

August 7, 1998, Anderson, Texas 

Emma, a woman in her late twenties, was in her home. There was a sudden knock at the door. Tina, the service lady of the house, went to go open the door. 

"Sir James! What are you doing here?" Tina questioned in shock. 

"I'm here for my daughter!" James answered. 

"What do you mean you're here for your daughter?" Emma wondered. 

"What else? I'm here to take my daughter with me!" James exclaimed. 

"No, I'm not allowing you to take her away from me!" Emma exploded,"James she's my little girl!" 

"She's my daughter too." James reminded her. 

"Olivia, it's time for us to leave. Let's go!" James demanded. 

"But daddy I don't want to leave. Can't momma come with us?" Olivia asked her father. 

"No! She can't, she has to stay here!" James yelled. 

"It'll be ok sweetie. Just go with your father. You'll be back and we'll see each other sooner than you think." Emma sobbed to Olivia 

"You promise mother?" Olivia questioned. 

"Yes. Now go with your father." Emma lied to Olivia to reasure her. 

"Ok, Good-bye mother." Olivia agreed, and walked away while being pulled by her father. 

"Get in the car. We're leaving, now!" James demanded. 

"Yes father. May I know where we are going?" Olivia wondered. 

"California. Hollywood, California." James responded. 

They took the first flight to Hollywood, California. And for the next couple of years it will be a living nightmare for Olivia. A nightmare she couldn't escape from, trapped by her own father. 

"One of these days I'm going to leave and go with mother! And you won't hear from me ever again!" Olivia exclaimed to her father. 

'You lied to me. You told me we would see each other, that I would be back home sooner than I thought. You promised.' Olivia said to the picture of her mother as tears ran down her face. Then she began to write: 

Dear mother, 

It's been 14 years since we last saw each other. I can't stand living with fahter anymore. Ever since that one day he tore us apart he believed he can give me orders and tell me what I can and cannot do. He always says it's because I live in his house. I dont even have a choice, He doesnt allow me to move out, nor be out with my friends, well at least the friends I have. It's straight from home to school and back home, he even makes Todd drop me off and be outside of the school by the time I get out. I'm not too sure if you really recieve the letters I send you, but if you do i have one thing left to say. I don't care how, but I'm coming home. 

Love your daughter, 

Olivia Anderson 

"Get out of my way father! I'm leaving and no one, especially you, can hold me back! So you might as well move, nothing is holding me back!" Olivia yelled to her father as she attemted to espcape from the prison her father said was her home. 

"No! I'm not letting you run back to her! Don't you understand she never loved you! She only used you to get money from me! How else do you think she was able to pay off her debts she had with the bank?" James replied to her in an enraged manner. 

"Your lieing to me! Of course she loved me! She's my mother! And now I realize the only reason she had debts is because of you! You would always use her money to buy jewlery and fancy dinners for your lovers!" Olivia screamed with anger towards her father. 

James looked amazed at his daughter. How could Olivia have known about his awful secret he's been hiding all theses years. 

"What father? Are you shocked about what I've learned about you? The image I now have of my father. Can you imagine how I now see you? The kind of person I see you as. It's amazing how little you believe I know." Olivia acknowledged. 

"No! It's not true. I promise sweetie. All of that is a lie. Your mother probably put those ideas in your head."James accused. 

"You can't lie to me father! Not anymore!"Olivia reminded him as she once again attempted to leave.


Welcome Back

This time James couldn't stop her. She left and got on a plane back to her real home, Andreson, Texas. No one knew she had gone back home, not even her mother. Once she stepped off the taxi and saw her childhood home happiness took over her. She grabbed all of her things and hurried to the door. When she knocked, Tina opened the door. Once Tina openned the door and saw her it took her a minute before she said anything.  

"Miss Olivia! You're back.! Come in please."  

At that moment Emma was walking into the living room with a book in her hand.  

"Tina, who is it?"  

Emma looked up from her book and looked at Olivia. She didn't move, once she looked at her she knew who it . It was her little girl, the same little she lost many years ago.  

"Olivia? Is that you?"  

"Mother! Oh mother, I've missed you so much."  

They hurried to each other to embrace one another in their arms. Tears of joy filled their eyes.  

"I've missed you so much Olivia. I'm so glad your here."  

"I've missed you too mother. Now I'm back and no one will ever seperate us ever again."  

The held each other for a little before Emma broke their hug.  

"Oh my you're probably hungry and tired. Tina please get someone to take her things to her room and get the food ready please. We'll be outside, I'd like to show Olivia something."  

"Yes ma'am, right away. Logan!"  

Olivia and Emma began to walk outside towards the back.  

"How's your father? I'm surprised he allowed you to leave him and come visit."  

"He didn't . I left and I'm hoping its not just a visit, maybe I can stay here."  

"Oh of course you can. This is your home. It always was and always will be."  

Olivia smiled and the continued to walk. Once they got to the stables Emma smiled at Olivia and pulled her in.  

"I think there might be someone happy to see you."  

They walked to one of the horses in the stables. It was a beautiful black mustang.  

"Prince? Oh my god!"  

Prince looked at Olivia and nudged his head with her"s. She gently craddled his head in her arms.  

"Do you want to go for a ride? I can get Logan to get him ready for you."  

"Yeah. I do, but I'd like to try it out for myself."  

"Ok, but I'll tell Logan to come check anyways."  

Emma left and Olivia opened the stable door. She walked in and stroked his hair as she walked past him. She grabbed the saddle and mounted it onto him. Once he was prepared she mounted onto him and headed to the field.  

She rode him up a hill then rode to the edge of the hill. From there you can see the whole ranch.  

"It's a beautiful scenery, isn't it?"  

Olivia, surprised, quickly turned around.  

"Yes it is." 

She smiled as she stared at the handsome smiling man in awe.  

"Do I know you?"  

"I'm Logan, its nice to see you again Ms. Olivia."  


Olivia turned Prince to face Logan.  

"Wow the last time I saw you, you were a tiny kid. And now..."  

"And now I'm a handsome, stunning man."  

"You forgot conceited."  

They smiled then rode their horses back down the hill, re-connecting on the way down.  

"I never understood why your father took you."  

"Neither did I, but its not important anymore."  

"Well it's been nice talking to you Ms. Olivia, if you need anything just let me know." 

With that Logan turned on his horse and headed towards the field. Olivia turned and headed back to the stables. She got off Prince then took off the saddle and closed his stable door.


When she walked back into the house she went into Emma's study. Emma was sitting at her desk looking at some papers.

She walked over to the love seat at the corner of the room and sat down.

Emma looked up from the papers and looked at her daughter.

"How was the ride?"

"It was nice. I missed this place so much."

"I'm glad you're back."

"I am too."

They smiled at each other then Emma went back to work.

Olivia looked around the room then suddenly Emma looked back up at Olivia.

"Oh tomorrow Tyler is coming so we can discuss a business deal. I think you would like him, I believe he's around your age."

"Mom I just arrived and you're already setting me up with random strangers."

"First of all he's not a stranger and yes I am."

Emma smiled and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Alright I'll meet him."

"Great. Can you go check if dinner is almost ready?"


She got up and headed for the kitchen.


The next day Olivia walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning Tina. What will we be having for breakfast?"

"Your mother already left but I'll fix your breakfast and take it to you. Where would you like to eat?"

"Its fine I'll just eat here. Have you eaten yet?"

"I was just going to madam."

"Come on Tina, you know I prefer being called Olivia. Sit and have breakfast with me."


After they were finished Tina was about to grab the dirty dishes when the phone rang.

"Go ahead Tina I'll can pick up the dishes."

Tina left the kitchen and Olivia picked up the dirty dishes. She walked over to the sink and set the dishes down when someone walked in and frightened her.

"Good morning Ms. Olivia."

She turned and saw Logan leaning against the table.

"Good morning Logan."

"Would you like to go for a stroll?"

"Uhmm... Okay."

"Come on, I don't bite."

"We'll see." She winked at him while she past by him exiting the house.

They walked together, side by side.

"So tell me, how's California? Is it as amazing as they say it is?"

"Well I'm not too sure. My father would take me out once in a while but he usually kept me inside the house. I usually went from school and home, no where else."

"Well that doesn't sound fun at all."

"It wasn't."

"So I doubt you've had a boyfriend yet."

"Nope. My father was especially strict about boys. There was once a time we were at the store and a boy came up to me just to ask if I knew where the chips were. My father got so upset, he pulled me away and told that poor boy to never come near me ever again. I felt so bad for him."

"Wow he was very over protective."

"Yes he was, but its fine. I'm glad I didn't get close to anyone, it made it easier to leave."

"Well that's good."

They smiled at each other but suddenly there was a loud splash and someone began to scream.




Olivia and Logan rushed over to the lake and saw a little boy no older than nine years old drowning.

"Oh my god."

Olivia stood there in shock. Logan took his shoes off then he jumped into the lake. He swam over to the boy and grabbed him. Logan pulled him over to the edge of the lake and Olivia reached out to grab the boy and help him out.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

The boy coughed and spit some water out. He laid against Olivia on the ground.

"Oh God are you okay?"

"Damn it Jimmy! What have I told you!"

The boy looked up at Logan, who was soaked and had his shoes in his hand.

"I'm sorry Logan. I was chasing a butterfly and I didn't know I was heading towards the lake."

"Logan its okay, he's fine. Lets just get you inside so you can change, we don't want you to get a cold."

"Come on."

Logan helped him get up, then helped Olivia.

They walked back to the house and as they headed back to there room to change Olivia headed to the living room.

"Olivia, sweety, I'd like you to meet Tyler. Tyler this is my daughter Olivia."

Olivia looked at the man her mother pointed at. He had short, dirty blonde hair and amazing sapphire blue eyes.

She stepped closer to him and he extended his hand to her.

"Its a pleasure to finally meet you ms. Olivia."

She reached out to his hand and he raised it up and kissed her hand.

"Please call me Olivia, the ms thing gets old."

"Of course. Your mother informed me you just arrived from California."


"Well if you'd like, it would be my pleasure to show you around town sometime."

"That would be great." 

"Well then, how about tomorrow evening. I know the best restaurant in this town."

"Its a date."

She smiled at him and he returned the smile.

After some time he left.

Olivia and Emma headed to her study.

"Wasn't he wonderful?"

"He's okay."

"Oh come on. He has the most amazing eyes."

"Correction, he has the most amazing BLUE eyes."

"Oh you know you liked him. You already have a date planned. I knew you two would get along. He's such a gentleman."

"Well you know Logan is nice too."

"Well of course he is, Tina is a great woman so you would figure her son would be too."

"You know he saved a boy today from drowning. I believe his name was Jimmy."

"Oh is he alright?"

"Of course."

"Well Logan is always looking out for Jimmy. That boy is a handful."

"Well he seems like a wonderful little boy."

"Yes he is, no doubt about that."

After dinner Olivia went to her mothers study to search for a book she left there before dinner.

"Do you need help?"

Olivia looked over at the door and saw Logan leaning against the doorway.

"Oh no its fine. I'm just looking for a book I left here earlier."

"My mother probably put it back."

Olivia looked up at the spot in the book case where she had found it earlier and saw he was right.

"Got it." She grabbed the book and smiled at Logan,"Thanks."

"You're welcome. I was wondering maybe tomorrow we can finish that walk Jimmy interrupted earlier."

"Oh I'm sorry, I can't. I have a date."

Logan looked down and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh its fine. No problem. I should let you go rest. Good night ma'am."

Logan looked up at her and smiled. Olivia was about to say something to him but he walked away.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.11.2012

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