
Chapter 1 The beginning

A strange day


Chapter 1


The sensation going through his body that Timothy felt was something undescribable even for a bright boy like him.He felt this wavelike surge starting from the palm of his hand and spreading to every part of his body in seconds.In his mind were stored a number of abilities at his disposal that were never there before.The woman in front of him was observing him with confusion as their hands were still closed in a handshake.The young boy that just came in her office was staring at his hand with a bizarre look and his posture was giving away his stifledness.Before Timothy entered the building he was still just a normal teenager,who as every other was interested in games,girls and consuming unlimited amounts of alcohol,but now after that slight touch with the lady,who was about to give him his new ID card,he became in an instant an expert in her field.Only by looking at the folders behind her and checking the documents she was filling,he knew exactly what was for what.He knew not how or why he knew,but the knowledge was just there.The mild voice of the woman brought him back from his drifting and contemplation back to the overcrowded office.There was still a huge line behind him and the more he was delaying his stay the angrier the other people were getting.As usual you could hear the sighs of the people behind him,most of them were in a hurry to go back to work or get back to their other daily activities,but for now they were stuck behind an eighteen year old boy that was not exactly sure what was going on with him.The woman behind the glass pulled her hand back and stood staring at the boy waiting for him say what he wants.Timothy tilted a bit and told the woman

- Hello,my ID card is going to expire soon and I wish to renew it - the lady then opened some file on her computer and asked for his card.He reached for his card in his pocket and put it on the desk in front of her and waited.After she took the card and typed a few thing on her computer she took out a kind of a document and handed it to him.

-Please fill out this document and come back when you`re ready,if you have any questions just come and ask me - the boy nodded and went to the nearest desk sitting beside a bunch of other people that were given the same task.There was a mother with a child beside him filling out some form,the child was sitting in her lap and was staring at the people in the office with great curiosity.On the other side of the table there was an old man with such a thick mustache that his upper lip had disappeared somewhere in it.He was sweating even though it was not that hot in the office,either way he was brushing his forehead all the time so that no sweat lands on his document.And of course there was that guy that never knew how to fill out a form and he always called someone like his mother or some relative to explain to him what to do,even though the office lady was there for that purpose.Timothy glimpsed through the form and started filling it out.Nothing too complicated,just his personal data and some questions concerning the switch or renewal of the card.He was soon ready and waiting again in line to give his paper to the woman with the mild voice.As time went by people started checking their clocks and stamping with their foot in an annoyed manner.His turn finally came,the woman checked if he had forgotten something and quickly after that gave him a little piece of paper with a number

-Come in twelve days with this paper and you will receive your card - the Timothy a few hours ago would have believed her in an instant,but the person his was now knew that was non sense and that his card could be ready in about an hour.He was not that type of person though,that would have an argument that would not lead anywhere so he just smiled and said goodbye to the lady.

It was a typical spring day,with sun and slight wind spreading that refreshing cold breeze.The teenager was still confused by the turn of events today,he could not recall anything like that happening in the past and also he had not heard of something like that from his friends so it was not a virus or something.Timothy thought of going home to take a nap just in case his fatigue was what caused these strange feelings.Contrary to what he though,it just got even weirder when he fell asleep.His mind got filled with numbers and unknown symbols that were flying around him while he was floating as a mere dot in some vast space.The glowing symbols were pouring into a huge black well.Timothy flew closer to the well to observe it and landed on the south side of it.He glimpsed into the black still waters and at first he saw only his reflection,but in a matter of seconds the water smeared his image and started showing different pictures and people.The water was blurry so the boy needed to look closer to distinguish the images forming in front of him,it was him,the well was showing scenes of his life.From back when he was a toddler,then when he was in school and so on.He could see every birthday party he had until now,every time his family went on a trip,every present he had ever received.The symbols that were pouring in the well were forming a new picture,it was from today,right after he had shook the womans hand,her knowledge was now transferring to him.Everything she had learned to be able to do what she does now for a living was entering his conscience.Suddenly the water started churning and Timothy stepped back unsure what was going on.The well began overflowing vigorously and the boy fled.That is when he woke up,things got just more unclear after the nap and left him thinking for a while.Timothy decided not to tell his parents yet,he did not want to make them worry so he just kept his mouth shut until his condition was clear.After a quick consideration he thought it might be wise to share this with someone close that would not flip out when he hears him out or would not think him a psycho.He picked his phone and wrote a quick message to the person he thought would understand him perfectly.Melanie was a petite girl,who was going to the same high school Timothy did,he knew her from kindergarten and ever since then they were really close.Even though she was quite beautiful he considered her more of a friend than someone with whom he would be in an intimate relationship,she was with him on this topic in his opinion.Timothy asked her in the message if he could come by because he needed to talk

- whats happened,is everything ok ? - asked she because she did not know him as a serious person so it was a bit odd that he wrote in such a way.

- I`ll tell you later,its kinda private - even though she was getting worried by the way he wrote she decided it would be better to leave him tell her everything face to face

- ok meet you later - Timothy left his house in a hurry and headed to Melanie’s place.She lived in the better part of their town,her dad was the boss of a furniture company and her mother was a retired french model.Melanie loved the story of how her parents met,they were both on a boat outside of Miami and the magazine for which her mother was working was celebrating a million sells and all the models were there.At some point of the night there were some huge waves that hit the boat hard and her mother,who was standing at the end deck lost balance and fell in the cold waters.Immediately after that Melanie’s father jumped after her and brought her to the shore,the rest is just history.Timothy finally reached her house and jumped over the fence in the backyard,that is where they usually met even though he had visited the place numerous times and her parents knew him.He sat on the hammock and threw a little pebble at her window,she appeared a second after that and smiled at him and ran downstairs.Melanie opened the door leading to the backyard and with a few jumps she found herself standing in front of Timothy.They hugged and she sat next to him,she had just taken a shower,her hair was still wet and the usual smell of forest fruits slipped in his nostrils.Melanie was wearing a white cotton blouse and red shorts,even with her home clothes she looked like she was ready to go out somewhere,she probably got that from her french side.She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her hands around them and waited for Timothy to start talking.He was still a bit confused by everything,but he took a deep breath and started

- You know,i went today to renew my ID card and something really weird happened when i touched the woman there- at first Melanie thought he was just joking like usual how he found he had chemistry with some pretty girl

- Oh not this again - but his face remained dead serious

- No,its not what you think,I did not like her,it was something else - she then kept silence so that he could continue

-When i touched her,it was as if i took a part of her,not physically but mentally -

- You know how i was never good at math and accounting,well I think now i am proficient at them - Melanie was staring at him with confusion

- How do you know ? How did that happen ? - she asked still nestled at the end of the hammock

- Well that is the thing,I dont know I just touched her and then i knew all the thing concerning her work - continued Timothy moving his gaze from her and onto the grass below them.

- Did you touch anyone else after that ? - asked Melanie getting more worried by the second

- I think not,I also had a really weird dream after that,but that happens all the time - he looked at her again thinking she might propose some solution,Melanie was still staring at him worriedly and now chewing on her nails,

- If that is true,what you`re saying then maybe you should try touching someone else -

- But I already touched you when we hugged and I did not feel the same thing - replied Timothy and thought about the handshake with the office lady,if there was something more special about it.

-Hmm,I did touch you only through the clothes and the touch with the lady was through a handshake,maybe its a skin thing ? - said the boy looking at Melanie to see if she agrees.She nodded in return

- Well,lets try it then- she then reached for him with her hand.Timothy thought it through,even though the woman at the office did not show signs that she felt the same thing he did,he did not want to harm in any way Melanie.He took out his hand from the pocket and cautiously grabbed Melanie’s hand.The familiar feeling struck him again,as if very light currents of electricity were surging through his body and after it all passed away he let her hand.Melanie was looking at him to see if something happened,but he was just sitting there baffled and silent.Since her mother was french,Melanie was also fluent in french,Timothy on the other hand had never learned french.He turned to her with the same confusion as earlier and asked in perfect french

- I think it happened again. -


Chapter 2 Getting even weirder

Chapter 2


Timothy was staring at his hand as if he was seeing them for the first time.He was still sitting in the hammock and beside him was Melanie,who had a big smile on her face.

- Dont you dare tell anybody about this,not even your parents - hissed Timothy at her

- But this ‘’power’’ that you have is amazing,imagine how many thing you could learn without even opening a book - replied she with a voice full of excitement.He looked back at his hands and thought through what she told him and she did have a point.His life could get easier with a blink of an eye,he wouldnt need to study for exams anymore or even try to learn any other skills on his own,but he was still confused.What if there were some dangerous side effects to all this.He was feeling fine for now,but for how long.He stood up and walked around in the garden,Melanie was waiting for him to say something.It took him a while but he finally turned to her with the usual smile he had before and told her

- You know what,i am gonna take advantage of this and see where it will get me - she liked his positive attitude and was glad that he came back to his normal self.Timothy thought for a second and said again in perfect french -Remember how bad i was when you tried to teach me some french - she laughed at the thought and said in french

- Oh yeah,you were terrible,you had no ear for it - .He began experimenting by trying different accents from the picardian and galloan dialects all the way to the funny sounding corsican dialect.As they were making fun of how the french in the north were speaking,Melanie`s mother appeared at the door,she was about to call Melanie when she heard them talking in french

- Oh Tim,i didnt know you knew french - she was always talking in french with Melanie,even though she had a decent english knowledge.

-Well I practiced a lot Mrs.Beauvais and Melanie helped me a great deal - answered Timothy grinningly.

-We were about to have dinner if you want you can join us - proposed the ex-model

-Ok i just have to call my parents and tell them i`ll be late -

- Alright i`ll go get another plate and hurry while its still warm - she closed the door after her and went back in humming some song.Melanie`s mother was always cheerful and treated Tim good,after she married Melanie`s father she quit her modeling career and became a fulltime housewife.Timothy really enjoyed spending time at their house because there were no restrictions and they could do whatever they wanted with Melanie.After calling his parents Tim went inside and entered the kitchen where Melanie was already waiting on the table and her mom was serving dinner.

- Come Tim take a seat,the plate with the steak is for Stephen otherwise you can sit wherever you want - she was still talking in english to him.A wonderful smell had spread in the kitchen and it was having an enchanting effect on the teenager.He sat on the table next to Melanie,who was already enjoying the meal.She was having smoked mushrooms with vegetables draped in some sauce,while he was served a few pieces of chicken and in front of him there was a bowl with mashed potatoes.Timothy helped himself and took a spoonful of puree and splattered it on his plate.A little later Melanie`s father came back from work,he was a tall man with a soldierlike haircut and always shaved,but behind all that there was just an ordinary man.

-Oh hi Tim,didnt expect to see you here - he greeted the boy cheerfully while he was rolling his sleeves up readying himself to eat.

- Hello Mr.Moore,I came to see Melanie and then Mrs.Beauvais asked me if i wanted to stay for dinner and i just couldnt decline - Melanie chuckled by the way he said her mothers last name

- Whats up honey,whats so funny ? - asked her father

-Oh nothing he just used a weird french dialect - her mother then turned to him

- yes apparently he now knows french,they were even talking in french earlier,its amazing - .The man didnt know how horrible his french was before so he was really surprised that he was now speaking french.

-Good for you,son,you must have put a lot of effort into it - he replied while cutting a big piece of the steak - Melanie chuckled again,but this time her father just glimpsed at her for a moment and then turned again to Tim

-Well I took some french classes at school and Melanie helped me a lot so now its a bit better than before- her father just smiled this time and nodded.Timothy ate quickly what was left on his plate and excused himself from the table

-I’m sorry i wish I could stay more but my parents would be upset if I stay any longer,the food was amazing Mrs.Beauvais - Melanie`s parents asked him to send regards to his parents and then he left the kitchen.Melanie followed him to the front door

-I’m gonna write to you later to tell you if anything new happened - told her Tim,she nodded and gave him a hug and he left her house.As he was walking home he was still having fun with his new abilities and was having a conversation with himself,acting out a conversation between an American and a french tourist.The french man had lost his group and did not know any english,he only knew the name of his hotel,but because of his thick accent he could not pronounce the name right so that the American would understand him.Timothy found himself cracking up,but he held it in because a couple of junkies were watching him in a strange way while he was passing by.He got home and threw his jacket on the rack and went to tell his parents he is home.They were watching together some movie in the living room when he came in

- hey,i`m back - his mother turned her head to see him and told him

-there is some food left in the fridge if you`re hungry -

-its ok,i ate at Melanies house,oh and her parents sent you regards -

- Oh,how nice of them,that reminded me that i should call them and invite them to your dads birthday next week -

-alright i`ll go to sleep because i have school tomorrow - after his mother wished him a good night Tim went up to his room and jumped on his bed.He picked his phone and wrote a message to Melanie

-I think i`ll get used to my new powers,haha - his cockiness did not last long though -as long as your brain does not explode - Melanie loved teasing him with such comments

- shut up,nothing is exploding,by the way next week my dad has a birthday so a lot of people will come,it would be the perfect time to test the limits of my ability -

- yeah,i`ll bring a bucket in case we need to gather the parts of your head from the garden -

- fuck you,i`m going to bed,see you tomorrow -

Chapter 3 Did not see that coming

Chapter 3


The next morning Timothy woke up a bit dizzy and after he did his morning routine he went to school.Even though nobody beside Melanie knew about him he felt their gazes on him and started walking faster looking for someone he knew in the crowd of students.He finally saw a classmate,it was Christopher,they were pretty close,but not that close for Tim to share his little secret.

-Hey Chris,wait up !- he was just entering the building when he heard someone calling him from behind

-Oh,hi Tim,whats up man ? - they did their handshake when Timothy was closer and went inside -Nothing much,had a bit weird weekend,what about you? -

-Oh my girlfriend and i had an anniversary so i had to run after her ass the whole weekend - said Chris looking a bit pissed.Timothy smacked him on the back and said with a long smile

-But you got some at least,right? - Chris turned to him with a stone face

-Do I look like I got some? -

-Oh,still ? That sucks - Chris was with this girl for the last two years and he had only reached second base.It was the best time of his life when they got together because he had a huge crush on her,but now its all the same to him.They reached the math classroom when Tim said

-What about you and that french chick,when are you gonna act finally ? - Chris was talking about Melanie and even though he was told plenty of times that nothing was going to happen he still insisted and kept asking

-Dude,I told you already,we`re only friends and thats all -

-Pft,pussy,everyone can see that there is something between you two and only you dont want to admit it.Have you ever talked with her about it ? -

-Of course (what a nasty liar) we`ve discussed it and we`re both fine with being just friends -

-Rrrright -

Timothy thought he had to think of something quick before Chris thought of something else embarrassing and awkward to talk about.

-Oh crap,i forgot that we had math today - Chris turned with a confused look - So ? - Timothy became enraged by his friends lack of concern

-She said she was going to exam us today and i havent studied at all - the boy was still staring at him with expressionless face

-Like it would change anything if you had studied - he was right and Timothy knew it,he was a terrible at math.They took their seats and waited for the teacher to begin the class.Tim wasnt doing good this year in math so it was crucial that he raised his grades.His heart started racing when the woman stood up and started talking,he could feel the sweat on his forehead and his stomach shrinking to the size of a nut.She announced that there would be some examining today on the black board

-Great,that way i wont be able to cheat at all - screamed Tim in his head.After that she sat again and opened her little book with the grades of the students and started picking.Timothy got lucky when she picked some girl,his heart beat restored its previous state and his exhaled deeply.Unfortunately for him,the girl was good at math so she figured the solutions in no time and the teacher sent her back to her seat.She looked again in her book and turned her eyes to him.He looked at his desk and pretended he was writing down the exercises that were on the black board,but his heart almost flew out of him when he heard her saying his voice.Tim looked at her with a look saying

-May I help you ? - she pulled out a marker and said

-You arent doing good this year,I hope you have studied for today - .He gulped as if he was approaching his doom and then stood up uncertainly.As he reached her desk he reached for the marker and accidentally ran his hand along her and felt the now familiar feeling.Tim took the marker quickly from her hand and took place before the board and she started telling him what to write.For the first time in his life he knew these formulas meant and he started calming down slowly.He figured out the first one in no time and when he turned to the teacher to hear her out she was staring at him like he had broken some hundred year formula.

- Mr.Parker I wasnt expecting something like that from you - she said fixing her glasses trying to cover her amazement

-Lets try something a bit harder then,shall we ? - she turned to him and looked him daringly.Timothy just shrugged like it was all the same to him,at the same time Chris was watching what was happening like it was some boxing match for the world title.However knew even a little Timothy knew that he could do anything else but math,which made it even more exciting to watch.This time the woman didnt pick an exercise from the book,which meant things were getting serious.She started telling him what to write and when she was ready she crossed her hands and leaned back in her chair and waited to see if he really knows what hes doing or he had some method of cheating.Timothy wrote down what he was told and looked it through a few times.He knew immediately what he must do,but wanted to play an act and make the teacher think she got him.Tim started scratching his head and exhaling in desperation,then turned around a few times with a sad look to see if anyone was buying it.As expected the teacher was staring at him and waiting to tell him how easy the exercise was,but he decided he would do that instead of her.

- Oh,now i remembered ! - exclaimed Tim and after a minute he was grinning at the teachers dropped jaw.

- Well this is just astounding Mr.Parker.You must`ve studied really hard this weekend- she wasnt faking it even though it would have brought her more pleasure seeing him fail

- Yes,really hard,I couldnt get any sleep these days - replied sarcastically Tim knowing she cant do anything to him anymore.

- I’m glad,you can go to your seat now - as he was returning to his place,he got a lot of suspicious looks from his classmates,especially the smart ones,but one person was really happy for him and that was Chris.As soon as Timothy sat in his place he fist bumped his Chris who was staring at his like he was his idol.After the bell rang and they left the room Chris flooded him with questions

- How the hell did you pull that out ? Did you have some hidden microphone or something like that ? -

- No dude,I just knew what to do - answered Tim trying to not look too suspicious

-But you suck at math,its impossible - kept going Chris

- Well then I had luck,look I have see you later maybe - before he could say anything else Tim ran into the crowd of students and disappeared from his sight.As he was going to his next class he thought of sharing the good news with Melanie and pulled out his phone.

- You wont believe what happened! - wrote Timothy and sent it to her.After a few minutes she wrote him back

-Your head grew three times bigger ? -

- ha.ha,no i`m an expert in one more field now,but i`ll tell you about it after school -

-what class do you have now i think i can come by -

- P.E. -

- Ok i`ll be there in 10 mins - Timothy put his phone back in his pocket and headed for yard that was all the way at the back of his school.He put his headphones and turned the volume on max,that way his school didnt seem so horrible.The good thing was that he was graduating this year and most of the younger students were looking up to him and nobody bothered or bullied him.He was almost in the sports sector of the school when he felt a pat on his shoulder,he turned around and saw Kate.She was his ex,who he had left a few months ago and she was still texting and following him ever since.Her parents were really rich and she was a single child so she tended to get everything she wanted and after she tried turning Timothy into her minion for several months he finally decided to end it and broke up with her.Kate ended up calling him thirty times in the next two days as if he were her son,which only made it worse and Tim blocked her from his phone and every social media.And now she was acting like an angel so that she could suck him back with her tentacles and enslave him and make him her pet again.

- Hey Tim,how are you doing ? - asked Kate with her squeaky voice and the usual puppy eyes she made every time she wanted something badly.Timothy stood there with an emotionless gaze and was thinking if he should just tell her that he is in a hurry or talk with her for a few minutes.

- Hey Katelyn,i was just headed for P.E.,how are you ? - she hated being called Katelyn,only her mother called her Katelyn when she was mad at her,but she ignored it this time.Kate knew he`ll pay for it once she has him as her minion,but for now she played the role of the nice and friendly girl.

- Oh i`m great,I just saw you and I thought of asking you if you want to hang out later,my parents wont be home for a few days so you can come by if you want - she knew that was every boys weakness,but there was more he could lose that win from this invitation,plus he wasnt the type of guy that would take advantage of her in such time.

- Well,I have to help Melanie with some packages so I don`t think I can make it,sorry - Katelyn never liked Melanie because she always came in first when it came to Timothy,even though he always said they were only friends.She still somehow kept the fake smile on her face and right when Tim thought the conversation was over she continued.

- Maybe some other day then....I just want things to be like before,when it was only you and me and we were happy - she reached for his arm and touched it sensually,then looked in his eyes in a way to see if he actually bought her sack of lies.

- Look Kate,I told you before,there wont be us anymore.We had our time together and for one or another reason it ended.I`m sorry but I cant be anything else than a friend with you - Timothy hated most of the time he spent with her,but he was sure she wasnt that bad when she wasnt playing the role of the girlfriend.Katelyn stood for a few seconds silent thinking how to respond and finally smiled again

- Ok,you have my number,if you want to talk or anything just give me a call - it took her a while to accept it but Timothy was relieved it was over and they can move on,or at least she because he had already done it.She lifted herself to give him a hug and then left without saying a word.Tim stared at her for a few seconds more and then put his headphones on again and headed for his P.E. Class.

Chapter 4 What now?

Chapter 4


Timothy was an athletic kid so his P.E. Teacher liked him a lot and he used to get away with things like excusing himself from a class because he ‘’felt’’ some pain.He really wanted to share what happened in Math class with Melanie so this was going to be one of the times he excused himself from class.After leaving his things on the bench he saw Melanie getting in the room,she spotted him quickly and ran to him.

-Wait here I have to excuse myself to the teacher and then i`ll tell you everything - said Timothy and headed to the teacher.

-Hello Mrs.Dwight I wanted to ask if you could excuse me this time because I trained for a marathon at the weekend and i think i sprained my ankle - Timothy pulled out his most exhausted face to make it look more real.Mrs.Dwight was a dark haired woman in her forties,who had won several medals for her town in the past and at the peak of her career she left the sports scene undefeated and became a teacher.She liked Timothy because he reminded her of her younger self,so she checked him out from head to toes and smiled in reply.

-Alright,I am sure you will do great on this marathon,go rest now and maybe next time i can give you some tips- Timothy thanked her and turned back to Melanie.She was sitting on the bench eating an apple and looking something on her phone.

-OK she bought it,are you ready to hear the most amazing thing that ever happened ? - Melanie threw her phone away and nestled quickly ready to soak up every word.Tim started telling her what happened with smallest details and she didnt move her gaze from him even for a moment.Melanie couldnt believe he rubbed it in her face so hard and got away with it.

-Do you still remember the things you learned from me and that secretary you met last week ? - asked Melanie,

-Yes,I think so,why? - she bit from the apple and then replied

-So apparently you dont forget the things after some time and you dont have a limit or at least its not short - Timothy thought about it and realized how much cooler it gets by the day.He had forgotten all about his worries earlier about anything going wrong and focused on how much more he can extract from different people and how he could use that to his advantage.The class ended before they knew it and they left school.

Chapter 5 Could it be?

Chapter 5


It was finally the weekend and Timothy had help his parents with the preparation for the barbecue party they were going to have.His mother woke him up really early,because the guests were coming at noon and they didnt have much time to get ready.Timothy hated such occasions because he was just busting himself for people he will ultimately not see or at least wont spend time with,but his parents were famous for that in the neighbourhood,so he didnt want them losing their reputation because of him.Their kitchen had taken again the form of a bakery for the occasion and Timothys mother was running around checking the cookies in the oven,then running to the other part of the kitchen to taste the topping for the pasta and back again.His father on the other hand was still looking through the news in the newspaper while drinking his coffee and was trying to look inadequate so that his wife wouldnt make him do anything,at least for now.On the table were waiting still steaming a plate full of pancakes with a bowl of chocolate next to them just the way Timothy liked them.Just that his mother cooked pancakes only on special occasions and she was most likely going to ask something of him in return.He was too weak to deny them unfortunately.After devouring all the pancakes for a short period of time he sat splattered in the chair and waited for his mother to tell him what he should do.Covered in flower and sauce stains she was just taking out the last plate of cookies from the oven,all they needed to do now was to take everything out and decorate the backyard.As he was preparing the barbecue Timothy heard a knock on the door and quickly left everything to see who it is.It was Melanie,she was wearing a white tank top with a black long skirt that was outlining her curvy body.She had brought some food too from her parents and Tim just wanted to take the box from her hands and throw it at the first thing that passed by.

-Are you serious ? -

- My mom already cooked enough food for like a whole batalion - said Tim with a desperate expression on his face while picking the box from Melanie.

- Well,you know my parents,they can never come empty handed.Otherwise they might as well not come at all - Melanie chuckled and followed Timothy to the kitchen.His mother greeted her with a kiss on the cheeck and his father on the other hand just smirked hiding behind his newspaper.

- I think we used the electricity of two towns to prepare all the dishes for the party later,i cant believe that the oven hasnt melted yet. - said Timothy as he sat in the chair to refresh himself before he went back to moving all the other things.

- Woah,your mother must`ve spent the whole night cooking,how many people are coming actually ? - asked Melanie while walking pass the dishes restraining herself from jumping on them.

-Three,four families beside yours,best case scenario,we wont need to cook for the next two weeks or so - a slight smile appeared on his face while saying that and then he told Melanie to join him outside because it was very suffocating inside the kitchen.

- So,got any new power that you want to share with me ? - asked Melanie while following Tim,who was still trying to get the barbecue working.- Nah,not that i know of any,I was thinking we could have some fun today depending on who comes - said Timothy with a slight excitement in his voice -Have you tried telling your parents about this ? - he turned to her with a face saying “are you out of your mind ? “

- Of course not,they`ll either think I`m insane and take me to some doctor or make fun of me -

- I think I’m alright like this - .Finally some of the people started ariving so Timothy and Melanie could get some rest,even though she was only walking after him and observing what he does.They took a seat in the far end of the garden and just watched their parents discussing ‘’old peoples’’ stuff with the rest of the guests.

-You wont believe what a lawnmower I bought last week - Tim overheard his father saying that with such an exitement as if he was just told he got a raise from at work.

-God,dont tell me we`re gonna be like that too in thirty years - cried out Timothy to Melanie and stuck his hands in his hair pulling it backwards.

- Probably - she seemed a bit distant,starring at the people in the backyard and picking pop corn from the bowl.But Tim didnt notice because he was busy whining about everything and anything.

-You know what,lets join them - said finally Melanie jumping from the bench and pulling Timothy by the hand.At first he wasnt sure what she was up to,so he was sceptical,but she pulled him even harder so he followed her eventually.The two of them went to Melanies parents,who were chatting with Tims mom and dad and looking like they were having the time of their lives.They usually didnt have the time to meet eachother regularly so everytime they met they had loads of catching up to do.Melanie went next to her dad putting his hand around her and just stood there in his embrace acting like shes part of the conversation.

- Hey kids,Tims mom sure did a great job preparing this party,right? - Tims dad poked Timothy in the ribs and winked at Melanie for the wanted answer.

-Oh yeah,of course,gets better every year - both of them answered simultaneously trying to sound as sincere as possible and then ended up just sipping from their drinks and looking around awkwardly.

-I hear you did very well on your math examination Tim,it seems you`re full of surprises these days - Melanies father tried to cheer him up with his wife joining after him.

-Oh yes and his french is perfect,almost as if raised in france -

His parents looked at him like they had swallowed their tongues and waited for him to explain what was going on.Melanie was watching with a weird pleasure at the scene and added to the whole mess

-Yes Tim,how did you manage all that ? -

Timothy backed a step and noticed that everyone at the party was starring at him.The guests started moving closer to him and in a few seconds he was surrounded.A wall of people was blocking all ways for him to escape,his mother crying outside the crowd and his father looking at him with disgust,Timothy was confused and paralyzed at the sight.Melanie was still staying next to her father with an ominous smile waiting to see him get torn to piece.The people started getting closer again until the light was blocked from their heads and everything went dark.Tim woke up shaking and sweating in his bed.It was 2 am and everything was quiet in his house,only the light of the moon shining through the window was helping him distinguish the objects around him.He took his phone from his night stand and checked the date.It was today that he took his card to be changed,he had no messages sent though to Melanie.He checked if he had deleted them but he hadnt.Timothy tried thinking about his meeting with the lady that had to change his card,but he couldnt recall anything out of the ordinary.He had no idea what sort of things she was dealing with at work,after all,it was a few hours ago he couldnt have forgotten all about it already.That left him even more confused,he leaned back on his pillow and stared at the black ceiling.


Texte: Kamen Kostov
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.07.2015

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