
Princess Isabel

Krýo(Kree-o) Kaf̱tó(Calf-toe)

Isabel P.O.V.

I am the princess of the Krýo Kingdom. I am 9 years old with long, wavy, dark brown hair that distinguishes next to my light skin. I have the most beautiful eyes, as my father describes them. They are a pale turquoise with light silver. 

Though I am not suppose to I am training with my older brothers. They are not really my brothers but I've been with them for so long it seems that way to me. They were selected to be my personal guards when they were young. We have always trained near the woods where my father nor my mother would see us. I have always loved training, it has always been exciting. We usually don't go too far into the woods because they are what separates us from our neighboring enemy the Kaf̱tó Kingdom. They are evil, hot-headed, self-centered, fiery devils, or at least that's what my father says. 

Today was different though, we were practicing when I playfully ran into the woods, as they attacked me. I swiftly ran through the woods dodging every tree, jumping over roots. I was quick for my age, but I knew they weren't too far behind, so I thought of a plan on how to loose them. I made quick turn around huge trees. Once I quickly glanced back I couldn't see them, I knew I had lost them. When I turned back I quickly stopped. I was in awe as I stared and walked towards the beauty standing before me. It was a tree, not an ordinary tree though. I was standing in the middle of an encirclement of trees, in the middle stood the queen of all trees. The light shun beautifully on its golden colored trunk. It was the biggest tree no doubt. I slowly walked around its trunk carefully caressing its smooth trunk as I gently put my finger tips on it. I get the urge to climb it, all the way to the top. As I'm grabbing onto one of the branches to begin my ascending, a hand grabs my arm and I undergo a weird sensation at the touch. I look back to find a man looking down at me with irritation and fiery in his eyes. I looked at him frightened and paralyzed. This man was from the Kaf̱tó Kingdom. With a quick and harsh pull he got me down. 

"What do you think you're doing?" He questioned in a raspy, harsh voice. I could not answer, I couldn't find words. So once again he asked but this time he said it angered and with authority. 

"I asked a question, what do you think you are doing?" 

I could not show fear, I am a princess and shall not let anyone, especially someone from the opposing side frighten me. I would be queen one day and the queen cannot be weak. I looked at him with a mad face and spoke with authority. 

"You shall not speak to me like you control me! I should be the one asking you why you are on our land!" 

"Oh princess," he said with a grin on his face as he gently swiped his finger across my tiara,"I apologize but you are mistaken. For this is not Krýo this is Kaf̱tó. You have no authority here. And for trespassing onto our land and touching the sacred tree we have the right to take you back with us to the castle as our prisoner." 

He suddenly grabbed my arm and brutally began to pull me. 

"I believe that's where you are mistaken!" Logan barked. 

I look over at Logan and all four of them are in battle mode. When my people are in battle mode, they are dangerous. But so are the people of the Kaf̱tó kingdom. For there is a reason why we are the "cold" Kingdom and they are the "hot" Kingdom. For many years my people can control water and ice while the Kaf̱tó Kingdom can control fire. Though with everyone of my people being different. Some like Mason and Spencer can control water. While Logan and Trent can control water and freeze things. 

"Let her go now!" Mason demanded. 

"Ugh. Children are so irritating." He pushed me towards my brothers and Logan grabbed me right away,"We have no time to play your foolish child games." 

They walked away and soon disappeared. 

"What were you thinking crossing the border like that! And you touched the sacred tree! Do you know what you had just done!" Logan exclaimed as I feel my eyes fill with tears,"Don't cry, I apologize for yelling at you. I'm just so upset, you almost got taken. Not to mention you could've been hurt." 

"I'm sorry." I looked down at the ground. 

"Come on, we should go back to the castle and tell the king and queen." Trent proclaimed walking towards the castle.

The War

"Why would you be so close to the forest in the first place!" I could here my father yelling from outside of his study. 

I barge in shocking my mother, father, and the boys. 

"It's not their fault. I ran into those woods on my own. They followed me in, it's their obligation to follow me and keep me safe. I was the one who ran away from them. If you are to blame anyone it should be me, father." 

I was upset because they were being blamed for what I have done and was not fair. I should be the one dealing with the consequences. 

"Young lady! Must we..." 

But before my father could continue one of our guards barged into the room. 

"Excuse me for barging in your highness but I must announce the Kaf̱tó soldiers have started preparing to attack the border." 

"Get the men ready. We must be prepared for anything. I shall try to convince King Feron there is no point in starting a war." He looked at me then the boys,"We will deal with this later, get ready to protect the castle, only two of you shall stay with my daughter." 

He walked out of the study, my mother following right behind. 

"Why did you do that!" Mason exclaimed once my parents were out of hearing range. 

Before I could answer Logan interrupted,"There's no point in arguing now. Like King David said we will talk about this later. Mason, you and I shall go. Trent, Spencer, you two take Princess Isabel to her room and keep her safe." 

Nothing else was said. Logan and Mason went off to prepare while Trent and Spencer took me to my room. Once inside Trent locked the door and stood guard while Spencer went and stood guard by the balcony doors. 

My father tried to convince King Feron but he wouldn't listen. I always believed there wasn't anyone more stubborn than my father but I was wrong. He just wouldn't want to hear my fathers explanations. I tried myself to speak to him but he was to arrogant to listen.

The years grew longer and so did the war. 

I was in the family room playing the piano when I suddenly heard the front door being slammed open. 

"Hurry get him to the infirmary!" 

A couple of guards rushed in with my father on a transfer gurney. 

"Father! Dimitri, what occurred? Why is my father injured?" 

"I apologize my princess, your father got wounded in the field." 

"What! I told him he shouldn't be out there!" 

"Please Princess, it would be better if you stayed calm." 

"Were you there when this occurred?" 

"Yes Princess." 

I heard footsteps behind me coming closer, it was my mother. 

"Well, why is he injured? Who did this?" 

"I'm sad to say it was me, Princess." 

My mother stepped closer to him enraged. 

"Why would you harm my husband, YOUR King!" 

"I apologize for it was an accident. My intention was injuring a soldier on the other side. I was attempting to injure Prince Damien." 

"If my father dies, so does his!" 

I ran off to my room and shut the door. I walked over to the window to look out. I looked out and saw, not too far was a battle occurring, one of the many my foolishness began. And farther in the distance was the castle of my enemy. 

It was sunset when they gave us the news that my father was okay. 

"Hello father." 

My mother and I slowly walked into his room. 

"What did we tell you David!" 

"Silvia please. Can't we discuss this afterwards?" 

"This is why I told you I can go fight for you." 

"Isabel, we have been through this. A princess shall not be out in the battle field. Your place is here, in the castle." 

"I can't believe it! I just can't believe you think that way!" 

I stormed off to my room. 

I was walking back and forth, angry for what he had just said. It had just gotten dark when I walked over to the window and noticed a fire by the border. 

"It must be a Kaf̱tó camp." 

I kept looking at the camp then I noticed the big tent. 

"Wait. That could be... He's there... I could easily get to him." 

I smile and go to my closet and change into a pair of black leggings, a loose, short black dress, and black flats. On my way out I grabbed my black cloak. Quickly and swiftly I went downstairs and out the back door. I fully cover myself with my cloak and run through the woods. Soon I see the camp. I checked to make sure the soldiers walking around don't see me and sneak over to the big tent. I wait for the two soldiers to pass then sneak in. 

"Hello King Feron." 

He turns around, looks at me, then smiles. 

"Well, you must be Princess Isabel. Its nice to finally meet you." 

"We need to end this war, now." 

"Shall I remind you princess, this is you're fault." 

"No it's not. it's your fault for being stubborn." 

"Your father would have done the same thing." 

"No he wouldn't, my father may be stubborn but he knows right from wrong." 

"I will not allow you..." 

"Look, I just want to end this. I want all the suffering and pain this war brings to stop. I'll do anything, just please, stop the war." 

"Hmm, anything?" 

He looked at me with wonder. I too, wondered myself. What could he want? What would he make me do? No matter what, I would have to do it, for the sake of my people. 

"Yes. As long as you end the war." 

"Fine, I will end the war. I will send my people back, tell my men to retreat at sunrise." 

I smiled I was so happy I could hug him, though I wouldn't. 

"Thank you so much sir. I can't wait to tell my father..." 

"Ah ah ah, wait." 

My smile slowly disappeared at the thought of what he would say. 

"I will tell my men, but... you must do something in return."


Flash back 

"Thank you so much sir. I can't wait to tell my father..." 

"Ah ah ah, wait." 

My smile slowly disappeared at the thought of what he would say. 

"I will tell my men, but... you must do something in return." 


"Anything, just tell me." 

I prepared myself for whatever he had in mind. 

"See my wife has always wanted a daughter but Damien was the only one we had." 

"Where are you going with this sir?" 

"Go live with us, live at the Kaf̱tó castle. Make my wife happy." 

"Live in the Kaf̱tó kingdom, in the castle, with you and your family, and do whatever your wife wants to do." 


"And you will end the war, stop your men." 


I step toward him and hold my hand out to him. 

"You have a deal, sir." 

He took a hold of my hand. 

"You must be at the castle by sunset." 

I let go of his hand, nodded and left the tent. I rushed to the castle and knew my mother would be with my father. I rushed into the room waking them up. 

"I apologize but I have great news." 

"Isabel, what are you wearing?" 

"I went to the Kaf̱tó camp by the border." 

"You did what?" 

"I talked to King Feron." 


"Let me finish. I spoke with him and convinced him to end the war." 

My mother stood and smiled. 

"That's great news." 

"There's something else you need to know." 

My father frowned knowing I did something that they wouldn't allow, "What did you agree to?" 

"I am to live in Kaf̱tó, in the castle." 

"For how long." 

"I'm not sure. Possibly for a few years, maybe more." 

"I will not allow you to leave." 

"It does not matter father. I'm leaving at noon, I must be there by sunset." 

"But you can't just go." 

"What's been done, is done. There's no way out. I'm going to go get some rest I must get up early to prepare to leave." 

I walked out of their room and headed to my room to rest. I woke up early in the morning and went downstairs to eat breakfast with my family. My father and mother were already at the table. 

"Good morning." 

"Are you going to need help." 

"No I can do it on my own." 

We finished eating and as I stood to leave my father stopped me. 

"Isabel, wait. Logan, Mason, Trent and Spencer will be going with you. I told them this morning and they are getting ready. They must go with you." 

"Fine but I don't know if King Feron will agree." 

"I don't care what he says. They're are going and staying with you." 

I nodded and headed to the my room. I packed up all my clothes and shoes. They were practically all light colors, mostly blue and white, the rest were a light pink. I decided to wear a long light blue, one shoulder dress with silver diamond design at the waist paired with light blue pumps. 

Once I had everything packed up. I knew it was time to go. I walked outside as the guys packed up my things. I gave my mother and father each a hug then got into the carriage. Once all my things were packed we left. 

"Are you sure about this." 

"There's no going back Logan." 

"Why did you agree to this?" 

"What other way would I stop the war?" 

"We could have done it another way." 

"What way?" 

Logan didn't say anything after that. We crossed the border and the closer we got to town the hotter it felt. I looked out of the window when we past the town and everyone was looking at the carriage. I sat back waiting to arrive to my new "home". 

"We're here." 

I took a deep breath and then they opened my door. I slowly stepped out of the carriage and there waiting for me was Queen Feron, smiling. The sun was shining brighter than I've ever seen it. 

"Hello Isabel." 

"Hello Queen Feron." 

I curtsied to try to be proper but she came up to me and pulled me into a hug. 

"Please, call me Helen." 

She steps back and examines me. 

"Oh my, you're so pale. Don't worry there's enough sun here." I just smiled at her, she seems like a wonderful person. 

She begins to pull me towards the castle. 

"Are all you clothes so dull and lifeless?" 

"My people prefer light colors." 

"Well now you live in Kaf̱tó, we will get you new dresses with more color." 

"Yes ma'am." 

We walked into the castle and you can still feel the warmth. 

"Welcome home." She looked at me and smiled, then began to walk ahead, "let me show you around." 

'I miss my real home already.' 

"Well come along. Don't be slow." 

"Yes ma'am." 

I caught up to her and we began to walk around the castle. When we got upstairs we stopped in front of a room. 

"Well, here's your room. Down the hall, the last door is Damien's room. Would you like to unpack or would you prefer to finish walking around first?" 

"I prefer to unpack later." 

We continued walking until we were finished. When we were done I went back to my room and walk in. I was amazed at the colors in the room. The walls were a vibrant orange-red and the furniture a maroon red. I walked over to the double french doors and stepped out onto the balcony. 

I stared in awe at the view before me Kaf̱tó is very beautiful and from my balcony you can see the green trees, the wild flowers, and the glimmering lake. 

I stood there leaning on the balcony until I hear Helen call me. I turn and go back into the room.

Damien's P.O.V

I had just gotten home from clearing out the border. I walk into my room and step out onto the balcony when I hear my mother yell in the room next door. I turn and see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. But she soon disappeared inside. 

"Who was she?" 

Suddenly I was awoken from my daze. 

"Hello son." 

"Good evening father." 

"How was your day? Did you do anything interesting?" 

"No father. We cleared out the camps and checked the border. Then we headed back." 

"Well tomorrow is a new day. Do you have anything planned?" 

"Not too sure, Alec said he was going to come over, we might ride the stallions for a while." 

"Well that sounds interesting. You should take our guest with you." 

"The one from Kryo? I don't want to be seen with one of them. The war may be over but we are still enemies." 

"Well tomorrow your mother is going to go to town to buy a few things and will take..." 

"I apologize father but I'm not interested in that person." 

"It's fine, you'll come around when your ready. Dinner will be ready soon if you care to join us." 

My father turned and left my room. 

'I need to know who that girl is.' 

I walked to my bathroom and took a shower. I decided on skipping dinner so I put on my sweat pants and fell asleep dreaming about that mysterious girl.

From Krýo

Isabel's P.O.V

I remember I was looking out at the stunning view when Helen called me as she stepped into my room. 

"Come dear, as the ladies of the house we must go check on dinner." 

"Yes ma'am." 

We left my room and headed downstairs into the kitchen. Dinner was very quiet, especially because Damien didn't come down for dinner. When we were done I was about to excuse myself from the table when Helen spoke to me. 

"Darling, tomorrow we will be going to town to get you new clothes." 

"Yes ma'am. If I may, I would like to be excused to my room now." 

"Yes dear, go on." 

"Thank you sir. Good night sir, good night madam." 

I stood and curtsied then headed to my room. I took a shower then I put on my night gown. I instantly fell asleep on the comfortable king sized bed.

Damien's P.O.V

I woke up around noon knowing if Alec would come he would come soon. I got out of bed and took a shower. I got dressed in my usual then headed outside to check on things. When I got outside I see Marcellus practicing with a few kids, probably thirteen. When I walk up to his side he turns to me and bows. 

"Prince Damien. How may I serve you?" 

"At ease Marcellus." He straightened back up and waited for my command,"Why are you practicing with them, there is no use for boys under sixteen to practice." 

"It's an order from King Feron." 

"I will speak with my father later, for today these boys shall no longer practice." 

"Of course, as you wish." He bowed to me then quickly turned to the boys,"Practice is over, you may leave." 


I turn to the voice I instantly recognized. 

"Alec. I didn't think you were going to be here so soon." 

Alec walked towards me and we bro hugged, then we stepped back. 

"Don't tell me you were going to try to go "check on things" were you." 

"Well I need to have some kind of fun." I smiled as he just rolled his eyes. 

"Come on let's go to town." 

"You know I'm still the prince, even with the war over, there is still danger for my people" 

"Fine but let's go to town first." 

We mounted on our horses then left. 

When we were about to leave the town I saw my mother leaving a small shop and right behind her came a tall man with dark black hair which stood out next to his pale skin. Of course he had to be our guest from Krýo. Before she could notice me I turned and we left.

Isabel's P.O.V.

We were finally finished shopping and trying things on. I feel bad for Logan because he was the one stuck inside with us. I never noticed how handsome he was. He stepped out of the small shop following Helen, the sun hitting his face just right. His straight dark black hair distinguishing next to his pale skin and his glimmering bright sapphire blue eyes. 

"Is there something wrong princess?" 

I realized I had been starring at him and saw he had his usual smirk. 

"Oh, uhm no. Lets get going we don't want to keep Helen waiting." 

I walked past him and I was soon, like always, walking between him and Mason. 

I looked over at Mason while we were walking and saw how handsome he was too. He had curly dirty blonde hair that went well with his fair skin tone and his bright Irish green eyes. 

In fact all my brothers were very handsome. I got into the carriage and looked at each of them. 

Trent had short, curly dark brown hair matching his dark chocolate brown eyes and his fair skin tone. 

Spencer on the other hand had short, straight light brown hair that resembles his light hazel eyes and his pale skin tone. 

Of course they are all muscular, but it's not too much. I've come to realize the most muscular is Logan, that would be because he trains the most. 

When we got back to the castle Helen made us all go change right away. All the boys had to wear a black t-shirt with black pants. I guess it was the usual for the guards here. As for me she choose the dress I were to wear today. It is a long, strapless red dress with a detailed black beading that forms a flattering crisscross waistline and for shoes I just wore some simple black pumps. 

Helen told me to go show her once I was finished dressing but she had not told me where to go so my search for her began. I went downstairs and thought maybe she was in the family room, but she wasn't. I decided to try to go outside and search. I exited through the back door because I doubt she'd be in the front. When I got outside I saw Logan standing alone looking at the beautiful view of the lake. 

I quietly snuck up behind him and hugged him from behind. 

"Nice try but you know you can't scare me." 

He turned as I let go and I saw he had the smirk, I came to love over the years, planted on his face. 

"Couldn't you just play along for once?" I put on my puppy dog face and knew he couldn't resist. 

"Fine. Oh my god Isabel don't scare me like that." 

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and put my hands on my hips. He chuckled then pulled me into a hug.

Damien's P.O.V.

We just rode around for a while then decided to head back to my place.

When we arrived we headed upstairs to my room and Alec went into my bathroom. I walked over to my balcony and looked down.

I saw our guest from Krýo. Then that's when I saw her. It was my mystery girl. Wow, she looked amazing in red. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked gorgeous. I was taken out of my daze when I see the Krýo guy turn around. I can feel my heart break when he pulls her to him and they hug.

“So what are we going to do? You want to go eat?”

I turn around and walk back inside.

“Sure, what do you want to eat?”

“Whatever. Lets just grab something then we can watch a movie.”


We headed back downstairs, we grabbed some drinks and some junk food then headed to the media room.

"Prince Logan"

Isabel's P.O.V.

Logan and I were walking towards the lake when I see a little boy, no older than six. We walk up to him. He looks over at me and stares.

“Your eyes are pretty.”

I smile and look at his sparkling honey colored eyes.

“Thank you. Your eyes are too.”

“I haven't seen someone from Kaf̱tó with blue eyes before.”

“Maybe because I'm from Krýo.”


“Are you the princess?”


“You probably miss Krýo, huh? You know since everything is frozen there. I don't know how that's fun.”

“Well snow is fun, way better than plain liquid water.”

“What's snow?”

I smile at his confused look.

“Here, I'll show you.”

I kneel down next to him and grab his hands. I cup them together and put them in the water. I pull out his hands with some water in them and close them covering them with my hands. When he feels the cold he looks at me wide-eyed. I smile and uncover his hands. When he opens them up he looks at snowflake in his hands in awe.

“Wow! You can freeze water?”


I smile at him but he looks at me and frowns.

“But won't it melt?”

“Well yes but you can always go to Krýo and there's way more snow there.”

The snowflake began to slowly melt in his small hands.

“But my mommy and daddy don't like Krýo. They said I can NEVER go.”

He looks down at the melting snowflake and I frown. I gently grab his chin and make him look at me. I smile and reassure him.

“It shouldn't matter if your parents don't like Krýo. If you want to go then you can go, you just need to wait until you're older. Okay?”


He gave me a small smile then looked at the puddle of water in his hand.

“Aiden! Come on, we're going home.”

The three of us look up in the direction they had yelled from. It was an older lady not much older than thirty.

“That's my mom. I have to go. Good-bye princess.”

He bowed to show respect then ran off to his mother. I smiled as I see him reach her and hug her.

“You're going to be a great queen and mother.”

I stood up and smiled at Logan.

“Thank you, Logan. Shall we head back inside. I still need to find Helen.”

“Of course. After you princess.”

He extends his arm out in front of us. I smile and head towards the castle.

As we got to the stairs Helen calls to me.

“Isabel, where have you been?” I turn and she smiles,”Well don't you look amazing.”

I smile and walk up to her.

“Thank you ma'am.”

“You know I heard Damien was in the media room with Alec, why don't we go so I can introduce you to him.”

“Well I wouldn't want to intrude.”

“Oh no darling it's fine. Come, I'll introduce you too, Logan.”

She walked past us, Logan and I looked at each other worried and concerned written on both our faces. He followed her and I walked behind him. If I were to meet him it would be better if Logan meets him first.

We head to a room and Helen opens the door. It was black the only light coming from the screen. Helen turned on the light and paused the movie. Then I see two guys turn around from where they were sitting.

Damien's P.O.V.

We were watching some movie Alec had chosen when suddenly the lights were turned on and the movie was stopped. We turn around and see my mother and our guest.

“Damien, Alec come I'd like both of you to meet someone.”

We got up and walked to her.

“Damien, Alec this is Logan. Logan this is Damien, my son, and Alec, the prince of the Fýsi̱ Kingdom.”

Logan bowed then that's when she stepped forward. She looked even more beautiful now that I had her in front of me.

“Boys, this is Isabel.”

She looked up and I couldn't take my eyes away from her gorgeous blue eyes. They were the most stunning eyes I have ever seen. Could this girl be more amazing?

Isabel's P.O.V.

“Boys, this is Isabel.”

I looked up and saw the most amazing man standing before me.

Damien Feron. Gorgeous short, wavy, dark chestnut brown hair, a tan muscular body, and the most amazing misty gray eyes that I couldn't look away from.

“Isabel this is Damien, and this is Alec. You have probably heard of him.”

I look away and look at Alec. He was buff, but its natural since hes from the Fýsi̱ kingdom. He was also tan. He had short straight brown hair and a pair of dazzling jade green eyes.

I curtsied once I realized I haven't said anything.


“I'm so glad you finally got to meet. Of course your staying for dinner right, Alec?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Well we should be going. We'll see both of you at dinner.”

I looked once more at Damien then I turned and left, Logan following right behind me closing the door.

“Logan why don't you join us. So Isabel feels more comfortable, I believe you weren't too comfortable yesterday. Don't worry darling, it's fine, I understand.”

“Thank you ma'am I would love to join you, but only if Princess Isabel gives me the order.”

“Oh of course Logan, if Helen allows you, then you have my permission.”

“Then its settled. You will join us for dinner. Come lets go check how everything is going.”

Damien's P.O.V.

“She was pretty. Who was she exactly?”I turn off the light and start the movie then head back to the couch.

“I don't know nor care. She's from Krýo. You could clearly see it.”

Alec quickly looks over at me then looks back at the screen, “Oh shut up. You know you like her. Who wouldn't? Didn't you see those eyes? They just make you want to look at them and never look away.”

“What ever. I bet a lot of people from Krýo have blue eyes.”

“But not like those.”

Though I would never admit to it, I agree with him. She is amazing. Either way I cannot show any affection towards her. Not only is she my enemy but by the looks of it, she is taken.

I must push away any feelings I have for her, I cannot let a girl get into my head. I am the prince and soon I will be the king. Besides my father would never allow anything to happen between us.

Once the movie was over we knew it was time for dinner so we left the media room and headed to the dinning room.

They were all sitting down waiting for us. On each ends of the table sat my parents. Logan and Isabel sat on one side while Alec and I went to sit across from them.

Some time after we began to eat I stopped as I quickly remembered earlier.

“Father, Marcellus informed me of the order you gave him Why are the boys under sixteen still practicing? There is no use of them.”

“We might in the future. People can always change their mind.”

He looked over at Isabel and Logan's direction.

“Well I don't think they should.”

“Well it doesn't matter I have decided.”

“Richard, I agree with Damien. The children shouldn't be put to practice any more. Inform Marcellus as soon as you can.”

My father looked at my mother and knew he could not disagree with her and continued to eat.

Isabel's P.O.V.

During dinner I would glance over at Damien. I wouldn't even realize I was doing it until he caught me. I looked at him at the same time he looked up. He slightly smiled and I looked down at my plate, slightly blushing.

Once we were all done we all walked over to the living room together. As we got there Damien and Alec began to excuse themselves and were about to leave before Helen stopped them.


“Yes mother?”

“Tomorrow you will take our guest horseback riding. And do not think you can say no.”

Damien turned to look at us then he looked back at his mother.

“Yes mother.”

Both left and headed upstairs. I turn to look at Helen.

“I wouldn't want to bother Prince Damien.”

“Oh of course not dear. Damien would love to take you, he is just very stubborn and doesn't want to show it.”

Helen smiled and I smiled back.

“Well, if you'll excuse us. I believe we should both be getting to bed now. Good night.”

I curtsy and Logan bows then we head off to our rooms.

In the morning I got dressed in some clothes Helen gave me. It was a white v-neck, black riding tights, and a pair of black boots. I put my hair up in a high ponytail then exit my room and went downstairs.

“Good morning.” I enter the dining room and notice neither Alec nor Damien were seated at the table, “Are Damien and Alec not joining us?”

“Good morning dear. They left just a while ago. He said he wanted to do his usual border check before he takes you riding.”

I smile then I began to eat my breakfast.

When I was finished I excused myself then went to find the boys.

“Good morning boys.”

“Good morning Princess.”

They all bowed to show respect and I just shake my head. I never liked them doing that, especially if its just us, but they still do it, usually they just do it to get on my nerves.

“Are you sure you don't want us to go with you?”

“No, it's fine, Logan. I think I'll be fine.”

“What would you like for us to do while you're gone?”

“Do what ever you would like to do.”

Mason's eyes went wide and he steps towards me.

“Wait, as in time off? Like a break?”

“Yes, have the day off boys, you deserve it.”

I smile to them and they all smile, well all except Logan.

“The whole day? What do we do?”

“Relax, Logan. You can go to town or just relax by the lake, follow Helen around if you'd like, just have fun.”

Just then we all turn as Damien and Alec arrive on their horses. They both get off and walk over to us then looked over at Logan.

“Are you ready to go?”

Logan looked at me then we looked at Damien, both of us confused.

“Excuse me Prince Damien but I won't be going.”

“Why didn't my mother inform me?”

“Why? Is there a problem with just us?”

He looked at me and I could clearly see he was confused.

“Wait, my mother said I would be taking our guest from Krýo.”


“I'm suppose to be taking the Prince.”

When he said “Prince” I looked at Logan and he looked at me then I looked back at Damien.

“What Prince?”

He looked at me confused then pointed at Logan.


Logan and I look at each other then the boys and I start laughing but quickly stop when I see Damien looking at us as if he was more confused by our laughter.

“I apologize.” I looked at him straight in the eyes and smile, “You must not really like Krýo in order to over-look that tiny detail.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We haven't been properly introduced. I am Princess Isabel Cres of the Krýo Kingdom, it's nice to meet you.”

Unanswered Questions

Damien's P.O.V.

“We haven't been properly introduced. I am Princess Isabel Cres of the Krýo Kingdom, it's nice to meet you.”

She extended her hand to me and all I could do was look at her in shock. How could I have been so stupid? I must look so dumb.

Alec noticed I wasn't moving so he quickly stepped forward and grabbed her hand.

“Prince Alec Evans of the Fýsi̱ Kingdom. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.”

She smiled at him then he released her hand. She looked at me then smiled.

“This is Logan Grant, my escort.” He slightly smiled but bowed then she pointed to each of the other men behind her, “And my other escorts, Mason Ruiz, Trent Moreno, and Spencer Pierce.”

They all bowed then she stepped back towards me.

“Now that this is all clear, shall we get going?”

“Um, yeah. Lets go.”

“You will be taking my horse Princess.”

Alec handed her his horse and she smiled as she took it.

“Thank you. May you please do me a favor, Alec.”


“Can you show these men how to have fun. They are kind of new at it.”

“Of course.”

She mounted onto the horse then came next to me.

“Lead the way.”

I took off and she was right behind. We rode past the meadow into the forest. No matter what obstacle, she would easily pass it. Once I knew we were nearing the river I slowed down. She came next to me and smiled.

“You do know we have horses in Krýo, right?”

I look at her and smile back.

“Of course but I didn't think YOU would be a great rider.”

“Well there's a lot you don't know.”

She sped up and got off as we arrived at the river. I quickly got off and went to sit next to her on some nearby rocks.

“I apologize about earlier. Its not that I don't like Krýo, I just never payed attention to its details, we WERE in a war with you.”

Her smile faded as I mention the war. I feel so bad, she must feel terrible. I must admit I have always thought it was my father's fault for the war. I never understood why he would get mad over her touching the “sacred” tree.

“I apologize, I didn't mean to remind you.”

“It's fine. I should be the one apologizing. After all it was my fault we were at war. We could have possibly have been friends if it weren't for my foolishness.”

I turn to her and gave her a small smile.

“Well, we can still become friends.”

She slightly looks at me and gives me a small smile as well.

“Thank you. I must also apologize for judging you before actually knowing you.”

“Don't worry I did that too. If you do not remember, I thought you were a guy at first.”

She smiled and looked away. She looked so beautiful when she smiled, but I must remember not to think that way. It will be difficult but I must get her out of my head.

“May I ask you a question?”

She looks at me and nods.

“What exactly did you agree to, with my father?”

She looked at me for a second then looked straight, towards the river.

“I am to live here in Kaf̱tó, in the castle, and follow your mother in whatever activity she chooses.”

“For how long?”

“I'm not sure.”

She looked away as sadness clearly filled her eyes. I look away from her and look up at the sky for a while until she speaks.

“Do you really not like Krýo?”

I quickly turn back to her and I think about what I should say for a minute.

“Do you really not like the people of Kaf̱tó?”

She looked down and I can already understand what she thought. Just how I feel for her land she felt for my people, including me.

Isabel's P.O.V.

I looked away from him, not able to answer. I do like his people, I never hated them. I hated the people my father described. I hated the people who hurt mine. But Helen, Aiden and himself have shown me the true personalities of the people of Kaf̱tó. They have showed me that not all are rude and hateful.

“Why do you dislike my land?”I look up at him wanting an answer. I had my answer and I would give it to him if he asked but I wanted his answer. He looked at me then back at the ground.

“I don't know. I guess my father has always talked of it with so much hatred that I see it the same.”

“If you were to give it a chance you would see how amazing it can actually be. Just like Kaf̱tó, Krýo has its own beautiful qualities.”

He looked back at me with an eyebrow raised.

“You think Kaf̱tó is beautiful?”

“Well, yes. Why wouldn't I? I mean I haven't felt this much heat my whole life but it still has breathe-taking scenery.”

He smiles then looks back at the ground, “Well, I must admit, from what I can see, Krýo does too. Don't tell my father though, he would surely kill me.”

I laugh and get up, then walk over to the horses.

“Shall we get going?”


We mounted onto the horses then raced back to the castle. I won and laugh as he gets all mad.

“That wasn't fair, you got a head start.”

“Lie to yourself if you would like, but never lie to others.”

I smile at him then head to the stables. When I mount off the horse one of the men there take the horse. As I started walking back to the castle Damien catches up to me.

“You know, its not quite fair.”

“The race?”

“No. You get to come to Kaf̱tó but I cannot go to Krýo.”

I look at him confused, “Oh, and who said you could not go to Krýo?”

“Well I haven't recieved an invitation.”

I stop and face him surprised at what I am understanding. Prince Damien of the Kaf̱tó Kingdom actually wanted to go to Krýo.

“Do you want to go?”

“Well, why not?”

He shrugged his shoulders and I looked at him still unsure.

“May we go?”

“Well, it is your kingdom. I figure you could go visit anytime. Its not like my father would stop you, well as long as you came back of course.”

“May I go tomorrow? Well of course with you.”

“I see no problem.”

I smile and hug him.

“Oh my gosh. Thank you.”

I realize what I was doing and quickly release him, feeling embarrassed.

“I apologize, that was inappropriate.”

He smiled and shook his head.

“Its fine, you were just showing your excitement. Everyone does that. Well not the hugging, the expressing of excitement.”

I turn back to the castle and keep walking.

When we walk in King Feron and Helen are sitting in the living room.

“Isabel, how was the ride? Was Damien impolite or disrespectful at all?”

“Not at all. It was a wonderful ride.”

“I'm glad.”

“Mother. Tomorrow, Isabel and I will be going to Krýo.”

King Feron quickly looked at us furious. I step back and look down. I might be brave but here in Kaf̱tó, King Feron has the power to do what ever he desires to do with me.

“Absolutely not. She is to stay in Kaf̱tó, that was our deal.”

Damien steps forward and acts like his father hasn't said a thing.

“She is going to show me around.”

“Oh, that sounds lovely sweetie. Of course you two may go.”

He smiles then we both head upstairs to our rooms.

I took a shower then changed into a long red strapless chiffon dress with a sweetheart neckline and slip on a pair of red pumps. I let my hair fall with its soft waves then I exit my room and walk over to the stairs.

I guess I should look for the boys and see what they are doing. I don't want them to get into trouble. But just as I got to the bottom of the stairs I hear Damien, as he quickly gets to me.

“If they're with Alec they are probably in the media room.”

I look at him and he leads me to the media room where all the boys are at. Alec must enjoy watching movies, it seems to be his favorite thing to do. They all turn and look at the door.

“Hello Princess, do you need us?”

“No, its fine, Logan.”

“Come and watch the movie with us Princess.”

I look at Alec and walk over to sit next to him.

“You know Alec, I am perfectly fine and actually prefer for you to call me Isabel.”

“Alright, I will.”

We turn to the screen and began to watch the movie.

At the dinner table it was only the King, Helen, Damien, Alec, and me. Logan had gone with the rest of the boys.

The next morning I got up as quickly as I could and took a shower. Since we were going to go to Krýo I decided to wear one of my light blue dresses. Its a long single 3/4 shoulder dress with a sheer waistband. I slip on some silver pumps and quickly brush my hair, deciding to leave it down. Damien wasn't at breakfast because he was doing his border check again and Alec had left this morning.

I finish and excuse myself. I walk outside and met up with the boys in the front of the castle where they were waiting for me by the carriage.

Welcom to Krýo


"Good morning boys."

They all turned around and smiled towards me.

"Good morning princess."

Logan stepped towards me, "We shall depart when Prince Damien arrives."

"Of course."

Just as I agreed Damien appeared out of the woods and headed to us. He slowed down his horse before jumping off. As he walked towards us he handed his horse to a man.

"All ready to go?"

"Of course."

We got onto the carriage then left. After sometime we finally reached the border. Logan stops and I turn to look at Damien.

"Did you bring a jacket?"

He was just wearing a black short sleeved shirt.

"Please, I doubt it's that cold. It doesn't feel too bad from here."

Since we were at the border the temperature had lowered. I smile and shake my head.

"Prince Damien, we have barely reached the border, once we pass the woods & reach the town it is usually snowing. Feeling the weather you have grown-up in myself, I know the weather will be a little too much at first."

"The heat didn't seem to bother any of you."

Mason turned to look at us from the front.

"Actually, the heat was killing us. Trust me if you were to attack us on your land, we would be too weak to fight."

I looked at him with sincerity,"That's kind of another reason we wanted to come back."

"Well I will take my chances. Besides I can create my own heat if I need it."

I shook my head and smiled.

"Fine, let's get going Logan.

We continued on our way and I took out my ballet slippers. Damien smiled as he saw me put them on.

"Are you going to show me how to dance?"

I look at him and smile,"Yes."

His smile faded and he looked at me surprised and in fear.

"Don't worry you will enjoy it."

I smiled then finished putting on my slippers. We got to town and felt the cold I have missed.

"How are you all able to live in this weather?"

"How funny, we thought the same thing about your people." Logan quickly told him with a smile before returning his attention to the road.

I smiled as we approached our destination.

"We're here."

The carriage stopped and I quickly got out before any of the boys could open the door for me.

Damien stepped out and instantly created two fires in the palms of his hands. I stared at the fire as I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"Is something wrong Princess?"

I quickly looked up at Damien.

"You can actually create fire."

"Yeah not many can, but usually born royals can"

"But the fire. I've never seen fire as red as yours."

He smiled as I stayed staring in awe.

"Uhm, yeah. I guess I'm just a little different, kind of like you."

"Like me?"

He smiled at my confusion,"Your eyes. I've never seen eyes like yours."

I smiled then turned. He put out his fire then walked over to me as we looked at a beautiful clear lake.

"I thought you said you were going to show me how to dance?"

"I am." I turn and look at him,"I'm going to show you how do dance on ice."

He looked at the lake then back at me,"On what ice?"

I smiled then walked over to the water. I kneeled down and gently tapped the water with my right hand. As I tapped it the water became ice. Soon the whole lake was our own ice rink.


"Shall we." I pointed towards the ice but he questionably looked at me.

"We don't have any ice-skates."

I shook my head as I pulled him over to the lake.


Damien's P.O.V


She pulled me over to the lake. As we stepped onto the ice she created ice skates on both of our shoes.

I never knew how amazing her abilities could be. I just figured it would involve moving around some water. The things she has shown me so far today have been amazing.

She pulled me out onto the ice slowly pulling me towards the center.

"Don't worry you can trust me."

She smiled and she made it seem as if I could trust her. I relaxed and began to move around the ice. She let go of my hand and I stood there as I watched her gracefully skate around.

"Come on, its not that hard."

I smiled then slowly attempted to move. I gradually moved closer to her. Just as I believed I was doing good I fell backwards.

She laughed and I couldn't resist the smile that her laugh brought to me. I have never met a girl as amazing as Isabel.

"Don't worry you will get use to it. Here, let me help you."

We both smiled as she stretched her hand out for me. When I grab her hand I quickly look up at her in shock. She looks back at me confused.

"Is something wrong?"

"Your hand. It feels really warm."

I stood up and she quickly glanced at her hand.

"I guess you have been spending too much time in Kaf̱tó."

She slightly smiled then looked away.

"Yeah, I guess I have."

As we ate I looked towards a few of the people glaring. When I looked at them, they turned and looked away.

"Don't pay any attention to them. They need some time to realize we aren't enemies anymore."

"But we aren't exactly friends either."

She reaches across the table and grabs my hand.

"Maybe not right now but in time we will."

As people pass by they would bow and greet Isabel, their princess. I enjoyed seeing how much her people seemed to love her. They make it seem as if they have never seen her. She looks over at me and smiles.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"They really love you. They make it seem as if they have not seen you in years."

Her smile slightly fell and so did her gaze.

"Well maybe because they haven't."

"What?" She looks up and smiles at my confusion.

"Well... ever since the day I touched the sacred tree, I had been locked away in the castle. My father did not allow me outside the castle for any reason."


"In fear I would get harmed."

"But that would mean you were stuck in there for about eleven years."

"Yeah, it got boring at times. But I did have boys to entertain me."

"So they stayed by your side at all times?"

"No they took turns. Two went off to fight while the other two stayed with me."

"So I'm guessing your pretty close with them."

She obviously likes Logan. Especially if they spent that much time with each other.

"Yeah, I've always seen them as my four older brothers."

"That must be amazing. Even though you didn't have blood brothers, at least you have someone who is so close you consider them that."

"It is. May I ask you something?"

"You just did."

She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Of course you can."

"When you thought Logan was the prince."

"Which by the way was very embarrassing."

"Who did you think I was?"

I looked at her then looked away embarrassed. What am I suppose to tell her.

'Well besides thinking that you were the girl of my dreams I thought you were Logan's girlfriend.'

That is more embarrassing than the fact that I thought Logan was the prince of Krýo.


I immediately looked at her.


"You haven't answered my question. Who did you think I was?"

Then I noticed Logan and Mason had come to her side and were standing looking away from us.

"Well, actually I thought you were Logan's girlfriend."

Instantly I could tell she was surprised by my answer. I think I even saw Logan react to my answer.

"You... You thought I was his girlfriend?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have gone to conclusions like that."

She then began to laugh. I looked at her confused. Was she laughing at the fact that I thought she was Logan's girlfriend? She stopped laughing and looked at me while smiling.

"I'm sorry, I just find it funny how don't even bother in asking anyone when you have a question."

"I guess I should start asking when I don't know."


Texte: Psychomonkey
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.04.2013

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