
mistakes and lies
i got out of the car and waved at the gang.we were like brothers and sisters,always had been.alice sat me down next to her in the pizza shop.emmett had obviously chosen where we ate for lunch.he ordered to pizzas,one large,one medium.when they arrived the boys grabbed the biggest pizza and started stuffing it into their mouths.
"ewww gross emmett,"rosalie whinned,smacking him on the arm.the boys had demolished their pizza in under a minute and started taking pieces from couldnt really tell that emmett and rosalie were a year older than us except they were engaged.for rosalies 17th birthday emmett proposed to her.i thought it was sweet and so did alice but the boys didnt.
"so what shall we do now?"jasper asked
"lets go back to my house.we can have a family camp out!"
"edward we havent had one of those since we were 10,"
"all the more reason,"we all agreed to had been a long time since wed had one.we all went home to get our things.

Edwards POV
"mum,dad can we have a family sleep out?"i asked waliking into the kitchen.esme was washing up and carlisle was sat at the able reading the newspaper
"of course.youlle need to get the matresses out of the spare room though.i nodded going to the guest room.i brought them down and set them up on the living room floor.when i turned around alice was sat on the sofa.
"youre mum let me in,"5 minutes later the res of the gang emmett and jasper fist bumped while the girls walked off.we watched some horror movies along with one girly mum made us cookies
"thanks mum,"
"thanks mum,"emmett said copying me
"shes not your mum man."
"wish she was."
jasper went to the toilet and alice claimed that she had left something in her bag.they both returned about 10 minutes later.
"so alice what have you brought?"rosalie asked excitadley.alice looked down at her empty hands
"i left it at home."everyone turned their attention back to the tv.
"tis is boring now!"emmett complained
"lets play truth or dare,"bella suggested,pulling a bottle out from her looked like the same bottle that we had played with as kids.we sat in a cirlce and rosalie spun the pointed at emmett.
"i dare you to run round the garden naked."
emmett quickly undressed and used a pillow to cover himself up.then he ran out of the house and was back in under thirty seconds throwing his clothes back on.everyone else was laughing at him.he spun the bottle and it landed on me.
"dare,"what am i thinking?a dare from emmett?
"go up to your parents and tell them that youve gotten bella pregnant."
"i hate you man,"i muttered running in to the kitchen.both my parents were sitting at the table.
"mum,dad ive got something to tell you."
"whats wrong edward?"
"i slept with bella and now shes pregnant,"neither of my parents knew what to say until emmett started laughing in the living room.
"playing truth or dare are we?"esme laughed.i nodded and ran back in.i spun the bottle and it pointed at bella.
"what do you really think about emmett and rosalie being engaged?"
"at first i thought that it was to soon but now its brilliant."she spun the bottle and it pointed to alice.
"are you in love with anybody at the moment?"
"no,i would tell you."

emmett Pov
i walked up the stairs wiht rosalie following behind me.i opened the bathroom door and rosalie gasped.jasper and alice were kissing.they looked up.
"dont tell anyone else,"alice begged
me and rose couldnt hurt.i ran down stairs as i smelt cookies.

esmes cookies were always fantastic ans these were no exception.chocolate chip-my favourite.i sat next to rosalie and she brushed my hair.we were all in edwards bedroom except alice and jasper.edwards room hadnt changed much over the had been repainted by everything else was the same.
"come on guys.lets go downstairs and watch the last horror movie."edward said.we all made our way down stairs.
i gasped and stopped.alice was sitting on jaspers lap kissing him.his hand was in her hair.alice jumped up when she saw me.i could feel the tears streaming down my face.she had lied to me,theyd all been lying to me.i walked out of edwards house and drove home.

edward POV
"what the hell jasper?you lied.both of you lied to our faces!"
"we were gonna tell you."
"when?how long has this being going on?"
"honestly?about 4 months."
"everybody get out and go home!"they all left then.

i walked to was cold but it was nothing compaired to how i was feeling inside.alice had lied to me about her and jasper not an hour before i found them kissing.she wasnt my friend.jasper wasnt either.none of them were.they didnt seem as surpried as i did.they all knew and had been keeping it a secret from me.
i didnt look as i walked through the parking first lesson was history and jasper was in the class with me.when i walked in jasper looked round.he was a row in front of me so at least i didnt have to it next to him.on my desk there was a note.i unfolded it and quickly read the words.

dont blame alice she really did want to tell you amd shes upset that this has ruined everyones relationship.dont be mad at mad at me.

i scowled at the words on the page.not alices fault?i wrote my reply quickly.

dear mr whitlock,
i am no longer calling any of you by your first names because were strangers.were not family dosent go out of there way lie to each is as much alices fault as it is much as it is everyone elses.what do you mean everyone elses relationship?
ms swan
i passed the note forward and had a reply in less than a simply said:

no ones talking to anyone.emmett and rosalie have cancelled their wedding.edward locks himself in his room and only comes out to school and you just ignore everyone.

i didnt have time to reply because the bell next two lessons past by quicly and then it was one was sitting at our usual table.they were all leaving letters and notes in my locker and my next lesson was chemistry with alice.we were watching a film about chemicla reactions when a piece of paper slid under my arm.

bella please talk to me
i replied
i have nothing to say to you miss alice brandon.
she sent another note but i knocked it onto the floor.

"come on ed you have to talk to me."emmett said
"dont call me ed.only my friends call me that and we are not friends."
i walked away from least emmett had been trying,jasper had been avoiding me,good i didnt want to see him let alone talk to him.when i got hme i went straight to my room.a few minutes later someone came in.i looked was esme and carlisle following a few feet behind.
"please,why wont you talk to them?"my mother asked,sitting next to me on the bed
"they lied,"
"we all lie son,"
"no but this is different.they lied to bellas face.they said it in front of all of us."
"this isnt are all so close,like family."
"not anymore,"a single tear rolled down my mothers cheek and i wiped it away with the back of my hand.
"dont cry for me,please,"

i knew what i had to do now.the only way to make the pain stop.i drove to the edge of the city where the old bridge was.half of it was broken but the sea still thundered under it.i put my hands against the stone bridge bringing my feet up.i was now standing on the bridge.

alice ran over to me.
"edward listen this is important.bellas going to try and kill herself.jasper and emmett are already going but even they might be too late,"i grabbed alices hand and pulled her into my car.

bella was going to die unless me and emm could get there fast enough.i threw open my door and ran.i could see her standing ontop of the bridge.i shouted at her"BELLA STOP!"

i let myself fall forward

bella jumped before i could reach her.before thinking it through i jumped in after her.

i answered my phone
"emmett whats happening?"edward questioned
"bella...jumped and ......jasper af..ter her,"i stammered.
"when emmett?how long ago?"
"just now.i cant see either of them in the water."
"emmett stay and alice will meet you futher down the river,"

the icy water stung my skin but id survived the fall.hopefully bella had to.i searched for her but she was nowhere to be seen.then i caught a flash of her red jumped.i was a good swimmer but was i good enough to reach bella?i would have to take that risk.i swam but the water kept pushing my head back down.finally i reached bella.she wrapped her arms round my neck.
"im sorry,"she choked.
"come on we have to get out of the water.bella i need you to kick your legs for me.

i started kicking my legs but i was to exhausted.i felt jasper dragging me onto the shore.
"bella,look at me.are you hurt?"i shook my head.not physically but emotionally.
"can you walk?we need to get you to the hospital.your head is bleeding,"i put my hand up and touched my forehead.surely enough it was bleeding.i shook my head as my whole body started burning.i felt jasper scoop me up and start walking.

bella had here eyes closed as i walked to the hospital but i knew she wasnt soon as i stepped through the hospital doors i was surrounded by doctors and only one i knew.
"carlisle!"he walked over to me and looked at bella.he took us to a private hospital room and i laid bella on the bed.carlisle checked her over.
"what happened jasper?"
"you know what happened betwee all of us?"he nodded"we were all upset but we didnt notice what it had done to bella.i dont think she could take it anymore and jumped off a bridge."
"so thats why your all wet."
"i jjumped inn after her."
"are you okay jasper?"
"yeah just wet,"
carlisle laughed and threw me a doctors uniform to put on.i went and got changed.on my way back i called edward.
"jasper where are you?"
"at the hospital."
"are you two alright?"
"were alive,"
"helpful jasper,"he hissed.i hung up.i couldnt listen to his childish nonsense today.when i walked into bellas room she was sat up and had her head against the wall.i could tell that she wasnt going to talk to me.still as stubborn as she was as a child.i thought to myself.

we all sat in the hospital room.bella had refused to talk to any of us except carlise and that was only when she had to.

i had sent all of them out so that i could talk to bella alone.
"what made you jump bella?"
"hate,anger.i couldnt take feeling like it anymre and i hoped with me gone then everyone else would move on."
"well thats where your wrong.i know my son and he wouldnt move on and neither would any of the others,they love you bella."
"i cant face them all at once.can i have a pen and some paper please?"
"of course,"i said,handing her the pen and paper.

i couldnt talk to them but i could write.i started with emmett and rosalie first.then seperate ones for alice,edward and jasper.when i was finished i handed them to carlisle.
"could you give these to them."he nodded and walked out of the room.

carlisle handed me a letter and i opened it quickly

dear emmett and rosalie,
i think you understand why im upset but not why i jumped.i jumped because i thought it would sort everyhting would take me away from here and you could move on with your lives.i wanted to die.a part of me still does but im not sure anymore.i want to know how much you knew about alice and jasper.please

dear edward,
jasper told me that you knew nothing about what was going this true?i jumped off the ciff because i couldnt take it anymore and wanted to die.i think i still do.

dear alice,
how could you lie to me?i asked you that night and you angrier at you because jasper didnt lie,he just didnt say you want to know why i jumped of the cliff?i couldnt take what was happening and wanted to die.why alice?

dear jasper,
why did you have to save me?ive been dragged back into my life of hate,sadness and lies.why didnt you tell me about you and alice?

i must have fallen aslepp because when i opened my eyes there were 5 letters on the table.the first one was from emmett and rosalie
we only knew about jasper and alice a few hours before you did.we caught the kissing and they begged us not to tell you.dont shut yourself off again please
rose and emmett

dear bella,
i truly had no idea about jasper and alice.i always knew that they were close but nothing like this.

dear bella,
i couldnt tell you and jasper are so close and i didnt want to hurt youre the newest to our little 'group' and i thought that you would hate me for loving sorry.

dearest isabella,
i didnt tell you about me and alice because i thought it would hurt your feelings and break up our friendship.i see now that our friendship is broken anyway.

i will never let you die bella.especially because of something that is my doing.watching you jump into the water was the hardest thing that ive ever done.and lying to you is the most selfish thing ill ever do.please believe me when i say that im sorry.

i looked over and bella was crying
"carlisle can yyou get emm,rose and edward please."

carlisle called me,ed and rose into bellas room.we stood around her,none of us makking eye contact.
"i owe you all an opology.i wrongly accused you and im sorry."what the hell!why is she apologising to us?i pulled her in for a hug.rose and edward joined in to.

they left and alice came in.before i could open my mouth alice said"bella im sorry ive been such an idiot.i understand that you dont want to be my friend anymore so ill just go,"she started walking away.i grabbed her wrist and spun her around.
"never go alice.ever,"

next it was jasper.neither of us said anything.wevdidnt need to.he sat next to me on the bed.i held his hand and cried into his chest.i loved jasper,he was like my brother and protector.
"bella i have to tell you something."
i looked up at his face
"bella im going to be a soldier,"
"thats nice so how many years?"
"um bella not years months."i felt the anger swell up inside me and i pushed jasper off the bed.he landed on the floor.
"well thats great jasper!get me to forgive you then run off to fight in a war!"i shouted at him.all of the others stood in the doorway.
"i hate you jasper whitlock.get out of this room,get out of this country,get out of my life!be a soldier,fight and make sure you die!"jasper walked out of the room.

i wiped a tear from my eye.we'd done it again,ever since we were children me and bella had been upsetting each other but never like this.she'd never told me to go and die before.never.even in our worst fights.

over the next two months my life got back to normal except we were missing one person jazz.he never sat with us anymore and always shooed alice away.
"can we all go to the carnival on sounds like fun,"said emmett.everyone agreed and then he turned to me
"i dont know em,"
"please bella,for me,"
"ok emmett for you i'll go."

alice had dressed me up in a black one shoulder top and some kinda fancy jeans.we had arranged to meet there so alice pulled me into her car.she drove as always too fast to the carnival and the others were standing in a sort of circle by the entrance.i walked over to them but turned around again when i saw jasper with them.edward caught my wrist and twirled me round.
"stay,you dont even have to talk to him.stick with me."he grinned and i squeezed his hand in a silent message saying that i would stay.all of the rides were awesome.
"one final ride.the ferris wheel.bella go take a seat i'll just pay,"edward said.i climbed in and sat down.then i saw jasper sitting opposite me.emmett salmmed the cage door down and motioned for the man to start the ride.we were wt the top when it suddenly stopped moving.
"let us down emmett!"
"nope.not until you two work out your issues."
"what a set up,"jasper mumbled
"to right,"
after a few minutes i spoke"why jasper?why now?i always thought you were joking when you said you want to be a soldier.
"i would never lie about that bella.i thought you knew me better than the others,guess i was wrong!"he hit the cage.
"jasper calm down,"
"why should i bella?you went and jumped off the bridge!"id never seen jasper this angry before.
"maybe when i break this cage i should jump out of it.were very high up i dont think id survive the fall!"i put my head in my hands and started crying.jasper pulled my hands off my face.
"bella you know i didnt mean any of that dont you?"
"no jasper you meant everything that you said and you are right."he sat down next to me.
"do you want me to answer your questions now?"i nodded."ive always wanted to be a soldier and i figured that i would be about 20 when i joined.but with everything thats been going on i want to get out of forks.this place holds to many bad memories for me now.thats why i got so angry.for the past few months ive been holding my emotions in but i didnt think that i would actually be able to break the matal."i looked over and surely enough there was no longer a metal door.
"so when are you going?"
"a 29th october."
"two days after your birthday

"whats got you so worried bella?"
"ill hardly ever get to see you anymore."i laughed but it was cut short by the cage rocking.i slipped out of the cage and lost my gripping.

bella screamed and jasper fell out of the jasper was love.

god jasper

holy shit.jasper man

i screamed as jasper fell.i reached my hand out even though i knew that it was too late.
"get me down now!"when i was almost at the bottom i jumped and ran over to jasper.he was completely unconcious.i ran over and knelt beside him.
"jazz,"i looked up at the others.emmett was hugging rose,edward was frozen with shock and alice was sobbing.i walked over and brought her into a hug.i could feel my own tears running down my cheeks
"hes not dead alice,he has a heartbeat."

the ambulance arrived 5 minutes later.
"only two can come with us,"the paramedic announced
"yo two,rose and emmett will follow behing in my car."i nodded climbing into the ambulance.
we got out of the ambulance and we were told to wait while jasper went into theatre.i sat down and pulled alice onto the seat next to me.
"talk to me alice please,"she shook her head.the others came into the waiting room then.

two hours later we were still there.alice had fallen asleep in edwards lap and rosalie was crying silently.i pulled my legs up onto the chair and rested my chin on my knees.carlisle came out of jaspers room.
"bella he said he wants you,"i got up and walked into his room.he looked the weakest ive even seen him.he opened his eyes.
"jazz im sorry,"i sobbed.jasper sat up and pulled me onto the bed with him.he took my face in his hands
"dont say that bella.this is not your fault."

"but it is.if i hadnt made you angry then you wouldnt of fallen."
"bells,you do understand that much worse things will happen to me when i fight in a war?"she nodded into my chest.i stroked her hair.pain shot up my arm but i tried to ignore it.bella noticed
"im scared,"
"about what?"
"losing you.jasper weve been friends since we were five.i dont know what i would do without you,"
"nothing will happen."
"ok what shall i call you now?"
"im major jasper whitlock,"i couldnt help but smile

"dad,how bad are his injuries?"
"two broken ribs and a fractured wrist."
"will he still be able to go to the army?"
"if they pronounce him 'fit' thats not my judgement,"

3 weeks and four days had past since the accident.i was out of hospital and would be going to join the army in two days.
"come on jazz,"bella called from her living room.i laughed and walked in.i was met by a chorus of
"happy birthday!"i sat down between alice and two favourite girls.then it was time for presents.edward gave me a swiss army na,e engerved on it.rose and emmett gave me a shirt saying NO IM NOT JASPER,IM MAJOR JASPER WHITLOCK!everyone laughed as they read it.alice,being alice,gave me a army uniform and bella gave me a key.we all ran outside and sitting on the pavement was a motorcycle along with two helmets.i walked over to it and stroked the black paintwork before throwing a helmet to bella.she giggled and put it on.i pulled mine on and sat on the bike.bella got on behind me and wrapped her arms round my waist

jasper and bella had just sped off on the motorcycle.
"this opens up some other present ideas for next year,"emmett said a grin spread across his face.
"i agree.matching leathers,"alice added.we all groaned
"alice can you not think about clothes for once?"i questioned
"yes i think about shoes and bags."alice answered smugly.

2 days later and i was about to board the train which would take me to texas.emmett and edward shook my hand.rosalie hugged me lightly.i kissed alice and turned to bella.a single tear rolled down her cheek.
"goodbye jasper,"
"bells this is not goodbye."i promised.she flung her arms round my neck.
"bella can you do me a favour?"she nodded"look after alice.i wont be home for six months and try not to let her buy to many things."
"i will,"i stepped away from my friends and began walking to the train.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.10.2010

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