
Chapter 1

"There was another murder," Said Kenny from out of the blue. I push mute on the remote and look down Kenny. I am laying on the coach, while he's sitting, Indian style, on the floor in front of the me and he was looking up at me.

"How many this time?" I ask.

"Hmm, I think it was either five or eight. I really wasn't paying attention this time." Kenny answers. He looks back forward,picks up his coca can and shakes it. It most have been empty because he picks up mine and takes a sip of it.

"All had masks on?" I ask.

"Yup," Kenny answers before taking another sip of my soda. "The kids were around our age. They say the killer is getting braver killing five at a time."

"Where were the bodies found at?" I ask.

"You know that creep deserted building down town?" Kenny asks.

"Yup, the one we pass to get to Poet's," I answer. Poet's is a lunch place where teens hang out and can either say a poem or sing a song on stage.

"Yea, so they found them there. You know what the creepy thing is?" He asks.

"What?" I ask.

"They say they were killed the day we were running late to get home. Remember that night? I think it was last Friday." Kenny answers. He then takes another sip.

"You're right; that is creepy. That could have been us," I agreed. I reach over and snatch my soda out his hands. I took a long deep gulp.

"Shoot." Kenny complains.

"What?" I ask.

Kenny gets up and unties his jacket from behind his waist. He then puts it on and grabs his keys from off the coffee table.

"I forgot I had a date with Vee," Kenny answers me. "I'm already ten minutes late."

"You think she's still there?" I ask raising an eyebrow. If it were me; I would already left.

"I hope so or I'll be in big trouble again." Kenny said. "See ya."

Kenny leaves the living room and I heard the front door open and close.

I sigh and sat up. I turn off the TV with the remote and got up. I stretch and pick up Kenny's empty can off the coffee table. I then pick up mine and walk over to the kitchen and throw the cans away in the trash can next to the counter. I farted and scratch my right boob. Man, I been holding that in since Kenny got here.

I don't know why, but I can't fart around a guy if he isn't family. It's either I like the guy or I just getting to know him. In Kenny's case; I like him since the day he transfer to my school (Embers City High School. If only Vee hadn't snatch him up before I got even a chance. Whatever Being his bestie is kind of good too.

Murders have been going up in my city since January. People who are between 15-25 have been dying with masks on their faces. They all had some sort of tattoo on their body; either tattoo was the same as someone else or different. The police haven't found at least one murder suspect. Each murder item was different each time; either shot with a different gun, slice by some sort of sword, stab by knife or beaten to death by fist or some solid object. This city is getting dangerous too now and days.

Chapter 2

Kenny came to pick me up the next day for school and Vee was in the passage seat next to him. She glared at me as I came down the walk down the drive way to the car. I stare right back her and smile and gave her the middle finger when Kenny wasn't looking. I don't know what Kenny sees in Vee.

Don't get me wrong; Vee is pretty. She has dark blue eyes and dirty blond hair and a nice figure, but she's a such a B word; not a good, funny B word(that we teens sometimes call our friends when we're joking around), but just a B word.

Kenny is looking good like always with his light brown hair smooth back into a small pony tail. I just love his golden brown eyes; they're just like the sun, warm and bright. He is wearing the usual plaid shirt with a white t-shirt under it. He had on some black skinny jeans with blue vans on. I rolled my eyes. His shoes always matches the same color as his shirt. What is up with that?

When I got into the car; Kenny drove to get another guy bestie of mine, Derrick. Derrick was a kind of a nerd with his big black glasses, but when he took them off he was so good looking. Derrick has dark curly red hair and freckles all over his face; he's a ginger. Today he was wearing a black T-shirt with Super Mario on it with a black jacket. He had on holey jeans with black hiking boots.

Once we got Derrick we were on our merry way to school. Yay....I hate school.....


When we got to school Kenny and Vee went down to 'make out' hallway; it's call that because that's were all the couples hang out or make out in corners down that hall. Derrick and I went to go find the Livi. Like always she hang around her locker with a bunch of guys circling her. Everyday guys circle her everywhere she goes.I don't blame them; no homo, but Livi is very pretty.

Livi is tall like a model, sugar brown skin, and long silky black hair and her eyes are light brown. Today she's wearing grey sweat pants and a black tank top with a grey jacket; and she still looks good.When she saw us she smiles and walks up to me and Derrick.

"Hey Bella. Hey Derrick." Said Livi.

"Sup Liv," Derrick said; trying to be cool. I snicker and Derrick elbows me in the ribs. Derrick likes Livi but too shy to tell her.He never told me but I just know because they way he stares at her in 1st period.

"Did you hear one of the students at our school was a victim of the mask victim murder?" Livi asks.

I raise an eyebrow. "No, I just heard it was some kids around our age. They didn't give out identity."

"How do you know?" Ask Derrick.

"Because my dad is the chief of the detective department and he's the one on case. I heard him talking to my mom last night about it," Said Livi. "Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

I didn't know Livi's dad was a cop.

I nodded my head. "I won't, but do you know who it is?"

"Nope, just that they go here," Livi answers.

We walk around the school talking about the murder case until the bell rung. We all walk slowly to our class and walk past it a few times. What student wants to get to class early?

It's awkward being the first one to class with your teacher up in there unless you're friendly with your teacher; which I am not. When it was a 1 minute till the tardy bell rung we all speed walked to class.

Chapter 3

"Plack!" I spit out the horrible tasting chicken from my mouth. How could they mess up chicken!?! BAKE CHICKEN!!!!

Chicken is my favorite and the lunch ladies F up that meal too. Excuse my French.

"G-ross Bells," Kenny chuckles.

"Ew! Bella! You're so gross!" Livi said and shakes her head.

"That's just nasty," said Keelo.

Lacy just scrunch up their nose and looked at me disgusted.

I smile. "Sorry, but how can they F up my favorite meat!?"

"True, the meat is gross," Marcus agrees.

"Either way; ssoo unladylike ," Lacy complains.

"Oh and you're such a perfect lady," I smirked. "Remember when you talked with your mouth full and spitted some food in your old crush face."

Lacy face turns red. "Don't remind me," she mutters.

"Haha, I remember that," laughs Kenny. "That mush up food was all in his face."

Right now we were at lunch. Vee and Derrick had 1st lunch with the freshman and I had lunch with the 10th graders. At lunch I sat with Kenny, Livi, Keelo, and Lacy. We had our own little group at lunch.

"I should have brought me a sandwich." I complain.

"Here you can have some of my pizza." Livi scooped me a slice of her pizza to me.

"Livi you're an angel!" I shouted before I dug in.


After we got done eating Livi and I walk over to the library. It was either stay in the lunch room until the bell rung for lunch to be over or go to the library till lunch was over.

Livi was checking out the big chapter books and I was scanning through the graphic novels. I snicker at some of the characters actions. When Livi checked out her books; I follow her to the the round couch in the way back of the library. We sat together and Livi turns toward me.

"I think it was Jona Hellers," Livi said.

"What are you talking about?" I ask; sounding confuse.

Livi stares at me her forehead creases. "Really, you don't know?"

I thought about for a minute. Ooohhh.....

"Oh, I know what you mean," I answer.

"Good grief Bells, you are so slow at times," Livi snickers.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Everyone has a slow moments."

"Anyways about Jona. It had to be her."

"You think so?" I ask sounding unsure.

"Yea, notice on the anouncements this morning they said 'Jona Hellers was in a incident that caused her death'," Livi pauses, "They didn't name the 'incident'."

I nodded my head. "True, true."

We are talking about the student who was a masked victim murder that went to our school. Earlier in 2nd period the announcements about Jona's death came on and we all had a moment of silence for poor Jona. I didn't know who she was, but I felt bad for her anyways. Some girls in my class started crying and for the rest of the class we did nothing but sit there. And then came lunch and everyone in school started talking again.

Chapter 4

Me and Derrick had to take the bus home because Kenny wanted to take Vee out to make up for yesterday when he was late for their date. So I had to walk two blocks once I got off the bus. Great.....

Since Derrick and I lived far away from another; we had to take different school buses. I mean I could have gotten a ride with Keelo or Livi but Keelo had soccer practice and Livi had to cheer-leading practice and I would have to wait till 5:30 until they were finish. I am not the patient.

So I took the bus with all the ignoring freshmen. It's hard to believe I was so excited about being in high school last year; it seems like all a blur. Those were the happiest times last year when I first met Livi, and Keelo during taking pictures of them for their sport;I was in yearbook club. Lacy, I knew in from my 9th grade homeroom, who I later saw at a party and starred to talk to, and Derrick been my bestie since we were in 5th grade together. And finally Kenny when transfer in the middle of the year in theater arts I and Gym class.

Now I have 1st period,Teen Living, with Livi and Derrick, French II with Keelo, Law & Justice with Lacy,Derrick and I had English II and just have lunch with Kenny but since we live only on a block away from another; we became great friends. I swore as soon as Kenny dumps Vee; I'm gonna make my move.

When I got on the bus I put my earphones in and turn the volume on my Iphone to full blast. My stomach rumble; I am hungry.

I'll go to Poet's when I get off the bus, but I have no ride. I'll just take the city bus.


I stuffed! I had me some tomato soup with salty chips. I took a Hot coco to go. Right now I'm walking down Apex Street to the city bus stop it's only a few minutes away. I stop in my tracks when I saw the old deserted building from across the street.; this where the girl and others were murder.The building was only 5 stories high, it's bricks were cover in green moss, some windows were broken and of the staircase were cover in old soda cans. There was yellow "no crossing" tape in front of the old building; the building ha no door.

There was no one around at the moment. I licked my lips.

Shall I go in?

I smile.


I looked both ways before crossing the street and quickly ran across. I ran up the steps and I quickly looked around again.

Everything was Clear.

I went under the yellow tape and I was in the building. I saw grocery bags, soda cans, candy rappers, rats, roaches and dirt all over the ground. There was an elevator that was most likely broken. I saw some stairs near the elevator. I walk over to the stairs and started going up; on the second floor there was just trash on the ground. I kept going to the third floor; same thing.

Wonder what floor the bodies were found on.

I went up the fourth floor and there I saw five perfectly drawn white shapes human body once laid. The air grew tense and I felt the airs on my arm raise. I am excited. I slowly walk over to the body shapes. I counted to five body shapes. All body shapes were trace in a horrible way. I saw red dark spots on two of them. I looked at the walls and they had red spots speared on them. I saw a bloody hand print on one of the windows. I walk over to the window and look at it. Right now I standing in a real crime sense of a serial killer.

I started to terrible; my stomach turn.

Come down Mirabella! There is nothing to be scared of right? It's not like a killer shows back up at the crime they committed. RIGHT?!? I need some air!

I walk over to a busted window and breathe in and out slowly.

Chill out. Calm down. Breath in and out slowly.

I heard something crack. I panic and turn around quickly.

This was a bad idea.

No one was there.

I slowly moved my feet and I heard the cracking sound again.

"AH!" I let out a little shriek.

I then moved again and heard it again.

Wait a minute.

I look down at my feet; I was on standing on top of broken glass. I moved my feet and I heard the glass crack.

"OMG!" I laughed nervously.

I'm such scary cat!


Someone hissed my name softly. I'm imaging things....


Okay, brain stop playing tricks on me.

I felt moist breath breathing down my neck.


Someone shouted into my ear.

I turn around and no one was there, but the open window.

It's just the breeze. Okay, time to get out of here.

The elevator open slowly as I went past it to the stairs.


Someone softly said.

I didn't want to go into the elevator but my body went anyways. When I enter the elevator I saw moss everywhere and the ground was dirty. It had a disgusting smell; like rotten eggs. The elevator close slowly and I wanted to get out but I couldn't move; just stood there as I saw it closed. The elevator slowly went down and I heard the wheels squeak up ahead. I watch as the floors went down; 3rd, 2nd, 1st and B (for basement).

The once open again and I ran out into a dim lighted room full of black trash bags. I saw fat nasty rats walking along the trash bags. I turn and the elevator closed already.



I heard whispers from everywhere; I couldn't make out what there were saying. Make them stop!

Eyes formed within in the shadows and they watch me.

My body moved on it's own and I walked on top of the trash bags. I fell I few times but kept getting back up. I didn't stop until I was in the middle of the trash. I torn open a trash bag and reach in. I felt something crawling on my hand and I just kept digging threw it. There was nothing in it. I got down on my hands and knees. I began ripping open trash bags and looking through them as if I was looking for them.

As I dug deeper into the trash the whispers got louder and louder. I kept ripping and searching and ripping. I felt like hours I been looking for something I could never find. Then when I moved a trash bag; I saw something white.

The whispers grew even louder as if they were whispering in my ear.

It wasn't something; it was a mask, a pure white mask with no mouth or nose, only two black holes, eye holes. I picked up the mask slowly and dust off some dust.

CCCCCCCRRRREEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!The whispers stop and the mask began to crack across; just below the eyes.CCCCRRREEEEEEKKKKK!!! It open wide and the cracks began to become teeth; the crack form into a mouth. The mask grew bigger, and bigger and then the mouth open wide to devour me.

Chapter 5

It's so peaceful....Where am I? Who am I? hurts to think...shh lets be peaceful...

I am floating through darkness. I don't know where I am....I don't really care.I am at peace. Just floating and floating away.


Someone calls my name.

Hmm? What is it?

I turn my face and see a blurry vision of someone in a white dress with a very white face.



I floated to the ground and my feet landed on something solid; I thought there was no ground. I began walking to the blurry white person.


"Hey!? Kid!? Are you okay?" Someone shouted and shook me.

"Hmm?" I rolled over to my side and landed on the solid ground. "OW~!"

My eyes shot open to a strange man with a dirty face and grey dirty bread starring down at me. I sat up quickly.

"Are you okay? Kiddo?" Ask the man. He offer me a hand and I took it gladly. He pulled me up and I felt light headed when I stood. I almost fell if the man didn't catch me. He seated me on the bench.

"W-where am I?" I ask.

So thirsty.

"At Central Park. I found you in my sleeping spot; this bench here," Said the man. He patted the bench's rail. "Did you cut yourself? You got a lot of blood on your shirt there."

"Huh?" I looked at him confused. Then I look down at myself. I saw blood spats all over my shirt.

That's funny nothing ache.

"Do you need a doctor?" He asks me.

"No! No! I just...I just need something to drink," I said quickly.

"Here." The man handed me a bottle and I didn't know what it was, but I it gulp down. It burn my throat.

"BLEH!!!!!!" I spitted out whatever he gave me. "What the HELL was that!?!"

"My whiskey," Said the man. "Oh sorry, you're still a minor aint'cha?"

Now I felt more light headed.

"I should call the hospital," said the man. "Wait here, there is a phone booth near by."

He ran down the pathway.

"No don't!" I called after him, but it was too late he disappear into the night.

I check my pocket for my phone; it was still there. I pull it out and check it; it was 4:30am in the morning and my battery was almost dead. I had 7 miss calls; 2 from Kenny, 1 from Derrick and 1 from dad and 3 from mom. I had 25 text messages.

I should get going before that guy gets back.

I looked down next to me and there was a pure white mask next to me with no mouth or nose; just two black holes. I pick it up.

I got up and stagger forward; I caught myself before I hit the ground. Home wasn't far from the park just 10 minutes away. I began to walk; sort of. I kept tripping over my feet. I walk slowly to my house. Once I got there I yanked my key from around my neck and put hand a hard time putting it in the key hole. When I finally did; I turn the key and it open the door slowly. I kick the door shut behind me and lock it. It was dark inside the house; of coarse it was, mom and dad was never home.

I walk over to the kitchen and got the kitchen hose spray and sprayed myself in the mouth until my stomach was full of water. Some of the water dripped on the floor and on my shirt but I didn't care. I kicked off my shoes and took off my shirt, it had a black tank top under it. I then took off my pants that had girl boxer shorts under. I walk over to the coach in the living and put the mask gently on the coffee table. I took the small blue blanket off the coach and laid down. I curled into a ball and everything when black.

Chapter 6

Rap tap, tap! Rap tap, tap!!!!! Diiinnnnnggggggg dddddoooonnnnnnggggggggg!!!!!

Shut up!!!

I pull the blanket over my head.

Diiiiiiinnnnnggggg Doooonnnngggggg!!! Ding dong!!! Ding,dong,ding dong, ding!!!!

"SHUT UP!!" I shouted at the door.

Ugh my head hurts....go away!!

"Bells?!? You end there?" I heard Kenny shouting from the door.


I shot up; big mistake, my head started thumping. I laid back down.

"Mirabella?!?" Kenny calls out to me.

I flip over off the couch and landed on my hands and knees. I tried to stand but my legs felt like jelly; so I crawl over to the front door. I then use the door knob to support me. I crack the door open slowly and light burn my eyes. Kenny open the door more widely; almost knocking me over.

"Bells? You don't look so good; are you okay?" Kenny asks me in a worried voice.

I grunted and shrug my shoulders. "What are you doing here?"

"We have school; duh," said Kenny.

"Oh yea," I mutter.

"You're not even dressed. Are you sick or something?" Kenny asks me. He presses his forehead against my forehead and I felt my face heating up. He's too close....I could kiss him...

"Wow, you're head is hot," Kenny said. He pulls away and brushes past me into my house. "You got a fever; your cheeks are turning red."

The fever isn't the reason why my cheeks were red.

"You need to stay at home today...Want me to stay with you?" Kenny asks. "I could drop Vee off at school and come right back."

I smile and then it went away. He'll see the bloody clothes.

I just remember the bloody clothes in the kitchen.

"No, Vee would be piss and you're parents will flip if they found out you skipped again," I said.

"But you look awful; can't just leave you alone," Kenny said giving me that puppy dog look.

Don't give me that look...

I could never resist that look.

I turn away from him. "No.."

"Bells.." Kenny began but was cut off by Vee honking the horn. HONK!! HONKK!

"See Vee is already piss," I said, "Better get going."

Kenny rolled his eyes and went out the door. Before I close the door all the way; Kenny foot stopped it.

"Turn your phone back on and I'll come to check on you after school," Kenny said.

"Kens, you don't-" I began.

"I'm coming over later," Kenny said it sounding like a demand.


"I'm coming! GEEZE!!" Kenny turns to yell at Vee. He turns back to me. "See ya later."

Kenny then walk down the steps and cut across the grass to the his park car. I watch him drive off until I saw his car turn the corner. I close the door and scratch my head.

First, thing first...get rid of the bloody clothes...

I walk over to the kitchen and pick up my bloody shirt and my pants hand some bloody patches to it. I pick up my shoes and went up stairs to the bathroom. I threw my shirt and pants in the sink. I then went to my room and got a liter off the little table next to my bed. I went back to the bathroom and flip the liter open. I put the lit liter next to my shirt and my shirt and pants began to catch on fire. I watch them burn black and then turn on the sink water. The fire went out and I was left with patches of burnt shirt and burnt pants. I got a trash bag from under the sink and shove the burnt shirt and pants in there. I then put the bag under the sink.

I then strip everything off and turn the hot water on in the shower. I don't know why I burnt the shirt and pants; it's just something told me to do it. I had the filling it wasn't animal blood.

The hot water felt good against my skin. I close my eyes and tried to remember what happen to me yesterday. All I remember is going to Poet's and....Nothing...Dd I get drunk? And that blood on my clothes...I feel fine...wasn't my blood...just who was its?

I turn the water after 30 minutes went by. I got out and wrap a towel around my naked body. I steam went out when I open the bathroom door and I when down stairs to the kitchen. I got the mop from the supply closet and mop up the water I spilled last night.
I then fix me some apple juice and went to the living room. I sat down and turn on the news. I then saw a white mask on the coffee table.

Where did that come from?

I remember now. I had at the park earlier.

I pick the mask up and put my apple juice on the coffee table. Turn the mask over and saw two red ribbon strings on the side. I put the mask on and then tied the ribbons around the mask. It fits my face perfectly. I giggle.

I half excepted something to happen when I put the mask on.

I then went up stairs and went my bed room. I went to the full length mirror and I saw myself. It couldn't see my eyes in the mask; it seem like a had no eyes, only two black holes where my eyes were expose to be. I had no mouth hole or nose hole; just eye holes. I look down at my chest and the center of my chest, between my cleavage was a black tattoo that looked like a flower in the center of the flower was blue skull with red diamond eyes.

When did I get this?


Bildmaterialien: not my picture! goooggglllleee it!!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.10.2012

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