
Senior Year Begins

It's just another day, I'm getting ready to go to school. Ugh, I can't believe I'm starting my senior year.  

"Hurry up jelly bean!" 

That was Oscar, my brother. I'm glad I have my own ride to school. Now I don't have to go with my dad and Oscar anymore. I open the door and Oscar pushes me out so he can get in. I ignore him and walk downstairs. Like always my father's sitting at the kitchen table. 

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast before you leave." 

"Good morning dad," I gave him a kiss on the cheek, "and I'm just going to drink some orange juice." 

I open the fridge and got out the orange juice. It was getting late, so I got in my car, turned on the radio, and left. 

I get to school right on time, the bell rang right when I'm walking through the front door. Of course my first class of the day turns out to be math. Once it actually became difficult I just began to dislike it. The man in the front of the room began to turn. 

"Welcome to calculus, your new favorite class." 

I suddenly realized I was starring, I guess math won't be so bad. He introduced himself then the class. Mr Hernandez was all I heard before I tuned out and began to stare once again. He was about 5'9 and looked like he had a muscular body. He had the most amazing misty gray eyes that mesmerized anyone who looked. 

The bell rang and I continued on to my next class. Each class was the same we sat through introductions, I didn't think I could make it until lunch. I didn't feel like getting lunch so I just sat down and looked at all the books I got today. I began to look through the calculus book and I realized it looked difficult, I guess I'll have to have private tutoring. The bell rang and I went off to my next class. 

When school was finally over I got into my car and drove home. I just remembered my mom and dad were going out tonight to a "fancy" party. As I pulled up the driveway my phone rang signaling I got a new text message. 



Hola! Where we're u 2day?!?! I didn't see u @ school... 


Hey! Sorry I didn't see u either... We'll meet up tomorrow ok... 


U wanna hang out in a little? A couple of us are going to the movies then we're going to hang out @ the cafe.. 


Uhm...sure...wut time? 


We're all meeting @ the movies by 4:15....btw we're watching a horror film...u ganna take anyone? 


Ok I'll be there..ima just get ready...ha who would I take... 


Ugh...fine..see u bye... 


I locked my phone and got out of the car. As I was walking into the house Oscar was leaving. 

"Where are you going?" 

"I'm just going to go hang out with some friends, I'll be back soon."  

"Just don't get home late, okay?" 

"Fine, whatever."

Ugh, whatever, I hate having a little brother. Even if he is just a year younger. We practically look like twins. I am 5'4, thin but fit, I have dark chocolate brown, long, wavy hair, and a fair skin tone. My eye color changes from a hazel to a dark emerald green. Oscar is 5'6, thin but muscular, has dark chocolate brown, short, wavy hair, a skin tone similar to mine but tanner, and his eyes are a dark emerald. Yet we still try to convince others at school we aren't related. 

I finished getting ready and went to meet up with Jenny and everyone else. When I saw Jenny she was with her boyfriend, Josh. Jenny is about 5'4, has straight, short, black hair, she is light skinned, has dark chocolate brown eyes, and is skinny. Josh is 5'6,  has short, black hair, dark sea blue eyes, was buff, and had a nice tan. When I saw everyone else they had dates. 

"Hey! What took you so long?" 

"It's barely 4:10. More importantly why didn't you tell me everyone was going to have a date?" 

"Well not everyone has a date." 

"What are you talking about? Everyone has a date." 

"Not really. Damian doesn't have one." 

"Damian isn't here." 

At that moment she smiled and motioned with her head to look behind me. I swiftly turned around and saw him walking in our direction. I couldn't believe it was him. He's 5'6, thin but muscular, has night black, short, straight hair, a fair skin tone, and the most amazing dark sapphire blue eyes. Jenny poked me and woke me from my trance right when he was about to pass us. 


I could barely react. 


He had the most amazing smile. Every girl at our school thought he was hot, which he was. Jenny pulled me towards the group and we all got our tickets. As we were about to walk into the room playing our movie Jenny grabbed Damian aside and whispered in his ear, he smiled and then nodded. I was a little worried, Jenny can have crazy ideas. Damian walked into the room and gave me a smile, of course I smiled back. Before Jenny walked in I grabbed her by her arm. 

"What did you say to him?" 

"Nothing. Don't worry it's nothing bad." 

I looked at her suspicious and then we walked in. Of course everyone was spread out with their date. Ugh, now I really think I should have just stayed home. Then Damian, who was at the top, waved to me. Oh my god Jenny what did you say to him. I walked to the top and went to where he was. 

"Hey Lily, I saved you a spot." 

He said as he pointed to the seat next to him. 


I smiled and sat down. I thought to myself she must have told him something, but I have to admit it isn't really all bad. Soon the room got dark and the movie began. At parts I would jump in horror, it was a horror film after all, and Damian would laugh. But at one point during the film I had my arm on the arm rest and I suddenly I feel Damian put his hand on my hand and entwine his fingers with mine. When I felt his hand, I looked at him. I had butterflies in my stomach and I was blushing, hopefully he couldn't notice. He felt me look at him and he then turned to look at me to, he smiled and I smiled back. We turned our attention back to the film and stayed that way through the rest of the movie. The movie was over soon and we were all exiting the theater and heading to the cafe across the street, of course I was walking with Damian. 

"Did you guys like the movie?"Jenny said 

If it wasn't because I was having a good time I would have slapped that girl. 

"Well I did. Did you even pay attention?" 

"I did actually, it was a good movie." 

Jenny said as she stuck her tongue out at me and walked into the cafe. We all sat in a group talking about our summers, what classes we had, and what teachers we ended up with. We stayed there until 8, and all that time I was sitting next to Damian. I was really glad I came after all but it was getting late. 

"Well I have to go. It's getting late and I'm not sure what time my parents are getting home. Bye." 

I started getting up when Damian got up too. 

"I'll walk you to your car, I have to go too anyways." 


I smiled. When he got up and we were about to walk away he grabbed my arm and then he froze. 

"Damian? Are you ok?" 

He suddenly blinked. 

"Huh? Sorry, I do that sometimes. Weird, huh?" 

I smiled and let out a quick laugh. We waved to everyone and walked out. While we were walking to my car Damian held my hand. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling. We talked about the movie and we laughed about random stuff. As we got close to my car I took of the alarm and unlocked it. Suddenly Damian made me turn and I was against my car facing him. He had his hands on my waist and I had my hands on his chest. He was leaning towards me and was about to kiss me. Before he got any closer my phone rang. Great, some idiot decides to call me at this moment. We quickly released each other and I answered my phone.

The Accident


Damian was looking at me. 

"Is this Lily Diaz?" 

I was confused and a little worried. Damian can tell, he grabbed my hand. 

"Yes, this is Lily Diaz." 

"I'm calling from the Miami Cedars Medical Center." 

I got really worried.

"Sadly I must advise you, Mr and Mrs Diaz where in a car accident." 


I could feel a tear drop fall down my face. 

"Are they okay? We're they injured?" 

"They just arrived to our hospital. You need to come down here." 

"What?! Okay. Did you tell my brother yet?" 

"No, not yet." 

"I'll tell him myself. I'm on my way over there." 

I hung up and was now crying. Damian looked at me worried and hugged me, I hugged him back. 

"What happened? Who was it?" 

"It was the Miami Cedars Medical Center. My parents were in a car accident." 

Damian looked very surprised when I said they were in a car accident. 

"Are they ok?" 

"They couldn't tell me. I need to get to the hospital." 

I began to cry even more. 

"I have to tell my brother and go see them." 

I began to go around the car to the drivers side when Damian grabbed my arm and stopped me. 

"Let me drive you there. Your to worried and shocked to drive." 

"No I'm fine. You have your car anyways you can't." 

"I'm not letting you drive in these conditions. We can pass by the cafe and I can give Josh my car keys, he can take my car. Either way I'm not letting you drive." 


I got into the passenger side and he got into the drivers side. We went by the cafe and he gave Josh his car keys. When we left I messaged Oscar to let him know. 



Where r u? 


I'm with my friends... Y? 


Where exactly? 




Mom & dad were in an accident.... Where r u?! 


Wut!?! R they ok?!? 


Where r u?!?! 


I'm @ the skate park... 


I'm on my way to pick u up stay there! 




We picked him up and he kept asking how they were. I didn't want him to get too worried, maybe they weren't too injured. When we got to the hospital we both hurried out. When we got inside we had to wait in the waiting area for the doctor. We were all standing, Damian was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders and his head leaning on my head. Soon the doctor came out. He looked very sad which made me and Oscar get very sad. 

"We did the best we could. There was too much damage. I'm so sorry." 

We both began to cry. I turned around and Damian hugged me. Oscar fell to the chair. I separated from Damian. 

"Can I see them? Please." 

"Of course." 

The doctor showed all three of us to a room. When we walked in we saw the two bodies belonging to our parents under sheets. They uncovered them and when I saw their faces motionless, pale, dead, I fainted. I'm guessing Damian caught me since he was behind me. When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. Damian was in the chair next to me with his head down. 

"Damian? What happened? What time is it? Where's Oscar?" 

Once he heard me he looked up and went towards me and sat on the bed facing me. 

"Lily, how do you feel? You fainted, it was too much for you to handle. Oscar's with your Aunt Phoebe who's signing some papers. It's 9, your going to be going with your aunt to your house tonight but you might live at her house. Do you feel better?" 

"As best as I can get." 

I began to cry and he hugged me. My aunt and Oscar walked in. He let me go and stood up. Aunt Phoebe sat where he was sitting and hugged me. 

"Everything's going to be alright, don't worry about a thing." 

Aunt Phoebe was my moms sister. From the very few stories I've heard I understood they were very close until they moved to Florida. I never knew why but that doesn't matter anymore. 

When we got out of the hospital Oscar went with Aunt Phoebe and Damian drove me home. We didn't really say anything on the way there. They got there before us. I got out of the car and Damian came around to give me the keys. When he gave them to me he gave me a big hug. 

"Remember I'm here for you no matter the time or the situation." 

He gave me a kiss on the forehead then held me in his arms for a little longer. I didn't want to let go. I felt so safe in his arms. He let go of me and grabbed my hand and led me to the front door. 


He gave me one last hug. 

"Please don't go." 

I held on to him, not wanting to let go. 

"I can stay for a little longer if you want. My parents are off on vacation and they won't know I got home late." 

He smiled and I managed to smile back. 


I opened the front door and we walked in. Aunt Phoebe was probably in the guest room asleep and Oscar was in his room. I closed the front door, grabbed his hand, and led him to my room. He observed my room as I grabbed some black shorts, a white T, and walked into my bathroom to change. When I got out he was looking at my collection of books. 

"I can see you like fantasy stories." 

He turned and began to stare at me. I walked towards him. 

"Don't act like you haven't seen a girl in shorts. And yes it's my favorite genre. It has always fascinated me." 

"Yes I have but none have looked half as good as you do." 

"Thank you." 

I walked towards my bed and he followed. I got under my blankets on one side and he just laid on top of the blankets on the other side. I faced him, he hugged me. I felt so safe, protected, and soon I feel asleep. He must have walked home sometime last night, since he did live about a block away, because when I woke up the next morning he wasn't there. I stayed home for the rest of the week, not going to school anyone of those days. I didn't even hear anything from Damian through out that week. I stayed in bed crying all day long, only getting up to eat, go to the bathroom, and shower. Soon we had the funeral, that's when I finally saw him again, saw all my friends. They gave me a group hug, then he gave me a hug with just us two. After the funeral I went to go see my parents car which was at the impound. I ask Damian to come with me and of course he accepted. We got to the impound and went to got check out the car. It was destroyed they should have just taken it to the dump. When Damian saw it he looked shocked. 

"What exactly happened?" 

"They hit a big truck I think." 

I told him as I began to cry as I imagined the horrible incident. Once again he looked shocked. As he hugged me I looked into his amazing sapphire eyes which was full of sadness and guilt. Why would he be guilty? It wasn't his fault. We soon went back to my house. We were going to be moving mom and dad's stuff to the attic. Aunt Phoebe and Oscar were going to be packing the stuff and I was suppose to clean the attic and make space. Damian offered to help me so we went up to the attic. Aunt Phoebe was going to move into our house so we can stay at our school and so we wouldn't have to go through moving.

The Secrets Unfold

The attic was dusty and didn't have much boxes. Most of them were mom's. Then when I was looking around I uncovered a chest. It got my attention right away. Then I saw the lock, it wasn't just any lock. This lock didn't open with a regular key. It looked my necklace my mother gave me since I was very young. I grabbed onto my necklace and took it off, I put it against the lock. A light went off the chest then I heard the lock open. Damian saw the light and came near me. I opened the chest and was shocked at what it held. BOOKS! It had BOOKS! And not only books but books of magic, spells, and witchcraft. At that moment Aunt Phoebe came up to the attic to check on us. She saw the chest open, she saw me with a book in my hand. She was shocked, scared, surprised. 

"What....what are you doing? How did you get it open?" 

"It's just a chest Aunt Phoebe. Whats the big deal?" 

"You weren't suppose to see this." 

She hurried next to us, snatched the book out of my hand, closed the chest, and took my necklace off of the lock. She looked at my necklace and examined it. 

"Where did you get this?" 

I attempted to grab it but she moved it away from me. 

"It's mine. My mom gave it to me. Can I have it back?" 

"You're lying! Maria wouldn't have given this to you!" 

"Why wouldn't she?" 

"Because I told her not to! We agreed!" 

"And why would my mother listen to you on what to do with her daughter?" 

"Because your My daughter! I'm your mother!" 

I was shocked. It's not possible. She can't be. Tears began to go down my face. 

"No! Your lying to me! It's not true!" 

"I'm sorry but it's true. You weren't suppose to find out, at least not this way." 

"What did you two agree on!" 

"You weren't suppose to know!" 

She turned around and began to leave. She headed to the living room, Oscar was there sorting out dad's stuff. 

"Tell me! What did you two agree on? On not telling me I'm your daughter! Is that it!" 

Oscar stood up at that moment and faced us. 

"What did you just say?" 

"Yes and no." 

"What do you mean no?" 

"What's going on?" 

"The necklace." 

She said as she showed me her necklace. It looked just like my necklace. 

"What? How did you get... Why..." 

"It's a long story, and I already told you, you're not suppose to know." 

"I deserve to know!" 

"We just had matching necklaces, that's all." 

"And they both happen to open a chest that has spell books and witchcraft books. Tell me the truth, all of it!" 

"Lily...we...your mo...Mary and I....we're..." 

"Just say it already!" 

"We're witches! Are you happy now! Witches! And you are too!" 

"What? That's not true. It can't be." 

I suddenly realized we were both crying, tears falling down our faces. 

"I don't understand. What are you two talking about? What chest?" 

"Tell me your lying. Please." 

"I'm sorry, it's true, all of it. I wish it wasn't I wish I can say it was all a joke. I wish you didn't find out this way." 

"What about Oscar? Is he..." 

"No, I'm sorry. You two are just cousins." 

How can this happen to me? Why, why now? It's just not possible, it's not true. It all got me so mad, so angry. I burst out yelling, crying. 

"You're lying! It's not true!" 

Suddenly everything started shaking. Was it an earthquake? Aunt...I mean my mother walked to me and told me to calm down. How could I after what she just told me. 

"You're telling me to calm down after what you just said." 

"You have to calm down. Please." 

Damian came up behind me and hugged me, I completely forgot he was here. His hug made me feel so much better. I slowly calmed down and suddenly everything stopped shaking. 

Damian walked me to my room. He took me over to the bed and I sat down. He put on some music to calm me down. After a while I calmed down and was forgetting about everything that just happened when my mother walked in. She looked at Damian. 

"Can you please give us a minute?" 

He looked at me then back at her. 

"Yeah, I have to go anyways." 

He gave me a hug then left. 

"How do you feel?" 

"Why did you give me up? Who's my father? Did you not want me?" 

"Of course I wanted you. But I just couldn't take care of you. And your father isn't important." 

"Tell me the truth. What did you two agree on?" 

"When we left our home and came to Florida we agreed on never using magic again. We were hated, cursed. No one ever liked us, at least not once they found out we were witches. We wanted to start our own families but how with every man hating us. We decided to move and have a fresh start. We didn't want our children to suffer like we did so we never spoke of magic at all. The chest you found, the books they were ours. When we moved we locked them up and never opened it again. The necklaces were given to us from our mother. It is given to and only to the next generation of witches in our family. Maria wasn't suppose to give it to you because you weren't suppose to learn about this." 

"What about Oscar?" 

"He might have gotten our families looks but he took after his father. He's plain human. Normal." 

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I'm a witch! A witch! This has to be a dream. Witches only exist in the books I read. She left my room and I got ready for bed. When I was laying in bed I began to think about everything that happened today. I found out I'm my aunt's daughter and that I'm a witch. Wow! Wait! Damian! He was there all the time! He heard everything! He knows I'm a witch and he didn't freak out! How is that possible? I know he understood me but I would have freaked out if I heard someone I knew was a witch. Why didn't he freak out? Why?


Damian was on a trip with his dad today, but tomorrow I'm going back to school and I'm going to see him there. What would I say to him? What would I ask him? I was so worried about how it would go. All I did was think about how the conversation would go. The next morning I woke up and got ready to go to school. When I got to school I went to go clear my absence in the attendance office. I thought it would be easy to find Damian but it wasn't. He wasn't with everyone else. 

"Hey Jenny! Have you seen Damian?" 


"If you see him can you tell him I'm looking for him, please." 

"Yeah sure." 


I walked over to my locker and started grabbing my things. I started realizing I missed a week of school. Ugh, I'm going to have a lot of school work to do. I went to my first period class earlier so I can get my homework. I smiled when I saw Mr Hernandez. 

"Hey Mr Hernandez." 

He had a nice smile. 

"Hello Lily. We've missed you around here. How are you?" 

"I've missed you guys too. I'm ok, and I'm ready to get to work." 

"That's good because you've missed a lot this past week." 

I smiled and sat down in front of him while he told me what I've missed. 

At lunch I went with Mr Hernandez so he can help me. I had so much to make up. I even went after school for tutoring with him...ughh...I hate this. 

It's Tuesday and no sign of Damian. I wonder if he's avoiding me. What if he is? What if him finding out I was a witch scared him and he thinks I'm a freak. I need to see him once more. 

I've waited all week and there was no sign of Damian. I'm worried. I'm afraid.  

The school bell rang signaling the end of the school day. 

"Hey, do you want to go to the movies?" 

"No, I'm going to visit my mom and dad's grave." 

"Alright. Bye Lily." 

"Bye Jenny." 

Lily walked over to her car and got in. She past by a florist shop to buy her parents flowers. 

She walked over to the graves imprinted with the names 'Zane Diaz' and 'Ana Diaz'. 

On top she laid two beautiful bouquets of white carnations. 

Lily covered her face with her hands and began to cry. 

"Its sad to see a girl so young feel so much grief." 

*Gasp* She turns around. 

"I apologize, my intention wasn't to frighten you." 

"It's fine." 

He stepped closer to her but before he put his hand on her shoulder a familiar voice screamed to him. 

"Griffin! Don't you dare touch her!" 


Lily looked over at the person she's been waiting a whole week for. 

"Ah Damian. It's nice to see you again." 

"Damian. Where...? What are you doing here?" 

"Lily come with me. We must go." 

"But why?" 

"Yes Damian, why? You just arrived." 

"Lily please. Just come with me." 

Lily looked at Griffin then back at Damian. 


She walked over to Damian. When she looked back Griffin was gone. 

"Where have you been? I thought you got freaked out. What was that all about? Who was that? How do you know him?" 

"Lily please calm down." 

They got into her car and she began to drive home. 

"Alright. Who was that? How do you know him?" 

"His name is Griffin. I don't want you near him, he's a bad guy." 

"What why?" 

"Just stay away from him." 

"What the hell is your problem Damian! You find out I'm a witch. You disappear for a week, then you come back like nothing and tell me who i can or can't talk to!" 

"I'm sorry Lily, it wasn't my intention to hurt you. I just had to go clear-up some things. Please trust me, promise you won't go near him, especially when I'm not there." 

They got to Lily's home and she parked in the drive-way. 

"Fine. But you need to promise me you won't disappear without an explanation ever again." 

"Alright, I promise." 

"You also need to promise you'll tell me who he is." 

"Fine, but not yet."


Bildmaterialien: FlashScreen
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2012

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