
Chapter 1


A loud shriek was heard. A girl on the floor slowly awoke to it. She had been unconscious. She looked around and found herself in the dark basement of her school. She slowly began to remember the terrifying week.

A week ago she remembered being at Lisa's house. It was Saturday and she was going to stay for the week they had off.

"Finally a week off from school. Thanks for letting me sleep over at your house for the week Lisa."

"Your welcome Ariel, it's going to be fun to have you over."

"So I was thinking we can go hang out with the guys tomorrow."

"By guys do you mean Logan."

"Well he is part of the group."

The girls smiled at each other.

"So how does it feel to date one of the hottest guys in school?"

"It's amazing! I just love him and he loves me."

Ariel smiled as she thought of her boyfriend.

"Ariel, I need to tell you something."

Ariel looked over at Lisa.

"I saw Tina flirting with Logan yesterday."

"Was he flirting back?"

"Well no but..."

"Then there's no problem."

Ariel interrupted and smiled as she fixed her pillow.

"It's just...he really didn't stop her nor did he act like he was bothered by it."

"Lisa, it's cool. We all know how Tina is with the guys. Especially my guys. She wants whatever I have. Let's just go to bed, okay?"


The girls turned off the light and went to bed.

In the morning they got ready and headed to the mall.

They were heading to the food court when Ariel spotted Logan, then she saw Tina and Rosie flirting with him.

"Hey babe!" She yelled as she smiled and walked to him.


They hugged each other and Ariel gave him a kiss.

"Oh, hey Tina, hey Rosie."

She looked at them and smiled acting like she just saw them.

"Hello Ariel. See you later Logan. Come on Rosie."

Tina waved to him with a smile and walked away, Rosie following along, just as Lisa came up to them.

"Hey Logan."

"Hey. Look David's coming."

The girls turned and saw David walking with Allen. They were walking towards them when David bumped into Ethan.

"Watch where you're going nerd."

David turned and saw the three of them.

"Hey guys."

"What's up, you going to the shop today?" Logan asked David.

"Yeah. You?"

"Of course he isn't because he is going to be spending time with his girl."

"Oh get over yourself Ariel."

"Shut up David."

"Sorry David but I'm going to be with Ariel today."

"Alright whatever. So how about you girls go do your girly stuff and we will go do our things."

"Whatever, bye babe."

Ariel kissed Logan then turned and walked away.

"Bye guys." Lisa walked behind her but turned and waved to the guys.

"Bye Lisa." The boys said in unison.

Then Ariel and Lisa walked into the beauty salon.

The boys were still sitting in the same place where the girls had left them. Just as they were talking David stops and walks over to Ethan.

"What's up, buddy?"

Ethan turns to look at David just as David grabs his comic book.

"Whatcha reading?"

"David please, I just got it. It's limited edition. I had to save a lot of money for it."

"Oh well, we wouldn't want anything to happen to it."

Logan walked over to them as he saw David take the comic book.

"David, come on man. Just give him the comic book back."

Logan grabbed the book but David kept a hold of it. Logan attempted to take it but instead the comic book ripped in half.

Ethan looked at the book in shock then quickly turned to David furious.

"What the hell!"

Ethan pushed David then Logan stepped in between them.

"Dude relax, it was an accident."

Ethan grabbed the two halves of his comic book then left.

"What's your freaking problem?"

Logan turned away from David and walked back to where they had been.

Chapter 2

Later that day David went home and got ready for work. He went to the auto shop and began to work. It was getting late and David was about to leave when his boss stopped him.

"Hey David, do you think you can stay a little longer and close up?"

"Sure thing."

"Alright, thanks. See you tomorrow."

His boss left and David began to clean up. As he was working on a car he hears something and sits up.

"Who's there?"

No one responds.

He stood up and opened the car door. Suddenly a dark figure appeared behind him. Before David could turn around the crow bar slammed into his head. David fell to the floor as his attacker repeatedly slammed the crow bar to his head, splattering blood everywhere. Then harshly stabbing him with it, leaving the crow bar where it was, right through David.

Ariel and Lisa woke up to Ariel's phone ringing.

Ariel reached for her phone and answered.


"Ariel." Logan sounded as if he was panicking and sad.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

"I think you and Lisa should come down to the auto shop."

"What? Why?"

"It's David. He's dead."

"What? We'll be there as soon as we can."

Ariel quickly hung up and got up.

"What's wrong?"

Lisa sat up and stared as Ariel quickly looked for her shoes.

"David's dead."


Lisa got up, beginning to panic.

"We need to go to the auto shop. Now."

Lisa nodded and they both put on their shoes. They ran outside and got into Ariel's car.

Once they got to the auto shop they quickly got out and Ariel ran to Logan. Just as they reached him they carried out David's body in the black bag.

"Oh my god." Ariel looked away and Logan hugged her.

Lisa's eyes began to get teary as she watched them put his body inside the car.

Ariel looked up at Logan, "What the hell happened?"

"I don't know. My boss is the one who found him. I got here when the cops were already inside. They wouldn't let me in."

"How did he die?"

"All I know is that he got killed."

"Oh my god."

Ariel pulled Logan away and took him to their usual spot in the mall.

"I can't believe he's dead." Logan looked down trying to deny his best friend's death.

"What could've happened?" Lisa sat down across from them and looked at Logan.

They sat and mourned their friend's death.

Ethan walked up to them.Logan looked up then looked back down at the table, "What do you want Berns?"

Ethan opened his mouth to speak but before any word came out, Tina and Rosie came up behind Logan.

"Beat it nerd."

Ethan looked at Tina with such anger then walked away from them.

"I heard what happened to David. You know Logan, if you need anything I'm right here." She smiled and leaned towards him as Ariel stared at her furiously.

"Leave me alone, Tina. I have no patience for either of you two today."

Tina stepped back shocked.

Tina and Rosie became furious as Ariel smiled.

"You will regret this, Logan Grant."

"Trust us, you will."

They turned and walked away from them.

Chapter 3

Later that day Logan worked out in the school's weight room then stopped and thought about David's death.

'My best friend is dead.'

Upset, he quickly stood up and put his earphones on, then began to play his music. He reaches for two dumbbells when suddenly he was hit on the head with a weight and fell to the floor. The assailant stood above Logan holding a 45 lb plate. The assailant then bent over towards him and began to brutally smash the plate against Logan 's head. Blood splattered everywhere as Logan's skull slowly gave in and crushed.

Ariel and Lisa woke up the next morning in Lisa's room.

"Good morning, Ariel."

"What's so great?"

Lisa finished getting ready as Ariel walked into the bathroom.

"I'm really sorry Ariel but I need to go to the school. Do you mind dropping me off?"

Ariel stepped out of the bathroom.

"Of course. We'll leave once I'm done."

They drove over to the school once Ariel was dressed. Ariel drove in front of the school when they were stopped by the police.

They both got off and looked towards the school.

"What do you think is going..."

Lisa interrupted Ariel and pointed towards an older couple speaking to of some police officers.

"Hey isn't that Logan's parents?"

Ariel looked over and saw the couple.

She quickly recognized them, "It is. What are they doing here?"

She closed the door and walked over towards them. She saw Mrs. Grant beginning to cry into her hands as Mr. Grant reached over, wrapping his arm around her.

Ariel quickly rushed to them.

"Mr. Grant, Mrs. Grant. What's going on? What's wrong?"

Mrs. Grant looked at Ariel, sadness burning threw her eyes.

"Sweetie..." She attempted to speak but her hopeless broken heart was in agony and did not allow her to speak.

Mr. Grant turned to Ariel, "Ariel, we were just informed that...our son...Logan..." He paused unable to continue.

Ariel began to worry and then looked over to the main building's door just as they carried Logan's body out in the black bag.

Ariel's eyes began to get teary then she shook her head, "No. No! Not him!"

She ran towards the men carrying the body. Just before she reached them an officer stopped her.

"Ma'am please, you can't be over here."

"No! Let me go! I need to see. I have to check. It's not him, it can't be."

Ariel cried as the officer held her. She began to feel weak, unable to stand, when suddenly she fainted.

Tragic fell upon the small town as they watched their familiar anchor lady announce the devastating news of yet another high school student killed.

Some mourned throughout the day trying to accept the truth while others attempted to keep going through their days, not allowing grief take over.

As difficult as it was to get permission to enter, Tina was in the chemistry lab working on a project for her class. Silence filled the halls and rooms when a figure swiftly passed the opened door. Tina turned but didn't see anything then turned back to her experiment. As she was slowly pouring the liquid into the beaker the dark figure appeared behind her. She quickly turned and opened her mouth in attempt to scream. Unfortunately her scream was masked by a gag as the killer had grabbed a beaker from the table and threw it at her face. Her attacker set the beaker down, which read 'sulfuric acid', back on the table. The killer then walked towards Tina who was walking back towards the window, holding her face in pain as the acid tore away her skin. She bumped into the opened window then her assailant grabbed her legs and pushed her out the second floor window, her body gruesomely splattering to the floor with a spine-tingling crushing sound.

Minutes later, one of the officers spotted the motionless body and ran towards her but it was too late, Tina was another dead victim.

Later that same day they announced Tina's death. Rosie couldn't believe it. Her best friend was now dead as well. She couldn't believe three of her classmates were dead, killed by a merciless executer.

The next day she attempted to get her mind off the deaths. She went to the school to work on a project she was working on for her sewing class. As she was working she got up and walked over to the closet grabbing some green thread. Once she turned she dropped the thread and screamed. The horrifying attacker stood just a few feet away. She ran towards the door only to be stopped by her assailant. Together they fell to the floor. The perpetrator sat right on top of her and pulled out the scissors, that had laid on the table just a minute ago. Rosie screamed and attempted to get away. As she squirmed the perpetrator swiftly jabbed her left eye with the scissors. Rosie screamed in agony as her left eye began to bleed. The assailant ruthlessly stabbed Rosie's chest several times. Blood surged out of Rosie, who soon became a lifeless body.

Not too long after the whole town began to grieve the loss of another neighbor. The police department completely shut down the school and had officers rotate turns to guard the school.

Chapter 4

On Friday the whole town mourned together as they joined the burial of the four adolescents. Friends, families, and neighbors united to grieve together.

After mourning the whole week Ariel had finally remembered she had to go to the school and get her books from her locker.

"How did you forget your books?" Lisa turned to Ariel as Ariel drove them to the school.

"If you don't remember people have been getting killed this week."

"Whatever. Either way I see no reason for us to be going to the school."

"So I can get my books."

"But they still have it locked. They aren't letting anyone in."

"Well I don't care. We are getting in because I said we are getting in."

Sure enough Ariel had found a way to sneak into the school. They quickly got to her locker and she grabbed her book. They were walking back when Ariel believed she had seen someone going into a room, down the other hall. She stopped and Lisa turned to face her.

"What's wrong?"

Ariel kept her eyes on the door, "I think I saw someone walk into that room."

Lisa looked down the other hall and looked at the door Ariel was staring at.

"The basement?"

"Lets go check it out."

Ariel began to walk down the hall towards the door.


Ariel turned towards Lisa, "Oh come on, Lisa. Nothing is going to happen."

"What if its the murderer? I prefer to stay alive."

"Oh relax. If you don't want to come then don't, but I'm going to check."

Ariel turned away from her and once again began to walk towards the basement. Lisa looked around then rushed to Ariel.

"Have you never watched a dang horror film? You never go towards the creepy things. We shouldn't even be at school."

"Relax, Lisa."

Ariel reached for the doorknob and opened the door. They looked inside and it was all dark. They stepped in and grabbed onto the rail, decending the staircase.

"Hello? Hello? Who's down here?"

"Yes, Ariel. The freaking psychopathic killer is going to answer you."

"Lisa, shut up."

They got all the way down and Ariel looked around. Just as she began to walk away from the stairs, Lisa stayed. Ariel stopped and turned to her.

"Lisa, what are you doing? Come on."

"Nope. This is as far as I am going. I am not about to follow you to my death."

"Fine stay here. By yourself. In the dark."

Ariel turned and kept walking. Lisa looked at her then slowly followed along. Once they got farther away from the stairs Ariel stopped and Lisa bumped into her.

"What's wrong? Why'd you stop?"

"I thought I saw someone."

"Ariel, don't play around like that."

Ariel turned to look at her, "Lisa, I'm serious."

"Whatever, Ariel. We didn't find the person you "saw", so lets just go."

Lisa turned around and walked away.

"Lisa, I'm serious."

Ariel followed Lisa. Suddenly a dark figure appeared right behind Ariel. Lisa turned around to look at Ariel and screamed when she saw.

Ariel turned around just as Lisa screamed.


They both began to run and thier assailant went after them, hitting Ariel on the back of her head with a pipe. Ariel fell to the floor as the assialant went after Lisa.

Lisa screamed and ran to the stairs. Just as she reached the stairs, she was knocked down as the assailant used the pipe and hit her legs.

He grabbed her legs and began to pull her away from the stairs.

"No! Please, let me go!" Lisa screamed hoping someone would hear her.

She flipped over and attempted the kick her attacker. She reached towards his face and pulled off the mask. She gasped and stopped as she recognized who it was. Before she could say anything she was knocked out by the pipe. The assailant grabbed her and began to tie her up with chains. She woke up, then realized her arms and legs were tied up. She was hanging, suddenly she screamed as the murderer lifted a sharp axe and forcefully swung it at her. Her loud shriek was cut off as her head flew off and her blood began to ooze out of her neck. Then the killer's hood fell off. Just then a terrified Allen stood motionless.


Ethan then turned and faced Allen, still holding the bloody axe. He dropped it and began to walk towards Allen.

"What are you doing here Allen?"

"I..I heard someone scream. You. You're the killer? Your the one who has been killing everyone?"

Ethan stopped as Allen took a step back.

"No. I didn't kill them all. It wasn't me."

"I just saw you Ethan. I saw you kill Lisa!"

"Yes. I'm not saying I'm not a killer. I'm trying to explain that I'm not THE killer."

"What are you talking about?"

"I only killed David and Logan. They were the ones who deserved to die."

"What? Then who killed Tina and Rosie?"

"Me." Ariel said standing behind Allen.

Just as Allen turned Ariel used all her strength and swung the axe, cutting off half of his head. His whole body fell, half his head flying off and blood spilling out.

"Ariel?" Ethan looked at her confused.

"I feel so bad now that I know its you." Ariel looked at Ethan and stepped towards him.


"Because now you have to die."

"Who says I'm the one that has to die?"


"Oh please Ariel, we both know that I'm not the one that dies tonight."

Ariel lifted the axe and Ethan jumped out of the way just as it swung in his direction.

"It won't matter if you survive, Ariel. What would you tell them?"

Ariel swung and hit a pipe, getting the axe stuck. She let it go and went after Ethan picking up a pipe from the floor.

"The psychopath attacked me. I had no other choice than to use self defense and kill him before he could kill me."

Suddenly Ariel hit Ethan's side then hit his head. He hit the wall, then Ariel hit him once more. He was thrown towards an opened pipe letting out hot air. He screamed in agony as the hot air burned his eyes. He stepped away from the pipe and grabbed his face. Ariel hit him once more, knocking him down.

"Why are you so obssessed in killing me?"

"You killed Logan."

She battered his head several times, and continued until blood began to splatter everywhere. Suddenly police ran and surrounded her.

"Police, put the weapon down."

Ariel threw the pipe on the floor and quickly put her hands up.

She began to cry and faced the police, "I'm so sorry. He attacked me. I didn't know what to do. He...he killed my friends."

One of the officers put his gun away and walked towards her.

"What's your name?"

"Ariel. Ariel Camargo. My friend, her body."

"Its alright ma'am. We will take care of it."

He grabbed her arms and put handcuffs on her, then led her outside.

She sat in the police department as she told officer James her story.

"I didn't mean to kill him. I was just afraid. After everything that has happened this week with my friends... I just wasn't sure what he would do to me."

"It'll be fine, Ariel."


Ariel turned and saw her parents. She stood up as they got closer to her and they hugged her.

"Oh my gosh, baby. Are you okay?"


"We're going to speak with the officer, sweetie. Why don't you go wait outside?"

Ariel nodded and walked away.About a month later they stood in a court room.

"We the jury of Dallas court in Dallas city, in the case of the murder of Ethan White find the defendant Ariel Camargo innocent."

"Case dismissed." The judge banged the gavel.

"All rise."

Everyone stood and the Judge exited the room then everyone else left. They released Ariel she smiled then thanked officer James and officer Paul. She walked away and they looked at her as Paul began to speak.

"Its great to see everything turned out well."

"Yup, and now there's one less crazy psychopath out there for us to worry about."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.11.2013

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