
Sitting here, I think about these certain things. Like, why he won’t talk to me during school. Why he won’t touch me the way he used to. Why my love doesn’t matter anymore. The bell rang me out of my revere. As I got my things ready to leave from my seat is the back. He told me, “See me after class Kylee.” Oh boy, “Yes sir”, I said quietly. I really wasn’t looking forward to this talk. I’m thinking it’s going to be our last conversation. But as everyone else left class, I sat there and got even more mad. After everyone was gone, he said, “Okay, we really need to talk.” He was closing the door and shades as he said this. At this point all I could think was that is what we did to kiss in his classroom, every day. I started to feel the sting of tears when he started talking again. But, instead of saying something like, “I think we need to stop seeing each other.” Or “Kylee, I don’t think this is going to work.” He said “You know I love you, right? And the reason I’ve been avoiding you is, I have to ask you something really important.” He got down on one knee, and pulled a little, purple, velvet box out of his pocket, and asked. “Kylee Marie Evans, will you do me the honors of marrying me?” I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded my head. He put the white gold band with four delicate diamonds on my left ring finger. It’s been the same flash back since the day he moved away. At least I get to see him on holidays. Sigh. Why did he have to go back to college in Maryland? That’s on the other side of the fucking country, but at least he didn’t move to Europe or anything like that. “If we’re going to be together, I have to get another job somewhere else.” He said factiously. He was telling the truth, “I know, but why so far away?” He didn’t get to answer that one; his mother called him and told him that she was coming over to help him pack. I just cried, and told him, “I love you so much, that’s why I’m letting you go.” As he walked back to his car, he turned around and said, “I’ll call you when I get there.” I was bawling by that time, “Okay I love you.” “I love you, too.” he shouted out his window. I ran to my room once he was out of site, and cried until I fell asleep. I’ll never forget the way I felt that day.

Chapter 2
It’s been three months since the day he left for Maryland. We talk every night till one of us falls asleep. Last night he was helping me with my homework. We were having a great time. “I wish you were here, and then we could cuddle on my bed until you had to leave.” I said when it got too quiet. “I know I miss you, too. Don’t remind me. I’ll cry again.” he said hesitantly. Then, we said our ‘goodbyes’ and ‘I love yous’, and hung up. It was past time for me to be in bed, so I got my favorite pajamas on and climbed in bed. I wish tomorrow he would come back to see me. As I thought this I started falling asleep.
Hey baby, how are you?-David
I’m doing fine, how are you?-Kylee
I’m okay, but my day would be better if I got to see you every day.-David
I know, I wish I could see you every single day of my life.-Kylee
Maybe you can.-David
What are you talking about you have class all this week.-Kylee
Ummm… open your window right now; you’ll get a surprise.-David
Okay, oh my god, David!! How did you get here?-Kylee
I told you I had an idea.-David
And what is this “idea”-Kylee
My idea is that you could come with me, and your brother-David
You would do that for me? Oh my Jesus, I love you so much!!-Kylee
I knew you would say that, but we don’t have to leave right away, if you don’t want to.-David
No!! How’s next Tuesday?-Kylee
I think that’s a great idea!-David
I think I’m going to pass out, holy crap!!-Kylee (passes out)
Oh my God!! Are you okay?!-David
Yeah, just got too excited, that’s all-Kylee


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.07.2012

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