their mobile phone in the wallet app. Those without phones will have access to a printed version.

Airline Industry Develops “Travel Pass” to Test, Require COVID-19 Vaccinations to Fly

On Nov. 23, 2020, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that it is in the final development phase of creating a “digital passport” known as The IATA Travel Pass mobile application that will display SARS-CoV-2 test results and proof of COVID-19 vaccination, as well as listing national entry rules and details of the nearest testing laboratories in different countries.

Forcing millions of people to be vaccinated (when you have a risk of vaccine injury) in order to travel in an airplane to prevent a disease with a 99% survival rate for people under 70 — all based on clinical trial efficacy analysis of less than 200 COVID-19 cases involving patients with coughs and unreliable PCR tests with significant false positive rates — is not the triumph of science. It’s corruption and is a violation of one’s constitutional rights and freedom to choose how to take care of oneself.


COVID Passport Trials on United Airlines in UK

The pressure to comply with COVID mandates and fraudulent science will come primarily through non-government operations, like airlines and other modes transportation. If you don’t take and pass the COVID test, you don’t travel.

The sheer mental disconnect of this program will require a traveler to be tested again and again, for sickness could strike at any time after a successful test. If a test is negative, then you are grounded wherever you happen to be at the time.

On March 20, 1969, Rockefeller Insider Dr. Richard Day (1905-1989) gave a speech to the Pittsburgh division of the American Medical Association in which he predicted:

" Travel ... would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn't have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID... later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual."

Israel’s ‘Green Passport’ Vaccination Program Has Created a ‘Medical Apartheid,’ Distraught Citizens Say

Israel has rapidly deteriorated into a segregated culture that discriminates against people who have not received experimental COVID-19 vaccinations, say Israeli citizens who are reaching out for help on media platforms.

“It’s very intense over here in Israel. I don’t know how much you see,” said Ilana Rachel Daniel in a video posted March 3rd on Bit Chute. “It’s terrible. It’s a very, very, very frightening situation.”

“They’re making this green passport where half the population cannot get into theaters or malls or all sorts of things unless you have taken the vaccination. They are creating a medical Apartheid,” Daniel said.

Vaccine passports are a moot point because NONE of the three experimental Covid-19 vaccines now being distributed have been demonstrated to protect against infection with or transmission of the virus believed to cause Covid-19 or even prevent symptoms of Covid-19 disease from developing. This fact is indisputable.

The UK Government has publicly stated that the vaccine will not stop you getting Covid; the manufacturers have stated that the vaccine cannot stop you getting Covid whilst the NHS has publicly stated that the vaccine cannot prevent you getting Covid. The government has publicly stated that the vaccine will not stop you spreading Covid; the manufacturers have stated that the vaccine cannot stop you spreading Covid and the NHS has also publicly stated that the vaccine cannot stop you spreading Covid.

It is also important to exercise careful judgment due to the requirements of informed consent for medical procedures as per the Nuremberg Code 1947, the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the European Charter on Human Rights and the Montgomery Judgement 2015.

Covid-19 is a mild flu-like disease that has adversely affected less than 3 per cent of those who actually get it, the survival rate of those who actually get it is 99.73 per cent and the average death-age of those with SARS-Cov-2 is two years greater than the national average age of death (83).

All other infectious diseases pass through society routinely and regularly and we do not ostracize people or require that they should have a license to fully participate in society.

The vaccines do not meet the medical nor legal definition of a vaccine so why deploy a gene replacement therapy for a disease that 97 per cent of people don’t have and never have had: why treat healthy people for a disease they have never had?

The vaccines have not undergone phase 3 safety studies and are therefore not fit for human use. The possible side effects of the vaccines during Phase 1 and 2 safety studies have not been disclosed to the public which suggests there is something to hide.

A vaccine that does not stop you catching the virus, does not stop you spreading the virus and ‘may’ make the symptoms less serious is insufficient cause or justification for vaccinating an entire population, what data is being withheld to support this approach?

It has been reported that all the vaccine will do is ‘might’ or ‘may’ make your symptoms slightly less. What cost-benefit analysis has been conducted to validate the government’s course of action?


Pandemic will not end until world is vaccinated, Merkel says in Munich speech,-merkel-says-in-munich-speech-4MSeX5Dn

The article below is from and is titled: The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

“After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same). If indeed force-vaccination will happen, another bonanza for Big Pharma, people really don’t know what type of cocktail will be put into the vaccine, maybe a slow killer, that acts-up only in a few years – or a disease that hits only the next generation – or a brain debilitating agent, or a gene that renders women infertile …. all is possible – always with the aim of full population control and population reduction. In a few years’ time, one doesn’t know, of course, where the disease comes from. That’s the level of technology our bio-war labs have reached (US, UK, Israel, Canada, Australia…). Another hypothesis, at this point only a hypothesis, but a realistic one, is that along with the vaccination – if not with this one, then possibly with a later one, a nano-chip may be injected, unknown to the person being vaccinated. The chip may be remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts – digital money. Yes, digital money that’s what “they” are aiming at, so you really have no control any more over your health and other intimate data, but also over your earnings and spending. Your money could be blocked, or taken away – as a ‘sanction’ for misbehavior, for swimming against the stream. You may become a mere slave of the masters. Comparatively, feudalism may appear like a walk in the park. It’s not for nothing that Dr. Tedros, DG of WHO, said a few days ago, we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus. A precursor for things to come? – Or for things already here? – In many Scandinavian countries cash is largely banned and even a bar of chocolate can be paid only electronically. We are moving towards a totalitarian state of the world. This is part of Agenda ID2020 – and these steps to be implemented now – prepared since long, including by the coronavirus computer simulation at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on 18 October 2019, sponsored by the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates, one of the chief advocates of vaccinations for everybody, especially in Africa – is also a huge advocate of population reduction. Population reduction is among the goals of the elite within the WEF, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgens – and a few more. The objective: fewer people (a small elite) can live longer and better with the reduced and limited resources Mother Earth is generously offering. The ID2020 Alliance at their 2019 Summit, entitled “Rising to the Good ID Challenge”, in September 2019 in New York, decided to roll out their program in 2020, a decision confirmed by the WEF in January 2020 in Davos. Their digital identity program will be tested with the government of Bangladesh. GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, and “partners from academia and humanitarian relief” (as they call it), are part of the pioneer party. Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020?” - Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world, -

On Jan. 29 2021, the German parliament ratified the implementation of Agenda ID2020, the next phase of the global Mark of the Beast rollout being ushered in on the back of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.”

This centralized general electronic data collection program will profile every citizen in Germany and grant access to every government agency, police department, and three-letter agency, as well as to the private sector.

Up to 200 points of information, and possibly more as time goes on, will be included in the program. These include people’s bank accounts, shopping habits, health records, including vaccination records, political inclinations, and probably even dating habits.

If the government can use it against you, Germany wants to house it in the Agenda ID2020 database, which was designed by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates as part of his “vaccination package.”

Backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), the program aims to inject every human being with microchips that can be remote-accessed using 5G and subsequent 6G technologies.

The program’s private partners include many Big Pharma names such as Johnson & Johnson (J&J), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Merck & Co., and of course the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The German extra-governmental Corona Commission, consisting of hundreds of medical doctors, virologists, immunologists, university professors – and lawyers, including Dr. Reiner Fullmich, co-founder of the Commission, has special concerns that the current Corona-Vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna), may include nano-particles that could be accessible to electro-magnetic radiation, i.e. 5G and the subsequent 6G.

Similarly, in Switzerland, Agenda ID2020 – an all-electronic ID – linking everything to everything of each individual citizen will come to a popular vote on 7 March 2021.

And that’s not all, the Swiss government wants to outsource management of Agenda ID 2020 to the private sector — unbelievable!!! – You imagine a bank or insurance company dealing (and selling) your data!!!! — Just imagine what will happen with your personal information – unthinkable

In the longer-run – who knows how long – as foreseen by Bill Gates, the properties for an electronic ID – i. e. an electromagnetic field (EMF) – will be implanted in your body, either along with a vaccine – maybe it’s already happening with the covid jabs, or separately in the form of injectable nano-chips.

Early trials were carried out mid-last year in school classes of remote villages in Bangladesh.

The ID2020 Alliance has launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance Gavi, and new partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief.

The program to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity was unveiled by ID2020 in partnership with the Bangladesh Government’s Access to Information Program, the Directorate General of Health Services, and Gavi, according to the announcement.

Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has received vaccination.

With the complacent Swiss being what they are, it is very possible if not likely that the government’s proposal will be accepted on 7 March. Then what?

Is this the beginning of adopting the all-digitized Agenda ID2020 throughout Europe, the world?

Or – maybe other EU countries have already quietly and secretly – no questions asked – envisaged inserting the Agenda ID2020 in their Constitution.

Once every citizen on the planet – according to Bill Gates – about 7 billion-plus will be ID-chipped, the control of a small globalist elite will be close to total.

With an electromagnetic field and with 5G / 6G EM-waves allowing inputs and access of data in your body – the control of each individual is almost complete.

Swedish Health Minister Lena Hallengren announced at a recent press conference the government’s intention to provide a “digital vaccination certificate” to residents who receive a COVID-19 vaccine, allowing them to “travel abroad on holiday or to meet a loved one.”

The minister said she is convinced that a “vaccination certificate is probably as desirable as getting vaccinated,” raising speculation that the digital identifier could become necessary for accessing international travel, as well as going about everyday activities such as like shopping and eating out.

Swedes who have received the vaccine are already eligible for a vaccination certificate from the vaccine provider; the digital “passport” will allow those people to have a copy on their phones.

Anders Ygeman, Sweden’s minister for digital development, stated that the government’s “goal is for the work to go as quickly as possible, and that the digital infrastructure will be in place by the summer,” specifically June 1.

“When Sweden and the countries around us start to open up, it will probably be required to have a vaccination certificate to travel and take part in other activities,” he said, making mention of businesses, such as restaurants, establishing a requirement for proof of vaccination before permitting access to individuals.

Sweden’s announcement follows that of Denmark, which announced its own plans to establish a “vaccine passport” program to identify those who have been vaccinated, for the sake of travel.

The globalists have been wanting to bring in more control of the general population for decades and the Covid Plandemic has been planned for many years to enable them to bring in ID2020 digital surveillance all under the cover of protecting our health. In 2019 if we were asked if we wanted such a system in place nobody in their right minds would vote for this but now the people will accept it ‘to get their normal life back’.



The article below is from

Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along

The government lock downs are part of a plan to terrorize and coerce people to give up their body autonomy and critical thinking skills, so the vaccine and tech industry can enforce bodily requirements on all people and set up a digital surveillance system as a prerequisite to “freedom.” These digital surveillance systems will enslave the world to vaccine permission scans, DNA surveillance and medical mandates, while segregating and isolating anyone who doesn’t follow along. The ongoing tyranny of lockdowns and medical edicts is simply a behavioral training program that coerces people to seek permission for their freedom and live in fear of false authorities.

These Vaccine Passports train everyone to give up their inherent freedoms, forcing people to seek permission from false authorities in order to gather, travel, buy, sell and participate in democracy. Freedom will be completely forgotten if this system is put in place. Medical fascists and central planners have been plotting to control people’s lives for years, and they are joining forces with big tech, corporations and big government policy makers to accomplish their goals.

Back in December 2020, these vaccine passport systems were already in the advanced stages of development in the United Kingdom. The London Guardian Today documented several accounts in 2020 where health ministers lied to the public about the existence of Vaccine Passports. Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove told the public there were no plans to issue “vaccination passports” that would require people to inoculate in order to enter bars, restaurants and other venues. Now, UK vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi is coming clean about the “track and trace” app by the NHS, which records information on vaccine status and applies it to government lock down policy. The UK’s vaccine passport infrastructure includes facial recognition scans that tie bio-metrics and vaccine status together to restrict and control people throughout society.

A Swiss-based consulting firm, Zühlke Engineering, got involved with the NHS track and tracing app on December 17, 2020. The Guardian leaked the plan, which “details research into possible public attitudes to a Covid certificate, sometimes called a domestic Covid passport.” This passport system “would use vaccination status, a recent negative Covid test or proof of coronavirus antibodies to allow people into potentially packed places when the country opens up.”

The covid-19 testing requirements were one of the first steps toward implementing these totalitarian passports. These DNA-swabbing mandates slowly trained individuals to give up their rights, brainwashing them to believe that they are guilty subjects who have to prove their innocence in order to travel. The abusive swabbing of healthy people is now being replaced by vaccine requirements.

The app-based covid certificates include QR codes that are connected to the NHS app. These QR codes are used to grant vaccine-compliant people exclusive access to certain venues. The official Covid pass is a digital ID card that essentially creates a two-tiered society that discriminates and segregates against innocent people, stripping them of due process, accusing them of spreading diseases they do not have, and barring them from the rest of society. In nations governed by the rule of law, this Vaccine Passport should be dead on arrival because it violates the medical privacy of individuals upfront and turns people into property, subject to bodily requirements. Vaccine passports, once considered a conspiracy theory, are now being pushed onto people as a mark of the beast system.

The British government contracted with multiple firms last year to develop Covid “freedom passports.” When Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested that pubs would be able to use the vaccine passes at their discretion, backlash quickly ensued. Boris appeared generous when he threw a bone to the people and announced that pubs and restaurants would be exempt from the requirements. The Vaccine Passport is being sold to the public in its most draconian form, so that populations can be slowly weakened into accepting bits and pieces of its oppression. The deceit and oppression of the Vaccine Passport is the kind of attack on freedom that warrants tribunals and quite possibly, a new world war.


Listen to activist Chris Sky has he describes how the lockdowns, restrictions, masks and social distancing are a method to get the populations to accept the covid vaccine passports in the video below.


OPERATION COVID-19 Deceitfully Amplifies a Fake Third Wave to, Justify Dangerous and Deadly Covid Vaccination Programs Worldwide.

OPERATION COVID-19 is a much more complex international criminal conspiracy than anyone knows. The captivating psyop carried out in Wuhan, China in January of 2020 completely captured the world and made folks everywhere believe an utterly false “coronavirus” narrative. What happened there was a full-blown biological attack on the Wuhanese with a highly sophisticated bioweapon that targeted various Chinese bloodlines. However, the series of bioterrorist attacks that followed worldwide utilized different variants of the COVID-19 bioweapon, each bioengineered to mutate in vivo so that the fabricated pandemic would go on ad infinitum. That means that the Covid bioweapon variants launched in Milan, Tehran, New York City and Guayaquil, Ecuador were all subtly different biological attacks against different targeted populations, each one producing its one unique symptom set. In this way, the forever-mutating pathogenic microorganisms that constitute the COVID-19 bioweapon will plaque humanity into perpetuity. This entirely bioengineered state of affairs worldwide then sets the stage for a global vaccination regime which will require an annual Covid injection that keeps the populace up to date with the current strains of COVID-19 that are still being released to this very day. Which also permits the Covid bioterrorists to manufacture consent for a Digital Green Certificate, COVID-19 Vaccine Passports, Immunity Certificates, Green Passports and other documents that prove an up-to-date vaccination status. That’s the short story.

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer


IT IS VITAL to Listen to Dr. Mike Yeadon who states the government has lied about everything about Covid-19 and tells you why you should not take the Covid vaccine, he says you are playing Russian roulette with your health if you take it. Covid vaccine passports are about having a digital I.D. There is no such thing as a Variant. It is an evil plan to vaccinate the children with the covid vaccine. Parents would have to be an idiot to vaccinate their children with the covid vaccine. No children are at risk of dying from Covid and do not need the vaccine. It could be used as a de-population agenda and eventually the people who have refused the covid vaccines could be put into a quarantine (concentration camp) until they relent. Former Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer on Experimental COVID Injections: “I Have Absolutely no Doubt that we are in the Presence of Evil”

Dr Mike Yeadon, former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd, talks about his grave concerns about the Coronavirus jab

Interview with Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer, where he worked for 16 years. He outlines his position on the pandemic, the vaccine, the issue of variants, boosters and the loss of our civil liberties. It is truly an appeal to the world.


COVID Psychological Stress by Makia Freeman

In recent months many free and powerful voices have pointed out that the draconian restrictions, resulting in what I am calling COVID psychological stress, are in fact akin to torture methods refined by organizations and agencies such as the CIA. All the lockdown policies – social distancing, quarantine, mandatory mask-wearing, isolation, fear of contagion, fear of everyone being a suspected asymptomatic carrier, being unable to visit elderly family members in person, and more – are forms of torture. By deeming things such as concerts, sports, pubs, bars, clubs and other forms of entertainment as “non-essential”, governments have been able to restrict, ban and/or permanently shut down businesses and organizations running such facilities and activities. The idea is to stop people from relaxing and blowing off steam, thus increasing the pressure and stress. Then, with everyone under this low grade stress, some people will inevitably crack, due to economic and psychological manipulation, and either commit crime, lash at those around them, commit suicide or come begging to the government to save them. Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques, written by Brian Shilhavy and based on a video Leigh Dundas, exposes the torturous background behind isolation, which is the basis for things such as solitary confinement: Here are some lesser known facts about social distancing and isolation:

• It was developed 70 years ago by the CIA to break down enemies of state.

• It is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day AND being an alcoholic.

• It doubles the risk of death, and destroys the part of the brain responsible for learning.

“… social isolation is a human rights violation – which is on par with torture and other war crimes. Indeed, social isolation is the primary protocol deployed against enemies in times of war, regardless of time period or country in question. This is due in large part to the fact that it is so successful in psychologically destroying the individual, without need of more bloody and difficult physical interventions. The studies of social isolation against enemies of state began in the 1950’s and 1960’s by the CIA:

It has long been the custom of captors, police, and inquisitors, to isolate their prisoners. But which of these methods, Hinkle asked, is most effective? All the standard interrogation techniques have varying… impacts on the brain’s functioning…. [But] of all the possible techniques, isolation is the ideal way of “breaking down” a prisoner…”

Already, we are seeing the effect of just a few weeks of social isolation on students: teen suicides have risen, and last week, OC Sheriff’s reported a 25% increase in domestic violence calls, a 24% increase in family disputes, and a 30% increase in child custody calls. So deleterious are these effects that in recent years the United Nations promulgated what have come to be called the Mandela rules. These rules prohibit social isolation for longer than 15 days, noting that any longer period of social isolation “constitutes cruel, degrading and inhumane treatment, or torture.”

The plan is nothing if not blatant. All around the world, local, regional and national leaders keep reading their lines from the script. Recently Los Angeles in California announced they would be canceling Halloween, despite the fact it’s around 50 days away and they couldn’t possibly know the status of the virus then (and that’s assuming you even buy the mainstream narrative). It appears they are now backtracking that, but only because enough people stood up and refused to accept it. In a similar vein, UK PM Boris Johnson is psychologically preparing the British people that Christmas may be canceled this year. To cancel traditional social events like Halloween and Christmas is more coldly calculated manipulation aiming to increase COVID psychological stress. The endgame, just as Bill Gates keeps repeating ad nauseam, is no return to normalcy until 7+ billion people are vaccinated, which is being echoed by the Corporatocracy too (e.g. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings who stated that there will be no return to work in the offices until employees are vaccinated). Finally, the NWO (New World Order) controllers have a backup plan if their blackmail-manipulation via stress doesn’t persuade the masses to get the shot: bribery. Globalist think tank The Brookings Institute recently ran an article suggesting that the USG pay each American $1000 to take the COVID vaccine. Vaccines are inherently toxic and dangerous, and this goes all the more for the pending COVID vaccines, where in some cases clinical trials have been stopped after participants fell ill, and where we must be prepared for the possibility they are implanted with nanotechnology, e.g. hydrogel implants.

Make no mistake about it – this is a war of attrition and the NWO conspirators are in for the long haul. They are going to keep milking this manufactured crisis and keep pushing it as far as they can, to bring people to such exasperation and exhaustion that they willingly line up to get the vaccine: “I’ll do anything not to keep having to wear this stupid mask and not being able to breathe properly. Fine – just gimme the damn vaccine and leave me alone!”

2020 has been thus far the Year of Fear. We need to accept the cold hard truth: COVID psychological stress is deliberately being applied and extended in order to produce conditions ripe for vaccine acceptance. We are all being stewed in a pressure cooker, designed to mentally and emotionally break people down. The point of this article is to raise awareness of what is happening so that we can rise above it. It is not predetermined; it is not a fait accompli. We do not have to submit to further violations of our bodily integrity and our medical sovereignty. We can see the scheme for what it is. We can take every moment we can to socialize, bond, dance, touch, have fun and connect; in other words, to be fully human in the face of this sinister dehumanizing agenda. Some of already risen up, and I suspect once authorities attempt to roll out the vaccine in the next 2-3 months, they will wake a sleeping giant, and many more will rise to defend the spirit of truth and freedom throughout the world. Please spread this article far and wide to help make that happen.

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at


The Tyranny Continues Seemingly Without Resistance!

As I watch everything unfold, I am forever puzzled by the lack of interest of Americans. There have been more examples of pushback, but only at the edges, and the bulk of the masses are still complying with most every draconian order issued by the state goons

The biggest pushback has been that a good percentage of this population have said they will refuse to take this synthetic concoction of mind and body altering poison called the “Covid’ injection, but this is talk only at this point. The agenda of immune passports is quickly gaining ground, and there does not seem to be much resistance. These two things go hand in hand, as with any acceptance of immunity passports also comes much higher pressure to take this RNA/DNA altering shot. Once any immunity papers become mainstream, then the extended force to take this injection will be vastly increased.

With East Germany style ‘papers’ required, those refusing the fake ‘vaccine’ will be targeted. The risks of not taking this injection will increase substantially. More and more restrictions will come into play, and many venues, stores, financial institutions, food, energy, and every other major need will be shut off to those that have not “vaccinated.” Mandates to prove that you have been jabbed with poison will be expanded, and many employers will demand, especially in all government positions, that employees either take the shot or face losing their job. Eventually as poverty and economic destruction continues to gain ground, food and financial accounts will become unattainable without proof of injection. This will be the way that the state will be able to coerce those hesitant to take a shot to do so.

Eventually after most have complied with these evil orders, and after most have likely submitted to the threats, forced injection will then be mandated for those that have continued to refuse this insanity. This will indicate that the plot to take over humanity has been a successful coup. Without mass dissent, I would expect this progression to happen over the next two to four years, or even sooner if the people are once again consumed by non-existent fear that has been planted into the minds of the public by the controlling class. Once most are fooled into believing that they will die without acquiescing to their masters, the sought after end game will have succeeded, and the herd will have been corralled and effectively caged.

Every day, the push to gain total control over the people becomes more reality than fiction. Every day, this society is more consumed by indifference, and less likely to fight back. That could change if things got so bad that people were starving, but waiting until that takes place would most likely be too late.

It is my opinion that the state believes that it already has the people under control. The push now is to go after the children, which would solidify a future of slaves that would have no desire or ability to resist this totalitarian takeover. Microsoft (Bill Gates) has introduced daily school passports for children in Los Angeles schools. This is just the first test market, as this will expand across the country quickly if not stopped. Kids will be required to continually test, to do daily health checks in order to get a one day pass to be in the horrific schools. They will effectively become brainless drones of the state, and will be conditioned to act as such for life. In addition, they will all be required to have the mRNA injection, which will not only destroy their bodies, but their minds as well.

This is our future if people continue to take orders instead of saying no. Our only hope as I see it is practicing total disobedience to the state, and refusing to comply with each and every order issued by these evil monsters that claim to be your saviors.


Vaccine Passports: One Passport to Rule Them All by Makia Freeman

Vaccine passports are a major goal of those orchestrating Operation Coronavirus, though not the ultimate end goal of the COVID agenda. The purpose of vaccine passports is clear, despite whatever flimsy and mealy-mouthed excuses given to justify them: to restrict the movement of the unvaccinated, or in plainer terms, to restrict the movement of those who have seen through the agenda. There are no clever legal arguments that can distract from this basic truth: vaccine passports are inherently discriminatory. In a sane society, no nation that even pays lip service to caring about human rights could claim that vaccine passports are in alignment with their existing laws on individual rights, freedom of choice, freedom of movement, informed consent and medical sovereignty. However, it hardly bares stating that we do not live in a sane world. No matter what fancy and different names these passports, apps and QR codes have, there are plans afoot to link them all via a common software or framework.

The leading developers of this technology include AOK Pass, Common Pass, the Vaccination Credential Initiative, Good Health Pass Collaborative and the IATA Travel Pass. This is a clear manifestation of the NWO Agenda of a One World Government with detailed information on every single person (except for the ruling elite) on Earth, who are planned to be its subjects or slaves.

This has been a long time coming. It seems like a long time ago now – over a year ago – when Bill Gates started mouthing off about the need for immunity certificates and digital vaccine passports. The plan is not hidden, but rather wide out in the open. Of course, there is a distinct lack of logic about the whole issue. First of all, as I have exhaustively documented, there is no evidence that the virus SARS-CoV-2 exists. But putting that inconvenient truth aside for a moment, why couldn’t natural immunity to the virus qualify you for the vaccine passport? Mainstream brainwashed medical authorities may say it’s because you can still get re-infected. However the same goes for the vaccine … hence all the talks of a 2nd and 3rd shot (actually the plan is to give people countless shots as they upgrade and rewire their DNA operating system). This is the very same group of vaccines which by the way don’t give you proper immunity and are even admitted to only protect against mild symptoms and not to stop transmission.

It’s not about actual real immunity to disease. It’s about finding out who is vaccinated and who is unvaccinated, and subsequently punishing the non-compliant, disobedient, recalcitrant unvaccinated ones. For those who want their shiny new vaccine passport – think about this. What happens when the authorities say that you have to keep getting vaxxed … and vaxxed … and vaxxed … every year … just to keep your passport and privileges? Are we going to stand in our inherent soveriegn rights or grovel beneath the slavemasters for government-bestowed privileges? The truth is that vaccine passports are a scheme to force people into getting vaxxed so that they become genetically modified humans. The vaccine is the real bioweapon, not an imaginary virus. The vaccine passports will function to make life uncomfortable for the unvaccinated, and also as a registration system to distinguish between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, so the NWO controllers know exactly which citizens have certain nanotechnology embedded inside of them – which you can be sure will be used to further whatever nefarious goals the NWO manipulators have in mind. - by Makia Freeman - editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at -


In this video clip, Dr. Yeadon explains how universal vaccine passports do not benefit either the COVID vaccinated or unvaccinated, but only the totalitarian controllers who implement it, and that if they succeed, “we’ll not only be standing at the gates of Hell, we’ll just be given a little push and in we’ll go.”

He also covers the lies about the PCR Test, Asymptomatic Transmission and Variants.

One thing Dr. Yeadon shared in this interview was that even though he is one of the few scientists speaking out about the COVID lies and deception that most of his peers in his field actually agree with him. He then proceeded to explain why most of them have chosen to remain silent, as they are intimidated and fear speaking out. Dr. Yeadon talks about what it has cost him, so far, to go public with the truth and expose the lies of Big Pharma and COVID-19.

He has been attacked and slandered, and it has basically ruined his career as a scientist. He has nothing to gain for going public with the truth, and has actually suffered great harm for doing so.

Dr. Yeadon, at great personal risk, issues a chilling warning, not just about the grave dangers surrounding the injections, but about the looming threat of digital health "passports" that will take inexorable control over every aspect of our lives, If we allow them.

People are still convinced that the vaccine passports are about giving them “freedom” and “safety” in reality it is about control and complete loss of personal freedom. Once this has been accepted you no longer will have personal, social or financial autonomy, people will be prisoners in a jail of their own making and will not be the ones who make the rules on which “freedom” will be granted if we do what they ask which will be to get the vaccine or top up your vaccine if your vaccine passport has expired. Once these passports are accepted they will be there for all time, for your children and your children’s children. Is that the future that you want?



The Great Reset

At this point in the book you might be asking why? Why are the government lying? Why are they inflating the death figures and cases using the fraudulent PCR test and using this to lock down populations? What have they got to gain?

At this point, it should be obvious for anyone paying attention that the pandemic is being prolonged and exaggerated for a reason, and it’s not because there’s concern for life.

It’s a ploy to quite literally enslave the global population within a digital surveillance system and quite rightly no one would voluntarily vote for a system like that so they have to use another way to bring this system into our lives using a virus as a cover story.

It should also be clear that most if not all pandemic restrictions to freedom are meant to become permanent. In other words, what has happened since March 2020 has been a preview of the world the global elite wants to implement as part of the new world order.

The Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. You’ll be tied to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life.

Build Back Better. This is the slogan of the New World Order – aka the Great Reset. Everyone from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Prince of Wales to Canadian blackface artiste Justin Trudeau and, inevitably, Joe Biden who has adopted it as his campaign slogan. Why would all these leaders from different countries use the same slogan ’Build Back Better’. It is as if someone is coordinating this from behind the scenes and these leaders are following a script.

Maybe they are doing this on orders from some other entity or group who are controlling things behind the scenes. It is clear Bill Gates is pulling some of the strings as is Klaus Schwab of the WEF, but these are just the front men. There is another group who is sitting at the top and that is the International bankers headed by the Rothschild’s whose favorite system of controlling populations is Communism. One of the commands of the Communist Manifesto is that you will not be allowed to own property which is what the WEF are also saying. The banking institutions include the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB), the IMF, the World Bank, the regional development banks, and the Basel based Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

The Great Reset is no conspiracy theory. They are quite open about it.

In fact, the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab wrote a book titled ‘Covid-19-The Great Reset’ and one called ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’.

In his books Schwab describes the technological changes coming with the 4th Industrial Revolution of 5G smart phones, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence that link everything to everything to make the most banal decisions for us such as buying more milk or turning down the stove. At the same time data is centralized in private corporations such as Google or Facebook to monitor every breath we take.

Schwab describes how new generation technologies, already being rolled out by Google, Huawei, Facebook and countless others, will allow governments to “intrude into the private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior…Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us — they will become part of us,” said Schwab. “Today’s external devices — from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets — will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”

Schwab adds, “What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.” Among those fusion technologies are, “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies,” Schwab explained. These “implantable devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally, through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”

This is also the guy that says on video ‘You will not get what you regard as our normal life back’. Some people have referred to a ‘before coronavirus’ (BC) and ‘after coronavirus’ (AC) era. Remember those good old days back in BC, can we have them back? Schwab also said “As long as everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe”. It is clear what the plan is.

This agenda has a pretty obvious set of goals, many of them openly admitted to by the World Economic Forum, and some of them strongly implied by the extreme political left and the media. They include:

1) Perpetual pandemic lockdowns and economic controls until the population submits to medical tyranny.

2) Medical passports and contact tracing as a part of everyday life.

3) The censorship and de-platforming of all voices that oppose the agenda.

4) Greatly reduced economic activity in the name of stopping "climate change"

5) Greatly increased poverty and the loss of private property.

6) The introduction of "Universal Basic Income" in which the government becomes the all-powerful welfare provider and nursemaid for a generation of dependent and desperate people.

7) A cashless society and digital currency system where privacy in trade is completely erased.

8) The creation of a "shared economy" in which no one will own anything and independent production is outlawed.

9) The deletion of national borders and the end of sovereignty and self-determination.

10) The centralization of global political power into the hands of a select few elitists.


Now, you would think that most sensible people would be opposed to such a nightmarish agenda. Unless you are a psychopath that gets a thrill from the brutal oppression of millions of people, or you are a globalist that stands to gain immense power, there is nothing about the Global Reset that benefits you and me.

Ex U.K Prime Minister Tony Blair is clearly trying to push this global plan. The European Union is a globalist construct and Blair tried unsuccessfully to stop the U.K from leaving the EU and in 2020 he said every person in Britain should have a PCR test and this would lead to more false cases and more lockdowns. In January 2021 Blair has said we need to bring in health passports where no one can travel or work unless they have had the covid vaccine.

“But an immunity passport system would divide workers into two classes — the immune and the non-immune — and the latter might never be eligible for a given job short of contracting and surviving COVID-19 if an immune worker is available to take the slot.” – Blair states.

Tony Blair is the one who stood before the U.K parliament in 2003 and said Saddam Hussein and Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which we know was a bare faced lie. This man is working for the globalist without any doubt.

“Of course, even if most people get vaccinated and submit to medical passports and contact tracing like good little slaves, this does not mean life will go back to normal. On the contrary, things will get much worse. As I have noted in past articles like 'Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society', the globalists have admitted that the covid mandates and controls are going to be in place for many years, perhaps forever. Elites at MIT and the Imperial College of London have written extensively about a strategy I call "Wave Theory", in which governments constantly batter the public with waves of lockdowns followed by brief windows of partial openings and limited freedom. The reopening’s are a trick, a way to release public tension like a steam valve and make everyone think that the crisis is almost over. Then, the draconian mandates are brought back once again. This will never end. The only way to stop it is to remove the globalists from power and crush the Reset agenda. A new narrative is already being injected into the mainstream media hinting that even vaccinations will not lead to freedom. Anthony Fauci and others have argued that those who are vaccinated still need to follow lockdown mandates and wear masks. This policy completely ignores the scientific FACT that the death rate of covid is only 0.26% for anyone outside of a nursing home. It ignores the fact that masks have been consistently proven to do nothing to stop the spread of the virus. It ignores the fact that hospitals across the US have remained mostly empty, with only 15% of capacity in use during Covid. And, it ignores the fact that the vaccines are barely tested experimental cocktails that even the former VP of Pfizer has warned might cause dangerous autoimmune reactions and infertility” - Brandon Smith -

In his 2020 book on The Great Reset, Schwab argues that biotechnology and genetically modified food should become a central pillar to global food scarcity issues. He writes “global food security will only be achieved if regulations on genetically modified foods are adapted to reflect the reality that gene editing offers a precise, efficient and safe method of improving crops.”

Like everything else with the Great Reset, we will not be given a real choice in food. We will all be forced to eat this synthetic genetically modified diet (created by companies such as Monsanto) or starve. Bill Gates is part of this because the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation wants to feed the world and thinks GMOs -- Genetically Modified Organisms -- are the way to do it. ... In 2010, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation bought 500,000 shares of Monsanto, a leading producer of GMOs, worth a total of $23 billion.

The individuals and organizations involved in the October 18, 2019 Event 201 Simulation are now involved in the actual management of the covid crisis once it went live which in turn set the stage for the February 2020 financial crisis and the March Lockdown. The lockdown and closure of national economies triggered spree of mass unemployment coupled with the engineered bankruptcy (applied Worldwide) of small and medium sized businesses.

All of which is spearheaded by the installation of a global Police State which is intent upon breaking up all forms of protest and resistance against the Covid lockdowns.

The Covid vaccination program (including the embedded digital passport) is an integral part of a global reset.

“What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity, red zones, face masks, social distancing, lockdown” (Peter Koenig, March 12, 2020)

The same powerful players which triggered the Covid Global Debt Crisis are now establishing a “New Normal” which essentially consists in imposing what the World Economic Forum describes as the “Great Reset”:

“The Great Reset entails a transformation of society resulting in permanent restrictions on fundamental liberties and mass surveillance as entire sectors are sacrificed to boost the monopoly and hegemony of pharmaceuticals corporations, high-tech/big data giants, Amazon, Google, major global chains, the digital payments sector, biotech concerns, etc. Using COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions to push through this transformation, the great reset is being rolled out under the guise of a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ in which older enterprises are to be driven to bankruptcy or absorbed into monopolies, effectively shutting down huge sections of the pre-COVID economy. Economies are being ‘restructured’ and many jobs will be carried out by AI-driven machines. In a short video below, the WEF predicts that by 2030, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” A happy smiling face is depicted while a drone delivers a product to a household, no doubt ordered online and packaged by a robot in a giant Amazon warehouse: ‘no humans were involved in manufacturing, packaging or delivering this product. The jobless (and there will be many) could be placed on some kind of universal basic income and have their debts (indebtedness and bankruptcy on a massive scale is the deliberate result of lockdowns and restrictions) written off in return for handing their assets to the state or more precisely the financial institutions helping to drive this great reset. The WEF says the public will ‘rent’ everything they require: stripping the right of ownership under the guise of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘saving the planet’. Of course, the tiny elite who rolled out this great reset will own everything”. - Colin Todhunter - extensively published independent writer and former social policy researcher.

Dystopian “Great Reset”: “Own Nothing and Be Happy”, Being Human in 2030

In the link above at the World Economic Forums website it says:

“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes. It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much”.


Geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig lays the plan out in his article:

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just published (October 2020) a so-called White Paper, entitled “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World”.

This 31-page document reads like a blueprint on how to “execute” – “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” (July 2020), by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO (since the foundation of the WEF in 1974) and his associate Thierry Malleret.

It promises a horrifying future to some 80%-plus of the (surviving) population.

The time frame is ten years – by 2030 – the UN agenda 2021 – 2030 should be implemented.

Planned business measures in response to COVID-19:

  • An acceleration of digitized work processes, leading to 84% of all work processes as digital, or virtual / video conferences.
  • Some 83% of people are planned to work remotely – i.e. no more interaction between colleagues – absolute social distancing, separation of humanity from the human contact.
  • About 50% of all tasks are planned to be automated – in other words, human input will be drastically diminished, even while remote working.
  • Accelerate the digitization of upskilling / reskilling (e.g. education technology providers) – 42% of skill upgrading or training for new skills will be digitized, in other words, no human contact – all on computer, Artificial Intelligence (AI), algorithms.
  • Accelerate the implementation of upskilling / reskilling programs – 35% of skills are planned to be “re-tooled” – i.e. existing skills are planned to be abandoned – declared defunct.
  • Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) – 34% of current organizational set-ups are planned to be “restructured’ – or, in other words, existing organizational structures will be declared obsolete – to make space for new sets of organizational frameworks, digital structures that provide utmost control over all activities.
  • Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks – this is expected to touch 30% of the work force. That also means completely different pay-scales – most probably unlivable wages, which would make the also planned “universal basic salary” or “basic income” – a wage that allows you barely to survive, an obvious need. – But it would make you totally dependent on the system – a digital system, where you have no control whatsoever.
  • Temporarily reduce workforce – this is projected as affecting 28% of the population. It is an additional unemployment figure, in disguise, as the “temporarily” will never come back to full-time.
  • Permanently reduce workforce – 13% permanently reduced workforce.
  • Temporarily increase workforce – 5% – there is no reference to what type of workforce – probably unskilled labor that sooner or later will also be replaced by automation, by AI and robotization of the workplace.
  • No specific measures implemented – 4% – does that mean, a mere 4% will remain untouched? From the algorithm and AI-directed new work places? – as small and insignificant as the figure is, it sounds like “wishful thinking”, never to be accomplished.
  • Permanently increase workforce – a mere 1% is projected as “permanently increased workforce”. This is of course not even cosmetics. It is a joke.

This is the what is being put forth, the process of implementing The Great Reset and the Covid-19 agenda is part of this process.

The Great Reset also foresees, a credit scheme, whereby all personal debt would be “forgiven” – against handing over all personal assets to an administrative body or agency – could possibly be the IMF.

So, you would own nothing – and be happy. Because all your necessities will be provided for.

By Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America.

If the plan succeeds, the world you inhabit will be unrecognizable, your children will have no prospects and your life will barely be worth living. Build Back Better means totalitarian rule by a global, technocratic elite. This hideous New World Order is the Great Reset.

The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of strict measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.

One of the few MSM outlets to address it has been Sky News Australia, whose Rowan Dean described the Great Reset as ‘an anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future.’

Slowly people are waking up. One of them is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, formal Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, who has written an open letter to President Trump warning him of the threat posed by the Great Reset.

Former Vatican Insider Says “The Great Reset” Will Be Used to “Drastically Limit” Human Freedom

The former Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State, Carlo Maria Vigano, wrote a second letter to Donald Trump concerning the "The Great Reset" initiative, expressing that it's being used to take away our rights and freedoms.

A few months ago he wrote a letter to President Donald Trump bringing up what he called the “deep state,” as well as the idea that the COVID pandemic has been one giant “social engineering experiment.”

The letter can be seen at:


A transcript from the letter says:

“A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda. The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated”.

Vigano has recently been joined by another Vatican ‘insider.’ His name is Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke. Burke is the founder of The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, former head of the Vatican Supreme Court and patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

According to Burke as he said during a Saturday homily, “Then there is the mysterious Wuhan virus about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information. What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda. These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called ‘Great Reset,’ the ‘new normal,’ which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.”

Ultimately, the Great Reset will result in two tiers or people: The technocratic elite, who have all the power and rule over all assets, and the rest of humanity, who have no power, no assets and no say-so in anything.

The article below titled ‘COVID World – Resist!’

COVID 19 is being used to create a global fascist dictatorship. From New Zealand to the U.S, so called western democracies have adopted and developed the Chinese model of technocracy to create a single biosecurity State. This globalist corporate State is to be centrally controlled and administered by a distant global governance cartel of appointed bureaucrats. Tasked only to serve the interests of a tiny, disproportionately wealthy group we can call the parasite class.

Every aspect of your life will be monitored and controlled, as we move towards the ultimate surveillance State. Your ability to work, to socialise, to travel, conduct business, access public services and to purchase essential goods and services will be dictated to you, and restricted, by the State, based upon your biosecurity or immunity status.

This transformation process is well underway. You are no longer a human being, you are a biosecurity risk. As such you may be removed to a military controlled quarantine camp as and when the State sees fit. Detention without trial will be the norm. All protest will be outlawed unless the protest suits the agenda of the parasite class.

Your children will no longer be your own. They will belong to the State. Parental consent for medical procedures will be presumed or, in the case of mandatory procedures, not required. Once the biosecurity State is firmly established consent will be a distant memory.

We have a diminishing window of opportunity to stop this global fascist dictatorship. Violent protest will not work. Not only are they morally indefensible, they are tactically naive.

Violence is the language of the oppressor. The global State holds total dominion over instigation of the use of force. To crack down, in response to a violent uprising, is the fervent hope of the oppressor. It allows the State to exercise more, not less, authoritarian control.

In reality, to stop it, all we need to do is refuse, en masse, to comply. We must do this with our eyes open. It won’t be easy and many of us will face harsh punishment from a desperate tyrant. However, if we don’t stand up now, we are condemning future generations to unimaginable levels of slavery and misery.


In this powerful video below researcher Spiro Skouras is joined with Doctor Andrew Kaufman. Spiro and Dr. Kaufman discuss the expanding curtailment of basic civil liberties being normalized under the false pretext of a global health emergency. Doctor Kaufman lays his reputation and his career on the line as he blows the whistle, on what he describes as a manufactured crisis to carry out a preplanned agenda to facilitate global governance and population control. Doctor Kaufman is a well educated medical professional who convincingly illustrates, using the CDC's own technical data, how the public has been manipulated on the grandest scale. He actually describes how a Covid-19 virus has never been isolated as a virus.

“In an unprecedented way we see all of the governments around the world with very few exceptions all adopting the same policies at the same timeframe. This tells us that this is a highly coordinated effort internationally and there is a group of people or individuals directing the governments on essentially what to do. This is very compatible with this globalist agenda moving towards a one world government and with tighter control over the population and with a reduced population and with a new financial and monetary currency system and there is evidence for all these aspects. The overall plan has been well laid out in the UN document Agenda 21 which was later changed to Agenda 30. There is many other documents which correlate with this such as the Rockefeller document. They want to inject genes into us and they are using this procedure”From the video above- DR Andrew Kaufman, M.D. is a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. He completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology - Vice President, Psychiatry Faculty Practice Corporation, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Medical Director of Faculty Practice, SUNY Upstate Medical University

All of Spiro Skouras Covid-19 videos can be found at

It is worth watching parts 4 and 5 on this Richplanet link as they discuss the Great Reset and why they have carried out the global scamdemic called Covid-19 (Coronavirus).



The Fake ‘GREAT RESET’ & The End of Civilization as We Know It:


Another absolute must watch video about the Great Reset and absolute control of our lives is by Catherine Fitts called Planet Lockdown. The video below on Youtube has now been removed by Youtube. It did have 2 million views when I watched it in December 2020.

This interview with Catherine covers the current situation we find ourselves in.

It was conducted as a part of the full length documentary. They are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

Catherine's analysis can be found at:

The full film, when released, will be available at


Take a look at a fabulous video entitled: "The New Normal Documentary"... It gives an excellent summary of how the entire scam-demic started, and shows the progression of the horror show by the criminals involved.

The New Normal documentary about the Great Reset. Worth watching.


Video: Irish Doctor Exposes 'Great Reset' Agenda Behind COVID Hoax in Powerful Video

Dr. Anne McCloskey, a general practitioner from Derry, issued a stunning rebuke of global medical tyranny in a video released by the Freedom Alliance Island of Ireland.

"Across this island and across the world, there are millions of people who are awakening to the understanding that this current health crisis, this so-called 'pandemic,' is a trojan horse, which has been used to introduce a new era for humanity," Dr. McCloskey says at the opening of her statement.

"'The Great Reset,' the '4th Industrial Revolution,' 'Building Back Better' - whatever catchy, chirpy name the bankers and billionaires are calling it - is not good for you and me, for the ordinary people."

McCloskey asserts all relationships, from the familial to national levels, are being "fundamentally" transformed.

"They are coming for you, your family, your jobs, your savings, your home, your pension, your culture, your freedom, your very way of life," she warns.

"This is not a conspiracy theory, but the outworking of a scheme written by people who hate the human race. Agenda 21 is being implemented now and will come to pass, unless we unite to resist."

McCloskey acknowledges a respiratory virus swept across the planet last year, killing many elderly or vulnerable people, but compares its impact to that of typical season illnesses which often claim many lives.

"These PCR tests measure nothing, they are an illusion to create a crisis," she says, reminding viewers that international bodies such as the W.H.O. "changed the rules" about how infection "cases" and related deaths are categorized and reported.

McCloskey warns despots are using the "smoke and mirrors" of COVID to impose totalitarian reign across the planet.



Agenda 2030

The article below references this UN “2030 Agenda” document that pushes a blueprint for so-called “sustainable development” around the world.

This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet. The “goals” of this document are nothing more than code words for a corporate-government communist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world’s most powerful globalist corporations. Make no mistake if this plan succeeds the Western World’s living standards will be brought down to the same level as Sudan and Ethiopia and other third world countries.


This is the opening paragraph from the UN document:

“This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda”.

The Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next 15 years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet:


We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.


We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.


We are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.


We are determined to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.


We are determined to mobilize the means required to implement this Agenda through a revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people. If we realize our ambitions across the full extent of the Agenda, the lives of all will be profoundly improved and our world will be transformed for the better.


Below is the true meaning of the UN Agenda 2030 Agenda.

1. Agenda 2030 End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Translated it means: Put everyone on government welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies and handouts that make them obedient slaves to global government. The government provides monthly “allowance” money for basic essentials like food and medicine and label it “ending poverty.” Currently being achieved by Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions which destroy hundreds of thousands of small businesses.

2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Translated it means: Invade the entire planet with GMOs and Monsanto’s patented seeds while increasing the use of deadly herbicides under the false claim of “increased output” of food crops. Monsanto is owned by Globalists such as Bill Gates, George Soros and the Rothschild’s.

3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Translated it means: ID2020 and Covid Passports. Mandate 100+ vaccines for all children and adults at gunpoint, threatening parents with arrest and imprisonment if they refuse to cooperate. The WHO want to adopt The Codex Alimentarius which outlaw’s claims that vitamin and mineral supplements are suitable for use in the prevention, alleviation, treatment or cure of disease.

4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Translated it means: Push a false history and a dumbed-down education under “Common Core” education standards that produce obedient workers rather than independent thinkers. Never let people learn real history, or else they might realize they don’t want to repeat it.

5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Translated it means: Criminalize Christianity, marginalize heterosexuality, demonize males and promote the LGBT agenda everywhere. The real goal is never “equality” but rather the marginalization and shaming of anyone who expresses any male characteristics whatsoever.




6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Translated it means: Allow powerful corporations to seize control of the world’s water supplies and charge monopoly prices to “build new water delivery infrastructure” that “ensures availability.”

7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Translation: Penalize coal, gas and oil while pushing doomed-to-fail “green” energy subsidies.

8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Translated it means: Regulate small business out of existence with government-mandated minimum wages that bankrupt entire sectors of the economy (Covid-19 Lockdowns). Force employers to meet hiring quotas of LGBT workers while mandating wage tiers under a centrally planned work economy dictated by the government. Destroy free market economics and deny permits and licenses to those companies that don’t obey government dictates.

9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Translated it means: Put nations into extreme debt with the World Bank, spending debt money to hire corrupt American corporations to build large-scale infrastructure projects that trap developing nations in an endless spiral of debt. Government are currently borrowing extreme amounts of money from the World Banks and the IMF to support the Covid-19 Agenda.

10. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Translated it means: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens, concentrating guns into the hands of obedient government enforcers who rule over an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers. Criminalize living in most rural areas by instituting Hunger Games-style “protected areas” which the government will claim are owned by “the People” even though no people are allowed to live there. Force all humans into densely packed, tightly controlled cities where they are under 24/7 surveillance and subject to easy manipulation by government.

11. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Translated it means: Begin levying punitive taxes on the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity, forcing people to live under conditions of worsening standards of living that increasingly resemble Third World conditions. Use social influence campaigns in TV, movies and social media to shame people who use petrol (gasoline), water or electricity.

12. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Translated it means: Set energy consumption quotas on each human being and start punishing or even criminalizing “lifestyle decisions” that exceed energy usage limits set by governments. Institute total surveillance of individuals in order to track and calculate their energy consumption (Smart Meters). Penalize private vehicle ownership and force the masses onto public transit, where facial recognition cameras can monitor and record the movement of every person in society, like a scene ripped right out of the movies Minority Report and Enemy of the State.

13. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Translated it means: Ban most ocean fishing, plunging the food supply into an extreme shortage and causing runaway food price inflation that puts even more people into economic desperation. Criminalize the operation of private fishing vessels and place all ocean fishing operations under the control of government central planning.

14. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Translated it means: Roll out Agenda 30 and force humans off the land and into controlled cities. Criminalize private land ownership, including ranches and agricultural tracts. Tightly control all agriculture through a corporate-corrupted government bureaucracy whose policies are determined almost entirely by Monsanto. Ban woodstoves, rainwater collection and home gardening in order to criminalize self-reliance and force total dependence on government.

15. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Translated it means: Enact global trade mandates that override national laws while granting unrestricted imperialism powers to companies like Monsanto, Dow Chemical, RJ Reynolds, Coca-Cola and Merck. Pass global trade pacts that bypass a nation’s lawmakers and override intellectual property laws to make sure the world’s most powerful corporations maintain total monopolies over drugs, seeds, chemicals and technology.

If you read the full document and can read beyond the happy sounding words and public relations phrases, you’ll quickly realize that this UN agenda is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion. Nowhere does this document state that the rights of the individual will be protected. Nor does it even acknowledge the existence of human rights granted to individuals by the Creator. Even the so-called “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” utterly denies individuals the right to self-defense, the right to medical choice and the right to parental control over their own children.

The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme “sustainable development” and “equality.”

It was back in 1992 that the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, and here 179 nations officially signed up to Agenda 21 — many more have followed since. Maurice Strong has been the driving force behind the imposition of Agenda 30 (21), and was also a member of the UN’s Commission on Global Governance. Below are several quotes by Maurice Strong that I feel make scary reading?

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” (At the Rio Earth Summit).

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that the threat of global warming would fit the bill, the real enemy then is humanity itself, we believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realise world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or one invented for the purpose.” (Maurice Strong at the Club of Rome)

This plan is involved in every aspect of our lives according to Rosa Koire, an activist and a lecturer who tirelessly works to inform the unaware public about the dangers of this plan. U.N. Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development is a corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan.” (

Rosa Koire from the Post Sustainability Institute in California gives a very chilling version of what she believes to be the true intention of the United Nations Agenda 21/30 Plan.

She found out about this plan during her time working as an Expert Legal Witness for the California Department of Transportation, her role was to carry out research on land use and give land valuations for the Government in order that they could acquire that property for road projects.

Rosa Koire begins………

“Agenda 2030 is an inventory and control plan of ALL land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction all means of production, food, energy, information and all human beings in the world, this plan was agreed to by 179 nations in 1992 and is called the Agenda for the 21st Century. Sustainable development sounds so great, isn’t it about recycling and creating energy and food resources for everyone – well the answer is no it is not, it is about moving populations into concentrated City Centres clearing them out of the rural areas”.

What she discovered in her role as land valuer was that it was very difficult to say what land was worth because you couldn’t know what people could do with it because they were being restricted on what they could do with their own property. When Koir explored further she realised that it wasn’t just in the San Francisco Bay area where she was working but all across the nation and indeed the world. That is when she discovered behind it was the UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan.

It seems that using the word “sustainability” helps them promote their depopulation plan without any opposition. It sounds so “green”, advanced, and progressive. Does it ring a bell? That’s the reason why most people will consider this plan as positive. So, what is wrong with it?

Koire states “the main aim of Agenda 2030 is a one world government with everything controlled centrally”

The UN paints a lovely fluffy picture ending poverty and hunger promoting peace, harmony, just and inclusive societies, free from fear and violence. Using the word sustainable to get the masses of people to embrace the idea.

Rosa Koire is the author of the book titled 'Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21'

Watch the Rosa Koire video on Youtube, 'UN Agenda 2030 exposed'. It has 2.5 million views on Youtube.

Agenda 21 - The Hidden Agenda Behind the Planned Destruction of America with Spiro Skouras and Rosa Koire

Koire also states Major corporations want full movement of workers without borders, to be able to move their goods without restrictions and to reduce wages and exploit and control populations by tightly packing people into condensed as smart cities where they can be easily surveilled monitored and controlled.

Multiculturalism has brought with it raised crime levels, ghettos and lack of integration, housing shortages and oversubscribed schools, GP surgeries/hospitals and a gridlocked transportation system.

Now we are about to see the UN Climate Change/New Green Deal agenda about to be imposed globally without any debate or consent. This will see a massive redistribution of wealth from the already overburdened working-class to the global elite billionaires – far from bringing peace and prosperity to the people this will further impoverish and divide communities.

This agenda is run by the United Nations via an NGO called “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives,” commonly known as ICLEI. It is implemented locally by municipalities of major cities worldwide, including London, Berlin, Rome.

According to ICLEI’s official website, this NGO comprises “12 mega-cities, 100 super-cities and urban regions, 450 large cities as well as 450 medium-sized cities and towns in 84 countries.” This NGOs stated goal is that “By 2050, a third of all humans will be living in cities.”

They also condition children to use sustainable transport which is closely tied to Agenda 30’s population management program, in attempt to bring most people into megacities and away from rural areas which will be deemed “open spaces” for wildlife and be more easily controlled by using public transport.

This is a hidden agenda that is being masked as a beneficial plan for humanity, while being exactly the opposite. In reality, it’s a well-crafted lie.

It will remove and destroy all constitutions, restrict free speech and disarm the people. When Agenda 30 is fully realized, the United Nations will be in possession of all guns and subsequently, there will be no opposition to their control.

The One Planet Communities is a growing worldwide network of deep green neighbourhoods that are the cutting edge of sustainable development.

According to Donna Holt’s data, in June 2008, The One Planet Communities proposed the
- 58 percent less electricity
- 23 gallons/water less per person
- 50 percent reduction in car ownership
- 40 electric car solar powered charging stations
- Reduction of footprint from 6 homes to 2 homes by 2020
- Stacked homes to avoid expansion of housing developments
- Five minute lifestyle (5 minute walk or bike from your home to shop, work, live, go to school)
- Walk or bike within the community
- Car-sharing for short distances or from one stacked community to another
- High speed rail for longer distances
- Car ownership will disappear
- Sustainability is taught schools, colleges, and universities
- Colleges teach how to “build earth’s sustainable workforce,” “sustainability manager for carbon accounting,” “corporate sustainability manager,” “energy auditor,” “engineering sustainably certified homes,” to name just a few.
- Children are well indoctrinated into Sustainable Development practices
- Government schemes to control future use of agricultural land and water through the recently passed White House Rural Council
- Regulatory taking of land
- Rationing of water, electricity, and fuel
- Denied building permits and thus land is deemed worthless
- Private property abolished to prevent urban sprawl
- Land shortage
- High density living
- Megacities regionalism will replace local and state governments.

  • So you can't own your own house.
  • You will not be allowed a car.
  • You must use a train for long distance travel.
  • You can't live in the countryside or even go there.
  • Your electricity and gas will be rationed by the use of smart meters.
  • Everyone will have to live in high rise apartments.
  • Travelling on airplanes will be drastically reduced, if allowed at all.

Of course the Global elite will be allowed to live were they please and do what they want as they will control all the resources on the planet.

If people do not wake up to the truth this is what will happen very soon, well its already happening. Just look at the way the energy companies are trying to force Smart Meters on every household and governments are buying up all the land especially in America.

If you look at the list above for Agenda 30 and compare it to the list below from the Communist Manifesto you can see they match up pretty close. I believe Agenda 30 is just Communism by the backdoor without anyone noticing.


Communism or the Illuminati have ten essential goals:

1. Abolition of Private Property.

2. Heavy Progressive Income Tax.

3. Abolition of Rights of Inheritance.

4. Confiscation of Property Rights.

5. Central Bank.

6. Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation.

7. Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture.

8. Government Control of Labour.

9. Corporate Farms and Regional Planning.

10. Government Control of Education.

In simple terms Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the end of civilization as we know it. It is the end of private property, the elevation of the collective over the individual. It is the redistribution of the Planets wealth to the global elite, and it is the reduction of 85% of the world’s population.

In actuality, Sustainable Development is not sustainable unless the population actually is reduced by the 85% called for by the globalists. The true purpose of Sustainable Development and all of its policies is the control of all aspects of human life - economic, social and environmental. How will they reduce the planets population to 1 billion people? Will it be by vaccines, but they would have to vaccinate most of the population of the world to achieve this. Any idea how they could vaccinate most of the world population?

The true agenda of Agenda 21[2030] is to establish a global government, global economic system, and global religion. When U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke of ‘a dream of a world of peace and dignity for all’ this is no different than when the Communists promised the people a ‘worker’s paradise.

Most people use mainstream media, including TV, newspapers, radios and other means to keep informed, which suppresses this information; those in power control mainstream media and don’t want you to be aware of this plan. This media has denied the existence of such a plan for years, despite the existence of a book entitled “Agenda 21” (350 pages) published by the UN.

So if you don’t rely on alternative media coverage, it’s not likely that you’ll find information about this vast global plan and all of its goals. If the public worldwide had become aware of such a plan, they would immediately rise up against it and stop its implementation, which is definitely something “the powers that be” don’t want.

So they have introduced this plan incrementally by using appealing wording like “sustainable development” or some other “green”-sounding term so people would gladly accept it. However, it is not about environmental sustainability at all. Its true goals are implemented by deception, concealing its real aim to take over the entire planet and all its assets by a handful of people.

“For decades there have been false and deceptive narratives disseminated by organizations, including the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), by the governments that comply with these narratives and by the corporate-owned media. These narratives include the deceptive political schemes of sustainable development, Agenda 21/2030, combating climate change, and the WEF ‘reset’ of Society under cover of what has been proven to be a fake pandemic. UN sustainable development programs, such as Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as the economic ‘reset’ being attempted, all operate under the cover of continued globalization. All are working together to create a new resource-based economic system. This may sound a worthy goal in light of the flaws of the failing growth-based economic paradigm. However, closer analysis reveals that sustainable development involves an agenda to take control of all resources and all production, leaving all people to be micro-managed by a type of technocracy. This technocratic type society is outlined in Agenda 21/2030 and proposed by the WEF ‘reset’. The political jargon of ‘sustainable development/Agenda 21’ is not true sustainability. Agenda 30 involves a plan to abolish private property rights and get all people off the land and into so-called smart towns and smart cities, where they will be unable to grow much food. This is the opposite of what is needed – people should be moving back to the land and developing self-sufficient communities. Furthermore, smart cities utilize EMF technologies and thousands of scientific reports exist describing the harmful health effects of these technologies. An undemocratic dictatorship involving the rise of smart cities, surveillance, crypto currencies, and the drive toward a digital cashless society that people have no control over are all part of this globalist plan. Creating a truly sustainable society involves developing practical locally empowered self-sufficient rural communities of villages and towns with local and regional systems for food, energy, water, goods and services rather than the unsustainable trans-national systems of the so-called globalized economy or the corporation-serving technocratic futures the WEF have planned for us. It also involves living conscious of the needs of others and of the purity of natural environmental resources we all rely on. The United Nations, European Union, and most governments are not serving the people, for decades they have been prioritizing the interests of private bankers who control the money system; and the interests of institutions, such as the WEF, which prioritizes the interests of privately-owned mega-corporations. The privately owned banking/money creation system is the head of the snake. The current worldwide situation has serious implications for the future of worldwide society and human wellbeing. The ‘reset’ agenda is an imposition against human freedoms is being exposed worldwide.” – By Mark Keenan from Ireland is author of the book “Globalism Unmasked: The Truth about Banking and the Reset of Society” -

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods”. Aldous Huxley Brave New World Revisited (1962)


Article below from:

“A dystopia being implemented world-wide in every human sphere and at at every level of existence. An intricate web of control manifest at the local level as United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Conceptualized as the seemingly innocuous "Sustainable Development" via Sustainable Development Goals.

The so-called "Action Plans" are designed to not only remove all god-given freedoms but also to remove everyone off the land and into "Smart Cities", "Vibrant Communities", "Walkable Cities" and "City Villages". Bathing them in a life-threatening, death-dealing EMF smog arising from 5G technology and "The Internet of Things." Whatever it is called, the coming "Smart City" is a sophisticated gulag where people can be housed cheaply and micro-chipped and easily tacked, traced and controlled from the cradle to the grave. The UN "Action Plans" everyone now can see unfolding around them even though they do not comprehend its dire ramifications. That they are Huxley's "painless concentration camps" being implemented rapidly at the town, city and regional level. A huge spider's web of global control. The full spectrum control of everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave. The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) implements the New World Order Agenda at the local level, overseeing "Sustainable Development" and "Smart Cities'" global expansion and so the implementation of UN Agenda 21/2030. In short, New World Order Agenda's Global Action Plan implemented at the local level for the control of all human activity and all natural resources. UN Agenda 21/2030's goal is implementation of collectivism through "consensus". Not only locally but globally. It is designed to establish a New World Economic Order, a New Global Governance. A Global Government ruled by un-elected officials, bureaucrats and New World Order apparatchiks. All functionaries serving the real power: the International Usurers organised as the Central Banking Cartel, and by this, Judaeo-Freemasonry, and by this, the ancient Cult of Evil at whose head sit the Synagogue of Satan ... the real power on Earth. The New Global Governance predicated upon a ruthless, Judaic Communist ideology founded on Ahrimanic Doctrines, which strips away the God-give right of individual freedom as well as freedom of travel and the right to private property. A tyranny founded upon faux environmental principles such as the belief in the Man-Made Global Warming Fraud. The New Global Governance wherein ordinary people are consigned to live in a perpetual state of austerity: subject to onerous taxes, living in high density cities, cycling and walking instead of private transport. The New Global Governance that destroys personal ambition and initiative as well as self-employment and small businesses in favor of corporations” -


“The elitists, world leaders, and self-appointed tin-pot gods make no attempt to hide their plans or activities. Why should they? To them, the masses are asses, too ignorant, lazy, and comfortable to risk upsetting the status quo or question the motives of a government run amok. Originally devised to regulate the global environment, the United Nations’ Agenda 21 initiative, also known as Sustainable Development, has evolved into a political objective, calling for the complete subjugation of the world’s population, including the people of the United States, through massive relocation of entire cities, depopulation, and the expansive cordoning of land into nature preserves. Under Agenda 21 the common man takes a backseat to nature, freeing the elites and government figures to enjoy a pristine planet unspoiled by the unwashed masses. But this idyllic dream may only come to fruition where good men and women stand idle. As Medal of Honor recipient and author of the book “If Not Now, When,” Colonel Jack Jacobs wrote, “complacency has an unpleasant habit of becoming perilous.” We live in perilous times, and are entering an age where the realization of Karl Marx’s ten planks to seize power are gaining momentum” - From the book ‘Agenda 21 – Discover the United Nations Shocking Plan for Your Future’ by Ron Taylor


The World Lockdown Plot

The World Lockdown Plot


We haven't determined the origin of the "permanent world lockdown scenario" posted on this website.  However, I believe it is genuine since it appeared in June-July, and correctly anticipated events now unfolding in October. 

If you compare it with the "lockstep" scenario that actually appeared in the May 2010 Rockefeller Foundation's "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" (pp. 18-21) many of the same elements are envisaged: masks, destruction of small business and travel, Digital Id. etc. 

This confirms that we are experiencing an "exercise" or scenario scripted years ago. 

The full text of the ‘permanent world lockdown plot’:

They hypothesize a simulated global outbreak required steps, various phases, overall timelines, and expected outcomes: 

• Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan. Using SARS, HIV, Hybrid Research Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why coronaviruses spread like wildfire in bats but have an extremely hard time infecting humans. To counteract that, they added 4 HIV inserts into the virus. The missing key to infect the human is the Ace-2-Receptor. 

• Create a weaponized version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a backup plan. Ready to be released in Phase 3, but only if needed. SARS, HIV, MERS, Weaponized Tribit Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab in 2015. 

• Transport the Research Strain to different Class 4 lab, the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg Canada, and have it "stolen and smuggled out by China", Xi Jang Lee, on purpose and taken to China's only Class 4 lab which is Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China. For added plausible deniability and to help cement the wanted backup public script as something to fall back on if needed. The primary script being its natural. Backup script being that China created it and released it by accident.

 • Fund all the talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedros and agencies, World Health Organization, NIAID, the CDC and also the UN, that would be involved with pandemic response prior to the planned release of the Research Strain to control the wanted script throughout the operation. 

• Create and fund the vaccination development and roll-out plan so it's capable of being rolled out on a global scale. Gates: A Decade of Vaccines and the Global Action Vaccine action plan, 2010 to 2020. 

• Create and fund the vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital ID, to enforce/confirm the vaccination program after the mandatory roll out is enacted. Gates: ID2020. 

• Simulate the lockstep hypothesis just prior to the planned Research Strain release using a real-world exercise as a final war game to determine expected response, timelines, and outcomes, Event 201 in Oct 2019.

 • Release the Research Strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself and then blame its release on a natural scapegoat as the wanted primary script. Wuhan wet market, Nov 2019. Exactly the same as the simulation. 

• Downplay the human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the Research Strain to spread on a global scale before any country can lock down respond to avoid initial infection.

• Once a country has seen infection in place, lockdown incoming/outgoing travel. Keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible. 

• Once enough people in a country/ region are infected, enact forced quarantines/isolation for that area and expand the lockdown regions slowly over time 

• Overhype the mortality rate by tying the Research Strain to deaths that have little to nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the fear and compliance at a maximum. If anyone dies for any reason and is found to have Covid, consider it a Covid death. And if anyone is thought to of maybe had symptoms of Covid, assume they have Covid and consider it as a Covid death. 

Keep the public quarantines for as long as possible to destroy the region's economy, create civil unrest, break down the supply chain, and cause the start of mass food shortages. As well as cause people's immune system to weaken due to a lack of interaction with other people's bacteria, the outside world, aka the things that keep our immune systems alert and active. 

• Downplay and attack any potential treatments and continue to echo that the only cure that is viable to fight this virus is the vaccine. • Continue to drag out the quarantine over and over again in "two-week intervals" [There is that two weeks spell casting again. It is a CIA program.] causing more and more people to eventually stand up and protest. Defy them.

 • [And here is the key part to now:] Eventually end Phase 1 quarantine once they get enough public push back, expected June 2020, and publicly state that they think it's "too early to end the isolation, but I'm going to do it anyway." 

• Once the public goes back to normal, wait a few weeks and continue to overhype the Research Strain mortality rate, Aug to Sept 2020, and combine it with the increase in deaths due to people dying from standard illnesses at a higher rate than normal due to having highly weakened immune systems from months of being in isolation [Which backs up what I said: you should social-distance people who wear masks regular. That's what they've just told you. They have highly weakened immune systems.] to help further pad the mortality rate and also hype the up and coming Phase 2 lockdown.

 Eventually, enact Phase 2 quarantines, Oct through Nov 2020, on an even more extreme level and blame the protesters, mostly people who don't trust their governments already, as the cause of the largest second wave whereby the media will say 'we told you so. It was too early. It's all your own fault because you needed a haircut. Your freedoms have consequences.' 

• Enforce the Phase 2 quarantines at a much more extreme level increasing the penalty for defiance. Replace fines with jail time. Deem all travel as non-essential. Increase checkpoints, including military assistance. Increase tracking/tracing after the population via the mandatory app. Take over control of food, gas, and create large scale shortages so that people can only get access to essential products or services if they are first given permission. 

• Keep the Phase 2 lockdown in place for a much longer period of time than the Phase 1 lockdown, continuing to destroy the global economy. Further degrade the supply chain and further amplify the food shortages and the like. Quell any public outrage using extreme actions or force and make anyone who defies them appear as public enemy #1 to those who are willing to submit. 

• After a rather long Phase 2 lockdown of 6 months plus, roll out the vaccination program and the vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone, giving priority access to those that submitted from the start and have those that are for it attack those that are against it, saying 'they are a threat and the cause of all the problems' by using words like "We can't go back to normal until everyone takes the vaccine." 

And people defying them are "hurting our way of life and therefore are the enemy." [In other words they are going to turn the people against each other.] 

• If the majority of people go along with the agenda, then let those people enter the new system, the new normal, while limiting the minority that defied the agenda's ability to work, travel, and live. 

• If the majority of people go against the agenda, then release the Weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS Tribit Strain as a Phase 3 operation. A virus with a 30+% mortality rate as a final scare to punish the minority to quickly become the majority and give a final "We told you so" to those that didn't listen. 

• Enact the new economy model. Microsoft patent 060606 cryptocurrency system using body activity data which is based on human behavior and willingness to submit. It is a tweaked version of the black mirrors 15 million merits program using food, water, shelter, and other essentials as a weapon of enforcement of the new economic system. Basically, do what we want and get rewarded. 

Gain credits score and gain more access to things you need to survive. Or go against what we want and get penalized. Lose credits score and lose access to things you need to survive. And that is your New World Order: technology on steroids where you have no option but to comply. And if anyone thinks that this isn't true, then go and check out some parts of China because they've already started some of the cryptocurrencies systems in place in certain areas.

So, this is the outline of their plan. And what we have to stop by outing it in as many places as possible. And also calling out Q and Trump and asking them: Are you going to stop this? Mass arrests are irrelevant. This is essential and this has to be blocked.


Another similar scenario for the world is in the article below from Mike Adams at Whether these are true or not I don’t know but I know so far this script is being followed.

Covid-19 isn’t a pandemic plan, it’s an EXTERMINATION plan for humanity

About a year ago, I gave a live presentation in Branson, Missouri, that is only now being made fully public. The presentation, shown below via, reveals that the real master plan which led to COVID is actually an extermination plan for humanity.

Population reduction has been the goal all along. But where the globalists have shown their true evil genius is in their choice of creating a biological weapon with high transmission rather than high fatality rates. The virus was never very deadly to people under the age of 50, but it was always highly contagious to people of all ages. And that contagiousness, it turns out, was enough to advance their nefarious plan against humanity.

The rapid spread of the virus allowed the globalist-controlled media to claim “cases” were skyrocketing, thereby justifying weaponized lockdowns and a global rolling out of medical fascism disguised as “public health” policies. Based entirely on the speed of the spread of the virus, cities, states and nations of the world were able to achieve three key goals that represent the necessary precursors to global human extermination:

  1. Crushing the existing human economies of the world, including food production, ultimately leading to mass famine, homelessness and total dependence on government.
  2. Rolling out new, Orwellian medical fascism laws and edicts that set the precedent for mass arrests and forced relocation into “quarantine camps” for those who resist. These camps, of course, are actually death camps and processing facilities for eliminating human beings.
  3. Forcing compliance with global vaccine mandates which will of course be used to achieve global infertility and accelerated deaths from diseases and subsequent infections. Whereas a pathogen could not achieve a 90% death rate on its own, the engineered pathogen (the Wuhan coronavirus) was able to be used to drive people into mass vaccine compliance, during which they can be directly injected with toxic substances, vaccine compliance tracking nanotech (quantum dots) and biology-altering mRNA sequences that literally hijack the body’s cells and reprogram them to produce whatever protein sequences are engineered into the mRNA vaccines.

Thus, globalists have simultaneously built a global pandemic prison camp combined with a mandatory vaccine obedience system through which they can repeatedly spread more infectious disease and promote accelerated deaths or infertility.

The end goal, as globalists like Bill Gates openly support, is the elimination of billions of human beings living today. Ideally, globalists seek to reduce the world population to about 500 million people, which is roughly a 94% reduction in the current human population.

The world you once knew is never coming back, because the globalists who run the world have other plans

Each day, more and more people are coming to realize that there will be no restoration of the world we all once knew. Globalists have no intention of restoring human freedom, economic prosperity and global mobility. Now, human societies are being deliberately crushed — even in the face of contradictory scientific evidence that shows lockdowns don’t work — in order to cause mass destitution and collapse.

Only through this planned collapse can the billions of people in the world be forced into subservience to the globalist depopulation agenda.

A key element of this is the Universal Basic Income (UBI), which has already been rolled out across America for the last several months, under the approval of Republicans, Democrats and President Trump. The UBI provides basic sustenance income to allow people to purchase food and stay alive, while CDC mandates prohibit the eviction of renters who can no longer pay rent. Through the UBI, the eviction ban and the pumping up of the stock market with Fed money printing policies, America remains under the false appearance that the economy is rebounding. In truth, these are all temporary, makeshift tactics to prevent millions of homeless from spilling out into the streets right before an election.

The real plan — about to be rolled out — is to tie UBI benefits to vaccine compliance and speech compliance. Only the obedient will be granted government credits for food, and anyone who refuses to take the new vaccine will be cut off from government benefits. This is a deliberate “squeeze” to force the sheeple into mass vaccine suicide by making sure they cannot function in society (or receive government benefits) unless they go along with the vaccine mandates, which are of course a global extermination program disguised as a public health program.

How vaccines will be used to exterminate billions of humans while amplifying infectious disease on a global scale

The mass extermination via vaccines consists of two strategies:

  1. Lacing the vaccines with new bioweapons viral strains to ensure the continuation of the “outbreak” narrative. Notably, this only requires less than one percent of administered vaccines to be laced.
  2. Engineering the vaccines to cause a very high fatality rate upon exposure to a secondary future infection, in a fatal reaction called a “cytokine storm,” which is a hyper-inflammation event that leads to rapid death.

Thus, people won’t be dropping dead right away after taking the vaccines. Instead, they will seem fine until the next major bioweapon pandemic hits them, at which point the fatality rate will be extremely high (perhaps as high as 75% averaged across all age groups).

The next strain to be released via the vaccines will be COVID-21, and the COVID-21 strain could be rightly considered the second half of a binary weapon system that will achieve extremely high kill rates for human beings across the globe.

Importantly, the mass die-offs will further justify government lockdowns, quarantines and medical authoritarianism that grants governments the power to forcefully inject people, kidnap people, imprison people and even exterminate people at will. The mass hysteria from the sudden wave of deaths will also feed directly into the justification of increased censorship by the tech giants, which will de-platform anyone who discusses the truth about how this entire scheme was planned from the start.

The full text is at:


London has moved in to tier 4 (December 20th) because they say there is a Covid-19 mutation ravaging London and the South-East. But we now know that Boris Johnson is reading from a globalist script.

The Liberal Party of Canada whistleblower released a document about two months ago (October 14th). It was a timeline for the COVID-19 roll-out describing in broad steps how the COVID-19 crisis would lead us into ‘The Great Reset’.


Here is the whistleblowers 11 point plan released in October 2020.

Look at No.6 on the list and this proves that this is all planned.


The statement released by the Liberal Party of Canada whistle-blower

I want to provide you some very important information. I’m a committee member within the Liberal Party of Canada. I sit within several committee groups but the information I am providing is originating from the Strategic Planning committee (which is steered by the PMO).

I need to start off by saying that I’m not happy doing this but I have to. As a Canadian and more importantly as a parent who wants a better future not only for my children but for other children as well. The other reason I am doing this is because roughly 30% of the committee members are not pleased with the direction this will take Canada, but our opinions have been ignored and they plan on moving forward toward their goals. They have also made it very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes.


The road map and aim was set out by the PMO and is as follows:

1) – Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis,

starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding

outward. Expected by November 2020.

2) – Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities

across every province and territory. Expected by December


3)– Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of

testing, including increases in COVID related deaths following

the same growth curves. Expected by end of November 2020.

4) – Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter than

the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected by

end of December 2020 – early January 2021

5) – Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be

transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021.

6) – Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with

secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third

wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by Feb2021

7) – Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-

19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care

facilities capacity. Expected Q1 – Q2 2021.

8) – Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock

Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be

imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021.

9) – Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income

program. Expected mid Q2 2021.

10) – Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages,

large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.

11) – Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan

areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel

checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide

logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021.

Of course then we have this document below which I received a copy of in October 2020. On the document it says they will be a full lockdown in January 2020 and that is exactly what happened in the U.K, we were placed into another lockdown straight after New Years Day.


Along with that provided road map the Strategic Planning committee was asked to design an effective way of transitioning Canadians to meet a unprecedented economic endeavor. One that would change the face of Canada and forever alter the lives of Canadians. What we were told was that in order to offset what was essentially an economic collapse on a international scale, that the federal government was going to offer Canadians a total debt relief.

This is how it works: the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program. In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever. The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada’s HealthPass) .

Committee members asked who would become the owner of the forfeited property and assets in that scenario and what would happen to lenders or financial institutions, we were simply told “the World Debt Reset program will handle all of the details”. Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling. Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individuals best interest to participate. When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely. And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.

So as you can imagine after hearing all of this it turned into quite the heated discussion and escalated beyond anything I’ve ever witnessed before. In the end it was implied by the PMO that the whole agenda will move forward no matter who agrees with it or not. That it wont just be Canada but in fact all nations will have similar roadmaps and agendas. That we need to take advantage of the situations before us to promote change on a grander scale for the betterment of everyone. The members who were opposed and ones who brought up key issues that would arise from such a thing were completely ignored. Our opinions and concerns were ignored. We were simply told to just do it.

All I know is that I don’t like it and I think it’s going to place Canadians into a dark future.

Vancouver, Canada·Posted , October 14 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is a media creation, fake news, the biggest psychological warfare stunt in history. They're lying.








Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned

Medical Doctors Declare That the Pandemic Was Planned

A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference:

‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’

This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media. They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up.

Why do these 500+ medical doctors say the pandemic is a global crime?

What do they know, that we don’t?

They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up

Below one of the many protests against the “plandemic” that you will not see in the mainstream media.

In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’, made a similar statement during a press conference.

‘Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.’

In a context of great excitement and worldwide expectation, the Doctors for Truth Association was presented at a press conference on Saturday, July 25 in Madrid.

The group, led by doctors Natalia Prego Cancelo and Angel Luis Valdepeñas, made a direct connection with the extra-parliamentary commission of doctors from Germany, the Epidemiologists group from Argentina, and doctors from the United States and Argentina.

“This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse,” was stressed at the end of the meeting. Doctors agreed that:

  • Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.
  • Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.
  • The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.
  • The disease known as Covid-19 does not have a single infectious pattern, but a combination of them.

World Doctors Alliance: 'Greatest Crime in History'

The 'Doctors for Information' and 'Doctors for Truth' have joined forces with similar groups of practitioners around the world, in the 'World Doctor's Alliance'. This historic alliance connects more than one hundred thousand medical professionals around the world. They reveal how the pandemic is the greatest crime in history, and offer solid scientific evidence for this claim. They also take legal actions against governments who are playing along in this criminal operation.

Similarly, the World Freedom Alliance was formed, a network of attorneys, medical experts, politicians, bankers, and many other professionals who are working together to expose the 'Covid Crime', and who are starting to build a new world of freedom. They want to make sure these kinds of worldwide scams, that destroy millions of lives, can never occur again.

Germany and Spain are just two examples. Similar large groups of hundreds of medical experts exist in countries across the world. The Great Barrington Declaration and the Belgian doctors are other examples.

In the USA a documentary called PLANDEMIC, which exposes COVID-19 as a criminal operation, is supported by over 27,000 medical doctors!

Why are these thousands of medical professionals worldwide saying the pandemic is a crime?

What information do they have access to, that we are not getting from the mainstream media?

I invite you to look at the following facts with an open mind and then come to your own conclusions…

In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organisation.

Did you catch that? In 2015 – four years before the disease even existed – a testing method for COVID-19 was developed.

Let this sink in for a second: literally hundreds of millions of COVID-19 test kits were exported and imported, all over the world, during 2017 and 2018.

As we know the new COVID-19 disease appeared in China towards the end of 2019.

Therefore, it was named COVID-19 which is an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019.

Data from the World Integrated Trade Solution, however, shows something astonishing: “in 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of millions of test kits for COVID-19 were distributed worldwide.”

This baffling data was discovered by someone on September 5, 2020, who posted it on social media. The next day it went viral all over the world.

On September 6 the WITS suddenly changed the original designation ‘COVID-19’ into the vague ‘Medical Test Kits’.

This is not allowed in trade, because you always have to be specific.

There are many types of test kits for different diseases.

The fact that they removed the specification ‘COVID-19’, after this data became known worldwide, proves that they don’t want anyone to know about it.

They however forgot to delete one detail: the product code for these

‘Medical Test Kits’ is 300215 which means: ‘COVID-19 Test Kits’.


Their cover up came too late: this critical information was uncovered and is being revealed by millions worldwide. You can download a PDF that shows the original data of this website:

It can also be seen on the webarchive.

Two years before the outbreak of COVID-19 the USA, the EU, China and nations around the world started exporting millions of diagnostic test instruments for COVID-19, a disease that supposedly didn’t even exist back then.

The argument used to deny this discovery, is that the label 'COVID'19' was only added in 2020. That however doesn't hold up, since the very product code for these test kits is 'COVID-19 Test Kit.

It also doesn't change the fact that two years before the pandemic suddenly virtually every nation in the world started distributing hundreds of millions of medical test kits, that are specifically used for COVID-19.

Even without the label COVID-19 it is extremely uncommon and strange, that the entire world suddenly imported and exported literally hundreds of millions of Medical Test Kits.

What did they know? What were they preparing for?

The World Bank shows that COVID-19 is a project that is planned to continue until…end of March 2025! So the intention is to continue it for another FIVE YEARS.


Anthony Fauci Guaranteed a Pandemic Within the Next Two Years

In 2017 Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction, with an even stranger certainty.

With complete confidence Fauci announced that during the first term of

President Trump a surprise outbreak of an infectious disease would surely happen.

Here’s what he said:

“There is NO QUESTION there is going to be a challenge for the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.

“There will be a SURPRISE OUTBREAK. There’s NO DOUBT in anyones mind about this.”

How could Fauci guarantee a surprise outbreak to happen during the first term of the Trump administration? What did he know, that we don’t?

Fauci can be heard stating this in the video below:

Bill and Melinda Gates Guaranteed an Imminent Global Pandemic

In 2018 Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was on it’s way that could wipe out 30 million people. He said this would probably happen during the next decade.

Melinda Gates added that an engineered virus is humanities greatest threat and also assured this would hit humanity in the coming years.

‘A global pandemic is ON IT’S WAY. An ENGINEERED VIRUS is humanities greatest threat.

This will happen in the NEXT DECADE.’ – BILL GATES, in 2018

Let their choice of words resound into your mind for a moment…

They claim that the dense population of the world guarantees this imminent global pandemic.

But let’s be honest: most of the earth is uninhabited. Just fly over America in an airplane and look out the window. You see empty space most of the time, with a few cities here and there. Most of the United States is still wide open and empty.

The same goes for the rest of the world.

Australia, Russia, India, China, America, Africa… it’s wilderness for the most part.

Our planet isn’t nearly as populated as Bill Gates wants us to believe. This world map shows it clearly…

Most of the earth is totally void of any human presence. So the idea that the world is vastly overpopulated and is therefore bound to give rise to an imminent global pandemic is a lie.

[The powers that shouldn’t be also use this excuse to justify a reduction in the world’s population – i.e. depopulation.]

The Gates also claimed that air travel was sure to create a global pandemic.

But countless people have been traveling in airplanes the past century.

Did that give rise to constant outbreaks of global pandemics? Of course not!

Their arguments why they guaranteed a global pandemic in the next few years are lies.

So what is their real basis to make such guaranteed predictions?


Practicing for A Pandemic

Bill Gates is the world’s number one vaccine dealer, who has doubled his fortune of 50 billion dollars to over 100 billion, simply by dealing vaccines all over the world. He said this has been his 'best business investment' ever. A few months before the outbreak, Bill Gates organized an event in New York City, called Event 201. Guess what the event was all about? It was a ‘coronavirus pandemic exercise’.

Yes, you read that right: Bill Gates organized a coronavirus pandemic exercise, right before the coronavirus pandemic happened!

Shortly after this ‘exercise for a coronavirus pandemic’ Bill Gates tweeted:

“I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.” – Bill Gates, Dec. 19, 2019

Think about this: the world’s No. 1 vaccine dealer guarantees a global pandemic to occur in the next few years, and his wife said we should all fear an engineered virus that is ‘on its way’. Then they organize an exercise for an imminent global pandemic and say vaccines will be the only solution. Next Bill Gates tweets how excited he is about selling vaccines in the next year. Immediately after that, the announced pandemic breaks out.

Indeed, right away Bill Gates proclaims that the only solution for humanity is to buy his vaccines…

Researcher Spiro show you a bit more about Event201 in the link below:

The next bit of information is particularly interesting because it shows how much information is available, for those who dare to do research. Back in 2013 a musical artist with the peculiar name of Dr Creep wrote a rap song called PANDEMIC. Nothing special about that, were it not that one of his lyrics reads:

'2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking.'

How is it possible that an unknown musician could accurately predict a coronavirus pandemic to occur seven years later?

The song also predicted the riots that raged throughout America, during this pandemic:

'The State is rioting, using the street outside. It’s coming to your windows.'

Again: how could a shady artist know back in 2013 that in 2020 a coronavirus would sweep the earth, followed by mass rioting? His answer is interesting:

“I did research back in 2012, and read the so called “conspiracy theories”. You know, those investigations the media doesn’t want us to look into. According to those theories pandemics were bound to happen in the decade of 2020 - 2030. So I wrote the song Pandemic about it.’

Get it? This man did research into what is commonly referred to as 'conspiracy theories'. Stuff we are programmed to disregard as 'nonsense'. But apparently those investigations aren't always so stupid after all, since they accurately predicted that exactly in 2020 this pandemic and the riots would happen.

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in Sept. 2019:

‘Get Ready for A Global Coronavirus Pandemic’

In September 2019 – also right before the outbreak – the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board released a report titled ‘A World at Risk’.

It stressed the need to be prepared for… a coronavirus outbreak!

On the cover of the report is the picture of a coronavirus and people wearing face masks.


In the report we read the following interesting paragraph:

‘The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.’

In 2018 The Institute for Disease Modeling made a video in which they show a flu virus - which is a coronavirus - originating in China, from the area of Wuhan, and spreading all over the world, killing millions. They called it ‘A Simulation for A Global Flu Pandemic.’ That is exactly what happened, two years later.

Why did they say it would come from China? Why not Africa, where far more diseases are present? Or why not South America? Or India? How could they know there would be a flu virus coming from China and even show Wuhan as the originating area, that would infect the whole world?

Where did the virus come from? One of the world's leading experts in bioweapons is Dr. Francis Boyle. He is convinced it originated from a bioweapon lab in Wuhan, the Bio Safety Lab Level 4.

This facility is specialized in the development of... coronaviruses!

They take existing viruses and 'weaponize' them, meaning they make them far more dangerous, to be used as a biological weapon.

Professor Francis A. Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to break down his analysis of the coronavirus as a bioweapon:

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist (MD, PhD) fled the country, left her job at a prestigious Hong Kong university and became a whistleblower. She appeared on British television where she claimed SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, was created by Chinese scientists in a lab – and she offered evidence to support her claims. 

You can read more on the subject here:

In 2015 Anthony Fauci gave this very lab 3,7 million dollars.

Figure this: the same man who guaranteed a surprise outbreak of a virus in the next two years, gave almost 4 million dollars to a lab that develops coronaviruses.

Predictive programming is the process of informing the population about events that are soon to occur. The past years several movies and television series were produced, about… a global coronavirus pandemic!

The film ‘Dead Plague’ depicts a global pandemic with a coronavirus and even mentions hydroxychloroquine as the cure.

Another film called ’Contagion’ shows how a coronavirus spreads globally with social distancing, face masks, lock-downs, washing of hands etc. as a result.

Literally everything we see now, is predicted in detail in these movies.

In 2012 a strange comic book was produced by the European Union, for distribution among their employees only. The title of the comic is 'INFECTED' and it shows a new virus originating in a Chinese lab and spreading across the world. The solution for this pandemic is outlined in the comic book: globalists enforce one global health plan. This means:

‘No more medical freedom, but medical tyranny by globalist entities’

That is the message of this comic book, published to the employees of the European Union. One of the quotes of the comic book reads:

'The safety measures that followed made our existence totally unbearable.'

Pandemic Depicted During Olympics Games in 2012

Talking about predictive programming: during the opening show of the Summer Olympics in 2012 in London, a coronavirus pandemic was played out for the eyes of the whole world.

Dozens of hospital beds, large numbers of nurses becoming puppets of a controlling system, death lurking about, a demonic giant rising up over the world, and the whole theatre was lit up in such a way that seen from the sky it looked like a coronavirus.

During the opening show of the Summer Olympics in 2012, a coronavirus pandemic was played out for the eyes of the entire world. Dozens of hospital beds, large numbers of nurses becoming puppets of a controlling system, death lurking about, a demonic giant rising up over the world, and the whole theatre was lit up in such a way that seen from the sky it looked like a coronavirus.

Why did the Olympic Games show a coronavirus pandemic, in their opening show?

Come on it even had Boris Johnson (when he was mayor of London) in bed sick with a virus in the 2012 Olympics. If you didn’t know the U.K government said Boris Johnson had Covid-19 and had to go to Hospital and self-isolate in April\May 2020.

Worldwide Lockdown Predicted In 2008

The author and investigator Robin de Ruiter predicted in 2008 that there would come a global lockdown. He said the purpose of this would be to create a new world of authoritarian control.

Because much of what he wrote back in 2008 is now happening right in front of our eyes, this book has been republished.

Journalists predicted planned pandemic

In 2014 the investigative journalist Harry Vox predicted a planned global pandemic and said why the ‘ruling class’ would do such thing:

'They will stop at nothing to complete their toolkit of control. One of the things that had been missing from their toolkit is quarantines and curfews. The plan is to get hundreds of thousands of people infected with it and create the next phase of control.'

The Harry Vox video can be seen below.


Scenario for The Future’

This renown researcher refers to a famous document by the Rockefeller Foundation in which everything we see happening now is literally predicted in great detail: the global pandemic, the lock-downs, the collapse of the economy and the imposing of authoritarian control.

It’s all described with terrifying accuracy… ten years before it happened!

The document is titled ‘Scenario for the Future of Technology and International Development’.

That says it all: a scenario for the future. It has a chapter called ‘LockStep’ in which a global pandemic is reported as if it happened in the past, but which is clearly intended as a rehearsal for the future.

Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep:

‘Under The Guise of A Pandemic, We Will Create A Prison State’

The ‘Scenario for the Future’ continues with comparing two different responses to their predicted pandemic: the USA only ‘strongly discouraged’ people from flying, while China enforced mandatory quarantine for all citizens.

The first response is accused of spreading the virus even more, while the imposing of a suffocating lock-down is praised. Then it goes on to describe the implementation of totalitarian control:

“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets.”

Clearly the flexing of authority is the desired response.

But it gets worse, according to this ‘Scenario of the Future’:

‘Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.’ ‘In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.’


Handbook for Global Control

Now that the announced pandemic is indeed here, the same Rockefeller Foundation came forward with step two: a handbook on how to implement new control systems during this pandemic. Only when all the required control networks are in place, can the world open up again.


When you combine the two Rockefeller documents, you see the plan:

1) First they announce a global pandemic with a coronavirus and say what it should lead to: a whole new level of authoritarian control.

2) Secondly they give practical steps on how to apply this control system.

These are illustrations and quotes from their guide:

'Digital apps and privacy-protected tracking software should be widely used to enable more complete contact tracking.'

'In order to fully control the Covid-19 epidemic, we need to test the majority of the population on a weekly basis.'

According to their 'Scenario of the future' the entire world population should get a digital ID that indicates who has received all the vaccines. Without sufficient vaccinations, access to schools, concerts, churches, public transport etc. will be denied.

Now in 2020 that is exactly what Bill Gates and many governments are calling for.

Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal with Democratic Congressman Sponsor Of Bill Six Months BEFORE Coronavirus Pandemic

The shocking revelations were unveiled on the Thomas Paine Podcast and the Moore Paine Show on Patreon by the two investigators.

Nine months after the meetings with the Gates Foundation in Rwanda — Bobby L. Rush, a Democrat from Illinois, introduced the $100 BILLION H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.

Everyone’s Contacts Must Be Checked

In a leaked government video we see a conversation between former American president Bill Clinton and Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the state of New York.

They discuss how to set up a large control system to test the entire population and check all their contacts. They discuss how to build an army to carry out this control system.

Bill Gates also made it clear that only people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 should be allowed to travel, go to school, attend meetings and work.

Digital vaccine ID’s are already being developed and Gates has a patent on the technology that makes it possible to trace an individual’s body anywhere. This technology is called WO2020-060606

Also very interesting to note: An Enzyme Called LUCIFERASE Is What Makes Bill Gates Implantable Vaccine Work

In addition, Gates wants to set up a global monitoring network, which will track everyone who came into contact with Covid-19.


Big Tech and Big Pharma want to connect all of us to global networks that can surveill us 24/7, and... decide whether we can move freely or not. With that in mind, one particular invention from 2015 becomes intriguing.

In 2015 Richard Rothschild invented a 'Method for Testing for COVID-19'. The method consists of sending our personal health information to 'the cloud', which is controlled by Big Tech.

Richard Rothschild is not a medical professional, but a lawyer. Why does a lawyer want to create a method to detect viruses? We find the answer by looking at his other invention. He developed a system where people are being filmed to collect detailed information about their face, bodies, movements, etc.

This video data is then combined with other personal information, and sent to the cloud, where it is connected to artificial intelligence. If all our personal medical data is 'in the cloud', it can be used by the authorities to surveil and control us.

The Plan: Inject Mankind with DNA Altering Vaccine

The famous investigative journalist Anthony Patch did years of research concerning the plans to control the world, by means of created pandemics and mandatory vaccines. During an interview in 2014 this researcher predicted the following:

‘They will release a man-made coronavirus. As a result the people will demand a vaccine to protect them. This vaccine will add a third strain of DNA to a person’s body, essentially making them a hybrid. Once a person is injected, almost immediately their DNA undergoes a transformation. This genetic change will cause people to lose the ability to think for themselves, without them even being aware this happened. Thus they can be controlled easier, to become slaves for the elite.'

(This was mentioned earlier in this book about gene therapy as well as Dr Madej’s videos)

Of course that sounds insane and it is insane indeed. Yet we have to be aware that this professional investigator is no fool. He has done years of research and this is what he discovered over the years.

Doctor Carrie Madej directed two clinics in Georgia and studied DNA and vaccines for the past twenty years. She made an urgent video in which she warns that there is a plan to inject humanity with very dangerous vaccines for Covid-19. The purpose of these new vaccines will be twofold:

1) reprogram our DNA and make us hybrids that are easier to control.

2) connect us to artificial intelligence through a digital vaccine ID, which will also open a whole new realm of control.

This medical expert says she has observed multiple times how diseases were spread over populations by air craft. Because of safety reasons she is not able to share more details about this in public.

Depopulate The Earth by Means of Organized Epidemics

Dr. John Coleman is a famous Intelligence Officer from the CIA who wrote a book titled ‘The Committee of 300‘.

In it he explains how secret societies manipulate governments, health care, food industries, the media and so on. This book can be found on the website of the CIA.

One of the primary goals of the many secret societies, that control governments and the media, is to depopulate the earth.


The de-population agenda was written about by John Coleman in his book ‘The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Committee of 300’. The ‘300’ being a secret elite cabal that runs the world from behind the scenes and controls groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group.

Dr. John Coleman was a MI6 British Intelligence agent who wrote 12 books exposing the New World Order. In his book, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, Dr. Coleman explains the methods and mechanisms used by the Elite to control and socially engineer populations.

Below is an excerpt from his book that was written in 1997.

“Industry will be phased out and nuclear powered energy systems shut down. Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth’s resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Committee of 300, with food production strictly controlled. As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas, and those who refuse to go shall be exterminated in the manner of the One World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia. Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory. Populations of cities shall not be larger than a predetermined number, as described in the writings of Richard Coudenhove Kalgeri. Essential workers will be moved to other cities, if the one they are in becomes overpopulated. Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to under populated cities to fill “quotas.” At least four billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars and organized epidemics of fatal rapid acting pandemics and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then be applied to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States, will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, chosen because they are people who have been regimented for centuries, and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question, and are generally regarded as submissive to authority. From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care, to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300. There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card, which shall bear the identification ID number of the holder. Any person who in any way infringes upon the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300, shall have the use of his or her card suspended for varying periods according to the nature and severity of the infringement. Such persons will find that when they go to make purchases, their card is blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind. Attempts to trade “old” coins, that is to say, silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime, subject to the death penalty. All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time, along with handguns, rifles, explosives and automobiles. Only the elite and One World government high ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage and automobiles”. - Dr. John Coleman from his book ‘The Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Committee of 300’.

You can find a list of 32 ‘elites’ who support and promote (according to their own claims) depopulation here:

Dr. Coleman says the following about their strategy:

‘At least 4 billion useless eaters shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars and organized epidemics of fatal rapid acting diseases…’

Nearly everything Dr. Coleman writes about here is tied in with the Climate Change agenda, Agenda30 and the Great Reset.

Hyper-immune response in test animals for previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines, like SARS and MERS, has been a persistent problem. All is well for a while, until the animals are exposed to the wild mutated virus. Dr. Tenpenny and other scientists have forecast that millions may die, and it will be blamed on a new strain of COVID, making an argument for even more deadly vaccines. See: "The Coming Genocide of Adverse COVID Vax Reactions, and Who to Blame for It"

Dr Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months -










Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000

In 1980 a granite monument was erected in Georgia, called the Guidestones. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts.

The first guideline goes as follows:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

The CIA officer Dr. Coleman revealed that one of their methods to ‘maintain humanity’ is to cause ‘organized epidemics of fatal rapid acting diseases’.

Using Vaccines to Reduce Humanity

During a TED talk Bill Gates echoed this goal, when he literally said that new vaccines can be used to reduce the world’s population with 10 – 15%!

‘There are now 6.7 billion people on earth and soon there will be 9 billion. However, we can reduce that number by ten to fifteen percent if we do a good job with new vaccines, health care and birth control’. – BILL GATES, VACCINE DEALER

Mike Adams is a published food scientist, author of the popular science book Food Forensics and founder of ISO-accredited CWC Labs. Years ago he said the following:

An engineered bioweapon will be released in population centers. There will be calls for massive government funding for the vaccine industry to come up with a vaccine. Miraculously they will have a vaccine developed in record time. Everyone will be required to line up and take this vaccine shot.

There is indeed a release of an engineered bioweapon, followed by a vaccine mandate, massive government funding for the vaccine industry and a vaccine that is being developed in record time.

The rest of his message is that this vaccine will slowly begin to kill millions - if not billions - of people over the course of a few years. It will be a kill-switch vaccine, designed to reduce the world's population.

Note that every single prediction of this pandemic was announced a few years or even months before it happened. The fact that such a historically unique event was predicted in great detail - by movies, shows, investigators, medical doctors, those who finance labs that develop these viruses, those who earn billions from these pandemics, those who want to create a whole new level of control in our world, etc. - shows it was planned.

So far we have looked at indications that the pandemic was planned beforehand. If it is indeed orchestrated, then that should also be obvious during the pandemic. A planned pandemic is also a controlled pandemic. Do we indeed observe that the pandemic is being manipulated? Absolutely. The other posts on reveal how literally every medical, scientific, governmental, educational and journalistic voice that differs from the media propaganda, is aggressively censored.

Never before in the history of humanity was there such a global censorship of medical doctors and respected scientists around the world.

Besides that, there is an unprecedented display of worldwide fraud with covid numbers. Literally every bit of information about COVID-19 is false. Medical personel around the world has admitted that they are heavily pressured to register every single patient as a covid patient and every death - no matter the cause - as a covid death.

You have seen the evidence for this outrageous claim in this book and there is more evidence at the link below.

We have been talking about a group of people who are called 'globalists'. So, who are these 'globalists' anyway? They are wealthy, influential people around the world who plan to create one global government. This will enable them to control every human being on the planet. Their strategy is to dominate every area of our societies: health care, food industries, media, governments, religion, everything.

Total world domination has been a diabolical desire of many powerful leaders throughout world history. Just think of the notorious world empires of Rome, Great Britain, the Persians, the Russians, and so on.

This perverse passion hasn't left the corrupt hearts of humanity, but the means to achieve this goal have changed. Instead of invading nations with tanks and bazookas, they now enslave humanity using the force of fear. Once they can create enough panic, they can present the 'solution'. This solution however means removing our freedom and submitting us to their control.

Main players in globalism are the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and especially the many private banks that basically control the world already. These visible entities are however just a facade, to hide the true powers, which are the many 'Secret Societies'. Many of these globalists recently gathered in an small town called Davos, in Switzerland, where they expressed how the pandemic will be used to deploy their plans. Here are some of the statements they made:

‘Now is the historic moment in time, not only to fight the virus, but TO SHAPE THE SYSTEM.

The pandemic represents a window of opportunity to RESET OUR WORLD.

The world must act jointly and swiftly to REVAMP ALL ASPECTS of our societies and economies, from educational to social contacts and working conditions.

EVERY COUNTRY, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be TRANSFORMED.’

Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum

A major leader of globalism, is the World Economic Forum, founded by Klaus Schwab.

He created a ‘spinning wheel’ with all their objectives. On it we can see the following three ‘projects’: Covid19 followed by Global Governance, and Internet Governance.

Link below is worth reading


Nobody Wants These Organizations

Not a single human on the earth has voted for these organizations to even exist, let alone take full control of our lives, families, communities, jobs, health, industries, etc.

Yet they present themselves as our ‘world leaders’ who are planning our entire future.

The World Health Organization presents itself as the global boss over our health, without anyone of us having chosen for them.

They apply a tyranny in mainstream media and social media, where no expression of medical or scientific expertise is allowed, unless it is in line with the guidelines of this ‘World’ organization.

Tens of thousands of medical doctors and scientists have been censored all over the world, by Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. Why? Because these social media giants state that ONLY what the World Health Organization says, is true.

All of humanity must submit to these people who have positioned themselves over all of us, without ever asking our opinion or even consulting with other medical experts.

In fact, every single medical expert speaking out against their decisions is censored.

This means complete loss of medical freedom, loss of freedom of speech, loss of true science, loss of true journalism and an imposing of dictatorships by organizations that nobody voted for, led by people nobody wanted and yet they simply seize ownership of our world.

The head of the World Health Organization was a member of a violent revolutionary communist party in Ethiopia, Tigray People’s Liberation Front. The Department of Homeland Security clearly states:


“The TPLF qualifies as a Tier III terrorist organization… on the basis of its violent activities…”

Let this get through to you: the man directing the World Health Organization is literally a communist terrorist, who has been involved in imposing communism on Ethiopia. That same man is now bullying the entire world, telling all of us what we can and cannot do, censoring every medical professional who has a different opinion, demanding blind obedience from all of humanity, while imposing mandates to be vaccinated by their number one financial sponsor: Bill Gates.

Is this the world you want to live in, from now on?

These globalists even threaten humanity with more suffering, if we don’t submit to their total control. Prince Charles recently joined the globalists and publicly stated:

“There will be more and more pandemics, if we don’t do ‘the great reset’ now”.

Bill Gates already calls this ‘pandemic one’ and is talking about ‘pandemic two and three’. The investigator who back in 2013 predicted a coronavirus pandemic to occur in 2020, followed by riots, said the plan is to create series of pandemics during 2020-2030.

This decade is the selected timeframe to turn the world into one big prison.

Globalists are planning to cause as many pandemics as needed, in order to break the backbone of humanity, until everybody submits to their global control. Mandating vaccines are key to their plan, because the vaccines will connect us to global control systems. Only the vaccinated will be able to move freely.

Are you beginning to understand why more than 700 medical doctors from Germany, 600 doctors from Spain, thousands of medical experts from the USA and many more all over the world are calling this pandemic a 'global' crime'?


Leaders of Catholic Church Warn Humanity

An archbishop and several cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church wrote a

letter to humanity, to warn us for global tyranny under the guise of Covid-19.

This is an excerpt of this historic message, that has been translated in many languages and was sent to leaders all over the world.

“We have reason to believe, on the basis of official data on the incidence of the epidemic as related to the number of deaths, that there are powers interested in creating panic among the world’s population with the sole aim of permanently imposing unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms, of controlling people and of tracking their movements. The imposition of these illiberal measures is a disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control.”

This is not a doom and gloom scenario, but a wakeup call for humanity to stop blindly believing the mafia-media and perverse politicians, and rise up as one for a future of freedom.

The 2020 COVID-19 “pandemic” is very far from a random event that just happened to evolve the way it did. On the contrary, there is a huge wealth of evidence to show that the most monumental scam ever played on humanity by the governments of the world, was known to be coming long in advance. What the people of the world are being put through in 2020 is all about control and providing justification for introducing ever more tyranny into our daily lives. It was never about any “deadly virus.”

In this live presentation recorded in Birmingham, UK on 4th August 2020, Mark Devlin lays out some of the many references in both popular culture vehicles, and from actual documentation and real-life events, to prove to even the most hardened sceptic that COVID-19 was the ultimate psychological Plandemic.

Evidence that Covid-19 was planned from:






Architects of the Covid-19 Agenda?

Architects of the Covid-19 Agenda?

There is no doubt that there is a global cabal intent on taking over all resources on the planet and controlling the whole population. They work in the shadows, behind the scene and have been known by many names such as the Deep State, Illuminati, Khazarian Mafia and they control most governments, oil companies, big pharmaceutical companies, the media, social media, military industry complex and of course the world banks such as the Federal reserve, BIS and the IMF. They have funded both sides in most of the wars over the past 200 years and if you want more information about this then I suggest you read Stephen Mitford Goodson’s book - A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind. Goodford should be in a position to know as from 2003 to 2012, Goodson served as a director of the South African Reserve Bank.

This same Cabal are the one’s behind the Climate Change\Global Warming deception and events like 9/11. If they can make you believe that 19 Muslims with box cutters defeated and outsmarted the world’s greatest military and the world’s greatest intelligence agencies then they can make you believe that a mild flu is a deadly disease and that they need to imprison you in your home for one year or more to defeat it.

Most countries in the Western World have been in lockstep with the Covid-19 Agenda. At the same time in March 2020 they stopped all human activity in their countries by using lockdowns and telling the people to stay in their homes to save lives which was just one big lie. All of these countries then brought in social distancing and later mask mandates. It was as if they were all reading from a script someone was giving them behind the scenes. How can a virus appear in all of these countries at exactly the same time? Coronaviruses come and go within about 4 months, they don’t hang around for 12 or 18 months like this one has. Again this virus is so deadly you have to be tested to know if you have it and after all it is just the common cold or mild flu. It has the same symptoms as the common cold and it is a coronavirus like the common cold.

Below is just a selection of some of the online articles from individuals who are researchers, authors or people who have held a position of some influence in the world who explain who they think is behind the Covid-19 Plandemic.

“COVID-19, A Scamdemic and Staged Panic Contrived to Lock Down Planet Earth, Divide and Conquer Nations, and Enslave Humanity. “Just like the state-sponsored 9/11 false flag operation was used to create the American National Security State, COVID-1984 is being carried out to foist a Global Security Superstate on the entire planetary civilization as a precursor to a One World Government. Every single move made by the New World Order globalist cabal during the execution of this staged pandemic and global psyop has been planned well in advance. That’s because COVID-1984 represents the culmination of 100 years of bio warfare waged against the human race. It’s not just a depopulation bioweapon as the 1918 Spanish flu was. Watch every twist and turn of this classic Problem-Reaction-Solution operation, especially as it’s falsely reported by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media. Clock every NWO outcome, both big and small, as each piece fits perfectly into the pre-planned COVID-1984 puzzle. That’s why it’s been memed the “Plandemic” … as well as a “Scamdemic”. The American people were always the primary target of this false flag bioterrorist operation and overwhelming psyop. The New World Order globalist cabal knows that the American Republic must be destroyed if they are to successfully form a One World Government. The ruling cabal also knows that the Global Control Matrix (5G + IoT = Smart Cities) must first be fully functioning if the Global Security Superstate is to be established. This is why the COVID-1984 conspirators have so recklessly concocted this transparent scamdemic and staged panic. They are so resolved to roll out 5G in order to start the planned build-out of the AI-run Internet of Things, which will then permit them to flip the switch on the Global Control Matrix. Only then can the One World Government come out of the shadows since the emerging Global Security Superstate will provide their direly needed police protections and enforcement actions for the power elite and their tyrannical technocracy”. — Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Army Officer - COVID-1984: ‘A Global 9/11’ to Inaugurate a Global Security Superstate -


“The latest gambit the Khazarian Mafia have been using it to try to trigger a war between the U.S. and China by telling the Americans it was the Chinese who triggered the “pandemic,” and telling the Chinese it was the Americans who did it. The big meme they are pushing in the West is that “All Trails Lead Back to the Wuhan Bio-Lab.” In fact, the outbreak in China can be traced to the Wuxi Pharmaceutical Corporation in Wuhan, China. But here is the interesting part, guess who owns Wuxi? It is the Soros Foundation. If you go down the list of companies they own at the SEC database below, you will find it as Wuxi Pharmatech Cayman Inc. “Maybe someone should compare the U.S. infection spread with his Wuxi American laboratory locations in Texas, Maryland, New Jersey, California, Minnesota, etc.” as the alert reader who sent us this information suggests. Of course, the Soros foundation is a front for the Rothschild family and other Khazarian honchos, many of whom are hiding in Switzerland, New Zealand, and the British Virgin Islands, among other places” - is a geopolitical news and discussion website from reporter and investigative journalist Benjamin Fulford. Reports are based on information from a broad range of sources including the Yakuza, MI6, the Freemasons, the CIA, the KGB, Mossad, the triads, the Chinese government, Japanese military intelligence, etc.





The following article is titled - Truth Over Fear: Covid-19, The Vaccine, And The Great Reset by Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

The pseudo-pandemic gives us the picture ... of a ... disturbing criminal conspiracy hatched by misguided minds...

It must be recognized that the apparent illogicality of what we see happening - the boycotting of preventative treatments, erroneous therapies, ineffective vaccines, lockdowns with no usefulness, the use of masks that are absolutely useless - makes perfect sense as soon as we understand that the declared purpose - defeating the alleged pandemic - is a lie, and that the real purpose is the planning of an economic, social, and religious crisis using an artfully provoked pseudo-pandemic as a tool.

Only in this way can we understand that the simultaneity and [universality] of the provisions adopted by various Nations, the aligned narration of the media, and the behavior of political leaders.

There is a single script under a single direction, which makes use of the collaboration and complicity of politicians and rulers, doctors and scientists, Bishops and priests, journalists and intellectuals, actors and influencers, multinationals and bankers, public employees and speculators. Profits and gains are instrumental to this, because they purchase and assure the loyalty of subordinates, but this war - may be never forget this! - is an ideological and religious war.

Masonry consists precisely in usurping the primacy of God to give it to Satan, with the apparent pretext - which is in any case erroneous and immoral - of placing God and Satan on the same level in such a way as to allow an alleged freedom of choice that morally does not exist.

This crisis serves to create the conditions necessary to make the Great Reset inevitable, that is, the transition from the world based on Greco-Roman civilization and Christianity to a world without of course, what we see happening today before our eyes could have been understood and predicted for years, if we had only paid attention to what the theorizers of the Great Reset declared with impunity.

In reality those who denounced this plan, which is currently underway, were called conspiracy theorists, ridiculed, or passed off as crazy, ostracized by mainstream information and criminalized, driven out of university professorships and the scientific community.

Today we understand how far-sighted were the alarms that were raised, and how powerful is the organizational mechanism that has been put in place by our adversaries. In the name of freedom, we have become accustomed to seeing ourselves deprived of the right to speak and to think, and the effort to pathologize dissent in order to legitimize detention camps and to constrain movement based on the health passport is already taking place.t a soul, without roots, without ideals.

Faced with reality, however, it is difficult to understand the reason for which the entire world population has allowed itself to be convinced of the existence of a pandemic virus that has yet to be isolated and that it has supinely accepted limitations to personal freedom that at other times would have led to revolution and barricades in the streets.

Even more incomprehensible is not so much the absence of a true and proper social and political reaction, but the inability to see reality in all of its crude evidence. But this is due, as we know, to the scientific action of manipulation of the masses that inevitably led to the phenomenon that social psychology calls "cognitive dissonance," that is, the tension or discomfort we feel in the face of two opposing and incompatible ideas.

Ordinary people, unable to comprehend or even recognize any rationality in what the media obsessively says about Covid, accept the absurdity of an influenzal virus presented as being more devastating than ebola, because they do not want to accept that their political leaders are lying shamelessly, with the goal of obtaining the social, economic, moral and religious destruction of a world that someone has decided to cancel.

They do not know how to accept that the lie can be passed off as truth, that doctors are not curing and indeed are killing their patients, that civil authorities are not intervening to stop crimes and blatant violations, that politicians are all obeying a faceless lobby, that Bergoglio wants to demolish the Church of Christ to replace it with an infernal Masonic parody.

Thus, out of this desire to not accept the deception and thus to not want to take a position against it and against those who promote it, they take refuge in the convenient mainstream narrative, suspending judgment and letting others tell them what to think, even if it is irrational and contradictory.

Billions of people have voluntarily made themselves slaves, sacrificial victims to the globalist Moloch, allowing themselves to be persuaded of the inevitability of such a surreal and absurd situation.

There is, however, an element that the conspirators have not taken into account: human weakness on the one hand, and the power of God on the other... A little bit at a time, this clay-footed colossus will collapse, inexorably, on its own lies and its own crimes.

In the face of the evidence that there is no pandemic and that the deaths were deliberately caused to exaggerate the effects on the population, we must consider Covid as a scourge, not in itself, but for all that it has revealed: the plan of Satan for the establishment of the New World Order, which is meant to lead to the reign of the Antichrist.

The Lord shows us, with the severity of a Father, that He still wants to admonish His children and misled humanity about the consequences of sin. He shows us what world awaits us if we will not know how to convert, abandoning the way of perdition and returning to Him, to obedience to His holy Law, and to the life of Grace by Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop March 25, 2021

Carlo Maria Viganò, (born 16 January 1941) is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for having exposed two major Vatican scandals. These were the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012, in which he revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other Church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick.


Dr. Igor Shepherd - Horrors of the COVID Vaccine

Dr. Igor Shepherd’s Talk About the Horrors of the COVID Vaccine: Partial Transcript, October 2020

Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor and is currently a readiness and countermeasures program manager at the Wyoming Department of Health Preparedness and Response Unit in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He’s been a public speaker at numerous preparedness conferences throughout the United States. So conferences that prepare for disasters, pandemics, epidemics, things like that. And with the Centers for Disease Control to help prepare and review emergency preparedness, cooperative agreement applications, strategic plans, progress reports, data, deliverables. He also provides monthly briefings for the State of Central Function Partners, and Health and Human Services representatives. And he was involved in technical research and development on national domestic preparedness and nuclear security for the Department of Justice Office for Domestic Preparedness, Department of Homeland Security, DOE and NSA, DOD, ETRA, FEMA, National Guard, tactical SWAT teams, law enforcement, first responders, medical professionals.

“I want to speak — that I want to tell you something very interesting that happened a few days ago when CDC decided not to count flu patient cases anymore for 2021. What that means, all flu cases go toward COVID numbers because they’re not high enough in the United States. We have a problem, we have a deception, and we have treason. I will speak about treason later. But treason at the highest level”. What I’m trying to say here. What I’m trying to say is that when probably health departments, HHS and CDC need to push up the numbers for whatever reason in the United States because it’s too low — it’s not enough mortality rates; the hospitals are empty — then something is wrong here, OK? Something is not right here.

I’ll tell you why we’re facing this. I go back to my Communist time. I was trained to destroy the United States of America. Forgive me for that, God. And forgive, you, me. Please forgive me for that. I trained during the Cold War to destroy the United States physically. Not spiritually, physically. When I say that, that’s how darkness works.

Some people say, oh, it cannot be so bad. I mean, come on, people are not that evil. Yes, there is a lot of evil people in the world. I met many. I worked with many.

So, speaking of vaccines, as you already understand, it’s kind of a strange and questionable situation about the COVID pandemic. It just came just on time. So, if I tell you the COVID pandemic was prepared for the last 19 years in the United States, are you OK with that?

Between 2000 to 2006, I worked in some projects, some classified projects at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site, city of Mercury, for NNSA, National Nuclear Security Agency.

We did some work with DTRA, Defense Threat Reduction Agency. They did some biological tests inside the test site and such things.

It’s a preparation. It’s a long, long wait. They know what they’re doing and they know how they’re doing it. It took a lot of years for them to prepare for this moment, today, in the United States. And globally. It’s a global mission to bring global Communism into every corner of this land. Not only the world, the United States.

The plan of the destruction of the United States right now is going with the full speed. And vaccines are playing a major role in this part.

And we have those today who are working for Big Pharma and those like Bill Gates who actually serve him. That man put so much money into so many things. All vaccine companies are controlled by him. All of them.

Do you know how many vaccines are actually built in the world today for COVID? Almost 200 modalities–200! Every nation is trying to build something. And only six are chosen for the United States, especially. And all those six, actually five of them, are Messenger RNA technology. Messenger RNA technology is unknown for human beings. It’s never been tested before.

So, tell me, please -– I just simply ask you a simple, simple question. It’s a logical question. Following the CDC, the recovery rate from COVID-19, is 99.8 percent. I will repeat myself, 99.8 percent recovery rate with this disease. Deadliest in the world disease. We’re all afraid of it. I’m still trying to find somebody to meet who actually had it. Three or four days and gone. HCQ and you take some zinc and you’re alright, OK? It’s a less mortality rate than the seasonal flu. In fact, the mortality rate {for Covid-10} is only 0.1, 0.5 percent. So, what is the problem? Please, tell me.

Now, stop yourself and think. With this doubtful situation, we need to vaccinate seven billion people on earth and very, very fast. What’s wrong with this picture? I want to ask you just a logical question. What’s wrong with this picture?

So, what the heck is that about? H1N1, swine flu, 2009, 67 million ill people in the United States. 67 million diagnosed with the swine flu, 2009. Any masks? Any lockdowns? Any distancing?

So, what’s the problem today in 2020 with the strange ghost virus–coronavirus? It’s so scary. There’s so much inside of me, I’m shaking. So, what’s the problem here? The problem is an agenda. This is a problem.

And let me tell you something else, if you were not sure before. I believe every public department in this nation is infiltrated with Communists today. I believe every state government and federal government is infiltrated with Communists today.

This is why you have a lockdown and mask wearing and all of that other stuff. They’re just following the Chinese style of response. Because the Chinese know what to do about it.

Have we become a Communistic country? Do we have any freedom left inside of us, if not outside? So, what is wrong with us as a nation, as a republic?

It’s an agenda! Please, understand. The message is urgent. And this is why I am talking today about these companies, like Pfizer

And now let’s talk about treason. All six companies are deeply connected to Chinese manufacturers and Chinese research companies. I’ll just give a few examples.

Pfizer. Yesterday, on the news, 90%, great results. Everybody, the savior has come, the savior has come to the world to save us, all right? Two injections, 21 days apart, no problem, OK?

So, what’s the problem then? I’ll tell you what the problem is. They forgot to tell us something very important. Pfizer is working with BioNTech, a German company. German company and Pfizer are working with Fosun Pharmaceuticals from Shanghai, China.

Oh, yeah! How do they work with them? They develop vaccines for us. Such a big deal. Chinese develop vaccines for us. So what?

Now, we’re talking about BIB a little bit more, Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, and Academy of Medical Military Science of China.

What I’m trying to tell you is that all companies who are trying to build billions of doses of vaccines in the United States are connected to the Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army. It means Chinese Military Biodefense.

And to prove that statement even more, I need to talk about Chen Wei. She’s a general. She is a one-star general in biodefense. It’s not biodefense. It’s the bioweaponry complex of China. She is the head of all vaccination projects in China–all. And she has direct access to all vaccination companies in connection with United States providers.

This is treason, people. Can you see what is coming to us? Do you think China loves you? Do you think the Chinese military will not take an opportunity?

Is that all of the examples? No, it’s not all examples. Clover, another company, Chinese, also working with BIB. They are all directly working with them. CanSino is another Chinese company also.

So, they all connected to AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson –- actually, it’s through Janssen, another company, not Chinese actually, but with very deep roots in China, since the ‘80s.

So, what I’m trying to tell you? I’m trying to tell you we have a problem. I’m trying to tell you that side effects, which were covered during the clinical trials — and it’s not very clear — they don’t even know what kind of side effects happen in two to three years from now.

A normal vaccination should take five, 10, 15 years to develop a new vaccine. Up to 15 years is a normal vaccine’s time. Now it’s squished into two or three months?

Secretly–it was not two or three months. It was ready a long time ago. Maybe years ago. I hate to tell you.

When I read a paper from Moderna, I almost choked when I found that they proclaimed on January 11 and 12, 2020, when for the first time the Chinese CDC (a world-trusted organization – right) –was sponsored and fed by Bill Gates directly, by the way. That organization {Chinese CDC} said: “We sent the gene sequence {SARS 2 CoV}, the first five genomes for the whole world to see.”

Oh, thank you very much, Chinese from Wuhan. It’s wonderful news. Then Moderna said they developed a vaccine after that, when they received the {Chinese} samples in three hours!

My expectation from all of these vaccines, ultra-cold-type vaccines, the problem is not just safety. They are unstable. For five, six, seven hours in the cold temperature — under the warm temperature, in the room temperature, they might start changing their structure.

I don’t even know if they are actually for the COVID disease at all. I’m kind of trying to push on you this idea a little bit. Are you sure this is what it’s all about, this so-called pandemic, with a 99.8% recovery rate? And the whole world needs to be vaccinated fast. Then we’re talking about digital I.D.s and we’re talking about immunization certifications and all kinds of stuff. There’s a lot of stuff developed.

Now the problem about this only one single Pfizer organization is this. They’re using nanoparticles, lipides, three or four lipides used. Lipoplex and Polyplex, and something else. I don’t remember.

The point is they put the Messenger RNA between lipides like a sandwich and that goes into the cell, penetrating the neighboring cell without any problem. It goes deep inside. OK, fine. It’s not supposed to reach the nucleus of the cell at all. It’s not supposed to reach the DNA or our human genome. It’s not supposed to.

But the problem — forget about human immune system right now even, I want to say something else. All that material that I just researched yesterday and found information — all have PEG, or PEGylated artificial synthetic material.

So, what is the PEGylated material all about? This material is practically plastic. But it’s not just plastic. This plastic is not biodegradable and will not degrade {break down} inside of your body.

And there’s more into it, the story line. It will affect your offspring more than you. How? Psychological affects, mostly paranoia, psychopathy’s of all kinds, and neurological effects for sure. So, we’ve built the next generation of children in the United States with such effects that it will be disastrous.

Well, it’s not happening. You know, we’re just looking at the local effects, a little boo-boo in there in the arm. So what?

I want to look not at the boo-boo in the arm and a little inflammation, or little edema. I want to look, two, three, five, six years from now. That’s what I like to look at.

So, forgive me if I say that — and I hope I cross some kind of ideas in your mind — but I call all of these vaccinations against COVID-19 biological weapon of mass destruction! And I call it 3-G, global genetic genocide. And this is coming not only to the United States, but the whole world.

Well, everybody estimates this and everybody estimates that but the truth is, with these kinds of vaccines untested properly, with revolutionary technology and side effects that we don’t even know, we can expect millions of people will be gone!

That is a dream of Bill Gates and eugenicists. He is sleeping and dreaming about this. The fewer human beings even better, less mouths to feed, less water to drink, less air to breathe. We’ve already put masks on ourselves so we’re not breathing too much. So good, good, good. OK.

And honestly, with this current vaccination campaign, we’ll all be guinea pigs. So, let’s see what happens in five, seven, 10 years from now. Do you think they’ll give us that much time? I think we’ll see this a lot sooner and a lot more aggressive.

And then they can blame as both Plan One plus Plan B. First, they vaccinate us. And then maybe something else happens, something else. Oh, a second pandemic comes but something different. You know what? It’s not SARS anymore, SARS-2. It’s not Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It looks like viruses. It’s probably mutated.

Every time a virus mutates, they tell the public it’s become more infectious, more deadly, and bad. Every single time. We’re not dealing any more in this wintertime with the SARS-2. It’s already mutated into something else that they have no name even. The name is actually just a sinister code for COVID cases. That’s what it’s all about.

People have adenoviruses and rhinoviruses, a little cold in their noses, and they immediately, what, justify it, that its COVID. Let’s do the test. Oh, I don’t have time for tests.

I need another hour to talk with you about the RT-PCR tests and all these antibody tests and BinaxNOW tests and all of that, special tests, because they’re all adjusted to specific messages. And not by us. They came from some special manufacturing companies.

So, tests, they are all fixed by the World Health Organization. The amplification of the PCR test is very high now, 42/45 amplifications. Everybody is positive with that test. Everybody. It should be 27/30 and no more. Do you think they did this by mistake? No. There’s no mistake in there of any kind.

Now this type of Communism is technocratic Communism. It’s a Communism with which to completely control you. But you don’t even need one million “snitches” all over the place like in the Soviet Union, sniffing around, OK? It’ll all be done by artificial intelligence. And unfortunately, yes, we’re at that level now, absolutely

Now, antibody tests. What has it shown to me? Nothing. That I was exposed at some time in the past with some kind of coronavirus. There are seven types of coronaviruses in the world, seven, which can affect humans, and about a few hundred, which can affect animals.

So, which one? A little fragmentation found that we built with an amplified piece {piece of genome} and, whoa, that’s a COVID right here.

It’s doesn’t even look like COVID. You know why? A secret that I will tell you. That’s not a secret. No isolate of the virus so far has been found in the world, a purified isolate of SARS-2 COVID virus. It’s does not exist, OK? It’s a bunch of stuff, formulations, fragmentations with an environmental mess inside. And that’s what they call COVID. Not the COVID, SARS-2 virus.

So, all of this testing is something else then. Remember that I told you in the beginning this is kind of strange for them. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. And even if it’s actually done, it’s done by the Chinese laboratory, not by nature.

Another little secret, the coronavirus does not create any “waves” at all. They {virus} comes and they’re gone. Two examples, the 2003 SARS, came, gone, 10 months. MERS, Middle Eastern coronavirus, came, gone. I think this was 2012.

Now this one is special. It’s coming in waves. It’s just coming back and coming back. Do you know for how long?

We heard of the different versions {of this pandemic} from special people, yes. You know, all those special people there. Up to 10 years we’ll be stuck with these masks, up to 2030. You like this? You’ll like the mandatory masks on you for years? Because COVID will still be here.

So how do we stop this? How do we stop the mandates? And how do we escape from this and avoid getting immunized?

There is no escape, I’m sorry. I mean, I’ve made my peace. My wife and I, we have made our peace with God. I made my peace.

So, what this means, is it all hopeless? No. If we have God on our side, nothing is hopeless at all.


Dr. Igor Shepherd’s full video can be seen at:


Below three articles from Henry Makow, PhD - author of several books including The Illuminati – the Cult that Hijacked the World.

“Apart from world wars, humanity has never been under such a threat. There is a hidden occult agenda for this massive overkill. There is no guarantee this bogus emergency will end May 1. A hoax can be maintained forever. Who has the power to send the whole world to their room? Only the world central banking cartel, the Rothschilds. Bill Gates is a cutout. His dad was their lawyer. So far we've been operating on the assumption that the virus "will fade away" (Bill Gates' words) in a month or two. However, this scenario assumes that the Illuminati goal is simply monetary gain. They have a political agenda which is more important to them than money. They want total control. They want to leverage their monopoly over credit into a monopoly over everything. In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the central bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power." In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached. In a disturbing 90 minute interview, Celeste Bishop Solum, who worked for FEMA for 20 years says their goals are 1.) Test and register the DNA of every American which will prove a gold mine for the pharmaceutical industry. 2. Force Americans to accept a cocktail of vaccinations, some of which will sterilize them. 3. Inject Americans with serums containing nanoparticles which fuse with human tissue and allow them to control and monitor with a computer. This is linked to the introduction of 5G. Essentially Americans will need a certificate called the ID2020 if they want to regain their freedom of movement. Only these people will be allowed to attend mass events, like NFL games. Presumably only these people will be able to work and support their families” - by Henry Makow PhD author of several books including The Illuminati – the Cult that Hijacked the World.

“The Illuminati see humanity as "useless eaters”, squatters, weeds that need to be trimmed back. Their ideal is 100 million of "them" with "a billion of us to serve them." This is what they call "sustainable. The scamdemic is designed to advance the goals of Agenda 2030, nothing less than a government takeover of every nation on the planet. "The 17 points in the UN agenda are to be achieved through centralized government control and totalitarian mandates that are closely aligned with Communism." Closed parks are just a foretaste of what they have planned. Whole sections of the US have been cordoned off for their exclusive use. The Illuminati bankers have no intention of letting us return to "normal." They intend to reprise this virus to make permanent changes to the way we live. They intend to sicken us with vaccines and to brand us like cattle. They plan to introduce technological measures of surveillance and control already in use in China. Western civilization is in jeopardy. We are witnessing a Communist takeover modelled on Communist China. Clearly the World Health Organization is a Chinese Communist asset and its influence has spread like a cancer throughout the West. What should we do? The Illuminati agenda will press forward unless millions of people engage in civil disobedience. Wherever possible, we should defy the lockdown by ignoring "social distancing" and one-way aisles at supermarkets. Refusing to wear masks is a heroic act of resistance. They can't jail millions of people, and if they fine us, we will refuse to pay. We're not playing their stupid game. We need to eschew violence because that will only give them an excuse to ratchet up repression. However, if they try to enforce mandatory vaccinations, all bets are off. I believe that the Illuminati will reopen society within the next few weeks - only for a second wave and perhaps subsequent wave(s) of the Scamdemic to suddenly appear - which they will claim is causing mass casualties (hospitalizations and deaths) as a direct result. At that point - we will most likely see marital law, a dusk to dawn curfew, a complete ban on the use of cash, mass surveillance of social media, triangulation of all electronic communications, mandatory tracking apps, internal passports needed to venture within a country or perhaps city, and eventually vaccines (mandatory or coerced). Already near bankrupt businesses will reopen perhaps for a few weeks or a month - only to be totally crushed by a further wave(s). Most small and medium sized businesses today - across all sectors of the economy - will most likely no longer exist by the end of the year. Expect a second and perhaps further round of government bailouts and taxpayer wealth transfers to the elite (economic stimulus). After most of the world's population has been mandatorily or coercively vaccinated (which will most likely contain carcinogenic and/or sterility properties) and an Orwellian mass surveillance state erected - the virus will then 'magically disappear' - I would say within two years or less. A neo-feudal global economic order will likely emerge from the ruins. I am not sure how people will buy food, medicine or supplies in the future - with most jobs today being totally non-existent. I have no idea where the money will come from to fund pensions - both public and private. I fear for those who are retired with their homes paid off - but who will have no pensions or investment income to pay for property taxes, etc. I am worried for people who have young families - who may not be able to find ANY work for many years. I grieve for those relying on government handouts such as welfare and disability - if the state no longer had the resources to pay for these things. Ditto for public healthcare and other social programs. I am concerned that banks and other financial institutions are going to begin to collapse in the months ahead - and take our life saving with them. Governments cannot just print money indefinitely without commerce and taxable revenue - regardless of the economic model in place - unless they are planning Weimar Germany levels of hyperinflation” From


Henry Makow - “Communists always have a plausible excuse for their ruthless satanic agenda. Time to grow up and face reality. The West has been totally subverted by a satanist cult of pedophiles installed by the Rothschild banking cartel. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Our feckless ancestors handed over the national credit cards to our worse enemies, bankers who happen to be Freemasons (Cabalists, Satanists.) Most of our political and cultural leaders are witting or unwitting shills for the Rothschild’s. They are traitors. The Rothschild's goal is to extend their monopoly over credit creation (currency) to a worldwide monopoly over everything: Power, Wealth, Culture, Thought and Behavior. We're talking about total control. This is the essence of Communism and the NWO. The popular image of Communism as defender of the poor is nonsense. Communism was financed by the Rothschild’s to blackmail plunder and destroy their rivals. In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the central bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached. Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult that exercises tyrannical control over its members. It is the template for the totalitarian NWO. The Rothschild cartel consists of Cabalist Jews and Cabalist Freemasons who seek to enslave us. They turn reality upside down ('revolution.') Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Justice, are all inverted. Satan replaces God at the apex. See Satanism Explained. The Coronavirus panic was contrived by the media and fanned by politicians. Saying that millions could be infected is like yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre. Why should we trust these people? They covered up the murder of 3000 Americans on 9-11. (I'm including Trump here.) They have run regular mass shootings and false flags: Sandy Hook, Parkland, Las Vegas, Aurora CO. Remember the 2014 "terrorist" attack on Parliament in Ottawa? The government and media were complicit. Yet we still trust these people? They lied about JFK's assassination; Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and Al Assad gassing his people. Why do we believe anything they say? The average age of Norwegian coronavirus deaths is 89. 99% of Italians had other ailments. Our whole political and cultural edifice is rotten with these Satanists (i.e. Freemasons.) Justin Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro. Trump is a Cabalist Jew. Merkel, Macron, Johnson are all Freemasons. They were all handpicked by the Rothschild’s. Money - society's blood supply - is controlled by people who wish to bankrupt and enslave us. Our banks are promoting sodomy, migration and miscegenation. The banks control all corporations and media. This is key to understanding the current contrived panic. A naked grab for more power would meet with resistance. That is why it is disguised as a pandemic. But what is the difference between martial law and medical martial law based on a phoney pandemic? None. Yet medical martial law closely mirrors Communist/Orwellian tyranny. People are confined to their homes. They cannot travel or assemble to discuss their predicament. Mass surveillance to enforce "social distancing." Drones ensure no one even goes for a walk. Outside in France? Show your papers! Food becomes scarce. Empty shelves. Lineups at supermarkets. They snitch on each other if they hear coughing. They are carted away and confined. They lose their livelihood and must depend on government for handout. Convicts are freed. Borders are sealed except to migrants. Talk about total control. People can't even go to the cinema or sports events. They can't swim or play hockey because even recreation centers are closed. A man walking his dog in a park is fined $880. Everyone in Miami Beach must wear masks. Paris bans outdoor exercise during daylight hours. Stores cordon off aisles containing items deemed "non-essential." These include toys, entertainment, beauty supplies and sports equipment. A Director of WHO says police may break into your homes and take away anyone they deem infected. Cuomo urges the NYPD to be 'more aggressive' in breaking up funerals, large gatherings and people 'playing Frisbee in the park' as he raises fines to $1,000 for people who flout social distancing rules. Drones warn walkers to keep six feet apart. In Santa Monica, a lone surfer is led away in hand cuffs. In Pennsylvania a young woman was fined $200 for going for a drive, violating the governor's "stay-at-home" order. Church services are cancelled. Hotlines are set up so people can snitch on their neighbors. In Colorado, a father is handcuffed for playing softball with his daughter in a park. None of these edicts have anything to do with containing a virus -- real or imagined -- and everything to do with instilling the message: You Have No Rights. They have sent humanity to its room; destroyed the economy, our livelihoods and made everyone dependent on government handouts. It's time to call their bluff. This virus is fake news, much like Orson Welles' invasion of aliens. Like 9-11, and Saddam Hussein's "weapons of mass destruction." It is a media creation. As Bill Gates admits, the purpose is to vaccinate and chip the human race. We are not children. We will not be confined to our rooms. We will not have our property stolen from us. We will not have our human rights abrogated. We must say: we would rather be sick. Their "cure" is a hundred times worse than their fake pandemic which is nothing more than the seasonal flu. We cannot trust their numbers. They take them out of thin air like our "money." Clearly, the government has been subverted. It administers the ballooning debt which the central bankers create out of nothing. Anyone who legitimizes this coronahoax is a traitor. That tells you a lot about the current state of the world. This is a war against humanity waged by our "leaders" who are agents of the central bank cartel. They have no mandate to abrogate our fundamental human rights. If we don't defend them now, we will lose them forever. I am hopeful the coronavirus threat will soon be outed as the hoax it is. It has already passed its apex in China. We need to find ways to resist the encroachment on our liberty, values, livelihoods and way of life. One way is to avoid hoarding and unite with our fellow citizens in a spirit of fellowship. I don't think our politicians and media will have a shred of credibility when this is over. Human beings are resilient and can recover from this. But first we need to understand our predicament. Society is satanically possessed. We are under constant occult attack from people who wish to destroy our way of life”. Henry Makov Ph.D, Author of The Illuminati the Cult that Hijacked the World -



Testimony of Russian ex-Military Intelligence Officer on Coronavirus Depopulation Agenda

The Coronavirus Agenda is exposed in this revealing interview with an ex-Russian military intelligence officer. The interview shows this was recorded on March 25th, 2020. Vladimir Kvachkov (Russia) is a Colonel of the GRU (Military Intelligence Officer), a public figure, with a PhD in military science and leading researcher for the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

In the interview Kvachkov was asked, considering his expertise, what does he make of the coronavirus phenomenon? His reply was:

It’s exactly this perspective that you need to examine it from. Not from the public health perspective, nor epidemiology, etc. The coronavirus phenomenon that they falsely deem a pandemic needs to be examined from the perspective of global powers. Religious, political, financial, economic and national. The coronavirus phenomenon, the so-called pandemic – and let me tell you, there’s no pandemic, it’s all a lie – needs to be considered as a global, strategic special operation. This is exactly how you need to think of this thing. These are command and staff exercises of the world’s behind-the-scenes powers on controlling humanity. This is what the goal of this coronavirus is. I’ll repeat it once again. We have little faith in God and even less so in the existence of Satan, the enemy of the human race. So, the aim of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial powers is reducing the world’s population. It’s their idée fixe. They think there’s too many of us ordinary people in the world. There should be around 100 million of their kind and a maximum of 1 billion people on Earth to serve them. Then they’ll be living in abundance here on Earth. Because, us the people, the earthlings – there’s too many of us for the behind-the-scenes world powers. This is why the coronavirus and the financial crisis that has emerged almost immediately – they’re inextricably tied to one another. The aim is to stop people’s movement around the world, to curtail political freedoms. In political terms, it would be practically impossible to do all that. There are differences in constitutions. Whether they’re being implemented or not – that is a different question. However, there are some political rights that people are accustomed to and they believe they theirs to have forever. The first attempt to take away those rights from people happened on September 11th, 2001. Not many seem to remember that, after the so-called attack on WTC towers, Pentagon and White House in the USA, the global war on terrorism was declared. Let’s remember, in order to understand what the coronavirus is now, let’s analyze that first attempt – the declaration of war on humanity that was disguised as a war on terrorism. That was 19 years ago. The behind-the-scenes world powers created the events of September 11, 2001. Now they need another excuse for greater control and takeover of humanity. That’s how they came up with the coronavirus. Basically, to put it this way, that’s not a pandemic, not an epidemic. Even now, I literally looked at the data this morning, 300 people in the world die from it daily. You can imagine what kind of scale this is. Of course, I’m sorry about each person who dies, but 300 people across 7.5 billion people – that’s basically nothing. These command-and-staff exercises of the behind-the-scenes world powers have an aim to limit different political rights and make people afraid. The fools are already grabbing food in shops here. Millet, buckwheat, etc. The goal is to scare people. Once again, these are command-and-staff exercises of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial liberal world powers with the aim of limiting the political rights that people are basically accustomed to having, especially in Western Europe. That’s their second goal. The first goal is to reduce the population numbers on Earth. That’s their Satanic goal. The second, political goal of the behind-the-scenes world powers is to seize power. The third goal is related to finances and power over the economy.

It’s a complete financial bubble. It needs to be deflated. FRS, the Federal Reserve System, literally some days ago, that was in February, I think – they introduced a zero percent interest on deposits. Now, in many countries, it’s even a negative interest rate – that is, you deposited 100 dollars and you get 90 or 95 dollars. But at least you’re still going to get it. So, we’re already getting negative interest rates on deposits. So, that wealth has to be deflated. How will it be deflated? Again, through this artificial international … we see the economy has crashed, it’s clear, accordingly – we can’t meet your domestic demand like we did before, you need to tighten your belts.

Now is a very important moment. Note, it allegedly started in China. Even though the Chinese are now adamant and report that the coronavirus was created artificially. It has an artificial origin – it’s been proven scientifically already. Of course, in every virus, seeing that it’s the simplest kind of microorganism – as far as I remember – mutations can happen, but they’re of an accidental nature. And when you take the RNA molecule, not DNA – they have RNA – and there’s a part of the genome that’s clearly been carved out and another one inserted in its place – and this happens 3 or 4 times … It is perfectly obvious that the Chinese scientists have figured this out – it was artificially created and purposely spread, initially in Wuhan. They had 2 kinds, 2 viral strains. Okay now. And what about Italy, what happened there? How come a strain that is even more dangerous that the Chinese one suddenly appears in Italy? I think now they have a few thousand infected and around 1000 have already died. But again, 100x more people die in Italy from flu, pneumonia, scrofula and hepatitis. But we don’t talk about that. Instead, we are being served special political information propaganda, psycho-informative propaganda. Special psycho-informative operation of the world globalist mass media that is serving the behind-the-scene Zionist liberal powers that are creating this terror right now. – Interview from Vladimir Kvachkov (Russia) is a Colonel of the GRU (Military Intelligence Officer).

Below is a link to the video.




Article below is titled ‘Lockdowns, Social Distancing and Global Economic Meltdown preparation for the Global Vaccination Agenda’ from Covid 19 from

The COVID-19 Plandemic is the New World Order's operation to accelerate its agenda to establish the World Technate of Sustainable Development: Judaeo-Freemasonry's gambit for the establishment of its "Ancient Hope" for a Masonic World Empire lorded over by its Masonic Christ.

Operation COVID-19 is largely psychological warfare, a global compliance test, the global social conditioning to create the Global Mind Virus, the Global Hive Mind.

The first of a series of planned bio-weapon assaults on humanity (i.e. COVID-19 is Gates' "Pandemic 1.") to bring about Hell on Earth.

Politicians have been given a programme, the Global Script, which they have been ordered to adhere to and follow. Using so-called "experts'" advice to justify the unfolding tyranny.

Advice that flies in the face of established medial practice, proper science and statistical treatment, historical precedent and common sense. Advice that is in truth Shameful Science and Statistical Misconduct supplied by Prostitute Scientists following a political agenda ... in support of the New World Order's Global Script.

To destroy Western Civilization, to de-industrialise the West, to roll-back 400 years of scientific and social progress, to plunge the world's peoples into perpetual austerity and absolute bondage in the World Panopticon called the New World Order.

Using the fear of "coronavirus" to do it; using fear of a virus to get the world's peoples to consent and surrender their God-given rights to freedom and liberty.

That is why New World Order stooges, career crooks and war criminals like Blair and Clinton call for total surveillance via "Contact Tracing."

Operation COVID-19 a multi-faceted battle plan with many sub-agendas and objectives running simultaneously. A masterful exercise in hybrid, asymmetric, psychological warfare that has been a stunning success.

Convincing 3.5 billion people to incarcerate themselves willingly in their own homes using a massive media blitz that told them to be afraid, be very afraid, of an unseen enemy, a "coronavirus," which is something akin to the common cold but, they were told, acts like the Black Death.

Hence, the hysterical headlines in ad nauseam and blanket coverage of TV programming with scaremongering and shamelessly false stories of people dropping dead in the streets and "hospital war zones."

Judaeo-Freemasonry's Dark Alchemy. The masterful manipulation of man's ancient basic instinct - the fear of death.

That the public have succumbed to the propaganda and manipulation and willingly surrendered hard-fought liberties and freedoms, to ridicule their ancestor's great sacrifices, and consent to their servitude, is a measure of how dumbed-down they have become to a point it is hard to comprehend. How they have become so unthinking and compliant, how they have become drone-like and Hive Minded.

That everything outside the Communitarian Hive Mind does not exist. There is only one narrative, one reality, that all right thinking citizens should know, believe and follow.

That any thought outside the narrow corridor of public opinion is heresy and anyone expressing it are heretics. Now, there is only one choice ... a Hobson's Choice ... no choice.

Keeping the dumbed-down public where they are meant to be in the "new paradigm," wallowing in a sea of ignorance ... and kept distracted and busy by supposed alternate arguments, plausible false arguments made by propagandists, gate-keepers and fools.

Operation COVID-19 a masterful exercise that within two months caused and created a World Dystopia and visited a living nightmare upon Humanity and inaugurated the Darkest Period in Human History.

A marvelous outcome for Communitarianism. A wonderful Judaeo-Freemasonry success. A spectacular defeat for human liberty.

The Memetic War waged upon mankind is Mass Psychology par excellence. Words, terms, phrases and behaviors have rapidly become deeply embedded in public consciousness. A masterly use of 20th century honed techniques whereby elites control the masses by Manufacturing Consent and repeatedly telling them Big Lies. Techniques greatly enhanced by a 5' x 4' flat-screen TV dominating the room they are installed and the people that stare into to it.

Operation COVID-19, like all operations and Live Exercises, is a dynamic, fluid, constantly changing event. It morphs daily into a different changed event. A very wicked agenda, evil to its core. Making people afraid of intimacy, afraid to touch, to even look into each other's eyes, for fear of catching a death-dealing disease.

"Social Distancing," "2 meters apart," "wear a mask," "new normal" "new paradigm" - memetic warfare - inculcated into public consciousness by the Mockingbird Media and Judaeo-Freemasonry enslaved governments and enforced by a coterie of power-crazed Bolshevik-Globalist politicians at both national and local levels.

The wholly synthetic COVID-19 Plandemic via Operation COVID-19 is being used to bring such devastation to the modern, industrialized world that it cannot recover. It is being used to de-industrialize the world, throw billions of people into abject poverty and perpetual austerity and to cower them into accepting the "coronavirus vaccine" so that their lives can return to "normal."

To manufacture mass consent to accept billionaire "philanthropist" Bill Gates' patented vaccine as cure for his patented virus, to convince them to "take the shot."

SquareandCompassesEmbroider11SARS-CoV-2 virus is a Bill Gates patented bio-weapon used in Operation COVID-19 as the pathogen causing the COVID-19 disease. A manufactured pandemic whose victims are invariably aged and suffering multiple morbidities that would have killed them anyway.

A seemingly damp squib of a bio-weapon.

Yet, one that the massive propaganda blitz has convinced the majority to believe that it is as deadly as The Plague: and that the world is in the same dire state as 14th century, Black Death ravaged Europe.

The Rockefeller Foundation, from its inception, was a vehicle of Evil. An Organized Evil invention to exploit a tax avoidance device - "philanthropy" and "charity" - and to use accumulated wealth to both maximize that wealth by avoiding tax and to transform society into its Dark Image.

This is the Tax-Exempt Foundation's primary role: to transform society, to subvert civilization, by turning Natural Moral Order on its head. The Rockefeller Foundation was one of the first and most powerful and its dark impress is felt everywhere societal chaos, deviancy and evil are seen.

So too, in Operation COVID-19, is the Rockefeller Foundation's baneful influence acutely felt, especially its 2010 paper entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development

Where its 2010 paper (Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development) helpfully detailed the New World Order's Operation COVID-19's Stage 1, its 2020 paper (National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan) provides a helpful guide to its Stage 2.

The COVID-19 Plandemic has gifted the Judaeo-Freemasonry enslaved governments across the globe a superb excuse to expand their authority and increase their grip on power. A vast power grab, a world-wide Bolshevik usurpation of democratic government.

Operation COVID-19, a Live Exercise to destroy World Civilization, to de-industrialize the world, to destroy small business and the middle class, to imprison 3.5 billion people in their own homes and to gauge their response to it.

A Global Obedience Test.... with a marvelous outcome: barely a "push back" was observed. Such that now "THEY" are emboldened enough to roll-out Operation COVID-19's Stage 2:

Social Distancing, Testing, Contact Tracing and Vaccination of Entire Populations as the "Only Way" to return to "Normalcy."

That is, Judaeo-Freemasonry enslaved world governments' are following the New World Order's Global Script and are preparing to use the Rockefeller Foundation's National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan as their State Terror template to transform their nations in preparation for their absorption into the New Economic World Order i.e. rebirthed Technocracy reformulated as the United Nations' "Sustainable Development."

Although in recent years the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has eclipsed the Rockefeller Foundation's role as Organized Evil's pre-eminent instrument to subvert society (c. 2005 AD, decrepit David "Mr New World Order" Rockefeller handed Gates the World Depopulation Agenda torch), its role is still significant.

Both have the same puppetmaster and read from the same Global Script. Hence in unison, Gates and Rockefeller, Gates in ad nauseam, declare that there can be no return to normalcy until everyone on Earth are tested, tracked, traced and vaccinated with a Gates' patented vaccine.

They also "predict" another wave, another pandemic ... "Pandemic 2."

Although the Rockefeller paper is USA focused, it is Judaeo-Freemasonry's blueprint for its Global Vaccination Agenda: all enslaved governments will readily adopt it while non-conforming nations will be severely punished until they do.

Integral to Stage 2's implied terror is the "testing" of everyone, everywhere.

The Plan's aims are to rapidly "test" every American.

Bill Gates and cohorts created in various laboratories a chimera, Gain-of-Function, "coronavirus," called it SARS-CoV-2, and patented it. Planning in their Plandemic to make a killing.

Gates and cohorts chose the "coronavirus" as their preferred bio-weapon for several reasons, primarily due to its ubiquitousness. Nearly everyone has "coronavirus" antibodies: it is the "common cold" and "seasonal flu."

Nearly everyone tested for "coronavirus" DNA fragments, "antibodies," not the actual virus itself, will test positive. Moreover, the proposed tests themselves are very problematic. Here are six serious deficiencies and concerns about them:

Initial batches of CDC endorsed tests were found to be contaminated with the coronavirus they proposed to test

Scientific studies found the error rate for false positives was 80%

Tests are based on the "RT-PCR" or "PCR" test, which isolates genetic RNA/DNA sequences and cannot prove the virus' existence (i.e. causation or tell if the genetic sequence has anything to do with the state of health). In short: medical-wise, a hopeless test since positive or negative result is meaningless not able to determine whether the "virus" has anything to do with the state of health or the capacity to "infect" another; but, Eugenics-wise, a marvelous tool to enforce Medical Tyranny.

The tests use a DNA swab and used as DNA harvesting.

SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19's supposed cause) fails Koch’s postulates and has not been isolated, purified, re-injected to cause disease i.e. absolutely proven to exist.

The tests, inherently deficient, are being used to identify a virus, which has never been conclusively proven to exist

Integral to Stage 2's implied terror is the "surveillance and monitoring" of everyone, everywhere

A devilishly clever Hegelian Dialectic using the fear of a microbe (Thesis) and creation of a Black Death-type Plandemic (Antithesis) and the offer of salvation via "Social Distancing," "Contact Tracing," Global Vaccination Agenda, and digital certificates and immunity passports (Synthesis).

A fiendish plan, a huge fraud, a meticulously conceived agenda, to trick people into consenting to not only their total and absolute enslavement but also to get them to LOVE THEIR SERVITUDE.

Those with eyes to see and ears to hear can not only perceive the unfolding of an Ancient Dark Agenda but also its acceleration via two giant frauds: the "Climate Emergency" and "COVID-19."

It is becoming increasingly clear that Judaeo-Freemasonry enslaved governments, the Mockingbird Media, and mega-corporations are pushing forward a carefully-orchestrated agenda to establish a global society of technocracy.

An agenda that includes:

Mandatory Vaccines (via ID2020, digital certificates, wristbands, "social credit score")

5G's covert, rapid expansion

Global Biometric Systems and smart phone tracking apps to track who has been vaccinated or "recovered" from "COVID-19"

World Economy's controlled demolition to:

Facilitate the Great Reset and the World Technate of Sustainable Development's inauguration

Make the public unemployed and unemployable and dependent upon the State (universal basic income "UBI")

Digital currency linked to a "digital wallet," to biometrics and tracked via AI-driven 5G IoT Control Grid.

Fear-based social control system to normalize “social distancing” and unjustified fear of other human beings (Stasi-style Snitch Culture via "Army of Contact Tracers")

Gentle reader, that so-called "COVID-19 pandemic" is a not only giant criminal fraud involving organised murder in care homes and hospitals to inflate the "COVID-19 death rate", but also a global shake-down whereby its orchestrators plan to profit massively,



The Khazarian Mafia

The next piece of information is a secret. It is a fact that anybody in a position of power or influence who talks about this will possibly lose their job, as many have or even be murdered. No one is supposed to talk about this or you will be called an anti-Semite even though the real Semites are the Arab people of Palestine. If I wrote an article about the crimes of the Italian Mafia would that make me anti-Italian, no I don’t think it would. But did you know that 80% of the Jews in the world are descended from a place called Khazaria which was a nation in the 13th century which is situated near Ukraine, Hungary and Georgia and often referred to as ‘the pale of the settlement’. If you want the full history of Khazaria there is a link at the bottom of this article’.


The following article is from State of the Nation website

The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America

The specific threat to America is Zionist in nature — Zionism is not Judaism. While many Jews now see the distinction and are rejecting Zionism, many others have been and remain tools of Zionism, and thus, whether well-intentioned or not, are also a threat to America because of misplaced loyalties that ultimately undermine the U.S. Constitution and the Republic.

The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete Control of the United States of America

Jewish Banking Houses and Mercantile Families (which comprise the International Banking Cartel) were directly responsible for the unlawful passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and, therefore, accountable for the stealthily engineered booms and busts that have repeatedly shocked the US economy and financially ruined the American people.  The Federal Reserve Bank is the most powerful of all the central banks tasked with artificially inflating the world’s premier reserve currency and fake fiat money—the US Dollar.  The petrodollar, in particular, is destined for an epic collapse.  Because the Global Economic & Financial System is hardwired to the US dollar, the banksters know that when it drops like a rock, the reign of the once Almighty Dollar is finally over.  This is why they are concocting the largest and longest sucker’s rally of all time at this very moment. The official debt of the United States government is $23.1 trillion as of December 2, 2019, which is owed to primarily foreign banking interests that are owned and/or controlled by Jewish banking families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.  In this manner is the U.S. Corporation saddled with ever-increasing debt service payments which go right into the pockets of the member banks of the International Banking Cartel (IBC).  Chief among the controlling banks is the Bank for International Settlements headquartered in Basel, Switzerland.  However, the most predatory and usurious IBC banking institutions are located in the Financial District in the City of London as well as on Wall Street in New York City.  Paris, Frankfort, Brussels, Luxembourg, Rome, Madrid, Milan and other Black Nobility financial strongholds are also home to the IBC crime syndicates. Big Pharma is almost entirely owned and operated by Jewish families, stockholders, investors, hedge funds, etc. The Pharmaceutical Industry is dominated by various Jewish Crime Families such as the Sacklers, who were just forced into bankruptcy because of their obscene profiting from the nationwide opioid epidemic. It is primarily Jewish physicians, scientists, lawyers, lobbyists and politicos who are also at the forefront of the deadly and destructive Super-Vaccination Agenda.  The deplorable state of the National Healthcare System, and particularly the Obamacare con job, are both the handiwork of the International Banking Cartel.  The ever-increasing exorbitant healthcare costs represent a staggering 10% of the nation’s GDP as well as an immense revenue stream into the IBC coffers.  Not only that, but the unconstitutional imposition of Obamacare permitted the globalists to implement a HUGELY subversive piece of their NWO agenda.  See Obamacare: The Hidden Agenda

The vast and complex web of interlocking directorships that predominate throughout Corporate America are populated with business magnates and VIPs who work directly for hidden Jewish banking interests. Serial corporate criminals such as Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Monsanto, BP, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are all run by mostly Jewish (or crypto-Jewish) CEOs and Boards of Directors. Likewise, these corporate entities are effectively owned by Jewish institutional investors which possess the majority ownership in the form of both equities and debt instruments.  Of course, the Jewish bankster-aligned Boards of Director are always interlocking and marching in lockstep according to the New World Order globalist agenda.

This particular tribe of moneychangers and merchants learned long ago that whoever controls the media controls the society, the nation and the world. Toward that end, the entire mainstream media (MSM) in the USA is completely controlled by Jewish money and investment. So are all the top positions of the MSM occupied by Jewish CEOs, CFOs and COOs as well as Presidents and Board Directors. Because their Khazarian Mafia masters and handlers are essentially in charge of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, they all realize that any serious transgressions against The Company (aka the C.I.A.) will occur on pain of death, or worse. What needs to be said about the ironclad control that Jews have always exerted over Hollywood from the very beginning? Every major studio in Tinseltown was founded by Jewish entrepreneurs who originally hailed from Eastern or Central Europe if not Russia. Even a cursory examination of all the most successful CEOs and presidents, directors and producers, screenwriters and film editors, actors and actresses, cinematographers and directors of photography, as well as talent agents and scouts, will prove that Hollyweird is a fundamentally Jewish industry from the top down and bottom up.  By the way, there’s a very good reason why the Jews established and continue to run Hollywood as follows: “Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream”.

Even more significantly, all the Big Tech and Big Social Media corporations are run by members of the Jewish Tribe. Almost all of the Big Social Media start-ups are commandeered by Jewish college kids who have been given stolen intellectual property, proprietary information and/or patents by attorneys or other covert agents of DARPA, the C.I.A. or DIA. The IPOs are then managed in such a way so as to guarantee immediate billionaire status to these mind-controlled puppets who are then easily kept on the CIA reservation under threat of losing everything.  The notorious Mark Zuckerberg, just like Bill Gates, is just one of many Jewish fake whiz kids who was set up from the start with stolen technology to autocratically lead a major media company for his C.I.A. masters.  Ditto that for Google’s Jewish founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin among several other tech founders.


Today, the major American film studios are all Jewish owned and controlled. Those being:

Columbia Tristar Motion Picture Group
Doug Belgrad

Miramax Films – Harvey Weinstein

Disney – Robert Iger

Dreamworks – Steven Spielberg, David Geffen,
Jeffrey Katzenberg

Warner Brothers Entertainment – Barry
Meyer, Jordan Levin

Lionsgate – Jon Feltheimer, Rob Friedman

Universal Studios – Adam Fogelsong, Rick

MGM – Harry Sloan, Jonathan Glickman, Adam
Paramount Pictures (a VIACOM Company)
Brad Grey

Fox Searchlight – Stephen Gilula, Nancy Utley

Sony Pictures – Michael Lynton, Amy Pascal


So the percentage of Jews controlling American cinema is around 100%. And be advised that studio heads come and go frequently depending on the fortunes of the studio, and the all too frequent mergers and acquisitions. So the list of studio heads above could completely change tomorrow; but Jewish control will remain.


“Along with the rest of the Jewish-Zionist dominated media, Hollywood sensationalizes and distorts current events, systematically falsifies history, promotes debased “entertainment” and perverse cultural standards, and makes possible the Jewish-Zionist hold on American political life, thereby enabling Israel’s wars and decades-long oppression of Palestinians”, - Charles Maultsby, American Researcher, Author of ‘Who Should Go Down in History’,

"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews--and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering. Because...we have seen...the greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the line." By the late American Actor Marlon Brando on Larry King Live

“We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, and Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll. We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do. But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!” Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothing’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else! Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this? Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews? But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows. The Jews came to America, the one place that ever really let them have as much power as they wanted, and suddenly they’re taking over. Please don’t tell me that any other group in the world has ever done that. Only the Jews. And we’ve done it before. That’s why the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. We were too successful. Go look at the Torah — it’s right there. And we did it in Germany too”Jew Elad Nehorai - July 12, 2012 "Times of Israel".

"We [the Zionists] have it all under such control that no one -- no one or no-body can [reach] people unless it is done through our media control. (Who has had control of the mass media in the 20th century? -- Chairman of ABC pp Leonard Goldenson, President of CBS -- James H. Rosenfield, Chairman of RCS -- David Sarnoff, Chief Executive of NBC -- Fred Silverman, President of PBS -- Lawrence Grossman, Chairman of Time -- Arthur Heiskell, Editor of U.S. News & World Report -- Marvin Stone, Chief Executive of Dow Jones -- Warren H. Phillips, Editor of Newsweek -- Lester Bernstein, President of TV Guide -- Walter Annenberg, President of New York Times -- Sulzberger family, TV program producer -- Norman Lear -- these and more all are Jews!!) We have it sewed up!!" - Harold Wallace Rosenthal (Jewish Zionist) from the Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976.

Joseph Sobran was an American journalist who wrote for the National Review magazine and he commented on Jewish power this way:

“Talking about American politics without mentioning the Jews is a little like talking about the NBA without mentioning the Chicago Bulls. Not that the Jews are all-powerful, let alone all bad. But they are successful, and therefore powerful enough: and their power is unique in being off-limits to normal criticism even when it’s highly visible. They themselves behave as if their success were a guilty secret, and they panic, and resort to accusations, as soon as the subject is raised. Jewish control of the major media in the media age makes the enforced silence both paradoxical and paralyzing. Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it. A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you. It’s a phenomenal display not of wickedness, really, but of fierce ethnocentrism, a sort of furtive racial super patriotism.” -

Joseph Sobran was eventually fired from the National Review which is owned by Jews for truthful comments such as the one above.


Jewish political writer Alfred Lillienthal, in his revealing book, The Zionist Connection, stated:

"The most effective component of Jewish connection is probably that of media control. It is well known that American opinion molders have long been largely influenced by a handful of powerful newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the St. Louis-Post Dispatch (All Jewish Families)."

American Christian writer Texe Marrs further states:

“Do the Zionist Jews own Hollywood and the media? Are they using the media to mold and shape American opinion by constantly injecting Zionist propaganda and bias into news programs, movies, television shows, even children's cartoons and entertainment? The answer is so blatantly "Yes!" that you wouldn't think these questions are even worth pursuing. But recently, the untoward comments of a patriot talk show host made me stop and rethink it. Are there people out there—even in the Patriot Movement—who really are that much in the dark, who deny Jewish influence in the media? To further illustrate the breadth of Jewish media control, we note that Jewish magnate Arthur Sulzberger's media empire today includes not only the New York Times (which, in Stalin's day, systematically covered up the genocidal crimes of Jewish commissars in Communist U.S.S.R), but also the Boston Globe, the Lexington Dispatch (NC), the Gainesville Sun (FL), the Ocala Star Banner (FL), the Tuscaloosa News (AL), the Spartanburg Herald Journal (SC), and the Santa Barbara News Press (CA). Each of the newspapers Lillienthal mentioned back in 1978, in turn, owned and still owns dozens of others. So tainted is the news because of this that almost every newspaper in America endorsed President George Bush's radically pro-Israel policies in the Middle East, including Israel's savage butchery of Lebanon and Palestine. There can be no doubt. It is easy for us to document the massive dominance over the media by evil Jewish shills who are continually hostile to pure American interests while, everyday unabashedly spewing out reams of misleading Zionist propaganda. Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX—and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American, ever-growing Zionist World Empire” - Texe William Marrs, American writer and radio host, who ran two fundamentalist Christian ministries, Power of Prophecy Ministries and Bible Home Church, both based in Austin, Texas, -

“Controlling the World's source of news, Jews can always prepare the minds of the people for their next move. The greatest exposure yet to be made is the way that news is manufactured and the way in which the mind of whole nations is moulded for a purpose. When the powerful Jew is at last traced and his hand revealed then comes the ready cry of persecution and it echoes through the world press. The real cause of the persecution (which is the oppression of the people by the financial practices of the Jews) are never given publicity”. Henry Ford, 1921 – ‘The International Jew, the World’s foremost Problem’.

“This particular tribe of moneychangers and merchants learned long ago that whoever controls the media controls the society, the nation and the world. Toward that end, the entire mainstream media (MSM) in the USA is completely controlled by Jewish money and investment. So are all the top positions of the MSM occupied by Jewish CEOs, CFOs and COOs as well as Presidents and Board Directors. Because their Khazarian Mafia masters and handlers are essentially in charge of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, they all realize that any serious transgressions against The Company (aka the C.I.A.) will occur on pain of death, or worse. Even more significantly, all the Big Tech and Big Social Media corporations are run by members of the Jewish Tribe. Almost all of the Big Social Media start-ups are commandeered by Jewish college kids who have been given stolen intellectual property, proprietary information and/or patents by attorneys or other covert agents of DARPA, the C.I.A. or DIA. The IPOs are then managed in such a way so as to guarantee immediate billionaire status to these mind-controlled puppets who are then easily kept on the CIA reservation under threat of losing everything. The notorious Mark Zuckerberg, just like Bill Gates, is just one of many Jewish fake whiz kids who was set up from the start with stolen technology to autocratically lead a major media company for his C.I.A. masters. Ditto that for Google’s Jewish founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin among several other tech founders. What needs to be said about the ironclad control that Jews have always exerted over Hollywood from the very beginning? Every major studio in Tinseltown was founded by Jewish entrepreneurs who originally hailed from Eastern or Central Europe if not Russia. Even a cursory examination of all the most successful CEOs and presidents, directors and producers, screenwriters and film editors, actors and actresses, cinematographers and directors of photography, as well as talent agents and scouts, will prove that Hollyweird is a fundamentally Jewish industry from the top down and bottom up. The vast and complex web of interlocking directorships that predominate throughout Corporate America are populated with business magnates and VIPs who work directly for hidden Jewish banking interests. Serial corporate criminals such as Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Monsanto, BP, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are all run by mostly Jewish (or crypto-Jewish) CEOs and Boards of Directors. Likewise, these corporate entities are effectively owned by Jewish institutional investors which possess the majority ownership in the form of both equities and debt instruments. Of course, the Jewish bankster-aligned Boards of Director are always interlocking and marching in lockstep according to the New World Order globalist agenda” -


Jewish writer Joel Stein wrote a revealing article in the Los Angeles Times in 2008 and he was fired from his job for stating the truth.

“I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the Government. I just care that we get to keep running them. I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,' down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah” - Joel Stein (Jewish) Writer Los Angeles Times December 2008.

Do Jews own any media in many other western countries? Swedish Democrat party member of Parliament Anna Hagwall had to resign because she exposed the fact that a single family of Jews control the Swedish media. The Jewish Bonnier Group owns 96 book publishers, 42 business and trade press newspapers, 105 digital news platforms, 9 film production companies, 176 magazines, 23 major newspapers, 33 TV stations, and 33 “other” media outlets—and quite literally dominates the controlled media in Sweden. “An entire 80 percent of the media is owned and controlled by the same owners,” Hagwell wrote. “This is not acceptable. Therefore, media ownership should be spread over many independent companies and people”.


The Italian Mafia and the Khazarian Mafia have always been joined at the hip. The Italian bankers of the Black Nobility were primarily Jewish; however, there was a lot of intermarriage with the indigenous Catholic noblemen. These purely political marriages of convenience took place regularly to establish a covert culture whereby the court Jews could thrive under the radar, which they did particularly in Rome and in the wealthy northern Italian enclaves.

The false flag terrorist attacks carried out on September 11, 2001 were ordered by the International Banking Cartel, overseen by the Khazarian Mafia headquartered in Tel Aviv, and coordinated with Neocon Zionists in Washington, D.C.  This well-planned terror operation was carried out to (i) declare the bogus War on Terror, (ii) establish the Stasi-like Department of Homeland Security and (iii) pass the unconstitutional Patriot Act.  Each of these events was designed to further strip Americans of their rights and liberties, as well as to lay the groundwork for a future war against the Patriot Movement.  There are no other treasonous acts of terrorism which have so prepped the US government to wage a war on its own citizenry.  The many Jewish traitors know they have nowhere to run but Israel when these truths are generally known, so they have locked the whole place down until their next big move. See: INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE CONFIRMS: 9/11 was both an “Inside Job” and “Mossad Job”

The massive and ever-growing Military-Industrial Complex is fundamentally a Jewish bankster creation headquartered in Chicago which systematically starts forever wars in order to maintain and/or increase the enormous revenues streams taken (read: stolen) from the U.S. Treasury.  The MIC, in collusion with the National Security State, represents the most powerful force and multi-corporate entity in the world today.  The Military-Industrial Complex is truly the 800-pound gorilla that sits wherever it wants to throughout the world community of nations.  Wherever it throws its weight around is left with a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland.  The forever wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, Somalia, etc. are just a few egregious examples of transparent MIC warmongering.

The many “ISMs” that plague American society today, which are purposefully used to contrive wedge issues that are driven deeply into the heart of the body politic, have been manufactured by Jewish intellectuals, academics, writers, philosophers, thought leaders, social scientists and political reformers. For example, the most societally destructive of these ISMs is Cultural Marxism, a highly divisive and devastating social theory and critical philosophy painstakingly developed by the Frankfurt School which was associated with the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. This extremely deceptive and perfidious movement was populated exclusively by Jewish intellectuals whose primary purpose was to construct a blueprint for the complete takeover of Western civilization, which they have practically done. Other repugnant philosophies, movements and ISMs originated by similar groups of Jewish intellectuals and thinkers include Communism, Fascism, Bolshevism, Socialism, Capitalism, Feminism, Trangenderism, as well as the prevailing worldwide regime of Political Correctness that’s currently destroying societies everywhere.  The same groups are also the most aggressive in strategically hurling slurs and slanders of racism, sexism, homophobicism, ageism and, of course, their favorite calculated aspersion—anti-Semitism.

Even the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change scam have been carefully coordinated across the planet by the same Ashkenazi banksters.  For it is only by the financial means provided by the International Banking Cartel that such an immense scheme of mass deception could have ever been initiated in the first place.  That IBC-controlled project is by far the largest commercial venture of all time, dwarfing even World War II which was another extraordinary boon to the Zionist war profiteers.  The preceding Great Depression was also the pet project of the biggest banking crime syndicates located in both IBC headquarters of London and New York City.  Now these same banksters are looking to collapse the entire planetary civilization via climate fear-mongering prior to enforcing their New World Order in the interest of making more money than ever.  Conducting such a controlled demolition of the GE&FS will also allow them to eliminate hard money in favor of a digital or crypto-currency.  The banksters enormous debt loads will also be erased.  See: CLIMATECHANGEgate: The Global Criminal Conspiracy Hatched by the International Banking Cartel to Rule the World

The truth of the matter is that virtually the entire US government, especially the U.S. Congress, is inordinately beholden to Israel.  Both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives demonstrate more loyalty to an apartheid state in the Middle East than to upholding the U.S. Constitution.  Not only are many Congressmen dual US-Israeli citizens, numerous elected representatives are voted into office solely because of their zeal in sustaining their Pro-Israel Loyalty Oath.  Truly, virtually every organization inside the Beltway is controlled directly or indirectly by the rich and powerful Jewish Lobby and/or numerous Israeli pressure groups.  The vastly disproportionate influence in the affairs of the United States exerted by International Jewry is the single greatest reason for the U.S. Military starting so many unprovoked wars of naked aggression.  Which is also why the USA is so hated worldwide by nations large and small.  That so much American blood and treasure is sacrificed and wasted, respectively, for a recklessly rogue nation and terrorist state is simply beyond comprehension … … … unless you follow the money!

Of all the ISMs created by International Jewry, clearly the most dangerous is communism, which eventually transmogrifies into bolshevism wherever it’s set loose.  However, it is the International Banking Cartel that funds all the operations that create so much chaos through regime changes and color revolutions, civil wars and warmongering worldwide.  The enforcement arm of the IBC has always been the exceedingly violent Khazarian Mafia. The KHAZARIAN MAFIA: You Don’t Know, What You Don’t Know!

The whole world watched last century as Russia was morphed into the communist Soviet Union for over 70 years where the nation was transformed into the largest concentration camp in the world as described in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago.  That national catastrophe was then followed by the transformation of China into the communist state of the People’s Republic of China.  How could such a rapid takeover of a country the size of China — from within — take place except by way of a highly organized communist plot.

Two of the largest nations on Earth were conquered so easily by Bolshevik movements only because they were funded and financed, armed and supplied, recognized and legitimized by the International Banking Cartel.

The Global Criminal Conspiracy Hatched by the International Banking Cartel to Rule the World

The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate its membership, multiple agencies and secret society sources say.

The Cabal is now in panic mode after planning to institute global idiocracy featuring diminished mental capacity and population reduction through a series of vaccines.

This is because proof has been sent to the world’s military and intelligence agencies that the entire “Covid-19” Plandemic is a fraud designed to trick the global population into being injected with experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that will alter their DNA in order to permanently enslave them.

The CDC essentially admit Covid-19 is at most a seasonal cold or flu, and are illegally shutting down society and imposing an agenda to vaccinate people with gene-altering CRISPR technology.

Here, for example, is a link to a scientific report admitting CRISPR is used in “Covid-19” vaccines.


The Khazarian Mafia and the Media

Jewish scholar Benjamin Ginsberg maintains similar views in his book The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the States. On the first page of the book, Ginsberg states that Jews have dominated the intellectual, economic, and political infrastructure of America. He writes:

“Since the 1960s, Jews have come to wield considerable influence in American economic, cultural, intellectual, and political life. Jews played a central role in American finance during the 1980s, and they were among the chief beneficiaries of that decade’s corporate mergers and reorganizations. Today, though barely 2% of the nation’s population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews.

“The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation’s largest newspaper chain and most influential single newspaper, the New York Times. In the late 1960s, Jews already constituted 20% of the faculty of elite universities and 40% of the professors of elite law schools; today, these percentages doubtless are higher. The role and influence of Jews in American politics is equally marked. In 1993, ten members of the United States Senate and thirty-two members of the House of Representatives Were Jewish, three to four times their percentage of the general population.

“Jews are even more prominent in political organizations and in finance. One recent study found that in twenty-seven of thirty-six campaigns for the United State Senate, one or both candidates relied upon a Jewish campaign chairman or finance director. In the realm of lobbying and litigation, Jews organized what was for many years one of Washington’s most successful political action committees, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and they play leadership roles in such important public interest groups as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Common Cause…After the Democrats’ victory, President Clinton appointed a number of Jews to prominent positions in his administration. Their role in American economic, social, and political institutions has enabled Jews to wield considerable influence in the nation’s public life”.

One has to feel deeply sorry for America. It is no longer a sovereign country. It is now run almost entirely by Jews for Jewish interests. And Israel calls the shots.

The KHAZARIAN MAFIA: The Most Ruthless Enemy of Humanity

Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion

Khazarian Mafia’s system of Cartels

AIPAC: Enemy of America

The Long Planned & Highly Organized Communist Plot to Take Over the American Republic Proceeds with All Deliberate Speed - JOE BIDEN: A Zionist Puppet and Jesuit Agent Criminally Installed as POTUS to Destroy America:

In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was Jewish, published his novel, Coningsby, in which occurs this ominous passage:

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes”, Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister Great Britain 1868-74

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, letter to Col. House, November 21, 1933

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Felix Frankfurter, Supreme Court Justice, 1952. Felix Frankfurter, a Jew, was a close personal friend and adviser of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appointed him to the Supreme Court in 1939.

“The modern face of this criminal cabal led by Zionist Jews has been exposed for some time. They no longer have to operate purely in the shadows. They have infiltrated positions of power and influence in every facet of cultural and government influence, through either direct or indirect authority, by either holding the positions themselves or having influence over those that do through nefarious or mutually beneficial means. The modern face and name of their criminal empire is the Bilderberg group. Here again my critics will try and claim this is a conspiracy theory, when less than a decade ago their very existence was claimed to be a conspiracy theory until they could no longer hide their existence from the public. The information below comes from their official website So we have a “secret society” comprised overwhelmingly of Jews with a Jewish surname that has existed in its current incarnation since the mid 1950’s, consisting of the most powerful political and industrial leaders of the world meeting in a “forum for informal discussion about megatrends and major issues facing the world”, where they are basically setting global “leftist” policy without its members and what is discussed having to be disclosed. These are the very people Eisenhower and Kennedy were warning the world about. Whether want to claim they didn’t specifically call out the Zionists by name or not, that is exactly what this is a Jewish secret society with token gentile puppets to carry out their agenda in their respective countries. However, it does not take much intelligence to know what they are doing and what they’re ultimate goal is when you have all of the information as I do. It is what they have always been planning, global domination under authoritarian Jewish rule where they (the state) own everything and we gentiles (non-Jews) are nothing more than livestock and property of the global state (communism)” – Daniel Estulin- 2015 Nobel Prize nominee and a multi award-winning investigative journalist, author of ‘The True Story of the Bilderberg Group’, Tavistock Institute and ‘In the Shadows of a Presidency’.


In the interview below, Dr. Lorraine Day discusses the covid lies. The show originally broadcast on March 26 2021, and is entitled, “They Want You Dead!”:

Topics discussed in the interview: the greatest conflict between good and evil; the significance of the Covid-19 virus never having been isolated; the interesting facts behind the word “Corona”; the convenient death of the inventor of the PCR test; how the claims of a virus and the realities of the lockdowns were merely the method via which they planned to get their so-called vaccines into our bodies; the New World Order symbolism on the dollar bill; the significance of the opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympic Games in London; why there is no reason for people to be wearing masks; why herd immunity is a lie; how Satan is the God of the New World Order; how the Elites plan to exterminate 6 billion people by 2030 coincides with the 2,000 year anniversary of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; the definition of the mark of the beast; whether the vaccines can or cannot alter your DNA; and many other topics.

Dr. Day is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author who was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital and is recognized world-wide as an AIDS expert.


This is another article by Dr. Lorraine Day titled ‘There is no virus’.

1) If there actually were a Covid-19 virus, and a REAL Covid-19 disease, people would have symptoms – but they don’t! They have to TEST you to see if you have the NON-disease – because it doesn’t cause ANY symptoms.

2) The CDC ADMITS that there are no “isolates” of the Covid-19 Virus. That means that the Covid-19 virus has NEVER been isolated. That means it doesn’t exist. Because if it DID exist, they could isolate it. But they Can’t!

3) The test used to confirm a person is supposedly infected with Covid-19 - - - doesn’t actually TEST for Covid-19. The PCR test – the Polymerase Chain Reaction test – does NOT test for Covied-19. That fact has been confirmed by the CDC and by the developer of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel prize for developing the test. The PCR test does only ONE thing: it multiplies by thousands (or millions) ANY virus, so the virus can be detected by some OTHER test. But the PCR cannot be used to “identify” a particular virus. There is NO test that can identify the Covid-19 virus – because it doesn’t exist!

4) If there were a REAL virus causing a REAL disease, the government would not have to PAY hospitals $13,000 EXTRA to fraudulently add “Covid-19” to the death certificate on thousands of patients who die from other diseases. The hospitals are EMPTY - - - regardless of the LIES the government tells you through the totally controlled media!

5) If there were a REAL virus causing a REAL disease, the doctors and nurses in hospitals wouldn’t have time to practice their dancing. I was Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital during the height of the AIDS epidemic. There were thousands of patients with AIDS in San Francisco. We knew they had AIDS even without testing them. We had a whole ward full of patients DYING from AIDS. We doctors and the nurses were NOT “dancing.” We were too busy taking care of patients.

6) If there were a REAL virus causing a REAL disease, the LYING authorities would be bound by the number of people who actually HAD the disease and were exhibiting symptoms. The government would have to be honest in their figures. They couldn’t make them up as they go along – which is exactly what they are doing – in order to manipulate everyone in the world with lockdowns, and closing of businesses, to create Chaos in the world and bring COMMUNISM into America.

7) If there were a REAL virus causing a REAL disease, China would still be locked down. But it ISN’T! Why? Because it is ALREADY COMMUNIST, so it was only being USED as a phony source of the Covid-19 virus (so the U.S. could blame the “pandemic” on China). Now that NAÏVE Americans have BOUGHT THE LIE of “Covid-19” – China no longer needs to be Locked Down.

8) If there were a REAL virus causing a REAL disease, only those who HAD the disease would have to be quarantined – as has happened in EVERY contagious disease in the history of the world. NEVER BEFORE have healthy people been quarantined, or required to wear a mask.

This is NOT about a Disease – The REAL VIRUS they are bringing to America is COMMUNISM!

The LIE of Covid-19 provides a “cover” for:

1) Destroying jobs

2) Enslaving Americans

3) Forcing vaccinations that contain infertility drugs, that will kill the elderly rapidly, and will change the DNA of EVERYONE.

4) Being able to take people from their homes, put them in Isolation camps (concentration camps) where they cannot be visited by family because they are “infected.” These people can be tortured, killed, their organs harvested, and eliminated by any means possible. A “great” way to get rid of “dissenters” and truth-tellers.

5) Exterminating the middle class (achieved by the lockdowns), as is ALWAYS done by Communist take-overs. They will be exterminated by famine, deadly vaccinations, and extermination in concentration camps.

6) Do you deny that in order for the world to be shut down in a short period of one week, we already have a Global One World Government? Nine of the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto are in working order in the United States Government. The U.S. colleges have been training the students in Marxism for almost 50 years. In order for the world to be shut down in a short period of one week, it must be understood that a One World Government is already in place!

7) Do you still believe that the President of the United States runs the country? The President gets his “marching orders” from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (right down the street), and the CFR gets its order directly from the Rothschilds in London. The last president that made any decisions on his own was John F. Kennedy, and you know what happened to him!

8) Do you still believe that there is a difference (behind the scenes) between the Democrat and the Republican parties? Both the Republican and Democrat parties receive the majority of their funding from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and other Jewish organizations. And the office of President is always decided far in advance by the Jewish Rothschilds.

The LIE of “Covid-19” will Continue until COMMUNISM has Completely TAKEN OVER America!



I will leave the last word to the Rothschild’s who are the most likely candidates to be at the top of the pyramid in the march towards a tyrannical world government and using Agenda-30, the Great Reset, Climate Change and the Covid-19 Plandemic to get us there.

Investopedia estimates the Rothschild’s family’s total wealth at over $2 trillion in assets and holdings, including some of the world’s oldest living corporations. At $2 trillion plus, the family’s reported wealth is closing in on five times as much as the combined wealth of the world’s top 8 individual billionaires, meaning that the Rothschild family alone controls more wealth than perhaps three-fourths or more of the world’s total population.

Jews make up 11% of the world’s billionaires, so the Jews are doing exceptionally well given that they make up only 0.2% of the world’s population.

Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress has a $3.6 billion fortune that makes him, according to Forbes Israel, the world’s 69th richest Jew.

Jews make up only 2% of America’s population; but according to a recent Forbes Israel list, they make up a whopping 24% of American billionaires. Out of 442 US billionaires, 105 were Jews. With such enormous wealth concentrated in the hands of American Jews, is it any wonder they own the mass media and major corporations as well as have huge reserves left over for the bribery and corruption of American politicians?

Article below is titled ‘The House of Rothschild’.


The letter below is alleged to come from Jacob Rothschild (above). If it is not from him then it is from a close comrade of his. He lays out the total plan for our future, that’s nice of him to be so caring.

I will include the full article from Henry Makow’s website below:

Jacob Rothschild Explained How & Why

This letter from "Jacob R" appeared on Rixon Stewart's The Sept 1, 2020 in response to my article, "Is there any limit to US debt?"

This email was sent from an IP address in Surrey B.C, However, IMO, it was rerouted. This is the real Jacob Rothschild and this needs to be read over and over. Essentially, they are building up to an economic collapse that they will use to justify a one-world currency and Chinese-style world government. The US has had an unfair advantage by having the reserve currency. Now there must be a digital world currency and a world government to administer it.

(from Sept 2, 2020)

by Jacob Rothschild


Dear Henry, you really do go too far when you say things like, "The criminal cabal in charge has been producing this "money" and stuffing its pockets and those of its friends. Is there any limit to the amount they will produce? If the "debt" doubled to $70 trillion, would it make any difference?"

You cannot say our cartel or cabal is "criminal". Don't you see we actually own all of the lawmakers, and besides whatever we do is quite above any of the laws which apply to the common people? 

As for stuffing our pockets, the families which make up our network of central banks throughout the world are in fact the main power brokers in the world. That is our right. Your governments demand every year more than they can afford with one deficit budget after another, always saying that this or that is necessary. By indulging them we simply acquire more power and control. It is called "ownership".

What are we to do, give them our own gold or assets in their borrowing process, and never see it again? 

That is one of the reasons why we have fiat money. It can be made out of nothing and we can make as much as your governments want, so long as they do not spend it on things against our interests or endeavors too far out of our control. 

Also, we do not simply "give" it to them or there would be hyperinflation all of the time and no confidence in any fiat currency. Rather we "lend" it to them such that if we ever called in all the loans it would bankrupt every government which has been borrowing for years from our banks. 

Furthermore, we are able to charge interest on what we lend, which usually sustains the value of our own holdings in compensation for the masses getting all of their free stuff, for so many generations and not paying us back for the exercise of our god-like powers in being able to create something out of nothing.



You have to realize that with the development of our central banking systems all over the world, and particularly through global development lending and our investments in places like China, the economy of the world has grown exponentially over the last 100 years. Presently, the US dollar cannot serve the global needs and is being phased out not with a whimper but with the bang of a mushroom cloud in the creation of unlimited trillions. 

For decades we tried to hide what is now called "the shadow economy" where we worked with the US Fed to create vast amounts of cash out of nothing, to facilitate both business and political interests particularly in developing and other irascible nations around the world. It made little difference to inflation, as the money seldom made it back to the US or to Europe and it usually came back to our banks anyway.

Since 9/11 when the loss of some of those trillions was being investigated, we have been more open as to the importance of always having enough money on hand to do whatever we want, and quite frankly even if we were to make the US dollar debt to us $70 trillion as you say, what we have found is that people around the world, despite complaining about our alleged abuses of power, still keep demanding the stuff. 

It is very similar to the heroin industry, which grew out of our venture in China in the 19th century during the opium trade, the more you produce the more people get addicted to the stuff. With our latest batch of 6 trillion, everyone holding dollars, wants their value to be retained, yet in places like China, India, and Russia what they complain about is the unfair power the US is able to wield around the world by being able to draw so much money from our banks and spend it the way they do, particularly on their military and as a political weapon to serve their interests and those of our families.

In this respect, these nations, fortunately, do not excessively complain against our families controlling the money supply, but rather they tend to focus on the various favored governments which appear to direct the government spending and allocations. 

They complain mainly against the US and for the most part just about every other nation in the world has agreed to take that power from the US, and allow our central banks to create a new world currency, and to be their banker. 

It will require, however, a central government to allocate the expenditures when the borrowing from us will be necessary, and of course to enforce trade with this currency on a global scale that central government will need independent military backing. 

For a good number of decades now the governments of over 190 nations have agreed with this direction and the necessity of there being a one-world government to ensure the necessary financial stability. They are all nations that are part of our web which either have a firmly established central bank in our control or are completely indebted to us for all of our loans from institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank.

The engineering of these new arrangements, which some refer to as the New World Order, however, could not be accomplished by fiat, like we create money. Various nations competing with one another for resources or territories, will not agree just to a global currency, or a global banking system akin to the US Fed, without a central global government for financial enforcement of trade and regulation, and even if they do not agree to a world government, quite frankly places like China and Russia will only continue to feel the abuse of our powers being exercised by favored nations like the US, the UK, and Israel.

Then apart from differences between the various governments who are in our direct or indirect control, there are the masses of ordinary people in the world who still believe they have a say in such affairs, which are in fact many steps removed from them. 

Such a world government that our families have envisioned will have to give them something in exchange for giving up their local and national controls over trade and commerce. In this respect, we have exercised our powers of creating hundreds of billions mainly of fiat-created dollars and "loans" to fund not only the UN but also all of its Agendas, to provide credible, urgent, and existential justifications for the necessity of a one-world government.

To supplant many of the alleged "sovereign" of nations particularly in the West, it has been necessary for us to be very generous allowing the borrowing and indebtedness to us to become virtually astronomical.

As the governments of the nations have become subservient to us so also are the people of those nations. Whether our sustainability measures are actually necessary or not to cure the problems, like global warming or inequality, which issues our NGO's, government agencies, media, and corporate minions have developed and featured in their various campaigns, what really matters most to us is that there is some real substance to there being a one-world government. We need all the support we can garner through our efforts to convince people everywhere of the "necessity" of a one-world government.

Alternatively, if the people reject our proposal most of the governments in the West are at the mercy of us calling in our loans and bankrupting them, whereas the other nations in which we have less control are at our mercy and discretion of continuing in the present system with the dominance of the US and the very precarious US dollar which in any case has had its day, in our view.


Of course, the Covid pandemic is a plandemic, and we through our various think tanks and networks have meticulously planned it over decades. In order for all of the major changes we have planned, including the big one for us of our global bank and one-world currency, the people have to become totally subservient. 

This is much more difficult to achieve in nations where the people think they have a semblance of freedom, and that is why the governments in these nations have been so extreme with the fear and control tactics we have ordained. 

It has been mainly the economic independence of most of the common people which makes them so unruly in these nations, and likely apt to opt to support the sovereignty of their own nations and local control, which is the main obstacle to our plans, and precisely why the severe economic restraints have been necessary under the guise of the pandemic. If the people do not comply, undoubtedly a second wave will come their way, and with that food shortage, and complete government domination in order to usher in all of our proposed changes.

One of our most trusted agents who can see the light for a much brighter future, Karl Schwab of the World Economic Forum, has invited more people waking up to the facts of our virtually complete monetary control, to join in with the Great Reset, and to welcome in our New World Order, and our continued running the world, but on a much vaster, greener, smarter, more equal and more centrally-controlled scale, mainly by our families which have served you so well all throughout the 20th century until now.


"Rothschild-controlled Barings Bank bankrolled the Chinese opium and African slave trades. It financed the Louisiana Purchase. The House of Rothschild financed the Prussian War, the Crimean War and the British attempt to seize the Suez Canal from the French. Nathan Rothschild made a huge financial bet on Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, while also funding the Duke of Wellington's peninsular campaign against Napoleon. Both the Mexican War and the Civil War were gold mines for the family. The Rothschilds have a majority stake in nearly all the central banks in the world." - Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf"










Perhaps the only newspaper telling the truth about Covifd-19 is the new editorial ‘The Light’. The website to download the newspaper is at


The websites below have a huge amount of factual evidence by Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative about Covid-19. - Investigative Journalist, Documentary Filmmaker


Below are 3 great websites’ if you want any template letters for declining the vaccine at work or refusing to wear a mask and some letters for schools.


THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: Biggest and Deadliest Medical Fraud Ever Perpetrated on the Human Race -

If you do not think there is a Global Elite who are conspiring to control the world then you need to watch this video on Youtube titled ‘Fall of the Cabal’. If you have not done any research into this before the information in the video may shock you. I don’t know how long it will be allowed to stay on Youtube, my guess is not long but it will probably be available on Bitchute.

Youtube have taken it down. No surprise.

It is on Bitchute:

Hi, I am David Sorensen, the author of I have made this website to inform you about the greatest threat humanity has ever faced: an invasion of global tyranny, under the guise of covid-19 protection. My goal with is to empower people to rise up as a global army against this crime.


The Great Reset

Below the Great Reset for Dummies


Is there something more behind the global coronavirus response? Why are so many leaders using the same language when talking about the future of their countries and the world? What is the Great Reset? Below Journalist James Corbett joins Del to separate facts from fiction.


The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup D'état with Patrick Wood

It’s Not A Social Dilemma – It’s The Calculated Destruction Of The Social [Part I]

All of Spiro Skouras Covid-19 and Great Reset videos can be found at


It is worth watching parts 4 and 5 on this Richplanet link as they discuss the Great Reset and why they have carried out the global scamdemic called Covid-19 (Coronavirus).




Another absolute must watch video about the Great Reset and absolute control of our lives is by Catherine Fitts called Planet Lockdown.

This interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in.

It was conducted as a part of the full length documentary. They are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

Catherine's analysis can be found at:

The full film, when released, will be available at


Take a look at a fabulous new video entitled: "The New Normal Documentary"... It gives an excellent summary of how the entire scamdemic started, and shows the progression of the horror show by the criminals involved.

The New Normal documentary about the Great Reset. Worth watching.


Below an Excellent documentary by Oracle Films about the lies and the fraud around the official Covid narrative. It is called ‘The Pushback’


Another excellent video about the Covid lies and the dangers of vaccines is The Trail of Truth Directed by Luke Alexander.


Dr. Judy Mikovits has made a video titled the Plandemic Movie about this fake Covid-19 and I suggest you watch it if you value the truth. The video was banned by the criminals at Youtube but a link to the video is below. In the video below Dr Mikovits says that this Covid-19 virus is a total scam to scare the population into accepting more control over our lives and to vaccinate the world population.

Dr Mikovits video is below.


Interview with Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer, where he worked for 16 years. He outlines his position on the pandemic, the vaccine, the issue of variants, boosters and the loss of our civil liberties. It is truly an appeal to the world.


Dr. Malthouse summarises the whole Covid Scam in one video because you are being lied to.

Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Speaking About "Cases", Face Masks, Social Distancing & The Covid-19 Vaccine


Another great video titled the Plandemic – Indoctrination


Dr Coleman says this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19.

Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - and Could Wipe out the Human Race by Dr Vernon Coleman


THE WEAPONISATION OF DECEIT. We are seeing the roll out of Communism across the world. They are rolling out the China system and the Great Reset under the guise of a virus.


Great video about Private Criminal Prosecution of Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson for pandemic fraud.


Below another banned video on Youtube. This one made by Oracle films.


In the interview below, Dr. Lorraine Day discusses the covid lies. The show originally broadcast on March 26 2021 is entitled, “They Want You Dead!”:

Topics discussed in the interview: the greatest conflict between good and evil; the significance of the Covid-19 virus never having been isolated; the interesting facts behind the word “Corona”; the convenient death of the inventor of the PCR test; how the claims of a virus and the realities of the lockdowns were merely the method via which they planned to get their so-called vaccines into our bodies; the New World Order symbolism on the dollar bill; the significance of the opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympic Games in London; why there is no reason for people to be wearing masks; why herd immunity is a lie; how Satan is the God of the New World Order; how the Elites plan to exterminate 6 billion people by 2030 coincides with the 2,000 year anniversary of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; the definition of the mark of the beast; whether the vaccines can or cannot alter your DNA; and many other topics.

Dr. Day is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author who was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital and is recognized world-wide as an AIDS expert.


Further Sources and links below:


Bill Gates: We Won’t Go Back to “Normal Until” A Vaccine Has “Gotten Out To The Entire World”


Compelling Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 Was Man-Made


The “Great Zero Carbon” Conspiracy


Coronavirus and Vaccination Crime! One of The Most Important Videos to Watch

Microchips in vaccines, ID2020 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution


Covid statistics


COVID 19 – Scamdemic – Part 1

COVID 19 – The UK Scamdemic – Part 2


Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks


PCR Tests

First it would be a good idea to watch this video by Dr. Vincent Carroll explaining the fraudulent PCR tests which are used to lock down whole countries:


COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless – Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose.


Below Dr. Vernon Coleman video titled ‘PCR Test is Useless for detecting Covid-19’


COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless

Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose. Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients, whereby “positive” is usually equated with “infected.” But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2.


Every Scary Thing You're Being Told, Depends On the Unreliable PCR Test


Below landmark legal ruling in Portugal finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose


The PCR Test does not Identify the Virus: Covid “False Positives” Used to Justify the Lockdown and Closure of the National Economy.


The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Key To The Pandemic Fraud


Video: “Crimes Against Humanity”: The German Corona Investigation. “The PCR Pandemic”


The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society

Fraudulent Covid Data: Inflating the Numbers. “Double-Counting”, Manipulation of Test Results

The PCR Test does not Identify the Virus: Covid “False Positives” Used to Justify the Lockdown and Closure of the National Economy.

Against the Misuse of Science in the So-called “Pandemic”. The RT-PCR Test


November 24. In a video, Dr. Mike Yeadon, former chief science officer for Pfizer, debunks PCR test and other aspects of COVID “pandemic.”


Covid-19: Behind the PCR Curtain by Dr. Sam Bailey

The PCR Test is Useless for Covid-19 (But Useful for Crooked Governments) by Dr.Vernon Coleman


COVID 19 – Evidence of Global Fraud

COVID 19, and the subsequent governmental responses, appear to be part of an international conspiracy to commit fraud. It seems there is no evidence that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19


Asymptomatic Transmission of a Virus

Dr Clare Craig, a pathologist, and her colleague Dr Jonathan Engler have examined the research evidence behind the claim that Covid-19 can be transmitted by asymptomatic individuals. They have written an important paper on the subject and they came to the conclusion that:

“There is no evidence, outside of China, that anyone has developed even moderate COVID-19 based on true asymptomatic spread, as opposed to pre-symptomatic spread”.

There is an excellent video where many doctors state that Asymptomatic Transmission is fake news.


Covid: The Woeful Case for Asymptomatic Transmission


Watch the video - Questioning Corona Virus; Part 3 The New Normal- FACEMASKS


A recent study in the journal Cancer Discovery found that inhalation of harmful microbes can contribute to advanced stage lung cancer in adults. Long-term use of face masks may help breed these dangerous pathogens.


Wearing the Face Mask: Who is Putting our Children at Risk, SARS-CoV-2 or the Actions of our Governments?

Masks: The Science & Myths by Dr.Lee Merrick MD


Covid Mask: The Psychology of Surrender?

Wearing ‘the mask’ is for those who suffer feelings of fear and/or guilt. Think about it.


There is this study from the U.S National Library of medicine

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis


Peer-reviewed research concludes face masks are useless and dangerous


The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses Are neither Effective nor Safe: A Summary of the Science

Watch the video titled ‘Why Masks Do More Harm than Good’ – by Dr. Michael Gaeta -


Ben Swann: The Truth about Face Masks


Masks are neither effective nor safe: A summary of the science


Masks don’t work – a review of science relevant to Covid-19 social policy by Dr. Denis

Rancourt PhD


Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral


A recent study in the journal Cancer Discovery found that inhalation of harmful microbes

can contribute to advanced stage lung cancer in adults. Long-term use of face masks may

help breed these dangerous pathogens.


Wearing the Face Mask: Who is putting our Children at Risk, SARS-CoV-2 or the Actions of

our Governments?

Continuous Wearing of Mask Aggravates Risk of Infection. “Psychological Terrorism”? By Dr. Pascal Sacre

The below video by 20-year OSHA-approved PPE expert Destroys the Mask and Covid19 Narrative. Important video to watch.

Watch this video by Dr Rashid A Buttar titled ‘WHAT FACE MASKS ACTUALLY DO TO YOUR HEALTH’:

Watch the video titled ‘Why Masks Do More Harm Than Good’ – by Dr Michael Gaeta -


Covid Vaccine

Covid hoax and vaccine exposed by doctors. Must watch!!

Who Controls The UK Government Response To Covid–19?

The mRNA COVID Vaccine is Not a Vaccine

Respected doctor and bioweapons researcher believes Covid vaccines are a form of 'weaponized medicine'


How COVID-19 vaccine can destroy your immune system


Here's why you should skip the COVID vaccine


How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged


The plan to develop the Covid-19 vaccine is profit driven.


Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna vaccines could cause long-term chronic illness


Western Governments Are Killing Their Own People … Again. Experimental mRNA Injections in Nursing Homes



UK Government Is ‘Considering’ Vaccine Passports to Enter Pubs, Shops, Events

Vaccine passports are a moot point because NONE of the three experimental Covid-19 vaccines now being distributed have been demonstrated to protect against infection with or transmission of the virus believed to cause Covid-19 or even prevent symptoms of Covid-19 disease from developing. This fact is indisputable.

Thinking About Taking the Covid Vaccine? Watch This First!

5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine

Do Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremberg Code?

The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Council of Europe (PACE) Report and Testimonies: “Millions Vaccinated for No Good Reason”


Big Pharma wants to vaccinate you ANNUALLY for coronavirus … with no end, ever.




12,400 People in Israel Tested Positive for Coronavirus AFTER Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Shot:


What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”?

Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization





Alert COVID-19: RNA-Type Vaccines Which Modify the Human Genome. Crackdown on Free Speech


Pfizer CEO admits he is 'not certain' their COVID-19 shot will prevent vaccinated people from spreading the virus.


British Government to compensate people who suffer extreme Covid-19 vaccine side effects with payments of up to £120,000


Coronavirus vaccine: Pfizer given protection from legal action by UK government


Philadelphia Priest Dies After Participating in Moderna COVID Vaccine Trial


Agenda 21 (30) books:

Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 by Rosa Koire

Agenda 21 – Discover the United Nations Shocking Plan for Your Future’ by Ron Taylor

U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh


If you want to do further research on the dangers of vaccines, then you should read some of the following books:

How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley

Vaccines Are Dangerous - And Don't Work by Dr Vernon Coleman

Vaccination Policy and the U.K. Government: The Untold Truth by Christina England

Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers by Neil Z. Miller

Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time by Andreas Moritz

Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD

Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History by Trung Nguyen (Author), Eleanor McBean (Author), Sue Martson (Author), Ida Honorof (Author)

The Horrors of Vaccination: Exposed and Illustrated by Trung Nguyen and Charles M. Higgins

For more information on the truth about vaccines go to the following websites:


“The COVID-19 pandemic is not a naturally occurring outbreak like previous pandemics, but is a carefully orchestrated and planned event—a Plandemic. The purpose is for a few organizations and businesses to gain global control, power, and wealth. Social distancing, wearing of masks, closing of businesses, parks, sporting events and churches, and the insistence on excessive sanitation procedures, etc. that we have been instructed and mandated to follow are done to flatten the curve—not to prevent anyone from getting sick or from dying. The idea that flattening the curve saves lives is a myth perpetuated by government officials and health administrators to compel you to comply to all of their insane measures. The overall infection rate and death rate will be the same. These procedures do not save lives. They do not prevent deaths. They only delay the deaths by a few days, weeks, or months. the measures we have been taking, contrary to popular belief, will not save a single life! Everything we hear about saving lives to compel us to follow the social distancing rules is a lie. The shaming and persecution thrown on those who can think for themselves and choose not to follow these senseless regulations will not change things. Social distancing does not save lives or prevent the spread of the virus. The only possible benefit is that it may delay the infection in some people long enough for a vaccine to be developed and for everyone to be vaccinated. That is the real goal” – From the book ‘Plandemic- Exposing the Greed, Corruption and Fraud Behind the Covid-19 Pandemic’ by Dr. Bruce Fife





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.02.2021

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