

Rosie’s point of view.       

My name is Rosie and I became a blood slave for the vampire kind when i was two years of age. I haven’t seen many humans besides the other blood slaves that get auctioned off with me. I am sixteen now and is as skinny as a twig. 

    August 27, 1995

I walked into the office and a cold chill came down my back. As I slowly walk to the waiting area I see him looking at me. He calls me to come closer, by the time i got up he was hovering over me and I fall back terrified. he grabs my wrist and tells me to come with him, as he pulls me into the room I try and slow him down, but he just pulls harder.

Two hours earlier... A upper rank vampire comes into my room and tells me Maximum wants me in his office. I whimper and try to scoot away from the vampire. Sadly I am so weak that I can barely stand and with vampires strength I had no chance of getting away. Not even two seconds later the vampire pulled me up and shoved me into the hall. I see other blood slaves get shoved into the hall with me. We all walk towards the outskirts of the Slave Academy and get to the office. I was the last one in line, I could not see what was going on in there but i knew it couldn’t be good.

Present time.. As soon as Maximum pulls me into his room he shoves me in a chair, I start to whimper and tears start to fall from my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I see him move closer and closer. He asks me if I know why I’m here and all i do is shrug my shoulders and refrain from eye contact. Max grabs me and pulls up by the collar of my shirt, I yelp as I was trying to leave the grasp of his hand, he drops me and i fall. I slowly try to get up as he tells me to leave his presence because I don’t deserve to be there.

Bruised and Broken

As I drag myself back to my room I see an upper class vampire. His name is Gabriel. Once I glanced at him I started to speed my pace. He turns and in a split second he is right in front of me. Gabriel pulls my hair back and whirls around me. I feel him breathing over my neck, I feel his fangs start to reveal themselves. I flinch and start to run. Gabriel grabs me and then sinks his fangs into a soft spot on my neck, I try to scream but nothing comes out. Then I blacked out.

Moments Earlier....... His fangs were sharp, cold, and lifeless. I can just feel the life being sucked out of me. I felt as if I was dieing. Opening my eyes I see Gabriel.. I flinch and curl up into a small ball. He scoots closer, "Rosie, you do not need to be afraid" Gabriel said. Deep down I knew that was a trick , he used that line over a million times. Gabriel grabs my arm and pulls me to him. I start to kick and shove him away from me. Gabriel lets go and I fall on the floor starting to cry. The tears just fall and they do not stop. Looking up I see him staring at me, he looked very angry at me for what I did. I soon realized I was going to regret what I just did.   


I knew I was going to regret what I did to Gabriel. Crawling to the corner he gets up and walks to me. Grabbing my hair he pulls me up, my feet were off the ground and I started to scream. "You will learn to listen to me! You will regret what you just did Rosie" Gabriel says. Dropping me he storms out of the bedroom. I slowly start to follow to see him heading to the outskirts of the Slave Academy, I bet he's going to see Maximum... I shouldn't of done what I did. Going back to my bedroom I lay down and fall asleep. 

Dreaming-- I am running though the pasture at home. Am I finally home? Can it be? I see my horse Tibby. "Tiby!" I call "Tibbbyyyyy!" I call again. Turning around I see Tibby galloping in the wind.  She is so beautiful and she is all mine.-- 

"Knock" "Knock" "Knock" Frightened I wake up to see Maximum and Gabriel. Sitting up I pull my knees to my chest. "Rosie? We sold you... You now have a new owner" Maximum says.

New Owner

How could this be? I never knew you could get bought from the Slave Academy. I wonder who my owner could be? "W-Wh-Who is me-me-my owner?" Rosie studdered. "Gabriel" Maximum replied. I scoot back as far as possible. Why? How? Gabriel steps towards me, all of a sudden I hear myself whimper.. He grabs my arm, while he pulls me out of my bedroom I start crying. "Where are we going to go" I yell at him. "You will see..." He replied.

Gabriel stops and looks at me "Will you behave and walk beside me?" I nod in agreement. Gabriel lets go of my arm and I drop to the ground. When we start walking I see a black suv. Once we get to the car he opens the door and motions me to get in. Now we are driving off, but I do not know where..

New Home

We are driving and we pull up to a big house, I look up and Gabriel looks back "This is your new home."  Looking at it makes me gasp with surprisement. It is so big and beautiful. How could he afford this? Maybe he just compelled the owner to give it to him but I dont know. We come to a stop and my door opens.. "Are you coming?" He asked. I nod and slowly get out of the car. Looking up I gasp at how high his house is, it must be 5 stories high. I become eager to see my room, walking inside he grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairwell with him. Opening the door to my new room I gasp in surprisement. Could this really be mine? 

In amazment I walk into the room looking at everything that was there. A huge dresser with a mirror, canopy bed that was all different shades of blue, and a closet full of brand new clothes. How could a vampire be this nice? It isn't possible.

"Is this mine" I mumble under my breath. "Yes" everything is yours and anything you ask for." The moment he walks out of the room I run and jump on the bed.


Coming to this house was absolutely amazing. I mean I am still scared of Gabriel. As I am laying on the bed I hear foot steps coming down the hall.. I jump and hide under the bed. I then see that it is Gabriel walking in.

"Rosie your going to have to come out eventually."

Gabriel walks around the room, pacing back and forth. 

"You need to learn I am not going to hurt you."

I curl up in a ball as I lay under the bed. Just hoping and waiting for him to leave. But instead he lays on the bed waiting for me to come out. Soon I drift off to sleep under the bed and everything goes black. 

-Hour Later-

Slowly opening my eyes to sit up I ram my head into my bed. 

"Oh good, you are awake now" 

I shriek and curl up. I wish he would just go away. I dont like being cramped under here. I need to come out eventually but I just wish he would leave first. 

"Rosie, just trust me. Everything will be okay. I promise" 

"Please.. Just... Just go away!!!"

All of a sudden I hear te bed move and see Gabriel's feet at the door. 

"I only need you trust me" He says as he walks away.

He finally leaves the room and I crawl out from under the bed and run to lock my door. I start saying to myself "Please don't come back. Please don't come back." Over and over again. Now laying on my bed I burry myself under the covers and doze off to sleep. But no dream. Just a blank minded with no happy thoughts. 


"Knock knock knock" *Gasp* I sit up breathing heavily. 

"Rosie! Please unlock the door, we need to talk." 

"No! Just go away!" 

I rush to the bathroom, lock the door, and sit in the corner furthest from the door. Sitting there rocking back and forth I hear the knocking getting louder and louder. Tears start to fall down my face and I curl up in the corner as much as I could. 

"Rosie, I am not going to hurt you." 

He is outside the bathroom how did he get there?! Why is he there? I start to cry more and more until my vision is blurry from tears. I jump up and hide in the shower. All of a sudden the knocking stops. I hear nothing. Did he leave? But why? I slowly get up and shuffle to the door. I open it a crack and hes gone. No where to be seen. Opening the door all the way I see a tabel with a tray on it. Walking to the tray I see a breakfast. A bacon and chesse omlet, hash browns, sausage, pancakes, and orange juice. I jump on the bed and start stuffing my mouth with everything I could on this tray before he could get back. Suddenly a pink paper caught my eye. It was under my plate. 

"Dear Rosie,

            I want you to know I will never hurt you. I only want the best for you and thats why I took you out of that horrid academy. I only need you to trust me and I will never give up until you do trust me. I will have the buttler check on you every day just to be sure you are okay. He will bring you food every 2 hours so you can get healthy again. So eat everything I brought you. You are very sick. The butler Henery should be up to pick up your mess soon. 

                              Sincerely Gabriel"



Sitting on my bed holding the note someone knocks and peaks inside the door. I have never seen this man before. Who is her? 

"Hi, I am Henry."  

My eyes widened as I see him. He , he, he is handsome. Why would he work for Gabriel?

"Hi." I whispered to him looking down at my legs. 

"I am here to get your dishes and to see if you need anything else."

"I, I am fine. Thank you." I just blush and glance at him hoping he wouldnt know I was looking. How could I feel like this. I have never felt this before. 

"Well if you ever need me you can walk down stairs and I will be there okay."

I nodd and wait for him to leave, but he just stands there. 

"The maid will be coming up soon to help you clean up for dinner, I hope that wont bother you?" 

"No no no, it is okay. She may come up." 

He nodds and walks out of my room. I just sit waiting for the maid to walk in. It feels like forever but when she does my life took a huge turn. 


"Ha-Ha-Hi" I say nervously to the beautiful woman standing next to me. I dont underand this tingly feeling I have inside of me. Its a feeling never felt before. 

"What would you like to wear for dinner tonight hun?"

"Uhm, can I wear black skinny jeans with a fishnet top and a black veil brides t-shirt?" 

"Of course darling." She smiled at me and walks to grab the clothes. She is absolutley stunning. I can't seem to take my eyes off of her. Handing me my clothes I feel the soft touch of her hand and it feels like I can fly. 

"Uhm, maid? Can I know your name?" 

"Of course doll, my name is Anna." I can't believe it? Can it be possible? Could I really be falling for Anna?

As I sit in my room all I can think about is Henry and Anna. I dont know what these feelings are. All I’ve ever felt was pain from the Blood Slave Academy. I’ve never felt such electricity between me and another. I really want to learn this. Learn my mind. Learn this place they call Earth. I wish to learn about normal life outside of the blood slave life.

All of a sudden I hear a knocking on the door and I jump in the closet. Hearing footsteps walking through the door I hear Anna’s soft voice. 

“Dinners ready darling, where ever you are hiding.” 

I slowly start to walk out of the closet to see her sitting on my bed. 

“How long have you been there?”

“Oh hun I have not been here long. But dinner is ready and Gabriel wishes you would hurry down for taco night. It is really good.” 

“Okay I will be down in a minute. I would like to freshen up if that’s okay?”

“It is perfectly fine hun. Just hurry up.”


After freshening up I walk down stairs very slowly not knowing what is going to happen next. I mean I shouldn’t be too afraid, Anna said its gonna be good. I slowly peek around the corner to the dinning room to see Gabriel, Anna, and Henry sitting at the table. Anna waves at me as Gabriel stands up. 

“Come on and sit down for dinner.” 

Gabriel motions me but I start to shuffle away when he walks towards me. Anna stands and tells Gabriel to stop before he scares me but she is a little late. I am already scared.  I turn around and run up the stairs not knowing who is behind me. 

Running as fast as I can I burst into my room slamming the door behind me. Laying on my bed crying I hear a soft voice from behind the door. 

“Rosie can I please come in?” 

Crying more, I wipe my eyes and say yes. Sitting up with my blurry vision I see Anna walking into my bedroom and sitting next to me. 

“Are you alright hun?”

“Why am I here? Like really, why do I need to be here? Why did Gabriel buy me?”

She looks at me with sad eyes.

“To save you, we did this to save you from the Blood Slave Academy.” 

I plop my face into my pillow and try not to cry. I just wish my life would end so I don’t have to go through anymore of this pain. 



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.03.2013

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