
Chapter One; Survivor

I was in my room rocking back and forth as I heard yelling, and things being thrown. I played the radio loud trying to block them out but nothing worked. I can still hear him yelling at her. My sperm donor, Liam Wight, he's probably drunk again. He tends to get drunk a lot lately. I don’t know what went wrong. We used to be a perfect family with the white picket fence and everything. Back then, dad was sober and he actually loved me. Something shattered, bringing me out of my trance and it was probably made of glass. The next words I heard made me feel indifferent.

"She's not my daughter, so tell me, Mia, who the hell is." Sobs were heard from my mother but he didn't care; he just kept on spreading his venom. "I should have known I mated a whore. So tell me who’s her father, or have you slept with the whole pack that you don't even know."

My blood was boiling now. My mother didn't deserve this. I got up from my sitting position ready to head to the line of fire. My fists ready like machine guns, but the voice inside my head stopped me. He's only going to get furious and take it out on her. She was right, so I turned the volume up and starred at the wall. I didn't leave my room until I heard a car turn on and the tires screeching against the concrete.

I knew he was gone and that’s when I walked out to inspect his latest tantrum. There was broken glass and plates everywhere. I was barefoot but contunued when I felt the pain coming from my mother. She was sitting in a corner crying. I suddenly had the urge to go to my sperm donor and cut off his balls. From here I could smell the blood and I knew she was trying hard to hide it. Don’t leave her she needs us. I sighed knowing my inner self was right.

I sat right in front of her. Lifter her up till I was cradling her. Her sobs came in harder and hugged me, placing her head on the crook of my neck. For two hours a sat there feeling every single tear drop. By the time she stopped, the whole right side of my shirt was soaked. We sat there in silence until her gaze lifted to meet mine. Her eyes were pink and swollen. She had a cut on the side of her lip with dried blood. I wanted so badly to take all her pain away but for now all I could do was hold her.

I brushed one strand of hair that had escaped from her ponytail to the back of her ear.

"I guess it's only me and you against the world now." She said putting on a fake smile. With that I smiled and held her tight.

My father has left other time but always seems to come back in a matter of months, but not this time. We got to get her out of here. Hell yeah we do!


The next day I woke up and packed everything, all our clothes and nothing else. I place them all in the van. I ripped out the tracker underneath the dash board. Disabled the entire security system that kept us in and emptied all of the safes. By the time I was done it was already nine and mom was still asleep. I had to give her some strong pills so she would actually sleep tonight.

I walked right into the house to the living room where my mom was sleeping. She was on the couch and I swear if it wasn’t for the fact that I can hear her heart beating, you would think she was dead. Hurry before she gets up. I lifter her up in my arms bridal style till the van and thank god I’m stronger than most girls my age. I placed her on the passenger seat and already started to put her seatbelt on.

I went back inside to give Maria instructions on what to do. Maria was the maid in our house. Our home was three stories and filled with luxury but that didn’t stop it from being hell. Maria was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

“You’re finally taking her away from here,” she said placing the mug down. Maria was a woman in her late forties and would often tend to my mother’s wounds. She was my second mother and only family in this house, since my sperm donor took me out of school, and has me 'home schooled'. I walked up to Maria and gave her a huge.

“I can’t keep her here. He’ll end up killing her one day.” I squeezed Maria harder. She let go of me and handed me another cup of coffee that she probably already had made for me.

“So what’s the plane? Where do you plan on taking her?”

“It’s safer if you don’t know.” When I finished a tear fell but she quietly wiped it. She put her empty mug in the sink turned and lined on the counter.

“Mija, how long have you been planning this?”

“Every day since I’ve been seven I would write down ways to escape but I never really done anything till this week.” My sperm donor didn’t hate me until I was five.

“What do I tell Mr. Wight when he comes home?” Tell him to go to hell. Can you quiet down and let me think. I got it.

“Tell him that my mother committed suicide and took her life and the house with her. Matter of fact, don't tell him anything, just file a police report of the fire and our deaths.”

“Darling for you I’ll cross the whole country and back. There is nothing I won’t do for you and your mother. I’ll do it but I only have one condition.”

“And what exactly would that be.”

“You have to call me every day or I’ll go out looking for you under the rocks.” I started to smile. Leave it to Maria to make me smile in any situation.

“Deal. Now come over here and hug me.” I raise both arms for her. She hugged me so tight that I couldn’t breathe but I wasn’t complaining. This will be the last time we’ll see each other. When she released me I saw that she had been crying but she wiped all her tears away and placed one hand on my check.

“My little girl when did you grow up to be so strong and smart? Mr. Wight is an idiot for not seeing how much you both are worth. Now when your mother wakes up tell her I’ll miss her.” She sighed and clapped both her hands together.” Leave before I change my mind and take you both with me.”

I rose on both my feet and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “I love you Maria.”

“I love you to April, know go!”


It wasn’t until five hours into the drive that my mother started to wake up. It was already two thirty in the afternoon and neither of us has eaten anything. We were halfway to the apartment and I’ve been driving nonstop. I’ve only learned how to drive since I was eleven. My sperm donor would get to drunk and leave me to drive. I’ve never told my mother but she always knew. I think that’s the only good thing I got out when my sperm donor would drink while I was under his supervision.

My mother was finally getting out of the daze those drugs put her in. I took the first road out and pulled to the drive thru of IN-N-OUT. The lady at the window didn’t even suspect I was twelve. It was probable the glasses and a bit of makeup that made me look much older I got us both a cheeseburger, fries, and a large sprite to share. I paid for it in cash. I had enough money saved up to last a while. Also I took all the money from my mother’s credit cards and my College fund and put it under a card under Maria’s name. That way he really won’t have a way to track us.

In no time I was back on the freeway. I needed to give my mother a few more minutes to be out of it. From the corner of my eye I saw how she looked at all the luggage in the back seat. Then at me driving and finally the sign that said heading to New Mexico. She then studied the car and started laughing. I sighed. Laughing is good sign. I don’t know why but I thought she was going to yell at me or start throwing stuff at me.

I got the IN-N OUT bag from behind her seat and gave it to her. She took it and started to eat her cheese burger.

After a few seconds of silence she said, “I can’t believe you stool Maria’s car.” I nod my head side to side and reached in the bag for some fries.

I grave a fry and pop it into my mouth. ”You mean to tell me that you wake up from being drugged in your maids car, while your twelve year old daughter is driving to gods knows where and that’s your first question?”

“Well I can see you kidnapping me but stealing Maria’s car. Really? Where do you even plane to take your hostage?”

“First i didn’t steal Maria’s car, I bought it. As to where I’m taking you, I also bought a two bedroom apartment. I told the guy that sold it to me that I’ll pay double more than its original worth if he already had it furnished by the time we get there.”

She stopped eating and snapped her head toward me. ”Where the hell did you get that money.”

“I have saved up my allowance which is a total of six thousand and three hundred dollars.  We also have my College fund and your credit cards on this, plus anything that was in the house safe.” I took out the visa card under Maria’s name and turned to see my mother’s mouth open in shook.

“How did you figure the password to get access to that? “ My father put a code so only people who knew it had access to that money.

“I saw him use it from afar. He didn’t even know I was close. It’s a good thing I have silent feet, right?” She turned on her seat to face me completely with a goofy smile.

“What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?” Then lend her seat back still having that smile that was turning a little creepy.

“You had sexual intercourse with a jerk,” I told her and that smile was completely erased. Nice going dork you just ruined her day. I’ll make it up to her don’t worry.

I turned the radio on full blast to avoid this silence. We both sang to ‘Bobbly’ by Colbie Caillat.


It’s been two and a half weeks since we left and my mother has been sick. She throws up, is constantly nauseous, doesn’t do anything but sleep, and has fainted once. She doesn’t want to go to the doctor but I’m not stupid. She shows all the symptoms of a pregnancy. How do I know this, well it isn’t the first time I’ve seen it. Plus I can hear the baby’s heartbeat.

When I was seven my mom found out she was pregnant and decided to leave my sperm donor and go back to California, to her parents. We stopped at a motel where my sperm donor found us. My mother tried to lock me in my room so my sperm donor wouldn’t take it out on me. I took the keys, tripped and ran for the door. I locked her in and moved the bookcase just in case. I turned all the radios on the same stations loud so she wouldn’t hear.

I waited a few hours till he got back from the bar. I didn’t even hide in fear that he’ll go look for me in my room. It wasn’t the first day he laid a hand on me but I ended up pretty bad. Even when I lost conscience he still kept on hitting me. When I woke up, I found out he had gotten to my mother and she lost the baby. Son of a bitch wasn’t even sorry. Said it wasn’t his anyways.

So here you have me in a drug store buying six pregnancy test. When I got to the cashier she just looked at me with judgment look. I leaned on the counter waiting for her words. The old lady that saw me mugged me and called me a slut under her breath. She probably thought I couldn’t hear her but I have sensitive ears.

“Aren’t you a little young to be pregnant?” Ladies and gentlemen there it is. People are so easy to come to conclusions.

“Yes… yes I am,” I said to her in a sarcastic tone.

“What would your mother say if she saw you buying this?” She held up one of the boxes like if I was too stupid to know what I was being.

“My mother would probably thank me for buying these for her. You see she’s in denial because we both know she is but somehow she just keeps lying to herself. So here I am buying a pregnancy test because my mother is hiding behind uncertainty, and begging for all of these to be negative.” You didn’t have to tell her. I know but I wanted her to feel like an idiot for even thinking I was pregnant. Plus, i don't like that smirk on her face.

She didn’t speak until she finished scanning all the boxes.” Okay your total is $49.59.” I handed her a fifty and took the bag. I placed my hand out, telling her I was waiting for my receipt and change. “Hey, are you and your mom the ones who moved to the top floor?” She said giving me my receipt and change, which I put in the bag.  Do we know her? I don’t, do you? Nope. I gave her questionable look the she probably got. “I live next to Anthony.”  Anthony is the only friend that I’ve had so far.

“Yeah. My name is April by the way.” I extended my hand to her and she took it.

“I’m Rose. I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

“Sure,” I said walking a few feet then stopped and pivot my foot to face her. “By the way I haven’t even bloomed yet.” Her whole face turned cherry red and with that and I left. Yes you have. Yeah, but she doesn't know.

When I got to the apartment my mother was sitting at the kitchen eating the pasta and bread I left in the microwave for her. Her back was towards me so she still couldn’t see the bag filled with pregnancy test.

“Where have you been?” She asked without turning around. I spilled all the test in front of her and went to the fridge for two waters. She gasp and said, “You’re pregnant?” I couldn’t help but laugh because her actions were so fake.

“Nice try, here,” I said placing a box and a water right in front of her.

“Fine but I’m only taking one.”

We waited for a few minutes to find out it was positive. She completely flipped out and ended up taking them all praying that at least one would come out negative. None did so I scheduled an appointment for her next week.


In the hospital my mother had blood drawn and her first ultrasound.  You could hardly make out Tommy’s bodies outline. His arms were very little and when I heard his heartbeat, my whole world stop. I was going to protect them both no matter what.

That same day we got a call that they barely found any weight blood cells in her system. Several test were taken till we found a tumor in her left lung.  The normal thing would be to go straight into surgery but giving her condition that would only put her and Tommy at risk. The plan was to wait until my mother gave birth and then do the surgery. Unfortunately when that happened the tumor had grown too big that all the doctors were afraid to perform the surgery. She died January seventeenth, three months, one week and two days from Tommy’s birthday.



Chapter Two; Her Will

Anthony was the one to find her. She died in her sleep. Dr. Switcher, her doctor who attended her at our house, said that she couldn't breathe and she probably struggled to get air. It would feel like drowning under water and having something press on her chest. I knew this was gonna happen but when I saw her there, cold, with no soul I couldn't breathe myself. I felt someone inside of me squeeze my heart and the sensation wouldn't leave but I didn't allow myself to crumple. I had to be strong since Anthony was a nervous wreck and Tommy couldn’t walk.

My mother’s funeral wasn't filled with loved ones or flowers. It was done in secret. You can say Mia really thought about everything. She paid up ahead to have her body incinerated without having any records of it. We got one of these wooden boxes where you place your loved ones ashes. Her box was light brown with words that said, ‘Not even death can kill since I live inside of you.’

At home we took out the shoe box that she instructed us to open when she past. There was a two letters, one addressed to me, the other to Anthony, and a key. I handed Anthony’s his letter and slowly ripped the edges. My pals were sweating and trembling a little. They were a few of pages written in her small, cursive handwriting.

‘My little warrior, if you’re reading this then you must be strong. You’re Tommy’s new mom and you’ll keep this family going. Remember that you are will always have me in your heart and will protect my most prized possession, you and Tommy. I’ve already placed everything in your name. The key is for the cabin in the woods I once took you too. I bought most of the land surrounding that and had an architect build a home fit for my angels. I hope you’ll love it.

You must leave soon before anyone figures you and Tommy are alone and puts you in the system, or worse, takes you back to your father. You must avoid at all cost to be separated. I know this is a lot to take in but I know you can do it.

I also leave you my necklace. It’s a family jewel and worth a lot. Also my wedding ring, it was your grandmothers and I think we both wanted you to have it.

I already have everything planned out.

Someone will come later today to pick all you up. He'll take you to the airport. Don't worry, everything is already payed for. Anthony will attend my old high school and you will continue to take independent studies till Tommy can go to school. Be careful who you let in your life and don’t let anyone know you’re alone. At least until you turn eighteen and can officially be Tommy’s guardian. There’s enough money for several years but don’t just live off of that. Invest in companies and stocks.

Good luck, follow your dreams and never forget that I love you.'

(Anthony's POV)

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I knew April was already up cooking. I went to Mia’s room to go weak her up. If I don’t go then she won’t get up till one. I get up and head to her room at the far end of the corner.

I go into her room to find her on the floor with all the pills thrown everywhere. I frozen in place for seconds but it feels much longer. When my brain finally snaps out of it I run to her side. At first I shake her and call her name. Then I lift her up from the floor onto the bed where I’m still holding her. I rocked her back and forth, begging for her to wake up.  I felt tears come down my cheeks and my breath was uneven.

Mia can’t be gone. She’s the closest thing to a mother and a family that I’ve ever had.


I use to leave with my father. He’s been a drunk since I can remember. Whenever he was mad he would take it out on me. When April figured it out she told me I can live with her and her mom. It was the first day they moved into the apartment building. It was also the first time I’ve ever seen her. I asked her how she knew and she said that she heard my screams and pleas for him to stop. That time he broke several bones. I didn’t even open the door, she picked the lock. I asked her why she cared then she told me her whole story.

How her father would beat her ever since she was five. That he caused her mom a miscarriage. The day he was so drunk he almost took her innocence if her mother hadn’t thrown a vase to his head. How he would starve her for days on end. That they couldn’t take a step outside without him knowing it. I always thought I had it tough till I meet her.

The first few days Mia was quiet. Her daughter seemed like the one who was calling the shouts until she found out she was pregnant. When she found out she was dying she tried so hard to be strong in front of us. We moved to a nice suburbs home with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. We’ve been here ever since.


The squeak at the door brought me back. April came walking in the room slowly. I was still holding on to Mia and rocking her. April took her mom’s hand to check for a post. I waited for a while and when she finally looked at my eyes, she nodded no. April walked to the desk and grabbed her mom’s phone. She dialed someone but I couldn’t hear anything above my sobs.

When April appeared back in my vision again she was slowly taking my hands off her mom. That was my quew to whip my tears and get of the bed. April gently got the blanket on her mom. Then motioned me out the door with her. She went down stairs and just sat on the couch. This whole time she kept this cold serious face. I sat right across from her. She was looking right at me but at the same time it’s like she couldn’t even see me.

We sat there for half an hour until the doorbell rang. April answered the door than moved to let the doctor pass. They both probably went up to Mia’s room. I honestly didn’t want to be there. I went to go check on Tommy. He was still in his crib in April’s room. I picked up the little fellow, carefully so he won’t wake up.

A few minutes April came in with the car seat and just left it on the bed. I guess she wasn’t talking today. I placed Tommy in his car seat, and then took him in the garage. There April was in the car. It was already on. I seat in the back with Tommy.


When we got to the funeral home, there were no questions or anything. It’s like they were already waiting for us. No words were said. I took Tommy into my hands and walked in. The little fella was still sleeping. They just took Mia’s body to the back and started cremating her. April just stood there, staring at her mother burn.

I went back to the front. The lady behind the counter gave me a small smile. “Would you like to pick out the box?” I just nod my head. “Follow me then.” We walked into another room with rows of wooden boxes. I chase a light brown box the shape of a hexagon. “You know you can add words to it.”

“You think you can write, ‘not even death can kill me since I live inside of you’, in silver cursive?” Mia use to say she wasn’t really going to die.

“That’s really lovely. Just give me a few minutes,” she said and walked out to another door. I went back to the front and sat on a couch with Tommy still in my arms. When the lady came back out she was holding the box. In the front were the words in silver and on the other five side had a silver floral pattern. I think Mia would have loved it.

“How much do I owe you?”

“No need the decease paid in ahead.”


Back home we sat in the kitchen table. Tommy was still asleep in his car seat on the table. April opens a box and she handed me a litter.  It had my name in nice hand writing that belonged to Mia. I opened the envelope and started to read.

‘My dear Anthony you’re all they have left. Even though you haven’t been with us for very long, I’ve grown to love you as a son.  Please don’t leave them. In my room there is a series of Harry Potter. Read them in order to understand what you are dealing with. I hope that when you know the whole truth you won’t leave them.

If you choose to stay then there’s someone I’d like you to meet. His name is Richard Vasquez and he’ll find you if you choose to stay. Right now April’s probably in her own world. If you're gonna leave make sure she snaps out of it. Goodbye and don’t get in too much trouble.’

I look up to see that April was still lost staring at the paper.

Chapter Three; Leaving Home

I couldn’t lift my gaze of the letter. I found myself rereading it over and over. It wasn’t until I heard Tommy start to cry that I looked up. Pull yourself together. We need to start leaving and Tommy needs us. You’re wright. I got up and took Tommy out of his car seat. Poor fella must be hungry. I went to the fridge and took out a bottle of milk and popped it in the microwave. When he heard the microwave turn on he settled down.I think he knows that his milk is almost ready. That's when I realized it was barely around twelve. Once the timer went off and I put the cap on, I handed Tommy his milk. I think it’s cute how when he’s eating, he tends to look at the people giving him the food, in the eyes.

I turned around to see Anthony staring at me. “You should start packing, we leave tonight.”


We finished packing everything around five. Our bags were lined out in the hallway. I was playing with Tommy who kept on trying to walk but always fell on the third step. I would always catch him before his but hits the floor. Tommy fell asleep around eight. I decided to get my sketchbook and draw. Anthony had been reading Harry Potter this whole time and it looks like he’s almost done with the book. He would randomly look up from his book and just stare at me. I decided to draw Tommy’s sleepy form.


It was twelve thirty when the driver came by and took us to the airport. At the airport there was a private plane waiting for us.

(Anthony's POV)

By the time we made it to the airport and our private plane I was almost done with the second book. This wasn’t any Harry Potter book but the diaries of Mia. I felt like an intruder reading these. I can’t help but wonder if April had read them already.

They’re about when she was little and how she got kidnapped when she was six by a mad man named Victor Rodriguez. It was more like a journal about what they did to her and all the experiments. Since the first page I wanted to shred this book into pieces but I needed to know what they did to her. In the beginning of the third book it talked about training and how they were teaching her how to kill. I guess Victor had a son that helped Mia escape at the age of thirteen and told her were her real family lived.

Her forth book was about returning to her family. How all she had of then was this neckles that I guess April started wearing today. By the time she got to the ‘pack’, no one knew who she was. Everyone thought she was a simple human. When she found her family they were at the park playing with a two year old. She got close inoff and acted like all the other kids in the playground.

She soon realizes that they forgot about her and moved on. She was more mad that they couldn’t identify her scent and didn’t recognize her wolf. For weeks she just looked at them from afar. She said they looked happy and at piece. She decided to hit the road. Mia wrote about the places she’s been, the jobs she took, and the people she met.

When she was seventeen, she saved a little boy’s life. He ran for his ball into the street. Mia was there and the car was going full speed to the little boy. His parents were drinking coffee at the Cafe she was working in. Mia was fast enough to get to the boy and used her body to protect him. The little boy’s parents adopted her. That how she became Mia McGuire, the daughter of millionaires.

The fourth journal was about her life with Richard, her ‘husband’. I decided not to read that one. My blood was already boiling from the first two journals. I felt high on adrenaline and had no way of letting it out. I threw the book to the wall. That caused April to wake up and jump out of her skin.

She gave me a questionable look then said, “I know the last book is a major let down but don’t you think you’re over reacting.”

I took one of the books and took off the protective cover, exposing Mia’s journals. “Like I said, the last book is a major let down.”

“You’ve read them?”

“Yeah…. When I was ten I found her journals. Since then I’ve known why I can’t transform into my wolf. Mother always thought I was oblivious to her childhood.”

“A wolf?” Yeah, Mia’s death totally hit her hard.

“If you read the fifth book then you will find out that we are. Most people call us,” she did air quotes in the air,” werewolves. Here!” April takes out a book from her bag and throws it to me. “It belongs to my grandparent. My mother took it when she went to go find it. It’s been passed down from alpha to alpha. My mother was the next Luna by birth right. She took it when she decided to leave. She also kept the alpha ring and a few family jewelry. She planned on going back but then she met my sperm donor.”

“My mother was tested and experimented so much that her wolf became pretty strong and powerful. When I was born my wolf was way too much for my body. My little body couldn’t take it so my mom had me on this medicine made to weaken my wolf. It’s kind of like morphine. Anyways, I still take it.”

“So where exactly are we going?”

“When I was seven my sperm donor made my mother lose all contact with the McGuire’s. I think they have a right to know that their daughter died. Plus I think I’m overdue to go visit my grandparents. We’ll stay for a day and then leave to California.”

“What’s in California?”

“My mother’s pack, a secret grave yard for that specific pack and also my mother built a house there for us. I think my mother thought we would be safer there. I don’t know but I’ll tell you right know, I don’t want to be a part of that life.”

“Why not? If you’re telling the truth, then aren’t you like royalty.”

“Actually I am but last time I checked there at war with vampires, rogues and another pack. In other words, they’re screwed. I don’t want Tommy around all of that. Anyways my mom didn’t leave all willy-nilly. The Beta threatened her to leave. Plus I just want a peaceful life.” She stretched out her arms and beyond. It was already around four and I know she hadn’t slept all day so I decided this conversation can continue in the morning.


“Wake me up when we land.”

“Sure but I’m sure when the pilot says we're almost there, you would already be awake.”

Her eyes were already closing when she said, “true.”

(April’s POV)

“Mr. and Ms. McGuire we are ready to land. I’d advise you to buckle up.” The pilot woke me up using the speakers. I looked around to see Anthony still reading the book I Threw at him. It’s a journal of all the alphas before my mom. She was so mad that the Beta threatened her that she took everything of sentimental value. It was a bit drastic but a girl has a wright to be mad. I Mean she was being tortured while her parents were happy with another child that wasn’t even theirs.

They replaced her and left her to be screwed by fate. She lived for thirty-five years and fourteen of those were spent in hell. My sperm donor took most of his torture methods out of the journals.I Kept my own journals from my years with him. Mine contained images of his cruelty. It was a reminder of all the things I’ve lived through.I’ve also got plenty of scars and bite marks from him. He would bite me and say “you’re mine, only mine.” It was pretty disgusting the way he saw me sometimes.

My mother always made sure he never took things to for, or at least she tried her hardest.

The screeches of the plane’s tires took me out of my thoughts. We finally arrived at Baltimore in Maryland.  The house was close since the landing site was on their land.

Chapter Four; One last goodbye

The house was exactly the same as when I last saw it. It looked like a medieval castle. It was two stories but wide. The first room we entered was the ballroom. The maid, Sera, walked us to the dining room. My grandparents and my uncle all got up when we entered the room.  I dropped my bag and ran to them.

“God I’ve missed you all so much.” I gave them a group hug.

“ I don’t think you’ve missed us so much. So who’s your friend over there? He looks cut.” My uncle, Dave said. He was only twenty-five and loved embarrassing me.

“Mia adopted him,” was all I said.

“Honey where have you been? Your father came and said you and your mom died a year ago.” My grandmother, Elizabeth, said shedding tears. I let go of them. How dare him come here and act like a caring husband.

“Um. Can we go to the living room there’s something I need to tell you.” Once in the living room I handed my grandfather, Max, my mother’s fifth book. He starts to read. The first few pages are fine until you read the third page. There starts the torture. I handed my uncle my journal. I went back to the kitchen where Tommy and Anthony were at. I took Tommy from Anthony and headed back to the living room.

I handed Tommy to my grandmother. “I’d like you to meet my little brother.” With that the two men put down the journals. Dave looked ticked off. Grandpa Max was crying and Elizabeth was oblivious to what just happened. I took the two journals and motioned both men to follow me. I took them to Max’s office.

Once I closed the door, Grandpa Max attacked my in a hug. “I’m sorry, I should have known.”

“It’s okay. Were fine but mom passed away yesterday from a tumor in her lungs. I need your help?”

“Anything you need we’re here for you,” uncle Dave said.

“I want you to say you found these journals hidden behind my poster at my old house. For all I know my sperm donor thinks we're dead and that Tommy doesn’t even exist. I want to keep it that way. Also were going to bury Mia in her birthplace tomorrow night. It’ll be a full moon I’d love for you to join us.”

“Of curse. We’ll leave tomorrow,” Dave said. Grandpa Max just nodded the whole time.

“One last thing, I don’t want to let Elizabeth know about my sperm donor. “


The next day we ate breakfast then left. The ride there was quite. Gramps and grams were playing with Tommy. Dave was making phone calls; me and Anthony listen to music.

It was around at Mendocino, California at seven in the afternoon. We decided to have the ceremony at twelve. In the meantime, we went to go see our new house. The whole things were made of one way glass, so in the outside it looks like a mirror. It was three stories high, contained fifteen rooms, a ballroom, a indoor pool, gym and a beautiful back yard. There was a man made pond with a walkway to the center. There stood a roof and a table.

The house was gorgeous and over the top. Everything was furnished, except for the bedrooms. Uncle Dave went into the town for wine and apple cider. We spent the rest of the time saying stories about my mother. We all decided to walk to the pack cemetery. Dave took his guitar. We would sing ‘love will tell us where to go’ by Bridgit Mendler, it was her favorite song.

When we got there, I was the one to bury her. The place was at the top of the mountain. It had a perfect view of the full moon. Usually the whole pack come to see of the member but no one quite knew of my mother’s existence. Once berried and watered a huge tree grows out with the name of the deceased on it. Family members and friend will carve something on the tree. I dug a hole and placed her ashes in there and a seed. I covered the rest of the hole with dirt. I hurried and placed water on top.

I could hear my mothers pack coming closer. I buried my mother were the Alpha and Luna’s were buried. The tree started to grow but not fast enough before the first wolf showed up. My family were a few feet away leaving all the attention on me.

You just made a big mistake, he growled at me.

What do we do know. Protect the tree till the name appears. Then they’ll probably forgive you or just kill you all before that. Thanks for the pep talk.

“Really, I don’t feel like I made a mistake. Why don’t you enlighten me on the subject?” Just keep him busy for an entire minute. Then the ritual would be complete. Well isn’t that just peach.

The wolf just growled and leaped for the tree. I ran grabbed him from the neck and slammed him to the groaned. I was a lot stronger than your average wolf since my mother’s experimented blood ran threw me. I’m like a wolf on steroids. That’s how much stronger and faster I can be from your average wolf.

He looked shocked but before he could react I grabbed him by the tail and threw him to two wolves that had just arrived. Then plenty of more surrounded us. I heard my grandmother gasp. Just thirty more seconds.

Out came a man wearing nothing but short. He was built and much taller then me. He had dark hair and sea blue eyes. He walked right towards me. I did the same not wanting to back down. I never left his gaze and he never left mine. Twenty more seconds.

“Little girl, do you know what you just did?” This must be my mothers adopted brother. So far I don’t like him. Me either.

“Actually I don’t. You see me and my family was just barring one of your pack members in her rightful place. As the true rightful leader, unlike you.” I saw anger in his eyes as they darkened. He raised his hand to hit me but I caught it before it made contact with my skin. Placed his hand behind his back and threw him right in front of the tree, on his knees.

When he lifted his gaze my mother’s true name was written on the tree. Samantha Blackthorn came out in her lovely, cursive, handwriting. Two wolves stepped forward and did this load whimper. They were probably her parents. The rest of the pack joined in.

I walked towards my family and took Tommy from gran's hands. “Let’s go home.” I started to lead them back to the house.

Stop them and take them to the pack house. That came to my grandfather. Two wolves’ appeared right in front of me. I gave Tommy to Anthony and stepped forth.

“I’ll go peacefully but only me. If try to take us all I will fight back and you really don’t want to see me mad. Anthony take them home.”

“You have no right threatening us like if you were even a threat.” My adopted uncle said.

Would you like me to tell everyone that I’m Samantha’s daughter and take your son’s possession as next Alpha because I will if you push me. I said in his head. I smiled sweetly while he had a shocked face, and then covered it up.

“Take the girl only, the rest may go.”

Chapter Five; Captive

They took me to the basement of the mansion and seat me on a wooden chair. The chair had silver restrains on the hands. One of the men reached for the restrain till I told him, allow me, we wouldn’t want you to get hurt, in his head. He looked dumbstruck.  Oh I’m so going to have fun with these people. I was glad I changed my appearance before we got here. My red hair, dyed to black, my brown eyes, in blue contacts and to top it all off I’m wearing glasses. I even brought her four journals and a photo album of Mia.

I sat there for a few minutes and then entered my grandparents, adopted uncle, his son and the beta. I looked at them one by one but my eyes lingered at his son. His wolf was screaming mate. Me and my wolf just rolled our eyes. We both swore off boys a long time ago.

I was the first to break the silence. “Really the restrains, it’s not like I bite… hard.”

“You’ll have those on until we figure out who you are and what you want.”

I simply smiled. The restrains are loose for my tiny hands. I slipped both hands out and run them thru my hair. “Well, my name is Mia, simplehuman and I want to finish my friend’s last wish and bury her in her home town. Anything else?”

My grandmother stepped forward. “Do you know where she’s been this whole time?” She was at the brink of tears. Her eyes were blue, her hair was blond but her face had the same qualities as her but overall Mia looked like her father.

“I’m very sorry for your loss mam. Here sit down.” I offer her my chair. “I brought photos if you like to see them.” I took the album out of the bag and handed it to her. She opened the album and the tires she was holding back spilled. I got on my knees and whipped the tiers away. I took of my nicklas and handed it to her. It was the one my mother was wearing when taken. “I think you should have this. May I?” She nodded and I got up to place the necklace around her neck. “She never took it off. Said it was like always having you with her.” With that her sob came out lauder.

“What relationship did you have with my daughter?”

“Samantha parents adopted me. The place she was taken to was facility that experimented on both human and werewolves. They mostly took kids young. She was the first to escape but later came back for us.” I took out the four journals and handed them to him. ”These were her personal thoughts. They start from the day she was taken in till she reached the age of twenty-two.  Anything you ever want to know about your daughter is in those books.”

“Here these are from her.” I took out three letters that I found while packing. I handed one to her mom, the other to her dad, and one to her adopted brother. “Know if you’d excuse me, there’s a plain I need to catch.”

I started to walk out until someone grabbed my hand. I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. “It’s already late outside. Why don’t you stay here for the night.” I lowers my gaze to where the Alpha's son was grabbing me. I think he felt my anger because he took his hand back.

“With all due respect I’ve just lost my only mother two days ago and all I want to do is go home and cry myself to sleep.” The ass hat really thinks I’m staying here. “Goodbye, and nice to meet you all.” With that I just left.

I didn’t know where I was going but I knew he was following me. I decided to head back up the mountain. Why don’t we just push him off a cliff while we're there. I don’t know about you but killing the Alpha’s son on his territory is just plain stupid. Fine we won’t kill him, for now.

When I got there I headed up to her tree. I could see that some people had already written stuff down. I wrote under her name in the same thing on her box. ’Not even death can kill you, since you’ll always live in my heart.’

“You must have really loved her.”

“For the longest time in my life, she was the only thing keeping me alive.” I didn’t even turn around to look at him. I leaned my whole body on her tree.

“So what’s kipping you alive know?”

“That’s something I have to figure out.” I slid my whole body down the tree, till I was sitting. I look up and see the stars through her branches. I felt him sit next to me but I wasn’t going to acknowledge him. I could feel his eyes on my. “What do you want?”

“I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”

“I’m fine I just really want to be left alone with my thoughts.” And far away from you.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Where I’m going to go from here.” Possibly far away from here.

“Why don’t you stay here?”

“I don’t think you would really want that.” I know I don’t.

“Why would you think that?”

“Because I’m the Blackthorn’s only blood decedent and that’s not good for your position in the pack. Plus I already don’t want to be here, it bring back a lot of bad memories.”

“What kind of memories?”

“The ones that leave scars and nightmares, which make your whole body, shiver from just remembering. The kind that are always in the back of your head and never truly let you be free. Always making you look behind you shoulder. Ones that won’t let you trust anyone, not even you or my grandparent.”  That would make you wish you were dead. After that I was speechless. He was having a conversation with his wolf. I really didn’t care so I just blocked him out.

My father once took me to the facility a few miles away from here were my mother was taken. He had fun using all their toys on me. I was a year with him. The only thing that made me not care how long we spent there was that he was far away from my mother.

“I have to go.”

“Will I ever see you again?”

“Maybe,” or not.

Chapter Six; Three years later

It's the start of summer and the next school semester I have to attend as a senior. It's mostly to take all the classes I couldn't attend in independent studies. The only problem with that is Adam goes to school there, my adopted uncle’s son. I only met him once and thought it would be fine to erase his memories. The facility my mother and I were kept in created a serum to let their patients forget what has happened in the past few days.

I used to use it on my mother when my father did something major to me. I think the worse thing than to see yourself almost die is to see your own daughter go through it. It was the only thing good I found when my father took me there. When I ran out of it, I used spells. My blood contained so much DNA in it, that some of it was for witches. I also had vampire, dragons and many others that I still haven't found. You can say I was a supernatural freak, nothing and everything at the same time.

Anthony went to meet with Richard Vasquez the first week we were here. Richard Vasquez is the son of Victor Rodriguez. He was the one to help my mother escape. Anyways my mother had contact him and had him use her old blood samples to transform Anthony into a werewolf. Ever since then me, Anthony and Hector have been training to become stronger.

Hector is Richards’s son and Anthony’s best friend. The Vasquez lives in the pool house I build on my property. His mother, Stephanie, helps me with the chores around the house. Richard has become our house doctor and I fund his hospital.

I finally shifted into my wolf. I named her Red because that was my fur color. I looked like an oversized fox but it wasn't always like that. When I first shifted, my wolf was pure white and soon turned into a bloody red.  Richard said that my fur color was very unique. My wolf special ability is to adjust to the background, making me invisible. I can also hide my human and wolf scent making it impossible to spot me. When I really concentrate, I can mimic someone sent and heart beat. Anthony is stronger than all of us but I can easily take him down. Hector is faster than light and Richard also has strength but Anthony’s stronger.

Richard believes since I’m full werewolf, my abilities are better. I’m almost as strong as Anthony, almost as fast as Hector and my sight and smell is better than there is. Next year we’ll find out what Tommy can do. He’s four but don’t underestimate him. Like me, he can hear what werewolf think. Just like a mind link. I try to avoid taking him places where there’s a lot of werewolves because that just leaves you with a massive migraine.  Even though he’s little I already have him training. Richard shows him weak spots to easily take down our opponents.

The house and land my mother gave us started right at the border line of the Blackthorn pack. I made a deal with the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack. They're known for being violent and bloody.  I think the Alpha’s is known to kill first and ask questions later. I sold him weapons to fight off the vampires. The only things that can kill vampires are obsidian. It’s a rare stone found in Australia. I own my own personal mine there.  He gets first pick and he and his men will leave my land alone.

My dear uncle the only one that knows I’m ‘Samantha’s’ daughter and we keep in touch. He may be a total prick but I do care for the wellbeing of my grandparents. Plus he has this cute little daughter the age of Tommy. I go visit at least once a week but during school time. I really don’t want a run in with his son. During summer I always take the two of them to amusement parks or even vacations to other countries. Uncle Jeremy Blackthorn knows to stay on my good side.

I still don’t trust him so I have someone spying on him. Every move he makes I know of.  Like a few months ago he sold a few of his pack to the slave trade. I wasn’t that mad since I was the one who bought them. It was Abraham, Brooke, Derek, Kim, and Liam. They were within the ages of seventeen to twenty. Those are the ones that cast more.

They’re currently living with me.  I have them on independent studies with me and next year they start school with me. Liam is twenty and is going to attend community college.  I want to see the look on Jeremy’s face when he sees them. He told the whole pack that they died in a rogue attack. I have them training with Anthony. They were the packs weakest links. I tend to make them the strongest.

Hunter, Jeremy’s son, is currently dating the school's head cheerleader. He’s the captain of the school’s football team. Anthony says he’s a jerk that likes to belittle people. Dodged a bullet there.

Anthony likes to consider us our own little pack but I like to consider us as a trib since we're less territorial. We each have the same tribal tattoo on the side our arm. It’s simple and goes around all the way and stands for warrior. Both packs know to leave alone. We don’t have a name because we’re not a pack. We all belong to the Blackthorn pack, even if I’m the only one who knows it.  Anthony, Hector, and I are the ones who drive away most of the vampires and hunters that dare try to attack my kind and the ones shrouding us. Everyone knows it's Hector and Anthony but I’m the mysterious third one. The rare red wolf with no cent or heart.

Most of the surrounding packs know me as Red and fear and respect me. I’ve contacted them to know that if they ever need anything I’m a phone call away. Most werewolves are very territorial and only care for their packs well being but I know how it feels to go through hell and no one deserves to. To yell and have no one help you, and to know that they all heard your screams and pleas for it. I try to help most people in anything that I can. I’ve invested in so many small companies that have become giant corporations that I have enough money to last for generations.

Most people have seen me around with them but consider me to be a dump little human they hang out with. If only they knew I can hear their thoughts. I never go around the other near packs. I love keeping myself a mystery to all and be an open book to a few.


Today we're all going out to dinner. Even the werewolves that my uncle sold to the slave trade. They’re going to start school next year so might as well start letting people see them. We made reservations for the new restaurant in town. The guys want to celebrate their return from ‘death,’ since that’s what Jeremy told everyone. Also my dear uncle and his family would be there. I want to see the look on his face when he sees us.

Our reservations were at seven just like his and our tables were next to each other. The girls wore dresses while the gays wore tux. We all decided to wear black. Even Tommy dressed up. We took the 2014 Chevrolet Camaro, and  2015 Scion FR-S. When we arrived my uncle was already there. The restaurant had a simple elegance to it.

“You’re reservations mam.”

“Yes, the McGuire’s, party of nine.”

“Follow me please.”

The first one to spot us was Emily, Jeremy’s daughter. She got up and ran towards me. That got the attention of everyone at their table. “Aunty April, did daddy invite you to?” She jumped right into my arms.

“No, I came with my friends.” I turned to acknowledge my group, “I’ll see you all at the table.”

“Auntie can I eat with you? Daddies dinners are always boring.”

“Sure, let’s go ask him.” I turned my gaze to him and his family. They all stared at me. Hunter’s wolf had already identified me as his mate. Well this will be fun since he’s with his girlfriend. I carried Emily to her father. “Hey there big brother.” I heard my wolf laugh with the face Hunter just had.

“April”, he said giving me a huge.

“Daddy can I eat with Tommy?” Jeremy looked at my table and his gaze froze. I knew he saw the five member of his pack, that he sold, at my table. I couldn’t help but smile. Just let her, we won’t bite… hard. Plus you don’t want to cause a seen. I told him.

His gaze returned to his daughter. “Of course you can sweetheart.” I let her down and she went to go have a seat with Tommy.

“Would you like to join us?” Lily, Jeremy’s wife asked.

“Sure! I was left seat less at my table. So what’s knew Lily.” I sat down not waiting for them. They took that cue to sit down.

“Nothing much, have you met my son Hunter and his girlfriend Annabeth.” I turned my gaze on both of them. Hunter still had his eyes on me and I think Annabeth is starting to notice. Her blue eye seemed to be throwing daggers at me. Do you hear that? Hear what. She’s pregnant. I stared at her and listen. I could hear her baby’s heart beat. It was faint but still there. I felt someone grab my heart and squish it but I ignored it. I will never let anyone hurt me so I acted like the clueless human.

“Actually I met Hunter when you all questioned me like a rogue but I haven’t met his beautiful mate. So tell me Annabeth, when’s your due date? I think Tommy would love a new play mate.” Jeremy was the first to react. You did that on purpose, he said.

Hell yeah I did, I responded. Jeremy also knows Hunters my mate. At least know I don’t have to reject him. Annabeth looked at me questionably but Hunter had this constipated look that made my wolf laugh. I knew everyone at my table were listening but thank god Anthony saved me.

“Honey I had the waiter put an extra chair for you?” I smiled at him and he leaned down and gave me a peck on the mouth. I heard Hunter growl but he could go to hell for all I care.

“Lily you remember my husband, Anthony?”

“Nice to see you again Lady Blackthorn.” He took my left hand flashing my mother’s engagement ring. Anthony wears her wedding band. We had his enlarged and mine shrunk. Uncarved in both of them is Tommy’s name. They’re like promise rings to always protect Tommy.

“Your Anthony’s wife?” Every word that came out of her mouth was full of venom. Annabeth has been after Anthony since he started school with them. When he told her he was married, it made her want to have him more. Poor mate, she doesn’t love him. Oh well.

I smelled at her and said, “yes”, and left both Annabeth and Hunter with mouths wide open.

When I got to my table everyone was just smiling at me. None of them like that family and they all new Hunter was my mate. I don’t like keeping secrets from them. They all know who I am and want to help me give Tommy his right as next Alphe.

(Hunter’s POV)

We were going to have another boring dinner with my father. If it weren’t mandatory I wouldn’t be here now. We mostly sit here while my father complains about all the trouble the pack is having. How low on money and more vampires were showing up. I don’t know why my father worries, Anthony and his gainge usually drive them away. Also for the money, whenever things are really bad, my Aunt April usually swoops in and handles it. I’ve never seen her but Emily says she’s beautiful.

We just sat down when Emily jumped out of her seat and ran away. She started to yell, “Aunty April, did daddy invite you to?” and then jumped at her. April caught her and turned her gaze on us. When I saw her my heart stopped. Mate was all my wolf new how to say. She wore a black dress that hugged her in all the right places but was still simple. She had her red hair up showing her long neck. The neck that I’ll mark. Her eyes were this dark shade of brown but never looked my way.

“No, I came with my friends,” she said with the softest voice I heard.  “I’ll see you all at the table.”

“Auntie can I eat with you? Daddies dinners are always boring.” That can’t be my Aunt April. The moon goddess can’t be too cruel to make my own aunt my mate.

“Sure, let’s go ask him.” She started walking towards us and I didn’t want to blink and miss a moment of her “Hey there big brother.” Brother we can’t be related. Calm down son, I’m adopted remember. Me and my wolf both side in relief.

“April”, he said giving her a huge. I heard my wolf growl but my father just had this smirk on his face.

“Daddy can I eat with Tommy?” My father looked over at her table and got a worried face but soon covered it up.

“Of course you can sweetheart.” I was surprise he said yes. No one ever got out of a family dinner, trust me I’ve tried.

“Would you like to join us?” My mother asked her and I can feel my wolf jumping up and down inside me.

“Sure! I was left seat less at my table. So what’s knew Lily.” Thank god for Emily. I could go and kiss her if my feet weren’t planted and my eyes were stolen.

“Nothing much, have you met my son Hunter and his girlfriend Annabeth.” That’s when she turned and met my eyes but it was for a while. Does she not recognize who we are. She’s human you’d got to make her fall for us.

“Actually I met Hunter when you all questioned me like a rogue but I haven’t met his beautiful mate.” How could I ever forget meeting someone as beautiful as her? “So tell me Annabeth, when’s your due date? I think Tommy would love a new play mate.” My father started laughing. You got your girlfriend pregnant and the first person to realize is your mate. Man can your day get any worse.

I paid attention to Annabeth the first time this evening and there is was. A heartbeat that was barely faint. You idiot she’s never gonna want us know. Fix this before I do something.

“Honey I had the waiter put an extra chair for you?”  Anthony said, snapping me out of my daze. What the hell does he want, she’s mine. Out of the bloom he kissed her and she let him. I had my fist in a ball and my knuckles were already turning white. My wolf growled.

“Lily you remember my husband, Anthony?” My heart sank. My mate can’t be married. She belongs to me and only me. Put this prick in his place. I wanted to get up and rip him to shreds but I couldn’t move.

“Nice to see you again Lady Blackthorn.”  Then he took her hand and my heart shattered. She had on this big diamond ring. How can she do this to us?

“Your Anthony’s wife?”  I heard it come out of Annabeth’s mouth. She always wanted him, even though she denies it.

She just gave her a goofy smile and said, “yes”, and with that she left. I couldn’t be there one more minute, so I left. I got in my car and drove off.

Chapter Seven; Slave trade

It's been a month since I last saw the Blackthorn family. I honestly do not want to get in that whole baby momma drama. Hunter has decided to take full responsibility of the baby but not the mother, while Annabeth is still trying to get that ring on her finger. She has told most of her friends that they’re getting married. And then there’s my uncle who keeps dragging the pack into more dept.

I was in my office studding small businesses to see witch I would invest in. Anthony came barging in my office and I knew something was wrong since he went straight for my tequila bottle.

“I swear Red if you don’t kill your uncle, I will,” he said drinking straight out the bottle.

“What did he do this time?”

“That drunk basted sold three more of his pack members.”

“Figure out where and when there being sold I got to go get ready.” Last time I dressed myself up as a vampire.  I could hide my scent and my heart beat, to make ma seem like one. I had the girls help me dress. Brooke worked on making me pail as Kim worked to make my fangs.




The place was the same as last time. The gay who ran the show was Clayton. They sold the slaves under a bar. I just walked in with Anthony and Hector behind me as my ‘slaves’. Last time I was here it was just the five members of the Blackthorn pack. Today they have eleven werewolves and one vampire. They were all nude which I really wanted to avoid seeing. I herd Anthony’s wolf growl and call for his mate. Calm down, we’ll get them all out of here. I told him.

“Mrs. McGuire, it’s nice to see you again how many do you want this time. I have some from out of the country this time.” I lifted my hand to stop him from talking. I went to look at every single one individually and stopped at a little girl about Tommy’s age. I extended my arm and Hector threw me the key to the little girl’s collar. I took the collar of and handed her my long sweater exposing my trampy clothes. I wore a tight tub shirt that only covered my chest, tight leather pants, and some hooker heals that were killing me.

The little girl didn’t say nothing to me while I covered her with me sweater. I walked over to Anthony and gave her to him. Go get the money, were taking them all. He just nod and took the little girl with him.

“Is that all Mrs. McGuire because I have four more coming in a few minutes?”

“I’ll take them all, including the four.”

I took the keys hanging from the wall. As fast as I could I unlooked all the werewolves. At the same time I hit them all in the pressure point in there neck. It slows down there heart beat and fall asleep making them seem like they were dead. Hector take them to the limo. In a flash two by two were taken.

 They were all gone and the only one left was a vampire. I didn’t like his kind but no one deserved to be sold so I went to get a leash and put it on him. He looked around my age, deep orange eyes, light blond hair and perfect pail skin.

At that Blake Cole, Alpha of the Bloodmoon pack, walked in with his beta and four more werewolves. They didn’t have collards so all I had to do was put them to sleep. They hadn’t seen me yet since I was going too fast for even them. I stopped right next to them, getting the vampires leash.

What the hell just happened?  I herd his Beta, Drake say.

I have no idea. They both turned to look towards me and that’s when Blake’s wolf started to call me his mate.

Seriously how many mates can one girl have? I could fell his eyes undressing me but I refused to acknowledge him. I had to wear clothes that left little to the imagination. Anthony and Hunter walked in with the cases full of money. Anthony handed me my sweater while they passed me to put the money on Clayton’s desk.

“Nice doing business with you Clayton.”  With that I turned and left.

Follow her. I heard him tell his Beta once I left. Anthony and Hector came behind me carrying the four Bloodmoon members.

Take them home gays. I’m going walking.

I got my bag out of the limo and started walking home. I started to take out napkins to clean off all the makeup. It wasn’t really working so I decided to stop at the river on the way home.

“I can see you following me. Why don’t you just tell your Alpha you lost me and head back to him?” He appeared next to me seconds later.

“Sorry, those were direct orders. So what’s a pretty lady like you doing walking in the night on a full moon? Haven’t you herd it’s not safe vampires around these parts.”

 “Actually I have but you see I’m not a vampire.”

“If you’re not a vampire then what are you because I don’t know another heartless creature that kills without flinching?” Really, he sells a human bean and we’re the bad gays.

“That’s big talk for someone who sold his own kind. I mean I didn’t know them but you probably did and I didn’t kill them.”

“No your right it was the invisible person next to me.” He has no right to be mad. Just to mess with him I turned invisible, walked to the other side and tapped his shoulder. He looked around and saw no one.

I came close to his ear and said, ”You have no idea.” He jumped five feet away from me and I couldn’t help but laugh. I appeared to him laughing at the brink of tears. “You should have seen your face.”

“How did you do that?”

“Like I said, I’m not a vampire. Now hurry up, were late for dinner.” I turned and ran to my house, making sure to run slow so he could catch up. Once we reached the border to my property, he slowed down. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not allowed on these land, unless given permission.’

“Well I’m giving it to you. Plus you’re supposed to be following me. You think your Alpha will be madder if you cross that border or leave me. Your choice.” He was having an internal conflict in his mind so I decided for him. I graved his hand and didn’t let go till I reached my front doors. “Welcome to the Mansion McGuire. Were I’m currently late for dinner, thanks to you. Now come on, your friends are on the other side.”

I opened the door for him. He was in awe to all the stuff we had. I went with a medieval look when I designed the whole house. “Just follow the voices I got to go take a shower.”

I went to my room and stripped out of my clothes. From my pant packets, fell the key for the vampire collar. I hadn’t realized I still have to the collar on him. I took a quick shower and got rid of every inch of makeup. I quickly got dressed into my pajamas.  

Chapter Eight; Home sweet home

I walked to the dining room to find them all waiting for me. We usually don’t eat till everyone’s seated. I walked in with the keys of the collard and an obsidian knife.  I walked straight to the vampire and said stand up.” At first he hesitated since I had an obsidian knife. He got up slowly. I went to take off the collard and he flinched. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite… hard,” with that I took the collar off. “Sorry I forgot I took the key with me.”

“It’s fine master.”

I grabbed his face with my hand, to make me look in my eyes. “My name is April not master and starting know you are no longer a slave but my friend.” I turned and looked at everyone. “You are all know part of this family and will be treated as such. Know eat you must be starving. “

In front of him was an empty wine glass that I grabbed. With the obsidian knife, I cut my veins and let the blood drip into the glass. “I’ll have Dr. Vasquez get some blood bags for you tomorrow. Once it was full I licked my cut so it can heal and sat next to him, even though there were more empty chairs. Everyone ate in silence till I had enough.

“So tell me what’s your name and story.” I said turning to my new friend.

“Um… My name is Max. I was born nineteen-sixty-five and was turned at age twenty-five. Twenty years ago I fell in love with the Alphas mate. She was human and didn’t even know about our kind. We were together for a few years but when the Alpha knew she was his mate, he took her away. Even after everything she still chose me. Her mate was enraged, said I didn’t deserve death so he sold me into the slave trade. I’ve been a slave ever since, well until know I guess.” Everyone just stared at him with no emotions. I knew most of them didn’t care since he was just a vampire.

“Why is it that love always seems to dumb us in the end…  My name is Red and I’ll protect you from now on. I am currently seventeen and plan on taking the role as Blackthorn’s pack Alpha, once I turn eighteen. My mother’s name is Samantha Blackthorn and I plan on getting back what life once took away from her.

Tomorrow a tattoo artist will come and get you inked. The tattoo is the same one my mother had and means warrior. It must be shown at all times or one of the packs will think you are a rogue. Once you are all inked, you will all go shopping for new clothes. You can buy whatever your heart desires.

You will each get your own room and car. You will start training and attend school here. Everyone will get their own phone and is required to carry a weapon at all times. The packs here will leave us alone but that still leaves hunters, vampires and other rogues.

Our property is also left alone. None of the other packs dare to come on it. The Bloodmoon’s Beta sitting next to me is the first to do so. You are all safe here and will be for as long as I live. Know I’d like to make a toast,” I said as I raised my glass. They all did the same and I continued to speak. “To the new members of the McGuire family, you are all now my brother and sisters. CHEERS!” They all tapped on each other’s glasses. They were all so happy to be free; some even had tears of joy.

The little girl around Tommy’s age got up and ran to hug me I put her on my lap. “Thank you so much. Can you be my new mom? My old one died.” I felt so bad for her. I know what it’s like to lose a mother but she was so little.

“What’s your name?”

“Rose but my mommy use to call me Flower.” Rose had curly blond hair, light green eyes, freckles on her nose, and her two front teeth were gone making her look adorable. She was wearing one of my shirts that fit her like a dress.

“Rose I’ll be glad to be your know mom.”

“Really! Can I call you mommy too?”

“Only if I can call you flower.”

 “I’d like that a lot mommy.”

“But I don’t want her to be your daughter,” Tommy said from across the table.  Little Rose smile dropped. If I didn’t love him so much I would back hand him for that.

“And why not?”

“Because she’s too cute and I don’t want to be her brother.” He folds his arms in determination. Everyone in the table started laughing. I could see Rose blushing from here. Leave it to Tommy to try to make every girl his girlfriend. I don’t even know how many times he’s asked out Brook or Kim. At least Rose is his age.

“You don’t have to be her brother but I’m going to be her mother.”

He just gave me this cute little grin. He really needs to stop hanging around Hector. ”Does that mean I can share my room with Rose.” I would chook him but he’s too cute. Rose started to giggle. The poor thing is going to be harassed every day.

“Nope,” I said popping the p. “I already told her she can have her own room, plus you always sleep with me.”

 “Yeah but Rose is way cutter than you. Plus your too old for me mommy.” I just nodded my head in disapproval. Me old, whatever. Everyone started laughing even harder.

“Speaking of rooms, Anthony do you and your mate want to share so I don’t have to kick Hector out with his parents?” I could see the girl right next to him blush. She was imagining them both in a room, god that’s going to get annoying. I tried to block her out but her thoughts were just too loud. Anthony just got this huge grin. Poor girl didn’t know we could hear her. The house only had fifteen rooms. The first five members of the Blackthorn pack live with the Vasquez. Their house contains a total of eight rooms.  “What am I saying, of course you to will. So what’s your story?”

“My name is Crystal. I’m sixteen and Rose is my little sister. We grew up in a happy family until my mother died a month ago. My father said we reminded him to much of her, so he sold us. He’s probably getting drunk at a bar about know.” Her green eyes looked like they were fighting back tears. She had natural straight, blond hair and a heart shape face. She looked cute next to Anthony. She looked like the sweet quite girl. I think that will go with Anthony’s over protective self, always trying to keep you safe.

“Welcome to the family Crystal.” Before I can take this investigation further my phone rang. There were vampires in a nearby pack.  I always get these. Most packs know to call me and would rather I face the threat then their men. I don’t mind, it’s great exercise. “We got to go. Dr. Vasquez you’re in charge. Show our new members to their rooms.” I, Anthony, Hector, and Drake got up. I turned to Drake and said, “You’re not invited.”

“Sorry direct orders,” he said with a smirk.

“Okay but if you get lost, come back to this house.” Poor guy won’t be able to keep up.


Chapter Nine; The Shadow Pack

We're running to the Shadow pack. It seems that rogues, hunters, and vampires are all targeting them. They must want something really bad since you can't even get them in one room without chains and a lot of anastasia. I didn't wait for Hector or Anthony to catch up. The Shadow pack lived right on the border of Canada, which means I can help. Anything pass the Canadian border is the vampire territory. It didn't take me long to get there.

The seen made my blood boil. There were a few wolves trying to hold back an army but what made me more angry was the smell. Of course my sperm donor would be behind this cruelty. I stripped my clothes and turned into Red. I was a male size wolf while all the female wolves are slightly tinier than them. I wasted no time to attack. I took out all the trespassers who had one of the Shadow pack members in their grasp. Then I ordered the wolves who were still standing to pick up their injured soldiers. They didn't know who I was but they didn't question it since they were receiving help.

I turned to my surroundings to see my opponent.The first to move were the hunters. They shot arrows that surely carried poison. I deflected every single one with grace and slowness. I had to keep their attention on me till the wolves are out of the war zone. Getting impatient, one rogue ponce on me. He jumped giving me access to his tummy, I took as a sign to head him in the gut. He went flying onto two wolves behind him. Angering the rest for injuring one of their own, they all came at once. I kicked, bit, tail slapped, and moved faster than their eyes can never follow. By the time most of the wolves were unconscious or dead, the hunters and vampires stepped in.

I was more cautious with them since I'm not a fan of killing humans, and I think the vampires are forced to fight. It doesn't seem fair to me to kill the innocent, badly injure I'm fine with. Most of them took blows to the legs and arms, missing all the major organs. 

Hector and Anthony arrived when there were only a few left. Help the Shadow pack with their injured members. Hector call, your dad to have the hospital ready and to send the helicopter, they're a few badly injured. They moved towards the Shadow packs house. In a matter of seconds they were all down. The vampires were all unconscious and the hunters had broken bones to worry about. 

I went to go look for my clothes and change back into my human form. I walked bare foot towards the unconscious vampires. I grabbed the first one I saw by the collard and broke it off with my own hands. He cried out in pain since the collard shoots out obsidian every time someone tries to take it off. I ran fast to the rest so the cries of the others won't alarm them. 

While they gained their consciousness, I separated the dead from the living. Once I was done, I started to walk towards the packs house but Anthony mind linked me. 

Red, it was a set up. They were trying to distract us to get the Alpha's daughter. She's gone, no one can find her. 

I'm on it. 

The only person I know that would take a two year old is the devil incarnation. I followed my sperm donor's scent through the forest. Everything around me seemed a little bit of a blur but I still managed to dodge the trees and rocks. As I ran through the forest, to his smell, I was reminded of when I was a kid. He used to play predator with me. I got a five minute head start to run and hide. If he caught me, I would get beat, but if I don't get caught, I get to have breakfast. He used to say, you had to earn your right to eat. Sort of like hide and seek but there's more at risk than being 'it'.

I was aware of how close the Canadian border was getting but that little girls well being meant more to me than the piece with the vampires. I slowed my pace when I saw a light froma far. Each step I took was catios. Even the smallest twig snapping would cause them to be aware of my presence. 

There were more vampires with the collard on. I couldn't see the little girl but I knew she was in the tent, surrounded by the vampires. How predictable that was. The safest way was to blend in with my surroundings and turn completely invisible. I walked straight to the entrance and saw the little girl on the floor wrapped in sheet. There was another bed that was probably ment for him. I could smell him a few miles away with another smell of wolves. I knew I had to run fast to give me as much distance as possible. It's only going to be a few seconds before they discover the girl gone. 

Thank God she was already asleep when I picked her up. I took one of the blankets and covered her whole body for the wind. I transferred my gift to her, making her invisible as well. I positioned myself at the door of the tent. I took a deep breath before I took of full speed ahead. I ran faster than when I was little, playing games with the sperm donor. The pain of seeing someone go through what I have gone through made me forget of my limitations. I t wasn't even a minute when I arrived back to her pack house. 

Once I took the first step to the doors, my feet gained their regular speed. With one hand on the door and the other on the girl I opened the door.  I sniffed the air to know that mostly every one was in the living room. I walked to a room with people who looked truly defeated. One couple stood out the most, the woman stared out the window, frozen, like she was already dead, and the man was trying to comfort her but she paid no attention to him. Nobody had noticed my arrival since me and the little girl still had my power hiding us. I recognize that women's reaction, as if she was aware of everything around her but couldn't registere anything.

Anthony said I looked like that when Mia died. My body wanted to protect me so it closed my feelings and thoughts down. I was glad that this little girl had an entire pack that would die for her. My pack stood back and herd my pleas when I yelled out of pain but no one ever   protected us like they protected this little girl. They were out numbered and out powered by the enemy, but still chose to fight to keep this little girl safe. In a way I was envious of her and the love she would never lack. I turned off my defense mechanism I developed over the years and waited for their reactions. 

The man comforting the woman was the first to look up and then the entire pack rose. No one moved, probably to in shock since I appeared out of thin air. The woman was still looking out the window. I took off the blanket and walked towards her. "Luna, you have your little girl back. " I couldn't help but have a tear fall out. Her eyes reminded me of when my mother used to look at me. She took the little girl out of my hands and hugged her. It looked like she was holding the most precious thing, and she was. 

"My Anastasia, "she let all the tears she was holding out slip,  "I'm so sorry baby girl. I promise nothing will ever separate us." The man came and huged them. The pack started to leave and I took that as my cue to leave. 

"Wait you must be April. "This stopped my legs from moving. Vary few people knew my name and those that did never said it out loud. I prefer Red since April died the day I ran away and a completely new me was born. 

"How did you know my name?" His reply better be convincing. We both didn’t like people to call us that. In a way we felt more naked and weak, like they can easily see the facade I wear and see that small little girl I used to be. 

"The boy, Hector, I think said you would bring my little girl back but I thought he was just trying to comfort my mate. How can I ever repay you?"

I asked him the question that's been bothering me since I realized he was here. "Why does Mr. Wight want your daughter?" He hesitated, looking at his luna for approval and she nodded. 

"Our daughter was destined to be great. I can't say more here but we can talk in the library. "


Chapter Ten; The Mark

I was sitting in his office waiting for him to finish looking for a book. I didn't care that he was taking forever but distract by my thoughts. This child must be truly powerful if the devil himself wanted her. I've seen that man destroy armies. When I was little, he would take me to battle with him. He was trying to make me 'stronger', and 'worthy' of his name. 

The slamming of an old book on the desk pulled me out of my thoughts. 

"This is the story of the two most powerful mates ever. Just like ying and yang, they will balance each other out. Their love was so strong that each thousand years they are rebprn." He opens the book to a drawing of a sun, a moon and both of them combined. I stared at the moon, it was the same birth mark Tommy has on his chest and I had the combined moon and sun on my shoulder.  Some people thought they were tattoos. "My daughter has that sun as a birth mark on her chest. I've been searching for her mate and that man thinks his unborn child is her mate. A witch for told that his first born male would have the mark of the moon. The moon represents a dark power that will be unstoppable to destroy. If that child is born, hell will rain on earth. I will do anything to keep my little girl safe, and if that means killing an unborn child, I will."

I couldn't help it, my wolf growled at him. This was my half brother he was talking about. "I think you're a little to late to do anything. " And if he does, I'll personally rip his head off

"And why is that?"

"His first male born son will be five this year and I'm surtain he'll be nearly impossible to kill. "

"How can you be surtain? We must be willing to try? Any child raised by that man will be nothing but darkness. " 

"I'm surtain because Liam's first born son is mine and he doesn't even know about him. I can assure you my son is no were near that much darkness.  As for the unborn child, we have already established that he will be in no threat to your daughter. " His eyes had judgment written all over them and his thoughts just confirmed it. "I think the best way to resolve this is to have my son stay with you during the summer. If by any means you see a speck of evil, than I'll make sure that he won't have any contact with your daughter. I also plan on sending some of my man to protect my daughter in law here by tomorrow. I think I covered everything, is there something you'd like to add... Alpha?"

I didn't even wait for him to respond, when I started to leave. I wanted to get home before anyone is up. I needed to have my people on my daughter in law ASAP. 

When I walked out of the house, five vampires were waiting for me. 

Chapter Eleven; Deceiving the Devil

.I didn't have time for these vampires. I just want to go home and make sure Tommy’s there. On my last step down the stairs all five vampires bowed down to their knees. It was a sign of a knew master for slaves but I was far away from ever owning one. "Your free to do as you please with no master, know if you excuse me, I have somewhere to be. " I started to walk but one of them grabbed me by the arm. The only reason his hand was still connected to his body is that his hand bearly put any force on mine. I knew what they wanted, I can hear it in their heads. My sperm donor would easily find them and kill them for even thinking of freedom. " You can stay with me and under my protection if you tell me exactly what Liam White is planing with those children. "

I knew they were hesitating and wondering how I knew their old masters name, but those aren't the things I want to know. The one who was still touching me caved into my stare. " He wants to find his oldest daughter and his sons future mate in order to control them as he pleases. He thinks his daughter will at least be strong enough to kill the girl, making his son the strongest weapon under his command. He wants to rule all and will use fear and destruction to get it. Take my advice and just walk away from this. If Mr. White ever finds out you dare cross him, he'll personally decide your death and he will make it slow and painful. "

I couldn't help it, I started to laugh. The guy has been trying to kill me since I was five and never succeeded. " I can give a fly what death Liam White feels is worthy for me. The guy has been planning my downfall since I was a small embryo. What really has all my attention is who is carrying Liam's unborn child. "

"Nothing I say will change your mind, huh. " I just nodded and he let go of my arm to sit on the stairs. He looked at the other man and they gave an approval nod. " Her name is Jewels and Mr. White has her in Canada under heavy surveillance. You can't even be 100 yards away without someone spotting you. It's a suicide mission and even if you do make it to her alive, you won't come out living. Only someone very stupid or ignorant would attempt to enter it. "

" You know were I can get blue prints or better yet the architect."

" Has any person ever told you, you're crazy?"

" In the camp, just at the border of Canada, the vampire with the scar on his face is the architect. He'll help you without any questions, but everyone else will try to kill you without a doubt, " one of other guys said. 

I started to walk that direction but the same guy spoke. He said, “Mr. White has him on a chain tied to his hand." Of course he does. 

Wait here, I'll be right back. "

" Wait, what if you don't come back. ”

"If I'm not back in an hour, head to the Blackthorn pack and say that Red send you to talk to Anthony, don't worry I'll be back. ”

I ran back to his camp but an idea striked me. I'm the daughter he's searching for. Yeah but we also look just like his mate and we can easily smell like her.  You wouldn't. I already did. I swear I can feel Red smiling inside of me, evil genius. 

When I arrived at the camp, it looked just the same. I decided the best way to do it is just walk up. They can already smell me, so there is no way in hiding. By the look on their faces, they haven't seen someone just walk up to them. I kinda like defying what people expect of others. I had this sweat smile on my face and simple said, “ I'm looking for Liam White . Can anyone show me the way? " 

They were so confused but I saw him walking towards me. I can feel my fake smile turn into an original one. The sick Fuck is really checking me out right now. I can't wait till he figures out it . That look of lust didn't affect me as it used to. I've been so used to not feeling anything that this was going to be interesting. The fact that I was going to trick him and make a complete idiot of him made me happy. 

I ran towards him and jumped wrapping my legs around him. I used to always see mom do this when he went on a business trip. I made my heart beat fasten and I stared into his eyes. I ran my hand through his hair and said through the mind link, God I've missed you. His hands automatically circled me so he'll be supporting my weight. I moved my head till my lips were only a centimeter away. The chills he got satisfied my need for revenge. I closed my eyes and acted like I was about to kiss him when I said, “ can we go somewhere more private? "

The smirk he made was begging me to rip it off his face. He started to walk towards the tent. He didn't even notice that the little girl was missing. He threw me on the bed and as much as I like to deceive him, I definitely didn't want to take this any further. He slowly climbed my body and made sure to touch all my curves, lifting my shirt a bit. I turned us so I would be on top. He didn't even hit the pillow when I cracked his neck. I used both of my hands to twist his head out of place. He would survive but by then, his men will be mine. 

I lifted myself of him and dusted myself even though I have nothing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a collard and just couldn't help myself. I got a collard and placed it on his neck. I made sure it's extra tight to make him feel like he's choking. I got some chains and tied him to the bed. Why don't we leave a present for the next person to find it? What do you have in mind?  Strip him to his birthday suit and shove a sock in his mouth while your at it. I like the way you think Red. The only thing I regret is not seeing his face when he wakes up. I placed the collard on constant pain. 


Chapter Twelve; Lost Warriors

 I'm invisible as I step out of the tent. The first thing I do is take of the collards of all the vampires. They all yelled in pain except for one. He's separated from the rest and chained to the floor. His shirt is off and I instantly recognized that tattoo. It's the same one I had and my mother. She got it from an extinct army of vampires. On day they all disappeared and everyone thought them dead. His chains and the floor is pure obsidian. I carefully broke each chain but I don't think he cared. I know what's like to feel pain for so long that one day you feel absolutely nothing. 

I appeared to him when all the chains were removed. That's when he lifted his face and I clearly saw his scar. It went from his forehead, down his right eye and stopped at his chin. I couldn't help myself to trace the scar. I once knew this man from the torturingcell he put me in, he was in the cell in front of me. " Curabit istud vulnus. Tollendum omnes infectiones. Id quod peto. Sic fiat," I said. It was a simple healing spell that I learned when I was little. I stared at the scar till it completely disappeared. I knew his weak so I helped him up and off the obsidian floor. 

I carried most of his weight but that didn't bother me. I sat him down on the closest tree and extended my risk so that it was just in front of his mouth. ” Eat, we have a big journey ahead of us and I didn’t want to carry you all the way. " He hesitated at first but eventually bit me. He drank my blood with to much speed that I had to force my heart to speed up to keep up with him.  "Easy there Speedy Gonzalez, I'm not going anywhere. "He slowed down and I enjoy as the pain flowed through me. I'm aware of blood loss but in order to survive when I was little, my blood reproduced four times faster. I have to have blood taken from my body each week so my veins won't pop. 

If I was a regular human, he would have sucked me dry but I still had a few more drops left to spear. After a minute I thought it would be best to pull back since I still had to make that run back home as well. "I'm afraid if you drink any more, you'll be the one carrying me and let me tell you that I'm pretty fat. " He pulled his fangs out and liked my wound so it'll heal."What's your name? "

He looked me in the eyes and said, “ Daniel and thanks." His eyes turned pure dark and he was trying to see my past but my gift prevents him. I knew that was bothering him but he made no indications of it.

"Well Daniel, I have all the bags you can consume back at my place. Want to come?You and your friends will be under my protection and if you want to, you can help me steal Jewel from her imprisonment since I know that no one in their right mind would be with Liam. "

" And what exactly would you gain out of this? ” The jerk thinks I want to use that unborn child. Instead of telling him I showed him this whole day.  How I came to be here and that I have Liam White's first son to know. 

"Because my baby boy wants a little brother and I can't give him that. Any other questions because we really need to get moving. "I helped him up to see that the rest of the vampires are standing right behind me. "Follow me," I said and started to run. I was pulling back a little bit since Daniel didn't have much energy. I arrived back at the Shadow pack house, were the other five vampires were waiting. I didn't stop and just keeped running. I think they got the memo since they started to follow us. 

We only stopped a few times and that’s to let Daniel take a break. I blamed it on having low blood but I think Daniel knew what I was doing.  Plus, trying to mask all their sent was draining me out. I couldn't let other packs try to confront us along the way, and I also didn't want that sperm donor to follow us. 

We were more than half way there when it looked like the sun was coming out. Please tell me you guys are sun pruf. I looked back and they all nodded. Guess I don't have to worry about getting ashes to my house. We weren't going to make it on time, so might as well stop by Clayton’s bar. He'll have plenty of blood to fill them up. 

Clayton’s bar was in the middle of nowhere in the forest. Only supernatural beings knew about it. The guys were confused when I stopped at Clayton’sbar but I opened the door. “ Drinks are on me and please don't scare any of the locals. " Without another word, they just walked in. The bar was empty since it doesn't open until late at night. 

"Sorry we're closed, "said Joseph. He's a werewolf from the Blackthorn pack and still hasn't seen me.

"Really because I don't think I care. Surve my men all they want, even if it means you. "He started to shake a little, I love it when people fear me. There were sixteen in total and they took up every stool at the bar. I sat in one of the tables in the corner. Daniel followed me and sat down right across from me. We stared at each other for a little while, till David broke the silence. 

"You know they're going to drink everything in that bar. My men haven't had a drop of alcohol in more than thirty years. "

"Your men, does this mean you where once their leader?" His face expression didn't change but it went from angry to sadness. " You don't have to tell me. It's pretty obvious that you are. Knowing Liam, he would have taken everything away from you and even put you on displayand when he tortured you, he must have had an audience. Probably your men and every time they did something he didn't like, you were the one he went after. "

" And what makes you so certain about all of this? ” He leaned in and tried to be intimidating but I wasn’t the slightest afraid of him. 

" Joseph to big cups of the rarest blood you got over here. " Joseph just nodded, poor guy doesn't get paid enough for this. I turned all my attention back to Daniel. " Simply because I know Liam White like the back of my hand. Every flaw, every weakness, and even how his sick twisted mind works. I know him so well that, the girl, Jewel, must have ment something very important to you. You see, Liam loves to destroy a person till there is nothing left and then when there is nothing, he gives you something but soon takes that away too. I've seen him do that to you once. You probably don't remember but I was that little girl who he put ina cell right in front of yours. I can't tell you the name or place because he always drugged me before he moved me somewhere. " Realization came to him. We were only together for a month and a half but we were really close.  Joseph came and sat the drinks down on the table. I pushed both of them to Daniel. 

"How could I forget that crazy little girl that would get Liam mad just so he won’t go after me. The one who took all my pain and feed me blood just so I could run away. None of that worked you know. I went back to my Jewel, she’s my mate you know and in return he took her from me. Sometimes he puts me in a room were I can see through the other side and rapes her right in front of me. Is it selfish to create her own prison impenetrable, just so you know were she is but also knowing that she'll be better off with anyone else. "

" I don’t think I can answer that since I've never had my mateand I'll probably never will. " 

" Why not. Don't tell me you still plan on marring me?" We both started laughing. Onetime I was super depressed and said that I'll never get out of this cage and will have to marry him because I wanted to get married. He would call me his little fiancee after that. 

"No its just that, I can never be with anyoneelse . When I ran away, there was this kid named Anthony who was my age and one day he kissed me. I freaked out. Every touch, every smirk or look of lust is like it’s his. I can't even hug someone without thinking it's him. The only people that can touch me are those my wolf feels comfortable with and it's pretty close to impossible  to do that. " 

" What have you done all these years. " 

" I have this little boy named Tommy that's my life and I've also been helping the other packs. I have a few people that are under my care and practically all of them were once slaves. I've also got my own little reputation of the mysterious creature. Is she a vampire, or a werewolf, maybe even a witch, they say. "

" Um, Red, I'm all out of drinks and blood. Plus I have to go attend a pack mating. " Joseph never learns. The pack meeting is a lie but I would also want to get out of a bar filled with drunk vampires and your the only thing with blood left is him.

"It's alright Joseph, we were just leaving but next time don't lie to me. I get angry when people lie to me and you really don't want to see me angry, right Joseph."

"No, mam." All of Daniel's men tried to get up but most of them lost their footing. I wasn't in a hurry to get back home since I can smell from right here that Alpha Blake was at my house. I walked next to Daniel and he graved my hand just like when I was little and we would walk to another torture room. All of the drinken idiots behind me started to sing red solo cup and it's the stuppedest song ever but didn't bother me at all.




Chapter Thirteen; The mark of Fayet

 We reached my back yard and my pound was starting to get visable. Most of Daniel's men had already started to sobber up but their was always that one guy that got plastered the most. His name is Eric and is currently being dragged by two guys. I'm looking at my back yard and I see Tommy playing with Blake. I don't know why but I stopped. No one realized but Daniel. He put a hand on my back and followed my eyes. "Who are they? ” 

“ The little guy is my son and the guy playing with him is my mate. I've only seen him once and that was yesterday. "

" Well are you going to just stand there or are you going to introduce us. " There was no use in just standing here was since Eric had the whole gang singing Baby got Back by Sir Mix a Lot . I was behind all sixteen of them and by know I wasn't masking their smell so you instantly knew who they are. I saw as Blake pulled my Tommy right behind him. "Invisible point one for your mate, don't you say. " He licked his index finger and drew one point in the air. I couldn't help but laugh. Daniel reminds me of the little girl who still had life inside of her. Tommy was going to start running towards us but Blake caught him with one arm.

 Blake  gave a loud growl that stopped all the men from singing, except for Eric. Eric was at the part where it said," my homeboys tried to warn me but that butt you got makes me so horny." He is off turne and barely standing.All the other guys could help but laugh. Me and Daniel made our way pass the group of idiots. I guess being in slaved to the sperm donor for so long, they couldn't have these moments of laughter. 

Once Blake  saw me he calmed down and put Tommy back down. Tommy came running towards me and jumped so I could catch him. " Mommy, Blake says that I can go and play with the kids at his packs Barbecue today. Can we go pretty, pretty  please? "I can feel  Daniel smirk from beside me and thought, invisible point number two for BlakeKnowing that I could hear him. 

" You can go as long as Rose can also go ."

He hugged me, gave me a kiss on the cheek andsaid," Thank you mommy. " He jumped off me and ran back to Blake. 

Anthony and Hector came out to see who I brought home. I can tell they weren't happy since we bearly had any space for the people who just arrived.oh well,I'll have them sleeping in sleeping bags in my room for all I care. To think of it,they don't een sleep. I walked up to them with Daniel at my side.

Anthony was the first to speak. "I leave you for a few hours and you come back with eighteen vampires and I'm pretty sure that one is drunk." He pointed at Eric. "Why the hell did you bring eighteen vampires to our house?"  Ouch, mad house wife. I rolled my eyes in my head towards Daniels comment.

"Get everyone to the theader room and you'll find out then."

"Um, Red, what do we tell our house guest," asked Hector. I really could care less.

"They can attend if they want, I don't care. The only people I don't want there are Rose and Tommy. When the meatings done, head to the Shadow Pack. Your incharge of the little girl. Anything happens to her, its on you." I turned to Daniel and said," Get Eric sober, you're about to meet the whole gang. "

I went inside to take a shower and change. I had dried blood and my pj's on from yesterday.


I was the last one to the theater room. On one side is Daniel and his man and on the other one is my band of free slaves. As I walked up the stairs I saw from the corner on my eye Daniel following me up. I didn’t mind since he can explain this whole thing better than I ever can. You probably couldn’t get me past the whole, Liam White’s, a complete ass. I got up and sat at the middle edge of the theater.  Daniel followed my moved. I can tell that most of them were confused since a) this is our first meeting b) there are sixteen other vampires on the other side and c) Daniel is sitting too close to me.

“I know most of you are wondering why I gathered you all here. Well last night I kind of declared war on Liam White.  He plans on stealing the Shadow Packs Alphas daughter and Tommys mate. Liam believes that this girl and his unborn child would be the two most powerful people our generation will see. The way he sees it, control the power, control the world. The girl is safely at her house but Liam is still in possession of Jewel, the mother of his unborn child and I plan on freeing her. The only reason I’m telling you all this is because Liam White has an army behind him and he has no problem killing anyone that stands in his way. For your own downfall, Liam won't kill me but he will kill anyone I’ve ever been in contact with. Any questions?”

“Yeah I got one, why do we want his son? I mean the guy won't really hurt his own child, right?” Of course it had to be Drake who asked that question.  Daniels men were the only ones laughing. They've meet how sick and perverted Liams heart really is. I didn’t even have to tell him, Daniel was the one to speak.

“Have you ever heard about the story of his first born?”

“Her name was April and she killed her mother then committed suicide. The little girl was so crazy she killed her own mother. This led to Liam being this heartless creature he is today, but he wouldn’t hurt his own son.” This time it was me laughing. I was the one who spread that rumor. That’s why no one knows my true name, well except Anthony, Hector, my uncle, and Daniel.

“Actually, April is still out there, hiding under rocks or even a palace like this one. April White has been physically, mentally and sexually abused by her own father to the point that she carried his first male hair. She has been beaten to the point of almost dying. Experimented like a rat just to see how immune she can be to certain substances. Every weapon he ever created was first tested on her. She’s been looked up and tortured for months on end. How much damage can one man do to his own child? Liam has destroyed his daughter only so he can create a weapon of mass destruction that only he can control. The only thing he didn’t count on was that his daughter was smart enough to escape. He electrified her brain every week just so she’ll never be truly conscious of her surroundings but little did he know that she soon came immune to the electro shock. Know he’s waiting for his first air, one that he believes Jewels is carrying in her wound right now.”

“And how exactly do you know all this?” Might as well tell him so he’ll shut up.

“Because my real name is April Blackthorne White and I’m Liam Whites daughter. My son, Tommy, is Liam Whites first male son, heir to the moon mark and cursed by a witch. Anything else Mr. Daniels because I don’t seem to understand that out off all the people here the one that seems to be affected the least is asking the questions.” I caan feel the pin and anger raidiating from Blake but I didn't expect anything but that to be his reaction.

That’s when Alpha Blake gets up and says, “That’s because the BLoodmoon pack will fight with you.” Then he sat down. Invisible point number three. Daniel said putting three fingers in my face I just socked his hand.

“We except you offer, even though we all know you're not doing it for the higher cause since you don’t know it.”

“Long ago, a witch predicted that Liam first male heir will carry the moon birthmark. That birthmark is part of an ancient curse when the first werewolves roam the Earth. There was one powerful than the rest and he ruled over men by using fear and cruelty. Under his reign, every one was slaved. Desperate for freedom, the witches seeked a solution. The only weakness for a werewolf would be his mate. The most powerful of the witches created his mate out of the tyrants own blood. I warrior sacrificed his life knowing that he wouldn’t win a fight with this tirent but all he had to do was make him blood. That blood was used to create his mate. His mate was the most beautiful and purest thing to ever be created by men. She knew no wrong and only right.

When this tirent of a ruler saw her had to have her. Once they were maited, her pureness balanced out with his wickedness. The kingdom was freed and everyone rejoiced as their ruler became kind and  merciless. Everything came out as planned except for one small detail. The witch that created his perfect mate turned out to be his true mate. He rejected her since the mate he already had was all that he ever needed. Bitter and angered as the only thing that was meant to be hers she, herself gave it to someone else.

So what does a witch do when they are rejected? She used a silver dagger to kill her creation but her mate took the blow.  That’s why silver is the only weapon used against us. She cursed them to forever find each other but to never have each other, for his mate will die the first time they ever meet. Making the tyrants Wickedness grow each time. Each generation the two mates are born, she choses the most powerful witch so she can possess her. That body  will be the one to his mate as she originally planned. This generation, she chose mine. I’m the only one that can stop this cycle by being stronger than her. My name is April Blackthorne and I carry the mark of Fayet. The witch who is going to regret ever putting that curse on my baby boy. Now go and shop, we start training tomorrow.

Everyone left except for Daniel and his men and Blake. A whistle rang out through the theater and ofcourse it was Eric. That vampire has balls or is really stupid.”So where did you get the complete sequel of the book couse I would read that” The guy sitting right next to hi salkeld he hard in his arm. His name was Martin and so for I liked him.

“She would always have these dreams of Fayet when she was little.” Of course Daniel would know. For the longest time he would rook me to bed. “You're on your own from here. Come on men, you heard the lady lets go shopping.” I rolled my eyes. Eight years and he hasn’t changed.

I still hadn’t gotten up and was looking at the floor. I was aware that I was alone with Blake but I wasn’t going to acknowledge him. I can hear his footsteps come toward me but i wouldn’t look up. he placed both his arms on each side of me. he holded on to the wood so hard that knuckles were pail white,.”Can you please move back, I don’t take to kindly to people violating my personal space”. I looked up but the bastard kissed me. I was shocked and couldn’t move. I get paralyzed whenever someone tries to touch me. Red always takes over and I can feel red at the brink of it. I mentally yell out Daniel’s name knowing I can’t hold her back.


Chapter Fourteen; My April

(Blake's POV)

 I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to feel her skin, test her lips and smell her aroma. She was so close to me but that wasn’t enough. I kissed her, but she wouldn’t respond. Her lips tasted like strawberries but wouldn’t move. I wrapped my arms around her and dragged her closer. Her skin is soft and led fire running throughout both of my arms. She would be mine and no one elses.

Out of nowhere I felt myself be pulled off her. I was suspended into the air and landed on some chairs. I looked up to see the vampire she arrived here with. My wolf let a menacing growl as he hugged my mate. He pulled her so close to him and that’s when I saw her eyes, they were pitch black, no white. She looked right at me and her eyes drew goosebumps throughout my body. Her whole body was trembling. The vampire started to whisper, “it’s okay red, he won't hurt her. I won’t let anyone hurt her I promise. He’s not like him, and you need to let her start forgetting. You can’t keep her like a nun, you both were made for him.” After that he kept repeating that everything would be okay. Nice going genius. Girl tells you she’s physically and sexually abused by her father and what do you do? You kiss her, that won't trigger any memories. Idiot! I gett it, can you please shut up now.

I got up and felt blood run down my neck. I looked up to see my April asleep in his armes. He picked her up bride style and I saw his chest. It had multiple scratches that went to his bone. “Here I have to go before my men do something stupid to anger Red more. Take her to her room. She got tired of holding back the beast within her that she’ll probably be out all day.” He handed me my April and I can visibly see his wounds heal. “A word of advice, go super slow with her. That girls been through hell and is too afraid to live that she hides behind this strong person that everyone fears.” With that he left.

I went up to the third floor because that’s where they said all the rooms were located. Her room was the first one to the left. Each room had the persons name on the door. I opened the door and walked in. Her carpet is pitch red and very fury. She has a piano in the corner of her room. Her bed was lower than the floor and circular.  She had pillows all around her bed and her quilt is black. There are these steps to get to her bed. I layed her down down at the center of the bed. I took her shoes off and her leather jacket. I layed down next to her and just watched her chest rise and fall.



An hour into watching her sleep the door opened. In came Tommy with a little girl right behind her. Tommy went off somewhere while the little girl took off her shoes and jumped on the bed. She laid down right in the middle of me and April. She turned on her side and looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Tommy said that you're going to be our new dad, is that true?” I stared at the little girl for a while before answering. I thought April only had one child.

“I hope so,” I said and grabbed a pillow for her. Tommy came back to view carrying a big red blanket. He through it over all of us before jumping on the  bed himself. The little girl snuggled into me as she started to drift into sleep. I started to comb out her curls with my finger. I heard her whisper,” goodnight daddy” before she was out cold. A while later I fell asleep as well.



I woke up when someone opened the door. It's Anthony, his face looked confused to see me here but he didn’t say anything. He signaled me to follow him. I got up slowly, not trying to weak up the little girl. We walked all the way to the second floor were the game room is located. Already waiting there is Hector and that vampire guy.” Sit down Mr. Cole.” I sat on the coach and they all sat down opposite to me. Well it doesn’t seem awkward at all.

“So… What’s up?”

“We need to talk about Red”, Anthony said.

“The girl will kill you if you try something, trust me. She ripped a guy’s arm off just because he slapped her ass and the guy was drunk.” The vampire punched Hector in the arm for his comment.

“April’s wolf, Red, won’t let you even touch her until she is fully aware that you won’t hurt her. April has these panic attacks when people touch her and that’s when Red takes over. Unlike April, Red is blood thirsty and is too afraid to let April feel. That girl is beyond broken and if you’re going to stay, you need to be very patient with her. I don’t think she’ll ever be as comfortable with anyone but me.” To that last part Anthony snorted.

“How do you even know her?” Anthony asked.

“My name is Daniel Marks and for the longest time Liam would keep us looked up in the same place. He would torture us at the same time while the other watched. We were the only thing that would keep each other sain. I know everything about her and she knows everything about me since I practically raised her when she was little. I taught her how to fight since Liam would always put her on the front lines with me. The last time I saw her, other than today was the day she helped me escape. When I was captured, Liam made me watch as he tortured her for three whole weeks. He has kept us apart since then. I think that part of him knew that together, we could actually bring him down.” The more I hear about this Liam character, the more I want to shred him to pieces with my own hands. “Red will never let you get close to April but what I want to know is, are you willing to try to heal her? If anyone ever deserves happiness it’s her.”

“I will do anything in my power to make April happy. She’s what I’ve been searching for all my life and I’m not about to lose that. I’ll never give up on her, and I don’t think my wolf would let me.” I didn’t know to be scared or freaked out by the way all three of them were smiling at me. They got up and each went to different directions. Anthony came back with a chalk board on wheels, Hector is carrying a few books, and Daniel brought back a tub of popcorn and handed it to me.

Anthony wrote on the board “April 101’. For hours they talked about do’s and dont’s. The book Hector handed me are her journals/ diaries. I’ve learn that she can hear my thoughts, blend with her background, can hide a dead body and absolutely hates flowers. Daniel taught me how to calm her down when she’s in the mist of a panic attack. Anthony told me all her favorite foods and gifts she likes. All Hector did is tell me all the ways not to make a move on her. He never really did finish a sentence since, Marcellus, my wolf would get angry at just the thought of someone trying this on his mate. 

This session would have probably lasted until tomorrow if Tommy and his sister wouldn't have walked in. The little girl came skipping and sat on my lap. “ Daddy when’s lunch? ”  I looked up at all the men in the room and it was obvious that none of them would help me out. Hector is erasing the bord, Daniel and Anthony seem to be in the middle of a  pool game even though they just started seconds ago, and Tommy is just staring daggers at me. 

" The barbecue at my house has probably already started. Do you two want to go and play with the other kids in the pack?" The little girl smiled and looked at Tommy but he nodded no. 

"Red won't like it if we leave the house without someone else. " 

" I'll go, "said Daniel in the background. Tommy just growled and left.  What the hell was that about.

“Tommy doesn’t like that Rose likes you.” Anthony said and I couldn’t belieave that little guy.

Daniel hit me on the sholder and said,” Just like his father, Tommy doesn’t like people taking the attention of his new toy.” All three of the men just busted out laughing.

“Come on lets go before I change my mind.” I picked up Rose and went off to the pack house.

Chapter Fifteen;

I’m so tired. I wanted to lift my eyes but I haven’t slept for two days and I lost a lot of blood. Holding back Red was my undoing. Even though I’m exhausted, Red was fully awake. I can feel how my blood started to boil because she couldn’t stand having him so close. Thank god my body completely shut down. I don’t really care for him but I  don't like killing those who don’t deserve to die. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so calm and Red so on edge when I slept with him.

I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard Blake being taught every detail about me. I was terrified to know that Hector had gave him my journals but he’ll probably leave once he knows how damage I truly am.

April weak the tartarus up. No,I’m too exhausted. Liam and his pack are here. Those were the only words I needed to here to get up. Put on Mia’s battle dress. For what? He thinks we’re Mia. I plan on keeping it that way. Whatever… Once the dress was on I mind linked Daniel. Liams here. Get your men to my house and stay there. Leave Tommy and Rose with Blake they'll be safer there.

I opened my window and shift to my mothers white wolf. The dress was given to her by a witch. My mother saved her life and in return, the witch gave her a dress that would shift with her. I ran even faster when I smelled Hector’s blood.

They were close but still hadn’t passed the border into California. I went for the most important person in the world, Tommy. He is at Blake's territory. Once I was close, his pack warriors were trying to attack. I ignored them and went straight for Tommy. Once I got to Blake's house, I was surrounded by wolves.  Then it hit me, I have Mia’s sent. I  shift back to human form and turned to Blake. His black wolf was pritty big. 

"I don't think killing your future Luna is smart, plus I'm only here to ask if Tommy and Rose  can stay the night. " I stood there while all the wolves left but one. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2014

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To all those who've been broken and are to afraid to love. This is my story;)

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