
Chapter 1


“Lily sweetie! Come down stairs!” Mother called. 

“Coming mother!” Yelling as I ran my little butt down the stairs. 

 Running to mother I see her cooking in the kitchen.

“Yes mother?” I say as mother turns around and looks down at me. I smile as big as I can. 

“Dinner is ready darling. Its Mac & Cheese.”

“YAY!” I scream and dash to the table. As I laugh I say “Feed me! Feed me!” 

Oh how I love mac & cheese! It is only my favorite food in the whole entire world. After about my third plate of dinner I put my fork on my plate. 

“Mother may I be excused?.” 

“Yes Darling. Just leave your plate there and I will take care of it. 

I slowly got out of my seat and push in my chair. Finally I started to dash upstairs into my room. Talking to myself I keep asking, 

“Hmmm, what should I do?” 

Thinking I walked over to my desk. I grabbed a canvas, acrylic paints, and a one inch bristle paint brush. Wondering what I should draw, I imagine a world of glass. Imagining my porcelain dolls living inside glass houses, with their glass pets, their glass nature. Everything I was imagining was pure glass. I grab my paint brush and start to paint the glass village. All the nature was made of pure glass. Glass flowers and glass trees. Finally finishing the village and painting the porcelain dolls I give it a good look. I start to make small touch ups to make it absolutely perfect. Once I made it as perfect as I could get it. Starting to close my eyes to imagine my painting come to life I vanish. Gasping I open my eyes to see my glass world. I see all the porcelain dolls walking through the glass village. Am I dreaming? I have to be dreaming, this couldn’t be real, how could this be happening?

I forget about reality and forget the fact I could be dreaming. Starting to walk through the village I run into a porcelain villager. 

“Hello” she says. 

“How am I here?”

“Your imagination brought you here.” 

“Wait my imagination brought me to a different world?”

“Your imagination also created it” she says smiling. “Here I will show you around before you go back home.”

“Okay, thank you.” Starting to follow her tears of joy fall down my flawless rose red cheeks. Tears of joy, for my dream has come true. 

“Does this mean anything I imagine will be created?” I ask. 

“Yes, I believe so” she says. 

I am filled with excitement and awe of my surroundings. I am not yet convinced this is real. I do not yet believe. Walking further and further through the glass village my mind sores through what more I could create. 

Gasping for air I find myself in front of my painting. 

“Lily it is time for you to go to bed!” 

“I am going mother, I will be ready in 5 minutes.” 

All I can do now is think of how I got there and if what the porcelain doll said was true. Though now it is time for bed I can not get ready because I can not stop thinking of what she said. 

I start to put away my paints so I can go to bed before I get in trouble. Walking to my closet I open it, grab my night gown, and change. Now it is finally time for bed. Maybe I will wake up and this will all be a dream and I will be back in reality. 



“Your imagination brought you here” she softly said as we walked through the village. 

“How did it bring me here though? How could this be real?” 

The small porcelain girl brings me to her house and lets me sleep in her glass room. 

“You will find out soon.” 


Chapter 2

“Knock” “Knock” “Knock” 

“Lily it is time to wake up” I hear my mother telling me through the door. 

“Im up! Im up” Standing up I look at my painting. Could that have all been a dream? Oh well, its time to get ready for school any how. I walk to my dresser trying to think of what to wear for the day. Finally deciding I pull out my black skinny’s, my Black Veil Brides tee, and my combat boots. 

“Lily! You are going to be late! Hurry up!” 

“I’ll be down in a few mother!” I yelled as I rushed to put my sketch book and art pencils in my backpack. 

“Lily!” Mother yelled. 

“Coming mother!” I yell as I run down the stairs. “Mother I am ready, lets go.” Mother starts laughing at me as we walk to the car. 

The car ride was silent but thats okay. It gave me time to start drawing a new piece. Pausing to think I imagine a black dusty room with books everywhere. It had one small window, cobwebs, and a golden retriever sleeping in the corner. Before I knew it I started drawing. 

“Lily, were here. Lily? Why are you still sitting here? My mothers voice echoed through my head. 

“Sorry mother. I spaced out for a minute.” I quickly open the door to here the late bell ring. Damn! I get out starting to run to my class when I run into David. All my sketches fly into the air as I fall backwards. 

“Dang you David!” I say as I laugh.

“Well maybe you should watch where you are going” he says with a smirk on his face. I playfully glare at him before rushing to grab my sketches before he see’s them. 

“Lily, why don’t you ever let me see your sketches?” 

“Because they are private. I need to get to class, see you later.” Then I am off again running to class. Bursting into the classroom I yell “I’m here” Now realizing how loud I yelled that I see my teacher glaring at me from afar. 

“Thank you for the notice Lily.” 

“Oh, you’re welcome. I’ll go sit down now.” I smiled at my teacher then headed for my seat which happened to be by my friend Amelia. 

“Why were you so late?” Amelia said with confusion. 

“I ran into David when I was running to class.” 

“Oh, what did you guys talk about?”

“No I mean I literally ran into him, like when I run into brick walls except this time it was David.” Amelia just started to giggle without saying anything. “What’s so funny about that?” 

“Just the fact you ran into David.”

“I do not understand how that is funny?” 

“He has only had a crush on you since the first grade.”

“Not true. He is only a semi-friend.” 

“If you say so.” Amelia says as she starts to giggle. 

So I wasn’t really in the mood to do math class so I pull out my sketch book and start to draw. This time I wanted to draw a world of confusion, a world of mystification and uncertainty. So I begin to draw a world of trees, giant and dark, there bark a dark brown, with green moss almost matching its shade. So so many trees, so many that if you were to stand under them and look up you would see see nothing but the green of the canopy. I begin to draw snaking rivers, winding streams, a crisp blue contrast to the darkness of the trees. Just as I finish the last details the whole class disappeared. Could I really be dreaming again? I stand up thinking maybe the class pulled a prank on me. I open the door and I see.  


Chapter 3

I walked out to see the exact same world I drew in my picture. How could this be? This can not be possible, I have to be dreaming right now. I start pinching myself hoping I would wake up, but nothing happened. If this is real I am going to explore this world with what time I have. 

This world is so beautiful. This is so astonishing. As I start to explore more I start to learn that I do not want to leave this world. I could stay here forever and be as happy as could be. This world is mine and I created it. I now understand that I have the power to create different worlds through my drawings. This discovery was breathtaking. While I am exploring my eyes start to shut and I yawn. Looking for a soft grassy area to sleep I see a tree with a hole in it that looks exactly like a bed. It is amazing, it was grassy with a moss pillow. Laying on the bed inside of the tree I fall asleep with my mind in the clouds. 


Chapter 4


Gasping I wake up to my Amelia poking my face. “Dude, wake up before the teacher see’s you” she says. It was as if time froze while I traveled to my imagination world. This is so unusual that I still find it hard to believe. With having only little faith in the imagination world I pull out another piece of paper and start to draw again. This time I drew Paris with the Eiffel Tower directly in the middle. Going into more detail I draw small people on the ground below the tower, a fountain right in front of the tower, and to top it off I put a kissing couple on the beautiful tower. Making the last touches I close my eyes maybe for five seconds. Opening them I see the one of the most stunning sites before me. It was exactly how I drew it even with the couple. I was on top of the tower looking around to this beautiful city of love. With this gift of the imagination world I could go anywhere in the world and not miss a single second in reality. I could create my own world and stay there as long as I’d like then come back to the real world with not even a second gone by. This moment of joy with knowing what I could do was overwhelming. I now believe. Deciding to take the elevator down to the bottom of the tower I walk around Paris. “Bonjour” I say to a young french boy.   

“Bonjour madame, comment allez-vous” he says. He just asked me how my day was, surprisingly I need to think about that one. I am so happy I am taking french for a foreign language. I don’t know a lot of french but I do know the basics. “Bon. Mon nom est Lily.” I start to stutter. 

“My name is Calvin.” 

“You speak english?”

“Very little but yes.” 

“Well Calvin, it was nice meeting you but I must go.” We wave and part our ways. Now I am searching for a comfy place to fall asleep so I can go back to class. Yes! I found a bench with a pillow someone left. No it is not the most comfortable thing in the world but it will work. Laying down I slowly fade into my dreams of the clouds. Opening them still in math class but luckily the bell rings and we are out to our next class. Walking to my next class I see David. “Hey”

“Hey” he says smiling. “What class you going to right now?” 

“I am going to art” I say. “You?”

“I just switched to that class. I guess I get to walk with you.” He says with a smirk on his face as I groan. 

“Okay, lets go.” Rushing to class we walk in the door and sit at the back table. Right after the bell rings Mrs.Gibson tells the class it is a free period today. That is wonderful, I can plan the next imagination world. 


Chapter 5

I start to imagine a never ending world. A world where you can walk upside down on the ceiling, or normally on the ground. A world with a park of illusions, where everything can confuse you. This world, my world, is the past and future combined, with flying cars and horse drawn carriages, and trees with limbs like paint brushes covered in beautiful roses. This world was going to be mine, I’ll never want to leave it. While I am imagining it was as if time sped up. The bell rang and woke me from my day dream. Grabbing my notebook I leave the class room to head to lunch. 

Today I decided to skip lunch to imagine more of my new world. To put it into more detail. I want this world to be perfect, I am gonna make this world into its best. It will have people from past present and future. This imagination world will top them all. 

“Hey Lily!” I jumped to turn around and see David. 

“Damnit David! You scared me.”

“Sorry, whatcha writing?” I slam my notebook shut, 

“It’s nothing.” David started to give me a confused look as if I’ve done something wrong. “What?”

“You never show me anything you draw or write.” He says in a low soft voice. 

“I am sorry but they are private.” 

“Ok” he says and just walks away looking like a mope. I feel really bad right now but I don’t know what to do. I am just watching him walk away sad and disappointed. 

“Hey David! Do you want to come over tonight?”

“Yes! I will be there at five!” Now I just think he made me feel bad on purpose because he is joyfully walking to his next class. Oh he is a skemy boy but whatever I can deal with it, plus he is kind of cute anyways. Well now lunch is over so it is time for class. I can not wait to graduate this year, I don’t like school, it’s so dramatic. As the day slowly goes by I just zone out and think of what I am going to do with David tonight. 


Chapter 6

Walking into the house today I got a wonderful greeting from my mom. 

“Hi sweetie, how was school today?” 

“It was good! Hey my friend David is coming over at five, is that okay?”

“Of course. Is he going to stay for dinner?” 

“Yeah! I think so, well I am going to go clean my room” So I walk up to my room and start my personal cleaning spree. As time speeds by I see it’s five to five. Then I hear the door bell ring. Oh no! I grab all my stuff and just shove it into my closet and shut it. Running down stairs I see David introducing himself. “Hey David.”

“Hey, what are we going to do?” 

“Follow me.” 

“Okie dokie!” I start to giggle as he follows me up to my bedroom, walking into my bedroom he gasps. 


“This is amazing!” 

I blush and say thank you.

“So what are we going to do?” 

“Well first your going to move that desk.” I say pointing to the desk right in front of a blank white wall. 


“Just go move it” I say as I laugh. Once he moves it I grab my paint set and grab two paint brushes. I hand David one and I hold one. “We are going to paint.” I blurt with a huge grin on my face. 

“You mean YOU’RE going to paint.”

“You don’t wanna paint with me?”

“I’d rather watch you paint” he says with a smile. 

So I decide to paint my world. My magical imagination world that I plan on taking David to. 






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.04.2013

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I dedicate this book to Jarred Crossley

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